#1917 russian revolution timeline
ballads-for-kuni · 10 months
Genshin Timeline Confirmation
MONDSTADT = GERMANY = Holy Roman Empire (962-1806) LIYUE = IMPERIAL CHINA = Qing Dynasty (1636-1912) INAZUMA = SHOGUNATE JAPAN = Edo Period (1603-1868) SUMERU (RAINFOREST) = SOUTH ASIA + MIDDLE EAST = too many areas to cover, completely unsure (India: Early-Modern period, British occupation of majority of India, mass-industrialisation) SUMERU (DESERT) = EGYPT = Ottoman Empire (1299-1922) FONTAINE = FRANCE = End of the French Monarchy NATLAN = PRE-COLUMBIAN LATIN AMERICA + WEST AFRICA = unsure SNEZHNAYA = RUSSIA = Russian Empire (1721-1917) under Catherine II (overthrew her husband, Peter III; she ruled 1762-1796)
Let me know if you guys like and want more stuff like this, I'll go deep-dive for more research if you guys like it! ♥
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er1chartmann · 9 months
Alfred Rosemberg
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This is Alfred Rosemberg, the ideologue of the Nazi Party, timeline:
1893: He was born in Reval.
1911: He graduated from the Petri-Realschule in Reval and enrolled at the Riga Polytechnic.
1914: The First World War began.
1914: The headquarters of the Polytechnic University was temporarily moved to Moscow.
1915: He married his first wife, Hilda Leesmann.
1917: He participated in the Russian revolution on the side of the counter-revolutionaries.
1918: The first world war ended.
1918: He immigrated to Germany.
1918: He  contributed to Dietrich Eckart's publication, the Völkischer Beobachter.
1919: He published his two anti-Semitic treatises, The Journey of the Jews Through the Centuries and Immorality in the Talmud.
1919: He conceived a theory about a global Judeo-Bolshevik-Masonic conspiracy.
1919: He joined the Nazi Party
1923: He became the editor of the Völkischer Beobachter
1923: After the failed Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler appointed Rosenberg as a leader of the National Socialist movement, a position he held until Hitler's release. Hitler remarked privately in later years that his choice of Rosenberg, whom he regarded as weak and lazy, was strategic.
1923: He divorced his first wife.
1924: Hitler was released.
1925: He married his second wife, Hedwig Kramer.
1929: He  founded the Militant League for German Culture.
1930: His only daughter, Irene Rosemberg, was born.
1930: He became a Reichstag Deputy
1930: He  published his book on racial theory The Myth of the Twentieth Century.
1932: He  participated in the Volta Conference.
1933: Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany.
1933: He was assigned the role of "Delegate of the Führer for the education and intellectual and philosophical formation of the National Socialist party".
1933: He visited Britain, intending to give the impression that the Nazis would not be a threat.
1933: He was appointed "Responsible for Foreign Affairs for the Party".
1934: Hitler granted Rosenberg responsibility for the spiritual and philosophical education of the Party and all related organizations.
1939: Again due to his strong knowledge of the Jewish question, he founded the "Institute for studies on the Jewish question" on Hitler's orders.
1939: The Second World War began.
1940: He founded his own operational staff, called Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (or Commando Rosenberg), which was mainly (if not exclusively) responsible for stealing works of art from all the occupied territories of Europe but particularly from France.
1940: He was made head of the Hohe Schule (literally "high school", but the German phrase refers to a college), the Centre of National Socialist Ideological and Educational Research.
1941: He was appointed minister of the occupied territories.
1942: He issued an Agrarian Law annulling all Soviet legislation on farming, restoring family farms for those willing to collaborate with the occupiers
1945: The Second World War ended.
1945: He was captured by the Allies.
1945: He was tried at the Nuremberg trials.
1946: He was found guilty and sentenced to death.
1946: He died.
Wikipedia: Alfred Rosemberg
MIlitary Wiki: Alfred Rosemberg
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mightyflamethrower · 6 months
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10 Facts About Communism
February 8, 2024 by The Historian
Communism, a socio-political ideology that emerged in response to the inequalities of industrial capitalism, has left an indelible mark on the course of history.
From its origins in the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to its implementation in states like the Soviet Union and China, communism has sparked both fervent devotion and vehement criticism.
In this article, we delve into the complexities of communism’s legacy, examining its theoretical foundations, historical manifestations, and contemporary relevance.
From the classless society envisioned by its founders to the authoritarian regimes that characterized its implementation, we explore the multifaceted impact of communism on societies worldwide.
Communism Facts
1. Emerged in 19th century as response to capitalism’s inequalities
Communism arose as a socio-political response to the injustices and disparities brought about by industrial capitalism during the 19th century.
Also Read: Chernobyl Timeline
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2. Aims for classless society with common ownership of production
Central to communist ideology is the vision of a classless society where the means of production are collectively owned by the people rather than controlled by a wealthy elite.
This collective ownership is intended to eliminate the disparities in wealth and power inherent in capitalist societies, ensuring that resources are distributed according to need rather than profit.
3. Marxism-Leninism adapted communism for Russia
Leninism, an adaptation of Marxist theory by Vladimir Lenin, was developed to suit the conditions of early 20th-century Russia.
Also Read: Timeline of Communism
It emphasized the necessity of a vanguard party to lead the proletariat (the working class) in a revolutionary struggle against the bourgeoisie (the capitalist class).
Leninism also advocated for the establishment of a dictatorship of the proletariat as a transitional stage towards the ultimate goal of a classless, stateless society.
4. Soviet Union first major communist state
Following the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, established the Soviet Union as the world’s first major communist state.
The Bolsheviks, later known as the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), implemented Marxist-Leninist principles, including the nationalization of industry, collectivization of agriculture, and the establishment of a planned economy.
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5. Cold War saw communism vs capitalism rivalry
The ideological conflict between communism and capitalism escalated into the Cold War, a geopolitical standoff between the United States and its allies (the Western bloc) and the Soviet Union and its allies (the Eastern bloc).
The Cold War, which lasted from the late 1940s to the early 1990s, was characterized by political tension, military buildup, espionage, and proxy wars fought in regions such as Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan.
The rivalry between the two superpowers shaped global politics and international relations during this period.
6. Often led to authoritarian regimes and human rights abuses
While communism aspired to create a classless and egalitarian society, the implementation of communist regimes often resulted in authoritarian rule and widespread human rights abuses.
Examples include the Stalinist regime in the Soviet Union, Mao Zedong’s rule in China, and the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia under Pol Pot.
These regimes were characterized by political repression, mass purges, forced labor camps, and suppression of dissent. The authoritarian nature of communist governments led to criticism from both within and outside the communist movement, undermining the idealistic goals of communism.
7. Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, ending Cold War
The Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991 marked the end of the Cold War and the disintegration of the world’s largest communist state.
A combination of internal and external factors contributed to the collapse, including economic stagnation, political reforms initiated by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev (such as glasnost and perestroika), nationalist movements within the Soviet republics, and pressures from the Western bloc.
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8. Few remaining communist states: Cuba, N. Korea, Vietnam, China
Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, a few countries continue to adhere to communist ideology to varying degrees these include:
Cuba, led by the Communist Party of Cuba since the Cuban Revolution in 1959
North Korea, governed by the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea under a highly centralized system
Vietnam, where the Communist Party of Vietnam maintains a one-party system following the reunification of North and South Vietnam in 1976
China, where the Communist Party of China has maintained authoritarian control over the country since 1949, albeit with significant economic reforms since the late 1970s.
9. Critics cite stifling of freedoms, inefficiency, corruption
Critics of communism often point to its track record of stifling individual freedoms, limiting economic innovation and efficiency, and fostering corruption and inefficiency.
The abolition of private property and centralization of economic control under state ownership have been criticized for suppressing entrepreneurial spirit and creativity.
Moreover, the concentration of power in the hands of the state has led to instances of authoritarianism, political repression, and human rights abuses in communist regimes throughout history.
10. Some advocate modern adaptations for communism’s ideals
Despite the historical failures of communist regimes, some individuals and groups continue to advocate for communist ideals while seeking to address past shortcomings and adapt to contemporary challenges.
This includes proposals for decentralized socialism, participatory democracy, and sustainable economic planning.
Advocates argue for a reimagining of communism that prioritizes individual liberties, democratic governance, and ecological sustainability, aiming to create a more equitable and just society without repeating the mistakes of the past.
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no-phrogs-in-hats · 2 years
If I Could Turn Back Time
Larissa Weems x Fem!Reader
A/N: This fic is cross-posted on Wattpad and Ao3
Chapter 3
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
— Martin Luther King, Jr.
