#1899 mrs wilson
harrietmjones · 2 years
Predictions for future 1899 episodes
I just thought I’d write down my predictions/thoughts (again!) on what my mind has conjured up as possible theories for the future goings on in the show.
I did a similar thing as I was watching S1.
My mind went all over the place with this, so they may have some logical holes in them or they may not be in keeping with the show but just thought I’d share, as a bit of an experiment to see how right or wrong I am if/when the show comes back.
I will probably look back on all these and think how silly I was to think them!
Everyone in Maura’s room on the space ship were part of some coup or uprising (or something similar) and so they were eventually sent to be in suspended animation together.
I think there’s more to Mrs. Wilson than meets the eye. It might be how she’s being played by Rosalie Craig, as in it’s the actor, not the character giving her that particular edge but there’s just something about her that’s a secret.
There’s something ‘negative’ in Maura and Eyk’s relationship. Just how she reacted after she woke up and saw him, I watched it for the first time, and thought it was extreme relief why she backed up as she did, like she couldn’t believe he was alive, when she had not long seen him ‘die’. However, there just seemed to be something else going on that I felt could be read as something negative, that he’s not exactly as we’ve seen him so far. I really hope this isn’t the case, just where my pessimistic, dark mind went.
Same thing as above, there’s a possible negative part of their relationship but instead, maybe Maura is the guilty party. Maybe she’s tyrantesque and Eyk is just a soft, sad meow-meow or something.
Reality is another simulation. So, it’s either the ship was a simulation in a simulation, like Inception or the opposite (kind of), where reality is actually a further simulation, deeper in everyone’s minds. Maybe the reason that Daniel may not be there, is because he’s never gotten that far into Maura’s mind before, the ship was the furthest he managed to get to. @veturdraugur actually has had the same thought as me, here.
The whole show, everything we see, is actually in the mind of Ciaran, a dreamlike state and world that all stems from him. He’s the ‘creator’. Maybe all the characters existed at one point in reality or maybe they are all not real but are now just code in a machine. Also, he’s Irish, which I only thought would be the case because of his name for starters but also Daniel saying to Maura that her name’s Irish, even though she’s not.
Ciaran is a twisted guy, who might have made Daniel (if the theory of Daniel and Elliot being simply code is true), so he could have an accepted relationship with his own sister, without threatening too much of the balance of things (I can’t see incest being the case but…).
Both Ciaran and Maura aren’t real. Maybe the both of them are separate programs, designed by another, connected through a tech experiment of some kind. It would be similar to how the tunnels on the ship were separate but also all connected and how Maura mentioned how the memories on the ship were placed in a way, that was like the wirings and connections in the brain. The experiment could be something along the lines of, “What makes us human?” and it started as a way to demonstrate how an organic mind/brain and a synthetic mind/brain, if you can make both experience the exact same things, feel the same emotions etc. then how different can one be from machine, what is it that makes us, human?
Each pod on the spaceship, represents an element in alchemy, given that the characters we’ve seen have had the symbol for Earth dotted amongst their ship simulation: 🜃.
Similar to the theory above but the characters that we’ve seen, they may go into other simulations which are representative of other alchemical elements such as: Air (🜁), Fire (🜂) and Water (🜄).
Maura and Daniel are genuinely married and they do have have their son, Elliot together but for some reason, which would explain why she wasn’t drawn to them as she has been with Eyk, is that she removed her emotions towards them, for different reasons. It kind of works with the whole humans are weak because of their emotions, that Henry Singleton’s mentioned and the studying of the human brain, human behaviour etc.
Same as above (and kind of connected), Maura and Daniel are married, they do have Elliot together and the reason why she can’t remember or have feelings towards Daniel and Elliot, is because she erased it all from her brain. The reason she did so, is that maybe she’s responsible for Elliot’s death through experiments on him and got ill/died or would alternative, he was going to die anyway but she began experimenting on him, which would have probably sped things up unintentionally. She wanted to get rid of the hurt of her child dying and anyone associated with it aka. a husband. This theory kind of began because of seeing one of Maura’s flashes being a brain and that hasn’t happened yet.
Daniel and Maura simply worked together, in a similar way to what’s been said/shown in the show but that’s it. They’re not married, there’s no Elliot, it’s all a simulation created because Daniel is in love with Maura in reality but she’s married to Eyk.
Mrs. Wilson is the boss lady aka. the captain, the leader of some group of fighters etc. This is from me thinking she’s a little sus and also her positioning on the spaceship being ahead of both Eyk and Maura (and everyone else).
Everyone is a patient at a mental institution, where experiments are carried out in them. They’ve round my signed themselves away in some form. Their room numbers on the ship, are the same as their room numbers in the institution.
I’ve got some other theories that I haven’t written down. I’m probably not so strong in thinking some of these theories now, after a while of them sitting in my drafts and then my queue.
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ok so I rewatched Krester’s first appearance in the show for research purposes (I forgot what he sounded like) and here’s some notes about what I observed! (it’s a lot and also rambling lol) (let me put this under a cut it's a bit long)
Maura moves to help Krester, yes, but she’s standing up before the men even grab him. She senses the danger and immediately wants to help
Ángel moves forward when Krester is grabbed, I know we all know this but djasjhfvakkasllflfdhd!!!! (is it because he feels an innate need to protect him from harm? Does the body remember even if the mind forgets? What does Ángel think is happening?)
