#1950s celebrity family life
hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Yvonne De Carlo (Frontier Gal, The Ten Commandments, Casbah)— Although most famous for playing Lily Munster in The Munsters, Yvonne De Carlo had a successful movie career throughout the 1940s and 1950s, appearing in such films as “The Ten Commandments”, “Sea Devils” and two Munster movies later in life.
Setsuko Hara (Tokyo Story, Late Spring, The Idiot)— "'The only time I saw Susan Sontag cry,' a writer once told me, his voice hushed, 'was at a screening of a Setsuko film.' What Setsuko had wasn’t glamour—she was just too sensible for that—it was glow, one that ebbed away and left you concerned, involved. You got the sense that this glow, like that of dawn, couldn’t be bought. But her smiles were human and held minute-long acts, ones with important intermissions. When she looked away, she absented herself; you felt that she’d dimmed a fire and clapped a lid on something about to spill. Over the last decade, whenever anyone brought up her lips—'Setsuko’s eternal smile,' critics said, that day we learned that she’d died—I thought instead of the thing she made us feel when she let it fall." - Moeko Fujii
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Yvonne de Carlo:
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The woman who brought Burt Lancaster to his knees.
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Setsuko Hara:
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One of the best Japanese actresses of all time; a symbol of the golden era of Japanese cinema of the 1950s After seeing a Setsuko Hara film, the novelist Shūsaku Endō wrote: "We would sigh or let out a great breath from the depths of our hearts, for what we felt was precisely this: Can it be possible that there is such a woman in this world?"
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One of the greatest Japanese actresses of all time!! Best known for acting in many of Yasujiro Ozu's films of the 40s and 50s. Also she has a stunning smile and beautiful charm!
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She's considered by some to be the greatest Japanese actress of all time! In Kurosawa's The Idiot she haunts the screen, and TOTALLY steals the show from Mifune every time she appears.
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"No other actor has ever mastered the art of the smile to the same extent as Setsuko Hara (1920–2015), a celebrated star and highly regarded idol who was one of the outstanding actors of 40s and 50s Japanese cinema. Her radiant smile floods whole scenes and at times cautiously undermines the expectations made of her in coy, ironic fashion. Yet her smile's impressive range also encompasses its darker shades: Hara's delicate, dignified, melancholy smile with which she responds to disappointments, papers over the emotions churning under the surface, and flanks life's sobering realizations. Her smiles don't just function as a condensed version of her ever-precise, expressive, yet understated acting ability, they also allow the very essence of the films they appear in to shine through for a brief moment, often studies of the everyday, post-war dramas which revolve around the break-up of family structures or the failure of marriages. Her performances tread a fine line between social expectation and personal desire in post-war Japan, as Hara attempts to lay claim to the autonomy of the female characters she plays – frequently with a smile." [link]
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Leading lady of classic Japanese cinema with a million dollar smile
Maybe the most iconic Japanese actress ever? She rose to fame making films with Yasujiro Ozu, becoming one of the most well-known and beloved actresses in Japan, working from the 30s through the 60s in over 100 hundred. She is still considered one of the greatest Japanese actresses ever, and in my opinion, just one of the greatest actresses of all time. And she was HOT! Satoshi Kon's film Millennium Actress was largely based on her life and her career.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 10 months
Hi I’d like to request Abraham with a breeding kink. They’ve already got twin boys and another boy but Abraham wants a girl like her mother, so he puts reader in a mating press and fucks her stupid till his cums taken root
Hope you enjoy!
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Warnings: Semi-arranged marriage. Ideals that might seem sexist but are quite typical for Romani communities, especially in a 1950s setting. Mention of loss of virginity. Breeding kink. Smut. Word count: ~2k
Author's note: I did a lot of research into Romani culture to ensure I got this right, but if there's anything that is incorrect or handled insensitively, please let me know. Abraham doesn't have a surname, a he's such a minor character, for the purpose of this fic I've given him one - it's Lee - quite a common Romani surname in the UK. I don't have a tag list. Please follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications.
She has spent her whole life dreaming of her wedding day, her thoughts filled with what her husband will be like and how many children they’ll have. 
She idolises her mother. Growing up, she helps her to care for her siblings and to keep a clean home. She learns how to cook, how to sew, all of the skills that will shape her into the perfect Romani wife. 
She hopes for a union that will strengthen her and her future husband’s familial ties and contribute towards their small community of travellers. 
It’s with excitement when she turns eighteen that she learns that a man within their community wishes to marry her, but she is nervous when she finally gets to meet him. 
Abraham; she knows of him, though they have never properly spoken. She finds him intimidating. He’s tall, has sharply chiseled features, slicked back hair and piercing blue eyes, tattoos litter his forearms. He is undeniably handsome, but there’s something about his smirk that suggests an element of danger. She’s uncertain of whether it frightens or excites her, the feeling that flutters in her lower belly when she looks at him is unfamiliar to her.
Her fate is sealed when Abraham gifts one of his prized thoroughbreds to her parents as his bride price. It’s a massive horse, with a shiny chestnut coat that he has clearly cared well for. He could sell it into racing and earn thousands, so the fact that he is prepared to part ways with it in exchange for her hand in marriage is more than enough to convince her mother and father. She cannot deny the way her heart flutters at the gesture either, it’s exciting to know that a man of his reputation is so eager to be wed to her.
Their wedding day feels like a dream come true, with both their families coming together to celebrate the happy couple. Yet despite the jubilant atmosphere and effort everyone has gone to to ensure the day is perfect, nerves swirl like butterflies within her. Their courtship has never allowed them any real time alone together and she is anxious for what will happen on their wedding night when it’s finally just the two of them.
As they join hands, Abraham’s blue eyes gazing deeply into hers with a tenderness she didn’t know he was capable of, her stomach does flips, but this time anxiety is not the cause.
When his lips press against hers for their first kiss, she is taken aback by their remarkable softness. He treats her with such reverence and care, as though he is handling something precious and fragile.
She trembles like a leaf as his steady hands help her out of her wedding dress to lay her down upon their marital bed. His calloused palms stroke across her skin, soothing her and she is once more surprised at his gentleness, a stark juxtaposition to his rugged appearance.
He takes his time with her, his kisses and caresses are unhurried, causing her to melt with pleasure, so that when he does push inside of her for the first time she feels only the faintest of stings.
As soon as she relaxes, her breathing growing heavier, her hips chasing the movement of his, it’s as though a switch is flipped inside of him.
He slings one of her legs over his shoulder, his thrusts becoming harder and faster, his forehead pressed against hers against as his eyes stare into hers.
“Been fuckin’ obsessed wi’ ya since I first laid eyes on ya,” he rasps, “Knew I had to have ya. You’re gonna look so pretty when I knock you up.”
She gasps at his words, tightening involuntarily around him, and it’s not long before he’s spilling inside of her as her own climax sends her sensitive inner walls into spasms.
Abraham’s appetite for her is insatiable and he has her on every available surface of their shared caravan, at every opportunity. She grows to love him. He has a mean streak, though it is never directed towards her; he treats her with utter adoration and is fiercely protective of her. It is only when they are intimate that his temperament towards her darkens, becoming possessive, spilling forth confessions of his desires for her to fall pregnant. She doesn't mind this, however; on the contrary, it excites her. When they aren’t together, he works hard with the horses, while she takes care of their home, and their married life is a happy one.
When she learns she’s expecting, he’s ecstatic, his large hand cradling her abdomen as he smiles down at her. She gives birth to healthy twin boys, Noah and Elijah, and six months later she discovers she’s pregnant again.
She is overjoyed when her third baby boy, Logan, is placed into her arms, though there is a small part of her that feels disappointment that he’s not a girl.
Over the next five years, their home is filled with love and laughter as the boys grow and Abraham dotes on all of them. The male energy within their home can feel stifling at times for her, and when their sons excitedly accompany Abraham to the stables each day, she feels lonely, missing the connection she had with her mother.
She longs for a daughter, someone she can teach to cook and look after a home, much like her mother did for her. But with three noisy boys keeping them occupied, there is rarely time for them to try again.
Wistfully, she thinks back on the days of when Abraham thrust into her on every surface, a memory that now seems unrealistic when they’re battling against endless shouts of “I’m hungry!” and “he’s hitting me!”
The sun has barely begun to rise as she slips out of bed, unable to sleep. Her hands cup around the steaming mug of tea as she stares out of the caravan window at the horizon, a sense of longing settling into her as she thinks about how soon her husband and the boys would be awake, leaving her alone again for the day.
She is startled out of her thoughts when she feels Abraham’s sturdy arms wrap around her waist, his chest against her back as he leans over her shoulder. The cleft of his nose presses into her hair, inhaling deeply before dragging lightly across her cheekbone.
“You’re up early, Mrs. Lee,” he whispers.
She hums in acknowledgement, leaning back against him. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“You alright, love?” Concern tinges his voice, his hand raising to cup her jaw, tilting her face to look at him.
“It’s stupid, don’t worry,” she says, moving away to place her mug in the washing up bowl on the kitchenette side.
“Oi,” he chides, grabbing her arm and pulling her back to him. “Less of that. Tell me.”
She sighs, pressing her palms flat against the solid expanse of his chest, before sliding them upwards to rest on his shoulders. “I just…I get lonely with you and the boys gone all day. I’ve just always wanted–”
“A girl?” Abraham cuts her off with a smirk.
“Yeah…” She says, lowering her gaze, feeling her skin heat up with embarrassment.
“What’s to stop us trying?” He asks, rubbing his hands up and down her arms.
She scoffs, rolling her eyes. “Fat chance of that when we’ve got a caravan full of screaming kids already.”
He nods his head, pursing his lips thoughtfully. “Well, how about we send the boys to Cora’s for a bit tonight? Once I’m finished with the horses today, it’ll be just you and me for the evening.”
Her eyes light up and she grins excitedly, the thought of some alone time with her husband for the first time in five years making her feel giddy. “Oh, I’d love that!”
When Abraham and the boys are ready to leave for the stables later that morning, he leans in to whisper to her as he kisses her cheek. “Hope you’re ready for all the things I’m gonna do to you later.”
A shiver of excitement shoots up her spine and she spends the rest of the day filled with nervous energy, unable to concentrate properly on anything.
In spite of her restless excitement, she ensures the caravan is spotless and bakes Abraham his favourite steak and kidney pie for dinner.
When he steps through the door later that evening, he’s unaccompanied by their sons, and is holding a bunch of wildflowers, which she recognises from the fields that surround his walk to and from the stables. She smiles at the thought that he’d gone to the effort to pick them for her, taking them from him with a peck on the lips as thanks.
“Made your favourite for dinner,” she tells him, as he backs her up towards the bedroom with a predatory glint in his eye.
“Smells good,” he tells her, hands moving to encircle her waist, “but maybe we can start with pudding?”
He dips his head, capturing her lips with his own and kisses her slowly, yet the hand that moves to cradle the back of her head serves as a quiet reminder that he’s in control.
“Clothes off, Mrs. Lee”, he instructs quietly, pushing her gently back on to the bed.
Her breathing comes in quick, shallow pants of eagerness, as she works to unbutton her blouse with shaky fingers. 
Abraham watches her intently, his hands slowly unbuckling his belt as she bares herself to him. He makes quick work of the rest of his clothes once she’s completely undressed, and covers her body with his own, all lithe, lean muscle and tattoos.
“You gonna let me taste you?” He murmurs against the shell of her ear.
She shivers, her voice coming out in a whine. “Please, I’ve waited for you all day, I don’t need that, just want you.”
“So desperate,” he chuckles, dipping a hand between her legs.
She gasps as he swipes his fingers through her folds, collecting the arousal that’s gathered there.
“Fuckin’ hell, you’re soaked.”
She lets out a quiet mewl in response, her body arching against his.
He smirks, gripping the base of his cock and sliding the head through her wetness, causing her to emit a needy sigh.
“Abe, please…”
He answers by sheathing himself fully inside of her in one fluid thrust, causing her to cry out.
“Wrap your legs around me,” he commands quietly, “wanna make sure I’m nice and deep.”
She does as she’s told, tipping her head back at the sensation of how far inside the change in angle pulls him.
Abraham grunts, pulling his hips back before slamming them forward once more. The pace he sets is relentless, fucking her into the mattress with urgency.
“Gonna fill you up,” he murmurs to her, “you look so fuckin’ good when you’re pregnant, love, can’t wait to see it again.”
She moans, walls fluttering around him at his filthy words, every drag of him inside of her pushes and pulls against a spot that has her toes curling and her voice raising an octave.
His brow furrows with exertion, full lips parted as he pants for breath, his grip on her thighs near bruising. He releases one of them, pressing his palm flat against her lower belly.
“Wanna make sure it goes all the way in here, love” he grits out, pace never faltering.
The combination of what he’s telling her and the way he uses her so forcefully nudges her closer to the edge and she tenses, feeling her peak begin to build inside of her.
Abraham’s gaze darkens as he senses this. “Nearly there, aren’t ya? Come on, give it to me.”
He slides the hand on her belly downwards, stopping when he reaches her pearl and circles pressured strokes against it with his thumb.
The added stimulus causes the already near unbearable pressure to build, until finally it reaches its boiling point, and she falls apart as waves of white hot pleasure roll through her body.
Abraham stills with a grunt, pushing himself as deep as he can possibly go, pulsating as he spills inside of her.
He collapses against her, breathless and sweaty, and she wraps her arms around him, breathing in the comforting scent of him.
“When’s Cora dropping the boys back off?” She asks quietly, after a few moments of satisfied silence.
“Not until tomorrow morning,” he says with a grin, “we’ve got all night.”
Nine months later, when little Esme is placed into her arms, she’s glad that they did.
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robsheridan · 1 year
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4th of July family album, 1950s-70s. The good ol’ days, a reminder of how things USED to be. Kids these days will never know the simple joy of summoning meat demons from the void dimensions to grill on an open fire. Back then we weren’t “taking selfies,” we were building bone golems of ourselves to bring to brief unholy life so we could ignite them into flames.
We didn’t need “apps” to have fun, we were outside celebrating America by self-immolating and roaming the streets smoldering with hellfire. I can still smell the burning skin! And we didn’t even get hurt, because we were just tougher back then; and also conducted human sacrifices that granted us protection, but you’d get “cancelled” for that these days.
No one complained if you wanted to fill the lake with the blood of cursed swine to bring it to a boil, and we weren’t shy about skinny dipping in it, heck we’d strip down to our bones as we gnawed on each others’ melting flesh - a little snack before heading home for barbecued ribs cracked right off the crispy meat demons.
As night fell we’d sing songs that might not be “politically correct” today just because they were the six profane recitations of Zasorael which brought forth the Araknoloids, but that’s just how things were back then: Men were men, women were women, and the Araknaloids were giant bloodthirsty hellspiders who lit up the sky with ectoplasmic glory when we fed them explosives. And as their flaming bones rained down upon the sky, burning our houses and cars and grandma, we weren’t afraid to say GOD BLESS AMERICA.
NOTE: This is a work of fiction created by me. This alternate reality horror story is part of my NightmAIres narrative art series (visit that link for a lot more). NightmAIres are windows into other worlds and interconnected alternate histories, conceived/written by me and visualized with synthography and Photoshop.
If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon for frequent exclusive hi-res wallpaper packs, behind-the-scenes features, downloads, events, contests, and an awesome fan community. Direct fan support is what keeps me going as an independent creator, and it means the world to me.
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Sitting Bull
Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotanka, l. c. 1837-1890) was a Hunkpapa Sioux holy man, warrior, leader, and symbol of traditional Sioux values and resistance to the United States' expansionist policies. He is among the best-known Native American chiefs of the 19th century and remains as famous today as he was when he led his people.
He is widely known for his part in the Battle of the Little Bighorn in June 1876 and his later celebrity as a performer in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, but, for the Sioux, Sitting Bull is celebrated as the embodiment of the four cardinal virtues of his people: courage, fortitude, generosity, and wisdom. He is also recognized for his refusal to abandon the traditions of his people and his efforts to preserve their culture. Although famous as a holy man, prophet, war chief, and hunter, Sitting Bull was also a poet and composer, as well-known among his people for his rapport with wild animals and herbal knowledge as for his leadership.
He was killed while resisting arrest at the Standing Rock Agency Reservation in South Dakota on 15 December 1890 and was buried at Fort Yates in North Dakota. His remains were exhumed by family members in the 1950s and interred at Mobridge, South Dakota, near where he was thought to have been born. Debate continues over whether these remains are those of Sitting Bull, and historians also offer differing views on his legacy. His reputation as a great leader of his people, however, is unchallenged as he continues to be recognized as a symbol of Native American pride, honor, and traditional values, as well as for his stand against injustice.
Youth & Name
Little is known of Sitting Bull's life before the age of 14. His date of birth, given as 1831, 1832, 1834, or 1837, is debated, as was his birthplace until fairly recently. He is now understood to have been born on the Yellowstone River (known to the Sioux as Elk River) in modern-day Montana and was named Jumping Badger (Hoka Psice). He quickly earned the nickname Slow (Hunkesni), owing, according to scholar Robert. M. Utley, to "his willful and deliberate ways" (6). His father was Chief Sitting Bull of the Hunkpapa Sioux, and his mother was Her-Holy-Door from a respectable Hunkpapa family. He had two sisters and a half-brother but would later adopt others as his brothers, and these are sometimes mistakenly referenced as biological siblings.
Chief Sitting Bull taught his son to ride, hunt, and shoot expertly before the boy was ten years old. Young Slow was an excellent shot with bow and arrow and became so closely associated with horses that his peers joked how he even walked as though he were on horseback. When he was 14, he joined a war party against the Crow and "counted coup" against a Crow warrior, knocking him from his horse where he was then killed by another of the party. For this act of courage – defeating an enemy without killing him – Chief Sitting Bull gave his name to his son and assumed the name Jumping Bull. "Sitting Bull" – Tatanka Iyotanka (literally "Buffalo Who Sits Down") – fit the youth's personality as, "according to fellow tribesmen, suggested an animal possessed of great endurance, his build much admired by the people, and when brought to bay, planted immovably on his haunches to fight on to the death" (Utley, 15).
Later acquaintances and writers would claim the name was given him due to his stubbornness or, according to Sioux writer and physician Charles A. Eastman, that he was given the name after forcing a buffalo calf to sit down. The name was actually given in accordance with the tradition whereby a father passed his own name to his son when the boy was recognized as attaining manhood.
Between the ages of 14 and 20, Sitting Bull led his own war parties, and his name became famous among his enemies as a formidable warrior. Utley describes him at around the age of 20:
A heavy, muscular frame, a big chest, and a large head, he impressed people as short and stocky, although he stood only two inches under six feet. His dark hair, often braided on one side with otter fur and allowed to hang loose on the other, reached his shoulders. A severe part over the center of the scalp glistened with a heavy streak of crimson paint. A low forehead surmounted piercing eyes, a flat nose, and thin lips. Although dexterous afoot and superbly agile mounted, he appeared to some as awkward and even clumsy. (19-20)
Around 1857, in a clash with an Assiniboine band, Sitting Bull spared a 13-year-old boy whom he later adopted as a younger brother. When Sitting Bull's father was killed in battle with the Crow in 1859, the boy took the name Jumping Bull and would remain by Sitting Bull's side for the rest of his life.
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radiofreederry · 6 months
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Happy birthday, Phil Ochs! (December 19, 1940)
One of the most celebrated political songwriters of the American folk music tradition, Phil Ochs was born in El Paso, Texas to a family which moved frequently. He showed musical aptitude from a young age, influenced by popular acts of the 1950s such as Buddy Holly and Elvis Presley, and became aware of folk music in college, where he also became politically aware. Now influenced by performers such as Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger, Ochs moved to New York City to join the burgeoning folk music scene there. Ochs never found mainstream success, but his beautiful, poetic lyrics have given him enduring popularity in the folk music community, with such songs as "I Ain't Marchin' Anymore," "When I'm Gone," and "Draft Dodger Rag" being especially well-loved. He was politically active, protesting the Vietnam War and segregation, and was supportive of socialist movements in America and abroad. He was particularly encouraged by the election of Salvador Allende in Chile, and horrified by his overthrow. Towards the end of his life, Ochs' mental health suffered greatly, and he began abusing alcohol and drugs. Convinced that the FBI were spying on him, which they were, Ochs took his own life in 1976.
"It is wrong to expect a reward for your struggles. The reward is the act of struggle itself, not what you win. Even though you can't expect to defeat the absurdity of the world, you must make that attempt. That's morality, that's religion. That's art. That's life."
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scoutswritingcorner · 2 months
Not Meant To Be
Vox x GN!Reader
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A/N: Listen to Pork Soda by Glass Animals cause it’s based off of that. We don’t know of Vox’s past but I’m making something up and running with it. SET SOMEWHERE IN THE 1950’s!!
TW:KINDA DARK SO BE AWARE! Talks of death, secret relationships, talks of NSFW but nothing too explicit, talks about very bad crimes, murder, sorry gang no happy ending.
You both used to be business partners in life, one handled the dirty work while the other ran the whole thing. The normal brains over brawn situation. Naturally he would be the face of the whole operation, he had the smarts, the calming smile and the confidence of a man who can control the room. You were always behind him, where he went you followed much like his own shadow. That’s what people called you as well, it didn't matter if it was to your face or not, you were his shadow. The shadow who had one foot in the grave and the other in the deep trenches of the mafia but working with him made it feel like you weren’t knee deep in dead bodies, blood money and drugs.
