#10th exam preparation online
manasastuff-blog · 5 months
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Best NDA Coaching in India After 10th #trending#viral#ap#vizag#vsp#india#manasadefenceacademy
Looking for the best NDA coaching in India after 10th? Look no further than Manasa Defence Academy! With a proven track record of providing top-notch NDA coaching to students, Manasa Defence Academy is dedicated to helping you achieve your dreams of entering the National Defence Academy. Our experienced faculty, comprehensive study materials, and personalized attention ensure that you are well-prepared to excel in the NDA entrance exam. Join us today and take the first step towards a successful career in the Indian Armed Forces!
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nanowrimo · 1 year
Back to School: Interview with Chiho Nakagawa, Young Writers Program Educator
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NaNoWriMo’s Young Writers Program helps over 85,000 kids, teens, teachers, and families set creative goals and tell stories they care about. We asked some of our amazing YWP educators to share how they take on the NaNoWriMo challenge in their classroom. Today’s advice comes from Chiho Nakagawa, who teaches English as a second language in Tokyo, Japan.
Q: What grade/ age level do you work with? What type of NaNoWriMo group is it (whole class, club, homeschool, elective, etc.)?
A: 10th grade, whole 2 classes of 80 students whom I teach three times a week, last year I did with them. Two years ago, I did it with all the students in the 11th grade (about 250 students)
Q: How long have you been doing NaNoWriMo with your students?
A: 6 years. During these 6 years, I skipped two years ago as my students had to focus only on preparation for their university entrance exams.
Q: How do you structure the entire project (for example, do you start prepping in October and write in November, do you have kids work on it all year, etc.)?
A: I start the NaNoWriMo project in April when our new school year starts. Once or twice a week, our students have time to read books in the morning homeroom. As our school has an online library, most of them read online. During their break in summer, they read more books and decide their best one. After the break, they have biblio-battles in class. They upload the picture of their favorite book to OneDrive to share their recommendation with all the other students. For the preparation of their creative writing, they think of a story in a group, looking at one picture. They write a sentence in turn to make a story. Sometimes, I give them the same starting sentence and they create the following sentences together in group. Though they start with the same sentence, each story expands in totally different ways, which shows them their varieties, diversities and uniqueness. When I have such activities, I usually let them write in groups using Google Jamboard. Then, just before they start writing, they start creating their main character online using the Avatar maker. After that, they create their own page using OneNote and upload their main character and plot in the roller coaster style format . After their writing in November, we usually create their collection of stories online and share it in class.
Q: What does a normal NaNoWriMo day look like for your students?
A: Full of creativity. They are obsessed with their stories. Many students talk about NaNoWriMo. Of course, there are some demotivated students who struggle with writing, and they say NaNoWriMo, YaRaNaiMo. YaRaNaiMo means “I won't do it” in Japanese. Even though they have difficulties and feel discouraged, they use the great rhyme. The rhythm in Japanese “yaranaimo” sounds not terrible but cute like kids in kindergarten. They are full of energy and joy that shows they are interested in writing even when they complain.
Q: How do you set and manage word-count goals?
A: I believe in my students' autonomy. Nobody writes low goals. Some are even too ambitious but as it is their choice, I respect them. I give them some sample numbers and they usually arrange according to their skills. Last year, they set their own goals and I put them into groups. They made bar charts to show their progress in groups and they competed between groups, which I think was motivating.
Q: How do you manage grading? Do you grade?
A: No. As long as they try and enjoy the activity, it would be great. If they did, I give them points. If they did not try, I did not give them any grades. I just celebrate their writing.
Q: How do you approach revision/ publishing (if at all)?
A: I never check their grammar mistakes. I usually publish as they write. I can see some parts which are difficult to understand, but it would be okay. They will see that not a lot of their classmates read their novels as they are difficult to understand. The following year, they will do it in the same way and they will read their previous year’s novel. Then, they will find how much they have improved. Some of them told me not to show their previous one in class as they find their mistakes.
Q: Any NaNoWriMo tips or tricks to share with other educators? Hard-won lessons? Ah-ha moments?
A: NaNoWriMo encourages my students to read. My students are not bookworms but they read as they would like to know how to start writing and how to make a story. Also, they are interested in other students' writing and try to understand them. Reading encourages them to think and understand others, which encourages them to respect others and their own identity. While they struggle writing, I would like to help them but it seems that nobody can help them. They solve their problems by themselves as their novels are just from their inside, not from their outside. Finally, they know how to control themselves and how to talk to themselves.
Q: Have you ever run into resistance from your administration about doing NaNoWriMo, and if so, how did you manage it? What do you say to people who don’t see the point of having students write novels?
A: Yes, some say that I should teach English for English exams. Getting Exam skill is the most important and creative experiences are not practical, they say. However, creative writing is effective in preparation for exams as students think more logically and critically to make their work better. They learn grammar and vocabulary to make their sentences clearer. My students' engagement gradually changes their mindset and finally, they understand what they have achieved as their novels are based on what they have learned in other subjects and their whole lives. As everything inside of themselves is combined to make their novels and shows that it is a integrated learning, they finally agreed to make it and now, they encourage me to do it.
Q: What are the most meaningful things you or your students take away from the project? What's your best NaNoWriMo memory?
A: They find their identity. They read their friends' writing and they find they are different. They find their own uniqueness and start enjoying the difference. After NaNoWriMo, they praise each other for their achievement and effort and it was the happiest moment.
Q: Anything else you'd like to add?
A: They learn not only about language but also about rights such as copyrights and personal information. Also, they learn creation is enjoyable after their struggle. This is an output activity with creativity, but at the same time they learn input is important to make their knowledge richer. I would like to encourage my students to read more, but how much I told them to do, they did not. Therefore, I thought of a different method, writing a novel, and it was totally successful. They read as they need to write. Their reading starts as if they check samples.
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Chiho Nakagawa is an English as a second language teacher at a private school in Tokyo, Japan. Her motto for teaching is to raise independent learners. Her project-based learning classes improve her student’s creativity and autonomy. At the same time, her students find their own identity and respect others as they experience differences and uniqueness. She is also good at creating classes making full use of ICT as a Microsoft Innovative Education Expert and Adobe Education Leader.
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hectorfrombritain · 8 months
It's hard being a "Gifted" kid growing up to be "average"
*TW*: rant, possibly swears
I don't wanna come off as arrogant or anything but I've been a smart or atleast academically good kid growing up, all throughout my life till 10th I never used to actually sit down and study for shit, just used to act for some hours as a kid to avoid angering my parents and lose my access to my hobbies and such.
Idk, but it just used to "work out", all I used to do was pay attention in classes, read the textbooks because I found them interesting, or just learn about concepts that eventually end up helping my knowledge of the ones I need in school, and probably just binge lectures or such on YouTube one day before my exams, and ended up scoring well enough.
