nlsplatsmashware · 11 months
Every winning expressions on Warioware Gold (Index and Alarm Clock)
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2024 NYE Q and A: Dream Guides - Jak
I don't know where to begin as 2023 has been a strange year. I remember looking so forward to it at the start, and it's just spiralled into something unbelievable. Like there have been no shortage of good moments and growth opportunities, but has been overshadowed by chaos, tiring and exhausting days, and the world constantly throwing hands at each other with a continuing amount of immaturity and animosity towards our brothers and sisters.
I have marked the end of each year as a time to reflect and let my honesty be shared regardless of what anyone else thinks, so that for the following year, my bucket is emptied and I can start again. Please excuse me as I write from a very emotionally exhausted state. Each of the boys will be sharing some thoughts on the year 2023, and on this page, it's Jak's turn.
Please give each boy a chance as each of them provide a different flavour and may have some discrete messages for those who are still on the path of unity and love, and the hopeful outlook for a better and brighter world. Including some personal stories from the boys if they have anything major to share.
How do you feel 2023 has been overall
What positive experiences have you had in 2023?
What challenges have you faced in 2023?
What challenges do you believe your dreamer has faced in 2023?
What is one memory that stands out to you in your dream guide duties?
Is there another person you’d like to recognise for their contribution to 2023?
Do you have any final thoughts in the lead up to 2024?
(1) Jak: "I want to erase 2023 off the charts… It has been THAT painful, for both me and her. Do you see these bags under my eyes? And you thought Riku had big ones. These aren’t from being punched in the face by a person or a Krimzon guard, it’s all the collateral damage I’ve received from the year itself. Can you wake me up when we’re finally at the New Earth?”.
(2) Jak: "Look when it comes to positive things about the year, it’s Karla all the way. All the trouble she’s gone to, to keep me here and hanging on when she’s just about to fall down that cliff herself; bless her soul. I’ve been a Grinch for most of this year, but then I heard there was a Christmas movie about that guy, and I didn’t want to have the lead role. So I’ve gotten into a bit of craft with her this month and it’s actually alright. There were also a few times where I had some chats with her brother, so I’ve got to give a kudos to that as well”.
(3) Jak: "As much of the cocky person that I am, I’m actually a bit embarrassed to be writing this one. Riku and Terra have been talking a lot about Karla being hurt by all the people out there on the internet, but I’ve actually probably multiplied that load by at least double. Being an ISTP, I obviously have a certain protocol with how I act and how I do things… But I’ve actually taken that too far and in reaching a climax, I see myself acting like a wild animal. Like I’ve just been this horrible person towards Karla, which is something she never deserved.
How’s this you might ask? While there have been weeks or even months where I’ve said to myself that I can’t do this anymore, or that she’s being too annoying or demanding, so I just slink back to Haven City and don’t want to have anything to do with anyone. I remember this time where Terra went with Karla’s parents on their little, I guess, honeymoon, so Riku and I were staying home with Karla and her brother. I… I don’t know how to outline this next bit. She just wanted us to all have fun at the beach on one of those days, and I sorta wrecked that by not being there.
There have been a lot of things that I’ve misconstrued in 2023, like in Karla saying that my friends won’t make it through the timeline split, and instead of analysing the situation and seeing it for what it is, I just lose it and get all angry. And now when I look back, she never meant that they couldn’t come; just that she noticed I didn’t gel with them at a soul level, so that they needed to do a lot of work to be able to get to maybe more of a level where most of Kingdom Hearts is at.
In summary, I just got very tired… And oh! There was a point at which Karla’s brother lost his job, and that was a very hard time for me also. Like I was responsible for seeing him through his last days, and so when everything was over, I just lost faith, and things got worse with me from there. 2023 has been a year of me being caught up in the past and I guess coming to the realisation that I had to come to terms with it and work out where I should actually be. And in the whole process, I hurt others and ended up hurting myself too. Like you might know of Dark Jak from the games, that was sort of my year, but in a bit of a different sense”.
(4) Jak: "Oh she’s just been constantly pounded this year from everything. Like I said in Question 2, this year, more than anything, has just proven to be a shining example of what an amazing person she actually is, after everything she’s had to put up with and witness, including my shit antics. In-fact I wish I stuck around more to intervene when people would upset her or just be plain mean and spiteful towards her or about her. But then there’s a reason as to why I haven’t shown myself aside from my own problems. You guys think she’s putting out hateful content from the fifty measly words that Riku and Terra say in her defence as to how she feels in life? As a rowdy and no bullshit ISTP, you’d be seeing the gates of hell at your front door. Question 3 sorta outlines the rest of what she’s been through, and then also the etheric attacks and interferences which Riku and Terra have outlined more of”.