Ramiro and Ling Yi seem to have similar plights; they’re both scared for Krester and themselves. I think Ling Yi is more scared for herself (which makes complete sense, she’s in a bad and strange situation and i think the entire time something along the lines of 'what if this happens to me?' is going through her head and that's a scary thought), and Ramiro is probably more worried for Krester. Idk, his eyes just have more sad in them while he watches Krester being dragged away, while Ling Yi’s have more fear
interesting and also something I didn’t notice before: Lucien also moves, not when Krester is grabbed, but just as he’s being dragged away. I can’t tell whether he’s moving forward, shifting in his seat, or sitting back from moving forward, but I think it says something about his experiences or his character. Idk
another thing about Ramiro vs Ling Yi in this scene: even before Krester is grabbed, and then later as he’s being dragged away, Ramiro’s leaning forwards, towards Krester, while Ling Yi is leaning away to try and distance herself from the situation
Virginia (Mrs Wilson) is also uncharacteristically (at least I think so) disturbed at the scene. She's an intriguing character all around and doesn’t show a whole lot of emotion up until she almost jumps of the ship(???) and is pretty unsteady for the rest of season 1. I’d say the emotions on her face are fear, confusion, and maybe a little disgust? Idk, I'm not the best at reading emotions and also disgust might just be her normal face
also to support my Ramiro/Krester agenda: Ramiro is so worried for Krester in this scene? He cares so much for the people around him, even if he doesn’t know them at all. Truly a good man. But also: good ship material
also I want to talk about the costuming of the extras in this scene? Almost everyone is wearing something I also would like to wear. Kudos to the costuming department
also also just want to mention the mural thingy on the wall in the dining room? That’s… an interesting choice for somewhere where people are eating breakfast and chatting
also how smooth the transition is from Krester being dragged away to Ángel’s face as he watches it? cinema
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People I care about on 1899 after halfway through Episode 4 (in no particular order):
Ling Yi
Franz (surprisingly!)
Ling Yi's mom
The Boy
Lucien (also a surprise!)
People who I wish would just jump into the sea:
Mrs Wilson
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fatherramiro · 1 year
going a bit insane over the character introductions in 1899 again. bo and jantje really know how to set up characters so that within a handful of scenes i know Everything i need to know about them already. they clearly set up who they are and their issues so well and its just like... who is doing it like them????
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Actually, I would have been completely fine if Virginia Wilson jumped overboard
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aeonfvx · 2 years
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Mrs Wilson’s hand / 1899 S1E7
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ansatsu-sha · 2 years
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Mrs Wilson / 1899 S1E3  
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kh3finalmix · 2 years
the only character i don't feel bad for right now though is mrs wilson and the first mate guy
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sjsmith56 · 4 months
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The Gilded Age, Part 1 - Introductions All Around
Summary: Miss Amelia Winston arrives at the building housing the Society of Heroic Individuals and Estimable Lofty Deeds (SHIELD), home of the famed Avengers, having accepted the position of librarian / curator for the organization. Of all the introductions made the one that affects her the most is that of Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.
Length: 4.6 K
Characters: Named OFC (description scattered throughout the story), Virginia Stark, Morgan Stark, Anthony Stark, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Bruce Banner, James Buchanan Barnes.
Warnings: a reference to ritual cannibalism in passing.
Author notes: In this Avenger/ Bucky Barnes AU, there are elements of steampunk, but they have been used sparingly and only as a device to explain how things may have worked if the Avengers were a reality in that year. Some of the amenities or activities described in the story may have happened later in our reality but since it is an AU, anything is possible. Much of the official canon has been changed or modified starting with what the acronym SHIELD stands for, and the powers (or lack of) that the individual Avengers have. HYDRA will still be evil. Pepper Stark's given name in the MCU is Virginia so she will be referred to by that name in this story.  Given the setting of the story, most title boards will contain images generated by Microsoft Copilot in Designer mode, created by the author. Dividers from vecteezy.com.
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This is an alternate universe story set in 1899, near the end of the Gilded Age, in New York City. It is a time that appears to be prosperous, as economic expansion grows the economy, leading to better wages and a demand for skilled labourers, drawing immigrants from all over. But this time also has dark shadows. It is described by Mark Twain as an era of materialistic excess, combined with political corruption. Just as there are villains, there are heroes, the famed Avengers of the Society of Heroic Individuals and Estimable Lofty Deeds, or SHIELD.
Part 1 – Introductions all Around
The hansom cab pulled up in front of the large stone building in the heart of New York City, and a door attendant came straight over to it, opening the door then pulling out the fold out step. Inside the cab, Amelia Winston rose, then grasped the gloved hand of the door attendant, nodding at him as he helped her out onto the street.
"Go right on in, Miss Winston," he said calmly. "Mrs. Stark is waiting for you."
"Thank you," she replied as she turned towards the door while the door attendant called for another to help him with her luggage.
Inside, the ornate lobby of the Society of Heroic Individuals and Estimable Lofty Deeds, also known as SHIELD, drew Amelia's attention, as the gilded columns that surrounded the space seemed to reach high up into the heart of the building. The gold reflected the light that came through the almost cathedral-like windows, the beams of sunlight illuminating the mosaic marble tiled floor with a grandeur she had never seen before. The thought occurred to Amelia that surely this initial entry into the building would make anyone feel heroic and capable of great deeds, not just the individuals who resided here.
"It is impressive, is it not?" asked a female voice and she turned to see an elegant blonde woman approaching her.
Her fine state of dress was exquisitely made and obviously exclusive, but the manner in which Virginia Stark extended her bare hand was familiar and Amelia withdrew the glove from her right hand, extending it to Mrs. Stark. They stood together in the lobby, still gazing upwards as the two doormen brought in the last of Amelia's luggage. Mrs. Stark glanced at the one man, the one who had come out to greet the cab.
"Hogan, please make sure Miss Winston's luggage is taken to her suite on the 17th floor," she said. "I'll give her the tour." He touched his cap and directed the younger man with him to fetch a dolly. Mrs. Stark linked her arm with Amelia's then strode towards a more central location inside the building, where a large fountain, it's water streams caught in the beams of light from the windows, glistened. "Anthony installed this as a wedding present, to remind him of the day he proposed. We were on a mission in Chicago, when a bomb exploded on a water main, sending streams of water into the air. It was destructive in its beauty, and he just turned to ask if perhaps we should get married upon our return. I couldn't say no."
