1dfangirls35 · 6 years
All The Love, H (A Harry Styles Short Story)
Word count: 24K
You always used to tell me that writing was an entrance to the soul.  It had the ability to allow us to express ourselves fully, to create a world which limit was solely your own imagination, and to heal even the deepest of wounds..... And so, given that you are the person that inspired this and all, what better to write about then the story of us?
All the Love,
In which Harry Styles recounts his love story through letters to the love of his life.
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1dfangirls35 · 7 years
The Fallout-Chapter 5
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Chapter 4
Chapter 5- Gut
I wake up with a feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's not a feeling I can precisely define, it just feels like my gut is wrenching. That sort of achy feeling I get when I think something might go wrong. I've had this feeling before. 
There was the time it hit me when I had sat down at the nurse's station, getting ready to chart after an incredibly overwhelming shift. The feeling in my gut had somehow moved me to check in with a patient that I hadn't seen for a few hours, only to find them in cardiac arrest. 
Then there was day everything had changed. The day when the thing of movies became a reality. That morning the feeling in my gut had been stronger than I'd ever experienced. Or so I had thought.
I try to push the feeling away, today is a busy day. Today is the day we finally begin our journey. 
The past week had been filled with plans. Plans with no action, action that my three male companions were dying to take. I have begun to believe this journey to the safe zone was all some sort of testosterone-driven quest for adventure. Since when were we so excited to risk our lives, put ourselves in danger on the open road, and search for something that we weren't even sure existed. 
But today we would begin the action, we had selected a route, we had made a map and we had almost gathered all the supplies necessary.
"You are sure that this route is safe. No one else will be in the area?" I ask Liam for what is probably the thousandth time. 
"Yes Charlie," Liam says with a hint of frustration. "I've thoroughly checked it, we are fine." He sets a hand on my back that is supposed to be reassuring. It isn't. 
"First stop is the supermarket right?" Harry asks, loading a few bags into Gertrude, our vehicle for the journey. 
"Right," Liam replies. "Everyone ready?"
I look at Luke, his face filled with excitement. I don't think he knows what we might face out there. I have protected him from the bad stuff so far. The moments I didn't want to relive, because I can't believe that I am capable of such things. But out here, it would be different and there wouldn't be any turning back after we go. 
"Okay," I say, looking back at the apartment building we had called home for the past few months. Why was it that everyone was so excited about this adventure but me? Have I really given up on life that much?
We hop into Gertrude: Liam and Harry in the front, Luke and I behind. I turn behind to take one last glance at the closest thing we had to home anymore. 
That's when I see it, a black car in the distance, following our tail.
"Liam, someone's following us," I say, trying to keep my voice calm and collected. Could this be the reason my gut had been aching all morning.
"It's probably just coincidence. Don't worry about it Charlie," Liam returns his eyes to the road, and we continue to drive through the nearly empty streets. 
I glance back again, but this time the car is gone, and the streets are once again the wasteland that had become all too familiar. 
"See told ya," Liam says as we approach the supermarket. The building had seen better days and the lot was filled with abandoned cars and carts strewn here and there. There were even remnants of what was likely someone's groceries back in the day. 
"We make it quick," I say as we pull up near the door. "Grab the things on the list, and then regroup in the front, no more than five minutes and we are back on the road."
Everyone gives me a knowing nod, and we exit the vehicle, I swing my bag over my shoulder. 
The inside of the store is as chaotic as its exterior. Supplies are strewn here and there, shelves have toppled over. Its obvious that someone has scavenged her before, but lucky for us there is still plenty to go around. 
We divide and conquer, I had towards the pharmaceuticals, Harry towards the canned food, Luke towards the clothing and Liam towards the home supplies. I've just begun to fill my bag with whatever medicine and bandaging I can find when I hear the sound of a motor outside. I choose to ignore it, it was probably just someone passing by, I need my gut to calm down. 
I focus on my task at hand, not hearing Liam approach the front of the store until I'm froze by the sound of an unfamiliar voice.
"Well, well, well, look who we have here." My blood begins to pump faster and I search the aisles for look, where is he? I barely turn my head around the aisle when strong hands grab me, one hand firmly across my mouth.
"Be quiet and don't move. I'm not going to hurt you," the voice whispers in my ear, barely understandable. I'm pulled back to a corner, hidden from view by a collapsing wall, but with just enough of an angle to now spot Liam through the tipped over aisles. 
Across from him stands a man with jet black hair and a leather jacket, pointing a gun straight at Liam.  Liam slowly raises his hands in surrender. 
"I'm afraid you've crossed my path Liam, and for that you and your friends will pay," the man waves his hand and two other men come forward. I jerk forward when I see Luke being dragged forward, a gun pointed against his head, the man behind me holds me firmly in place. 
I see the flash of fear in Luke's face, even from the distance, and Harry looks frozen in thought. 
"You don't need to hurt us man, we don't have anything that you want," Liam says, his voice surprisingly calm in a situation like this. 
The man cackles, an evil smirk on his face. "And that's where you are wrong. What I want is revenge, and for that I most definitely need you."
"Take me then, take me but don't hurt the others," Liam says. "Let them go." He glances over at Luke, who is clearly terrified. I try to fight my captor but he's too strong for me to overcome. What did this man want? Who was he and what had Liam done that he was so angry about? 
"Okay," the man says with a smile, and a shot rings as Liam is hit clearly in the shoulder. Pain flashes across his face. The blood pours from his shoulder and the man has a clear smirk on his face. Harry is looking down at the ground, obviously unable to look at his friend in suffering. 
