#1589 gets stuck in my head a lot
mahoutoons · 5 years
Fandom: Star Twinkle Pretty Cure
Word Count: 1589
Synopsis: Hikaru has finally achieved her dream of going to space. But during her first trip, she hears a familiar voice. Soon, she and her fellow astronauts are warped to Planet Samaan, where Hikaru finds a familiar fluffy friend waiting for her.
A/N: Hello everyone. I saw Star Twinkle episode 49 and I absolutely loved it, but I couldn’t help but wonder what happens after the ending. So, I made this, continuing off the events of episode 49. Enjoy! 
AO3 link
After the flash of light, Hikaru found herself in a familiar place much different from the space she was used to. Instead of the dark sky and brilliant stars shining, the sky was all sorts of pastel colors.  “What is this place and how did we get here?” one of the astronauts asked.  Hikaru was awed to see the place again. The last time she had been there, she was just a teenager. To be in the Starry Sky Galaxy again gave her a sense of nostalgia.  “It must have been Fuwa” she whispered.  “What was that, Hoshina-san?” asked an astronaut. “No, its nothing” said Hikaru. “I just said that this is a strange place, so unlike our own universe.” “But you have to admit, its beautiful, isn’t it?” said one of the astronauts.  “Yes, it is indeed” replied Hikaru. 
The rocket went further into the Starry Sky Galaxy until it came across a planet. Hikaru knew the planet all to well- it was Planet Samaan, home to her old friend Lala.  “Hey look, its a planet! Hoshina-san, Hoshina-san, are you alright?” “Oh, I’m fine” said Hikaru. “What do you say we land on that planet?” “Its not a planet we have seen before. Who knows what dangers could be in it?” “It’ll be fine” Hikaru assured them. “We want to explore new worlds, don’t we?” “Yeah, we do” agreed the other astronauts.  “Alright then, prepare for landing.” The rocket landed on Planet Samaan. Hikaru and the other astronauts exited the rocket. 
“Wow, this is indeed a strange planet” said an astronaut.  “Its just as I remember it” whispered Hikaru.  “What did you say, Hoshina-san?” “No, its nothing.” They went further and saw the inhabitants of the planet.  “No way! This planet actually has people!” exclaimed an astronaut.  “And they look just like us! Except they have those antennas. Oooh, everyone on Earth is gonna be so surprised!”  Hikaru wasn’t listening to them. She reminisced on the time she visited the planet.  “I wonder if I can find Lala here” she thought to herself. “Hey, Hoshina-san, take a look at this!” an astronaut called her. “This thing is so cute!” Hikaru turned around to see a strange, fluffy white little unicorn with the other astronauts. Hikaru’s eyes shined when she saw it. 
“Fuwa!” “Huh? Fuwa?” the astronauts were confused.  “Hikaru!” “Fuwa!” Fuwa flew into Hikaru’s hands and she hugged her tightly.  “Fuwa, I missed you so much!” Hikaru said.  “I missed you too, Hikaru!” Fuwa said.  “Um, Hoshina-san, do you..... know this creature?” asked one of the astronauts. “Um, that’s....” “FUWA!” A familiar voice called. Hikaru turned to see two familiar figures running towards her- they were her old friends, Lala and Yuni, accompanied by Prunce. “Fuwa, there you are..” Prunce said. They stopped in their tracks when she saw Hikaru.  “Hikaru?” Lala said.  “Hi....ka....ru?” Yuni said. “Lala! Yuni! Prunce!” The three girls ran and embraced each other.  “Long time no see!” Prunce said “Hikaru, we missed you so much” Lala said in her own language.  “We really wanted to see you” Yuni said, in her own language too.  “I may not understand what you guys are saying, but I missed you so much” said Hikaru, tears falling from her eyes. 
The other astronauts stood there confused.  “Hoshina-san?” Hikaru turned around. In the happiness of the moment, she had completely forgotten about them!” “Hoshina-san, what is going on? Have you..... been here before?” asked one of them.  Hikaru saw no choice. “Well, I guess I have to tell you” she said. 
Hikaru told them how she met Lala and Yuni and all about her adventures as Pretty Cure.  “That’s a lot to take in” said an astronaut.  “Normally I’d say this is a far fetched story but seeing as these aliens know you, I’m inclined to believe it”  “Still, I can’t believe our Hoshina-san saved the entire universe as a teenager” said an astronaut. “When I was a teenager, I would sit inside all day and eat sweets.” “Hahaha, but I was a normal teenager too” said Hikaru.  “Hikaru, there is so much we want to say to you” said Yuni.  “I can’t believe I’m actually seeing you” said Lala. “Everyday I wished I could see you and here you are.” “Hoshina-san, do you know what they’re saying?” asked an astronaut.  Hikaru shook her head.  Suddenly, a bright light shone from Fuwa. A pendent appeared around Hikaru, Lala and Yuni’s necks. The same one also appeared around the astronaut’s necks. “These pendants....” Hikaru said.  “Hikaru...” Lala said.  “Lala, Yuni.” “Hikaru, we missed you so much” said Yuni.  “No way, they’re actually speaking Japanese!” one of the astronauts said.  “These pendants help us to understand the language of aliens” said Hikaru. “Its how I was able to communicate with Lala and Yuni.” “Amazing!” said an astronaut. “The people are going to love this!” 
