#2 things can be gay..it’s not a competition…this is just a silly post I’m begging u to take a deep breath & relax 😭😭
carebeardean · 4 months
dead boy detectives saw supernatural have a gay man go to hell for confessing to his “straight” best friend and said hold my beer. all that love is returned to you tenfold. BITCH
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nomoregoldfish · 3 years
I Promised You The Moon rant
Just binged it and this was from the episode by episode reaction/discussion with my partner in crime @glossyboy.
First of all, Oab stole the show, singlehandedly, which he's not supposed to. I don't think anyone expected it including himself. In the very top post when I searched his name on tumblr, he said this lol
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But the truth is he played one hell of "villain" that required a very nuanced performance and he delivered it in a believable and graceful manner. Jai became the catalyst of the entire season and his rather complicated relationship with Teh was the highlight of part 2.
EP 1
From the very beginning it's clear that part 2 is very much a Teh's story rather than a balanced story about two young people's journey as a couple in the next chapter of their lives. It makes me uncomfortable they made Oh-aew clingy and pessimistic without giving him any character development.
The best part is probably the opening scene where they went paper-rock-scissors to decide who's gonna buy condoms. It felt authentic, the expectation, the hesitation, the mischievous act, all fits their characters well. Other times ep 1 was more like two adult kids playing house, literally in an empty giant ass upper middle class apartment.
EP 2
It's great that they poked the femininity vs. masculinity issue through Oh-aew, but stopped right there at the surface. Missed a perfect opportunity to go head-to-head with the controversial topic, start a debate, crush the stigma of femininity, bring something new, be a real game changer of the BL genre, and most importantly give Oh-aew some concrete character development. Part 1 showed us a gay character that's very comfortable with his sexuality and femininity, that's almost revolutionary in Asia, not as a comic relief but a leading role. Oh-aew questioned his own sexual identity once in that bra wearing scene, it's straight out of comfort zone, BOLD, and transgressive. So I expected more from part 2.
That's it? And they're already sophomores? Can't believe Oh-aew's character has been marginalized like this. It's pathetic.
But I love the brutally honest conversation at the end where Teh vented his rage and despair regarding his frustration of acting. He was acting like a dick because he's disappointed, and scared. Teh again was not afraid of showing vulnerability, making the reconciliation very realistic and touching.
EP 3
Dare I say I freaking love ep 3! The unresolved (partially sexual, but not entirely) tension between Teh and Jai was over the roof! And the built-up to their kiss was very authentic, which paled Teh and Oh-aew's much sidelined storyline, including the long anticipated sex scene (still can't believe it happened right after Jai explicitly instructed Teh to do it after the two spent a whole night bonding, like wow! Totally TRANSGRESSIVE and to some extent, kinky.) Teh looked up to the senior, idolized him, wanted to be good for him and make him proud, thirsted for the validation from him, which was mixed with affections. The workshop diary was a brilliant idea to let them open up to each other and eventually bring them close. This was what a meaningful arc of a story looked like. By contrast, there isn't a single moment between Oh-aew and Teh in part 2 that made me go "Damn it's soooooo hot!"
I know Jai/Teh wasn't the endgame but I appreciate the storyline so much. It's a very bold move considering it broke the over-glorified "one true love in one's life" fantasy of its target audience, mostly young cis women. The popular narrative of "you can only love one person through your life/one true love" in romance fictions/chick flicks was totally smashed. And it wasn't written just to stir up things between Teh and Oh-aew, it wasn't a silly fling. Instead, it's meaningful, complicated, natural, and realistic, delivered by nuanced and excellent acting from two young actors. It's hilarious that fans hate Jai with a passion and call him names.
And big news, Jai is bi?! Bravo! He's radiating bi vibes since his first appearance.
