#2) made my brain scream CECIL PALMER CECIL PALMER CECIL PALMER. on repeat.
abessive-art · 4 months
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Ohhh my fucking god Cecil Palmer and this guy would be BEST friends
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neirawrites · 5 years
WIP Questions Tag Game
ok, full disclosure i’m taking a bit of a tumblr break, but I wanted to do this one for a while now, so a big thanks to @katekyo-bitch-reborn for giving me the chance. 
WIP: A Better World. 
1. Describe the plot in one sentence?
Parallel universe humans visit Earth and hijinks ensue. 
2. Pick one sight, smell, sound, feel and taste to describe the aesthetic for your novel.
Sight: the night sky and sibrian tundra 
Smell: books, disinfectants, paint and blood
Sound: friendly laughter, gunshot and a desperate scream. 
Feel: scales, books and cold metal of a gun. 
Taste: burgers, hot chocolate and your own blood in your mouth. 
3. Which 3+ songs would make up a playlist for the novel?
I’m not that much of a music person, so the only real songs referenced in ABW are “Starman” by David Bowie and “Sing” by Ed Sheeran, not named by name, but both are jokes.
Instead, let me to this for Phantom Limb, my prodigal child of a novel, so you may learn some nice ex yu music (and some trash)
Hungarian Rapsody, no 2. by Listz (not bosnian, as you can tell)
A što ćemo ljubav kriti? (Why should be hide love?):This is the unofficial LGBT anthem around here, and Danica sings it to Alma and it’s romantic and fluffy and so self indulgent it hurts. 
Par Godina za nas (Few years for us), by Ekatarina Velika, the best ex yu band and I will fight you on this
Računajte na nas, (Count on us) by Đorđe Bašašević, the only millennial anthem released in the 70′s
Ibro Dirka, by Zabranjeo Pušenje, a song about an accordion player refusing to sell his ideals. That whole album (while you wait for the dawn with the devil) is referenced too.
Ti lutaš bebo (you’re wandering baby), by maya berović. this is the lowest tier of ex yu music, but since this novel takes place in 2018 and it deals with sarajevo gayz, it would be impossible not to reference it because that is all they played for months.
Burek by Dino Merlin (look, i hate this song and I hate this guy, but this is so quintessentially Bosnian it had to be in here). also, the singer is a huge part of the novel. 
Vedran Smailović, the Cellist of Sarajevo, has a cameo, because I’m apparently a 57 year old american journalist who spent 2 weeks in Sarajevo in like 2005 and has to reference the war in their novel that takes place 20 years later.
Just put me down for a few anime soundtracks. and make it Yuri. 
4. What’s the time period and location in which the novel takes place?
Back to ABW: it takes place in the mid to late 2020, in Siberia. The sequel takes place a year later, on Jord, in what is basically Cape Town, South Africa. I have never been at either of these places. 
5. Are there any former titles you’ve considered but discarded?
The original title for this, years and years ago, was A Fallen Angel. I don’t understand it either, it was a sci fi story even back then. 
6. What’s the first line of your novel?
Being the first line of communication with an alien race wasn’t an easy job, but Dafne Everson was more than happy to do it. TBH, I’m not that happy with my first chapter. it’s a bit... info dump-y.
7. What’s a line of dialogue you’re particularly proud of? 
“-I don’t think that much has changed. You can’t change your past. That’s kind of the problem.- -But you can change the way it shapes your present-”
-Get up, fuckface, I want you off my planet.- 
-Choke on your Gucci cufflinks you twat.- 
 “In the immortal words of Martina Fernandez “Go fuck yourself”“ by Martina Fernandez. (the last 3 are all by martina) 
8. Which line from the novel most represents it as a whole?
“-I don’t want to change the world.- Onisha admitted –I just want to understand it.- -You can’t understand it completely and not change it in the process.- she said. The passion was back in her eyes. That glow of manic comprehension of the world and its components reminded Onisha why she came here in the first place. Science was more than a bunch of people in lab coats doing boring equations or repeating the same experiments hundreds of times. If the initial spark didn’t exist, no one would bother. In that moment Nova was that passion personified; the drive that made Chien-Shiung Wu cancel her vacation plans to experiment with cobalt and wreck the conservation of parity; Vera Rubin’s love for stars that buried her under a mountain of data to measure galactic rotation curves and confirm the existence of Dark Matter. She was Emmy Noether, and Marrie Currie and Lise Meitner and a million other brilliant people and their passion for knowledge. She could change the world. And Onisha would help her do it. " Look, i just love my science lesbians and their passion to make a better world. 
