#and 3. my players follow me and i dont need them to read any potential spoilers : (
pineappleparfaitie · 4 months
So..what hapened ?(In regards to the ''drama'')
Hey Pine here. So im sure the SFW vore community has been made aware of ''drama'' that was caused by me and another user nammed Static.I want to ask for the community to at least spread this post around and not label it drama.PLEASE DONT SWEEP THIS UNDER THE RUG AND READ THE CONTENTS OF THIS POST! THIS POST WILL INCLUDE /MENTION THE FOLLOWING: Mentions of the genocide in palestine, antisemitism, national socialism (aka nazism), false alligations, harrasment, threats of doxing, potential ACTUAL doxing, manipulation , mentions of self harm (including suicide),a bit of misgendering among a few others. Again as triggering as these topics may be I heavily encourage you to the read the full contents of this post . And if you have alluded to this situation to no longer label it as drama or ''2 minors arguing over the internet''. Thank you. This post is HEAVY in terms of content and length.So be prepared for that as well.
Edit as of 4:13PM of june 2nd.I forgot to add the misgendering bit.
So who are the players? This whole thing sorrounds 3 main people ; me (pine) , Static (Aka staticmoonshock) and Zet (OpikArts).
Edit as of august: Static was 15 but mid july tutned 16.As far as ive grasped things. I need to clarify as of Febuary 18th im 16 years old. Static to my knowladge has also been 16 for a while, i wont disclose Zets age but everyone here is either 16 or near 17. Another clarification needed is that Static has supposedly left their tumblr account and HAS deleted their side blog oyasumioyasumicloseyoureyes. Even if they arent active targated harrassment is NOT ENDORCED,ENCOUREGED AND IF I SEE ANY HARRASSMENT YOU ARE DIRT TO ME AND ARE NOT HELPING AT ALL. Static is someone who was frequent in the SFW vore community and were best known for sending people asks usually accompanied with their OC's and wanting people to engage with them.They would usually find someone and then proceed to almost spam that person with asks (in an rp fashion sometimes) Zet or OpikArts is someone id say is a very well known figure in the SFW vore community that I dont believe needs much introduction. And them me aka 1#dumbass. Now onto the rest: In early march Static and I had our first interaction via this ask - https://www.tumblr.com/pineappleparfaitie/744426151470071808/i-give-you-the-smol-prey-he-is-very-squish-and?source=share I had problems with them from the start that being the overcrowding of my blog with their asks and it cluttured my blog. However i should have told Static this directly which was my first mistake. I then added this type of behaviour as not accaptable on my BYI. I need you to know this was MARCH 9TH the date will play a role later. on march 11th I followed them back and we started chatting
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Static here told me to tell them if they were overwhelming. And it was a mistake on my end for not saying it sooner.
So Static has known me for more then 2 months. I need people to be aware of that. We had friendly convos on and off and they ;after a period of time- gave me some not so pleasent thoughts. What I mean is Static had behaviours comparable to my abuser. My abuser would vent with no warning, would not put triggers, would talk about his personal life and tell me triggering things and would also mention harming himself. (in 1 instance he sent elf harm scars he inflected on himself so i could send them to his ex partner in an attempt of guilt tripping them). I am all for mental health awearness, and venting but NEVR vent to someone without any warning because you have no idea wtf they are going threw. I was a child therapist at 11 years old to a 15 year old dude and was till he was halfway threw being 20. I know this is HEAVILY personal from my end but I need people to be aware of this notion to better understand WHY i didint like talking to this person and WHY I should have cut them off when I initally started talking to them, After them yet again telling me personal details i asked them this (i have censored their messege as it had personal details regarding their life and i do not want people weaponising this against them or revealing private stuff regarding their life.)
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NOTE!EVEN HERE I TELL STATIC WE ARE MOOTS!I KNOW I SOUND MEAN BUT BEING MY FRIEND IS A LOT MORE PERSONAL THEN BEING A MOOT!STATIC WOULD STATE LATER I WAS THEIR FRIEND SO I BELIEVE WE HAD MISCUMUNICATIONS FROM THE START!THIS IS A FAULT ON MY END WITH NOT CLEARLY COMMUNICATING  M Y   FEELINGS AND NOT TELLING THEM THINGS MORE BLUNTLY. In ALL HONESTLY i should have been upfront with them and immidietly told them what made me uncomftrable but I wanted to be nice because its rude to just tell someone who likes your work ''can you not?'' Static would maybe onc or twice after this forget about me telling them this but it was alright for the most part. Now then. on May 14th i sent Static this messege (this is where the subject of the Genocide in Palestine starts)
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For context:I had a back and fort with someone who i talked about Hazbin Hotel with and how i simply dont like the creator due the fact she has the otpion to boycott but doesnt. And I still stand by the fact if you CAN and are PRIVALEGED enough to boycott you should . Thats not the point of this however it was just context. Static (from what i believe) saw this and on their side blog said how they wished so much pressure wasnt put on my minors to boycott. As well as the main problem regarding everything that being how much antisemitism they were seeing. THIS is where my BIGGEST issue lied with Static. I am ALL for critisizing people who associate jews with israelis and then use that as an excuse to be antisemetic. THAT IS NOT ''OKAY'' THAT IS BLATANT ANTISEMITISM AND YOU ARE DOING HARM TO INNOCENT PEOPLE WHO PROBABLY DONT EVEN AGREE WITH THE THINGS HAPPENING.But Static THEMSELVES for this whole time had the notion that Israel= jews/judism and that if you hated Israel you hated its citizens therefor you hated Jews. I cannot show certain screenshots as they are PERSONAL to Static and I am not going to mention THAT. The reason MOBIZEN is visible is because later down the line Zet suggested I recorded mine and Statics whole Tumblr chat (may 29th) and I cant remove the audio to the recordings so I cannot link the videos due to my voice being on those recordgins, my fathers voice and my own cries and sobs as I was suffering a full on meltdown.WE WILL GET INTO THAT.HOWEVER AS PROOF OF THE VIDEOS EXISTENCE :
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Isreal is a JEWISH state but not every Israeli is JEWISH. Isreal has hurt and killed their own citizens, has killed and hurt Palestinian Rabbis because they dont care about Jewish people they care about using it as a weapon and shield for the autrocities they commit.I WANT TO EXPLAIN THIS BECAUSE STATIC IS CLEARLY UNDER THE NOTION THAT ISREAL IS ALL JEWS ! I do not think they found good sources for this topic. Static had a period of educating themselves, we agreed more then ONCE to not mention this topic (i became more distant as this really made me upset – look up Srebrenica Massicare it relates to my country )
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Static didint know what the word ''state'' meant and made assumptions on my words and their own personal definition. I WANT TO RE-ITTARATE I WAS NO ANGEL DURING THIS AND WHEN THIS TOPIC CAME AROUND I WAS VERY QUICK TO BE AGRESSIVE AND NOT TOLORATE THEIR VIEWS. I WAS A TOTAL DICKWAD AND STATIC HAD EVERY RIGHT TO BE MAD ATME FOR IT!! I DO NOT TOLORATE ANY ZIONIST VIEWS OR ANYTHING IN SUPPORT OF ISREALS EXISTANCE!I DO NOT THINK STATIC THEMSELVES IS A ZIONIST NOR WILL I CALL THEM THAT I THINK THEY NEED TO BE EDUCATED AND PROPERLY SO!BUT THEY HAVE SHOWN VIEWS RELATING TO ZIONISM AND I WANT TO MAKE THAT EVIDENT! This all went on during may , Statics general behaviour put me off and their overwhelmingness made it worse for me. THIS WAS MY FAULT I SHOULD HAVE CUT THEM OFF IN MARCH AND NOT LET THIS SHIT FESTER!I NEED TO SAY THIS BECAUSE I WANT TO BE BLUNT! H a d  I not let this fester for as long as it did I would have not been in this situation, neither would have Zet. And their views on Israel and Palestine didint help a bit. Static isnt jewish, they are an atheist and are in a church , however they have Jewish herritage. Wil al this here is the prolouge to the main event of this shitshow: This will be shown in full Static said they were going threw a episode during the writing of this, and I will not fault them for having one. However I couldnt handle being around someone who clearly wasnt mentally well and was making ME mentally WORSE. (fyi we were talking abt smth completely unrelated to this when Static sent this)
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(this is what the japanese text translates to:)
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I WANT ALL OF THIS in full to be here so people know why I wanted to cut ties with Static.The following is what had us cut ties.
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After this Static proceeded to block me.Quick clerification: The reason i asked Static about the Japanese thing is because I wanted to see how premeditated that episode could have been.Because if they wrote that only to put it into google translate that would have needed more effort then to simply write that text in dm's. However I do think Static GENUINELY had a episode here- what kind I cannot say. (deppresive or something else. Static vauge posted about me in a vent
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It was back and forth of me and them vaugeposting about eachother. On this blog you can find EVERY ONE OF MY REAL TIME RESPONSES TO THIS https://www.tumblr.com/thessituation I have made edits to the post to provide further context. I will not be summarasing them up excpt 1 important post that caused this mess to get worse.The rest I trust you – the reader to go look threw them, I rebloged them chronologically so start from the last post and work up to the latest. The post I want to talk about is this one: https://www.tumblr.com/pineappleparfaitie/751836863121293313/normally-i-dont-justify-nazis-with-a-response-but at the end of the post i explain stuff but to elaborate: I put sfw vore community tags on this post because it was clear evidence of Static wishing me harm and saying the vilest of the stuff they said during this situation. However this caused others in the community to call this post drama and also put sfw vore tags and it caused a domino effect. This made people especially more well known creators with larger followings to want to sweep this under the rug, people didint want to interact with this ''drama'' , one user even called this an argument between 2 minors .I was going threw what I now believe to be a SERIES of MULTIPLE panic attacks and since ive never been threw ONE of those . For the majority of may 29th i was going threw hell. And I was on a school trip for the 30th and 31st.
Now here is who Zet/opikarts is in all this. Zet is a polish dude who has a deep rooted hatred for nazis (as most normal people do but him especially) Zet came into play because him and Static were in contact for a simmilar time me and Static were in contact. They first started talking on the 7th of March.During this period the 2 became friends. I was aware of this as Static mentioned it to me beforehand while we were on good terms. Upon me wanting to cut ties and them blocking me- Static told Zet I was an aspiring neo nazi, that i was manipulative , that I hated jews, that I was aantisemetic ect ect ect. They had simmilar behaviours towards Opic as they did to me and they talked about wanting to harm themselves and vented to him about me and all this. They never showed proof for any of this mind you and had Zet blindly believe them and encorouged them to not talk to me about it- effectively making it so he would not only believe them but never question anything. Static also said it would make them feel better if he blocked me, he only unfollowed me and made me unfollow him. Zet liked every single one of Statics posts that they made in response to this situationa as HE believed he was helping a friend fight of a neo-nazi/nazi , this included the post that wished death upon me (he didint read it threw all the way or properly the first time and he didint agree with what Static said after the fact. I blocked Zet in a fit of panic and anger and then a moot and a friend od mine – Koko aka Koko puffs love informed me that Zet wanted to talk with me to clear stuff up. IN THIS TIME PERIOD STATIC CLAIMED THEIR FRIEND SAM COULD DOX ME!THAT HE HAD STOLEN 2 FIGTHER JETS AND HE COULD SEE MY IP  (which couldnt tell u as much as u think it can) AND TRIED LINKING IT TO AN ANON ASKS GIVING THEM A BOMB THREAT!I DID NOT AND STATIC HAS NOT PROVIDED ANY PROPER SUBSANTIAL EVIDENCE! https://www.tumblr.com/staticmoonshock/751839511503339520/aight-hoes-i-know-some-of-yall-will-take-this-and?source=share this is not evidence i requested video proof of Sam showing the code and i have recieved nothing.
