#1h varuna
a-d-nox · 4 months
Hello, can you please give me your take on ☄️ Varuna in the 4h (conjunct IC) and opposite MC, at an aries degree ? 👱
varuna (asteroid 20000), what's his sign/degree, where he sits in a chart, and his aspects
after receiving quite a few asks and comments about varuna aspects and placements i decided to continue the series (reminders: @e11e27 , @cosmiccvnt ).
IMPORTANT: varuna is a slow moving asteroid it is very likely that everyone reading this will have a cancer varuna. mainly the sign/degree section is for the degree. other than that, the house and the aspects made to varuna are highly important in this post!
all of this is in my opinion. some of it you may be like how tf did she come up with this. my answer: intuition and experience with other people's charts that i have available to me. warning i can be harsh: please don't take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. plus let's not forget orbs matter, dominance matters, etc. it's never just varuna. this is just a starting place for when examining a single asteroid in an entire galaxy. take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
*all of these observations are based on a natal chart - solar return and persona charts will change all these observations because the context is different*
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aries (1°, 13°, 25°): you might feel the urge to control things. it is likely important and even vital for you to control every activity that you are involved it. this may be trust thing - you likely struggle to trust those around you fully; especially, when it comes to your welfare and the welfare of others. you are likely a natural leader. often you may use your energy to get what needs to happen done. the unfortunate part is that people with this placement tend to be forced out of power or even into retirement. often you are likely to use your brain power to take initiative to get things done... however, you might struggle with keeping balance - you might be a bit of an extremist and some may even say you are forceful.
taurus (2°, 14°, 26°): you might find yourself wanting to control beauty standards and your monetary life. early in life, you could struggle with feeling in control of your beauty (acne, inability to keep up with trends, etc) and/or your money. when finally get both under your control via routine and saving/budget, you are likely to cling to the control mechanism for each. in the age of social media, you might find yourself influencing others on those topics - however, you might want to be careful that you don't get cancelled for being to rigid in your thoughts/beliefs on the topics. it might be a lesson for you to learn that there is a fine line to balance beauty and ugly or saving for some day and living life to the fullest. beauty can be found in all things and you can't put a price on happiness.
gemini (3°, 15°, 27°): you likely find yourself wishing to control communication with others and involving others. you might really enjoy gossip because gossip tends to involve knowledge that gives you power. if you can control who knows what, you likely feel in control and powerful... but with great power comes great responsibility. it is very important that you are selective who you tell what to because if you tell someone the wrong thing, you might find yourself having a social fall from grace. in the gossip realm, it could be something like you tell someone something and they then tell the person who it is about that you were the one that told them this gossip. being someone who collects knowledge via communication, you might find yourself a moderator or needing a lot of social recharge time in order to feel at peace / in balance. as a knowledgable person, you likely enjoy reading about philosophy and morals.
cancer (4°, 16°, 28°): this placement has some hardcore domestics vibes - it tends to feel like they are good at all things involving the home. you could even have a naturally green thumb. you know how to sell your vision of the future to those around you. you also could be super involved in local government (stars hollow vibes, if you know, you know, Gilmore Girls fans). you likely have great morality where justice in a community is best served. you naturally wish to protect those in your family (both your blood and chosen family that is) - you will do whatever it takes to do so. there is a chance that your "fall from grace" in the eyes of those around you is just you slowing down and appreciating where you're at in life - it could also just indicate falling off the radar when you go into retirement. a goal for this placement also tends to be, you want everyone to feel safe in your environment.
leo (5°, 17°, 29°): you might have the mindset that you are the rightful leader and that you should be in control of most things. while i believe that you have great leadership abilities (i feel like you are extremely moral/responsible as a leader), i also believe that you may want to be more openminded to collaborating. you are a great organizer, but you should also practice delegating. with this placement, you might find yourself the most likely of the bunch to lose your power... you will want to balance your power with pleasure - while you may derive pleasure from power, you must realize that you can get pleasure from other sources too, like creative entertainment for instance.
virgo (6°, 18°): i get this feeling that you would make a really good administrator or accountant - you are very good at keeping the details under control. but "the devil is in the details" - no one person can be in control of everything... you might find yourself failing to keep everything under control, or that your status changes after you say that you have everything under control. something is bound to happen that will make you realize you have less control than you think. for those in a medical profession, you might believe that a patient is fine one moment then the next they are deceased. these things happen - not everything is predictable. the world is a place of homeostasis - this virgo placements often strive for prefect or a semblance of control that is just not realistic. take the tricky/bad with the good.
libra (7°, 19°): ugh, you guys try the hardest to maintain balance... especially, in terms of relationships. compromise is likely very important to you - often it appears that you can do so with grace, but be aware that your idea of what is just is not the same as everyone else's. others might look down on you for your ego in believing that you know best / what is right and wrong. remember to compromise with others as they compromise with you. anywho you are gifted at elegantly handling many things at once - things that are a struggle for others, often aren't as a big a struggle for you.
scorpio (8°, 20°): i feel like you are often very passionate about having control. you need to know everything and feel like you have some measure of control to feel at peace. you don't mind sleuthing on those around you, so you can make them feel comforted and as though they can let their guard down around you. just like you have the power to end others, they also have the ability to ruin you. at some point, you might find yourself casted out / eliminated by those around you. you need to learn a balance when it comes to purging the world and curiosity. sometimes you have to just be grateful for what you have and let a mystery be a mystery.
sagittarius (9°, 21°): this gives political vibes. i feel like a lot of people with these degrees will find themselves wanting to control whole societies (thus the political vibes). you might find yourself wanting to be in the political realm, otherwise you might just want to influence society (perhaps via social media). usually, this is a morality thing - you are on a moral high ground and have a vision of what is good and what is bad. perhaps it is because you have an innate wisdom about humanity and an idealism that could manifest within this society, if we had mores become norms. unfortunately, you might not have the endurance to withstand dealing with things such as this in the long term sense. you are devoted to spreading wisdom and sharing your vision for the future, but it becomes very exhausting after awhile because so few actually listen and take action.
