#13 year old me drawing bucky barnes as a cat because they couldn’t draw bucky barnes as a human
crocuspetals · 3 months
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my favorite autistic emotionally distraught traumatized lesbian! here is violet :) she is also a cat. violentine can be kitties together that way
louis is next 🐶
design notes:
-spiky and messy fur. it tends to soften when around people she’s close to (ex: clem, tenn, aj, louis)
-ears are torn and they usually droop
-weird ass hair tuft 😭
-matching markings with louis hashtag bffs forever
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justlostinautumn · 5 years
The Assistant 13/20
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9,Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
Avengers x Reader (Fury/adopted-daughter) Bucky Barnes x Reader
A girl trying to hide her past who was adopted by Nick Fury, but cared for by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. Being Tony’s assistant and asked to help the rest of the team. She doesn’t remember much from her past, but maybe working with this group of misfits will help knock a few memories loose and open some doors to the past. – Sorry if this sucks!
A/N: Please send me thoughts on where you want to see this imagine go… or ideas for new stories!
Sorry it has been a while, just a lot of stress with Uni and finding a work placement for the next year... enjoy
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They sat around the table no one was speaking, partly because no one knew what to say.
“It won’t work any other way.” Was all she said.
“There has to be another way!” Bucky growled at her getting her to smirk at him.
“Maybe I was wrong, maybe there is a lot more of the Winter Soldier in you than I originally thought.” Y/N smirks and the others all stared at her and Bucky sighs shaking his head.
“We will use your plan but there will have to be some differences to it.” Steve looked at both of them hoping to appease them both. He wasn’t going to lose his best friend because to some evil organisation again, but he wasn’t going to lose him because Y/N died. He was starting to see his old friend again and as much as she is right about him being someone new and different, there was still so much of his past in him and with her Bucky was almost fully himself again.
“Seriously!” Bucky looked pissed.
“Hey!” She gave Bucky a pointed look, “He’s giving you a way to have more control over the situation.”
“As much as it pains me, I agree with Rogers.” Nick looked at Bucky closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose, Maria rested her hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.
“What was your original plan?” Steve asked.
“Bucky was partially right about HYDRA not looking for me anymore, that’s mainly because they knew where I ended up and they also knew I wouldn’t remember anything. But, they did factor in the chance that I would end up on Nicks doorstep instead of some stranger. They knew eventually the memories would come back and I would go home… to them, because I would rather be back in HYDRA than with the creators of Black Cat. They know I would come back for the Winter Soldier.” She looked away from everyone.
“But, you’d know Bucky is with us,” Sam said simply.
“You’d all be a threat to me. I was taught you were the threat to the world, the only reason I don’t believe that is because of Nick, Maria, Tony, Pepper and the fact that Bucky trusts you. But, without the original four, I wouldn’t go near any of you. I think it’s the reason why I never wanted to meet you guys originally because there was a fear there.” She shrugs looking at them, she could see Sam was upset by her answer.
“Yeah, but you would have been away from them for years and seen the news and all the good we have done,” Sam argued.
“I was raised with the knowledge of one thing. HYDRA and The Creators are always right! If you went against them punishment, anything disobedience or threat of betrayal punishment and in some cases death. I knew nothing other than what I was taught and as much as I have learnt about you now I still have that fear. Your behaviour towards me, your tone doesn’t make me feel comfortable. It makes me feel threatened.” By the end, she was standing and growling at Sam who looked slightly alarmed.
“What’s the plan?” Wanda was the one to pull her out of it and she looked at her.
“Go home.” She looked at her and Wanda nodded in understanding.
“Why go to HYDRA and not come here to take Barnes?” Tony asked.
“Because HYDRA would be able to draw him out and I would be able to take him away… to safety.” She looked down at her hands.
“You would have fulfilled your promise.” Bucky looks at her shocked.
“Every part of me is screaming to take your hand run and never look back. But the roots I have grown here with Nick and Maria, Tony and Pepper they keep me grounded no matter how hard I tug. I’m pretty sure there is one with Wanda’s name on it, but you know what the biggest root that is keeping me from stealing you away.” She looks directly at Bucky.
