#13th progenitor
eloaholiveira · 5 months
I wanna try organizing my thoughts around em
So like, the way vampires grow in numbers is by making 'Underlings' tbrough getting Mundanes to fall for them and drinking their blood.
They're also naturally "attractive/charming" per say, so you don't necessarily have to be crazy for them to turn, just a crush is enough.
Their fangs act like a viper's fangs, except instead of releasing venom they suck up blood like built in straws LMAO. Their saliva got numbing agents so their 'Blood Banks' (people they take blood from) don't feel pain.
A vampire who does live drinking (drink directly from alive Mundanes) has a higher chance of getting burned by Sun light, those who drink from animals tend to just be photosensitive, and those who drink from trees are fine, just relatively weaker from the lack of "proper nutrition".
Their eyes get pitch black when (out of control) hungry or exposed to live blood or garlic. Their fangs are way more prominent and their ears look more bat-like. They also hiss.
Vamps are incredibly light in comparision to your average person, to the point it's "not normal". So they're VERY agile and pretty much fall like a bird's feather in case of jumping from higher ground.
Some of them can grow wings (ex: Silver with his quills).
They can get killed in multiple ways (ex: stake to heart, fire, acid, holy water, crucifix, exorcism) except "tradicional" ones (ex: gun shot, stabbed, fall, suffocated, drowned, shocked). Garlic is kinda like catnip and shows their true nature but does not hurt them.
Vampires' hearing are excellent, but their main attribute is to hear heart beats, they can even tell them apart so they can know *your* heart beat and know when you're around.
...You also cannot starve them to death. They just start loosing their minds and become feral blood thirsty creatures. ...Until they eat again, of course.
Vampires don't usually form "packs" like werewolfs do, the ones who stay together are the Sire and their Underling(s), but even them, they're not that close, prefering to do their own thing.
Also, there's progenitors, and the lower the number the closer they are to the "first vampire", so they're very powerful. Espio got unknowingly turned by the 13th, so he's quite powerful compared to other 'lesser' vampires out there.
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nono-uwu · 7 months
First oc post i am shaking crying throwing up for multiple reasons and also anxious as hell- anyways, meet the man, the failure disaster gay, the forever doomed ginger(derogatory/lh)
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I forgot to add his birthday omg, it's march 13th
Lore utc (i wrote a lot lmao), the uh post ch 134 stuff will be elaborated on later (or if asked. Actually, ask me anything about him. And my other oc's once they're posted. Please. I will answer in great detail. I also need a distraction. Pls.)
So basically, among the first few vampires (a 4th progenitor to be percise) turned by Shikama was a woman who showed great potential for spells and magic. She had a loving husband and child which she tragically lost in an accident. Upon turning into a vampire, her family was still the only thing on her mind. She accepted to help Shikama in his endeavors to revive Mikaela since she hoped she could revive her own family in the proccess. Unfortunately it didn't work. Disillusioned, she abandoned vampire kind and started searching for the possible reincarnation of her beloved husband, whom she may be able to have a child with and have family again.
Fast forward a a lot, and I mean a lot, of years and she arrived in 60s japan. None of the people she had hope for turned out to be the reincarnation of her late husband until that fateful day. She encountered a (rather pathetic may I add) man in his late 20s and it was like a miracle. The woman cornered the man in disbelief and from this awkward first meeting blossomed true love. Then everything went to shit lmaooo
The first problem was that the mans family didn't approve of the woman. Tough this didn't stop their love. Next was the issue of bearing a child, something that a vampire simply can't do. Well, an ordinary one but this woman was anything but ordinary. By some impossible miracle she bore a child. A biological child. (GIRL HOW?? We will never know and frankly, i don't want to think about it💀)
The child was, as expected tbh, kind of a disaster. Already born with pointy ears and sharp fangs. The child needed both human food and blood to properly sustain themselves. Drinking blood outside of their family would permanently stop their aging. Despite this, the couple was overjoyed. (And then named their child "mistake" bc that would help /s.) They named him "Machigai". Why tho?? I dunno man something along the lines of "a mistake but the best mistake of their life" bruh
So after Machigai was old enough to walk, but not old enough to remember, the mother diappeared, leaving father and child behind. The father did his best to raise such an... extraordinary child but it was understandably kind of impossible. Machigai grew up alone and isolated from his peers. He was always wearing a hood of some kind and rarley opened his mouth to talk. In high school, he met a girl who he became good friends with but she is another oc I'll post about sometime adlf,wpl.
Anyways! Come Machigai's high school graduation and 18th birthday, his father... disappeared. All he left was a note saying, that Machigai now owned the apartment and that there is enough blood in the fridge to sustain Machigai's thrist while he could grow and mature. To an already depressed and disillusioned Machigai this obviously didn't help. Throughout the next years he became a shut in, who only left the house if absolutely necessary. All he did all day was play video games, watch tv and later be on the internet. Once he ran out of his fathers blood was when things changed. He had to go out and actually find a new source of blood. Welp, sorry to unlucky bastards who went into dark alleyways at night bc these types of people became Machigai's source of blood. (That's when he stopped aging)
On one of these nightly escapades, Machigai was greeted by a large man in a neat black suit who called himself "Saito". Saito claimed to have known Machigai's mother and offered a deal: Machigai would offer up his unique constitution to the Hyakuya sect's research and in turn get a well paying job and a guaranteed source of blood. He agreed. "Welcome to the Hyakuya sect. I look forward to your performance"
Machigai was practically a lab rat for the development of cursed gear. Thanks to his half-n-half physiology he could tank wounds from cursed gear/magic n shit while still providing useful data to how effective it is. During this time Machigai aquired knowledge of vampire culture(?), became familiar with magic and it's quirks and learned how to perform simple spells and whatnot.
Around 2011, when the internet was already fairly well used, Machigai came across a forum dedicated to paranormal sightings. Various users claimed that a secluded spot in Kyoto was home to vampires. (Ferid was the one spreading these rumors btw) Most would have dissmissed this as someone wanting attention, yet Machigai was intrigued. He was well aware that vampires existed across the world but he mever knew how to actually contact them. Perhaps out of morbid curiosity, perhaps out of a genuine want for connection with people like him, he went to check out the spot. There, he met none other than the eccentric Ferid Bathory who specifically manufactured the rumor to meet Machigai (extra much?). He was well aware of Machigai's work for Rígr "Saito" Stafford and was trying to one up his father by stealing his most prized lab-rat. Machigai declined, not trusting a single thing out of that vampires mouth. Ferid left, already proclaiming that one day Machigai would be working for him.
Machigai stuck around that area as it was already well into the night and public transport wouldn't start up until the early morning. There he met another vampire: Crowley Eusford. Their meeting wasn't planned or meticulously calculated, it was actually rather awkward. Their chat was meaningless and short but in the end leagues above whatever Ferid likes to plan. Crolwey has already unwillingly heard about this curious being from Ferid and seeing Machigai himself left him wanting to learn more about him. Machigai was left a little hopeful, that perhaps it's not too late for him to look for connections.
So the apocalypse rolls around-
Machigai makes a deal with Saito that in exchange for his freedom (*eagle screech*) he would keep his mouth shut about anything the Hyakuya sect discovered while Machigai was there.
Machigai seeks out the Demon Army where he successfully keeps his half vampire identity a secert until someone on his squad gets blackmailed into revealing it. Before that, he gets a cursed weapon, a pair of daggers. And lo and behold, the demon possessing the daggers is his own mother. Unfortunately since the now demonic mother didn't witness Machigai growing up, she falsey believes to be able to still shape Machiagi to her will. After getting locked up by the army, Machigai completley gives up, only wishing for his miserable existence to end (spoiler: It won't! Ever. :) ). He ultimately loses any and all trust he has in humanity or just anything in general.
After about half a year of grueling torture and some experimentation, Machigai gets freed (kidnapped) by Ferid and promptly brought to Kyoto Sangiuem. Krul Tepes, finding Machigai to be useful in her fake-ish war against humanity and whatever she's planning with Yuu and Mika, lets him be part of the japanese vampires under Ferids faction. Ferid found himself unwilling to deal with the often uncooperative and irritated new "recruit" so he did what he does best and made it Crowley's problem.
After a rather agressive and disrespectful first impression, Machigai was officially a... coworker? of Crowley and thus also Chess and Horn in Nagoya. The three got the additional task by Ferid to somehow domesticate this feral and angry stray animal and get him to open up. At least that's how Ferids orders were phrased. Shenanigans, Drama and FeelingsTM ensue.
(How did I write so much??)
