#1w9 so/sx
rainytypology · 9 months
Enneagram Type 1
An overview of an enneagram type. Not an expert. May change later.
Center type: Gut/Instinct/Anger
Other Triads: Competency, Compliant, Frustration
Basic motivation: To be correct, be a good person
Basic fear: Being a bad person
Wings: 1w2, 1w9
Disintegration/Stress: 4
Integration/Growth: 7
- Strengths -
Highly ethical and moralistic
Strive to be a good person and role model to make positive influence in the world
Helpful, practical
Organized, orderly
Seeks justice and fairness
- Weaknesses -
Can be overly critical of themselves and others
Rigid, uptight
Repressive, controlling
Impatient and angry
- 1w2 -
The 2 wing softens the 1 core. 2 is generally a social and friendly type, so it adds a charm to the 1. Warm and caring. They can be quite generous and get an extra dose of passion. More interpersonal and emotional, compassionate. Focused on the needs of others.
- 1w9 -
The 9 wing calms the 1 core, making the 1 more reserved and patient. They're idealistic and can be more forgiving and gentle than a typical 1 core. Takes a gentler approach towards improvement and change. Focused on harmony and peace.
Disintegration: 4
During disintegration (which occurs during high stress), a 1 will pick up the unhealthy traits of 4. This could be a 1 burying themselves in their negative feelings. Moody and irrational. More critical and judgemental of others.
Integration: 7
Integration is growth and improvement. A 1 will move towards 7, picking up the positive traits of type 7. 1s will learn how to relax and genuinely enjoy things as they mature. They become more open to new perspectives and ideas, more positive, and spontaneous.
Subtypes of 1
- Sp 1 -
Most repressive of anger and most perfectionistic as well. Could resemble a type 6 due to sp 1 constantly trying to prepare for everything
- Sx 1 -
Most comfortable expressing anger, impatient, not scared to correct others, feels the need to reform everyone and everything
- So 1 -
Repressed anger, not flexible, prefers structure, most restrictive and controlled, focused on fairness, high standards
Enneagram list
Side blogs:
Kpop astrology @rainy-astrology
Kpop fanarts @rainy-artworks
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blueopinions49 · 8 months
Horror Typology (Villains)
Michael Myers ISTP TiSe 8w9 sp/sx Libra (Oct,19)
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Freddy Krueger ENTP NeTi 7w8 sp/sx Taurus-Gemini (May 1942)
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Chucky ESTP SeTi 8w7 sp/sx Taurus (May,1)
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Norman Bates ISFJ SiFe 2w1 sx/sp Libra (Oct,14)
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Hannibal Lecter INFJ NiTi 5w4 sx/so Aquarius (Jan 20th)
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Annie Wilkes ESFJ FeSi 2w1 sx/so Aries (April,1)
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Patrick Bateman ESTJ TeSi 3w4 so/sx Capricorn
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Esther ENFJ FeNi 4w5 sx/sp Aries (April,20)
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Pennywise ENTP NeFe 7w8 sp/sx Saggitarius
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Carrie White INFP FiSi 6w5 sp/so Libra (Sept,21)
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Leatherface ESFJ FeSi 9w8 sx/so Cancer
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Jigsaw INFJ NiFe 1w2 so/sx Virgo
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Amanda Young ISFP FiSe 9w8 sx/so Scorpio
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Pyramid Head ESTJ TeSi 1w9 sp/sx Capricorn
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Dalia Gillespe ENFJ FeNi 9w1 so/sp Aquarius
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Dr.Bumbi INFJ NiFe 5w4 sx/sp Virgo
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Albert Wesker ENTJ TeNi 1w9 so/sp Capricorn
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Johnny Swayer ESTP SeFe 8w7 sx/sp Aries
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Diana ENTJ TeSe 3w2 so/sx Gemini
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James Sunderland ISFJ SiFe 9w1 sx/sp Scorpio
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Happy Halloween to everyone!!!
Honorary Mentions
Nancy Downs ESTP SeFe 8w7 sp/so Aquarius
Madeline Usher ENTJ TeNi 8w9 sp/so Capricorn
Rodrick Usher ESFP SeTe 6w7 so/sx Capricorn
Pearl ESFP SeFi 3w2 so/sx Pisces
Candyman INTJ NiFi 5w4 sx/sp Libra
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m-v-tique · 2 months
Personality Typing AEWVS!
[*In honor of the game for how undeserving it was for it to be deleted.
