greatstormcat · 5 months
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After your Great Aunt passes away leaving you her entire estate, you move to her secluded cottage deep in forest shrouded in legend. You soon come to find that your neighbours have a secret.
Poly TF141 x f!reader Werewolf AU
AU Lore
Part 1 Spring
Part 2 Summer
Part 3 Autumn
Part 4 Winter
Asks and One Shots
Kyle joining the Pack
Caught in the rain
The Blood Moon
1K notes · View notes
greatstormcat · 5 months
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Of Wolf And Man - Part 2
Poly TF141 x f!reader
Series Masterlist
TW: MDNI 18+, monster fucking, oral f!receiving, masturbation, animal injury
AN: sorry it’s so big, this one is writing itself and I can’t stop it!
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Spring rolled on into summer, and the cottage became more and more your own. Hints of Annie still remained around the place, such as her old besom over the doorway and her herb books on the kitchen shelves. Most importantly, her blanket kept its spot on the back of the sofa, and you wrapped yourself in it every night since you moved in, as though she were there hugging you still.
You even found an old silver necklace you remember your mother giving her one birthday, but never saw her wear it. It was hanging on a nail beside the old dresser in the bedroom, and you couldn’t understand why she never wore it if she liked having it around. It wasn’t the oddest thing about the old girl, but it stood out now.
You also became fond of your wolves. You don’t know when you began thinking of them as your wolves, but you began to start listening for them. The days you didn’t so much as hear them left you feeling like a part of you was missing somehow. You paid attention to the little symbols in your almanack more than usual, taking note of when the full moon was, hoping the weather would be good enough to sit out on the bench outside and maybe see them again. When the full moon shone they were a lot louder, came closer to the cottage, and you’d see them play fighting. The larger two almost always won, of course. There were also times you spotted them laying on the hillock on the far side of the meadow, sunning themselves and watching the cottage. Watching you it almost seemed.
Your thoughts also dwell on your evening with Johnny, and how he had been so close to kissing you. He hadn’t turned up on your doorstep again after that, but neither had he made any show of avoiding you when you saw him in town. In fact, his excuses for finding a reason to touch you or brush against you in the supermarket became thinner and more obvious. What was surprising though was the way the other three reacted to his actions. If Johnny touched your hip walking past you, Kyle would bump against you on the other side and then touch your arm to apologise. When you’d needed logs loading into your car for your wood burner, Price and Simon insisted on helping and you found yourself wedged between them both for a split second more than once. You’d find yourself going home with the faintest scent of them on your clothes, and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t a comforting smell, one your bury your face into your jacket to breath in later on, when you were alone.
On one occasion you’d got into a heated conversation, not quite an argument, with a woman who accused you of damaging her car in the carpark, which you absolutely had not done. Out of nowhere the four men had appeared behind you asking what the problem was in a way that made it clear, there was no problem happening while they were around. The woman had quickly backed down and conceded the dent was there already. Whatever was going on with them, you did nothing to discourage them, even if it left you feeling a little ashamed of yourself.
It was a common thing to lie out on your bed, the windows of the cottage open to allow the cool breeze through while you moaned, stuffing your aching pussy with your fingers and imagining it was one of them, or more than one, or all of them. You never paid any mind to how loud you were when you came, and how the sound carried into the trees, or who was listening with keen ears.
As the weather warms you decide a longer walk up into the hills was well overdue, maybe you’d even find where Johnny and the others lived finally. You’d asked about them in town after your evening with Johnny and found that people respected the hell out of the group of men, despite them being almost total recluses. They visited town even less often than you did, but had lived in their hidden home for as long as anyone could remember. They were almost revered by the local people, as much as the wolves.
As you walk along the trail, lost in your thoughts, you stumble to a halt when one of your wolves comes into view around a rocky outcrop. The animal is huge, bigger than you’d have ever expected a wolf to be having only seen them on TV or online. Its eyes lock onto yours and its teeth bare in a snarl that turns your innards to water. You freeze, too scared to move and wait to see if it’s going to attack, heart pumping at a painful rate in your chest.
That’s when you spot the metal device clamped around one of its front legs, and a frown creases your forehead in disgust.
“You’re trapped,” you say with genuine concern, and realise you're relatively safe. The animal has a tawny brown coat, with a darker stripe of thicker, shaggy fur running between its ears. After a few minutes of staring at each other, you decide you cannot leave the animal trapped like this, and you begin to edge closer.
There’s a noise above you on the rocks, a rustle of twigs, and you look up into the face of a second, even larger wolf. This one’s fur is much darker apart from silvery markings around the eyes and muzzle. It's dark eyes watch you unblinkingly as you pause in your movements towards the trapped animal before you.
“Look, don’t kill me, okay? I’m trying to help,” you babble, aware they can’t understand you but it helps control your nerves to talk out loud. The second wolf hangs back, pacing slowly but appearing content to keep its distance for now. You get down low on your hands and knees to look as unthreatening as possible, edging closer to the trapped animal but ready to roll out of the way if it lunges for you. You pay no mind to the soil and mud getting onto you jeans and hands, too focused on the huge beast infront of you.
Thankfully it doesn’t move as you get closer, and you manage to grasp the jaws of the trap in your bare hands. You pull with all your strength, straining every muscle you have with the effort needed, the metal biting into your skin painfully, hands and arms trembling as you force open the steel trap, hoping the wolf isn’t going to maul you the second it's free. You keep your head down while you pull until the feel of the animal brushing past you lets you know it's out and you let go of the mechanism, a terrifying, metallic snapping sound echoing through the trees as it shuts.
The wolf doesn’t run away though, worst still, the other one lopes over to join its friend beside you. Carefully, gently you lower yourself onto your belly hoping to look as pathetic and not worth eating as possible, your face mushed against the dirt and leaf mould on the forest floor. You’re now lying on the ground with the two huge, wild wolves standing over you, and you screw your eyes shut as they sniff at your coat and boots, trying to hold your breath. A cold nose presses inside the collar of your coat, pressing against your neck and you whimper in terror as it snuffles against you, waiting for teeth to follow the questing nose. It seems a fitting end that you’d get mauled to death helping a wild animal
You risk looking back over your shoulder and see it's the smaller of the two wolves that is sniffing at your neck, the larger one has moved back and is sitting on its haunches, watching you carefully with its head tilted slightly to one side. The smaller wolf makes a soft noise, almost a whine, and you feel the tip of its tongue touch your neck making you shudder and shut your eyes again. Your lungs begin to burn as you try not to breath too loudly, fighting against the racing of your heart. A paw starts to scratch and pull at the back of your thin jacket, as though trying to get you to turn over. The larger one barks, and the hot, wet tongue pulls away from your neck, and you watch as they bound away into the trees together, the smaller one barely limping from the injury.
You count to a hundred before you decide it's safe enough to get up off the floor, and your legs shake like mad when you stand up, your head spinning slightly. It's hard to believe what just happened and you gather your things up off the floor where you’d dropped them, before heading back to the cottage as quickly as possible.
The weekly trip into town comes around, and you find yourself thinking constantly about the encounter with the two wolves. You had taken it upon yourself to look for any more of those horrible traps and set them off with a tree branch to avoid any more animals getting injured.
“Do people still hunt wolves around here? I thought that was banned years ago,” you ask the lady in the supermarket, and she wrinkles her nose in disgust.
“It is banned, but it’s always been frowned on around here anyway,” she explains. “It's said to be bad luck to hunt the wolves around here, bad stuff happens if you do. But it doesn’t stop everyone, people still come in and try to get the big ones you see in the forest.”
“I saw one caught in a trap the other day,” you tell her as you pick up your bags of shopping. “I actually helped it escape. Poor thing.”
“Well, you’re due some good luck then if the stories are true. Maybe it was a werewolf, there are plenty of stories about them from years gone by.” She grins at you as you carry your stuff outside and you laugh to yourself about the idea of werewolves roaming around the countryside. Like clockwork you see Johnny and the others as you head to your car, almost as though they were purposefully timing their own visits with yours now. You notice he has a bandage wrapped tightly around his wrist as they approach, and the eyes of Simon are watching you intently.
“What happened to you?” to ask with concern as the group approaches, something tickling in the back of your mind as you speak.
“Nothing serious,” Johnny says, waving the bandaged arm in front of him as if he had just noticed it. “Be right as rain in a day or two thanks to a friend helping me out.”
Without thinking you reach out and grasp the bandaged hand, turning it gently in your hands. You don’t notice that they all freeze as you do this, circled around you as you check the wrapping, until you look up into Johnny’s face and see his eyebrows raised and a silly little smile on his face. You let go of his hand with a softly mumbled apology, heat creeping up your chest and neck in embarrassment at crossing a boundary like that.
“Speaking of which,” Kyle says, clearing his throat to break the sudden tension, “we thought we’d offer to help fix up the cottage.”
“Really?” You ask with genuine surprise at their gesture. “You don’t have to but that would be really kind.”
“It’s no problem,” Simon adds. “It’s the least we can do.”
The following day the four men appear on the doorstep after breakfast as promised, toolkits getting unloaded from the back of the beat up old truck. They set to telling you what needs doing and dividing the labour between them while you work on the vegetable garden. It’s another hot day, and it’s not long before they forego their shirts, sweating in the sunshine. You can’t help but sit back on your heels and watch them as they work with skill and precision repairing the thatch and stonework.
You find yourself watching Simon as he repairs a damaged section of the thatch on the roof, the series of scars on his back shining in the bright sunlight. The marks looks so much like bites and claw marks you almost wonder if he has been attacked by a wild animal at some point. You shake your head and try to distract yourself from staring rudely by making lunch inside.
“How do you guys know how to do this stuff? I’d assumed I was going to have to spend a fortune on getting people in to do this,” you ask over lunch. You spread a hearty lunch out on the kitchen table where it’s cooler, thanks to the thick stone walls of the house, and the four men devour it happily. They fill the space, Simon having to stoop his head down to get through any of the doorways in the cottage, but they look perfectly at home and clearly know their way around the place.
“We’ve picked up some skills over the years,” Kyle explains. “We’ve lived around here a long time and it isn’t hard to learn when you’re doing things. We’d been telling Annie for ages these jobs needed doing but she was too stubborn to let us do them for her.”
“Still, it’s impressive that you can help like this. Your place must be quite something if you’re all as good as this with your hands.”
“You should come visit,” Johnny chips in with a glance at Price, as though asking his permission, and the bearded man nods.
“Yeah, I’d say we can arrange for you to come up to our place pretty soon,” he smiles. “How about tomorrow we meet you up the trail a bit and we’ll show you the way up?”
“Sound perfect,” you agree, excited to finally see where these men live.
“Fine, tomorrow afternoon then,” he declares to a series of nods from the others.
Price explains where to meet them, and its a little way up the trail from the cottage, where a small river cuts through the hills creating a steep but beautiful rocky gully. The walk is just as gorgeous as he said as you make your way along the track the next day. The drop to the river is steeper than you’d expected, but it only adds to the view.
As you amble through the forest you hear voices in the trees ahead, but not the ones you had expected. At least one of them is female and something makes you slow down as you walk, not wanting them to know you are here. As you near them, you drop low and watch, your stomach churning when you realise who they are. Poachers.
“Don’t put them too low in the ditch, they won’t walk down there. They’ll jump over it, so put it where you’ll think they’ll land,” the woman is explaining to the guy with her as he sets another steel trap on the ground ahead. “That way it’ll snap its ankle and it can’t get away.”
Fury rises in you and you march forward to confront them, forgetting you are alone as your anger takes over.
“Hey!” You shout, brandishing your stick like a club. “You shouldn’t be doing that, get out of here.” They stop and stare in confusion for a moment before looking at each other.
“What are you going to do about it?” The woman asks offhandedly.
“This is my land, you need to get off it before I report you for trespassing.” You try to sound menacing, aware it isn’t really working. The man drops the steel trap he is holding with a loud clang, and you flinch slightly. With a grim expression he walks towards you, and you hold the tree branch up in front of you.
“Don't come any closer,” you warn him. He lunges at you grabbing at your arm and twisting it so you drop your stick and you yelp loudly in pain, trying to kick him in the leg to hurt him. He’s stronger than you and soon twists you around, beginning to force you to the ground.
A growl cuts through the air and your assailant is knocked sideways with a shriek of terror. Barks and snapping jaws ring through the trees as your four furry favourites attack the poachers, sending them yelling and running through along the path and away from you.
