#2/4 sbi
metrixnos · 2 years
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they’re playing my favorite video game
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verabeeluvgood · 2 years
The curse that comes with being immortal.
“That was my son,” Tears flew down the man’s face, gritting his teeth. His eye fell on his son's cold body once alive. And Techno is one step away–a word away, a plead away, but– "and that's my brother." a wicked smile blossomed on the man's face, "then i guess we're even then," the knife cuts excessively deep in Wilbur's throat, no chance of survival, the man drops his body. "NOOO!!!" Techno screams fall on deaf ears, he runs to Wilbur. “..Techno?...” Wilbur wheezes while coughing on his own blood, tears falling down his face, knowing these are his last moments alive.
Techno cradles his brother’s body, holding Will's face in his hands, “no, no, save your energy. You’ll be okay, you.. you have to be..” techno pleads as he can feel him losing the warmth in his body. It is like techno can hear the man's words, his meaning of doing this. "feel my pain," carries in the roaring wind.
All Wilbur can do is smile sadly and shake his head at him, coughing once more, he takes a shallow breath than gives his brightest smile and says “I love you” before breathing for his last time, looking into the eyes of his brother, forever and always.
If anyone saw the great Blood God crying, sobbing, into his brother’s chest, begging for it all to all be some sick twisted joke, praying and damning every god he called on for not saving his brother that today. They saw nothing. Well mainly because they didn’t live to tell of it, that was the day the Blood God closed his heart again, locking it behind a cage, planning to never open it again. It belonged to one; forever and always.
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milomumbles · 1 year
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just realized i never posted these pics here but i wanna preserve this baby cause ty and i still talk about how proud we are of this build LOL we had a working spotlight and everything
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anonellie · 1 year
First, it's chayanne and now it's Tallulah. These pixelated minecraft eggs have me on a chokehold through the found family feels, I don't think I can handle the emotional damage I'll go through if something bad happens to them, the thought of it makes me feral. Especially my sweet girl tallulah.
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trenchcoatsbi · 1 year
side note, just a fun fact for south park fans out there, “hug me” from the despicable me soundtrack was written by trey parker.
it all makes sense now doesn’t it.
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raan-miir-tah · 2 years
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I am well aware that is this a monument of my greatest sins but Hannah came in recently so ^-^ collection is complete!! Besides the plushies that are not pictured
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vintageghoststories · 2 years
my techno shirt arrived !!!
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metrixnos · 2 years
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i think about them a normal amount (lie)
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psiithirisma · 2 years
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sbi 2006 edition ?!?!!
fun fact wilbur used to have blonde hair when he was a toddler which means two thing: 1) 4/4 sbi were blond, and 2) twins duo real bc techno also was blond when younger and later his hair turned brown like wilbur's
chart with sbi's age difference under cut!
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firesnap · 1 year
I also wanted to try the ranking so for me its (c!, not cc!)
1.crimeboys 2.sandduo (this is wolfy the witch's fault) 3.emerald duo 4. bedrock bros 5. twins duo 6. angel duo
@wolfythewitch really, in just the past few months, changed the local SBI ecological balance with their Phil and Wilbur art.