“What?” Bucky frowned in confusion.
“It’s not one of my roots, it yours… it’s the family you’ve built here. Even though I could, I would never take you away from this. Knowing everything Nick and Tony have told me, I couldn’t because I know it’s wrong. So, if this is the way I have to save you and set you free then this is what I will do.” Y/N cupped his cheek and smiled at, pulling him close so she can press a small kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“Damnit!” Tony shouted and everyone looked at him and he had tears in his eyes and Y/N smirks at him knowing he understood all the unsaid things.
“You’re willing to sacrifice your life for us?” Natasha looked surprised and in awe. Clint next to her had a similar look.
“Yep.” Y/N nods popping the ‘p’.
“The plan?” Maria asked looking serious.
“Go back to HYDRA, once I am there I will send out a distress signal to my parents, they will reply with a time and I will then send you the information. I should warn you though they may be early. So I would always be prepared! Also, I can’t promise you will succeed, I don’t know what my parents can do anymore and I don’t know what HYDRA can do. All I know is it’s our best shot.” She nodded and stood up.
“Y/N are you sure you want to do this?” Steve asked looking worried.
“Just make sure you guys survive this. I can take care of myself.” She smirks at him and he shakes his head at her.
“Where are you going?” Wanda looked worried.
“I’m not leaving yet, I need to pick up a few things. I promise not to leave without saying goodbye.” She waves over her shoulder and leaves the building.
“FRIDAY, track her,” Wanda speaks up to the ceiling and everyone looks at her confused.
“She’s holding back something in the plan. Something she is going to do, I just can’t pinpoint it because it is almost like she hasn’t decided.” Wanda answered their confused looks and Bucky let out a deep sigh shaking his head he knew what she was going to do. But, he also knows if he spills she will be wiping the floor with his ass again.
“Miss, I am sorry to say I cannot seem to locate Miss Fury,” FRIDAY responds and everyone begins to worry.
@jay-the-mothafuckin-gay, @dark-night-sky-99, @jsmith509, @stormi-ames
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Phantom Pain (13)
PAIRING - Bucky X Reader 
WARNINGS - Bad Habits and Rough Sex, Angsty and Dark AF. 
DESCRIPTION -  Everybody in the world knew of you, but not who you really were. Some called you a vigilante, some called you a criminal and some called you a hero but all of them called you The Phantom. Only two people knew your real identity and they swore to never tell anyone but when The Avengers need to infiltrate a high-security facility, Bruce Banner deduces that you’re the only one who can pull it off. That decision puts you and Bucky Barnes on a path you can’t turn back from, even if neither of like where it’s leading.
Series Masterlist
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Chapter Thirteen - Affairs and Petty Theft
“I can’t believe you let me be unkind to The Phantom.”
Steve was pacing across the kitchen.
“I can’t believe you knew who she was and didn’t tell me.” He huffed at everyone.
You grinned in bemusement at the random turn of events. It was so befuddling and amusing that you almost weren’t even stressed about your father having escaped. Almost.
“Steve, think we’re focusing on the wrong issue here?” Sam asked.
“Hey, don’t be rude to Captain America.” You snapped, your shoulders shaking dangerously with contained mirth.
Steve went a little pink and Bucky rolled his eyes.
“I told you to tell him.” Bucky said to you, inadvertently drawing attention to himself.
“Ninety years of friendship Buck, and you didn’t tell me!”
“Is Cap really fangirling? Have I had too much to drink? Did I have a stroke? Is this really happening?” Tony whispered like he was afraid to break the moment.
“He’s been obsessed with The Phantom since she tied those three muggers to a lampost and walked the old lady home.” Sam informed Tony.
“I’m not obsessed!” Steve insisted.
“She’s a vigilante with manners Sam, they should be giving her a medal, not hunting her down.” Sam mocked, doing a startlingly good impression of Steve.
“And that was before he found out she was Ross’s niece.” Clint pointed out.
