#ciaran 1899
harrietmjones · 2 years
Predictions for future 1899 episodes
I just thought I’d write down my predictions/thoughts (again!) on what my mind has conjured up as possible theories for the future goings on in the show.
I did a similar thing as I was watching S1.
My mind went all over the place with this, so they may have some logical holes in them or they may not be in keeping with the show but just thought I’d share, as a bit of an experiment to see how right or wrong I am if/when the show comes back.
I will probably look back on all these and think how silly I was to think them!
Everyone in Maura’s room on the space ship were part of some coup or uprising (or something similar) and so they were eventually sent to be in suspended animation together.
I think there’s more to Mrs. Wilson than meets the eye. It might be how she’s being played by Rosalie Craig, as in it’s the actor, not the character giving her that particular edge but there’s just something about her that’s a secret.
There’s something ‘negative’ in Maura and Eyk’s relationship. Just how she reacted after she woke up and saw him, I watched it for the first time, and thought it was extreme relief why she backed up as she did, like she couldn’t believe he was alive, when she had not long seen him ‘die’. However, there just seemed to be something else going on that I felt could be read as something negative, that he’s not exactly as we’ve seen him so far. I really hope this isn’t the case, just where my pessimistic, dark mind went.
Same thing as above, there’s a possible negative part of their relationship but instead, maybe Maura is the guilty party. Maybe she’s tyrantesque and Eyk is just a soft, sad meow-meow or something.
Reality is another simulation. So, it’s either the ship was a simulation in a simulation, like Inception or the opposite (kind of), where reality is actually a further simulation, deeper in everyone’s minds. Maybe the reason that Daniel may not be there, is because he’s never gotten that far into Maura’s mind before, the ship was the furthest he managed to get to. @veturdraugur actually has had the same thought as me, here.
The whole show, everything we see, is actually in the mind of Ciaran, a dreamlike state and world that all stems from him. He’s the ‘creator’. Maybe all the characters existed at one point in reality or maybe they are all not real but are now just code in a machine. Also, he’s Irish, which I only thought would be the case because of his name for starters but also Daniel saying to Maura that her name’s Irish, even though she’s not.
Ciaran is a twisted guy, who might have made Daniel (if the theory of Daniel and Elliot being simply code is true), so he could have an accepted relationship with his own sister, without threatening too much of the balance of things (I can’t see incest being the case but…).
Both Ciaran and Maura aren’t real. Maybe the both of them are separate programs, designed by another, connected through a tech experiment of some kind. It would be similar to how the tunnels on the ship were separate but also all connected and how Maura mentioned how the memories on the ship were placed in a way, that was like the wirings and connections in the brain. The experiment could be something along the lines of, “What makes us human?” and it started as a way to demonstrate how an organic mind/brain and a synthetic mind/brain, if you can make both experience the exact same things, feel the same emotions etc. then how different can one be from machine, what is it that makes us, human?
Each pod on the spaceship, represents an element in alchemy, given that the characters we’ve seen have had the symbol for Earth dotted amongst their ship simulation: 🜃.
Similar to the theory above but the characters that we’ve seen, they may go into other simulations which are representative of other alchemical elements such as: Air (🜁), Fire (🜂) and Water (🜄).
Maura and Daniel are genuinely married and they do have have their son, Elliot together but for some reason, which would explain why she wasn’t drawn to them as she has been with Eyk, is that she removed her emotions towards them, for different reasons. It kind of works with the whole humans are weak because of their emotions, that Henry Singleton’s mentioned and the studying of the human brain, human behaviour etc.
Same as above (and kind of connected), Maura and Daniel are married, they do have Elliot together and the reason why she can’t remember or have feelings towards Daniel and Elliot, is because she erased it all from her brain. The reason she did so, is that maybe she’s responsible for Elliot’s death through experiments on him and got ill/died or would alternative, he was going to die anyway but she began experimenting on him, which would have probably sped things up unintentionally. She wanted to get rid of the hurt of her child dying and anyone associated with it aka. a husband. This theory kind of began because of seeing one of Maura’s flashes being a brain and that hasn’t happened yet.
Daniel and Maura simply worked together, in a similar way to what’s been said/shown in the show but that’s it. They’re not married, there’s no Elliot, it’s all a simulation created because Daniel is in love with Maura in reality but she’s married to Eyk.
Mrs. Wilson is the boss lady aka. the captain, the leader of some group of fighters etc. This is from me thinking she’s a little sus and also her positioning on the spaceship being ahead of both Eyk and Maura (and everyone else).
Everyone is a patient at a mental institution, where experiments are carried out in them. They’ve round my signed themselves away in some form. Their room numbers on the ship, are the same as their room numbers in the institution.