capricorn (10°, 22°): you seek order, organization, and efficiency - you will do whatever it takes to obtain it. often you might find yourself fighting for order for a very long time - these people typically don't mind cleaning or organizing professionally for a long period of time because it helps them feel at peace, and they like to help others also feel at peace. of course, you will eventually slow down due age - you might feel depressed when you notice clutter accumulating because you realize you simply can't keep up with things anymore. alternatively, you might find yourself forced to retire from your profession - you might feel like you are still sharp, but others will see that you are making too many mistakes which will lead them to force you out of your position. these people often seek balance in their schedule because they tend to have a lot that they wish to do, and as they say, "very little time to actually do so"...
aquarius (11°, 23°): the controlling friend... not the best look and it is funny too because in the beginning you might have really good intentions. you might want all your friends to get together regularly to do something fun, but after awhile people might accuse you of nagging. you might find yourself becoming a moderator in an online group forum and "controlling" what others are allowed to do in that sense. i only mean to make you aware - just because you want to see progress or to have fun and do new things, does not mean that others would enjoy doing so and will follow your every word. you might be someone who believes in altruism - so practice it. don't do things hoping to get praised by those around you. often the people who are around you know very little about who you actually are so try not to present yourself as bossy and as though you seek accolade for every little thing you do. you will quickly notice that others will turn away from you, if you do that. progress over notoriety is key.
pisces (12°, 24°): it is hard to say what this placement would seek to control; perhaps, you are the only one in the mix who doesn't really wish to be in control of anything. you might be the type that prefers to have options - you might struggle with having to come up with everything on your own. the illusion of having control is more important than actually having control. you don't seek absolute power, you prefer limited power likely because you have the tendency of fearing disappointing others. ironically, if you did disappoint someone, you might seek to make it up to them by any means necessary, thusly you give them control over you and then situation. life is an abstract concept and you likely will come to understand a majority of that in you time. you might realize the limitations of knowledge, power, and morality and see that there exists more grey and neutrality then there does omniscience, omnipotence, and pure good.
1h: you may feel as though you were born to be in control of the elements around you. you could be a generally moral individual because you constantly self-evaluate. for you controlling your actions and having restraint is rather easy, but, one day, you might give in to temptation and feel as though you are spiraling. it is important that you notice that life has its ups and downs; moderation is the only way to feel you are acknowledging all your actions and inactions.
2h: money is the name of the games. money makes you feel powerful and safe. if you have the money you need, you feel like you have room to give to and receive from others. your aim is likely wealth - ultimately you want to have an emergency fund so that if something were to happen you can still feel like you have the money you need to keep going or so you can retire and still live comfortably. but it is give and take; you can't just hoard money right now - at least a majority of you can't because you have to continue to live and living costs money. make money to live - spend money to continue to make money... give yourself permission to live a little - it is great to save but take a look at what you are saving for. no future is certain.
3h: i feel like this can be such a tricky placement. varuna is about control, but the 3h tends to require openness and flexibility to the world around you... it might be difficult for you because you are constantly being forced to adapt to some sort of new knowledge, new communication technique, or new environment. do not be hard on yourself. control is not everything. you can only control what you can communicate, what you know / are open to learning, and where you go - you can't control what others say, what they know / are open to, and where they go. it will be fine just keep being your wonderful self. communicate, learn, and walk around a bit. new things don't have to be scary.
4h: are you varuna or is someone else varuna? that is up to you to figure out with this placement. typically, i see this as people who are either controlling or controlled by their family. often, i see this as people who are in charge of their household as well; you might be the one who makes the dinner, pays the bills, cleans the house, etc even from a rather young age. it can be a struggle though because after doing all that for such a long time you might find you are exhausted and simply can't do it anymore know that it is okay to be burnt out - it is okay to be overwhelmed when you do everything like you do. alternatively, you might feel like you have no say in your family or in your home. it could feel like you are "low man on the totem pole" - even when you try to help or do something you somehow "mess it up" and a parent (typically, your mother) will take away your responsibilities because "you can't be trusted to do the task".
5h: you can't control anything in this bracket funnily enough, so you are likely to feel very tested... you can't control a child - especially, not your own. you will likely never see half of what is coming until it has already happened where your own child is concerned. you can't control chance, creativity, nor, and most importantly, love. when you try to control any of these, you will notice quite a few things... your children are likely to leave your home the moment they are reasonably capable of doing so. when you try to control chance, others might state you are a "stalker" or a "control freak". when you try to control creativity, you might close yourself off to inspiration and originality. and when you try to control love, you are likely to find yourself alone... so don't embrace varuna too heavily with this placement. instead, be open. this placement is great if you want to be an agent, producer, art teacher, guide your children, be dominant in romance, etc. but a key lesson will be the art of letting go because that is when the magic truly happens.
6h: i can't decide if you are a health guru or a g-calendar wiz. maybe it is both. it is astounding nonetheless because you have unbreakable control over your own elements. you might know what marcos are in your meals, what time blocking is, how long it takes to burn fat, etc. it is great by also i feel like you are incredibly hard on yourself; just because you missing one day does not mean it is over. one missed day doesn't mean you have failed - yes, your routine is messed up BUT it is just for the day. it is just for the day - tomorrow is a new day.
7h: these people tend to have their hands on a lot of contractual things - it feels very lawyer like. you will likely deal with agreements, settlements, contracts, controversy, etc. this is the placement of "i have it all under control" and generally you do. you tend to find yourself in an alliance of sorts; sometimes it is with your public enemy and other times it is with your lover - either way it is likely that whichever one you partner with will take over your power at some point in time. this could be a source of controversy in your life.