I kind of gave up at this point, the season wouldn't do Oh-aew any justice. Like my partner in crime pointed out, the costume design literally threw some "incongruous female fashion pieces" on Oh-aew, made him dye his hair red, without...making any actual point of his personality or his character development. Wardrobe was supposed to make a point in storytelling. Yes, PP wearing pink is cute, and? There's nothing else for Oh-aew. Unfortunately he's reduced to this sulky, crying, and wronged partner in a failing relationship.
EP 4
Oab again was killing it. The tension between Jai and Teh...from the rehearsal in front of Oh-aew to the dressing room pep talk, was incredibly intense and hot AF.
Was it a manipulative relationship after all? Oab was so good at conveying a character with many faces. Jai's a mentor to Teh, also a good friend, their relationship was genuine. He's also ambitious with his own goals, he used, challenged, provoked Teh in a way that benefited them both. It made sense the title of part 2, I Promised You The Moon, was from Jai's script. He promised Teh what the junior wanted the most, a bright future in acting. Teh's unconventional and unspoken feelings for Jai was the best part of the entire season in terms of creative writing, it's complicated, fragile, delicate and completely heartbreaking.
The after talk in the hallway was so well-written. It's funny (Teh joking about playwrights always write about their EXs is gold), intimate yet meticulously controlled, no one lashed out or wept. Both knew what they signed up for and Jai particularly made it clear about his motive and the purpose of the "special workshop" beforehand (or right away.) Yet it's no one's fault that Teh got carried away. He's younger, he's immature, he's more into it, it's totally natural. It's so romantic when Teh's singing karaoke in the bar with Oh-aew, yet he couldn't help but desperately staring at Jai on the floor, knowing he and the man who just turned him down were never gonna happen, they were done, but he's still madly attracted to him and his talent. He fancied Jai, at least the idea of Jai, a playwright, a director, someone knew him better than himself. That hurt beautifully.
EP 5
Teh/Oh-aew endgame at this point was pretty meaningless. Oh-aew as a leading character never got any solid character development over a span of four years. What happened between Jai and Teh wasn't just "cheating", though they surely made it look that way, like Teh's empty promise of "I won't see him again after the show ends". No matter how Oh-aew and Teh eventually reconciled, there's no emotional connection, no sparkle anymore between the couple.
But I knew for a fact they had to. Otherwise it's too much of a risk financially for the series. The creators had to take the easy way out like most traditional romances—one of the most contrived and formulaic trope where the male leading character made a mistake (usually cheating) and realized he's wrong, he deeply hurt the female leading character (Oh-aew was merely a girl substitute in part 2), then he completely changed for hell knew what reasons, started doing every nicest thing in the world to try to "win" the female character back. It has been feeding the emotionally-deprived cis female readers/audience who are frustrated with heterosexual relationship irl for decades. The formula that made romance outsell other genres of fictions combined in the 60s and 70s still sells today, under the name of boys' love. It's pathetic to see Oh-aew confess to Bas that he always "lost" to Teh. Love shouldn't be some kind of game or competition, there isn't winner or loser in love. Love is spontaneous. Oh-aew didn't lose because Teh developed feelings for someone else, and he didn't win when Teh begged him for reconciliation. People change, people move on.
And as predicted, they went for it. The ending was so absurd and tedious.
Overall, Jai's probably the hardest villain to play, he needed to be REALLY GOOD to be "the bad guy", to make his role conceivable. Oab absolutely nailed it with his talent and experience. He's not even my type or extremely good looking yet I'm 100% SOLD. I immediately re-watched the scene of him kissing Teh back hungrily at the end of ep 3 like I used to re-watch Teh/Oh-aew's steamy make out session at the end of episode 3 part 1. Coincidence?
I like some parts of both seasons for the same reason, each challenged and tried to break some outdated/contrived narratives in the BL genre. Part 1 took on the sexuality taboo by showing two same sex characters sexually attracted to each other, no more "I'm not into boys, I just happened to fall for someone of the same gender" or "pure love" bullshit. By staying true to the characters' sexuality and actually showing it with explicit, intense (and beautifully shot) scenes, the gay characters were normalized. They weren't just pure and innocent, no one was. And it created two of most unconventional gay characters in Asian pop culture, Oh-aew, a beautiful boy who's very comfortable with his own sexuality and femininity, not passive at all, taking initiative to pursue what he wanted; and Teh, a sensitive, caring and vulnerable boy who cried a lot, he's confused but also sweet and brave.