Panicked you try to run to avoid being bitten, feet slipping on the loose ground and you tumble forward over the edge of the steep bank, managing at the last moment to grasp a tree root before you fall down to the river below. Winded you look up and see the wolves looking down at you, bright sunlight coming through the leaves above.
“Shit,” you whimper, staring up at their furry faces, realising you’re trapped. One of the larger ones walks out of sight, leaving the others staring down at you. Your grip slips and you risk looking down at the rocks and water below, trying to work out how to fall to cause the least amount of damage to yourself
“Need a hand, love?” A deep voice calls out and you look up to see a hand reaching down for you and above it, Price’s bearded handsome face.
“Yes, but watch out for the wolves!” You cry out as you take his hand and you’re pulled up as though you weigh nothing. As you reach solid ground you slump down and then blink up at him, your mind racing frantically and your heart pounding in your ears. He crouches down beside you and you suddenly focus enough to realise he is shirtless. A further glance shows him to be completely without any clothes at all.
“Um, why are you naked?” You ask weakly and avert your eyes as your face heats up, which is when you realise the three wolves are still here, looking at you. You scramble away with a scream, nearly off the edge again.
“Woah! Hang on there,” Price shouts trying to grab you but you try to avoid him, not wanting to be held by a naked weirdo walking in the forest. “Ah fuck it, show her lads,” he grunts as he backs off and you sit precariously and trembling at the edge of the drop again.
“What?! Show me what?! Who are you talking to?!” You scream hysterically at him not knowing who to be more afraid of.
Then the three wolves begin to change, standing up on their hind legs in a smooth motion as though somewhere an animator had used a special effect on the world in front of you. Fur recedes, ears change position and within seconds three half man, half wolf figures stand before you. Each with pointed ears, wickedly clawed hands and feet, and fur dusted, thickly muscled limbs.
Your skin goes cold with shock, and your mouth opens and closes wordlessly as you gawp, until your brain registers that you are looking at Kyle, Simon and Johnny.
“You okay, lass?” Johnny asks, crouching down next to you and giving you a broad grin showing his very long, sharp incisors as his tail slowly wags against the ground behind him.
“Fuck…” you whisper before you pass out.
You surface from your blackout state slowly, feeling yourself being jostled about then laying still again. A comforting smell fills your nostrils, a familiar one that relaxes your muscles, instilling a sense of safety in you as you come to. A hand runs across your forehead in a gentle gesture and you blink open your eyes, looking up into Price’s concerned face.
“Thought we’d lost you for a moment,” he says with obvious relief and helps you to sit up.
Price is wearing faded jeans now but no top, exposing his thickly haired chest. You look up and see Johnny and Kyle sat together on a sofa across the room from you, although sprawled may be a better word. Both shirtless wearing loose sweatpants and bare feet. Kyle is resting back against Johnny’s chest, his leg hooked around the other man’s shin.
The room is cosy, slightly untidy with clothes draped over the end of the sofa you have been lying on but clean and comfortably furnished much like your cottage.
“Where…. Oh bloody hell!” You squeal as Simon walks in wearing nothing at all, slamming your hands over your face to cover your eyes.
“Simon, put some fucking clothes on,” Price barks angrily, “you’re not helping the situation!”
“It’s our house, our rules,” Simon replies as you peer between your fingers, making no move to cover himself as he sits in one of the armchairs, manspreading flagrantly until Price hurls a pair of jeans at him with more force than necessary. With a sullen grumble Simon pulls them on without underwear, maintaining eye contact with you as he adjusts himself behind the button fly before sitting down again with a smirk.
“Look, I know this is a shock,” Price continues in a calming tone. “Are you okay?”
“I think so,” you reply slowly, dropping your hands into your lap. “Just explain to me what is going on, because I don’t know if I’m losing my mind or have a concussion right now.”
Price huffs out a small laugh, watching as you look around, taking in the room around you. You’re sitting on a brown leather sofa, rustic furnishings and a certain man only decor abounds.
“Well, you’re in our… den,” he says, carefully weighing up how to phrase it.
“Den? Like a wolf den?” You ask.
“To be more precise, a werewolf den.” He keeps watching you, and you feel the similarity to the way the wolves in the forest have been watching you since you moved into the cottage. Gears turn in your brain, and things begin to fit together.
“Oh… its you guys… its always been you four, hasn’t it? The four wolves I mean?” You say, wide eyed with understanding. “So who did I free from the trap?”
Johnny raises his hand from where he is lounging with Kyle on the other sofa.
“That was Johnny,” Simon confirms. “I was with him and watched you do it. Pretty fuckin’ brave if you ask me.” Pride fills his words and a small smile touches his scarred face. Obviously risking your life like that for what you had assumed was a wild animal earned you their respect. “I was about to free him until you turned up and took over.”
“Yeah, Simon told us about that. You didn’t hesitate even though you didn’t realise you were perfectly safe,” Price nods, echoing Simon’s words.
“You’re all werewolves?” You ask, testing the word on your tongue cautiously.
“We’re a pack, bonded together now until death. We take care of each other and protect each other. We did so for Annie as well,” Price says with a grin.
“Wait, you mean….” Questions vie for attention in your head: how long have they lived here, how old are they, did your aunt know…
“We miss her, she was a hell of a woman,” Simon says wistfully. “A demon in the sack too.”
“Oh my gods you were shagging Annie?!” You gasp, and Simon chuckles wickedly.
“So, how old are you guys?”
“It’s hard to keep track after a while,” Price answers, scratching his chin. “I stopped counting after about two hundred.”
“You’re taking the piss,” you say, finding it too much to believe.
Kyle chuckles, disentangling himself from Johnny stalking closer to you. As he nears you his features change slowly, his ears lengthening and tufting with fur which spreads across his shoulders. His hands curl, claws tipping his thick fingers and his low slung sweatpants allow a thick tail to unfurl behind him.
“You sure about that, love?” He growls as he gets closer, and your heart rattles inside your ribcage. It’s not from fear though, you feel completely safe, they’ve been protecting you for months, looking after you and marking you as the airs, and even brought you to safety after you fainted. There’s a completely different reason for your pulse to be thundering like this, and you know why. After having fantasised about them for this long, you now know they want you the way you want them.
“Steamin’ Jesus,” Johnny groans and leans forward on the edge of his seat suddenly. “You smell that?”
“What?” You ask quietly, not taking your eyes of Kyle as he leans over Price’s shoulder. The liquid heat curling in your abdomen gets harder to ignore as he looms over you, and blossoms suddenly into an inferno when Price’s hand grips your thigh and squeezes.
“He means you,” Kyle says, placing one knee beside you on the seat and bends himself down to run his nose along your neck. “We can smell that you just got very, very turned on.”
You squirm in you seat, thighs pressing together as you look around you at the four huge men… no, not men… beasts.
“Fuckin’ hell, if she smells that good how’s she gonna taste?” Simon rumbles, palming the front of his jeans and looking uncomfortable in the harsh fabric.
“Steady lads,” Price growls, “let’s not scare her off, and absolutely not risk hurting her.” You notice they have all altered slightly like Kyle, as though their arousal has affected their ability to stay perfectly human, and they take on most wolf like characteristics once more.
“It’s okay,” you murmur to Price, placing your hand over his and he squeezes your thigh again, making you gasp softly while Kyle still nuzzles at your neck sensing you into a boneless state. Price chuckles, watching you soften.
“You trust us?” He asks and you nod, swallowing thickly when the tip of Kyle’s tongue runs along the column of your throat. “Good, we’ll take care of you. No need to stuff that pretty pussy with your fingers now to make yourself come, we’ll take care of that.” Kyle runs his hand up the front of your shirt and cups one of your breasts, a moan leaving his throat.
“Let’s take it easy for now, we’re gonna make you come on our tongues for today, get you used to us. You okay with that?” You nod again and whimper as Kyle pinches a nipple through your clothes. With your consent given, Price stands and tugs you away from Kyle who growls angrily at his prize being snatched away, but Price pays him no attention as he crushes your lips to his, one hand pressing your hips against his to grind you against his hard cock.
While you’re attention is focused on the kiss, Kyle gets up and presses his chest to your back, his hands skimming down your sides and around your middle to undo the zip to your jeans. With care he strips you bare while Price explores your mouth, and then kisses along your jawline, nipping with sharp teeth at the tender flesh of your neck.
Once you are stripped, he presses you back down against the sofa and me kneels on the floor, pushing your legs apart with his clawed hands, his human face barely recognisable as his instincts take over. His broad tongue runs up the inside of your thigh, sending shivers down your spine that flood your pussy with a fresh wave of heat as he looks up at you.
The first touch of his lips to your naked cunt makes your hips buck, and a collective growl of approval rumbles around the pack. Price licks at the seam of your pussy and your mind unravels, the hot, soft muscle slipping perfectly between your folds and flicking at your clit. You can’t hold in the whine that forms in your throat, and it’s all he needs to begin to devour you in earnest.
Sharp claws pressing into your soft thighs, pulling you against his face, his wide tongue curling and lapping inside your cunt like nothing you’ve ever felt before. Your legs shake with the depth of pleasure you feel, the sharp points of his teeth only adding to the intoxication of it all.
Kyle and Johnny position themselves either side of you on the sofa, while Simon prowls behind Price, waiting to take his bite of their succulent prize. Johnny kisses you fiercely, like he is starved for your mouth, tongue seeking our yours and wrapping with it. He swallows your moans and whimpers, fueling his desperation as Price fucks you with his tongue.
“Gimme your hand,” Johnny mumbles against your lips, and guides your shaking fingers down his chest and stomach until they bump against his rock hard cock and he hisses. He takes your unresisting hand and wraps the your soft fingers around his shaft, covering it with his own firmly, and begins to rock his hips.
The sensation of Johnny grinding his leaking dick into your hand tightens the hot coil of your orgasm, and your muscles clench around the tongue in your cunt. Price takes his cue and licks mercilessly upwards, shattering you into a thousand pieces as you orgasm, gulping down your juices greedily and drawing out the spasms of your walls.
With a satisfied grunt he sits back, licking his maw and shuffles aside as Simon takes his place, wide shoulders pushing your weakened legs wide before burying his muzzled face into your twitching pussy. Before your eyes roll back into your head you see Price throw back his head, hand grasping his swollen cock and starting to pump feverishly.
Your clit throb as Simon nose bumps and grinds against it, his tongue working deeper and deeper inside you, and his hands shift your thighs up and over his shoulders.
“We’ve been listening to you make yourself come for months,” Kyle whispers into your ear, taking his lead from Johnny and taking your other hand to wrap around own needy length. “It’s about time we showed you how good it can really be.” The two werewolves either knead and pinch at the swells of your breasts as the work themselves in your palms, and Simon growls between your thighs.
By the time you’ve let each of them drive you to orgasm you can barely keep your eyes open and your limbs tremble with fatigue, but you’re floating in the clouds and kissing the heavens. You curl into Simon’s broad chest, panting and spent, while the others clear up around you. The feel of Simon’s heavy hand on your back soothes you, and it’s inevitable that you soon drift to sleep against him.
You wake up feeling better than you have in a long time, warm skin pressing against you on all sides, just a thin blanket needed to cover you over against the chill of the air. You fidget slightly, finding a soft mattress beneath you and find they've moved you to a large bed.
It's dark still, gentle snores fill your ears adding to the peaceful security of the moment, and you roll over to your side, fully intending to go back to sleep. As you shift position a heavyset arm tightens around your middle and pulls you against a solid chest, your head getting tucked under a strong jaw so you settle against his neck. It's hard to tell who it is, and you don’t rightly care. With a soft sigh, you nuzzle against him and go back to dozing.
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greatstormcat · 5 months
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Of Wolf And Man - Part 1
Poly TF141 x f!reader Werewolf AU
Series Masterlist
TW: MDNI 18+, suggestive themes
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It had broken your heart when you got the news that your Great Aunt Annie had passed away, but the shock came when you learned that she had left everything she had in the world to you in her will. This included, most significantly, the little cottage that she had spent her entire life in. It was a place you knew well, and loved dearly.
The process of taking over her estate took months, but finally the day came where it was officially yours. You took a year’s leave of absence from your job, sadly helped by a recent incident that had taken its toll on your mental health, and uprooted yourself to move to the cottage. The goal was to spend a year doing the place up and then return to your normal life.