8h: another placement were you must learn it is okay to lack control... you can't control change, death, nor what you inherit. change is inevitable - if you refuse to change, you refuse to grow... if you refuse death, you forget to live or you find yourself mourning what isn't lost yet in the waking world. if you try to control what you inherit - well genetically you simply can't - you will be disappointed and find yourself removed from legal will(s) entirely. so you have to be open to change. you have to live. you have to be grateful and live in the moment - not in the future.
9h: be open to learning. you are in control of what knowledge you let sit in your mind. allow yourself to take all knowledge with a grain of salt. it is important that you learn everything that you possibly can - be worldly, get a different perspective, learn different philosophies/religions, etc. you will find yourself at a lost when you close yourself off, are too devoted to a single entity of knowledge, you stay at home, and/or you refuse to follow your intuition. open up and be willing to learn new things - this will help you to be the best version of you possible.
10h: often this placement loves a title - they enjoy having status and power. you likely enjoy the authority and/or notoriety that is associated with a title. the higher up you are the more at peace and comfortable you feel. however, the higher up you are, the further you can fall - so be mindful of your place. often with a high status comes a level of popularity. with popularity you have to be mindful of the power you have over influencing others. you are someone that others look up to, so be worthy of being looked up to.
11h: acquaintances, companions, friends, etc your contact with others make you strong and powerful. you might find that you have a number of people around you that are willing to help you get to high places and to reach your hopes and dreams. however, for this to be the case, you have to be aware of how you present yourself to others and the world around you. you also have to be careful that you aren't manipulating people into doing something solely for your gain. just because the people around you have influence, doesn't mean that you should expect their help. never expect to be given something without making a show of faith and effort. help others to see you are worthy and not just demanding a free hand-out.
12h: you are the secret keeper - a lock box for the unconscious and subconscious. you are in control of what you do and do not share with others. others are likely to lean on you to safe guard their issues, secrets, etc. the one thing you can't control with this placements is karma - karma is in control of it's self and will ultimately catch up with you. this, of course, causes your downfall/woe... the best way to keep in check is to resist sharing things that are meant to be a secret / private.
aspects from varuna to
sun: positive aspects: you might be shocked to learned that when you are in control, people follow your every command. you are someone who was given power because you have earned it. your achievements afford you authority and advancement. i find that these people are the best to be in power because they are selfless - they seek balance and fairness first and foremost - which is highly commendable. negative aspects: you may wish to be in control of most every situation and frequently fail to recognize that your ideals and desires are not everyone else's. you may fail to see that you are not always the best person to be in control of the situation, you may come off as slightly arrogant and/or as though you brag about your accomplishments very often to the point of annoyance. your ideas may not be popular opinion among others - and you have to accept that.
moon: positive aspects: you adapt well - your ability to keep up with the ever-changing world around you is what aids you to maintain balance and control. your emotions are a superpower; you feel for those around you which makes you all the more moral and fair. you might feel like you are popular and/or worshiped simply for showing sympathy/empathy and being flexible. negative aspects: i feel like you often wish for others to change on behalf of you - you likely fail to realize that the world doesn't revolve around you. it is a rarity that people will drop everything to help you regain security/balance. that is something you have to do on your own - which is likely to be what causes you a lot of stress. you likely won't find it fair that people aren't helping you - but that is the task of varuna. you have to do your own thing without the aid of others and most often the "others" that you wish would help you the most are your parents/family... be sympathetic/empathetic towards others as you wish they would be with you. it is not easy being human and even less so when you are depending on others without understanding who they are outside of their connection either you.
mercury: positive aspects: you likely depend heavily on communication - you are very particular about what you say and how you say it. accurate communication is key and then comprehension of that information. personally you are likely very good at communicating accurately and comprehending information. you are even very good at being adaptable to new information. you very easily can find yourself back on track if the communication with you and those around you is good. negative aspects: you can only control what you say - you can't control others or what they take away from what you say. you might struggle with efficient communication which throws off a lot of things in your life. you have to practice only communicating what is true/accurate - try your best to not say things you aren't 100% certain of because you will either find yourself in trouble or struggling to get things back in control (things are likely to get out of hand). you might also need to work on comprehension of verbal and written communication.
venus: positive aspects: you have a very powerful gift - controlling the admiration of others. in fact, you will likely find yourself a social media starlet or "famous" on some level. you could even control how desirable you are to those around you. for you it is not about control or balance, it is about finding bliss. you don't really want control or power, you want to be happy and be loved by others. negative aspects: i feel like you are the type of person who gets rather annoyed when people "mimic" you - even though it is common. "imitation is the best form of flattery" they say... but you? you take it personally; you don't like or appreciate when people appear as a "threat" - you especially hate when they get more attention then you did when using your concept. you desire to be seen as a sole entity but that is just not the way of the world any more - everyone copies everyone and most fame is not long-term (social media trends change, you age out of a concept, cancel culture, etc). you have to be okay with admiration no matter how you receive it.
mars: positive aspects: oof it you aren't in charge, you need to be. you are the one who gets things done. we need more doers in this world. you have a passion for achieving balance in the realm around you. you have the ability to control the activity of many people at once which is good too - you would/do make a good supervisor and/or manager in this lifetime. negative aspects: be very careful that you don't come off as controlling... it is likely that you will be seen as such. varuna a god centered on balance and mars is war and chaos - war is messy and unpredictable when functioning at its finest. so the two concepts do not fit together, thusly making for someone who is overly aggressive in having control or someone who attempts to stay away from actively doing anything at all. often your passions get in the way of you being logical and orderly, or you likely face decision fatigue.