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First period had started ten minutes before as I rushed into the building. The halls were void of students and staff, and the only sound was the squeaking of my coffee-sodden shoes on the white tiles. 
Every head in the classroom shot up from their phone as I burst through the door, setting my bag down and taking out the soaked papers to dry. “I am so sorry, guys!”
“Miss Foster,” one kid said. “Is that coffee on you?”
I paused and stared at them like a deer in headlights. “Um–uhh…yeah.” I began to set up my desk–booting up my computer, filing away papers, trying my best to not cry at the feeling of wet socks–while simultaneously trying my best to form a coherent response. “Little accident at the Weathervane. I ended up spilling all of my latte on me…and another customer.”
I took a deep breath and fixed my shirt, sighing as I tried to gather my thoughts, but something–her–she lingered in the back of my head. Larissa. Not even ten minutes together and her eyes, her smile, her very person was already imprinted in my mind. “Okay–uh…what class is this again? First period? Right, okay. Where’d we leave off yesterday?”
“The intro to the Russian Revolution of 1917,” a girl in the back answered.
“Right!” I moved to the white board and took a marker, drawing a long line with dashes here and there. When the timeline was built, I began to lecture the students, smiling to myself when turned away from them, knowing that they had no clue I had first hand experience with the subject at hand.
“Okay, the Russian Revolution…” I started. “As we learned yesterday, the revolution was initiated in February of 1917. The first revolt was centered around the capital at the time, Petrograd. This would later become Saint Petersburg. Tsar Nicholas II eventually stepped down from the throne after being convinced by the high ranking military officials that in doing so, the mutinies and turmoil would subside. This would allow the new government, led by the Russian Duma, to take over, and this becomes the Russian Provisional Government.” 
I looked across the sea of students all looking at the board, some taking notes, and one trying to not fall asleep. “Can anyone tell me what was a major contributing factor to the 1917 revolution?”
A girl in the back shot her hand up quickly. “Oh! The Russian Revolution of 1905.”
“Good!” To know that at least one of my students was paying attention and that I wasn’t talking to the wall always filled me with hope–especially in a town like this. “As we learned last week, the events of Bloody Sunday caused a lot of upheaval. If you turn to page 276 of your textbook you can see a primary source image of propaganda from 1905, and if you turn to page 301 you can also see a comparison of the multiple revolutions Russia had pre-World War One and throughout…”
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The soft glow of lamplight encases the living room as the TV plays quietly in the background. I scan over tests, marking each incorrect answer and unfortunately recording more D’s than A’s. 
I glance at my phone. It had been an entire day since I spilled coffee on Larissa. I had no idea who she was or what she did for a living, but scenarios crossed my mind as to why she hadn’t reached out yet.
What if she was just being polite?
What if she wants nothing to do with me?
I barely know this woman and I’m already craving her approval and attention.
What the hell is wrong with me?
I don’t even know her last name and I’m already clinging to her.
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It had been three days since the incident and now I was convinced Larissa wanted nothing to do with me. I stood in line at the Weathervane, staring off into space. As I stepped up to the counter, I smiled and placed my order before moving off to the side to wait. But once again I was a complete idiot.
“Wow, I really need to start looking where I’m going,” I huffed after running straight into her.
The softest smile from her sent butterflies through my chest. It was incredible, the effect this woman had on me. “Well, at least there was no coffee this time.” 
Larissa’s giggle was the sweetest sound to grace my ears. 
“Oh, by the way,” she continued. “I just wanted to apologize for not messaging you sooner. I’ve been quite busy recently.”
I smiled back, relieved it was all in my head. “That’s fine! I completely understand. I’m a history teacher at Jericho High School, so I’m well acquainted with ‘busy’.”
Larissa paused for a moment. “Would you want to sit down with me? I have some free time so I didn’t order my coffee as takeaway.”
“I would love that,” I said after taking a second to think. “But, unfortunately, I have to be at work in fifteen minutes.”
I could’ve sworn there was a look of disappointment in Larissa’s eyes. The blue hue grew ever so slightly darker and her smile faltered briefly before widening. “That’s quite alright. Your students come first.”
“Well,” I chuckled. “More like my need to pay the bills comes first. The students can be a pain in the rear, but you do have a point. The students are our future. And to have a better future they need a good education.”
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The entire day I couldn’t stop thinking about her. It got so bad to the point where I actually had to give one of the classes a free period. “I need to catch up on grading,” I told them. 
What a lie.
I spent the entire time thinking about Larissa. How her hips swayed when she walked. How her perfect red lips would curve into the sweetest smile. And how her eyes could tell you every emotion she ever had. 
“Miss Foster?” 
“Miss Foster?”
A voice brought me from my trance and I looked up at the girl. How long had she been standing there? “Oh god. I’m sorry, Macy. What can I help you with?”
“Well, I just had a question about this section of the assignment you gave us yesterday…”
As she explained her problem it was hard to focus. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my phone screen light up with a text. My heart practically burst at the unknown number and suddenly, for the time ever, I didn’t want to help a student. 
But, I did. I answered her questions, and I helped her answer an essay prompt about the early civilization lesson we were going over. As soon as she sat back down I picked up my phone, and sure enough it was Larissa.
‘I was just wondering if you’d be available to go to dinner tomorrow night? A new restaurant opened up in the square, and I’ve been meaning to try it.’
Dinner. She does want to go to dinner. 
‘And what about the dry cleaning?’
‘The lady said she couldn’t do anything about it. The fabric was too light.’
‘I’m available anytime after 4.’
‘Is 5:30 okay?’
‘Sounds perfect. I’ll see you then.’
I don’t think I had ever been so impatient in my life until then. It was less than a day away and my heart was already fluttering uncontrollably, and it felt like years before the final bell of day had rung, dismissing the students from class.
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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International Women’s Day
Mother, sisters, wives, girlfriends, and fiancees…what would we ever do without them? Nobody can honestly say we don’t owe an enormous amount to the women in our lives, from the mothers who made us chicken soup when we were sick as children, to the sisters who helped us decide what to wear on our first date, to the wives who somehow manage to juggle both a career and a family, never missing a beat. Women’s Day is all about celebrating these incredible people and showing them how much we love, respect and value them.
This holiday is perhaps especially important in parts of the world where women are still forced to deal with shocking inequality on a daily basis and is meant to raise awareness of the challenges and struggles faced by these women. Women’s Day celebrates women’s history, highlighting key events, milestones, and achievements, and aims to further promote and raise awareness of women’s rights and to achieve equal opportunity status in all walks of life.
History of International Women’s Day
It may come as a rather sad surprise that International Women’s Day was first celebrated on February 28th, 1909 in New York. Two years later, German socialist Luise Zietz proposed that the holiday become an annually observed one that would celebrate various women’s issues, such as suffrage, so as to promote equal rights for women. The first few International Women’s Days were celebrated in a quite different fashion than they are nowadays, with hundreds of demonstrations taking place in Europe. During these demonstrations, women demanded they finally be given both the right to vote and to hold public office.
Employment sex discrimination was also an important issue. In 1917, the International Women’s Day demonstrations in Saint Petersburg, Russia, helped initiate the February Revolution, when women marched through the city demanding an end to World War I. This shocked even Leon Trotsky, who, much like other Russian leaders of the day, did not expect the Women’s Day protests to cause that much of a stir. Until 1977, Women’s Day was celebrated mainly in socialist countries. It was only after the United Nations General Assembly’s decision to proclaim March 8th International Women’s Day that the holiday gained worldwide popularity.
International Women’s Day Timeline
1848 Seneca Falls Convention
The first convention held in the United States in support of Women’s Rights, this New York meeting, held in July, signaled the beginning of the Women’s Suffrage Movement.
February 28, 1909 First Women’s Day in the United States
National Women’s Day begins in the United States, prompted by a growing movement toward women’s rights. It’s organized by the Socialist Party of America and celebrated on a Sunday so working women can participate.
1910 International Conference of Working Women in Copenhagen
The idea for an international day acknowledging women is brought forth by Clara Zetkin, a German political leader. This suggestion is approved by more than 100 women from 17 different countries.
1911 First International Women’s Day Observed
More than 1 million women and men throughout Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Denmark, attend various rallies.
1913 Russian Women Celebrate
Just prior to the outbreak of World War I, Russians celebrate International Women’s Day. It is agreed to celebrate annually on March 8 (by the Gregorian Calendar).
1917 Russian Women’s Day Leads to Women’s Right to Vote
Feminist demonstrations in Russia are part of a chain of events that lead to the abdication of the Czar and the Russian Revolution, ultimately resulting in the right to vote for women.