You knew better to get your hopes up, you’d live and die in the chains of your business venture. But, Vox made it so much easier, taking you by the arm and dragging you to rich sophisticated parties that were filled with different celebrities. Allowing you to taste the expensive foods and alcohol that was richer than your own blood. He never treated you as his shadow, only his business partner, the business partner that stayed with him after long nights and laid in his bed after he had gone off to bed wondering if you had regretted any of your choices. Pulling you into empty rooms and treating you as if you were his priceless jewel he had stolen from the bank.
Yet, nothing could’ve prepared you for the heartbreak and soul crushing realization that he was murdered by your own family. “He was getting too chummy with you. He needed to be taken care of.” The Don’s lapdog whispered to you as you walked into the crime scene. You didn’t get to mourn, you couldn’t show them the weakness he had become. Days later when you were hiding from your recent stunt for shooting the Don in a run down motel far from the city is when you saw it. The headlines on the papers, ‘Local TV Star found dead in motel after recent rumors of illegal drug ring and fraudulent exploits come to light.’ Your heart sank and you rolled the paper up, you knew Vox wasn’t a “clean” man but this was a surprise to you. You missed the loud mouth fucker. You couldn’t leave, they were looking for you and even then, you already signed your ticket down to hell once you stepped into that office all those years ago.
Your hands gripped the paper in your hands as you stared at the ever freezing picture of Vox in the paper, his wide smile showing off all of his pearly white teeth. Tears collected in your eyes as you stared down at him, he was such a fucking idiot. You were a fucking idiot for getting him twisted in the wicked game you called your life. There was a reason you were the brawns of the duo, nothing but muscle and a personal weapon to get people to back off. You were nothing but a bleeding heart and your heart shattered for a man who truly was never in your grasp, he was too high on the pedestal and you were leagues behind him.  He was your Achilles and you were his Patroclus. 
You were never destined for anything greater except to be what you are while he was everything. He was your everything. But now he was gone and they were outside coming for you, your time was coming to an end. In a matter of seconds, the door had busted open and the people you’d come to know as your “family” grabbed you, roughly throwing a sack over your head and dragged you out of the motel room and into the back of a car. You didn’t fight. The less likely you are to fight them the easier it would be for you to accept your fate. The ride was silent except for some hushed whispers as someone pressed the gun to the side of your head.
It was an hour later when the car came to a stop and then you were being guided onto a dock, then a boat. They pushed you to sit down and tied rope to the ends of your feet, silent the whole time before the bag was ripped off of your head and you stared at the eyes of the man who you came to know as your brother. “Why did you do it?” He asked, helping you stand up from your spot. 
“You killed him.” You glared at him, the rope they tied around your wrists burned you, “We had to. He was getting too chummy with you, he knew too much.” The man spat picking up the cement brick that had been tied to the other end of the rope. You didn’t need to answer him, you just let the brick drag you down into the dark waters.
You’d see your loud mouth fool soon. But this time there was no more hiding.
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kenandeliza · 3 months
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And even when i have enough backlog of ideas, It's either having no time or no motivation ;w;
Ideas that have not been made into comics so far.... (a reminder for KD to actually draw them instead of being a lazy bum)
Fawcett citizens think that marvel has bad eyesight because he squints a lot, Marvel is confused. When they put on glasses on him, his dot eyes opens. This confuses marvel and the citizens even more (explanation: he does his out of instinct from seeing his dad with squinty eyes) based on mutual's post
Billy in an electric chair
Silly caller
A comic about Captain Marvel being oblivious about the women who's flirting with him, this caused Junior to talk out of his ass "He's still mourning you idiots!", this made people believe that the wife has passwed away and captain marvel hasn't moved on yet, this can lead to a misunderstanding with Black Canary with counseling marvel [Marvel is talking about his mom and how he misses her but BC thought he was talking about his wife]. Mary proceeds to slap Jr because of his impulsiveness
What If the suspendium didn't happen? :The Marvel Family grows up normally, starts with young child reading a book to a grandpa
Billy gets cancelled
Captain Marvel snoring like a dad and Billy snoring (honk mimimimi) based on this post
Mary teaching Billy about Table Manners before meeting her adoptive mother
Mary being invited on the Wayne Gala, Billy and Freddy shenanigans ensued (they thought the wayne kid is hitting on their sister)
Mary Blackmailing Marvel to wear a tiger onesie
Crack comic: Billy Boasting over Superman because he got to join the army as Captain Marvel once but Supes didnt just because of an eye exam failure
Kid Eternity's Birthday
[Needs polish] A scenario after Batman adopted Billy, Billy told Freddy and Mary about it, Freddy has a flashback where he got adopted by rich parents and the snobby high school experience back in Captain Marvel Jr , probably ends with Junior confronting Batman to not send Billy to a hoity toity rich private school
The Marvel Family and how they handle publicity
Freddy picking up Billy's swearing habits "Holey Moley" (continues where the publicity comic ends)
Billy and his Caprisun
Billy and Freddy had a fall out but everyone else interpreted it as Junior undergoing teenage rebellion and proceeded to give the captain parenting advices [Pre Teen Parent Billy]
Post suspendium Billy in the modern DC world shenanigans (1950s boy meets 2000s)
Fawcett Toon Headcanon
Celebrity AU : Billy would post a banger song by accident online (not with his real name of course) and would later monetize it
Movie billy meets Golden Age Comic Billy/Movie Freddy meets Golden Age comic Freddy
The many hairstyles of Freddy Freeman
Captain Marvel vs Big Red Cheese
What if Bruce Wayne is Captain Marvel
Big Brother Billy Batson
A supersons Oneshot Comic
Premise: Jon and Damian wanted to see the new Fredbear's pizzeria Movie but the clerk said they're too young to enter. With Jon being 10 and Damian not looking like his age (13).
many shenanigans ensued as they attempt to enter the movie theatre before a new villain who can bring horror movie characters to life appears!
Can the two save the theatre when they're facing against slashers, Chainsaw killers, and a Horror-knockoff of Superman?!
(We'll have to see becaude i suck at drawing fight scenes ;w;)
A Supersons small crack comic
Superboy became a bad cop and Robin became a good cop. This terrifies the criminals.
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jbaileyfansite · 7 months
Interview with People (2023)
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Jonathan Bailey could have gone in any direction after his runaway success as the male romantic lead in Bridgerton'ssecond season.
But choosing to play a gay man opposite Matt Bomer in Showtime's Fellow Travelers, another romantic period drama — this one spanning the 1950s Joseph McCarthy communist trials to the 1980s AIDS crisis — was a "no-brainer" for the British actor.
"I had looked for these gay stories, a sweeping gay love story, and I hadn't really seen them," Bailey, 35, tells PEOPLE in this week's issue. "This ticked every single box, and it's something I know I'll be proud of for the rest of my career."
Bailey first grabbed the attention of TV viewers with his breakthrough performance as Anthony Bridgerton, the proud, surly viscount on Shonda Rhimes's sudsy Regency-era drama Bridgerton.
Starring in one of Netflix's most popular shows has been transformative for Bailey, who previously had mostly divided his time between British TV and theater roles.
"Having always waited for auditions and projects to come, I just have that footing now to have choices, which is incredible and so special, because it's not a very common thing," he says. "I have a responsibility therefore not to waste that."
Raised in Benson, England by his father Stuart, a managing director at a honey supplier, and his mother Carole, who worked several jobs to help make ends meet and pay for dance and music lessons for her son and his three older sisters, Bailey found school intimidating.
The actor was 11 when he realized he might be gay, and he sought refuge in his family, the theater and his best friend.
"It's a pretty common story that school is terrifying, especially in a world where people don't understand or the teachers and children don't understand LGBTQ+ identities and experiences," he shares. "But the superpower of being on the outside looking in means that when you're older, you are drawn to storytelling and creatives who are singular and exciting. And I think queer people have a real strength to them, which could be celebrated."
Fellow Travelers certainly celebrates the LGBTQ+ community through its ambitious, decades-long narrative and queer stars. The biggest, most exciting draw for Bailey was his character Tim Laughlin's "expansive arc," evolving from a closeted political staffer in the 1950s to an out-and-proud activist in the 1980s.
"It's explored more, his journey and the expanse of it, more than any other character," Bailey says. "But I think, with Tim, he's constantly searching within himself. He's constantly torn between his identity, the truth about his identity and the stories that he's been told, whether it be by religion, by the government, by his parents or society. So it's thrilling to be able to constantly be torn between two places."
Working alongside Bomer, 46, helped Bailey bring Fellow Travelers to life.
Bomer, who also served as an executive producer on Fellow Travelers, was "a total joy" to work with, recalls Bailey, who meshed well with the White Collar actor right from the start — from their Zoom screen test to their "pregame coffee" five days before they began shooting.
"We both had quite a lot of experience in our careers of intimacy and portraying intimacy, but there's also just so much we've experienced as gay men, as well. So naturally, we had a lot to explore," he says, adding, "To honor the canon of gay storytelling is totally what I set out to do. So if it [Fellow Travelers] is 'up there,' then I'm really happy."
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matttgirlies · 1 month
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Matt & Me🎀
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a story heavily based on Priscilla Presley’s Book “Elvis & Me” based in the 1950’s - 1970’s.
fem! reader x singer! matt
disclaimer!! - in no way am i saying matt would ever support or do these kind of things, for the sake of the book certain unethical things do happen at times.
warnings - none
y/nn = your nickname for any confusion🩷
Chapter 17
Late one evening, shortly before Christmas of 1966, Matt rapped lightly on my door and called, “Sattnin, I have to talk to you.” We had a password. Teasingly, I told him he’d have to utter it before I’d admit him. He laughed and said, “Fire Eyes”—the nickname I gave him when he was angry.
He had his old boyish grin on his face and his hands were behind his back. “Sit down, Baby, and close your eyes.”
I did. When I opened my eyes, I found Matt on his knees before me, holding a small black velvet box.
“Baby,” he said.
I opened the box to find the most beautiful diamond ring I’d ever seen. It was three and a half karats, encircled by a row of smaller diamonds, which were detachable—I could wear them separately.
“We’re going to be married,” Matt said. “You’re going to be mine. I told you I’d know when the time was right. Well, the time’s right.”
He slipped the ring on my finger. I was too overwhelmed to speak; it was the most beautiful and romantic moment of my life.
Our love would no longer be a secret. I’d be free to travel openly as Mrs. Matt Sturniolo without the fear of inspiring some scandalous headline. Best of all, the years of heartaches and fears of losing him to one of the many girls who were always auditioning for my role were over.
He was in a rush to show the ring to his father and Grandma and to tell them that we were officially engaged. I didn’t even have a chance to get dressed. Considering our irregular life-style, getting engaged in my dressing room and showing off my beautiful diamond while dressed in a terrycloth robe didn’t strike us as at all odd.
I wanted to share the great news with my parents, but he suggested we wait until we returned to L.A. a few weeks later. Then we could tell them in person; they deserved that consideration. That night, we called my parents and invited them to spend a weekend with us in Bel Air.
On the day they were due to arrive, Matt was as excited as I’d ever seen him. He kept looking out the window, watching for their car. He was dying to show them the ring and almost did the moment they walked in the door, but I managed to keep my hand behind my back until we were all settled on the sofa. The second we were seated, he pulled my hand from behind me and said to my parents, “Well, we just wanted to show you this.”
“What is it?” my father asked, peering at my hand.
“Well, sir, that’s an engagement ring.”
Tears trembled in my mother’s eyes. “My God,” she said softly. “It’s beautiful.”
They were both ecstatic. We loved letting them know that what they’d so long hoped and prayed for had now come to pass. We emphasized the importance of keeping our announcement a secret, asking them to maintain strict confidence even within the immediate family, since the kids might tell their friends at school and then word would be out. We wanted a private wedding, not a celebrity event. My parents agreed with all the plans. They couldn’t have been happier, and all weekend they beamed with pleasure.
In the five years I’d lived with Matt, I would rarely let them discuss marriage with Matt. The possibility of their daughter being hurt was foremost in my parents’ minds. Now they no longer had to worry whether they’d made the right decision in allowing me to leave home at such a young age.
I know that Colonel William asked him to take a long look at our relationship and decide where he wanted it to go. Matt’s attitude toward marriage was that it was final. Although he was monogamous by nature, he loved options. Still, he wasn’t about to let me go. Curiously enough, after his talk with Colonel, it didn’t take him long to decide the time was ripe.
It was his decision and his alone.
In our excitement we made the rest of our plans for the wedding ceremony. It was suggested I find a dress immediately, the reason being that if the news leaked out, we could get married at a moment’s notice. But my search for a wedding dress ended up taking months. Disguised in dark glasses and a hat, I shopped every exclusive boutique from Boston to L.A. where, despite my disguise, I was paranoid enough to think people recognized me. I even spoke with several seamstresses about designs but I didn’t trust them enough to tell them it was for a wedding dress.
Finally someone suggested a little out-of-the-way shop in L.A. Charlie escorted me, posing as my fiancé, and it was here that I found my wedding dress. It wasn’t extravagant, it wasn’t extreme—it was simple and to me beautiful.
I glided out of the dressing room to model it for Charlie, and when he saw me, his eyes filled with tears. “You look beautiful, y/nn,” he said, and whispered, “He’ll be so proud of you.”
It was the February after our engagement. We were driving near Horn Lake, Mississippi, when we spotted a beautiful ranch—one hundred sixty acres of rolling hills. A herd of Santa Gertrudis cattle was grazing. There was a bridge across a little lake, a barn with stalls for horses, and a charming house situated in a prime location. It was for sale.
This was my perfect dream house. I fell in love with it and began to picture Matt and me living there alone. It was small enough for me to handle myself. I could clean it and take care of Matt, bringing him his breakfast in bed in the mornings as he gazed out at the gentle view of Rising Sun grazing in the pastures.
I thought of this ranch as a wonderful way for us to get away from Graceland from time to time. I pictured us saddling our own horses and riding in the early morning or at dusk. My picture was of us alone, without an entourage.
We were determined to buy it, never foreseeing the burden it would become. He wanted the ranch as much as I did, even though James said that at $500,000 it was overpriced. He felt the owner could offer a much more desirable deal and tried to persuade us that financially it was not a good move. Matt’s movies were continuing to decline in popularity and record sales were down. He was averaging a million dollars a film and the money was going out as quickly as it was coming in. Yet Matt’s mind was made up. He wanted it.
James grudgingly went to the bank to borrow money, putting Graceland up as collateral. We bought the entire ranch as was, including cattle and equipment, and christened it the Circle G for Graceland.
We had eighteen horses by then, and all were transferred to the ranch as was the staff of nine. It was the heyday of the commune, but Matt had his own idea about how he wanted us all to live. Since the house on the property was small, he bought individualized mobile homes and designated one to each family. James worked diligently to get permission from the city to put gas and water on the ranch.
“Whatever it takes, do it,” Matt ordered.
Before long, tons of cement were being poured to make the huge concrete foundations for the trailers. It didn’t stop there. He bought El Caminos or Ranchero trucks for each family, even one for the plumber and another for the painter. He spent at least $100,000 on trucks alone.
He continued spending money as if it were going out of style. Alarmed, James literally begged him to stop, but Matt said, “I’m having fun, Dad, for the first time in ages. I’ve got a hobby, something I look forward to gettin’ up in the mornin’ for.”
It wasn’t unusual to see him walking around the property, knocking on doors, waking everyone up, or checking on the horses in the early-morning hours. He was having a ball, and there were days he didn’t even want to take time out to eat—he’d walk around with a loaf of bread under his arm in case hunger pangs struck. He loved shopping in Sears’s basement, buying power tools, knives, flashlights, and other equipment that he would come bearing proudly back to the ranch.
That spring of 1967, we spent a lot of time there, sometimes staying as long as two weeks without returning to Graceland. On Sundays we had picnics and all the girls chipped in on potluck, bringing chicken baskets, cookies, and salads. We rode horses, held skeetshooting contests, and combed the lake for turtles and snakes. There was fun, laughter, and a lot of camaraderie. Once again, our life was a group affair with everyone participating.
Even in my tiny house there’d be guests for dinner every night, usually single guys like Steven and Charlie. Cooking for Matt was easy: I’d just take whatever we were having and burn it. But there were so many others that his cousin Patsy would usually stop by to help me. The guys with wives would have dinner in their mobile homes and then come over for dessert and spend the rest of the evening with us.
There was always a lot of jamming. Matt, Steven Wright, and Charlie Hodge would get together in the middle of the room, harmonizing a favorite song. When they were really going good Matt would yell, “Whew! Hot damn! One more time!” He’d sometimes spend an hour just on an ending because it had “the feel—the ingredients of a masterpiece.”
Just as the entourage had followed us to the ranch, so did the curious. The same ones who gathered around Graceland started turning up at the Circle G and soon—day or night—scores of people were lined up along the fence. Since our little house stood in full view of the road, Matt built a ten-foot-high wall, but nothing deterred them; now they began climbing on tops of cars and roofs of nearby homes. We couldn’t get away from them, and I dreaded driving through the gates.
The dream was slowly turning into a nightmare. The wives wanted to get back to their homes, and the children wanted to get back to their friends and their schools.
Matt liked it when everyone was together on terms he alone specified—and he got upset when they wanted to leave. “Hell, I bought all this stuff,” he said, “and everyone wants to go home.” He resented defections; he’d given the employees everything and they didn’t seem to appreciate it. He discovered that some of the regulars were selling their trucks. They needed the cash more than the El Caminos. Matt couldn’t imagine the financial struggle most people face and he never understood that the married regulars had to consider responsibilities to their wives and children.
Still, he enjoyed giving and sharing even as his own bank account was radically diminishing. An expensive hobby, the ranch had already cost him close to a million dollars and created a serious cash-flow problem. In daily phone calls to the Colonel, James pleaded with him to come up with some work to divert Matt from his spending spree. The Colonel promptly made arrangements for another movie, Clambake. Matt read the script, yet another beach-and-bikini story, and hated it.
James convinced him he didn’t have much choice. “We need the money, Son.” And Matt was committed.
“I don’t wanna leave here, y/nn,” he said. “I don’t want to leave you, the ranch, Sun. Ain’t no son of a bitch gonna keep me away long. That goes for Dad, Colonel, the studios—no one. Their little plot to keep me from spending money ain’t gonna work. If I need money, I’ll go to Nashville and record a few songs. It’ll be better than those lousy goddamn pictures.”
Neither he nor James ever considered turning the Circle G into a profit-making operation. All the necessities for a successful farm were present—tractors, feed, and the finest Santa Gertrudis cattle, bred on the Rockefeller ranch—but he sold the cattle after James advised him that upkeep was too expensive. With professional financial counsel, Matt might have pursued legitimate business ventures beneficial to him and his hobby.
Unfortunately, James and Matt were leery of business matters requiring financial advice. James operated on pure instinct, refusing any suggestion of tax breaks, which he found too complicated to consider. He let the IRS figure Matt’s taxes and had done so ever since Matt had been audited while in the Army and assessed eighty thousand dollars in back taxes.
“Let’s just pay the taxes, Dad,” Matt said. “I make enough money. I’ll make a million dollars and I’ll give them half.”
It was during the filming of Clambake that our lease on the house on Perugia Way in Los Angeles expired and we had to go looking for a new home. After our experience at the Circle G, we were concerned with protecting our privacy, and when we spotted a secluded home nestled against a hill in Bel Air, we thought we’d found sanctuary at last. But privacy was to elude us here as well.
Soon, hundreds of people began collecting on the mountain road directly above us and observing the view below through binoculars and telephoto lenses. We could no longer use our pool, patio, or driveway without looking up at an audience, including reporters and photographers who were having a field day trying to get candid photos and scoops.
The situation occasionally got out of hand. One night when Matt went to Mount Washington to talk with Daya Mata and I was driving to Amber Doe’s (Nate’s wife) for a visit, I noticed a car with bright headlights tailgating me. It was one of Matt’s most ardent fans, a two hundred-pound female who was accompanied by another girl and a guy. Feeling unsafe, I decided to turn around and go home. She followed close all the way and by the time I drove through the gates, I was furious.
Seeing her drive up to the dead-end road above our house, I sped after her, parking my car broadside across the road, blocking her. She was standing beside her car when I strode up and demanded: “What are you doing here? Why are you following me?” She stood there mutely and again I demanded: “Why are you following me?”
“You whore,” she snapped.
Incensed, I clenched my fist and swung an uppercut, hitting her in the face. She landed on the ground, spread-eagled and stunned. I landed on her and the two of us yelled, screamed, and pulled hair until I realized I needed help. I ran back to our front gate and yelled into the intercom, “Someone—Sonny, Jerry—come help me!”
Within seconds Matt came flying out of the house with the guys close behind him. “What is it, Baby?”
When I explained, pointing to the ridge, Matt went charging up the hill. Seeing him coming, the girl and her friends locked themselves in her car. Matt was livid, lifting the car on its springs, bouncing it from side to side. He pounded the windshield, threatening to kill them if he ever got his hands on them or if they ever laid their hands on me.
“I’m underage! I’m underage!” she kept yelling. “I’ll sue you if you touch me.”
It took a lot of convincing from Sonny that she was more trouble than it was worth before Matt would let her drive away.
Matt was so despondent over Clambake that his weight ballooned from his usual 170 to 200 pounds by the time he reported for work. The studio ordered him to take the weight off—and fast. Enter the diet pills, the only way he could curb his appetite and reduce his weight in the short time allowed. Colonel managed to deal with the impatient studio brass.
The morning he was to begin shooting he awoke groggy and went into the bathroom while I was still in bed. I heard a loud thump, then cursing. “Goddamn motherfucking cord! Who the hell put this thing here?”
I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom, calling out, “What’s happened?” He was lying on the floor, rubbing his head.
“I tripped over the goddamn TV cord. It was so damned dark in here I didn’t see it. Help me out of here—I have to lie down.”