Part 2 tackled the "You can only love one person through your life" trope with a very nuanced story of "cheating". Yet neither carried out what they started. Part 1 fell short of a revolutionary piece that stayed true to "adolescent sexual turmoil", dismissing bisexuality and becoming a typical unrealistic BL fantasy in the end. And Part 2, ugh, forced a "happy ending" that almost no one digs. I understand it's extremely difficult and risky to disrupt the established norms of a genre. But sometimes being transgressive and progressive could be the same thing. A story, an artwork, has to challenge something in order to create something new and compelling.
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runolllo-fanboygirl · 4 years
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I'm going to start by clarifying that these are messages I got in response to my post here /// LINK /// After this, I'm not replying to messages about this kinda thing in a long time. Talking about sexualization and such other topics is important but I'm not in a state to be made the center of it. Please, don't come to my inbox asking for discourse, go and create your own posts if you want to raise awareness or vent.
And now to answer to these new asks:
FIRST OF ALL: while I love the way Murata draws men, robotic stuff, monsters... I actually HATE the way he draws ladies! I prefer their proportions in the OPM anime and games. Murata is literally SO BAD at drawing women compared to the level of expertise he has drawing men, and it's all ‘cos he keeps drawing ladies "the h0rny way". We all know this, let's move on.
"He's drawing all the monster girls sexualized" Did the fact that Manako's genre reveal deconstructs the trope "the default is male" totally go over your head? That Psykos's reveal as a woman running the whole MA was a big deal for this same reason as well? There are a bunch of female monsters… you just assume they're all male unless you see big b00bs and then complain about that very fact. They literally made a whole point about this specifically!
"He changed Mizuki's shorts to p4nties to please fanboys" I liked the shorts better too (just because I find her whole character design a bit more balanced that way) so that change bothered me as well, but the "p4nties" are actually standard athletic wear for competition. Shorts are not. Technically, she’s drawn more accurately now.
"Sports Bras don't work that way he just wants to draw b00bs" neither do the shirts and bodysuits the guys are wearing. You can see all their muscles and manb00bs and cr0tch lines, just as much as with Fubuki and Tatsu's hero outfits and Mizuki's top.
"But when the boys are drawn that way, it's not to please the ladies, it's male power fantasy" THERE IS NO HETEROSEXUAL MALE POWER FANTASY BULLSHIT THAT CAN POSSIBLY EXPLAIN THE WAY MURATA DRAWS GAROU, FLASH, SONIC, STINGER AND SOME OF THE OTHER GUYS. The fact is that the way he draws eye candy of them appeals to other collectives other than the cis het men and he knows exactly what he's doing. Period.
"He constantly draws sexualized art of Mizuki to please the fanboys" Why exaggerate so much? This is simply not true. She's a woman in athlete wear, most of the time she's either standing up talking or fighting, no weird angles or anything. There is like 1 sexy cover of her, the back cover with all the girls in bikinis and then that infamous watermelon sequence. That's all the sexualization you are talking about.
"Mizuki only gets so much screen time because of how much p0rn of her there is" oh yeah Mizuki got a grand total of, like, *drum roll* 1 chapter and a half dedicated to her! Wow! Which is NOTHING taking into consideration how dense Garou's arc is and the fact that they will need at least 2 seasons of the anime to finish it.
But think about this: OPM desperately needed more female presence, in special with the prospect of finishing Garou's arc in the anime. Making anime is hard and COSTLY. Most of the people who is going to watch the anime haven't read the manga and they'll be like "what the heck there are no female characters in this anime for like 3 seasons?" and there is no team that's going to risk it working with such prospects. We know why.