Steve’s head snapped around to look at you and he looked at you reverently.
“You are defying the Accord’s even though your Uncle is in charge of them.” Steve stated, pride and admiration shining in his tone.
“Yeah well, he blew me up. I owe him nothing.” You said with a shrug.
“About that... Your father and uncle blew you up?” Clint backtracked.
“I’ve got this one. Princess here figured out something strange was going down at the company and did a little snooping, once she found out they were using Gamma Radiation she tracked Banner down and asked him for help. She snuck me and Brucey into the facility where we found the radiation bomb about to blow. Radiation fallout would have killed millions and the containment chamber could only be closed from the inside. Bruce and I were arguing about who got the do the heroic sacrifice and she snuck past us and locked the containment chamber herself. Then she died horrifically and became Casper the not so friendly ghost.” Tony summed up.
“What happened to the bomb?” Natasha asked after everyone gaped for a moment.
“They never found out I was there and the project was classified a failure and shut down.” You said.
“I have to ask...” Sam began and you looked at him and gestured for him to continue.
“When you said you died, do you mean you’re actually dead? Are you a real ghost?”
“She’s not dead, her heart beats, she has brainwaves.” Bruce said emphatically before you had a chance to answer.
“I can just turn invisible, walk through walls and am biologically frozen the way I was when I died.” You said, rolling your eyes.
“I’m not ageing.” You clarified.
“So everybody knows everything now. Cool. Yeah, awesome.” You said.
“Want to focus on something else? Like your father?” Tony offered.
“Now we know it wasn’t Miss King, I mean The Phantom, who did help him escape we need to figure out who did.”
“Well first of all, you can call me by my name, or one of my thousand nicknames since for some reason nobody ever uses my actual name.” You quipped.
“Second of all, how did you break out?” You asked Tony.
“I have a question.” Clint said, raising his hand.
“The Widow and Phantom teamed up to incarcerate me. It was not as much fun as it sounds.” Tony explained.
“Agadoo doo doo.” You sang under your breath and Tony glared at you.
“I wasn’t under lock down, after I managed to pick the lock on the door I just walked out.” He said, flipping you off.
“What about Ross? We’re all in agreement that he’s a slimy bastard and we don’t trust him.” Clint put out there.
“I don’t think so. Uncle Thaddy is set to lose a lot if anyone finds out about my dad, he wouldn’t risk his reputation like that.” You said.
“Alright, here’s the plan. Natasha, Bucky, Loki,  Wanda, Clint, you five interview everyone in the building and look for anyone that seems suspicious. Tony, look into everyone who works there. Everyone else with me, we’ll look for physical evidence.” Steve said, slipping into Captain mode before turning to you with an excited look.
“Phantom... can you snoop around? People say all sorts of things when they think nobody is listening.” The Captain asked hopefully.
You didn’t really want to get tied up with The Avengers like this, it wouldn’t be to difficult for anyone to put the pieces together if The Phantom started working with The Avengers the same day you moved into the compound but... Steve looked so hopeful and he was giving you the puppy dog eyes.
“Aye aye Captain.”
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“Anything to report, Phantom?” Steve asked through the comms.
“Beth from the third floor is cheating on Craig in human resources with Kyle from the cafeteria.” You offered.
“Beth is such a hoe.” Clint said.
“Alright, anything else?” Steve asked.
“I stole a Mars Bar from the vending machine if anyone’s hungry?” You suggested.
“I’ll have one.”
“Get me a snickers.”
“Do they have m&m’s?”
“Can you get me a can of coke?”
“Guys, we’re not engaging in petty theft. Does anyone have any mission related news?” Steve reprimanded.
There was only silence over the comms until Steve sighed heavily.
“I’m running out of energy, I need to find a place to unghost for a bit.” You admitted.
You had been holding the invisibility non stop for over thirty minutes straight which was a record for you and it was taking it’s toll.
“There’s a place on the fourth floor, I’ll make sure it’s clear.” Bucky told you.
“Alright Phantom, take a beat. We’ll keep looking.”