I’ve got some other theories that I haven’t written down. I’m probably not so strong in thinking some of these theories now, after a while of them sitting in my drafts and then my queue.
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aeonfvx · 1 year
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Project Prometheus / 1899 S1E8
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ackermental · 2 years
People out there arguing who is Maura's real husband and meanwhile here I am, waiting for the actual big reveal aka which one of them is her brother.
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I know you, bo Odar, I know you will do this.
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spectraling · 9 months
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Merry Christmas! Have some 1899 homoeroticism requested by the effervescent @dragneto <3
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theseventhveil1945 · 2 years
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Your father is a fool. His attempt to hack the code will destroy the entire simulation. 1.08 | "The Key"
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anxiouspotatorants · 2 years
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Couldn’t choose just one, so here’s four 1899 memes in the B99 template
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Not sure who here is still having 1899 thoughts but I have a theory I'm chewing over
That triangle symbol that's everywhere... Dark taught us that Bo and Jantje like a good symbol with structural significance to the show. So I've been wondering what the triange could indicate, and here's my current proposal
(Spoilers for the series below!)
Three keys
You know how in Stranger Things s3 (stay with me) when Joyce and Hopper try and shut down the gate and they need to both turn keys in order to do so, because the system is designed so one person alone can't switch it off? What if the simulation is like that? Maura's key opened one section, but like a puzzle box it's only opened up a new puzzle to open?
I'm playing with the idea that there are two more keys the characters need to find and use to actually break free of the simulation. I just love the idea that to spite Henry's jibe that they keep failing because their emotions get in the way, that actually escape can only be possible with the characters working together.
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reineyday · 2 years
idk if im late to the party but i thought it was interesting that 1899 used plato's allegory but never really surfaced passed discussing the shadows vs the fire, only to reveal at the end that they themselves are living the rest of the allegory: theyre running away from the sun that is their reality bc it hurts too much. they prefer the shadows on the wall, the darkness of the cave, bc the light of their reality is too painful for them to accept.
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meduseld · 2 years
Anyway here’s my Ciaran Singleton theory: he’s real (as in a human character and not like an AI with his name) and took the divergent path from Maura. Namely, Maura went the neuroscience route, and Ciaran went the neuropsychology route. Both had similar reasons, namely their messed up family and obsession with people’s behavior and reasoning, and how to alter that, but Maura went nuts and bolts of brains while Ciaran went into the less defined emotional reasoning. Which helps explain their father’s attitude to each, and makes his disdain for emotion, love and mistakes all the more charged.
Point being, when the mission came about, Maura went to her brother for the emotional underpinning of the simulation meant to occupy their minds in the void of space/en route/during hibernation. But Ciaran, like Searle in Sunshine before him, is not the sanest of psych officers. Of course, if you ask him, he did it all for good. For making them confront their psychological issues.
He’s not taking advantage of what he knows, in manifesting their mental scars physically in the simulation, or in putting them in soul-breaking scenarios. He’d call it therapeutic, about exploring their relationships. That’s why he split them up, and twisted their views (I like to think Iben is a devout atheist, Ramiro took one look at Ángel’s baggage and knew he wouldn’t put himself through that for a man, Krester has 0 hangups about his sexuality and might be a little vain, Lucien is a nebbishy loser who quietly covets Jerome/Clemence’s bond and J’s authority and in getting it is even more tormented......)
The only reason he altered his sister’s simulation was to provide closure, catharsis, new perspective! He’s helping, that’s what he does. It’s not torture, Maura, he’s not playing God the way she planned to. Except, of course, in the ways in which he is.
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ben-crytalker · 2 years
since it all appears to be over anyway, here was my big, mid-development crackpot theory that i previously didn’t want to share before working it out more...
spoilers below
daniel and eyk are the mind and body of the same dude. eyk is the body with a simulated/ai soul and daniel is the soul with a simulated/ai body.