1918 Some Women in England Gain Right to Vote
Women in England over the age of 30 with property qualifications receive the right to vote (men qualify beginning at ages 19-21).
1920 American Women Earn Right to Vote
After many attempts, the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution is finally passed.
1928 England Adopts Equal Voting Rights
English women earn the same access to voting as men.
1945 United Nations Recognizes Equality
The Charger of the UN becomes the first international agreement to state equality between women and men.
1975 United Nations First Acknowledges International Women’s Day
IWD is first celebrated by the UN.
1977 UN General Assembly Adopts Women’s Day Resolution
The UN calls Member States to observe a “United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace” on any day of their choosing throughout the year.
2001 Women’s Day Goes Online
In need of a reboot after having lost momentum over the last decades of the 20th century, the International Women’s Day Movement launches online. The website helps with women’s campaigns and leads out in raising money for charities that impact equality for women.
How to celebrate International Women’s Day
There are many ways that you can go about celebrating this holiday, but all of them have a similar goal: to raise awareness about the struggles of women the world over and honor their achievements. Of course, not all achievements are huge, worldwide game-changers like women finally obtaining the right to vote—there are all sorts of other, smaller feats that women you know manage on an everyday basis that you may not pay too much attention to until you try calming 2 crying toddlers, making dinner and explaining the particulars of a newly-acquired client to your boss over the phone at the same time. This may sound ridiculously hard to pull off, but this is something thousands of women pull off every day, something that should be deeply appreciated and something that nobody should take for granted. Grand gestures aren’t necessarily required to show appreciation, either—sometimes a simple “thank you, I have no idea how you do it” is enough to lift an overworked woman’s spirits.
International Women’s Day Is Also About Women’s Rights
If you’d like to do something more, though, there is a virtually endless amount of things you can do to help improve women’s lives the world. You can attend one of the 1000+ events organized globally where you can learn about what women’s lives are like in different countries and make a donation to the event you attend. Reading books is also a great way of broadening your horizons, and biographies of women like fearless Somalian women’s rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali will definitely open your eyes and inspire you to see women’s lives and problems completely differently.
It’s no secret that women’s rights have evolved greatly. However, things could still be a lot better! People such as Malala Yousafzai, a young activist for female education in Pakistan. Her story, I am Malala, describes her fight for education as a woman in Pakistan, and the dramatic consequences of her activism. Targeted by a Taliban’s assassination, Malala was shot in 2012. She was transported to different hospitals before being rushed to the UK, where she was treated and survived her injuries. Her autobiography is an eye-opening shockwave that will make you aware of the struggles that many women continue to face. Nowadays, Malala is a student at the world famous University of Oxford in the UK!
Broadening your horizon on Women’s Day to understand the differences between countries and how women are treated in the world can offer a new appreciation for women. Let Malala’s story inspire you to attend events or support more initiatives to help women. Why not keep your eyes open for books like Malala’s autobiography that share the experience of women in different cultures?
Supporting a Woman on International Women’s Day
Have you ever stopped to consider what it means to be a woman? Aside from the biological definition, there is a lot that goes into defining, feeling, experiencing and celebrating womanhood on Women’s Day. No, it doesn’t have to be a philosophical debate about what makes a woman who she is! But in a day and age where gender issues and gender roles are being questioned, it’s only fair to broaden your perception of what a woman can be and do. The first and most important thing you need to remember is that women are sick of hearing about gender stereotypes. Therefore, Women’s Day is a day to be embraced with an open mind. Question your assumptions about what people can and can’t do based on gender. Why not support a female friend to follow her dreams?
Spend International Women’s Day With Women Who Don’t Let Conventions Define Them
What makes her a woman? Women, such as Anne Lister, have chosen to define their womanhood on their own terms. During the 19th century in England, Anne Lister, also nicknamed Gentleman Jack, took part in activities that were otherwise reserved to men and also ran typically men’s businesses. She also chose to marry another woman, and lived with her, despite not receiving any legal recognition. Gentleman Jack cultivated her free spirit without compromising, which her autobiography, Gentleman Jack, reveals.
Another autobiography that enhances the definition of being a woman is Trans, a Memoir, by Juliet Jacques. Jacques describes what it means to be a woman throughout the transitioning process. On International Women’s Day, show your full support by celebrating and embracing different perceptions of what it means to be a woman.
Spend A Day In Her Shoes On International Women’s Day
Challenges exist in different shapes. It’s something Nicole Byers, the bubbly “Nailed It” presenter on Netflix knows well. Her podcast, Why Won’t You Date Me, describes with humor her quest for love and the modern expectations that society has for women. The sweet dreams of childhood are nothing like the harsh reality, like the podcast Stuff Mom Never Told You explains. Spend the day listening to the stories of everyday women, who could be your sister, your mother, or your wife.
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thebugaftermayakovsky · 10 months
1905 - first Russian revolution, Freud's theory of sexuality, Potemkin incident
1912 - Stanislawski's acting method is created.
1914- assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, beginning of World War I.
1915- Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis
1916- Zurich, Cabaret Voltaire
1917 - Bolshevik Revolution
1918 - Assassination of the Tsar and the Romanov family
1922 - March on Rome and coming to power of Mussolini
1929 - Mayakovsky's bug. Prisypkin is frozen as a result of a fire during his wedding.
1930 - Mayakovsky's suicide.
1931- Second Spanish Republic
1932-33- Great famine in Ukraine, Holodomor (famine). Between 3 and 5 million people died.
1933- Hitler comes to power in Germany.
1936- Spanish Civil War. Murder of García Lorca.
1938 - Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass). First awareness of climate change: Guy Callendar connected carbon dioxide increases in Earth's atmosphere to global warming.
1939 - Invasion of Poland and beginning of World War II.
1940 - Torutra and execution of Vsevolod Meyerhold.
1945 - The US drops two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.
1947 - For the first time, insects are launched into space: In 1947, the United States sends fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) into space aboard a V2 rocket. They were the first animals in space and were part of a series of experiments to study the effects of cosmic rays on living organisms.
1947 - beginning of the Cold War (Mar 12, 1947 – Dec 25, 1991) tensions between United States and Soviet Union, that fed into the Vietnam War and the Korean War.
1948 - Nakba, and creation of the state of Israel.
1950 - Invention of Artificial Intelligence
1952 - 6 February, Queen Elizabeth is crowned, she will be queen until her death in 1922, being the longest reigning monarch ever.
1955 - First documenta in Kassel.
1955 - First Israeli raid on Gaza.
1959 - First color TV broadcast
1960 - The contraceptive pill for women is marketed. The Beatles forms as a band in Liverpool.
1961 - First man launched into space: Yuri Gagarin
1964 - US Congress passesThe Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
1966 - Earth is photographed from space
1968 - Tlatelolco Tragedy, May 68 in France. Murder of Martin Luther King
1969 - Riots at the Stone Wall, marking the beginning of gay rights struggle
1971 - Commercialization of the first Intel 4004 microchip. Abandonment of the gold standard by Richard Nixon.
1972 - Since 1972, no more humans have travelled beyond low Earth orbit, since the Apollo 17 lunar mission in December 1972.
1973 - Coup in Chile, death of Salvador Allende. Yom Kippur War - The Yom Kippur War, also known as the Ramadan War, the October War, the 1973 Arab–Israeli War, or the Fourth Arab–Israeli War, was an armed conflict fought from 6 to 25 October 1973, between Israel and a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria.
1975 - Thrilla in Manilla, Muhammad Ali faces Joe Frazier.
1978 - The Russian-Afghan war begins. It will end in 1992.
1979 - Prisypkin wakes up. The Clockwise Experiment: This concept was first developed and tested in 1979 in Ellen Langer's "counterclockwise" study, which examined the psychological effects of turning back the clock on the physiological state of an older adult. The research question was, "If we set the mind back twenty years, will the body reflect this change?"
1980 - Vigdís Finnbogadóttir is elected president of Iceland becoming the first female president.
1981- AIDS crisis.
1983 - January first, Internet was invented
1989- Fall of the Berlin Wall. Tiananmen Square, protests and massacre. Francis Fukuyama publishes "The End of History". Creation of the World Wide Web.
1990 - Nelson Mandela is released from prison.