Although he was dizzy and off balance, we managed to make it to the bed. Feeling a big lump on his head, I called Nate Doe at once, who summoned Colonel William and a doctor. Within minutes, the room was full of people—the doctor, his nurse, Colonel William, and several nervous studio executives. Colonel suggested that everyone but himself wait outside while the doctor made his diagnosis.
A few hours later it was announced that Matt had a severe brain concussion and that the start of his film would be delayed indefinitely. The Colonel decided to use the accident to curtail some of Matt’s other activities. He wanted Matt to abandon his involvement with esoteric philosophies, which the Colonel felt were irrelevant to Matt’s acting career and detrimental to clear thinking.
Matt’s spiritual quest hadn’t gone unnoticed. Everyone from the entourage to film crews was aware of a change in his personality over the years he’d studied with Larry Geller. Matt’s vibrant personality was now passive and he was becoming more introverted. The mischievous games he’d once played on movie sets had been superseded by studious pursuits. Matt buried his head in books that he diligently lugged to and from the studio every day.
The person most concerned about this change was Colonel William. The Colonel felt that Larry’d hypnotized Matt, and his acting and recording careers were suffering as a result. Matt’s “concussion” provided an opportunity to put a halt to the soul-searching.
A few days after the accident, the Colonel gathered Matt and the boys together for a meeting and told them they were burdening Matt with too many problems. “Dealing with one person is one thing,” he said, “but eleven, plus his own problems, is enough for any man to buckle under.”
The Colonel told them that there were going to be some changes, from cutting back the payroll to taking problems to Nate instead of Matt. His basic message was: Leave Matt alone.
“Matt should concentrate on his career,” he said. “He’s an artist, not a shoulder to cry on. Leave him alone, and let him do his work.” The Colonel looked over at Larry; it was obvious that his message was primarily aimed at him. “I don’t want him reading any more books and getting involved in things that clutter up his mind.”
Matt sat and listened like an obedient child, looking down, saying nothing. He did not stand up for Larry; no one did.
Later the Colonel told Matt that he should get Larry out of his life, that Larry used some sort of technique to manipulate his thinking. Matt argued that this wasn’t the case. He was truly interested in his readings.
“You wouldn’t be in this condition if your head was on straight,” shouted the Colonel.
“I’m telling you, Larry’s jamming up your mind.”
I was surprised at how attentively Matt was listening. Matt had always argued with anyone, even me, who said anything against Larry. At one point; it seemed Matt would cut off his right arm for Larry. But now Matt promised the Colonel he wouldn’t spend any more time than he had to with him. He kept his promise. He only used Larry to style his hair and was never alone with him again.
After that meeting, the boys became openly hostile toward Larry, and even Matt began making a few pointed remarks about him. Larry was now the outsider, and he eventually left. Colonel William was elated. His boy was back.
Matt was ready for a major change and it was time to move on. The Colonel said his films were doing badly and he had to revitalize his career. He’d be getting married soon, and before that date he’d have to get his career and life back on track.
After Larry left, Matt locked away many of his books. I told him I was glad, that they were literally destroying us. We were engaged to be married. “Would it make you feel better if I just got rid of them all?” Matt asked. I nodded.
That night, at three in the morning Matt and I piled a huge stack of his books and magazines into a large box and dumped them into an abandoned water well behind Graceland. We poured gasoline over the pile, lit a match, and kissed the past goodbye.
Excerpt from: "Elvis and Me" by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley. Scribd. This material may be protected by copyright.
a/n - engaged!!🎀
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
A discord was discussing how modern AUs are always so... normal. And I got distracted, because my favorite "we are SO normal [is not normal at all]" ship is Anidala.
I feel like Anakin and Padme can pretend at normal in a modern AU but it's all a Mr. And Mrs. Smith kind of playacting where they are both pretending to be So Normal they are like 1950s ready-to-be-a-nuclear-family newlyweds they are SO NORMAL and then you take one wrong look and WHOOPS their basement is full of spy tech and like. Grenades.
"I'm going to get a good grade in being a suburban housewife, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve."
- hitman Padme, probably
And then @bytebun said "i have no seen wandavision but based solely on the trailer. vaderkin play-acting that kinda normal"
and I lost my mind for a little because. Yes.
I just love unfathomably weird child celebrity Padme and slave-turned-warrior-monk Anakin and their attempts to be Suburbanite Young Parents.
For this to work for me, I need to insist that Padme is completely cognizant and has her free will, she's just really weird. None of that "Anakin mind-controlled her into loving him" shit here, she's just as weird as he is.
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Padme means her smile she is so chill she is so excited to be invited to the neighborhood potluck she made her SPECIALTY BREAD.
"Oh, Mrs. Amidala, what does your husband do for work?"
They are. So normal. They promise.
i am also thinking abt non-vader au this playing out on like tatooine. or just no-order66 and they are politely asked to move out of the penthouse because there have been an uptick in attempted assassinations & it's making the other senators rlly nervous
anakin gets a Reputation as the guy you go to if your engine won't turn over or if you have a Plumbing Incident
he's out here talking to all the middle-aged guys building their patios & he's soooooo excited about it. he wants to help choose the colours. he's ALSO extremely in with the auntie gossip abt marriages
he's like very well-loved actually maybe padme is even a little jealous ajsdlkfds;flk but sometimes he gets this... look. and he seems to know too much, about things you've never mentioned
They get a reputation for being weird and odd but like in a nice and fun way. They are absolutely not normal but it's a different kind of not normal than the truth.
One of the local moms tries to armchair psychiatry them.
Is it a modern au? Does Anakin have superpowers or is he just a spy with ADHD? Is it just Witness Protection: Naboo? Who knows! They are SO normal.
what's that my boy has autism but he sure can grill post. kinda like that. except it's my boy is a bit eldritch sometime but he sure can home depot
i think padme is like almost a little too put-together to get along with the other moms…. they get like nervous
(she remedies this by making mistakes on purpose & follows up by talking abt luke & leia)
Padme lives her life like an instagram mom.
There's a Major Attack of some sort and suddenly Padme is shooting things and Anakin is shepherding people into his basement because It's The Only One That Can Withstand A Bomb and everyone is just like. Oh. Okay. What the fuck.
SO normal. different story abt the prosthetic hand each time, also.
when people are too perfect. ur like. [sweats]
Anakin accidentally manages to convince everyone that he escaped a cult. This is not true. But he can't explain the truth so he just asks them not to talk about it.
I just
I need them to be weird but in a way where they are CONVINCED they are so normal, guys.
They are doing so well at pretending to be Regular Citizens. (They are not.)
The fandom is just lacking in Anidala fics that let them be weird as fuck for comedy purposes.
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Barbara Stanwyck (Ball of Fire, The Lady Eve, Double Indemnity)—I hope someone else has submitted better propaganda than I because I don't want my girl's prospects to rest on me just yelling PLEASE VOTE FOR MY TERRIBLE HOT GIRLFRIEND. She is a delight in everything! She is often a sexy jerk! (It's most of the plot of Baby Face!) Even when she plays a "good girl" (as an example, Christmas in Connecticut, which more people should see) she's still kind of a jerk and I love her for it! She won't take men's shit and she sure wouldn't take mine!
Setsuko Hara (Tokyo Story, Late Spring, The Idiot)— "'The only time I saw Susan Sontag cry,' a writer once told me, his voice hushed, 'was at a screening of a Setsuko film.' What Setsuko had wasn’t glamour—she was just too sensible for that—it was glow, one that ebbed away and left you concerned, involved. You got the sense that this glow, like that of dawn, couldn’t be bought. But her smiles were human and held minute-long acts, ones with important intermissions. When she looked away, she absented herself; you felt that she’d dimmed a fire and clapped a lid on something about to spill. Over the last decade, whenever anyone brought up her lips—'Setsuko’s eternal smile,' critics said, that day we learned that she’d died—I thought instead of the thing she made us feel when she let it fall." - Moeko Fujii
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Setsuko Hara:
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One of the best Japanese actresses of all time; a symbol of the golden era of Japanese cinema of the 1950s After seeing a Setsuko Hara film, the novelist Shūsaku Endō wrote: "We would sigh or let out a great breath from the depths of our hearts, for what we felt was precisely this: Can it be possible that there is such a woman in this world?"
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One of the greatest Japanese actresses of all time!! Best known for acting in many of Yasujiro Ozu's films of the 40s and 50s. Also she has a stunning smile and beautiful charm!
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Linked gifset
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She's considered by some to be the greatest Japanese actress of all time! In Kurosawa's The Idiot she haunts the screen, and TOTALLY steals the show from Mifune every time she appears.
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She's considered by some to be the greatest Japanese actress of all time! In Kurosawa's The Idiot she haunts the screen, and TOTALLY steals the show from Mifune every time she appears.
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"No other actor has ever mastered the art of the smile to the same extent as Setsuko Hara (1920–2015), a celebrated star and highly regarded idol who was one of the outstanding actors of 40s and 50s Japanese cinema. Her radiant smile floods whole scenes and at times cautiously undermines the expectations made of her in coy, ironic fashion. Yet her smile's impressive range also encompasses its darker shades: Hara's delicate, dignified, melancholy smile with which she responds to disappointments, papers over the emotions churning under the surface, and flanks life's sobering realizations. Her smiles don't just function as a condensed version of her ever-precise, expressive, yet understated acting ability, they also allow the very essence of the films they appear in to shine through for a brief moment, often studies of the everyday, post-war dramas which revolve around the break-up of family structures or the failure of marriages. Her performances tread a fine line between social expectation and personal desire in post-war Japan, as Hara attempts to lay claim to the autonomy of the female characters she plays – frequently with a smile." [link]
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Leading lady of classic Japanese cinema with a million dollar smile
Maybe the most iconic Japanese actress ever? She rose to fame making films with Yasujiro Ozu, becoming one of the most well-known and beloved actresses in Japan, working from the 30s through the 60s in over 100 hundred. She is still considered one of the greatest Japanese actresses ever, and in my opinion, just one of the greatest actresses of all time. And she was HOT! Satoshi Kon's film Millennium Actress was largely based on her life and her career.
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Barbara Stanwyck:
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"THE leading lady of the golden age of hollywood. One of the only actresses to work independent of a studio, making short-term contracts that enabled her to make movies wherever she wanted. She had so much range, and could act in basically any genre. She's been rumored to be a lesbian literally since she was active in Hollywood; most notable is the rumor that she had a long time on-and-off relationship with famously bi Joan Crawford, her "best friend" for decades (They lived right next door to one another). She also lived with Helen Ferguson, her "live-in publicist" for many years. She was the quintessential femme fatale in Double Indemnity, and really pushed sexual boundaries in her pre-code films like Baby Face, and the famous screwball The Lady Eve, where she plays basically a downlow domme. Allegedly, when a journalist asked her if she was a lesbian, she straight up threw him out of her house. She even played a lesbian in Walk on the Wild Side"
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"THE queen of screwball comedies. I adore her, I'd kill for her, I will cry if she's not gonna win this poll."
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"listen ok she had awful politics she was a mccarthyist right wing wacko BUT she's so incredibly hot that i've deluded myself into believing i could fix her. if you see her onscreen she carries herself in a way that's just so effortlessly sexy AND she has just a stunning face. imo she was at her hottest in the 1940s but even as early as the late 1920s she had a rly captivating screen presence and just a beautiful face, and then post-1950 she was just irresistibly milfy so really she was just always incredibly hot. she was also an incredibly talented actress who was equally stellar in melodrama, film noir, and unhinged screwball comedy. the blonde wig they made her wear in double indemnity is notoriously silly looking but she still looks sexy in it so that's gotta count for something. i've watched so many terrible movies just for a chance at seeing her that i think her estate should be paying me damages."
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"Not often thought of for her sultriness, Barbara Stanwyck was incredible in that she could actually choose to be hot if the role called for it, and then have a glow-down to look ordinary for another role. She wasn't the most beautiful or effervescent, but damn did she have rizz. Watch her with Gary Cooper in Ball of Fire teaching him about "yum-yum" or with Henry Fonda in The Lady Eve whispering huskily into his ear."
"She is always the smartest woman in the room. Watching her play Henry Fonda like a befuddled fiddle in The Lady Eve was a highlight of my life. Femme fatale in Double Indemnity, comedy queen in Ball of Fire. She can do anything."
"She was part of my gay awakening"
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"SHE'S A PRE-CODE QUEEN. She did everything, drama, comedy. The most beautiful woman in the world to watch weep. Beg for to step on you with those legs. Fun Babs story: Ginger Rogers was offered the role in Ball of Fire but said, “Oh, I would never play that part, she’s too common.” So they called Barbara Stanwyck and they said “We offered this to Ginger Rogers but she’s turned it down, would you be interested?” And she read the script and she said; “You bet! I LOVE playing common broads. [link]"
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freshlyrage · 9 days
Running Like Water
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Chapter 26
pairing: Javier Peña x OFC (written as xReader)
fic warnings: NSFW Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI) language, strained family relationships, mentions of drug abuse, discussions of insecurities and body image issues, daddy and mommy issues
fic tags: Best friends younger sister, Life-long crush, Friends to lovers, Unrequited love, slow burn, Push and Pull, Small Town Dynamics, Secret Relationships, latina MC, Fluff and Angst, OFC!Jessica Alba face claim, sorry Lorraine I'm bringing you into this, Time jumps, 2 year age gap, pre-canon
word count: 4.1k
IMPORTANT a/n: Hi... I said that if the Celtics won I'd post tonight so ya know! Here it is hehe. LETS GO CELTICS
Finally used the scene in Season 1 episode 5 of Narcos of Javi and Murphy in the car. There's a lot of perspective change in this one, this section will be like this most the time just because are characters are so far apart!
Ok bye enjoy
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New Orleans 1988
“Do you remember being sixteen?”
You cackle, playing with the golden bee at your lobe, looking up at your student Chiron. He had been eating his lunch in your classroom for about two months since, the cafeterias ac is shit, his words. You dig into the cake your students bought you, they thought you would cancel their monday practice quiz with a little birthday celebration. They were greatly mistaken. 
Today you're twenty-four. Everytime you think of it your brain freezes.
 You remember being sixteen like it’s yesterday. You nod, washing down the store bought dry red velvety mess with water. “Yes. It sucked.”
Chiron laughs just the same, opening the pink milk box on his tray. “When were you sixteen? In 1950?”
You stare at him with your most deadpan look, shaking your head. “I turned sixteen in 1980. I was living in Laredo, Texas and I spent my birthday alone. I received flowers from my… friend and my mom took me dress shopping two days later. What was yours like?” 
You and Chiron talk every day. You know he lives in a group home, you know he gets excited when he gets asked about his own life and even more excited when someone shares stories about theirs. He reminds you everyday that you want to have a son one day, you guess you’ll tell him when he's older. Hopefully then you could introduce your son to him and have a laugh about it. 
Teaching has given you a purpose. Being away from home has given you a purpose. Knowing no one has given you a purpose. You tell him stories all the time, you’re going to sob when he walks across that stage in May. 
“I went to the arcade with Teresa.” Teresa has been his girlfriend since the ninth grade, she went to St. Mary’s. They met doing community service and Chiron knows that they're going to be married. “She bought me this chain with her paycheck from Rouses. Are you doing anything for your birthday?”
You look at the picture of your little sister and niece sat up on her desk. Little three year old Sol holding Frankies babygirl Annie. “I still don’t know anyone out here but my coworkers so I’ll probably order in, watch Dirty Dancing and wait for a call from my brother.” You think of Javier for a moment, wondering if he knows today's your birthday. 
You wonder if you have crossed his mind. 
You saw him in the paper when you went home for christmas, you didn't visit your mother. 
You went home to simply spoil the babies at Frankie's house. You drove right back to your third floor apartment in Nola. Cried into your pillow until you slept and did it all over again for three more nights. Chiron nods, you have told him small stories about your life because he loves to listen. You’re weary of sharing too much, only offering bits you know will make him feel seen. You let him cry when he said he tried to meet his father during Christmas break and he didn’t show. That's when you decided to tell him about your first trip to New Orleans. 
Chiron frowns and sips his milk. He just got a haircut, flat top style, he had been growing his hair out the whole year for it. “Do you think Javier will call you?”
You smile at Chiron. He had been trying to pry information about your former lover for weeks. It all started after Christmas break when he cried about his father. You told him that family can be found anywhere, that your only family for a bit was your best friend who happened to be your boyfriend. 
“Do you live with Javier now?”
You shook your head, “He moved away for work.” Nearly a lie, you didn’t feel it was appropriate to tell your seventeen year old student the painful details of your life. 
Chiron went quiet for a few seconds, his face going inward. Eyes shy and sad, it happens every time he’s asked about his parents.
“So who is your family now?”
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Andrea drops her keys on her kitchen counter being greeted by tiny tweets. She grins from ear to ear, placing her purse down on the couch. Walking to her cage, the two birds chirped.
 “Are you singing Happy Birthday to me?” She gets on her tiptoes, offering her fingers to the babies, they take the chance. “Thank you, mommy’s going to watch Dirty Dancing because she’s lonely. Okay?”
She brings Jewel to her face in a phantom kiss while Harvey finds sanctuary on her shoulder. 
She always wanted pets but her mother never allowed it. The second Andrea put down her deposit for her apartment, she hopped in her car and bought two blue budgies. They nipped and scurried away from her each time she approached them but after two months of persistence they finally warmed up to her. They’re now her best friends. She’s become a crazy bird lady. Just in September she left a date abruptly because she realized she hadn't fed them in a day and a half. Its safe to say she didn’t get a call back from Mr. Henning.
She sits on her couch after loading the VHS and yawning. Her birdies flying back to their cage. 
That was the summer of 1963 - when everybody called me Baby, and it didn't occur to me to mind.
At 6pm she receives a call. Her heart sinks and for a moment she thinks, maybe.
But ultimately she knows not to be so silly, she knows she needs to be angry with him but she doesn’t have it in her anymore. She unravels herself from the nest she’s made on her couch and tip toes on the hardwood floor to her home phone. 
She spoke to Genie this morning, receiving a happy birthday song from her brother and their baby’s incoherent babbles. They say little Annie is upset that Tia Andrea lives so far. 
“Hello?” Andrea shushes her birds, they love to chirp when she’s on the phone. 
“Happy Birthday Andrea,”
 And she knows Don Chuchos voice anywhere. 
Andrea closes her eyes at the sound. She knew she couldn’t avoid him forever and she’s riddled with grief at the sound of his voice after nearly two years. 
“Thank you Chucho.” Andrea remembers the way he looked at her when she sat in the blistering heat on Javier’s wedding day. He looked at her knowingly, he could see that beyond the made up face she was on the brink of a breakdown. “How’s everything back home?” 
“You would know if you stopped by to see me last month.”
She winces. When Andrea came home for Christmas she made it her business to be seen by no one. Especially anyone who knew anything about Javi. 
She was finally feeling better. 
Everything was out in the open now, everyone knew their business. The scandal blew through town, she had to leave.
“I know, I'm sorry. I’m just still working through everything that happened. I knew if I stopped by your house it would bring up old memories.” Since Andrea moved to New Orleans she has gone back to Laredo five times. Two of the times she visited her mother, every other time was a straight shot to Frankie’s home. Calling him to make sure he takes Sol for the day so Andrea could see her too. She would spend two lovely nights on their plush couch and drive home the next day. 
Through the crackle of the receiver Chucho hums in understanding. 
In a twisted way Andrea always wanted him to be her father. She loved the idea of marrying Javier for more reasons than one. She wanted to officially be a part of his tiny family she loved so deeply. 
“Would this be a bad time to talk about him?” 
Andrea, the despondent girl. A girl alone, leaning against her lonely walls, a girl belonging to no one. Is a girl who cannot resist hearing about the one she loved. 
“Yes.” She allows it. He complies because she knows he must have no one to talk to about this. 
“He told me last week that he’s seeing a specialist—therapist, once a week.”
She smiles. She remembers the last time they had sex they talked about reaching out for help. She supposes it’s her turn. 
“That’s- I'm relieved to hear that. Is he doing okay out there?” 
Andrea has a reoccurring nightmare. She’s walking to work, the heat is brutal and her hands are full of groceries. In her nightmare, one of the bags rip open, fruit falling on the concrete. Every time, she follows an apple that rolls until it hits a news stand. And there—there she sees his face. There she reads his public obituary, the slain American agent. There she dissolves to nothing and wakes up crying harder than she ever has. She cried until she felt like dissolving into nothing. 
“He spares me details that would send me into a stroke but you know. It’s very dangerous work but he’ll make it back home in one piece. He’s too stubborn to die young.” 
Her eyes flicker to the ground and her chin quivers at his words. “Do you miss him?” Is all she can mutter. She cannot be alone in this feeling. She doesn’t like to feel this way. She liked to believe that she gets along without him well, but sometimes the wind blows and it reminds her of summer nights in his bed and she isn’t sure she could go on lying to herself.
Chucho sighs, “He misses you.” He doesn’t answer your question. He knows what you wanted to ask. “He doesn’t tell me because he’s afraid, but every conversation I can hear it in his voice. He is still grieving being away from you, still grieving being deceived. I know you are too. But I wanted to call to tell you that he is okay. I want you to be okay too, Andrea.”
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January 1988 Bogota, Colombia
There isn't much work being done. Scoping out for a sicario in a hundred degree weather wasn't ideal but it left some time for beers and ramblings. Murphy dug his hand into the cup holder for another sip of Club Colombiano. “So what year was this?” Murphy looks over to Javi. It had been almost a week since he last saw Hertz. His next session is in two days. He found himself walking with less weight. He even finally told Murphy the name of the girl whose picture is taped on the corner of his desk.