But then came class 11th, when the difficulty spiked so hard that it's no longer enough to simply "get through it" without any kind of self study, the 10+2 standards required hardwork, which I surely lacked.
I then just realised that I don't even know how to fucking study, like even when i search online it's just the shit like "make a routine","don't procastinate","make notes","pay attention in lectures", and especially "solve questions".
like bitch could you actually just simply tell me a proper process or system on how could i fucking study, wtf you mean by "solve questions", do i just write them down and then try to solve, and if couldn't then check the solution and copy that, bitch how's that supposed to help, and even if it did, you understand how time taking that is??
And don't fucking get me started on the amount of expectations people begin to have on you just because you scored good enough on some classes that don't fucking matter at all(*looking at you 10th boards), like we're already under sheer pressure and there's this burden of expectations now??
And the fact that they "don't think you'll need help" because you're "smart" and will "figure it out anyway", like mf why tf are you there then?
Even the stupid education system that we have in India, there's neither education nor a system in this shit, it's just a game of memorization, no practical applications at all, but they still have the audacity to say they're "preparing you for the real world".
The real world won't demand shit like the bullshit projects or assignments you give our, and neither would you be expected to just "know" every info. Like for example the formulas and stuff to calculate something.
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o-sahiba · 2 years
Story Time!
So, we all have friends who are always there just to help us when we need them. And then we have those friends as well who use us when they are in need and then throw us. And unfortunately, I have more friends belonging to the second category.
Here's a background story of her. We met in 10th when our classes got shuffled. The students were re alloted different sections and many friends were separated. I happened to be in the same class as her and she was my desk mate as well. We didn't have had much interaction back then despite of us sitting beside each other. I was a nerd and so she was. I wouldn't talk much. It wasn't that I was seperated from my friends but it felt like they deliberately created such situations that I had to keep a distance from them. And this distance only got bigger and bigger when we entered our 11th and 12th grade. So I kept it just like that. And this time again, she was my classmate.
Despite of this huge difference between the personalities and behavior of us two, we grew a little closer. Where she was an extrovert, having friends with each of the Classmate, I was more like keeping to myself. She would drag me in conversations and I felt comfortable around her. Having my heart hurt from the backstabing by my friends in my group, she felt like an escape. So I let her in.
Time passed and we grew closer. When it came to deciding on our choice of university and college to take admission in, we decided on one farther away from our city.
When the merit list was released, I was unable to go and check there. That time, the list wasn't released online. And since she had her relatives living in the same city she asked them to confirm our names.
I called her to know if our names were there. Her name wasn't there. It felt bad. But it felt worse when she said that my name wasn't there as well. It was my dream college. I was devasted. I knew this was impossible for I had scored the highest position in my school and a percentage above 95 and then this? It was impossible for me to believe. I asked her to send me the pictures of the list.
She was reluctant at first. And told me that she has already checked thrice and my name was just not there. It took me a little while to convince her. And she sent the pictures.
That was it.
I didn't know how to react or respond for my name was there. On the very first page of the list. I called her immediately and told her the same and questioned her about her lying about such a material information.
She told me that she didn't knew my father's name and so she assumed it wasn't mine.
Girl, you could have atleast told me about that and could have asked me to check and confirm it. But no, she had to choose the extreme.
And with this, we ended up being in different universities.
And now, with same majors and subjects and syllabus, she would call me before every exam and ask me to clear her doubts and concepts. She would ask me to share my notes and would ask me about the important topics that my professors might have shared with us. Initially I would give in to her demands. Those were trivial things. No? I mean, it would help her, even if it took me days to make those notes, she'd just copy it. I thought it still would depend on her learning and memory power to study and retain it. It was fair. I thought.
There were times when I would ask her for the same things. For notes, for important questions and her help in understanding some concepts. Her answer? "Our teachers don't teach us effectively. They come, recite and leave. So I know nothing. Sorry I can't help." And with all this ineffective teaching and no notes, she would score the highest in her class. Miracle.
I was being used. I realized it, late.
My finals are being conducted now. First exam and I recieved her call. She asked me the same questions. For important questions, for handwritten notes, solutions to tricky questions, concepta and everything in between. And I told her that I haven't prepared yet. Which was true. I told her I haven't attended most of my lectures and don't know much about the subjects. Well, this was partially true. And I told her that I'd start preparing just a day before the exam. This was a lie. And she knew it. But she gave in and cut the call. Next exam and she asked me the same questions, yet again. And this time while I cited the same reasons for not helping her, she used her tactic of taunting and emotional blackmailing.
That was it. Enough of what I could tolerate. Taunts have never sit right with me. It irks me more than anything else.
I knew I was being used. And it was enough. I have not only learned to close these chapters but also to tear these pages off of my book of life. So that's exactly what I did.
I straight forwardly denied her. With no explanation, whatsoever. She doesn't even deserve one. She isn't even worthy of it.
And now my last exam is in just a few days. And I haven't heard from her since then. Great!
This incident made me question her loyalty and her intentions of being friends with me. I used to share my notes with her in school as well. And we would help each other with concepts and practical questions. Most of the times, it would be me clearing her doubts and helping her in the answer formation and writing. It continued in the bachelors degree and now in masters as well. My fault. Clearly.
It was nothing but another 'being used and thrown' incident for me. But now, with no contact with her, I'm happy.
That was it. A little story that I wanted to share with someone so I did. Thanks for reading this till the last word.
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easyquizzz12 · 4 days
How Do I Clear The UPSC Prelims Successfully?
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The Union Public Service test is India's most arduous exam. It offers a rewarding career in the administrative services. The annual increase in competition makes it hard as it requires rigorous preparation to pass the 2025 examination and to get into All India Services
The Exam Structure
The UPSC exam takes place in three stages:
• The preliminary exam
• The main exam and
• An interview
The initial two stages are offline with a pen and paper, the preliminary one being objective type and the main exam being descriptive, tests the candidates' knowledge in every subject. Successive clearance of each level of the exam is necessary for selection.
Preliminary Examination
• General Studies Paper 1: Merit Ranking -2 hours - 100 questions - 200 marks
• CSAT : Qualifying Nature - 2 hours - 80 questions - 200 marks.
For every single incorrect answer, you will get a negative score and a minimum of 33% in CSAT is required to get through the next stage.