Anyways I hate the commonality of all the characters just being blatantly 1w9 153’s so it may or may not be their actual type as long as it may be specified.*]
Viktor Strobovski
Enneagram + Tritype: 1w9 or 8w9 || 153, 853 or 835
Instinctual Variant: SX/SO, SP/SX, SX/SP, or SO/SP
Temperament: Choleric-Phlegmatic, Phlegmatic-Choleric, or Choleric (Dom)
Big 5 (*SLOAN): Social, Calm, Organized, Egotistical, Non-Openminded/Inquisitive
Laura (Head Teacher)
Enneagram + Tritype: 1w9 || 153 or 163
Instinctual Variant: SP/SO or SP/SX
Temperament: Phlegmatic (Dom) or Phlegmatic-Choleric
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, Organized, Egotistical, Non-Openminded [RCOEN]
Marzia V (Language Teacher)
Enneagram + Tritype: 1w9 or 5w6 || 153, 163 or 513
Instinctual variant: SP/SO or SO/SP
Temperament: Choleric-Phlegmatic or Choleric (Dom)
Big 5: Social, Limbic, Organized, Egotistical, Non-Openminded [SLOEN]
Alice Freudenmacher
Enneagram + Tritype: 1w2 or 1w9 || 163, 135, 136 or 153
Instinctual variant: SO/SX or SO/SP
Temperament: Phlegmatic-Sanguine, Phlegmatic-Melancholic or Phlegmatic (Dom)
Big 5: Social, Calm, Organized, Accommodating, Non-Openminded/Inquisitive [SCOA*]
Enneagram + Tritype: 5w4, 4w5 or 9w8 || (Mixed combo of: 1,4,5,8), 945 or 954
Instinctual Variant: SP/SX, SX/SP, SP/SO or SX/SO
Temperament: Melancholic-Choleric, Melancholic (Dominant)
Big 5: Reserved, Limbic, Unorganized, Egotistical, Non-Openminded [RLUEN]
Mr. Mix
Enneagram + Tritype: 8w9, 5w6 or 1w9 || 853, 583, or 153
Instinctual variant: SP/SX or SP/SO
Temperament: Choleric-Phlegmatic, Phlegmatic-Choleric
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, Organized, Egotistical, Non-Openminded [RCOEN]
Mr. Cleany Clean
Enneagram + Tritype: 9w1, 9w1, 2w3 or 3w2 || 953, 963, 259, 269, 359 or 369
Instinctual variant: SO/SX or SO/SP
Temperament: Phlegmatic-Sanguine, Sanguine-Phlegmatic or Sanguine (Dominant)
Big 5: Social, Calm, Unorganized, Accomodating, Inquisitive [SCUAI]
Enneagram + Tritype: 7w8 or 5w4 || 783, 784 or 548
Instinctual variant: SP/SX or SO/SX
Temperament: Choleric-Sanguine
Big 5: Social, Limbic, Unorganized, Egotistical, Inquisitive [SLUEI]
Konstantine II
Enneagram + Tritype: 5w6 || 538 or 583
Temperament: Phlegmatic (Dominan)
Instinctual variant: SP/SO or SP/SX
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, Organized, Egotistical, Inquisitive [RCOEI]
Enneagram + Tritype: 5w4 or 1w2 || 541 or 145
Temperament: Phlegmatic-Melancholic
Instinctual variant: SO/SP
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, Organized, Accommodating, Inquisitive [RCOAI]
Angellica “Angell” (Player)
Enneagram + Tritype: 6w5 or 9w1 || 641 or 945
Temperament: Melancholic-Phlegmatic or Melancholic (Dominant)
Instinctual variant: SP/SO or SO/SP
Big 5: Reserved, Limbic/Calm, Unorganized, Accommodatin, Inquisitive [R*UAI]
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anime-addictt · 1 year
Hell’s Paradise
Gabimaru - ISTP 9w8 sp/sx
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Yuzuriha - ESTP 7w8 sp/sx
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Aza Chobei - ESTP 8w7 sx/sp
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Tamiya Gantetsusai - ESFP 8w7 sx/sp
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Nurugai - ISFP 6w7 sp/so
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Sagiri - INFJ 6w5 so/sp
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Shion - ENFJ 1w9 sp/so
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Fuchi - INTP 5w6 so/sp
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Senta - INFP 6w5 sp/so
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mistype360 · 5 months
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mbti/enneagram typing for sevilemar: istp 5w6 584
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mbti/enneagram typing for typerfixation: isfp 8w9 846
mbti/enneagram typing for ten-of-imps: isfp 6w7
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indepth-mbti · 1 year
Hi! What are your thoughts on an Fe-dom being social blind? Is it possible? And how would they act?
I'm also interested in how an sp/sx Fe-dom is different from an sp/so?
I'm an ESFJ 1w9, 164, and I really think I might be social blind. Or maybe my understanding of the instinct is lacking.
I've always preffered a small group of close friends rather than a larger one. At work or at a hobby, I will try to find someone to be "my person", the person I could pair up with, work with, joke with etc. I don't have problems talking and socializing with other people at work or at a hobby, but I want that one person to connect with. I probably stopped going to a past hobby of mine because I didn't find that one person to connect with.
Maybe this is more codependency than being social blind?
It is possible, after all the instincts are strictly tied to your enneagram type and it's hard to imagine one without the other. I can't describe Fe-dom and sp/s or sp/soc because those don't mean anything without an Enneagram type - even if I list the sp preferences, I'll need an Enneagram type to channel its neuroticism. I think that what you describe suits more sp/soc E1 than sp/sx E1. The sexual instinct is about attraction and repulsion. It's about chemistry. The social instinct is social idealism but it's also focused on connection, it can manifest in larger groups or just in a one-to-one focus. The connection for the sexual is about intensity and chemistry, and when that is gone the connection disappears. The connection for the social is more about finding a person that suits your idealism, it's much more stable and future oriented. Of course what I say always have to go through the perspective of an E1: ethical well-being, aligning to competency, moral values, "getting the job done" attitude, etc. Which suits your search for an ideal person through external input and task-orientation (hobbies have a purpose for you: connection). Solid E1 Fe dom.