Getting there wasn’t easy, the tracks through the forest to reach it were narrow so only a small moving van could reach it while you stopped in the nearby town in your crappy little car to stock up on supplies. You remembered the town from your childhood visits, and nothing seemed to have changed in all these years. You headed into the small supermarket, loading up with food and cleaning supplies.
“You’re not from around here, sweetie,” the lady at the till says to you as she takes payment for the bags of food, cleaning products and other items you’d purchased.
“No,” you smile back kindly. “I’ve just moved here, I am living in my aunt’s cottage as she left it to me in her will.”
“Oh! You’ve taken over Annie’s cottage! I remember you when you were little, haven’t seen you in years. I’m so sorry for your loss, she was a good woman. Good for you moving in there though, getting back to nature’s good for your health,” she chuckles and makes idle chat about your aunt while you finish up. You can’t help but feel this is a good omen of things to come as you load everything into the back of your car, heading out of town into the watery afternoon light as you head to the cottage. You hadn’t been here in a long time, and you felt guilty about that. The single track road winds through the forest, over small streams and twisting back on itself several times until you drive into a clearing.
It is a little thatched roof cottage built so long ago no records existed of when it first appeared. The rough hewn rocks making up its walls are dusted with moss and make it look as though it had been grown from the earth rather than been constructed by human hands. There were two low beamed floors inside, with a bedroom and small bathroom upstairs and a living area with a small kitchen and open fireplace downstairs. In front of it a beautiful wild flower meadow stretched out like a soft blanket.
Beyond the meadow was a dense and gnarled forest of oaks and sycamores, leading up to rolling hills beyond. There was electricity and running water now, both recent additions, but no phone line or internet. It was perfect.
The chill of winter still hung in the air as you waved away the last of the removal vans, and you stood on the simple porch at the front of the single story building on your own for the first time. The silence once the noise of the engine receded was heavenly.
You spent the rest of the day unpacking and arranging your belongings, working around your Aunt’s furniture inside, until the light faded outside and night fell. Memories come back as you move through the building, times when you’d stayed here for weeks during the school holidays as a child, running across the meadow, picking flowers and climbing the trees. It was a happy time and you look forward to reclaiming that feeling again.
As evening darkens the sky you settle down by the fire. The logs in the fireplace crackle and snap, the warmth and light filling the space around you is as far away from the harshness of your old flat in the city as possible. There’s almost total silence outside the cabin, save for the odd rustle of the trees and the calling of an owl in the darkness. You pull the blanket around your shoulders and shuffle further down into the softness of the sofa, sipping at the hot tea in your mug.
The bubble of peace is pierced sharply by a mournful howl in the distance, and you sat bolt upright, nearly spilling your drink everywhere. With a huge grin you bolted to the front door, throwing it open and standing there, blanket draped over your shoulders and holding your breath hoping to hear the sound again. Sure enough, the howl drifted on the breeze once again. Wolves. There were wolves out there in the distance.
You faintly recall your aunt telling you stories about witches and werewolves when you’d visited in the distant pass. She had quite a thing for wolves and it had rubbed off on you as you grew up.
As the chill of winter warms into spring you spend time digging the soil outside the cottage to reclaim the overgrown garden, making trips into town to get seeds and tools to replant it. It turns into an intense labour of love and ends up with you heading into town again to get bags of compost to enrich the soil when you decide a vegetable patch is needed. You’re sweating despite the chilled air as you try to heave the heavy bags you’ve bought into the back of the car, dropping the last one onto your foot with a curse.
“You need a hand there?” a friendly, Scottish voice calls. Before you can turn to see who has spoken, the heavy bag is taken from your hands and dropped with ease into the back of the car.
“Wow, thanks you’re too kind,” you exclaim and turn to thank your hero. Before you stands a huge, muscular man with piercing blue eyes, his brown hair cut down short either side of his head to leave him with a shaggy mowhawk of hair across the top. His blue shirt is pulled taut over his chest and shoulders, the cold clearly not bothering him. But it’s the wicked smile in his face that stuns you into silence.
“It’s nothin’ lass,” he winks, and then sniffs deeply. “I’ve not seen you around here before. I’m Johnny,” he declares and holds out a huge hand for you to shake. You tell him your name and explain you’ve just moved here recently. “Oh, you bought the cottage?”
“It was my aunt’s, she left it to me. You know it?”
“Sure I know it, we have a place up there too,” he replies, his eyes sparkling as listens to your story.
“Oh, who is this we?” you ask, trying to suppress the wave of disappointment at the possibility he isn’t single after all.
“Ah, come with me and I’ll introduce you. As we’re neighbours and all, yeah?” You find yourself towed along by his charisma, as though you were on a lead being pulled along by him as he heads into the pub across the road. It’s the first time you’ve been in here, and it’s a low ceiling, cozy space full of dark booths and horse brasses on the wooden beams. Johnny leads you to a far corner where three other men are sitting. Four pint glasses sit on the table indicating that Johnny was either here before, or expected. The men are as big, or even bigger than Johnny and you feel a sudden wave of trepidation as he presents you before them. Three pairs of eyes look at you with suspicion as you approach, and Johnny wraps his arm around your shoulders protectively.
“Who’s this now, Johnny?” One of them asks, sounding a little weary, as though you’re an annoyance already. The man has thick mutton chops on his face, and a dark beanie hat and dark jacket.
“This is our new neighbour, she’s Annie’s great niece and has taken on the cottage,” he says to the bearded man, making it sound as though they had recently been discussing the matter.
“Oh really?” he says, eyebrows raised and suddenly looking much friendlier towards you. “I’m Price. This is Kyle and Simon.” He indicates the other two men in turn. Kyle gives you a beautiful smile, his dark features managing to be even more gorgeous than Johnny, but Simon just looks at you coolly and nods. This man has scars on his pale skin, his top lip snarled slightly giving him a dangerous look, helped by the fact his hood is up on his black jacket.
“Yes, I just moved in last week and I’m doing the place up,” you explain.
“Well, we will have to get used to seeing more of you then. We helped your aunt out and have been keeping an eye on the place since she passed away.” Price raises his glass to you and smiles warmly.
A drink is bought for you, and you’re quickly seated between Johnny and Kyle having a genial conversation. Despite their slightly intimidating appearances they’re very warm and friendly towards you, and you suspect it’s the fact you are their neighbour that does this.
“I heard wolves the night I moved in,” you say excitedly, sipping at your glass of coke. “Do you ever see them as you live further up the hills?”
“Yeah, we see them regularly,” Price replies with a broad grin. “You gotta watch out for them though, they’re bold and they aren’t scared of humans.”
“Really? Then I’ll see them again?” You say with undisguised awe.
“I’d say that's a certainty,” Kyle states firmly. “You live on their territory, so they’ll be around your cottage regularly when they patrol and hunt.”
“Best security you’ll ever have,” Simon says, his voice gravelly and eyes fixed on your almost unnervingly.
“That’s… that’s good to know,” you gulp, slightly nervous of the sudden intensity in the air between the four men, feeling as though something unspoken is being agreed.
After spending time getting to know your new neighbours you return to the cottage and decide to leave the heavy compost bags in the back of the car until tomorrow, not bothering to lock it. As the light fades you change into your sleepwear and eat infront of the fire until you hear howling outside the window. You hurriedly pull your coat on over your thin clothes and hurry outside hoping to catch a glimpse of them this time. As soon as you get outside you see four shapes run from the tree line on the right hand side of the meadow, picked out under the light of the half moon in the clear sky above.
You sit on the bench by the door and watch as the four wolves move across the far edge of the meadow, pausing briefly on a small mound which gives you the perfect chance to see them. Two of them seem determined just to run and fight, knocking each other over and snapping playfully at the other. The other two move more carefully, watching their surroundings and sniffing the air. Your breath catches in your throat as you sit there watching them. Eventually the smaller two bowl over one of the larger ones and they end up getting chased, making you laugh at their antics.
The sound must carry as the breeze changes direction as they stop and turn to look towards you. For a moment you hold your breath as they see you, and you fear they’ll bolt away. Instead, something magical happens, one of them throws back its head and howls, soon followed by the rest. The sound makes the hairs all over your body stand on end, and you feel your throat tighten as tears well in your eyes at the spectacle before you.
All too soon they stop howling and one by one they trot back into the forest beyond.
In the morning you find the compost bags are laid neatly beside the vegetable patch, and you spend a while standing and staring at them, trying to work out what’s happened.
A few days pass before a knock on the door makes you jump out of your skin, who on earth would be knocking on your door in the middle of nowhere? You peer through the window and see Johnny outside, shuffling his feet as he waits for your answer. You bite your lip, trying to fight back a smile and hurry to open the door. His face splits into a wide grin when he sees you.
“Ah, I was worried you were nae gonna answer,” he laughs and rubs the back of his neck.
“Why wouldn’t I do that?” You chuckle and invite him in. He looks around as you walk through to the kitchen to put the kettle onto the range to make tea.
“You’ve settled in then?” He asks politely.
“Yeah, I’m keeping Annie’s things as much as possible. It doesn’t feel right to get rid of them. I miss her and want to keep the feeling of her around.” Johnny nods in approval.
“Aye, she was a special lady, we really liked her. It’s right to honour her memory, but it’s nice to have you here now,” he grins, that sparkle in his eyes again and you feel your face warming at his words.
Conversation flows easily between you, and Johnny is an obvious flirt. You hope desperately that he isn’t just another fuckboy, like you’ve fallen for before, but it hardly seems the case for someone who lives such an isolated lifestyle. Plus your aunt would have been furious if he behaved like that, and would have nagged him out of such behaviour while she was alive.
As night settles outside the cottage you find yourself sitting closer to Johnny on the sofa, the blanket draped over both your laps, knees touching under the fabric. You can’t tell if your feeling warm because of the blanket or him, the feeling of security he brings filling the empty ache you’ve been ignoring in your chest for so long.
“I take it you’ll be staying permanently?” He asks suddenly, clear blue eyes searching your face.
“I haven’t decided yet actually,” you reply thoughtfully and see a flicker of something cross his face. “I have taken a year out of my job to come here and… well,” you pause and clear your throat. “The timing of this place coming into my lap is pretty good, I need time away from some bad things back home.” Your voice catches slightly as you speak. Johnny frowns and leans closer to you, an arm falling over your shoulders in a comforting gesture.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he coos softly, his breath warming your cheek. “We won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
You look up at him, his words almost taking your breath away and the feel of his arm around your instantly calming.
“You’re safe here with us now, ya ken?” He says, his eyes searching your face and he leans into you a little more. Without thinking you lean back under the gentle pressure from him, laying back against the softness of the sofa. Your heart thuds heavily in your ears as you find yourself looking up at him, and you force yourself to remember to breathe as the air thickens to treacle in your lungs.
He is almost on top of you, his thick arms either side of your head braced against the arm of the sofa. Your body floods with heat, and all you want is for him to touch you more. The look in his eyes is almost frightening, as though he wants to eat you alive here on the sofa, and you can’t help but want to know what that would feel like. His lips part, and you catch a glimpse of the tip of his tongue as it skims his bottom lip before the plump flesh gets caught on his incisors. A tiny part of your brain registers that they are longer than they should be, sharper than they should be, but all you want is to taste those lips.
As though he hears your thoughts, Johnny leans down tilting his head slightly and you part your own lips willingly. Outside the wolves howl and Johnny pulls back from you with a grimace.
“Shit, I better go,” he mutters with a shake of his head, as though clearing his mind. “Sorry, hen.” He speaks with a tone of disappointment that mirrors your own feelings.
You blink as he stands up, confused by the sudden change and mourning the loss of the almost kiss. He heads to the door, and you follow behind him, aroused and yearning.
“Do you have to go?” You ask, wincing at the needy sound of your voice and feeling a touch of shame at throwing yourself so readily at your hot neighbour. He gives you a wink and touches you cheek gently.
“I do, sorry,” he leans down and kisses your cheek, inhaling the scent of you hair as he does so and you hear a soft moan in his throat. “I will be back though, dinnae worry about that.”
You watch as he walks outside and down the path, disappearing into the forest. Later that night as you lay in bed, replaying the encounter in your mind you pause and wonder how he finds his way home in the dark.