I silently pray that this is the end. That whoever this guy is, he has gotten his revenge and that he will leave us be. I could fix Liam's shoulder, I was sure I could. I minor setback but doable. But now knowing someone was after him, someone was after us? Did we need to change our plan entirely. 
"He hasn't done anything, you can't kill him!" I nearly jump at the sound of my brother's voice. No, Luke don't say anything. My breath quickens because I can see the evil across the man's face. I thought I taught Luke better than to lash out at someone with a gun in their hand. 
"Want to share the love a little do we?" the man says turning slightly to point the gun at Luke. Then in a flash, Liam has lunged forward, freeing himself from his captors and diving in front of my brother as three shots ring out. My screams muffled by the hold of the man behind me as the men exit the supermarket, dragging a sobbing Harry with them.
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1dfangirls35 · 7 years
The Fallout Chapter 1
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After nuclear war leaves the world in shambles, Charlotte Breslow finds herself simply trying to survive, until an unexpected stranger reminds her of what it means to live again.
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Chapter 1- 463
463 days. 463 days have passed since the world as I knew it  ended. It has been 463 days since I last saw my parents. 463 days since I last binged on Netflix. 463 days since I wandered through the grocery store, checked my email, or navigated through the lovely Los Angeles traffic. 
I pull out my notepad from inside my worn black backpack. Its once light blue edges now wearing down to a dusty tan color. The spine binding beginning to loosen, enough so it doesn't quite stay open. I flip to the inside cover and trace my fingers over the "To our dearest Charlotte, may your journey await" in my mother's swirly script. 
I flip to the page I've marked last, with the edge bent slightly inwards. 463, I write in bold print. Wednesday, July 15th, 2020. I stare at it for a moment, letting it sink in. Wrapping my head around those numbers, that date. It was the only thing that I had to grasp onto anymore after all. 
"And what day would it be today?" 463 days ago I would have jumped at the sound of my little brother Luke's voice behind me. Today, I don't even bother to turn around. 
"Today is Wednesday, July 15th," I respond.
"Well then happy hump day Charlie!" Luke pulls off some obnoxious dance move and I roll my eyes. Sometimes Luke's sense of humor was the only thing getting me through the day. 
"Happy hump day Luke," I respond back with a grin, although we both knew there was no such thing as hump day anymore. 
I shove the notebook back in its assigned pocket for safekeeping, and begin to gather my belongings. There wasn't much anymore. The blanket my grandma knitted for me before I left for college. The hairbrush that kept me from developing a rat's nest at the nape of my neck. The small pillow which had a hard lump I couldn't quite get rid of. My backpack, which carried things that I didn't dare use. The duffle bag where Luke and I kept all the necessities, soap, Pork and Beans, matches, and of course Oreo Cookies. Today the bag felt a little lighter, which meant that once again we were growing low on the very items keeping us alive. 
"Where to today?" Luke asks as he slides into the drivers seat of the maroon Honda Odyssey we lovingly referred to as Gertrude. I was always the navigator, because apparently my six months post graduation living in California had given me the knowledge to navigate its every where about. 
"Liam told me to check out Pomona. He said they found some good stock ups there last week."
"Where's he been anyway, we haven't seen Harry and him in ages." Ages was a bit of an exaggeration, it had only been 12 days by my records, but twelve days out on our own seemed like so much longer.
"Twelve days. It hasn't been ages, its been twelve days,." I partly snap. Luke always had a small level of distrust in Liam,Harry as well. He argues I don't know either of them well enough to be trusting our lives to them. I argue that in this time there isn't anyone else left to trust our lives to. "Remember I told you they were going to follow that lead on the safe zone Liam heard about."
"You mean the safe zone that Liam made up?" Luke says back with a roll of his eyes. 
"It very well might be out there Luke, what do you want to do wander around this wasteland for the rest of your life?" Luke grows mute at my comment, and I wonder if I've come at him a little too strong. Death had become quite a sensitive subject considering recent events. 
"Let's try Pomona today. We are going to meet back up with Liam and Harry on Friday," I say. If you had asked me 463 days ago who would be the leader of the group of four survivors in a nuclear fallout, I definitely wouldn't have volunteered my name. Hell, I wouldn't have even counted myself as a survivor. But a lot has changed in 463 days, that's for certain. 
The Spears Ridge neighborhood was marked by a large, multi-tone rock on the corner of the street. A large sign indicating a new neighborhood was usually a sign that it would be a good location. Neighborhoods with signs were like that, full of well-stocked cupboards and closets. Luke slowly turns Gertrude around the corner, driving slowly as I look ahead for any sign of others. 
The streets look deserted, and from what I could tell they hadn't been touched for a while. We pull up to a large brownstone at first. After one more survey of the area we decide this is a good place to start. Luke and I each grab a duffle and head towards the door. 
As we approach the front door, Luke checks the door frame for the key. I scour the mat and under the flower pots. 
"Got it," Luke exclaims, holding a small silver key in his hand. That's one thing I'd learned being out here: everyone had the same hiding places for their spare keys. Luke slides the key into the lock and I soon hear the satisfying click that means we have access. 
Walking in we can see its been left fairly untouched. There's a slight disorder that was no doubt a result of the warnings we heard 463 days ago. But there wasn't any disorder that suggested someone else had been here to raid through the closets. 
"Jackpot," Luke says aloud as he opens a pantry full of canned goods. I head upstairs and raid the bathroom, finding ample soap, shampoo and even some badly needed lotion. I find the closet of a young woman, and am so pleased by her clothing tastes that I snag a few outfits, pushing them into my bag. 
"To the next one?" I ask Luke as I walk back down the stairs. He gives me a head nod and we make our way towards the front door once again. We barely take a step out the door when we hear it. The noise that even 463 days hadn't erased the response of my hair standing on end. The sound of a gun shot. 