1991 - Invention of the world wide web (Tim Berners-Lee integrated hypertext software with the Internet)
1992 - Maastricht Treaty
1993 - April 30, The World Wide Web became available to the broader public
1996 - Death of Tupac Shakur
1997 - Death of Princess Diana of Wales. Launching of SixDegrees, considered the first social media. Asian Financial Crisis begins in Thailand and spreads quickly to the rest of East and Southeast Asia. The United Nations adopts the Kyoto protocol, and this is considered the climax of Green Capitalism or EcoCapitalism, an approach to managing the relationships between economic activities and the environment that presumes a large degree of compatibility between capitalism and current efforts to reduce human impacts on the non-human world. Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone is published.
1999 - Putin comes to power in Russia.
2000 - Y2K. Y2K was a computer glitch, or bug, that may have caused problems when dealing with dates after December 31, 1999.
2001 - 9/11, Terrorist attack, two planes crash against the Twin Towers in NY, which collapse. Beginning of the "US war on terror".
2003- Beyoncé releases "Dangerously in Love". Beyoncé is 21 and already dating Jay Z.
2007 - #metoo
2008 - War in Georgia. Bankrupcy of Lehman Brothers, climax of the subprime mortgage crisis
2009 - Ru Paul's drag race. Michael Jackson dies.
2011 - Arab Spring. Occupy movement. 11M. Beginning of the Civil Syrian War.
2014 - Russia invades Donbas and annexes Crimea. Beginning of the Russian-Ukranian War.
2016 - Murder of eco-activist Berta Cáceres.
2017 - Hollywood's #metoo
2018 - First Fridays for Climate Greta Thumberg strikes.
2020 - COVID. Murder of George Floyd. BREXIT, or withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union.
2021, January 6, United States Capitol attack
2022 - Rihanna's son is born. Russia invades Ukraine and war begins. Decriminalization of sex work in Belgium. The first person who does not die is born. Jan Fabre is found guilty of sexual harassment. Spanish government approves trans law recognizing free gender self-determination. Russia invades Ukraine in an escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War. On 16 September 2022, murder of Mahsa Amini and beginning of the movement Woman, Life, Freedom. Woman, Life, Freedom, is a popular Kurdish slogan used in both the Kurdish independence and democratic confederalist movements. The slogan became a rallying cry during the protests which occurred in Iran as a response to the death of Mahsa Amini.
2023 - Following an incursion of Hamas into Israel, Israel launches Gaza Genocide and escalates ethnic cleansing in Palestine.
2030 - The increase in global temperature is irreversible.
2031 - Third Spanish Republic
2032 - There is one person alive left on facebook
2039- Crypto Crash
2050 - Ecological Collapse
Somewhere soon:
- rising inequality
- massive emigration - climate change reffugees
- war and violence
- decentralized government - municipalism
- radical different ways of living and being together
- forced changes in consuming habits
- life without work - automatisation buses will drive themselves and cars too and planes and robots will serve domestic robots and sexual work too
- everyone will be an artist, finally
- new pandemics
- no more consumption of meat and fish
- population will move to rural eras
- rising digital inequality
Somewhere later:
- end of the nuclear family and instead, sex with friends
- end of heteronormativity
- porn is preferred to real intercourse
- no children and gradual extinction of mankind, finally - postchildren
3,050 - Days lengthen by 1/30th of a second
10,000 - Extinction of humanity. The water level rises by 5 m in relation to the present.
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dan6085 · 1 year
Here is a brief timeline of some of the major wars Russia has fought throughout its history, along with approximate casualty figures where available:
1. Mongol Invasion (1223-1480): In the 13th century, the Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan conquered much of Russia, and Russian principalities paid tribute to the Mongols for centuries. Casualty figures for this period are difficult to estimate, but it is believed that millions of Russians died as a result of Mongol rule.
2. Livonian War (1558-1583): A conflict between Russia and an alliance of Livonian states, including modern-day Estonia and Latvia. Casualty figures for this war are not well-documented, but it is estimated that tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians died.
3. Russo-Turkish War (1768-1774): A war between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, which resulted in Russia gaining control of the northern Black Sea coast and parts of the Balkans. Casualty figures for this war are estimated at around 20,000 Russian soldiers and several times that number of Ottoman soldiers.
4. Napoleonic Wars (1812-1815): Russia was a major player in the Napoleonic Wars, and its defeat of Napoleon's Grande Armée in 1812 is considered a turning point in the conflict. Casualty figures for the war are difficult to estimate, but it is believed that several hundred thousand Russian soldiers died.
5. Crimean War (1853-1856): A conflict between Russia and an alliance of France, Britain, and the Ottoman Empire, fought primarily on the Crimean Peninsula. Casualty figures for this war are estimated at around 130,000 Russian soldiers and sailors, as well as tens of thousands of civilians.
6. Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905): A conflict between Russia and Japan over territory in Manchuria and Korea. Casualty figures for this war are estimated at around 130,000 Russian soldiers and sailors, as well as tens of thousands of civilians.
7. World War I (1914-1918): Russia was a major participant in World War I, but its military suffered significant losses and the country was ultimately destabilized by the conflict. Casualty figures for the war are estimated at around 1.8 million Russian soldiers and several times that number of civilians.
8. Russian Civil War (1918-1922): Following the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, a civil war broke out between the communist Red Army and various anti-communist forces. Casualty figures for the war are difficult to estimate, but it is believed that several million people died, including soldiers and civilians.
9. World War II (1939-1945): Russia (as the Soviet Union) was a major participant in World War II, and its military suffered some of the highest casualties of any country involved in the conflict. Casualty figures for the war are estimated at around 27 million people, including soldiers and civilians.
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daisyachain · 2 years
More Pathologic timeline hints. Yulia’s description of Anna mentions that she claims involvement in the February Riots. This sounds like the February Revolutions, where the Tsar abdicated and governance passed to a rough coalition of liberal-to-socialist organizations, sharing power between the liberal duma and the socialist soviet. If it’s a direct equivalent and she’s wanted for her involvement, that implies she was on the losing (royalist) side and that the earliest possible date of Patho is September 1917, after the fall of the monarchy and before the Bolshevik takeover. If 1917, The War is WWI. Any time after 1917, The War is the civil war.
However the translation of ‘riots’ rather than ‘revolution’ implies an unsuccessful movement. As long as the monarchy is in charge, The War is WWI. Alternate history? In Pathologic world, does the revolution wait? Has it even happened?
Except, Anna claiming to be persecuted for her involvement in the February Riots implies a level of organization and unity on the part of the government that doesn’t come until after the October revolution. Block is described as a a man of the people, words that carry socialist baggage. More than that, Stakh going off to join the war in p2 is presented as at least semi-aspirational. WWI was unpopular to the point where that sentiment drove public support of the Revolutions. It feels unlikely that Block would have been diverted from the horrifically losing Front of WWI to become sanitary corps.
All that is to say: Pathologic is anachronistic by nature (just look at Sticky’s outfit), I may be wrong in all of this as I haven’t touched Russian history since high school, and Anna’s P1 description makes it highly unlikely that Patho takes place during WWI/more likely that Patho takes place during the civil war (my personal belief)
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my18thcenturysource · 4 years
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On International Women's Day we celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and economic achievement of women, but I would not call it a happy or quite celebratory holiday. Today we also highlight the current work towards equality, and raise awareness against bias, and this years' theme is #ChooseToChallenge (because a challenged world is a world in alert, so challenge and call out gender bias and discrimination when you see it.)
Today's post (hey! I'm back!) is a little timeline for International Women's Day, for all of us to take a look at what we have achieved, and what the road ahead looks like. So, here we go:
1909 - the Socialist Party of America created the "National Women's Day" held in February 28th in New York City. This was a the original idea of activist Theresa Malkiel.
1910 - The International Socialist Women's Conference takes place in Cophenhagen, Denmark. 100 women from 17 countries agree on an annual Women's Day to promote equal rights (including the vote), but no date was specified.
1911 - International Women's Day was honoured for the first time in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland on March 19th. On March 25th the fire in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City took the lives of 146 working women, most of them immigrants, this drew attention to working conditions and it became a main focus on the next International Women's Day events. James Oppenheim published a poem in The American Magazine, quoting "bread and roses" from a 1910 speech by Helen Todd calling not only for basic rights and equality, but also for beauty and dignity, creating the "Bread and Roses" slogan that became representative of the women's fight, but also key for the 1912 Lawrence mills strike.
1914 - International Women's Day was held on March 8th for the first time. In London was held a march from Bow to Trafalgar Square in support of women's suffrage, and Sylvia Pankhurst was arrested.
1917 - On the last Sunday of February (March 8th on the Gregorian calendar) women in Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg) began a strike for "bread and piece" for the end of WWI, this demonstration eventually covered the whole city, and days later forcing the Czar to abdicate and women were granted the right to vote by the provisional Government. This marked the start of the Russian Revolution.