Main Examination
The main examination is descriptive and consists of 9 papers in which papers 1-7 are merit ranking
Paper 1: Essay -- 3 hours – 250 marks
Paper 2: General Studies 1 – 3 hours – 250 marks
Paper 3: General Studies 2 – 3 hours – 250 marks
Paper 4: General Studies 3 – 3 hours – 250 marks
Paper 5: General Studies 4 – 3 hours – 250 marks
Paper 6: Optional Paper 1 – 3 hours – 250 marks
Paper 7: Optional Paper 2 – 3 hours – 250 marks
Paper A: Indian Language - Qualifying Nature - 3hours - 300 marks
Paper B: English - Qualifying Nature - 3 hours - 300 marks
Interview/Personality Test
The candidates who have cleared the main examination with the required cutoff marks qualify for the final stage of the examination called the personality test and attend the interview round with the UPSC board members. In these, the board assesses the personality traits, intellectual and moral capabilities, leadership qualities, decision-making, etc. The overall mark for the interview is 275.
Create A Study Plan
Allot specific time slots for each subject daily and stick to your schedule. Cover all topics and allocate extra time for areas you find challenging. Here’s a sample study plan:
• Monday-Friday: Focus on individual subjects. For example, Monday for History, Tuesday for Polity, etc.
• Saturday: Take UPSC Prelim mock tests and work on weak areas.
• Sunday: Revise the topics covered during the week.
Gather Study Material
Collect all necessary study materials, such as textbooks, reference books, and online resources. Some recommended books include:
• Primary Source
*All NCERT Books From 6th to 10th Standard
• History
*NCERT 11th Ancient and Medival History
*NCERT 12th Modern Indian History
*India’s Struggle For Independence – Bipin Chandra
*Indian Art and Culture – Nitin Singhania
• Geography
*NCERT from 6th to 12th
*Certificate Physical Geography – G C Leong
• Indian Polity
*NCERT 9th – 12th
*Indian Polity – Laxmikanth
• Indian Economy
*NCERT 11th
*Indian Economy – Ramesh Singh
• International Relations
*NCERT 12th (Contemporary World Politics)
*Current Affairs
*A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning
*Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations
Improve Accuracy
Practice solving questions within the given time limit to increase your speed. Use a timer while solving practice papers, or use the UPSC Question Paper simulator from Easy Quizzz to know how much time it takes for you to answer a question. In this simulator, you can customize the number of questions, passing score, topic selection, and time limits while taking your mock tests via the practice mode. Thoroughly understand the concepts and then practice regularly to avoid silly mistakes.
Put Extra Time And Effort On Weaker Areas
Figure out your weak areas by analyzing your performance in mock tests and practice papers. Allocate extra time to work on these areas. For instance, if you struggle with history, focus more on this subject daily. Use the UPSC civil services web simulator from Easy Quizzz to take practice tests on your desired topic for the UPSC preliminary examination.
Stay Updated With Current Affairs
Read newspapers, watch news channels, and follow reliable online sources. Pay special attention to laws and government policies, as these are frequently tested topics.
Lastly, take regular breaks, eat healthy, and get enough sleep while preparing for the exam. Choose Easy Quizzz to practice mock tests crafted by industry experts that also come with detailed answers as well as previous year question papers to prepare you for the UPSC Prelims Exam.
Author Bio:
The author is well-versed in various competitive and certification exams in India and internationally. They assist candidates to pass challenging exams through their educational app. The app provides reliable practice tests, including PDFs and topic wise (old papers) online test simulator. Visit https://www.easy-quizzz.com/in/ to know more.
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dishaclasses1234 · 10 days
The Best IIT JEE Coaching Online
IIT JEE coaching classes are the best coaching medium to obtain creative results because the students are able to concentrate without any second thought and prepare for the entrance exam with full confidence and concentration.
An IIT-JEE coaching institute in Delhi aids in exam preparation, and IIT JEE is almost every engineering student's dream.IIT JEE coaching online is therefore the best coaching medium to obtain creative results because the students are able to concentrate better on their own. Online coaching classes have many advantages as it is run by IT professionals and some of the most learned professors from esteemed universities.
Clearing this exam is not an easy task for an ordinary person. It requires extraordinary intelligence with powerful perception. This engineering entrance needs immense preparation to get through, and for that, you require the best coaching. I would suggest you try Disha Classes, as they are the top IIT JEE coaching institute. It is the best coaching classroom course for students who are preparing for their examinations only in the Xth and XIth grades. They have to focus and concentrate on their final destination only. Starting could be quite hard. IIT JEE coaching classes in Delhi will give you more confidence and help you clear IIT JEE in one attempt.
The IIT JEE coaching class develops analytical skills.
Consider natural phenomena and relate them to established scientific and mathematical principles.
To write the realisation in the form of mathematical equations
And to develop skills to solve those intricate mathematical equations easily, quickly, accurately.
All this helps a student to tackle the problems of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology at the level of JSTSE, NTSE, and Junior Olympiads, as well as it forms a solid foundation for IIT-JEE/PMT too.
IIT JEE is the best coaching institute for women in Delhi. They have designed a coaching institute with a very scientifically designed programme in science and mathematics for our Junior Scientist/Technologies for Math-Sci foundation course.
We have a 60-hour programme for math-science foundation separately for classes 9th to 10th, which brings closure to the fundamental concept of a better understanding of basic principles of science and math.
Choosing Disha Classes will be the best decision because Disha Classes students always get better ranks in all the competitions and score more in board exams compared to the students of other institutes of the same caliber at the moment. Contact us right away. https://www.dishaclasses.com/
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jamesmathew12 · 12 days
Online 10th Tuition Quality Education in Bengaluru
As students approach their 10th grade, the importance of quality education becomes increasingly clear. This pivotal year often sets the foundation for future academic and career paths, making it crucial for students to receive effective guidance and support. In Bengaluru, online tuition has emerged as a valuable solution, offering flexibility and high-quality instruction from the comfort of home. Reyansh Classes, a leading provider in the city, offers top-notch online 10th tuition that ensures students receive the best possible education during this crucial stage. This blog will explore the benefits of online 10th tuition, highlight what makes Reyansh Classes an excellent choice, and provide tips for maximizing your online learning experience.
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Why Choose Online in 10th Tuition?
Online tuition has become a popular choice for students due to its numerous advantages over traditional classroom learning. Here’s why online 10th tuition is a smart option:
Flexibility and Convenience:
Online tuition allows students to learn from anywhere and at any time. This flexibility is especially beneficial for balancing studies with other commitments, such as extracurricular activities or family responsibilities.
Access to Expert Tutors:
With online tuition, students can connect with experienced tutors from various locations. This access to top-tier educators ensures high-quality instruction and personalized support, regardless of geographical constraints.
Customized Learning Experience:
Online platforms often offer personalized learning paths, allowing students to focus on areas where they need the most improvement. This customization helps in addressing individual learning needs more effectively.
Interactive Learning Tools:
Many online tuition providers use advanced tools such as live classes, interactive quizzes, and multimedia resources. These tools make learning more engaging and can enhance students’ understanding of complex concepts.
Online tuition is often more affordable compared to traditional in-person classes. Additionally, there are no commuting costs, making it a budget-friendly option for quality education.