jupiter: positive aspects: you are an incredible advisor; you have such wonderful knowledge and wisdom. you can really benefit a lot of people by sharing and being in a seat of power where you can help others - so explore and learn. you are someone who promotes the expansion of the world around you. you are someone who likes the formality of a hierarchy which promotes respect and loyalty. loyalty is everything to you when you feel like you can trust those around you then life will get a whole lot easier - everything will feel peaceful and you will feel comfortable stepping down from a position of power. negative aspects: you have a lot of learning to do before you teach anyone else - keep that in mind when you are giving advice to others. perhaps there is someone else who is in better spot to teach others - perferably someone with a lot of experience. you might also not be the most ethical person. without ethics you are definitely going to feel the pain and have a fall from grace or be forced to retire. you could struggle with open mindedness and/or honesty... practice leading with innocence and willingness to grow.
saturn: positive aspects: you are super self-controlled. you have a strong will which is rather uncommon for people... you have such strength - you could even resist the things to desperately desire. you are someone who is likely to retire before you are ever forced to quit or into retirement in general. you live a life of moderation, thusly you already follow the elements on varuna. negative aspects: you likely aren't the most self-controlled person... you might struggle with doing things in moderation and waiting in general. it is likely a struggle of yours to resist your desires. this might be something that springs from a mistrust built in childhood... you might fear that while it is there one moment it won't be there the next. you will need to work on your trust issues because while you could be right you are equally likely to be wrong in that regard. so have faith. don't doubt the world around you. you might be the type of person that has to be forced into retirement because you do not realize you are decaying in a knowledge sense - there is likely someone more capable than you and you will just have to accept that.
uranus: positive aspects: you are an extraordinary individual - while nothing is predictable when you are in charge, things are also unpredictable and innovative when you are. you cause growth and forward movement. you get things done and help others to evolve in a positive manner. you likely can juggle many things at once as well. your originality is likely to keep you in business and keep you in power for a long time. negative aspects: you might constantly question if everything you are doing is correct - you likely lack faith in yourself and your ability. you also might have the tendency to want to control things that aren't controllable like the future. you need to learn to have faith in the unknown. you probably struggle with finding balance because you likely do not plan - normally this is fine for a uranus placement/aspect but not where varuna is involved because he requires consistency and control. as for the fall from power - i don't feel like you will have a fall. i feel like it is more akin to estrangement. you might fall out of love or interest with your field and just leave it be.
neptune: positive aspects: astral projection vibes - you have strong psychic gifts, so don't hesitate to use them. you don't seek control which is your greatest gift; you reach a sort of nirvana when you stop trying to control things - it is so rewarding for you too. you don't let blockages set you back - you just go with the flow. negative aspects: you doubt your abilities which really sets you back. you have to acknowledge that you are capable of everything and anything. when you try to control your creativity, you will find yourself bored by your work and you might even create things that seem too simple to get the recognition you seek. you don't resonate with idealism - you want things to be predictable but they aren't. you need to embrace the unpredictable and the impractical. speaking of impractical, you likely won't be a leader, at least not the best leader, because you might just lack practicality where it is needed.
pluto: positive aspects: you embrace the chaos; you aren't a controlling person - you are the opposite a majority of the time. you want change not balance. you might be the least varuna like of this bunch due to this fact. the changes you make are often done carefully and overtime. you aren't someone that wastes time though; you make calculated risks/changes. negative aspects: you likely hate people who try to keep order... you loath those who try to control you most of all. you aren't someone who likes being controlled - if anyone should be controlling anyone you will believe it is you who should be in control. your passions likely overshadow you desire for balance/moderation.
asc: positive aspects: these are the people that you look at and you are like "dang, they have everything under control in their life". you appear so well composed that no one questions a thing. you look fine and like you can handle anything, so you likely find yourself tasked with a lot in life. miraculously, you can handle it too and continue to climb the ranks. you have a classic look about you that makes you look timeless and ageless. negative aspects: you may be controlling or lack control where your appearance is concerned. you should look into better life balance - no one should be living their life concerned about their looks and worrying about whether they will be taken seriously or not OR if they are on trend or not. do what what works for you - nothing more and nothing less.
mc: positive aspects: you may receive a lot of praise for your achievements and ambitions in life. you may find yourself in a high position in your career in which you are in charge or creating the code of conduct for your workplace. you could be a good leader because you are willing to hear others out in regards to regarding functionality. your father could have been someone of great importance who had an important job that allowed you to have a good childhood/home environment from a young age. negative aspects: you might expect to get accolade and it never comes - no doubt you are going above and beyond in your role though. you might feel like you are constantly on the cusp of getting to where you wish to go in life, yet you never get there. you could struggle with following those in a seat of power too because you might feel like they took your position or that you are better than they are at the job. status for you is very important, but it is not something you will ever feel confident about.
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cooldude-69 · 1 year
Hey y'all 💕💕
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My solar return chart of 2025, i feel like im gonna get popular, BUT HOW EXACTLY??? I GOT LILITH CONJ ASC IN SCORPIO, LEO MIDHEAVEN CONJ MERCURY, SUN 10H, VARUNA CONJ MC n SQUARE ASC AND CONJ MERCURY n also my venus conjuncts jupiter, can any of u guess wats gonna happen? I also got aphrodite in 8th house dat year😭
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gracefully33 · 6 months
🦋Fame Asteroids Pt. 2🦋
* Inspired by @astrosky33 & @astrostell
* Asteroids used Fama(408), Apollo(1862), Bathseba(592), Varuna(20000), & Starr(4150)
* I’ll ONLY be going over FAMA and VARUNA and these observations don’t apply to everyone
💙 Fama(408)- gossip spread about you during fame, what you could be known for, things you could experience during fame, etc.
💙 Apollo(1862)- Over the top worship
💙 Bathseba(592)- Catching attention from massive groups of strangers
💙 Varuna(20000)- international/fame around the world
💙 Starr(4150)- how you will gain fame
* We will discuss the rumors that could be spread about you and things you could experience.
