duckydae · 1 year
[exo 2023 comeback unrealistic expectations!]
(english version) of the title track. if i'm honest i'd love a formula of love approach were just random songs on the album just happen to be in english, but i doubt it.
concepts: pirate, 1920s, royalty, pop punk (big ask)
jongdae + kyungsoo rapping
bringing back grand high-notes (let me in is a perfect example)
a proper album and not this new fourth gen eight-track bullshit where you've heard half the songs before release (sm, i am watching)
sechan singing
zb1 + exo promoting in the same time (i need a matt-xiu collab dance)
an actual world tour down the line
baekhyun's already confirmed this, but bringing back pathcode
chanbaekxiu returns in exo ladder, or give us the chingu line vs. the hyung + maknae line!
songs like "in this world"
it's live! / studio choom
it'd be a bit of a laugh but it'd love an explicit, just cause
at least one, ft. (i'd love for them to bring back key, or bibi?)
i've not being loving sm's releases as of late, the aespa album wasn't for me and 'forever one' was a bit of a let down
this is probably unlikely, but yixing, please! for godsake bring our boy back officially! i swear exo's line-up has never not been a pick'n'mix.
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kookblurx · 1 year
hey babes,
i will do some changes to this account. Dont worry 1920 will continue as planned, i wont delete it. I will make this account into an FF and Fanart account ( mostly JK and YN or JK alone idk yet).
Jungkook became my muse in so many creative situations so ... i will edit my masterlists to an "JK only" masterlist. I feel more comfortable writing about him and drawing him ( that doesnt mean i dont love the members. I love them all so much ).
So yall will have the chance to save my other FF's about Soobin, Taehyung and Baekhyun before i will delete them tomorrow.
I hope yall will stay with me through this new journey <3
borahae - <3
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stainandscribble · 4 years
Moulin Rouge Sous le Ciel Bleu
 Red Mill under the Blue Sky
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Pairing: Byun Baekhyun/Reader (female)
Genre: Moulin Rouge; rich!Baekhyun; 1920′s!Baekhyun; angst; fluff
Warning: mention of mature situations ;) 
Summary: Baekhyun never thought he would find love through the infamous Moulin Rouge, or that it would be the one place he could love you freely without the judging eyes of the upper classes. Love is not easy in 1920s Paris, but is love easy anywhere? There is only one thing you know, you love Baekhyun hopelessly and irrevocably, and he loves you just the same.
A/N: requested by the lovely, sweetest @bbyunz​, based on moulin rouge and Baekhyun’s solo Bungee. I hope I fulfilled your expectations. 
Word Count: 4154
In the Jardin de Paris, at the bottom of the hill at Montmartre neighbourhood, a bright red mill stood out in between the other buildings, demanding attention with its vibrant colour and eccentric exterior. Above the entrance to the garish establishment, large metal letters spelt out its name, Moulin Rouge. The Red Mill, for it was exactly what the building looked like. It certainly drew attention to itself, and Monsieur Byun didn’t doubt that was the intention of its owners. Moulin Rouge had become infamous in Paris, and Baekhyun didn’t doubt that was also the case for the rest of France too. The bright scarlet façade clashed with the crisp blue of the sky above it, making the building stand out even more during clear days like today. Looking at the red mill, Baekhyun would not have guessed that this was the building the city of love called The Bastion of Pleasures. It didn’t look pleasing to the eye, but it was a novelty, and it was the mill at the entrance that was one of the reasons for the establishment’s notoriety. That, and the women employed in the cabaret.
Young Monsieur Byun, that was what people called Byun Baekhyun, heir to an orient trading business and an expert in oriental imports. He had been sent to France by his father a year short of attending university to learn the French language and now, years later he was attending the prestigious Sorbonne, studying for a degree in Orientalism. He had become an expert to the Parisian socialites, helping them choose authentic China and silk fabrics, among many other goods, all from his family's import business of course.
But behind the posh and rich heir, he had become fascinated by the revolution, a movement started in the middle of the last century, a step towards freedoms and liberties that he had never known in his own home of Joseon.
That was how he ended up at the cabaret Moulin Rouge. And Baekhyun loved it. The thrill of doing something that in his own country would be uncalled for was exhilarating. Some days, he wished he was an artist or a poet. It was not that he could do neither, of course, he was excellent at both thanks to his extensive education. Yet, he wished sometimes that he could live off of the fortune he had and do as he wished, writing poetry, painting watercolours on rice paper and attending the cabaret.
Most importantly, in those senseless daydreams, he could love you freely.
You had met when he had come to consult you about some of the costumes you were making for a Moulin Rouge play. The settings were meant to be inspired by the Orient, it was meant to be exciting, exotic and beautiful all at the same time, and you needed help with the designs. As an orientalist, Young Monsieur Byun had visited you in your seamstress room. He was in awe of the detail you had put into the costumes and was glad to help you perfect the designs. Weeks later, he was back in your workrooms, inspecting the finished product, as well as the set of the music hall stage. Your rooms were not far from the Moulin Rouge, and so on his way back he visited you and your fellow seamstresses. He had liked your costumes and had given a good word on your behalf to the owners.
That was how you met and then proceeded to keep on meeting, each one ending with you smiling a bit brighter, his smile cheekier and cheekier.
Monsieur Byun often thought that it would have been easy; falling in love with one of the dancers. However, Monsieur Byun was not a man who took the easy way. He had remained unmoved by the dancers’ charm, flirtatious nature and womanly shape. He was an orientalist, coming to Paris from Joseon, and he had no desire for the boisterous women of the cabaret, notorious for their cancan.
Instead, he had taken the hard way. He fell in love with you.
It was a hopeless love. Hopeless in more than one way; because not only had he fallen for you head over heels, irrevocably and explicitly, but also because there was no future in which he could continue to do so. Your love was fleeting, not because the feelings disappeared, but because in this world, neither in France nor Joseon, could you love each other freely. It was a secret romance. Something forbidden.
A hopeless love.
You had always known it would not last, but nothing lasts and so you loved him the same way he loved you.
A mere seamstress could never marry him. He was classes above you, not to mention that he had no doubts his father had already chosen a merchant's daughter for him, one that was from Joseon, just like him, just like his father wanted.
Tonight though, he could spend in your arms, naked and wrapped in the soft sheets of his bed with you listening to his heartbeat while his long fingers combed through your hair.
It was a peaceful night. He had sneaked you into one of his smaller residences, where no servants could spy on the two of you. You had drunk dry red wine and enjoyed a baguette along with some camembert and red grapes. It had been a simple meal by his standards, but it was everything the two of you could have wanted tonight. 
In the middle of balmy summer, with the sun shining down in all its glory, warming you up and making all proper ladies sweat under their clothes, you had been kept busy by the constant repairs of Moulin Rouge costumes, as well as other work sent to you by the upper and middle-class women. You didn’t complain. it was good work, and it was always extra money- something you could never have too much of. 
Baekhyun did all the complaining for you, about how you didn’t have time for him, about how he was feeling neglected; about how you were too pretty to spend the days in a workroom rather than in the garden outside, basking in the sun and undoubtedly keeping him company.  
Finally, your work was done, and you had decided to take the day off and now, at the end of the day spent in Baekhyun’s arms, you were falling asleep in his arms, his light breathing felt like a summer breeze in your hair, and his golden skin was warm against yours. The body heat and the warm night had made it impossible to sleep under a duvet, and so you had opted for sleeping under a thin linen sheet. 
“Mon plus cher amour,” He had whispered into the air, my dearest love, he called you. and through the thin veil of sleep, you had responded to his calling, turning in his arms so that you could face him, your lips brushing against his as he spoke, the soft touch sending shivers down Baekhyun’s spine.
“Mon cherie?” You had asked, planting a cheeky kiss on his pouty lips.
“I do not wish to live without you.” He spoke, eyes gazing into yours with such tenderness you were unsure a mortal man could be filled with this much love. Surely, such deep feeling was reserved for a thing more holy than you; for women whose beauty lived on as legend, a kind of beauty captured by poems and songs and prayers. Not you; mortal, fragile, ordinary.
“Don’t say such things.” You spoke, the softness in your voice mimicking the tenderness in Baekhyun’s eyes. His breath hitched, and you could feel the rattling of his heart against your chest, its steady beat matching the rhythm of your own heart.
“They make me love you more.” You whispered, and your lover smiled at your words, his long fingers moving to grab your hand gently, before he brought it to his lips, kissing your knuckles tenderly, his lips silky like rosebuds, flushed a deep pink as blood flowed through him, red and robust. His deep brown eyes didn’t leave yours for a second.
Hopelessly, you loved him.
The days without him came and went, and finally, after all work was complete, Baekhyun had decided to take you to the premiere of the new cabaret show, the one you had spent months sowing costumes for, and now he would allow you the pleasure of seeing the fruit of your labours, and you had a feeling it would be sweet. 
Tonight, he had taken you to the cabaret. The moulin rouge was packed with patrons, their cacophonous chatter before the show was like the beginning of a birdsong, somewhere deep in the rainforest, their words, not always French, sounded around the room like a flock of tropical songbirds, unorganised but joyous. You sat at a table for two, he dressed in a fine black suit, you in your best dress, your hair pinned up in a fashionable style you have seen many of your clients wear. When you looked in the mirror before you left the house, you could barely believe the woman in the reflection staring back at you was yourself. You wondered if Baekhyun had always though you this beautiful.
“You are exquisite. Never forget that, mon amour.” He leaned in to whisper into your ears, the dim light glowing golden against his skin, making the curve of his nose and the plushness of his lips even more refined, even more tempting. Your heart skipped a beat against your will. Soon after, the flock went silent, and you were left only with the melody of the orchestra, as the dancers entered the stage. Baekhyun sat in his chair, completely at ease as he sipped on champagne.
The show was exquisite, but no one expected anything less from the great Moulin Rouge. The dancers moved about on the stage in practised harmony. even their more chaotic routines were executed with utter grace and precision. Some dresses were shorter than others, some more scandalous. you had spared no skill stitching in feathers and sequins. Each costume was tailored, each thread perfectly in place, ever colour carefully selected.
“Something like this would never be allowed where I’m from.” Baekhyun whispered into your ear. Even without looking at him, you could feel that his eyes fell on the dancers and his lips turned into a smirk against your ears. You knew he was not speaking just about the cabaret.
“I’m glad it is allowed here.” He whispered when you didn’t respond, and a pleasant shiver went down your spine.
“They look pretty.” You said instead, eyes never leaving the stage. The dancers' span, their skirts twirling with them, exposing more of their legs, and the audience could not stop their noises of awe as they span.
“The dancers?” Baekhyun asked, taking another sip from his flute.
“Pretty women look good in pretty clothing.” You answered him with a nod, a smile playing on your lips when another round of cacophonous delight rippled through the audience.
“Are those your dresses?” Baekhyun smiled, eyes shining playfully as he carefully took in the colourful costumes, the plumes of feathers, the embroidery on the bodices and down the skirts.
“Oui.” You sipped your drink, allowing the buzz of alcohol to make the night even more enjoyable.
“Why are you staring at me?” You asked after a while, the feeling of Baekhyun’s deep brown eyes staring at you had become unnerving as the night went on, your second flute of champagne now standing empty in front of you.
“I can’t help it. You are like the moon.” He smiled, head tilting to look at you from a different angle.
“Drawing me to you.” He spoke, and his hand moved across the table to hold your one, his long fingers threading through yours.
You remained like that until the end of the show.
When the night was over, and he had draped your coat over your shoulders like a gentleman, a playful smile graced his lips, his eyes light with mischief.
“We went to the bastion of pleasures, and yet my biggest pleasure was watching you.” He told you, tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear, enjoying the blush that flushed your cheeks, both because of the champagne and because of him.
Another week passed, and you were once again in his chambers, lying among the soft sheets with a book in your hands as Baekhyun dressed. He was wearing a similar suit to the one he wore to Moulin Rouge; he had changed the jacket to one more appropriate to dinner. His hair was combed back away from his face, and you admired his straight eyebrows and dark lashes.
“How do I look?” He asked, tying a black bowtie in front of the mirror hanging above his dresser.
“Handsome as always.” You told him glancing at his slim silhouette over your book.
“You will be fine, Monsieur Byun.” You said when he turned around and sent him a wink.
“Whatever you say, Mademoiselle.” He smiled, walking over to the bed to bend down. In a flash, his plush lips were on yours, and you melted into the kiss.
Once he broke away to slip into his jacket, he glanced back at you, eyes filled with worry. You could tell there was tension in his shoulders and in the clench of his jaw.
“Enjoy yourself.” You smiled at him, trying to encourage him. Whatever was on his mind was weighing on him a lot. Enough to make him hesitant to tell you about it. It was an unusual occurrence.
“It’s just another business get together. I’m advising teapot purchases today.” He spoke, seemingly talking to himself, and you go up from the bed, wrapping your arms around his torso as you proceeded to stare into his eyes. Their warm brown reminded you of fresh morning coffee and chocolate.
“Joseon ceramics have become popular among those rich enough to import them.” He spoke, his arms coming to wrap around your shoulders. Baekhyun buried his face in your hair, and you allowed him the silent moment of peace. He held you tightly against him, and you listened to his heart, sure and steady; just like him.
“Sell a lot of teapots then, mon cherie.” You told him, and he released you, giving you one last farewell kiss.
“Don’t miss me too much, mon plus cher amour.” He called out, making his way out of the room, and you could not help but smile at his retreating figure.
The dinner was a dull affair. The hosts were rich, as they always were, and loved to gossip, as they always did. Usually, Baekhyun had stayed clear of the ladies gossip, preferring to sit and drink whiskey with the gentlemen, but tonight he had found himself in the middle of the gossip. Not because he was particularly interested, but because he was the subject of it.
Standing around the room, numerous gentlemen conversed, some women also preferred to stay clear of the host’s wife, considering she was a ruthless gossip and could run her mouth like no other.  Unfortunately, Baekhyun was making his way to his business partner, Monsieur Park, when he heard the conversation.
The group sat on plush sofas, a small hardwood mahogany coffee table sat in the middle, home to a fine tea set, white porcelain with delicate lotus flowers painted in red for decoration. It was one of the models they carried last summer. Ironically, it was not a higher-end set.
“I heard he took his mistress to the cabaret last week. I wonder who she is.” One of the ladies spoke, her shrill voice piercing his eardrums. From her dress, Baekhyun could tell she was one of your clients. A similar dress, although green, rather than the acrid salmon colour this woman was wearing, was displayed in your shop window. He could recognise your handiwork anywhere now.
“Cannot be high standing that is certain.” Another woman butted in, and Baekhyun wanted to stop listening. Yet, somewhere deep inside, morbid curiosity kept him still, listening to those women insult you, his blood boiling under his skin.
“A Frenchwoman and a man from Joseon. In public!” The woman in salmon had screeched, and Baekhyun had to stop himself from cursing.
“How are you, ladies?” He put on a smile instead, walking straight into the women’s conversation, halting their gossip.
“I heard you ordered two tea sets, Madame.” He turned to look at an older woman, sitting between the two who were talking about you.
“Yes. My daughter is marrying into an upstanding family, I must make sure she brings only the best to her new home.” She had spoken, her nose turned almost comically upward, as she did her best to look at him with disdain.
“I hope you will be satisfied with the quality of our goods.” He had bowed lightly, a sickly-sweet smile still present on his lips, as he had no doubt anger peaked through his eyes. You always said you could tell he was angry when you looked into his eyes. He would have said something more, but Chanyeol had come to his aid, his jovial spirit lighting the mood surrounding the women.
“Ah, Monsieur Byun, I was looking for you.” He spoke, his deep voice filled with happiness as he did his best to steer Baekhyun away.
He took him off to the side, passing the shorter man a glass of scotch. Chanyeol’s large frame towered over him, shielding him from the view of the gossips.  His large hand came to clasp Baekhyun’s shoulder, squeezing him in reassurance.
“Young men are young men no matter where they come from. Do not listen to old gossips.” Chanyeol’s deep voice became a murmur, and Baekhyun had though his friend sounded more as if he was growling rather than speaking
“Thank you Chanyeol.” He muttered, drinking the scotch in gulps, too frustrated to sip the liquid. He found the burn of alcohol a good distraction.
“Better to love one woman than hate one woman.” His friend spoke, his equally brown eyes soft when they looked down on him.
“Any news from my father?” Baekhyun asked, changing the topic from one unpleasant thing to another.
“None yet. I’m not sure he even knows about her.” Chanyeol reassured him, a small smile playing on his lips. He sipped on his scotch.
“If he knew,” Baekhyun spoke, his heart beating frantically against his chest, making him dizzy before Chanyeol interrupted.
“You would be on a ship back by now, and that merchant’s daughter would be waiting for you at the docks.” He finished for him, drinking the rest of his scotch in one gulp, before going to refill their glasses.
 As the evening progressed, Baekhyun received more and more requests for imported ceramics. The requests ranged from tea sets to plates and bowls. By the time the dinner finished, his notebook was filled with names and catalogue numbers.
When Baekhyun returned to his home, he had discarded his coat and untied his bowtie. A few buttons of his white shirt were now undone, revealing his golden collarbone. He sat on the sofa of his living room sipping on more scotch from a crystal glass. You had discarded the book when he arrived and chose to sit beside him on the couch, your head resting on his shoulder. The fabric beneath you was velvet, more luxurious than you would ever be able to afford. You knew he had it custom made.
Apart from a greeting and a few quick kisses, Baekhyun had stayed silent. Despite the alcohol he consumed, the stress you have seen on his frame had not lessened. You watched from the corner of your eye as his jaw clenched and relaxed.
“Are you ready to tell me now?” You asked him, turning his chin towards you. His eyes immediately fell to your lips, before looking up into your eyes. He had always thought they looked like sapphires. Not because they were blue, but because they reminded him of the sea, deep and unexplored. They hid your heart, and so they shone like precious stones, reflected light like the stormy waters of the sea. Deep, so deep he lost himself in them and found himself in them too.
“I’m worried about my father.” He murmured, his angelic voice broke, heavy with uncertainty.
“We had known about your father from the beginning. We knew how this would end before it begun.” You told him, pressing your palm against his cheek, allowing Baekhyun to lean into your touch, basking at how warm he felt against you.
“What if I don’t want this to end?” He asked, and this time, you were the one to lose yourself in the depths of his irises.
You pressed your other palm to his cheek, and you kissed him. Passionately and without inhibition. Whether the ending was coming, or if it was already here didn’t matter. You loved him. You loved him hopelessly.
Baekhyun turned violet under your touch. He felt it seep into him when he pressed his lips with bruising force to yours, and when you grabbed at him in his bed, and again when you left purple marks over his collar bones, each one a visible stain on his body; something that reminded him he was yours, something to remind you that you were his.