Why Reyansh Classes is the Best Choice for Online 10th Tuition
Reyansh Classes has established itself as a leading provider of online 10th tuition in Bengaluru, offering high-quality education tailored to the needs of students. Here’s what makes Reyansh Classes a top choice:
Tailored 10th Grade Curriculum:
Reyansh Classes provides a comprehensive online curriculum specifically designed for 10th grade students. This curriculum covers all essential subjects, including Mathematics, Science, and English, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their exams.
Experienced and Qualified Tutors:
The platform boasts a team of highly qualified tutors with extensive experience in teaching 10th grade subjects. Their expertise helps students grasp complex concepts and excel in their studies.
Interactive and Engaging Lessons:
Reyansh Classes uses interactive tools such as live sessions, multimedia presentations, and practice exercises to make learning engaging. These features help students understand concepts better and retain information more effectively.
Focused Exam Preparation:
With a strong emphasis on exam preparation, Reyansh Classes offers practice tests, revision sessions, and personalized feedback. This focused approach ensures that students are well-prepared for their board exams and can perform to their full potential.
Flexible Scheduling:
Understanding the diverse schedules of students, Reyansh Classes offers flexible class timings. This flexibility allows students to fit their studies into their daily routines, making it easier to manage their education alongside other activities.
Popular Subjects Offered by Reyansh Classes for 10th Grade
Reyansh Classes offers a range of subjects essential for 10th grade students, ensuring comprehensive preparation for board exams and beyond. Here are some of the popular subjects:
Topics include Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Statistics. Interactive lessons and problem-solving sessions help students build a strong foundation in Mathematics.
Covers Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Detailed explanations, experiments, and practical applications ensure a thorough understanding of scientific concepts.
Focuses on literature, grammar, and writing skills. Engaging lessons and practice exercises improve language proficiency and exam performance.
Social Science:
Includes History, Geography, and Civics. Comprehensive lessons and discussions help students grasp important historical events and social concepts.
Tips for Maximizing Online 10th Tuition
To make the most of your online 10th tuition with Reyansh Classes, consider the following tips:
Set Clear Academic Goals:
Define what you want to achieve in each subject. Clear goals will help you stay focused and track your progress effectively.
Develop a Study Schedule:
Create a regular study schedule and adhere to it. Consistency is key to mastering subjects and staying on top of your coursework.
Engage Actively in Classes:
Participate in live sessions, ask questions, and interact with your tutors and classmates. Active engagement enhances your learning experience and helps you understand concepts better.
Utilize Learning Resources:
Take advantage of the resources provided by Reyansh Classes, such as practice tests, study materials, and multimedia content. These resources can provide additional support and reinforce your learning.
Seek Feedback and Support:
Don’t hesitate to seek help if you encounter difficulties. Feedback from tutors can help you identify areas for improvement and guide you in your studies.
Stay Organized:
Keep track of assignments, deadlines, and class materials. Using digital tools like calendars and to-do lists can help you stay organized and manage your workload effectively.
Opting for online 10th tuition in Bengaluru offers numerous benefits, including flexibility, access to expert tutors, and interactive learning tools. Reyansh Classes stands out as a leading provider of online tuition, offering a tailored curriculum, experienced instructors, and a focus on exam preparation. By setting clear goals, staying organized, and actively participating in your classes, you can maximize your online learning experience and achieve academic success. Embrace the convenience of studying from home with Reyansh Classes and take the next step towards excelling in your 10th grade studies. Contact us today to explore our online tuition offerings and begin your journey towards academic excellence.
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Universal AI University Mumbai: Comprehensive Guide to Fees, Hostel Facility, Admission Process, and Documents Required
Universal AI University Mumbai is a leading institution offering specialized programs in Artificial Intelligence (AI), designed to prepare students for the future of technology. Whether you're aiming to become a data scientist, AI engineer, or machine learning expert, this university provides world-class education at affordable rates. In this guide, we’ll explore the fees, hostel facilities, admission process, and the documents required for successful enrollment at Universal AI University.
Fees Structure
One of the key factors students consider is the fees structure at Universal AI University. The institution offers competitive and flexible pricing, ensuring that students from various financial backgrounds can access high-quality education. The tuition fees for AI programs typically range from INR 2,00,000 to INR 4,00,000 per annum, depending on the course and duration. Additionally, Universal AI University Mumbai offers various scholarships and financial aid options for meritorious and economically disadvantaged students, making education accessible to all.
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Hostel Facilities
The hostel facilities at Universal AI University Mumbai are designed to provide a comfortable and conducive environment for learning and living. The university offers both on-campus and off-campus accommodation options. The hostels are well-equipped with modern amenities such as:
Wi-Fi connectivity
24/7 security
Gym and sports facilities
Cafeteria serving nutritious meals
Common rooms for leisure and recreation
The hostel fees are quite reasonable, generally ranging between INR 50,000 and INR 1,20,000 per year, depending on room type (single, double, or triple sharing). With clean, safe, and affordable living options, students can focus entirely on their academic pursuits.
Admission Process
The admission process at Universal AI University Mumbai is simple yet selective, ensuring that only deserving candidates are enrolled. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of the process:
Online Application: Interested candidates must first fill out an online application form on the university's official website. This includes providing basic personal details, academic history, and selecting the desired course.
Entrance Exam: The university conducts an entrance exam to assess the applicants’ aptitude in AI-related subjects such as mathematics, computer science, and problem-solving. Some students may also be eligible for admission based on their performance in national-level entrance exams like JEE or GATE.
Interview: Shortlisted candidates will be invited for a personal interview, either online or on campus. This is to evaluate their interest in AI, problem-solving skills, and overall potential to succeed in the program.
Offer Letter: Successful candidates will receive an offer letter from the university, detailing the next steps for enrollment.
Documents Required
To complete the admission process, students are required to submit several essential documents. These include:
Academic Transcripts: Mark sheets and certificates from your previous educational institutions (10th, 12th, or undergraduate degree).
Entrance Exam Scorecard: If applicable, a scorecard from any national or university-level entrance exams.
Proof of Identity: A valid government-issued ID like an Aadhaar card, passport, or voter ID.
Passport-Sized Photographs: Recent passport-sized photos for the application form.
Proof of Address: A copy of a recent utility bill, rent agreement, or any other official document that verifies your address.
Migration/Transfer Certificate: Required if you are transferring from another institution.
Caste or Category Certificate: If applicable, for students claiming reservation under SC/ST/OBC or other categories.
Universal AI University Mumbai stands out as a premier destination for students looking to pursue a career in the fast-evolving field of Artificial Intelligence. With its reasonable fees, modern hostel facilities, and a structured admission process, the university ensures that students not only receive a top-notch education but also enjoy a comfortable and enriching campus experience. Be sure to gather all the required documents to make your application process smooth and efficient.