✨Aries/1H/1,13,25 degrees:
- You could experience a lot of competition in your field.
- People could make rumors about you being a hot head or having a bad attitude.
- People could make up lies about you secretly being born a man to discredit your beauty or will try to say you look masculine (Aries rules masculinity also).
- Could get into fist fights during fame with paparazzi, fans, celebs, etc.
- People could be obsessed with your beauty and some may accuse you of having surgery.
✨Taurus/2H/2,14,26 degrees:
- People could make rumors saying that you cannot sing and that you rely on auto tune.
- People could try to rob you or take your possessions away from you
- You could show off your luxurious lifestyle a lot
✨Gemini/3H/3,15,27 degrees:
- People could make up lies about you on social media a lot. (ex: you photoshop your pics a lot)
- People could misinterpret your words and will try to cancel you for that.(Gemini represents communications and more)
- You could have a huge social media following.
✨Cancer/4H/4,16,28 degrees:
- Rumors about you having a secret family.
- Rumors about your parents/family.
- You could experience great amounts of money/billionaire status. (The 28 in numerology represents wealth)
✨Leo/5H/5,17,29 degrees:
- People could compare you to other celebs/entertainers a lot.
- Pregnancy rumors (5H represents kids and pregnancy)
- You could be remembered for your phenomenal performances.
- Rumors about you beefing with other entertainers.
✨Virgo/6H/6 & 18 degrees:
- Rumors about you not being humble.
- You could be known for being a perfectionist.
- People could judge you more than the average celeb.
- Etc.
✨Libra/7H/7 & 19 degrees:
- You could be a beauty symbol or known for your sense of fashion.
- Relationship rumors could spark up.
- Rumors about you being unfair could come about.
- Etc.
✨Scorpio/8H/8 & 20 degrees:
- The public could be very obsessed with you and paparazzi could be overly aggressive.
- Rumors about a s*x tape could come about or get leaked.
- Rumors about being in the occult (ILLUMINATI 👹, JK just know you’re not beating the occult and witchcraft rumors😂😭😂).
- People could talk a lot about your sexual history/body count and even sl*t shame you.
- Etc.
✨Saggitarius/9H/9 & 21 degrees:
- You could be known as very intelligent/wise.
- Rumors about you being arrogant.
- You could travel a lot.
- Could get in trouble with the FEDs aka mug shot
- Rumors about your religious beliefs could come up.
- Etc.
✨Capricorn/10H/10 & 22 degrees:
- Rumors about new business adventures.
- Rumors about having issues with your label or management.
- You could accomplish all your career goals.
- You could become an authority figure in your field.
- Etc.
✨Aquarius/11H/11 & 23 degrees:
- You could become very influential in your career/field.
- You could bring groups of people together 24/7.
- Rumors about you stealing other people’s ideas/plagiarizing.
- Etc.
✨Pisces/12H/12 & 24 degrees:
- You could be seen as very hypnotic and glamorous during your career. (The 12H also represents glamour)
- People could say you aren’t who you say you are.
- Rumors about your spiritual beliefs.
- People could drag you for being very out of touch with reality.
- Etc.
☁️Aries/1H/1,13,& 25 degrees:
- You could be internationally/worldwide known as a hair influencer.
- Your aesthetic
- Throwing tantrums (it’s giving “eXcUsE mE dO YoU kNoW wHo I aM”).
- Etc.
☁️Taurus/2H/2,14,& 26 degrees:
- International/worldwide singer
- Known for having the most stunning voice
- Well known food critic
- Etc.
☁️Gemini/3H/3,15,& 27 degrees:
- International/Worldwide talk show host or podcaster
- Being able to do everything at once
- Known for child like spirit
- Etc.
☁️Cancer/4H/4,16,& 28 degrees:
- Internationally/worldwide known for being wealth & household name(The 28th degree)
- Known for being empathetic towards others
- Known for being too sensitive or defensive
☁️Leo/5H/5,17,& 29 degrees:
- Internationally known for making music, acting, etc.
- Known for being pretty (5 represents beauty in numerology).
- Known for being in drama a lot.
- Etc.
☁️Virgo/6H/6 & 18 degrees:
- Internationally known for giving back to the community.
- Known for innocent image.
- Known for being a TV show judge.
- Etc.
☁️Libra/7H/7 & 19 degrees:
- Internationally known for being beautiful.
- Known for fashion sense
- Known for being cooperative or easy to work with
- Etc
☁️Scorpio/8H/8 & 20 degrees:
- Internationally known sex symbol.
- Known for using magic
- known for being brave
- Etc.
☁️Sagittarius/9H/9 & 21 degrees:
- Internationally known for your philosophy
- Known for being blunt and straightforward
- Known photographer
- Etc.
☁️Capricorn/10H/10 & 22 degrees:
- Internationally for being the boss of something or a company
- Known for your legacy
- Known for working hard.
- Etc.
☁️Aquarius/11H/11 & 23 degrees:
- Internationally known for being unique/innovative
- Known for being rebellious (could rebel against authority or family)
- Known for partying a lot
- Etc.
☁️Pisces/12H/12 & 24 degrees:
- Internationally known for impersonations
- Known for inspiring others
- Known for sacrificing yourself for others.
- Etc.
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kakiastro · 1 year
Fame in Astrology Series part one
Topic: Acting🍿🎬
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This is the first post in a series I’ll be working on. What makes a good actor and where in your chart can indicate fame. I’ll also use Denzel Washington for examples because everyone knows him lol
*disclaimer: please don’t copy my work fam lol
Ok let’s get started!