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greatstormcat · 5 months
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Of Wolf And Man - Part 4
Poly TF141 x f!reader
Series Masterlist
TW: MDNI 18+, monsterfucking, hurt/comfort, angst, knotting, fingering, animal injury, p in v, blood
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Snow begins to fall outside, collecting against the window panes of the cottage and dusting the bare branches of the dormant plants in the garden you planted. You stand and watch, sipping on the mug of tea in your hand. It’s been a couple of weeks since you left the Pack’s den and you haven’t seen them since, not hide nor hair, literally. A few times you heard them howl, far off up on the hills, the sound even more chilling than usual and you felt it was filled with despair. But that was probably just your own guilty conscience, you told yourself.
You’d struggled to keep the cottage warm, no matter how hot the fire burned in the hearth or the range boiled, a deep chill cut into your bones all day and night. Another punishment, you told yourself, the cottage hates you now and wants you to go too. Price’s words play over and over in your head, echoing amongst the drafty rafters of the cottage “money over Pack… money over Pack.”
In an effort to occupy yourself you dragged the box full of handwritten notes downstairs in front of the fireplace, determined to read everything it contains now you have no distractions. No one wanting you to walk the forest with them, no one wanting you to stop what you’re doing and just lay with them, no one trying to make you laugh. The loneliness is like nothing you’ve ever felt and you grasp at the only distraction you have.
You’d only managed to get through a fifth of what was held when you first found the box. To try and make sense of the contents you pull everything out and arrange the bundles chronologically, so you can read in some kind of order.
It took a few days to get through everything, and by the end you were exhausted.
One entry kept repeating over and again in your mind, from a man who had lived here in the early 1800s. He wrote in flowing, ink script that he had been told of a local woodsman chopping wood and his axe had slipped in his palms, bouncing from the block and into his leg. Price and two others from the Pack were there instantly, treating his wound and saving his life. Similar acts were repeated through the years by many other local people, they’d helped when fires had ravaged homes, protected the town during conflict and always, always been there. There was no need for the Pack to intervene, but they did, because it was the right thing to do.
You’d accused them of being selfish, self serving, and nothing could be further from the truth. You’d really fucked up. They wanted you to stay with them, and you knew deep down you wanted to stay too.
Stood at the window, lost in your melancholy thoughts, a movement catches your eye outside and you glance up just to see the tip of a tawny tail disappear. Your heart leaps into your throat and you scramble to the front door of the cottage, ripping it open in time to see a four legged shape moving into the trees beside the cottage.
“Wait! Please, wait!” You yell, throwing dignity to the wind as you jog out into the falling snow, slippers instantly soaked in the cold drift on the track. It’s for naught though, as you trudge into the trees and lose sight of whoever it was and the tracks stop. With a defeated sigh you turn to go back to the cottage, cold and wet for no good reason now, but behind you, you find Johnny’s wolf sat on a fallen tree watching you. A small hiccup of a sob escapes your throat, and he whines in response.
“Johnny,” you croak, unsure how to say what you want to say. “I’m sorry,” you give up and say weakly.
His tail thumps a few times against the log, and he whines again, licking at his muzzle. You get the feeling he wants to come to you but he is holding back, most likely on Price’s orders.
“I assume I wasn’t meant to see you, but I’m really glad I did. I miss you all and I’m so sorry for what I said…” the floodgates burst and you begin to sob, shoulders shaking with the hurt and guilt filling you. With a loud whine Johnny breaks and rushes over, standing up as he nears you in human shape.
“Shhhh… dinnae cry,” Johnny whispers and wraps you in his arms, holding you tightly against his bare chest. “C’mon, let’s get you back inside. You’re not built for the cold like this.”
Clinging to him you let him guide you back into the cottage, the fire crackling and suffusing the air with a comforting warmth. The werewolf fusses over you and gets you near the fire to warm up, sitting on the rug beside you and holding you tightly.
“Can you imagine what it’s like?” He asks you carefully, as though speaking to a child almost. “To live as long as we do, and fall in love with humans and lose them over and over again?” The words are a crushing weight on your chest, mixing with everything you already feel.
“I can imagine it’s a horrible burden, almost better not to fall in love at all,” you answer.
“What? An’ live a thousand years in isolation, fuck that,” he scoffs. “This cottage draws people in, special people. It was here well before Price, we think his Da’ built it but there’s no way to know. It’s linked to his pack and wants people here who deserve love.”
You stare into the fire, its warmth seeping into your bones like it used to. There is undoubtedly something unusual about the cottage, something that almost makes it feel like a living thing in its own right.
“How do I apologise?” You ask.
“Carefully, he’s been a nightmare since you left. He all but trashed the den.”
Several heartbeats of silence pass as you thoughtfully stared into the flames of the fireplace, your head resting gently on his shoulder. You twist and worry at the hem of your jumper as you think to yourself what you should be doing.
“Johnny, I’m not leaving,” you say, staring at the twisted fabric in your fingers.
“What?” he says, dumbfounded by your change of heart.
“I want to stay,” you say, looking him in the eye and smiling weakly.
“Are ya sure?” he asks, taking your face in his hands and staring hopefully into your eyes. “Really sure, hen?” You smile at his reaction, your tear stain cheeks warming in the glow of his happiness.
“I’m sure,” you confirm. In a blur you find yourself pinned to the rug under Johnny as he covers your face with kisses.
“Oh this is perfect, you won’t regret it,” he mumbles against your skin. “C’mon, we have to go and tell Price before he breaks anything else.”
You changed into outdoor clothes and walking boots, and follow Johnny in his wolf form up the trail. He bounds around you, tail wagging the entire time, nearly knocking you over as he shares his joy. You move into the deeper part of the forest the bottom of the hill below the den
The track is thick with snow as you follow behind Johnny, his paws making light work of it as you trudge along. The snow falls more thickly, sounds deadened in the air by the falling flakes and the forest has an eerie quiet to it. It feels as though the world is holding its breath, waiting for something. That’s when Johnny slows, hackles raised as he scents the still air.
Voices drift through the trees and your heart sinks as you recognise them. Too late, you see them walking between the thick trunks of the oaks, it’s the two trappers carrying heavy packs loaded undoubtedly with wolf traps again.
As soon as they spot you and Johnny they freeze, and the man thrusts his hand into his coat pocket, emerging again with a pistol.
“You again?!” The woman yells. “Fucking hurry up and shoot her!”
Johnny growls and lunges forward. The trapper holds the pistol out in front of him, the barrel wavering with his inexperience and uncertainty.
The noise of the gunshot is horrendous, world shattering as it echoes and bounces off the trees and rocks, as well as inside your head. But it’s nothing compared to the scream that escapes your lips as Johnny falls to the ground, bright crimson spattering across the crystalline white snow as he rolls over and over until he stops in a crumpled heap.
Something inside you snaps and you launch yourself at the man, the murderer, and flail wildly with your fists without a single concern for yourself. You bite, scratch and claw, trying to inflict as much damage as you can, as though you were a wild animal fighting for her life. Tears and rage blind you, stopping you from seeing the gun fall from his hand into the snow and vanishing from view as the man backs away from your attack. His partner drops to her knees and gropes through the soft powder trying to retrieve the weapon.
You begin to tire but force yourself not to stop, until you’re lifted from the ground, legs kicking wildly as you impotently scream out your anger and pain.
“That’s enough!” A deep voice penetrates your grief and stills you, calm creeping into your brain, a voice you know. “That’s it, calm down.”
You blink through your tears and your feet touch the ground again as you relax. A warm body holds you firml, and you look over your shoulder to see Price is the one holding you, his face grim. Kyle and Simon have the trappers corralled against the rocks, growling and snarling ferociously as the two humans cower.
Price lets you go and picks up a pack belonging to the trappers and finds a pack of zip ties, and uses them to bind the pair, wrist and ankles and leaves them wedged in behind some rocks at the side of the path as they scream and beg not to be left to be eaten alive. The pair have no idea they are dealing with werewolves still, thankfully.
You kneel in the snow beside Johnny, pressing your glove to the bleeding wound on his shoulder, tears running down your cheeks. The others gather around looking down as Johnny whines and licks your hand.
“Get up, Johnny,” Simon says, not unkindly. “You’re not that shot.” Johnny whines again, snout nudging at your hand again demanding your attention as you glare fiercely up at Simon, ready to curse him out for his insensitivity.
“Mate, c’mon,” Kyle says, nudging the fallen werewolf with his foot, and you start to realise you’re the only one distraught by the situation. Slowly you sit back on your heels and pull your hands back from Johnny’s fur.
“Wait, he’s okay?” you ask incredulously and realise he isn’t bleeding anymore
“Oh, he’ll hurt like a bastard,” Kyle chuckles, “but there’s no way that was a silver bullet so he’s gonna be fine.”
“It does bloody hurt,” Johnny complains bitterly after he shifts form and sits up. Blood seeps from the wound and his face is visibly pale, and he accepts Simon’s hand to pull him to his feet.
“Let’s get you down to the cottage and get the Doc to come and look at that, the bullet’s still in there,” Price says, and give you a curious look. “Kyle, go up to the den and radio into town. We’ll need someone to come up and collect those two as well,” he says, tilting his head at the two trappers.
You walk in silence with the three werewolves as you return to the cottage and get Johnny upstairs into your bed. Kyle soon joins the rest of you having returned from the den and goes upstairs to sit with Johnny while you, Price and Simon wait by the fire. A tense quiet settles over you all, Price watching you closely with his arms crossed over his broad chest.
“What were you doing coming up to the den?” He finally asks you.
“Coming to apologise,” you tell him, deciding to get straight to the point. “Also to ask if I can still stay?”
Price lets out a deep sigh, his eyes drifting closed for a moment before he opens them against and looks at you, brows raised. Simon tilts his head, listening to something you can’t hear, and interrupts Price.
“Sounds like the cavalry has arrived,” he grins, and a few minutes later there is a sharp knock at the door. You open it and invite in the Doctor and one of the senior police officers who have come up from the town. The Doctor is a man in his late sixties, small and balding, and smiles warmly when he sees you.
“What is it this time?” He asks, and you guide him up the narrow stairs to the bedroom where Johnny lays, Kyle sat beside him as they talk softly.
The Doctor speaks to them both like an old friend, clearly he knows exactly who and what they are, and he carefully extracts the bullet from Johnny’s shoulder and closes the wound, before wrapping it in a bandage. He gives him something for the pain, and to help him sleep.
“It’s best if he rests for a few days, preferably in one shape mind you,” he says with a conspiratorial wink and a nod to you, clearly putting you in charge of his care.
“Aye, I hear ya,” Johnny says, smiling thinly. “I’ll rest right here with the lass, no problem.”
“Just make sure he does rest, no strenuous activities,” the elderly man says firmly, patting you on the arm as if wishing you luck as he leaves.
“Ach, that’s no fun,” Johnny grumbles tiredly and Kyle laughs.
“You need to recover, so rest only,” Kyle says firmly, before getting up. “I’m going to make sure Price knows.”
You follow the Doctor and Kyle downstairs, letting Johnny fall asleep under the medicine's effects, and find Price talking to the Police officer who arrived in the car. He tells her where to find the trappers, and with a curt nod she leaves to arrange for the criminals to be taken into custody.
Soon it’s just you and Price left by the fireplace. He runs his finger along the lid of the box where it sits on the sofa, his thick nail making a hollow sound as it drags over the grain. Your mouth goes dry as he picks it up effortlessly and turns to you with a small smile on his face. He lifts it and tilts it so the bottom faces you, and you see in elegant pyrography the initials J.P.
“I made this a long time ago,” he says, putting it back down carefully. “It was in a gap in the bedroom wall, right?”
You nod, not sure what to say.
“It wasn’t hidden from us, love,” he says softly, walking closer to you and making the floorboards creak under his weight. “It was hidden from prying human eyes to protect us.” His hands come up and rest on your shoulders.
“We want you here because we love you, but I shouldn’t have pressured you so much,” he says, bringing his palms up to cup your face tenderly.
“I get that now, I’m sorry,” you admit openly, voice quavering slightly.
“Please stay,” he says quietly, looking at you with soft eyes. In response you rush forward and wrap your arms around his waist, getting enveloped in his embrace immediately.
“Of course,” you reply, and feel the kiss he places on top of your head.
Johnny dozes in your bed after the rest of the Pack leaves, his face a little pale and a small wrinkle on his forehead the only indication of any pain he feels. You keep him in your bed, keeping the wound clean, and marveling at how fast he heals from such an injury.
After just two days Johnny starts to become fidgety, and you know he is feeling better as his body repairs with inhuman speed. Waking up beside him on the third day you feel his hands caressing your hips and his lips on the back of your neck as he spoons up behind you.