Start your journey toward becoming an AI expert by applying to Universal AI University Mumbai today!
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adda247jobupdates · 19 days
RRB JE Exam Preparation Step By Step Guide
The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Junior Engineer (JE) Exam is a highly sought-after competitive exam in India, offering an excellent opportunity for candidates aiming for a stable and rewarding career in Indian Railways. With posts across various engineering disciplines such as Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and IT, the RRB JE exam attracts a large number of aspirants every year. To crack the exam, it is essential to have a clear strategy and well-structured preparation plan.
Understanding the RRB JE Exam Pattern
Before diving into preparation, it is important to understand the RRB JE exam structure:
Stage 1 (CBT 1): This is a computer-based test designed to assess candidates' general intelligence, awareness, and reasoning ability. The exam is of 90 minutes and consists of 100 questions:
Mathematics: 30 Questions
General Intelligence and Reasoning: 25 Questions
General Awareness: 15 Questions
General Science: 30 Questions
Stage 2 (CBT 2): Candidates who clear Stage 1 are eligible for this stage. It tests the candidate's technical knowledge relevant to their discipline. The exam is also of 120 minutes and consists of 150 questions:
General Awareness: 15 Questions
Physics and Chemistry: 15 Questions
Basics of Computers and Applications: 10 Questions
Basics of Environment and Pollution Control: 10 Questions
Technical Abilities: 100 Questions
Document Verification and Medical Examination: Candidates who clear both CBT 1 and CBT 2 will proceed to the final stages.
Step-by-Step RRB JE Preparation Strategy
1. Understand the Syllabus Thoroughly
Familiarizing yourself with the RRB JE syllabus is the first step. Break down the syllabus of both CBT 1 and CBT 2 into smaller topics and create a schedule to cover them within your preparation timeline. Prioritize technical subjects relevant to your engineering stream for CBT 2.
2. Create a Study Plan
A well-organized study plan will help you maintain focus and cover all topics systematically. Divide your daily study hours into sections:
Morning Session: Focus on Mathematics and General Science (important for both CBT 1 and CBT 2).
Afternoon Session: Work on Reasoning and Technical Abilities.
Evening Session: Cover General Awareness and Basics of Computers and Applications.
Ensure you allocate specific days for revising previously studied topics.
3. Master General Awareness and Reasoning
General Awareness: Regularly read newspapers, magazines, and online portals to stay updated on current events. Prepare topics like Indian Polity, History, Geography, and Economy. Take notes for important events for quick revision.
Reasoning: Focus on solving puzzles, seating arrangements, and syllogisms to strengthen your reasoning skills. Practice previous years' papers to get a feel for the type of questions asked.
4. Focus on Technical Knowledge
For the CBT 2 exam, technical subjects play a crucial role. Depending on your engineering discipline (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, etc.), brush up on the core concepts. Reference your graduation textbooks and other reliable sources for subjects like:
Mechanical Engineering: Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Strength of Materials.
Electrical Engineering: Circuit Theory, Power Systems, Electrical Machines.
Civil Engineering: Building Materials, Structural Analysis, Geotechnical Engineering.
5. General Science Preparation
Cover basic concepts of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology from the high school level (10th standard). NCERT books are a good source for clearing foundational concepts in general science.
6. Time Management and Practice
Time management is crucial in the RRB JE exam due to its competitive nature. Practice solving mock tests and previous years' question papers under time constraints to enhance your speed and accuracy.
Use online test series for both CBT 1 and CBT 2.
Regular practice will help you become comfortable with the exam interface and give you insights into which sections need more focus.
7. Revision and Short Notes
Consistent revision is key to retaining what you've studied. Prepare short notes for each subject, summarizing important formulas, facts, and concepts. Review these notes regularly, especially during the final stages of RRB JE Exam Preparation.
Recommended Books for RRB JE Preparation
Here are some useful books to aid your preparation:
General Awareness: "Lucent's General Knowledge" by Dr. Binay Karna & Manwendra Mukul
Mathematics: "Quantitative Aptitude" by R.S. Aggarwal
Reasoning: "A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning" by R.S. Aggarwal
Technical Abilities (Civil): "Civil Engineering: Conventional and Objective Type" by R.S. Khurmi
Technical Abilities (Mechanical): "Mechanical Engineering for Competitions" by R.K. Jain
Technical Abilities (Electrical): "A Handbook on Electrical Engineering" by Made Easy Publications
Important Tips for RRB JE Exam Preparation
Stay Consistent: Regular study and revision are critical. Avoid last-minute cramming.
Stay Positive: A positive mindset and confidence will help you perform better on the exam day.
Stay Healthy: A healthy body and mind are essential for productive study sessions. Take breaks, exercise, and eat nutritious food.
Cracking the RRB JE exam requires discipline, dedication, and a well-structured study plan. Understand the exam pattern, focus on your technical and general knowledge, and practice consistently to improve your chances of success. With the right approach and resources, you can secure a coveted job as a Junior Engineer in the Indian Railways.
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manasastuff-blog · 16 days
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For More Details : https://manasadefenceacademy.com/ssc-gd-constable-notification-2024-2/
SSC GD Constable Notification 2024: Comprehensive Guide and Training at Manasa Defence Academy
1. Introduction
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) GD Constable exam is one of the most popular and prestigious opportunities for aspirants aiming to join the security forces of India. The SSC GD Constable Notification 2024 has been eagerly awaited by thousands of candidates across the country, providing them with a chance to secure a career in paramilitary forces like the BSF, CISF, CRPF, and others. But succeeding in the highly competitive selection process requires dedicated preparation. This is where institutions like Manasa Defence Academy come into play, providing top-notch training and guidance to help students ace the exam and become successful constables.
2. SSC GD Constable Exam Overview
The SSC General Duty (GD) Constable exam is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission to recruit candidates for various paramilitary forces in India. The primary role of an SSC GD Constable includes maintaining law and order, border security, and handling internal disturbances. It is a physically demanding job that also requires mental agility.
Roles and Responsibilities of SSC GD Constable:
Safeguarding sensitive areas
Assisting in maintaining public order
Supporting the Indian Army in times of need
Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates must meet the following criteria:
Age: 18-23 years
Education: Minimum qualification of 10th grade
Physical Standards: Set requirements for height, chest measurements, and fitness levels
Important Dates:
The official notification for the SSC GD Constable 2024 recruitment is expected to be released in early 2024. Candidates should keep an eye on the official SSC website for application dates and deadlines.
3. SSC GD Constable Selection Process
The selection process for the SSC GD Constable 2024 includes the following stages:
Written Exam: Multiple-choice questions based on general knowledge, reasoning, and numerical ability.
Physical Efficiency Test (PET): Running and other physical tasks to assess fitness.