(5) Jak: "To be honest, I don’t think this should even exist as Question 5 because I don’t have anything, and neither does Riku apparently. I’ve been away that much or just been trying to avoid responsibilities, which in truth has actually been a loving home and a break away from my tyrannical past and origins. Maybe I’ll have something to report back next year if I’m lucky”.
(6) Jak: "Well there’s this guy from neither of our worlds called 18-Volt. How do I know about him? Well I’ve never met him until about a few weeks ago when I got this strange letter at Freedom HQ telling me how much of a fraud and a bullshit artist I was. As much as I wanted to find the guy in his sleep, something just hit me and it’s like I would have said the same thing if my dreamer was being abandoned by someone she cares about or who should be there for her; like he was using righteous anger. By the end of the letter, I was at the table, with my friends surrounding me, shitting myself to discover that a past dream guide had taken an interest in what was obviously a very big cesspit that I had created, spanning all the way to Diamond City in Warioware. And so I’m like ‘Jak, you done goofed’.
He said he wanted to meet me, so in the next day or two, we met up at the port. The guy who looked like a big frog, wearing some crazy glasses, started running his mouth at me about the terrible things I did, but he slowed down after a while, and his demeanour was rather passionate and friendly. He’s an ESFP like Tess. So as we spoke, as much as I don’t like sharing my own stories, he got to the heart of the matter, and like he was putting me through an X-ray machine of some sort. I had to admit by then that I had been awful towards Karla for most of the year, and there was no denying that. Especially due to the fact that 18-Volt said he actually wanted to support me if he could and be a buddy to get me back on the right path. That’s when I noticed that 18-Volt had actually come back after a long period of absence, which is where Riku took over.
I was amazed to find out that 18-Volt was watching Karla and her developing timeline this whole time. And that he actually had the strength to learn from his mistakes and come back years later, even if just to a helping role. And it’s like if he could bounce back after such a failure, then I could too. Like sometimes we get so caught up in ourselves and our own wants that we forget the bigger picture that we push away everything else. So 18-Volt returned a few more times and we continued to get to know each other. Eventually, I worked out that the mess was way too big for just a guy like him to help clean up, and also at the time, Karla’s teddy staff had also now showed up in Haven City to quote on quote, clean out the evil filth in it. It’s like in fear of losing me for good, she deployed over half the team to keep my world anchored to the ascending timeline fork.
Then I decided to go and knock on Karla’s door to check on her and see the state she was in. There’s this cute name she’d always called me; Jaky. But she couldn’t even utter my name when I came back. Everything was all over the place, so I went back to Haven, and I asked one of the guards [teddies] there to allow me to have therapy, which is something an ISTP apparently never does, so for the love of everyone, I broke the wall and decided enough was enough, and that it was time to open up and expel the demons from my life. I now see the new or substitute admin of the group, Josephine, twice a week for two hours each session, and it’s been pretty good. Once again I’m giving the recognition to 18-Volt here because if it wasn’t for that oh so scary letter, I wouldn’t be where I am now, and looking back at how much I’ve taken for granted and how much love Karla truly deserves”.
(7) Jak: " It’s been a bit bittersweet doing this Q and A, because I’m not sure if some of you remember Karla being so excited for 2023, and that it was going to be her year. Like we’ve said in the past, you can’t just shut yourself down and not be honest to anyone about how you went, whether it’s good or bad. So it’s like Karla has survived this year, but as it comes to a close, she’s giving what’s only a true reflection of what happened, with us sort of speaking it out though. The common theme being that we all expect better things from 2024, and that it isn’t just another slather of muck.
Like Terra said, it’s hard to keep a balance between those who hurt you and wish to see you dead or just non-existent, compared to those who just don’t know you or are the friendly faces amongst the army of metalheads. So again, please forgive her for the experiences that she’s had and the way in which she’s had to deal with them. It’s like how can you light others’ candles if yours never gets lit? Which is the same for me I guess. Well… Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. She might just post some art to finish the days off, but yeah, who knows what’s in store for 2024”.
The internet and it’s networks may be a dead avenue, and the exhaustion of rising global tension has hit hard. But Karla’s immediate life has seen generous health, love and abundance. Any achievements of Karla’s have been acknowledged in private, because in the greater scheme of things, they have been only very small in the year of 2023.
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puppianqueen · 6 months
WarioWare, 4 and 10!