“1986” Javier rasps. “I was driving to the church. I was with my buddy Frankie. He was my best man.” He nearly whispers the last bit. “We were late. It was fucking blazing, 110 degrees. The whole bridal party was there sweating their balls off I’m sure. Frankie is shaking like a leaf next to me, like he’s fucking getting married. Looking for a lighter for a joint he rolled. Mind you, we're been in my bride's car since she arrived in a limousine.”
“Don’t tell me you left her at the altar.”
Javier deadpans, “Let me finish my story.” Murphy chuckles, pressing the cold beer to his neck. “He opens the glove compartment and some papers fall into his lap. And boom, we hit a traffic jam. Frankie, my best man, being the nosy fuck he his opens up the papers. He goes, three months pregnant as of June 6th, can't believe we’re both having kids. I swear to god–”
“No!” Murphy gasps.
“Yeah, Lorraine, the bride, and I hadn’t had sex since February of that year. She was showing a lot, I never thought twice when she told me she was five months along.” Murphy is staring at him like this was the juiciest television worthy story ever told. Javier looks blankly into the rolling hills of Colombia wondering why this happened to him. “I had dropped everything in my life to rush into a loveless marriage for the convenience of a family that wasn't even mine.” His eyes cast low and he feels sick. “So I turned the car around. And Andrea was there waiting to watch me marry someone else. In the heat.”
Murphy rarely knew who Andrea was other than the pretty ex-girlfriend whose picture is taped on his desk; he didn’t tell him too much. The story is enticing, he supposes. Exhilarating from the outside.
Murphy grins, “Well, you saved her a lifetime of hell.” 
He knows it’s true, his inner monologue being spat right back in his face yet he can’t seem to swallow that reality. He's a weak man, he hoped that Murphy would tell him he was wrong, that he needed to get up on a plane this instant and find his girl.
He’s silent for a moment. “Yeah, she never spoke to me again, Andrea I mean. She’ll probably be married to a-a stock broker or some shit when I come home.” If I come home, he intends to say but decides maybe this wasn’t the moment. “Trust me, she’s better off.”
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“I told my partner, Steve Murphy, about the wedding.”
“That's amazing, Javier.” She sits back down in her brown leather chair, sipping her tea from her small yellow thermo. “How did you feel afterward?” Javier went home to drink himself to sleep. He decides to keep that detail to himself, before reaching forward to sip water instead of fulfilling his urge to light up.
“I felt like I’ve taken some sort of step forward. Then I remembered how it was telling Andrea. Then I felt like I regressed once again, I didn't wake up for work the next morning. This Tuesday I mean.” She’s taking it all in, yet something i n her twinkles. He sees her satisfaction, she knows this is a shy way of telling her he’s ready to talk about it again. Things are changing for him so quickly.
“We were cut for time last week.”
“We were.”
“So.” Javier's eyes jet to the plush rug below him. “I walked to her house the night I agreed to marry Lorraine.”
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June 18th 1986
He stopped by The Tap before strolling his way into your neighborhood. Sitting on a barstool like he would do back in High School, eyes peeled to the door wondering if his mother would miraculously walk in. This time he doesn’t drink so much, he pushes three beers back and feels sad enough to see you. Sad enough to break your heart. Liquid courage? Is that what they call it? He feels a buzz in his spine.
Somehow he ends up at your door. 
 “Javi, are you alright? It's late.” You whisper, closing the front door behind you. It reminds him of the time he walked to your house after getting wasted. Catching you in Cabaret makeup, you turning bright red under white paint. 
This time you’re bare faced and so much more of a woman. Javier studies you in a buzzed haze, you’re concerned and it’s pissing him off. There you are, barefoot on your porch. Caught off guard and still the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. You step down one step. He wants to drop to his knees and apologize. 
You sense his sorrow so you step back up to be near to his height, placing your hands on his face. Holding his face, “Baby, are you okay?” He knows your worried little face, he knows that somehow in that brain of yours—you’re conspiring what you could have done wrong. Yet it’s never you, it’s always him. You’ve never done wrong.
“Hey…” You whisper, attempting to soothe his quivering chin with a kiss. 
He looks away. Looking into your eyes will kill him. Rejecting your kiss all together. “I’m sorry.” Javier’s voice breaks, and he isn’t embarrassed but he wants to die. He wants it to end because he feels your body go cold without even having to look at you. He’s crying and hiding his face, holding you close and hard. Sobbing into your chest, staining your gray shirt like you did his when he left the first time. “I’m so sorry—I knew I wouldn’t be right for you—Querida, I’m sorry.”
He crushes your body with his. He’s muttering words about a wedding, a pregnancy and you’re being crushed. You’re losing air and you hope he squeezes you tighter, hope your eyes fog and you fall. 
Hope to wake up in a cold sweat, and it's all a bad dream. Hope to call him to hang out at the lake.  
He’s crying, and its the worst sound you’ve ever heard. Saying he didn’t mean to become a father. He doesn’t mean to hurt you. He doesn’t know why he hurts you. He says he doesn’t want to be married to her. Calling you sweet names and cursing his own. 
You tell him over and over that it’s okay. Yet you hope he crushes you until you disappear.
 “It’s okay—Javi please, it’s okay— I understand.” You run a hand through his hair and lower your bodies to sit on the steps. It’s 2 am. He’s drunk and unable to give you details without crying in your lap now but you know all that you need to know.
When you saw her—Lorraine. When you saw her wide nose and round little belly you felt fear running through your veins. And you slept with that panic, you dismissed it but your bones felt it. Your intuition told you that the two of you will never be the same. You saw him stare at her belly for a second too long and there—right there— you knew you were in the way of something. 
Eventually he feels okay enough to sit up straight. He still can’t look at you and you miss him in your lap when he does. You miss being able to hide yourself from him. You miss being able to shut your eyes in agony at each word of consolation. Now he can see you, even if he doesn’t look you in the eye he can see you. 
You’re able to understand that she’s five months, that they gave him a choice. To never see her and his child, child— his child— or get married. Through it all you tell him it’s okay. 
“I don’t think I have another choice— I can’t be.-“
“A deadbeat.” You finish for him and he doesn’t respond. The two of you have a million unspoken words between the two of you. 
Look at me, look at what happens when you abandon your child. Look what girls like me put up with. Look at me, you hurt me and I'm still thinking of ways to make it work in my broken little brain. 
He knows what his mother did, how could he ever? How? So you could never find it in you to be angry. 
“I’m sorry— I just can’t.” 
You shut your eyes and lean back into the steps of your home. The sky was bright that night, you couldn’t understand why the universe still presented its beauty during such a moment. 
“When will you get married?” You suppose maybe you like to hurt yourself. 
“They said two weeks.” 
You drop your head into your hands and let out a sob. Heart slamming against your ribs, drowning in it. You fear that you’ll become one with earth, a puddle seeping into the grass ahead of you. You feel his panic next to you. He’s whispering your name, and tearing against the back of your head. Your shoulders wrack and you try to speak.
But you decide silence is all you can handle.
So you stay like this for a few minutes.
“Will you sleep with me tonight?” You ask finally, pathetically. 
And he’s quick to nod, “Yes—please.” His deep voice sends a vibration down your spine. And the two of you walk into your home, without fear—no room for such a silly feeling. 
He undresses and you do too. 
He faces the ceiling and you fear neither of you will catch any hours tonight. You still curl into his chest, for the last time. Feeling his warm tan skin below your ear. You count his heartbeats for minutes at a time. You count your own, attempting to make it stop on your own. Your stomach hurts so badly, you may cry just from that. But you think that you’re a twenty two year old woman who is somehow all cried out. You think of the sun coming up and him getting up to leave, you wonder what the next two weeks will look like. 
You’re sure that if you could you’d stay just like this, together and avoidant until it’s time. Just like you planned a week ago when your only fear was him leaving to Colombia. 
You know he’d do the same because the two of you love pain like no other. You stay in your inferno of a brain for nearly an hour. You know he can’t sleep. 
“What are we going to do?” He asks and you frown. 
“Go our separate ways.”
“I don’t want to.” He’s quick to respond, angry.
“I know.”
“Do you want to?”
“No. But I have to. You have to.” 
“As long as I know you, I'll want you, Andrea.”
You shut your eyes and breathe. You hope he forgets you. You hope you can. You suppose you have to try. 
“After the wedding, I don’t think I’ll ever want to speak to you again.”
You feel him intake a shaky breath. Your heart breaks again. “Okay.”
“I’m sorry.”
His chest rises, “It’s okay. I understand.” You nod, the post of the earrings he bought you scraping his skin. “We probably shouldn’t see each other after today.” He admits and you know he’s right.
“Do you think I could be a bridesmaid?” You attempt to joke and he doesn’t laugh. You can’t tell what he does but he shivers. 
“Not funny.” 
“I’m sorry.” You exhale. And there the two of you are pensive. Already missing each other. 
He sighs and it's silent once more. “I really love you.”
You sigh just the same and you love him more. You decide you couldn’t say it out loud this time.
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Colombia 1988
His elbow is rested on the arm of the chair and his mouth is pressed to a fist. Eyes closed for a few moments. He thinks of the silence of that night, how he hasn't heard you say I love you since. The words that kept him going, but fuck it, he didn’t feel like he deserved it. He made their life such a mess, over and over again. Again his brain regresses to that of a child, of his own head when he was eleven, when he tore up his mothers room and stained her poetry with his tears. 
He has spent two years suffering, he knows there will be no winning. He lost you. He came here prematurely hoping to win in some way. To bring some good, save some people but he realized there's no winning here either. Just suffering and corruption. The longer he watches people die he swears his faith chips slowly with it.
So he looks over his shoulder once or twice when he leaves his session. There were very few words spoken by Dr. Hertz but what can you do when his story silences so many?
He wishes it could silence his own thoughts but instead it festers and crowds his brain in the most crucial moments. Like when he led a raid in a bar in Medellin and swore the woman who sat at the bar with a gun to her head was you. In genuine panic he freezes, the casualties raised from 24 to 25 at that moment. All because of you—him—all because of his thoughts of you, plaguing him.
And he thinks of you in the most insignificant moments. Insignificant like burying himself deep in the cunt of a woman who’s being paid. He thinks of you and can't keep it up from the guilt. What a curse it is to feel so deeply about someone. 
He remembers once, you lie beside him half asleep and mumbling like you did after sex. You said that sometimes love scares you so much that for a time you wished to never feel it. He thought of you so crazy, he fears he understands you now. 
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uispeccoll · 5 months
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Marguerite de Angeli
Marguerite de Angeli (March 14, 1889) was an award-winning writer and illustrator of children’s books. Often inspired by her environment, many of Marguerite’s books have centered on stories from her family and childhood, and later from the lives of her children and grandchildren. These realistic scenes of families and children are what resonated most from de Angeli’s stories, with audiences finding her books to be absorbing and filled with eye-catching images.  
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Images: Left, Butter at the Old Price (1971) inscribed to the Wallace Family by de Angeli. Invitation to publication celebration laid in book. Right, mock up book cover illustration given to the Wallace family (James Wallace Papers) 
Though born in Michigan, Marguerite’s family moved to Philadelphia when she was 13, which she later used as the setting for many of her stories. Although Marguerite was naturally skilled in writing and illustration, this did not become an active pursuit for her until later in life when her five children were nearly grown. Stemming from the Sunday school paper Marguerite illustrated in the 1920’s, de Angeli began to center her work on a younger audience, penning her first picture book in 1935. This book and the subsequent centered on two children, Ted and Nina, as they went to a grocery store and later played together on a rainy day. Inspired by two of her own children, Marguerite’s knack for recognizing beauty in everyday scenes would stick with her throughout the rest of her stories.  
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Images: Left, illustration from Bright April (1946). Right, Title page and inscription to Wallace family for Bright April.
While living in Pennsylvania, Marguerite came to know the Pennsylvania Dutch and Amish communities, incorporating their customs into her stories, as seen in her first Caldecott Honor Book, Yonie Wondernose (1944), the story of a curious Amish boy. She would later write about racial divisions in her story Bright April (1946), centered on racial prejudice in a post-World War II America. In 1950, Marguerite won her first Newbery Medal for the historical novel The Door in the Wall (1949), set in the Middle Ages as the Black Death sweeps across the country. She would later receive another Caldecott Honor and Newbery Honor for her Mother Goose adaptation and the Black Fox of Lorne, respectively. Though often centering on the stories of others, one of Marguerite’s last books, Butter at the Old Price (1971), tells the story of her family and the circumstances leading to her many stories and illustrations.  
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Images: Left, title page to The Door in the Wall (1949). Center, illustration from The Door in the Wall. Right, illustration and inscription to Antonia Wallace from The Door in the Wall.
We have most of Marguerite de Angeli’s works in our children's book collection, many of them inscribed to James M. and Christine K. Wallace and their children. James Wallace, relative to Henry A. Wallace, 33rd vice president of the United States, became friends with Marguerite and her family, as the two likely ran into each other at some point during their time in Philadelphia. Not only are many of the novels signed to the Wallace family by Marguerite, but a good few include Christmas cards and invitations to publication celebrations. Within the James M. Wallace papers, Christmas ornaments and illustrations made by Marguerite can be found as well as newspaper clippings and photographs of Marguerite, James and Christine.  
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Images: Left, photo of Marguerite de Angeli, Christine and James Wallace. Center, Christmas card and ornaments made by de Angeli for Wallace family. Right, illustration that did not make it into a picture book given to Wallace family.
-- Kaylee S., Special Collections Olson Graduate Assistant
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alcinasw1neglass · 4 months
Broken Vessels
During the mid-1950s, a chance encounter between a countess and a peculiar girl, brought together by a mutual friend, sets in motion a series of events that would forever alter the countess's life. This tale is one of love and hardship, as the two women navigate through the challenges that come their way. Will they find a way to overcome their struggles and emerge victorious? Only time will tell.
{𝘓𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘋𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘶 𝘟 𝘓𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘉𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘍𝘢𝘯 𝘍𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯}
If you enjoy this Fic, please leave likes and comments. I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback, I strongly believe this ship is heavily underrated. Both characters are strong lovers, and that’s why I believe they are perfect. They accentuate each other perfectly, and I just love them and I hope you will too! ❤️
Ao3 Link- https://archiveofourown.org/works/54159589/chapters/137132614#main
Chapter 1:
Hope for the hopeless
June 28th 1955
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, the elegant and regal matriarch of the Dimitrescu family, was known for her extravagant, lavish parties. They were always talk of the town. As usual, she had spared no expense for her latest gathering, and the grand ballroom of her opulent home was decorated with the finest tapestries and ornate chandeliers. Today’s overly dramatic party was celebrating a milestone of her and her husband's ever-growing successful business.
Despite attending numerous events in the past, Alcina had a feeling that this party would be the absolute worst. Watching her husband gloat about a business that wasn’t his or the success that he shared with his wife. She welcomed her guests with a serene smile.
Taking a deep breath, Alcina reached for a glass of her finest wine, savoring the rich aroma and the smooth taste.
The scene was a vibrant and lively one, with everyone dressed in bright and beautiful colors, wearing stunning dresses. Amidst this crowd, she stood out in her ivory dress, with long sleeves and white gloves, and of course, her signature prodigious wide-brim hat decorated with lavish white flowers and feathers. As she looked around, she realized that almost everyone looked the same until her eyes fell upon a girl dressed entirely in black, with a mask covering half of her face. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the sight of this oddly dressed girl.
She then proceeded to greet the men who were standing by her husband's side, smiling and laughing politely at their not-so-funny jokes. However, before she could even finish her pleasantries, a hand touched her shoulder, causing her to pivot around. She was surprised to see a mutual friend of hers, who then proceeded to drag her away from her husband towards a quieter part of the party.
“Wh-What are you doing? I was greeting my guests, you foolish woman…” She sneered, and her friend sniggered as she spoke, “I want you to meet someone…”
“I haven’t got the time. George wants me to make a damned speech.” She protests, “Selene, please…”
“No, Alcina, forget the pleasantries. You need to meet this person.”
Selene was one of Alcina’s oldest friends. She was a confident and assertive woman. Selene grabbed Alcina by the arm and pulled her away from her husband and his group of friends. Alcina, clearly annoyed, allowed herself to be dragged through the crowded room until they reached their destination - Lady Beneviento, a shy and introverted woman who had only attended the party at Selene's request.
"I want you to meet someone," Selene repeated, her voice tinged with excitement. "But please, be nice to her."
Alcina let out a scoff at Selene's request. "I am nice," she replied defensively.
Rolling her eyes in response, Selene retorted, "No, you're not. You're cold and distant. But I promise you'll love her."
With that, the two women maneuvered their way through the throngs of party-goers until they finally reached Lady Beneviento, who was standing quietly by the window.
Selene, being the idiot she was, pushed Alcina towards Donna and smiled mischievously. “Lady Beneviento, this is Lady Dimitrescu, the owner of the very wine you are drinking,”
Donna had faced a lot of tragedies in her life, including the loss of her sister and parents. Naturally, she had lost hope and given up on life. However, her friend Selene, who had been with her through thick and thin, decided to take her to an extravagant party, hoping to cheer her up.
Despite being an introverted person, Donna reluctantly agreed to come along. Upon arriving at the party, she found herself drawn to the window where she could escape from the loud music and the bustling crowd. Holding a glass of wine in her hand, she gazed outside, lost in her own thoughts.
Suddenly, she felt someone bump into her, causing her to startle. She turned around to see Selene standing behind her and was about to say something when she noticed a stranger standing right in front of her. Donna took a step back, confused and alarmed. She sent a worried glance towards Selene before stuttering, "Excuse me?”
Alcina was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the girl in front of her. Her eyebrows furrowed in surprise, and her body stiffened as if preparing for a confrontation. However, before she could react, Selene disappeared from her sight, leaving Lady Dimitrescu to turn her attention back to Lady Beneviento.
Clearing her throat, she spoke in a cold, calculated tone that seemed to echo through the room. Her words were chosen carefully, meant to instill fear in her target while still holding their attention. Lady Dimitrescu was well-known for her imposing presence and intimidating demeanor, and she used it to her advantage as she circled gracefully around the young girl.
As she moved, she studied the girl with a predatory gaze, making every step she took seem like a threat. The girl tried to keep her composure in the face of such a formidable opponent, but she couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine.
Lady Dimitrescu paused for a moment, taking a sip of her drink, and then deadpanned, "I didn't realize I was having a Masquerade, I would have brought a mask also." She pointed to her guests and added, "Now, why are you in the corner? The party is over there."
Donna shifted uneasily, feeling like a mouse caught in the claws of a lion. She knew Lady Dimitrescu was not one to be trifled with, and the last thing she wanted was to draw her ire. So, she mustered up her courage and replied, "The mask brings me comfort, and so does being alone. So if I may, I’ll just excuse myself.”
Alcina grabbed Donna’s forearm, her grip tightening with a sudden harshness that made Donna flinch. Alcina's face scrunched up into a scowl, her brows furrowed in anger or frustration. The tension between the two was palpable as Alcina spoke, her voice low and threatening. "I didn't see you..." she began, her words trailing off into an ominous silence that left Donna feeling uneasy and unsure of what would happen next, but then Alcina broke the silence once more. “When I greeted my guests. I stood at the door for an hour, and yet you escaped my notice. And how you stand out from the crowd”
Donna's eyes widened in shock as she felt a sudden tug on her arm. Instinctively, she yanked her arm back and took a step backward, putting some distance between herself and the person who had touched her. "D-Do not touch me... please," she said firmly, trying to keep her voice steady. She looked down at the ground for a moment, taking a deep breath, before looking back up at the person in front of her. "Perhaps you weren't paying attention," she said, her voice tinged with frustration. "I've been here since my friend dragged me here. I don't know what you want from me, lady Dimitrescu, but you need to show some respect and unhand me.”
Alcina is taken aback. She has never had anyone speak to her like that before, let alone order her around in her own home . Her eyes widen as she tries to process the situation. Feeling a surge of anger, she purses her lips and speaks with a growl, her voice low and menacing. “How dare you? Do you know who I am?” She asks before rolling her eyes. “I was paying attention,” she snarled, malice dripping from her voice. “However, I didn't see a ‘Beneviento’ on the guest list, which means I should have you escorted out of my home.”
Donna scoffed at the woman standing in front of her. She had recognized her at first, but now all she could see was a woman who seemed vexed because someone had said no to her. Donna crossed her arms, trying to act tough, but her trembling hands told a different story. She finally spoke up and said, ‘Then, by all means, lady Dimitrescu, escort me out. I would prefer to be at home.' Despite herself, Donna couldn't hide the fear in her voice. She felt like she had just made a big mistake and was now facing the consequences.
Alcina's sudden chuckle caught Donna's attention, causing her to pause in their conversation. Alcina looked towards the fireplace and cast a hopeful glance over her shoulder, silently urging Donna to follow her. Curious, Donna followed Alcina's lead and walked towards the fireplace, where she noticed Alcina's gaze was drawn upwards to the painting that hung above it. The painting depicted Alcina and her husband, captured in a moment of happiness and love, or so one would think. However, the harshness of his gaze and his hand firmly placed on Alcina’s shoulder would show otherwise... As Alcina stood there, gazing at the painting, She swallowed hard, suppressing the horrid words that had threatened to escape her lips moments before. "Hm... You have a bite to you, bravo..." Her voice trailed off, distant and contemplative, as she continued to stare intently at the painting. The flickering light from the fire danced across the canvas, casting shadows on Alcina's face and lending a solemn air to the room.
Donna let out a deep sigh and reluctantly trailed behind Alcina as the latter led the way toward the fireplace. As they reached their destination, Donna kept a slight distance from Alcina, standing a few feet away from her. The two of them came to a halt, facing the warm glow of the roaring fire, and a moment of silence ensued as they both stared into the flickering flames and risked a glance at the painting. "You're not happy, are you?" She mumbled, quiet enough just so that Alcina could hear her.