1. Your Sun and rising Sign, house Leo rules and 5th house
- sun is how we shine in public
- Leo rules over fame and entertainment
-5th house how we express our creativity
For ex: Denzel Washington is Capricorn Sun, Libra rising, Leo 11h and Aquarius 5h. He’s seen as a leader(Capricorn sun), he’s popular among his peers and the public(Leo 11). He approach acting differently or his creativity is just different from others in his profession, he may like playing different types of roles(Aquarius 5h) and he’s considered handsome(libra rising) I mean come on all of our aunties had a thing for him😅
Next we’ll look at
2. Your Midheaven
- Mc rules over your public image, how you are viewed in your Career.
-you can choose any career you desire and your Mc can show you how you’ll be perceived in it.
For ex. Denzel Washington has Mc Cancer. Despite this being a public house, he’s actually very private. May have a chill personality, easy to like. I will say cancer rules over women and and the ladies love him haha
MC can show you what types of roles you can play. Like Denzel most notable roles is involving family, women and close connections
3. Whatever planets you have in your 1h, 5h, 10h and 11h
Honorable mentions: 7h and 9h
-having planets here in any of these houses can enhance your fame especially Jupiter
Jupiter rules over expansion
Ex. Denzel has Jupiter/Uranus 10h, Neptune 1h and Moon 5h.
4. In my opinion, the moon is one of the most important things to look at in acting
- moon represents our emotions and how we express our emotions.
Actors have to know how to channel different emotions in order to really channel their character.
- I noticed actors who has Moon-Pluto or Moon-Neptune aspects are known to show deep and heartbreaking emotions on scene. These are the actors that can feel what the characters are going through
5. A lot of people don’t talk about this but Mercury is probably the most important part of acting
-mercury rules over how we process and remember information, it’s how we communicate, it also rules the media
Remembering lines is the most important part in acting, figuring out what techniques works for you will help you in the long run! How you communicate when you do interviews with the media is all shown in your mercury and 3h sign
Ex Denzel Washington has Capricorn Mercury with Sagittarius 3h. He straight to the point, may have a great sense of humor, he’s very knowledgeable and would probably make a good teacher
6. Pluto and 8h is underrated areas in acting.
- Pluto represents transforming and going within
- actors has to transform themselves into the character, depending on the actor, that can be physically and mentally. I’ve always felt like method acting is such a Pluto theme
7. Neptune rules over movies altogether
-wherever Neptune is at in your chart can give you an idea on what type of movies you’ll prosper in
Ex. Denzel has Neptune Libra 1h. Libra rules over partnerships(romantic and platonic) Law, Fairness
Go watch some of his movies and such as Training Day, Fences, Equalizer. You’ll see the libra themes
Fame in Actor Asteroids
Fama (408)- your overall fame, area you’ll be famous for
Star (4150)-your star power
Varuna (20000)- worldwide fame
Actor (12238) - acting abilities, help glimpse into what roles will suit you
Bella (695)-how your beauty is seen in the spotlight
Aura (1488)- your overall vibe, your energy
Fan (151590)-the type of fanbase you’ll attract
Even if you’re not interested in acting, you can still look at the type of movies and actors you’re attracted to for fun! I hope you enjoyed this post and make sure to keep a look out for the 2nd part to this series which is singers!
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evangelinesbible · 2 years
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⚜️ NN 11° in VENUS PC can indicate gaining popularity online for your beauty
⚜️LILITH 10H in INDUSTIA PC can indicate the industry that best suits you financially comes with you being sexualized by the public at your expense
⚜️ VENUS 1H in the SINGER PC can indicate having a voice that is overall pleasing, and widely enjoyable/acceptable
⚜️LIBRA MC in ENTERPRISE PC can indicate a person making a lot of money in the cosmetics and fashion world
⚜️VENUS CONJ. APOLLO in MC PC can indicate having a career that lets you shine when you indulge in your artistic talents ( singing, music, makeup, dancing ect.)
⚜️FAMA - MC or FAMA 10H in VARUNA PC can indicate someone becoming internationally known and mega famous because of your career
⚜️GEMINI/ 3H TALENT in TALENT PC could mean being really talented at writing, creative writing songwriting or planning things out
⚜️URANUS CONJ. ASC in STARR PC can indicate standing out because of your unique features and personality
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a-d-nox · 1 year
@g--lol, i accidentally deleted the ask so i am going to tag you and forward this post to you in DMs.
thank you for sending your charts!
for the natal chart questions:
1h varuna: you may feel as though you were born to be in control of the elements around you. your desires and self-opinion may be in a constant state of flux. there is a decent chance that you grew up in a very tranquil environment. you could be a generally moral individual as you constantly self-evaluate. 
sun (11h) - varuna (1h): negative aspects: you may wish to be in control of most situations and frequently fail to recognize that your ideals and desires are not everyone else's. you may fail to see that you are not always the best person to be in control of the situation you may come off as slightly arrogant or as though you brag about your accomplishments very often to the point of annoyance. your ideas may not be the popular opinion among others.
mc (10h) - varuna (1h): positive aspects: you may receive a lot of praise for your achievements and ambitions in life. you may find yourself in a high position in your career in which you are in charge or creating the code of conduct for your workplace. you could be a good leader because you are willing to hear others out on their opinions regarding functionality. your father could have been someone of great importance who had an important job that allowed you to have a good childhood/home environment at a young age.
for the varuna persona chart questions:
4h sun: as the creator of your own universe, you may find you have the most control when speaking out against authority - you could present as someone confident and popular in backing. you could have a lot of control over your environment as well as those around you.
12h uranus: there is a good chance that your need to control everything is inhibiting your true power and strength. it could be that you are trying to manage people - come to the realization that not everyone is meant to work in a group. you may see that your originality awakens in solitude.