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lowwqualityyblog · 8 months
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monroeknoxwrites · 4 months
deepspace babysitting horror scifi story masterpost
unadvisedly, with so much else on my plate, I'm contemplating a subversive mech vs kaiju story where humanity forms a strange, body horror-esque bond with monsters to repel sentient robotic invaders
after coming up empty-handed forever, I decided on the name for the monsters and by extension the project: progenitors revivification project
I didn't want to use something like leviathan or colossus, with obvious biblical or greek origins, when this is supposed to take place in the remains of an unnamed planet (not earth). they choose "progenitors" for the monsters as they found their remains in the depths of the shards and see them as some far-flung ancestor
the plot revolves around the second generation of progenitor pilots being trained on a secret deepspace mission
most of the story takes place on a spaceship called the Javelin but the characters originally lived on the splintered remains of an enormous planet. each Shard has its own community and environment, held together by a shield. the Shards themselves remain in the vague shape of a planet mid-explosion and don't drift off into space thanks to a tridecahedron gravity well in the dead center - a side for each Shard
12 of the Shards practice self governance while the 13th is Coalition territory and considered neutral ground. the Coalition has delegates and volunteers from all 12 Shards, acting as a cooperative body not unlike the UN (with considerably more power)
the Coalition acts for the good of the People. maybe not so much for the individual…
The Coalition
those born and raised on the Coalition Shard then chose a life in service to the Coalition—which most of them did—underwent a gruesome procedure. through surgical brain modification, their emotions were modulated, dimmed, capped. you couldn’t make them angry or sad and the smiles most often plastered on their faces were shallow. meaningless. it was supposed to eradicate distraction, personal bias, and put the public at ease. catastrophic failure for the latter.
thelnym (main oc) always thought it was like growing up around ghosts – they had the shape of humans, the faces, but they weren’t. not really.
some merciful force in the universe spared thelnym from that
the Coalition has two main branches: Administrative and Military. the Administrative branch is headed by the Chief Administrator and consists of several departments (judicial, science, resources). the Fleet Admiral heads the Military branch. only those in the administrative branch undergo brain modification surgery and must be performed voluntarily. those from other Shards decline the procedure most of the time. rumor has it this hinders their ability to rise through the ranks but officially this is stated not to be true. “modified Coalition member” is the official name for recipients of the surgery while colloquially they’re known by the less offensive “alt” (as in altered) and the much more derogatory “husk”
Main OCs
Thelnym Osgrove (they/them), one of the three original progenitor pilots and the sole survivor. they've been tied to the Coalition for a long time: a ward since early childhood, a progenitor pilot in their teens then spent the last 20+ years in isolated supervision (more info here)
Dr. Mithat Özgür (she/her), thelnym's caretaker and doctor. she's also a member of the Coalition administrative branch (more info here)
Vice Admiral Isamund Iris (she/her), technically retired from active duty, she was chosen to head the deepspace mission as a representative of the Coalition military (more info here)
rest of the cast links:
vanith, vanis, vanit luskren
wiv markeys, tove hoarfrost, dr. fei jian
jace thass, asme falin, lore thass, orval curby
dysullus rals, lt. viko urtrav
delmine mor, zoilo robles-nemes, yoselin robles-nemes
uemura saori, hedi vauquelin
isamund and the stars
luskren triplets and exhibitionism (nsfw)
thelnym/mithat evening routine
luskren triplets at the trade market
wiv doodling
tove/isamund first and last kiss
wiv/fei jian hair care (nsfw)
dsbs opening
thelnym/isamund midnight snack
relevant tags for this story: #my ocs, #dsbs
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crusaderce · 8 months
welcome to my ted talk, reasons why killing crowley off like this was stupid.
okay so I'm going to get right into it, killing crowley off like this just lost so much potential to a story with his character, why? various reasons of course. one of the biggest reasons was it doesn't feel earned.
what do I mean by that? exactly that, it doesn't feel earned because the manga never gave the time nor day after the fight with ky luc to actually explore crowley other than being a body shield for ferid- that tiny part of a page that had crusader crowley? worthless if you don't choose to explore more about it. unless you've actually taken the time to read the vampire light novels ( which only crowley had one- and as far as I'm aware was never english translated, you have to go off fan translations ) you typically wouldn't feel anything too much for this guy other than 'he has potential i suppose'.
and potential he had. going from the beginning, crowley was a ranked 13th progenitor that had the secret ability of being a 7th progenitor due to the blood he was given when he was turned, which ended up being blood from rigr ( saito / 2nd progenitor )- this fact was only used perhaps twice ( maybe trice ) in the series, one when crowley confronted a 10th progenitor and than another time when blocking urd's attack to which urd states he had been holding back. can we really say that this potential was even used when he was killed off this soon? not to mention that we still have no information of the michaela gene nor what that does for crowley's character either. not to mention he never even goes against saito/rigr nor truly had a reason to even want to take revenge on the man, if anything that should be targeted to ferid.
wasted character. during the time in the manga when crowley and the shinoa squad leave for ferid's manor, we get a clip in which ferid teases crowley through the letters and mentions 'protecting your comrades' to which even crowley gets flustered over the idea of having comrades once again and even perhaps sparking a bit of humanity back into the man. this could've been a wonderful exploration of vampires not losing all sense of self and humanity ( which honestly is already a topic itself )- but this could've been pushed to develop a sorta parental or at least mentor caring situation and thus reflects his relationship with his comrades during the time he was human. it would've made an interesting and wonderful parallel, of course that didn't happen because the manga just ends up pushing him to be a true lackey of ferid- which goes against crowley's character in some regards. he always viewed ferid as 'he's insane but entertaining to watch' but you cannot tell me that he ever trusted ferid, not with how much he questioned ferid and even talked about much about their interactions. crowley was simply in it for entertainment and it should've stopped when the premise of others becoming comrades came into play.
the manga's plot is trying too many things. another reason for this is because the manga itself is just not having a true plot line anymore, there are at least four characters that have different motivations for the world and what the main characters need to fight against. shikama doji is just one of them, and honestly at this point isn't even as the biggest problem. a lot of it doesn't make too much sense anymore and the it feels like the plot is now rushing and some of the consequences being in wasting character's potential. crowley is one of them, shikama is certainly one of them as well- many of the side characters or antagonist have suffered along with power-scaling that doesn't make sense anymore. the vampires don't feel strong anymore, the ANGEL OF EARTH doesn't even feel powerful if mere children can defeat him without much effort?? overall nothing feels at risk anymore, its more or less just waiting to see who pulls the trigger first rather than fearing for someone, it's watching a car wreck that you cannot look away from.
if they planned on killing off crowley, i was okay with that- i expected it. however i expected them to tie it heavily into his backstory, to which i once more comment that he is the only vampire that actually has a light novel about him and everything in his backstory and human life- if they wanted to kill him off the best way to do that would to be going off with protecting someone. to really get at emotions and feel his death is impactful. instead they give us a cheap shock value that also completely crumbled crowley's character along with horn and chess, who were revealed to die off screen, which was completely horrible and honestly it feels bad knowing that two women were killed off screen after not having mentions for years. it doesn't make sense and feels wrong with the characters even if they were minor characters in the same situation as lacus and rene ( even they had a mention once or twice since horn and chess last appeared ) - this ruined the series for me even more, it wasted characters and failed to give anything interesting follow up for a cheap thrill of shock. crowley, horn, and chess are wasted characters even after giving them time to shine literally in the beginning of this series and ultimately it amounted to nothing. crowley- after the ky luc fight could've just disappeared and it wouldn't have changed anything in the series.
i won't get too much into the other characters, but with the information and story following yuu and mika- it feels so dragged out and honestly overcomplicated? like they wanted to add more than what was needed and it simply feels like we are seeing completely different characters than we were first introduced to, or even followed up to a certain point of the manga. the actions taken especially by yuu feels wrong to his character and have basically made him 'mika is my only thing' which feels icky when you think back about how much he cared about family which would've included the shinoa squad. the whole idea of him being like 'well i'm doing something that keeps mika and everyone else with me!' is such a foolish approach and the fact that mika himself is following along with it feels wrong to his character as well. shikama doji has also so much wasted potential, he lost all threatening when he got captured and has not one a single fight and apparently everyone can just look into his memories now- his name sika madu doesn't make sense ( he is clearly suppose to be a Lucifer character but refuse to give him the name )- even though the series begun with the idea of 'fallen angel michael' which how can you say links to mikaela when mikaela was never considered a true angel and was taboo to everything they represented?
i don't want to outright say that kagami is a horrible writer because i enjoyed the series in the beginning, it kept me invested up and even after the ky luc fight, but everything past chapter 95-100 just feels ... boring, too complicated, and it doesn't make full sense? I'm not sure if I can push the blame on kagami or the editors because its hard to tell what is still the original idea and what is pushed to keep readers going. over all the series has gone further downhill and i can't really say i am all too interested in how it ends anymore, maybe i'll still keep watching the fire burn or just wait till its ash.
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cooledtured · 4 months
Exploring the Lore of Homeworld 3 - What We Know So Far
Homeworld, the iconic real-time strategy game series, has captured the imagination of gamers for decades with its epic space battles and captivating storytelling. With the announcement of Homeworld 3, fans eagerly anticipate diving back into the rich universe crafted by Relic Entertainment. In this blog post, we'll explore the lore of Homeworld and discuss what we know so far about the upcoming installment.
The Origins
The discovery of the ancient starship buried beneath the desert sands of Kharak marks an important moment in the history of the Homeworld universe. This momentous find not only propels humanity into the age of space exploration but also sets the stage for a sage of excitement. With the newfound knowledge of hyperspace travel, the inhabitants of Kharak embark on a journey that will forever change their destiny.
As hyperspace gates are constructed and interstellar travel becomes a reality, different factions emerge, each trying for control and dominance in the vastness of space. The Kushan, descendants of the survivors of Kharak, want to reclaim their lost heritage and uncover the truth behind their origins. Meanwhile, the Taiidan Empire, a powerful force, seeks to maintain its grip on the galaxy through military might.
