apureniallsource · 4 months
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Niall on stage in Manila - 05/13
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Starlord No. 1, dated 13 May 1978. Cover by Ramon Sola. Below are the six different 'Star-Trooper' badges, one of which came free with each issue. They were designed by Kevin O'Neill. I didn't get the first issue. It was either beyond my budget at the time or I just couldn't find one but sadly it meant I can never lay claim to being a Laser Specialist or in the Skateboard Strike Force. I was a Warlord agent at the time though so this would likely have been a conflict of interest anyway.
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The first issue only had four stories (although they would soon be joined by a fifth - Mind Wars). Both Strontium Dog and Ro-Busters went on to have a long career in UK comics and I think Timequake might be in the pipeline to be reprinted soon by Hibernia Comics.
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francepittoresque · 4 months
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13 mai 1832 : mort du naturaliste Georges Cuvier ➽ http://bit.ly/Georges-Cuvier Cuvier savait lire avant d’avoir accompli sa troisième année, et si cette facilité à apprendre pouvait ne révéler qu’un sujet ordinaire, dès ses premiers pas dans le monde il sut en fait non seulement retenir, mais encore comprendre, réfléchir et méditer
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verite-jesus-libre · 7 months
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inthememetime · 2 years
Headcannon: All ghosts are slightly eldritch. The more scary a ghost is, the more powerful a ghost is.
Side note: yes, I know this isn't 100% supported in canon. I like it though.
The weaker a ghost is, the less it can be distinguished from what it was when alive. The weakest ghosts have sort of an uncanny valley vibe. Johnny 13may not be human, but when a person sees him, their minds try to fit him into the human mold.
Certain ghosts like Amorpho and Spectra can 'fake' humanity pretty well for a while. But it's not perfect, and so they have to mess with people's senses and emotions to keep the illusion going for very long.
It's also (part of) why people just don't like Vlad or Danny. (I mean, Vlad's hot garbage as well, so that's another reason). Halfas just set off all the uncanny valley vibes in human form. The average human is going to go: Something is Very Wrong when they're confronted by the way their appearances change, just a little, based on emotions or their way-too-white sharp teeth.
It's even worse in ghost form/as a ghost because they're not really supposed to be in our dimension. So then what do we see? Our brains try to piece things together in a way that makes sense to us, but frequently our wires get crossed. Sometimes those wires change position, causing the ghosts to look like they're changing constantly.
When Danny goes through Ghost Puberty, he gets a second, scarier ghost form. He cannot show that second form to a human for very long at one time- low exposure over short periods of time is way better. He has 3- his human form, what people think his ghost looks like (friendly kid), and Eldritch Abomination.
Clockwork, Pandora, and other Ancients can't set foot into our reality for long periods of time, especially around humans, because just their appearance will mess with people.
The reason a lot of (legitimate) ghost hunters go crazy is because they've looked at their targets one too many times.
Even the sounds ghosts make go through the brain filter. Vlad doesn't just use an army of lawyers and PR people for fun- he uses them because even in human form, his voice is 2 steps to the left of human, and the longer people listen, the more theu freak out.
This is the opposite from Ember, as she's basically a land siren. But a deaf/hard of hearing person would have NO idea why their buddy was vibing to a literal fire monster on stage. Her voice adjusts human perception.
Kitty makes you love her- even as you fear the horrible monster, your love grows just as much.
People don't like hearing the pops and cracks in Danny's voice. There's something wrong, like hearing a voice in radio static, or feeling sounds the human ear can't pick up.
Side note on Vlad: Amity Park is one of the only places he COULD have won an election, because Amity Parkers have constant, low-level exposure. This causes them to go: hmm, something might be up with the mayor. Must be a cold. Instead of: our mayor is Something Not Human.
Amity Parkers- in particular the mayor's secretary, the Fenton Family, and Sam & Tucker- have a certain amount of immunity to fear attacks. I think if Jazz goes to Gotham and Scarecrow fear gasses her, he's going to have a Very Bad Night, because Jazz eats breakfast and dinner, and sleeps in a room across from an existential horror every day.
At best, Fear Toxin would put her into fight or flight mode- and this girl takes out ghosts that can level buildings. Crane would be in the ER before his transfer to Arkham.
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aricastmblr · 4 months
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BT21_ X 13May 2024
bt21_official ig 13May 2024 (https://www.instagram.com/p/C65kVmCSNmT/?hl=es-la&img_index=2)
BT21 facebook 13May 2024 (https://www.facebook.com/BT21.Official/videos/788573276709408/)
Hmm.. Wonder who started it🤭 ふむ…誰が始めたのだろう🤭 흠.. 누가 시작했을까🤭
BT21 #MANG #love_spread
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I have my consult for my I31 radiation treatment for my Cancer in 15 minutes and I'm terrified. I have had no thyroid hormone since my thyroidectomy 13May which raises cholesterol and can cause heart disease, so there's that worry, and I'm fucking terrified it isn't going through work.