4. (Personal headcanon / interpretation of characters, in any sense)
answered quite a bit of this already but i do have more to offer considering at some point i replaced my brain with a nonstop dialogue generator
most things i could say about the volts are more projection-adjacent but i still have some fun ideas about them and game hardware
i think 18volt would collect different models of rhythm game controllers, as a sort of parallel to 9volt's collection of earlier nintendo history. he ends up making like the mario universe equivalent of the planetclue/kkclue videos on rhythm games and their controllers/dance pads i think
9volt's dream 3DS pattern is either the New 3DS Mario Maker one or generally any of them themed after older consoles. he probably was able to score one near the end of the system's production life (so sometime between Gold's launch and late 2020) i think 18volt's favorite 3DS pattern would be the Year of Luigi 3DS XL. 5volt's would be a lot more subdued in color, probably with the matching theme if it comes packaged with one
not directly volt related but ralphie from Gold is a lot quieter in person than in online play. he does in fact Lock In when he needs to
i think about this everytime nintendo consoles are brought up in context to anthro characters but is the mii system still the same there or does it have like animal feature options
10. (1 series character gets a plush or figure, who is it?)
smooth moves penny plush. mr nintendo my DMs are open and i vastly undercharge services for other peoples' approval
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freakattack · 8 months
Thoughts on staff directory update
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I am loving these updates on our guys lives. Spitz is a novelist now. 18volt got into gardening. What veggies will he produce
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ANIME THEME SONG TUESDAY!!!! Someone needs to tell him about out of touch thursday
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NOOOOOOOO!!!! NO!!!! NO!!!! NO!!!!!! NOOOO9jA
I have made abstract posts about this in the past but 18volt truly inspires protective instincts in me heretofore unknown by man or beast. he deserves the world and no one will gove it to. Him
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Oh my god did 5volt get him into gardening??:? I'm gonna cry
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The hubbie.....
O.K. So i was going to post a bunch of screenshots of fronk's page because so many curveballs have just been thrown but this one sentence made my jaw drop.
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bananango · 2 years
Usb converter adapter for m18
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If you are not satisfied with this, or do not accept it, please do not place an order for DM18RL !Ĥ.Once you place an order, it will be deemed that you agree with this performance, and it is not allowed to open disputes for this reason.ĥ. Be careful to prevent the battery from falling off during use!ģ. Please use it only when the vibration is small and the swing amplitude is not large. DM18RL can use the Milwaukee M18 battery, which is just an auxiliary function. If there is too much vibration during the use, it will loosen, please know!Ģ. Therefore, the engagement between the adapter and Milwaukee M18 battery is not very close and not firm. At the same time, it can use Milwaukee M18 battery. The adapter is specially designed for Dewalt battery. If you need to charge your power tool batteries ,please use the original battery chargers.ġ. Can not be used for power tool battery charging, this adapter will not fit into any chargers. USB port for charging phones and powering equipment that uses usb, and USB Line is not included. Maximum initial battery voltage(measured without a workload) is 20volts,Nominal voltage is 18volts Allows for use of 20V MAX batteries and replacement batteries in most batteries of DEWALT and for use of 18V Lithium-ion batteries and replacement batteries in most of batteries of Milwaukee ,etc. This adapter can make listed lithium batteries use on RYOBI 18V tools, and let you Enjoy the benefits of extended run-time of Li-Ion Batteries on your existing 18V tools.
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wariowaregrey · 5 years
*gets out razors* I'm coming for that mustache boy! >:)
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“First, don’t shave anyone’s mustache off, that’s horrible. Also who are you even talking about? There’s 5 different people here that have mustaches. 6 if you count Spitz’s whiskers.“
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wwgscreenshots · 6 years
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hooksnfangs · 6 years
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Volt characters from #warioware #hooksnfangs #art #artwork #artist #instaartist #instaart #artoftheday #instaartwork #myart #doodles #stickynotedoodles #stickynote #fanart #videogames #nintendo #markers #traditionalart #9volt #18volt #5volt https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs6E-zhhnvV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vc3nw8tn4hfj
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madpeopleloveme · 6 years
Ti prego portami lontana dal sistema solare.
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nlsplatsmashware · 1 year
Every character menus on Warioware: Smooth Moves
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79 notes · View notes
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Just finished drawing a ‘family portrait’ of all the video game characters who have been a dream guide in the past and/or the present in my dreaming universe.
[L-R]: 18-Volt, Karla, Murray, Riku.
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yaspup9000 · 5 years
My two remaining Braincells when i get Bored....
Or should i say, 18 volt and 13 amp's Roast session
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efectoscuster · 6 years
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Está sonando. #jaminabox18 @efectoscluster @juanthefoot #overdrive #pedalporn #pedalboard #pedalboardoftheday #18volts #guitarfx #areyouready #argentina🇦🇷 (en Cluster) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtLsd-IHA0u/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1a3dai3kwqwd5
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firestingray9 · 3 years
TVアニメ「おそ松さん」OP「はなまるぴっぴはよいこだけ / A応P」MVメイキング(ダンス編)
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wwgscreenshots · 6 years
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not much of ralphie in the game so i’m knocking out both these requests right now
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williamshamspeare · 3 years
Like 9 volt and 18 volt do have a close relationship (ik there was the time during diy where they kinda split but diy is weird in general tbh) so i assume 9 volt being dead as hell would probably affect 18 volt badly. Dunno how but it would - amii
The start of Smooth Move stage but like. even more painful
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