Edit for 4:13PM june 2nd:
Static also reffered to me with fem terms like miss,mrs,ms and girlie ,later saying those terms arent gendered in their eyes.However later they told Zet that they thought i had she/her in my bio always.They sent me multiple asks meaning they HAD to have seen my they/them in my bio and I dont think Zet was aware of how long we talked when they told him this. They were either lying and PURPOSEFULLY misgendering me to further dehumanise me ,mock me ect or they literally never read my bio or my BYI EVER .Neither is really cool. KOKO SUPPORTED ME DURING THIS TIME!THEY DIDINT LIKE PEOPLE CALLING THIS DRAMA!IT ACTIVELY SHOWED ME SUPPORT IN THAT AWFUL TIME!THEY DIDINT WANT PEOPLE CALLING THIS SHIT DRAMA! And me and Zet talked. The reason in the screenshots you see mobizen is because Zet suggested recording mine and Statics chat as Static deleted theirs. Everything. FROM M A Y   9 T  H . I did this along with providing numerous screenshots and after the  fact. And then Zet saw Static lied to him ,overexagarated shit ect ect. And now we are on very good terms. The reason I make this post is because people either swept this under the rug ,encorouged it to be done and spread the info this was an argument. It was in fact someone who clearly isnt in the best headspace actively harrasing someone who wanted to cut ties with them, lying about said person (me) to their friend (Zet) and then after all this. Static deleted most of the posts regarding this situation. (i mention this in the post that started the whole ''this is only drama'' mess.)
I sincerely hope this is spread around the community and that this being a drama is no longer the thought behind this situation. People got hurt for no reason because someone couldnt take people not wanting to be their friend. Upon my post ''Regarding recent events'' Static made a now deleted post saying that they forgave me when they probably shouldnt and they would let me talk with them about the genocide (fyi they rebloged posts and shit saying how this wasnt agenocide) and I did not get 1 apology. I have made multiple to Static, multiple. I have not recieved  1 single ''sorry'' about the death wish, the dox threats, the insults, the nazi labeling I hav recieved NOTHING. This is the text i sent to Static on May 30th after that post was made
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I put all this fourth so people can understand WHY I acted the way I DID, WHY this thing happened AND WHY it was handled so poorly on my end. I was in a state of panic I could not describe to you, a large creator with a following twice your size seemingly supporting the idea youre a nazi and that you deserve to be hit by a train, someone you just wanted to cut off threataning to DOX you and your poor decision to tag a post with community tags to spread awareness causing others to do the same except labeling it as ''DRAMA'' – making the whole community leave you on your own. Yeah May 29th was WORSE then the WORST EXPIRENCES I HAVE  E V E R  had with my ABUSER. Zet and I are thankfully on good terms now and I dont blame him for being manipulated it wasnt his fault. And I – well angry  and upset with how the community handled this- I cant blame it for not wanting to get involved what was painted as ''drama between 2 kids''. Please go show your support to Zet as well as he also felt like crap during this time.Being manipulated feels awful and isnt fun in the fucking slightest and its just a shitshow frankly.
Static made a response post to the situation/this post in particular. I saw this and screenshotted it at aroumd 12:39 PM my time.
This post has since been deleted.
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Dear Static;
You have lied about a person to someones face,manipulated them and actively tried to cause harm.You fighting for the right to your opinion included you to call someone a nazi ,antisemetic,to wish them death and to threaten them with doxing- to harrass someone with no proof. Your opinion on a GENOCIDE means NOTHING to me because it justifies the idea of the existence of a TERRORIST STATE
I wanted to cut ties because of THIS behaviour. Not JUST your opinion. Your behaviour caused me to double down on that notion.
You KNOW i fucked up tagging the community in this -it was a cry for help . But you KNEW of the harm I did. And you actively tagged this community to do as much damage as possible.You deleted this post meaning you arent gone.And im GLAD im HOPING that youre okay that youre alive and well.But you paint the narrative that people dont like your takes on a genocide. Its not only that- but your behaviour. Now back to the contens of thr OG post.
-end of edit
Edit as of June 7th.
Static is fine they seem do be doing well.That is all. Update as of June 7th 9PM roughly.
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Just a screenshot, i am in no state to type anything out. That is all. back to the original contents.
Update as of 2am June 10th:
Static somehow interacted with me threw thessituation blog i am figuring out how to block them on there as well.
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i will not comment further i believe ive presented the evidence neccessary and i am only posting this here as an archive.
Back to the original contents Update June 13th:
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... They are wanting to persue legal action- back to OG contents . . .
To Staticmoonshock I hope you are well, I hope you get the help you need.I dont wish you harm, of any kind. Just please get the help you need before you return to a community space. But please, never contact me again. -Pine
Update as of Jun 30th.
Not really an update however just to say a few things. I have no idea how Static is now or if they have gotten better and im no longer engaging with them period. So below is only what i know.
-Static threatened to take legal action against me via contacting a friend and their friend , later deleting a post alluding to contacting a lawyer
-allegedly tried to take their life twice.Once by taking almost 30 zoloft pills with a 100mg dose which should have killed them but they only said they were like idk loopy?May have taken less then in the picture they provided
-they DID give me an apology , a bad one and one i wont accept, but an apology nonetheless
-said i showed private stuff but later said they couldnt see any of my post as i have them blocked maybe that was just poor wording so ill take it with some salt.
-said they stabbed themselves in the eye with scissors and what i believe-faked a bloody image
And yeah thats about it no clue whats going on now lol
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eric-the-bmo · 1 year
eep I'm bad at thinking of questions, any fun facts about your characters??? ooh or actually I've just been discussing music, what kinda music do your characters listen to?
[this might be rambe-y im so sorry lmao]
oooh!!! yes i like this one, Music Time
John listens to folk punk and whatever genre Lore Huron and Hozier are. (also a bit of vocaloid, solely because of Shelby)
Theodore listen to like. Cool electronic music. Haven't determined the exact genre but its very Computer
Once again I don't know the genre but I think Leo doesn't quite have a favorite genre? Since his memories got blasted he's not quite sure anymore, but in my brain I associate him with Matt Maeson a lot since I was listening to his songs a bunch when creating him.
Annabelle's setting has a 1920s kind of vibe (at least the kingdom she lives in does), and so she enjoys that kind of old-timey jams!
Ven and John actually have like, really similar music tastes, sans the vocaloid bc it doesnt exist in Ven's universe. Folk Punk is Ven's guilty pleasure
I... I don't think Apollo listens to music. Like I dont think the City has any save for idk, Latin choirs or whatever.
....has Rhidian even heard music since he became a Nothic. bro does he know what that is /hj
Murmur listens to like. So much vocaloid/pop/electronic music. They love it sm they blast it near 24/7 into their earbuds
hmm Fun Facts (a mix of Character and Developmental):
Theodore admitted during the White House Heist (have I even told yall about that) that he's been thrown out of a window before
Theodore's got a roommate named Steve and like. He was only around for the first session and I miss him sm, that guy was great
Theo please stop skipping your fucking classes
Ven likes peppermint tea. Peppermint tea is also known to help with headaches, which he gets a lot!
Shelby was 22 when she met John (aka hit him with her car)
Shelby was also intended to be a self-insert when I first made her; she was the Mundane for MoTW, but then I got to wondering "what if she and John were friends" and the rest was history
She's also a twitch streamer solely bc i realized she needed a job and that was the funniest option to me
John's limbs are very long in proportion to the rest of his body! His arms are like, Super Long
Rhidian dislikes touch; not only because it's been a Very Long Time since anyone's touched him, but also because he wants the first person he touches to be his girlfriend- once she gets a physical body, of course (they are going to hold hands and kiss <3)
Annabelle is So Adamant in the fact she's not part of Warrick's family; she's his secretary, and not his daughter, thank you very much- but she always participates during Family Game Night
She also would like collecting vinyls :-)
Leo's heterochromia happened because I couldn't determine which eye color he should have, and so I gave him Both
His eyes have become my Favorite Thing about them, and there's like. So much symbolism in them dude. I'd ramble more but my fellow VtM players follow me here.
On the subject of Leo, he was originally created in 2020 as an entity that lived in TV static and would try to drag people in, as he was desperate for company- as you can see, he's changed A Lot from his original concept
Leo's original concept has since been recycled for a potential Rapture Heights monster that I've taken to calling Hijack.
Apollo and Leo both have a habit of holding their hands together when they miss their partner/exes- and it's actually a habit I myself have picked up.
John's whole NotDeer thing started because I had told a librarian about him, and admitted I didn't know what kind of monster he was yet- and she asked if he was a deer monster due to his last name. Thank you Ms Librarian u changed his entire trajectory thank u <3
Did you know there's a visual novel about a character also John Doe? He's eerily similar to mine in terms of visual, I think
Valentine was created after/ while I was reading the DIE comic series- the main character's scene in prison was the main inspiration for him.
Due to enchantment magic having the potential to be used for Awful Things, I explicitly made Valentine to be a sex-repulsed asexual, and intended for him to be aromantic as well.
Valetine killed Velma (yeah, from Scooby Doo) during his one-shot
Oh, and fun fact about me: in my dnd server, I'm the reason there's a rule stating that one-shot characters need to be able to breathe <3
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estercity · 2 years
HELLO i reblogged the ask meme from u and even though we are mutuals i am shy so i am hiding; i dunno who you would be interested in doing this with 🤔 Maybe Yusuke or Akira from p5? I feel like i saw ff/xv once from u so maybe Gladio or Ardyn? I am just happy to see ur thots on any of them ☺️
IGNORE THAT ITS LIKE 3 DAYS LATER I FORGOT TO DO THIS buyt yeees thank u for giving me so many >:]
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I LIKE YUSUKE hes a very solid character but hes not really MY TYPE of character yknow? i actually found his section of the game very difficult to get through just because it reminded me of some personal stuff i dont like thinking about. no matter what my oppinions of him are i hate how the fandom treats him because hes very clearly gay, probably autistic, and atlus makes sure to write him as a joke because of it but that doesnt mean the fanbase has to carry it on :')
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akira is.....difficult for me. for reference i only played the games, i know the manga and anime give him like solid characterisation but the nature of akira being a player controlled protagonist makes it difficult for me to talk about him? so i dont exactly go wild over them but some of their dialouge choices...holy shit the potential. basically what im saying is you could take and add a lot of hearts onto this chart depending on how he's played, BUT I WILL SAY: my favourite akira moments are in the bad endings if that tells u anything about my brain and its thought process
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HOLY SHIT I COULD TAKE ABOUT GLADIO FOR HOURS. I DONT THINK YOU FOLLOWED ME WHEN I WAS REALLY INTO FFXV BECAUSE FUCK THE ESSAYS I WROTE ABOUT THIS MAN COULD RIVAL SCRIPTURE I WAS SO ANGRY ABOUT HOW DIRTY THIS GAME DID HIM AND IF ANYTHING WITH AGE IVE GOTTEN ANGRIER AND NOW THE FANDOM IS ALSO NOT FREE FROM MY WRATH. gladio is an incredible character with i think MOSTLY decent writing but unfortnately most ffxv players are literally unable to read ANYTHING with nuance and whilst i do largely blame the english dub i think every player who wants to talk about the train scene specifically when it comes to gladio needs to take a media analysis test to see if theyre allowed to open their mouths. i know this is mean but like <3 idc if i gladio amicitia has one fan i AM that one fan ect ect
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I HAVE CONFLICTED FEELINGS ABOUT ARDYN I THINK HES A BRILLIANT VILLIAN, I HATE HIM AND I LOVE HIM, EPISODE ARDYN KNOCKED ME FOR A LOOP SO HARD I DID A FULL 180 AND WENT MAD WITH LUST FOR HIM. WILL NOT ELABORATE. he's such a tragic character and his backstory makes me soooo upset. it was so interesting how well it recontextualized everything we'd seen of him so far and actually managed to make him symmpathetic. i ALSO think lovingly about that anon i got like 3 years ago who exclusively referred to him as uncle piss
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mathes0n · 5 years
hi eli im having a not good day can you tell me about your dnd characters please theyre very good
Aaaah! I’m sorry ur having a bad day anon, I’ll try to tell u about a few dnd characters, both player characters and NPCs!!!!