1927 - There's a march in Guagzhou, China, of 25,000 women and male supporters. Even though the Women's Day was commemorated in China since 1922, it was until 1949 that it was declared an official holiday and women would be given half a day off.
1936 - Dolores Ibáuri led a women's march in Madrid on the eve of the Spanish Civil War.
1967 - Women's Day is taken up by second-wave feminist, and it stops being perceived as a "communist holiday". It is now a day of activism and its sometimes refered in Europe as "Women's International Day of Struggle".
1975 - International Women's Day is celebrated by the United Nations. During the 70s and 80s, women's groups were joined by leftists and labor organizations in calling for equal pay, economic opportunity, legal rights, reproductive rights, child care, and prevention of violence against women.
1996 - The UN announced the first annual theme: "Celebrating the past, Planning for the Future", each year there's a new them and 2021's is "Choose to Challenge".
2007 - Violence sparked in Tehran on March 4th, when police beat hundreds of men and women who were planning a rally, arrested dozens of women and some were released after several days of solitary confinement and interrogation.
There is of course so much more to say about this day, but this post is getting LONG, and of course I added at the bottom links for further learning.
Finally, this is a day to take action. And the marches are not the only option, you can:
Support female-centric charities.
Raise awareness of women's struggles.
Pressure your local government to achieve gender parity.
Share and celebrate women's achievements.
Learn more:
International Women's Day
Remembering Theresa Serber Malkiel, the forgotten woman behind International Women’s Day, Adrija Roychowdhury, The Indian Express, 8th March 2019.
International Socialist Conferences of Women Workers, Alexandra Kollontai, International Socialist Conferences of Women Workers, 1918.
The roots of International Women’s Day are more radical than you think, Erin Blakemore, National Geographic, 2020.
Death in the Afternoon Podcast, ep 11: The Least Worst Death, 2019. MAJOR CONTENT WARNING this episode talks about the tragedies of 9/11 and the Triangle Shirtwaist factory, and it might be VERY disturbing for some. Please take care while listening if you choose to.
Uncovering the History of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, David von Drehle, The Smithsonian Magazine, 2006. - Again, CONTENT WARNING for fire, mass death, suicide,
Bread and Roses: the origins of a Mount Holyoke tradition, Rachel Nix, 2019.
Bread and Roses poem, by James Oppenheim, 1911.
From the archive, 11 June 1914: Arrest of Miss Sylvia Pankhurst, The Guardian
The Strike that Shook America, Christopher Klein, History.com, 2012.
Russia’s February Revolution Was Led by Women on the March, Carolyn Harris, The Smithsonian Magazine, 2017.
In China, Women’s Day Marches On Despite Decline, Chen Yan, Sixth Tone, 2018.
Memories of Resistance: Women Activists from the Spanish Civil War, Shirley Mangini, Signs (vol. 17, no. 1), 1991.
Iranian Police Clash With Women's Day Protesters, 2007.
Images from top:
Poster for Women's Day, March 8, 1914, demanding voting rights for women, Karl Maria Stadler.
Female tailors on strike, New York City, February, 1910.
The Bread and Roses strike, 1912.
Women's demonstration for bread and peace – March 8, 1917, Petrograd, Russia
Alexandra Kollontai with Clara Zetkin at International Women's Conference, 1921.
A Tehran University female student protesting against the government of Iran, December 9, 2007, Tehran University in Tehran.
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annalaurendet70 · 3 years
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Some of the last photos showing the Imperial family and their retinue.Only Pierre Gilliard from the photos survived the Russian Revolution.
Timeline from Alexander Palace at Tsarskoe Selo to Tobolsk
July 1917
The Provisional Government decided to the Romanov family to the distant city of Tobolsk.
1 August 1917 (14 August 1917 N.S.)
Nicholas ll and his family leaves Alexander Palace for the final time.
The departure was set for the night August 13/14, at midnight. Nicholas II's family gathered in the Semi-Circular Hall of the Alexander Palace,Tsarskoe Selo. In the centre of the Mountain Hall, the travel trunks, boxes, and suitcases were gathered. The servants could be heard sobbing. Only at dawn, they were filed into trucks and several private vehicles intended for family members and their caretakers.
At 6.10 in the morning, the journey begun.
"The sunrise was beautiful, in which we have set out" - Nicholas II wrote in his diary on 1 August, 1917.
Forty-six court attendants voluntarily accompanied the family, making, in all, a party of fifty-three persons, exclusive of the military escort. It took two trains to accommodate the travelers, their baggage, the government representatives, the jailers and soldiers.
19 August 1917 N.S.
The two trains headed east under the flags of the Japanese Red Cross, to Tyumen. Thence by the river steamer,the Rus to Tobolsk. The trip took five days and ended at four o'clock in the afternoon of August 19.
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sovietniik · 4 years
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    𝐋𝐄𝐓  𝐒𝐋𝐈𝐏  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐃𝐎𝐆𝐒  𝐎𝐅  𝐖𝐀𝐑  ,  ALEKSEI  PETROV,  the  SOVIETNIK  of  the  volki  is  seen  traversing  the  streets  of  moscow  ,  but  the  bratva’s  rivals  swear  that  he  is  originally  from  ST. PETERSBERG  ;  perhaps  it’s CONTINUING A LEGACY that  brought  them  here  .  fellow  members  of  the  volki  liken  their  resemblance  to  RICHARD MADDEN  .  the  THIRTY TWO  year  old  CISMALE  was  ADAPTABLE  &.  CUNNING  before  the  war’s  ruination  ,  but  in  the  aftermath  have  become  WITHDRAWN  &.  SELF-DESTRUCTIVE.  rumours  throughout  eastern  europe  have  given  them  a  reputation  of THE IRON NEEDLE OF COMPASS RESOLUTELY POINTING NORTH NO MATTER WHICH WAY YOU TURN; A HALF PLAYED GAME OF CHESS CAREFULLY MEASURED OUT ON A MALACHITE BOARD; A WINTER GAZE THAT DEMANDS THE TRUTH; MELANCHOLY AS DEEP AS THE TUMULTUOUS SEA; WORDS OF ADVICE OFFERED IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT WITH ALL THE INTENT OF AN EXECUTIONER’S BLOW; AN UNDENIABLE VIOLENCE IN THE MARROW OF YOUR BONES THAT CANNOT BE CARVED OUT NO MATTER WHAT SKIN YOU WEAR; THE GROWING DESIRE TO FINALLY FIND A RESTFUL SLEEP IN THE BED OF YOUR OWN GRAVE .
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financial: wealthy; military aristocracy  
medical: fit 
education: law degree; qualified
job: sovietnik for the volki, former member of the russian provisional government
has no children
has no siblings
orphaned; father, the former sovietnik and founding father of the volki, passed recently 
cautious but decisive
member: russian provisional government, the duma, progressive block 
movements: socialist-revolutionary party, nardonik, trudoviks
homosexual, closeted 
combat skills: excellent
literacy skills: excellent 
artistic skills: moderate
technical skills: good
drinking alcohol: to excess
smoking: frequently
other narcotics: sometimes
gambling: sometimes
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(tw: death, depression)
Aleksei is born into aristocracy / 1888. Aleksei Petrov is born into a life of aristocracy to Aleksandr and Nina Petrov. Aleksandr Petrov is a Russian general like his father and his father’s father before him. Growing up, Aleksei is never once allowed to forget it.
Aleksei is brought into the Volki by his father, one of the original founders. / Aleksei’s father is one of the original founders of the Volki. He is a sovietnik as well and so it is the natural order of things that he teaches Aleksei the art of secrecy. Aleksei becomes good at this - so good that he goes as far as to hide things from himself, including but not limited to: who he is attracted to. Puberty is rough time of self discovery, and Aleksei ignores his own impulses in the favor of academia.  Aleksei is a closeted homosexual and he does a good job of keeping the the few affairs he has discrete while growing up. Thoughts of romance are left for quiet, lonely nights and most of his sexual encounters are hurried, frenetic, and never to be spoken of again. He carries this discretion into adulthood.
Aleksei becomes a shestyorka for the Volki when he is of age /  1904. “The boy's a prodigy,” Aleksandr says about his son with zero pride and plenty of expectation. Aleksei isn’t, but he very, very smart. He is lonely and clever and that’s way he likes things. He wants to continue his education and so when he comes of age and is expected to join the Volki, Aleksei gladly assumes the role of a shestyorka so that he is able to focus on his education. At school, he begins to develop a love for politics.