Alcina stood with her arms crossed. Her expression was one of disdain and contempt as she scoffed loudly, “well, you’re rather rude.” She then turned her head ever so slightly to catch a glimpse of Donna in her peripheral vision. "I didn't want to have a grand party," she said with a heavy sigh, her eyes betraying her exhaustion. "But George insisted on it. Of course, I had to be the one to organize it. He has absolutely no idea how to throw a proper party. It was just another excuse for him to gloat about his ever-growing business - a business that isn't even his. The man has no shame."
Alcina paused for a moment, her eyes flickering with an emotion that was hard to read. "I- I love my husband," She trailed off, lost in thought for a moment. Anyone who heard her words could tell she was lying through her teeth. The truth was that she despised the man and everything he stood for. But she couldn't bring herself to admit it, even to herself. So she put on a brave face and pretended like everything was fine, even though she knew it wasn't.
Donna patiently listened to Alcina as she ranted on about her life. Donna didn't interrupt her even once and waited until the end to share her thoughts. "I'm happy that I never had to go through the experience of getting married," Donna said. "I say this mostly because of my scar. It has scared everyone away from me, and I'm grateful that I can now live in peace in my home and focus on my work without having to worry about anyone bothering me.” She turned to Alcina. "I live on my own if you ever need quiet. Time to be away from your husband. You can always stay in the village with me. If your husband allows it.”
Alcina turned her whole body to face Donna, her piercing gaze fixed upon her. With a raised eyebrow, she spoke in a low, measured tone, "Not all of us are so fortunate, Miss Beneviento… However, he gains from me, and I gain from him." Her voice trailed off momentarily before she continued, "That would be delightful." Alcina's face broke into a genuine smile, but it was short-lived as she scoffed once more, "George is hardly ever home. He's only here when... he needs something… Or when we have guests, he goes on hunting trips and lots of business trips.”
Donna stood quietly as she listened to the woman of the house speak once again. "Well," the woman said, her voice laced with a hint of weariness, "now that that's been settled, I will excuse myself. I need to get home before the drunken men try to hit on me. It was a pleasure to meet you, Lady Dimitrescu.” She gave a small, knowing smile to Alcina, who stood nearby. Donna couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for the woman - it was clear that she had dealt with this sort of thing before. As the woman turned to leave, Donna wondered how many other women in this town had to deal with the same dangers on a daily basis.
Alcina's expression changed to one of genuine sadness as she slowly nodded her head in acceptance. "We wouldn't want that, would we?" she said. “Will you write to me? You know my address." Her voice trailed off slightly as she spoke.
Donna felt a sudden rush of excitement as she heard Lady Dimitrescu's request for her to write to her. With a shy smile, Donna replied, "If you really want me to write to you, Lady Dimitrescu, then of course I will. We can schedule a date, and I'll make sure to have a letter ready for you by the end of the week."
Feeling emboldened by the moment, Donna decided to take a chance. She reached out and gently took Alcina's hand in her own, giving it a soft kiss before turning and walking away. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel a sense of nervous excitement coursing through her. She had no idea what the future held, but for now, she was content to bask in the glow of Lady Dimitrescu's attention.
As Alcina stood there, a smirk slowly crept onto her face in response to Donna's choice of words. "I look forward to it," she replied, her voice dripping with a sense of amusement. Just as Donna was about to turn away, Alcina felt her hand being grasped and lifted to her lips for a gentle kiss. As Donna's lips touched her skin, a faint blush appeared on Alcina's face, though she quickly composed herself. "Miss Beneviento...Stay, will you?" she called out, her voice calm and steady. “I- I have guest bedrooms. We could have tea in my gardens tomorrow.” She struggled to get her words out, progressively getting more flushed.
Donna came to a sudden halt and pivoted on her heel to face Lady Dimitrescu, "I'm sorry, Lady Dimitrescu," she began, her voice quivering slightly, "but I have no clothes to wear, and I have a lot of work to complete by tomorrow. Perhaps we can schedule a meeting for another time?" In an attempt to mask her mounting anxiety, Donna managed a small smile, hoping it would be enough to placate the imposing figure in front of her. Despite her best efforts, however, Donna was just one step away from a full-blown meltdown.
Alcina appeared to be overwhelmed with emotions as she gazed at Lady Beneviento, her face tinged with sadness as she gave her a small, melancholic smile. After a moment of silence, Alcina nodded in acknowledgment of their parting, and Donna turned around to walk away. Alcina followed behind her for a few steps before they separated, and she watched as Lady Beneviento disappeared from view. As Alcina made her way back to her husband, she stood to his right and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. The atmosphere seemed to be charged with a sense of finality as the two women went their separate ways, leaving behind a lingering feeling of sadness and longing.
George's speech was slurred as he grabbed Alcina's wrist tightly, demanding an answer. "Where did you run off to?" he asked impatiently. Alcina's expression turned sour as she retorted, "I was with our guests, darling ," The tension between them was palpable, and it was clear that there was more to their exchange than just a simple question.
Alcina was standing next to her husband and felt his tight grip on her hand. She managed to free herself, and with a fake smile on her face, she grabbed a glass of wine from the silver platter. Holding the glass up high, she proposed a toast. "Here's to our ever-growing business and to my loving husband.”
Everyone cheered as they raised their glasses, clinking them together in celebration. The music grew louder, and people started dancing, twirling around the room in a joyful frenzy. The night ended on a high note, and everyone left with smiles on their faces, looking forward to the next celebration. Bidding her guests goodbye, she sighed, relieved the party was now over. However, she couldn’t get Lady Beneviento out of her head.
As the night grew darker, the lady couldn't shake off the image of Lady Beneviento from her mind. She made her way back to her chambers, her feet aching from the long night, her mind heavy with thoughts. As soon as she entered her room, she let out a sigh of relief, and her staff rushed to help her.
They quickly unlaced her dress while she stood there, feeling the cool air on her skin. Finally, they undid her corset, slowly and carefully, allowing her to breathe freely again. With her body finally feeling relaxed, she got herself ready for bed, her mind still preoccupied with the mysterious Lady Beneviento.
⇠ ༒ ⇢
As the night progressed, Selene, the carefree soul, couldn't resist wandering off and giving Alcina and Donna some time alone. Selene had a little too much to drink, and it was evident in her slurred speech. She struggled to put her words together, but Donna patiently listened, knowing that Selene meant well. Despite her slightly intoxicated state, Selene's presence brought a sense of joy and excitement, which was hard to ignore. “So… ‘ow was it? Do you ‘ike ‘er?”
“I suggest that we should start by finding an alternative beverage for you to drink apart from wine. However, I suppose she is ok. not someone I would see myself spending time with. She’s… A snob, to put it lightly.” Donna, with a concerned expression on her face, was keeping a vigilant eye on Selene. carefully observing her every move, ensuring that she didn't accidentally trip or fall on the uneven terrain they were traversing. Donna's attention was completely focused on Selene.
Selene scoffed, "Pff, I'm fine... I'm just a ‘ittle tipsy." Despite her attempts to defend herself, she failed miserably and burst out laughing. "You know, she may seem intimidating, but she's all bark and no bite. She may be a bit of a snob, but deep down, she's really just a big old teddy bear. She gets so badly treated by that bastard of a man…. I don’t know why she stays.”
As Selene stumbled on air for the second time, Donna rolled her eyes in frustration. "Selene, you've nearly fallen twice, on air at that," she said, her tone laced with concern. She then let out a deep sigh and shook her head. "Sadly, there is nothing we can do about her husband. Men like that deserve the worst hell you could imagine," she added, her voice firm and resolute. She then reached out and used her hand to help steady her friend.
“That’s because the air hates me… I am perfectly fine, where is our car? I need a snack.” As Donna made a witty comment, she couldn't help but let out a light chuckle. She then pushed herself away from Donna and crossed her arms as she continued to laugh softly. “Honestly, he’s an adulterous little snake. It’s made her cold.. she used to be so warm, you know I’ve known her for 15 years, and it’s when she met him that she changed…. I- Ah, our car!! DRIVERR!!” She calls, waving her hand like an idiot.
Donna couldn't help but snort as she listened to her friend Selene go on a drunken spiral, her words slurring and her movements unsteady. However, when Selene waved her hand around like an idiot and started yelling, Donna flinched and quickly grabbed her friend's hand. "He can see us, Selene," she whispered urgently. "Please don't cause any more ruckus." Donna knew that Selene's behavior could attract unwanted attention, and she didn't want to get into any trouble.
As the car approached them, she stumbled and almost fell into the car. Her face turned pale as she struggled to regain her balance. After managing to get inside the car, she felt a sudden dizziness, "Is the car spinning? Or is it just me?" Her voice trembled.
As Donna got into the car, she couldn't help but scowl at the strong smell of alcohol. Her voice was laced with worry as she turned to Selene, "You're drunk. How much wine did you drink?" Her concern was palpable as she spoke, and it was clear that she was genuinely worried about the safety of both the driver and herself.
“I ‘ave only drunk a ‘ittle. I am a grown woman.” Selene protested. The journey back to Donna's estate was a long and tiring one, with Selene feeling exhausted and drained. Despite her best efforts to stay awake, she eventually succumbed to her drunken state and fell into a deep slumber, her head resting against the window in a very undignified position.
Meanwhile, Donna was lost in thought, her mind preoccupied with Lady Dimitrescu. She couldn't help but wonder if there was more to the imposing woman than met the eye. Perhaps, deep down, there was a gentle swan lurking beneath the cold, harsh walls that Lady Dimitrescu had built around her heart.
Donna's car jerked to a sudden stop, causing her to peer out of the window and let out a sigh of relief. She had finally arrived back at her estate. Turning to her friend Selene, who had dozed off during the ride, Donna tapped her on the shoulder to wake her. As they stepped out of the car, Donna took a deep breath of the fresh air. The city air always made her feel suffocated, but since Lady Dimitrescu's estate was located in a somewhat rural area, the air was much cleaner and fresher.
As they walked down the path towards the estate, Selene trailing behind her, Donna opened the door and stepped inside, removing her coat. She watched as Selene stumbled into her home, her movements unsteady and her speech slurred. ‘Not drunk, she says.’ Donna thought to herself.
Rolling her eyes, Donna rushed over to Selene and helped her up, guiding her to a nearby sofa. She couldn't help but feel frustrated with her friend's recklessness, especially since she had promised not to drink too much. As Selene lay unconscious on the sofa, Donna couldn't help but wonder how she was going to deal with the aftermath of this latest escapade
⇠ ༒ ⇢
July 1st 1955
“ Dearest,
Would you possibly be free to meet me for tea this evening? There is a quaint little restaurant down near the river.
La Fonte, Mainstreet.
6:30 Pm.
I understand if you cannot,
A Dimitrescu”
Alcina had every intention of being on time, but her husband had other plans. He had a lot to say about her meeting with the young Beneviento girl, and despite her protests, he insisted on delaying her. Eventually, she managed to break free from his grasp and made her way to the restaurant.
As she walked in, a sense of calm washed over her, and a serene smile graced her face. Her heart fluttered as she caught a glimpse of Donna sitting at a table in the corner. She made her way over to her, apologizing for her tardiness. “Sorry, I'm late… George was being difficult .”
The waiter approached them with a friendly smile and offered to take their drink order. Alcina nodded, placing her purse down. "I'll have the second-best bottle of wine on your menu," she said.
Donna had initially been hesitant about going out but eventually decided to give it a try. She put on some comfortable clothes and wore the same mask she wore at Alcina's party. As she arrived at the venue, she scanned the area and quickly found a good spot to sit. Smiling slightly as she saw Alcina walking towards her and taking a seat in front of her.
"T-that’s ok," Donna reassured. "I haven't been here for long either." She waved her hand nonchalantly and turned her attention to the menu. She carefully browsed through the options and eventually placed her order, making sure to avoid any alcoholic drinks. She wanted to stay alert and focused throughout the night and not let anything dull her senses.
“Well, I'm relieved that you showed. I was worried you wouldn’t after how I… Treated you the other night. I- I’m sorry, I was horrible. But the stress of everything got the better of me.” With a sad smile on her face, she took a deep breath and gathered the courage to speak up again. Her voice carried a hint of impatience as she said, "Are we ready to order food? I'm absolutely famished. I do hope Italian." She could feel her stomach growling audibly.
As if on cue, the waiter arrived with their drinks in hand. However, she raised a hand to stop him as he poured the wine, indicating that she'd prefer to handle it herself. "Leave the bottle. I'll pour my own wine," she said firmly, making sure that the waiter understood her request. Her tone was polite yet assertive, conveying her confidence in handling the wine.
Donna sat comfortably in her chair, sipping on her water, as she observed Alcina's behavior with a hint of interest. Alcina, a known wine connoisseur, was giving the waiter a hard time as she insisted on pouring her own wine. Donna couldn't help but feel a bit sympathetic towards the poor man who seemed to be struggling to meet Alcina's demands. Alcina finally settled down and turned towards Donna, giving her a small smile. “You were intoxicated. You needn't worry. But yes, I am ready to order…”
The waiter, dressed in his crisp uniform, stood at attention near the table as he patiently waited for the two ladies to make their order. Donna, sitting gracefully with a serene expression on her face, spoke up first. Her voice was soft and gentle as she said, "I would like to have the ossobuco with the freshly baked focaccia bread, please." The waiter nodded and noted down her order, ready to take the other lady's order.
Alcina's voice was laced with frustration as she spoke, "I wasn't… That's why I'm apologizing." Her tone was sharp, but it softened a bit as she continued, "I'll have the same." The waiter nodded and assured them both that it would be served soon before walking away. As the waiter left, Alcina leaned forward in her chair, placing her chin in her hands. "So, 'Beneviento'," she began, her tone curious, "I’ll assume you're originally from Italy?”
Donna leaned back in her seat, letting out a small sigh as she crossed one leg over the other. After a moment of silence, she finally responded to the question, her voice calm and measured. “I am not," she said. "But my parents were. They moved here just before I was born." She took a sip of her drink, her eyes fixed on Alcina. "What about you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Are you originally from this area?”
Alcina let out a soft hum in response, indicating that she was listening to what was being said. After a brief moment of silence, she let out a deep sigh as if she was about to reveal something important.
Alcina's voice was filled with disappointment as she replied, "Yes, unfortunately. I was born and raised in this city. But if you thought my family was snobbish before, you'll be absolutely shocked now." Despite her somber tone, Alcina let out a small chuckle, perhaps trying to lift the mood. She fell silent for a moment, lost in thought, until Donna's voice brought her back to reality.
Donna teased Lady Dimitrescu in a playful manner, "You have my interest piqued, Lady Dimitrescu. What secret are you about to reveal? Does your family own a grand castle?" In response, Alcina let out a deep sigh and slowly nodded her head. Her expression was a mixture of sadness and nostalgia, suggesting that she was lost in thought.
"Not exactly, Lady Beneviento," Alcina replied. "I remember my father telling me stories about his ancestral home. It was a grand castle that overlooked a small village. My mother used to describe it as a grand estate surrounded by lush greenery and blooming gardens." She paused for a moment, lost in thought, before continuing.
"Your surname, Dimitrescu," Donna interjected. "Is there any relation to Caesar Dimitrescu? After my sister passed away, we had a family who lived in the castle. They were the founding family amongst the other lords." Alcina cut her off, a hint of annoyance in her voice.
"I have no information about my family history," she explained. "My father never spoke of them. I know that I am of noble descent, but there could be many Dimitrescu lines. However, maybe now that my father is gone, I should try to find out more about my family history.”
As she spoke, Alcina's expression turned serious and somber as she recollected the memory of her mother. She revealed that her mother was French and a lovely woman, but unfortunately, she had passed away when Alcina was just a teenager. Her voice carried a hint of sadness as she spoke about her mother and the memories they shared.
Alcina was about to share more when their waiter arrived with their food, interrupting her train of thought. Despite the interruption, Alcina couldn't help but smile at the sight of the delicious food before her. “Bring me a bottle of my own wine. This swill is not adequate enough.”
As the waiter approached the table, he seemed a bit nervous and nodded his head anxiously before walking off. She picked up her knife and fork, ready to enjoy her meal. "Bon appétit," she said with a smile.
Donna gazed at Alcina with a perplexed expression. Her brows furrowed with a hint of confusion before she exhaled audibly. She realized that the restaurant they were currently dining in sells Alcina's wine, and this made her curious. "Wait a minute, they actually sell your wine here?" she asked Alcina, her voice laced with curiosity. "Why didn't you just order that instead?"
Alcina nodded and replied in affirmation, "Yes, they do sell my wine, and it's by far the best they have." At that moment, Donna couldn't help but chuckle, but she stopped short when Alcina continued speaking. "If I ordered my own wine at a restaurant, it would come off as very pretentious," Alcina said, her tone laced with a hint of self-deprecation. "However, this swill that they're serving is not to my taste, so I suppose I am being pretentious after all.”
Donna's voice was barely above a whisper as she replied, "I understand." Her eyes flickered with concern as she gazed at Lady Dimitrescu, trying to gauge her mood. After a moment's hesitation, she asked, "How was your day, Lady Dimitrescu? You seem a bit preoccupied."
Lady Dimitrescu's expression softened at Donna's gentle tone. "I have had an eventful day, to say the least," she replied, her voice tinged with weariness. "But I would rather not burden you with the details. How was your day, Lady Beneviento? Hopefully, it was more peaceful than mine."
A small smile tugged at Donna's lips as she recalled the day's events. "Well, I finished a very large commission for a client this morning," she said, her eyes sparkling with pride. "It was quite challenging but also very satisfying to see it all come together. After that, I spent some time reading in my garden, enjoying the sunshine and the flowers. And now, here I am with you, Lady Dimitrescu." She gave the woman a warm smile, hoping to lift her spirits.
Alcina sat upright, taking a deep breath and delicately picking at the food before her. As she chewed, she studied Donna's face with a discerning eye. After a moment, she spoke. "Hmm... A much more peaceful day than mine. I envy you, lady Beneviento.” She poured herself a glass of wine, savoring the flavor before continuing. "I'm curious to know more about you, Lady Beneviento?"
Donna paused mid-bite and wiped her mouth with a napkin before responding. "T-there isn't much to tell, I'm afraid. Most of my free time is spent either reading or working on commissions." She took a sip of water before continuing, "As for friends, I have a small circle. My closest friend is Selene, and then one other person.” She trailed off, not offering any further details.
Alcina sat gracefully with the glass of wine in her hand and took a sip, her eyes fixed on Lady Beneviento. Tilting her head, she asked in a soft voice, "Do you have an affinity for art, music, literature, or perhaps something else entirely?" Her eyes glimmered with curiosity and she leaned in slightly, a small smile playing on her lips. "I am intrigued to know what piques your interest, Lady Beneviento. What kind of things do you enjoy?" She finished her glass of wine and set it down on the table, waiting patiently for Lady Beneviento's response.
“I have always had a passion for art, especially creating my own dolls. I consider myself a bit of a seamstress, too, as I make dresses and sell them for a decent amount. It's always been a source of pride and fulfillment for me.” With a heavy heart, she lets out a deep and sorrowful sigh, her expression a mixture of sadness and melancholy. Her eyes seem to gaze off into the distance, lost in thought as if she is grappling with some deep-seated emotional turmoil. “However, lately, I find myself struggling to feel any joy from these activities. It's been difficult to find happiness since my family passed away. They were my biggest supporters and inspiration, and now that they're gone, it feels like a part of me is missing.”
“My condolences. Do you mind me asking how they died?” Her tone was soft, and she placed her gloved hand on top of Donna’s for support. Smiling at her.
“My older sister… C-Claudia, she had a… Disease that she was born with, s-she was 15 when she succumbed to the illness. I was only 13, and my parents couldn’t handle her death… They prayed every night that the black god would return her to us, but it never did, so one day, they decided to go behind our estate and… They jumped off the edge of the waterfall. I was going to follow them, but I just couldn’t… I was too weak.” Donna looked down at her plate.. talk of her family made her lose her appetite.
“Forgive me, but you weren’t the weak one. They left their 13-year-old daughter alone. That is weakness.” s he spoke in a hushed tone, conveying her disappointment in the parents' actions. Her face seemed to be filled with a tinge of sadness as she observed Donna's body language, which had become tense. Wanting to change the mood of the conversation to something more cheerful, Alcina decided to ask a question. "What do you usually do on Sundays, dear?" she inquired with a warm smile, hoping to redirect the focus away from the previous topic.
"I typically spend most of my time working on commissions from my studio. I don't really get to go out and explore much, unfortunately. May I ask why you're asking about my daily routine, Lady Dimitrescu?" As Donna spoke, her body language became more relaxed, indicating that she was glad to have diverted the conversation away from her family.
“I mostly ask as my husband is almost never home at the weekends, so perhaps you could come to stay with me?” Lady Dimitrescu, the towering and enigmatic figure of Castle Dimitrescu, was known for her unwavering confidence and commanding presence. She had learned to wear a strong mask that concealed any vulnerabilities or doubts whenever she was away from the comforts of her chambers. However, despite her usual poise, her mask was now cracking, revealing a hint of nervousness that she had never shown before. She was hesitating to ask a question, one that she had asked many times before without any hesitation. The reason behind her uncharacteristic anxiety was unknown, and it was a rare sight to see the Lady in such a state.
As the night progressed, Alcina was starting to feel the effects of the bottle of wine she had to herself. Her words slurred as she spoke, but her laughter was still as infectious as ever. The conversations around the table were at an all-time high, and Alcina lifted an unsteady hand up for the waiter to come over, asking for the bill. Donna had insisted that she would pay her half of the bill, but Alcina refused her offer, saying, "It is no money from my pocket, please... Let me pay."