"Do you still go on missions?"
"Occasionally, when the situation warrants it, but Anthony requires someone he can trust to manage the affairs of the Society as well as his own personal empire in his absence. I'm it, but we have no rules about married woman resigning from active service so if you happen to find a connection with one of our gentlemen heroes that leads to matrimony, your future roll will be decided by you and him. They are used to having female colleagues in the field, so most should be amenable if you wish to continue your career as one of our heroic individuals."
"Even though my position is librarian?"
"You never know," smiled Mrs. Stark. "Sometimes we need someone that looks the part to play the part. Plus, it is in your contract that you may be required to perform other tasks as needed. We would never knowingly put you in danger, please be assured of that."
She showed Amelia the other parts of the lobby, the small kiosks that provided services, a shoeshine station, newspaper emporium, a small store that provided sundry needs and necessities, as well as a restaurant that seemed to have many people entering it from a separate street level door. Pausing at the elevator, she pressed the button to bring one of the cars down, then smiled at the elevator operator as he pulled the sliding grate out of the way. Mrs. Stark asked for the top floor, the 21st. Along the way up the car stopped several times, and Mrs. Stark greeted everyone who stepped on by name, proving her talent as a capable manager, as all seemed pleased at her notice. After the last of those individuals, including the elevator operator, stepped off before the 17th floor, she leaned closed and murmured into Amelia's ear.
"Only those in the Avenger service, and certain staff, are permitted beyond the 16th floor. Since many of our heroic individuals have unique abilities, we protect their privacy in the residential area. Anything you see, hear, or experience here is to be kept to yourself as part of your contract. Failure to do so can result in immediate dismissal."
When the elevator car opened on the 21st floor she opened the sliding grate herself, then the outer doors, allowing Amelia to exit first. Leaving the elevator as it was Mrs. Stark stepped forward and led the younger woman to a large open area, punctuated only by a few pillars. On one side was a doorway to another wing, containing the Stark residence, a fully self-contained suite. This side had a view of New York that was breathtaking, as one could see out over both the Hudson and East Rivers. Handsome leather club chairs and sofas punctuated the area, interspersed with small decorative palm plants, side tables, and off to the side a large billiard table. Along one wall was an impressive display of books, with several tables with bankers' lamps on them, presumably for someone to perform research at night. Another wall contained a large bar, backed with many bottles of fine liqueurs, wine, and even a beer dispenser. It was done in a most elegant and civilized way. A piano in another corner hinted at the possibility of performances. Next to it, a dart board promised some competitive activities.
"This is where most of the Avengers come to relax after a mission or between missions," said Mrs. Stark. "It can get quite lively in here. Some are quite happy to quietly imbibe a spirit, gazing out the window at the landscape, while others seek something more active. Many undertake their own research, using the library here. You, being the librarian, will be responsible for the care of these books, as well as those on the 16th floor, a more extensive collection, which is why you have been given Avengers status for access to this floor."
"It seems to be very quiet right now," Amelia ventured.
"They are on a mission," answered Mrs. Stark. She checked a pocket watch that she pulled out of a small pocket in her skirt. "I expect their return after dark. Now, let me show you your apartment."
They re-entered the elevator, and Mrs. Stark, once again pulled the sliding grate back, then pressed the 17th floor button. When they exited the car, Amelia was surprised to see another open area immediately in front of the elevator core. There was a small kitchen area, as well as a dining room, sitting room, and a large room that seemed to have several projects going on at once.
"The Avengers have various personal interests," said Mrs. Stark. "Captain Rogers is an accomplished artist, while Dr. Banner has several different interests, including gardening, chemistry, and astronomy. Sergeant Barnes shares the astronomy space with him, but is also inclined to tinker with engines, although that is down in the basement due to the noise and smells. Anthony often joins him there. They can talk for hours on mechanical subjects. Miss Maximoff is a musician, while her beau Vision is attempting to learn the culinary arts. Mademoiselle Romanoff is a student of fashion and has worked on making appropriate attire for our female operatives that allows them greater freedom of movement in the field, while maintaining their femininity. If there is anything you are interested in, please pass it on to Jarvis, the concierge. He will go to the ends of the earth to acquire your needs."
"Those you just named are also residents on this floor?" asked Amelia.
"Yes, in fact, your apartment is between Sergeant Barnes and Captain Rogers." She stopped at a door, then showed how they didn't use a lock and key. Instead, there was a rolling dial, with three columns. Stark showed how the three numbers were selected then listened as the locks disengaged. "Only you, I and Hogan know the combination. I know it so that if there is ever an emergency we can enter. Whether you share that number with anyone else is your choice. We do respect your privacy and expect the same from you."
Pressing the door open, Amelia walked into a suite unlike any she had ever lived in. The furniture was well appointed, without appearing too opulent or gaudy. Her sitting room promised many hours of quiet reading, knitting, or crocheting, and she realized that she could even start some other hobbies that she had considered, like needlework, flower drying, and philately. Hogan had correctly determined which of her cases held her own personal book collection, as it was placed next to a sizeable bookshelf, positioned behind a wide desk. The rest of her luggage, containing her clothes was in her bedroom, placed beside the large wardrobe. The bathroom alone, comprised of a separate toilet in a small room, sink, large vanity and claw foot bathtub, that also contained a shower, was almost as large as Amelia's previous flat in Chicago.
"This is more than I anticipated," she exclaimed to Mrs. Stark. "Are you sure it isn't an imposition to have me live here?"