Days passed in colourful monotone. You woke up in his bed, went to work and attended Moulin Rouge in the evening. Each evening was spectacular; each evening was the same. Moulin Rouge had become a place you had grown fond of. There, Baekhyun could sit beside you in public, show you off as a lover. Not many people paid attention in Montmartre, too focused on the idea of freedom and liberty. You shared their desires, shared the hope that one day the world would be easier to live in. You and Baekhyun fit in. The Bastion of Pleasures was an easy place to be in.
After one of the shows, when you had finally gone back home to rest, an unexpected guest made his appearance.
Chanyeol had come in one evening, just as Baekhyun rested in your lap, your voice soothing him to sleep. Chanyeol had come in with a letter. You could tell it was from Baekhyun’s father. The characters were unfamiliar, rendering you illiterate and blissfully unaware of the contents.
“Not good.” Baekhyun had risen from your lap, and as he read over the letter, he paced. Chanyeol had sat down beside you, his figure looming over you. You were not uncomfortable, resting in his shadow was a familiar feeling by now, but the expression on both of the men’s faces was making you uneasy.
“By the end of the following year, he wants you to return.” Chanyeol told them. His deep voice rumbled through the room, and his warm brown eyes looked down at you, and them at Baekhyun with such sorrow, you couldn’t make out who was more upset at the news.
“I understand.” Baekhyun stopped pacing and called out for one of his help to bring them some cognac.
“To one more year.” He toasted once the alcohol was poured into crystal glasses and handed to the three of them.
With a cheeky smile, you raised your glass, toasting with him. Reluctantly, and with a withered smile, Chanyeol raised his glass, the amber liquid glistening in the dim light, before taking a swig.
That night, you lay wrapped in Baekhyun’s arms, a cool breeze wafted through the open window, drifting over your naked shoulders as you gazed up at your lover.
“Let us leave. Run away.” Baekhyun muttered, his eyes shining in the darkness of his room, more serious than you ever saw him.
“And go where?” You asked, entertaining the idea.
“Anywhere my father doesn’t find us.” He told you, and you pressed closer to him, further into the security if his arms.
“Italy?” You asked, thinking of places too far away for the Byun business to chase you down to.
“French Indochina?” You kissed him, a small smile playing on your lips.
“I don’t care where we go, I’ll love you anywhere.” He spoke, his voice soft, and now more than any other night, you knew he loved you.
Baekhyun had been ready to leave everything to be with you where his father could not interfere, and you were ready to leave with him.
“Let's go anywhere then.” You conceded, pressing a kiss to his lips, whispering words of love into his ears as he held you. He whispered them back, breathed love into you with his kisses, steady and reassuring beside you, and despite the chill of the air, you were warm.
Love was hopeless sometimes, but maybe this time, just this time, there was hope.
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marshmallow-phd · 3 years
Book of the Dead
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Genre: The Mummy AU
Pairing: Junmyeon x Reader
Summary: After traveling to the fabled city of Hamunaptra, you read from the Book of the Dead and accidentally resurrect an ancient mummy with extraordinary powers and quest for revenge. The only thing to do now is try and convince your less-than-traditional guide to help you save the world.
Part 1 I Part 2
You ran up the smooth stone steps as quickly as your night dress would allow. If only you had had the time to change into something a bit more practical. Unfortunately, the immortal, god-like mummy that was currently lighting the city of Cairo up with the ten plagues of Egypt was exactly willing to pause for you to put on a different outfit. 
“Run this by me one more time?” Baekhyun huffed a few stairs behind. 
Rolling your eyes, you said again, “We’re going to read the stone with the inscription of the location of the book of the living. Once I translate its location, we’ll head back to Hamunaptra, retrieve it, and send Mr. Bones back to the underworld.”
“You really need to work on the nicknames,” Junmyeon grumbled as he placed a hand on your lower back to urge you upwards at a faster pace. 
“Sorry that my sarcastic wit doesn’t work best under pressure.”
“Trust me, it hasn’t been working with or without the pressure.”
You shot the soldier a dirty look, which only led to you tripping over your own feet. Junmyeon caught you before your knees could meet the edge of the last step. Looking up at him, you opened your mouth, whether to say thank you or to release another sharp remark, you weren’t sure. Those stupid brown eyes were scrambling the thought pathways in your brain. But thankfully, one thing was able to connect and bring back your focus. 
“The stone!”
A large black stone taller than you and wider than your forearm sat to the right of the staircase, a block of polished wood at the base keeping it upright and away from the wall. You ripped out of Junmyeon’s grasp and scrambled for the stone. Your eyes scanned the hieroglyphics. A few feet away, Baekhyun was half bent over in an effort to regulate his breathing. 
“Can you do that a little quieter?” you gritted between your teeth as your fingers slid over the etched surface of the stone. 
“It wasn’t that many stairs,” Sehun said. 
“Sorry, not all of us are as athletic as the muscled up soldiers over here.” Baekhyun hooked a thumb towards Junmyeon, who was hardly paying attention as he stared out the open balcony. Baekhyun and Sehun joined him, the former then gulped. “You might want to hurry up over there.”
“Patience is a virtue,” you sang. 
“Not right now it isn’t,” Junmyeon mumbled grimly. 
That was when you heard it. 
Hundreds of voices chanting in unison. 
“Imhotep. Imhotep. Imhotep. Imhotep.” Over and over in monotone sounds, growing closer and louder. 
Oh, shit.
“I hate to agree, but yes, faster would be better,” Professor Bey urged. 
His power was growing. Fast. You buckled down, translating the pictures into the ancient language and then again into your own tongue. 
“They’ve become his slaves,” Ardeth said with more morbidness than you previously thought possible. 
“A side effect of the boils and sores, I’m sure,” Baekhyun said, not helping. Another plague down. The final one, if your counting was correct.
Block them out. You needed to block all of them out. “Alright, so according to the Bembridge scholars, the gold book of Amun-Ra is located in the statue of Anubis.”
“But we found the black book there instead,” said one of the Americans. 
Baekhyun moved to your side. “So, they were wrong?”
“Obviously.” Arrogant men who thought you didn’t have enough experience to join their society. “They mixed up where they were buried. So if that was where the black book was located….”
A crash. The front doors of the museum must have been breached. 
“I got it! The golden book is located inside the statue of Horus!” You slapped the rock with your hand in victory. “Take that, Bembridge bastards!”
“Alright then, let’s run!” Baekhyun took your hand and hurried you down the hall while the others stayed close at your heels. Down the stairs and through a back corridor, you were able to make it to the car while avoiding the mind controlled citizens. Safety be damned, you all piled on one another into the topless car as Baekhyun turned over the engine and gunned it. Hordes of the poor men chasing you poured out of the doors of the museum and managed to keep up with the four wheeled vehicle that now raced through the dirt streets in the dark. Junmyeon remained on the trunk of the car, reloading his gun and punching anyone who was able to get close enough. 
“Those are innocent people!” you yelled over all the noise.
“Yeah, well, right now, it’s us or them!” Junmyeon kicked one off but lost his balance in the meantime. He nearly fell into the crowd before you were able to grab his arm and yank him down. “Thanks,” he muttered mere inches from your face before clearing his throat and righting himself. On his other side, Sehun was fighting along with Ardeth to keep you all from being overrun. Imhotep must have been able to give the controlled men advanced abilities. An unfortunate event. 
But right when you thought that you might be able to get away, several men climbed onto one of the Americans and they all fell from the car, lost in the crowd. Without thinking, the other yelled and then jumped after his friend. And then he was gone, too. 
“Rest in peace, old chaps,” Baekhyun murmured, looking over his shoulder. And then crashed the car. 
“Baekhyun!” you shouted angrily. Junmyeon hoisted you out of the car, not wasting a moment, but the six of you were trapped. The mind controlled men were coming at you from all three streets. You were blocked in against one of the walls of the city. 
“It's the creature,” Professor Bey whispered. You frowned, unable to see past the ones that surrounded the group. Then you saw him. 
“He’s fully regenerated.”
Not a single spec of mummified skin remained. He’d gotten to the Americans. 
Stepping closer as the crowd pushed in, he started speaking in the ancient language, lapdog Beni right behind. 
“Come with me, my princess,” Beni translated with a false sense of superiority. “It is time to make you mine. Forever.”
You scoffed. “For all eternity. Idiot.”
Imhotep spoke again, this time with his hand outstretched.
“Take my hand and I shall spare your friends.”
You looked around for any chance of escape. There was none. “Just wonderful.” You turned to Junmyeon, who was slowly putting himself between you and the mummy. “Any good ideas?”
His face was twisted and his eyes darted from left to right. “I’m thinking. I’m thinking.” 
“Good. Keep thinking and think of something fast. Because if he turns me into a mummy, you’re the first one I’m coming after.”
Junmyeon’s eyes snapped to you, wide with shock. “No!” But you were out of arm’s reach before he could stop you. He pulled a gun and pointed it at Imhotep, ready to fire. Sehun and Ardeth both managed to stop him. 
“He has to take me to Hamunaptra,” you explained. “In order to perform the ritual.” With your eyes, you tried to add in the rest. Follow us there, get the book, and I’ll read it. 
“She’s got a point,” Sehun said. “If we live today, we can fight tomorrow.”
Junmyeon hesitated, then lowered his gun. You held his gaze, trying to let him know silently what you were feeling in this moment. That you were glad to have met him. And you wished the two of you had more time. 
“We’ll see each other again,” he promised. 
With an arm around your shoulders, Imhotep led you away. The sound of Junmyeon saying your name reached your ears and you almost ran back to him. 
“Hey, that’s mine!” Baekhyun yelled. Running up next to you, Beni tossed the octagonal key to the books in the air. Well, that wasn’t necessarily a good thing. 
Gripping your arm tighter, Imhotep gave out one final order. “Kill them all!”
“No!” You fought and kicked and tugged to get away. “Let go of me! Junmyeon! Baekhyun!” It was no use. As you looked back behind you, all you could see was the crowd closing in on them. 
You traveled for what felt like hours in the sandstorm of Imhotep. When you were finally deposited onto the sand, rolling in it from the momentum and getting it everywhere, you managed to open your eyes and see where he had decided to stop. You were right outside of the city of the dead. You were back. 
A loud buzzing noise caught your attention. Looking up into the sky, you saw an old fashioned pedal plane carrying more people than it was built for. You smile. “Mr. Kim.”
After walking a few paces ahead, Imhotep raised his arms and called up a sandstorm so large, it blocked out the sky. Forming into a face, it ruched at the tiny plane. And then the storm swallowed it whole. 
The sandstorm dissipated and the plane was no longer visible. Imhotep smirked then walked towards the city. You had no choice but to follow. 
You were going to die. 
That didn’t stop you from following the mummy down into the depths of the temple, your glare switching from Imhotep’s back to Beni, who walked beside you. 
“Your face will stay like that,” Beni warned. How childish. 
“And nasty little boys like yourself always get their comeuppance,” you shot back.
Beni stopped in his tracks. “They do?”
You smirked. How stupid. You did believe that he would get his own form of punishment for helping the ancient priest - you just hoped that it was sooner rather than later. 
Down in the main chamber of the temple, a loud noise stopped Imhotep mid chant. Taking one of the sacred jars, he emptied the ash-like substance into his hand and then blew on it, letting the particles drift through the air. Then he spoke out a spell and mummified bodies ripped themselves free from their walled-in prisons, leaving behind deep human-shaped impressions among the hieroglyphics. 
“Kill them and wake the others,” Imhotep ordered. Turning back to you and Beni, he nodded at the latter, who then forced you down onto the stone slab next to a pit that at first you thought was water, but the liquid was too thick and too black, like ink. You were too focused on the substance to notice Imhotep’s hand coming near your face. He spoke a single word and your vision went black. 
It could have only been a minute that you were out, but it was enough time for your wrists and ankles to be tied down and the sacred jars to be lined up against your side.  Seeing a strange lump out of the corner of your left eye, you turned. 
Then screamed. 
The mummified body of who could only have been Anck-Su-Namun was lying right next to you, ready to be revived. You fought and tugged at your restraints, desperate to get away, to put distance between you and the woman who killed the pharaoh. One by one, the resurrected priests circled the slab, fell to their knees, and began chanting as they bowed. Imhotep stepped up, the black book in his hands. He caressed the side of the mummy’s face lovingly. Despite the reality of the situation, a small part of you couldn’t help but be in awe of his devotion. All of this, for his love. 
That didn’t mean you wanted to help. 
“Junmyeon! Baekhyun! Sehun!” One of them. Any of them! Please, just let one of them get in here with the book!
From the pit, the inky substance rose, formless, shapeless as it drifted through the air, over you and settled into the body. Imhotep finished the enchantment and the mummy came to life with a shrieking gasp. It turned and looked at you with knowing eyes. The scream of pure terror was ripped from your throat. 
No, no, no, no!
Appearing on the other side of you, Imhotep said one last time that with your death, Anck-Su-Namun would live. He raised a dagger with both hands and let it hover over your heart for just a beat. 
“I found the book of Amun-Ra! I found it, cousin!” 
Standing at the top of the large stone staircase, Baekhyun waved a giant book of gold over his head, the proudest grin shining from his face, visible even from this distance. 
Imhotep hesitated, lowering the dagger. 
“Fantastic, now shut up and help me off of here!” you shouted back. “You have to open the book! Open it!”
Like in a trance, Imhotep walked around the slab, placing the dagger down next to Anck-Su-Namun, and continued towards the stairs. 
“I can’t open it! It needs the key!”
“His robes!” You motioned towards Imhotep with your head. “It’s in his robes!”
With Imhotep coming closer, Baekhyun took off down the hallway that had led him here. Out of the shadows the opposite way, Junmyeon jumped out, swinging a large golden sword at the priests. Sehun wasn’t far behind with a sword of his own. Toegher, the two of them cut the mummies into pieces. With everyone distracted, you worked at the ropes around your wrists that had loosened in your many struggles, freeing the right one first and then moving onto your ankles. Only the left wrist was left to be freed, but this one was choosing to be difficult. 
“Are you alright?” Junmyeon asked as he took down another priest. 
“For the most part,” you answered, jangling your hand. Junmyeon lifted the sword to cut it free but suddenly fell from view. The upper bodies of the priests had grabbed hold of him and were holding him down so another could get close enough to drop the giant rock it was carrying onto his head. “Junmyeon!”
Junmyeon struggled to reach the sword he had dropped. Sehun was too busy with his own fight to notice his cousin needed help. You tried for the weapon yourself but it was too far out of reach. A disembodied hand was crawling with its fingers across the floor. When it wrapped its palm around the hilt of the sword, Junmyeon managed to grab the arm and swing at the mummy holding the stone, taking its legs out from under it. It fell backwards, squishing itself comically. He took care of the others and freed himself. He cut the bindings from your wrist and helped you off the slab. “Better late than never, right?”
“We’ll reevaluate that later.”
Baekhyun emerged from a side corridor. Oh, thank goodness. As if he were reading the Sunday paper, he studied the front of the book. “Cousin, I found an inscription here. Rash- Rasheem oola… kashka!”
A pair of doors burst open and out marched mummified soldiers with shields and spears. 
“Oh, wonderful.” At least you weren’t the only one who mucked up by reading out loud. 
Two by two, they came out until there were ten now facing you, Junmyeon, and Sehun. 
“This just keeps getting better and better,” Sehun muttered angrily.
“Baekhyun, do something,” you begged.
“Me?” Baekhyun squeaked as he backed up against a pillar. 
“Yes, you! You raised them! You can control them!”
“You’re joking, right?”
The soldiers marched on, coming in closer. You weren’t armed and you doubted Junmyeon and Sehun could hold all of them off. “Finish the inscription on the cover, you idiot!”
“Oh! Right!” Baekhyun scrambled to hide behind the pillar. 
Focused on the enemy in front of you, the one that had just been resurrected had been left forgotten. 
Anck-Su-Namun snatched you away from behind just as the mummified soldiers pounced. You managed to get out of her grip and were now playing a rather unfun game of tag while she chased you with the ceremonial dagger, keen on killing you herself so she could be fully revived. 
“Baekhyun, hurry up, please!”
“I can’t figure out this last symbol!”
“What does it look like!” You ran around the pillars and figures, lucky that you still had all of your ligaments to move quickly with. But Anck-Su-Namun had caught on and cut you off from around a corner, clutching your neck as you fought to keep the dagger away from your heart. 
“Its… its, uh… a bird!” Baekhyun started flapping an arm in a wing-like motion. “No! A stork!”
You pushed the air past your throat to give him the answer. “Ahmenophus!”
“Ah! That makes sense!” He read over the sentence again before yelling, “Hootash im ahmenophus!”
With a kick to her brittle rips, you managed to break free from Anck-Su-Namun right as the mummy soldiers froze. Right on time, too, as it seemed both Junmyeon and Sehun were about to be impaled. You ran to Baekhyuun and ripped the book out of his hands. “Give that to me!” Turning back to the one who had tried to kill you, you said, “Fa-kooshka, Anck-Su-Namum!”
The soldiers didn’t move as Anck-Su-Namun stalked closer. 
“Oh, fine!” You motioned for Baekhyun, who very smugly repeated the order. The soldiers backed off Junmyeon and Sehun, going for their new prey as Imhotep tried to stop them with his own shouting. It didn’t work. He watched in horror as, for the second time, his love was taken from him. All you saw was the soldiers surrounding her, then stabbing. She shrieked in pain and then was once again… silent
Imhotep roared in anger. He swept up sand as he turned on you and Baekhyun, vowing death to you both. Junmyeon ran up from behind and cut off one of his arms, getting his attention instead. The robes slipped from Imhotep’s body as he picked up the severed arm and reattached it, stepping determinedly in Junmyeon’s direction. 
The robes. 
The key! 
You hurried forward, eyes never leaving Imhotep in case he remembered what he had left behind. It took a moment of searching the folds of black, tattered fabric, but eventually you found the key. “Keep him busy!” you told Junmyeon. 
“Yeah, no problem,” was grunted back to you.  
Inserting the key, you twisted it three times until the claws clicked open. You flipped through the heavy slabs, eyes constantly on the search for the right inscription. There was so much here. So much knowledge, so much history, you were getting distracted. 
Save Junmyeon! You told yourself. Stay focused and save Junmyeon!
“Hurry!” Baekhyun urged. 
You growled back, “You’re not helping!”
Imhotep now had Junmyeon by the throat, feet off the ground and face turning purple. You were running out of time!
There! “I have it! Kadeesh mal! Kadeesh mal! Pared oos! Pared oos!”
A wind from nowhere kicked up through the air. From the top of the staircase, a ghostly horse-drawn carriage came sailing in, down the stairs and straight for him.
Horrified and knowing exactly what was headed his way, Imhotep dropped Junmyeon and tried to run. But the carriage was faster. 
It barreled through him, taking with it a translucent outline of himself, rounding the room before trotting back up the staircase and through the purplish wormhole that it had come from. Imhotep chased after it as if he could steal what was stolen from him back. But that was impossible. 
