#1d x c2c
spookypotato · 4 years
My second 1DxC2C is here, yay!
Thank you to @asnowpuff, @peggyrose19 and @ninak803 for motivating me💕
The song I used is happily by One Direction.
The ship I used is O'knutzy by the wonderful @lumosinlove! Thank you for the boys.
You don't understand, you don't understand
What you do to me when you hold his hand
Everything was too much. It was loud and the lights were coming from everywhere, flashing in all the colours of the rainbow. But Logan's eyes were fixed on one thing and his mind shut out everything else.
There he was, his best friend, Finn O'Hara, shamelessly flirting with some girl he just met. Some random girl in black skinny jeans and a loose fitting t-shirt with some kind of quote. Probably something like "But first coffee." Or "C'est la vie.". Just some quote that's good the first time and then it's everywhere.
Just like her hands. She was touching Finn. All the time. Whenever he said anything, she reached over to him. Couldn't keep her damn hands on her side for one second.
They laughed, together. Finn probably said something funny. He was always the one cheering Logan up on a bad day. Why he told it to her, was another question.
Finn was probably just being polite, now that Logan thought about it. He knew his best friend. There was no way he actually like her. But Finn was always too kind for his own good. He was probably uncomfortable. Maybe he should go over there and save his friend. That would probably be for the best.
Then he saw Finn reaching out. Taking her drink. Holding her hand, around her drink. And not moving away. Off course, Finn, always the gentleman would bring her a new drink, as hers was empty, but holding hands?!  That wasn't necessary to be friendly. Finn's hand still lingered on the smaller one around the cup. Maybe he was cheering her up? Maybe he saw, she was all alone, all evening and he just wanted her to feel better, by pretending to be interested.
Or maybe, he actually liked her.
We were meant to be but a twist of fate
Made it so you had to walk away
Off course, that was how it had to go. Finn had been gone for months. Logan was still about to cry, every time he passed his old room.
He could see the new posters, of their new teammate. Brody. Yes, he was friendly and put away the stuff he used. He was an almost perfect roommate. The problem was, he wasnt Finn.
He didnt have those red curls, that got all messed up in the morning and when he got drunk. Like they had been the night of their first - yeah. He didnt have freckles, that built star constellations in themselves. That were supposed to be traced and kissed and -.
No, that boy Logan longed for wasnt there with him anymore. No more distractions, no more pretending, no more hiding his feelings.
No more lingering glances, no more soft brown eyes, no more electric touches.
No more Finn.
'Cause we're on fire
We are on fire
But now he was with him again. Talking, joking, playing. They were on the same line. Off course, they were. Logan knew every detail about each one of Finn's plays. Finn knew every little suspicion and comfort Logan had. They knew each other better than they knew themselves. They just- worked together.
They didnt count their own goals. They scored together. Passing the puck multiple times until one of them had the best chance of scoring. They achieved multiple hat-tricks together, one from Finn and two from Logan. And even if Finn scored three, it was theirs. Because Logan helped. Logan was like his second self.
Logan was his other half.
I don't care what people say when we're together
"I want you, Lo'! I know you do, too. Admit it to yourself. You owe it to youself.", Finn shot at him and then added not much above a whisper, "You owe it to me."
"We can't, Finn. You know we can't. You dont want to risk it. You couldnt live with the whole crowd chanting slurs at you, everytime they see you. I couldnt live with them shouting at you.", Logan cried, tears forming in his eyes and threatening to fall.
"I don't care what theyll say!", Finn shouted. He couldnt hold it back anymore. He had enough of hiding. He wasnt wrong for wanting what he wanted.
You know I wanna be the one to hold you when you sleep
He remembered the morning he left for Gryffindor.
Finn woke up, blinking slowly until his eyes adjusted to the light, from the morning sun. It tickled his feet and hands and neck and shoulder- and that wasnt the sun.
Next to him, Finn had completely forgotten in his half asleep state, was Logan. His head on Finns shoulder, eyelashes on his neck. Tickling him.
Their legs were tangled and Finns hand was on Logans back. He could feel his heartbeat. It sounded a lot slower than Finns now quick one. Logans back was warm. Logan was warm. Finn could feel each place they were touching, like it was burning his skin. It was a good pain for the moment.
For the first time, all the excitement about being able to play for the lions- world famous gryffindor lions, his dream- vanished, rigt now, he just wanted to stay. Stay curled up around, this beautiful boy, lying next to him. He would give up his spot on the team, if there was anyway that would make them work out.
But there wasnt. Logan wasnt talking about things that happend, so why would he talk about things that could?
So Finn just burried his nose in Logans hair for the time being and hoped his feelings would fade. Tomorrow. Not today. He would let himself enjoy the closeness for now. He wouldn't ever get this chance again.