“G’morning,” you mumble. “How are you feeling?”
“Hard,” he chuckles, and nudges your backside with his morning wood.
“No, you're still on bedrest , remember?” You chastise him despite the deep warmth you feel between your thighs.
“C’mon,” he whispers against the shell of your ear, “are ya telling me you don’t want this nice fat cock in ya right now, hen?”
Your ears burn at the outrageousness of his words but you still giggle, which turns into a gasp when he rubs himself harder up against your backside. The hands around your stomach slide down and inside your sleep shorts.
“I still dinnae hear a no,” he teases as he slowly runs a fingertip along the seam of your pussy, and softly moans as your breath hitches in response. He does it a few more times before pressing deeper, finding your wetness waiting for him and grinning with triumph.
“There she is,” he sighs and begins to circle you clit slowly as you squirm in his arms.
“Fuck, Johnny,” you whine as he slides his finger through your folds again, gather you slick before returning to your clit again.
“I plan to,” he sniggers and kisses your neck, groaning as you rock your hips and grind against him. Slowly he begins working his thick finger into you, his breathing hot and heavy against your neck, and rocks his hips in time with this hand, mirroring the thrusts. He adds a second finger, stretching your entrance whilst putting delicious friction on your clit with his thumb.
“Are you ready for me, love?” He whispers against your ear. “Gonna let me fuck you good?” You manage to nod, and your shorts are quickly pushed down, your top leg lifted up and the head of his cock slipping between your folds.
The tips of his claws dig into the softness of your thigh as he holds your leg up, and you reach down between your legs to grasp his shaft and line it up with your entrance, the ache inside you demanding to be filled.
“That’s a good girl,” he growls, a lick of broad tongue against your neck making you shudder as he thrusts inside you, filling you with his cock.
His grinds into you, his paws sliding over your body, pinching and squeezing at your breasts, hips, stomach, nipples. He gruffs and whines as he fucks into you, the wet noises of your cunt stretching around his already thickening knot clear and loud.
“Shit… gonna get you on my knot and never let ya go, bonnie thing,” he growls into your ear. As his movements become harsher, more desperate he rolls you onto your front, pushing your thighs wide to give him access to your body. His hips curl and snap, almost frantic as he fucks into you with abandon. The sensation of his knot pulling at your entrance makes you lightheaded, your orgasm starting to build under the onslaught.
You brace yourself against the headboard as his hips slam into yours, his feet scrambling against the mattress and claws digging into the sheets as he pushes harder and harder.
“Johnny! Johnny… gonna come!” You cry out and he lays over your back, with another hard thrust his knot slots into place and then he’s grinding into you as it finishes swelling. The pressure pushes you over the edge and you come, your cunt squeezing and milking his cock as he comes too.
“Fuck… ah… lass, you feel so good,” he grunts, rolling his hips as the last few spasms wrack his body. He pulls you against his chest and arranges the two of you on your sides, kissing the back of your next and shoulders tenderly.
“You feel amazing yourself,” you reply hazily in post orgasmic bliss. “I guess you’re all better now then?”
“Aye, all fixed up now. Let’s get you up to the den today,” he says gently. “Let’s get you back to your Pack.”
“Yes, please,” you sigh contentedly.
Taglist lovelies:
@lolly145 @thriving-n-jiving @iloveslasher @southernpsychgirl @bossva @xxladysquishyxx @aulescev @voidthewriting @evolutionarry @cryingpages @daniblogs164 @rantingraquel @emotions-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago @fluffysmiko @bloodstoneruby @mandythemint @cringeycookies @ttsbaby01 @0alk0msan @raniyahxo @nobilitando @neoarchipelago @kaoyamamegami @dij-ology @vexshira
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greatstormcat · 5 months
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Of Wolf And Man - Part 3
Poly TF141 x f!reader
Series Masterlist
TW: MDNI 18+, monster fucking, p in v, fingering, knotting, mentions of previous SA, angst
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The last few weeks of summer bleed in together as you spend more time with, what you now know to be, the Pack. It takes a little bit of getting used to, but not as much as you had first thought. Discovering Werewolves existed outside of fairy tales was a shock, as was watching four huge men turn into wolves at will, but you adapted very easily. Getting used to their habit of walking around totally naked was the hardest thing, and an uneasy truce was found in the form of baggy shorts being kept in the cottage for when they turned up. Simon still groused incessantly about it though, if he even bothered to put them on at all, and you decided it just wasn’t worth the shouting anymore and let him be. You suspected he enjoyed the way you reacted anyway and you were only fueling his stubborn behaviour.
You asked questions, so many questions you were worried you’d piss them off but they were always happy to answer. They told you the differences between the Designations. Apparently Price and Simon were Alphas, the dominant ones, and Johnny and Kyle were Betas, and they told you of the lost Omegas. Hunted by humans over the centuries as trophies and feats of valour, the species has dwindled down to tiny isolated Packs, and the Omegas are almost all gone after being captured as pleasure slaves for human nobility in the past. That thought sickened you to your soul.
What takes you by surprise the most, however, is getting used to constantly having them nearby. You come to discover that they can’t stand you not being in sight of at least one of them, be it night or day. Even when they roamed their territory one of them would hang back with you whilst the others were away, and it turned out this had been going on for longer than you realised. Their protective instincts ran very, very deep. Having you sleep in the den with them seemed to be the best gift you could give them, curled in the middle of them in the huge communal sleeping platform that was built with the cabin they call the den.
The den itself was a beautifully made part stone, part wooden structure hidden up in the hills, with no access by road. The furniture and fixtures have been made by hand and changed over the years to create a comfortable space, and the solar panels on the roof are an addition in recent years along with a CB radio. The truck they use has its own, hidden car port, protecting it from the elements.
Spending time up there becomes second nature, and you quickly memorise the route through the deeper parts of the forest. You feel that they’d have you move up there permanently if they could only convince you, but you couldn’t abandon the cottage, and the thought of letting yourself get so closely entwined with them is… too intense. 
However, this didn’t stop them from lavishing physical attention on you at any chance they could get. Touching was a big thing for them, they slept together and their bonds with each other went deep. You learned that Johnny and Simon were, what you thought of as, a pair, as were Price and Kyle. This didn’t stop them from sharing affections when it felt right though. In the Pack, everyone was loved equally and thoroughly by all.
It was a source of contention, however, that they wouldn’t actually fuck you, no matter how much you wanted them to. You understood that they were worried about hurting you with their knot, which was how their cocks swelled at the base during orgasm, something you’d never experienced of course. Over the course of the last month you’d been treated to insane amounts of being eaten out and taking multiple fingers, all as prep. The fascination still drew you though, how would it feel to have that inside you rather than in your hands.
You continue to clean and explore the various nooks and crannies of the ancient cottage as well, which leads to an unexpected find one morning. A loose panel in the bedroom shifts and you discover a space in the thick stone wall, begging for you to explore it.
Hidden in the depths you see a box in the dark recess, a layer of dust over the lid, and you reach out to tug it closer to the opening. It’s heavy, heavier than you expected, and you spend several sweaty minutes convincing it to shift close enough for you to pull it out. Disgruntled spiders skitter out of the way, and cobwebs cling to your arms as you work. Eventually it hits the floorboards with a heavy thud, dust mushrooming into the air and sending you into a coughing fit as you flap your hands ineffectually to clear the air.
The box is old and skillfully made, but without any fancy decoration, just lovingly sanded and polished wood and dark metal fastenings, which you guess at being iron. After a brief hesitation, imagining all kinds of curses and hexes that could be contained inside, you decide to open it and deal with the consequences. The contents are a massive disappointment after your imagined eldritch horrors, it’s just a collection of bits of paper, some looking old and bound with ribbon.
You leaf through them, and quickly become a lot more interested as you realise what this is. You pick one at random to examine more closely:
…..a lot more active in the evenings and mornings….
Full moon brings the inner beast to the surface…
..incredible sense of smell….even slight changes in hormones….
…John Price leads the pack as Alpha still…
Your eyes scan the hand written notes, the dates going back over hundreds of years with a variety of names at the bottom of each sheet, including Annie’s on the newest ones. What you have discovered is a history of the pack. You lean back against the wall reading for hours, excitedly skimming through what the previous inhabitants of the cottage have recorded about the local Werewolf Pack. The fact the one name is repeated by every different handwriting is almost too much to believe, John Price. It has to be the same Price, there’s no other way of looking at it.
The other names you read include Kyle Garrick who first appears about forty years ago in Annie’s notes, with Simon Riley and Johnny MacTavish joining the pack at the end of the 1800s. Several others are mentioned joining the pack but, sadly, the dates and causes of their deaths are recorded with due care and solemnity. What is quickly made apparent by flicking through each person’s entry in this record is no one ever leaves the cottage once they are here, every person lives out their entire life here once they’ve met the Pack. A tiny niggle of doubt creeps into the back of your mind, and you force yourself to hide the box away again in case one of them finds it, making a mental note to sit down and read everything in the near future.
One thing you hugely enjoyed was cooking and baking for the Pack, their appetites were insane and they ate everything you put in front of them with intense joy. You lean against your kitchen sink after having just given them another filling lunch, watching as they lounge happily around the table. Some items of clothing having been donned, but not much in the unexpected warmth of the day. The back door of the cottage stands open, letting a cooling breeze through the room.
“Quick question,” you call out, “you guys are quite instinct driven, yeah?” You ask with a smile tugging at the corner of your mouth.
“Yeah… why?” Johnny asks, narrowing his eyes at you, clearly sensing mischief brewing.
“So you like chasing things?” you continue vaguely, glancing quickly at the open door.
“Yeah… where are you going with this?” Kyle answers, and you see muscles tensing around the room as you take a small sidestep towards the opening. A grin splits your face a fraction of a second before you bolt through it. 
Startled shouts turn into yaps and barks as you sprint as fast as you can out of the cottage and across the meadow. It’s frightening quick how soon they catch up to you, tongues lolling as they run beside you, nipping at your thighs and hands until Johnny sideswipes you and you crumple exhaustedly to the grass.
“What the hell was that?” Price grumbles, the first to change and lean over you possessively.
“Just wanted to see what you’d do,” you laugh.
“For fucks sake,” he growls but you see the humor in his eyes behind his stern voice. “I should strip you and mount you right here to put you in your place.” Heat licks through your core at the thought of him screwing you out in the open.
“You wouldn’t?” You gasp.
“Just try him, it’s the only way you’ll know for sure,” Kyle laughs, laying down beside you with his arm behind his head. It’s ridiculous how close you’ve become with them over the last few months. A peaceful moment unfurls as you lay there in the long grass, sweet smelling flowers still blooming around you under the clear blue sky. The cares of your life far, far away, or so you believed.
“Price, you hear that?” Simon snaps, the four of them suddenly becoming alert. “Are you expecting anyone?”
“No, why?” you answer, sitting up in confusion, unable to hear anything unusual over the rustle of leaves and birds calling.
“There’s a car coming,” Price answers, and you feel the tension in the pack at the unexpected intrusion.
“It’s okay, I’ll go and see who it is,” you say, getting up and dusting yourself off. “Maybe you guys should slip away before they get here?”
“I’ll stay, keep an eye on you,” Simon says as the others change one by one and move towards the trees. Price looks back over his shoulder and nods to Simon before running after Johnny and Kyle. You suspect they won’t be going far as the luxury car pulls up outside the cottage. You walk across the meadow with Simon at your side looking like an innocent, if enormous, pet dog.
As you near the silver car the door opens and your heart leaps into your throat as your boss gets out and waves at you. He’s wearing his usual expensive suit, probably a Tom Ford by the look of it, and looks totally out of place in this natural setting.
“Um, what are you doing here?” you ask as you get closer. You notice the way he wrinkles his nose as he looks at the cottage and how you’re dressed. Usually you’d be wearing a smartly tailored outfit, perfectly made up, so seeing you after you just rolled in a meadow was jarring.
“I wanted to check on you, no one has been able to reach you since you came up here,” he answers archly.
“I know,” you say flatly. “Come inside,” you say with little grace, Simon trotting ahead of you through the door and into the kitchen, clearly going to hide the discarded clothes.
You try to play the role of polite hostess and get him a glass of water, and he sits at the table in the middle of the kitchen and looking with distaste at the array of dirty plates and cutlery before him. You stand beside the large stone sink, arms wrapped tight against your middle and with Simon leaning heavily against your thigh, a reassuring presence.