They talked for a little while. Lala and Yuni were ready to answer the other astronauts’ questions.  “How are Elena and Madoka doing?” asked Lala.  “They’re doing fine” said Hikaru. “Elena-san is an interpreter for a news program. Madoka-san’s father is the Prime Minister now and she was the one heading the project for us to go to space.” “That’s amazing” Lala said.  “I wish we could see them” said Yuni.  “Do you want to see them now?” asked Fuwa.  “We’d love that” said Lala.  “Then lets warp to earth.” “Hey, lets do it in the rocket” said an astronaut.  “Yeah. Lala, Yuni, lets go to the rocket I came in.” “Alright.” “Lets see them again!” said Prunce.
They went back to the rocket. After doing the countdown, they once again blasted into space. Fuwa once again did her warp. Soon, they were on earth again, this time in the same place they had taken off from. “We’re back already! What kind of magic is this?” asked an astronaut.  “Isn’t it amazing?’ They exited the rocket again. Elena and Madoka noticed them and ran towards them. “Hey, you guys are back” Elena said  “Did you guys find anything?” asked Madoka.  “We discovered lots of amazing things!” said an astronaut.  “Elena-san, Madoka-san, someone is here to see you guys” said Hikaru.  “To see..... us?” asked Madoka.  “Yeah.” Lala, Yuni, Fuwa and Prunce exited from the rocket. Elena and Madoka’s eyes grew wide. They went to hug Lala and Yuni.  “You guys.... we missed you so much!” said Madoka.  “We really wanted to see you again” said Elena. “We wanted to see you too” said Lala.  Fuwa shone a light and gave Elena and Madoka their pendants too.  “These pendants.... its been a while since we’ve had them” said Madoka.  “Feels good” said Elena. “Now that we’re here, lets get some star donuts!” said Prunce.  “Ah Prunce, I see you haven’t changed at all” said Elena.  “I second that! Lets eat star donuts like old times!” said Hikaru. 
After avoiding all the interviewers and media people, the girls along with Fuwa, Prunce and the astronauts went and bought star donuts. Prunce gobbled them as if he had been eating them for the first time.  “Star donuts, I missed you so much!” he said.  “Just like old times, huh?” said Elena.  “I missed the sweet taste of these donuts” said Lala.  “You girls really saved the universe huh?” said one astronaut.  “Yeah. There was a time when we were stuck and thought we couldn’t do it, but we didn’t give up. We still pushed through and managed to save everyone with the power of our imagination” said Lala.  “That’s really impressive.” “I remember that time like it was yesterday” said Hikaru. “I thought we wouldn’t see each other again.” “But look at us now. We’re together again and eating star donuts” said Yuni.  “Do tell us more of your stories about the time you were Pretty Cure” said an astronaut. “We’d love to hear it.” “Sure!” They told the astronauts more of their adventures as Pretty Cure, all the difficulties they faced, all the planets they visited, and all the friends they’d made.  “Sounded like it was a good time.” “It wasn’t easy but we had fun” said Madoka. 
They chatted for a while until Lala's AI informed her that she had received a call to go investigate a planet.  “I guess we have to leave” said Lala.  “But hey, we’ll see each other again, right?” said Yuni. “We definitely will” said Hikaru.  “I have my powers back so now we can see each other whenever we want” said Fuwa.  “Yes.... we can surely see each other again” said Madoka. “Let us drop you to your planet” said an astronaut.  “Great idea” said Hikaru. “I’ll come too.” They went back to the rocket. Elena and Madoka bid them goodbye.  “See you soon, Lala, Yuni” said Madoka.  “I’m sure we can meet again, whenever we want” said Elena.  “We surely will” said Lala.  They entered the rocket and counted down. It went in the air as Elena and Madoka waved goodbye. 
Once they were in space, Fuwa warped them to the Starry Sky Galaxy. They then landed on Planet Samaan. Lala and Yuni got down and said their farewell to Hikaru and her crew. Hikaru embraced them and assured them they’d see each other again. Prunce began to cry.  “Its just like old times” he said.  Once they were done, Fuwa warped them back to earth. Hikaru looked at the sky. She saw another shooting star. Closing her eyes, she made a wish. “I wish we could all be reunited again.”
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sergeanttucker · 5 years
Characters - Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary:  It was always like this when they were fighting, they yelled and even threw things at each other. (first sentence of the fic, don´t have a better summary)
Warning: tiny bit of angst and fluff i guess
Word count: 1589
AN - Tell me if you like it and send me a request if you want!
It was always like this when they were fighting, they yelled and even threw things at each other.
Castiel, Sam and Jack always left the room when they quarreled, especially since the one time Sam was hit by a flying book. By now they had gotten used to the fact that (Y/N) and Dean were always arguing when they didn´t have downtime every now and then and they weren´t trying to mediate between them, it just made it worse. This time they were arguing about the hunt they had just completed.
“I told you something was wrong, but the omniscient Dean Winchester did not want to believe me, again!” She stormed through the door into the war room and dropped her bag as she walked to the table with a whiskey bottle on it. Dean, followed by Sam, stepped through the door and gave her an annoyed look as he dropped his bag and threw the key for baby on the table. The only thing he wanted to do was take a shower and cuddle up with his girl in bed … he was tired, really tired and he didn´t feel like arguing, but somehow it was the nature of their relationship to do that.
“Don t blame me for that, I believed that guy, ok? He died for it!” (Y/N) gave him a bitch face after she took a sip from the Whiskey bottle. “Are you kidding me? A thing isn´t necessarily true because a man died for it! You should know that by now!” She was angry at him, not because he was wrong but because he never listened to her.