It's four a.m. and I know that you're with him
I wonder if he knows that I touched your skin
And if he feels my traces in your hair
Sorry, love, but I don't really care
Logan was staring at the ceiling. Or the floor?
He was lying on his bed, in Dumos basement. They had just won the badgers game. Yet, he didnt feel like celebrating.
He had left right after dinner, which was as perfect as always. Logan hadnt said more than what had been necessary and he had felt celeste worried glances, but she hadnt questioned it. He was glad about it.
The problem wasnt the win. Or how he played or that someone got hurt. No. I was the moment after the timer had ran out. He had been skating over to Finn, like he always did, bumping the helmets together and celebrating their win.
The problem were blond curls on Finns shoulder, as Leo had come up behind the red head and had hugged him. His hand was on Finns chest. Probably feeling his heartbeat. Finn warm all along his back, not only with adrenaline, but the pressure of another body close to him.
The problem was that, Logan wanted to rip Leo's hand away from Finns heart. Wanted to push him away and take his place, feeling Finns warmth in his arms.
The bigger problem was though, that he also wanted to push away Finn and take his place. Feeling Leo's arms surround him and his head a gentle weight on his shoulder.
And then there was that small part that didnt mind. That small part that wanted them to stay exactly how they were. Leo wrapped around Finn, smiling at him and looking all in all just happy. Holding his hand over Finns heart, a place Logan had had his own hand, thinking about if Finn felt the connection. If Leo felt the connection.
Logan hoped they did.
I just want it to be you and I forever
I know you wanna leave
So c'mon baby be with me
So happily
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spookypotato · 4 years
Logan Tremblay and Finn O'Hara by the wonderful @lumosinlove
For everyone that waiting for the new chapter!
The song was unknowingly chosen by @apumpkinpuff💛
Live while we're young
Hey girl, I'm waitin' on ya, I'm waitin' on ya
Come on and let me sneak you out
Logan heard a quiet knock on his door. It was still enough to wake him up. His voice was rough with sleep, so he decided to just get up and see who it is. Once he opened the door he saw Finn, looking a bit embarrassed.
Logan knew that look. Harzy probably had a drink. He went through drinking-personalities. The first stage was embarrassment. After came the reckless, spontaneous one. And before he was to drunk to even stand up, he became clingy.
"Hey", Logan choked out through his raspy voice.
"We're going to party tonight, Lo' !", Finn told him a bit to loud, for 2 am. He was progressing though the stages quickly.
And have a celebration, a celebration
The music up, the windows down
When Logan got dressed, he went down into their main room. Finn was already waiting a drink in both hands. He extended one arm to give Logan the mixture of liquids Finn made him. A look into the cup told him, that Finn knew more than was probably good for his heart.
"Rum and Coke?", Finn asked, taking another sip of his own mix.
"It's my favorite.", came back from Logan as he connected the cup and his lips.
After they both- Finn a bit more than Logan- felt a small effect of the alcohol, the boys went out the door and in the direction of THE party, as Finn had told him.
The music could be heard from a few blocks away.
Yeah, we'll be doing what we do
Just pretending that we're cool and we know it, too
In front of the building, Logan could see flashing lights escaping from every visible window, they stopped.
Finn turned to him, "You know it would be way cooler, if you wear you snapback the other way around right?", and without consulting Logan opinion on that matter, he took his hat, turned it around and placed it back on his head. "Look at you!"
Logan's cheeks felt hot, and he wasnt sure it was from the alcohol anymore.
"Yeah, thanks. Let's get inside."
so tonight, let's go crazy, crazy, crazy 'til we see the sun
Once they were inside they couldnt hear each other over the music properly. But Finn just gestured to a room and Logan understood.
The entered the - way too crowded - kitchen and squeezed through to the drinks. Logan grabbed two cups and handed one to Finn, who held the rum bottle in exchange.
They made their drinks in a fluid motion. Giving and taking bottles, they knew the other needed.
It was crazy. How well they knew each other, while they only met a couple of months ago. If only they-
Suddenly he was ripped out of his thoughts by the one and only Finn O'Hara. His hand was tightly around his wrist. Logan felt only the touch, as if the whole room had stopped. Then he was violently pulled onto the dancefloor, almost spilling his drink.
"C'mon! Let's dance! Get here, Tremzy!", Finn shouted so loud, Logan could understand him over the music.
"I don't dance, Harzy."
That somehow got Finn to stop. He moved in Logan direction, stopping only with his head on Logans shoulder, his arms around his waist. "Does that mean I don't get an exception?"
Logan's face heated. He knew this was only his friend's next stage of drunkenness, but it was such an intimate position they were in.
Almost before Logan answered with a reluctant "fine.", Finn started pulling him back in the direction of the crowd.
Logans heart swelled. This didn't feel like a friendly hug. They wouldn't dance differently if they were ever more than friends. So for that moment, Logan let himself think about the what if's.
I know we only met but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some and live while we're young
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