“That's a big dog,” your boss comments, watching Simon warily as he pulls his phone from a pocket inside his jacket. You’d forgotten he hated dogs, so this was an unexpected bonus.
“Yeah he is, his name is,” you pause briefly, trying to think of a scary name for the huge black wolf sat beside you, “Ghost.” 
“Okay, well… just keep him over there please,” he gulps, sweat clearly gathering on his forehead as he stares at Simon and taps his thumb nervously on the sleek case of his phone. “Look, the reason I’ve come all the way up here is to say I need you back. I know we agreed to a twelve month leave of absence but things have changed and I’m going to withdraw the agreement.”
“You can’t! I’ve got it in writing that my job is safe for the year. You owe me as much after what happened,” you explain, your hand drops down to rest on Simon’s head, fingers curling into his thick fur for comfort. You’re aware he is listening intently, getting answers you hadn’t intended to give away just yet, or at all really.
“I know what happened wasn’t ideal…” the man begins toying idly with his phone, and your temper flares.
“Ideal?! You let a client get away scot-free after he groped me!” you exclaim. I low growl rumbles from Simon in response to your words, and your boss’s eyes flick down to the huge wolf briefly. You’re mollified by seeing him swallowing impulsively.
“It was his word against yours, you had no witnesses who came forward to back up your allegation,” he says in a measured tone, absently turning his phone over and over in his hand. The constant fidgeting grates on your nerves.
“And because that client brings you in millions of pounds you sided with him. Yes, I remember. But now you’re telling me you can’t cope without me, right?” You say hotly.
“It’s not quite like that, but it's better for us to have you working than not,” he says stiffly. “It’s your choice, either you come back or we replace you. I will give you a month to decide, just to be fair, but beyond that I will not make you any promises.” He keeps jostling the shiny black device in his hand, knocking at the tabletop now, and you want to snatch it and smash it on the slate floor under your feet.
Simon huffs and trots out the back door of the cottage to your surprise, leaving you alone with your boss who continues to talk to you about projects and clients despite your obvious lack of interest. He begins opening emails and reading them to you from his phone screen, bemoaning the bad signal and lack of WiFi in the cottage.
You catch a glimpse of Simon stalking back in the front door of the cottage and silently coming into the kitchen behind your boss, then standing up in his human form.Your boss has no idea Simon is standing behind him as he flicks through his phone screen, the device directly over the glass of water. The werewolf leans down and whispers one word into his ear which you can’t hear, making him yelp and jump from his seat, the phone slipping from his hand and falling straight into the glass with a loud glug. Simon transforms instantly back into his wolf form and your boss turns to see nothing more than your guard dog looking at him impassively with his head tilted to one side.
“Oh no, your phone!” you shout with feigned concern, pulling his attention back to you. “Oh no it’ll be ruined, how clumsy of you to drop it.”
“What? No! Shit, its not waterproof!” He grabs at the sodden device frantically. You put on a show of helping him dry the damned device before he makes his excuses and heads back out to the car, glancing nervously around the cottage, clearly spooked by the voice in his ear. The car pulls away and vanishes between the trees lining the track, leaving you standing alone on the doorstep. 
“Wanker,” you mutter to yourself as you turn back into the cottage. Simon sits on the sofa, Annie’s blanket draped across his lap, he can clearly see you are rattled already and he makes this small concession for you, his thick arm thrown along the back of the seat.
“I agree,” he nods, beckoning you over to sit beside him. As soon as you do you’re enveloped in him, pulled into his lap and held securely in a comforting embrace. “Is he always like that?”
“What, you mean a selfish prick? Pretty much,” you reply glumly. 
“And he doesn't believe you were assaulted? That’s normal for him too?” You hear the anger in his tone, protectiveness rushing to the surface and you melt against him slightly.
“He believes one thing, and it's whatever makes him rich. He only agreed to the leave of absence to avoid me pressing charges and making a fuss about his favourite client. I really should have seen this coming.”
Simon puts his hands on either side of your face and tilts it up to him.
“Whatever you say happened, I believe you and so will the others. Your boss is a miserable piece of shit for siding with that client. Humans have too much attachment to money and it blinds you,” he says gently with a frown, then lets out a sigh as though deciding something.
“These scars for example,” he says, taking one of your hands and bringing it to his face to run the pad of your thumb over his top lip. “I was held captive for years, used in bear baiting to make evil people rich. Price got me out. Don’t let people use you just to make themselves rich.”
Your breath shudders as you feel the softness of Simon’s lip under your thumb, and you unconsciously part your own lips in response to the intimate gesture. Simon’s eyes lock onto your mouth, and a hot flash courses through you, made worse by the fact you see his pupils dilate when he smells it.
“How much longer before I’m allowed to… you know…” you ask, face warming with embarrassment as you drastically steer the conversation away from you leaving. 
“D’you think you’re ready?” He asks with a cocky little smirk, taking the bait. 
“Of course, but what about the others? Will they be pissed off?”
“It's fine, you’re safer with just an Alpha to start with, we’re better at controlling ourselves. Betas get pussydrunk far too easily and you’re not used to our anatomy,” he pauses. “Yet, anyway.”
“So, I could be with you?” you ask hopefully, gently plucking at the fine hair on his chest in a calculated act of coyness. Thoughts of the uncomfortable encounter dwindle as you feel Simon’s giving in to your desire, and heat pools low in your stomach. There’s an obvious nudge under the blanket against your thighs.
“Yeah, I guess it's about time,” he chuckles, taking your chin and forcing you to look him. His dark eyes draw you in, the comforting smell of him dispelling the tangled worries in your head. “If you trust me and you want this, just tell me.”
“I want this, I want you,” you say clearly.
“Fine, we’ll take it slowly and you tell me if you need to stop or anything doesn’t feel right. A knot is a hell of a thing to take, okay?”
“Sounds like you’re talking from experience,” you tease, but he looks back at you flatly.
“I am,” he states, and shakes his head at the look on your face. “Humans are so complicated, you make rules and draw lines over the most natural of things.”
He leans down and captures your lips in a searing kiss, his tongue sliding against yours as it has a dozen times before. With great care, he slowly undresses you, soft kisses pressing against your skin until you are bared to him. He takes his time, licking and sucking at your nipples, caressing the soft swells with his large hands. His huge body hovering over yours as he works you up into a needy, molten state of arousal with his thick fingers, until you mewl and beg for him.
Finally he relents, and sitting up Simon pulls your hips over his lap, settling you over his thighs so you hover over his red tipped cock. With great care he pushes you down, spearing you onto the veiny length with a deep, rumbling groan.
“Fuck… you’re so tight,” he hisses, gripping your hips until his claws dig into your skin of your hips. Your breath comes in sharp gasps as your muscles stretch around his girth, stinging slightly as you take him in.
“Just breath,” he whispers, pulling your head against his shoulder and rubbing the back of your neck tenderly. You’d expected him to be rough, to throw you around and fuck you raw, but the level of care and tenderness is unexpected and you find it easy to relax as you sink onto him fully.
“Gods… just breath for a moment,” he whispers against your ear, his thighs trembling under you. You rock your hips experimentally, feeling Simon moving inside you as you set a gentle pace, the sting of the stretch mellowing quickly and becoming a persistent, deep pleasure. His hands snap to your hips again as you cause friction to build.
“That’s it,” he groans breathily, “you’re doing so well. That’s it, just relax.”
You risk lifting your hips slightly, sliding up his length and back down gingerly, the resulting sensation making you clench around him, squeezing him hard and making you both moan. You do it again and feel his wide palms running up and down your back, his head falling backwards as you squeeze and stroke his cock with your wet heat.
“Oh fuck,” he groans, spurring you on as he lets you take the lead, controlling the depth and pace for your pleasure while he holds himself as still as possible and resists the urge to grab you and pound into you. A sheen of sweat coats his skin, and his muscles tighten beneath his skin, trying to change shape but he fights against it. All the time you grind yourself down onto his cock, your hands on his shoulders to stabilise yourself.
You feel it, the pressure building as the base of his cock swells and your walls pulse in response to the increased thickness. A needy whine bubbles from your throat at the alien sensation, but you don’t stop moving, feeling it pulling as it slips in and out of your drooling heat.
“Ya need to let me take over...” he pants and you slowly lift off of him, his cock hitting his stomach with a damp thud as it leaves you, and the emptiness it leaves behind is almost unbearable. You let him reposition you so you're kneeling on the sofa and he slots himself behind you, and carefully slides his thick cock back inside you. A firm hand rests between your shoulder blades, another grasping the meat of your hip, keeping you in position as Simon moves his hips in a sinuous motion. 
“You okay?” he pants and huffs, voice thick and rough as the burgeoning knot settles back inside you.
“Yes, its… big,” you hiss.
“Thank you,” he grunts with a chuckle. “Play with your clit, it’ll help.” You do as he says and you arch your back at the added sparks of electricity that course through your body as a result. He picks up the pace in response, your orgrasm building within you.
“Fuck… fuckfuckfuck…” he lays across your back, kissing the skin and sharp teeth scraping across your shoulder blade. “Its gonna catch soon. Don't worry, okay?” He snaps his hips more sharply, forcing himself deeper and the knot catches, refusing to leave your body again and a tiny moment of panic rears inside of you.
“Simon…!” you whimper, trembling with the need to come and the new sensation.
“Yer okay, yer okay… doing so good… so good so fucking good…” he chants hoarsely, wet kisses trailing along your neck and you feel that calming effect again. His arms wrap around in front of you, caging you against him and you grab at his wrists to anchor yourself. He grinds his knot into you and heat flares inside you, pushing you over the edge into your orgasm. Your back arches and you push back against him, dragging your fingernails against his forearms and leaving red welts in their path. He snarls at the sudden dull pain and snaps his hips sharply against you a few more times, while you squeeze him so tightly he spills himself inside you with a deep growl.
Simon groans into your ear, rocking his hips into you as he comes, mouth sucking at your neck and teeth grazing your skin. You can feel how badly he wants to bite you in the tremble of his jaw, but his iron self control holds him back. 
“Shit… that feels good,” you whisper, sparks of pleasure igniting while you feel his member twitching inside you and the heat of his cum starting to pool behind his knot.
“Good,” he mumbles, holding you tightly beneath him. “Just need a minute or two, you did so well.”
You spend several minutes tied together until the swelling calms, then Simon cleans you up and wraps you up with him to rest and recover.
“I want to do that again,” you murmur, your face buried in the crook of his neck contentedly. He chuckles back at you.
“Yeah, there’s no problem with that.”
The autumn wears on, and you find you’re spending more time in the den as the weather changes. There’s always an excuse for you not to go back to the cottage as the rains fall, and you spend more nights with the Pack. The first night you’d returned with the smell of Simon’s cum in you, you’d almost been tackled to the ground by Johnny and Kyle in their excitement and the Alphas had warned them not to get carried away. 
You’d been exhausted but thoroughly satisfied by the time you’d taken both their knots the following morning after you’d recovered from your experience with Simon. Price was much gentler, as Simon had been, which was good considering his was nearly as big. One thing you knew now was a human man would never measure up after this.
As frost begins to coat the landscape in the early mornings, you stand at the window of the den drinking coffee after another warm and cosy night with them.
“You should stay here for the winter,” Price announces over his mug of coffee, and not for the first time since the weather began to cool down. “It's safer here, especially when the snows come in heavy. You won’t be able to get to town easily, if that shitbox car of yours will even start, which I doubt.”
“I doubt your crappy truck does much better in the snow,” you counter with a smirk.
“We don’t drive in the snow,” Kyle chimes in. “It's much more fun to run in it.”
You chuckle at that, imagining them running through the snow.
“I bet it is,” you agree. “But I’ve got to start thinking about getting ready to go back home. I’ve already risked a lot by not going back early, I don’t want to push my luck.” 
“Piss on that!” Johnny snaps angrily surging up to pace the floor. Any talk of you leaving affects him poorly, his temper wearing thinner every time it comes up. It hadn’t gone down well when Simon had told them about the visit from your boss and the man’s threat.
“Settle down,” Simon warns him, and Johnny obediently sits back down in response to his instruction. Simon grasps the back of his neck and rubs his thumb against it to soothe him.
“So, are you really going back?” Price says once Johnny is quiet again. You look back out the window, guilt gnawing at you and making it hard to look at any of them. Even Kyle has an accusatory look in his soft, dark eyes that you can’t stomach.
“Money over pack?” He pushes you, and it leaves a bitter taste to hear it out loud.