"Don't move," I reach out to grab Luke's shoulder holding him in place. We hear incomprehensible shouting, but no more gun shots. Seconds later we hear the sound of one car race down the drive, my heart stops for a moment as they rush past our vehicle, but luckily they don't seem to notice. Another vehicle rushes off behind them.  We wait a few minutes, trying to return our pulse to a normal rhythm. The road becomes silent once again.
"So I guess we better head back then," Luke says grabbing for the keys in his back pocket. 
"Why would we do that?" 
"Why wouldn't we? You heard those gun shots. Someone else was here," I can tell by the paleness of my brother's face that he had gotten a little spooked. I should have thought that through before going to a high profile neighborhood that Liam suggested. When Liam heard things, others did too. 
"Luke, listen to me," I grab my brother's shoulder in a reinforcing grasp. "Someone else was here, but they are gone now. You heard them race off didn't you? They left, two vehicles left. We will be fine," Luke takes a deep breath. "C'mon," I say standing to my feet and slinging my black duffle across my shoulder once again. 
The next house doesn't have much. The following looks like they hadn't even moved in. We walk up to the third house. When Luke tries the door its already open, not atypical. We walk in and observe the surroundings. Its a bit of a mess, but when we open the kitchen cabinets we find that nothing has yet been looted. There's enough food in there to last us months. 
"We might need another bag," Luke says with excitement. 
It's while we are filling the second bag to the brim that I hear it. A loud crash from the upper level. We instantly freeze. Luke looks at me with his "I told you so" eyes. I bring a finger to my lips and draw out the knife that I carry at the back of my belt nowadays. You could never be too careful anymore, especially after what happened when Liam and I went to Beverley Hills .
I begin to creep up the stairs, knife in hand. It's then that I hear another thud, the sound of a body hitting the floor. "Shit!" The voice echoes through the hallways, its deepness has a strange noise to it, almost resembling an accent. I put my back to wall as I reach the top of the staircase, and hold the knife to my chest. Then, taking a deep breath, I reveal myself to the person sharing the house with us.
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1dfangirls35 · 7 years
The Fallout-Chapter 3
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Chapter 2
Chapter 3-Word of Mouth
"Here. Right here is the safe zone." Liam says pointing to a tiny dot on the our tattered map of the United States. Its tan colors in stark contrast from the concrete wall surrounding it. The concrete wall that made up our "home" for the past few weeks.
Liam and Harry had returned from their venture in a surprisingly good mood, especially considering nowadays there wasn't even truly such a thing as a good mood. So when I they burst through the door, exclaiming that  they had found something, I couldn't help but feed off of their own excitement. 
"Nebraska? The safe zone's in Nebraska?" Luke questions with a disgusted tone. Luke was a coastal boy that's for sure. Growing up in San Francisco had taught him to cringe at the thought of living anywhere that wasn't adjacent to an ocean. Nebraska was about the farthest from an ocean you could get.
"How do we know its really there?" I ask, looking at my friend with questioning eyes. I had always been a critical thinker. And something like this needed to be thought about crticially. We couldn't just assume that something like a safe zone was there, because the truth was, more likely than not, it wasn't. 
Liam had been chasing down the supposed safe zone for months, ever since he had first caught word of it from a group we ran into in downtown LA. Liam had all the best intentions, but when lead after lead came back a dead end, I had begun to lose hope that a safe zone even existed. Even Harry, Liam's friend and companion on the quest had lost the enthusiasm he once had towards finding the sacred location.
That's what life was like now, hope was hard to come by, and we had begun to accept the fact that we would be living out of a run-down apartment building for the reminder of our lives. Or at least I had accepted it. 
"We met someone while we were out, Mr. James. He used to work for the government, you know back when there was one." Harry begins.
I picture Mr. James in my mind, a deceitful middle-aged man with a receding hairline dressed in a mangy suit. The government. The ones who had gotten us into this whole mess in the first place. 
"He said that there were plans of a safe zone as soon as they knew that a nuclear war was inevitable. The government tried to move as many important people as they could there early, but he didn't make the cut." Though I'm not surprised the thought of such a selfish act gives me a nasty taste in my mouth, the nasty taste that often comes with me thinking of how we got here in the first place. 
"He gave us the name of an abandoned building, a place where a group called the Scavengers had taken rescue. He said they had plans to travel to Nebraska, and thought maybe we could tag along." Liam continues Harry's story.
I'm skeptical at first, Liam has always been a good storyteller, but as he gives more and more details it seems more and more probable. The government no doubt knew that war was coming, they would have made preparations. Nebraska was inconspicuous, I mean what was even located there besides corn anyway? Okay, maybe I was a bit of a coastal girl too. 
"Did you find them? The Scavengers?" Luke asks. I hear the strand of hope in his voice, something I was hoping wouldn't appear. Because these things never seemed to lead anywhere, especially when other people were involved.
"That's the thing," Liam replies, "We got to the building and it was absolutely deserted, they must have already left. But we found a map and a list of directions. It's a long journey but its labeled loud and clear."
Harry hands me the papers they have collected. Liam's right, the route is laid out clearly, with instructions on how to be admitted into the safe zone once you arrive. It was almost too simple. 
"And what if its a trap?" I ask, playing devil's advocate. We gotten far enough without a safe zone, we'd made it on our own, why would we risk our lives now?
"We don't know what's out there Liam, we would have to put everything on the line for this. Everything." I repeat my last word for emphasis, they had to understand what was at stake, a journey like this wouldn't be as simple as it might seem, a journey like this could be the end of us. 