4h varuna: this placement in a persona chart gives the vibe of an architect, real estate agent, and/or property manager. they tend to have their hands in control of people's environments and homes. these people could advocate for low income housing or even help those without a home. varuna is thought to have created heaven and earth so you may be that person for those around you - making them feel welcomed, safe, and at home.
sun-varuna: positive aspects: you may find that a parent or authority figure in your life plays the role of varuna. you may be the first to challenge their role and measure of power. you could eventually have a tight knit following. negative aspects: you may find or may have found you are easily intimidated, dominated, or overshadowed by others with power around you. you could struggle to speak up when others have strong opinions. you may be easily manipulated by others. or you could be the person who dominates others, causes other stay silent due to your strong opinions, and/or that manipulates others.
uranus-varuna: positive aspects: you have a natural talent when it comes to balancing change and creating concepts. you many have a healthy respect for change and seeing that it is essential.
mc-varuna: negative aspects: you likely aren't meant to leader or control big projects. it is highly possible that anxiety of some sort causes you pause from preforming well under pressure or under the gaze of so many watchful eyes. you may find you are often judged for your actions and the intentions behind each act you make.
hope this helps!
click here for the masterlist
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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evangelinesbible · 1 year
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(And other objects)
Take what I say with the specific asteroids with a grain of salt these are all predictions about what might happen in my solar return. I don’t go heavily into detail cuz this is just a quick post.
This year might involve me gaining aloof opportunity that'll help heal me, and potentially others. Expanding myself and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. since its the 1H that might involve me putting myself out there more, introducing myself to others/the world more, and learning to express the wounded sides of me, like my insecurities and fears. this year I'll probably strive understand myself more and to figure out how I want the world to see me and how I want to see myself.
It is likely that I might meet my future spouse this year. At the very least I'll meet someone who'll be in a long term relationship with me. I might meet someone who is meant to help me achieve my fate/destiny. This person might have money (since its in taurus I'm assuming). major lessons that I'll learn this year will involve partnership, trust, loyalty, love, self expression, and confidence.
BU48, (33128) represents money, wealth, and success. having it conjunct vertex this year could POTENTIALLY mean that money, wealth and success is fated for me this year. it being in the 6H might mean that it'll happen at work, while I'm working or working on something. I might achieve success/money with something that I do daily. Especially something Venusian, since its in the sign of Libra. I might become a workaholic this year.
Opportunity (39382) is pretty straight forward. It quite literally means what it's named. What opportunities you might get in life. It being conjunct my sun can mean POTENTIAL fame/popularity opportunities. It also conjuncts Neptune which rules over music/melodies so I might get opportunities that involves those themes.
Varuna (20000) is a dwarf star that is linked to worldwide and /long term immortal fame. With Lilith in Leo in my solar return looks like I'll be in my diva era lol. Unapologetically learning to be confident and express myself in ways that might intimidate and scare men. it being in the 5th house can indicate art I express myself this way through my art and creative pursuits. this year I may become obsessed with fame/ popularity or it might consume me in a way that scares me or empowers me. This year I might subconsciously be very prideful and boastful without realizing. Since Varuna is conjunct Lilith I might gain popularity because of this but this is a minor placement and it’s a small chance but still a possibility.
“pholus (5145) represents small or basic things you do going big” - @brielledoesastrology has a post about this asteroid and a few others that pertains to fame in the solar return, go check it out. Pholus conj. MC in the 10H is a good thing for me. I have potential to gain viral fame through my career endeavors. Since it’s in Capricorn I might gain attention from businesses and business people who’d want to work with me.
Enterprise (9777) conjunct vertex means that this year I was fated to enter the career field that is best suited for me, that utilizes my talents/skills and makes me the most money.
Industria (389) similar to enterprise, is an asteroid that tells you what career field(s)/ industry you’d be best suited for. For the solar return it can indicate what industry you’ll be interested in/ apart of. Industria in the 1H could mean that I’ll dabble in modeling, fashion, or really just anything that involves showing off my face/ body. It’s also in Aries so breaking off into a more independent path and doing things for the first time of being the first to peruse a career endeavor on my family. It conjunct Jupiter may mean that I gain a lot of abundance, success and potentially money from doing this. It being conjunct Chiron could mean that the industry that I’m stepping into will give me some wounds to heal from but also help me heal old wounds.
I’m looking forward to the physical transformation I’ll have this year. I have a lot of 1H energy. With Glo (3267) conj. ASC in the 1H this year means that physically something will change about me that’ll become my new shinning aspect. This could also mean that I’ll get a new confidence boost this year.
Midas (1981) is a money asteroid named after king Midas, a wealthy king who turn everything to gold with his touch. Potential to make the most money using my voice, intelligence, writing skills, public speaking skills, creativity, and self expression. There’s a risk of being greedy/ over indulgent with it conjunct the sun.
Felicitas (109) is an asteroid I just found out through @zeldasnotes post here and basically she’s a Roman goddess whose name meant fruitful, blessed, happy and lucky. The asteroid can show where you are lucky and blessed. In my solar return having this conjunct my MC can mean being very blessed and lucky this year in my career
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Just something quick and fun. Nothing too serious. It’s almost Pisces season and almost my birthday 🥳 Do you have any asteroids prominent in your solar return? 💋
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evangelinesbible · 2 years
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Cleo De Nile header and ending cuz I AM THAT BITC-
SUN - Scorpio 11H
Being in an industry that involves social groups, and working with others and having a team. Being popular in the industry I work in. Doing humanitarian work or using my job to help humanitarian causes. Being a good researcher, investor and working to gain respect socially in the industry I work in.
JUPITER - Libra 10H
Abundance success and luck in the industry I work in. Gaining many opportunities pertaining to my careers. Maintaining balance, making good connections and business partnerships, keeping a pretty/aesthetic and balanced workspace, naturally having luck and abundance in my career(s)
MARS - Libra 11H
Channeling my ambitions by setting up creative group projects, and keeping my work life balanced. Keeping a harmonious environment and public persona. Being a peaceful and well balanced mediator in any tense business drama/situations. Succeeding in a business that involves social groups and networking
MC - Virgo 11°
Staying practical and having a consistent and stable routine and being a bit of a perfectionist , planning a career path is how I’ll find success. Fame can come by utilizing this with the internet/ social media. A business involving practically, health, planning, or goals can be beneficial.