The Journey
Players of the Homeworld series are thrown into the role of fleet commanders, tasked with guiding their forces through the dangers of space. From intense battles to meeting new and exciting people, players must navigate their fleets through a series of strategic challenges, all while uncovering the mysteries of the universe.
But the journey is not just for conflict; it is also a journey of discovery and exploration. As players go through the galaxy, they encounter ancient artifacts and special beings that hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. Among these mysteries are the Progenitors, an ancient race that once roamed the stars and seeded life across the worlds. Unraveling the secrets of the Progenitors becomes a central focus of the Homeworld saga, driving players ever deeper into the heart of the game.
The Characters
Central to the Homeworld experience are its memorable characters, each with their own motivations, struggles, and triumphs. From the leadership of Karan S'jet to the wisdom of the Bentusi traders, these characters breathe life into the fast-paced story, serving as both allies and advisors on the player's journey.
Karan S'jet, in particular, emerges as a central figure in the struggle for the future of the galaxy. As the keeper of the ancient hyperspace core, Karan's leadership is very important in shaping the course of events. But she is not alone in her quest; alongside her stand a host of other characters, each playing their part in the unfolding drama of the universe.
What We Know
As anticipation builds for the release of Homeworld 3, fans eagerly await the next chapter in this epic saga. While details about the game are still scarce, several key points have been revealed, promising an experience that honors the legacy of the series while pushing it forward into exciting new territory.
Homeworld 3 will continue the story of the Hiigarans as they face a new threat that threatens to throw the galaxy into chaos. With improved graphics, more immersive gameplay, and a renewed focus on player choice, Homeworld 3 wants to deliver an experience that surpasses its predecessors in every way. As the countdown to release continues, fans can only wait with excitement, eager to embark on another unforgettable journey through the depths of space.
As we eagerly await the release of Homeworld 3 on May 13th, 2024, now is the perfect time to revisit the rich lore and immersive world of the Homeworld series. With its epic space battles, intricate storytelling, and memorable characters, Homeworld has left an indelible mark on the world of gaming, and Homeworld 3 promises to continue that legacy for a new generation of players.
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ink-long-dry · 2 years
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Continuing from yesterday... here’s the Ringmaster!
The Ringmaster, as they are known to their troupe, sees and hears all through their darling little harlequins. Their sole duty is the Circus' rousing success, that all far and wide come to enjoy the show-and that their voidlings are sated on patrons' aether.
More lore under the cut for length.
- To their troupe, they are known as The Ringmaster and are addressed as such. - Other voidsent that do not take part in the Circus festivities often call them The Progenitor, as they will often turn patrons into voidlings after extracting aether. - They use royal We pronouns (We/Us/Our) when addressing themselves. - With their link to the Kamea tribe voidlings who decorate themselves as troubadours or entertainers, they see and hear all that goes on in the Circus. As befits a Ringmaster. - As far as voidsent go, they are pretty whimsical, & operate mostly "Chaotic Neutral" scale. - All Saint's Wake is their hunting time, and the Circus their feeding grounds. Should a patron step into their feeding grounds, they are fair game. - They are perfectly cordial besides. - Their true voidsent name is Dantalion - Like their namesake, they wear many faces. - Often change their appearance according to whims, including scale placement/color, horn shape, and even physiology. - Constants between forms: abdomen tattoo, tail, fondness for the color white - They are the 13th shard of my other OC, Algos.
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Kung’s Intro to Vampire: the Masquerade: Addendum I (Caitiffs and the Thin Blooded)
Welcome to Kung’s Intro to Vampire: the Masquerade! This is a deep dive where I’m going to go fully into explaining kindred society, told in eight parts. However, this is not one of those eight parts- this is an addendum, which covers the thin blooded. The Clanless kindred and even more so the Thin Blooded are actively contradictory to normal vampires, both physically and socially, and because of this, are not part of my standard explanation. However, should you wish to play one, you’ll be on the border between vampire and mortal, and you’ll be making do with that you have.
History and Physiology
The Thin Blooded have many weaknesses, but have a few strengths as well. However, in order to understand the context of why the Thin Bloods are the way they are, and later in this addendum why they are reviled, we need to talk a little bit more about the significance of generation and why it is so important. 
According to Abrahamic Christian, Jewish, and Muslim kindred, all kindred are descended from the first murderer, Caine, with the first generation being Caine, the second generation being his direct children, and the third generation being the progenitors of the Clans. Every step down, the generation gets higher, until the 13th Generation. 
Until recently, it was thought that the 13th Generation was as low as the blood could go. Past around the 10th Generation, Caitiffs, kindred embraced without clan characteristics, would be more common, and it was viewed as unhealthy to embrace so low. However, in modern times, more of the 13th Generation would try to embrace, and in the End Times, a few of them succeeded. Thus, this began the Time of Thin Blood.
The Thin Blooded were unable to sustain vampiric disciplines, and were more affected by blood resonance, the emotional state which is imparted on one’s blood. Most could not heal as well, create blood bonds or ghouls, or successfully embrace, with only a few exceptions. Some were created without fangs, and a tortured few were even in a state where their vitae was too weak to stop their bodies from rotting. 
However, the Thin Bloods were also less badly affected by sunlight, fire and the Beast, and because of this, are valuable in ways beyond other kindred, as some can even operate during the day. A few could even sleep, eat and make love. Furthermore, using a combination of blood resonance and occult catalysts, the tradition of Thin Blood Alchemy formed to simulate disciplines within a decade.
Caitiff Culture
Being Caitiff in the Camarilla is generally not an option, barring a few extremely rare examples. At best, they can earn the status of neonates, at worst, they can earn the stake and sunrise. As a result, the Caitiff are forced to find positions elsewhere, often within the Anarchs, or historically, the Sabbat Orthodoxy.
There are no overarching Caitiff organizations. Most Caitiff are uninterested in associating with each other, and of the ones that are, most are discouraged by organized sects under whatever excuse. Because of this, most Caitiff are relatively solitary, and if any one stereotype about the Caitiff is accurate, it is the stereotype of the isolated, self reliant and independent Caitiff.
There was a relatively influential Caitiff Power movement in the 1960s, inspired by the relatively high-ranking Sabbat member Joseph Pander. Its adherents called themselves Panders (often disparagingly being called Mutts by others), and while they were accepted by the Sabbat Orthodoxy, most other sects scorned them, in part because of their associated with the Sabbat but also in part because they were seen as “making up” their own history and culture. Currently, few Panders remain today.
Duskborn Culture
The Thin-Bloods have it even rougher than the Caitiff. Often, the Camarilla will use Blood Sorcery to mystically brand them with the sign of the moon, and even normally accepting Anarchs hesitate to associate with Thin-Bloods and often keep them out of sight and out of mind. Many domains even outright kill Thin-Bloods upon discovery, prompting the Thin-Bloods to hide away.
Even more recent than the Pander Movement is Duskborn culture, which is only about thirty or maybe forty years old as of the 2020s. According to the Duskborn, the Thin Blooded are the next generation of kindred and are a legitimate faction within kindred society, and they exist within every sect, even in the Camarilla due to the presence of thinblooded “auxiliaries”. 
The Duskborn preach that the thin-bloods deserve to be regarded as proper kindred, declaring that they are equals to the other kindred despite whatever differences may exist. The Duskborn also exploit the differences of their nature in order to gain advantages, striking elders by day or pushing the limits of Alchemy. Naturally, this terrifies others, especially since this means Thin-Bloods have a cross-sect organization stronger than some clans. The implications of this remain to be seen, however.
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antiques-for-geeks · 9 days
Kolchak : The Night Stalker at 50 - The Ripper
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One of our favourite shows is 50 years old today.
About thirty years ago, Friday nights were a different experience; some of the school year diligently did their homework, avoiding having to do it on Sunday night. The cool kids were down the park; the local teenage boys trying to woo the local teenage girls with cheap cider from a corner shop whose proprietor would incessantly complain about the crumbling moral fibre of society, yet whose only check for the suitability of the cigarettes and alcohol he sold to his juvenile customers was their ability to pay.
Then there were those who were glued to the TV, who fell in love with early evening comedy, talk shows, late night news analysis and cult films starting not long before midnight.
Guess which ones we were?
Around the autumn of 1991, a series of late night cult TV started on BBC 2 in the UK. Called The Mystery Train was presented by Richard O’Brien (he of The Rocky Horror Show and Crystal Maze fame) and came in three parts. A serial, a film (usually a 50s sci-fi / schlock horror flick) and a short. Much like the Saturday morning matinees at the cinema my Dad used to tell me about.
The serial that was chosen for this nighttime smorgasbord? Kolchak : The Night Stalker.
Fronted by Darren McGavin reprises his titular role of Carl Kolchak (or Karl depending on the week's writer) from the earlier TV movies, it continued the adventures of the old-school newshound whose stories always seem to end up taking him into the world of the paranormal, shadowy government conspiracy, corporate shenanigans or scientists who unwittingly have unleashed far more than they expected.
To keep him in check, as much as Kolchak can be kept in check, Simon Oakland also returned as his long suffering boss, Tony Vincenzo.