Junmyeon picked up his dropped sword and scrambled to you, weapon high for the next round of the fight. “I thought you said that would kill him.”
Imhotep stomped forward, eyes fixed on your group. So focused on his target that he never saw Sehun come in from behind and stab his own sword through Imhotep’s back. 
 You smirked. “He’s mortal now.”
He stared down at the blade that was protruding from his stomach. Staggering, his eyes were round from shock, little by little the light of life fading. His feet shuffled closer to the pit’s edge until he finally fell in and sunk beneath the surface. As he faded from view, his skin disintegrated until he was back in the form that you first found him. Words echoed around as he gave one last message. Handing the book back to Baekhyun, you translated it for the others. 
“Death… is only the beginning.”
“Thank god that’s over,” Baekhyun sighed. 
You squeezed his shoulder, thankful to whomever that he was alive. That you all were. “We should get out of here.”
“Where’s Beni?” Sehun asked as he surveyed the room. Oh, right. You’d nearly forgotten about him. 
“Probably halfway back to Cairo with a bag full of gold,” Junmyeon said bitterly. 
Then, suddenly, the walls began to tremble, sand fell in falls from the ceiling 
“Time to go!” Junmyeon grabbed your hand and headed for the exit. Baekhyun, who was leading in front, slipped on a pile of sand as he crossed one of the bridges. You watched in horror as the book flew from his hands and into the water, sinking beyond retrieval. 
“You lost the book! How could you lose the book!”
“Oh, come on!” All three yelled at you. Nothing could be done. The Book of Amun-Ra was lost. You’d cry about it later. 
Navigating the halls, sand and walls were falling all around you, seeking to trap you in. Junmyeon led the group through a giant room filled with gold. Baekhyun whimpered at all the treasure he was able to take with him, but at least he kept running. 
“Wait for me! Wait for me!”
As you left the hall of gold, you turned to see Beni running after you. The ceiling above was slowly lowering. If he didn’t pick it up, he’d be trapped forever. A small opening barely big enough for a human was starting to sink beneath the floor. Baekhyun made it through. Sehun made it through. You made it through. 
Junmyeon came in last, sliding across the sand and then flipping over, his hand reaching out towards Beni, who was still a good ten or fifteen feet away. “Come on, come on, come on!” Hate him or not, Junmyeon would try to help. But Beni didn’t make it and the opening disappeared. Junmyeon sighed. Then shrugged. “Bye-bye, Beni.”
He jumped up to his feet and rejoined the group. 
Finally outside, the columns and temples were also falling, causing you all to zig-zag all around the city as it crumbled to the ground. The sand beneath your feet shook. You made it out of the city’s boundary. When you were far enough out of the blast zone, you stopped and watched as what was once a great archeological find sink into the sand, never to be seen again. 
Baekhyun screamed out of nowhere. You panicked, thinking Imhotep wasn’t truly dead. But then you saw the shadow. And then the camel. And then the man riding it. 
“Ardeth!” You were so happy to see him alive! You had been so worried about getting out yourself, you hadn’t been able to ask the others what had happened to him. 
“Thank you for that heart attack,” Baekhyun scolded as he rubbed his chest. He would be fine. If the wine and women hadn’t killed him yet, you were sure he would live through this. 
Ardeth bowed his head. “From me and my people, you have earned our respect and gratitude.”
Baekhyun chuckled, waving it off with false modesty. “Well… it was nothing.”
“Speak for yourself,” Sehun muttered as he spat dirt from his mouth. 
Ardeth grinned then clicked his tongue to urge the camel on. 
Shaking his head, Baekhyun turned back to the flat surface that used to be Hamunaptra. “Wonderful. We go home empty-handed. Again.”
Junmyeon looked down at you and with the softest expression, disagreed. “I wouldn’t say that.”
Heat bloomed on your cheeks as his meaning sunk in. Sehun understood as well, rolling his eyes and turning away. Cupping your jaw with his fingers, Junmyeon leaned in and kissed you deeply, pulling you in closer.
Yes, he was right. You were truly walking away with the adventure of a lifetime.
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dailyexo · 2 years
[TRANSLATION] Baekhyun - 220506 Official EXO-L Japan website update: ”HAPPY BIRTHDAY ベクヒョン!壁紙更新♪♪” (”HAPPY BIRTHDAY Baekhyun! Wallpaper update♪♪”)
"ベクヒョンの誕生日を記念して、スペシャルな壁紙を公開! ぜひご自分のスマホをカスタマイズしてくださいね!"
Translation: "Here is a special wallpaper to celebrate Baekhyun's birthday! Download it to customise your smartphone!"
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▼ スマートフォン用 【サイズ】
▼ For Smartphones 【Size】
■ 2436×1125 ■ 1920×1080 ■ 1334×750
"※待受画像をダウンロードする際は、 スマートフォンでファンクラブサイトにアクセスしてください。"
Translation: "※To download the photos make sure you are logging in to the fanclub site from your smartphone."
Credit: translation, dailyexo.tumblr.com, Source: Official EXO-L Japan.
19 notes · View notes
pesiko · 3 years
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M mature | ✿ personal favorite
Back Then - childhd friends to nobodies, college ✿ [16.5k]
Prohibited - 1920s mafia AU, investigator BBH M ✿ [14k]
Quit Your Life - different color eyes, bodyguard M [14k]
Lovesick - cupid fixes your love life bc he messed it up [12k]
Imminence - pt of Exordia Academy, water powers M [10k]
Hook, Line, and Sinker - college fuckboy, carnival [9.2k]
Serendipity - roommates, pretend boyfriend prep [8.4k]
Breathless - tour guide BBH helps you find your ring [8k]
The Drama - watches too many dramas, red candy ✿ [7.8k]
Fevered - hospital volunteer BBH, illness, highschool [6.9k]
Devour - BBH let’s vampire reader take his blood M [6.6k]
Jekyll & Hyde - Baekhyun w that face chain, mafia M [5.6k]
Hey, Neighbor - “you won’t have to divide the bed” [5.5k]
The Art of Shakiness - surgeons, rivals?, 5 yrs later [5.3k]
I Hemoglobin You - “doesn’t rlly talk romantics w me” [4.8k]
Begin - new neighbor, Kookie the dog, Oreo bandit M [4.1k]
Palpitate - baseball player BBH, spin the bottle M [3.9k]
Fire - 1970’s Florida crime lord Baekhyun, rivals M [3.2k]
Lost and Found - soulmates, art major, blue hoodie [3k]
Still Alive - idols, forced breakup, car accident, angst? [2.9k]
A Head Full of Dreams - he finds his soulmate, ty PCY [2.8k]
Nothing to Lose - she was the sun personified ✿ [2.5k]
What if I Kissed You? - roommates, recent breakup [2.5k]
Fool’s Gold - friends w benefits but you fell in love [2.5k]
Coffee - psycho BBH, bruises, unhealthy relationship [2.3k]
$5 Footlong - bro’s bff, “Chanyeol don’t be nasty” [2.2k]
Puppies and Chocolate - matchmaker Mongryong [2.1k]
Summer Rain - sketches, sunflowers, dream girl [2.1k]
Limerance - Hogwarts AU, Gryffindor BBH, ft DKS [2.1k]
Promise - a bartender tries to cheer u up on Xmas eve [2k]
You’re so Needy When You’re Drunk - you’ll stay M [1.7k]
Media Naranja - kissing booth, ft lots of wingmen [1.5k]
Goodnight - neighbor, borrowing a textbook, ft PCY [1.5k]
Bloodstream - territorial, “you’re meant for me”, M [1.4K]
Dog Days - “you’ll see I’m much cuter than my dog” [1.4k]
Car Je T’aime - he wants to get married in Paris ✿ [1.3k]
D.I.Why - he wants to dye his hair now so you help [1.3k]
Across Timezones and Space - he calls while on tour [1.3k]
Silent Treatment - argument, angsty w happy ending [1.3k]
High for This - answering his call everytime, angsty, M [1.2k]
Sleepy - he wants to stay in bed, “personal matters” [1.1k]
Never Again - “aren’t allowed to get hurt & ignore me” [1k]
In Your Arms - he comes home after a long day at work [1k]
Few Things as Rewarding - he comes home late w food [1k]
Citron Tea - grumpy gaming, dieting, pizza for breakfast [1k]
Nearest to You - sexy quiz time and asking him to sing [1k]
Need Any Help With That? - “date me so I can cuddle u” [1k]
Excuse Me? - coffeeshop, bacon, it felt somehow wrong [1k]
[main masterlist] [exo masterlist] updated 6-16-21
283 notes · View notes
sugar-petals · 3 years
So what does being a gamine entail exactly. Like am I just a gamine or can I be different types of gamin? If so, how do I figure out what type of gamine I am?
first the essential characteristics, explained with yoongi since he’s quite a representative of the type.
combination of opposing features (e.g. soft face muscular limbs)
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impression of petite height, gamines appear small and cute especially next to other types, it’s their trademark feature
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square/straight body type, somewhat narrow
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won’t have a pronounced waistline like romantic types/SDs/SNs, they can be compact, slightly wide
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doll-like or youthful face, button nose, often very luminous eyes and squishy cheeks
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head appears larger than their frame by proportion where they might be otherwise very skinny and nimble-looking unless when gaining weight
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most at home in grunge type of fashion with unexpected material mixes, geometric patterns, distressed look, tomboy/boyish kind of clothes, all things alternative think kurt cobain or fka twigs, lot of prints 
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gamines are the type that can push the envelope the most because they are refreshing, different, and androgynous, tolerate lots of detailing. if you have both yin and yang features, anything is possible. contrasting tailoring, extreme colors, no problem.
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they radiate a sassy attitude, get typecast as comedic roles, outcasts, rebels, high school sweethearts, the peter parkers out there, 1920s flappers, fashion killers. gamines are the most successful at experimenting with clothing genres and most costumes.
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the type they differ the most from: flamboyant naturals, who are the most towering kibbe type and sturdy people like namjoon. where gamines are the smallest and cutest type, FNs are the tallest and radiate matureness + authority visually because of yang.
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they appear down to earth (unlike dramatics who are high fashion and out of the ordinary like gamines), strong, and the guy/gal next door, and can experiment less with color and pattern but rather dress monochromely with rough materials. FNs look like action heroes, sportspeople, and bodyguards. think idris elba, their frame is HUGE.
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put them next to each other and you can spot the gamine immediately. they look like the youngest sibling next to the parent 😂 gamines stay forever young. flamboyant naturals always look more settled and struggle pulling off trendy statements. while gamines, they are the trend.
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it’s universally the most recognized height difference. like johnny and haechan + mark:
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or baekhyun and chanyeol:
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and yep, you have three subtypes in that category! to further specify it, some gamines have more yin and some more yang.
soft gamine (extra soft flesh) — limbs are even shorter, a bit of a waist can show, way more rounded, lush or chubby facial features and arms, the most petite kibbe type, wider cheekbones and build / e.g. woozi 
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pure gamine (the middle) — narrow and slightly elongated while at the same time delicate and rounded in the face, lean, leggy / e.g. taehyun
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flamboyant gamine (extra sharpness in the bones) — squarer, sometimes broader, very angular/lean, can appear a bit taller, more chiseled and elongated in the face, pronounced cheekbones and nose / e.g. hobi
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cxsmicmyeon · 3 years
hi there it’s 7:15 in the morning i have classes in a half hour and i just listened to bambi and oh my gosh what a stunning song and video wthatyahahah!!!
first of all, the 1920′s vibes i get from the music video are so damn strong and i fucking love it! it reminds me of this one baekhyun fic i read a while ago and aaaa!!!!
the lyrics! oh my lord thank u sm for putting english translation in captions bc omfg i love the lyrics sm! (i’m his favorite :D)
the choreo slaughtered me xoxo i died i’m a ghost writing this xoxo
i wouldn’t mind sitting in the rain with baekhyun ooh shall i write a fic on that?
in conclusion i absolutely adored everything about the song and m/v and i’m so so endlessly proud of baekhyun for breaking his pre-sale record. he snapped yet again and i am so here for it. 
my ranking: go stream bambi while i bask in my tears bc this song was so damn amazing/10
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janaeekook · 4 years
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please do not steal or copy my work!
-> wips!
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Kim namjoon;
Kim seokjin;
Kiss the chef ✔︎
You come home to your husband after a long day of work -one shot - fluff -
1942 ✔︎
It’s 1942 and the world is in the midst of World War 2 -- at a boarding school hidden in the country sides of the United Kingdom, 2 students begin to fall in love. - one shot - fluff - angst -
Min Yoongi;
Incapable (m)
“You can’t love Min Yoongi, he doesn’t know how to love. Or care for that matter. You’ll just end up getting hurt.” -mafia au-mention of death-smut- (series)
—> Intention -coming soon
Jung hoseok;
Park jimin;
Hesitate ✔︎
Jimin never hesitated to love you fully and honestly. - one shot - fluff - sad -
Kim Taehyung;
Beret boy ✔︎
kim taehyung in a beret; what more could you want? - one shot - fluff -
[11:52](m) ft.jungkook
Jeon jungkook;
Allure (m)✔︎
“and i dont get the fascination or the allure with you, jungkook. To me you’re just another haphazard playboy that wants to get in my pants.” - one shot - smut - angst -
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Pretty lips (m)✔︎
Heather (m)✔︎
drabble (ft. Chan) -angst-alcohol-
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Check wips!
Heuning Kai;
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Check wips! For all that’s to come
Nye ✔︎(m)
New Year’s Eve drabble
Crimson lace ✔︎(m)
- oneshot - fluff - smut - bestfriend au -
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Check wips!
Baby boy ✔︎
drabble (tw. mentions jonghyun) -fluff-
Press Your Number(m)
badboy!taemin college au -smut- (series m.list)
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Check wips!
Promise ring ✔︎
Breathless; (m)✔︎
“and you were left utterly breathless;” - smut - oneshot -
smutty drabble (breathless yuta)^
Forlorn ✔︎
1920’s mobster Johnny
{more than anything}
fluffy drabble
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Check wips!
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Check wips!
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Check wips!