“I’m not Pack though, am I?” You snap back at him, hating how he is making you sound so petty… so human. “I’m not like you.”
“That’s not the point, staying here with us is better than going back to your old life. You know that, don’t be stubborn,” he growls.
“It’s my decision, not yours!” Anger raging inside you at the way another man is trying to control you, to tell you what to do and manipulate you.
“It’s for your own good!” He says firmly. A red mist clouds your thoughts, and you feel torn. Guilt adds an edge to your emotions and you suddenly feel the need to lash out.
“No! It’s not! It's for you! I found a box in the cottage, it’s got notes on your from the last,” you wave your hand in the air trying to pick a number. “I don’t know, several centuries!”
“The box?” He asks.
“Yes! They’ve been keeping notes on you John Price,” You spit his full name in his face, something he’s never given you, then turn to the others one by one and jab a finger at them each. “Simon Riley! Kyle Garrick! Johnny MacTavish! You’ve been keeping people here for all this time, just to be your pet, your… your concubine!”
The moment you stop talking you see the hurt in his face, all their faces, and you know how incredibly out of line you are. Your heart shatters when Price turns away from you, showing you his back.
“Get out,” he growls and the hairs on your neck stand on end at the threat in his tone.
“Wait, she didn’t mean…” Kyle starts to say, getting up from his seat and giving you a cold stare.
“SHE GOES!” Price roars and even you feel the force he puts behind his voice, your brain screaming to get away from the enraged Apex predator before you. The three men flinch, heads bowed in submission and you bolt for the door.
You run, tears streaming down your face as you head for the cottage blindly, and rain begins to fall in icy, sharp bullets. The universe watches as you become soaked in punishment for hurting the kindest four souls you’ve ever known, until you burst, drenched and shivering, back into the cold confines of Annie’s cottage.
No fire burns in the hearth to warm you, the range has blown out and gone cold, so you crumple on the floor pulling the blanket around your shoulders, and weep for what you’ve done. For the first time all year you feel utterly alone.
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greatstormcat · 4 months
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Of Wolf And Man - The Blood Moon
PolyTF141 x f!reader
Series Masterlist
TW: MDNI 18+, monster fucking, period sex and discussion of periods, masturbation, p in v
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You were warm, too warm, sweat prickling along your back and making it stick to the bed sheet below you. Spending the night with the Pack was becoming a more regular event now, but you still made sure you returned to the cottage and your own space more often than not. Last night it had been raining, drops flying through the trees almost sideways, and there was no point in getting soaked and muddy, so you’d happily stayed put. The pack share a single, huge sleep platform that was made by Price’s hands years ago. Being nestled in the midst of their bodies was a little overwhelming to start with, but it was now the most comforting thing you could imagine. It was also interesting when anyone was feeling a little amorous, that feeling usually spilling over to the others without fail. A dozing pile of semiconscious werewolves becoming a mound of caressing hands and hungry lips was an unearthly experience.
Now, though, you were too hot to stand the close contact, and a deep, creeping discomfort in your lower abdomen suggestd why. You sneak quietly to the bathroom, trying hard not to rouse the others, and confirm your theory with a quick swipe of tissue. Your period. As quietly as you can you pull on your jeans, stuffing your underwear with a wad of tissue from the bathroom, fumbling with your bra over your sore breasts and cursing as a cramp digs its fingers into you making you drop your boots. You pull your top on and pick up your bag, planning to head back to the cottage and get some supplies before coming back. The idea of cuddling with them through this is highly appealing, but bleeding all over your clothes and their furniture isn’t. You’ll just leave a note and maybe even be back before they notice you’ve gone.
“Where are you going, love?” Price asks roughly as you head towards the bedroom door, bag over your shoulder and a frown knitting your brows together. It never fails that if you go near that door one of them notices and asks, but never does anything as crass as trying to stop you. They’d been extra physical the last day or so, more protective and watchful, almost trying to keep you in constant physical contact.
“I need to go back home,” you explain, huffing a little at getting caught, pain stabbing low in your abdomen. “You don’t understand, I need my… stuff. My period just started.” You are not sure if you’re sharing too much information, certainly with a bunch of men, even if they were werewolves. He chuckles and gets up from the bed, padding over to you on bare feet and totally nude, just like the rest of them.
“I know, I can smell it on you,” he says, moving closer to you until he is almost touching you with his chest and your back bumps against the still closed door. Your skin prickles as he leans closer, the faintest scrape of his beard touching your neck as he leans in and inhales. “It’s coming off you in waves, the whole place smells of you right now, smelling like….” he trails off, not finishing the thought out loud but you see the faint shiver that ripples through his muscles at whatever it is he thinks.
“Is it that bad?” You ask faintly, feeling a spell being woven over you. The other three are watching from the bed now they’re awake too, drawn in by whatever dark thing is happening before them.
“You’re bleeding in our den, making it yours just by being here when you’re most vulnerable,” Price answers, almost curling himself around you so he can run his nose along the skin behind your ear. “Trusting us to protect you like this,” his voice drops to a deep growl on the last few words, you almost expect to feel his tongue against your skin but he holds himself back, barely. Simon has stood up and taken a step forward, Kyle and Johnny poised on the edge of the bed, clearly tense and ready to move at the slightest provocation. The air ripples with an electricity you’ve never felt before, the scent of your menstrual blood driving the four werewolves into a highly protective state.
“Does it hurt?” Price asks you, drawing your attention back to him.
“Hmmm?” You ask, struggling to pull your eyes from the others. The feeling that if you look away they’re going to pounce, thrums through your veins. Price takes your chin in his fingers and tilts your head to look at him.
“Are you in pain?” he repeats himself with the patience of a rock, pupils wide as his eyes bore into you. You give a small nod in answer, and his mouth tightens almost imperceptibly. If you weren’t so close to him you probably wouldn’t have noticed the twitch in his expression. “Then you’re not leaving here,” he says firmly. “Tell us what you need, we’ll go and get it for you and bring it back.”
It's Simon and Johnny that volunteer to go, and you tell him what you need and where it is in your cottage, glad there aren’t many places for them to have to look and the fact they know it inside and out. They leave with your key and backpack, and Price guides you back towards the bed.
With a firm hand Price pushes you down onto the mattress, and he pulls your boots off, coaxing you to move into the middle of the soft space amidst the various pillows and blankets once more. The earthy, comforting smell of them always hits you hard here, drawing you in and pulling you under into comforting bliss. Kyle crawls up beside you, and you're soon sandwiched between them, Price’s hands moving to the waistband of your jeans and pulling at the buttons to undo them.
“Wait… I…” you start to say, insecurities about your body rushing to the surface and threatening to burst the soft bubble you’re floating in. Periods are meant to be reviled, hidden, aren’t they? So why are they treating you like a revered goddess?
“Hush now, I’m not trying anything on. Just getting you comfortable,” he says softly but with a firmness that leaves you without any doubts that you can trust him. Your jeans are peeled away, and you have to admit it feels better not having the waistband jabbing into your bloated stomach.
It’s shockingly fast how quickly Simon and Johnny return with you things, they had to have sprinted the entire way there and back on all four paws. You change into more comfortable clothing, a loose old t-shirt, and take some paracetamol, waiting for the cramps to subside.
“There’s a quicker way to take the edge off the pain,” Johnny says as he lays at the corner of the bed, caught between shapes and slowly wagging his tail back and forth.
“What’s that?” You ask curiously.
“Orgasm, hen,” he says with a sharp toothed grin, and your eyebrows shoot up to your hairline.
“What? You’re kidding,” you laugh.
“Relaxes the muscles and releases those feel good chemicals in the brain,” he insists. You look at the others, and realise they all seem to be in agreement.
“Well… I….” you stammer, unsure what to say next. How could the situation get any weirder though? “What about the mess?” You ask lamely.
“You’ve seen us coming back from a hunt often enough, d’you think we care about getting a little blood on us?” Simon counters from where he is lounging beside Johnny. Its true, you’ve seen them when they’ve hunted down and killed a deer more than once while you’ve known them, and whilst you had opted not to watch them eat it raw you saw the aftermath and felt the aftereffect of the high they rode as a result. You feel your cheeks warm in embarrassment at such a childish question.
“Hey, stop worrying about it. If you don’t want to do it we are not going to force the issue,” Simon continues, but ultimately you agree to put your trust in them once again.
You insist on towels being put down despite them saying they don’t mind the mess, and you are soon stripped down, gently cradled underneath Kyle at Price’s insistence. If Johnny is put out by this, he is quickly over it as he watches, eyes rapt as Kyle kisses your neck until your eyelids flutter shut. Simon joins him, a heavy arm draped over the smaller man’s shoulder possessively.
“Just tell me if you need me to stop, yeah?” Kyle whispers against your collarbone, kissing and nipping at it. “Rub your clit for me, nice and slow.”
“I will,” you promise him, swallowing nervously as he nudges your aching thighs open with his knees. The scent must be incredibly strong to them, as all four inhale sharply, a collective growl rolling through the air around you, and you can’t help but feel a rush of heat in response. When you touch your clit, it's already sensitive from your arousal and the effects of your period and you hiss in a sharp breath at the buzz it gives you.
“Fuck… you smell so good,” Kyle whispers, kissing your cheek and hair. “So good.” You tilt your hips, pressing against the fat tip of his cock as your cramps war against your need, clit aching deliciously as you rub it.
“Please,” you beg, and he rumbles a deep moan in response, gently easing into you, finding little resistance thanks to the extra, bloody lubrication. The dull ache you were feeling changes into a different sensation as his cock massages the muscles of your walls, the steady grinding of his hips bringing blessed relief.
“How’s that feel, hmmm?” He breaths, and you moan wantonly, nodding your head.
“Yeah… better…” you sigh dreamily, your free palm sliding up the hard planes of his chest, and then curling your fingers until the blunt edges of your nails bite into his skin. “Much… much better.”
His pace is gentle, a tender and sensual rolling of his hips that sends sparks along your nerves, chasing the pain away and replacing it with a deep, warming pleasure.
“Good boy, Kyle,” you hear Price rumble, almost purring close to your ear before he presses against your side. He fists his cock slowly, almost in sync with Kyle’s thrusts, and presses kisses against your neck and throat. Where Simon and Johnny are, it’s hard to tell, but soft grunts and wet sounds suggest they are occupied nearby. “Remember, don’t knot her. It’ll hurt too much right now,” he guides the younger werewolf, looking at you with hooded, hungry eyes.
“Yeah, got it. She feels so good,” Kyle groans, his hips curling and grinding into you, wet sounds accompanying the laboured breaths from you both. You find yourself bucking your hips as the buzzing in your muscles coalesces into a hot ball, a tension building in you that needs to be released.
“Shit…” you mutter, legs sawing against the sides of Kyle’s hips, as you chase that sensation, clinging to it with desperation. Your fingers slide back and forth over your clit, faster and faster until Price pulls away your hand, replacing it with his thick, weathered fingers to slow you down.
“Relax, don’t rush to the finish line,” he murmurs, and when you let out a frustrated whine he kisses you. His tongue slides against yours roughly, hinting at his need under his control, and you push the fingers of one hand into his hair while you kiss. Your hand grasps onto Kyle as he continues to slowly fuck you, and the trembling of his muscles under your palm tells you he is working hard to not pound mercilessly into you like he usually does.
A muffled curse hints at more passion being shared between Simon and Johnny, another overspill of desire, and the sounds that follow only add to the fire building inside of you.
“I… I can’t stop it…” Kyle rasps, and you can feel the swelling starting to build at the base of his shaft, his knot growing and pulling at you already.
“You’ll have to let me take over then, pup,” Price tells him with a breathless grin, using his broad shoulders to nudge Kyle aside. When Kyle pulls out, you’re left feeling empty and the lack of his body heat over your abdomen is jarring until Price takes his place.
Price doesn’t have Kyle’s length but he is thicker, and there’s a tender stretch as he slowly splits your bloodied folds open, rocking his hips to completely wrap you around his length and pick up where Kyle left off. A high pitched whine bubbles up your throat as you have to readjust, your orgasm fading slightly and the hint of pain worming its way back through.
“Shhh… it's okay, I know,” he soothes you, draping his heavy chest over your body. The hair on his chest tickles your overly sensitive nipples and you twitch slightly as he cocoons you in his arms. As soon as your muscles relax, the discomfort recedes and the delicious pleasure returns, riding the thrusts of his length inside you.