"No, it is more efficient, considering the nature of our vocations," said the blonde woman. "There may be times when you are roused from sleep to undertake some last-minute research on a location, or a certain segment of the population to prepare the Avengers for their mission. Having you on-site means you can dispense with having to get fully dressed." Amelia's eyes widened. "I meant that in the sense you wouldn't have to wear a corset or even a full sleeved blouse, which you don't have to anyway if you're more comfortable not wearing them. You can wear more practical clothing that takes moments to don and be at your desk quickly. Our society in this building is quite modern in temperament and liberated for 1899, Miss Winston. Suffragette is not an unpleasant word in these confines."
With that last pronouncement, Mrs. Stark left Amelia to commence unpacking, inviting the younger woman to join her for dinner at 7 pm, sharp. Putting her mind to the task, Amelia was fully unpacked well before 6 pm, leaving her enough time to bathe then dress appropriately for dinner. After summoning the elevator, she entered the empty car, copying the motions that Mrs. Stark had performed earlier, then pressed the button for the 21st floor. There was no one present but the door into the Stark residence was open, so Amelia walked towards it, only to be almost bowled over by a small dark-haired girl, running out without looking where she was going.
"Morgan H. Stark, you come back, please," called Mrs. Stark from within the apartment.
The little girl stopped suddenly in front of the visitor, who spoke first.
"Hello, my name is Amelia Winston and I've been invited for dinner. Who might you be?"
"Morgan Stark," she replied. "I live here. Are you the new librarian?"
"I am." She looked up at the doorway. "Perhaps, you could escort me in and announce my presence?"
A grin crossed Morgan's face and she held up her hand. "Okay." Leading her inside she took the young woman into the sitting room. "Mama, I am announcing Amelia Winston, the new librarian."
"You have met our little cyclone," smiled Mrs. Stark. "Thank you, Morgan, for your excellent introduction. Now, if you would be so kind as to wash your hands, I think you can join us, if you're on your best behaviour."
A maid appeared and escorted Morgan to perform her ablutions.
"She is very spirited," noted Amelia. "You have only the one child?"
"Yes, thus far," smiled Mrs. Stark. "Please come in."
They sat in the sitting room, chatting until the reappearance of Morgan, who had also had some repair work done to the ribbons in her hair. With her appearance, Mrs. Stark advised the maid to let the cook know they were ready to eat, and she led the way to the dining room. The grand room, with doors to both the apartment and shared common area, centred by a table large enough for twenty, was richly decorated, with paintings, small statuary and thick damask curtains on the windows. The table, set for three, was oak, stained almost black and buffed to a high shine. It was both impressive and its chairs comfortable to sit at, as Mrs. Stark kept up a commentary of the origins of much of the furniture while the entrée was served. It seemed that many countries and rulers were indebted to the society for their services, feeling the need to provide some recompense in the form of unique furniture or other gifts.
"Now mind you, the gifts we received from the head chief of a tribe in British New Guinea, aren't exactly meant for regular company. When you explore your domain, you will find the artifacts catalogued in the collection of religious icons." She leaned over and whispered. "Skulls, as the tribe were still engaging in ritual cannibalism at the time. They are probably our most unusual "payment," but they were appreciative of our work on their behalf."
The subsequent conversation was just as engaging as that fact shared with Amelia and she found herself enjoying the company immensely. When dinner was finished, and while Morgan was prepared for her bedtime, the two women sat in comfortable chairs, overlooking the south end of Manhattan. The view of the streets below, lit by a combination of gas and electric lamps was breathtaking. After they finished their tea, and Morgan came out to say goodnight to Amelia, Mrs. Stark also bid her goodnight, as she always read her daughter a story and tucked her in for bed. It was a genial way to end the evening.
Back in her suite, Amelia disrobed, then washed her face and neck in the bathroom. Her hair was let down, and she brushed its long length before plaiting it into a single braid. Slipping into a cotton nightgown, she then turned down the bed, and after making sure the door was locked and windows secure, got under the covers and turned off the electric lamp at the side of the bed. Her heart was full of both hope and ambition that this position would be fulfilling for a young woman graduate of Chicago's Armour Institute library program, completing her formal education just two years before. Now, here she was, on the cusp of the next century, the head researcher, curator, and librarian of the Society of Heroic Individuals and Estimable Lofty Deeds, along with other tasks not yet specified. Life was truly exciting.
A slip of paper placed under Amelia's door before she woke up in the morning, invited her to dine with the others for breakfast, in the large dining room on the 21st floor, at precisely 9 am. Wrapping her hair up in a turban, Amelia tried out the bathtub, amazed at the water pressure coming out of the tap at this high floor level. After bathing and putting on her undergarments she decided to take Mrs. Stark at her word, and dispensed with her strongest corset, instead using one that she often used when on vacation with her family. It didn't interfere with her breathing, and she had accomplished several hikes in the mountains of Colorado without difficulty. She put on a white blouse, cut in a close-fitting shirtwaist style, then draped her favourite necklace over it, a silver locket pendant given to her by her father when she graduated from high school. Her petticoats and skirt were stepped into, and she buttoned the opening then fastened a beaded belt at the waist. Twisting her hair into a loose chignon, and fastening it with several long hair pins, she pinched her cheeks and admired her figure in the mirror. Finally, she placed a small dab of her perfume, Cœur de Jeannette, behind her ears. At least she would look nice and smell good for this first meeting with the others.
When she stepped out of her apartment, she noticed several individuals were already gathered in the sitting area. They all rose when she made her exit out of her suite. One of them, a beautiful red-headed woman approached her eagerly.
"At last, you must be Miss Winston," smiled the woman. "I am Natasha Romanoff, code name Black Widow. Please call me by my first name, as I know we will be great friends."
"Very well, call me Amelia." She shook Natasha's hand, then looked past her to the others, who were approaching.