Sam only rolled his eyes and left the room, probably to take a shower and go to bed but neither (Y/N) nor Dean noticed. Dean raised his hands in surrender and took his bag before walking in the direction of the bedrooms.
“You know what? I´m done. I will go to bed.” Then he was gone. (Y/N) clenched her jaw, sitting down in of the chairs in front of her, she took another sip of the whiskey and hung her head.
The last few weeks had been tough, a flood of monsters appeared out of nowhere and they still had to figure out where they came from. She knew she was a bitch lately, but with one case after another, she had no chance for a little downtime she badly needed. If it wasn´t a vampire, it was a werewolf or a ghost, or even a wendigo, and it clearly took its toll, but instead of apologizing to Dean for her behavior, she drank. A lot. Once again.
Was she an alcoholic? Well, there are people out there who would call her that, but she liked to think that it was just stress relief.
As the night progressed, she had already drunk the entire bottle, plus a beer or two. To say she was drunk would be an understatement considering she usually stayed away from strong drinks and was content with beer. During the night she had changed her position several times, for a while she sat on the floor and even under the table, why she didn´t know herself. For a while she lay on the table staring at the ceiling.
But now she was sitting in her chair with her face on the tabletop, asleep, her snoring could probably be heard in the whole bunker.
 In the meantime, Dean lay wide awake in bed, he couldn´t find sleep without his girl. Usually she lay snuggled up to him, sometimes half on top of him and he could hold her in his arms. It gave him a sense of security knowing she was with him and that nothing could happen to her. He missed her warmth, how she clung to him at night and how she mumbled meaningless things in her sleep. He just could not sleep without her. He sighed and left the bed to check on her, not bothering with pants since he usually slept in boxers and a shirt.
Barefoot, he crept through the cold corridors of the bunker as quietly as possible to find her, he could see a light in the war room and entered the room where he found his girlfriend asleep. She was still dressed in the clothes she had on when they came from the hunt, she had probably tried to take off her sweater in the meantime but did not get very far because one arm was still in the sleeve while the other was already free.
He smiled at the scene in front of him, her hair lay wild around her, she was snoring and he could even see that she had started to drool in her sleep. When he saw the empty bottles around her, the smile fell from his face and gave way to a worried expression. She really needed a break, just like himself and the others. He would talk to them the next day to take a few days off to relax, God knows they all needed it.
With a few steps, he stood next to her and stroked her hair before he brought her into a more sitting position and took her bride style on his arm to carry her to the bedroom.
She stirred in her sleep and struggled a little before she recognized that it was Dean carrying her, she let out a content sigh and lay her head against his chest. "I think I vomited somewhere in this room. I don´t remember where, though.” she mumbled before pressing herself closer to his chest. He just chuckled and pressed a kiss to her head.
“Don´t worry Sweetheart, I will take care of it tomorrow.”
She made an appreciative noise, Dean just smiled and carried her on. In the bedroom, he gently laid her on the bed and began to take off her shoes, then her pants and finally the sweater in which she was stuck. He thought for a moment if he should also take off her shirt and her bra to put on her sleep shirt but he quickly dismissed the thought as the sound of her snoring hit his ears.
She looked so beautiful and so peaceful as she stretched out on the bed, he would only feel guilty if he woke her up now so he just lay down next to her and covered himself and his girl with the blanket.
(Y/N) snuggled up against his side with her face pressed in the crock of his neck, one of her hands on his chest and her leg over his, she made a satisfied sigh.
Dean put his arms around her and pressed her closer to his body. That felt right, now he can finally sleep a little bit. “I love you, Peaches.” he whispered, kissing her forehead. A soft, almost incomprehensible “I love you too” was her mumbled response. A soft smile took place on Dean´s face and didn´t left until he fell asleep, and with his girl in his arms it didn´t take long.
 The next morning (Y/N) turned around in bed and stretched her arms out in search of Dean, when she found the space next to her empty, she opened her eyes and pouted a little at the realization that her boyfriend already left the bed. She felt like shit, a hungover the result of last nights activities.
The first thing she did when she got up was to take a shower and brush her teeth, she definitely threw up last night and could still taste it. After the shower she threw on a pair of shorts and one of Deans shirts before she went looking for him. She could smell something delicious all the way down the hall and followed it to the kitchen where Dean stood at the stove and prepared bacon and eggs.
She walked over to him and hugged him from behind, her forehead pressed against his back. “I´m sorry I’ve been a bitch lately….” He switched off the stove and turned around to face her. “A good morning to you too.” He took her face in his hands and stroked her cheeks.
“Do not worry about it, we’re all stressed out and need some days off, I’ve talked to the others, there’s no hunting in the next few days.” “Really?” she asked overjoyed and jumped up and down before the dull feeling in her stomach made her stop.
“Slow down Peaches, we do not want you to puke again.” he giggled at her enthusiasm and brushed a loose strand of hair from her face. “Tomorrow, you and I will go to one of Bobby’s cabins and spend the weekend there, just you and me.”
(Y/N) put her arms around his neck and hugged him. That’s exactly what she needed, a weekend without monsters, blood and endless research. Just the two of them and many hours filled with cuddling, bad movies and pizza. The perfect weekend.
“I love you so much.” “I love you too Peaches.” They shared a gentle kiss, then another and another. “Let’s have breakfast and then we spend the whole day in bed.”
“Sounds perfect.” After another kiss, they sat down at the table and started eating. There was a pleasant silence and only the clink of the cutlery could be heard.
“Who the hell has puked under the table? I stepped inside!”