Of all the expansion that Garou's arc got in the manga adaptation (and later in the anime), one of the most sensible and balanced decisions was to add more ladies. They put all those monster ladies for season 2, and then for season 3 we get Manako and Mizuki having some strong presence, Shadow and Kamaitachi there a bit in the back too. It benefits the pace and balance of both the manga and the future season 3 so immensely because Fubuki, Tatsumaki and Psykos take a LOOONG while to be relevant during Garou's Arc… in special with all the filler the manga put in between (but all that filler is of the S-Class boys getting development and a reality check which is kinda important too lol).
Point is: the screentime Mizuki got was VERY necessary to balance things in between of all the relentless Garou fights and the boys being boys. Sure Mizuki is beautiful and sexy and all, but really EVERYONE was waiting for a new female character that was relevant, likeable, fun… and on top of everything, it's so rare to see a strong 2m tall girl in fiction in general, not even just anime. Everyone got instantly excited about her because she's exactly what we needed AND MORE. And sure, people draw p0rn of her like they do with most other popular characters, what did you expect.
"The ladies are always more sexualized-" YES, in the OPM manga, the ladies are a little more sexualized than the men –but not by much AND not during plot stuff. By that I mean that most of the so called "sexualizing the girls" happens in the covers, back covers and promotional art very exclusively, and not during the story itself. HOWEVER, a lot of the sexy men bits do happen during the story, curiously.
 In the anime though, there is almost zero ladies fanservice (which makes sense since there is almost no female presence in the first 2 seasons anyway). Yet it's full of naked dudes, sometimes for a good reason, but mostly just so we can look at them being sexy and silly.
 I personally don't care if the man candy and ladies fanservice is not perfectly even in Murata's manga adaptation, because there is enough of both in his work, as well as other official OPM stuff like the anime and games to bring a very nice balance in the s3xy department.
 "The way the women are dressed-" Most of the background ladies are wearing skirt uniforms and shit, but all the relevant ladies primarily dress in nothing you can call "sexualized" except for maybe Tatsumaki with her strong leg game. To recall:
 Lilly wears the same as the men of the Blizzard Group; Twin Tail just dresses like a jester; Mizuki is the first to show so much skin, but she's still wearing real standard competition wear for athletes. All the other sportwomen (Hornet and Swim) and martial artists (Shadow, Suiko, Lin Lin) wear standard clothes for their respective professions too. Sure we've seen Shadow wearing some, uh, ninja bikini thing under her ACTUAL work clothes, but for actual fights she's fully dressed and surprisingly not stuffed in a tiny nylon bodysuit that rips like stocking, like all the ninja men in the series do lmao.
Fubuki and Tatsumaki are, like, the only ones wearing dresses and they can because they use psychic powers anyway. Fubuki doesn't even show ANY skin, ever! She just happens to have big b00bs! Kamaitachi is the other one wearing a "skirt" but it's similar to what Japanese martial artists would wear, too.
So, again… all this sexualization we are talking about is not even happening anywhere except in Murata's covers and some promotional art. ONE is famous for treating ladies very fairly, even if Murata tries very hard to exploit the sexy out of every single of the ladies ONE creates. All these ladies have their own agenda and personality that have nothing to do with being pretty or f*ckable. In fact, in-universe, no one ever mentions if the heroines are beautiful or sexy and no one ever talks about liking them for those reasons (except for Lilly and Erika who are gay for Fubuki and Tatsumaki respectively, amazingly enough no hetero characters mention it). I think the first time we've ever seen a relevant character talking about dating another relevant character is when Suiryu told Saitama and Suiko to date (but Suiryu is the resident h0rny fuckboy of the series, if someone was going to say something so stupid for all the wrong reasons, it was going to be him).
For being an adult series, a seinen that parodies shonen tropes and all, OPM is seriously very tame in the sexy ladies department. For this series, the sexy is just a luxurious accessory, just one more little thing. It's always pretty weird when people get so angry and disappointed about a new sexy girl cover or a couple of compromising panels, like they don't know what to expect.