Physical Standard Test (PST): Checking candidates’ height, chest, and physical standards.
Medical Examination: Ensuring candidates are medically fit.
Document Verification: Final verification of educational and identity documents.
4. Key Changes in SSC GD Constable 2024 Notification
The 2024 notification may introduce some new elements in the exam process, such as updates in the PET standards or changes in the number of vacancies. Additionally, there may be more opportunities for women and candidates from specific regions.
5. How to Apply for SSC GD Constable 2024
Applying for the SSC GD Constable 2024 is straightforward:
Visit the official SSC website.
Register with your details and obtain login credentials.
Fill in the application form.
Upload necessary documents like photographs and ID proofs.
Pay the application fee online.
Send in your work and save a copy for your records.
6. Manasa Defence Academy: The Best Training Hub for SSC GD Constable Aspirants
Manasa Defence Academy is renowned for its holistic training approach for aspirants aiming to crack the SSC GD Constable exam. With its well-rounded curriculum, it focuses on both physical fitness and academic excellence. The academy provides specialized training under the guidance of retired Army officers and other experienced professionals, making it a standout choice for students.
7. Training Programs at Manasa Defence Academy
In addition to SSC GD Constable preparation, Manasa Defence Academy offers training for:
NDA (National Defence Academy)
Navy, Army, and Airforce
Coast Guard
Various Central Government jobs
This variety makes the academy a preferred destination for students aspiring to serve the nation.
8. Physical Training by Retired Army Officers
The SSC GD Constable selection process puts a heavy emphasis on physical fitness. At Manasa Defence Academy, students undergo rigorous physical training overseen by retired Army officers. This training is designed to build endurance, strength, and agility, essential for clearing the PET and PST stages of the exam.
9. Special Focus on Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
The Physical Efficiency Test is a critical component of the SSC GD Constable recruitment process. Manasa Defence Academy ensures that students meet the required standards by conducting mock PETs and offering personalized fitness regimens, which include running, push-ups, long jumps, and other activities.
10. Written Exam Preparation
The written exam is often a challenging hurdle for many students. Manasa Defence Academy provides comprehensive coaching in subjects like general knowledge, reasoning, and arithmetic. With well-structured study materials and experienced faculty, students are fully equipped to tackle the exam confidently.
11. SSB Interviews and English Speaking Skills Training
While the SSC GD Constable exam focuses on written and physical abilities, communication skills are equally vital for future growth in defence services. Manasa Defence Academy offers training for SSB interviews and helps students develop strong English-speaking skills for a well-rounded personality.
12. Hostel, Mess, and Additional Facilities
Manasa Defence Academy provides excellent hostel and mess facilities, ensuring students live in a healthy and comfortable environment. Nutritious meals are served, and the students are provided with all necessary amenities to focus entirely on their training.
13. Continuing Education Opportunities at Manasa Defence Academy
A unique feature of Manasa Defence Academy is that it allows students to continue their higher education alongside defence training. This opportunity is especially beneficial for students who have completed their 10th grade and want to pursue both academics and a career in defence.
14. Why Choose Manasa Defence Academy for SSC GD Constable Preparation?
With a proven track record of success, Manasa Defence Academy stands out as the best choice for SSC GD Constable aspirants. The academy’s focus on overall personality development, combined with rigorous training, has produced many successful candidates in various government defence exams.
15. Conclusion
The SSC GD Constable Notification 2024 opens doors for aspiring candidates to join India’s elite paramilitary forces.
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latestjobalert · 23 days
Tamil Nadu GDS Result 2024 Announced For Gramin Das Sevak 1st Merit List
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Tamil Nadu GDS Result 2024 has been officially announced, releasing the first merit list for Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) vacancies. Candidates who have applied for these prestigious postal jobs can now check their selection status through the official portal. This announcement is an important step in the recruitment process, as the merit list determines the candidates who will be considered for final appointments based on their eligibility and academic performance.
Tamil Nadu GDS Result 2024 Announced
For those eagerly waiting for this result, it is important to understand that the Tamil Nadu GDS recruitment is completely based on the merit of the academic record of the candidates. The selection process does not involve any written exam or interview, making the marks obtained in class 10th crucial for securing the post in this cycle. Let's take a deep dive into the process, criteria and what steps you should take next. India Post, Tamil Nadu GDS GDS Result 2024 1st Merit List Published, GDS Online Engagement Schedule, July 2024 Tamil Nadu Circle– List 1, Adv:- 17-03/2024-GDS dated 12.07.2024. 1st Merit List of Tamil Nadu GDS 2024 is Now Available The first merit list of Tamil Nadu GDS 2024 is now available for download. Candidates who have applied for the Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) posts in Tamil Nadu can easily access the merit list through the official India Post GDS Recruitment portal. This list is important as it contains the names of the candidates who have been shortlisted based on their 10th-class marks, and these candidates are now eligible to move forward in the recruitment process. Important Dates ActivityImportant DatesNotification Release Date15 July 2024Online Registration Starts15 July 2024India Post GDS 2024 Last Date5 August 2024India Post GDS Merit List Released on19.08.2024India Post GDS Document Verification Deadline03.09.2024
Tamil Nadu GDS Recruitment 2024 DV Deadline
Shortlisted candidates will have to get their documents verified by the Divisional Head mentioned against their name before 03/09/2024. Candidates are required to report for verification with their original documents as well as two sets of self-attested photocopies of all the required documents.
Tamil Nadu GDS Vacancy 2024
Circle NameNo. of VacanciesTamil Nadu3,798 Category-wise Tamil Nadu GDS Vacancy 2024 Circle NameLanguage NameUROBCSCSTEWSPWD-APWD-BPWD-CPWD-DETotalTamil NaduTamil179486162137358264240103789
Eligibility Criteria for Tamil Nadu Postal Circle GDS Vacancy
Post NameEducational QualificationWest Bengal Gramin Dak SevakPassed Class 10Other Qualification:Knowledge of computer Knowledge of cycling Adequate means of livelihood Age Limit for Tamil Nadu GDS Vacancy CriteriaDetailsAge Limit18 to 40 years Understanding the Tamil Nadu GDS Recruitment Process The Tamil Nadu Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) recruitment process is simple yet highly competitive. The entire process is online, from application submission to declaration of merit list. Candidates who have completed class 10th from a recognized board with passing marks in Mathematics and English are eligible to apply. The merit list is prepared based on the academic performance of the candidates, particularly the marks obtained in class 10th. Department of Posts, India, uses an automated system to rank candidates according to the marks and preferences given during the application process. This ensures a fair and transparent selection process. After the merit list is released, the selected candidates are notified through the official website and they have to verify their documents before receiving the appointment letter. How to Check Tamil Nadu GDS Result 2024? Checking the Tamil Nadu GDS Result 2024 is a simple process. Candidates need to visit the official India Post GDS Recruitment portal and log in using their registration details. The first merit list will be available in PDF format, listing the names and registration numbers of the selected candidates. It is advisable to download and print the result for future reference. Candidates whose names appear on the merit list should immediately prepare for the next stage, which includes document verification. It is important to keep all relevant documents, such as educational certificates, caste certificates (if applicable), and other required proofs, ready for verification. Document Verification and Next Steps Once your name appears in the Tamil Nadu GDS 1st Merit List, the next important step is document verification. This step is important as it confirms your eligibility for the post. Candidates must submit their original documents, including educational qualification, proof of age, community certificate and other relevant documents as specified by the Tamil Nadu Postal Circle. Document verification is usually scheduled at the divisional or circle level, where candidates are expected to report in person. After successful verification, candidates will receive their appointment orders, officially making them Gramin Dak Sevaks under the Tamil Nadu Postal Circle. What to Do If You Are Not Selected If your name does not appear in the Tamil Nadu GDS first merit list, do not be disappointed. If vacancies remain after the first round, the merit list may be released later. Keep checking the official website for updates. Additionally, candidates can also look for other opportunities in the postal department or similar government positions where their qualifications may be suitable. It is important to stay informed and continue applying for other positions.