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petnews2day · 3 months
Jack Russel - M - 13mai - 328389
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/SXSlT
Jack Russel - M - 13mai - 328389
FRANCE CHIOTS Livraison à domicile possible. En raison des mesures annoncées par le gouvernement nous seront fermés au public jusqu’à nouvel ordre. Nous restons joignable par téléphone au 04 90 66 83 47 du Lundi au Samedi de 9h à 12h et de 14h à 18h le Dimanche de 14h à 17h Facilité de paiement […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/SXSlT #CatCareVideos
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ivangzama · 4 months
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13May|🇻🇪¡ETIQUETA DEL DÍA! ▶️ #5SeñasDelPueblo
🫶🏼Amor por la Patria. 💪🏼Fuerza del Poder Popular. 👐🏼Saludo y Unión de todos. ✌🏼La victoria nos pertenece. 👆🏼Venezuela lo que va es pa'rriba.💛💙 ❤️ @Mippcivzla 🇻🇪 ¡Juntos todo es posible! 🏘️🇻🇪 ¡Si se puede!🏘️
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kien1tc · 4 months
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Good morning. Beginning of the new week came with rainfall.
🌿🌹 #バラ #薔薇 #玫瑰 #Rose
#장미 #HoaHồng #ماور #กุหลาบ #पाटलपुष्पम् #རྒྱ་སེ། (#Rosa )
@ #QNG, #信州 #Shinshū, #JPN •̥̑.̮•̥̑
#今朝 #今天早上 #ThisMorning #오늘아침 #ڤاݢياين #ตอนเช้านี้
꧁ 甲辰年立夏🔥🐮 MON,13MAY'24 ꧂
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ooluwole · 6 months
Soar higher in Christ Jesus, Amen.
Romans 15:13May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.                                                                                                                   Be Loved by God and let it shine through in all your ways God bless you, Amen.
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apureniallsource · 4 months
niallhoran: Night Thirty-Two Manila
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taurruus · 7 months
when is your bday?
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francepittoresque · 1 year
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13 mai 1832 : mort du naturaliste Georges Cuvier ➽ http://bit.ly/Georges-Cuvier Cuvier savait lire avant d’avoir accompli sa troisième année, et si cette facilité à apprendre pouvait ne révéler qu’un sujet ordinaire, dès ses premiers pas dans le monde il sut en fait non seulement retenir, mais encore comprendre, réfléchir et méditer
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spiritsoulandbody · 10 months
#DailyDevotion Scripture Fulfilled By Judas' Betrayal & Death
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#DailyDevotion Scripture Fulfilled By Judas' Betrayal & Death Psalm 109 O God, Whom I praise, don't be silent. 2Wicked and deceitful men have opened their mouths against me, spoken to me with lying tongues, 3surrounded me with hateful talk, and fought against me without a reason. 4In return for my love they accuse me, but I pray for them. 5They give me evil for good and hate for my love. While David certainly did have his detractors, especially Saul before David became king, I believe David is writing this Psalm prophetically, looking to the betrayal and trial of Jesus. So David, and therefore Jesus look to God the Father, who they praise to not be silent. They are having men oppose them wickedly. They accuse Jesus falsely with the intent to kill Him. Throughout Jesus' trial they brought false witness after false witness to get an executable crime in the Mosaic law. Jesus had prayed for them outside the city gates. He called them to repentance in love. They would not have it. They even lied to Pilate to try to get Him executed. While having an appearance of holiness, they were rotten to the core. 6Appoint a wicked man over him; let one stand at his right to accuse him. 7When he's tried, may he come away guilty;let his prayer become a sin. 8May his days be few, and another take over his office! 9May his children be orphans and his wife a widow! 10May his children wander around and beg and look for help far from their ruined homes! By inspiration, Peter tells us Judas fulfilled this prophecy in Acts 1, 16“Brothers, long ago the Holy Spirit spoke through David about Judas, who led the men that arrested Jesus. And what He wrote had to come true. 17Judas was one of us and was given a share in the work we're doing. 18With the money he got for his crime he bought a piece of land; and falling headfirst, he burst in the middle, and all his intestines poured out. 19Everyone living in Jerusalem heard about it. And so that piece of land is called Akeldama in their language; the word means 'Place of Blood'. 20It is written in the book of Psalms: ‘His home should be deserted, and no one should live there', and 'Someone else should take over his office'. Then someone should be added to our number as a witness of His resurrection.” We can only guess by this what happened to Judas' family. We can see from this why Judas did not repent in a godly way. The wicked man and the accuser of Judas is seen the word “accusar.” So Satan entered Judas according to Judas' own wicked heart. Then Satan accused Judas of the very thing he tempted Judas to do. He still operates this way today. This is something movies and tv shows often portray correctly. We are tempted to do something by the glamour of the act. Then Satan pounds on us for falling for the temptation. Our only hope is Jesus' cross and His message of forgiveness from the cross that can cleanse our conscience. 11May a creditor grab everything he has and strangers plunder what he produced by his work! 12May no one be kind to him anymore or pity his fatherless children! 13May his descendants be cut off and their name be wiped out in the next generation! 14May the LORD remember the guilt of his fathers and not wipe out his mother's sin; 15may they always be before the LORD! May He cut off the memory of them from the earth! I'm not sure whether this applies only to Judas or to all those who sought His life. It isn't a legacy you would generally want on your enemies. Yet this was the fate of those who rejected Jesus as their king and did not repent. It is not an absolute for we see Paul repented and inherited eternal life. Gracious God and Father grant repentance to those outside the Church who persecute Your people so they may escape the curse of rejecting Your Son. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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christophe76460 · 1 year
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Le coup le plus rusé que le diable ait réussi, c'est de convaincre tout le monde qu'il n'existe pas.