 "He only draws that way to please the h0rny fanboys" Murata IS a h0rny fanboy himself and draws shit that appeals to him as much as he feels he’s allowed to insert in the series. Please remember he's the insane fanboy that reached up to ONE to beg him to continue One Punch Man and offered to make a manga adaptation to promote OPM.
From the moment Murata started drawing OPM, the tone of the manga was set and never changed: lots of blood and guts, comical and non-comical nudity, irreverence, sexy angles, Genos ripping his shirts off, ninjas in body suits that rip like they are nylons… people in shirts, tanktops and dresses so tight you can see all their muscles, boobs and even belly buttons whether they are men or women or otherwise… h0rny chapter covers, stupidly h0rny monsters…
Just reading the manga to the point where Genos and Mosquito Girl first appear, you know what you are in for with OPM. I don't know what some fans are expecting to see in OPM next, but I'm going to take a wild guess here and say: you should expect more of the same.
 At the end of the day, the manga is Murata's work with ONE, and if he likes drawing h0rny ladies more than boys, that's how things are! This is just 2 guys with their passion project. I don't expect of them the same as if there was a bigger team with a big budget behind the series, like it happens with many games and shows. In this last case, I would be a lot stricter about all this, because with more resources you're expected to do better things.
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wonderfcknwoman · 7 years
Part Deux
After the show: 
“Misty, I’m never gonna get the chance to have my picture taken with her, and NOBODY is going to believe that Queen D just handed out her number to some unsuspecting fan in the ladies’ room. “
“Well, you’re right about that one.” 
Finally, the line dwindles down and I’m mere feet away from Demi herself, when she spots me, and smiles. 
“See, Misty, she saw me.” 
My friend is still in shock about the evening’s events. 
“You’re next,” the husky bodyguard says. 
I’m next. 
“Hey, you’re the one I pulled up on stage, right? Tiffeni, was it?” she asks. 
“Heh, yeah. That’s me.”
“What kind of picture do you want?”
“Surprise me.”
“Can you take one with my phone? So I can Instagram this moment?” I ask, politely.
“Sure!” she says. 
In a moment’s notice, she’s picking me up. 
“Wrap your legs around me,” she says. 
“Ready? 1... 2... say cheese!”
The shutter clicks. 
I feel her lips on my cheek. 
“Here you go, miss. Your phone.” 
“Let me see,” she says, excitedly. 
The photo is by far one of the cutest pictures I’ve ever taken. Demi, holding me up at my waist, my arms flung around her neck, her lips on my cheek and my toothy grin. 
“Awww, that’s cute, I like it,” she giggles. 
“Me too,” I reply. 
“Thank you, Demi,” I say. 
She pulls me in for another hug before we part ways, and says, “By the way, I like that shade of red on you.” 
“Oh, you mean, my shirt?”
“No, silly. My lipstick.” 
“Now that’s a new one,” I say to myself. I’m actually blushing. 
“Alright ladies, time to go.” 
I wave goodbye and head out with my friend and head to the parking garage.
“She actually kissed me,” I say to my friend. 
“I know. I see her lip imprint on your cheek,” Misty replies. 
“I fear I may never wash this cheek again. Quick, snap a picture of it,” I say. 
Ping. Ping. “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger... I’m not aloneeee!” buzzes my alarm. 
“Unghhh. Five more minutes. Please. 
“@ddlovato just posted a live video. Tune in now.”
“Thank you Orlando for last night’s stellar concert!” 
(Downtown Disney in the background) 
*Remembering I had her number in my pocket* “Misty!!! Where’d I put that piece of paper?!”
“Check your purse.” 
Rifling through my bag, I pull out the crumpled paper that reads, “Hope our paths cross sometime soon xo Demi” 
Phone in hand, I do the only sensible thing I know how to do at this hour. Text. 
“Hey, Demi, it’s Tiffeni.” Nah. Too informal. I erase the message. 