(Y/N) and Dean looked shocked for a moment, their forks halfway to their mouths as they started to laugh. Poor Sam.
Congratulations, you made it to the end !! I´m new to the writing thing and Feedback is highly appreciated! Oh, and if your eyes are bleeding from the bad grammar, then let me know! I’m from Germany and my english is a Little rusty, so please Point out the mistakes I made. Oh, and should you have a reqeust, send me an ask!
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librationpoint · 5 years
Kinktober ‘19 - Glory Hole
Day 29 - Glory Hole 1589 words, Ray/Brad, Ray/Many, Ray/Surprise Guest In which Ray spend Superbowl Sunday on his knees. Definitely NSFW this time.
Ray wasn't really sure how Brad had organized this. The physical part was easy enough. A small section of the garage was partitioned off by a couple of plywood sheets held up by a few two-by-fours, easily thrown together in an hour. There was a padded adjustable bench, the sort for gardeners that could be used to kneel or sit on, and a surplus cot to lay down. Several gallon jugs of water, a couple empties to relieve himself in, assortment of snack bars, small little reading lamp, iPad and portable TV: everything you could possibly need to spend a long afternoon in your very own personal glory hole. That and a comfy t-shirt, exercise shorts, and jock; no need to dress to impress here.
The social part, though. How did someone even do it? You couldn't exactly send out an email to everyone at your command saying, "Hey, guys, anyone want to come to my Superbowl party? There will be chips, dip, and also anonymous blowjobs."
Brad had better be saving some of that dip.
It was probably better that Ray didn't know anyway. The chances that anyone at the other end would even know Ray existed was slim to none; Brad kept his personal life private and the number of people on purely on his side who knew Ray was anything but a friend could be counted on two hands and most of those were family.  Presumably none of them would be coming within a hundred miles of the house. 
Ray could hear vehicles pulling up the drive. He used his iPad to check on his lipstick; he thought it was a nice touch for the no-homo types and the shade looked great on him anyways. He was assured of this. He went back to playing Angry Birds as he waited for someone to work up the nerve and come out to enjoy himself. 
It took a while but finally the door from the garage to mudroom swung open, briefly spilling light through the room as a man walked in. Ray switched his lamp off, got on his knees, and peered through the hole. It was dim in the garage, with only a couple small LED night lights plugged in near the doors to keep people from tripping over a motorcycle part and smashing their heads open on the concrete. And privacy of course, couldn't forget that. There was too much shadow to see his face, but there was plenty Ray could still make out. Thirty-something, thick build but not overly chiseled, tank and cargo shorts, dubiously generic tribal tat on his right arm, cocky strut. Definitely some flavor of marine or soldier, probably had at least one ex-wife and a $50,000 truck with crippling loan interest. 
He knew what he was doing, though. He opened his fly, tugged his boxers under his balls, and after a couple strokes put his hardening cock through the hole. Average size, maybe on the plump size, dark, uncut but clean: definitely a nice started piece. Ray went down and started sucking without any foreplay or teasing, he seemed like the sort there to get his rocks off fast. That proved correct. After a few minutes he shot a nice, salty load into Ray's mouth, zipped up, and left. Ray made a tally mark on the whiteboard next to the hole and went back to waiting.
Maybe another ten minutes passed before the door opened again. This guy was tall, not Brad-height but maybe LT sized, shaped kind of like a stork, all long limbs and angles. Probably another marine, the haircut was depressingly similar to what Ray had worn while he was in, but the hesitance and general bookish look suggested some sort of POG, or fobbit, or whatever the fuck they were called these days. Maybe Brad was trying to put some hair on the guy's chest. 
He hesitated about a foot away. He unbuttoned his jeans and tugged him and his boxer-briefs down to about mid-thigh and just stood there, cock still soft amid a ginger bush. 
"So, uh... do I just put it in, or should I jerk it a little first, or?"
Ray wanted to say, "shut up, your stupid dickweasel, this is a complete violation of glory hole etiquette." Instead he kept his trap shut and stuck his index finger through to gesture for him to stick it in. The guy did, and while it took a minute to get him hard, Ray could forgive a newbie a lot of sins when he had a nice long one to suck on. He had some staying power, too, not just from nerves. If Ray were the sort to fuck random POGs he'd definitely be on the list. 
Things started to slowly pick up after that. Ray could practically predict when guys would start showing up by how things were going in the game; the moment a time-out was called someone was bound to come by and drop a load. He spent the whole of half-time on his knees servicing a non-stop line of cocks, to the point that his jaw felt like it might lock open by the time play started again. Mostly guys seemed to be observing the cumdump equivalent of urinal rules, staying outside the garage where they didn't have to see a guy get his dick sucked, but also clearly waiting right outside during the rush from the speed they came in as soon as another left. The exception were a trio of marines so clearly boots that it hurt, with identical buzz cuts and polo shirts, who came in together and got a little noisy as they watched each other shove their cocks into a hole with about as much enthusiasm and roughness as you'd expect from that sort. Ray didn't think he'd ever been so eager to please gunny that he'd have come over to give his kinky girl a nice throat fuck but then again at their age he'd still have been on the receiving end. 
The evening was basically an X-rated Dr. Suess story about cocks. Big cocks, small cocks, fat cocks, skinny cocks. White cocks, black cocks, hairy cocks, shaved cocks. Ray was in cock heaven. The one constant was it was all clean cocks; clearly they had been screened for familiarity with the concept of soap. That was more than could be said about the last time Ray had tried this for more than one or two guys in a row, back after he'd gotten back from Afghanistan. Right before he'd started his thing with Brad, actually, which he didn't think was a coincidence. Brad liked his mouth only metaphorically diseased. 