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This is Cormac; u cant see it here but the man has a Dad Bod. Tho I made him like, a YEAR before Spiderverse came out, he definitely has a Peter B Parker vibe about him; a gross, smelly man whos made some bad decisions in the past and thinks that his entire life is over because of them. He’s got 2 kids that he left an an orphanage when they were babies bc he didn’t think he was well equipped to raise them alone, but now he’s on a journey to find them and reconcile. Overall a flawed bastard but theres a heart of gold somewhere in there. Also hes trans
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This is Amma! She’s an aasimar paladin for her own pops, Torm (god of courage and self sacrifice among other things). I don’t have much for her character so far (how much I expand on her character depends solely on how much the player characters want to interact with her), just that shes a Lawful Good lady who just wants to help people. Shes got big muscles and a big heart 
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This squad of three are Jaime, Lynx, and Isadora (real mathe(zero)son fans recognize them as ANCIENT thrilling intent ocs). Jaime is a 15 year old tief who was forced into shitty underground wrestling since he was young. Lynx is a 13 year old tief bard who travels from city to city to scrape by on whatever gold she can find by playing her lyre on the streets, never having a family or home. Isadora is a 7 year old tief babby who was raised by shitty criminal tieflings who wanted her to be a loyal grunt who also did crimes. By chance, these three kids ended up meeting, and ran away from their shitty situations together, and now theyre a family! 
Jaime has a pretty bad temper, coupled with a strong distrust for most adults, scared that they’ll be apart of that underground wrestling ring and make him go back. Isadora is deeply traumatized by her upbringing; she only ever learned Infernal, and seems afraid of other languages (including Common); she also only trusts other tieflings and hisses at basically any other species. Lynx is the most seemingly put together out of the three, being a rather bouncy child who loves to play music. At the end of the day they’ve all got each other!!!
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Another set of three children!!! Any warriors cats fans will know exactly whom these three are based off of lol
Anyways these are orphaned tabaxi triplets (roughly 12 years old) named Pineapple, Papaya, and Pomegranate (Pompom for short!). Pineapple is a rowdy boy who likes to wrestle. Papaya is a naturally magically gifted grump who believes hes the most important person in the universe (he is correct). Pompom is the voice of reason, and most suited to lead her squad of siblings, and also the only one who is TRULY willing to draw blood to protect the three of them
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This girl here is actually a player character of mine, not an NPC!!! Her name is Yuna Mogato; shes a halfling “””artificer”” with a kind heart and a desire to lead an interesting and adventure filled life... tho immediately regrets this as soon as interesting adventures start finding her. All in all, a very standard Anime Protagonist and a very sweet girl!! Also there’s somethin reeaaaal funky about that golden bracelet shes always wearing...
Also a little fun fact!: For those who know Kogu (purple tief i draw a lot, also my icon!) Well, Kogu had to leave the campaign that I play him in for PLOT reasons, so Yuna’s actually his replacement!! Trade in one anime protag for another, lol 
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This is Miracle!!! She’s the daughter of one of @rickys-keeper‘s characters, Mickey, and a real cutie at that!! Miracle is a natural born adventurer and explorer who’s deeply interested in old cultures and abandoned dungeons. She makes a living off of going into dungeons or old castles or whatnot and collecting ancient heirlooms or artifacts, and then selling them to historical museums so that they can be preserved, though sometimes she keeps them to herself, or even sells them on the street at low prices!
The green dragonboi to the right is actually one of @just-a-terrifying-renegade-pearl‘s NPCs, Boris, aka Miracle’s future stepdad lol 
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And here’s Barnabee!! One of my favorite NPCs lol. Shes a strong tabaxi who wears a leather coat w spikes on the shoulders and runs the rebellion against the main villains in the campaign me and my friends run!!! She accidentally keeps adopting trans kids and kissing women. Also shes trans
I hope that ur day improves anon!! Sorry if my descriptions are convoluted I didnt proofread ANY of what i wrote lol. Hope yall like em!!
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robotslenderman · 4 years
Ok, so I've played VTMNR a few times now, and I've noticed something which I think is interesting. Near the end of the book, if you've romanced Lettow and choose to fight the SI with him, you'll have the opportunity to kiss him in the hallway. If you decide to kiss him again, or just return to the room with him, there will be one retainer left. Depending on your relationship with Lettow, he'll act differently here. If your Lettow/Camarilla relationship is moderate (3 dots), he'll become cool and composed in front of the retainer. Additionally, he'll touch your wrist in a lingering way, which you realize he's doing in order to check your watch. If your Camarilla relationship is high (5 dots), the part about about him being "cool and collected, even in the presence of a single retainer he is the Eagle Prince" is not mentioned, and Lettow will touch your face instead. In my opinion, the nature of the relationship is more unclear in the 3dot interaction. Personally, I find that it feels more manipulative (though I'm probably not clever enough to explain why). With 5 dots, I follow him to Egypt everytime, but with 3 dots I still follow him. I'm just much more wary about how "happy" their relationship will be. Will he sacrifice my character to the Sabbat if needed? Who knows! Although, really, who's to say you're not being played by him the entire story, even with a full relationship meter.
Another variation I've noticed is during the confrontation with Donati when Lettow flutters up the steps, he will A) see you and force himself to stand, B) stand (because he's an elder), or C) rise to his hands and knees, but is too weak to get up more. I'm not sure what the trigger is for whichever action he takes (or if there are more variants of this), but my more moderate relationship characters got either scenario A or B, while my high relationship character got scenario C. When I played through it, I personally liked scenario C the best because to me, it feels like he trusts the main character enough that he's willing to afford a moment of weakness around them. Afterall, he's still able to attack Donati no matter if you get A, B, or C, so he's clearly not that close to the brink of death.
While I love Lettow and his romance, I'm pretty confused by it all. First of all, I don't really understand his character or ambitions too well. Despite how friendly and trusting he seems in the the first chapter (showing you Jasper's death? Why?), he's suspicious of the courier from the start (if you spy on Carlos in the parking garage, he'll reveal that Lettow thinks you might be an SI agent). And I don't think that suspicion ever goes away, it just evolves. He dismisses the idea that you're SI, but then he thinks you're allied with *potential diablerist* Julian (even if you aren't) then quickly seems to realize it's you (maybe by sensing her in your blood?). He continues to suspect you, until he seems to REALIZE realize that you diablerized Aila. Before the final confrontation between you, Julian, and Lettow, there's a moment where Lettow is reading his book and asks you in a tired, soft voice "I need to know why you--". He never gets to finish that thought, but I'm pretty sure he's asking why you killed her. However, after the warehouse meeting, Lettow decides to spare both you and Julian?? Because he's tired and lonely?? I dont get it, what's his agenda? Why spare them? From what I know, the traditions say that killing/diablerizing a fellow vampire is punishable by death, so isn't Lettow actively going against the Camarilla? I can kinda understand if he doesn't want to kill the player character, since he thinks Aila is in our veins, and he's potentially formed some sort of attachment to us (though I think at this point, Julian's formula has completely eradicated any traces of Aila from our blood, so surely Lettow can detect that?). However, I can't really understand why he spares Julian. Maybe he does it because the author wants to highlight that Lettow is a rare breed of kindred, one that's truly benevolent with a high humanity, but that's the only reason I can think of. Really, I'm just not sure what type of person Lettow is, or what his game is. Julian is clearly depicted as being pretty manipulative and as having these huge ambitions that he needs the courier to help him achieve, but I don't think that's true for Lettow. Asides from running packages, he doesn't really benefit from them (asides from the whole "maybe Aila's reincarnated" thing). So maybe he's manipulating the player at this super high level, but you know, maybe he's just actually a great, merciful person (except he did actually kill a ventrue in his court for having conspired to diablerize Invidia Caul. So what's up with that?)
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this monster of an ask, and please let me know what you think!
TL;DR at the bottom!
If your Lettow/Camarilla relationship is moderate (3 dots), he'll become cool and composed in front of the retainer. Additionally, he'll touch your wrist in a lingering way, which you realize he's doing in order to check your watch. If your Camarilla relationship is high (5 dots), the part about about him being "cool and collected, even in the presence of a single retainer he is the Eagle Prince" is not mentioned, and Lettow will touch your face instead. In my opinion, the nature of the relationship is more unclear in the 3dot interaction.
Honestly, personally? I just write this off as him not trusting you nearly as well. "Lingering" suggests he *wants* to touch you, but the biggest giveaway is that he doesn't seem to have the need to check your watch at all in the five dot one (if I’m understanding you correctly). That tells me that with five dots, he just openly wants to touch you and isn't afraid to show it (aww), but with three dots he's a little more reluctant and is just *pretending* to check your watch.
He's got walls up in three dots he doesn't in five.
Another variation I've noticed is during the confrontation with Donati when Lettow flutters up the steps, he will A) see you and force himself to stand, B) stand (because he's an elder), or C) rise to his hands and knees, but is too weak to get up more. I'm not sure what the trigger is for whichever action he takes (or if there are more variants of this), but my more moderate relationship characters got either scenario A or B, while my high relationship character got scenario C. When I played through it, I personally liked scenario C the best because to me, it feels like he trusts the main character enough that he's willing to afford a moment of weakness around them.
That's my exact same impression too -- there's trust with five dots that doesn't exist with three.
Despite how friendly and trusting he seems in the the first chapter (showing you Jasper's death? Why?), he's suspicious of the courier from the start (if you spy on Carlos in the parking garage, he'll reveal that Lettow thinks you might be an SI agent).
Okay I actually do have thoughts on this.This gets a little bit beside the point of your ask, so bear with me.
Regarding Jasper -- all I can say is, "Why NOT show you Jasper's death"? He doesn't have any reason NOT to show you. It doesn't make him vulnerable for you to know that Jasper is dead, or how he died. It doesn’t give the Courier any kind of edge against him. So Lettow has nothing to lose and everything to gain (your trust) by making you think you’re important enough that you get to watch the video.
Regarding Lettow thinking you're an SI agent -- I know this isn't the point of your ask but I do have thoughts on that, so please humour me for a moment before I go back to your point --
There's something very subtle in VTMNR that is never shown outright. It's very, very subtle but if you think about it, there's a really big reason why Lettow could think you're an SI agent despite being a vampire.
Think about it. Lettow himself points out that he's the only Prince that is as paranoid as he is about the SI, and yet Tucson is swarming with their agents. All the other Princes are emailing and texting and they're not dealing with the SI to nearly the degree Lettow has.
So what's the difference between Lettow and those Princes?
Lettow has an Autarkis in his Domain who's constantly blowing the Masquerade, that's why!
Who keeps calling you and speaking openly about being Kindred?
Who keeps pinging the SI in his phone calls, forcing you to switch phones over and over?
Who keeps loudly saying things like "WE CAN'T LET ANYONE KNOW WE'RE VAMPIRES" potentially in earshot of the SI, who you KNOW are watching you?
Julian flaunts the Masquerade CONSTANTLY. And in doing so, he makes Lettow a target, because Lettow’s the guy in charge of the area!
So what has this got to do with Lettow thinking you're an agent of the SI? I have to admit, I can't quite connect the dots here, but I think it goes back to Julian once again. Julian's operating under his nose. Julian doesn't give a fuck about the Masquerade. Julian has links to you. I wouldn't be surprised if those factors, combined perhaps with stuff happening behind the scenes that the Courier never sees, is why Lettow at first believes you're an agent of the SI.
Basically -- Lettow sees Julian pulling shit, and at first thinks it’s because he’s part of the SI. Lettow sees you have connections to Julian (or perhaps the other way around) and thinks that because of that you have connections to the SI as well.
Later, Lettow does admit the idea is ridiculous, because he sarcastically tells Dove (paraphrased) “why yes, I’m sure that this vampire isn’t helping the vampire hunters.”
(I also believe that Julian is the one that actually SENT the video of Jasper's death to Lettow. I honestly can't think of any other explanation as to who it can be from. Obfuscate doesn't work with electronic devices, indicating the video has been doctored to hide Julian, and who would do that except Julian himself, especially since he tells us that he has video editing skills? Julian knew that Jasper was recording, but didn't wipe the video or take the camera to erase evidence of his crime. So who else but Julian sent that video?)