"And what if it's not?" Liam argues back, staring at me with this dark brown eyes. "Charlie, sooner or later the supplies are going to run out. Sooner or later its not going to be safe here. We can't live like this forever, just the four of us. Sooner or later we have to take a chance."
I sigh. I knew Liam was right. The longer we stayed in the Los Angeles area the more likely we were to run out of supplies, have run-ins with the gangs and the less likely we were to survive. But to travel halfway across the country for something that may not even be there is just as dangerous.
"And if we get there and there is no safe zone to be found?" I'm sure Liam and Harry thought I was such a pessimist, but at this point they had to be used to my thinking. I had never been spontaneous, and I always thought through the consequences of my actions, this was no different. 
"Then we figure out how to survive in Nebraska. It's as simple as that." Harry states solemnly. Harry and I didn't always see eye to eye and unlike Liam I hadn't known Harry before the world collapsed. I had to give him credit though, he had been very accommodating to Luke and I during our time together, and never treated us like the strangers that we really were to him. 
"Okay." I say flatly. A look of surprise crosses Liam's face.
"Okay?" He questions. "Is that a yes?" His eyebrow raises above his creamy brown eyes. 
"That's a yes. I suppose we've got to take a risk at some point, and this information seems valid." Internally I'm making a list of all the things that could possibly go wrong during this journey, but on the outside I'm trying to maintain a pleasant face. 
"We've got a lot of work to do then." Liam says, rolling up the notes and placing them in his backpack. A small look of accomplishment covers his face, and I know that he is proud of himself for convincing me that this plan was worth a shot. Too many times before had he been shot down. Too many times before had his plan fallen through.
I wasn't so keen on this one either. It was risky business after all, leaving the place we now called home in search of another one. There was so much to consider-food, transportation, supplies, a place to stay and even the chance of running into other survivors. Nothing was guaranteed out in the world anymore.
But if there was one thing Liam was right about, it was that we wouldn't be able to stay here forever, and I guess now was as good a time as any to take a chance for survival. After all that 's the only thing we could do anymore-survive.  
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1dfangirls35 · 7 years
The Fallout-Chapter 2
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Chapter One
Chapter 2-Wounded
"Don't move" my voice comes out stronger than I expected, and I realize I've gotten quite good at this intimidation thing. My eyes meet the surprised deep blue ones of a brunette propped up against a wall, hands pressed against his thigh. 
"Hands up" I say gesturing to him before he can even get a word in edgewise. 
"I'd really like to love," his words come out in the thickness of an Irish accent. I follow his eyes as they look down on his hands, which I now see are caked in blood. It's only now that I notice the thick trail of maroon staining the otherwise spotless carpet down the hallway. 
"But 'm afraid those bastards sliced me leg open, and me hands here are the only things keeping me from bleeding out."
"Where did they go?" I ask hesitantly. If I had been wrong and the suspects of the gunshots were still here from earlier, we had a lot larger problem than some leprechaun bleeding out in front of me. 
"Couldn't tell you, but out of here that's for sure. My lad chased em out of here." His mouth forms a slight grin and I wonder how someone can find such humor in a situation like this. I cautiously take a step forward, but hesitate to put my knife down just yet, the stranger senses the fear in my eyes.
"Believe me, 'm not moving a muscle here. No need to carry that around else you might end up like me" I study the stranger's face. I'd be lying if I didn't say I found him at least slightly attractive. His eyes were the type that sucked you in, his nose prominent on his face, his mouth surrounded by a slight scruff. His face didn't look that the face of a liar or murderer . It looked like a face that just wanted to live, even in the cruel world that now was reality. 
I lower my knife. 
"Can I look at it?" I gesture towards his leg. He nods and I come inch closer before coming to sit beside him. He slowly removes his hands to reveal a deep knife cut oozing blood. I only catch a glance at it before he covers it back up. 
"Well you didn't hit your femoral so that's good" I tell the stranger. He gives me a curious look.
"What are you some kind of doctor or something?"
"Nurse. I'm a nurse." I don't know why I feel the need to give this stranger an explanation. I could be the furthest thing from a nurse for all he knew. He doesn't question it though, and he doesn't ask any other questions, he just sits there and stares for a moment. 
I stand to my feet and begin to make my way down the hallway. I spot a bathroom on the right hand side. Jackpot. And it really was. The cabinet was filled with all the greatest over the counter pills and even some prescription meds that would no doubt come in handy at some point in time. I shove them into the bag swung over my shoulder, and grab all the towels, washclothes and bandages I can find. 
I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror before leaving  the room. My face barely recognizable anymore, my forest green eyes surrounded by tired lines. My brown hair surrounds my face, its slight wave left untamed without heat-styling.
A look of surprise appears on the stranger's face when I return to his side. "You aren't just leaving me to rot?"
I take one of the towels and rip it. "Didn't say that did I? I'm going to make a tournicet." I wrap the towel around his upper thigh and tie it tightly. He winces in pain but the bleeding begins to slow down. 
I wasn't sure why I was even doing this. I had recently adapted the survival of the fittest mentality. It was us against the world, and if it came between your life and the life of another, well you better save yourself first. Something about finding this stranger brought me back to the reason I became a nurse in the first place. To help others, to change lives. Something about the urgency of the situations brought me back to saving lives in the Emergency Room late at night, the rush of being a part of a life or death situation. Lately I hadn't been saving many lives, so maybe this would make up for all the ones I'd failed to save lately.
"LUKE!" I yell. "Need you up here!" My brother runs faster than I've ever seen him run before. When he sees me kneeling next to a stranger he gives me a quisitive look. 
"Who's he?" I watch Luke's eyes trace him up and down, looking for any signs of danger, just like I taught him to do.