Tamil Nadu GDS Recruitment 2024 Important Links
EventsImportant LinksIndia Post Tamil Nadu GDS Result 2024Download India Post Tamil Nadu GD Result 2024 1st Merit List Here | PDFApplyIndia Post GDS Recruitment Apply OnlineVacancyIndian Post 44228 GDS Vacancy DetailsNotificationIndian Post Recruitment GDS Vacancy PDF NotificationJoin Our WhatsApp ChannelJoin Our WhatsApp ChannelJoin Our Telegram ChannelJoin Our Telegram ChannelWebsiteIndian Post GDS Official Website
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Tamil Nadu GDS Result 2024 Merit List Tamil Nadu GDS Result 2024 The Tamil Nadu GDS Result 2024 and the release of the 1st Merit List mark a significant milestone for candidates aspiring to join the postal services. This recruitment process, based on merit, ensures that the most deserving candidates are selected for these essential roles. By following the steps outlined above and staying prepared for the next stages, candidates can enhance their chances of securing a position and embarking on a rewarding career with the Tamil Nadu Postal Circle. Read the full article
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shafnapn · 27 days
Upper Guru: Your Gateway to the Best Online Tuition in Kerala
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In the rapidly evolving educational landscape of Kerala, Upper Guru has emerged as a beacon of excellence, offering the best online tuition in the region. With a mission to provide accessible, high-quality education to students across Kerala, Upper Guru is redefining how students learn in the digital age. This blog delves into how Upper Guru is transforming education and why it stands out as the premier choice for the best online tuition in Kerala.
A Vision for Quality Education
Founded with a visionary goal, Upper Guru aims to make top-notch education available to every student in Kerala, regardless of geographical location. Understanding that every learner is unique, we are tailors its educational approach to meet the individual needs of students from various educational boards. This commitment to personalized education ensures that each student receives the attention and resources they need to succeed.
Personalized Learning: Education Designed for You
We are personalized learning is at the core of the educational experience. Recognizing that no two students learn the same way, Upper Guru’s tailored learning plans are crafted to match individual learning styles. This customized approach allows students to thrive, ensuring they fully understand each concept before progressing. Our educators are not just teachers but mentors who guide students with expertise and care, fostering a supportive learning environment.
Flexibility and Convenience: Learning on Your Terms
One of the key advantages of Upper Guru is the flexibility it offers. Students can set their own learning pace, allowing them to take the time they need to fully grasp each subject. The convenience of our online platform means that students can access high-quality education from the comfort of their homes, at times that fit their schedules. This flexibility is especially beneficial for students juggling multiple responsibilities or those who prefer a more self-directed learning approach.
A Comprehensive Curriculum for a Well-Rounded Education
our curriculum is meticulously designed to cover all aspects of the prescribed syllabus , ensuring that students receive a comprehensive education. But we goes beyond just covering the basics. The platform emphasizes real-world knowledge and critical thinking skills, preparing students not just for exams but for life. This holistic approach ensures that our students are well-rounded individuals ready to face future challenges.
Technology-Driven Learning: The Future is Here
We leverages the latest technology to make learning interactive and engaging. The platform’s state-of-the-art tools are designed to enhance the learning experience, making complex concepts easier to understand. And also ,we continuously updates its teaching methods and tools to stay ahead of educational trends, ensuring that students receive the best education possible.
Quality Education from LKG to 10th Standard
Upper Guru caters to students from LKG to 10th standard, providing a strong educational foundation for young learners and intensive coaching for those preparing for board exams. For the youngest students, offers fun and interactive classes that make learning enjoyable and effective. For older students, especially those approaching critical exams, UpperGuru’s rigorous preparation ensures they are well-equipped to excel.
Why Upper Guru Stands Out
With its personalized learning plans, flexible approach, and commitment to quality, we offers the best online tuition in Kerala. Whether your child is just starting their educational journey or preparing for crucial exams, we provides the resources, support, and expertise needed to succeed.
Experience the Upper Guru Difference
In the competitive world of education, Upper Guru shines as a leader in online tuition. By combining personalized education, cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to excellence, Upper Guru is setting the standard for best  online tution in Kerala. Ready to transform your child’s educational experience? Contact  today via WhatsApp or give us a call to book a free trial class and discover why we are the best online tuition platform in Kerala.
 For inquiries or to enroll, contact us at +918075800535 or via WhatsApp at the same number.
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testprepkart12 · 1 month
The Comprehensive Guide to BITSAT Online Coaching for 10th Grade: How to Achieve Success at Home on the Test
The Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admission Test is one of India's most competitive entrance exams (BITSAT). A solid preparation strategy is crucial because there is fierce competition among the thousands of applicants for the limited number of spaces available at the campuses of BITS Pilani, Goa, and Hyderabad. Many students now turn to online tutoring for class 10th grade because of its flexibility, wealth of resources, and expert guidance. In this post, we'll discuss the benefits of BITSAT online tutoring for class 10 and how it can help you succeed. . Why Choose Online BITSAT Coaching for Class 10th? a. Practicality and Adaptability: One of the key advantages of online tutoring is its flexibility. Whether you have a demanding schedule or are balancing preparation with school, online courses can work around it. You can join live classes and view recorded sessions in addition to studying at your own speed.
b. Access to Skilled Faculty: Reputable online tutoring organizations bring together seasoned teachers who are familiar with the BITSAT exam's material and format. These experts offer tips and strategies, assist students in understanding challenging material, and provide prompt answers to queries. Ample Study Materials: Online coaching programs include a plethora of study materials, including practice questions, eBooks, video lectures, and mock tests. The whole BITSAT syllabus is covered by these carefully selected resources, ensuring that students are prepared for every section of the test.
d. Performance tracking and metrics: Most online coaching programs include extensive performance metrics to help you keep an eye on your progress. Regular assessments, exams, and quizzes assist you in pinpointing your areas of strength and improvement so you may focus your efforts more effectively.