Kyle rolls onto his back with a petulant groan, displeased at having to pull himself from you, crimson streaks adorning his engorged dick which he begins to stroke desperately. You can smell that faint tang of iron in the air, the thing that’s been driving the Pack wild since you got out of bed. Whatever Simon and Johnny are doing, you can feel the counter rhythm of it throw the mattress, a heavy but steady sound accompanying it along with moans and grunts.
Your orgasm builds, a flood behind a dam ready to break, washing away all concerns and doubts you had about sharing your body with them. With your legs hooked around Price’s waist, you pull yourself harder onto his cock, refusing to follow the gentle pace he has tried to maintain, and he has the good grace to take the hint. With a few more hard, sharp thrusts, he sends you wailing into your release sending spasms of heaven through your aching body.
Gasping for air you float back into your body, a pleasant tingle singing through your muscles instead of the tired ache you woke up with. You roll your eyes over to Kyle just in time to see him spill cum across his knuckles in thick ropes, and you tighten again around Price’s dick, still inside you.
“You okay there?” He asks softly, kissing your forehead and then nose. Perspiration glistens on his forehead as he looks down at you with concern in his eyes.
“I feel wonderful,” you breathe, and kiss his lips. The wet feeling between your thighs is no matter as they continue to accept it so easily.
“Good, you ready for more? Then we’ll get you some breakfast,” he grins. Whatever reply you were going to give him does in your throat as he starts to move his hips again.
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greatstormcat · 5 months
Sobbing i need the werewolf au but with them finding a feral werewolf and having em adapting to pack life omg i love these silly lil giys
This is actually how Kyle joined the Pack….
His original Pack had been wiped out by human trappers and hunters while he was still relatively young by werewolf standards, and he spent a long time living completely alone. He had needed to survive without the comfort and support of others like him, and had lost all trust and care for humanity. The slaughter of his family was burned into his brain, haunting his dreams and waking thoughts alike for years. He had been reduced and broken down to his component parts, more wolf than werewolf, and little man left, surviving on his instincts alone.
This was how Simon had found Kyle when he had wandered to the edge of the Pack's territory. He was thin, injured and close to death, drawn by the scent of a fresh kill and the burning in his gut. He hadn’t been able to hunt successfully on his own since being injured, so it had been too long since he had eaten. Kyle could smell the other werewolves, could smell the presence of two Alphas who would most likely kill him on sight, but he was too far gone to care.
Simon had spotted him first, muzzle lifted at the unfamiliar scent, and stalked the undergrowth until he came across the wretched creature. Snarls and barks greeted Simon when he found Kyle, hackles raised and foam flecking his maw as he prepared to defend himself from the huge Alpha. But no attack came, Simon simply sat down and regarded him coolly until Kyle stopped posturing, too weak to keep expending the energy.
When Simon eventually got up and moved closer, slowly but confidently, to better see his injuries, Kyle bared his throat in submission, whining softly. After that Simon had led him to the kill, to Price and Johnny, and he was allowed to eat his fill. Over the following months Price had allowed Kyle to stay, to integrate into the pack, and the two grew closer. Kyle fit in perfectly once his rough edges were dealt with, having lived wild for decades. Price and Simon were forced to scruff him like an errant pup on multiple occasions until he relearned his place and his manners. He soon learned to respect the Pack, but his youthful spirit never changed and made for great mischief with Johnny.
It took longer for him to learn to trust humans again, but with the unending and loving patience of the Pack’s human member he was able to understand that not every human was untrustworthy.
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greatstormcat · 4 months
Hello!!! Its my first time ask some one so be kind, well i just want to ask if you can do a one shot for werewolf au something with reader, kyle and soap can be just a fluffy or hot idont know i just belive you gonna do something amazing i love your au so teah i just know this gonna be good love u. (Inglish is not my first language so sorry if i made some mistake♡)
Hello!!! Thank you for sending in an ask, and i really appreciate that you picked me for your first one. Also, I am always in awe of multilingual people who do something that I could never hope to do and write in another language.
Have some werewolf fluff!
TW: MDNI 18+ for nudity and a bit of suggestiveness at the end but other way it’s fluff
“No no no! Damn it!” You yelled, banging your fists on the steering wheel of your car. The engine warning light blazed back at you from the dash, taunting and jeering at you, to the background sound of the rain pelting down on the roof of your car. The silence of the dead engine only made the drumming of rain on metal all the louder. “You utter, utter bastard,” you grumbled thinking of the long, muddy and cold slog you now faced to get back to the cottage with your shopping.
Leaning over into the back seats you tried to organise the perishables into the same box, planning to come back later for the rest. You’d just have to abandon the car here and call for a tow back to town later, at least no one else used this road as it only went to the cottage.
Flipping up your hood and bracing yourself against the coming onslaught, you climb out, slamming the door harder than necessary and then grab the box from the back seat. Muttering curses under your breath you trudged through the sucking mud up the road, fat drips slapping onto your raincoat as they fell from the trees lining the way.
It was long before you were sweating under the waterproof fabric despite the chill that bit into your exposed face and fingers. What made it worse was the fact you’d insisted on doing this shopping trip alone, insisting you didn’t need one of the Pack with you just for a basic supply run like this. You could imagine Price now, arms folded and giving you an unashamedly smug look. Be nagged you about your car often enough, and now there was no way he’d let you live this down.
“Oh fuck,” you grumbled and two wolves came trotting down the track ahead of you. As they neared you recognised them as Kyle and Johnny, and breathed a quick sigh of relief as you kept marching.
“You got a problem there, love?” Kyle is the first to change and walk beside you, the cold rain barely registering as he tracks through the mud with you.
“Fancied a walk,” you lie stubbornly, avoiding lifting your head to see what you know will be an irritating grin on his gorgeous face.
“Shit weather for tha’, why didn’t you drive?” Johnny chips in, walking along on the other side of you.
“Okay! My car is fucked!” You burst out, the ghost of a smile pulling at the corners of your mouth at the absurdity of the situation and water seeps into you neck and o er the tops of your boots. Kyle steps infront of you forcing you to stop and look up at him.
“Do you want some help?” He asks softly, and you cannot help but crack a smile at his warm expression.
“Yes please,” you concede. Between the three of you, thanks to the boys amazing strength, you get everything back to the cottage, and they promise to get the car sorted without letting price know, saving your bruised ego.
Shivering and wet you get out of your wet and muddy clothes, joining Johnny and Kyle by the fireplace after they wipe the mud from their skin.
“C’mere, you’re still shivering,” Johnny urges you, beckoning you to slot yourself between their large frames on the rug with your back to Johnny’s chest. You settle between them, warm skin pressed against the thin cotton of the oversized t shirt you threw on, their heat leaching in to replace the aching cold that had wormed into you with the rain. Gentle, heavy palms caress your hip and arm, and your shivering slowly subsides with a deep sigh.
Now the sound of the rain against the window creates a restful countermelody to the cracking of the fire, and the gentle murmur of Johnny and Kyle’s breathing soften the mood further.
“Feeling better now?” Kyle asks you, sensing you relaxing in their embrace, turning more warm and comfortable with each beat of your heart. You hum in agreement, and he places a gentle kiss against your forehead, over the damp strands of hair stuck there.
“Good, guess we’ll have to stay here for a bit, yeah?” Johnny muses, his hand wandering from your hip to your thigh, and then easing under the hem of the t shirt to touch bare skin. You can feel the grin on his lips as he nuzzles against the back of your neck, as well as… something else.
“No sense anyone getting stuck in the rain again, is there?” You agree softly, shifting slightly and causing friction to build between the three of you. The look in Kyle’s dark eyes seals the deal for you, dark and hungry, before he kisses your lips gently.
“Okay, we’ll stay,” he whispers against your lips.
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greatstormcat · 5 months
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Werewolf and AU Lore
These are my personal rules and head canons for this particular AU
Werewolves are able to appear in any combination of human and/or wolf form at will, but their natural state is a medial state between the two species.
In human form werewolves can appear almost totally human but with sharper teeth and other small traits that can be easily missed.
Wolf form is Eurasian Wolf but much larger than normal, individual markings occur to distinguish individuals and can carry over between forms.
Heightened senses: smell, taste, hearing, low light eyesight.
Heightened skills: balance, speed, strength, healing, immune to most human diseases.
During the full moon instincts become over driven for 48 hr period, quick temper, lots of energy to burn off.
Silver allergy in all forms.
Naturally long lived, and thought to be immortal but in truth they age much slower than humans and can die of old age after many centuries.
Humans cannot be turned, cannot crossbreed with other species, but this doesn’t stop them from forming relationships and having their fun.
Naturally high sex drive, and mating season occurs in early winter when the Alphas become more aggressive and protective of their pack and mates.
Naturally very protective, live in close knit packs and can be suspicious of outsiders.
They will scent mark non-werewolves they consider their own, which humans can faintly detect and find the scent pleasant and comforting helping to draw them into the pack dynamic.
Romantic bonds are fluid within the pack, as is the sexuality of each individual. Human rules on gender and sexuality are seen as unnecessary and bizarre to werewolves.
Alpha, Beta, Omega dynamics apply but not as intensely.
Naturally occurring species, hunted by humans for centuries.
Omegas in particular have been all but hunted to extinction, very few exist so werewolf numbers are dwindling.
Small packs still remain, hidden in isolated, rural areas where they have managed to form a bond with their human neighbours.
Despite their ferocious reputation, which is contrived by humans, they prefer to avoid killing and violence, preferring to use aggressive displays to ward off potential enemies unless provoked or cornered.
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greatstormcat · 5 months
Just finished reading Of Wolf And Man, and it was amazing. I was wondering if it'd be possible to request headcanons about your poly!werewolf!141 with an Omega reader? (preferably fem)
Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it!
The lore I’ve established for this AU very clearly states that humans have killed off the omega population (because humans suck) BUT FOR SCIENCE…. If reader was actually an omega… holy fucking shit…
Can you imagine how incredibly over top the possessiveness and protectiveness would be? You’d be arguing even worse with Price about setting foot outside the den, let alone going anywhere without one of them attached to your hip 24/7. Then you’d both feel guilty about it and apologies end up with a cuddle puddle for the Pack being mandatory.
You’d be living in whatever clothing they had scented for you, so I hope you can either fill out their sized clothing or you like to wear baggy stuff because they are going to want to mask your scent.
Your heats would be… tricky, atleast to start with while Simon and Price work around each other, driving by your scent until they can’t think straight. Good thing you have Johnny and Kyle on hand to keep their guys busy while one is knotting you.
I’d say that the atmosphere would be a lot more highly strung, a lot more instincts at play, and very… explosive!
(Sorry this is rushed and sloppy but I wanted to answer it before the Night Nurse kicks in and I check out…. *dribbles unsexily*….)
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greatstormcat · 5 months
Sobbing as the most puppy brained person ever I need werewolf 141 carnally I love the boys so much your writing is so good
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Thank you! I know I always say it, but I’m having so much fun writing this it should be criminalised.
I am quite shocked actually because I’m not much of a canine energy person, as my name suggests, but there is something about these guys that brings it out of my so easily.
There’s one more part to the story officially, but I am really open to ideas and asks once it’s over.
I have one particular one shot ready to go which I’m 100% I will get asked for, so I’m holding that one up my sleeve for now
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greatstormcat · 5 months
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There you go my beauties, the werewolf AU is complete!
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greatstormcat · 3 months
Hi, I’ve never sent a request before, so I hope I’m doing this right! But I had an idea! (please feel free to ignore this if you don’t vibe with the idea! :) )
But I love your work especially the Werewolf Au! I was just wondering what would the pack do if reader had a nightmare! Then I thought what would they do if reader was kidnapped!
I love the idea of the pack going crazy with worry trying to find where you have gone, then once saved, mending any wounds and comforting you afterwards from the nightmares!! I’m sucker for a saving, hurt/comfort/fluff storyline!
Idk the logistics tho but I love your work and how you write these characters, so I leave you with this little idea that fell into my head!! :D
I don't know how I'd work in a kidnapping with this particular storyline, it so cottagecore at its heart that I don't see that the reader would ever be in that situation! However I do like the idea of reader getting looked after if they got sick, perhaps the 'flu or something like that so they were pretty much forced to stay in bed for a week.
You know full well that Price is going to get run with the excuse to get highly protective and have you carried up to their den. They'll be enforcing cuddle piles 24/7 and making sure you eat and keep hydrated. That would be something to experience!
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