daniel solace was in fact maura’s husband, but in true reality his body looks like andreas pietschmann. daniel’s body (”eyk”) might have died/be dying/in stasis in reality but somehow his consciousness was uploaded into a different figure in the simulation (a figure that looks like aneurin barnard). while in the 1899 sim, maura's body innately responds to her husband’s physical form (1899!eyk) but for some reason her mind can’t fully register his mental form (1899!daniel) [nor can she truly recognize the avatar it is in even though she maybe should too*]. this could explain certain visual and thematic parallels between the two men and other cues such as:
both being drawn to / partnering with maura and vice versa (to varying degrees)
wedding bands (eyk and maura wear them and daniel has a scar) and daniel turning her wedding band into the key in the end (her symbolically having to take it off/let him go in order to exit that simulation)
her grasp of eyk’s arm is similar to checking for a pulse (this might have been an impactful last touch that they’re intuitively replicating, or it could be her brain subconsciously trying to confirm if he’s alive)
daniel and eyk both somehow cross from the prometheus to the kerberos on their own and are the only two characters who we actually see** pull themselves up into the hanger on the kerberos (visual similarity of their arm hoisting them up: daniel in the last moments of the first ep, eyk in the first moments of the last ep)
“he lost everything he loves” / “i lost someone too”
coats & crying
control/authority (daniel is an alleged creator alongside maura, eyk is the captain in the 1899 sim)
eyk being an anagram for key
eyk following at least the basic explanation of heady tech theories maura gives to him and making quick leaps in logic himself, eg. hoping questioning if daniel’s story/room/pictures may be constructions too
maura might gasp at the sight of eyk on the spaceship because in that reality she realizes it is not really (or is no longer really) her husband, just a shell. OR her last memory in that reality was thinking he was already dead and she is surprised to see his body alive/revived, to a certain degree
*and then going a step further than all this i wonder if the “daniel” avatar used as an 1899 character is ciaran’s physical appearance in reality... especially if somehow ciaran exited the 1899 sim already, maybe his avatar became like an empty vessel that was up for grabs to inhabit and maura’s husband’s real consciousness took the first available spot? the only non-incest way i can think of to explain the love scene though would be if somehow her brain’s memory-wires got mixed up and fused her husband’s soul with the false 1899 visage, or the idea that “brother” in the 1899 sim actually means something different in reality so they aren’t literal siblings like we assume.
**it is implied that Jerome was a stowaway in the 1899 sim but i don’t believe we ever actually see him climb into the hanger or how he initially got onto the ship; we just start with him in the coal room
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cabinboy100 · 2 years
1899: Season 1: (Conspiracy) Theory: Undercover Clemence…?
Beware: Season 1 spoilers! If you have not watched all eight episodes of 1899 season 1, get thee to your streaming device and watch! Then come back for some outlandish connection-making and crazytalk theorizing based on a funny look, the wrong pants, and an envelope. =)
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CLEM: Are you telling me this is my fault? LUC: Stop your little act. It's pretentious. Your parents aren't around anymore. It's fine. You don't love me, you never did. This is not a marriage. It's an arrangement. So you can stop pretending.
Lucien explicitly characterizes their marriage as a sham and releases Clemence from any obligation she feels to keep up appearances. He exits the cabin immediately after this and we see Clemence aghast, at a loss, for maybe three seconds. Then a change comes over her and her expression turns to lip licking satisfaction or anticipation. It is a pretty radical transformation, and remarkable to witness.
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This may be relief and pleasure at being freed from playing the role of doting newlywed wife, but I like to think that it's something more—delight in something falling into place as planned.
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Later, when searching for survivors of the clock ticking siren song, Tove and Clemence wander into a certain cabin and Clemence is moved to wax philosophical on the compulsory wife and mother role of women in society. She does not find anything fulfilling in that purpose, a part she was raised to seek and play and accept. Inspired by the strength and independence she admires in Tove, she decides to declare her own independence from patriarchal expectations with a fashion flourish…
CLEMENCE: I feel ridiculous. Do you know what they say? That men invented dresses and heels so that women can't run away.
With this, she trades her skirts for a pair of trousers from an open wardrobe trunk, signifying her rejection of the societal expectations she has experienced placed on herself and women in general.
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Her words and actions *are* a nice follow-up and follow-thru on her reaction to Lucien's real talk about the nature of their marriage. But maybe that's not all they are…
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Later still, when Eyk and Maura are reunited in the lifeboat launch bay of the archived Kerberos, Maura produces the envelope she received from her brother…
MAURA: The last thing I remember before waking up on board the Kerberos was finding the envelope in front of my door. I think my brother sent it.
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This prompts each of the survivors* to produce their own identical envelopes.
*Except for Jerome, but I believe we've already seen that he has received one, as I'm certain that's how he acquired the information that led him to Lucien and his cabin on the Kerberos.
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And just like everyone else, Clemence pulls her envelope out of her pocket. 
Correction—she pulls an envelope out. And not out of her pocket, but out of the pocket of the pants she is wearing! Whose pocket of whose pants, then? And whose envelope?
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Let's take a closer look at that cabin she and Tove were in. Look there, behind Tove, over her left shoulder…
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It's the wolf and sheep painting! They are in Angel and Ramiro's cabin! If you didn't notice it before, that is the painting that inspires Angel's wolf-sheep metaphor when he chastises his definitely-not-his-brother earlier. It is also the painting hanging in the sexytimes corner of their cabin.
