#10yrs wedding anniversary
hl-obsessed · 1 year
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10 years wedding anniversary party | 28.09.2023
There was and idea born in my head some time ago, of nineteen years old Harry searching for his wedding outfit and Louis walking on him while Harry looks at wedding dresses. Louis wraps himself around Harry from the back and looks at screen with him. His voice is soft when he's asking if that's something that Harry would want to wear. Harry's answer 'maybe' is actually an honest one. He's not sure if he's ready for that step before so many people, outside safe space of their home. He's not sure if people are ready for it either, so he just settles for saying 'maybe on some anniversary' and they move to the kitchen to make pancakes for dinner.
10 years later Harry is finally ready.
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Lord, I'm exhausted all the time these days. Even coffee and fruit doesn't get me going. I did plan a couple of long weekends in a row next month. One for me to do just like. Whatever? With. And the other for me and wifey to go on a date night for PRIDE. It's almost our anniversary (bruuuuuuuh, this is 9 yrs of marriage???? 11 yrs together??? Absurd.) and I want to buy wifey and me each a nice new outfit and take us somewhere fun. It's been ages since the two of us did something like that, and I think it would be fun.
Also.... I'm gonna have to start planning our 10yr wedding anniversary soon. I have no fucking clue what that looks like, but it's gotta be perfect
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ambermarkoto · 4 months
Hey everyone so big news! My husband and I will celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary next week on the 9th. As has become tradition over the last 10yrs since our 6 month anniversary, I'll share a piece of art representing the two of us and our relationship. This year will be no different, in fact it's going to be my biggest piece yet! To prepare everyone and hype up this new piece, I will spend this week sharing my anniversary art and a few other pieces featuring us. Starting with these drawing of our ponysonas.
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walkswithmycamera · 1 year
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When reaching the age of 66 for UK women, is finally something to Celebrate.
This was our 10yr anniversary of life in #Cyprus.
We had a BBQ with close friends.
The #photograph below was also taken 10 years ago in the early part of 2013.
My #waspi #celebration takes place next year.
I've been back in the UK now for 7 and a bit years - and I'm still waiting for my #pension to arrive.
What is WASPI, you may ask?
It stands for Women Against State Pension Inequality.
Along with many thousands of other #women born after 1954, I've had to wait an extra 6 years to receive my official "old age" pension, which I've contributed to since the age of 16 when I was working part-time at a well known supermarket chain, after school and weekends as well as full time during school holidays.
I began working full time in 1976 after staying on into the 6th form at school, so I was 18 and had continued to work part-time for those remaining 3 years. (I actually started working part-time when I was 15yrs old, but didn't make contributions until I turned 16 years of age).
My pension was always promised to be paid at the age of 60, as was that of the other #WASPI Ladies - and we're extremely angry about it.
Sadly, those people who already had received their pensions really didn't give us much time of day, whilst various political parties made some kind of positive murmurs, mutterings and promises in the lead up to a General Election in 2017.
Thank you UK Government and the DWP for - NOTHING!
You are nothing but #thieves and #robbers.
One of the ladies in this photo is already dead.
She just scraped through to be able to receive her long awaited pension, but was already in poor health during her wait.
So, we're all still here - fighting the good fight with all our might.
BUT.................... #NobodyIsListening
Apologies for the #politics - but it's a grey day outside, I'm pissed off and my best friend who died would have celebrated her Wedding Anniversary on the same day as my Birthday, coming in the next few days.
We always had a joint celebration.
There hasn't been a joint celebration for more than 3 years.
Hopefully, if you've read this far - you may understand why I'm morose right now.
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jessica-simpsons · 1 year
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jessicasimpson: Steve apologized for not making it to our wedding, but said he would be there for our 10yr anniversary :) #teamgleason #ALS
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Really experiencing some fun whiplash mourning the official loss of LoverFest while also being on a zoom for a 60th birthday
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vampyrefay · 4 years
My aunt is getting married and i should be happy but i'm not i'm pissed off
She expects a gift although me and Belsi didnt get one from her, she wants to do this A MONTH BEFORE MY ANNIVERSARY IN THE LOCATION I TOLD HER I WANTED MY 10YR TO BE AND WHERE I WANTED THE ACTUAL WEDDING SINCE I WAS A KID TO BE and even a week ago she was saying if she ever got married she'd just go to city hall and she (who i was raised with as a sister not a aunt because of age differance) never even told me! My grandmother had to physically come tell me! And then it was only the date and location! MY location!