"Amelia Winston," repeated Natasha, "may I introduce you to Wanda Maximoff, code name Scarlet Witch, her beau, Vision, whose name is his code name, Captain Rogers, who everyone knows as Captain America, Samuel Wilson, known as The Falcon, and Clint Barton, known as Hawkeye, who is my fiancé. The others are still to appear."
She looked at them in turn, the petite and incredibly beautiful Wanda seemed younger than her, while her beau Vision, a tall blond man with a serious air seemed older and more reserved by the formality of his greeting. Captain Rogers was everything she ever imagined from the drawn images of him in the newspapers; tall, handsome, broad-shouldered and sporting a short haircut that seemed to be somewhat unruly as a shock of it draped itself over his forehead. His blue eyes twinkled as he shook her hand.
"It's a pleasure, Miss Winston," he said. "I've been fortunate to see some of your published sketches of your hiking trip in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. You must be an accomplished hiker and mountaineer to have ascended the heights you did."
"Thank you, it was quite an accomplishment, considering I had been limiting myself to less extreme terrain before," she replied. "We had excellent guides and the presence of my father and brother added to the enjoyment."
Another handsome man stuck his hand out, repeating the introduction of himself as Sam Wilson. She detected an accent of the south in his speech and commented on it, to which he admitted coming from Louisiana.
"So, by your code name are you a falconer, Mr. Wilson?" she asked. "It is a noble profession with centuries of history behind it."
"I do have falcons," he admitted. "But I am also the person who wears one of Mr. Stark's newest inventions, a flying suit. So far, I haven't used it on missions, but I will soon, once I become more skilled at it."
Mr. Barton, or Hawkeye was also friendly, admitting that he acquired his archery skills in a circus, then spent several years portraying one of Sitting Bulls braves in a Wild West show. That was where he met Natasha, an aerialist originally, who picked up other skills such as trick shooting, and trick riding.
"I didn't feel right portraying one of the Sioux, since, let's face it, I don't exactly look the part, but my skill was archery and that is where the owner of the show wanted me. Then I met Natasha, and we learned of SHIELD recruiting skilled individuals as part of their operations. It seemed tailor-made for us. We've been with the society for five years now."
"I am just excited to be here, in New York, working and living in the same building," said Amelia. "Your exploits are in all the newspapers."
"Our very exaggerated exploits," joked Captain Rogers. He checked his pocket watch. "We should go on up otherwise we'll all be tardy."
He offered Amelia his arm and they stepped into the elevator together. The others joined them and within moments they were at the penthouse level. As they stepped out, Anthony Stark came forward, his eyes only on the librarian.
"Miss Winston, it is a great pleasure to finally make your acquaintance," he said, extending his hand to shake hers. "I've heard much about you from my daughter."
"All of it good, I hope, Mr. Stark," she replied, blushing.
"Very much so." He stepped aside then checked his pocket watch. "Come, we're still expecting Dr. Banner and Sergeant Barnes. The brothers have gone to see their father and will return later this afternoon."
"Parker?" asked Captain Rogers. "He was worried about his aunt when we arrived late last night."
"You're right, I believe he has taken the subway to Queens to be with her." He leaned towards Amelia. "I've offered her an apartment here many times so that Parker isn't so worried about her, but she insists she's fine there." He shrugged. "I won't stop asking but it isn't only his aunt who draws his attention away from our domicile."
The sound of the elevator doors opening, presaged the arrival of others. Since it was impolite for Amelia to turn, she waited until the late arrivals presented themselves. The first, a rather rumpled looking man with a thick shock of greying hair and glasses, introduced himself as Dr. Bruce Banner.
"You are the scientific and medical consultant for the society?" asked Amelia, as that is what she had read in the newspapers.
He nodded uneasily. "Partly. I also have another role that is kept secret from the public." He looked to Anthony Stark who raised his eyebrows as if to say it was the doctor's decision to elaborate. "Are you familiar with the tale The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?" Amelia nodded, slightly puzzled at the reference to the famous novel. "As part of my scientific endeavours I was exposed to a substance that turns me into another being, a frightening vision. You've no doubt heard of the rumours of a giant of a man, with green skin and a frightening personality who has appeared at several incidents where the Avengers are present. He is me and I am him. If you ever encounter him, I bid that you do not panic. He is fairly friendly with the others, and Mademoiselle Romanoff has been able to soothe the beast within me with her words so that he settles down."
"Is there no cure for your malady?" asked Amelia, her heart affected that this obviously gentle man was afflicted with such a fearsome condition.
"Alas, no, I have tried many times to develop a cure. I thank you for your concern."
He bowed and stepped away, having dealt with that pronouncement. It was then the last person who arrived stepped into view and Amelia thought her heart would stop at the sight of the tall, handsome man before her.
"Amelia Winston, may I present Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes," stated Captain Rogers. "He is my longest and closest friend as we have been like brothers since we were boys."
"Miss Winston," he stated, in a low melliferous voice that noticeably quickened her heartbeat. "A pleasure."
"For me also, Sergeant Barnes," she stammered, taken in by his blue eyes, dark hair and impressive physique.
It was only then she noticed she was still holding his right hand and let it go, blushing at the same time. A hint of a smile crossed his face as he gazed down at her, for truly his imposing height would have him looking down on most individuals. He bowed his head slightly and stepped aside, allowing Captain Rogers to escort her to the dining room. When everyone was seated, she was placed between Anthony Stark and Captain Rogers, with Mrs. Stark facing her. Sergeant Barnes was several seats down the table beside Samuel Wilson, who leaned towards his seat mate and murmured something before gesturing towards her. Barnes glanced at Amelia and smiled slightly, then placed his napkin on his lap, awaiting the service of the food.