More to come
© all rights reserved to hopejanaee
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fuckyeahexofics · 4 years
baeconandeggs 2020 [Masterlist]
A BAEK Love Story (royal!au, baker!au, love at first sight, R, 31.4K)
Admiration (university!au, substance abuse, R, 38K, see warnings)
A love letter long overdue (radio host!au, PG-15, 3.5K)
Am I Worthy (To Bleed Dry for You?) (roya!au, prince and servant!au, soulmate!au, NC-17, 15K)
Apricus (a/b/o, fantasy, R, 10K)
Baby Blue (strangers to lovers, romantic comedy, R, 18K, see warning)
Baby You Are (highschool!au, rich and poor, bullying, R, 31.5K)
Be careful what you wish for (a/b/o, pining, NC-17, 11K)
Beginning with You (arranged marriage!au, R, 10K)
Behind Cameras and Midnight City Lights (brake-up/make-up, ceo!au, famous!au, mpreg, R, 112K)
Beyond Category (1920′s!au, strangers to lovers, R, 46K, see warnings)
Bittersweet Revenge (royal!au, action, PG-15, 10K)
Call It Magic, When I'm With You (hogwarts!au, enemies to lovers, PG, 107K)
can you tell me how to love? (cafe!au, strangers to lovers, PG, 7K)
Catch My Breath (female!Baekhyun, highschool!au, PG, 6K)
Chanbaek Anime Adaptation (fantasy, humor, PG-15, 9K)
Cover Your Tracks (dystopia!au, strangers to lovers, fluff, R, 15K, see warnings)
Cross Your Heart and Hope To Die (mafia!au, substance abuse, R, 23K, see warnings)
Dark Pines (dark fantasy, mild horror, R, 50K)
Day After Day (fantasy, royal!au, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers, slow burn, PG-15, 30K, MUST see warnings, WARNING FOR DUB-CON)
deus est mortuus. (apocalypse!au, NC-17, 15K)
Diamonds are a boy's best friend (criminal!au, romantic comedy, PG-15, 16K)
draw you in like gravity (royal!au, alien!au, arranged marriage, mpreg, R, 6K)
Eden 61 (angel and demon!au, reincarnation!au, fantasy, PG-15, 35K)
Edge of Desire (hybrid!au, R, 18.6K)
Everyone Loves Byun Baekhyun (idol!au, gym!au, NC-17, 18K)
Fault Lines (mpreg, angst, past relationship, PG-15, 11K)
firelight (powers!au, fantasy, NC-17, 13K, see warnings)
Flick (hybrid!au, fluff, R, 25K)
forever with you is a delight (lost connections, fluff, comedy, R, 29K)
For Life (family!au, domestic, R, 17K)
Good feels bad, bad feels good (assassin!au, enemies to lovers, R, 65K, MUST see warnings)
Heartbeats: Byun Baekhyun's Journey To Love (highschool!au, fluff, PG, 16K)
he talks like rain (soulmate!au, chef!au, violinist!au NC-17, 49K, see warnings)
His prize fighter (pjo!au, 80s!au, PG-15, 22K)
how not to become icarus (famous!au, no strings attached, romance, NC-17, 85K)
I dream of gardens in the desert sand (post-apocalypse!au, fantasy, R, 30K, see warnings)
If you ever come back (cafe!au, fluff, PG, 12K)
I'm Gonna Be Alright (If I Believe In You) (alternate worlds!au, modern fantasy, friends to lovers, R, 61.5K)
Inlustris (star wars!au, action, humor, R, 35K)
In the devil’s arms (demon!au, fantasy, NC-17, 46K, MUST see warnings)
It's You. (a/b/o, mutual pining, beta-omega relationship, NC-17, 46K)
I've missed you, Psycho (hacker!au, PG-15, 10K)
I wanna feel a different kind of tension (a/b/o, office!au, ceo!au, fashion, NC-17, 22K, see warnings)
Just Give Me a Reason (infidelity, married!Chanyeol, love/hate, R, 28K)
Just Go With It (strangers to lovers, comedy, meet at wedding!au, PG-15, 22K)
La douleur exquise (historical, royal!au, age gap, unrequited love, angst, NC-17, 33K)
Last Words of a Shooting Star (dystopia, prostitution, NC-17, 60 K, MUST see warnings)
Laws of Me and You (famous!au, law of the jungle!au, fluff, PG, 10K)
Lemon Trees (slice of life, NC-17, 33K, MUST see warnings)
Letting you know that I know (cam-boy!au, shop!au, NC-17, 14K)
Locked Out of Heaven (a/b/o, fantasy creatures, R, 17K)
Long Winter Days (fluff, PG-15, 6K)
Love is Not Blind (disability!au, fluff, PG, 5.6K)
Make It with You (mpreg, artificial insemination!au, fluff, R, 18K)
Miracles Are Made of Failures (mperg, PG, 6K, see warnings)
Notice Me, Mr. Loey (famous!au, fluff, comedy, R, 27K)
No More I Love You's (Until I'm Ok) (famous!au, humor, NC-17, 13.5K)
O' City Lights (superhero!au, R, 13K)
Once Upon A Moonless Dream (soulmate!au, fantasy, PG, 52K, MUST see warnings)
Open Your Heart To Me (romantic comedy, NC-17, 6K)
Our Little Secret (college!au, sugar daddy!au, age gap, NC-17, 16K, see warnings)
Pain and Pleasure Rewind (mutual pining, BDSM, NC-17, 28.5K, MUST see warnings, WARNING FOR DUB-CON)
permafrost (slice of life, romance, angst, PG-15, 8K)
Pink Camellias (I Longed for You) (soulmate!au, detective!au, angst, gore and violence, NC-17, 34K, MUST see warnings)
Play Like A Champion (college!au, love hate, R, 30K, MUST see warnings)
Project EXODEUX (scientist!au, fantasy, enemies to lovers, R, 40K)
Recipe for Love (family!au, parent!au, slow burn, PG-15, 42K)
Reclamation (angst, PG-15, 12K, MUST see warnings)
Remember Me (Under the Sun) (soulmate!au, slow burn, PG-15, 34K)
Renegade (cyberpunk!au, NC-17, 43K)
Repairs (fantasy, cupid!au, comedy, NC-17, 40K)
Righteous Path Be Damned (historical fantasy, NC-17, 107K, see warnings)
Right Where You Are (highschool!au, bullying, enemies to lovers, pining, R, 54K, see warnings)
Salt and the Sea (disability, angst, slice of life, NC-17, 41.4K, see warnings)
Sexperimentally Yours (in the name of science) (scientists!au, NC-17, 12K, see warnings)
Sigil (fantasy, witch!au, enemies to lovers, mystery, NC-17, 173K)
Sing With Me (long distance relationship, fluff, angst, R, 7K)
Sol Omnibus Lucet (The Sun Shines on Everyone) (friends to lovers, fantasy, hp!au-inspired, R, 121K)
Stay with Me, Sweetheart (famous!au, love/hate, R, 22.5K)
Steps to 'I Love You' (fluff, businessman!au, baker!au, PG, 5K)
Swashbuckle (small town!au, fantasy, pirates!au action, enemies to lovers, R, 40K)
Sweeter than Sugar (strangers to lovers, pining, PG, 10K)
Sweet Wild 18 (Fate Allowed Us) (college!au, R, 13K)
Taming Chanyeol (dog hybrids!au, enemies to lovers, NC-17, 19K, see warnings)
tears of a star (supernatural, angst, R, 7.5K, MUST see warning)
Tender Love, Chicken Tender (rich!au, farm!au, PG-15, 10K)
the definition of everything (soulmates!au, friends to enemies, humor, R, 42.5K, see warnings)
The dream that brought us together (soulamate!au, PG-15, 5.4K)
the long way round (friends to lovers, slowburn, mutual pining, angst with happy ending, R, 84K, see warnings)
The other half (greek mythology, soulmate!au, song of achilles!au, college!au, reincarnation!au, NC-17, 11 K)
Their Another Lifetime (soulmates!au, reincarnation!au, historical!au, NC-17, 25K, see warnings)
The Security Guard and the Idol (famous!au, secret relationship, PG, 7K)
The Stages of Change (family!au, mental illness, past abuse, angst, NC-17, 22K, MUST see warnings, WARNING FOR DUB-CON)
The Universe of Us (hybrid!au, office!au, R, 23K)
Through the dusk (a/b/o, mpreg, angst, NC-17, 14K, see warnings) 
To the boy with cute (spam) text messages (college!au, love at first sight, comedy, PG-15, 17K)
two of cups (friends to lovers, PG-15, 6.8K)
We Can be Us (Just For One Day) (space!au, bounty-hunter!au, hurt/comfort, NC-17, 11K, see warnings)
What You Mean (mafia!au, sex work, violence, angst, NC-17, 74K, MUST see warnings)
What Happened to Our Letters? (high school!au, PG, 6.7K)
What's The Weather Like, Petit Chou? (rich and poor!au, CEO!au, angst, PG-15, 16K, see warnings)
What You Mean (mafia!au, sex work, age gap, NC-17, 74K, MUST see warnings)
When I come home to you (make up/break up, slice of life, R, 25K, see warnings)
Where the Lilacs Bloomed (high school!au, teacher!au, R, 21K)
Winter's Son  (royal!au, fantasy, arranged marriage, hurt comfort, slow burn, R, 49K, see warnings)
With Love, the Man on the Moon (long distance, pining, PG, 2.8K)
would you stay with me (like we're meant to be) (soulmates!au, R, 10K)
Yellow Chrysanthemums, Old Swing Sets and You (hanahaki disease!au, pining, R, 15K, see warnings)
If you think a fic in the list goes against fy!exofics rules or needs an additional tag/warning, let us know here! 
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sighfertryptich · 5 years
언니’s fic rec
updated July 11th, 2019
a quick page for all of my favorite pics I've read so far
all in bolded are ones I highly recommend reading, although all fics listed are ones I loved dearly
note: none of these fics are mine. this is not a masterlist of my own works. all credit goes to the original authors. please go give them love because god knows they deserve it.
ps to all the authors listed: thank you for ruining me.
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Kim Namjoon 
- home [ by @meant-for-dreaming ]   word count: 2.1k+   genre: smut // husband!nj 
- hermeneutics [ by @ironicarmy ]   word count: 5.1k+   genre: smut, fluff 
- chemistry [ by @jungkookiebus ]   word count: 3.6k+   genre: smut // hybrid!au
Kim Seokjin
- ready [ by @jjungkookislife ]   word count: 3.7k+    genre: smut // werewolf!au
- my type [ by @floralseokjin ]    word count: 6.1k+   genre: smut // college!au
- the seance [ by @junqkook ]   word count: 8.7k+   genre: horror
- christmas cookies [ by @jjungkookislife ]   word count: 7.4k+   genre: smut, fluff // domestic!au
Min Yoongi
- take care [ by @btssmutgalore ]   word count: 5.3k+   genre: smut
- toke temptation [ by @strawbxxymilk ]   word count: 3k+   genre: smut // druggie!au
- king of wishful thinking [ by @btssmutgalore ]   word count: 11k+   genre: smut (+ some angst) 
- punishment [ by @dom-joonie ]   word count: 2.6k+   genre: smut
- act on it [ by @dom-joonie ]    word count: 15.6k+   genre: smut, fluff, angst
- heavy sugar [ by @kinktae ]   word count: 8k+   genre: smut // 1920s!au
- at your service [ by @magicalsalamander ]    word count: 10k+   genre: smut // hybrid!au
- no tricks, just treats [ by @minnpd ]   word count: 3.5k+   genre: smut // parent!au
- baby, you can drive my car [ by @jungshookz ]   word count: 24.6k+   genre: smut // mechanic!au
- witches brew [ by @strawbxxymilk ]   word count: 4k+   genre: smut // witch!au
- the anniversary gift [ by @jjungkookislife ]   word count: 3.2k+   genre: smut // domestic!au
- keep the change [ by @httpjeon ]   word count: 5.3k+   genre: smut // cashier!yg
- can you turn off your phone? [ by @btssavedmylifeblr ]   word count: 9.5k+   genre: smut 
- sun and moon [ by @sopewriters ]   word count: 15k+   genre: smut, fluff, angst // werewolf!au
- siren [ by @lovewyself ]   word count: 6.4k+   genre: smut // officer!yg
- what you did last summer [ by @winetae ]   word count: 33.8k+   genre: smut
- kiwi [ by @guksheart ]   word count: 10.3k+   genre: smut 
- dulcet. [ by @guktwt ]   word count: 3.8k+   genre: fluff
- ink petals [ by @yminie ]   word count: 10.5k+   genre: smut, fluff // tattoo artist!yg
- play thing [ by @minnpd ]   word count: 4.3k+   genre: smut 
- too hot to sleep [ by @gamerguk ]   word count: 2.4k+   genre: smut // fiance!yg
- tongue tech [ by @jamaisjoons ]   word count: 3.5k+   genre: smut
- the early shift [ by @meant-for-dreaming ]   word count: 4.9k+   genre: smut // barista!au
- punch drunk [ by @joonbird ]   word count: 33k+   genre: smut, fluff // boxer!yg
- dancing with the devil [ by @minnpd ]   word count: 6.8k+   genre: smut 
- show off [ by @minnpd ]   word count: 6k+   genre: smut
- bad boys bring it to you [ by @yuengi ]   word count: 7.1k+   genre: smut // tattoo artist!yg 
- ;boy.girl [ by @floralseokjin ]   word count: 14.1k+   genre: smut // roommate!yg
- suds [ by @nambewb ]   word count: 5.4k+   genre: smut // prince!yg
Jung Hoseok
- the auction [ by @jjungkookislife ]   word count: 7.6k+   genre: smut // college!au 
- the stakeout [ by @guksthighs ]   word count: 1.7k+   genre: fluff
Park Jimin
- inhale [ by @minnpd ]     word count: 5k+   genre: smut // drug dealer!au
- taste the party [ by @winetae ]   word count: 12.7k+   genre: smut // idol!au 
- rockin’ the coffin [ by @junqkook ]   word count: 2k+   genre: smut // vampire!au
- winged [ by @kpopfanfictrash ]   word count: 4k+   genre: smut // angel!au
- beneath the water [ by @jungshookz ]   word count: 20.5k+    genre: fluff (+hint of smut) // mermaid!au   [ps: this one fuckin killed me,,,]
- ruination [ by @yoongijaes ]   word count: 2.3k+   genre: smut // sub!au
- star light, star bright [ by @readyplayerhobi ]   word count: 17.5k+   genre: fluff, smut // single dad!au
- the midnight pack [ by @jjungkookislife ]   word count: 20.3k+   genre: smut, fluff // werewolf!au
- under the spell of a demon’s touch [ by @jeonggukingdom ]   word count: 14.8k+   genre: smut, angst, fluff // incubus!jimin
- unorthodox [ by @chaoticneutralwriter ]   word count: 3.7k+   genre: fluff // guardian demon!jimin
- fairytail [ by @gukyi ]   word count: 19k+   genre: fluff // mermaid!au
- the devil in his details [ by @johobi ]   word count: 9.2k+   genre: smut 
- instincts [ by @inkjam-moon ]   word count: 8.3k+   genre: fluff, smut // hybrid!au
- unfold [ by @httpsoju ]   word count: 5k+   genre: smut 
- peacock [ by @ttokki-kook ]   word count: 5.4k+   genre: smut   (side note, i love lei she's so sweet <3)
- ice burn [ by @gguksgalaxy ]   word count: 5.1k+   genre: smut, slight angst 
- peaches and piercings [ by @caramelkth ]   word count: 11.6k+   genre: fluff, smut
Kim Taehyung
- masque [ by @ttokki-kook ]   word count: 7.5k+   genre: smut // art thief!au
- aperture [ by @maliby ]   word count: 9.6k+   genre: smut // photographer!au + idol!reader
- of lace and lust [ by @meant-for-dreaming ]   word count: 11.8k+   genre: smut // college!au
- much better [ by @minflix ]   word count: 18k+   genre: smut 
- little dove [ by @yminie ]   word count: 14k+    genre: smut // werewolf!au
- wake up call [ by @minnpd ]   word count: 6k+   genre: smut 
- seven seas [ by @readyplayerhobi ]   word count: 25.5k+   genre: fluff, smut // mermaid!au (kinda)
- keep talking [ by @kpopfanfictrash ]   word count: 3.5k+   genre: smut
- connected [ by @dom-joonie ]   word count: 18.2k+   genre: fluff, smut
- papillon [ by @readyplayerhobi ]   word count: 15k+   genre: fluff 
- waterloo [ by @kinktae ]   word count: 13k+   genre: FLUFF, smut // artist!tae 
- watch your mouth [ by @minnpd ]   word count: 4.6k+   genre: smut
- breathe you in [ by @boymeetsweevil ]   word count: 7.8k+   genre: smut 
Jeon Jungkook
- dive [ by @guktwt ] // pt2   word count: 8.1k+   genre: smut // swimmer!au
- switch lanes [ by @gukgalore ]   word count: 16.6k+   genre: smut, fluff (+ some angst) 
- by the pool [ by @seouliie ]   word count: 3.8k+   genre: smut
- my spot [ by @btsracket ]    word count: 2.3k+   genre: smut
- that thing you said [ by @guktwt ]   word count: 2.8k+   genre: smut
- this isn’t love, darling [ by @junqkook ]   word count: 5.3k+   genre: smut
- arachne-boy [ by @kinktae ]   word count: 11k+   genre: comedy // Spiderman!jk
- tooth and claw [ by @johobi ]   word count: 10.7k+   genre: smut // werewolf!jk
- learning the hard way [ by @littlemisskookie ]   word count: 12.2k+   genre: smut
- possessed [ by @jungkookiebus ]   word count: 1.4k+   genre: smut
- hopping mad for you [ by @readyplayerhobi ]   word count: 9.7k+   genre: fluff, smut // hybrid!jk
- rigor mortis [ by @readyplayerhobi ]   word count: 28.5k+   genre: smut, horror, fluff-ish, angst // apocalypse!au
- my spot [ by @btsracket ]    word count: 2.3k+   genre: smut
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Byun Baekhyun
- illicit [ by @fairyyeols ]    word count: 9.4k+   genre: smut // greek god!au
- tell me what you like [ by @kpopfanfictrash ]   word count: 3k+   genre: smut 
- contrapposto [ by @seoulsonnet ]    word count: 6.4k+   genre: smut // artist!au
- palpitate [ by @suho-mochi ]   word count: 3.9k+    genre: smut
- blood ties [ by @byuneebuns ]   word count: 4.3k+   genre: smut // vampire!au
- so unlike you [ by @kpopfanfiction ]   word count: 3.5k+    genre: smut
- incalescent [ by @dream-exo-fantasy ]   word count: 2.6k+   genre: smut // university!au
- the ugly friend [ by @universitykpop ]   word count: 1.2k+   genre: smut
- oblivious [ by @gukgalore ]   word count: 2.6k+   genre: smut (+bit of smut) 
Park Chanyeol
- loey [ by @pcygoldenchild ]   word count: 2.2k+   genre: smut
- royal rendezvous [ by @pcygoldenchild ]   word count: 2.4k+   genre: fluff (+slight smut) // royalty!au 
- unforgiven [ by @yeoldontknow ]   word count: 6.6k+   genre: smut
- 울고 싶지 않아 [ by @smuttyfairy ]   word count: 2.2k+   genre: smut, angst // idol!au
- truth [ by @yeoldontknow ]   word count: 4.7k+   genre: smut 
- all night long [ by @drquinzelharleen ]   word count: 9k+   genre: smut // 80′s!au
- chanyeol’s tongue [ by @machenguns ]   word count: 3.2k+   genre: smut 
- i want you [ by @yeoldontknow ]   word count: 7k+    genre: smut
- loey [ by @seoulsonnet ]   word count: 5.2k+   genre: smut
- dreams [ by @seoulsonnet ]   word count: 6.1k+   genre: smut // best friend!au
- greatest gift [ by @wonderlustlucas ]   word count: 8.7k+   genre: smut
- vroom [ by @polaritae ]   word count: 4.3k+    genre: smut
- paradise [ by @sehun-smut ]   word count: 3.6k+    genre: CUTE ASS CHANYEOL SMUT 
- undo [ by @smuttyfairy ]   genre: smut, fluff, angst   [ps: THIS ONE KILLED ME FOR THE LONGEST TIME. READ AT RISK.]
- close-up [ by @8bityeol ]   word count: 2.4k+   genre: smut 
- say my name [ by @yehet-me-up ]   word count: 3.7k+   genre: smut // domestic!au
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vampirevhs-moved · 5 years
exo through the decades; a mb series masterlist
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kim minseok + 1910's
kim junmyeon + 1920's
zhang yixing + 1930's
byun baekhyun + 1940's
kim jongdae + 1950's
park chanyeol + 1960's
do kyungsoo + 1970's
kim jongin + 1980's
oh sehun + 1990's
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xxbluestrifexx · 6 years
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Welcome Home : soldier au
⇲ Baekhyun’s first time home from duty brings him face to face with his wife and newborn daughter.
Broken Rings : sleeping with the enemy au (coming soon)
⇲ Yixing takes an instant liking to his charming new neighbor with a dark past and a broken marriage.
Landslide : city boy! kai x farm girl! reader (coming soon)
⇲ Jongin thought that a small vacation to his best friend’s family ranch would be exactly what he needed. That was until he met the youngest spitfire who would rather ride horses than give him the time of day.
- exo marching band au (coming soon)
- exo cbx prom au 
- exo as toddlers in the sims
- underrated exo b-sides
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Vocal Unit:
Coming Soon!
Performance Unit:
Lotus: the painted veil au (coming soon)
⇲ Minghao and his wife move to a remote Chinese village in the middle of the 1920s cholera epidemic.
Hip-Hop Unit:
Coming Soon!
Extra Members Au Masterlist
- underrated svt songs
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foreigner!reader x idol!kevin 
Scripted : soulmate au 
⇲ Chanhee never thought his soulmate wouldn’t be normal, so a foreigner was not what he expected from the scripture on his wrist.
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Hero : disney’s starstruck au (coming soon)
⇲ He’s Hollywood’s newest heartthrob and she’s on a family vacation. So when the two meet at a club, fate decides to step in.
top kpop japanese releases
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clevernewdimension · 6 years
No Choice (M)
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You were everything your father hated. A modern woman trying to break away from what was normal and right. Dressed in rather scandalous dresses and attending sinful things like petting parties quickly made you undesirable in terms of potential husbands, but you didn’t care. You wanted to be yourself, make your own rules and live your own life, a notion that seemed too advanced for 1920′s.
Not that it mattered, since the one man you wanted seemingly had no interest in you. Your father took in a boy when you were younger. An orphan named Sehun, from a land far away. He was left to die, his parents unknown. Your father raised him up to be his successor. Already he was an investigator at Scotland Yard. He was the child your father was proud of, not you.
Then, your father is killed. Murdered. Sehun is left everything while you are left only a few of your mother’s things. How will you both get along? What will happen? Will you finally tell him how you feel?
Genre: Romance with a lil mystery I guess.
Word count: 12.1K
A/N: If you don’t like blood or murder, I suggest not reading. Also a little bit of racism, because 1920′s. There is also Sexism, physical and mental abuse (Done by the characters father), attempted murder, death, murder, mentions of rape, out of POV attempted rape, and slut shaming.
The room was full of smoke as I smiled, singing into the microphone. The slow jazz playing accompanying my voice as I added to the peaceful atmosphere. A table to the side of men playing cars, some men at a bar drinking their whiskey and a few women wearing the finest of dresses huddled together. I could feel them glaring at me, the judgement in their eyes as I just kept singing.