Not to mention jer son is the 13yr nazi even though our great grandmothers family was jewish, and shes also the one this time last year that left her fiancee (fiancee of 16yrs because he refused to get a divorce from his first wife to save money on legal fees even though he still had child support he was supposed to pay and rarely did) for 4 months because hes a violent alcoholic, bad father, a cheater, and heavy drug user. Oh and they and their 2 shared sons live at my grandmothers still and decided to buy a 2nd used boat and a new truck instead of the downpayment for the house they wjere supposed to get in march.
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ashleighxx · 6 years
Tag Games...
Tagged by @garglyswoof
1. how tall are you?
4”11.5 (that half counts 😂)
2. what color and style is your hair?
My hair is dyed purple, long and wavy.... I usually just wear it up because I don’t do effort 🙈
3. what color are your eyes?
blue/grey/green depending on my mood...
4. do you wear glasses?
5. do you wear braces?
6. what is your fashion style?
jeggings, t shirt, daps or boots, (fake) leather jacket
7. full name?
Ashleigh Jewitt... says it in the url 😂 you’re not getting my middle name though!
8. when were you born?
October 91
9. where are you from and where do you live now?
Born in Cardiff, live in the Rhondda Valleys
10. what school do you go to?
Im done with school, though I do want to go to college to learn Welsh...
11. what kind of student are you?
A lazy one...?? I hate listening to authorative figures, but I am willing to learn... it’s a thing I have to find a balance between...??
12. do you like school?
If the teachers didn’t suck ass! Only liked 2 teachers in my entire school life...
13. what are your favorite school subjects?
I enjoyed history and maths, simply because the teachers were awesome and taught the class...
14. favorite TV shows?
I’ll be here forever! Umm... the punisher, Jessica Jones, grace and frankie, the runaways, supernatural, lucifer, Grimm, midnight Texas... currently watching Sex Education!
15. favorite movies?
the entire MCU?? 🤷🏻‍♀️
16. favorite books?
Ugh! I can’t limit them! Six of crowns duology... acotar series... kit davenport series...
17. favorite pastime?
reading, writing, crochet, painting...
18. do you have any regrets?
never... even if the two tiny demons annoy me 😂
19. dream job?
to work for myself (I hate listening to authoritative people)
20. would you like to get married someday?
i do, but finding spare money to save is impossible! Never mind the fact that if we do, we have to choose between owning a house or a wedding... we do want to go do a cheap registry job next year for out 10yr anniversary... whether that happens or not is a different story 😂
21. would you like to have kids someday?
i have 2 tiny demons, and that is plenty enough!
23. do you like shopping?
online, yes! I don’t like too many people and crowds and trying clothes on....
24. what countries have you visited?
Wales... oh! I have visited a Yorkshire (England) when I was a child.... and I always used to go to Hereford (England, but right on the welsh border) strawberry picking with my grandparents.
25. what’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
I’ve had one where one of my kids had passed away.... never again! Traumatic!!
26. do you have any enemies?
i have siblings! Duh...
27. do you have an s/o?
Yup 😍
28. do you believe in miracles?
I believe in karma, does that count?
Tagging @supremeuppityone @3tinkgemini
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min-hyun · 6 years
[FANACCOUNT] From LOVE Lunchbox 20181003
Hello. I’m the spinning instructor who received the first LOVE lunchbox. I’m happy even though my job is revealed like this. Firstly, I think that because it was a male applicant out of 1500 people, it was eye catching. They said to just bring something like a picture to show proof of being a fan, but he earnestly prepared a PPT until dawn. The writers were surprised. That’s how we were picked…. They tried to secretly find us at the gym, but the timing wasn’t right. Apparently Dongho and Cheolhyun (t/n: the husband of Kim Seongeun. OP refers to him as the person who applied, but I’ll just use his name for ease of reference) had plans to do arm wrestling, but they couldn’t because the time was limited which was regretful T.T
Before coming, the members went through a lot coming from Incheon which took a lot of time after making the lunchboxes. T.T They first filmed at their apartment and then the café for the surprise event! While filming at the apartment, the eldest son must have told Baekho that he liked Baekho-hyung hehehe
While they were filming upstairs, we were on the 1st floor café not knowing anything… We were waiting for Cheolhyun. The three of us heard that [he] would buy steak as a wedding celebration party, we exercised in the morning and hadn’t eaten a meal by 4pm and were in a tired state. We couldn’t imagine that the members would suddenly appear at that café.