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sillyboi-inc · 7 months
i sorted. the fucking. burs. :3
musical burs
1. simpbur (your new boyfriend)
2. incelbur (the internet ruined me)
3. Ebur (im in love with an egirl)
4. softbur (softboy)
13. ycgmabur (based off wilburs album your city gave me asthma)
14. msrbur (a very sad bur based off his album mammalian sighing reflex)
23. lvjybur (when he does tour/conserts/makes music with lovejoy)
30. draq’thar, killer of men (wilburs “no haircut til my new song comes out” stream where he wore a wig)
42. boringbur (maybe i was boring)
content burs
5. ARG/argbur (wilbur soot’s ARG)
19. sorrybur/s!bur (sorry boys wilbur)
21. cc! wilbur (content creator wilbur so just regular wilbur)
22. modbur (literally every time he uses mods)
32. ylylbur (when wilbur did you laugh you lose)
37. earthbur (when he did earth smp)
47. ao3bur (when wilbur tweeted about his fic on ao3 and was upset when it got hacked)
8. q! wilbur (qsmp wilb)
dsmp burs
7. lmanbur (when wil was president on the dsmp)
9. revivedbur (wilbur after getting revived)
10. ghostbur (when wilbur was dead and in the limbo)
11. vilbur/pogbur (before wilbur died, but after schlatt took over and kicked him out of manburg)
12. c! wilbur/alivebur (when he first joined the dsmp)
36. drugbur (when him and tommy had the drug van)
random mc mods
15. godbur/100pbur (based off his 100 players ‘series’)
17. mulebur (when he trapped tubbo in his basement and sold mule bits, in tommys minecraft weather mod video)
20. phantombur (origin SMP with his phantom powers)
26. wimpfred (his character in we spent 100 days in hardcore minecraft apocalypse)
31. dr. malpractice (from toms minecraft surgery video when wilbur would steal everyones organs)
33. skybur (when wilbur played sky block)
34. smallbur (when wilbur was really small in the size mod video)
37. earthbur (when he did earth smp)
39. decaybur (minecraft but the world is rapidly decaying)
40. rockbur (minecraft but i leave a trail of bedrock)
41. livebur (wilbur doing smp live)
44. flowerbur (when wilbur would go on servers as ‘flowergirl86’ [or smth idr :,)] and tell people he was friends with techno)
45. voicebur (when him, phil, quackity, and tommy did the voice mod)
46. bodbur (body shuffle mod)
48. winbur/crownbur (when quackity won him and wilbur the crown in mc championship)
49. salmonbur (when wilbur was w sally and gave philza the 8 buckets of salmon)
sorry burs
25. zombur (we survived a zombie apocalypse video)
27. wilma (his fem version on the sorry boys)
28. dark wolf/cultbur (sorry boys ep4 we started a cult)
other game burs
16. raftbur/ishmael isaac(when wilbur played raft with tomz)
18. tiptup (when wilbur play geoguesser)
24. rustbur (when he played rust w sbi)
random burs
6. catbur/dogbur (my random headcanons)
29. daynjer boy (wilburs chaotic/risk taking character/side)
35. sogbur/wetbur (when wilbur, george, and tommy went to the water park)
43. sandbur (when wilbur bugged philza about sand)
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beeindaclouds · 1 year
A Christmas Special: What spending Christmas w/ the DSMP is like
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, Philza, Technoblade Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers
Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
Disclaimer: Tommy is only mentioned. This is in no way a Tommy × Reader
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Dream Team: A Traditional Christmas
It's always fun to do anything with these three, but Christmas w/ them definitely feels more special and fun
Sapnap ans George are the ones who wake you up first thing in the morning, cause it's Christmas lol, while you and Dream try to get some more sleep in
They go to Dream first, so they can annoy him to no end, then they decide to gang up on you
Screaming, tickling, pillows thrown at you, anything you can imagine them doing to wake you up lmao
After waking up, and openings presents you brought eachother, you all decide to start cooking for lunch
George and Sapnap are in charge of the appetizers and desert
You and Dream get the rest, because Dream doesn't trust George or Sapnap with cooking
Even while eating you three will keep on a very good conversation, filled with laughs and jokes
One of you probably ends up spitting some food out from laughing, definetly not pointing fingers at a certain someone
Then the rest of the day is spent playing random games or watching movies, ending the night with a good 'ol cuddle pile on the couch
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Skephalo: A Virtual Christmas
Since these two absolutely refuse to meet up, more like Bad refuses to take an airplane while you and Skeppy have been begging him for years now, you decide to have a virtual Christmas on discord
You three spent the whole day on discord togheter doing what you usually would do on Christmas day
Beforehand you brought and sent eachother gifts, so you'd take the time to open them on call
Skeppy's gifts sometimes being trolls or things about himself
Like I imagine Skeppy gifting you and Bad plushies with his face on them, so "I can always be with you" he says
You play Minecraft, without filming for once, among other multiplayer games
You played Mario Kart, bad idea, cause Bad kept on losing and got salty
Online Uno was the next, but Skeppy kept on giving Bad "+2's" and +4's"
Golf with Friends was another one you played, but you kept on pushing the other two off track yet somehow still winning
But, no matter how much you bickered over these stupid games, you three had one of the most fun Christmases ever