The show has been seen as the progenitor of the X-Files, but it’s really better. Yes, it is rather “monster of the week” at its core, but Kolchak’s conceit is better than either Mulder or Scully. Plus, it’s unencumbered by a story-arc that has to be periodically shoe-horned into the show.
With hindsight the show really sat well with The Mystery Train’s eclectic vibe. Funnily, for a while neither Pop nor I knew the other was watching the show; but once we found out, Monday break and lunchtimes at school were a breathless analysis of Friday’s episode. Those who had missed it, or worse still didn't care, obviously shrugged their shoulders and left us to it.
Analysis might be stretching it a bit far. More a mix of piss-taking at the quality of the special effects, the flatness or excitement of that week’s story or marvelling at certain shots and the atmosphere they managed to create.
Siskel & Ebert’s jobs, no doubt to their relief, were safe.
Why bring this up now? Well, exactly 50 years ago today, the 13th of September 1974, Kolchak : The Night Stalker began airing in the US at 10pm, on ABC with the Episode The Ripper. 
The show only lasted a season, and a shorter than intended one at that, but it has cast a very long shadow.
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The Ripper strikes. It's about to go down.
Quite straightforward this one. A series of murders in Chicago has similarities with those committed in Whitechapel, London during 1888. No-one other than Kolchak can - or is willing enough to - suspend belief and put the pieces together to do what is needed to stop the killer.
Darren McGavin and Simon Oakland were joined by :
Beatrice Colen - Jane Plumm
Ruth McDevitt - Elderly Woman
Jack Grinnage - Ron Updyke
Ken Lynch - Capt. Warren
Marya Small - Masseuse
Donald Mantooth - Policeman
Robert Bryan Berger - Mail Boy
Roberta Collins - Detective Cortazzo
Clint Young - Driver
Mickey Gilbert as The Ripper
The Scoop
Pop : I haven't watched this series for many years, but this one feels like it hits all the beats of a 'typical' Night Stalker episode.
Carl Kolchak stalking a supernatural fiend, mostly at night, to get a juicy story.
Police officers being thrown about by said fiend.
Some banter with an exasperated Tony Vincenzo, Carl's boss at the Independent News Service.
Light piss taking of Ron Updike, a rival reporter.
Footage of a Chicago 'L' train passing through the city (you're going to see this clip a lot!)
Since it's the pilot, that all makes sense, but it also exposes one of my main issues with this series - it's very much like a smaller scale, less impressive version of the 2 highly successful feature films, which many original viewers were likely to have seen first. Still, taken on its own merits it's a decent pick for a pilot. And just to be clear, I'd definitely count myself as a fan of this series.
Just like the films, it's all very darkly lit. Although it reminds me a little of the critique of 'Manos, the hands of fate" in MST3k - "Every frame of this movie looks like someone's last known photo!", in my opinion, the lack of light in many of the scenes only adds to the creepy atmosphere, and helps to disguise cheap sets and costumes.
There is a decent amount of outdoor footage, and pacing is also good for a show of this era. This is the pilot, so I'm interested to see if that continues!
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You won't catch him like that. Our hero holds court to an exasperated Vincenzo and an indifferent Police Captain, who's about to get his arse handed to him.
Tim : This could so easily have been a rejected script for a third Kolchak film and yes, it does feel a little rushed in places, but the script does a good job of reintroducing the Kolchak/Vincenzo dynamic to an audience who would not have had the luxury of pulling up a streaming service and re-watching the preceding movies.
It also pretty well sets up the character of Ron Updyke and his, albeit one-sided, rivalry with Kolchak. Jack Grinnage and Darren McGavin were good friends, which is immediately obvious from chemistry.
The tension and tone of the show is established quickly in the opening shots and maintained. Part of this is down to the theme by Gil Melle, part to the incidental music; that moment you hear the series theme and its flip from gentle to menacing half way through. Coupled with some really lovely cinematography, even if by modern standards, sometimes feels a bit shonky.
What the episode doesn’t do well is as obvious as what it does - away from the leads and the characters of Updyke and Captain Warren (Ken Lynch), there is a very real feeling that everyone else is wallpaper, only there to move the story forward to Kolchak’s next checkpoint.
Overall though, this was one of my favourite episodes back in the 1990s and on rewatching it didn’t disappoint.
Pop : I love Kolchak's freak out when he's hiding in the ripper's wardrobe and is about to get caught. Darren McGavin really does give his all to sell this series, and his performance perfectly walks the line by treating the material just seriously enough to avoid undermining it.
Tim : Agree the wardrobe scene is a key moment, but the chase between The Ripper and Police is an exciting, if sanitised for 1970s US network TV, action scene that feels larger than the budget. The lighter, more comedic moments with the Independent News Service staff and the Police land well too, providing just enough of a counterpoint to the show's horror, to avoid seeming silly.
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"Miss Physical Therapist" in a Ripper story. Uh-huh. Right. "Contestants". Gotcha.
Pop : The ripper himself has no character - he's a silent killing machine.
He also manages to keep his Victorian era suit and cloak perfectly intact through decades of gruesome murder. Perhaps his clothes are also supernatural?
Tim : Jane Plumm’s given a raw deal in this episode; the way she’s introduced, you’re immediately made aware she’s a one dimensional. disposable character defined largely by her physique.
Score on the doors
Pop : I'll give this one 7/10.
Tim : Solid. 8/10.
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How can you explain it? Who could explain it? Who'd believe it? Carl ponders if his story will ever fly.
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ravenspeakrp · 1 month
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Welcome to Raven’s Peak, Mad, we’re excited to have you! Emile Lipkin (Vampire, Timothee Chalamet) has been accepted. Please be sure to stop by the CHECKLIST for the follow list, tags to track, and other reminders.
FULL NAME: Emile Lipkin SPECIES: Vampire AGE: 62 (Eternally 25)   DATE OF BIRTH: October 13th, 1962 GENDER IDENTITY: Male NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown OCCUPATION: Clerk WORKPLACE: Video Vortex POSITIVE TRAITS: Loyal, Passionate, Progressive NEGATIVE TRAITS: Impulsive, Mulish, Reticent LENGTH OF TIME IN RAVEN’S PEAK: 10 years FACE CLAIM: Timothee Chalamet
TRIGGER WARNING: Familial Death TW Emile was never meant to be turned. In fact, he never even yearned for immortality when he sought out the supernatural. A goth who took his interest in the macabre too far found himself in the hands of a vampire who didn’t seem to mind keeping a human donor around. He was a willing sacrifice and the desire to serve kept him in good graces with the immortal being.
All of that changed Christmas Eve of 1988. Perhaps it had been the spirit of the season, or just another way to keep young Emile hooked on the vampire but he was given an addictive taste of just what his willing donation fueled and was a gesture Emile accepted graciously. The taste of the vampire’s blood still remains a vile memory of regret in his mouth. Emile was sent away from the vampire’s den to reunite with his family for the holiday. A slip on black ice, which should’ve been tragically fatal, ended up resulting in Emile waking in a pool of blood that had no defined exit wound. Startled, disoriented, and unable to understand the sickness that overcame him, Emile bound home unaware he would make the second grave mistake of the night.
Even eternally damned to suffer with the memory of the slaughtering of the three family members awaiting his return the incident remains a blur in Emile’s mind as it cruelly cemented his fate. Control had always been a weakness of Emile’s through humanity and there was no stopping the supernatural primal need to feast once it was upon him. He didn’t even realize what was happening until it was too late. Covered in blood with the inability to cry for those he had loved, Emile rushed to the vampire who was in horror of what he’d done and quickly uprooted them. They had never intended to create a monster of his own and was now indebted to the once human who had been more or less a pet.
Emile’s formative years as a new vampire were torturous. The already reclusive pair was forced further into the shadows and kept from prying eyes as Emilie struggled with his blood lust. After his transformation his progenitor became his entire world and Emile saw himself in tow forever that is until the night they did not return. Emile waited until sunrise and then sundown again and again until it became clear the vampire would not return having been caught and butchered by hunters.
Alone in the world and terrified of the fate he was sure to succumb to, Emile drove himself to near starvation. He was horrified by his blood lust and his lack of control and isolated himself deep in the woods surviving on the few unlucky souls who ventured too far off the beaten path until his trek deeper and deeper away from the world. It wasn’t until about a decade ago Emilie reentered society and found a community in Raven’s Peak. He calls the place home now and he feels some safety in the number of supernatural beings that occupy the community even if there is always the threat of being hunted no matter where he settles down. 
FILLING CONNECTION: no INSPIRATIONS: n/a for now but will be working on!
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anestofocs · 3 months
The Doctor 's Verses and AUs
Because running around cackling while breaking canon is a time honoured Whovian tradition.
Verse 1: Tekkenverse
Name: John
Alias: The Doctor
A strange gender fluid person who practises a strange "Venusian" version of Aikido. "John" claims to be from Scotland and teaches history when not entering The King of Iron Fist Tournaments. Tet strangely, nobody can ever quite pin their own history down. Not helped by the fact that they have bee in every tournament, yet never seem to age. When the wotld was thrust into war by devils. John quit his teaching position and took up arms, first in young Hwoarang's resistance thrn in Yggdrasil.
Verse 2: Dragon Age
Name: Doc
Affiliation: Lords of Fortune
Race: human?