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educationvibes65 · 1 month
How much does MBBS cost in Egypt?
Egypt is the land of the rising sun and all the structured costs provide a detailed vision in the place for high tech study programs. The cost of  MBBS In Egypt for Indian Students ranges between 20 to 30 lakhs. The cost incorporates the tuition expenses, hostel and mess provisions and internship costs. One of the most affordable places to study in Egypt includes a cost budget of 5000 to 7000 USD for educational fronts.
The very distinctive program for studying in Egypt is one of the best programs. The overall duration of studying in Egypt is a vigorous practice which propels the candidates to gain the utmost exposure. The MBBS in Egypt duration is 7 years . The first few years are dedicated to theoretical practice and the latter years are given to practical fellowship where students understand the movement of educational practises. 
Scholarship Facilities in Egypt 
The Egyptian government grants several bursaries to eligible candidates in order to study without any stress and enjoy a good program of education. The two primary types of scholarships include the following.
Granting Executive programs: The students need to send a letter of nomination from the embassy of their home country to be rewarded with adequate scholarships. The administration shall review the application and grant the scholarships to candidates.
External Scholarship: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs plays an incredible role in providing scholarship for MBBS in Egypt. Once the students prepare an overview letter which is signed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the administration shall grant the scholarship.
Eligibility Criteria for Egypt 
The eligibility requisites to study in Egypt have been listed below.
The students need to be between 17 to 25 years of age.
The students need to abide by the NMC guidelines and should have qualified NEET with a certified score. The NEET exam is a preliminary requisite to be cleared as per the MBBS in Egypt eligibility. The exam is conducted by the NTA each year.
The students need to have a 50% mark in PCB from their respective institutes.
Admission Procedure for Egypt 
The admission procedure to be followed by the appearing contenders is shown below.
The candidates need to first register online and fill in the main details in the application form. The students should fill in both professional and identity information.
The candidates should attach documents like passport photographs, scanned copies of 10th and 12th-grade reports and scanned copies of passports for an MBBS In Egypt for Indian students.
The reputed university of Egypt to which the candidate is applying shall designate an offer letter to the students once all the documents are correctly examined.
The students need to then make the fee payment for the first year as per the procedure of MBBS In Egypt for Indian students.
 After the offer letter is received the VISA formalities should begin. The VISA shall be received within a few days.
Once the students receive the VISA they need to make arrangements for their travel. The students should make adequate arrangements for their stay.
Documents Required for  MBBS In Egypt MBBS Admissions
The documents required to be attested for Egypt are as under.
10th and 12th marksheets of candidates should be attested to the registration form.
A scanned copy of the Passport needs to be clutched.
6 Passport-size photographs on a white background should be provided.
NEET scorecard is mandatory.
A medical certificate with no traces of HIV
The COVID-19 report is a must-have for the systematic procedure of MBBS In Egypt for Indian students.
Duly signed application form
The bank statement of the guardian 
The migration Certificate from the previous institute should be restored.
Air tickets of both ways.
Cost of MBBS in Egypt
The tuition fee expense in Egypt drifts between an economic range of 5000 to 7000 USD. The first-year fees range between 8,00,000 INR to 10,00,000 INR. The hostel and mess charges range between 1500 to 3000 USD. The internship cost monthly is between 150 to 200 USD. The cost of food is very liberal and ranges to 6000 INR per month.
An MBBS In Egypt for Indian students is highly advantageous as the cost of travel through airways can range from 20000 to 25000 INR one way. A monthly pass for local conveyance costs around 990 INR. The basic cost of utilities ranges from 1000 EGP. A meal at a restaurant in Egyot can cost 125 EGP.
Top Bottom Line
Students who tend to accomplish a wonderful medicine program in this transcontinental place are blessed to undergo the selective methods of high-end teaching. An  MBBS In Egypt for Indian students is highly favourable and intends to provide worthy benefits to candidates from all corners of the world.
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dishaclasses1234 · 24 days
Join IIT JEE coaching classes now.
Disha Classes in Delhi have reached the top in India by doing more than just lots of engineering. They are reaching a country-wide network of over 70,000 students across India, with a collective annual student base of more than 10,000 in Delhi. For IIT entrance exam preparation, there are special coaching institutes. The exam sees students appearing for it in a huge number each year.
There are special coaching classes in Delhi where IIT JEE is taught, making it an easy fare for them. The IIT JEE coaching institute focuses only on the preparation of students for the IIT JEE examination. There are special coaching institutes that offer it as an essay fare.
There are a number of coaching institutes that can help you with your needs. Some coaches can even provide you with good services that can improve your performance and decision-making skills. IIT JEE online coaching allows students to take classes from experienced IIT-qualified teachers in the comfort of their homes. It is efficient, productive, time-saving, resourceful, and easily accessible. This is the best reason to choose a top coaching institute for IIT JEE in Delhi.
Coaching classes provide correct guidance to the child, allowing them to use their spare time to cover a variety of subjects Hence, coaching also benefits the students as it helps them to learn the technique of studying. It also helps a student maintain a daily routine.
Physics encompasses the study of the universe, from the largest galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles. There are many other sciences, including chemistry, seismology, and astronomy. If you want the best physics online classes, then Disha Classes for Maths-Sci Foundation are here to share with you a very scientifically designed program in science and mathematics for our junior scientist/technologist for IX and X classes, Maths-Sci Foundation.
We have a 60-hour program in Science and Maths separately for the students in 9th and 10th grades, which brings them closer to the fundamental concepts and a better understanding of the basic principles of Science and Math, generating analytical skills.
IIT JEE is the dream of almost all engineering students. Therefore, you require lots of effort to crack the entrance. IIT JEE coaching online is therefore the best coaching medium to obtain creativity, as students are able to concentrate better on their own.
Disha Class is an institute to guide students on the right path for IIT-JEE and other engineering entrance exams and as a foundation course for IX and X students to reach better heights and confidently crack the exams with better results. We have bright professionals with experience in teaching physics and a natural flair for the subject.
Visit our website at https://www.dishaclasses.com/ for more information.
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Best Online Classes in Australia: Elevate Your Skills and Career
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Discover a World of Knowledge at Your Fingertips
In today's fast-paced world, continuous learning is essential for personal and professional growth. Best Online Classes in Australia offer a flexible and convenient way to acquire new skills, expand your knowledge, and advance your career. If you're based in Australia and seeking top-tier online education, look no further than CareerMakerz.
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