I thought the person sitting in the café was a customer. But there was a mic inside the flowerpot on the table and cameras on the 2nd level ^^;  The members appeared and entered, and I turned around and was also so surprised that I lost my mind hahaha. That day they were innocent and cool.
They set up the area and they said the members kept holding/hugging the lunchboxes so they wouldn’t get cold. There were to film as we were eating, and I was so nervous that my hands didn’t have strength. And so I couldn’t untie the cloth (around the lunchbox) and Dongho asked, ‘did I tie it too tight~?’ while laughing and then untied mine for me. We were eating in front of a number of cameras, and Jonghyun asked us to guess which members made which food. (Our filming was at the end of August and the broadcast was at the beginning stage, before their cooking practice)
Dongho made the anchovy stirfry and the meat. The anchovy was sweet and tasty. The meat was also tasty of course, and the eldest son thought it was so tasty that I only got to have a piece.. T.T For Aron’s potato stirfry, it was like it was cut by a machine, I was surprised at the consistent size and it wasn’t salty at all hehehe. The seasoning for Jonghyun’s eggroll was just right and the shape was pretty, and I was surprised at the consistent size of the shredded radish. The pancake Minki made wasn’t oily and was tasty. Eating Jonghyun’s shredded radish with the pancake together was even tastier.
After eating, the kids and Cheolhyun appeared and the 10yr anniversary event started. The kids appeared holding flowers, and Cheolhyun prepared a sincere hand-written letter and present. He read the letter, and there was a part where he sang, but it was regretful that part was edited out. He sang SG Wannabe’s Lalala and asked the members to sing along. Other than Minki, the members didn’t know it well hahaha but even so they knew the point parts and sang it all together ^_^ (I was standing next to Dongho, and my heart was exhausted…) The event ended successfully and the members and I too were touched T.T T.T
They took pictures with us and gave us signed CDs to take.  We were taking a picture and my arm is short so it was struggling, and Minki said he’ll hold it and take the picture T.T So Minki took the selca T.T T.T After taking the picture and giving us the CDs, Jonghyun said that since we were fans that liked Dongho the best, Dongho should write a message. Dongho wrote a long message for me. He wrote that if there’s an opportunity, he’ll come to exercise (And Dongho would call me teacher… It was a good life 😇 ) Aron kept softly petting the 2nd eldest’s head.. I was envious T.T After that day, she has Aron oppa sickness… hha
After all the filming, the members left and my mind returned, and I kept thanking the staff. I really think it’ll be the biggest thing I won’t forget in my life. In the future, I will often turn on NU’EST’s songs before class and during class. Won’t the [gym] members have even more Nuble sickness hehehe. Thanks to that I have this luck… haha. It’s been over a month between the filming and broadcast, and itt was hardest to not say anything and keep it secret… haa. Now that it’s broadcast, I’m relaxed ^.^ Thank you for reading 😊
*Did not translate word for word Translation by Min-hyun | desertfoxhmh of @ForNuest0315 Please take out with credit Source: @/donghomon
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hl-obsessed · 1 year
Ok but is there something happening for ✨ Larry 10 years wedding anniversary ✨ in this fandom?
Full month of festivities all through to 28th and then for 2 more days for good measure? like c'mon guys don't tell me there isn't. this is huge. 10 fucking years.
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the9jafresh · 3 years
Van Vicker and wife celebrate 27 years of friendship, 18 years of marriage
Van Vicker and wife celebrate 27 years of friendship, 18 years of marriage
Ghanaian actor Van Vicker is marking his 18th wedding anniversary with his beautiful wife, Adjoa Van Vicker. The excited actor took to his Instagram page to express his feelings as his union clocks 18 years, and 27 years of friendship. Sharing a cute photo of himself and wife, Van Vicker wrote: “10yrs – courtship17years – parentship18 years – marriage27years – friendship. AVV, I can still conk…
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minaficent · 6 years
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Going a little extra today 💛 🖤 inspired from @katvondbeauty in their golden theme 10yr anniversary. Congrats on your wedding day 👰🏻🤵🏻🎊🎁 @thekatvond, you were one of my early inspirations as to why I got into makeup. 🖤 Lip deets: @sugarpill pretty poison lipstick in Glint with @furlesscosmetics Tainted eyeshadows. ✨ P.S. Don’t forget to vote on my entry for @rogueandwolf competition. Head on to their website rogueandwolf.com and vote for my lip art with fingers bonded. 😊 Thank you! #lipart #sugarpill #furlesscosmetics
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zalimaaa · 3 years
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy~! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity~! 🌼
this is so cute <333
1. my nephew who i’m babysitting right now he’s so cute & innoncent & learnt how to play with bubbles today Mashallah literally the best person in my life
2. eating out with my friends with i have missedddd but i’m gassed weve been out a couple times already now after agesss & i can’t wait to eat everything this city has to offer this summer
3. my mutuals u lot are angels i love you all so much big kisses big hugs 😚😚💞💞👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💗💗💜💜💘
4. my cousins wedding plans which will make me sad eventually but right now i can’t wait ive missed these vibes!!