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valeriasdream · 3 months
Astral Express Family
Pretty self explanatory, everyone on the Express in my DR.
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Name: Welt Yang
Nicknames: Mr. Yang
Age: 82 but physically 50s or 60s appearance
Height: 190-191cm/around 6'2" or 6'3" he's quite tall!
MBTI: INFJ 1w9 152 so/sp
About: The oldest member of the Astral Express, we have a relationship similar to a father-daughter dynamic. He's very caring, understanding, very intuitive and smart as well. He always gives good advice! He was originally an animator on earth and got "isekai'd" into the Star Rail universe, he's trying to get back to his family. He's also able to control black holes, though he doesn't like to use his cane often. (If you know his HI3rd lore, everything would still apply in my DR!)
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Name: Himeko
Age: 32-35
Height: 173cm/5'8"
MBTI: ENFJ 7w6 721 sx/so
About: The "owner" of the Astral Express, she found the train and repaired it all herself. Kind of see her as an older sister type of person, I often go to her for advice or just for tea or coffee. She's very caring, understanding, smart and thoughtful.
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Name: March 7th
Age: 21 physically but actual age unknown
Height: 160cm/5'3"
MBTI: ENFP 2w3 279 sp/so
Sexuality: Pansexual
About: Goofy, silly, fun-loving! We're pretty close and spend a lot of time together. Dan Heng doesn't like when March and I team up on missions and stuff together because we always get lost or get ourselves into trouble because we both tend to be very reckless. Also she is dating Stelle!
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Name: Stelle
Age: Physically 22-25 but actual age unknown
Height: 175cm/5'9"
MBTI: INTP 5w4 594 sp/so
Sexuality: Lesbian
About: A completely chaotic little garbage goblin. She's the "main character", so a lot of events in my DR tend to focus around her. She has a stellaron just... in her body. She's really funny though, can be really sarcastic too. She's dating March.
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Name: Pom-pom
There's really not much to say about Pom-pom. They're the conductor of the Express, and pretty cute.
Lady Leizu (I don't have a fc for her, sorry)
Age: 23 physically, actual age 1000+
Height: 157cm/5'2"
MBTI: ESFP 4w5 sx/sp I'm not sure on her tritype oops
About: She was my personal guard and best friend on my home planet, and helped me flee. We wandered the cosmos together for a very long time (like 500+ years no joke) and then eventually met Himeko, Welt Yang, Dan Heng and March 7th from the Express. We both join the Astral Express together where she remains my friend and becomes a train guard with Dan Heng. Actually she's based on my best friend from my CR, haha. I included her in this section because she joins me on the Astral Express, but she doesn't exist in the game at all.
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amai-no-ura · 3 months
Kusuriya no hitorigoto typology
Maomao - INTP 5w6 sp/so Double Bird
Jinshi - ESFJ 2w3 sx/so Double Snake
Lakan - ENTP 7w8 sp/so Snake-Lion
Fengxian - INTJ 1w9 sp/so
Lihaku - ESFJ 6w7 so/sp Double Lion
Gyokuyou - ENFJ 2w3 so/sp
Luomen - INFJ 9w1 sp/so
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goblinsofdiscord · 3 months
Goblins of Discord 👹 Enneagram Type Database 🤓
All typings have a corresponding youtube video (linked). Many more on their way. Please note, that some of these are likely to change a bit in the future.
I’ll probably update a handful of older ones soon, as my understanding of the Enneagram has evolved since some of them were made (and is still deepening). This obsession is all-consuming and I won’t stop until I can psychically intuit every single type + instinct combination on sight, within 10 seconds and am rebirthed into my next form as the 🧞‍♀️👁️ human pixie frequency diviner of the apocalypse. 😈 🔥
If you think you’ve found a weirdo type and might want to join a typing call, DM larissa on the goblinsofdiscord instagram, or post the type below in the comments.
🍄 👀 If you want to book a typing call or submit an introvert video (of you or someone you know) to be picked over, spitroasted, impression’ed on, click here.
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Enneagram Type 1
John Waters 🗑️✝️ 1w2 7w6 4w3 so/sx 💖💧🧚‍♂️ The Pope of Trash
Jamie Lee Curtis 🎃 1w2 36 so/sx 👹 The Horny Karen
Nasim Aghdam 🐅 1w9 7w6 4w5 so/sp 💥 Triple Frustration Threat
Quentin Crisp 🎀 ✨ 1w9 4w3 7w6 so/sx 🦚 Trailblazing Peacock
Enneagram Type 2
Pamela Des Barres 🌼 2w3 7w6 9w1 so/sx ☀️ Flowerchild Supergroupie
Big Edie (Grey Gardens) ✝️🐈‍⬛ 2w1 6w7 8w9 sx/so 🍸 Mother Diva
Enneagram Type 3
Lucy Lawless ⚔️ 3w2 8w7 5w6 so/sx ⚔️ watch
Montel Williams 👄 3w2 6w7 8w7 so/sp ⚔️ watch
Jensen Ackles 👻 3w2 6w7 8w9 sp/so ⭐ watch
Corey Feldman 🎩 3w2 6w7 9w1 sp/sx ★Ascension Millennium
David Fincher 🎥 3w4 5w6 8w7 sp/so 📦 What's in his Box?
