#2. i dooo wanna make our dnd into a podcast one day so i dont wanna say stuff that could be
mathes0n · 5 years
hi eli im having a not good day can you tell me about your dnd characters please theyre very good
Aaaah! I’m sorry ur having a bad day anon, I’ll try to tell u about a few dnd characters, both player characters and NPCs!!!!
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This is Cormac; u cant see it here but the man has a Dad Bod. Tho I made him like, a YEAR before Spiderverse came out, he definitely has a Peter B Parker vibe about him; a gross, smelly man whos made some bad decisions in the past and thinks that his entire life is over because of them. He’s got 2 kids that he left an an orphanage when they were babies bc he didn’t think he was well equipped to raise them alone, but now he’s on a journey to find them and reconcile. Overall a flawed bastard but theres a heart of gold somewhere in there. Also hes trans
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This is Amma! She’s an aasimar paladin for her own pops, Torm (god of courage and self sacrifice among other things). I don’t have much for her character so far (how much I expand on her character depends solely on how much the player characters want to interact with her), just that shes a Lawful Good lady who just wants to help people. Shes got big muscles and a big heart 
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This squad of three are Jaime, Lynx, and Isadora (real mathe(zero)son fans recognize them as ANCIENT thrilling intent ocs). Jaime is a 15 year old tief who was forced into shitty underground wrestling since he was young. Lynx is a 13 year old tief bard who travels from city to city to scrape by on whatever gold she can find by playing her lyre on the streets, never having a family or home. Isadora is a 7 year old tief babby who was raised by shitty criminal tieflings who wanted her to be a loyal grunt who also did crimes. By chance, these three kids ended up meeting, and ran away from their shitty situations together, and now theyre a family! 
Jaime has a pretty bad temper, coupled with a strong distrust for most adults, scared that they’ll be apart of that underground wrestling ring and make him go back. Isadora is deeply traumatized by her upbringing; she only ever learned Infernal, and seems afraid of other languages (including Common); she also only trusts other tieflings and hisses at basically any other species. Lynx is the most seemingly put together out of the three, being a rather bouncy child who loves to play music. At the end of the day they’ve all got each other!!!
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Another set of three children!!! Any warriors cats fans will know exactly whom these three are based off of lol
Anyways these are orphaned tabaxi triplets (roughly 12 years old) named Pineapple, Papaya, and Pomegranate (Pompom for short!). Pineapple is a rowdy boy who likes to wrestle. Papaya is a naturally magically gifted grump who believes hes the most important person in the universe (he is correct). Pompom is the voice of reason, and most suited to lead her squad of siblings, and also the only one who is TRULY willing to draw blood to protect the three of them
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This girl here is actually a player character of mine, not an NPC!!! Her name is Yuna Mogato; shes a halfling “””artificer”” with a kind heart and a desire to lead an interesting and adventure filled life... tho immediately regrets this as soon as interesting adventures start finding her. All in all, a very standard Anime Protagonist and a very sweet girl!! Also there’s somethin reeaaaal funky about that golden bracelet shes always wearing...
Also a little fun fact!: For those who know Kogu (purple tief i draw a lot, also my icon!) Well, Kogu had to leave the campaign that I play him in for PLOT reasons, so Yuna’s actually his replacement!! Trade in one anime protag for another, lol 
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This is Miracle!!! She’s the daughter of one of @rickys-keeper‘s characters, Mickey, and a real cutie at that!! Miracle is a natural born adventurer and explorer who’s deeply interested in old cultures and abandoned dungeons. She makes a living off of going into dungeons or old castles or whatnot and collecting ancient heirlooms or artifacts, and then selling them to historical museums so that they can be preserved, though sometimes she keeps them to herself, or even sells them on the street at low prices!
The green dragonboi to the right is actually one of @just-a-terrifying-renegade-pearl‘s NPCs, Boris, aka Miracle’s future stepdad lol 
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And here’s Barnabee!! One of my favorite NPCs lol. Shes a strong tabaxi who wears a leather coat w spikes on the shoulders and runs the rebellion against the main villains in the campaign me and my friends run!!! She accidentally keeps adopting trans kids and kissing women. Also shes trans
I hope that ur day improves anon!! Sorry if my descriptions are convoluted I didnt proofread ANY of what i wrote lol. Hope yall like em!!
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