"I'm Niall" The stranger speaks. Niall, well now at least I knew what to refer to him as. Luke's face stays stone cold, and I'm proud of him for not cracking under the pressure. 
"Luke, Niall here needs his wound cleaned. We can't do it here in case we've been comprimised. Can you help him to Gertrude and I'll grab the stuff here?"
Luke nods in acknowledgement and helps Niall to his feet. 
"Thanks mate" The irishman responds, with no response from either of us. We weren't here to make friends. 
As we come up to the van and Luke helps Niall into the back, Luke turns to give me a "What on earth are you doing Charlotte" look. I give him my "I'll explain later" look and he turns away. 
I climb into the back seat and grab some antiseptic and bandages. I was lucky to have found a needle and some thread earlier this week, which I had stored in the van for this very reason. Although, I had expected it to be used on someone that wasn't a stranger to us.
"This is going to burn" I warn Niall, as I blot the wound with antiseptic. He doesn't make a noise but his face tells that it does, indeed, burn.
"You weren't joking about the burning" he muses, but I don't give a response. 
"Okay and now I'm gonna have to stitch this up. There isn't anything to numb it with so its gonna be painful." Niall nods in understanding and I pause for a moment before beginning to thread the needle through the top layer of skin. Niall stays quiet, no doubt biting his lip. 
I'm impressed with the ease of which I can still do sutures, something I'd learned from one of the residents at the hospital. Within minutes Niall's wound is no longer bleeding, stitched together in an almost straight line up his thigh. It wasn't perfect, but it would help the wound to heal and stop the bleeding. 
"Okay" I say, signaling that I was finished. I ruffle through the medical supplies I had recently found and find some antibiotic ointment. "Apply this twice a day for the next week, it should help avoid an infection."
Niall nods. "Thank you-" he pauses for a moment "I didn't catch your name".
"My name's not really important" I respond. I had already done to much for this stranger by treating his injury. He was obviously mixed up with some of the wrong people, there was no point in letting my name circulate. 
"Still hesitant to trust I see. I get it, the world's crazy out there." He holds his breath for a moment, contemplating his next step. "Don't suppose I could get you to drop me off at the Crossroads Mall could you? It's a wee closer to where I need to be, and I don't imagine I can travel to far with a bum leg."
Luke looks back at me and I give a slight nod. It was better to drop this guy off anyway. Then we had a clear picture of where to avoid getting close to in the future. We drive in silence for a while, Niall obviously intimidated by my lack of conversation. I wanted to keep it that way, especially because I didn't want to be associated with acts of charity in a world full of competition. We pull up to the mall within 20 minutes, I wonder if this is where Niall's group is staying. It would be a good spot surely, full of plenty of resources. But it was a spot that was expected, which no doubt led to conflicts. 
I slide open the van door as we arrive and Niall pulls himself out of the van and onto the concrete, he winces when putting weight on his leg, but seems to be much better off than previously. 
"Thank you again. I owe you one" he looks me dead in the eyes and my heart stops for a moment. 
"Best of luck" I reply and climb into the car. I prayed silently that our paths would never cross again and that Niall would have no reason to repay the favor. 
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1dfangirls35 · 7 years
The Fallout-Chapter 4
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Chapter 3
Chapter 4- Common Grounds
Common Grounds was a tiny coffee shop, wedged between thousands of more upscale shops on the streets of Downtown LA. It also happened to be just a few blocks walk from the tiny one-room apartment I could barely afford after moving to the City of Angels with only my dreams, a job working the night-shift at the hospital, and a hell of a lot of student loans. It was one day after a long shift at the hospital, a shift that involved three admits, two codes, and a change of scrubs, that I stumbled upon the place, desperately in search of some caffeine. Although the outside had seen better days, with crumbling brick and a sign with just enough rust on the corners, the inside was completely charming. With vintage brick and a book shelf that covered the entire back wall, Common Grounds was like taking a step into heaven. It was quiet, cozy and full of the vintage charm I so admired. 
"What can I get for you today miss?" a voice says and I'm drawn out of my sleep-deprived state of wonder to meet the warm smile of a tall brown-haired man. My eyes find the gold nametag adorning the black apron around his chest with the words LIAM, spelled out in thick black letters. 
I stare at the menu in front of me, its curly cursive font adding artistic elegance to the black chalk background, a minor detail that only added to the charm of the place. There were infinite variations of coffees and teas, and I find myself lost in a sea of decisions. 
"It's my first time here, what's good?" I ask Liam, hoping he will make a suggestion that would adequately fulfill my caffeine depletion. 
"I'd recommend the LA Latte, full of caffeine but still sweet and creamy, it's a local favorite around here."
"I'll take that then I guess," I respond. 
"That will be $4.50," Liam says and I dig out my wallet for my credit card.
"So are you new in the area?" Liam asks, making polite small talk. 
"Just moved from San Francisco a few weeks ago, I'm still trying to get my bearings if I'm being honest." Just getting my bearings was definitely playing it down. Living in Los Angeles was like being on a rollercoaster that never stopped, everything was going a mile a minute every second of the day, and I was just barely hanging on. 
"Well, you picked a great place to get coffee. Common Grounds is the hidden gem of LA in my opinion." Liam hands me back my card after swiping it. "If you ever need any tips on surviving the city let me know, I like to consider myself an expert," Liam smiles, and I am grateful for his willingness to help me out. You didn't find people like that around here often, as I had recently discovered. 
"I'm Liam by the way," he says extending his hand into a firm handshake. It's then that I'm drawn to the sleeve of tattoos blanketing his arm. 
"Charlie," I respond with a smile.