Bret Easton Ellis 😍🗡️ 3w4 5w6 8w9 so/sp 🖤🚬 American Psycho
Whitney Houston 🖤 3w4 6w7 9w1 sx/so 🥀 Queen of the Night
Gregg Araki 🚬 3w4 6w7 9w8 so/sx 👄 The Doomed Enneagram
Nicole Kidman 👠 3w4 6w7 1w9 👠 watch
Emma Roberts 🫖 3w4 6w7 1w2 so/sp 🍰 watch
Belinda Carlistle 🔥 3w4 1w9 7w8 🔥 sp/so watch
Caroline Calloway 💸 3w4 7w6 9w1 so/sx ✨ Happy Scammerversary
Enneagram 4
Vivien Leigh 🌹 4w3 6w7 9w1 so/sx 🥀 Making Fours Dramatic Again
Winona Ryder 🥀 Enneagram 4w3 6w7 9w1 sp/so 🥀 The OG Sadgirl
Jeff Buckley 🥀 4w5 6w7 9w1 sx/so 💔 watch
Enneagram Type 5
Anna Khachiyan 🧠🕳️ 5w4 9w8 4w3 so/sp 🚬 watch
Shirley Jackson 🥃 5w4 📓 livestream slop job
Sam Bankman-Fried 🤓 5w6 9w8 3w4 spso 💩 Gaslighting Nerd
Enneagram Type 6
Larry David 🍋 6w5 1w9 4w3 so/sp 😒 Miserable F*ck
Lauryn Hill 😇 6w5 8w9 2w1 so/sp 🎤 Gonna Find You..
Julia Ducournau 🚗 6w5 9w1 4w3 💋 Baby, I Like it Raw
Caroline Ellison 🧠 6w7 1w2 3w2 sp/so 🖖 Polycule Pick-Me
Robert Crumb 🤡 6w7 4w5 1w2 💦 The Sex Weasel
David Icke 🦎 6w7 9w1 3w2 so/sp 👁️👽 The Passion of 6
Daniel Clowes 👻 6w7 9w1 4w3 so/sp ✒️ Like a Velvet Glove
Phil Ochs 🎸 6w7 9w1 4w5 so/sp 💧 The Misunderstood Folk Hero
Dylan Moran ☘️ 6w7 9w1 4w3 sp/so 🤴 watch
Mia Goth 🍯 6w7 9w1 2w3 sp/sx 😇 Strange Angel
Sean Baker 🍊 6w7 9w1 3w2 so/sp ☀️ Red’s Rocket
Enneagram Type 7
Josephine Baker 💃🏽 7w6 28 so/sx 🎶 Shine on, Queen
Little Edie (Grey Gardens) 🧚‍♀️ 7w6 9w1 4w3 so/sx ⭐ 🩸 Fallen Star
Florence Welch ✨ 7w6 4w3 9w1 sp/so 🧚‍♀️ Chaotic Pixie Queen
Theo Von 🍆 7w6 9w8 4w5 sp/so 🐀 The Rat King
Danny Elfman 💀 7w6 9w1 4w5 so/sp 🎃 Dead Man’s Party
Johnette Napolitano 🩸 7w6 8w9 4w5 sp/sx 🐍 Concrete Blonde
Vincent Gallo 👹 7w6 4w5 8w9 sp/sx 😈 Horny Goblin
Heidi Fleiss 🐍🦜 7w8 1w9 3w4 spsx 🍑🚬 Hollywood Madam
Eartha Kitt 😻🐈‍⬛ 7w8 4w3 1w2 sx/so 🐈‍⬛😿 Cat Woman
Enneagram Type 8
Robin Quivers 😈😇 8w7 6w7 2w1 so/sp 💋 Glorious Narcissist
Ma Anand Sheela 😎 8w9 2w1 6w5 so/sp 💧 I Love B*tches
Glenn Danzig 🦇 8w9 6w7 4w5 sx/so ☠️ Prince of Darkness
Sylvia Brown 🔮 8w9 7w8 4w5 sp/so 🧿 watch
Enneagram Type 9
Rachel Dolezal 🐑 9w8 62 sp/so🌹 Mother Issues
Kathy Bates 🍯 9w8 62 sp/so 🩸 Sweet Misery
Shelley Duvall 🍯 9w1 6w7 2w3 sp/so 🐑 The Saccharine Sacrificial Lamb
Keith Moon 💥 9w8 7w6 3w4 sp/so 🌙 Wild Man
Sophie Thatcher 🩸 9w8 7w6 4w5 sx/sp🧚‍♀️ Grime Fairy
Dash Nekrasova 🕯 9w8 4w3 7w6 sx/so 🚬 watch
Nathan Fielder 🕳️ 9w8 5w6 3w2 sp/so 🤡 watch
Cazzie David 🦝 9w8 6w7 4w5 sp/so 🦝 Sad Sack
Charles Burns 🕳️ 9w1 5w6 3w4 so/sp 🕳️ watch
David Cronenberg 📺 9w1 5w4 3w4 so/sx 👄 Dream Daddy
Jessica Lange 🦢 9w1 63 so/sp 🦢 watch
John Galliano 🧵 9w1 4w3 7w6 sx/sp 🪡 Objet D'Art
Tyler Gaca 👻 9w1 7w6 4w3 so/sx 🍯 Ghosthoney
Chuck Palahniuk 🧞‍♂️ 9w1 7w6 4w3 so/sp 😈 All Hail the God
Corey Haim 🍍 9w1 7w6 3w2 sx/so 💔 Heartbreaker
Anna Biller ☠️🔮 9w1 4w3 7w6 so/sx 💖⚗️ The Love Witch
Frank James 💅 9w1 3w4 6w7 so/sp 🔪 watch
👯✨ Twins ✨👯
Lori & George (formerly Reba) 🤠 🤩
Lori: 6w7 9w1 3w2 sp/so
George (Reba): 9w1 3w4 6w7 so/sp
Carmen & Lupita 🦋🧙🏽
Carmen 6w7 9w1 3w2 sp/so
Lupita 9w8 7w6 3w4 sp/so
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rknchan · 3 months
pretty cures as enneatypes!