5. ummmmm me & my bestie made travel plans together for next summer honestly the best thing bc it’s gonna be our 10yr friend anniversary & we’ve never been on holiday together it’s gonna be the best i think <3
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yourrusselblog · 4 years
We love our customers. Check out our latest testimonial. Lawrence F. said Made reservations for my wife and I 10yr wedding anniversary. I ordered the surf and turf and my wife ordered the catch of the day in addition we shared the clam chowder bread bowl w/crab toppings. All was delectable. Complimentary sour dough bread w/butter was delish. Service was satisfactory. The manager, I think his name was Josh was very friendly. My conclusion....5 stars
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We love our customers. Check out our latest testimonial. Lawrence F. said Made reservations for my wife and I 10yr wedding anniversary. I ordered the surf and turf and my wife ordered the catch of the day in addition we shared the clam chowder bread bowl w/crab toppings. All was delectable. Complimentary sour dough bread w/butter was delish. Service was satisfactory. The manager, I think his name was Josh was very friendly. My conclusion....5 stars
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zeroashes22 · 4 years
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To the man I am luckily blessed with... Happy 6th Wedding Anniversary. ~Warning: Long post ahead... ~ Nakikita ko lahat ng pag effort mo at pagpapahalaga mo sa pamilya natin, lalo sa akin. Nakikita ko at nararamdaman ko yung dedikasyon mo bilang aking kabiyak at ama ng ating mga anak. Salamat... Kahit na alam ko minsan sensitive ako at may toyo Kahit na minsan ang demanding ko Kahit na ipinipilit ko minsan ang gusto ko Alam ko at ramdam ko ang pagpapasensya at pagpaparaya mo. Salamat... Kapag nahihirapan ako sa mga bagay bagay Or kinakain ng mga alaala ng mga nakaraang pagsubok sa atin... Kapag alam mong napapagod ako sa mga responsibilidad... Kapag alam mong naliligaw ako... Alam ko at ramdam kong gumagawa ka ng paraan para maging masaya at kontento ako.. Salamat... Kapag alam mong may gusto akong tuklasin.. Bagong yugto ng career or buhay ko... Kapag alam mong may mga bagay na naguguluhan or naliligalig ako... Alam ko at ramdam ko ang yakap mo at pag supporta mo... Salamat... Sa pag mamahal Sa pag unawa Sa pag suporta Sa pagpananatili sa tabi ko sa mga desisyon sa buhay... maraming salamat asawa ko... Alam ko, nakikita ko po at nararamdaman ko... Kaya nga sobrang swerte ko na ikaw ang asawa ko... Kahit hindi mahabang ligawan at pinikot mo ako, ramdam ko naman tamang direksyon ang tinahak ko papunta sa puso mo... Kahit natagalang maging opisyal alam kong ni minsan hindi mo naman ako binitawan... Sana kahit na kulang kulang ako... Ay naipapadama ko rin sayo na mahal na mahal kita. Na supportado kita sa career mo at anu mang desisyon mo sa buhay dahil alam kong para sa pamilya natin yun... dahil isa kang mabuting kabiyak at ama ng ating mga anak. Kung minsan nagagalit ako sa mga tao, alam kong alam mo din na ayaw ko na inaabuso nila kabaitan mo dahil para sa akin, ikaw ang prinsipe ko... Maraming salamat sa pag gawa ng paraang maging memorable ang araw na ito kahit wala akong ginawa kung hindi matulog. Salamat kahit na 10yrs na tayong nag sasama noon at pwede namang hindi na talaga mag kasal kasal pa, e ginawa mo pa ring opisyal. 😘 Mahal na mahal kita lagi mo pong tatandaan... Makalimutan ko man pangalan mo isang araw, pero ang puso ko hindi https://www.instagram.com/p/CLmddO0jdO2/?igshid=1nlchrw7kth5g
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