Nodding her head, Donna leaned back in her seat, feeling a little embarrassed. She didn't know what to do now. Alcina raised her brow before she stood up, stretching her back as she adjusted her hat. "Well, Lady Beneviento, I had a fabulous evening... We must do this again. I'll show you out." And she did so, waiting for Donna's carriage. Before she could get into the carriage, Alcina kissed Donna's cheek, smiling down at her. "Till we meet again, Lady Beneviento." Donna watched as Alcina's carriage disappeared into the night, feeling grateful for the wonderful evening they had shared together.
⇠ ༒ ⇢
July 22nd 1955
Lady Beneviento had been eagerly waiting to hear from the countess for weeks. One stormy morning, she sat in her kitchen staring out of the window, watching the raindrops fall down one by one and trying to keep herself occupied. But as time ticked by, her anxiety began to mount, and she couldn't help but feel desperate and sad. She had a pen and paper before her, and she started contemplating writing a letter to the countess, who seemed to be ignoring her.
With a heavy heart, she started writing, hoping that this letter would finally give her the answers she deserved.
“ Lady Dimitrescu,
I do hope this letter finds you well, I am writing to you because I deserve clarification. I have not heard from you in nearly three weeks, and I would like to know why? I care deeply about you, however the disrespect is unfathomable if you do not wish to see me do say so.
Donna Beneviento ”
Donna had just finished writing a letter to Lady Dimitrescu, but the moment she put down her pen, she was hit with a sudden wave of regret. She couldn't help but worry that the letter might be taken the wrong way, and that Lady Dimitrescu might see her as being needy or desperate.
She was well aware of Lady Dimitrescu's high status and importance, and she didn't want to do anything that could potentially damage their relationship. But despite her reservations, she couldn't shake off the strange feeling in her stomach. She knew that something wasn't quite right, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was.
Perhaps Lady Dimitrescu had simply decided that their time together was over, or maybe there was some other reason for her silence. Donna couldn't help but wonder what the future held for her and Lady Dimitrescu. Would they remain close, or would their relationship slowly fade away? These questions weighed heavily on Lady Beneviento's mind, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.
Donna let out a deep sigh of frustration as she stood up from her seat and made her way to the kitchen. She headed straight to the liquor cabinet, her eyes scanning the rows of bottles before finally settling on a bottle of whiskey. Turning around, she scoffed at the lifeless doll seated on the nearby shelf. "Do not look at me like that," she muttered as she reached for a small glass and poured herself a generous amount of the amber liquid.
As she took a sip of the whiskey, Donna's mind was filled with thoughts of the person who had caused her so much hurt. "I am hurt, Angie," she said to the doll, her voice filled with sadness. "I have never gotten this close to someone so quickly, and now she ignores me. What should I do?"
She waited for a response, hoping that the doll would somehow give her the guidance she needed. However, as expected, there was no answer from the dormant toy. Donna was left alone with her thoughts and the bitter taste of whiskey on her tongue, unsure of what to do next.
Donna had been eagerly anticipating Alcina's letters for the past few days. She had been keeping a close eye on her mailbox, hoping to see the familiar handwriting on the envelopes. However, as the days passed, there were no signs of any letters from Alcina. This made Donna feel frustrated and disappointed.
Unable to contain her emotions, Donna stormed off to her workshop. She knew that she could always count on her work to help her deal with her unpleasant thoughts and emotions. As she got to her workshop, she took a deep breath and looked around the room. It was filled with tools, materials, and half-finished projects. She picked up a nearby tool and began to work on a project, letting the familiar feeling of working with her hands soothe her mind.
Donna was sitting at her desk, completely immersed in her work on a doll commission, when she suddenly heard a woman's voice behind her. Startled, she jumped up in surprise, not having noticed anyone entering the room.
“Donna? It smells like a tavern in here… Are you ok?” The woman's voice was familiar, but Donna couldn't immediately place it.
“Selene!! W-what are you doing here? How did you get in?” Donna asked, still trying to gather her wits.
Selene shot her a look of disapproval. “The front door was wide open. And I haven’t heard from you or Lady Dimitrescu in weeks. I thought she’d be here with you. Clearly I was mistaken.” She looked around the room, taking in the mess of doll parts and fabric strewn about.
Donna felt a pang of guilt at Selene's words. She had been so absorbed in her work that she hadn't noticed the door, let alone heard someone enter. She quickly gathered herself and turned to face Selene, grateful for the unexpected visit.
Donna looked worried as she spoke to Selene, "I haven't heard from her either. She clearly doesn't wish to speak to me. I have tried reaching out to her several times, but she hasn't responded."
Selene gave Donna a confused look before she spoke again, "That can't be true, she was singing your praise at tea with the others a few weeks ago. Are you sure something else isn't bothering her?"
"Minds can change in a couple of days, Selene. I care not for the countess," replied Donna, her voice tinged with bitterness.
Selene raised her brow and scoffed, "Is that why your house smells like whiskey? You do care for her. Come back to the city with me, I am worried about her. It's unlike her to go this silent.”
Donna rose from her seat, her movements deliberate and her gaze fixed on Selene. As she made her way towards the exit of the workshop, she turned around and raised a single eyebrow in Selene's direction. "No," she said firmly, her voice laced with a hint of annoyance. "I will not go running to her. If she wants to speak with me, she can come to me herself." Her tone was clear and resolute, leaving no room for argument or negotiation.
Selene furrowed her brows, a clear sign of frustration etched on her face as she made her way towards the door. With a tinge of anger in her voice, she spoke, "I'll be in the village until Thursday. I’m staying with a friend in the village square. Should you change your mind, come and see me.”
As Selene made her exit, the heavy wooden door closed with a slight slam, leaving Donna all by herself in the room. The silence that filled the space amplified the thoughts racing through her mind. With her mind clouded with doubts, Donna sat there, lost in thought, hoping to find some clarity. Had Alcina really been neglecting everyone?
⇠ ༒ ⇢
Standing tall at the drawbridge that led to Lady Beneviento's estate, Lady Dimitrescu gazed into the distance with a hint of reluctance. It had been a while since she had last laid eyes on Lady Beneviento, and the anticipation of their impending reunion was palpable. The sun was setting on the horizon, casting an orange glow across the sky and painting the surrounding landscape in a warm, golden hue.
Lady Dimitrescu took a deep breath, feeling the crisp evening air fill her lungs, as she prepared to cross the drawbridge and enter Lady Beneviento's domain. As she stood there, deep in thought, a sudden hand on her shoulder startled her. She turned around to see a kind looking man, probably in his mid sixties, wearing a pair of well-worn gardening clothes. He flashed her a warm smile and asked, "Hello, miss... Can I help you?"
She hesitated for a moment before replying, "Not particularly, I'm looking for a friend." Her tone was devoid of any warmth or emotion, it was measured and deliberate.
The man nodded thoughtfully and said, "Ah, I see. Well, Lady Beneviento likes to spend her evenings in the garden, watching the sunset. If you'd like, I could take you around the back and show you the way.”
As they walked down the path leading to the house, the man tried to engage her in conversation. However, the countess seemed preoccupied and uninterested in small talk. Eventually, they arrived at the back of the house, and Alcina gestured for the man to leave "I can go on from here." The man nodded, acknowledging her request, before turning and walking away. The countess watched him go until he was out of sight before continuing on her way.
As Lady Dimitrescu made her way closer to the garden, she could hear the gentle and soothing sound of a waterfall in the distance. She walked towards an old and rusted gate, which she pushed open with ease, and stepped inside. As she walked through the gate her dress snagged on the old iron bar, mentally cursing herself for ruining one of her best dresses. But her thoughts were soon interrupted when she spotted Lady Beneviento seated on a soft blanket under a tree, overlooking the beautiful scenery.
Clearing her throat to announce her presence, Lady Dimitrescu spoke gently, "Hello, Lady Beneviento." Donna snapped her head to the voice, looking surprised and slightly panicked as she stood up. Her voice trembled as she spoke, "L-lady Dimitrescu… I- What are you doing here?”
Donna was taken aback when Lady Dimitrescu suddenly appeared in front of her after a long absence. "I wanted to apologise for my...disappearance. I have been rather busy ," Lady Dimitrescu said calmly, but Donna could sense something else in her words. Was it exhaustion? Regret? Donna couldn't quite put her finger on it.
Feeling a bit frustrated, Donna couldn't help but express her disappointment. "A letter would have been nice, Lady Dimitrescu," she said with a slight edge to her voice.
However, instead of reacting defensively, Lady Dimitrescu stepped closer to Donna with a sad look on her face. "Alcina," she said softly.
Donna was confused and didn't understand what Lady Dimitrescu meant. "Pardon me?" she asked.
With a heavy sigh, Lady Dimitrescu repeated herself. "Call me Alcina. We are past formalities." Alcina what a beautiful name, fitting for such a beautiful woman Donna thought as she nodded “Alcina.” Donna whispered to herself, "Why did you disappear?" she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I thought..." Her words trailed off as she struggled to find the right words to express her feelings.
“Like I said, I was indisposed. I had work that needed my urgent attention, and George returned home…” Alcina had been hiding her struggles from Donna, pretending that everything was alright, however her recent episode had taken her completely by surprise. During the physician’s visit, she noticed that he wasn't his usual cheery self, which frightened her. She didn't want to admit it, but the thought of her illness getting worse scared her to the bone. Despite this, she found solace in her interactions with the young woman. She appreciated the fact that Donna treated her as a person and not just a terminally ill patient. Although it's only because Donna didn't know about her condition, it was refreshing all the same.
Donna's voice was filled with a hint of disappointment as she spoke, "I still would have appreciated a letter, lady Dimi-Alcina." She paused for a moment, then continued in a softer tone, "However, you're here now." Donna patted the space on the blanket beside her, inviting Alcina to take a seat. Looking up at her with pleading eyes, Donna silently conveyed her desire for Alcina's company and comfort.
Alcina took a seat, her movements somewhat uncomfortable as she shifted her skirt to one side. After a brief moment of silence, she spoke softly, attempting to ease the tension that seemed to have enveloped the two women. "I must say, your garden is beautiful," she said, her eyes scanning the lush surroundings. "The roses, in particular, are just exquisite. And the scenery is most favorable…”
Donna sat, gazing out into the sunset. The sound of the nearby waterfall echoed in the distance, a soothing melody to her ears. Before she turned to face Alcina speaking in a distant tone, "Yes, I am lucky… I am the only one in the village with the view of the waterfall… And my garden is my pride, it makes me feel somehow kind." As she spoke, she placed her delicate porcelain hand on Alcina's gloved hand. "I missed you," she said softly, her eyes full of concern.
Alcina sat still, her face contorted with the emotions that she had buried deep inside for far too long. She had always been a strong and independent woman, and showing weakness was never part of that image she wanted to portray. However, the burden she carried was becoming too much to bear. She wanted to tell Donna everything, to let her in, to share her pain, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it.
With a bob in her throat, Alcina shook her head, trying to hide the pain that was welling up inside her. "I am here, and I will not leave," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Donna could see the pain etched on Alcina's face, and it broke her heart. She knew that something was wrong, but Alcina had always been so guarded that she didn't know how to approach the topic. But she had to try.
Taking Alcina's face into her hands, Donna guided her to look at her. "I worried about you, because I care," she whispered. "Whatever plagues you, let it also be my worry."
Alcina was caught off guard by Donna's unexpected act of kindness. For a fleeting moment, she felt a sense of vulnerability, an emotion that she rarely allowed herself to experience. As she looked at lady Beneviento, she gathered the courage to confide in her. "I- was..." she started to say before cutting herself off. For a brief moment, she hesitated before continuing with a lie, "George and I had a fight, but it's nothing to worry about.”
As Alcina and Donna sat together in quietness, Donna noticed that there was something different about Lady Dimitrescu. Although she exuded regality and power, there was a softness to her that only a few keen observers could detect. Underneath her composed exterior, there was a rich array of emotions that she kept well-concealed. Suddenly, Alcina reached into her purse and pulled out a sterling silver case, from which she extracted a cigarette and placed it between her lips. She then offered one to Donna, “N-no thank you, I- don’t smoke,” with a grimace, she shook her head, and Alcina nodded before lighting her cigarette and taking a few deep drags, exhaling the smoke calmly. "It helps ground my emotions," she explained as she continued to smoke.
Alcina let out a wistful sigh as she began to reminisce about her teenage years. "When I was a teenager," she began, "I used to sneak away and smoke my grandfather's cigarettes in secret. It was my little act of rebellion, you could say." She paused for a moment before continuing with a hint of amusement in her voice, "I remember once getting a butler fired because of my smoking habit. He always seemed so surprised whenever he went to smoke and found a handful of cigarettes missing. He used to count every single one he had, so I wasn't the most careful smoker."
Alcina then went on to explain that she didn't smoke very often, only when her emotions got the better of her. Interestingly, her parents hadn't protested against her smoking, as long as she kept up appearances. "Sitting on the grass in a dress was considered a much more offensive crime," she remarked with a smile.
Donna sat looking out at the setting sun. She felt a sense of calm and serenity wash over her, despite the memories that haunted her. “My parents forbid smoking, and swimming… Being as we live on the edge of the waterfall, my sister before she died used to be rather dangerous, always wanting to go down to the lower cliffs and jump into the river. I would always get ‘Donna, do not go to the water, the water is dangerous…’ I never understood why, but I never argued.”
As she looked out at the sun setting over the horizon, she felt a lump form in her throat. Her sister was gone now, and she missed her terribly. She wasn't sure why she was telling all of this to Alcina, as they both watched the sunset, but she couldn't seem to stop herself.
"Donna is a very lovely name," Alcina said softly, breaking the silence that had settled between them.
Donna nodded, her lip trembling. "Uh- y-yes. It means 'Mistress' in classic Italian," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
“It’s strange… I feel as though I can talk freely with you, like nothing could ever go wrong when I’m near you. I usually am much more hidden, it’s like I want to tell you about things that I have never told anyone before. Most people pity me, but you just listened, thank you” Donna stated, holding Alcina’s hand. Alcina had tensed once again, how could she be so selfish when the girl she barely knew just opened up to her… Hiding her illness was cruel, yet she couldn’t bring herself to tell her.
Donna and Alcina had been talking for hours, and as the sun began to set behind the mountains, Alcina sighed. “I really must be leaving, the drive back will be horrendous in the dark. It seems we lost track of time, all I wanted to do was apologise for my disappearance… Thank you for this wonderful evening.”
As Alcina prepared to leave, Donna stood up “Absolutely not! You will stay here.” She said firmly, she couldn't bear the thought of Alcina driving in the dark, as it would be too dangerous. Alcina hesitated, unsure of where she would sleep, but Donna was insistent.
"Lady Beneviento, please don't worry I’ll find an inn. I wouldn’t want to impose," Alcina said kindly, brushing down her dress. “Nonsense, please I don’t like the thought of you driving in the dark. And there are no inn’s in the village, we aren’t a tourist destination.”
Alcina let out a sigh of defeat before breaking into a smile, "That settles it then... But where will I sleep?" Donna stared at the countess blankly, her cheeks flushing with a soft blush before she spoke, "Well, the guest bedroom is upstairs... I will mostly be awake doing commissions so I'll sleep in the basement." Alcina raised her brow slightly before chuckling, "I would like to see your work, Lady Beneviento, if you wouldn't mind indulging me."
Donna's face lit up as Alcina expressed interest in her dolls, nodding excitedly, "Of course, do you want to go now?" Alcina looked at Donna with a smile, nodding slightly, "Indeed." Donna excitedly led Alcina into her house, watching as the woman took in her surroundings with a serene smile on her face. They entered the sitting room, and Alcina's gaze fell upon an empty wall. She narrowed her eyes thoughtfully before humming, "A painting would look perfect there, perhaps a self-portrait?"
Donna spun around, her expression doubtful, "I have thought about putting something there, but I don't like self-portraits. They always make me look demonic..." Alcina chuckled, "You clearly haven't found a good enough artist."
Donna spoke with a hint of amusement in her tone, turning to Alcina as she said, "Well, if you have any recommendations, I'd love to hear them," Alcina rolled her eyes slightly but couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the opportunity to suggest something. "Actually," she said, "I have the perfect recommendation in mind."
Alcina had always been fascinated by the art of creating beautiful things. She appreciated the time and effort that went into every piece, whether it was a painting or a sculpture. So when they made their way to Donna’s workshop. The air was filled with the scent of freshly cut fabric and oddly enough a strange earthly scent fluttered around the room.
"Please, make yourself comfortable." Donna said with a smile.
Alcina walked around the room, admiring all the dolls and the dresses that were hanging on the walls. She couldn't help but be in awe of the intricate details and the delicate fabrics. As she approached Donna's worktable, she noticed a half-finished doll lying on it.
"That's beautiful," Alcina remarked, pointing at the doll. “I am not a fan of dolls but I cannot deny the talent.”
"Thank you, dolls aren’t for everyone but they pay for the house so, I cant complain." Donna replied, blushing slightly. "I'm working on the dress right now."
Alcina watched as Donna picked up a piece of fabric and began to cut it into the shape of a dress. She was amazed at how quickly Donna's fingers moved, cutting and sewing with such precision.
"How do you make the dolls?" Alcina asked, curious.
Donna smiled. "It's a long process. First, I sketch out the design, then I sculpt the body out of clay. After that, I make a mold of the body and cast it in resin. Then, I paint and dress the doll."
Alcina listened intently, fascinated by the process. "And the dresses?"
"I usually start with a sketch and then choose the fabric and trimmings. Then, I cut and sew the pieces together," Donna explained.
"It sounds like a lot of work," Alcina said.
"It is," Donna replied, smiling. "But it's worth it to see the finished product."
Alcina nodded, impressed. "I can see why you're so good at it."
Donna blushed again. "Thank you, Alcina."
The two women continued to chat, with Donna showing Alcina different dolls and dresses that she had made. Alcina was amazed at the attention to detail and the level of craftsmanship that went into each piece.
As they talked, Alcina couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Donna. She was talented, creative, and passionate about her work. She knew that she had found a kindred spirit in the shy but talented dressmaker.
As the night stretched on, an air of stillness settled in the room until finally, a voice broke the silence. "Well, I suppose it's time to retire for the night, I have a long drive in the morning," she said, her tone laced with a hint of weariness. The words seemed to hang in the air for a moment.
Donna had been lost in thought, looking up and smiling at Alcina. "Of course, please don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything else. Thank you for listening to me natter on," she said warmly, her eyes conveying a genuine sense of appreciation.
Alcina was standing near the door, her posture relaxed and a soft smile on her face as she listened attentively to Lady Beneviento speak. She nodded understandingly, showing that she was fully engaged in the conversation. Chuckling quietly, Alcina responded, "Why of course, I love listening to you 'natter'." Her voice was warm and friendly, "That's very kind, sleep well, lady Beneviento." Her words were sincere and heartfelt.
As the night drew to a close, she made her way into the spare bedroom, feeling the weariness of the day settle in her bones. With a deep sigh, she slowly began to undress, her fingers fumbling with the zipper of her dress as she struggled to remove it on her own. Finally, with a little effort, she managed to slip out of the confining garment and let it fall to the floor. Feeling a sense of relief at the release of the tight fabric, she climbed into bed, pulling the covers up to her chin. Before long, the gentle rhythm of her breathing signalled that she had swiftly fallen into a deep and restful sleep.
20 notes · View notes
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Decades: 1950s
Hot Spot: Hawkins High 1986 Prom
Song Request: I think we’re alone now - Tiffany
R Rated: Handcuffs
Wild card: Role Reversal
      WIP words: dress, tight, switch
AU: Rival Families
A Classic Trope: Secret Admirer
Mash Up: Arranged marriage x fairytale
Future: Rockstar’s wife
Wild Card: Tragic Tale
      WIP words: match, against, famous
Decades: 1960s
AU: Castle AU
Meet Cute: Comic Con 
Song Request: Heaven is a place on Earth - Belinda Carlise
Wild Card: What Goes Bump in the Night
      WIP words: wild, nerd, worth
Mash Up: Witch x Coffee Shop
Hot Spot: Hawkins High Ten Year Reunion
R rated: Back of Eddie’s Van
Future: First baby
Wild Card: An Interfering Matchmaker
      WIP words: wicked, mattress, reunite
Decades: 2000s
A classic trope: Only one bed
Song Request: Time after time - Cyndi Lauper
Hot Spot: The Hideout
Wild card: Outsider POV
      WIP words: waiting, pillow, drink
AU: The Detective and the Thief
Meet Cute: Theater kids/the school play
Mash up: Class project x Miscommunication 
Future: Later in life
Wild Card: Double Date
     WIP words: scene, older, pencil
Decades: 1990s
AU: Married in Vegas
R Rated: Praise Kink
Hot spot: Vacation
Wild Card: Anniversary
     WIP words: lights, celebrate, good
101 notes · View notes
cielrouge · 2 years
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Boys I Know by Anna Gracia: High school senior June Chu navigates messy boys and messier relationships.
Boys of the Beast by Monica Zepeda: Cousins Matt, Ethan and Oscar embark on a road trip through California and the Southwest come to terms with truths about their families and themselves. 
Break This House by Candice Iloh: Yaminah Okar left Obsidian and the wreckage of her family years ago. She and her father have made lives for themselves in Brooklyn. But when a Facebook message about her estranged mother pierces Yaminah’s new bubble, she must finally reckon with the truth about her mother and the growing collapse of a place she once called home. 