6H - Taurus
Being practical and hardworking. Staying grounded and focusing on a steady growth in my career endeavors.
11H - Libra
Gaining money through fashion, beauty, art, socializing, and business partnerships
2H - Capricorn
Making use of my money by owning a business or creating a business deal and being cautious with money habits/ over indulgence
ASC - Scorpio 29°
Being seen as alluring and mysterious in my career field gaining me long time popularity and intrigue from my peers and the public. In my business/my career I’m known to be illusive, an enigma, and maybe even suspicious to others.
5H - Aries
Competitive, passionate and talents in being a leader, trend setter, and working toward great achievements
MOON - Taurus 6H
Emotionally attached to my work and what I put out. Extremely loyal and persistent in my work.
VENUS - Libra 0° 10H
Staying peaceful, poised, and balanced will help my creativity. A high chance for a career with the arts being very well liked and gaining popularity because of my creative projects/physical beauty in my career.
SATURN - Cancer 8H
Either learning discipline and how to work hard or working hard too much. Learning how to not lose myself in my work. Learning to rely on my spiritual side with my career. Using my career to look after others and build a mature nurturing environment. In the long run I’ll probably have success in investing later on in my career
NN - Taurus 2° 5H
Destined for major success by using the arts and being artistically creative in my career. Destined for the spotlight because of my creativeness and being center stage in the industry I’m in. Destined for material comfort and gains in my industry.
Fated for global attention in my careers, and being vastly well known in the industry. I might be seen as taboo, emotional or mysterious
My future career endeavors will make me famous/ well known. And I have a theory that the 5th degree might mean that i could reach a famous achievement at a relatively young age.
Gaining huge attainment and status in my career endeavors most likely for my case with music and art again. Huge attainment is viewed by the media/large audience and gives me some sort of abundance career and money wise.
For my case being musical and spiritual is apart of my career and will get me potential fame. And having a creative family or people I consider family have these same talents and might help me with my career.
My talents are seen very clearly by others in my industry field and people might see that I’m really good at what I do. I’m very successful at giving that impression and potentially seen as a leader/example in my respective field of work.
Changing and innovating myself through my career and I’m best suited to have a career that drives my creativity and passions allowing me to break glass ceilings/be unique.
My natural gifts of perfectionism and having a keen eye for detail comes in handy with my career. Being technical and planning ahead will always make me stand out. I’ll shine through my work and my career will be long lasting. I might be known in my career to be someone who was a master of a lot of talents.
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There are OBVIOUSLY other interpretations and indications in this chart but I put down what I related too and what makes the most since for me. I do that when I interpret all my charts. But anyways that my chart and I think it’s pretty cool and nice and all that jazz. Trying not build an ego but damn astrology makes it hard 💅🏽✨ hope y’all have a lovely day/night or whatever. 💋
- ⚜️💫⚜️
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evangelinesbible · 2 years
(And if you ever wonder why I post my charts a lot it’s because I find that I understand things better when I write it out and I might as well post because it helps educate others and helps motive others to figure out their charts for themselves)
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Leo sun 6H conj. Leo Apollo 5° 6H
Naturally in the spotlight and being famous in the entertainment field for my creative work. Being famous for being extremely multi talented or for how my work helps others.
Cap moon 28° 12H conj. Cap Chiron r 12H
Being seen as emotionally mature, self critical, and a hard worker that will inevitably make me a household name. My personal life and privacy may be invaded a lot causing me to be a very exclusive and private person. My traumas and pain might be exploited and I might not be a very open book to the public.
Aquarius rising conj. Neptune r 1H
Being a special or unique type of famous person. Famous for innovating something or “changing the game” in some sort of way. Or just being famous cuz of the weird/unique stuff I do or for unconventional things happening to me
I might be seen as a mystery or some sort of person that no one can really describe easily. Famous for a dreamy disposition and for being seen as highly intuitive and being creative
Leo mars 7H conj. Leo BU48 7H 28° and Webb
Famous in entertainment and for my public relations, being confident, charismatic, creative, determined, and competitive gets me recognition and wealth. Especially online.
Virgo mercury 7H conj. Virgo Fama 5° 7H
Very good public relations because of how I communicate. Famous for how I communicate or what I do with my voice. Famous for my relationships (romantic or platonic)
Pisces Uranus 5° 1H conj. Starr
Emphasizes being famous for reinventing, innovating or changing the field I’m famous in. Or famous for just being a unique individual. I shine when I’m being my unique authentic and creative self and it gets me more fame
Cancer Saturn 6H conj. Cancer Varuna
Long term and influential fame in my work/career field. But it will greatly effect/limit my life in certain ways. I might have enemies in the work place or constantly critiqued for what I do. And the fame might effect my family in some way.
Scorpio MC and Pluto in 10H
Famous for reinventing myself, or going through tough challenges publicly but coming out on top/ a better version of myself every time. Publicly seen as very mysterious, independent powerful and ambitious. Famously known for being very private about my career endeavors.
Taurus North Node 3H conj. Taurus Euterpe 3H
Having the muse of music conjunct the NN makes it very apparent that my potential fame involves being known as a talented musician/singer. Especially since it’s in Taurus which rules the throat and in the 3H which rules communication
Well that was fun to look at. But I think people should remember that you can have many fame indicators and still not be famous. It’s all about the work you put on and the time that it’ll take. Think about the people who were born with the same exact birth chart as Michael Jackson or Beyoncé and how they’re aren’t famous. It’s because at the end of the day it’s about you and what you want.
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Love ya 💋
- ⚜️💫⚜️
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