9. Who are your character(s) faceclaims?
I don’t have a many of these, just a few I came across randomly:
Domhnall Gleeson as the young ginger man. I would like to thank Forggy for this idea. I was blinded by my basic bitch love for Tom Hiddleston.
Dwayne The Rock Johnson as the emir (president) of Jord, Kalti Forgisto. this character shows up in one scene, and has like 3 lines and i will not compromise on this. 
Lee Pace and Darren Criss were my Etah Asimov and Elazar Leos, but I recently figured out neither of these characters are fully white, even tho they are pretty pale, soooo this casting has to change pretty soon. 
10. Sort your character(s) into Hogwarts houses.
Gryffindor: MARTINA (she probably walked into the great hall and the hat yelled “you there, with the naurto shirt under the robes, go sit with the lions”), Zeta, Dafne, Dalian.  
Slytherin: Nova (she would fight for ravenclaw tho), Steve, Errien, Liang
Ravenclaw: Onisha, Mila, Elazar, John, 
Hufflepuff: Etah, Ginger Man, Sasha, Nika, Rohan,
11. Which character’s name do you like the most?
I’m kinda self conscious about all of my names :S
12. Describe each character’s daily outfit.
Since I have like 579 ocs, let me help myself with an explanation: Jords in general dress like the entire planet pointed a gigantic middle finger to the concept of color coordination. So, 3 categories for everyone. 
Fashion disaster: Nova, Onisha, Errien, Nika, Rohan, Dalian(first date outfit: a simple polka dotted purple tunic and striped yellow pants, Cecil Palmer school of fashion bejbi)
Neutral: Etah, John, Zeta, 
Fashion deity: Martina, Mila, Sasha, Steve, Elazar
13. Do any characters have distinctive birthmarks/scars?
Nova has a small birthmark under her eye.
Etah has a lot of self harm scars, and a big one on his wrist. 
14. Which character most fits a character trope?
Probably Etah because of what happens to him and I haaaate myself for it. 
15. Which character is the best writer? Worst?
Dafne and the ginger man. She’s a journalists, he’s a part time writer and they are pretty successful. I also love the idea and the great Artist Steve writes like an edgy 12 year old writing their first grimdark fanfic. 
16. Which character is the best liar? Worst?
Best is probably a bit spoilery. The worst is Onisha (imagine Mob, from MP100, but female, black and instead of psychic powers, she has an imminence knowledge of physics) 
17. What character swears the most? Least?
Martina will cuss you in six different languages. 
Onisha is a walking G rated film (tho, one time she cusses was so satisfying to write)
18. Which character has the best handwriting? Worst?
Steve and Etah have the best. Zeta and Liang are doctors. 
19. Which character is most like you? Least like you?
They all have something of mine, something i want and something i don’t.The most like me is probably Onisha. The least probably Zeta or Sasha.  If you want my real self inserts, look at Phantom Limb, where Danica and Alma are just the last two of my brain cells personified. 
20. Which character would you most like to be?
Interesting question. Probably put me down for Dafne Everson. She has a loving dad and sister (and a shitty mom, but who doesn’t?), a career she loves. she travels all over the world, people read her writing and love it, she has a few close friends she really loves and the weight of all the world’s secrets on her shoulders. 
Anyone who wants to do this is more than welcome to. Please tag me, I would like to see more once I make my triumphant comeback (or come crawling back with my tail between my legs). 
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