"I'll bring you your latte when it's ready Charlie, feel free to take a seat," Liam says warmly, and I search my surroundings for the perfect spot. 
I settle on a black leather chair in the corner closest to the bookshelf. Taking a seat, I pull out the notebook from my purse and open it up, the crisp clean pages staring back at me, as I hadn't yet been able to impart black ink upon its pure inside. My mother had given it to me as a parting gift.
As a journalist, she was all about writing down the details and taking note of everything that happens. She also was a strong supporter of the idea that life was an adventure, and that you weren't really living if you weren't treating it as such. This is an idea that I had adopted years ago, and was one of the reasons I'd ended up in LA in the first place- and she was right, it has been nothing short of an adventure. 
I survey the people around me. There's an older man in the corner sipping his cup of coffee while reading the newspaper. Next to the window there's a woman and her young daughter, munching on what looks to be a delicious muffin. On the sofa across the room from me, there's a group of college guys feverishly typing on their laptops, the tall brunette reminds me so much of my younger brother, who is no doubt studying at this very moment back in San Francisco. 
I wonder what they think of me, the exhausted girl in the scrubs sitting in the back corner. Do they see someone who is barely holding on, overwhelmed with everything being thrown at her and completely alone? Or do they see a girl who knows her journey is just beginning, a girl that has a million opportunities at her fingertips? I hope for my sake it's the latter, because that's how I see myself, or at least how I'm trying to. 
"One LA Latte coming in hot," Liam appears in front of me, holding my steaming coffee in a white porcelain mug. He sets it on the table beside me. 
"Are you a writer?" he asks, motioning to the journal I have no set on the table beside me. 
I laugh. At times I feel like I am the furthest thing from a writer. "Far from it really. I'm a nurse, my mom just gave me the journal to chronicle my adventures."
"Nursing is just as impressive really. You have to have a good soul to do that line of work," Liam's lips form a soft smile. "Well, are you going to try it?" he motions towards the latte steaming beside me.
"Worried I won't be satisfied with your choice?" I say with a laugh.
"Not at all, I just want to see your face when you discover your new favorite caffeine source," he winks and I laugh. Liam has been one of the friendliest faces I've come across since moving here, and it feels refreshing. 
I lift the cup to my mouth, blowing off some steam to cool it than taking a delicate sip of the frothy liquid. My taste buds are overjoyed by the creamy yet sweet flavor that overcomes them. 
Liam can tell I like it by the smile reaching across my face. 
"That is amazing."
"Told you so. Worthy of a journal entry?" he laughs.
"Hmmmm," I run my fingers across my chin as if I'm deep in thought. "Maybe not the adventure I'm looking for, but definitely worth taking note." I'm not lying, I foresee many more LA Lattes in my future.
"Well, if you ever are need in some adventure ideas, I know of plenty in the area. Let me know." The door chimes and Liam and I turn to see a customer enter the shop. "I better go help them, nice to meet you Charlie."
"Nice to meet you too Liam. Thank you." Liam walks back to the counter and I can't help but smile to myself knowing that I may have just made my very first friend in LA. 
Next Chapter
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1dfangirls35 · 11 years
Preference 4: Sport He Watches You Do
Louis: Dance- You were a ballerina. Louis loved coming to your performances. He was amazed at how you could stand on your toes and gracefully move around the stage. He was your biggest fan, standing up and cheering whenever you finished that succession of turns you had worried so much about. Your favorite thing was when Louis brought you the biggest bouquet of roses at the end of a show. He was always there no matter how many Nutcrackers he had to sit through. Liam: Cheer- Liam loved coming to your cheer competitions. He yelled at the top of his lungs with all of your cheers, and he usually brought the boys along with him. He always joked about how much stronger you were since you lifted people on a daily basis. He loved you best in your cheer uniform with a bow in your hair. Harry: Soccer- You were a great soccer player. Harry would practice with you on the weekends and come to every game. He'd be the person in the stands cheering after every single thing you did. After the game, he would rush out on the field and give you a big kiss, and complimenting you on how great you played. Niall: Volleyball- Niall went all out for your games. He wore the craziest outfits in your team colors. His voice echoed through the gym as he cheered for you to bump each ball. When you made a good play, he would cheer loudly, yelling "That's my girlfriend!" for the world to hear. Zayn: Gymnastics- Zayn was always giving you words of encouragement before your gymnastics meets. He would make you smile and keep you calm when you began to get nervous. He was amazed that you could even balance on a beam or do flips and so no matter what happened he was always supporting you. *Just a short little thing. Sorry if they aren't all that accurate, I'm a dancer and cheerleader so I know those best! - Lo
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1dfangirls35 · 11 years
Zayn: it had been a long day of work and you were actually exhausted. But the thought of Zayn perked you up. The two of you had plans that night for a dinner date, all you had to do first was get clean. You turn into your place and you see Zayn standing by the door with a bag, and you assume it's full if food. "Zayn what are you doing here?" You ask running to him. "It's date night, I just figured I would come early and bring the food to you." He explained opening his arms to pull you in for a hug. "That sounds great." You smile and let the both of you into your home. "I still have to take a shower though, I feel disgusting." "Perfect that'll give me time to set up dinner." Zayn said giving your hand a squeeze before you head down the hallway. One quick shower later and you walked out towards Zayn, "oh my goodness." You gasp. "You like it?" Zayn asked. "Like it? I love it; this is so romantic." There are candles everywhere, lots of food on the table, and a massive teddy bear in your chair. "What is this for?" You question hoping you didn’t for get any important dates. "I’m sorry if it’s too much, and i know