Anyway, moving on --
Before the final confrontation between you, Julian, and Lettow, there's a moment where Lettow is reading his book and asks you in a tired, soft voice "I need to know why you--". He never gets to finish that thought, but I'm pretty sure he's asking why you killed her. However, after the warehouse meeting, Lettow decides to spare both you and Julian?? Because he's tired and lonely?? I dont get it, what's his agenda? Why spare them?
My impression is that it was just that -- because he was tired and lonely.
At first he lets you live because his couriers are dropping like flies and he needs every one he can get. And as the story goes on, he gets tireder and tireder until he seems on the brink of succumbing to torpor himself. (Bitch is 200 years old and whining about how old he is even though he had an 800YO girlfriend!) At the end of the story, he's exhausted.
And he's also quite clearly severely depressed. And apathy is a strong symptom of depression.
So yeah. I think he spares both the courier and Julian simply because he's too tired and depressed to give a flying fuck any more. Aila's gone, killing the courier won't bring her back. What's the point in killing them? What's the point in killing Julian, when he demonstrates several times he thinks Julian is no threat? (He's wrong, but he clearly underestimates Julian -- he tells Julian that the Masquerade will survive Julian, and he tells Dove that Julian is "just an Anarch.")
I also think his feelings regarding Aila herself are complicated -- it must HURT to survive someone who died via what's essentially suicide. He knows Aila was suicidal. He must have complicated feelings regarding that -- feelings like he wasn't enough, feelings like maybe she didn't love him as much as he loved her.
So yeah. I think he was too tired and lonely and too devastated to care about enacting justice against either of them. I think he just wanted to put it behind him. Run away to the Middle East, let it go, put it behind him, never think about it again.
As for Lettow’s agenda itself?
I’m not going to say he can’t be manipulative. But I do believe he isn’t as manipulative as the other Princes, and that he sincerely does want to do better than they do.
The biggest evidence in support of this, if nothing else, is that Lettow is Gangrel. Gangrel, as a rule, don’t do political bullshit. They tend not to participate in the Jyhad. They tend to be loners, and they often don’t raise their own childer -- so they (often) lack a mentor/mentee relationship that other clans have, meaning that nobody was there to mentor them in ways to survive, let alone thrive, in political bullshit.
So that means Lettow would be drastically inexperienced in manipulation and bullshit outside of what he’d have seen as a mortal aristocrat, and would also probably be way less tolerant of political bullshit than other Kindred. He doesn’t have Dominate to help him. He doesn’t have Presence to help him. Just a magic bird, his own shapeshifting skills and what his friends can give him.
Remember that Lettow became Prince because there was literally nobody else available. He said so himself that he basically stepped into the job because there was nobody else -- he was the one that killed the old Prince (and in a rather extra way, no less) and there were no other Elders in the area.
Plus, by this stage, Aila was dead and he wanted to hunt down her murderers. Or, if I have my timelines incorrect, she was in torpor and therefore vulnerable and in need of protection.
What better way to do that than with the resources a Prince had at his disposal?
I don’t think it’s a complete coincidence that he stopped being a Prince on the same night that he finally confronted her killer.
TL;DR --
Lettow doesn't trust the Courier as much if their relationship with the Camarilla isn't great.
Lettow underestimates Julian, and doesn't think he's a threat at all, even though it's almost certainly Julian that drew the SI to Tucson like flies to honey.
By the end of the story, Lettow is deeply depressed, apathetic, and on the border of succumbing to torpor and ennui himself because of that, and so literally doesn't care enough any more about bringing Julian and the Courier to justice.
Unlike other Princes, Lettow is from a clan that typically is separate from all this political bullshit, has no social Disciplines, and had a motive to be Prince in that his lover was dead and he wanted to find her killer with any resources he could get to be at his disposal. So I truly believe that while he may feel the need to be manipulative from time to time, he truly did want just what was best for the Kindred around him.
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makeyourdeanabi · 4 years
Finale Reaction- 2 months later
In the wee hours after the Supernatural Finale, after tossing and turning in my bed, I got up and wrote this... this was before I was actually active on Tumblr and I never thought I would share this because I was too self conscious.  I deleted it shortly after I wrote it because it brought me so much pain to relive it.  I have since watched the Finale again and have come to terms with it and I felt it was a good time to share my thoughts. I hope that my words may bring other people comfort who feel the same way.  Thanks for reading :)
P.S. Sorry so long, I was feeling things and the words just kept coming and coming  ___________________________________________
I don’t blog.  Never in my life have I sat down to tell the world about my feelings in such a manner.  I may contribute on message boards and social media comments, but I never thought anything was worth my time to spill my guts into the ether when I am near certain that not a soul will read them.  But here I am.  I have to write because if I don’t get these thoughts out of my head, I am going to go full on insane.
That ending was bad. It was a disservice to the 15 years of an incredible show that was not only genre bending it was cultural norms bending.
I could mention the various tropes that this ending (and the previous episodes) invoked, but I am not well versed in them and would never want to do anyone a disservice with a comparison that wasn’t apt.
The buildup up of each character arc and then the glaring lack of conclusion for said character arc was laughable.
To say I am disappointed is an understatement.
To say I am heartbroken is an understatement.
I am destroyed.  
I am destroyed that the two men who have been with this franchise since day 1 wrote and directed an episode that they thought was the perfect ending. They thought this is what their devoted fandom wanted.  
I am destroyed that the lead actors signed off on this script and went so far as to call it their favorite.  I realize Jared was the only one calling it his favorite episode. Jensen admitted he had reservations about the episode and needed the wise words of creator Erik Kripke to accept it. I do have to say that taking the word of a man who left the show 10 seasons ago and hasn’t been involved in all the plot lines and inner workings since season 5 is probably not the best idea. I could be mistaken about the extent of Kripke’s involvement, but I am fairly certain that I am right in my assumptions.  
Dean spent 15 years (probably more) of his life feeling unloved, unworthy, self-conscious and convinced that his life had but one purpose and that purpose would ultimately be the death of him, and he had made peace with that.
He is given a best friend, potential love interest, who helps him to see that he is more than that, so much more than that.  He is selfless, he is caring, he is a lover, not a killer. His friend’s soulmate’s sacrifice is the catalyst for him believing that all these things are true. He even takes the step of admitting out loud that he knows he has changed.  He knows that his life is worth living to the fullest and appreciating what he has every day and honoring those they have “lost along the way.”  
To then kill him during a routine hunting trip in which the boys are up against a vampire nest they could take down in their sleep.  What could possibly have been the purpose for that?  To show that once they were no longer God’s little play toys their lives were expendable?  WHY?
Dean, arguably the greatest hunter in the SPN universe, was taken out by a fucking rusty piece of rebar, and instead of trying to call for help and get the man to a hospital (not sure it would have helped) he has his final monologue, the one he has been due for the latter half all of Season 15.  He died scared, in pain, and sad.
Dean goes to heaven, and its not the heaven we have been told of in the past where you are living in your memories.  Its truly life after death and its wonderful. He meets Bobby again and told that various people in Dean’s and Bobby’s life are close by.  His parents live down the road.  His father, who was never confirmed to be but was most likely an abusive bastard, lives just down the road with his mother.  Wonderful. (WTF?) He gets confirmation that Cas is out of the empty and he smiles, nothing more.  He sees baby and goes for a drive, not to find Cas and thank him for his ultimate sacrifice, but to just drive.  I like this part because we see a happy, content Dean, and we finally get to hear Kansas’s “Carry on Wayward Son” (DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE LACK OF THE ROAD SO FAR AT THE BEGINNING OF THE EPISODE). I just wish Dean’s path to heaven had been a little easier on him.
Dean deserved better.
Castiel, the selfless angel who just wanted to find purpose in his life and ultimately found it in death. He dies never being told that he is loved, after countless times of professing his love to his found family. The angel who sacrificed himself to the Empty, a horrible place of unspeakable torture, to protect the man he loves.  A man who, mere days later (in my mind anyway), arrives in heaven after being killed in a gruesome accident, rather than fulfilling his destiny that Cas fought so hard to protect.  Some sacrifice. It turns out that Cas is saved by the Empty from Jack, but we don’t get to see his joyful reunion with Dean, the man he loves.  
Cas deserved better.
Sam is left to live this life without his brother, and potentially the love of his life because the writers couldn’t be bothered to confirm Eileen’s re-existence after Chuck’s rapture.  He has a family, and he grows old (mind you with REALLY bad makeup in a show that is known for their incredible makeup/special effects departments).
He seems to be happy, but you can tell something is missing.  We come to see that he raised his son to be a hunter.  He raised his son in a life that, at the outset of this show, he was desperate to get out of and live a normal life.  Perhaps he no longer believes that anyone can live a normal life knowing what is out there. *EDIT* Looking back I don’t believe he raised his son to be a hunter, just gave him the tattoo in case.
He names his son Dean, because of course he does. He has a wife who we see from a distance and is never given the clarity if it is Eileen or not.  He finally dies after what looks like a slow and painful illness and is sent to heaven.
In heaven he meets up with Dean.  This was lovely.  The two of them meeting again after so long, for Sam, that is. Dean only had to seemingly wait for a few hours.
Sam deserved better.
For a show that had the potential to go out on a historically significant high, this is disappointing, to say the least.  The story had the potential to end with 2 brothers who have sacrificed so much and saved so many people, find a happy ending.  Not only that but find a happy ending with a deaf partner and a gay angel. If that isn’t breaking barriers and bending norms, I don’t know what is.  I really would like to know what prevented this from happening.  Be it the CW from restricting them or maybe the absolute lack of originality from the writers, I am curious as to their reasoning. Maybe it was COVID.  Maybe because they couldn’t have those two actors physically on set due to protocols, they didn’t want to shortchange them by having them appear otherwise: disembodied voice, phone call (DONT TOUCH ME) or even a flashback… hell STOCK FOOTAGE! I don’t know and I clearly can’t imagine the reason.
I realize that there is nothing that can be done about this episode now and that accepting it and moving on is really the only way forward.  But the legacy this show has left, and its lasting impact on me and my life, cannot be ignored.  I was looking forward to indulging in past episodes of this show for the rest of my life. It is going to be a long time before I can watch an episode without anger and resentment towards what I know to be their eventual end.  That, to me, is unforgiveable.  
I don’t expect anyone to actually read this because I do not have any followers. I have never blogged in my entire life and was only recently introduced to the online fandom, but I needed to write this.  I needed to share the impact that this episode had on me.  I do hope that it does reach those in the fandom that may have similar feelings and are able to use my words to help express how they are feeling.  We can move on, and we will move on, but we need to do it together.
I know that there are people who, if they read this, would shake their head in disbelief that I became so emotionally invested in this show that watching a bad ending would take such a toll on my mental health.  
To them I say, imagine this… The Pittsburgh Steelers (my favorite team, they can imagine their own) have an incredible season.  A season where they saw a myriad of highs and lows. Veteran players making incredible comebacks, rookie players coming in to their own.  Season ending injuries that lead to the next man stepping up and contributing in ways they weren’t sure possible.  Now imagine they make it to the Superbowl and after 3 tough quarters, in which they played their best, getting better with each quarter, they lose it in the final minutes.  All that blood, sweat, and tears for nothing.  Now imagine that was their last season and the Pittsburgh Steelers are no longer an NFL team.  They are done.  No “we’ll get ‘em next season.”  No “it’s just a game and there is always another one”.  Just done.  Their entire franchise, for a brief moment in time, reduced to those final minutes where they failed to win.  Devastating. Of course, in the long run that is not what they will be remembered for.  I mean, after all, they have won 6 Lombardi trophies, and no one is taking that away from them.  But the sting will remain for a while. *EDIT* This was as close to prophecy as I will ever get, the Steelers did all of the above until the playoffs, but THANK GOD, there will be another season.
If I can’t make you understand with a sports metaphor than I will never make you understand.  
I love this show and this loss is devastating.  I do hope that it is remembered for more than their last-minute loss.  I hope it is remembered for the joy and acceptance that their fandom felt with each episode, for the laugher on set and the gag reels. I hope it is remembered for the individual players who gave it their all. I know it will be, but for me personally, this sting is going to last for a while.  