A cankerous old mage who barely pretends he isn't one. Doc was born in Tevinter to a house in good standing, he could have been a magister or even a candidate for Divine. If not for his inability to follow rules and tendency to blow off his studies. One day as a young teenager, Doc helped free his family's slaves and fled with them. Never looking back or settling down since.
The God of-
(Semi Spoilers for The 13th and 15th Doctor's series below,)
Name: The Doctor
Title: The God of Drama (As part of the Pantheon)/ The God of Stories (Post rebellion)
The Toymaker: Father
The Maestro: Sibling
Sutekh, The one who waits: (grand) Progenitor
The Mara: fellow deity
The Trickster: Fellow deity
River Song: Wife
Susan: Grandaughter
Rory and Amy Pond: In laws
The Timeless Child was never born of Galifrey, that much was true. But in this universe the being known as The Doctor always knew their beginnings, the middles and ends too. But if they mentioned it to The Master then were would the excitement, the suspense, the Drama? As their sibling was music and their father was games, The Doctor was story itself. Everything they did, they did for the most dramatic effect. One can't entertain for over millenia or 61 years without it. At least, that was how they used to justify it until he lost the companions before he and Susan hid in a certain junkyard. Now they seek to preserve life and through story.
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jrhughes · 7 months
Line of Esau, Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors
(Sunday February 25th, 2024)
Genesis 36-37
Golden Text:       17 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.  19 And they of the south shall possess the mount of Esau; and they of the plain the Philistines: and they shall possess the fields of Ephraim, and the fields of Samaria: and Benjamin shall possess Gilead. - Obadiah 1:17-19
Introduction - When I first read Genesis 36 and realized it had to do with Esau and Edom and nothing to do with the lineage to Messiah, I thought seriously about skipping over Chapter 36 totally, as it did not seem relevant. However, the Bible tells us All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: (2 Timothy 3:16) so I thought perhaps I should check out whatever happened to Esau and the Edomites.
Wikipedia states:
Esau is the elder son of Isaac in the Hebrew Bible. He is mentioned in the Book of Genesis and by the prophets Obadiah and Malachi. The Christian New Testament alludes to him in the Epistle to the Romans and in the Epistle to the Hebrews. According to the Hebrew Bible, Esau is the progenitor of the Edomites and the elder brother of Jacob, the patriarch of the Israelites.
As to the Edomites, Wikipedia tell us:
Edomites are related in several ancient sources including the list of the Egyptian pharaoh Seti I from c. 1215 BC as well as in the chronicle of a campaign by Ramesses III. 1186–1155 BC), and the Tanakh. Archaeological investigation has shown that the nation flourished between the 13th and the 8th centuries BC and was destroyed after a period of decline in the 6th century BC by the Babylonians. After the fall of the kingdom of Edom, the Edomites were pushed westward towards southern Judah by nomadic tribes coming from the east; among them were the Arab Nabataeans, who first appeared in the historical annals of the 4th century BC and had already established their own kingdom in what used to be Edom by the first half of the 2nd century BC. More recent excavations show that the process of Edomite settlement in the southern parts of the Kingdom of Judah and parts of the Negev down to Timna had started already before the destruction of the kingdom by Nebuchadnezzar II in 587/86 BC, both by peaceful penetration and by military means and taking advantage of the already-weakened state of Judah.
Once pushed out of their territory, the Edomites settled during the Persian period in an area comprising the southern hills of Judea down to the area north of Be'er Sheva. The people appear under a Greek form of their old name, as Idumeans or Idumaeans, and their new territory was called Idumea or Idumaea (Greek: Idoumaía; Latin: Idumaea), a term that was used in the Hellenistic and Roman periods, also mentioned in the New Testament. During the 2nd century BC, the Edomites were forcibly converted to Judaism by the Hasmoneans, and were incorporated into the Jewish religion.
So it is clear that the Edomites never were in the line to Messiah through Abraham Isaac and Jacob. However, since all Scripture is given by inspiration of God we present it here. We are not going to delve into it in any detail. We are going to include only the names and the comments by Matthew Henry.
When searching for the reasons to set forth this lineage of Esau, we find no clear commentary as to why this lineage of Esau, which will not lead to Messiah or any of the tribes of Israel is set forth. We know of the propensity of Israel to keep genealogies but that is not offered as an explanation.
Matthew Henry (1662 - 1714) writes:
In this chapter 36 we have an account of the posterity (family) of Esau, who, from him, were called Edomites, that Esau who sold his birthright, and lost his blessing, and was not loved of God as Jacob was. Here is a brief register kept of his family for some generations. 1. Because he was the son of Isaac, for whose sake this honour is put upon him. 2. Because the Edomites were neighbours to Israel, and their genealogy would be of use to give light to the following stories of what passed between them. 3. It is to show the performance of the promise to Abraham, that he should be "the father of many nations," and of that answer which Rebekah had from the oracle she consulted, "Two nations are in thy womb," and of the blessing of Isaac, "Thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth."
We have here, I. Esau's wives, Genesis 36:1-5. II. His remove to mount Seir, Genesis 36:6-8. III. The names of his sons, Genesis 36:9-14. IV.
The dukes who descended of his sons, Genesis 36:15-19. V. The dukes of the Horites,
Genesis 36:20-30. VI. The kings and dukes of Edom, Genesis 36:31-43. Little more is recorded than their names, because the history of those that were out of the church (though perhaps it might have been serviceable in politics) would have been of little use in divinity. It is in the church that the memorable instances are found of special grace, and special providence; for that is the enclosure, the rest is common. This chapter is abridged, 1 Chronicles 1:35-54
Other then knowing the names of the several offspring of Esau, we learn little about Esau.
Matthew Henry (1662 - 1714) writes: The Generations of Esau. B.C. 1780.
1 Now these are the generations of Esau, who is Edom. 2 Esau took his wives of the daughters of Canaan; Adah the daughter of Elon the Hittite, and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon the Hivite; 3 And Bashemath Ishmael's daughter, sister of Nebajoth. 4 And Adah bare to Esau Eliphaz; and Bashemath bare Reuel; 5 And Aholibamah bare Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah: these are the sons of Esau, which were born unto him in the land of Canaan. 6 And Esau took his wives, and his sons, and his daughters, and all the persons of his house, and his cattle, and all his beasts, and all his substance, which he had got in the land of Canaan; and went into the country from the face of his brother Jacob. 7 For their riches were more than that they might dwell together; and the land wherein they were strangers could not bear them because of their cattle. 8 Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: Esau is Edom.
Verses 9-19
The Dukes of Edom.     B. C. 1729.
9 And these are the generations of Esau the father of the Edomites in mount Seir: 10 These are the names of Esau's sons; Eliphaz the son of Adah the wife of Esau, Reuel the son of Bashemath the wife of Esau. 11 And the sons of Eliphaz were Teman, Omar, Zepho, and Gatam, and Kenaz. 12 And Timna was concubine to Eliphaz Esau's son; and she bare to Eliphaz Amalek: these were the sons of Adah Esau's wife. 13 And these are the sons of Reuel; Nahath, and Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah: these were the sons of Bashemath Esau's wife. 14 And these were the sons of Aholibamah, the daughter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon, Esau's wife: and she bare to Esau Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah. 15 These were dukes of the sons of Esau: the sons of Eliphaz the firstborn son of Esau; duke Teman, duke Omar, duke Zepho, duke Kenaz, 16 Duke Korah, duke Gatam, and duke Amalek: these are the dukes that came of Eliphaz in the land of Edom; these were the sons of Adah. 17 And these are the sons of Reuel Esau's son; duke Nahath, duke Zerah, duke Shammah, duke Mizzah: these are the dukes that came of Reuel in the land of Edom; these are the sons of Bashemath Esau's wife. 18 And these are the sons of Aholibamah Esau's wife; duke Jeush, duke Jaalam, duke Korah: these were the dukes that came of Aholibamah the daughter of Anah, Esau's wife. 19 These are the sons of Esau, who is Edom, and these are their dukes.
Verses 20-30
20 These are the sons of Seir the Horite, who inhabited the land; Lotan, and Shobal, and Zibeon, and Anah, 21 And Dishon, and Ezer, and Dishan: these are the dukes of the Horites, the children of Seir in the land of Edom. 22 And the children of Lotan were Hori and Hemam; and Lotan's sister was Timna. 23 And the children of Shobal were these; Alvan, and Manahath, and Ebal, Shepho, and Onam. 24 And these are the children of Zibeon; both Ajah, and Anah: this was that Anah that found the mules in the wilderness, as he fed the asses of Zibeon his father. 25 And the children of Anah were these; Dishon, and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah. 26 And these are the children of Dishon; Hemdan, and Eshban, and Ithran, and Cheran. 27 The children of Ezer are these; Bilhan, and Zaavan, and Akan. 28 The children of Dishan are these; Uz, and Aran. 29 These are the dukes that came of the Horites; duke Lotan, duke Shobal, duke Zibeon, duke Anah, 30 Duke Dishon, duke Ezer, duke Dishan: these are the dukes that came of Hori, among their dukes in the land of Seir.