A few eyes on me were more attentive than the women’s, however. Some young fellows watching, a drink in their hand and a cigar in their fingers. I could see the lust in their eyes for me, some of them even coming with some of the women that were here. I could see the eyes of older men follow me as I swayed, feeling the beads of my dress hit my legs.
They didn’t matter though. Only the eyes of the man at the door, looking at me with firm disapproval did. Sehun looked at me, brows knitted together with a frown as he takes a glance to the clock on the wall. He was an orphan who was taken in by my father. My father raising him to follow in his footsteps. He’s the commissioner of the London police, and Sehun is already an inspector. Grooming the young man in order to take his place someday.
Someone as handsome as Sehun shouldn’t look that serious all the time. He was tall, built from making sure he’s in shape. A much different sight from the string thin boy I grew up with. Now he was grown, and far too handsome for a place like this. He looks as if he could be royalty, a perfect prince. Anytime his eyes set on me it makes my heart beat just a bit faster. Lord knows I’ve had a thing for him since I was twelve. Before he became this stunning man, because while handsome, he’s kindhearted and loyal above all.
As my song finished, I get down from the small stage, walking over towards him. My heart beating fast in my chest just looking at him. I take a glass from the man who was watching me intently, finishing off the rest of the whiskey. I see the stain of my red lipstick on the glass as I smile before giving him a wink and sauntering towards Sehun.
A heavy trench coat on his shoulder hid his suit, his revolver at his side. His hair ink black as he frowns even more when I finally reach him. His lips always in a perfect little pout it seemed, and his face seemingly made to fit Aphrodite's description of true beauty.
“You know your father is going to be angry with you,” Sehun says, looking at me. His voice deep, but somehow soft at the same time. “He hates this whole movement. He wants you to be a proper lady.” Sehun spoke, but he didn’t seem disappointed in my choices. He never did, and I was thankful.
“My mother wasn’t a proper lady and he married her,” I muttered, rolling my eyes. I look at him, “Do you want a proper woman, Sehun? Or do you like a modern one?”
“Let’s get you home,” He says, ushering me out the door. He always seems to dodge this question when I ask. Perhaps he does like proper women and just doesn’t want to harm my feelings. He deserves a wife who would be good for him, after all. A good match with a beautiful woman.
I smirk, “That’s a shame, I wanted to go to a friend’s petting party tonight.”
“Y/N,” Sehun says, clearly shocked with his eyes wide. He looked so scandalized by the words I just said, looking around to see if anyone heard me.
“Like you haven’t been to one,” I say, smiling. “I’ve heard you talk about them before.” I remember clearly him talking about it with a friend. How I could feel jealous of some women I’ve never met and how they go to do things with him I’ve only ever dreamed of.
“Eavesdropping is not becoming of a lady,” He mutters, ushering me to wear he parked his vehicle. The light pink dusting of a blush on his cheeks makes me smile. For some reason, it was fine for young men to go to these things, but not women. I wonder what it would have been like, to sit on his lap and feel his hand on me. I shake my head, trying to get rid of those thoughts. I glance over at the automotive, rolling my eyes a bit. It was new, just given to him by my father. Dad always wanted a son, I could tell.
“How many times do I have to tell you I’m not exactly lady material,” I say, smiling at him. He opens the door, and I step in. The ride to our manor wasn’t long, just outside of London. The house was huge, vines crawling up the side and with acres of land. Sehun had a small house on the property, just a five minute walk from the house. I would sneak over there and convince him to play chess with me and listen to the radio as we talked. Now, it seems he’s too busy anymore.
Sehun opens the door for me and I nod. With a look forward I frown as I see my father in the foyer. He looks up from one of the seats that’s there, moving and walking up. His hair grey and his suit looked pressed to perfection. He looks at me, the way I’m dressed and how my make up is done and I see the anger building in his eyes. He looks at Sehun, “Thank you for bringing her home.”
“It was no problem, sir,” He says, nodding. Always formal and perfect. I can’t blame Sehun, though. After all, my father was the only man who took a chance on him after his parents died. Thankfully, Sehun was kinder than my father.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but it’s late. I would like the chance to talk to my daughter alone,” He mutters, looking at Sehun. He pats the young man on the shoulder, “I’ll see you tomorrow at the station.”
Sehun nods, before giving me one last look before he leaves. His shoulders looking even broader as he was walking away. There’s something about him that just attracts me like a moth to a flame. The door closes, and when we can no longer hear his feet in the gravel I feel my father’s hand strike my face.
This was common. Ever since I was small I would find myself getting slapped over things. I knew that there was a part of him that just liked hurting people. It made him feel powerful.
“Why are you going around dressed like some sort of slag,” He says, shaking his head. He glares, obviously disgusted at me. “No upstanding man will want a woman like you! Not worth the trouble and already used up by random men from the street!”
“You still wanted mother even thought she was the same way,” I say, glaring at him. His face red from anger, the smell of scotch on his breath. Scotch always made it worse. Angrier and with a shorter temper.
Another quick slap the the face. “If you don’t start behaving, woman, you’ll force my hand to do something I’ve been wanting to do for a long while,” He yells at me.
“You’re actions are not my responsibility,” I scream, “You do what you choose, and it’s not my fault!” I smirk, “Besides, how would everyone react if they knew the commissioner of the London police was working for the biggest gang, huh? You dare talk to me about morals whe-”
His hand found my hair, pulling it and dragging me along with him. I fought, crawling at his hand and screaming, but it didn’t matter. I felt tears come to my eyes, as I screamed every profanity I knew at this man. He throws me to the floor in my room, glaring. “You dare not speak of that, girl, or else they will force my hand to make sure you stay quiet!”
The door slams and I yell out profanities after him. Tears fell from my eyes, the feeling of bitter anger rising. He’s hated me. Always has and always will. After mother died he couldn’t even look me in the eyes for two years. It’s not my fault she died, but he seems to think it is. I stood, screaming curses hoping to keep him up through the night as I got ready to sleep.
Sehun stretches, the morning light coming into the window as he listened to the news of the day. A few of his friends in Scotland Yard talking about their girlfriends or their late night escapades. Baekhyun asking Sehun if he found a girl yet, picking on him like he normally does. “No,” Sehun mutters, “I was up last night drinking with Sir Lance. Talking and playing chess.”
“Sounds boring,” Baekhyun muttered, rolling his eyes as he leaned against Sehun’s desk. “At least you didn’t have to play babysitter to his daughter. First break in what? A week and a half? Maybe she’s finally settling down.”
His mind is filled with the image of Y/N. Her smile, her laugh, all the times they played chess and she won more often than not. Her smile when he told her she was better at the game than her father was forever burned in his mind. She was so beautiful that day, wearing men’s clothes and her hair down. Those lazy days growing up when she would dance with Sehun in order to teach him, how he knocked a boy out who kept pulling on her hair at school and skip stones in the pond on the property. They’ve been a part of one another for ages, and no one knows her better than Sehun. He’s known since before she did she wouldn’t just marry and be some man’s girl. She isn’t one to just accept being glorified property, and it was that fire and spirit that Sehun liked. Sehun laughs, “I doubt it. Y/N has probably just been more careful about not getting caught.”
“Just Y/N, not Miss. Lance,” Baekhyun asks, smirking. “Has that mess of a woman found a fond place in your heart, Oh Sehun?”
It’s nice hearing his last name first, like it should be, for the first time in a long time. They, along with a few others they knew, were either from Korea or had family who immigrated from there. Sehun pauses, looking away. That gave Baekhyun all the knowledge he needed. “Oh you’re smitten!”
“We’ve known each other for years, Baekhyun,” Sehun whines, rolling his eyes. “Obviously I care for her.”
Before he could say anything, he sees the assistant commissioner opens the door to his office, his face wide full of shock. He strides over towards Sehun and Baekhyun, “The two of you need to come with me. There’s been a murder.”
“This is London,” Baekhyun says, shrugging. “There’s murders all the time. One of the worst cities, really.” He’s not wrong. People are killed or almost killed everyday, especially with a serial killer on the loose and gangs in the streets.
“James Lance is dead.”
Sehun’s world felt like it paused as he looked at the assistant commissioner. It felt like he was moving in slow motion when he grabbed his coat and hat. Like the automobile didn’t move fast enough as he found himself driving up the road towards the only home he’s ever known. He walked past everyone and into the manor he’s knows to be a home for him.
It all felt too slow until he saw Y/N there, holding the bloody mess of her father and crying. Her long blonde hair was down, the ends damp with blood from leaning over the body. The sounds of her cries making him feel like shattering. He walked in, trying to make sure he didn’t ruin the crime scene. Minseok stops him, “She’s the one who found him… poor girl. Been crying since we got here.”
Sehun moved, kneeling and looking at her. She was absolutely distraught. He softly touchs her shoulder. She jumps, looking at Sehun. He could see her in one of her golden beaded gowns. Her hair a mess and makeup running down her face. Her bloodshot eyes locked onto Sehun’s. She reaches out, one hand holding his arm like a lifeline as she just turns and cries into his chest. The blood on her staining his suit, but he didn’t care. She needed someone there for her, and like hell was Sehun going to leave her be.
Sehun’s eyes see the dead corpse of the man who raised him. His eyes still open and blood poured from a stab to the neck. There was blood from his hand on the desk, and in a pool under his feet and Y/N.
“Come on,” Sehun mutters, “We need to get out away from here and let the investigators do their jobs.”
“Don’t leave me,” She mutters, her voice sounding so broken. “Please, Sehun.”
“I won’t,” He says, meaning it. “We need to start you a bath. Get you out of this… come on, the master bath is just though your father’s room. It’s the closest. I’ll go and get you a robe so you can get dressed when you’re done.”
Sehun’s heart breaks, watching her nod. It was like all of her fight was gone. Everything that made who she is was nowhere in sight. He helps her stand, seeing her skin and dress are stained crimson. Blood on her face, means she just have laid down beside the body after she found it.
He helped her into the bathroom, starting the water as she just stand there, staring at nothing. “Y/N,” He mutters, “Come on, you’ve got to undress. I’m going to go and get your robe.”
She nods, and starts to undress as he turned, moving and shutting the door behind him. He walks back to the study, seeing his friends all love over the body. “We’ll have to question her,” Minseok says, frowning. “See if she knows if anyone didn’t like him.” He places a hand on Sehun’s shoulder, “I’m sorry. He was like a father to you.”
Sehun looks at the body, watching as a medical examiner looks over it. He closes his eyes, turning away, “Can you at least shut his eyes?!” He moves, going towards Y/N room quickly. He opened the door, stepping inside her room for the first time. It was lovely, a large bed took up a lot of the space. A vanity next to the doors that open to a small balcony that overlooks the gardens. A desk with what I assume letter from her mother’s homeland of America. Friends she made from her time there. He moves, almost tripping on the edge of the rug as he walks into her bathroom. A black silk robe hanging from a peg in the wall. A large bath in the center of the room and a private room for the toilet, he’d assume.
His hand grabs the soft silk, holding it as he walks back to the study. He felt like he was going to be sick. The first person to ever give a damn about him was killed. Taken too soon. Mostly, he felt angry. He wanted the person who did this to pay. Whoever killed him, who hurt Y/N needed to rot in a cell until they execute them.
He walks past his coworkers in silence. He could feel their stares on his back. It felt like someone tied a weight to his ankles and threw him in the Thames. It’s as if no amount of trying, no amount of fighting will make this go away.
It didn’t take long for Y/N to peek out, seeing Sehun as she hid her body from him. It was odd, seeing her like this. Vulnerable. Scared. He hands her the robe and she closes the door after. When it opens again, she’s wearing it, tied tightly to her waist. In normal circumstances, he wouldn’t even look at her when she was like this, but she needed to be questioned.
“Do you know anything about this,” Sehun asks. “Where were you?”
“I was out,” She mutters, her eyes still red and looking like she was crying during her bath, too. “At a party. When I got home, I saw a note father left me to meet him at his study to talk about my future,” She says. He could hear her voice crack from the emotion. She looked a mess. Her make up running, her nose as well and her eyes red and puffy from crying. “I opened the door and he was just… there. Not moving.” She looks at Sehun, tears falling down her face, “I should have c-called the police first, but I just… lost it.”
“We don’t blame you,” Sehun says. He touches her shoulder gently, trying to make sure she feels like she isn’t alone. He, in a way, understood what she was feeling. He looks at her, seeing her vulnerable and scared for the first time in years, and something about that deeply unsettled him. He glances away, “Are you willing to answer Inspector Kim’s questions?”
Y/N nods, following him out into the study. The body was moved, all that was left was the blood on the floor that was being cleaned as they walked in. She glances at Minseok, walking over, “My mother is buried in the family cemetery. Through the garden… he’d want to be n-next to her.”
Minseok nods, his eyes with pity for her. “I’ll personally make sure that will happen.” He looks at the place where the body was, “Do you know of why someone would want to kill him?”
Sehun watches her bite her lip, before glancing at him. She looked scared. Guilty. Nervous. “I’m sorry Sehun… I never told you because he threatened to hurt me...”
It felt like his heart stopped beating when he watched her speak next.
“He’s… he’s been an inside man for the Elephant and Castle mob,” She looks over at Sehun, seeing him in such disbelief.
Minseok rolls his eyes, letting out a little noise of disapproval. “Miss Lance, if you’re not going to take this seriously-”
“I am serious,” Y/N says, glaring. For a moment, she was there. The woman he knows. That fire in her eyes. “In the wine cellar, in the back left corner. There’s a barrel. Large, Barone Ricasoli. His favorite. If you push on the front of it on the right side, it’ll open. All of the evidence is there. He keeps it there just in case to blackmail someone in that gang!”
Minseok looked over at Baekhyun, “Go look. I doubt it’s there, but it’s worth a look.”
Y/N spent the time while Baekhyun was gone glaring at Minseok and looking over at Sehun with a look of guilt.
When Baekhyun came back, his face was pale. “She’s… she’s right. It’s all there.”
Sehun’s world officially crashed down right then and there. He stepped away, out of the room and outside in order to try and clear his head. He walked around the house, a bit away from the front entrance in order to press his forehead to the wall and lets the tears he’s been holding back for a while start to fall. The pain of losing someone who changed your life for the better. The agony of seeing their body lifeless on the ground. Worse? The betrayal from learning that they are not who you thought they would be.
When he felt two arms wrap around him, he didn’t even bother hiding the pain he felt. Instead, he just let Y/N hold him and cry with him.
I frown, watching as the dirt they covered my father’s coffin in getting pressed down. Right next to my mother, as I find myself standing there, feeling a bit lost. Because of his involvement with a mob, they looked into our family’s money and assets. Turns out my father was smart, keeping a detailed record of his transactions and how he kept them completely separated. That money is now the governments, which is fine by me. I wouldn’t want that dirty money anyways.
Sehun places a hand on my shoulder, “We have to go in and hear the will.” I look at him, seeing him look just as sad as me. He wore all black, as I did, hat on his head and hair out of his face. The cloud cover making us both look paler than we are, since I’m sure this has taken a toll on our health.
After speaking to the people yesterday, I stayed with Sehun over at little house on the property. I didn’t want to be home, afraid of what I would do. Thankfully he understood. He always did. He asked me about what I meant about father hurting me and I told him. The slaps that would turn into punches and kicks when he’s drunk enough. He was upset for not having known… not seeing the truth. But he’s always been blind to who my father is, because that’s the way my father wanted it.
I just nod, silently following. He seemed upset, and rightfully so. “I’m sorry Sehun,” I mutters, “I wish I would have told you…”
“He threatened you, Y/N,” Sehun mutters, the anger and betrayal he felt seeping into his voice. “There isn’t a lot you can do about that, after all.”
I nod, following silently back into the study. It was a lot like before. Now the rug gone, since it was stained with blood. A man working for the government was there, looking at the will. An aunt and uncle from my father’s family, a VERY distant relation, what also there. Dressed in the customary black, her hair back and pinned in the perfect places. Her makeup was light, trying to make her seem younger than she is. She has a long neck, sort of like if a giraffe was made into a person. Her long thin fingers curled around the handle of an umbrella, like talons. My uncle was different. Where she was thin but small, he was tall and broad. He was a smiling man, who seemed to like to live life happily. A walking teddy bear. His blue eyes were kind as he just look at his wife, as if trying to will her not to speak. His blonde hair was graying, just like hers. Though she tried to hide it, but it stands out more since she has dark hair.
She looked at he, sneering. Her eyes inspecting my body, to see if anything was misplaces or out of line. Mourning wasn’t an excuse to have a lazy appearance, according to her. “Nice to see you finally dress like a lady and not some common whore for once.”
I had no patience for people like her today. I just buried the only family I had left and she dares to be like this? Today of all days? I glare, looking past her to the man. I smile, though it was fake, “What husband number are you, again? I can’t remember since they all seem to die around her.” I shake my head, “Makes sense, though. Since I’d off myself too if it meant I could be rid of her.”
Her face went red as a tomato the second she heard me. It was a low blow, using the death of her past husband against her, but he deserved it, the old bitch. “You little-”
“Enough,” The man in the room said, holding a paper. My father’s will. He was tall and thin, like a noodle that hasn’t been cooked. Glasses were on his beak like nose as he just ignored the two of us. “There are only two names listen on this will, so I will be brief. Y/N Lance shall receive all of her mother belongings. Dresses, jewelry and so on. As for the property, as well as all that is within the manor, besides the things belonging to Y/N Lance, and wealth, that has been left to one referred to as Sehun Oh.”
Once again, my father proved how he didn’t really care for me. Even after his death things like this still happen. Of course my father wouldn’t leave me the money or the house. He hated me. He always wanted a son, and Sehun filled that void. There was a part of me that was deeply angry about this, but I expected it.
My aunt looked at Sehun, “How did you manage to convince him to give it to you, hm? China man?”
My anger with her only went up as I glare at her. It wasn’t uncommon to hear that, racism against people like Sehun. Anytime I heard it made me mad. Sehun doesn’t deserve to be talked down to, like he’s less than. If anything he better that her.
Sehun looked over at her, glaring, “I’m Korean.” His face calm, refusing to show any hint of anger at her. I know this, since he’s perfected that blank look for years when facing adversity. People like her want a reaction, and Sehun found that if you don’t give it to them, sooner or later they stop.
“Who cares,” She says, glaring as she walked over to him. “I bet you changed the paperwork to you name! Poor little orphaned yellowman, take pity on me sir!” She glared, “Your kind is an infestation here!”
I move, grabbing her arm and pulling her away from Sehun. She glared, looking at him. “Shut up, you old hag,” I say, glaring at her. “You have no right to talk to him like that!”
She looks at me, “Aren’t you mad, dear?” She smirked, “But you expected this, didn’t you? He didn’t leave you any money because you’re a daft witted slag!”