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vicsep7250 · 5 years
And so, at the end of the base game of KH3, on Critical Mode, I have died and "lost my game" a total of -
104 times.
If you would like to see what caused the number to grow so big, check it out here.
If you would like to take a look at my thoughts of the game, as a game to play and as a story to experience, I'll put this under a "read more" when I'm on PC bc I'm probably gonna write a lot.
KH3 and Critical Mode as a game to play.
First things first, I want to mention and make clear I have not touched a console KH game in about 8~10 years - the last game I ever played without 100% completion or on Critical/Proud Mode being the original Kingdom Hearts 2. Obviously from what I'd played long ago pales in comparison towards 3 and the mechanics.
The floaty combat and system felt comfortable and right when I played the game, and in times where I died it never felt like it was bc Critical Mode was kicking my ass bc of the other games jank difficulty spikes. All of my failures and deaths were all bc of me making mistakes and not understanding the mechanics at those times, which is different from the other games in series (or so I've been told and made to understand). In comparison to how other games had arbitrary and ill-attempted "ultimate" difficulty settings, KH3 did it right with it being a test to the series veterans with muscle memory from prior games, and allowing new players (technically me in this scenario) a fair chance at a hard difficulty to start and test themselves if they so choose to.
I know I'm probably not stating anything new from other reviews and analysis of the game and Critical Mode, but I wanted to reiterate this point anyhow.
Kingdom Hearts 3 is a fun game that balances it's difficulty with the player's skills and understandings of its mechanics. It's a fun game to play if solely to just play a game, and that's great to me - it can allow players to just pick it up with no care to the story if the don't care about it and just invest themselves into the gameplay.
KH3 as a story to the audience.
The Kingdom Hearts series is well know for its outlandish and incredulous story of "hearts and light and darkness", one that has been nit-picked and over-analyzed to all of its faults, mainly the writing and ret-conning of the plot and characters and everything. That is still relevant here even in the finale, in the ending where everything about the story and characters and plots are meant to have properly developed and brought closure to the audience with everything in the series and/or franchise. Bc we can't have proper development and closure to KH now can we coughseasaltriocoughKairicoughXehanortsmotivationcough?
3 follows the lore and story telling method that Dream Drop Distance has with focusing on this games story and plot points, and having a Glossary and Spark Notes tab for the points that reference or are directly involved with the previous installments. This is still a good way to allow player new and old to pick up the game and play it when they either have little to no experience with the series, or if they have experience with the series (either recent to KH2.8 or in my case from the OG KH2).
While the characters were given the obvious tropes that they blatantly forced fed us with most cutscenes (Trinity Trio dissing on Sora [pls dont do this the boy could suffer serious damage and mental breakdowns in reality], Kairi and Lea being cool chums, etc [IcouldbemakingthisupIdunnoitfeltlikeit]) it also had potential for more Actual character development between the characters we followed and grew up with.
It also ruined any potential for Xehanort to have some redeeming qualities as a villain but naw, just the usual cliche "The world sucks and Im gonna fixit by killing it" motive.
Naw das cool, totally wasn't this loafty goal of finding the truth about the series Namesake that we all thought he was going for, or for shits and giggles and experimenting with what ifs and whatnot back in BBS. Nope. Just an old man yelling at clouds... honestly kinda ruined the mood for me.
All in all KH3 followed the same story telling pattern that DDD has, and how if it was the first game of the series you played you didn't really need to play the others like with 1 and 2. Still have some questions about the series but eh, ces la vi.
My Thoughts
Honestly as a whole, I loved the game. Sure there were moments where I needed to stop and keep my cool, but playing on Critical Mode made my week playing it. It was a challenging and fun experience to play through.
The whole retconning of Xemnas and the Seeker of Darkness still left me disappointed despite the new and little character development they had (making me believe SoD and Xemnas are weird homunculus of Terra and Xehanort as different people) and the Plot Device for the final fight just sucked as was bad, no sugar coating there, but I'll still keep this game and everything within close to my heart.
Growing up and living my life alongside this series, I'm glad I was able to experience it all the way through from start to finish.
I may not have played all of them (BBS and DDD) but I still learned and experienced the story and characters in however way I can, either with other playthroughs or through Everglow's videos and such, but my love for this series will never die. I hope everyone gets to have these same feelings and experiences with whatever games they play, to reach some level of closure and finality, and to have fun and enjoy their stories with all the good and bad.
If any of you were keeping tabs on me and my run, I'll be going on a New Game + Lvl 1 run so you can expect that in the future. If I can, I'll find a way to stream it, but if I cant then I'll just be doing live posts like my original run through.
Here's to the future and what it may hold, for Square, the franchise, and to all of us who waited so long for this story.
May our hearts be our guiding key, got it memorized?
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klance-fic-central · 7 years
My Top 10 Favorite Klance Fics
So, I promised this a week ago for hitting 200 followers, then thanksgiving hit and while I was at home I have gained almost 200 more followers. Welcome to all of you new beautiful people and I apologize for the delay on this and answering asks. I’m working on the asks that I have and I’m going to post them after I finish finals. So, if someone wants to ask for recommendations, do it now and I’ll answer them all in two weeks.
This list will be in reverse order so my favorite fic is on the bottom. All of these works are amazing and if you haven't seen one, I HIGHLY recommend you read them. A lot of them have been recommended on here before, but this list will contain works that are in progress because I love them so much. Well anyway, here’s my top 10 favorite klance fics. 
10) From Across the Platform | By: foxsmouler | Ongoing | 107,008 words | Mature 
On one seemingly normal day, on his commute to work, Keith notices a rather eccentric-looking guy across the way on the opposite platform, they make awkward eye-contact and suddenly everything in Keith's life changes. Keith doesn't like change.
A.K.A a story about how Keith reluctantly learns to have faith in mankind again.
This fic is almost entirely fluff and its the greatest when you just want something sweet instead of angst. Its a modern fic and is worth the read when you need a pick me up. A lot of the later chapters, I feel, can be read as one shots. So, if you find that you want to stop reading its easy to do. 
9) Dear Keith | By: Redjay27 | Completed | 71,995 words | Teen & Up Audiences
Keith receives a mysterious note in the mail. There's nothing written on the envelope but his name. When he reads it he learns of some guy named Lance who is writing to Keith to tell him the story of how he messed everything up. Lance is distraught after he is left all alone after his big screw up. To ease the pain, he writes a letter to a made up person...or so he thought. Keith was just a name he picked randomly but when mysterious drawings start appearing in his dorm room, depicting scenes that he's written about, he starts to think Keith might not be just a figment of his imagination.
I love this fic, but had one problem with it. I wasn't a big fan of the epilogue, like at all. If you read everything, but the epilogue its a fantastic piece, but because of the epilogue that's why it’s a little lower on this list. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, just didn't like that epilogue. 
8) Web of Sins | By: charlotteXOyates | Ongoing | 70,791 words | Explicit 
Stripper!Lance AU: Keith is a hardworking college student who is devoted to spending all of his time studying to become a pediatrician; so it sounds ridiculous to him when Shiro and Matt suggest he's working TOO hard. After a bit of peer pressuring, they finally convince Keith to check out a gay strip club called "The Web of Sins" in order to relieve his stress.
At first he goes just to make them happy, but upon meeting a seductive young man who just so happens to be the club's most popular stripper named Lance, he begins to get drawn into the Web. Only, Keith has no idea what sort of demons lie hidden in the twilight that is Lance's past...and he has no idea how closely they follow.
Your mistakes create a web of sins around you, and once you're too caught in it...you can never escape.
...not on your own, that is.
WARNING: This fic starts out relatively light-hearted and cute, but if you didn't look at the tags(you should ALWAYS look at the tags), let me warn you now that stuff will get significantly darker, eventually. I promise that none of the dark stuff is ever glorified; this is not a kinky story. This is a story of two boys trying to overcome the dark past, together.
So, this is an ongoing fic not a lot of people know about and its so flipping good. The first part just finished up, but this fic has so much potential and I just know that the author is gonna do an amazing job with this. It’s one of those really good smut with plot stories that are actually insanely good.
| By:
| Completed | 55,526 words | Explicit Keith has been at a loss for a while now. His job is terrible, his passion for photography has waned, and his pseudo brother has moved to some little town and keeps insisting he visit.
Fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff with a little tiny bit of angst. 
6) There’s Trust in These Wings | By: zeerogue | Ongoing | 134,258 words | Explicit 
For generations the Ice Masters of Altea and the Fire Masters of Ko-gane had been warring over the lands that divided them until a new enemy in the west rose to power. Uncertain of their chances fighting two wars at once, a treaty is made to end the battle between Masters and have them join as allies. And what better way to become allies than through marriage. Keith trusts Prince Shiro's choice in marrying the Altean heir, and if anything was to go wrong, he has sworn to protect the third Ko prince, but the Alteans seem to be more dangerous in diplomacy than they ever were on the battlefield. Luckily, Princess Allura has a protector of her own who might be the only ally Keith has in his new home. Even if he is insufferable.
This is such an amazing story. It’s ongoing, but its 100% worth reading as it’s released. 
5) A Cradle of Flesh and Bone | By: bffimagine | Completed | 70,773 words | Mature
He was born with a misshapen, malformed heart. They tried to fix it, but the complications left him with the kinds of scars that meant he wasn't expected to survive until his thirtieth birthday. He's still got dreams--one day, he would be a doctor--but someone has to give up their heart for him to make it. Sure, he was sick, but he wasn't down and he certainly wasn't out for the count.
At least, not yet.
Keith Kogane was the star of Altea University's medical school. He was destined to be the greatest surgeon of his generation, and probably for generations to come.
Well, until he dropped out, anyway.
All I can say is, keep tissues next to you as you read this, you’ll need them. 
4) Hearts Dont Break Around Here | By: klancekorner | Ongoing | 51,714 words | Mature
Keith chuckles softly at Lance’s faded face in the old photo. He was still a little chubby, couldn’t be more than eleven years old, but nevertheless had his arms slung over the shoulders of two pretty, giggling girls. The smug grin on his face is dazzling. Keith wonders how Lance, to this day, manages to make it look so believable.
Or, Lance and Keith have been best friends since first grade. Lance’s brain is always on overdrive and Keith’s blunt, realistic ass can never keep up. They both come to realize that sometimes you can learn a lot about loving yourself by loving someone else.
LET ME TELL YOU, you have to read this. If there is one fic that I would tell you to seriously read, its this one or Lion’s Chain. That’s all I’m gonna say, go read it and you’ll see why it’s this high on this list. You will not be disappointed. 
3) Follow My Lead | By: klancekorner | Completed | 114,261 words | Mature
Becoming “hook-up buddies” with Lance Sanchez was just supposed to be a small, insignificant fraction of Keith’s life. But of course, things don’t work out that way at all.
aka a Friends w/ Benefits AU that nobody asked for where Lance wears sleeveless hoodies, plays basketball in abandoned parking lots, and follows his dreams, and Keith comes from a high class, reputable family who never let him have any dreams of his own. They go home with each other and don't expect it to matter until it totally does.
Keith POV and Lance POV
This fic, my lord, I have sinned. This is easily the greatest smut with plot fic out there and at this point I’m sure many of you have read this. Honestly, I almost put it in the number two spot, but I didn’t only because I read Let Me Catch My Breath first, that is literally the only reason. It’s a modern AU with rich boy Keith and aspiring Basketball player Lance. God the heartbreak is real. Klancekorner you are the goddess of fanfiction in my eyes, keep it up. <3
2) Let Me Catch My Breath | By: Smiles4Voltron | Completed | 228,919 Words | Mature
So, Lance has to fight five champions of an alien race to save Keith- wouldn't sound too hard if he wasn't blind from an injury at that very moment. Oh, and did he mention that if he doesn't defeat the five then Keith is given to them like some prize? Some delicious little prize that they will most likely do whatever they please with?
Left to fend for themselves, blinded and injured, two unlikely Paladins must work together to survive. Tensions get high with horrid creatures, a determined assassinator, and their growing attraction to the other. So, both a frustrating tension and sexual one, huh? Or could you consider those the same thing?