Aleksei becomes a politsiya for the Volki after being arrested for his work with the Nardonik movement. / 1910. As soon as Aleksei graduates with a degree in law, he joins the Nardonik movement because he believes deeply in its core beliefs. He is arrested and jailed later in the year on the suspicion that he belongs to the militant arm of the movement. He does and in truth, he should be charged for worse - but again, Aleksei is good at hiding things. It is the Volki and his father that are able to bail him out of jail and it is this incident that leads to the transition from ‘shestyorka’ to ‘politsiya’. It is Aleksandr that insists on this transition, commenting on how Aleksei has stayed at arm’s length from the Volki for long enough. He’s already been getting his hands dirty with the Nordoniks, it’s time to get his hands dirty for the right people. Aleksei steps into the role of politsiya and becomes the Volki’s eyes within the government.
Aleksei, on behalf of the Volki, gains political power within the Duma as part of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party / 1912. Aleksei is elected into the Fourth Duma as a member of the Trudoviks, a moderate, non-Marxist labour party associate with the Socialist-Revolutionary Party. He soon becomes a significant member of the Progressive Block. He leans into his strengths - because power gained for him is power gained for the Volki. He becomes a leader in the socialist opposition to the government of Tsar Nicholas II.
Aleksei continues to push both a the Volki agenda and the socialist agenda as his political power grows. / 1917. In the wake of the February Revolution, Aleksei becomes a member of the Provisional Committee of the State Duma wherein which he publicly represents the Social Revolutionary Party and privately pushes the agenda of the Volki. The Duma forms an executive committee which eventually becomes the Russian Provisional Government. Aleksei is part of this.
War has its affects on Aleksei. / 1918. Because of his political positioning, Aleksei has front row seats to how Russian power is misplaced and mismanaged during the first World War. War shows Aleksei things about his Motherland that he despises and Aleksei develops a sense of nihilism towards both his career and is work with the Volki.
Upon his father’s death, Aleksei becomes a sovietnik for the Volki. / 1919. If Aleksei has any intentions of slipping away from his life as is, his father’s death makes it difficult to do so. His father passes, and Aleksei knows he can’t leave. Aleksei assumes the role of sovietnik in the Volki as is his father’s dying wish.
Aleksei proves himself as a spy for the Volki by infiltrating and eliminating a rival gang. / 1920. Aleksei does his part to ensure that the Volki regains its position of power amongst the mafias of Eastern Europe. Within his first year on the job as sovietnik, Aleksei assumes an identity entirely different from his own and spends a little less than a year infiltrating a rival gang. During this time, the young man scrubs himself of his former identity and assumes a new one. It is thanks to his smuggling of information that Volki are able to eliminate the entirety of the rival gang by the year’s end.  
Aleksei is no longer undercover and has been back with the Volki for a little less than a month. / Present day. Aleksei is reassembling his identity after living as someone else for a year and is quickly learning that it is a more difficult task than imagined. The war has left him with some demons he did not expect.
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Detroit: Become Human - Chronology and timeline of events... (CANON)
The chronology and timeline of events ( https://detroit-become-human.fandom.com/wiki/Chronology ) in the world of Detroit: Become Human.
1915: Birth of Arnold Brook.
1917: Zlatko Andronikov's family flees the revolution in Russia.
1963: Birth of Carl Manfred (July 13).
1978: Birth of Michael Brinkley (January 24), Amanda Stern (May 14).
1980: Birth of Gordon Penwick (June 10).
1982: Birth of Dennis Ward (June 11), Jeffrey Fowler (August 8).
1983: Birth of Christopher Gray (June 18).
1985: Birth of Hank Anderson (September 6), Cristina Warren (September 15).
1987: Birth of Jonah Graham (December 9).
1988: Birth of Joseph Sheldon (August 14), Gary Kayes (December 3).
1989: Birth of Derek Myers (May 7), Ben Collins (September 12).
1991: Birth of Zlatko Andronikov (September 21).
1992: Birth of Douglas Mitchell (August 10).
1993: Birth of Rose Chapman (March 31).
1994: Birth of Captain Allen (December 2).
1995: Birth of Edward Dempsey (February 8), Richard Perkins (July 13), Todd Williams (September 21).
1999: Birth of  Isaac Falone (March 10), Elizabeth Wilson (March 25), John Phillips (October 11).
Death of Arnold Brook.[1]
Birth of Chris Roberts (May 16).
2000: Birth of Michael Webb (September 9).
2001: Birth of Jimmy Peterson (February 1), Caroline Phillips (May 23).
2002: Birth of Elijah Kamski (July 17), Gavin Reed (October 7).
2005: Birth of Pedro Aabdar (January 25), Rosanna Cartland (December 12).
2008: Birth of Carlos Ortiz (October 27).
2009: Birth of Nathan Clark (August 18), Chris Miller (September 30).
2010: Birth of Leo Manfred (March 21), Joss Douglas (October 24).
2012: Birth of Samuel McCray (April 10).
2013: Birth of Adam Chapman (August 5).
2018: Elijah Kamski founds CyberLife, creates first androids.
2021: Release of RT600 "Chloe".
2022: RT600 Chloe first android to pass the Turing test.
2027: CyberLife sells 1 millionth android.
2028or 2029: United States pass the Android Act.
2029: Hank Anderson promoted to the rank of lieutenant (reported on August 22).
Release of ST200 "Chloe", first industrially produced android.
CyberLife leased a disused warehouse. (Extras Gallery)
CyberLife starts the commercial production of androids.
KNC's interview with Chloe (April 25).
Release of JB100 OR Andy (12-2027).
Death of Amanda Stern (February 23).
Elijah Kamski named Century magazine's "Man of the Century". Later, Kamski resigns as CEO and leaves CyberLife.
Red Ice Task Force dismantles a Red Ice network (reported on February 3).
Birth of Emma Phillips (September 2).
Release of EM400 (2028), Jerry (06-2028).
Birth of Cole Anderson (September 23).
Release of PC200 and PM700.
2032: Release of AX400, Kara (04-2032).
2037: Rose Chapman starts helping deviants.
2038: the year Detroit: Become Human takes place.
CyberLife reaches market valuation of $850bn.
Release of TR400 OR Luther (01-2030), HK400 OR Carlos' Android (05-2031), URS12 Android Bear (10-2030).
Androids introduced into the United States military and Michigan law enforcement. Red Ice Task Force seizes boat with nearly 1t Red Ice (reported on November 23).
Release of Ralph (/WR600?) and PJ500 (2031), Josh (11-2031).
Birth of Sumo (April 2031).
Release of JB300 336 445 581 (/JB300?) (05-2033), YK500, Alice (07-2033).
Carlos Ortiz spent several stays in a psychiatric hospital in 2033.
Release of PL600 (2034), Simon (02-2034).
April 2034 Season Finals Detroit's Champions Take An Early Lead (Basketball Magazine poster around Hank's Desk)
Release of "Traci"s WR400 and HR400 (2035), North (10-2035).
Death of Cole Anderson (October 11)[8].
Detroit Gears basketball Playoffs (Seen at Hank's desk)
Cristina Warren elected President of the United States.
Carlos Ortiz spent several stays in a psychiatric hospital in 2036.
Release of KL900 OR Lucy, Rupert (possibly plus WB200?).
Reported missing: Simon (February 16), Rupert (October 11).
Death of Rose Chapman's husband (estimated, "died 2 years ago" in 2038[9]).
The year 2038 is the temporal setting of Detroit: Become Human.
global population 10 billion.[10]
The first DPD case file about deviants ("dates back nine months")[11]
RK800 "Connor" released (08-2038).
Birth of Damian Miller ("three months ago" in November).
Aug 15th: Chapter "The Hostage".
around 7:30 PM: Daniel takes Emma Phillips hostage.
Death of John Phillips (estimated 07:29 PM), Officer Antony Deckart (estimated 08:03 PM), and another officer (found dead in the pool). Officer M. Wilson is wounded by Daniel, death optional.
CyberLife sends RK800 Connor as a hostage negotiator. ITM televises the hostage situation.
08:29 PM: Chapter "The Hostage" begins. Connor arrives at the Phillips apartment.
08:30 PM: DPD reports that a deviant android is involved. (ITM report)
09/14: An android waiter (AV500 #234 777 821) in Fast Coney Dogs attacks Charles Bell and escapes.
10/04: Gordon Lopez's AL series android disappears. North deviates at a customer's home and escapes.
10/05: Eden Club manager Floyd Mills reports to the police that North is missing.