“Better than a disgusting bitch who thinks she’s better than everyone else,” I growl, “All that you have has been handed on a silver platter to you.” I look at my uncle, fairly new in the family with a smirk, “She ever tell you her husband killed himself because she was having an affair with her driver?” I glared at her, seeing her rage building at me. “The one who, mind you, still work for you both? I wouldn’t be surprised if she leaves your bed in order to spread her legs for him in a guest room!”
She glared, “Like you’re one to talk! You’re an absolute whore who’s good for nothing. You let any man between your legs whether you know them or not!”
I just cross my arms, “At least I’m not you. Preaching about getting married and being loyal while getting fucked like a bitch in heat from someone that’s not your husband!”
I feel a sharp pain on my face as her hand collides with my cheek. I just glare at her as she moves, going to do it again.
Sehun catches her wrist, frown etched on his face. In situations like these, he normally keeps that blank stare. Seeing him angry is new. Annoyed, sure, but anger like this? New. He glared at her, “Get out.”
She gasps, her mouth hanging open in shock for a moment. She looks at him, “Excuse me?”
“This is now my property. Get out or I will have the police drag you out,” Sehun says, calmly, as he legs go of her wrist. “Besides, seems to me like there is a discussion your husband would like to have with you.”
It was satisfying, watching her leave in a huff. I see the beginnings of an argument as they walk out to their automobile. I did a rude gesture to her, making her face go red.
The man with a beak was still there, coughing as if you get out attention. He looked at me, “You must exit the premises as well.”
I look at him, my eyes wide. “You can’t be serious? I have nowhere to go...”
He looks at me, his eyes glazing over my body, “Perhaps you should have thought of that before. Gotten insured instead of… well…”
Insured. Another slang for married. Because apparently marriage and having kids was all a woman was good for. I open my mouth to say something, but I was cut off.
“You may leave as well,” Sehun says to him, before looking at me. “Y/N, if you’d like, you can still live here-”
The man gasped, looking horrified. “But she is unwed! You know as well as I that it is frow-”
“I fail to see how that is your business, sir,” Sehun says, pointing to the door. His eyes looking into his as if to challenge him. “Thank you. Your assistance is no longer required.” The man looks shocked, but quickly frowns and gathers his belongings.
Once the door to the office shuts, I start pulling pins from my hair. Even after dying my father wouldn't acknowledge me. I feel tears well in my eyes as I take the shoes on my feet off quickly, throwing them across the room and letting them hit the door the man just left.
“I’m sorry,” Sehun says, sighing as he falls into one of the chairs. “I didn’t know he’d do that… your his daughter. Actual blood daughter.”
“You’ve been his favorite for years,” I mutter, smiling at him sadly, “Don’t act like you never noticed. Even before I started acting out you were always the heir in his eyes.”
The guilt in Sehun’s eyes was clear. He had noticed. He would have been blind not to. He’s always felt guilty about it. “I can leave, if you want,” He says, looking at me as he leans back against the chair. “I can still stay in my little cottage on the property, give you the privacy y-”
“I don’t want to be alone,” I mutter quietly, causing him to stop mid sentence. “I’m scared, Sehun. What if they come after me next?” I feel tears start to fall again as I wipe them away quickly, feeling it start to claw at me. “This house became lonely after you moved to the other house. I’m afraid I’ll go mad if I had to live in this silence alone.”
Sehun nods, looking over at me. He looked heartbroken. “Then I suppose I’ll move in,” He mutters.
“You can take the Master bedroom,” I nod, “If you want to redecorate… it wouldn’t upset me. Get all new everything if you want, you can afford it now.” I wipe my face again, walking over to Sehun. I place a hand on his shoulder as I stand in front of him. His warm brown eyes looking at me, though their shine is dulled and the heartbreak still painfully there. “I’m sorry. I know Father meant a lot to you. I’m sorry for not telling you.” My lip quivered, “But, anytime I said I would be would… h-he’d hit me. No o-one ever saw it. I was s-scared.”
Sehun’s eyes fill with tears again. Of sorrow, of pain, of anger and of pain. I should see his shoulders start to shake as he finally start to completely crumble from the weight of it all. In a moment where he didn’t think, he wraps his arms around me, holding my waist as his head is buried in my stomach. I hear him cry, yelling curses at the man who raised the both of us. He held me tightly like I was the only thing keeping him sane. I let my fingers run through his hair, holding him close and crying along with him. Every sob that escaped him made my heart break more and more.
The next few weeks were a blur. Sehun moved in and got new furniture. The study left alone, neither of us wanting to touch it. Sehun made a new study out of one of the unused rooms for himself instead. I spent my days in the garden, the library or sneaking out for some fun. Dinners and breakfast with Sehun as the chef made food for us daily were the times when I got to see him. Other than that, he worked, trying to catch my father's killer while I tried to move on. It was fruitless. There was no evidence.
Friends of Sehun’s like to ask when he’s going to find me a man to marry. Apparently they think it’s his duty now to be sure I become a woman society would be proud of. I just roll my eyes, and started to go out even more. Rebellion was all I knew anymore. This night, I was at a friend’s large manor, my dress up as I felt fingers at my core. Two pairs of eyes watch my reactions, leaving kisses at all the skin that was showing. The woman smirks, moving and pressing her lips to mine, the kiss getting heated immediately. She was topless as I let my hand wander across her body. She moan in my mouth, tongue gently sliding against mine as the man’s tongue find my clit. I gasp, moaning in her mouth as she just greedily swallows them. Around me I could hear other couples are more getting heated as well. I let my hand move between her legs, making her gasp along with me, biting my lip as she shivers in anticipation. She moaned my name, fingers tangling in my hair as we kissed, swallowing one another’s moans.
I wanted this. I wanted to forget everything and get lost.
A knock at the door draws my attention. I roll my eyes, knowing it was going to be Sehun as I move, “Sorry,” I mutter, “Continue without me, I’ll take him away so everyone can enjoy their fun.”
“Y/N,” The woman mutters, smiling, “I’ll be thinking of you when I cum,” She mutters in my ear, making my face flush. She smirks, as I quickly get up, picking my knickers off the floor and slipping them on.
I open and close the door quickly behind me, seeing Sehun standing there, a scowl on his face. He was stressed. Not getting as much sleep these days anymore as he tried to kind something that was missed. His black hair a mess as he glared at me. His patience with me has been getting thinner and thinner, I could tell.
“I thought you were going to meet Kyungsoo for dinner,” Sehun says, shaking his head. His body language serious, a hint of anger leaking through as he clenches his fists. He’s, apparently, taken it upon himself to find me someone to marry since it’s what my father would want. It makes me scowl at the thought.
“He doesn’t like me and you know it,” I mutter, “Someone like him deserves someone that could make him happy. I’d make him miserable.”
I could see the fight just die in his eyes for a moment as he just moves away. He knew it was the truth. “You coming home?”
I nod, “You spent so much time looking for me, I might as well make it so it isn’t time wasted.”
“I parked quite a bit away,” He mutters, the biting cool air rolling in at night lately.
I look over him, seeing a nice suit and coat. The fluttering in my heart he always gets when he’s around made me smile. “What were you all dressed up for?”
“Minseok, his wife and their friend invited me to dinner,” he walks along, offering me his arm and I take it. “They’ve been trying to set me up with someone for a while. Minseok said if I blew them off again he’d never let me hear the end of it.”
The stab of jealousy hit my heart. “How was she? Pretty?”
He nods, “But she’s just so… air headed. Beautiful. Daughter a politician.”
I glare at the sidewalk, “I bet she would made a… a great wife.”
“Probably,” He says, shrugging, “But… we have nothing in common. I can’t spend my life with someone who only cares about people’s opinions and who only cares to shop about clothes they’ll almost ever wear.”
I laugh, “Well, you’re the heir to the Lance fortune. You’re an eligible bachelor. People like that are suppose to seek out people like you.”
“I don’t want that,” Sehun mutters softly. He smiles, looking at me. “You and I are not that different. I rebel too. I don’t want to wed some brainless woman just because she’s pretty and powerful. Just like you don’t want to marry a man because… well, you just don't want to marry.”
“Can you blame me,” I ask, shaking my head. “When a woman marries, she loses everything that is her and it becomes theirs. If it ends, it becomes his. We’re just living property who have children and nothing more.” I shiver, the breeze making me cold, “I… I want more than that. I want someone who will let me be myself. And I’m not talking about being married and still going to parties like this.” I say, gesturing back to the manor we just left. The street was empty, the lights on above us as we walked. “Unlike my aunt, I would actually take the loyal thing seriously. I just don’t want to be with a man who thinks of me as a doll. A trophy. I want someone who think of me as a person at the very least.”
Sehun moves his arms from mine, quickly pulling off his coat and handing it to me. I smile, taking it. It was still warm from his body heat as we kept walking, my arm in his. “You said that was the least,” He mutters, “What about ideal? The most?”
“I want to be with the man…,” I start, sighing, “A man I love. Who respects me and loves me back.”
Sehun sighs, “That’s what we all want, isn’t it?”
Sehun sighs, his desk piled with paperwork as he looks over the crime scene photos again. He’s been working other cases, but he keeps coming back the the case of Mr. Lance. He’s just looked over the most recent scene of another killing done by someone they’re calling ‘The Mutilator’. The man goes after women, rapes then and then chopped them up and placing their pieces in public for people to see. The eleventh woman murdered a few days ago, and they think they’re getting close. He has a type. Blondes who are average height. They’ve started telling women not to go out at night, since it looks like the person who does it shows no signs of stopping.
So, he takes his mind off of that by looks at the photos of the Lance murder. It’s been months now, and still nothing. Something isn’t adding up. There’s something missing, he just knows it.
Baekhyun stops, leaning against a pole that was by his desk. He frowned, “I hear you told Minseok you didn’t want to see Elizabeth again.”
“Not my type,” Sehun mutters, looking over it. It was almost an obsession. The man was a bad person after all, but Y/N still deserved answers.
“She’s young, beautiful, and powerful,” Baekhyun says, shaking his head, “How is that not someone’s type?”
“I’m too polite to say why,” He mutters again, leaning back and running a hand though his hair. There was a pain in his head the more he kept going in circles about this case.
“Is it because she’s not a rebellious modern woman who lives with you,” Baekhyun asks, smirking that knowing smirk that always ends up pissing Sehun off nine times out of ten. When Sehun says nothing, Baekhyun signs. “Don’t, Sehun. She’s not good.”
“You don’t know her like I do,” Sehun mutters, rolling his eyes.
“But I know how people see her,” He says, “I haven’t said this before, but honestly? She’s like an infection. You're better of getting rid of it before it kills you.”
His anger rises quickly, hearing that. None outside of Sehun knew the real Y/N Lance. Everyone is so quick to judge her when she’s kind and caring. She’s just different, and that’s a good thing. Sehun glares, “And where, exactly, would she go?”
Baekhyun just shrugged, “Well, I mean… she has skills to survive, if you know what I mean.”
Sehun looks over, feeling the anger bubbling up. His eyes on Baekhyun, daring him to speak. “No, I don’t. Please explain what you mean.”
He thought, for a moment, Baekhyun would take the hint and drop it. But no. Baekhyun just shrugs, “She’s been acting like a lady of the night, so I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard for her to actually get a job being the whore she i-”
Sehun stood up and pressed Baekhyun into the pole in the middle of the room. Everyone knew Sehun was strong just by looking at him, but he was fast for his size. He was taller than him. Stronger, as the older man looked genuinely scared. “Baekhyun, I’m asking you as a friend to never speak about her like that again,” Sehun mutters quietly, so that the people around them couldn’t hear as the room went silent from the commotion.
When he moved, Baekhyun looked shocked. He shook his head, “You’re a fool, Sehun. How long?”
“Since we were kids,” He mutter quietly, knowing exactly what he was asking.
The door bursts open, the eyes of Junmyeon looking around. He worked at the hospital next door. A kind and gentle soul, with brown hair that was getting a bit too long now. He had blood on his shirt as his eyes shifts over the room. They meet Sehun’s and he walks over, “Get your coat. Come on.”
“What happened,” Sehun asks, getting it from the back of his chair. He was worried, hearing the tone of Junmyeon’s voice. Like he was talking to a patient or someone related to them.
“Y/N Lance has been attacked,” He says, voice stone and face pale.
Sehun feels his heart practically stop. Like everything slowed down as he tried to process what he just heard. Blondes. Average height. Goes out at night. He curses, following Junmyeon quickly.
“She was attacked, but managed to fight their attacker off,” Junmyeon says, “She… she was stabbed, but she managed to get knock him out. Not far from here, she almost bleed out. That woman is as stubborn as anyone I’ve ever met.”
“Is she…” Sehun asks, his throat becoming tight with just the thought. She can’t die. If Y/N dies then Sehun truly has no one else left in the world.
“No,” Junmyeon says, “She will be fine. Traumatized, but fine. We tried to ask her what happened but she just kept asking for you.”
The walk there was long. It felt like a decade has passed before Sehun’s eyes finally saw Y/N. Her face bruised, along with her throat. He assumes that there are more as he walks forward. Her eyes look at him, red as tears were spilling down her face.
“He… he tied my hands to a bed,” She muttered, body shaking. “Sehun, he was about to… he almost…”
Sehun moved, carefully wrapping his arms around her as she cried. She held onto him, clinging tightly as Junmyeon left the room. Sehun felt like he was going to die, hearing her in this much pain.
“I… I need to make a statement but I don’t want to talk to anyone but you,” She muttered. “I was walking to the underground to get the closes ride to the manor. He caught me, hands around my throat. He hit my head against the wall and when… when I woke up I saw him at this table. A knife… when he pulled away there was a woman there. Her body in pieces.”
Sehun listened silently as she deserved her attack, about how the man was going to rape her but she managed to get her hand lose from the rope. How she slashed him with his knife and took off running to escape. How she was stabbed and how she kicked him down the stairs immediately after.
It ended in tears as he just held her sobbing figure. The anger of seeing her hurt and abused like this was eating away at him. He held her softly, holding her as he tried to think of ways to make that son of a bitch suffer for what he’s done.
When she finally fell asleep, the nurse looked at him, about to tell him of her full condition. “She named you as her guardian,” The woman says, looking at the papers in her hand. “Other than the stab wound, she has scrapes and a bruised rib. We checked to see if he… well, forced himself upon her, and see no signs of that, as I’m sure you’re aware of.” She glanced at the unconscious Y/N, frowning, “This she’s been through the ringer, this one.”
Sehun nodded, feeling like his chest was tight as he looked at her. Bruised, scraped, a bit shaken but still here. There has never been a time more than now that Sehun was thankful for her fighter nature. It wasn’t until someone from the station had to drag him to work that he left, and even then, his mind was nothing but Y/N.
A few months pass as spring and summer faded into fall. The anniversary of my father’s death coming quickly. I sigh, walking into the house and shutting the door behind me. I could hear soft music coming from the parlor. I look in, seeing Sehun sitting there, a glass of scotch in his hand as he listens to Minseok talk. A woman beside him, sitting with a glass of wine that she sipped at. Baekhyun and another woman, both drinking, as there was a unknown woman beside Sehun. She smiled at him, gently touching him. He looked at her, smiling before turning and listening more to what Minseok was speaking about.
I felt the jealous feeling mounting in me as she leaned close to Sehun, whispering. I turned, going upstairs towards my room. I quickly changed, tying my hair up in a mess and removing all makeup from my face. She was beautiful. The type of woman who would be a good wife. A wonderful mother. An acceptable partner for someone like Sehun. I wore pants and an old shirt that was once Sehun’s when he was a teen before he grew like a weed. We snuck out when we were teens and went to see motion pictures.
I walk carefully down the stairs, quickly stopping by the kitchen in order to get a bottle of scotch. I open the door that leads outside, going out into the garden. The sky above was covered in clouds, but I knew the way as the wind brushed past me quickly. My feet carried me to the small cemetery. One or two dozen people laid to rest here. I walked in, seeing the place my father was buried, next to my mother. I open the bottle, pouring it out over my father's grave.
“You probably appreciate the drink before seeing me,” I say, as I sit in front of the grave. I smile bitterly, “You probably loved scotch more than you ever cared about me if we’re being honest.” I closed my eyes, letting the wind blow my hair around as the air gets cooler. I don’t know how long I sat here, just looking at the words carved into my father’s stone. His name. The dates. A sentence.
‘A wonderful father and husband’.
That couldn’t have been farther from the truth. I feel tears fall down my face, the smell of the alcohol still burning my nose after I poured more on the dirt. “You weren’t though. Perhaps to Sehun you were, but not to me.” I shake my head, “You hated me. You never said it, but I know you wanted to.” I glance over at my Mom’s grave, “You don’t deserve to rest next to her. She was kind. Thoughtful. You were nothing but greedy and only cared about status.” I laugh, my fingers gripping the grass below me, “You… you preached about your job and how you wanted to help people. To SAVE people. You’re such a hypocrite.”
Nothing moved as I just closed my eyes, “All I wanted was you to accept me.”
I felt the first few drops of water hit me, I just sit there, motionless. It was cold, freezing as I just looked at the grey stone ahead of me. I continued to pour the scotch out over the ground every now and then, my eyes burning. I hate scotch. I hate the taste, the smell, how angry it makes people. Thunder rolls above me as I just sit there, lost in thought.
I hate him. Hated, I guess, since he’s gone.
I feel a hand on my shoulder, before I look over my shoulder. I see Sehun, who was getting soaked from the heavy downpour that I just notice was no longer just a drizzle. He frowns, his hair falling against his forehead now. I let him pull me to my feet and I follow him inside without a word. Our clothes dripping into the floor as he just makes me follow him.
He ducked into the laundry room, getting a towel and putting it over my shoulders. He frowns, looking him my eyes, “You’re going to get sick, idiot.”
“Did he ever love me,” I ask, causing the hand ahead of me to pause, looking me in the eyes. The fact that it took him longer than a few seconds to say something gave me every answer I needed. “It doesn’t matter. How was your get together?”
“Awful,” Sehun mutters, rolling his eyes. “It was more of an ambush. But, you know me, I can’t say no to free food. Old habit, I guess. What did you do? Other than try to catch a fever, that is.”
“I sang at the bar, but spent the day just… getting lost in the city,” I mutter, “I couldn’t really focus today.”
“Considering I found you at your father’s grave pouring an empty bottle over a grave, I’d agree,” He says, looking at me. “For the record, it… it doesn’t matter if he didn’t love you. Because you’re too strong to let something like that keep you down.”
I glance up, seeing the water drip from his bangs. I move, pulling him close and wrapping my arms around him. It takes everything I have not to tell him how much I love him. How, even in my darkest times I know he’s there for me. But I hold back because I know I’d just hold him back. I scoff, “Sehun, I’d just hold everyone back…”
“You’re a survivor,” He mutters, “you survive, it’s what you do. You don’t hold anyone back.”