You wearily made your way to the fourth floor and saw Bucky standing outside a door. You whistled lowly to him and he opened the door and you followed him inside the maintenance closet. As soon as you reappeared your fatigue kicked in and you stumbled. He hurriedly caught you around the waist and held you up. Your head lolled against his shoulder and he frowned at the heat radiating off you.
“Domniţă, are you alright?” He asked, placing a hand against your temple to check your temperature.
“You’re burning up.” He said worriedly.
“Happens when I stay intangible for too long.” You muttered weakly.
“What can I do?” He asked briskly.
“I just need to rest for a minute.” You said, stiffling a yawn.
He jostled you for a second and the next thing you knew, he was sat on the floor with you cradled in his lap.
“Can I take a cat nap?” You asked hopefully, nuzzling into his chest without thinking about it.
“Ten minutes, I’ll watch over you.”He vowed, his fingers absent-mindedly toying with your hair.
That was all you needed to hear and you drifted off. He couldn’t help but notice how perfectly you fit against him as your breathing evened out. You didn’t even hesitate to trust him to keep you safe, you didn’t even think about flinching away when he held you. The door opened abruptly and Tony found himself staring down the barrel of a gun.
“Disturbing as that is Barnes, you have something on your lap.” Tony sniggered.
“Snark, go away or I’ll punch you in the kneecap.” You threatened.
“You look awful princess. How long did you ghost for?” Tony demanded.
“Half an hour.”
“She was burning up and nearly passed out.” Bucky informed him.
Tony looked ticked off and Bucky glanced down at your sheepish expression.
“Everytime I use my powers I... I burn. The way I did when I died, it’s like dying all over again.” You admitted sheepishly to Bucky.”
Bucky looked horrified.
“You let her do this?” He said, glaring at Tony.
“No, of course not. But she doesn’t listen to anybody.” Tony scoffed.
“Because I’m a grown woman who can make her own choices, now go away, you’re interrupting naptime.” You said, shooing him away and yawning.
You closed your eyes again and heard the shutter sound of the camera on Tony’s phone.
“Snark, I’ll murder you in your sleep.” You muttered.
“I’ll help.” Bucky offered.
“It’s a date.” You said, before promptly passing out.
“Is she ok? Really?” Bucky asked.
Tony tilted his head to check you were actually asleep before he answered.
“At the risk of sounding like I care, be careful with her.” Tony warned.
“I’m not going to do anything to hurt her.” Bucky assured him.
“That’s sweet but not what I meant. Princess might not be what the tabloids say she is but there’s truth in the rumours. She doesn’t date, doesn’t fall in love and she absolutely will eat you alive and spit out your bones.” Tony said.
“There’s nothing going on Stark and I don’t plan on falling in love with her.” Bucky lied.
“Nobody ever plans it, it just happens.”
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“Well I found absolutely nothing of use.” You told Clint as you sat down in the back of the quinjet.
“Me either, sorry.” He said apologetically.
“What about you?” You asked.
“I just said I didn’t.” Clint chuckled.
“I was asking him.” You said, gesturing to Loki.
“Um, there’s nobody there.” Clint pointed out.
You gasped loudly and Loki smirked.
“Oh no, can you see other ghosts? Is there one here right now?” Clint asked, looking around nervously.
Loki reappeared and Clint breathed a sigh of relief.
“Wait, you can see him when he does that?” Clint asked, turning round in his chair fully to look at the two of you.
“Tell nobody about this and you will be the only person who remains safe from the havoc.” You offered.
Clint looked between you and Loki and your matching evil smirks.
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Steve: I'm not fangirling. Tony: Sure Jan.
Bucky: I'm not going to fall in love with her. Tony: Sure Jan.
Miss King: I'm an adult. Tony: Sure Jan.
So the fourth (and final) chapter of the day. I'm going to go and get some well-deserved rest now. You let guys let me know what you thought of this chapter and what you're hoping for from the next ones and I'll get to writing some Avengers shennanigans when I wake up, Deal?
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