Near the end of the night, Ray caught a flash of sandy hair and a familiar gait. The man was hesitant, slowly making his way over, which gave Ray time to decide to give his mouth a rest. He pulled down his shorts and drizzled some lube on his fingers so he could quickly open himself up. His visitor put his cock through the hole and with a grunt Ray backed his ass right onto his. 
"Shit," the guy said from the other side. "You fucked-up horny hick."
Ray braced himself against the other wall as his fellow redneck did what any redneck did when finding his cock up a slick hole and started fucking him. The angle was awkward and the plywood barrier made it impossible for him to properly deep-dick Ray, but getting some backdoor action after working his throat raw felt great. He freed his own much-neglected cock from his jock and started jerking in time to the thrusts. He was already dripping from the hours of cock overexposure. It didn't take much for him to shoot all over the concrete floor, biting his arm to keep quiet. His mystery fucker came shortly after, leaving a thin trail of cum dripping down Ray's taint after pulling out. Ray turned and managed to fit his first through to give him a big thumbs up.
He got a, "You are so fucking weird," in reply. 
Things died down fairly quickly an hour or so after the game was over. Brad had firm ideas about people going home once a party hit the end point listed on the invites. Ray sent him a text to let him know he was thoroughly wrecked and to put a closed sign on the door. After a while there was no further noise from the house. Ray was about to curl up and take a nap when some Viking-looking motherfucker came in. Ray did his best to give the man's oversized donkey cock the love it deserved but frankly his lips were about to fall off and he ended up mostly jerking him off until he came all over Ray's face.
"Get out of there and help me clean up," Brad ordered. 
"You better have saved me dinner," Ray said, opening the makeshift door and wobbling to his feet. He followed Brad back through the mudroom and into the kitchen. "I'm fucking starving."
"You've been eating all day."
"They're not literal protein shakes, jesus." A soft snoring noise distracted Ray from his quest for something new to stuff his mouth with, and a peek over the back of their biggest couch revealed an adorable rosy-cheeked redneck marine curled drunkenly around a pillow. Ray gave Brad a 'what part of anonymous did you misunderstand' look.
"He didn't have a designated driver," Brad said with a shrug. 
"You big fucking softy."
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imagines-dreams · 6 years
Another Year Older - Jack Frost Imagine
Rating: PG
Warnings: mentions of growing up/older, forgetting, not believing, etc.
Summary: Part 2 to Snow Day (can be read alone). It was your birthday. You loved birthdays. Desserts, gifts, friends. Really, you did. It’s just that after meeting Jack, you didn’t want to grow up. You… loved him. You didn’t want to forget.
Word Count: 1589
It was your birthday. Another year older. You had a small party with a few friends. You got a few gifts. Really, it wasn’t a bad day. It was just… Your birthday meant older, and you couldn’t help but think about Jack. He was forever stuck at twenty-one, and you weren’t. You were going to keep growing older and older until one day, you couldn’t fly with him again. You couldn’t go to North’s and hang out with the guardians. You couldn’t… love him the way you wanted to.
Then, there was that horrible thought. That tiny sliver of your brain that told you as you got older that you’d stop believing. So, you would forget Jack and the guardians, and you would never see them again.
You shivered and hugged yourself. You didn’t want that.
You cursed and fell off your chair. “Guys!” You turned around to find the guardians themselves in your bedroom with a beautiful cake and presents in hand. “How did you get-”
“Portal magic!” Tooth announced as she flew around you.
Jack tilted his head and stared at you weirdly. “That and you seemed a little loss in thought.”
You scoffed. “I was just waiting for you guys.”
“Then, it’s good we’re here!” North boomed. “Cause we have to celebrate!” He pulled out a weird contraption you didn’t recognize, and suddenly, your room was covered in confetti and balloons. You covered your mouth and laughed so hard with joy. You were going to miss this.
~ - ~
It was late into the night when the Big Four left you with your new presents and a sense of joy. Jack, however, decided to stay. “I need to judge your friends by how good they are at giving gifts,” he insisted as he inspected one of the smaller gifts you were given.
You scoffed and snatched the present from his hands. “Jack,” you chided, “I know you’re not really here to judge others.”
He laughed. “And how would you know that, hm, (Y/n)?” He reached for the present again.
You giggled and held it away from him. “I have known you for years, Jackson.” You put the present behind you and leaned in closer. “I know when you have ulterior motives.”
Jack smirked. “You are insightful.”
“I agree.”
Jacks eyes flickered to your lips for a second, so fast you weren’t sure how to react. Your eyes widened for a bit before you stepped back and set the gift down. “So, Guardian of Fun, why are you still here?”
Jack swung his staff back and forth before letting it lean against the wall. “I think you are keeping a secret.”
“A secret? Jack, don’t be ridiculous. North literally watches me every day.” You shrugged. “If I had done a terrible deed, I’m sure he would know about it.”
He sighed. “(Y/n), what’s wrong? It’s not nightmares, is it?”
“No! No, I would tell you immediately, if it was.” You sighed. “It’s nothing you need to worry about.” You grabbed one of the presents and held it out. “Wanna judge?”
Jack’s worried eyes didn’t change. He put his hand on yours and pulled the present down so his eyes could meet yours. “Don’t change the subject. What’s wrong?”
He held up his finger. “Nuh-uh. I’m your friend, and I care about you. A lot. So, any of your problems are my problems. What’s wrong?”