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(typings are not taken from personality database, these are my opinions on precure's enneatypes and they might differ from yours)
e1 - madoka kaguya (sp 1w9) & minami kaido (so 1w2) e2 - megumi aino (so 2w1) & erika kurumi (sp 2w3) e3 - kirara amanogawa (so?3w2) & miki aono (so 3w2) e4 - homare kagayaki (sp 4w5) e5 - yuri tsukikage (sx 5w4) & ruru amour (sp 5w6) e6 - setsuna higashi (so 6w5) & hime shirayuki (sp 6w7) e7 - hikaru hoshina (sx 7w6) & love momozono (so 7w8) e8 - nagisa misumi (so 8w7) e9 - yuko omori (so 9w1) & hikari kujou (sx 9w1)
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yuishinxv · 1 year
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✨️The two trios✨️
Some of their profiles below:
trio cops above
Roy Refarez Werner
criminal records: [redacted]
He/Him (27)
186cm (6' 1")
ISTJ (Sp/Sx) // 2w3 (2-6-8)
Rank: Police Inspector class one. [IPTU]
Job desc: First homicide sub-unit chief. On-field investigator. Responsible for sub-unit 01 tasks [collecting and analyzing soft data and evidences]
likes to bake and cook. love sweets, esp soft-desserts with chocolate. Favorite food: steamed chocolate brownies. Graduated from Police Academy as an on field-investigator. [redacted—]
type of coffee: black / espresso
cigarette: Gudang Garam Signature
Adriana Maheswari
[last name redacted]
criminal records: [redacted]
She/Her (30)
175 cm (5' 7")
INTP (Sp/So) // 1w9 (1-3-5)
Rank: Police Commissioner Adjutant. [AKP]
Job Desc: Captain of Homicide Unit 01. Detective supervisor. Responsible for any cases reported to said unit related to major crime.
Into geek stuff like comics and movies. Graduated Bachelor of Criminal Law from UI, Depok. Master of Criminology from [redacted], Brighton. [redacted—]
type of coffee: black with sugar / americano / plain café latté
cigarette: Marlboro Menthol
Agus Satya Mahendra
criminal records: [none]
He/Him (28)
177 cm (5' 8")
ESTP (Sp/So) // 7w6 (7-3-9)
Rank: Police Inspector class one. [IPTU]
Job desc: Second homicide sub-unit chief. On-field investigator. Responsible for sub-unit 02 tasks [collecting data from witness(es) and evidences from crime scene]
Status: Married. Graduated from Police Academy the same year as Roy. Transferred from [redacted] unit, Narcotics Department.
type of coffee: black with sugar / iced americano / café latté
cigarette: Sampoerna A-Mild
[some officer records might redacted or inaccessible due to classified category]
trio artists below
Renata (Rei) Fariza Werner
criminal records: [redacted]
She/Her (27)
170cm (5' 6")
ISTJ (Sp/Sx) // 8w9 (8-6-2)
Job desc: Working in creative industries as entrepreneur (wood-crafting.) Sometimes taking gigs as jewelry designer. [redacted]
Graduated from Arts and Design faculties of ITB. [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
type of coffee: black / espresso
cigarette: Gudang Garam Signature
criminal records: [none]
She/They (27)
170cm (5' 6")
[types: no entry yet]
Job desc: Contemporary Artist. Entrepreneur.
Graduated from Arts and Design Faculties of ITB. Prefer to be referred as "Teteh" (in sundanese means honorifics for older woman.) Despises english pronounces and preferred to be addressed as "Dia" (gender-neutral third person pronounce in Indonesia) Currently on studies for professional degree of arts.
type of coffee: black / latté
cigarette: [no entry]
criminal records: [none]
She/Her (26
158cm (5' 1")
INTP (Sp/So) // 4w5 (4-5-8)
Job desc: Professional Model Photographer.