Verses 31-43
31 And these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom, before there reigned any king over the children of Israel. 32 And Bela the son of Beor reigned in Edom: and the name of his city was Dinhabah. 33 And Bela died, and Jobab the son of Zerah of Bozrah reigned in his stead. 34 And Jobab died, and Husham of the land of Temani reigned in his stead. 35 And Husham died, and Hadad the son of Bedad, who smote Midian in the field of Moab, reigned in his stead: and the name of his city was Avith. 36 And Hadad died, and Samlah of Masrekah reigned in his stead. 37 And Samlah died, and Saul of Rehoboth by the river reigned in his stead. 38 And Saul died, and Baal-hanan the son of Achbor reigned in his stead. 39 And Baal-hanan the son of Achbor died, and Hadar reigned in his stead: and the name of his city was Pau; and his wife's name was Mehetabel, the daughter of Matred, the daughter of Mezahab. 40 And these are the names of the dukes that came of Esau, according to their families, after their places, by their names; duke Timnah, duke Alvah, duke Jetheth, 41 Duke Aholibamah, duke Elah, duke Pinon, 42 Duke Kenaz, duke Teman, duke Mibzar, 43 Duke Magdiel, duke Iram: these be the dukes of Edom, according to their habitations in the land of their possession: he is Esau the father of the Edomites.
This is a summary of the line that led no where and ended: 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.
Since it is clear these are not in the Messianic line we move on to Genesis 37.
Message Text -2 Chapter 37:1-11
1 And Jacob dwelt in the land wherein his father was a stranger, in the land of Canaan.
Verse 1 tells us Jacob lived in the land wherein his father Isaac was a sojourner not a landowner. His father Isaac had no property and the only property we know that was owned by the family was the burying place purchased by Abraham where they buried Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah and would later bury Jacob and Leah
2 These are the generations of Jacob. Joseph, being seventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his brethren; and the lad was with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives: and Joseph brought unto his father their evil report.
Verse 2 tells us these are the generations of Jacob. Joseph was 17 years old and was out feeding the flock with his brethren. He was with the sons of Bilhah (Dan and Napthtali) along with the sons of Zilpah (Gad and Asher) and Joseph brought to his father Jacob an evil report. Apparently the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah were not acting in the best interests of Jacob their father. Joseph saw this as wrong and  there was nothing he could do except report what was really happening to his father Jacob.
Adam Clarke says:
These are the generations ... the history of the lives and actions of Jacob and his sons. ... brought unto his father their evil report — Conjecture has been busily employed to find out what this evil report might be; but it is needless to inquire what it was, as on this head the sacred text is perfectly silent. All the use we can make of this information is, that it was one cause of increasing his brothers' hatred to him, which was first excited by his father's partiality, and secondly by his own dreams.
3 Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours.
Verse 3 tells us that Israel (Jacob) loved Joseph more than all his children because Joseph was the son of his old age and the biological son of Rachel. As you will recall, it was Rachel who was Jacob’s true love. It was Rachel for whom Jacob worked 7 years and then was enticed to work another seven. Jacob was a deceiver and he met his match in his uncle Laban. Both families were a mess.
The Ideal Family: Let us think for a moment of the ideal family. The Bible tells us that marriage is to be one man, one woman together forever. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.  Later the Bible tells us: And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters: Genesis 5:4
So we have one man and one woman together for ever having sons and daughters. This is the picture of marriage and family.
Fast Forward to more modern times. A man meets his wife at a young age, say after they both graduate from college. They both come from two parent homes where divorce is not even thought of.  At first both work, but then she becomes pregnant and after the child is born, the wife becomes the mother and becomes a stay at home mom. The father makes enough money to meet the needs of the family. They have three or four children. Not one is favored. The children all feel loved and cared for by their parents. They have great home and school life and all of the children go to college. The children also have good marriages. Now this is the ideal home and family. Do we have that here with the eleven sons and one daughter of Jacob and his four wives?   No.  Are the children all treated the same?  No! Does the father openly favor one child above the others? Does this cause envy, strife and jealousy among the others?  YES! Would we have to admit that Jacob was not a good father for each of the children?
And contrast that one wife for life with Jacob. Jacob had four (4) wives and eventually 12 sons and one daughter. This family of Jacob was no where near the ideals set forth in the Bible. Jacob was in messy marriages. His wives were from the pagan religions and had their own gods. Furthermore Jacob had a favorite son, Joseph Everyone knew Joseph was his favorite. Joseph was envied and his brothers resented his favored status.
If Jacob-Israel had wanted to, he could have kept his thoughts to himself and probably lessened the strife in the family, but he not only made it clear Joseph was his favorite, he made Joseph a special coat of many colors. Some commentators tell us it means various things, but the 54 men who translated the King James verison of the Bible, who could all read Greek, Hebrew, English and Latin stated it was a coat of many colors.
Adam Clarke (1760 - 1832) states:
A coat of many colours ... Similar to this was the toga praetexta of the Roman youth, which was white, striped or fringed with purple; this they wore till they were seventeen years of age ...Such vestures as clothing of distinction are worn all over Persia, India, and China to the present day. ... We have already seen some of the evils produced by this unwarrantable conduct of parents in preferring one child to all the rest.
4 And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him, and could not speak peaceably unto him.
They hated him: His brothers were not fools, they could see the outward signs of favor shown to Joseph. Although I suppose one should be upset with the father, instead they hated Joseph and could not carry on a peaceful conversation with him. So we see that we have a father who has caused strife among the other children. And they chose to have Jospeh. Joseph was despised by his brothers because of the favoritism showed him by their father. Parents should take heed at this point in time and not find themselves outwardly favoring one child over another, as it would disrupt the family. I am sure that in some cases one child is preferred above the other but wise parents will not make that obvious and cause strife in the family. The same can be said for grandchildren, for those of you old enough to have grandchildren. Hatred can often lead to death as Cain slew Able. Esau vowed to kill Joseph.
Adam Clarke (1760 - 1832) states of the brothers:
And could not speak peaceably unto him (Joseph). — Does not this imply, in our use of the term, that they were continually quarreling with him? but this is no meaning of the original ... they could not speak peace to him... They would not speak peaceably to Joseph.
5 And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. 6 And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed: 7 For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf. 8 And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words.
Verse 5 tells you Joseph dreamed a dream. So far no problem but then, either through his naivety, or perhaps even some arrogance, he decided to tell his brothers the details of the dream.
They were in the fields and they were binding sheaves, which was in this case most likely wheat or barley wrapped together with ties around it. Joseph said to his brothers, that his sheaf stood up and the brothers’ sheaves made obeisance - bowed down to the sheaf of Joseph.
This had to inflame their anger even more greatly than before. Probably in an uncivil tone, they asked Joseph, So you think you’re going to reign over us? You think you’re going to have dominion over us? They were angry and more hatred arose in their hearts, especially for Joseph having such an arrogant dream.
And we know that when one is jealous and envious, this often leads to death.  Cain slew his brother because of his jealous envy. Later Esau threatened death against Jacob, causing Jacob to flee from the area and go to be with his uncle Laban.
One has to wonder what caused Joseph to take this position so blatantly and obviously. Was he that naive? Was he just being what he considered honest? Did he understand his words would engender strife amongst his brethren against him? What was his motive?
Adam Clarke (1760 - 1832) states of the dream of Joseph:
We were binding sheaves in the field - Though in these early times we read little of tillage, yet it is evident from this circumstance that it was practiced by Jacob and his sons.
9 And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.
We do not know how much time has passed, but Joseph dreamed yet another dream. By now Joseph had to know that the dream about the sheaves bowing down to his sheaf angered the brothers and made them think less of him. One has to think that by now he would know that what he was doing would not be popular but he couldn’t stifle himself.
Now Joseph told his brethren of his second dream. His told his brothers that he has dreamed a similar dream and the sun and moon and the eleven stars bowed down (made obeisance) to him, to Joseph.
Adam Clarke (1760 - 1832) states of Jospeh:
He dreamed yet another dream ... Why eleven stars? Was it merely to signify that his brothers might be represented by stars? But not the head of the family?
10 And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?
When Joseph told his father and his brethren about them bowing down to Joseph, his father (who favored Joseph) rebuked Joseph and said unto him, Are you saying that your mother and I are going to bow down to you? What is going through your head, young man? We will not know for certain the motive behind the dream of Joseph and his believing he had to express it.
11 And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying.
What was the reaction? His brothers were very upset with him, they envied him, they were jealous of him and were upset by him. (Remember Cain) However, his father Jacob thought about what Joseph was saying and pondered it in his heart.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we touch on Genesis 36, although we do not speak of it in detail as it is clear that this does not concern the line to Messiah, through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob-Israel or the twelve sons of Jacob-Israel. Yet all Scripture is given by God and so we include it so one will have a completer picture of Scripture. Then we return to Jacob-Israel and the line to the Messiah of Israel and Saviour of all mankind. Here we see the error of a father, making it so very clear that Jacob holds one out as special. Jacob does not try to hide it from the other brothers who may be seeing themselves as second class family members. Then Jacob-Israel adds fuel to the fire with his dreams. He, Jacob would be superior to his brothers. They would bow down to him. This further angers the brothers. Joseph dreams yet another dream where the parents and brothers bow to Joseph. This further upsets the brothers and Jacob rebukes Joseph. But Jacob-Israel ponders this in his heart.  Not knowing that not too many years ahead, God will provide a way to fulfill the dreams when Joseph is made second ruler, after Pharaoh in the land of Egypt. There his brother and family end up being benefactors of the love and supplier of the food to keep Israel and all his alive. Thank You Lord that You are with us always. Because you live we can face tomorrow assured that You will meet our needs. Thank You Lord. This I pray in the Name of Jesus.  Amen and amen.