“Hey, stranger.” Sent. 
“And now I wait.” 
“Who’s this?”
“Do you give your number out to every cute girl you meet in a bathroom at your concerts?”
“Ha ha. Hey. What’s up?”, my screen flashes. 
“You’re still in Orlando? I’m just hanging at my friend’s house before she has to work. How long’re you here for?” I ask.
“Til Friday. Then I’m off to Atlanta. And then New York.” she replies. 
“Wow so you don’t get much downtime.” I comment. 
“You know, being famous has its challenges”, she chuckles. 
“Wait how’d you know I was in Orlando?” she replies.
“Your live feed on Insta.” I answer back.
“You’re stalking me, aren’t you?” she remarks. 
“Well you know, when you give a girl your number, you should ask them if they’re following you on Insta first. I mean, I did say I had an instagram.” 
“Can we meet up? I’ll be in that area within the next two hours, if you’d like to hang out or something.” I say.
“Well, I guess. I don’t have anything planned. I was just going to see the sights.” 
“See you soon.” I reply.
A bunch of smiley face emojis and a heart flash across my screen. “Okay!”
Demi looks about as fashionable as ever for a day on the town. Wearing a denim jacket with a white crop top and short shorts, she looks like she’s stepped out of a nineties magazine with Alicia Silverstone on the cover. 
Her top reads, “Reckless”. Yeah sounds about right, Dem. 
“HEY!” I call out to her. She spins around. “Oh, hey. Thank god you’re not the paps.” 
I laugh. 
“Well, you look camera ready, anyway. So smile!” I say. 
Hands on her hips, she poses. 
“Very classy, Lovato.” 
“So, what did you have in mind?” she asks. 
“Bowling, perhaps?” I say, motioning over to Splitsville around the corner. 
“Ooohhh fun, but you should know, I get competitive.” she replies.
“Me too. But if you’re nice, I might let you win.” I smirk. 
She chuckles. “Oh yeah? You’re on! Race you there!” she shouts. 
“Demi, wait!” I shout. 
She won. 
Huffing and panting, I finally catch up to her. How does she move so fast?!
“Hi, how many?” The man at the counter asks. “Two please.” I say. 
“Lane 9.” 
So, we finally sit down, and begin bowling. 
Game 3. 
The score 2-1. Lovato’s got an edge. What is it?
“Hey, I’m going to go get some food. You hungry?” I ask. 
“Nah, not really. But you go ahead. I’ll bowl for you,” she replies. 
I come back with a plate of fries, ketchup on the side. 
“Here. I will share these with you.” I say, offering her something to eat. 
She tentatively reaches out for a fry. 
“They’re not going to bite you, you know.” I say, with a chuckle.
“And I promise, they’re not poisoned. See?” I say as I bite into a fry.
“Hey, I’ll be right back. Gotta go use the ladies,” she says. 
Ten minutes later.
“Okay, did she fall in or-? Where did Demi go?” I muse. 
Ducking around a corner, I find the sign, Restrooms.
Peering into the women’s room, I call out, “Demi?”
“Dem?? You in here?” 
Until I see a pair of white Keds below the stall. 
Knock, knock. 
“Hey, it’s me, Dems. You alright?”
The lock clicks. 
She opens the stall door. 
“Whatcha doing? You okay?”
Looking up in earnest at this girl has me awestruck. 
She eyes me up and down. 
“Dem, what are you thinking about?” I postulate. 
Before I can say another word, a devious smile creeps over her lips.
“Come here,” she says. 
I step inside the stall. 
“What’s u-,” I start to ask. Before I can finish my thought, her lips suddenly crash against mine and I start to feel lightheaded. 
Vanilla. Mmmmm. 
“Demi, what are we doing?” I break the kiss.
She groans. 
“But you’re not gay, Dem!” I exclaim. 
“That’s IT. I’m tired of people telling me what I am and am not!” she yells. 
“Shhhh. Keep it down.” I say, trying to quell her rising fury. 