“I’m holding you back,” I say, feeling tears in my eyes again. “Finding a wife who doesn’t hate our situation must be impossible.”
“I don’t want a wife,” Sehun says, angrily. “I’m not even mid twenties and people already expect me to marry? Besides, I wouldn’t want to marry someone who won’t understand. I’m not just going to let you out into the street and kick you out of your home.” He looked towards the window just as a loud crack of thunder hit. We both flinch, not expecting the sudden change in weather. Sehun smiles, though it looked sad, “Besides, the person I want doesn’t care much for me like that.”
“I’m sorry,” I mumble, “Whoever she is, she must be an idiot. But I understand how you feel...”
Sehun laughed, a fond smile on his face. “I wouldn’t call her an idiot. Just… oblivious sometimes.”
“So, should I take it your not enjoying your new status as a wealthy bachelor,” I ask, using the towel to take some of the water out of my hair.
“It’s awful,” He says, scoffing. “When people aren’t throwing their daughters to my feet, they’re insulting me because I’m Asian. I’d rather deal with the the prejudice people over the men begging me to marry their teenage daughters. I’m use to that, at least.” He takes his towel, running it over his hair before  putting it around his shoulders, looking at me. “Teenagers. Little kids, practically. It’s gross.” He rolls his eyes, “Come on,” He says, “You get the chess board, I’ll start a fire. Hopefully we don’t come down with an illness.”
The fondness in his eyes towards me always made me pause and have to catch my breath. My father was never fond of me. People at petting parties look at me fondly, but never like this. They don’t know the real me, like Sehun does. The fact that he knows me and still sees me in a positive nature is nothing short of a miracle.
So, I acted on impulse. Nothing ventured nothing gained, after all. I reach towards him, holding his arm to stop him from moving. He turns back to me, confused and worried. Now or never. Either I do this now or I’ll never be brave enough to try.
I push myself on my tip toes, pressing my lips to his quickly. It was just a quick, peck. Nervous and chaste. I could feel him freeze, shocked by my action. The fact that he didn’t move had my mind whirling with negative thoughts. I was too afraid to open my eyes to see the repulsion I was expecting.
I felt something touch my forehead, staying there. I could feel his breath as he slowly spoke. “Y/N, please… if this isn’t serious for you, I can’t… I don’t want t be led on. My heart can’t take it from you.” I open my eyes, seeing the fear and worry in his. “I’ve wanted this, I’ve dreamed about this, but if you’re heart isn’t there… then let’s forget this. But if it is…”
“You’re the man I was describing,” I quietly whispered, our lips almost touching. “A man I love. Who will let me be myself. My heart has been yours since I was twelve, Sehun. How could I ever marry anyone else when my heart is yours?”
I felt him hold my face in both hands, pulling my face so that our lips were once again pressed firmly together. My hands hold onto his shirt, fingers gripping at the wet cloth. This kiss was nothing like the one before, where he was just frozen in place. This one was passionate, igniting every inch of my skin in a blaze. His teeth softly bit at my bottom lips, making me let out a small, quiet moan.
“Fuck,” He mutters quickly before slotting our lips together again. It felt like a dream, like this wasn’t real and I was going to wake at any moment. Many people would find this inappropriate behavior for people who are not engaged, but I couldn’t give a damn. My hands were shaking from the want and need I had for this man. I’ve never been this effected by someone ever, and now that it’s so close I could taste it, I was going to make sure I finally got it.
I run my hands down his chest, feeling one of his had moved to my hip and gripping slightly. “Sehun,” I mutter, “Please, make me yours.”
I feel him pause, muscles tense at my words. He looks at me, eyes wide. He looked like he was having a fight with himself, between what he wants and what is considered the right thing. “But we’re no-”
“I don’t care,” I mutter, looking his his eyes, “I trust you. I want you. I’ve waited for so long, don’t make me wait longer.” I could see his resistance melting at my words, how hearing that I wanted him made Sehun look at me like he was going to devour me. I smirk, “Besides, I’ve heard from some friends how they’ve enjoyed their time with you.” I say, smiling, before leaning in. My mouth right by his ear as I quietly whisper, “I have very high expectations and won’t settle for anything less. Think you can handle the challenge?”
Sehun’s hands grab my thighs, hoisting me up in his arms as I wrapped mine around him. His lips at my neck, teeth biting as I let out a sound of pain and pleasure. I was lost in everything. Just him being near me. I feet the fingers on my thighs tighten as I ran my fingers though his hair, gripping and forcing his lips back to mine again.
It didn’t take long for my back to be pressed into a bed, Sehun’s body over mine. I wasted no time forcing the suit jacket off his shoulders, the damp jacket being tossed aside quickly. The sound of the rain raging on getting drowned out by our breaths. I force the suspenders down off his shoulders before quickly pulling the button down open. I curse at the undershirt, hearing Sehun laugh before finally leaning back, pulling the button down away as well as the undershirt. I always wondered what he looked line under there, but I never imagined this. Soft skin with hard, toned muscles. My fingers trace a scar on the left side on his chest, from collarbone to sternum.
“Where did this come from,” I ask, looking up. I see him flush, a bit embarrassed, “Sehun, don’t be shy on me.”
“A few years ago, you had that man following you, do you remember,” He mutters, looking at me. His face flushed as he mumbled, “I confronted him. He said if I beat him in a knife fight, he’d leave you be. I won.”
I frown, looking at it, “Sehun, you shouldn’t have. He hurt you.”
He smirks, “You should have seen him. This one I wear proudly. He wasn’t too happy when I scared his face.” He leans forward, pressing a kiss softly to my lips, his hands running up my sides, before moving and slowly unbuttoning the shirt I wore. “I would do it again too, if it meant keeping that creep away from you,” He mumbles, kissing the hollow of my throat as I just let out a small whine.
I sat up a little, getting the shirt off me and unclasping the bra of lace I wore. His eyes loved along my torso, like he was mesmerized by the sigh. I move my hand, covering the scar from the night I was attacked, but he stop me. He looks, before looking at me. “Y/N, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You fought and won. Wear it with pride.”
“It’s hideous,” I mumble, feeling his fingers glide softly over the marred skin.
Sehun just chuckles, leaning in and pressing his lips to my collar bone. “That’s odd, because here I was thinking nothing about you is hideous,” He mumbles against my skin, pressing kisses everywhere he could. One of his hands moves, unbuttoning my pants while the other moves and softly traces his fingertips up my chest.
This was different. I was use to just pure need, looking for any one without a care. But this is Sehun, the man I’ve been infatuated with for ages. The one who I’d always fantasize about when with others. The emotional connection between us is making me feel as if I was intoxicated and he hasn’t even really gotten started. It was terrifying, in a way, how much power he had over me.
His hand went to my breast, fingers delicately circling the awakening bud. I close my eyes, feeling his other hand pull at my pants and underwear, pulling them off swiftly. I was completely bare under him, physically and emotionally. His lips press kisses down, settling himself between my legs as he looked at me, eyes not full of lust and pure animalistic need like I was use to, but with adoration. He moves, using both hands to press my legs open before he leans down over my most intimate area.
I was absolutely shameless in my moaning the second his tongue touches my clit. My back arches, fingers moving to his inky hair and holding on like he was my lifeline. I could hear him groan as I look down, seeing him with his eyes closed like he savoring the moment. My whole body shivered as I threw my head back, my feet moving and trying to find something to anchor onto.
He was taking his time. Slow and methodical, wanting to hear every sound and see every twitch of my body and commit it to memory. There was no rush, no fear of being found. It was just him and I as slowly brought me to the edge. My body tensed, my legs squeezing his head as I yelled out his name like a prayer. It felt so good, like my body was on fire by his touches. He make me feel like his every movement, every single circling of his tongue on my clit was planned and full of the years of need.
When I came back down, I look down and I see Sehun looking at me, chin resting on his arms over my waist. He smiles, “If you keep saying my name like that, I’ll get addicted.”
“Please do,” I mumble, hearing him laugh, his chest shaking as he leaned against me. He smiles, moving off the bed for a moment. I bite my lip, looking at him. Sehun is, truthfully, the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. Seeing him shirtless like this, with pants on and his suspenders hanging made me bite my lip. It felt wrong looking at him like this. I’ve always imagined him, but seeing it is different.
He had a few scars on his back, too. One was alarming, as it went from one shoulder all the way to the opposite side down hear his waist. I was quickly distracted by the sight of his butt, however, as it’s always been rather round and I’ve wanted to see what grabbing it was like for a long time too. He turned, and I let my mouth fall open in shock for a moment.
Sehun laughed, seeing my reaction to his very big, very erect cock. I tried to not seem so surprised but he just smirked. He was nicely built as he moves back to me. Muscles hard from learning to protect himself as I let my fingers trail over his abdomen. “Like what you see,” He asks, a bit smug before hovering and placing his lips to mine. I open my legs widely for him, wrapping them around his waist.
“Show me what you can do with it, first,” I mumble against his lips, “Be ashamed if you were so blessed but can’t use it to it’s full potential.”
“Get ready, Y/N,” He says, smiling,“Those high expectation are about to be shattered.”
It was quick, the first thrust. I gasp, feeling him completely fill me and then some. He moved his head, pressing kisses to my neck and sucking on the skin there as he slowly pulled out. The drag of every single inch of him was like a drug. The small grunt he would make when he pushed himself back in was like heaven. It was slow, our lovemaking. One of his hands on my waist and the other tangling with mine. My other hand reached and grabbed at his ass, feeling the muscles move as he thrusted into me over and over. My body was on fire, hearing him mutter sweet words in my ear. It was never fast, or hard. That could happen later. This was a new experience. I wasn’t use to slow sex. Sex filled with love and passion. I was use to fast and rough, the fear of getting caught was a high but not like this. This, with Sehun, is unmatched.
He started to speed up, small noises leaving him now too. My mouth letting out every moan and whine. I’ve been saying his name over and over, feeling like I was flying. He made me feel wanted and loved for the first time in my life. He was close, I could just tell. The hand on my waist moved, fingers circling my clit as I choked back a moan of pleasure. Teeth bit into my skin as I held onto him as hard as I could, screaming his name a second time.
He pulled out, my hand moving towards his cock before he could. My fist wrapped around him as my hand went to his neck, pulling him to me. I pressed my lips to his, before opening my eyes and seeing him stare directly at me. The growl of pleasure that left him was stunning, staring in his eyes as he finally finishes is something I’ll never forget. Seeing him look at me before he collapsed on top of me. For the first time after, I got lazy kisses and mumbled praises until I fell asleep.
I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Sehun could feel the judgment from Minseok and Baekhyun the moment they found out. He’s been avoiding dates they’re trying to set him up on, not wanting to talk about women, not even talking about his future anymore. It wasn’t until they saw him changing into some new clothes after his got soiled at a crime scene that they saw the scratches on his back. At first they assumed he was visiting a brothel and warned him of the potential medical risks. Once they saw his cheek flare in a bright red blush did they put it all together.
Baekhyun kept his mouth shut. He didn’t want what happened last time to happen again. After all, he knows the man was in love, and people do crazy things for it. Minseok, on the other hand, was just looking at him, arms crossed with his chair pulled over to Sehun’s desk.
“Sehun, this is a mistake,” Minseok says, looking at the young man with worry. “Women like her don’t want marriage or children. What kind of legacy will you leave behind with someone like that?”
“Would you want to be married if nothing would belong to you or you’re seen as property,” Sehun asked, looking at him. “You know that I don’t like that whole law. You’ve known it for ages. What you don’t seem to get is this. I love her. I have for over a decade. Either be happy for me, or don’t speak about it.”
Minseok sighs, letting the sound of everyone else in the room fill the silence of their conversation. “Does she make you happy,” Minseok asks, looking up.
“More than anything,” Sehun mutters, smiling. “And, if that law was different, I’d ask her to marry me in a heartbeat.”
Minseok just sighs, “Alright. If it doesn’t work out, though, just tell me and I’ll help set you up again. I just… I want you to be happy. Especially since they’re officially closing the Lance case.”
Baekhyun scoffs, “All this time and we still didn’t get the asshole.”
Minseok looks at him, “Lance wasn’t the man we knew, Baek. I’m glad we found out about him snitching to the gang.”
When Sehun left work, he felt nervous. He’d have to tell Y/N that they’re officially stop investigating her father’s case. He didn’t know how it was going to go. He heart was heavy, as he stopped at the front door of the house. He was terrified that she’d be upset with him. These last few weeks have been nothing short of perfect. To finally hold her close and tell her how much he loved her was all he ever wanted.
He opened the door, looking around. He could hear music from a record player. He dropped his briefcase by the door, hung up his hand and coat before following the sounds. With one push of the study door, he peered in, looking and seeing Y/N on the ground, sitting and looking at a closed book. The fire crackling and music playing softly as she just looked… different. She glanced up, a small smile on her face, but something felt off about it.
Sehun moved, sitting down in front of her, the book between them. “Y/N,” he could feet his throat get tight from nerves as she looked up at him. “They… stopped the investigation. For your father’s murderer.”
Y/N winces at that, looking down at her hands. Sehun’s heart broke at the fight, He moved, holding her hands before shaking his head. “I’m sorry. I failed you,” He could feel tears gathering in his eyes. “I wanted to find the murderer, to put you at ease and make them see justice, but I failed you.”
Y/N looked at him in the eyes. Her bloodshot as she bites her lip for a moment. “You… you were never going to find the killer…”
Sehun felt shattered, knowing that she didn’t believe in him.
She shakes her head, “Not because you’re not good at what you do but because… I… I hid evidence.”
He felt like his heart stopped. He looked at her, eyes wide, “Why…?”
He watches her open the book, showing it with the middle cut out. Pieces of paper folded up was there, one with blood on it, stained. Sehun takes the bloody one out, looking at her with confusion. She looked nervous, guilty.
When he unfolded the paper, he could see words written in blood.
‘Y/N did it’
Sehun looked at her, feeling sick as he sees tears falling down her face. “Why? How?”
She gestures to the other paper, “I… I had no choice, Sehun. He was going to sell me to that gang to be their personal whore. He already had the man in charge over, to try me out.” She glares at the ground, “I… he let me be violated just to get rid of me. So, after they left and he was about to talk to me, I just… I grabbed the letter opener and stabbed. I didn’t… I couldn’t… Sehun they hurt me and he just LET THEM.”
Even though she just admitted to murder, he couldn’t bring himself  hate her, to shun her. Her shoulders shaking as she cried, “I didn’t know what to do! I was going to just be abused and raped over and over again!”
He stands, holding the papers, back to her as she cried.
“And I know you’ll probably hate me, but I can’t live this lie anymore,” She sobs, and his heart ached for her. “So, if you want to turn me in, I understand, but I can’t lie to you. I can’t let you go on thinking you’ve failed me. I’m sorry, Sehun. I’m so sorry.”
He looks at her, looking her in the eyes. Deep down, he knew that James Lance was an awful man. Just because he took him in doesn’t change that. All he can think about is what would happen to her if she didn’t kill him. If she let herself become this sex object for awful and cruel people. He couldn’t help but imagine it and just the thought makes him sick. “Answer me this question,” He mutters, looking at her. He sees her eyes meet his, “Did you really fear for your life? You didn’t do it just from wanting him dead?”
“He hated me, but… I loved him. Sure, we didn’t like each other, and part of me hated him… but I did love him. That’s why it hurt so badly.” She frowned, “I… I know this, what we are, is ruined, but I just had to tell you the truth.”
It was all complicated, but Sehun knew how he truly felt about this matter the more he thought about it. He turned, facing away from her and feeling the heat from the flames. Reading the contract between Lance and the gang leader cleared it all up. He didn’t blame her. He couldn’t. So, he looked at her.
“I love you, Y/N. This… what you have told me doesn’t change that at all,” He mutters, before taking the papers and dropping them into the fire.
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marshmallow-phd · 3 years
Book of the Dead
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Genre: The Mummy AU
Pairing: Junmyeon x Reader
Summary: After traveling to the fabled city of Hamunaptra, you read from the Book of the Dead and accidentally resurrect an ancient mummy with extraordinary powers and quest for revenge. The only thing to do now is try and convince your less-than-traditional guide to help you save the world. 
Part 1 I Part 2
“I just said a few sentences!”
“What did you do that for!”
“Well, I didn’t know that that would happen!”
You stared at the aggravating, self-absorbed, cocky Korean soldier and wondered why on earth you had decided to negotiate for this man’s life. 
Alright, you did know why. You needed him to show you to Hamunuptra - the fabled City of the Dead. 
Too many times you had stood in front of the museum curator with pages and pages of references and evidence that the place existed and just needed a small team of archeologists in order to track it down. He’d shot you down every time. And each time he took the liberty of reminding you that while your father was an exceptional explorer who had many successes under his belt, you were a woman whose life had been spent between the shelves, cataloging. Your adventures consisted of the fictional kind, devouring any novel you could when you weren’t archiving the latest crate of artifacts and texts. 
Then your cousin showed up. Your normally useless, hare-brained, erratic, drunkard cousin showed up at your apartment with a “fun new artifact” he found on his latest trip. And suddenly your luck had completely turned around. 
Or so you thought. 
Now you were standing in the middle of Hamunaptra, feet sinking into the unstable sand, with an empty sarcophagus and everyone blaming you because you did what you did best - read.
It was only a book. Albeit, a very heavy, possibly-made-of-painted-solid-gold book that was written in the dead language of ancient Egypt, but still. What harm had ever come from reading a book?
Kim Junmyeon stared at you as if you were the one who had risen from the dead. You were still stunned at how different he looked from when you had first met him in that smelly prison, minutes away from being hanged. His hair had been long and stringy, clumps of dirt clinging to the dark brown strands that brushed his shoulders. Now it was shorter, cut above his ears and gelled back in the current style that almost made him look like a gentleman. The several days’ stubble was long gone to reveal smooth skin and a sharp jawline. He was actually very handsome - when he was cleaned up. 
Stupid, you hissed at yourself. Now was not the time for this. Because right now there seemed to be a reanimated mummy running around here. And by the looks of Barney’s husk of a body lying deep within the temple underground, it was hungry. 
As it should be, given the three thousand years it spent locked up under piles of sand. 
“Really, you should have been more careful!” your cousin, Baekhyun, scolded. 
You scoffed. “You’re one to talk. You were the one who snatched the key off of Mr. Kim here at one of your seedy bars and then proceeded to lie to me and say that you found it on a dig in Thebes which in turn brought us here!”
Baekhyun opened and closed his mouth as he searched for a possible retort. 
“I think this is more your fault,” Kim Junmyeon’s own cousin and traveling partner, Oh Sehun, said. “You told us to go down a level and dig under the statue, which in turn,” he mocked your tone almost precisely, “caused the mummy to be able to get out of his sarcophagus. If we had dug somewhere else entirely, then he’d still be trapped under the statue of Anubis.”