May God bless you in all that you do for Him, Brother J.R. Soul winner, Bible teacher, Defender of the Faith
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Last month's PNW playlist
SLW 2023, episode 32 (2023_09_09)
Broadcast: KTQA-LP 95.3 FM Tacoma, streaming address at KTQA.org
Voice-Over/Intro, music in the background: (the) Melvins - Judy/JUDY! (Los Angeles, California 1999)
01. 2 Libras - Infected (Seattle, Washington 2023)
02. Bunny Cult - Feed the Pack (Seattle, Washington 2023)
03. Primary Pulse - Storm (Federal Way, Washington 2020)
04. Eastern Promise - Sea Of Tranquility (Tacoma, Washington 2022)
05. Chrome Ghost - Solitary (Sacramento, California 2016)
Voice-Over/First Break, music in the background: Toucans Steel Drum Band - Spanish Eyes (Seattle, Washington 2005)
06. Carrion Bloom - Dissolutus (Oakland, California 2022)
07. DEMONSMOKE - Creeping Down Your Neck (Antioch, California 2017)
08. AEQUOREA - Mara of the Hollow Shadow Aequorea (Nevada City, California 2022)
09. Burning Palace - Oceans of Black (Santa Rosa, California 2020)
10. Cailleach Calling - Mercurial Inversion (Oakland, California 2022)
Voice-Over/Top of The Hour Break, music in the background: Matmos - Ross Transcript (Baltimore, Maryland 2013)
11. Vaulderie - Dreadful Night (Tacoma, Washington 2022)
12. Progenitor - Beast of Gevaudan (Tacoma, Washington 2023)
13. Veruta - Insidious Eye (Seattle, Washington 2022)
14. Minenwerfer - Cemetery Fields (Sacramento, California 2023)
15. Hulder - Upon Frigid Winds (Olympia, Washington 2023)
Voice-Over/Third Break, music in the background: Wilfred Josephs - Chimes (Original Unused Main Title Theme, The Prisoner OST (BBC T.V. 1968))
16. Oppressive Descent - Limbs Strewn Across The Battered Snow (Portland, Oregon 2023)
17. Vorlust - 13th Circle (Oakland, California 2022)
18. Desiccation - Cold Dead Earth (Nevada City, California 2022)
19. Infelix - Immediate Absence (demo II)(Seattle, Washington 2022)
Voice-Over/Last Break, music in the background: Vond - To the dreamer Dead and The dreamer Dying (Notodden, Norway 1998)
20. Lapsed - VIII (C/A/T Remix)(Seattle, Washington 2022)
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frankhoogerbeets · 1 year
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Frank Hoogerbeets : Straddling the Line Between Charlatan and Scientist
On the 13th of September in the year 2023, a contentious scientist resurfaced, delivering a grave proclamation to the world: a cataclysmic earthquake and an immense tsunami loomed ominously over the region encompassing Portugal, Spain, and Morocco. The time frame allotted for this foreboding event was set between the 15th and 21st of September in that same fateful year. Do you place credence in these dire prognostications?
Frank Hoogerbeets, a Dutch scholar and seismologist of infamy, has garnered recognition for his seismic forecasts founded upon the alignment of celestial bodies. He stands as the progenitor of the Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGS), an esteemed research institution dedicated to exploring the intricate nexus between planetary alignments and seismic tumult.
Hoogerbeets embarked upon his investigative journey in 2014, positing the hypothesis that a nexus existed between planetary alignments and the tempestuous convulsions of the Earth’s crust.
source : https://frankhoogerbeets.net/
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dougrobyngoold · 1 year
Buda Castle District & Night Cruise on the Danube River - Budapest, Hungary
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We started the day off by climbing up the hill to the Fisherman’s Bastion in the Castle District. It was a steep set of stairs and ramps, but we quickly forgot all of that when we reached the top. The plaza is expansive and the views are amazing! Pictured above is the statue of St Stephen and pictured below are the spires of Fisherman’s Bastion.
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We had a lovely, partly cloudy day for our photos from the Castle District. Pictured below is the view looking toward Margrit Island and the Parliament Building.
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There is a lot to see in the Castle District and it is a HUGE tourist destination. We had to be patient with the crowds and waiting our turn to take pictures - we are a bit exhausted by all of the “posing” that seems to be required when people are taking their pictures!
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Matthias Church with its beautiful tiled roof - it dominates the square it is located in.
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The Holy Trinity Column Statue built to commemorate the people of Buda who died from the Black Plague.
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Church of St. Mary Magdalene tower and remains, the church was built between the 13th and 15th centuries.
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National Archives of Hungary, another beautifully tiled roof - the picture does not do it justice.
Our journey through the Castle District continued along the northern perimeter. We stayed up on the terraced portion, which was away from the crowds on the plaza and provided us with great views of the surrounding areas. There were several statues and monuments on the terrace, as well as safety warnings!
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After a lovely walk on the terrace, we rejoined the crowds at the plaza next to the Buda Castle. We made our way to the overlook and managed to get a spot to take in the views. Spectacular!
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Gates to the Buda Castle plaza.
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Statue of Turul, Hungary’s mythical bird that “ravaged the grandmother of Arpad and impregnated her, thus establishing the Turul as the progenitor of Hungary’s first reigning dynasty”. You can thank Cityseeker for that description!!
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Danube River, Margit Island Bridge, and Parliament Building from the Castle District.
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The famous Chain Bridge on the Danube River.
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I am posting this picture because I love the sky in it and the panoramic view.
The Buda Castle is a ginormous complex, we wandered around for at least an hour without going inside of the castle. Inside the castle are several museums and displays, we opted not to enter any of them. It is free to wander around the grounds, each museum/entrance to the building required a fee.
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The Royal Riding Hall, which is located in the Csikos courtyard. 
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A shot of the front of the Buda Castle, just a small section of the entire complex. There is a museum located in this portion of the castle.
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Statue of Prince Eugene of Savoy.
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A view through the ivy-covered trellis along the steps, as we descended from the Castle District down to the promenade.
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Cave Church, located along the promenade on the Buda side of the river.
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Szabadsag hid or Liberty Bridge, it spans the Danube River at the southern end of the City Centre. 
We crossed the bridge to reach the Central Market Hall. We had hoped to find a place to eat lunch there, but we didn’t find anything that really appealed and it was extremely crowded - not really a place to sit down to eat. We enjoyed walking through the market and checking out all the different displays. Lots of paprika, alcohol, and pretty vegetables to look at!
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We then wandered north from the market and found a tiny little cafe and had ourselves a little hummus and veggies for lunch, loved this sign from the cafe:
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After lunch, we went back to our Airbnb and rested for a bit - we had a night cruise on the Danube scheduled in the evening, which didn’t start until 8:45!!
Our river cruise started from Dock 11 on the Pest side of the Danube. We cruised downriver first, passing the Liberty Bridge and all of the people lined up on it to view the sunset (pictured below).
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Liberty Bridge lined with sunset watchers.
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The Whale - a shopping and cultural center on the Pest side of the river.
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Budapest University of Technology and Economics on the Buda side of the river.
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Liberty Bridge and the Liberty Statue on Citadel Hill.
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Buda Castle (above and below, because I couldn’t choose which picture I liked the best).
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Matthias Church and Fisherman’s Bastion.
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Chain Bridge, lit up with the colors of the Hungarian flag.
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The Parliament Building, as we approached.
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The Parliament Building, a sparkling jewel - the perfect end to a lovely cruise on the Danube.
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amitapaul · 1 year
1519 -105
Year 2023 Month April Day 23
Prompt Dated 23/4/23
Response No : 1
Poem No : 29
Featured Poem :
Our featured participant for the day is Moment of November, which inverts Emily Dickinson’s “My Nosegays are for Captives” into a lovely verse that takes roses as its starting point.
My Roses are for Seekers
Napowrimo Day 22: Pick an Emily Dickinson poem and make it your own.
I chose “My Nosegays Are For Captives”
The original:
“My Nosegays Are For Captives”
My nosegays are for captives;
Dim, long-expectant eyes,
Fingers denied the plucking,
Patient till paradise,
To such, if they should whisper
Of morning and the moor,
They bear no other errand,
And I, no other prayer.
My poem:
My Roses are for Seekers
My roses are
For seekers, world-weary;
Eyes bloodshot and blurred,
Souls impatient and ready.
To such, if they
Would only shout out loud
Of expectant constellations
And refuse to cease the sound,
They would have no farther
To go.
I’d give of mine, with plenty
Left to show.
Poetry Resource :
Our daily resource is African Poems, a website devoted to presenting poetry from Africa, with an emphasis on making oral poetry available to a wide audience through recordings.
The city of Ògbómọ̀ṣọ́ is located within Oyo State, south-western Nigeria. It is close to a forest region that was an area of indigenous iron mining and smelting. The towns in this region are home to the largest concentration of Ògún festivals in Yorubaland, Ògún being the Yorùbá god of iron, blacksmithing, tool making, hunting and warfare. More poetry about Ògún can be found here.