Graduated from Arts and Design faculties of ITB.
type of coffee: [prefer soft drinks]
cigarette: [non-smoker]
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blueopinions49 · 8 months
Horror Typology (Survivors)
Laurie Strode ISFJ SiTi 6w5 sp/so Pisces (Feb,26)
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Sidney Prescott ISFP FiSe 9w8 sp/sx Pisces (March,16)
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Gale Weathers ENTJ TeSe 3w4 so/sp Aries (April 4th)
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Nancy Thompson INTJ NiTe 1w2 sp/so Cancer (July,13)
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Ellen Ripley ENTJ TeNi 8w9 sp/sx Capricorn (Jan ,7)
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Clarice Sterling INTJ NiTe 1w9 sp/so Capricorn (Dec,23)
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Ash Williams ESTP SeFe 7w8 sx/sp Aries (April 8th)
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Oj Haywood ISTP TiNi 5w6 sp/sx Scorpio
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Maxine Minx ESFP SeFi 3w4 so/sx Libra
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Chris Redfield ESTJ TeSi 6w7 so/sx Capricorn
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Ana Flores ENTJ TeSe 8w7 sp/sx Aries
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Connie Taylor ESTJ TeSi 6w5 so/sx Virgo
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Alice Liddle INTP TiSi 5w4 sp/sx Aquarius
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Jennifer INFP FiSi 6w5 so/sp Pisces
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Fionna Belli ISFJ SiTi 9w1 sp/so Cancer
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Henry Townshed INTP TiSi 5w4 sp/sx Aquarius
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Cheryl Mason ISFP FiSe 9w8 sp/sx Saggitarius (Winter of 1980)
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Ellie Williams ENFP NeFi 7w8 sx/sp Taurus or Gemini (Spring-Summer)
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Tree Gelbman ESTP SeTi 8w7 sp/sx Virgo (Sept,13)
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Helen Shivers ESFJ FeSi 3w2 so/sp Libra (Oct,13)
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m-v-tique · 3 months
Personality Typing Alex Basics!!!
Enneagram + Tritype: 8w9, 3w4, or 1w2 | 853, 358, 351, or 153
Instinctual Variant: SO/SX, SO/SP or SX/SO
Temperament: Phlegmatic-Sanguine, Choleric (Dominant)
Big 5 (*SLOAN): Social, Calm, Organized, Egotistical, Non Open-minded [SCOEN]
Enneagram + Tritype: 1w2 or 1w9 | 163
Instinctual Variant: SP/SX, SP/SO or SO/SP
Temperament: Phlegmatic (Dom) or Phlegmatic-Choleric
Big 5: Social, Calm, Organized, Egotistical/Accommodating, Inquisitive/Non Open-Minded [SCO**]
Enneagram + Tritype: 6w5 || 612
Instinctual Variant: SO/SP
Temperament: Phlegmatic (Dominant)
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, Organized, Accommodating, Inquisitive [RCOAI]
Candy Princess
Enneagram + Tritype: 3w2 or 2w3 || 397 or 297
Instinctual Variant: SO/SX or SX/SO
Temperament: Sanguine (Dominant)
Big 5: Social, Calm, Unorganized, Accommodating, Non Open-Minded [SCUAN]
Enneagram + Tritype: 7w6 || 749 or 794
Instinctual Variant: SO/SP
Temperament: Sanguine (Dominant) or Sanguine-Phlegmatic
Big 5: Social, Calm, Unorganized, Accomodating, Inquisitive/Non open-minded [SCUA*]
Enneagram + Tritype: 1w9 or 9w8 || 153, 135, 953 or 935
Instinctual variant: SP/SX or SP/SO
Temperament: Phlegmatic (Dominant)
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, Organized, Egotistical, Non open-minded [RCOEN]
Olivia (Player)
Enneagram + Tritype: 4w5, 4w3, or 9w1 || 458, 459, 954 or 945
Instinctual variant: SP/SX, SO/SP or SO/SX
Temperament: Melancholic-Phlegmatic, Phlegmatic (Dom) or Melancholic (Dom)
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, UnOrganized, Accommodating, Inquisitive [RCUAI]
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paimonial-rage · 5 months
Thank you so much for sharing 'Wisdom of the Enneagram' with us. It's so interesting learning about the different types in depth and helpful for analyzing characters!
Recently, I've been trying to pinpoint the traveler. Do you have any thoughts on Aether's enneagram type? (#3) Thank you in advance <3
I'm answering this out of order because oh my God I did not think anyone actually paid attention to those tags HAHA. I can't believe you actually looked up that book I am honestly like both impressed and flattered. It is a super helpful book to understanding characters and their motivations.
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
What is Aether's enneagram type?
Analysis below!
I'm going to answer your question in a more train of thought process because the Traveler is a really interesting character. They're meant to be a faceless character we can project ourselves on, but they certainly do have a personality. That being said, do we know enough about their personality to be able to pinpoint an ennea? If I have to be honest with you, I don't have a set idea of what they can be.
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The best way to do process of elimination with ennea is to focus on the triads. What is their core emotion? Shame (heart triad), fear (head triad), or anger (gut triad)? Do they have issues with identity (heart triad), security/anxiety (head triad), or autonomy/control (gut triad)?
The hard thing about the Traveler is that the only time they show emotion is when it has to do with their sibling. But what else do we know about them? They don't like being tricked. They don't like being obligated to do things out of the goodness of their heart. They're friendly. They like cracking jokes. They like playing around.