So, this was one of my first Klance stories. I joined the fandom in like February this year and this was one of the first fics I read. Obviously it holds a special place in my heart, but it’s a beautiful piece. Its a crash landing scenario on an alien planet gone wrong in my opinion and its great. 
1) Lion’s Chain | By: Luna_Vulpes | Ongoing | 241,680 words | Teen & Up Audiences
Keith is returning from deployment overseas, officially released from duty in the military. However, his first stop back in the states isn’t the place he expected to be - the funeral of his military partner Miguel McClain. There he meets Lance, the younger brother of the fallen soldier, along with the other grieving members of the McClain family. Unsure of the next steps in his life and unable to separate his military and civilian life, Keith looks to the one place he can even consider home - the family Miguel loved and left behind.
Using group therapy, meeting new people, and becoming closer with the McClain family, Keith tries to put his life back together and live past the tragedy of losing his best friend. In turn, he grows a bond with Lance and realizes that maybe Miguel was right along - the two seemed made for each other.
This is my favorite fic for many reasons. The writing is beautiful, but the best part about it is the journey. The emotions this fic will make you feel and just the journey this author takes these characters on is a fantastic one. This is one of those fics I see update and I drop everything I’m doing. It’s worth the wait for each new chapter and god I just love it so much. 
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Episode 1.1 - This Game is Rigged Against People Who Can’t Read - Vi
The two tribes, Awashima and Hiroku were pitted against each other in a game of Hostile Harai. After a relatively close battle, Hiroku pulled ahead and won a 10% challenge multiplier in the next immunity challenge.
At the immunity challenge, the tribes battle each other in a game of Semantris that led to victory for Hiroku, beating the other tribe even without the score multiplier needed.
At Hiroku, the winning tribe, they celebrated their win and continued to form relationships, though no alliances had yet formed. Emma ventured into the expeditions and found the Awashima hidden immunity idol and was given the option between leaving the idol in place or gifting it to a member of Awashima. Emma opted to gift the idol to Adam with the note: “Can’t wait for merge! (heart) PH.”
At Awashima, bonds began to form and take control of the vote. Katie, Rachael, Rodrigo and Josh in particular began to formulate a plan to vote out Lauren for being the most inactive member of the tribe. Lauren had other plans, wanting to target Adam for similar reasons. After some discussion of idols with Rodrigo, Katie and Rachael opted to vote for Adam as well. At tribal council, Lauren was voted out 7-3 against Adam, who kept his immunity idol in his pocket.
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“im either first boot or i win no in between”
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“Omfg VI IS PLAYING I LOVE HER SO MUCH THE LOML. Also nikias has such a cool energy”
“All of my chats so far are with the men, I think I’m too intimidated by the pretty girls??”
“Fuuuuuck Katie is playing?!?!?! 😭😭😭😭 SHES TOO GOOD SHE GOTTA GO”
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“Minding my own business and praying these people never witnessed Svalbard🙃”
“When you rejected Katie for prom and she comes for you in your DMs”
“Katie is gr8. Josh is gr8. Really just vibing tbh”
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“I'm so glad that on my tribe I already have previous good relationships with Regan, Katie, and Vi. Marc is pretty great too. I feel good so far woooo. also prayer circle for Olivia I hope I get to see her in a tribe swap or something”
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After receiving a bonus in the immunity challenge: “guys look at me win!”
“im going to see if i can trick jay into thinking i want to work with him till f2”
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“whyyyy am I so awkward hahahahaha ha ah ha abaaghhhhhhhhh”
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“this game is rigged against people who can’t read. Someone save me”
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Olivia goes on an expedition to Mt. Ishizuchi, where she must climb 100 steps to reach the top. After 15 minutes she completes the task that reveals no reward with this to say:
“Are you fuckin kidding me 🤬 Wtf guys 😐😑”
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“I legit message every single person on this tribe and i tried to communicate with them, however nobody messaged me first which makes me low key a little paranoid. Is it the fact that i am too excited to get to know every one? or could it be that some people feeling comfortable alliance? we shall see, at thee moment i don't really believe there is one or if it is there would be of players that have play together before, but i haven't notice any one who would know someone else in my tribe. At the moment, i have 0 game talks i am trying to talk to people but i don't wanna approach people and make them feel that i am playing too hard too fast so i just wanna get to the first steps of getting to know them and then build of an alliance. I feel like the people that i would like to bring in a potential alliance at the moment would be Olivia, Abby, Zach (so hot btw) and there are people that i wanna work with based on interviews ( Cori and Ally) but they haven't give me anything yet too to make them feel that i could work with them, idk i don't really enjoy being the only one who is asking questions and try to lead a convo and that's why at the moment i haven't be able to see if i could potential work with them. My biggest concern mark is Constance, i enjoy talking with him and he seems like a gamer and i would like to work with a gamer but there is something in me that feels that he could make a move later on very unexpectenly”
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“Ok so I’m doing well with aly, nikias, em, and corinda. Abrielle too but I’m more wary of her bc of her Svalbard connections. Hopefully I can make a ladies alliance happen within the next couple of days naturally. Odd and Sam aren’t giving me anything and Constance is a wildcard bc I know his history”
“Also I forgot to say I also know jay from the other tribe I hosted an org that he won : o. Him and Vi were close so I imagine they’ll be paired up by now. So that either gives me an opportunity to join them as a third wheel or it could take away vi as my potential closest ally. Vi played my first ever org with me :’)”
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Abrielle went to Mt. Tsurumi in Kyushu where she received the voting coin for boiling water 
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Olivia goes on another expedition to the Kojima Shrine. She luckily went during low tide, and was able to claim the Protective Crystal which blocks the next vote cast against her. “Oh fuck yeah”
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“forgot about the great soybean massacre of 1586″
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“So far I feel as though I’ve made some decent connections on this tribe even if they are minimal. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know so many fresh faces but depending on how we do in this challenge, connections unfortunately can not overlook performance as a tribe unless you work it to a certain degree. I do hope that several of my tribe members can help us pull the win for this challenge because I am not doing so hot!”
“The only concerns I have on my tribe are Em and Olivia because they know me from Tumblr and didn’t really like me all that much but I won’t say anything and just let life work it’s course. If I don’t delve into the past and let it linger it’ll only fall into their blame if they use that as their leverage if they target me later down the line. My main goal is to ultimately create friendships in this game and even if they decide to speak with me (Em hasn’t) that’s all that truly matters to me. Because ultimately, I don’t dislike anyone regardless of what anyone says. 💘”
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“Honestly having immunity is really important, we get a taste of the twist be with zero affection towards us and it could allow us to be more prepare in the a future tribal council. Also you need time in this game and especially at the beginning, i am hoping for the win at the moment.”
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“Here u can start seeing Rodrigo in his natural habitat: Forming relationships, talking to people. This is what Rodrigos gameplay is about. He creates relationships strong enough quickly to be able to slip by. Now Rodrigo plans, this season, to take his game one step further and actually transition from a social game only to a strategic game too. Is it too early to rock the boat? We shall see next time in... MYTHOLOGICAL SURVIVOR NO MIKOTO!!! also I find it really funny that I already told like what 5 people I have their back: Josh, Rach, Vi, Katie, Marc. tobe honest this 5 are kind of an ideal 5 for me to align with but with Marc wanting to bring Jay and Reegan idk tbh but the way things are looking it may come down to Adam or Lauren but tribal is only on Monday so theres a lot to play out. Well something else I do feel kinda bad throwing Adam udner the bus to Katie and it really has nothing to do with our past history its just how the convo developed that led to me saying tha”
After being exiled Rodrigo sent this: 
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“I don't like who i'm with. I want to be carried but with almost all new people to me, I gotta try”
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Olivia goes on an expedition to the Sado light house, rewarding her with a 3 hour exile from her tribe. Her tribe is not notified of why she was removed from the chat, prompting speculation about what happened. 
“captain’s log #49. Fred the squirrel has crafted a boat and left the lighthouse sooner than I. I feel defeat creeping over me. I’ve been here for 10 minutes and I’ve tried every which way to let my tribe know I didn’t desert them, IM NOT A TRAITOR. I even changed my pfp in the hopes someone would catch on. Guess we shall see. IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE”
“Catch me taking down notes on who sweetly tried to contact me. That’s who imma vibe with in this game. Constance, nikias, corinda, Abby :]”
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Emma took an expedition to Honshu where she completed a challenge to find the Awashima hidden immunity idol. 
Chose to gift the idol to Adam with the note: “Can’t wait for merge (heart)! PH.”
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After being given the idol by Emma, his only response was: 
 “PH hmm”
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“also heres a thought. I'd LOVE to get rid of like Reegan next if we go to tribal but the thing is the following: with us voting Lauren this vote I kinda need to play it up for the public. I dont want people thinking I am a meninist. Because I am not. so if Lauren does go this round. I think a MAN will need to suffer the consequences. Its what they deserve to be honest. Peace.”
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“Going great! I got a little advantage and we’re immune. I think im making good connections? I’m trying not to be too much like I usually am like I’m holding back”
Olivia went on another expedition to Lake Kamo on Sado where she broke a fishermans oyster trap, resulting in her being exiled from her tribe until she had collected four buckets of oysters. 
After almost 40 minutes, Olivia completed the task and was allowed back to her tribe. 
“I don’t even get a reward for all that 😭 I’m just sad now”
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“I have really been trying to up my social game more than any other game I have been involved in. It may seem like a little too much, but at the same time, I really want to emphasize what I said I would do and that is make genuine friendships with people and do what I can in order to move myself forward in this game. Even if it may cost me my opportunity to win, I at least know that I went out of this game knowing I created a connection with each and every person in someway. 
With that said, I think that the idol searching mechanic shows how hard someone is trying to find something because it ultimately catches everyone’s attention if you get something negative like being exiled from your tribe or whatnot.
I’m not quite sure what this game has in store for me and I don’t expect to accomplish much when it comes to challenges so I hope to bring my socially adaptable techniques into my strategy for the long haul.”
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ddcassiere · 5 years
10 tips for Buskers
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Before we proceed with tips for buskers I want to announce everyone that our saturday appointment with Fat Jesus - Time To Bleed Robot, 40 songs for 40 saurdays - is coming back tomorrow! 
I’m very happy about the reception of this project that was supposed to be addressed only to few individuals spread around the world... I checked the download section and numbers of downloads are growing every day.
Thank you!
For the ones that havent downloaded yet any Fat Jesus’, here is the free link containing the first ten songs:
Time to Bleed Robot Vol I
Now, to us. These tips come from my personal experiences and mistakes. I dont intend in any way make you believe that this is the truth, but thats for sure my truth. 
Hope you find this post useful, weather you are a busker or not..
Keep a diary. a diary of what you played in the last set, a diary about who you met on the street, a diary of what happened. The street is things happening all the time and it might be healthy for your psiche to write down things. If not to hold grab of an overwhelming sequence of encounters, at least to have something to read one day, to remind you how crazy and lively and heroic this all was.
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busking in Prishtina - Kosovo
A busker is an ancient figure that deserves respect. It takes guts to put yourself and your music at the mercy of anyone who happens to pass by. The fact that you are doing it, in my opinion is already worth esteem. Dont ever be bothered by the ones who dont listen, or that look you down. You are playing for yourself and for those who are into what you are playing. The others, let them walk away. That leads us to point 3.
The best way to enjoy busking is to do it in a friendly environment. If the shop owner, the tenant of the nearest building, or the buskers around you, complain about the volume of your amplifier, or about the music you are playing.. well you have to move somewhere else. It wont do anybody good to elbow your songs where they are not needed/wanted. 
In my opinion the best pitch for playing is where is best for you. In few years I have seen many buskers playing in super loud spots, cranking their equipment over the noise in order to profit of the high number of people traffic. This is not my cup of tea. 
It pays much more to be somewhere quiet with only few people going by. It is more satisfying for you to enjoy the sound of your show and it creates a better and more intimate link between you and the listeners. The city is yours, go and find a place where you feel good energy, where is quiet. It can be few metres from the loudest and crowded main street and it might be exactly what you were looking for.