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In the boat launch bay, we see Ramiro pull out his envelope, so the pants Clemence is wearing—and the envelope contained in its pocket—must belong to the dear departed Angel!
I believe that Clemence has maneuvered her way into being counted as a member of a select subset of travelers aboard the Kerberos—those who have received envelopes from Ciaran. She did not receive an envelope herself, but is aware of them and who received them. How and why?
1. She is a passenger who remembers the envelopes and their recipients from a previous Prometheus loop or loops. This would mean that she is aware of the repeating nature of their world and is immune to or able to avoid the memory reset between loops, perhaps like Daniel and Elliot do, or perhaps thanks to an innate natural gift. She has experienced loops in which Ciaran contacted other travelers and realized that they always survived longer than she herself did. Once she understood this, she began trying to get her hands on an envelope and so make it to the end of a loop. In this scenario, she does NOT necessarily know that the loop is a programmed and hackable simulation.
2. She is an undercover "plant" of Father's, like First Mate. Her mission is to locate and acquire the exit key via more surreptitious means than kidnapping and extortion. Flashing one of Ciaran's envelopes is meant to ingratiate herself with Ciaran's "chosen", a subset of travelers who for whatever reasons manage to keep closer to Maura by the end of a loop than most everyone else on board. This in the hopes of getting a chance to locate or even seize the key for Father.
3. She is an undercover "plant" of Ciaran's, a traveler selected—or created?—by Ciaran to maneuver herself into an ever-tightening spiral orbit around Maura for the duration of each loop.* And she may be doing so without being consciously aware of it, hacked/programmed to do it at a subconscious level. 
We don't see her make any drastic moves that seem to directly affect Maura, but perhaps her being a connection between and for Lucien and Jerome is an important role in itself. Producing the envelope in the launch bay bestows upon her some mystery cred, "proving" that she belongs among the final survivors of the loop.
*This is the weakest explanation that's come to me, because if she is Ciaran's agent, there's no reason he couldn't pump up her story and inventory with an envelope of her own. I say "no reason" based on his already demonstrated ability to materialize envelopes containing traveler-specific content for others.
4. She is a passenger whom Daniel has tweaked to be an agent in his plans, programmed to contain a piece of code vital to Maura's exit. She operates completely independently and in character to go unnoticed, but her ultimate goal is to be one of the last travelers standing when the Kerberos is deleted and the simulation shut down. She contains a vital piece of code that is only effective at the moment of ship deletion and in conjunction with the activated key, saves Maura from deletion and/or reboot into a new loop. Sure, Daniel never mentions her role, but why would he, when doing so would only expose her to Father and his henches?
5. Some other crazy possibility… =)
Of course, if crazytalk notion 1, 2, or 3 is true and Clemence ends up with Angel's envelope by design, it doesn't seem to get her—or her puppetmaster—anywhere, right? But we have only been privy to this last loop. Perhaps in previous loops Clemence is not one of the last travelers standing, is not immune to the click ticking, or does not have a friendly exchange about prisons with Jerome on deck, or does not enter Angel and Ramiro's cabin with Tove. We just witnessed the latest attempt, and the closest she's gotten to Maura and the key. Who knows? Perhaps she has won enough of Maura's trust in this last loop that Maura will wake her in 2099 and Clemence will be able to proceed with the *next* phase of her mission. =)
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Are her earrings another sign of her secret agenda and/or allegiance? Perhaps, but the "Earth" triangle icon/logo appears in so many elements and contexts, it's difficult to say when it is significant and what it's significance might be beyond as an artifact and clue that the world of the Kerberos is not as real as its passengers and crew believe.
Wake up 🜃
Keep on keepin’ on~
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I have become enchanted with drawing Maura but I probably should practice drawing her more from reference rather than just off the top of my head and dreaming of season 2 & 3
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salt-cedar · 2 years
I think Sebastian is Ciaran. He is the only other redhead in the cast. He knows more than anybody else on the ship. He is in cahoots with papa Henry.
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However I also think his personality outside of the ship simulation might be quite different.
The only issue is that I base this on a single viewing of the series and now I can't remember whether Sebastian is or isn't fluent in English.
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theseventhveil1945 · 2 years
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1899 1.08 | "They Key"
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anxiouspotatorants · 2 years
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“You forgot. You forgot what’s real. But you have to remember. You have to wake up. Or there will be nothing left to wake up for.”
2099: Maura Franklin and Daniel Solace
(Raw images: not mine)
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just-stupid-stuff · 2 years
why is no one talking about Eyk being an anagram of key hello????
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