I think, with what we're given, we can throw the heart triad out right from the start. The traveler shows no signs of shame. They have no issues with their self-image. Based upon their bond with their twin and Paimon, the answer seems to lean the most to wanting support and guidance. But can it be said their core emotion is fear? Could it possibly be anger instead?
Unfortunately I'm going to have to cheat a bit here and go based purely off of my knowledge of actual people and their types. If the traveler is a head type, the only type they can be is a 7. 5 and 6 simply are not their vibe. They'd probably be a 7w8. That being said, a 7's core aspects do not match that of the Traveler as seen above.
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If the Traveler is a gut type, the only types they can be is a 9w8 or a 1w9. Simply put, they are not aggressive enough to be an 8. The argument for 9w8 is that... well... this type I fall to when most other types don't match. HAHA A 9w8 is primarily peace seeking, but won't hesitate to fight and assert themselves if they see the need to. The core aspects of a 9 match as well, as seen below.
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The argument for 1w9, though, and also the one I'm leaning more towards is that 1s are very judgmental. And the Traveler is extremely judgmental. LOL 9w8s literally don't care. Just leave them alone. 1s, on the other hand, typically have superiority complexes. LOL Not to say that the Traveler does, but I digress. Unlike 9s, the Traveler does not hesitate to judge. They are self-driven and won't hesitate to make decisions based upon what they feel to be right. That being said, the core aspects do not match, at least with what we know of the Traveler currently.
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So those are my picks as to their possible type. I am leaning more towards 1w9, even though we don't have enough canon evidence to support it. Probably a 1w9 so/sx. But if we go based off of canon evidence, they'd probably be a 9w8.
#genshin impact#aether#lumine#traveler#my writing#character analysis#now you may be wondering 'why not 9w1?'#because 9w1s are the poster child for doormats (not the anxious kind)#9w1s are your kazuhas and ayakas. boring. no excitement. too calm#you may also be wondering what the difference between a 9 and a 1 is#at their very core 9s wish to be at peace. they don't want to be bothered. they don't want to think about difficult things#they just want to do what they do and ultimately be left alone in that aspect (not in an introvert way)#9s are your alhaithams kazuhas etc#1s on the other hand are concerned with perfection. they hold others and themselves to a high standard#these are your thomas zhonglis dilucs cynos...#now you can say 'there's no evidence that the traveler holds people or themselves to a high standard!'#which is true but like i said before we don't know much about the traveler as a whole. but what we do know is they hold people accountable#you can also say 'but 1s have a stick up their butt! they're very serious and blah blah blah'#to which that is true if they're the typical sp/so 1w9 but that's more of a stereotype than anything#i know 1w9s that love to tease and go out to parties and etc etc etc#i'll be honest with you the reason why i'm leaning more 1w9 is because i know one irl that matches the traveler's profile a lot haha#also the reason why i don't think they're a 7 is because 7s are..... like... hyperactive adhd HAHA#7s include ittos beidous etc. very fun and outgoing people#so yeah off of vibes i'd say a 9w8 so/sx (the so/sx is what sets the vibe of them not being so 'stick up butt-ish')#also back to the book chapter 3 has REALLY helpful tables to understanding the inner workings of all the types#and chapters 3-4 explain how enneagram functions as a whole. like it's essential reading to properly understand its logic#when people do enneagram they only ever look at the types but doing that only gets you halfway to properly understanding how it works#oh crap i forgot to mention the point i was trying to make above comparing 9s and 1s is that like....#judging something requires being *bothered* by something which requires an unpeaceful mind. that's too much work for a 9 but 1s like that
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anas0mniac · 1 year
Am I finally making an introduction post ? Apparently, yes. So here we go !
:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚.✧:・゚.✧ *:・. ┊  ┊  ┊  ┊ ┊  ┊  ┊  ❀ ┊  ┊  ✧ ┊  ❀ ✧
✮ Hi y’all ! First, you can call me Ana or just use my @ as a name !
I’m a minor so don’t act weird please :)
I use they/them pronouns and currently identify myself as agender, ace and on arospec ! 
-> I’m a very introverted person and more than that my social anxiety is terrible lol, so don’t worry if I don’t always answer your messages or just act quite awkwardly, it’s just me and my silly little stress lmao
You can come and talk to me, as I said I’m shy but I won’t push you away !!! I’d love to hear y’all talk about your interests to me <3
-> my special interest is typology !! I’m still learning a lot and love to take my time to fully understand stuff instead of trying to learn everything all at once, so there might be little problems in my type lol. You can always explain it to me if you stay nice, I love to learn new stuff !!
For the record I’m INTP (Ti Ne Si Fe) ; 1w9 ; sp/so/sx ; 135 (1w9 - 3w4 - 5w6) ; melancholic/choleric ; RLOA|I| ; LVEF !!!
-> I also love Osemanverse and am a huge fan of Solitaire and even more of Tori Spring. I joined the community last year and read a few of her books (I own all of them but I don’t have enough time to read as much as I want, I’m currently reading Radio Silence !!!) 
Also, Tori is one of my highest kins. She’s WAY too relatable.