Briarcliff Prep by Brianna Peppins: In this coming-of-age story, Avi LeBeau juggles navigating her first year at a historically Black boarding school after she learns a devastating secret about her big sister’s boyfriend. 
Burn Down, Rise Up by Vincent Tirado: When an urban legend rumored to trap people inside subway tunnels seems to be behind mysterious disappearances in the Bronx, 16-year-old Raquel and her friends team up to save their city--and confront a dark episode in its history in the process.
Cafe Con Lychee by Emery Lee: A dual pov enemies-to-lovers contemporary romcom following Theo Mori and Gabe Moreno, rival sons of competing family businesses--a Puerto Rican bakery and an Asian American cafe--who form an unlikely alliance running an underground coffee and boba shop at school after a new fusion cafe threatens their parents' stores.
The Chandler Legacies by Abdi Nazemian: At Chandler, the elite boarding school, five teens are brought together in the Circle, a coveted writing group where life-changing friendships are born—and secrets are revealed. 
The Charmed List by Julie Abe: 16-year-old Ellie Kobata’s summer plans to shed her wallflower persona are upended when she is forced to go on a road trip to the Magical Retailers' Convention with her former best friend Jack Yasuda, but what starts out as a punishment turns into an opportunity to find forgiveness and possibly love.
Cherish Farrah by Bethany C. Morrow: 17-year-old Farrah Turner manipulates her way into lives of her Black best friend Cherish Whitman’s white adopted family, but she soon begins to suspect that she may not be the only one invested in engineering a place in the affluent household, and someone else's motives may be more disturbing than her own.
The Chosen One by Echo Brown: Anchored in magical realism, a personal account of a first-generation African-American student's first year at Dartmouth College.
Cinder & Glass by Melissa de la Cruz: In this lush, retold fairy tale classic, Cendrillon “Cinder” de Louvois catches the eye of the handsome Prince Louis and his younger brother Auguste at a royal ball. As Cinder grows closer to Auguste and dislikes Louis more and more, she will have to decide if she can bear losing the boy she loves in order to leave a life she hates.
Cold by Mariko Tamaki: Told in alternating perspectives, Todd replays the events that lead to his death in the local park, watching as detectives investigate his murder and talk to the students responsible for it, and meanwhile Georgia, who does not know Todd, cannot stop thinking about him.
The Color of the Sky Is The Shape of the Heart by Chesil: Inspired by a mysterious message, 17-year-old Ginny Park sets off to find herself as she reflects on her experiences of growing up Zainichi, an ethnic Korean born in Japan, and the incident that forced her to leave years prior.
Confessions of An Alleged Good Girl by Joya Coffney: In small-town Texas, preacher’s daughter Monique embarks on journey toward loving herself and her body, as well as discovering the value of a true friend.
The Darkening by Sunya Mara: Vesper Vale is the daughter of revolutionaries. Failed revolutionaries. When her mother was caught by the queen's soldiers, they gave her a choice: death by the hangman's axe, or death by the Storm that surrounds the city and curses anyone it touches. She chose the Storm. And when the queen's soldiers--led by a paranoid prince--catch up to Vesper's father after twelve years on the run, Vesper will do whatever it takes to save him from sharing that fate.
Daughters of the Dawn by Sarena & Sasha Nanua: Twin princesses Ria and Rani journey deep into dangerous new lands to save their home in this propulsive, immersive sequel to Sisters of the Snake.
Dauntless by Elisa A. Bonnin: Seri, Borderland teen and new assistant to Eshai Unbroken, local commander of the Valiants, may be the only person who can bridge the divide between the People who build their dwellings in the spreading trees and the "beasts" who roam the forest floors.
The Dawn of Yangchen by F.C. Yee: Plagued by the voices of Avatars before her for as long as she can remember, Yangchen has not yet earned the respect felt for her predecessor. When she travels to Bin-Er on political business, a chance encounter with an informant named Kavik leads to a wary partnership. As Yangchen and Kavik seek to thwart the corrupt shangs’ plan, their unlikely friendship deepens. But for Yangchen to chart her course as a singularly powerful Avatar, she must learn to rely on her own wisdom.
Dead Flip by Sara Farizan: 18-year-old former friends Cori and Maz reunite to solve the mystery of what happened to their other friend Sam--who disappeared 5 years ago and has now returned, not having aged at all.
Debating Darcy by Sayantani DasGupta: A life-long speech competitor, Leela Bose loves nothing more than crushing the competition. But when Leela meets the incorrigible Firoze Darcy, a fellow competitor in the state league, she can’t stand him. But Leela’s participation in the tournament reveals that she might have misjudged the debaters - including Darcy.
Deep in Providence by Riss A. Neilson: After Jasmine is killed, her remaining best friends Miliani, Inez, and Natalie plan to resurrect her using magic learned from Miliani's Filipino aunt, but their actions have dangerous consequences that threaten themselves and those they care about.
Diamond Park by Phillipe Diederich: When four Mexican-American teenagers from Houston travel to Diamond Park to buy a 1959 Chevy Impala from Magaña's godfather, something goes very wrong, and one of them, Susi, ends up arrested for murder. Convinced that the real killer is a drug trafficker called Anaconda, Flaco and Magaña head to Mexico hunting for him to clear Susi's name--but in the process of kidnapping Anaconda Flaco discovers how little he understands about what really happened in Diamond Park.
Direwood by Catherine Yu: After Aja’s perfect older sister Fiona disappears when a strange weather event isolates their town, she must put her trust in a vicious but alluring vampire if she wants to see her sister again.
Does My Body Offend You? by Mayra Cuevas & Marie Marquardt: A coming-of-age story told in two points of view, about Puerto Rican teen Malena Rosario who seeks justice after running afoul of her school's sexist dress code, and Ruby McAllister, the white girl who wants to help her lead "the bra-bellion" but must first learn how to become an effective ally; exploring themes of implicit bias, social activism, and female friendship
The Dragon’s Promise (Six Crimson Cranes #2) by Elizabeth Lim: Princess Shiori made a deathbed promise to return the dragon's pearl to its rightful owner, but keeping that promise is more dangerous than she ever imagined.
The Dream Runners by Shveta Thakar: Spirited away to the subterranean realm of Nagalok as children, 17-year-olds Tanvi and Venkat are charged with harvesting human dreams for the entertainment of the naga court--until one of them begins to remember the mortal life she left behind.
Drizzle, Dreams and Lovestruck Things by Maya Prasad: Sisters Nidhi, Avani, Sirisha, and Rani experience romance and coming-of-age while working at their family's inn on Orcas Island.
Echoes of Grace by Guadalupe Garcia McCall: On the Texas-Mexico border, 18-year-old Grace's relationship with her older sister Mercy is fractured when Mercy's two-year-old son dies in an accident, bringing to the surface old family traumas and literal ghosts as the family struggles to heal.
The Empress of Time by Kylie Lee Baker: Half Reaper, half Shinigami soul collector Ren Scarborough must defend her title as Japan's Death Goddess from those who would see her--and all of Japan--destroyed.
Empress Crowned in Red by Ciannon Smart: Witches Iraya and Jazmyne must once again work together as a new enemy threatens Aiyca, even as betrayal lurks around every corner.
Even When Your Voice Shakes by Ruby Yayra Goka: After Amberley is raped by her employer's son she realizes she two choices--stay quiet and keep her job or live her truth and speak up for herself and for justice.
Every Variable of Us by Charles A. Bush: After she is injured in a gang shooting, 17-year-old Alexis Duncan's dreams of a college scholarship and pro basketball career vanish, but, encouraged by new student Aamani Chakrabarti, Alexis shifts her focus to the school's STEM quiz bowl team.
Everyone Hates Kelsie Miller by Meredith Ireland:  Kelsie Miller and Eric Mulvaney Ortiz, rivals for valedictorian, team up on an overnight road trip to the University of Pennsylvania to win back their exes.
Feather and Flame: The Queen’s Council #2 by Livia Blackburne: Mulan goes from a celebrated war hero to a reluctant Empress and must once again rise above expectations and prove she doesn't have to be anyone but herself to save China.
No Filter and Other Lies by Crystal Maldonado: 17-year-old Kat Sanchez uses photos of a friend to create a fake Instagram account, but when one of her posts goes viral and exposes Kat's duplicity, her entire world--both real and pretend--comes crashing down around her.
The Final Strife by Saara El-Arifi: Sylah dreams of days growing up in the resistance, being told she would spark a revolution that would free the Empire from the red-blooded ruling classes' tyranny. Anoor has been told she’s nothing, no one, a disappointment, by the only person who matters: her mother, the most powerful ruler in the empire. But when Sylah and Anoor meet, a fire burns between them that could consume the kingdom—and their hearts. Hassa’s invisibility has its uses: it can hide the most dangerous of secrets, secrets that can reignite a revolution. As the Empire begins a set of trials of combat and skill designed to find its new leaders, the stage is set for blood to flow, power to shift, and cities to burn.
Finding Jupiter by Kellis Rowe: Teens Orion and Ray meet at the local Memphis skating rink and fall fast and hard into summer love, until a mystery from their past threatens to rip them—and their families—apart, even if their love is written in the stars.
Fireworks by Alice Lin: 17-year-old Lulu Li’s summer plans go awry when she learns that Kite Xu, her old next-door neighbor and childhood friend, returns. But how could a K-pop star ever fall for a nobody from home?
The First to Die at the End by Adam Silvera: Strangers Orion Pagan and Valentino Prince spend a life-changing day together after Death-Cast first makes their fateful calls.
Flip the Script by Lyla Lee: Korean American actress Hana Jin she can totally handle her fake co-star boyfriend and K-pop star, Bryan Yoon, who might be falling in love with her. But when showrunners bring on a new girl, Minjee Park, to challenge Hana’s role as main love interest—can  Hana fight for her position on the show while falling for her on-screen rival in real life?
Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong: In 1931 Shanghai, two Nationalist spies, Rosalind Lang and Orion Hong, pose as a married couple to investigate a series of brutal murders causing unrest in the city.
The Genesis Wars (Infinity Courts #2) by Akemi Dawn Bowman: Nami has escaped Ophelia and the Courts of Infinity, and found refuge in the Borderlands; she has spent her days training her body and mind so that when the time comes she will be able to navigate Infinity and rescue her captured friends, and now she has made a breakthrough, gaining the ability to enter minds without permission--the answers she needs are in Prince Caelan's mind, but his betrayal has left her unsure.
The Getaway by Lamar Giles: After a global catastrophe, Jay discovers the world-famous vacation resort where he lives and works doubles as a luxury doomsday refuge for the cruel billionaires he's now trapped with.
The Ghosts of Rose Hill by R. M. Romero: Sent to stay with her aunt in Prague and witness the humble life of an artist, Ilana Lopez—a biracial Jewish girl—finds herself torn between her dream of becoming a violinist and her immigrant parents’ desire for her to pursue a more stable career.
The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh: In this retelling of Shim Cheong, 16-year-old Mina is swept away to the Spirit Realm, where, assisted by a motley crew of demons, gods, and lesser spirits, she sets out to awaken the sleeping Sea God and save her homeland and family from deadly storms.
A Girl’s Guide to Love & Magic by Debbie Rigaud: 15-year-old Haitian American Cicely is excited to celebrate the West Indian Day Parade with her aunt, and voodoo dabbler, Mimose, but when Mimose's dabbling goes awry and she becomes possessed by a spirit, Cicely, Renee, and Kwame, her crush, must find a way to set things right.
Godslayers (Gearbreakers #2) by Zoe Hana Mikuta: Eris and Sona are pitted against each other in the ongoing war between Godolia and the Badlands.
Great or Nothing by Caroline Tung Richmond & Joy McCullough & Tess Sharpe & Jessica Spotwood: A reimagining of Little Women set in the spring of 1942, when the United States is suddenly embroiled in the second World War, this story, told from each March sister's point of view, is one of grief, love, and self-discovery.
Heartbreak Symphony by Laekan Zea Kemp: When Aarón Medrano and Mia Villanueva cross paths, Aarón sees a chance to get close to the girl he’s had a crush on for years and to finally feel connected to someone since losing his mother. Mia sees a chance to hold herself accountable by making them both face their fears. But soon they’ll realize there’s something much scarier than getting up on stage—falling in love with a broken heart.
Her Rebel Highness by Diana Ma (Daughters of the Dynasty #2): High school senior Lei unexpectedly finds love amid the student protests in Beijing in 1989, forcing her to choose between her family and its legacy or her future with a revolutionary leader.
High Spirits by Camille Gomera Tavarez: a collection of eleven interconnected short stories from the Dominican diaspora, centered on one extended family, the Beléns, across multiple generations.
Hollow Fires by Samira Ahmed: After discovering the body of 14-year-old Jawad Ali in Jackson Park, 17-year-old journalism student Safiya Mirza begins investigating his murder and ends up confronting white supremacy in her own high school.
How Maya Got Fierce by Sonia Charaipotra: When her dream of working at Fierce, a popular magazine, comes true, 17-year-old Maya Gera gets the scoop on a huge story, but wonders how long she can keep up the charade of being older than she really is
How to Date a Superhero by Cristina Fernandez: When Astrid discovers that her boyfriend is a superhero, she must learn how to survive their relationship, college life, and figuring out who she is.
How to Live Without You by Sarah Everett: 17-year-old Emmy returns home for the summer to uncover the truth behind her sister Rose’s disappearance—only to learn that Rose had many secrets, ones that have Emmy questioning herself and the sister Emmy thought she knew
How to Succeed in Witchcraft by Aislinn Brophy: Half-Black witch Shay Johnson is cast as the lead in her school musical and must decide between exposing her predatory drama teacher and getting the scholarship she desperately needs.
How You Grow Wings by Rimma Onoseta: Sisters Cheta and Zam's paths to break free of their oppressive home diverge wildly--one moves into an aunt's luxurious home and the other struggles to survive on her wits alone--and when they finally reunite, Zam realizes how far Cheta has fallen, leaving Cheta's fate in Zam's hands.
I Guess I Live Here Now by Claire Ahn: Korean-American teen Melody Lee is uprooted from her life in Manhattan and relocated to her father's villa in Seoul, plunges into a whirlwind of culture shock and family secrets as she struggles to reconcile her identity in a place she's supposed to call home.
I Rise by Marie Arnold: 14-year-old Ayo has to decide whether to take on her mother's activist role when her mom is shot by police. As she tries to find answers, Ayo looks to the wisdom of her ancestors and her Harlem community for guidance.
If You Could See the Sun by Ann Liang: Alice Sun, upon discovering she can no longer afford tuition at her elite Beijing boarding school, teams up with her academic rival Henry Li and monetizes her strange new invisibility powers by discovering and selling her wealthy classmates' most scandalous secrets.
If You Still Recognize Me by Cynthia So: Elsie has a crush on Ada, the only person in the world who truly understands her. Unfortunately, they've never met in real life. But Elsie has decided it's now or never to tell Ada how she feels. That is, until her long-lost best friend Joan walks back into her life.In a summer of repairing broken connections and building surprising new ones, Elsie realizes that she isn't nearly as alone as she thought.
In Every Generation by Kendare Blake: Follow the next generation of Scoobies and Slayers who must defeat a powerful new evil.
Inheritance: A Visual Poem by Elizabeth Acevedo: In her most famous spoken-word poem, author of the Pura Belpr-winning novel-in-verse The Poet X Elizabeth Acevedo embraces all the complexities of Black hair and Afro-Latinidad--the history, pain, pride, and powerful love of that inheritance.
The Iron Sword by Julie Kagawa: Prince Ash achieved the impossible and journeyed to the End of the World to earn a soul and keep his vow to always stand beside Queen Meghan of the Iron Fey. Now he faces even more incomprehensible odds. Their son, King Keirran of the Forgotten, is missing.
It Sounds Like This by Anna Meriano: A sweet and nerdy contemporary YA novel set in the world of marching band.
The Ivory Key by Akshaya Raman: Four estranged royal siblings, each harboring secrets and conflicting agendas, must learn to work together as they search for the Ivory Key, which will lead to a new source of magic.
Just Your Local Bisexual Disaster by Andrea Mosqueda: Following a self-described romantic disaster living in the Rio Grande Valley, bisexual Chicana Maggie Gonzalez tries to figure out whom she wants to ask to be her escort at her little sister's upcoming quinceanera: her charming ex-boyfriend twice over, her first crush and gorgeous best friend, or the mysterious new girl with the romantic baggage?
The Kindred by Alechia Dow: A royal, Duke Felix Hamdi and a commoner, Joy Abara, mistakenly mind-paired at birth, land on Earth after fleeing royal assassins, only to find the "developing" planet might hold the solutions to their divided and unjust lives back home.
Kings of B’more by R. Eric Thomas: Set in Baltimore, a celebration of queer Black friendship as two boys, Harrison and Linus, plan a day of fun and facing their fears.
Kiss & Tell by Adib Khorram: On Kiss & Tell's first major tour, lead singer Hunter Drake grapples with a painful breakup with his first boyfriend, his first rebound, and the stress of what it means to be queer in the public eye.
K-Pop Revolution (K-Pop Confidential #2) by Stephan Lee: She thought that debuting in a K-pop band was the finish line, but it was only the beginning. Because now it's not only Candace Park’s company judging her--it's the entire world. How will she find the courage to stand by her beliefs, even when powerful forces are trying to shame and silence her?
Lakelore by Anna-Marie McLemore: Two non-binary teens, Bastián Silvano and Lore Garcia, are pulled into a magical world under a lake - but can they keep their worlds above water intact?
Lark & Kasim Start a Revolution by Kacen Callender: 17-year-old nurodivergent and nonbinary Lark pretends that they are the creator of a viral thread that their ex-best friend, Kasim, accidentally posted onto their Twitter account, declaring his unrequited love, but living a lie takes its toll on Lark, forcing them to deal with their own messy emotions.
The Lesbiana’s Guide to Catholic School by Sonora Reyes: 16-year-old Mexican American Yami Flores starts Catholic school, determined to keep her brother out of trouble and keep herself closeted, but her priorities shift when Yami discovers that her openly gay classmate Bo is also annoyingly cute.
The Lies We Tell by Katie Zhao: During her freshman year at college, Anna Xu investigates the unsolved on-campus murder of her former babysitter, as she and an old rival have to team up to look into the hate crimes happening around campus.
The Loophole by Naz Kutub: Sy, a 17-year-old queer Indian-Muslim boy, travels the world for a second chance at love after a possibly magical heiress grants him three wishes.
The Lost Dreamer by Lizz Huerta: In this fantasy inspired by ancient Mesoamerica, a lineage of seers defiantly resists the shifting patriarchal state that would see them destroyed.
Love, Decoded by Jennifer Yen: In this contemporary NYC-set retelling of Emma, high school junior Gigi Wong is determined to be picked for a contest that could lead to an exclusive tech internship, but when her matchmaking app goes viral Gigi must deal with the unexpected consequences of helping her friends find love.
Love From Mecca to Medina by S.K. Ali: Adam and Zayneb embark on the Umrah, a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, in Saudi Arabia, but as one wedge after another drives them apart while they make their way through rites in the holy city, Adam and Zayneb start to wonder if their meeting was just an oddity after all.
Love Radio by Ebony LaDelle: Clever teen DJ Prince Jones,  always full of love advice for his friends and classmates meets his match in Dani Ford, who is an anti-romance and would rather be preparing to be the next great novelist.
Love Times Infinity by Lane Clarke: 16-year-old Michie is busy with big dreams for college and the biggest crush on the school's new basketball superstar, Derek de la Rosa—but when her estranged mother suddenly reappears in her life, she faces important questions about the chances she's willing to take on herself and her future,
Loveboat Reunion (Loveboat #2) by Abigail Hing Wen: Sophie Ha and Xavier Yeh find themselves on a wild, nonstop Loveboat reunion, hatching a joint plan to take control of their futures. Can they succeed together or are they destined to combust?
Lulu and Milagro’s Search for Clarity by Angela Velez: Two sisters become begrudging partners on their school's cross-country field trip to college campuses as they uncover family secrets, confront weighty expectations for their futures, and discover the true meaning of sisterhood.
The Man or the Monster by Aamna Qureshi: Durkhanai Miangul sealed her lover’s fate when she sent him through a door where either a lady or a lion awaited him. But Durkhanai’s decision was only the beginning of her troubles. Her presumed-dead father comes back with a vengeance, but her family’s denial of his revenge forces Durkhanai to take matters into her own hands.
A Magic Steeped in Poison by Judy Lin: Ning enters a cutthroat magical competition to find the kingdom's greatest master of the art of brewing tea, but political schemes and secrets make her goal of gaining access to royal physicians to cure her dying sister far more dangerous than she imagined.
A Venom Dark and Sweet (The Book of Tea #2) by Judy Lin: A great evil has come to the kingdom of Dàxi. The Banished Prince has returned to seize power and Ning has escorted Princess Zhen into exile. Joining them is the princess' loyal bodyguard, Ruyi, and Ning's newly healed sister, Shu. Together the four young women travel throughout the kingdom in search of allies to help oust the invaders and take back Zhen's rightful throne.
Meet Me in Mumbai by Sabina Khan: A novel in two acts, told 18 years apart; in the first, teenage mother Ayesha grapples with the decision whether to place her daughter Mira for adoption; in the second, her daughter wonders what she will find after discovering an old letter from her birth mother asking to meet in Mumbai on her 18th birthday.
Master of Souls (Kingdom of Souls #3) by Rena Barron: Arrah must decipher the legacy of her past and weave an uneasy alliance between her beloved Rudjek, the Demon King, and the remaining orishas, hoping to restore peace.