10/06: North arrives in Jericho (North has been in Jericho "4 weeks, 3 days, 11 hours" on Nov 6 after 5 PM).
around 10/17: Carlos Ortiz killed by Carlos' Android. (Based on his body being dead for 19 days on Nov 5th)
10/22: An android (AP700 #480 913 802) attacks her owner Sarah Cornwal, the house, and escapes.
Friday Nov 5th: Chapters: Shades of Color, The Opening, A New Home, The Painter, Partners, Stormy Night, Broken, Fugitives
CyberLife zoo opens in Detroit.
Several Russian warships have taken position in the Barents Sea since Saturday October 30th. (CTN news)
09:38 AM: Chapter "Shades of Color" begins. Markus arrives in Greektown to pick up Carl's paint from Bellini Paints.
09:58 AM: Chapter "The Painter" begins. Markus arrives back at Carl Manfred's House.
03:24 PM: Chapter "The Opening" begins. Todd Williams picks up Kara at Android Zone.
04:53 PM: Chapter "A New Home" begins. Todd and Kara arrive at Todd Williams' house.
"around 8" (PM or AM): Landlord calls police because he found Carlos Ortiz's corpse.
09:14 PM: Chapter "Stormy Night" begins. Dinner in the Williams house.
09:42 PM: Chapter "Broken" begins. Markus and Carl arrive home from the opening of Carl Manfred's retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art.
10:58 PM: Chapter "Fugitives" begins. Kara and Alice to get off the bus in Camden.
11:21 PM: Chapter "Partners" begins. Connor arrives at Jimmy's Bar to pick up Hank Anderson.
Saturday Nov 6th: Chapters:
The Interrogation, From the Dead, Waiting for Hank..., On the Run, Jericho, The Nest, Time to Decide, Zlatko, Russian Roulette, Spare Parts, The Eden Club
During the night: Russian carrier and American patrol boat reported to have exchanged warning shots in Arctic, no casualties. (~CTN news[11])
KNC reports on the first artificial intelligence to write a book.
CTN reports that a CyberLife prototype detective android is assisting the DPD. (~CTN news[11][15])
President Cristina Warren makes speech to Congress, demanding that Russian troops withdraw from the Arctic region. (~CTN news[8])
N/A: Severe hurricanes blight Mid-West, dozens killed. (seen under the scrolling header during Waiting for Hank.)   (~CTN news[8])
12:41 AM: Chapter "The Interrogation" begins. Hank interrogates Carlos' Android.
03:34 AM: Chapter "From the Dead" begins. Markus reboots in Solid Waste Landfill.
08:42 AM: Todd Williams' dead body is found by a friend and reported to the police. (If killed by Alice or Kara)
09:56 AM: Chapter "Waiting for Hank..." begins. Connor talks to Amanda. Then arrives at DPD Central Station.
10:25 AM: Chapter "On the Run" begins. Kara wakes in Camden.
03:02 PM: Chapter "The Nest" begins. Hank eats at Chicken Feed.
04:30 PM: Chapter "Jericho" begins. Markus travels to Ferndale Station.
06:24 PM (estimated[16]): Death of Michael Graham at Eden Club.
05:13 PM: Chapter "Time to Decide" begins. Markus meets Jericho androids.
07:45 PM: Chapter "Zlatko" begins. Kara and Alice arrive at Zlatko Andronikov's House.
07:51 PM: Chapter "Russian Roulette" begins. Connor talks to Amanda. Then visits Hank Anderson's home.
08:01 PM: Chapter "Spare Parts" begins. Jericho androids raid CyberLife Warehouse and Docks.
08:17 PM: Chapter "The Eden Club" begins. Connor and Hank arrive at the Eden Club.
Sunday Nov 7th:
Chapters: The Pirates' Cove, The Bridge, The Stratford Tower
01:02 AM: Chapter "The Pirates' Cove" begins. Kara's group travels by car.
01:19 AM: Chapter "The Bridge" begins. Connor and Hank in Riverside Park.
09:24 AM: Chapter "The Stratford Tower" begins. Markus sits on a street bench and gets an idea.
Monday Nov 8th:
Chapters: The Stratford Tower cont., Public Enemy, Midnight Train
01:30 PM: Chapter "The Stratford Tower" cont. Markus infiltrates the Stratford Tower.
01:59 PM: Markus is recording the message in Stratford Tower (Connor' "Pupil Reflection" scan is timestamped "13:59:54").
04:06 PM: Chapter "Public Enemy" begins. Connor talks to Amanda. Then Connor and Hank arrive at Stratford Tower Floor 79.
05:10 PM: Chapter "Midnight Train" begins. Kara's group arrives at Rose's Farm.
Tuesday Nov 9th:
Chapters: Capitol Park, Meet Kamski, Freedom March, Last Chance, Connor, Crossroads
01:51 AM: Chapter "Capitol Park" begins. Jericho androids discuss Stratford broadcast.
02:00 AM: Jericho android teams attack the five CyberLife stores in Detroit simultaneously. Markus and North arrive at Capitol Park 10 minutes previous.
11:17 AM: Chapter "Meet Kamski" begins. Hank (+/- Connor) arrives at Elijah Kamski's house.
12:04 PM: Chapter "Freedom March" begins. Markus on roof, reflecting.
04:13 PM: Chapter "Last Chance, Connor" begins. Connor talks to Amanda. At DPD, Connor has to find Jericho.
N/A: Military androids removed from service(~CTN news), resulting in armed forces losing 2/3 of effective personnel. Androids are ordered to be turned over to the authorities, to be delivered to the nearest police station or army barracks, to be put in camps. The lack of androids shuts down services and utilities such as hospitals, schools, water, electricity, networks. (~KNC news[19]) Detroit is under curfew.
09:34 PM: Chapter "Crossroads" begins. Kara's group is driving to find Jericho.
10:45 PM: FBI and military raid on Jericho (~Warren press announcement)
Wednesday Nov 10th:
Chapters: Night of the Soul
06:00 AM: national curfew declared (~Warren press announcement)
Chapter "Night of the Soul" begins.
04:17 PM: Markus visits Carl's grave. (Pay Respects)
07:31 PM: Markus visits Carl's house. (Welcome Home) Then Markus in church (Markus on Sacred Ground). OR Jericho androids in church without Markus. (Connor/North on Sacred Ground)
07:31 PM or N/A: Connor speaks to Amanda (Thin Ice), visits Hank (Hank's House).
N/A: Android leader gives speech in undiscovered Jericho. (Markus/North Among the People)
09:24 PM: President Cristina Warren press announcement on Jericho raid, curfew etc. (Battle for Detroit)
Thursday Nov 11th:
Chapters: Battle for Detroit (events from multiple paths)
N/A: The U.S. Army has set up temporary camps in most major cities (Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Boston, San Francisco) to gather and destroy androids. (KNC News report, which is heard in Kamski's house if everyone died)
"at/since dawn": Androids take to the streets, either in peaceful demonstration (Markus Demonstration) OR fighting to liberate camps (Markus Revolution).
10:48 PM: Connor arrives at CyberLife Tower. (Connor at the CyberLife Tower)
10:51 PM: Kara's group in West Side Industrial on the way to Bus Terminal. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
10:56 PM: Androids march down Woodward Avenue onto Hart Plaza (Markus Demonstration/Revolution/North)
11:01 PM:
11:02 PM: Kara's group reaches Bus Terminal. (Kara Leaving Detroit, Risky Checkpoint)
11:06 PM: Kara's group enters Enclosure. (Kara Captured)
11:07 PM:
11:08 PM:
11:15 PM: Kara's group reaches Bus Terminal. (Kara Leaving Detroit, Safer Detour)
11:15-30 PM: Last bus from Detroit Bus Terminal departs to Canada Border. Cross-border bus service is suspended afterwards.
11:16 PM: Hart Plaza barricade is attacked. (Markus Demonstration)
11:26 PM:
11:30 PM: Kara's group arrives at US-Canada Border. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
11:36 PM: Kara's group enters Canada. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
11:57 PM: Kara's group arrives at banks of Detroit River, Canada. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
presumably before midnight: President Cristina Warren gives speech (Battle for Detroit).
Connor arrives at Floor -49. (Connor at the CyberLife Tower) OR Connor on Hart Plaza rooftop. (Connor's Last Mission)
Androids at Hart Plaza launch attack. (Revolution)
Connor vs Connor-60. (Connor at the CyberLife Tower)
Hart Plaza final assault, Markus vs Connor, vs tank. (Revolution)
Androids in Hart Plaza barricade. Perkins offers deal. (Markus Demonstration)
Kara's group facing destruction in Hart Plaza camp. (Kara Captured)
Hart Plaza androids arrested, Markus killed (Markus Demonstration, surrender)
Kara's group arrives at banks of Detroit River, Delray. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
Friday Nov 12th:
Chapters: Battle for Detroit cont.