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Karlity & Himbros: A Snowy Christmas
Quackity came to visit America for a while, so you and the other four decided to just spend Christmas togheter
I imagine the day of Christmas being a very snowy day, so much that you 5 decided to go out and "play" a little
Karl and Foolish kept on putting snow in the other three's coats, which would just end up with a chasing game
Punz and you randomly decided to make a snow fort and start a snowball battle against the other three
You two obviously won
Then you made a snow man and named him Antonio Banderas, you even gave him a little goatee and all
After tiring yourself out, you proceeded to go inside and make hot choco for everyone
In the end you all attached yourself to Foolish, cause man's jacked and therefore has more body heat
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SBI: A Memorable Christmas
You five met up the day after Christmas actually, wanting to spend the actual day with your family and/or loved one(s)
So you brought whatever food you could from the previous day and all met up at Phil's house
Most of the day was spent talking, playing and getting annoyed by Tommy and his loud nature
Tristin had, so kindly, brought all of you sweaters with your name initial in the front and "SBI" written on the back
You all took many pictures and took little funny videos like you were modeling new merch
All of you, including Tristin, also took family style Christmas pictures that you all got framed to remember this amazing day
Tommy and you also took advantage of the situation to film some tik toks with the other three
You tried your best to get Techno to do one dance, he mostly refused, until you somehow managed to make him do one
Wilbur, on the other hand, was happy to do a silly little dance with you even if it wasn't perfect
At one point you decided to make ginger bread cookies, and try to create eachother
Which didn't end well because Wilbur and Tommy started throwing icing around and it turned into a food fight
Phil and Tristin just watched from the side as you and Tommy were mixing flower into Wilbur and Techno's hair
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endbie · 2 months
so you said to send yuo head canons to draw so i have a few
Tommy moves in with tubbo and ranboo after dying in the prison
Sbi + ranboo (and maybe tubbo) have braids in their hair, given by techno to signify protection (stole this one from someone else)
Tommy can speak piglin, so he can communicate with micheal and hes teaching ranboo and tubbo how to speak it too
Tommy can sow
It keeps not letting me reply to thissss
Ah, yes. Me, my best friend, and his freaky as fuck 210.82 cm enderwalking partner.
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2. Ah! SBI! Tommy cut his braid out after Technoblade blew up L'Manburg, but rebranded it after escaping exile, and then kept it in because it "makes him look cool as fuck". Or something like that. Tommy taught Tubbo to braid. Tubbo really only uses it when he's working at Tubburger. His crown braid keeps him from shedding in the food, lol. Phil keeps his behind his ear. He's pretty determined it comes out less like that. Wilbur's remained beneath his beanie. It constantly had to be redone.
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3. Oh, he completely abuses this translator power. Love that.
I bet Techno taught him...
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4. Pretty sure this is canon, actually (assuming you meant "sew", not that Tommy is a female pig XD)! We love c!Tommy :)
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Thanks for the head canons, watermelonfrog2! I had a blast ^^
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metrixnos · 2 years
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Winter drawing without the snow obscuring their face + doodles !
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xec0re · 2 months
C!Benchtrio & C!Sleepybois Inc drawing collab
(More information below)
How will this work?
People who are willing to participate can either comment below this post or dm me on tumblr and Instagram. I'll add the chosen artists to a group chat on either Discord or Instagram (not really necessary partake in the collab but definitely the easiest option). In the group chat, we will discuss ideas for the collab until we find something everybody agrees on. Whoever takes which character will be decided amongst the group, but feel free to dm me your wishes :)
Why should I join?
The first and most important reason should be that one can enjoy this collab. However, this could also be a possibility to support other artists, which personally is a very important point for me. Maybe you can even find some new art mutuals for future projects like collabs or art trades.
"What if my art isn't good enough..."
Everyone is very welcome to join no matter what their art style looks like or what skill level they are at.
C!Benchtrio Collab 0/2
(4 artists in total)
C!Sbi Collab 0/2
(6 artists in total)
For any further questions, dm me or leave a comment!
Disclaimer I do not support Cc!Wilbur, but I am okay with art of his character or fan interpretations of his characters
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superdecibels · 2 years
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Some sbi doodles I made in class
1) tired Techno with amused Phil while the 2 troublemakers follow behind
2) origins smp: bunnyBlade pesters Tommy for carrots
3) Ghostbur and Friend visiting Techno
4) little Wilbur with crybaby Tommy
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