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In Istiklal Street, Istanbul
This is not an easy advice but it’s a true one: never close your eyes. I have been robbed few times, mostly in Europe. And it’s not funny to see your money going away after few hours of playing. If you are, like me, one of those who falls into a trance-like state while playing, you will learn how to reach that state and keep your eyes open. You will not be entirely awake, transported by the power of music somewhere else, but your open eyes will discourage cheap thiefs from your cash. It seems impossible at first but you will make it work eventually.
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great singer, she. Prishtina, Kosovo
Before making your way to the busking experience, learn as many tunes as possible. So that you will be able to change your set as much as you can. I didnt do it enough and at a certain point of my journey, I was playing the same things over and over. If you have the chance, stop for a few weeks and renew your set. This will be good for you and for everybody around. 
This is the most important advice: be friendly. Be nice to everyody. Especially to the ones that annoy you, drunkards asking for you to play wonder wall.. police officers and so on. Be good to the other buskers, be good to shop owners and anybody that is around you. Busking is an act of love and courage and it can work only under the condition that there is no spite or rancor in you heart. Let it go or be dragged.
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Wroclaw, Poland
It’s difficult, if not impossible, to be an artist and to conform. But a dignified and proud way of presenting yourself will give you the chance to connect to a wider audience and to enrich someone else’s life with your music. Be yourself but also dont forget that light travels faster than music. It’s not by chance that Jimi Hendrix or Bowie  would give as much importance to their music as to their dressing style. They are both means of beauty and you want to use them all to achieve a moment of awe into anybody who is passing by. 
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Again Wroclaw
You are on the street to present your music and to connect to your potential audience. One of the mistakes that I made in my years of busking is that I barely promoted my name, doing it only in the last few months of busking. I seldom used socials and I just cared of having a good time, selling few albums and make my day. 
As beautiful as it is, it’s not as satsfying as keeping your fans updated on your projects. Inspiration is triggered by feedback. It’s a tricky game to be played with vanity but it’s not by blinding yourself to this game that you will overcome the trap of playing what people like the most. So, my advice is: don’t be shy to advertise your name with a piece of paper that link socials. Make people enter your journey, share your dream and your everyday life. If not for your career, this can inspire others to follow their own dreams.
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Great guitar player, she. Sarajevo, Bosnia H.
My last advice is about magic. Have your own luck routine. Each busker has some. Mine was that I would tip myself 2euro before getting started. Some would have his coffee to go. Others would have other strange rituals. Choose yours and repeat it everytime before you start playing. It will make you company in every busking session and it will give you courage like an amulet. Never underestimate the power of magic.
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Try bycicle busking! It’s healthy! Porto, Portugal.
That’s all for today. I hope that this post inspired you to walk your own artistic path with courage and joy.. See you next friday!
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Love Love Love
0 notes
appleschloss · 8 years
My friend, @princesscas just hit 10k followers recently and I’m soooo proud of her and I wanted to make something but I didn’t even know what to make.
And then this came to mind. SO.
Just for you, to celebrate, here are some random and semi-crack headcanon/AUs!
(all Destiel mind you)
(this is kinda long so under the cut)
-Furry AU! 
Where Cas is a fuckin adorable ass, famous Fursona who goes to tons of cons and no one knows who he is and Dean went to like a Comic Con deal with Sam (this is like normal verse so no demons) and Cas is there and he’s like, intrigued, never seen a furry before. For some reason (insert reason here) Sam knows of him, cause maybe Sam’s gone to like anime cons and gaming cons with Jess and Dean ends up like idk. END GOAL = they date and Dean is Cas’s handler and Cas always acts hella cute around dean.
They’re cats. All of them. Nothing changes beside that everyone is cats.
-Check, Please!AU 
   **Dean = Jack
   **Sam = Shitty (they are separated at birth - JUST DONT QUESTION IT)
   **Bobby = Coach Murray (or other Coach)
   **John = Bad Bob (badass best hockey player ever)
   **Mary - Alicia (obvi - probs played women’s hockey before. Badass actress/model)
   **Cas - Bitty (how fuckin cute am i right)
   **Jess/Jody - Lardo (either go with Shardo ship or like more personality based????)
   **Kevin - Ransom
   **Charlier - Holster (we’re ignoring genders here. Also bros for life)
   **Crowley - Dex (cause he’s usually kinda high strung)
   **Gabe - Nursey (cause he’s chill) (also he and Crowley would totes fight)
   **Chuck - John Johnson
   **Garth - Chowder
   **Benny - Tater
   **Michael - Kent Parson
   **Luci - Fry Guy
((I warned you that some of these were crack. I ACTUALLY LIKE HAD TO REARRANGE THAT THO))
-Transformers AU
Dean and Sam are like Sam Witwicky (maybe they’re twins. Or they just, alter the plot of the 2007 movie to two people) and Cas is Bumblebee and Bobby is Optimus Prime aaand Crowley is Megatron and Gabe is Jazz (cause Jazz dies xD) Chuck is the AllSpark ummmm Ruby is Bone Crusher and Lillith is Star Scream aaand Garth is Ratchet and ummm Samuel Campbell is Iron Hide
(is it bad that I didn’t have to look up any of those? like the Transformer characters)
   Cas is Bella. Dean is Edward. Idek about the rest. Bobby is probably Carlisle. Who would Jacob be? Maybe Crowley?
-Craigslist!Modelling Job AU
Dean is at a party with Charlie and Benny and a few other friends and they play Truth or Dare (”Guys, this is college. Why are we playing this?” - Kevin “Because it’s fun! Or are you just chicken?” -Charlie)
Dean gets dared to accept one random ad on craigslist. Charlie takes him to a random page.
This is the ad that catches his eye.
“Need a model. class project. i can’t pay much but i can get you pizza and drinks.”
Cas is the photographer. It actually is for a class project. Cas doesnt act flustered but he’s totally blushing during the shoot. Dean gives him his number. You know what happens next.
   Cas goes to Gabe’s bachelor party and Dean is a stripper and gives Cas a lap dance and Cas was like so against coming to here cause he’s a Good Boy™ but he gets so like turned on and hot damn Dean is sexy.
Dean slips Cas his number and they go on a cute coffee date and Cas just like isn’t sure how to act because “I’ve seen you naked already?? And you totally knew I had a boner?? What are we??”
Cas is Michael. Dean is Trevor.
Bam. Best AU.
Cas is a cute ass blogger who does random collabs and travelling videos and occasionally does silly cooking stuff. His fans love him because of how genuine and like happy and smiley and just a really sweet guy. Does lots of charity work. His best friend Charlie is on sometimes, and his brother Gabe is in sometimes too when he comes for visits he loves to hop into the background and be like “YOU BETTER KEEP THIS IN THE FINAL CUT.”
Dean wanted to record him rebuilding Baby from the ground up one time and Sam edited it and made it more like a timelapse and told him he should put it on YouTube, so he did, for shits and giggles, and people really liked it. So now he does timelapses of him deconstructing and cleaning/reconstructing guns. As well as cars and other mechanical work. He’s done a few tutorials and Q&A’s. He also has a second channel, that he didn’t tell him main channel about, where he posts videos of him playing the guitar and singing covers of his favorite songs. (He keeps his face out of them).
Cas and Dean probably meet at a VidCon and become good friends.
They start dating and don’t ever announce it, but the fandom ships it so hard because of how cute/flirty they were at the con. They start noticing that Cas is wearing what appear to be Dean’s shirts, and some fans are in denial, and they ask both questions but they always just shrug it off.
Until one time, Dean wanders into one of Cas’s vlogs in only flannel pajama pants, holding two mugs of coffee, and hands one to Cas, gives him a kiss on the cheek with a husky. “Morning sunshine.” 
They start posting cute ass couple pictures after it and its just so cute.
Dean is either a marksmen or a martial artist. I can’t decide. Gabe is a sports photographer and Cas is a professional ice skater and he follows Gabe to one of Dean’s things and they end up talking after cause Gabe is at his interview after (he won gold obvi) and Dean was like “I liked your routine.” and Cas is like “You know me???” and Dean says Sam always loved the ice sports and because of Sam he took a liking to ice skating and he skates sometimes but he thinks its really cool. (Sam is olympic volleyball player as a side note.) but they exchange numbers and hang out more and watch Sam play and its hella cute and they kiss.
Cas is a famous singer and Gabe is his quirky brother. Anna is his manager. Dean and Sam get hired as bodyguards. Dean and Cas hit it off and try *not* to date but they totally do.
Also Sabriel. 
They have to hire new bodyguards. Anna hates them. (not really, but she’s like “For real guys??”)
Jody gets hired. She’s badass. Charlie is Dean’s best friend and dying cause he is dating Cas, who she loves. Also Kevin is Sam’s and like is also jealous.
Bobby’s their adopted Dad.
(long ass name ik but this is a random fuckin idea i thought of years ago and will never do anything with so i’m going to do my best to explain it here and share it with you)
SO. Heaven and Hell went to war, the world got *wasted*. A lot of angels fell and so did demons and their powers have been like diminished. The world is a wasteland and divided into segments and the demons kind of run the place and segments. The angels hide.
Dean and Sam are reincarnated. There is minimal food in this world and because of things and whatever, everyone drinks blood of various degrees to stay alive. Like they dont need much, but they need it. (If you’re rich, you have a lot of blood. It does make you stronger, but you can be fine with minimal).
Blood is also a currency. Animal blood is included in this, but its worth less than human blood.
So. Dean and Sam lost their parents early on, and Dean has always been caring for/fending for Sam. He gets caught stealing books, which are like rare as fuck but he hated that no one was reading them and he felt they were being wasted. (He was going to return them. He was a quick reader. He didn’t think they’d even miss them)
Anyways. Sam goes to jail. The price to free him (cause either he’s a repeat offender or the demon is like Alistair/another demon who recognizes their souls and ups the price cause they can) is like 4/5 liters of blood. Human blood. Sam tells Dean not to pay for it, he’ll be fine, but Dean pays with his own blood of course (cause thats how the whole human blood thing works. Rich people can pay in other people that they own but like you pay in your own blood normally).
Dean is like hella weak after this and tells Sam he’s fine. He takes a day off of work but his arm (where he cut himself) gets infected and like he gets really pale and collapses a few days later. 
Sam packs up all of their stuff and takes them to a miracle healer he’d heard about through the rumor mill.
Surprise. It’s Cas. And Gabe is with him.
Cas freaks out, cause they thought Sam and Dean were dead. Gabe stops Cas from telling him, tho, and like they heal Dean and Dean gets like a frickin flashback while he’s unconscious and being healed of like his previous life.
Also they have a horse named Impala. It was their fathers and its like the only thing they really own besides their tiny shack.
At some point, they get their memories back. They become friends with Gabe and Cas and like, maybe find some of the other fallen angels, and potentially even Crowley and like, do something? That’s all though.
That was more than I thought it’d be. And some of them actually got serious lol.
I know it’s not a lot but I hope they made you smile and just, congrats Mandy! Happy 10k!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
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survivorkochang · 6 years
Rites of Passage
Here are Anna Janes and Tobis’ Rites of Passages!
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Anna: Cullan! Aka Mercury! Man you were a trip, ok I just opened our messages because a lot has happened this game and I’m having a hard time remembering everything. AH, so I really liked Goodman and you wanted him out over Jayden and I hadn’t talked to Jayden a lot so I wasn’t down for it. Then I think you went for Mitch who was my ride or die and I wasn’t gonna have that. Then there was controversy of “who said Goodmans name!” but regardless, I think if you got further you would have been sooooo entertaining! I wish you nothing but the best and hope you continue to play orgs!