The quality of the breakfast food was excellent, as it appeared that Mr. Stark was emphatic on providing a fine meal at his table. The conversation also flowed well, and many interesting topics of conversation were discussed, except for politics and religion. Partway through the meal a gentleman staff member, Jarvis, based on the whispers of his name when he appeared, dressed in full morning dress stood at Mr. Stark's side, presenting him with a slip of paper. He read the slip then nodded his head and continued to eat. Although the others looked at him questioningly it was obvious that he wasn't going to let anything interfere with his enjoyment of the meal. After what seemed like an interminable amount of time, Anthony Stark finally picked up his napkin, dabbed it to his lips and looked out over the assembled Avengers.
"It appears that HYDRA is up to their old tricks," he said. "Secretary Fury has advised me there are cryptographic messages between several of their operatives in several different New York newspapers. Miss Winston, how are your cryptographic skills?"
"A little rusty, sir, but I'm sure that I'll be up to speed in a short time. Do we have microfilm copies of the newspapers in our collection? I haven't had a chance to get acquainted with our library yet."
Stark smiled. "Of course, we have files for up to a week ago on microfilm, with paper copies since then. Is anyone free to assist Miss Winston in gathering the intelligence and decoding the cryptograms?"
"I can," stated Sergeant Barnes. "I cleaned my weapons on my return last night and need only 15 minutes to prepare to leave."
"Very well," stated Rogers. "Everyone else, check your weapons and supplies. We meet here in three hours for a briefing."
Captain Rogers pulled out Amelia's chair and she hurried to the elevator, accompanied by Sergeant Barnes. As he closed the doors and pressed the button for the 16th floor, he looked grimly at the young librarian.
"Sergeant Barnes, forgive my ignorance, but who is HYDRA?"
He breathed out sharply then studied her in that inscrutable way he had. "Trouble."
Part 2>>
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avaelangel · 2 years
I don't really think I would be able to let go of 1899. So, I want to talk about attire and memories. Please let me know if I should talk about the rest of the characters, because for now it's Maura, Daniel and Eyk. Spoilers and a lot of trailing away.
Let's start with Maura. The thing that won't let me rest about her is her character in the simulation. Woman, traveling alone, educated in a man's profession, a person worth making rumours about. She gets slightly chastised by Mrs Wilson and surely insulted by the only practicing doctor on the ship. But she doesn't give and helps, volunteers to a dangerous task that a man wouldn't consider at first.
I think she was coded as an ''adventorous british lady''. In my other post I said that maybe it was a part of Eliot's world. Family of British-Welsh travelers, that exceed expectations and prove mean people wrong. I also said that I might have met Maura before. And I kinda did. I randomly remembered The Essex Serpent.
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Now, there isn't really a similar theme in that book. It's a great book by the way. But the main character Cora is reinventing herself after a traumatic marriage, explores percuilar circumstances, wears men's clothing and generally either makes people uncomfortable or fascinates them sometimes. She also has a rather odd son. I'm not saying that Maura was inspired by Cora or follows her path. I'm saying Maura (or Ciaran) might have picked up some tropes from the outside to mask her memories under more baggage, real or not.
Funny thing to mention: Cora's love interest is married and has a daughter. And also is a priest. At least in the book, I'm not aware of show's changes.
There is also a game called The Excavation of Hob's Barrow, where a woman is trying to look for whatever took her father. Henry is mostly harmless on a bigger scale, he is a shield of Ciaran's, just a way to move the plot into a fluid, familiar way. Probably, that's what makes Maura so lovable and intresting. She's a partly known character with a deeper pain and maybe, a secret.
So. Let's talk attire. We first see Maura in a hospital gown in her nightmare\memory. There is clearly more versions of her getting viped and they all have the same scenario before a new cycle.
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She probably has the most...outfits? If you can call it that. She has her main outfit: (i think that's the name) long turkish pants with pockets, which are clearly big and the material is warm, the blouse is seemingly layered on something also, so Maura won't die after going on the deck in the middle of October. It's practical. She has a coat\cloak, but it barely even matters because the worst of it Maura endures uncloaked.
Most of the time, her hair is up, but in her son's and husband's memories her hair is down. It's clean and nicely curled. She never had a need to run or do something where her hair is going to be in the way. Peaceful times.
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Daniel's memory bugs me. It's not that it's not real, but it seemes to show the level of their attachment and\or the way they express love. I prefer to think that ''I love you. Never forget'' is used depending on the situation by both of them. The moment is Daniel's memory seems to be when he feels Maura pulling away. Maybe that is something that always was there. Daniel loves her so much he's afraid that he's overbearing or annoying. I think his memory also shows that they fit very well togeter. In my mind, Daniel is somekind of a developer and my favorite trope wants to make him a writer. He is a different kind of smart compared to Maura. Does it make sence? I don't know. But he's loving and caring outloud. Maura's love is more quiet and goes deeper. They are both willing to overcome so much for their loved ones. Probably, everything.
What bugs me, why the gown? It doesn't look like a nighty. Maura says that she's starving, puts on a mental hospital gown and...disappears? Is that the guilt that Daniel carries? On the surface, I think he's supposed to be different from all the others, but is he running towards his guilt? He couldn't prevent his family from falling apart, he couldn't prevent Ciaran taking over, but he still can get Maura out. That's why he persevers and that's why he doesn't really care about people outside his purpose. He's there to mold the simulation to his needs.
He also looks...the most different from time to time, I think. Maybe, he didn't get in at the same time with the others or he left and came back. ''I won't leave you again''. Maybe, after that moment shown by Henry to Eliot, Daniel did leave. He had the suit on.
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We see Maura in that suit twice. Daniel only once and in the spaceship one bed\capsule is open. Did he leave then? And doesn't Maura's haircut in the end look like her ponytail was cut off? I only just noticed that.