The village was founded in the 17th century by hunters who formed a mutual assistance community, Egbe Alongo (Alongo Society), that also served as a military pact to defend against slave raiders. The village grew as refugees fleeing slavers, and later the Fulani Jihad in the 19th century, were offered shelter in Ògbómọ̀ṣọ́. The town established a reputation as a birthplace of warriors that continued through the 20th century when soldiers from the region became famous during the Nigerian–Biafran War.
One of the indigenous genres of music that originates in Ògbómọ̀ṣọ́ is Ìjálá Ọdẹ, a style of oral poetry mythically and ritually associated with the worship of Ògún. Ìjálá poetry was historically composed by hunters to describe the characteristics of the animals they hunt and to eulogise hunters and warriors at their funerals.
The poet Ògundáre Fóyánmu was born in Ògbómọ̀ṣọ́ in 1932 and died on the 13th October, 2012 at the age of 80. Introduced to oral poetry through his father, an Egúngún chanter, Fóyánmu became instrumental in the evolution of Ìjálá Ọdẹ in Ògbómọ̀ṣọ́.
This rendition by Ògundáre Fóyánmu was recorded on Saturday the 25th August 1978 and performed before the traditional ruler of Ògbómọ̀ṣọ́, Ọba Jimoh Oladunni Oyewumi, who is here referred to as Akano Oladunni.
Here, the poet lists the lineage of kings who ruled Ògbómọ̀ṣọ́ since its founding by the hunter Olabanjo Ogunlola Ogundiran and his wife Esuu in 1659. We hear Fóyánmu praising the successful battles of the early leaders, before moving on to celebrate the traders, musicians, farmers, soldiers and other indigenes of contemporary Ògbómọ̀ṣọ́.
The performance ends with Fóyánmu encouraging the citizens of Ògbómọ̀ṣọ́ to join the cooperative society, reflecting the mutual assistance pact made by the founders of the city in the 17th century.
My thanks to Adéjọkẹ́ Yéwándé Olúwájọbí for the translation that follows.
Akano Oladunni, (1)
always remember your progenitors in all your endeavours.
The king of Ogbomosho!
Because paying homage is important.
As the spirits of predecessors will on this note support the successors.
Ogunlola bears the name of the first king. (2)
Soun Keeetan, the spirit of Laberinjo,
the greatly feathered peacock,
the highly-armoured warrior.
All these greetings belong to the First Soun!
The one who brings elephant to town.
The one who fights with all bravery.
The one who strikes in the battle like thunder.
The powerful one who is always daring.
The one who has armoury all over him.
The one for whom drums made from brass were massively beaten.
May you get home safely!
He will always support you as a father supports his child.
And Jogi Oro Apati who does not fear war at anytime. (3)
He challenges both the oracle and the idols.
He who does as he wishes.
All hail the king!
He will also support you.
And Ikumoyede Ajao, (4)
the one who possesses royal semen,
the endowed king of Bambi.
The king who had five wives,
each of them had one child for him,
and every of the child became king.
Oh Foyanmu, you are versed in history!
Ikumoyede was the husband of Agbo-in,
the daughter of Alaafin of the Old Oyo empire.
And she bore Toyeje, the fiery general. (5)
Ikumoyede was the husband of Balusoke Adubo.
Adubo was a native of Ajase-ipo town.
She was the mother of Oluwusi Aremu, (6)
the one who was slim and possessed long plaited beads.
Ikumoyede was the husband of Aina.
She was the mother of Lawyer Gbadewuwon,
the envy of all royal men.
Ikumoyede was the husband of Asande,
a native of Irawo town.
Asande ogun was the mother of Idowu Ibolanta (7)
Ikumoyede was the husband of Ogunrun.
Ogunrun was a native of Agun town.
She was the mother of Akintunde,
the one who enjoyed eating snakes.
Ibikunle of Ibadan did not let us mourn.
As he always emerged with valour.
He was indeed a pride of the ancestors.
Oh Foyanmu, may the spirit of the king support you!
May he support you as a father supports the child.
Prompt :
Finally, here’s our optional prompt for the day! Start off by reading Arvind Krishna Mehrotra’s “Lockdown Garden.”
Lockdown Garden
Close to each other,
socially undistanced,
the mulberry leaves,
uniformly green,
shall turn brown together.
It’s like a herd dying.
Firm to begin with,
the mud clod
could’ve injured you.
It crumbles in your hand.
In the heap of dead
leaves crinkly as
brown skins, those
breathing things
foraging around
the bamboo stand
are jungle babblers.
It was planted
all wrong, too
close to a wall,
under the mango
trees. There was
nowhere for it
to go except up
like a mast and
that’s where
it went, taking
its leaves with it—
long, tapering.
I never saw them
fall. It never
flowered, which
would’ve helped
me look it up in a
book of flowering
Indian trees. Now
I’ll never know
its name nor of
the bird singing
at evening
in the shrubbery.
She stood outside
the gate, a woman
my age, head covered
with flowery print,
a sickle in her hand.
Could she come
inside and cut
grass for her goats?
It was ankle high.
Her face was inches
from mine and I felt
her breath on my skin.
It’s after I’d turned
the corner that I heard
what she’d said.
The shingles unwalked on,
the doors bolted,
the squirrels back in their nests.
Under the moon a bird floats
and settles on a branch.
The sky is pale.
The leaves of the ironwood
when new every spring
are a deep pink.
The evening goes out like a flame.
We’ve seen different things.
It’s always been so.
Tell me, love, what you saw today.
Source : Poetry 2020
Now, try to write a poem of your own that has multiple numbered sections.
Attempt to have each section be in dialogue with the others, like a song where a different person sings each verse, giving a different point of view.
Set the poem in a specific place that you used to spend a lot of time in, but don’t spend time in anymore.
Poem Title : THE CHAIR
The chair, the desk,
the large rooms,
the cubicled sections
the long corridors
the colonnaded porticos
and the lawns
with formal borders
a crooked fir tree
graceful frangipani
bougainvillea and quisqualis
and the bridal creeper
trailing over
the boundary walls
I never really knew
how much the gardens
meant to me
and the vases of flowers
on the tables.
Teatime was always the best of times
and of course it was always teatime
Well, after eleven o’clock, definitely
Bearers in white with red cummerbunds
and ornate turbans of red and white
with gold piping seen here and there
between the folds, and a stiff hoopoe’s crest
of starched white mulmul topping the confection
could be seen soundlessly floating up and down
the gleaming corridors of power with polished door of teak and mahogany opening on both sides
amidst the potted palms and aspidistras
bearing silver trays with silver teapots
( later steel ) and milkpots and sugarpots
spoons and strainers and starched damask napkins
with Brittania Marie Wafer Biscuits and trail mixes
of spicy salted vermicelli and roasted gram and pulses
at the very least ; at best piping hot samosas
plump with mashed spiced peas and potatoes
served with a dash of Kissan’s tomato sauce
which is in fact mostly made of pumpkin
and ice- cold rosogullas in their own syrup
or sugar- bombs of soft sticky hot gulabjamuns
served with fresh hot Darjeeling tea
O the tinkling of those spoons in those teacups
and the tiny clouds of steam rising like mini dragons
from each fine porcelain or bone-china tea-cup when tea was poured from the hot teapot pot
into each translucent cup, table brewed -
a soupçon of milk, and one sugar, please .
The gossip was always hotter and spicier
than the snacks and the tea, especially
in the rooms of the departments of personnel
finance and cabinet coordination, especially
on Tuesday afternoons, when the Cabinet
usually met, and transfers and postings were decided :
you could see hacks from over a dozen newspapers
eager for slivers of news that even a passing peon
could drop, before the big feast of the post- cabinet
Press Conference, with pakoras and pineapple pastries
and ready- mixed tea from aluminium tea kettles
for official spokespersons, assistants, clerks,
and media persons. Four thirty to five , in the Secretariat Conference Hall
under the pink Clock Tower in the Old Secretariat.
To sit for hours
in colour- blocked
salwar - kameez-
dupatta- jacket
poring over petitions
and yellowed pages
of the law books
and “ reporters “
of High Court
and Supreme Court
Judgements with
titles and years
etched on their
covers and spines
in gold on red black
or brown leather
sparring with lawyers
in their black coats
and gowns and stiff
starched white collars
bow ties and recording
evidence and citing
precedents and dictating
judgements in tones
sonorous to drowsy
Upstairs in the record room with the port- hole windows
records from a hundred fifty years ago were slowly
falling apart among the district gazetteers, and the clerks
and record- keepers wheezed and coughed
with asthma and tuberculosis, driving up the costs
of medical reimbursement.
One day the marigold garlands and rose bouquets
came out in cartloads and speeches were delivered
framed and presented to a jolly good “ fellow”
and a farewell ride given on a car pulled by colleagues.
That night, a buffet dinner at a posh hotel.
Then silence, more or less.
Cholai, the principal under- gardner,
brought home a bunch of handpicked flowers
on my birthday .
We had some tea and biscuits
and a pleasant chat in the verandah.
Birds sang to us - I , relaxed on my rattan recliner,
He , very proper, on a polished shisham chair.
Poet : Amita Sarjit Ahluwalia
Poem 29/23 rd Day
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