You gulped. How were you supposed to tell him? He couldn’t help you, and he’d go crazy trying to find something that doesn’t exist. You could lie, but where would that leave you? You’d just feel worse than before. You rubbed your arms. “Jack, I’m not like you.”
He nodded slowly. “There can only be one of me, (Y/n).”
“I don’t mean it like that. I mean… Jack, I’m not like you or North or Sandy or Bunny or Tooth. I’m not even like Pitch. I’m human.” Tears burned in your eyes. “Humans grow and get old and lose memories and beliefs. They change, and I…” You held your breath. “What if I forget you? What if I grow old and not believe in you? What if-”
“Hey, hey.” Jack grasped your shoulders. He wiped your cheeks and smiled. “You won’t forget me. I mean, have you met me? I’m pretty unforgettable.”
You shook your head. “No. Jack, I’m going to get old! You’re stuck forever just the way you are, and I’m…” You’re never going to be in love with him. You couldn’t.
Jack gulped. He had to make you feel better. When you were sad, it broke him. If he couldn’t make his best friend happy, what did that say about him as a guardian? What did it say about him as a friend? As someone who loved you?
“Hey,” Jack smiled despite the pain, “why don’t ride the winds?”
“If I learned anything in the past few centuries, it’s that ignoring the problem through fun is fun.” He let go of your shoulders and held out his hand. “What do you say? Distraction?”
You stared at his outstretched hand and his brilliant smile. Ignoring the problem. Well, it’s not like you don’t do that. You sniffed, wiped your tears and grabbed his hand. “Distraction.”
~ - ~
Jack casted frost here and there as he thought. He loved you, and of course, he didn’t want you to forget him. Living without you being there, that was unthinkable. But, didn’t growing up mean a good thing for you? Gaining knowledge, experiencing new things, meeting new people who didn’t have to believe you to see you. You might meet someone you loved and have a life with them.
Wasn’t that good for you? Even if you stopped believing in him.
Jack sighed. If you stopped believing in him…
Sure, he wouldn’t be able to stand it, but if that meant you would live a fulfilling amazing life, he could find a way to survive. There had to be a way to show you that life without him would be better for you.
~ - ~
You tapped your foot against the floor impatiently. It had been two months since you’ve seen him. Even when he was off putting Pitch back in his place, he’d drop by and warn you about lurking nightmares. You cleared your throat. “Jackson Overland Frost?”
He didn’t appear.
“I know you’re avoiding me.” You stared outside your window. “And I know you’re nearby and can hear me because frost in the middle of spring is not common.”
You pursed your lips. You said your plans aloud, “Well, even though Jack’s not here, I guess I’ll just go outside.”
You sighed and turned around. You crossed your arms. “Jack, why are you avoiding me?”
“Who says I’m avoiding you?”
“I am, and I’m right.”
He sighed. “(Y/n), you just don’t need to be like me, ok?” He swung his staff to and fro. “You can live an amazing life. A human life. You don’t need me in it.”
Your heart dropped. “Jack, A life without you would suck. I can’t just live life without my best friend.”
“You were living it well for a while! So, you don’t have to be sad. You don’t need me.”
“Ok, fine, I don’t need you.” You laughed and took his hands in yours. “But I want you in my life, Jack.” You licked your lips. “Jack, I care about you, and the last two months were ok, sure, but it would’ve been so much better with you in it.”
“Jack, it’s ok.” You smiled and gazed at him. “I’d rather have you in my life for a few years than not at all.”
Jacks eyes shimmered in the low lighting, and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He laughed. “Ok, fine. I’ll stay. But, more than that, I’m going to find a way.”
“I’m going to find a way. Either to become human or how to make your life longer. (Y/n), we are going to-”
You shook your head and grabbed his sweater. “No!”
Jack stood shocked. “Wha-”
“Jack, that’s exactly why I didn’t want to tell you! I don’t want you wasting your time on me, ok?”
“I never waste time when it’s on you. You know that.”
“I know that’s not true. I love you, Jack, but I am not letting you put aside being you just for me!” You looked up at him. Jack didn’t say a thing. You sniffed and wiped your tears. “What?”
Jack beamed, then he kissed you.
You gasped in surprise. You floundered for a second or two before smiling against his lips and pulling him closer. His lips were cold, of course, but it was refreshing. His breath was reminiscent of mint and the feeling of cold after sweltering heat.
Jack held you close, and he pulled away just to say, “I love you, too.” Then, he kissed you again, his lips moving fluidly against yours.
You laughed and pulled away, dizzy from Jack’s kisses.
That didn’t stop Jack. He kissed your cheeks and forehead and nose.
You giggled. “Wait, Jack, did we just…”
“Yeah, we did.”
“I said-”
“And you…”
“Of course.” Jack blinked a few times. “That’s why I’m going to spend as much time as I can to fix this. We can be together. I want to be together. At least, if you want-”
“Yes. Yes, I want to be with you.”
Jack nodded. He kissed you and promised, “We’ll find a way.”
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vinceaddams · 6 years
Tagged by @deeisace​, and I haven’t answered one of these in ages so I might as well!
Nickname(s): Vince, and occasionally Wince (because at my last workplace half the people there were Romanian and pronounced their V’s like W’s)
Zodiac: I have no idea, and don’t care enough to google it. That stuff bores me to death.
Last Move I Saw: It was a few weeks ago so I can’t be sure, but I think the last movie I watched was Impromptu. I liked it. Here’s a link to the review that made me want to watch it, and here’s a link to where I watched it if anyone wants to! (It’s set in the 1830′s and is about George Sand and Chopin and Liszt.)