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His hair seems to be different each time. Also, I think it's a sad thing that he wasn't made as curly as Aneurin is. Did he comeback only four months ago, interfering with Ciaran's plans? His outfit seems era appropriate, but also really warm and kind of thoughtout for a ship. Was he a part of the crew on Prometheous? Did he still his coat the same way Jerome stole his uniform?
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But the pictures...I first thought that he wears that short male coat with big buttons. But it certainly not the coat he wears on the ship. His hair is shorter, the same length like in his memory. Maybe it's that second layer under the main coat, but really, who knows.
Pictures are still tricky. They all there almost the same clothes. The same haircuts. So, It was one that one day Eliot comes back to? A moment to remember which was a part of a simulation. Pictures also remind me of that childhood photoalbum from Black Widow. The one where years we shot in one weekend or something.
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It kinda looks like there were different cameras or different film.Different way of development? Maybe, the black and white ones are pictures that Eliot tried to develop. There is also a picture that seemingly was taken by him. A picture in his little playing room. Daniel also seems...not as traumatized? I don't want to say it, but did they agree to spend that day together, in the simulation, for Eliot? Without being on the best of terms? Eliot is always in the middle, also. Make of it what you will.
Eliot deserves his own mention. He is a good little sport. He has to come to many hard realizations. He almost doesn't cry, only when Eyk and Henry scare him. He also has a memory that ends with Maura's hospital gown. Is the picnic his last memory before the first cycle?
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He also wears..only this. In every memory, in every appearance. Beside that one hazy moment that Henry shows him. Was Maura put in the chair as a punishment for what she did to Eliot? Could her and Daniel's suffering be at least partly revenge?
Let's talk about Eyk. He also, as far as I have noticed, wears the same clothes. He is also the only one who didn't cause the reason for his guilt directly. He probably didn't see his house burning down. Even worse, he might have goten a telegram about it or something. That's why he keeps imagining it, dreaming of it.
He wakes up into his nightmare.It's a common thing, but I think he's the only one to do that.
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He probably remembers the woods, the road to his house. To me, it doesn't seem like he was coming up and saw his wife droping the lamp. He also sees only Nina in the window with her. It's horrible to think that his wife was jealous of Nina. But she clearly was Eyk's favorite, as a I said so before. Even though in the family picture he is the only one in black, but he isn't the only brunette.
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I went to re-check it, his middle daughter isn't blonde either, but she is closer to her mother in the shot. An argument to my insanity: you can't really say that Eyk's late wife is blond. ANYWAY. I still think that Nina was the only one who stayed late with him to talk. He probably raised only her. The other two saw very little of him and that is where his guilt lies. Didn't pay enough attention, didn't ask more questions, didn't take time to see that everything is okay. He probably was a neglectful husband, at least. It gets sad with him real fast here.
He's also the only one to walk out of his memory. He opens the door, just like Tove later, and then just stays in his burned down living room. If it wasn't for Albert, who knows what Eyk would have done. Could Daniel be using him to speed things up? Is it his purpose? To be Maura's sidekick, make her consider the fact that she has a husband even less? He knows about the sea as much as possible, but connecting to people is so much harder. Their connection makes them both feels special on a base level.
Eyk for sure is special. I wanted to be edgy for a second and make a post "What if he IS Ciaran?''. I mean, they never kiss and traumatized siblings tend to stick close to each other. But I am more inclined to think that Eyk was Maura's patient. I said the same thing about Daniel, but it would be to different situations. I can very clearly imagine Eyk being anxious and weirded out in grief group counceling.
I was going through screencaps and this shot caught my eye.
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Maura is his confidant to the end. It's so sad that they strike as a couple that won't work out. One is neck deep in his grief, the other desperately tries to avoid it, run away. This probably means she would run away from Eyk too. A sad, sad irony.
Show's intro is very interesting also. It shows Eyk reaching out to Nina (assuming) and crumbling. Did he lead him to his demise in previous cycles? He probably did die at some point on previous ships.
If you reached this point, thank you. Let me know if you enjoyed it and if i should ramble more about 1899. I probably will, because I can. Might even take writing requests, who knows.
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Hmmm actually something about 1899 showing language as a vehicle for communication but not the best way to understand someone -
Characters who don't speak the same language often manage to grasp what the other is saying and often listen patiently to someone spilling their guts/venting in a language they don't speak - so many examples of this every single episode but the first that comes to mind is Ramiro listening to Anek (sp?) confess in Danish that he's an atheist - having absolutely no idea that Ramiro, who speaks zero Danish and is also lying about being a priest - and Ramiro just replies, "Your sins will be forgiven," both absolving and comforting him.
Meanwhile we see Ramiro only speak Spanish with Angel, whom he seems to have a somewhat imbalanced relationship with. Like the very FIRST thing that Angel does on the ship is cheat on Ramiro, and they're constantly fighting about how Angel's chaotic personality causes them problems in their life - and we have absolutely no indication that Angel speaks Portuguese at all. In fact, he taunts Ramiro subtly about this fact; they're pretending to both be Spaniards.
Meanwhile you have someone like Mrs. Wilson who primarily speaks English - except for when she needs to intimidate Ling Yi and her mother.
BUT this also works in other interesting ways. For example: The captain is a bilingual German/English speaker; he speaks German to his crew (even characters like Landon and Olek, non-Germans, are shown to understand orders from the German speaking crew) but his English shows his connection to Maura and [spoilers redacted] as a whole.
And then you have Elliot - who doesn't speak at all until everything starts to come apart.
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1899 episode 8, Henry says "They came on this trip because they made the choice to forget their past. And now they're all stuck in here as well." It parallels Mrs Wilson's speech in episode 1 about going to America within the world of 1899, but it sounds like it's a description of the "reality" (however far we can trust any version of "reality" in this show). The simulation as a radical new therapy gone horribly wrong? All the participants signed up to be immersed in something that would take them away from a trauma, but now they're trapped (and they've not really gotten away from their trauma at all)?