She pulls me into her again, and whispers, “I can’t take my eyes off of you. Please, just- shut up and kiss me. Please.” 
That’s about all it takes for our lips to connect once more. 
She’s absolutely intoxicating, I think to myself. 
Her hands fly up to my hair, biting my lip as we kiss.
I fight to suppress a low growl in the pit of my stomach, to no avail. 
“MMMmmmm,” I moan. 
I run my tongue along her lower lip, begging for entrance. 
She grants it. 
Suddenly, our tongues are battling for dominance, and the sweet smell of vanilla is thick within our shared airspace. 
“Demiii,” I say. For a brief moment, she stares into my eyes. Her eyes, dark and clouded with lust. I’ve never seen this look on her face before. It’s mesmerizing. 
She palms at my shirt, in an attempt to lift it. 
“Off, now,” she husks. 
“But-”, I stutter. 
“Take your fucking shirt off,” she growls. 
And who am I to disobey a queen, I think. 
In one fell swoop, my shirt is discarded, and tossed in the corner. 
Our kisses deepen, and our hands begin to roam one another’s body, looking for places to grab to stabilize ourselves. 
My hands find their way to her ass, gripping firmly, which elicits a moan from her lips.
I push her jacket off her shoulders, laying kisses to the barren skin beneath.
Her hands find their way to my waist, her nails sinking in to the flesh under them. 
I kneel in front of her, pushing her shirt up as I go, kneading her supple breasts.
I plant kisses along her waistline, before looking up at her to ask if I should continue, 
Her hands fly to the button on her shorts, the only thing that stands between me and a scantily clad Demi. 
Undoing them, she slides them down her bare legs, revealing a black lacy thong. 
In between my thighs, a pool starts to develop. 
I place chaste kisses on the inside of her thighs, working my way to her soaking center. 
“MMMMM,” she croaks out. 
Feeling brave, I lick a straight line up the center of her thong, to which her legs wobble. 
She yanks me back up to kiss her, but this time, her kisses are more aggressive, filled with a hunger to devour the person in front of her. 
“Demi, are you sure?”
“If you ask me one more time, I’ll change my mind. But right now, I want this. I want you,” she replies. 
“What do you want me to do?,” I say, hoping that one of us will have the courage enough to say what it is exactly that we both want. 
“Tell me what you want me to do, Demi.”
“Ughhh” she stammers. 
“What?” I say, eyeing her curiously.
“Shut up and fuck me,” she blurts out. 
She doesn’t have to ask me twice. 
Feeling the need to get closer to her, I remove the intrusive remaining articles of clothing from her body, only to slip my fingers into the wetness below. 
“Ohhh, fuck. You’re so wet,” I husk. 
“Please, Tiff, don’t stop. That feels so good,” she cries out.
Rubbing her clit with my thumb while my two fingers are inside her, is enough to send shockwaves through her entire body. 
“More, please. Oh god.”
She doesn’t even have to touch me, and I’m already on edge, fighting back the urge to hit my peak first. 
A few more thrusts, and I know she’s about to explode. 
“Fuckkk. I’m gonna cum,” she says, amidst heavy breathing. 
It doesn’t take but mere seconds before I’m sliding down the length of her tanned, toned legs to dip my tongue into the sweet nectar. 
“Oh shiiitttt... I’m c- cummingggg!” she exclaims. 
Her eyes roll back, and I am watching her come undone of pure ecstasy. 
I put my hand over her mouth, to stifle her screams of pleasure, as she rides her orgasm out on my tongue. 
Kissing my way back up her body, she pulls me into her, kissing me roughly on the mouth. 
Slowly, she slips her tongue in between my lips to taste herself on my tongue. 
“Fuck, you’re so sexy,” I pant out. 
I help her back into her clothes, and we fix ourselves up before exiting the stall. 
“You’re so fucking good,” she whispers in my ear, kissing my cheek. 
“Told you I’d win.” I replied, as she elbowed me. 
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