—> Indeed, I mostly post about Tori and Osemanverse stuff but not only ! I also love a lot of other things like music, Your Turn To Die (Sara is my HIGHEST kin. Like for real.), psychology, @na0odles (my bestie), my ocs, art, just ranting about anything I found recently… You’ll be able to see a lot of different things in that blog, or at least that’s what I think.
-> I sometimes vent there too and it’s mostly to just write down stuff to sort things out in my head so don’t worry about it. Life is hard sometimes but I believe it can get better <3
I actually don’t really like to talk about myself that much in public so that’ll be all for my introduction ! Idk if it’s a nice one but I felt like I had to do it since I now am quite active on Tumblr and you guys are more and more :)
Have a nice day and don’t forget to take care <3
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rainytypology · 8 months
ATEEZ Jongho Enneagram
- E1, sp/sx 1w9, 136 -
An in depth analysis of an idol's enneagram. Based on my opinion and observations. Not an expert. May change later.
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Core: 1
Triads: Gut/Instinct/Anger, Competency, Compliant, Frustration
Motive: Do and be right, be a good person
Fear: Doing and being bad/harmful
Type 1s strive for perfection in their lives - in every decision they make, the actions they take, and general existence, they want to be correct and good enough for themselves and others.
Jongho is the most reserved out of everyone in the group. He is not one to overreact, but he is not passive either. Jongho's energy is not overwhelming - he tends to deal with situations in a calm manner. Jongho is very self controlled. He's very observant and detail oriented, which is common of the 1 core. Being perfectionistic and all, nothing can be out of place for them (e.g him catching Woo gaming in his recording message to him for his bday. Also very eagle eyed during Salary Lupin).
He's also determined to do things, to achieve his goals no matter what stands in his way. He trained for a long time, even when he was told his voice wasn't great and should not sing - he didn't let that stop him though and continued to work on his voice until it was deemed good. Enneagram 1s aren't the type to give up easily, especially when it comes to their passions. If needed, they will just keep improving on themselves and their skills (1s are very big on improvement) - which Jongho did. He seems to seek improvement in many areas of his life in order to be seen as good enough. Enneagram 1s are quite an ambitious type, which Jongho is.
Wing: 1w9
Wings act as a complement to the core.
Both 1 and 9 are from the gut/anger triad, the difference being that 9 does not acknowledge their anger like a 1. 9 tends to be more passive so having a 9 wing calms the repressive 1 core.
While Jongho likes to have some control of situations to a degree, he doesn't actively seek out for it. He's not very authoritative, but he is comfortable when put in such a position (e.g Salary Lupin ep where he was the boss of everyone in their office roleplay. He seemed like a natural in that role). He doesn't seem like an argumentative person in general and knows when to back down (I forgot what he said to Hongjoong exactly but it appeared to be a bit out of line, which upset Hongjoong a little. That was the first and only time I ever saw Jongho be genuinely scared lol).
When there is conflict, he seems to be able to handle it nicely (1 core needing to fix issues and 9 wanting harmony). E.g the time Wooyoung and San seemed to have a fight during an older idol radio ep and Jongho questioned it directly if they were fighting. And he made them work together because he didn't like to see them fight.
Subtype: Sp/sx
Subtypes show our focus in life.
Sp (self preservation): Personal needs, security
Sx (sexual/one-on-one): intensity, deep connection
As self preservation types are focused on practical needs (sleep, food, finances, etc), Jongho puts those needs as his highest priority. With Wooyoung calling him a monster of capitalism and Jongho himself admitting he's capitalistic (along with the other times he asked members to just send him money as his birthday present or as a joke), Jongho is most definitely an sp dom.
Since this subtype is the most repressive of their anger, sp 1s will try to turn their anger into something more productive or will be more subtle about it. Jongho's never really had an angry outburst or be very aggressive in general. This subtype likes to be prepared for situations since they often worry a lot. They have to be secure in all aspects of their life.
Sx 1 subtype is also very self controlled about their anger. This subtype is more of a reformer rather than a perfectionist of themselves. So will still be expressive of anger when he gets frustrated/disappointed when others aren't acting accordingly.
Tritype: 136
Tritype is formed up of one's dominant type from each center of intelligence (heart, head, gut)
- Heart type: 3 -
Heart center focuses on self worth and shame.
Type 3 tends to believe their self worth comes from their level of success and achievements. Driven to succeed and be the best singer he can be, this is most likely his heart type. 3's ambition adds more to his already hardworking 1 core.
- Head type: 6 -
Head center focuses on dealing with fear and anxiety.
Having a 6 fix can give him a bit of anxiety, which sp 1's already have. To counter this, Jongho likes to keep himself busy (136 in general can be quite a workaholic). 1 and 6 are very rule abiding and adhere to norms/standards, e.g Hongjoong saying Jongho doesn't forget he's the maknae - they just forget they're older than him, which honestly explains why Jongho seems more mature or "normal" compared to them.
- Stems -
How types connect to each other
1-3: Competency, perfectionistic, efficient, repressive
3-6: Attachment, adaptable, external validation
1-6: Compliant, moralistic, prefers structure, detail oriented
Other analysis:
MBTI | Birth chart
Kpop typology list
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