Last Thing I Googled: Lady Amherst’s Pheasant (because I just reblogged a couple of photos of one, and I wanted to see more Good Fashionable Bird photos.)
Favourite Musician/Band: The Damned
Song Stuck In My Head: None at the moment. I know I had one stuck in my head a few days ago, but it seems I did a good job of forgetting it.
Other Blogs:
@vincents-crows​  (My sewing & drawings)
@shittydinosaurdrawings​ (Also my drawings, but much worse and only dinosaurs!)
Do I Get Asks: Occasionally.
Following: 185
Followers: 1589.  I often wonder how many of them are bots.
Lucky Number: Nope.
What I’m Wearing: White linen shirt with ruffles, black cotton fall front pants, black cotton socks.
Dream Job: Oh heck, uhhh maybe a professional embroiderer or something like that? Museum curator specializing in textiles? One of those people who work for The School Of Historical Dress? I just want to work with pretty historical things and do a lot of hand sewing! I think I’d also be okay with illustrating or painting or something. Something where I’m making pretty stuff.
Dream Trip: To a lot of museums to examine and study 18th century clothes. Going to Scotland would be really nice, though also quite sad because I never got to visit my aunt there while she was alive.
Play Any Instruments: Nope, I was always quite terrible in music class. But one time I posed with a violin for a photography student and apparently I held the bow pretty convincingly?
Languages: English, some French words but not enough to actually speak it.
Favourite Songs: That changes pretty often, and I somehow can’t think of any at the moment.
Describe Yourself As Aesthetic Things: Uh, embroidery and waistcoats and buttons I guess? And foggy cemeteries, all the great stuff trees do in autumn, and elaborate historical interiors. Those idealized pretty boys in 18th century paintings.
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thewatchau · 6 years
Mage Author Roux Ker of House Marvin
Average height, reddish brown hair shaved at the sides and back, brown eyes, and a bit overweight, Roux was originally born in House Schneeplestein. They joined The Watch at age 14 after hearing many stories from various members about the Overnight Defense and the many raids. They moved to study magic in House Marvin a short time after they joined The Watch and decided to stay once they discovered they liked the thrill of discovery and the dramatic nature rather than the detail oriented observation and seriousness of their original house. Quiet, stubborn, and cynical, Roux prefers to observe others before taking part themself. They’re always thinking of new projects, stories, and theories and loves to sing. If you can’t get their attention right away then that means they’re probably stuck with their head in the clouds. Particularly fond of nature, the mind, and the unknown, this leads them to have a dangerous fascination with the magical forest on House Marvin’s border and the enemy. Their magic focuses on telling stories and nature but they’re currently trying to figure out how to expand their uses of said magic at age 19.
Bard’s Note: I see those pronouns there! :D Don’t worry, you won’t find anyone in The Watch who will give young Roux any problems about what they decide to call themself (or so help me, if someone here proves that statement wrong, this bard is gonna have to find someone who CAN fight to help sort this out).  Also, I’ve been waiting for someone to make a character who finds themselves tempted by the Western Forest... hehehehehe oooooh boy I can’t wait to get into what things await those who dare enter there... but I digress. This young Watcher is certainly one to keep an eye on though. Now, timeline contextualization. Born in House Schneeplestein means born after July 1589. Being 14 after the Overnight Defense means being 14 after 1603, making their birth date after 1589, so yeah that all checks out! Being 19 right now in 1613 puts their birth year around 1594, which matches with being born in House Schneeplestein and being 14 after the Overnight Defense. Congrats, you’ve obviously been paying attention lol. Thanks for making my job a whole lot easier! I look forward to see what... mysteries... young Roux discovers in the world (and forests) of The Watch!
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Unmistakable~Part 3 (PC.)
A/N: I AM SORRY. It has taken me waaayy to long to write this. I couldn’t come up with a middle for this story and I finally had an idea, so here it is
Summary: Fuck it, I’m to lazy to write a summary, I’m in the middle of 3 other fics rn
Pairing: Caspian x Pevensie!reader
Word Count: 1589
Warnings: Blood, combat, violence, injury, fluff, swearing probably
Other Parts: Prologue-Part 1-Part 2-Part 4
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The attack was planned and we were preparing. Everything seemed to be running smoothly. Everyone who was coming was either practicing or getting ready for battle. I was as ready as I could be, but just one thing was wrong. Every time Caspian looked at me, he had this look on his face that I couldn’t figure out. It was distracting me from all conversations and I even tried to shot a couple arrows before we left, but when I saw Caspian looking in my direction, I could barely hit the target. I was busy and it took me hours to finally get some time where neither of us were being asked to help with preparation.
I saw him staring at me from across a small section of the cave and decided right then that I needed to ask him about the way he was looking at me. We only had about an hour until it would be dark enough for us to leave, so I needed to do this now. I moved from my place with Lucy and headed in Caspian’s direction. I grabbed his hand and pulled him through the cave until we found a secluded spot where we could talk without my brothers or sisters eavesdropping. He didn’t protest or ask where I was taking him and I figured he knew I had seen him staring. Once we were alone, I dropped his hand and turned to face him.
 “What’s with the looks?”
 “It’s nothing.”
 “Really?” I ask sarcastically. “So there is absolutely no reason I keep seeing you staring at me with a weird look on your face?”
 He sighed, “I don’t want you to come with us.”