The Merciless Ones by Namina Forna: It's been 6 months since Deka freed the goddesses in the ancient kingdom of Otera and discovered who she really is. Yet hidden secrets threaten to destroy everything Deka has known. And with her own gifts changing, Deka must discover if she holds the key to saving Otera or if she might be its greatest threat.
A Million to One by Adiba Jaigirdar: An acrobat, an actress, an artist, and a thief, four girls who seemingly have nothing in common, work together and plot a heist to steal the Rubaiyat off the Titanic. 
Monsters Born and Made by Tanvi Berwan: 16-year-old Korwal, from a family of sea-monster trainers, sacrifices everything to be the first of her caste to compete in a monstrous chariot race in an effort to save her sister's life.
Murder of Crows by K. Ancrum: Tig Torres investigates Hollow Falls' horrific history in this original novel based on the hit podcast Lethal Lit.
My Mechanical Romance by Alexene Farol Follmuth: High school senior Bel Maier has an aptitude for engineering and teams up with robotics team captain, Mateo Luna, but after a rough start together the nights of after-school work lead to romance.
My Sister’s Big Fat Indian Wedding by Sajni Patel: 17-year-old aspiring violinist Zurika Damani must secretly juggle the obligations of her sister's extravagant wedding week with auditions for a prominent music competition—all while trying to dodge her boisterous family's matchmaking scheme with the groom’s South African cousin Naveen—who just happens to be a cocky vocalist set on stealing Zuri’s spotlight at the scouting competition.
The New Girl by Jesse Q. Sutanto: A transfer student and scholarship recipient, sophomore Lia Setiawan is angered when she discovers a cheating ring, but by the time she finds a dead body and shuts down the campus drug dealer, she fears she might be the biggest snake in the Draycott Academy nest of vipers.
Night of the Raven, Queen of the Dove by Rati Mehrotra: After a bloody palace uprising, Katyani, a young guardswoman to the royal family, discovers she is not who she thought she was and becomes a major pawn in the political games of a monster-filled land on the brink of war.
The Noh Family by Grace K. Shim: Chloe Chang travels to Seoul to meet her deceased father's ultra-rich family, but she soon begins to wonder if her new family's intentions are pure.
Nothing Burns As Bright as You by Ashley Woodfolk: A novel-in-verse that tells the story of a tumultuous romance between two queer girls in nonlinear chapters, anchored by a single day where they set a fire and their relationship spirals out of control.
Nubia: The Awakening by Omar Epps & Clarence A. Haynes: In a climate-ravaged New York deeply divided by class, Zuberi, Uzochi, and Lencho, three teens of refugees from a fallen African utopia, begin to develop supernatural powers.
Okoye to the People by Ibi Zoboi: Okoye is a new recruit for T'Chaka's royal guard: the Dora Milaje. But when Okoye is sent on her very first mission—to America—she'll learn that her status as a Dora means nothing to New Yorkers and her expectations for the world outside of her own quickly fall apart.Caught between duty to her country and listening to her own heart, Okoye must find her own way and determine the type of Dora Milaje—and woman—she wants to be. 
Once Upon a K-Prom by Kat Cho: Instead of going to prom, 17-year-old Elena Soo wants to spend her time saving the local community center, and she is determined to keep her priorities straight even when her childhood best friend Robbie Choi--who is now a K-pop superstar--returns to make good on their old pact to go to prom together.
One True Loves (Happily Ever Afters #2) by Elise Bryant: While on a post-graduation Mediterranean cruise with her family, Lenore Bennett meets a hopeless romantic with a ten-year plan who helps her find something she's been looking for--love.
Only a Monster by Vanessa Len: Set in contemporary London, in which a 16-yer-old half-monster Joan must embrace her own monstrousness to stop the boy she loves, who turns out to be a legendary monster slayer, from killing everyone she cares about.
Only On The Weekends by Dean Atta: A romantic coming-of-age novel in verse about the beautiful--and sometimes painful--fallout of pursuing the love we deserve.
Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie: 17-year-old Ophelia Rojas, well known for her rose garden and her dramatic crushes on every boy in sight, begins to question her sexuality and sense of self when she starts to fall for cute, quiet Talia Sanchez in the weeks leading up to their prom and graduation.
The Other Side of the Tracks by Charity Alyse: In the racially divided towns of Bayside and Hamilton, Zach Whitman moves in and befriends Black siblings Capri and Justin Collins, until one of their friends is murdered by police, and the longstanding feud between the towns erupts into an all-out war, with the three caught in the middle.
Our Shadows Have Claws: 15 Latin American Monster Stories edited by Yamile Mendez & Amparo Ortiz: 15 original short stories from YA superstars featuring the monsters of Latine myths and legends.
Pixels of You by Ananth Hirsh & Yuko Ota: In a near future New York City of cyber augmentation and artificial intelligence, Indira and Fawn, two competitive interns in an art gallery, work together on a photography project, turning a rivalry into a friendship and perhaps something more.
Private Label by Kelly Yang: Chinese American Serene who gets help from the new boy in town, Lian Chen, to search for her dad after her successful fashion designer mother is diagnosed with cancer.
Queen of the Tiles by Hanna Alkaf: 15-year-old Najwa Bakri is forced to investigate the mysterious death of her best friend and Scrabble Queen, Trina, a year after the fact when her Instagram comes back to life with cryptic posts and messages.
Rebel Skies by Ann Sei Lin: Kurara has never known any other life than being a servant on board the Midori, but when her party trick of making paper come to life turns out to be a power treasured across the empire, she joins a skyship and its motley crew to become a Crafter. Taught by the gruff but wise Himura, Kurara learns to hunt shikigami - wild paper spirits who are sought after by the Princess. But are these creatures just powerful slaves for the Crafters and the empire, or are they beings with their own souls - and yet another thing to be subjugated by the powerful Emperor and his Princess?
Reclaim the Stars: 17 Tales Across Realms & Space edited by Zoraida Cordova: In this collection of stories by acclaimed young adult authors the Latin American diaspora travels to places of fantasy and out into space.
The Red Palace by June Hur: Set in 1700s Joseon Korea, while investigating a series of grisly murders, 18-year-old palace nurse Hyeon navigates royal and political intrigue and becomes entangled with a young police inspector.
Required Reading for the Disenfranchised Freshman by Kristen R. Lee: Upon arriving at the prestigious Wooddale University, 17-year-old Savannah Howard comes face-to-face with microaggressions and outright racism--but if she stands up for justice, will she endanger her future?
Right Where I Left You by Julian Winters: The summer before he leaves for college, 18-year-old Isaac Martin makes big plans with his best friend Diego that only the reappearance of an old crush can derail.
Road of the Lost by Nafiza Azad: Croi is compelled by a summoning spell leave her home in the Wilde Forest and travel into the Otherworld, where the enchantment that made her into a brownie begins to break, revealing her true identity, her hidden magick, and her forgotten heritage.
The Rumor Game by Dhonielle Clayton & Sona Charaipotra: At Foxham Prep, a posh private school for Washington, D.C.'s elite, a rumor gains momentum as it collects followers on social media, pulling three girls into its path--Bryn, who wants to erase all memories of the mistake she made last summer; cheer captain Cora, who desperately wants to believe in her boyfriend's faithfulness; and shy Georgie, newly hot after a summer at fat camp and ready to reinvent herself--but who can stop a dangerous rumor once it takes on a life of its own?
Rust in the Root by Justina Ireland: It is 1937, and Laura Ann Langston lives in an America divided—between those who work the mystical arts and those who do not. In New York City, she embarks on a mission with Skylark, a powerful mage with a mysterious past, into the heart of the country’s oldest and most mysterious Blight. There, they discover the work of mages not encountered since the darkest period in America’s past, when Black mages were killed for their power—work that could threaten Laura’s and the Skylark’s lives.
Salaam, With Love by Sara Sharaf Beg: Dua struggles to find her place in her conservative family's household, but as she spends the month of Ramadan with her cousin in Queens, Dua finds herself learning more about her faith, relationships, and place in the world.
Salt and Sugar by Rebecca Carvalho: A telenovela-esque rom-com debut that follows the grandchildren of two rival Brazilian bakeries, Lari Ramires and Pedro Molina, who fall in love despite their families' feud while working to win a contest that would save both of their bakeries from being driven out by a predatory supermarket chain.
Scout’s Honor by Lily Anderson: Following a biracial Puerto Rican teen, Prudence Perry, born into a family of highly ranked Ladybird Scouts, elite monster hunters masquerading as a prim and proper ladies' social club who gave up her tea set and daggers after her best friend was killed, but now must return to the scouts to face the biggest monster of all: her past.
A Secret Princess by Margaret Stohl & Melissa De La Cruz: A romantic YA retelling-mashup of A Little Princess and The Secret Garden by bestselling authors Margaret Stohl and Melissa de la Cruz.
Self-Made Boys by Anna-Marie McLemore: Three teens, Nicolás Caraveo, Daisy Fabrega, and Jay Gatsby, chase their own version of the American Dream during the Roaring 20s in this YA remix of The Great Gatsby.
Seoulmates by Susan Lee: Recently dumped high school nobody Hannah Cho must face her unresolved feelings for her childhood best friend, Jacob Kim, when he returns to their San Diego hometown as the newest K-drama heartthrob—and blackmails her into completing his summer bucket list with him.
Seton Girls by Charlene Thomas: The quarterback of Seton Academy prep school wants a state championship before his successor, Seton's first Black QB, has a chance to overshadow him, leading him to take bigger risks, and soon the team's awful secret leaks to a group of girls who suddenly have the power to change their world.
Shattered Midnight by Dhonielle Clayton:  In 1920s New Orleans, 18-year-old Zora Broussard banished after an incident in Harlem, struggles with her overbearing family, magical powers, love of jazz, and forbidden romance with white pianist Philip.
She Gets the Girl by Rachel Lippincott & Alyson Derrick: Alex Blackwood is a little bit headstrong, with a dash of chaos and a whole lot of flirt. She knows how to get the girl. Keeping her on the other hand…not so much. Molly Parker has everything in her life totally in control, except for her complete awkwardness with just about anyone besides her mom. She knows she’s in love with the impossibly cool Cora Myers. She just…hasn’t actually talked to her yet.
A Show For Two by Tashie Bhuiyan: Mina’s ticket to winning a film competition falls into her lap when indie film star—and known heartbreaker—Emmitt Ramos enrolls in her high school under a secret identity to research his next role. They strike a deal to work together, and as Mina ventures across the five boroughs with Emmitt by her side, the city she grew up in starts to look different and more. With the competition deadline looming, Mina's dreams—which once seemed impenetrable—begin to crumble, and she’s forced to ask herself: Is winning worth losing everything?
The Signs and Wonders of Tuna Rashad by Natasha Deen: Following Tuna Rashad, always on the lookout for messages from her Caribbean ancestors who have passed on, as she tries to win over her crush before she leaves for college.
The Silence That Binds Us by Joanna Ho: In the year following their son's death, May Chen's parents face racist accusations of putting too much pressure on their son and causing his death by suicide, and May attempts to challenge the racism and ugly stereotypes through her writing, only to realize that she still has a lot to learn and that her actions have consequences for her family as well as herself.
Slip by Marika McCoola & Aatmaja Pandya: An emotional coming-of-age graphic novel for fans of Bloom and Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me.
Somebody That I Used to Know by Dana L. Davis: Aspiring musician Dylan Woods is forced to reunite with her ex–best friend Langston—who just happens to be the world’s biggest teen star.
Soul of the Deep (Skin of the Sea #2) by Natasha Bowen: To save those closest to her, Simi traded away everything: her freedom, her family, and the boy she loves. Now she is sworn to serve a new god, watching over the Land of the Dead at the bottom of the ocean.But when signs of demons begin to appear, it's clear there are deeper consequences of Simi's trade. With the fate of the world at stake, Simi must break her promise and team up with a scheming trickster of a god.
Spin Me Right Round by David Valdes: Luis Gonzalez just wants to go to prom with his boyfriend, but when a hit on the head knocks him back to 1985, he meets his parents' closeted classmate.
Squire by Sara Alfageeh & Nadia Shammas: Aiza has always dreamt of becoming a Knight. After she enlists in the competitive Squire program, it’s not how she imagined and she’ll have to soon choose between loyalty to her heart and heritage, or loyalty to the Empire.
Strike the Zither by Joan He: As three warring fractures try to gain control of the kingdom, orphaned Zephyr, a strategist serving Xin Ren, infiltrates an enemy camp where she encounters the enigmatic Crow, an opposing strategist who might just be her match.
The Summer of Bitter and Sweet by Jen Ferguson: Demisexual Metis teen Lou is settling in to spend the summer before college working at her close-knit family's small-town ice cream shack with her best friend, ex-boyfriend, and newly back-in-town crush, when a letter from her white biological father, recently out of prison, threatens to destroy everything she cares about.
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas: Transgender demigod Teo is unexpectedly selected for the Sunbearer Trials, a fierce competition among demigod heroes where the winner sacrifices the loser to Sol, their blood fueling the Sun Stones that protect Reino del Sol.
Sunny G’s Series of Rash Decisions by Navdeep Singh Dillon: Sunny G's brother left him one thing when he died: His notebook, which Sunny is determined to fill up with a series of rash decisions. Decision number one was a big one: He stopped wearing his turban, cut off his hair, and shaved his beard. Sunny debuts his new look at prom, which he's stuck going to alone. Enter Mindii Vang, a girl with a penchant for making rash decisions of her own, starting with stealing Sunny's notebook. When Sunny chases after her, prom turns into an all-night adventure—a night full of rash, wonderful, romantic, stupid, life-changing decisions.
Survive the Dome by Kosko Jackson: High school junior Jamal Lawson teams up with hacker Marco during a police brutality protest to shut down a device that creates an impenetrable dome around Baltimore that is keeping the residents in and information from going out.
This is Why They Hate Us by Aaron H. Aceves: 17-year-old Enrique "Quique" Luna decides to get over his crush on Saleem Kanazi before the end of summer by pursuing other romantic prospects, but he ends up discovering heartfelt truths about friendship, family, and himself.
This Place is Still Beautiful by Xixi Tian: A story about first love, complicated family dynamics, and the pernicious legacy of racism, following two estranged teen sisters Annalie and Margaret who have no choice but to reunite in their small Midwestern town when their family becomes the victim of a hate crime.
This Wicked Fate (This Poison Heart #2) by Kalynn Bayron: Briseis races to save her family even as she discovers more about their ties to ancient goddesses and deadly curses.
A Thousand Heartbeats by Kiera Cass: Princess Annika has lived a life of comfort—but no amount of luxuries can change the fact that her life isn’t her own to control. Miles away, small comforts are few and far between for Lennox. For Lennox, the idea of love is merely a distraction—nothing will stand in the way of fighting for his people. But when love, against all odds, finds them both, they are bound by its call. They can’t possibly be together—but the irresistible thrum of a thousand heartbeats won’t let them stay apart.
A Thousand Steps Into Night by Traci Chee: In the realm of Awara, where gods, monsters, and humans exist side by side, ordinary Miuko is cursed and begins to transform into a demon with a deadly touch. Embarking on a quest to turn human again, she must outfox tricksters, escape demon hunters, and negotiate with feral gods if she wants to make it home again.
Three Kisses, One Midnight by Roshani Chokshi & Evelyn Skye & Sandhya Menon: A magical Halloween story pitched as told in the tradition of LET IT SNOW, set in a town reminiscent of Stars Hollow, featuring interconnected stories about three witchy best friends and their romantic quest involving love potions (that may or may not work) and true love's kiss before the clock strikes midnight, 
TJ Powar Has Something to Prove by Jasmeen Kaur Deo: A charming rom-com about high school debater TJ Powar who—after becoming the subject of an ugly meme—makes a resolution to stop shaving, plucking, and waxing, and prove that she can be her hairy self and still be beautiful…but soon finds this may be her most difficult debate yet.
Together We Burn by Isabel Ibanez: 18-year-old flamenco dancer Zarela Zalvidar must work with a disgraced dragon hunter to learn the ways of a Dragador and save her ancestral home.
Tokyo Dreaming (Tokyo Ever After #2) by Emiko Jean: Princess Izumi of Japan will do anything to help her parents achieve their happily ever after, but what if playing the perfect princess means sacrificing her own? Will she find a way to forge her own path and follow her heart?
Travelers Along the Way by Aminah Mae Safi: In this reimagination of the legend of Robin Hood, Rahma al-Hud and her older sister Zeena travel to Jerusalem for a final mission, and on their way they assemble a ragtag band of misfits and get swept up Holy Land politics.
The Turning Pointe by Vanessa L. Torres: Following a dancer in 1980s Minnesota as she navigates complex family expectations, a new romance, and her own ambitions to dance for the Purple One himself, Prince.
Turning by Joy L. Smith: Before the "accident" Genie was an aspiring ballerina, now she is a bitter teenager, permanently confined to a wheelchair, but at physical therapy she meets Kyle, a gymnast whose traumatic brain injury has landed him in therapy--and through their growing friendship Genie realizes that she has to confront the things around her: like the booze her mother is hiding, or the fact that maybe her fall was not entirely accidental.
Twice as Perfect by Louisa Onome: 17-year-old Nigerian Canadian Adanna Nkwachi must deal with an estranged older brother, uncertainty about her future, and helping her cousin plan a big Nigerian wedding.
Valiant Ladies by Melissa Grey: In Potosai, a silver mining city in the new Spanish viceroyalty of Peru, proper ladies by day and teen vigilantes by night, Eustaquia “Kiki” de Sonza and Ana Lezama de Urinza set out to expose corruption and deliver justice after Kiki's brother is murdered and the prostitute he loved disappears.
Vinyl Moon by Mahogany L. Browne: Reeling from the scars of a past relationship, Angel finds healing and hope in the words of strong Black writers and the new community she builds in Brooklyn
We Are All We Have by Marina Budhos: After her mom is taken by ICE, 17-year-old Rania's hopes and dreams for the future are immediatly put on hold as she figures out how take care of her younger brother and survive in a country that seems to be closing around them.
We Are the Scribes by Randi Pink: Ruth Fitz, a black teenager surrounded by activism in a family rocked by tragedy, discovers that she has begun to receive parchment letters from Harriet Jacobs, the author of the autobiography and 1861 American classic.
We Deserve Monuments by Jas Hammonds: When 17-year-old Avery moves to rural Georgia to live with her ailing grandmother, she encounters decade-old family secrets and a mystery surrounding the town's racist past.
We Weren’t Looking To Be Found by Stephanie Kuehn: Dani and Camilla find friendship on their path to mental health in a story of acceptance, recovery, and resilience.
The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D. Jackson: When a viral bullying incident reveals outcast Madison Washington’s secret of being biracial, student leaders come up with a plan to change their image: host the school's first integrated prom as a show of unity. The popular white class president convinces her Black superstar quarterback boyfriend to ask Maddy to be his date. But some of her classmates aren't done with her just yet. And what they don't know is that Maddy still has another secret, one that will cost them all their lives.
Well, That Was Unexpected by Jesse Q. Sutanto: After Sharlot Citra is whisked from L.A. to her mother's native Indonesia in order to "get back to her roots," who—through a comedy of errors and overzealous parents—she finds herself fake dating the son of one of the wealthiest families in Indonesia, and is surprised when she actually starts to fall in love with the boy, with the country, and with the big family she never knew before now,
What Souls Are Made Of by Tasha Suri: As the abandoned son of a Lascar—a sailor from India—Heathcliff has spent most of his young life maligned as an "outsider." Now he's been flung into an alien life in the Yorkshire moors. Catherine, the younger child of the estate's owner, a daughter with light skin and brown curls and a mother that nobody talks about, soon finds solace with Heathcliff. But when Catherine's father dies and the household's treatment of Heathcliff only grows more cruel, their relationship becomes strained and threatens to unravel.
What’s Coming to Me by Francesca Padilla: After the ice cream stand where she works is robbed, 17-year-old Minerva Gutiaerrez plans to get revenge on her predatory boss while navigating grief, anger, and dreams of escape from her dead-end hometown.
Whiteout by Dhonielle Clayton & Tiffany D. Jackson & Nic Stone & Angie Thomas & Ashley Woodfolk & Nicola Yoon: Atlanta is blanketed with snow just before Christmas, but the warmth of young love just might melt the ice in this novel of interwoven narratives, Black joy, and cozy, sparkling romance.
The Wicked Remain (Grimrose Girls #2) by Laura Pohl: At Grimrose Académie, Nani, Yuki, Ella, and Rory have discovered the truth about the curse that's left a trail of dead bodies at Grimrose. But the four still know nothing of its origins, or how to stop the cycle of doomed fates. Can the girls change their own stories and break the curse?
This Woven Kingdom by Tahereh Mafi: To all the world, Alizeh is a disposable servant, not the long-lost heir to an ancient Jinn kingdom forced to hide in plain sight.The crown prince, Kamran, has heard the prophecies foretelling the death of his king. But he could never have imagined that the servant girl with the strange eyes, the girl he can’t put out of his mind, would one day soon uproot his kingdom—and the world.
Wrong Side of Court by H.N. Khan: 15-year-old Fawad Chaudhry has big dreams about being the world's first Pakistani to be drafted into the NBA.
The Witchery by S. Isabelle: Logan came to Mesmortes Coven Academy in Haelsford, Florida, to learn to control her powers, but she soon learns she has a role to play in the ancient curse of the hellmouth--whatever the cost to herself and her new friends.
You Truly Assumed by Laila Sabreen: Three Black Muslim teens, Sabriya, Zakat, and Farah, living different parts of the country start a blog to fight Islamophobia and find friendship and hope as they let their voices be heard.
Zyla & Kai by Kristina Forest: The story of how cynic Zyla Matthews and hopeless romantic Kai Johnson become friends, fall in love, and break up unfolds from their different perspectives.
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