“Despite the fact that it was two layers deep, nothing would have been able to hold a victim of the Hom-Dai.”
“Would have given poor Barney a chance,” Kim Junmyeon muttered under his breath. You shot him a glare that he hardly noticed. 
“I say that we get out of here and to the safety of the city before the mummy finds us.” Oh Sehun swallowed thickly. “Or worse. The beetles find us.” The supposedly brave soldier who had two pistols hanging under each arm was more terrified of the flesh eating bugs than he was the living mummy that was bringing about the ten plagues of Egypt. You’d already lived through the locust infestation, but that was always the most minor of the plagues. In your opinion. 
“We told you to leave,” Ardeth said in that low, monotone voice that made him seem centuries old. You had only known him for a few hours, but you already feared and respected him. Despite the fact that he had attacked your campsite the night before. “Now you have condemned the whole world to the very monster that we have spent three thousand years keeping hidden.”
Kim Junmyeon finally tore his face away from yours. “I told you. I shot him. He went down.”
“Mortal weapons are useless against this creature. None can kill him.” Stepping up, he stood toe to toe with the soldier who led you here. “A gun is nothing more than a fly to him. He will never eat. He will never sleep. And he will never stop. Not until this world is only sand.”
Though still not completely backing down, Kim Junmyeon took hold of your arm. “Come on. We’re going back to Cairo.”
The camel ride back to the city was long, tiring, and a bit painful, if you were honest. The inside of your thighs were sore from keeping you up right on the animal’s back for hours on end under the blazing heat. You were used to the comfortable back seat of a car, even if the roads here tended to be on the bumpier side. Kim Junmyeon stayed at your side the entire time, up until you were back in your hotel room. All your things were still in there. That was nice, even if it was to be expected. The desk clerk had sworn he would keep the room reserved for you until you made it back. And now that you had, you were on to the next fight. 
“We’re not going anywhere!” 
Kim Junmyeon pretended not to hear you as he started emptying the dresser drawers of your clothes and stuffing them in your suitcases lying open on the bed.
“Excuse me! I said we’re not going anywhere!” As soon as he stepped away again, you slammed the suitcase shut. A stray white cat that you didn’t have the heart to remove from your room took advantage of the newly available space and laid down on the surface of the luggage. Unbothered by the argument taking place in its presences, it purred as it curled into a ball and closed its eyes. 
“You keep using the word ‘we’ and I’m not sure why,” he said. “I believe you were the one who woke him up in the first place.”
“Yes, I get it!” you shouted. “Everyone can blame me because I read the damn book, but that is why we need to stop him.”
He closed the empty drawer and turned back around to face you. “And how exactly do you plan on doing that? You heard Ardeth. No mortal weapon can kill this guy.”
“That’s why we’re going to find some immortal ones.”
He pulled a pair of rounded glasses from his pocket, wiped the lenses with his shirt, and stuck them on the bridge of his nose. “There goes that ‘we’ business again.”
You huffed, trying not to focus on the newest version of the soldier now being presented in front of you. “Yes, we. Because this curse will continue to get worse until the whole world is destroyed.”
“And that’s my problem?”
“It is everybody’s problem! You live here, too!”
Kim Junmyeon stepped up until he was mere inches away. “Listen. I appreciate you saving my life and all, but when I agreed to this idiotic mission my objective was to show you the way and then bring you back here. I have done that. End of job. End of story. Contract terminated.”
You tried not to show how his last few words affected you. Though you had been a little intoxicated two nights ago, you still very much remembered how sweet he had been, how he had listened to you go on and on about your parents and how much you wanted to be a famous adventurer like your father. And how you almost kissed him. And how he was going to kiss you back. Stupidly, you had thought that there was something growing between you. Apparently, you had been wrong. 
“Is that all I am to you?” you whispered. “A contract?”
Kim Junmyeon blew out haughtily from his nose. His Adam’s Apple bobbed as he swallowed. He opened his mouth and then closed it. You waited in hopes that he would contradict you. That he would say, no that was not all you were to him. And it really seemed like he would be saying something along those lines. But other words came out instead. 
“Look. You can either come with me or you can try and stay here and save the world. So. What’s it going to be?”
You didn’t even hesitate. “I’m staying.”
“Fine.” He headed for the door. 
“Fine,” you bit back, following him. 
“Fine,” he threw at you again as he barely glanced over his shoulder.
He got the last word in before slamming the door to your room shut. 
You huffed as you crossed your arms. Yet, as angry as you were, you still hoped that he would come back. That he wouldn’t let you take this on alone. But the footsteps on the other faded away and you were alone.
Looking around your room, you didn’t think there was much you could do. So, you did what you were best at. You grabbed all the books you thought could help you and got to reading. 
While sitting in the wicker chair in the corner, you skipped around the books and pages, clinging on to any small word that you thought could lead you to a possible solution. There wasn’t much to be found, unfortunately. Most works spoke of how to perform the Hom-Dai and how it should never be performed due to the curse that awaits should the victim ever be awakened. You already knew that. You needed specifics on what to do after the victim came back. 
Kim Junmyeon came bursting back into your room. You slammed the book in your hands closed, feeling very high and mighty indeed.
“Ah. Mr. Kim. Have you changed your mind?”
“Doesn’t matter now, he’s here!”
He didn’t clarify as he hoisted you up out of the chair and pulled you out of the room, and into the hall. Through the windows, you watched in horror as fire fell from the heavens. The balls of flame engulfed anything it touched when it landed, whether it be plant or human life. Turning a corner, Kim Junmyeon ran into a room you knew was occupied by another one of the Americans that you had ran into on your way to Hamunaptra. You gasped. 
In the chair, now nothing more than dried, husky skin and hollow bones was… oh, dear you couldn’t remember his name. You hadn’t bothered to learn them. You and Baekhyun had simply referred to them as the “Bloody Americans”. You were feeling a bit awful about that at the moment. 
But you didn’t have much time to dwell on that. Standing in front of the fireplace was a new version of the mummy. His skin was starting to come together, though patches were still missing, allowing you to see the gray bone and lack of organs underneath. Kim Junmyeon pulled out both of his guns as the mummy stalked forward. 
“We are in deep trouble,” he murmured before opening fire. The loud pops banged on your poor eardrums. You stumbled back a few steps to try and soften their blows. It didn’t work. 
The bullets passed through the mummy as if they didn’t exist at all. Even when Oh Sehun and the other Americans came running into the room and firing off their own guns, the mummy still kept going. He shoved Kim Junmyeon back into the others as if he were nothing more than old wrappings. Then he turned on you. 
Completely unarmed, you stumbled back until you were betrayed by the bookshelf behind you. There was nowhere to run. Instead of sucking out your liver, however, he spoke. 
“You were the one who saved me from the afterlife.” His words were haunting, echoing as if he was speaking in a cavern. And the language he spoke… ancient Egyptian. You weren’t sure why you expected to speak anything else. Coming in closer, he lowered his voice. “I thank you.” 
He leaned in his head, those very human eyes lowering to your lips. You turned your head away to try and avoid the kiss, confused as to why he was trying to seduce you. 
Sharp, unpleasing notes from the piano pierced through the air. The mummy turned and gasped when he saw the white cat from your room walking across the keys. In a whirl of sand, he fled from the room. 
“Oh, thank god,” you said with a heavy breath.
“No kidding,” Kim Junmyeon groaned as he sat up. 
You ran to his side, fearful that he might have been injured. “Are you alright, Mr. Kim?”
“Yes,” he huffed. With a very odd expression, he added, “And I told you to call me Junmyeon.”
To be honest, after your fight, you didn’t think you would be allowed to anymore. A strange silence settled between you. He was trying to say something with his gaze, but you couldn’t interpret it. So, instead, you helped him to his feet. “Come on. I know who we need to talk to about all of this.”
It took a while to get back to the museum that had employed you for the past year or so. Every street was full of panicking people. Flames no longer fell from the heavens, but little fires still raged on homes and carts. The Americans had declared that they were coming along, so your group was slower in moving. Although you didn’t really want the mummy bait to be anywhere near you, Junmyeon and Sehun decided that it would be better to keep an eye on them and - hopefully - keep them out of the mummy’s grasp. 
“Dr. Bey!” You ran into the museum’s main storage room, happy when you saw the curator. But then you skidded to a stop at the sight that he wasn’t alone. 
Ardeth was talking with him in hushed tones that stopped the second you appeared. Both men turned towards you, the curator wearing a very readable expression. It was one that stunk of “I told you so”. The others were only a few steps behind. As soon they, too, saw the unexpected visitor, Junmyeon, Sehun, and the Americans pulled out their guns while Baekhyun simply squeaked in surprise. 
“Gentlemen,” Dr. Bey greeted as if this were any old meeting on a Tuesday. 
“What is he doing here?” Junmyeon demanded. Even with the black tattoos etched under Ardeth’s eyes, you could tell that he was tired, dark circles from lack of sleep bruising his skin. 
Dr. Bey raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure you want to know? Or perhaps you would prefer to just shoot us?”
“Either sounds good.” Junmyeon cocked back the hammer of one of his guns for emphasis. 
“Stop it,” you hissed. “Bullets won’t do any good here. Besides, you might damage some of the artifacts.”
Junmyeon failed to suppress a laugh over your concern. Despite the present danger, you still didn’t want to see the carriages or sacred jars damaged because someone got trigger happy. So, Junmyeon holstered his guns and the others soon followed suit. “All right. I’ll give a little faith.”
Dr. Bey motioned for the group to follow him in deeper. “We’re part of a secret society-”
“Aren’t they all?” Baekhyun muttered. Both you and Dr. Bey shot him glares that made him snap his mouth shut. 
“For over three thousand years, we have guarded the City of the Dead. Once we reach manhood, we swear an oath to do anything and everything in our power to stop the high priest Imhotep from rising from the grave.”
“And now we have failed. Thanks to you.” Ardeth gave you a particularly pointed look. 
By now, you were getting very irritated with the constant finger pointing. What was done was done. You were not going to show him any cowardice. “And that justifies the murder of innocent people?” 
“Hm. To stop this creature?” Dr. Bey pretended to think for a moment. “Yes.”
Junmyeon, untroubled by that, raised his hand from the golden seat of a dead royal that he had taken over. “I have a question. Why doesn’t he seem to like cats?”
“Cats are the guardians of the underworld. He will fear them until he reaches full regeneration.”
“Then there will be nothing that he fears.” Worry was very much apparent in the soldier’s voice.
“And you know how he gets regenerated?” one of the Americans asked rhetorically. 
The other one finished. “By tracking those of us down who opened the chest and sucking us dry like a nomad in the desert, that’s how!”
It was completely pointless to go over the things that were already known. Now was the time to try and piece the unused parts together. Two particular moments were sticking out in your head. 
“Back in Hamunaptra, the priest - Imhotep - he called me Ack-Su-Namun. And then just now at the hotel, he….” You cringed at the memory, thankful that you didn’t have to feel the decomposed skin against your own. “He tried to kiss me.”
“It’s because of Anck-Su-Namun and his love for her that he was cursed,” Dr. Bey explained, exchanging a look with Ardeth. “Even after all this time….”
“He’s still in love with her?” Sehun finished with a scoff. 
You appreciated the backstory, however - “As romantic as that is, what does that have to do with me?”
“Perhaps he will try to raise her from the dead once again?” Ardeth guessed. 
“Yes,” Dr. Bey agreed solemnly. “And it would seem that he has already chosen his human sacrifice.”
All eyes in the room turned to you. Wonderful. 
Not only were you the one who read from the book and raised him, but you would also be responsible for the return of his beloved, who was the reason he was cursed in the first place. Absolutely beautiful. 
Baekhuyn came up behind you and patted your shoulder. “That is some rotten luck, dear cousin.”
“Actually, this could work in our favor,” Dr. Bey countered. “It could give us time that we desperately need to kill the creature.”
“We’ll need every second, I think,” Sehun said. He pointed towards the ceiling. “I think he’s getting stronger.”
Through the large window high up on the wall, the sun was in clear view. You all watched in horror as the moon moved too quickly across the sky and blocked the light from reaching Earth. 
“I’m guessing this is the plague of darkness?” Baekhyun said ominously. You nodded slowly. 
“Let’s go,” Junmyeon said softly beside you, his hand coming up protectively behind your back. “We’ve got to get back to the hotel and come up with a plan.”
“I’m just saying, it seems very stupid to comdem someone to a curse when the result of that would be for them to come back a supernatural creature who is practically unkillable.”
“The ancient Egyptians believed in balance,” you explained to Baekhyun for the hundredth time in your life. “To curse someone so badly in both this life and the next, there has to be a consequence to balance out the scales. If not, then the whole world could still fall apart, in even worse ways!”
“All of this is kind of pointless now, isn’t it?” Sehun sighed from the small table in the antechamber to your room. His feet were up on the polished surface as he leaned back in his seat. A look of irritation was etched on his face as he stared at your cousin. “What’s done is done. Right now, we need to focus on our next step.”
“Well, I know you two,” you pointed to the Americans, “opened the chest. As well as Barney. Was there anyone else?”
“The Egyptologist that was with us,” the shaggier one answered. “Professor Chamberlain. He has a temporary residence a few blocks over.”
“What about my best friend Beni?” Junmyeon asked. You nearly snorted. You knew the two of them were anything but friends.
“No. He ran out before we took the lid off. Ended up saving his own skin.”
“Sounds like Beni,” Junmyeon said dryly. “Okay. We’re going to go get the Professor. You four,” he pointed to all the men, “come with me. You, stay here.”
Oh, no you weren’t. “Excuse me! I am just as capable as any of them are. I will not- What do you think you’re doing!”
Junmyeon marched over to you, picked you up, and carried you over his shoulder until you were in your room. Then he dropped you on the floor, closed the door, and locked it tight. “This door doesn’t open.”
You didn’t know who he said it to, who he left in charge of watching you like an infant. It didn’t matter. You pounded your fist against the solid wood door. “Baekhyun! Junmyeon! Let me out! Baekhyun, you coward! Help me out here!”
“Sorry, cousin!” Baekhyun yelled on the other side of the door. “But… he’s got a gun.”
“Smart choice,” you heard Junmyeon say. Oh, you were going to kill him. Which “him” was yet to be decided. Perhaps both would be most satisfactory. 
Well, now you were stuck here. 
Crossing your arms, you sat on the edge of the bed and contemplated your choices. Not that you had many. 
A yawn forced its way out. You were tired. Over the past few days, you had hardly been able to get any real sleep. And, well, now seemed to be a time. So, you changed into your nightgown and slipped under the covers. The mattress was soft, like a cloud. The pillows were stuffed into freshly cleaned cotton cases. It was barely a few minutes before you drifted off…
And then abruptly woke up to something moving against your mouth. It started out soft but quickly turned ashen and tough. Your eyes flew open and you screamed, the sound muffled by the kiss of Imhotep!
You tried to shove him off, but he didn’t budge. Your touch meant nothing to him as he continued the unwanted kiss. 
The door to your room burst open, finally taking his attention and allowing your scream to be heard at full volume. Imhotep’s face was half rotten away, his lips completely gone, the cheeks held together by thin strips of jerky-like skin. You scrambled out of reach, to try and get as far away as the tiny room would allow. The movement caused you to fall out of the bed and land hard on the wood floor.
Standing up, Imhotep said something in ancient Egyptian, but your jumbled, still half-asleep brain couldn’t translate it. 
“Oh, really?” Junmyeon mocked. “Here’s my answer.” He held up the poor cat who had saved you earlier, the animal hissing threateningly at the mummy. Just like last time, Imhotep fled in a tornado of sand out the window, terrified of the innocent creature. 
“Are you alright?” Junmyeon asked as he let the cat fall from his hands. The cat landed gracefully on its feet and walked over to the bed with more dignity than you’d ever seen a human radiate. 
“Yeah, I’m good,” Baekhyun answered. After a glare from Junmyeon, he cleared his throat. “Oh. You weren’t- that’s fine. Go… check on her.” Junmyeon did just that. 
Kneeling in front of you, he pushed away a few stray hairs that had fallen in your face. Warm, soft brown eyes searched for any sign of harm. The tips of his fingers brushed against your cheek, setting the skin on fire. Or perhaps that was just the blood rushing up to your face in slight embarrassment. This man made you… nervous in a way. He could be dastardly at times, but… also very sweet. 
Clearing your throat, you pushed yourself up to your feet. “I’m fine. A little disgusted, but I’m fine.”
A smirk and knowing gleam flashed on Junmyeon’s face as he rose. “I’m sure mine was better.”
He was referring to the lip-smash he desperately pulled before he was to be dragged to the hangman’s noose. Not exactly the best first impression. 
You snorted. “No. I wouldn’t say that.” His jaw went slack. Sehun and Baekhyun snickered behind him. “Did you find the professor?” you asked in order to change the subject. 
“Yeah. He stayed out in the sun for a little long by the time we found him.”
“What are you-” Oh. Oh. That was why Imhotep was so far along in his regeneration. He’d found another victim to suck dry. 
“And he has the Book of the Dead,” Sehun added. “According to Beni, that’s what he’s going to use to raise Anacsunmum.”
“Anck-Su-Namun,” you corrected. 
“Yeah, her.”
You rolled your eyes. Why did you even bother?
You started pacing the room, trying to figure out what would be the best next move. You couldn’t keep playing hide and seek with the cat for all eternity. There needed to be a way to end this. Before he read from the book and raised-
The book… 
The book! 
You whirled back to the others. “I have an idea!”
“Care to share?”
“The Black book has always been rumored among scholars to be able to bring people back from the dead. Something I had always thought was nonsense,” you added to yourself. “But since that part is true, that means other rumors must be as well. Such as the Gold Book being able to send a soul back to the afterlife.”
“A balance.” Baekhyun looked awfully proud of himself. At least something finally stuck. 
“Exactly. Now all we have to do is find out where it's hidden.”
Junmyeon frowned. “But I thought it was supposed to be hidden with Anubis?”
“Exactly,” you agreed. “It comes from a translation of an ancient text. A stone that’s at the museum here, actually. It also says where the Black book was supposed to be hidden. I think they got their translations mixed up. So, where the scholars who originally translated it said that the golden Book of Amun-Ra was in the statue of Anubis, it's actually wherever they said the black Book of the Dead was supposed to be.”
“And where is that?”
You swallowed. “I don’t remember. We’ll have to go to the museum so I can read it again.”
Letting out a heavy sigh, Junmyeon checked the barrels of his guns, reloaded the revolvers with bullets from his belt. “Then I guess we’re headed back to the museum. Hopefully we don’t run into Ugly Face before we get to the rock.”
“I’m sure we’ll be fine,” you said with the utmost confidence. 
Sehun, who did not share that sentiment, looked up towards the ceiling. “Oh joy. Another book hunt.”
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natsumi-lockscreen · 7 years
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