it’s a little cliche but you deserve nothing less." "This is perfect thank you." "Anything for you babe. What do you say we dig in." Your stomach growled and answered for you, which makes you both start laughing. After dinner Zayn pulls out the brownies from the oven, while you are getting new plates for the brownies, and you two collide into each other and one of the brownies takes off flying through the air. "Y/N are you ok?" Zayn quickly asked with concern. "Yeah I’m fine are you ok?" "Yeah but I have this feeling the brownie over there is not." Zayn laughed. "Poor brownie," you laugh also,"looks like we get to share one." You pick up the brownie and and soon enough Zayn is feeding you last piece of the good brownie. "My cpliments to the chef, that was a delicious meal." "Thanks." Zayn smiled. You two move into the living room and decide to see what on tv. "Wow there is nothing on." You sigh. "Well what is something else would you like to do?" He asks. "Hummm." You sat thinking for a second. "I know we can make a friendly bet." You suggest. "Ah and what kind of bet would that be?" "I bet that I can kick your butt at just dance." "I do not doubt that." Zayn laughs. "Oh Zayn please!" "Yeah I'll dance." "Awesome!" You say jumping up to set up the system. Three songs later... "Zayn I know you can do better than that, are you letting me win?" You question. "No you are really good." Zayn laughed. "Ok if you say so." One more song later and you slacked off to see if he would still do worse than you, and he did. "I knew it you are letting me win." "Ok maybe a little. I promise I'll actually try on the next one." "Thank you." You smile. "What some do you want to do next?" He asked. "I don't care you pick." You say. He ended up just closing his eyes and picking at random, and it landed on "(I've Had) The Time of My Life". "Are you ok with this one?" "Yeah let's play." Half way through the dance and Zayn is surprisingly kicking your butt. Finally the end came and Zayn got down on both knees, and you jokingly run to him. But then he actually picks you up and hold you in the air. It didn't last too long though because you were so surprised and the balance was off causing the two of you to fall sideways on the ground laughing. "Oh my gosh you really were holding back." You gasp I'm between your laughs. "So where does that leave us?" "It leaves you to be the winner." "And what does the winner get?" "We never did discuss that now did we?" "I believe the winner deserves a kiss." Zayn smirked. "I think I can make that happen." You smile back and pull him in for a quick kiss. "Woah that was too short." Zayn blurted pulling you back in. There was nothing that tastes better than the sweet tase of Zayns kiss and you knew there was no where you would like to be other than in his arms sealed with his kiss.
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1dfangirls35 · 11 years
Hanging out on a Saturday.
Niall: Today was a relaxing day in Ireland. Your boyfriend had a two wrk break from the tour and he flew you into Ireland so he could be with you and his family. The two of you decided it would be a good idea to get all of his friends and family together for a bonfire. All day you helped Niall’s mom prepare food and Niall helped his dad get massive logs for the fire. During the bonfire everyone laughed, told stories of old memories, and Niall even sang a couple of songs. Eventually it started getting very late and everyone sporadically left. “Well I guess it’s just you and me.” Niall said wrapping his arm around my shoulders, and then he added,”That is unless you are tired and would also like to leave.” “Haha no I’m. Or going anywhere.” You laugh. “Good I need someone out here to protect me from the monsters of the night.” “Oh yeah that’s me all right, Mrs. Protector.” You smile going along with Niall. “No really Y/N there are monsters out here.”Oh come on Niall you can’t scare me.” “Now why would I try to do that?” Niall asked innocently. You just stare at him with that knowing smile growing on your face. “Ok, ok maybe there aren’t any but it was worth a try.” Niall admitted. “That’s what I thought.” You laugh victoriously. “Ok, but really there are some amazing creatures out here tonight.” “That I do not doubt.” “Good. Now stay right here, I’ll be right back.” Niall says as he pushes himself up and starts to run away. You couldn’t help but to look back and see what he was up to. You start on a giggle fit when you see Niall jumping up in the air and clapping his hands around. He does one last clap, makes a noise of victory, and makes his way back to you. “What do we have here?” You ask as he takes his seat back next to you. “Here look inside my hand.” He advises as he holds his cupped hands up to your face. “Awww Niall it’s a lightning bug. I used to catch these all the time when I was younger.” You sigh. “I hoped you would like it. Would you like to take him and set him free?” “Sure, but how do you know it’s a him and not a she?” You question while taking the lightening bug into your hand. “Well I guess I don’t really know, what do you think it is?” “I don’t know, but I don’t thing we should release it until we decide.” “Ok I agree with that. How about this you decide the gender and I’ll come up with a name.” Niall suggests. “Works for me.” You agree, and then after a moment of looking at the lightening bug and pondering you decide, “Its a female, I just know it.”If that is what you believe then I cannot deny it.” Replied Niall. “Ok, your turn to pick out a name.” You say. “Oh that’s easy it’s Y/N.” “Um Niall what made you pick my name?” You wonder out loud. “Well that’s simple, lightening bugs light up, and nobody’s eyes light up the way yours do every time I look at you.” Niall explained easily. That was so romantic it left you at a loss of words and all you could manage to do was smile goofily at Niall. "Like right now." Niall said in a voice that was barely audible because he was so lost in your eyes. The next thing you knew his lips were on yours kissing you gently as if you were a fragile artifact. Niall slowly pulled back, brought your hands up into his, and suggested that you free Y/N the lightning bug. You open your hands and she flys out into the night sky. You two sat there for a little bit in silence and eventually your head rested in Niall's lap as your eyes started to grow heavy. Niall pulled his guitar out from behind the bench you two were on and started to play the first strands of irresistible. You fell asleep that way listening to the sound of the acoustic, and the sweet lull of Niall's voice.
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1dfangirls35 · 11 years
Hanging out on a Saturday.