 “You don’t know what I have seen them do. This is a very dangerous course of action and I don’t want you to come.”
 I stared at him in disbelief. “You know that I can defend myself perfectly fine on my own, right? Hell, I can defend myself against you! I’m not some weak little girl and you can't tell me not to go. I’m doing this to help you!”
 “It is far too dangerous.”
 “That is no reason! You know that I’l be fine, why all of sudden do you care if I go into battle?”
 “Because I…”
 “What?” I said firmly. I was angry. One of the things that I hated most was when people were this protective over me. Not that I didn’t want to feel like somebody cared about me, but he was keeping me from a fight and it made me feel like he thought I was weak. He looked a bit frustrated, but stayed silent.
 “What?” I asked again. “Why the hell don’t you want me go?”
 I just wanted him to tell me so I could go back to getting ready to do something that was supposed to be to help him. But I didn’t get an answer. Instead of telling me why, he leaned in and kissed me. I was surprised at first, I mean this was not what I had expected to happen when I dragged him back here. It took me a second to understand what was happening and he began to pull away. I realized he probably thought he shouldn’t of done that, so I pulled him forwards again, kissing him back this time. It only took a few seconds for my fears of anyone seeing us together to melt away. For the moment, I didn’t care if any of my siblings saw us. I forgot that they were even here. It was just Caspian and I in my mind. I didn’t want to end the kiss, but thoughts of what would happen if anyone (especially Peter) found us like this started to fill my head and I pulled away.
 “So… that’s why you don’t want me to go?” I ask, sort of quietly.
 “Yes. I care about you. More than I do anyone else here and I don’t want you to get hurt.”
 “I understand that you think this is too dangerous, but I know that already. I’ve been in worse situations the last time we were here, okay? I know how to handle them and besides, we have a plan. I’ll be fine. I promise.” I assure him.
 “Okay.” He said, but he still didn’t look sure.
 I leaned up, putting my hands on either side of his head and kissing him again. It took a lot of will to pull away for a second time, but I knew that this was really not something we should be doing right now. Or technically ever. I was 1300 years older and we had known each other for less than a week.
 “I should go. Lucy will wonder where I went and I need to help everyone get ready.” I tell him.
 I went to leave, but he grabbed my hand just before I was out of his reach.
 “Please, be careful.”
 I smile at him softly, “I will. I promise.”
 He let’s me go and I find my way back to Lucy, who hadn’t seen me leave and was now looking for me. Thank god she didn’t actually find me. She and I were helping set up some of our soldiers with swords and other weapons when I heard her calling my name.
 “Yeah, what?” I said, shaking myself from my thoughts of what had happened earlier.
 “Why were you smiling?” She asked.
 “I was?” I hadn’t even realized.
 “Yes, you were. Why?”
 “Oh, I guess I’m just happy to back here.” I lie.
 “You really hated it in London, didn’t you?”
 “Well… yeah I did.” I admit. Not that it was much of a secret that I was happier here, but I tried not to broadcast how awful I found the normal world.
 “At least we’re back then. You seem much better here.” She smiled at me. I smiled back.
 After a little while, Peter announced that it was time to leave. I spotted Caspian in the crowd of people and found him staring right back at me with the same look on his face. The look that I now understood was full of worry and concern. I caught his eye and mouthed “I promise” to him for the third time. I was sure that everything would be fine. Or at least I would be. I was, as Peter had put it, the best soldier here. We weren’t even supposed to get into much of a fight if everything went according to plan. Of course, it didn’t though.
 We ended up in big fight with the telmarines in the courtyard of the castle. I wasn’t really hurt. All I had was a few scratches on my arms. I had no idea where anyone was, all I knew was that something had gone wrong and I just needed to keep fighting. Just then, a telmarine soldier came up behind me and before I could move completely out of the way, I felt a slash to my left arm. If I hadn’t seen him and moved, he would’ve taken my arm off. Luckily I still had it, but it was cut badly on the shoulder. At least I did most of my sword work with my right arm. I turned around and stabbed the soldier right in the chest, causing him to fall to the ground.
 The pain from my shoulder was terrible, but I could move and that was all that really mattered. I was relieved when I heard someone call retreat and began to make my way to the gate along with the rest of the people who were fighting for us. I was slowed down a lot by the soldiers that were against us and I could see the metal gate dropping down from my place in the middle of the battle. I began sprinting towards it, knowing that if it closed, there was no getting out.
 As I ran, I could see arrows shooting past me and it was clear that they weren’t meant to miss. The gate was about half way down and I was running even faster. I slid underneath as it was now very close to being closed. As I passed underneath it, I felt pain, but not from my shoulder. The new agony was coming from my leg, but I wasn’t about to slow down to see what it was. Once I was out of the courtyard and passed the gate, which had now closed, I ran with the others as best I could to get away from the last few arrows being shot at us. Once I got to where everyone had stopped to breath for a bit, I looked down to see part of an arrow that had lodged itself into my leg. It mustn't  have been shot at me, or I would have fallen over. I realized that it had probably been lying underneath the gate and gotten stuck when I slid under it.
 I reached down and with a small cry of pain, pulled it out. I started to feel faint. The combined blood loss and pain from my shoulder with the injury in my leg was too much. I fell to my knees and tried desperately to look around for Peter or Edmund in the crowd. I couldn’t find them and I had no more energy, so I let my body hit the ground. The last thing I saw was a horse jumping over the closing drawbridge.
Part 4
@latenightbooknerd @fayrizo @all-t0-y0u @draqcnheartstrinq
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