Éphésiens 2
1Vous étiez morts par vos offenses et par vos péchés, 2dans lesquels vous marchiez autrefois, selon le train de ce monde, selon le prince de la puissance de l'air, de l'esprit qui agit maintenant dans les fils de la rébellion. 3Nous tous aussi, nous étions de leur nombre, et nous vivions autrefois selon les convoitises de notre chair, accomplissant les volontés de la chair et de nos pensées, et nous étions par nature des enfants de colère, comme les autres... 4Mais Dieu, qui est riche en miséricorde, à cause du grand amour dont il nous a aimés, 5nous qui étions morts par nos offenses, nous a rendus à la vie avec Christ c'est par grâce que vous êtes sauvés); 6il nous a ressuscités ensemble, et nous a fait asseoir ensemble dans les lieux célestes, en Jésus-Christ, 7afin de montrer dans les siècles à venir l'infinie richesse de sa grâce par sa bonté envers nous en Jésus-Christ. 8Car c'est par la grâce que vous êtes sauvés, par le moyen de la foi. Et cela ne vient pas de vous, c'est le don de Dieu. 9Ce n'est point par les oeuvres, afin que personne ne se glorifie. 10Car nous sommes son ouvrage, ayant été créés en Jésus-Christ pour de bonnes oeuvres, que Dieu a préparées d'avance, afin que nous les pratiquions.
11C'est pourquoi, vous autrefois païens dans la chair, appelés incirconcis par ceux qu'on appelle circoncis et qui le sont en la chair par la main de l'homme, souvenez-vous 12que vous étiez en ce temps-là sans Christ, privés du droit de cité en Israël, étrangers aux alliances de la promesse, sans espérance et sans Dieu dans le monde. 13Mais maintenant, en Jésus-Christ, vous qui étiez jadis éloignés, vous avez été rapprochés par le sang de Christ. 14Car il est notre paix, lui qui des deux n'en a fait qu'un, et qui a renversé le mur de séparation, 15l'inimitié, ayant anéanti par sa chair la loi des ordonnances dans ses prescriptions, afin de créer en lui-même avec les deux un seul homme nouveau, en établissant la paix, 16et de les réconcilier, l'un et l'autre en un seul corps, avec Dieu par la croix, en détruisant par elle l'inimitié. 17Il est venu annoncer la paix à vous qui étiez loin, et la paix à ceux qui étaient près; 18car par lui nous avons les uns et les autres accès auprès du Père, dans un même Esprit.
19Ainsi donc, vous n'êtes plus des étrangers, ni des gens du dehors; mais vous êtes concitoyens des saints, gens de la maison de Dieu. 20Vous avez été édifiés sur le fondement des apôtres et des prophètes, Jésus-Christ lui-même étant la pierre angulaire. 21En lui tout l'édifice, bien coordonné, s'élève pour être un temple saint dans le Seigneur. 22En lui vous êtes aussi édifiés pour être une habitation de Dieu en Esprit.
Jacques 2
19Tu crois qu'il y a un seul Dieu, tu fais bien; les démons le croient aussi, et ils tremblent.
Proverbes 16:29
L'homme violent séduit son prochain, Et le fait marcher dans une voie qui n'est pas bonne.
1 Pierre 5
8Soyez sobres, veillez. Votre adversaire, le diable, rôde comme un lion rugissant, cherchant qui il dévorera.
9Résistez-lui avec une foi ferme, sachant que les mêmes souffrances sont imposées à vos frères dans le monde.
Proverbes 11
9Par sa bouche l'impie perd son prochain, Mais les justes sont délivrés par la science.
2 Thessaloniciens 2
7Car le mystère de l'iniquité agit déjà; il faut seulement que celui qui le retient encore ait disparu.
8Et alors paraîtra l'impie, que le Seigneur Jésus détruira par le souffle de sa bouche, et qu'il anéantira par l'éclat de son avènement.
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