Louis: You were with Louis visiting his family in Doncaster. “So Louis what’s on the agenda today?” You ask while finishing up breakfast. “Actually I have a surprise for you today.” Louis grins playfully. “Oh yay! What is it?” “Well it wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you now would it.” “No I guess not” you agreed. Later on you hopped down the stairs and see Louis zipping up a big duffle bag. You decided not to ask knowing he wouldn’t tell. “Ready to go luv?” He asked. “Yup!” You reply and jump into the car and drive off. Forty five later you start to wonder if you are going anywhere at all you started noticing less and less buildings and a ton more trees. Then you turn down a dirt road path through the trees. “Louis are you going to kidnap me out here in the woods?” You laugh. Louis laughed also, “Don’t worry we are here.” He says. And stops in the middle of the path. Louis gets out then goes to your side of the car, opens your door, and helps you out. After he gets out the duffle bag he grabs your hand and pulls you into the trees. Louis knew you weren’t one with nature but you trusted he knew what he was doing. “Ok stop.” Louis commanded. Then Louis takes his hands and covers your eyes with his. “Ok can you see anything.” Louis asks. “Nope.” You say. “Now ten steps forward and turn left.” He softly leads. He slowly pulls his hands away. “Oh Louis it’s beautiful.” You nearly squeal. There was a massive tree house filled with a thousand tiny lights. “I hoped you would like it. I’ve been adding to it slowly these past few days to make it more comfortable for you.” Louis explains. “The latter my lady.” Louis says holding it out to you. You start to climb up and he follows closely behind you. “This is so cute.” You mused some more when you got up there. Louis gets up there and heads over to a small table, “We have pop, candy, chips, and I even packed you some Starbucks drinks.” He winks at you. “That sounds great.” You thank, then you notice a little chest in the corner, so you decide to open it and see what’s inside. Inside you found a couple of play swords, capes and crowns, and you start giggling to your self. “Y/N what are you doing?” “Nothing.” You answer innocently. Then you decide to throw on a cape and a crown, grab a sword and say, “This is my kingdom and I am your Queen.” “Yes your majesty.” Louis says bowing down you playing along. “Actually better yet…” Louis starts and pulls out another set and puts it on, “I am the King, you are my Queen and this is our Kingdom!” “And we are going to slay the evil dragon together!” You Charge together and attack the tree branch out side the window. “Victory!” Louis exclaims and you tumble backwards and land on the floor of the tree house. “You make a beautiful queen.” Lois says as your laughter dies down. “And you make a very handsome King.” “I am one very lucky King.” Louis smiles, as he leans in for a kiss. When he kisses you all you know is him and how good healed you feel. Louis stops abruptly though and says, “but this is my crown.” And then he takes the crown off your head and takes it for his own. “Oh you.” You giggle as you chase him down to retrieve it back.
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1dfangirls35 · 11 years
Hanging out on a Saturday.
Liam: Today had been boring and there was nothing to do. So you decide to call your boyfriend Liam, surely he would find something to do. Next thing you knew he was at your house and he picked you up. After that he set out on the highway and just drove for miles. You talked for a little bit about how the day was going but that conversation ended fast, but that didn’t matter, just benign in each others company was enough. A song starts up on the radio and you couldn’t help but start to sing along, “Ridin’ in the drop top with the top down saw you switchin’ lanes girl.” Liam looked over and was shocked, he almost swerved off of the road. It wasn’t that you were a good singer, but you just had never truly let loose in front of him and it took him by surprise. You just laughed and then tried to play along, “What I’m sorry. Do you not like this song?” You teased. “I like the song, I just didn’t expect you to, and know the lyrics also” He admitted. After a minute of silence he sings along also. “But let me show you ‘round, let me take you out Bet you we could have some fun girl.” That made you laugh. You sang the rest of the song together taking turns with different lines. Eventually, an hour and a half later, you found a little town and decided to stop there. “Oh Liam look at all of the little shops.” You mused. “Yeah maybe we should walk around for a little bit, and take a look in some.” Liam suggested. “That would be great.” you agreed. A couple of shops were antique shops, there were three cute little boutiques, there was Christmas shop, and a bunch of other odd ball shops. “Look a candy store, let’s take a look in there.” Liam said pulling your hand towards the shop. “Wow. Look at all the candy.” You said pointing at the wall full of different sweets. You looked at the sign on the wall at the end of a row of different flavored jelly beans that said you were able to taste test the jelly beans. “Ok Y/N close your eyes.” “Ok, but what are you going to do?” You laugh. “I’m going to pick out a jelly bean and you have to guess what flavor it is.” I explained. “Ok, my eyes are closed and my mouth is open.” He pops a jelly bean into your mouth and you bite right into it. “Mmm strawberry.” You guess with confidence. “Correct! Ok next one.” You take the next bite. “Oh come on. Couldn’t you have picked something harder, everyone known the flavor of orange.” You laugh. “Ok I’ll try something completely different this time” but instead of a jelly bean being popped into your mouth, his lips met yours. And you couldn’t help but smile. “How do you feel about that one?” “Mmm much better than any jelly bean i have ever had.” Liam went to lean in for one more kiss but that’s when the cashier coughed nervously, letting the two of you know that he was there. “Oh look they have fudge.” Liam noticed trying to change the mood. “Mmm yeah that looks good.” “You know I think we need to get some.” “Really?” “Yeah what kind would you like?” “I don’t care I’ll let you pick.” “Hum well how about this ill get the classic chocolate, and peanut butter for the lady. ” Liam said to the cashier. You smiled, Liam already knew your favorite kind of fudge. The ride home was like the ride there but with fudge and you couldn’t have thought if a more perfect way to pick up a boring day.
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