12:01 AM: Hart Plaza and CyberLife Tower android groups meet. Android leader gives speech. OR Machine Connor checks on Markus's corpse, after the latter's surrender to Perkins.
07:37 AM: Kara's group wakes in Solid Waste Landfill. (Kara Captured)
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9ruby-eng-grp3 · 4 years
Comparators - Whitaker
Animal Farm is a famous book by George Orwell- It had introduced many characters and events of the story to which many people found meanings and allegories to the things going on during the time it was written, considering its notoriety lots have noticed them and continue to despite its old age.
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People always compare the characters to the actions of real-life people but some tend to forget that the events share the same importance when comparing to real life- an example would be the animal rebellion or so called in the book “The Battle of the Cowshed” is explained to be the turning point for the animals which is the allegory is the Russian(or Bolshevik) revolution of 1917 that resulted in a more oppressive, totalitarian, and deadly government than the previous one- making Tsar Nicholas II, the last Russian emperor,  a model for Mr. Jones.
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Things are almost always happening in the book and the amount of events that have happened are truly noteworthy as it is to admire, I am sure he would have many other things to worry and do during the time but just like Snowball’s escape from Napoleon’s dogs, which is suspected to symbolize Trotsky' exile and death by Stalin, to fit in his story as real and fiction- there are many things to still see.
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Animal Farm will be talked about and most likely be forgotten when new problems and new solutions come up, making solved problems irrelevant. But that won't happen until a few hundred years go by or more depending on how we grow as a society and I am sure people will make books like this one in the future. George Orwell told us what he perceived when he was there and made personalities from ideas and names from icons- he had made Animal Farm a symbol of his time and effort to make it this far and tell us a story.
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rodimissliveblogs · 5 years
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“Because first of all, when is this supposed to be set? What Russian revolution are we talking about? 1905? 1917? The Sherlock Holmes novels were set in the 1890s! Depending on the timeline there’s no recent Russian revolution for me to have been a part of!”
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thebugaftermayakovsky · 10 months
1905 - first Russian revolution, Freud's theory of sexuality, Potemkin incident 1912 - Stanislawski's acting method is created. 1914- assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, beginning of World War I. 1915- Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis 1916- Zurich, Cabaret Voltaire 1917 - Bolshevik Revolution 1918 - Assassination of the Tsar and the Romanov family 1922 - March on Rome and coming to power of Mussolini 1929 - Mayakovsky's bug. Prisypkin is frozen as a result of a fire during his wedding. 1930 - Mayakovsky's suicide. 1931- Second Spanish Republic 1932-33- Great famine in Ukraine, Holodomor (famine). Between 3 and 5 million people died. 1933- Hitler comes to power in Germany. 1936- Spanish Civil War. Murder of García Lorca. 1938 - Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass). 1939 - Invasion of Poland and beginning of World War II. 1940 - Torutra and execution of Vsevolod Meyerhold. 1945 - The US drops two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. 1947 - For the first time, insects are launched into space: In 1947, the United States sends fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) into space aboard a V2 rocket. They were the first animals in space and were part of a series of experiments to study the effects of cosmic rays on living organisms. 1948 - Nakba, and creation of the state of Israel. 1955 - First documenta in Kassel. 1955 - First Israeli raid on Gaza. 1959 - First color TV broadcast 1960 - The contraceptive pill for women is marketed. 1961 - First man launched into space: Yuri Gagarin 1968 - Tlatelolco Tragedy, French May 1969 - Riots at the Stone Wall 1971 - Commercialization of the first Intel 4004 microchip. Abandonment of the gold standard by Richard Nixon. 1975 - Thrilla in Manilla, Muhammad Ali faces Joe Frazier. 1978 - The Russian-Afghan war begins. It will end in 1992. 1979 - Prisypkin wakes up. The Clockwise Experiment: This concept was first developed and tested in 1979 in Ellen Langer's "counterclockwise" study, which examined the psychological effects of turning back the clock on the physiological state of an older adult. The research question was, "If we set the mind back twenty years, will the body reflect this change?". 1981- AIDS crisis, Michelangelo Miccolis is born. 1989- Fall of the Berlin Wall. Tiananmen Square, protests and massacre. Francis Fukuyama publishes "The End of History". Creation of the World Wide Web. 1990 - Nelson Mandela is released from prison. 1992 - Maastricht Treaty 1997 - Death of Princess Diana of Wales. 1999 - Putin comes to power in Russia. 2000 - Y2K. Y2K was a computer glitch, or bug, that may have caused problems when dealing with dates after December 31, 1999. 2001 - 9/11 2003- Beyoncé releases "Dangerously in Love". Beyoncé is 21 and already dating Jay Z. 2007 - #metoo 2008 - War in Georgia 2009 - Ru Paul's drag race 2011 - Arab Spring. 11M 2014 - Russia invades Donbas and annexes Crimea. 2016 - Murder of eco-activist Berta Cáceres. 2017 - Hollywood's #metoo 2018 - First Fridays for Climate Greta Thumberg strikes. 2020 - COVID. Murder of George Floyd 2022 - Rihanna's son is born. Russia invades Ukraine and war begins. Decriminalization of sex work in Belgium. The first person who does not die is born. Jan Fabre is found guilty of sexual harassment. Spanish government approves trans law recognizing free gender self-determination. NOW 2030 - The increase in global temperature is irreversible. 2031 - Third Spanish Republic 2032 - There is one person left on facebook 2039- Crypto Crash 2050 - Ecological Collapse 2060- End of Capitalism 3,050 - Days lengthen by 1/30th of a second 10,000 - Extinction of humanity. The water level rises by 5 m in relation to the present.
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lostman-press-fan · 5 years
The World Must Burn!!! Part 1
The World Must Burn!!! Part 1: Now it begins.
 I am not going to lie, when I play Hearts of Iron 4 Kaiserreich. I usually have a my phone out; usually to look up social media, or to have a podcast playing. There isn’t much going on in the beginning, especially if your playing America. When you start out, there not much to do. There are a few national focus, and along stream of events. Usual I start knocking somethings off the tech tree, and wait for the big show to begin earnest. Meanwhile to make Socialist American Party gain more popularity.
 Leading the Socialist American Party is John Reed; journalist,and political activists. He reported on the first world war, and The Russian Revolution of 1917. He was somewhere left-wing spectrum of politics, and supported the Soviet Russia. Reed near the end of his life, would flee to the Soviet Union, and die there in our timeline. In the Kaiserreich timeline, he did return to the US, due to the Reds losing the civil war.
Fun fact: no one knows where the hell Leon Trotsky, and Joseph Stalin is the head of security of Socialist Georgia.
On the other end of the spectrum, a opposing Mr. Reed is Senator Huey Long of Louisiana. In our timeline Huey Long was a left leaning populist, and kind of ruled Louisiana kind of like a dictator. Unlike most dictators, he used his position of power pursue economic progressive policy. However he was a anti-communist in real life, apparently associated with Charles Coughlin, and bunch other things. Anyway, in Kaiserreich Huey made a alliance with William Dudley Pelley. Pelley is the leader of Silver Legion both in real life, and in the mod.
My goal is for Reed, and the syndicalists to win the upcoming civil war. To aid in that goal, usual when a event pops say that either Socialist American Party, or Huey America First Party gains influence. I always make sure that SAP gain influence, which brings me to Garner-Wagner Bill. It a national focus that kick off a chain of events; due to the economic crisis, the government is trying to intervene. As having no clue what sinks the bill, and as of this writing my research is inconclusive. I created a Coalition party with the republicans, and democrats, and not work with SAP or AFP.
Apparently this worked, and the bill failed! Now it’s time for the establishment to become scared of the AFP. I completely every focus on the Bill Failed branch, selecting every option that causes the AFP to lose influence, and the SAP to gain! Oh, the German stock market crushed, so America suffers more. There are events that are set in stone in begin of any Kaiserreich game; the Totalist charter, Germany stock market crush, and the assassination of Russian president Kerensky. As I am aware, these are set in stone.
Apparently the second American civil war was a event that could be averted, but that a topic for another time. I ended my session a little for before the election, and call it a night (day in my case).
There were a few other events in my game; there was a civil war in Germany Belgium puppet, which Germany crushed the syndicalists. Britain goes the syndicalist route, and elects a female Prime Minster. Uprising in German East Asia, and another civil war in Russia.
Next up: Election, and Civil war!    
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