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itsalongwaytotipperary · 11 months
is it just me or do the black crystal-like things start growing faster after Virginia (Mrs Wilson) touches them in ep 6? like her getting infected by it gives the crystally stuff more energy to grow faster? kinda like its using her as a life force. like a parasite. does that make sense?
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fatherramiro · 2 years
if 1899 had continued (or, in the event of a sudden restoration of the show to us), im pretty sure the first characters to wake up in reality after maura would be ramiro, ling yi, tove, mrs wilson, clémence, and jérôme. i think that based on how long they lasted in the last loop of the simulation (basically until daniel dissolved them all into pixels) as well as the narrative fact that most of them got the lion’s share of development, that they’ll be easier to wake up and they’ll have the memories of their last loop.
also, just in terms of narrative angst, they’re the PERFECT characters to wake up first either because most of them have loved ones trapped in the simulation and it gives them time to understand who they are in reality as compared to who they are in the simulation. mrs wilson is the outlier here but im 90% sure she’s a secret Big Bad or villain sooooo
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eykismyfav · 2 years
My Thought on 1899 Each Episode.
I am not ashamed to admit it I took a shit ton of notes on 1899 as I watched it...at the end of each of the episodes I collected my thought so I am gonna share those notes now.
Spoilers below keep reading
My thoughts on Episode One
Okay I really like this episode I think it did a good job introducing the key players and some of their conflicts with one another. It also introduces a couple of mysteries that I think are all interconnected in some way. The acting is really good as is the cinematography and music.
Favorite Characters in Episode: Captain Eyk, Maura, Young Danish Girl, Jérome, Olek, Ling Yi, The pregnant girl, and the Danish boy
Least Favorite Characters in Episode: The First Mate, The French Honeymooners (I feel like I may end up liking the Female Honeymooner though), Mrs. Wilson, The Male Doctor, The Priests Brother (He gives me the creeps…)
Favorite Moment/Scene in Episode: When Maura asks to come into the Captains room then doesn’t wait for a response and side steps past him into the room. That scene made me laugh. Also pretty much any interaction between Eyk and Maura they seem to have this weird connection and it is super compelling to watch.
Most Unnerving Scene: Everyone raising their cup and drinking at the same time.
Most Physically Uncomfortable Scene: The interaction between the priest brother and the Danish guy. Nope just nope.
Biggest Mysteries: Who closed the boy into the cabinet and what is up with triangles. What is the deal with the letters? What are the characters’ motivations for going to New York? Who the fuck is trench coat guy. I think the young Danish girl may have been onto something with the ghost ship story 
Conclusion: If anyone can look me in the eyes and tell me Maura and Eyk are not already pinning for each other by the end of the first episode they are clearly not watching the same show as me.
My thoughts on Episode Two
Favorite Characters in Episode: Captain Eyk, Maura, Young Danish Girl, Jérome, Olek, Ling Yi, Tove, and Krester
Least Favorite Character in Episode: Mrs. Wilson, The Boy, Daniel
Favorite Moment/Scene in Episode: Scene where the captain is discussing grief with Maura.
Favorite Reveal: The “priest” being Angel’s gay lover. Also that someone else is watching the event of the ship on screens.
Biggest Complaint: *Sigh* I wish the captain didn’t choose to turn the ship around.
My thoughts on Episode Three
Umm what the actual fuck happened in this episode
People were dropping dead the boy was hiding under the bed the ships were updated recently there was a mutiny no one is happy nothing made sense. Maura was on the Prometheus… And a ship just fully disappeared. And Daniel has a weird little machine.
Least Favorite Character in Episode: Mrs. Wilson, The Boy, Daniel, Franz
Favorite Characters in Episode: Captain Eyk, Maura, Young Danish Girl, Jérome, Olek, Ling Yi
My thoughts on Episode Four
I like that we get Jérome’s back story it honestly surprised me and it also doubles as Lucien’s backstory.
Favorite Characters in Episode: Captain Eyk (He is on thin ice for how he is treating Maura), Maura, Jérome, Olek, Ling Yi, Clémence
Least Favorite characters in episode: Danish mom, Krester (he disappointed me to be honest.), The boy (He is so creepy), Daniel (this man is testing me), Franz, Lucien(Asshole)
Biggest WTF Moment: That child fully respawned after being thrown over board.
Funniest moment: “I’ve never seen Russia” “right” “pretty sure that exist”
Most stressful moment: The Captain almost getting thrown overboard I would die for this man.
My thoughts on Episode Five
Fuck the First Mate guy he seems like a piece of work if I am being honest
Favorite Characters in Episode: Captain Eyk (He is okay now love I him so much), Maura, Jérome, Olek, Ling Yi, Clémence, Tove (My beloved), Ramiro, Daniel only because he was helpful…, Franz has mildly redeemed himself, Anker has also redeemed himself!
Least Favorite Characters in Episode: Iben (Fuck her and the way she treats her kids), First Mate, Maura’s father (fuck that guy)
My thoughts on Episode Six
I’m still not won over by Daniel I don’t really care he is Maura’s husband 
I am feel so bad for Anker I want to give him a hug
Favorite Characters in Episode: Captain Eyk (He is okay now love I him so much), Maura, Jérome, Olek, Ling Yi, Clémence, Tove (My beloved), Ramiro, Daniel, Franz has mildly redeemed himself, Anker has also redeemed himself!
Least Favorite Characters in Episode: Iben, First Mate, Maura’s father 
That is all the notes I have I did finish the show but I never finished my notes for episodes 7 and 8
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aeonfvx · 2 years
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Mrs Wilson / 1899 S1E6
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