Tobi: Different tribes and we never talked but sorry for your early boot
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Anna: Hi! I didn’t get to meet you this game :( 
Tobi: Hihi so actually louise and I both knew you were leaving no matter what and we just voted with you so that our relationship in BAR wasn’t affected and it didn’t really matter in the end bc I flipped anyway LOL
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Anna: Hi! I didn’t get to meet you this game :( JK but wow were you inactive lol, i mean you were in like 5 games and I’m sure Seamus forced you to play/wouldn’t let you withdraw your app so thats probably why LMAO uhh yeah i’m glad you were inactive because you scare me and i think we totally would have butt heads. Your vote out was pretty simple because tobi had got screwed over by his OG tribe and was looking to come over to my side, and you weren’t there so it was really easy. You’re an icon and i’m sure if you were active you would have easily made merge
Tobi: Hey sistur yes I did throw you under the bus and I apologize because it was either you or me and I didn’t want to leave so ya hope ur doing okay tho <3 icon
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Anna: oh goodman, how i adored you. It was so obvious this was your first game and i really wanted to just tuck you under my wing and bring you to the end with me LOL but i think you had a hard time keeping secrets…. Like you told Frankie about the plan to blindside him and leave him out of the 2 tribal fiasco and i was like GOODMAN WTPPP but you were so sweet and genuine with me. I think once you get a hand on these orgs you’ll totally be able to rock them out! 
Tobi: Different tribes and we never talked but sorry for your early boot
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Anna: a LEGENDARY MESS wow, so like i don't know where to start, it was so funny because we hadn’t even had a conversation yet and you created an alliance with me nicole and mitch. I would like to THANK YOU for starting that alliance because with that, came the me/mitch and nicole alliance that lasted LITERALLY all the way to like f7. But the way you talked to me in the alliances was just very demanding and made me feel icky. I don't rly love being told what to do and in these games i will pretend like i’m following the orders of the people who are doing the demanding just to like boost their ego but in reality im just gonna do my own thing and do whats best for me. The minute u were like really demanding towards me was when i was like ok yeah this isnt gonna work. I like alliances to be a team effort and everyone can speak their mind and do what they want and idkkk it just wasn’t that in ours which is why i flipped on you. You’re truly an icon though!!
Tobi: Okay like noah fence but like you didn’t save me during that f14 tribal I saved myself by my own efforts and u kinda just tried to use that as leverage LMAO but I appreciate ur somewhat help <3
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Anna:  Jayden! So you were an easy vote out at this point because it was 3-3 i believe, so it was me u and nicole. Zach was very controlling and i was doing the thing where i like pretend to listen to demands. I knew you were an easy vote out and you leaving wouldn’t impact my game later on so i allowed zach to pick you off. I knew that voting with zach would give me some trust with him so i figured why not, IM SORRY LOL but ya that's why i let you go. You’re a super cool guy and i had a lot of fun during the endurance challenge
Tobi: We didn’t get to talk much but you seemed really sweet and like I hope you’re doing good!!
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Anna: oh BOY. first of all you were ROBBED of jury and that is terrible, the hosts should be shunned for that because that was gross. But zach, i enjoyed every conversation we had and you are SO charming. Unfortunately i could see right through it all because i've played too many of these games. I’ve also played with ppl like you so i know how you function LOL omg that sounds mean but like, you were playing like someone who needed control and needed people in his pockets and the way you did that was charming them and being very on top of it all. Does that make sense? The minute we had one world and i could talk to agus he said “zach is controlling my tribe, he has dylan/bo and jones in his pocket” i was like okay i understand. I had to allow myself to seem like someone who was less than you so that you didn’t see me as like a bigger threat than you. So i did that, i voted jayden out. I pretended to give you idol guesses etc. i couldn’t give you all of my trust because i knew that we could NEVER work out together. You were the leader of your tribe and i could be seen as the leader of mine. So if we had gotten any further together, it would have been an all out WAR like could you imagine??? AND i had an idol and SO DID YOU like we were going to go head to head at some point. So when the move presented itself i knew i had to take it so that i could gain the trust of the people that were in your pocket and remove a huge threat to my game. You leaving was so beneficial to me omg, i got jones as an ally from it! But anyway, my gosh are you a great player and i don't think i got to ask about your org history but there is NO way you havent won a game before. You are strong and well spoken and again SO CHARMING like well done, i’m sorry i had to blindside u lol but jones told me about your idol and she told me that you were catching on to me and like wanting nicole out so i was like it is time!! I hope ur doing well and i wish 1 day i could be as cool as u tbh
Tobi: Oh Zach, sorry for playing you as hard as I did but I was planning it ever since you and dylan lied to me at the double tribal thing and I reveled in getting revenge hehe…  I flipped wayyyy back at f14 and started to plan to take you and dylan out ever since then and it worked hehe but you’re definitely a cool guy and we had some awesome convos it was just a shame that the double tribal went the way it did but alas it was fun!
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Anna:  :( i don’t know what to say. I was very transparent and honest about your vote out because you are such an awesome person and i value you very much. I do think if you weren’t taken out at this point, it would have been bad for me. I think u had allies in places i didn’t even know about and you are very strategic and just a smart person. Im gonna be honest though and say the main like nail in your coffin was the way jones was pushing me off of you, so in these games its important to separate relationships and like not be obvious about who you DON’T want out. Which is why i dont think many people knew mitch was my ride or die. Maybe because no one really wanted him out so i didnt have the opportunity to campaign for him? But the way jones was campaigning for you to stay was very very intense and made it very obvious that if you had stayed, i would be second in jones’ mind. So voting you out allowed me to become super close to jones and allow her to rely on me more than she would have if you had stayed. I guess you could credit jones for your vote out LMAO because like at first i was fine with going for bo over you because we are friends and i adored you but then jones was like crying and freaking out over you leaving so i was like yaaaaaaaaa sorry friend
Tobi: Ok hi so like we had like one conversation the entire season and you didn’t bother to message me back so that’s on you…  Anyway like if you read zach’s rop you’d know the reason that I flipped was because both of you lied and expected me to be okay with it (which i obviously wasn’t then yall got merge boots lmao) and on TOP of that you throw me under the bus to louise who was the only person i could have a sense of trust with at the f14 tribal… like you reap what you sow sis idk what else to say bc that combination of actions really set me on a mission to take you and zach out xo
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Anna: BO!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW you were honestly one of my favorite people in this game because you were so entertaining holy shit like the definition of a messy player, if they have a messy player season than wow are you ON IT. so your vote out was really funny because i was moving into my apartment so i was NOT online. I actually thought there was a chance that i could get voted out at that point. So the whole time i was like yes we can go for david its fine lets do it no problem. I had the votes and it was going to work out but THAN YOU OPENED YOUR MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You literally went and told david that i was gonna vote him YOU SENT A QUOTE! So then ofc i flipped the switch back onto you and it was no problem but oh my gosh if you had just not gone and told david the plan you wouldn’t have gone home! That move 100% was the reason you received my vote, i hope u play more games because you’re such a character and i had a lot of fun playing with you even though you made me want to rip my hair out at some points
Tobi: You’re a sweet kid and you did good for your first org but you also shot yourself in the foot at your vote out… like literally you weren’t the one who was supposed to go… david was but you HAD to tell david about it which made zero sense considering that vote was between you and david lol… but i dont really hold it against you since im sure you were trying your best hehe!! Hope you’re doing good and you play in more orgs!
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Anna: i would like to thank u for ruining my potential perfect game (im writing this before FIC so hence potential) r u d e. BUT my love for you extends so far it could reach where you live and come back to where i live and go back and forth 20834324320842 times. You have been a close friend of mine since JPORG but unfortunately this game we just weren’t on the same side of the tracks. And unfortunately, my side had more people lol but yeah your vote out was simple. We went into that challenge knowing that if you lost, you would go home. If you had won, david would go home. I was lowkey really nervous when you started to like pitch against me lol but i really knew that 1 of the people on my side would tell me so i could idol so i wasn’t like waste my idol nervous if you know what i mean. But i adore you, you’re a scary player and the minute i saw your name on the cast reveal i thought “oh no” because you play like i do, you aren’t afraid to be the big dog and you aren’t afraid to make the moves you need to make when you need to make them. I could sing your praises for days Agustin and you know that.
Tobi: Yoo like i liked talking to you and all and we were on the same page for a lot of the season BUT in my plans to get revenge on zach and dylan i aligned with a group that sadly didn’t include you in it but yeah it was really fun playing with you and omg i LOVED when you called me out in tribal like that was so fun and i really enjoyed it!!
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Anna: david, david, david. Your vote out was the craziest and most intense tribal of the game for me. It opened my eyes to so much and allowed me to really dig deep and see what i had to do to get further. So we connected since the beginning and i made sure to watch out for you BUT i saw you as a threat. I saw you as someone who could beat me at challenges and i knew from the beginning of merge that i had to pick off the people that could stop me from winning mandatory immunities. So with that in my head AND the thought that you would be the first to flip on me in the u/me/mitch/tobi/nicole alliance, i knew that you had to go sooner than later. So you found out about nicoles idol and jones and tobi both told me. And then you WOULDN’T tell me who told you about the idol so i went to mitch and was like “hey david told me you told him about my and nicoles idol” even though you didn’t just so i could bait him. It worked, he admitted it. THAT MOMENT WAS CRUCIAL TO EVERYTHING OH MY GOD but yeah i knew that tobi and jones were with me and tobi did NOT benefit at all by voting out nicole. Thats what i dont think a lot of people understood, ya’ll kept trying to pick nicole off to get at me but tobi’s only win con was sitting next to nicole……. So thats how i knew he wasn’t going to do that all the times ya’ll tried it. But yeah, i told you i was voting you out and you know i adore you as a person. I think you’re a bomb ass player and you def gave me a run for my money lol
Tobi: Hey bud so like i know i played you and mitch pretty hard at your vote out and like it was absolutely nothing personal but it was kinda obvious that you and mitch were closer to together than you were to me so like working with you two wasnt super optimal for me and like taking you out helped me achieve a few things like taking out a challenge threat and it threw mitch under the bus which let me last another 2 rounds so like ya that was my thought process behind it and I hope you’re doing well 
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Anna: mitch. My GOD did you play me good. You were in my DMs saying how you want me to win and you are so dyingly loyal and blah blah AND THEN YOU FLIPPED ON ME BUT NOT ONLY DID YOU FLIP ON ME BUT YOU FLIPPED ON MY TOOOOOO EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh, 
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i think of all the ppl that were like GET ANNA OUT GET ANNA OUT u were the person who i think could do it. But regardless, you were my person in this game. Like yes nicole was too but nicole wasn’t online enough to rly RLY be my person that i strategize with and talk to all the time. Like i told you all of my plans and we made moves together. I would NEVER say you were in my pocket and i can honestly say sitting at f3 that i don’t think you were. We were a team and we made moves together. We made plans together, we got the idols together. You and me did this together and i will never take that for granted. I had SO MUCH FUN playing with you mitch and becoming FRIENDS with you and really getting to know you. Our friendship is something i will take away from this game and i am so happy about that. You’re a bad ass mitch, thank you for playing this game by my side
Tobi: Lord like honestly our relationship is so rocky KJHLKJ like im gonna be real and say like I lied maybe a lil too much BUT it was for strategic reasons and letting david go and letting you take the hit for it really let me get through a few rounds with one move and like I also apologize about your own vote out like okay honestly i was already pretty leaning towards voting you out already but then when aj told me you wanted to vote me out (a plan which neither you or jones told me about) really sealed the deal and like i also was in a peculiar situation because nicole is the only person I have a real chance of beating in that f5 so it would've been really dumb for me to vote her out so yeah okay like i always feel like i wanna work with you but our plans never seem to work with each other KJHLKJ but i definitely hope we can work together if we meet each other again!!
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Anna: jones, im getting exhausted writing all these but i really want to like be genuine and honest in all of them so here we go, I adore u wow, u are such an honest genuine soul that i know is seriously going to do amazing things in orgs and just life in general. Like i told you, you remind me of myself when i first started playing (which is a good and a bad thing LOL) but you are intense, you are confident in your game, and you are powerful. You should be proud of the way you played and excited for the games you play in the future. Your vote out was actually wild because at no point at all was i ever considering voting tobi out. So you were FLOODING me with messages, emotional intense messages that made me want to rip my hair out. Because you were telling me you weren’t gonna vote tobi, and then you were, and then you weren’t again and i was so confused because your ONLY argument with me was voting tobi out because i told you i was never ever going to vote nicole. NO ONE SHOULD EVER HAVE WANTED TO VOTE OUT NICOLE FOR SO MANY REASONS. But thats neither here nor there lol but yeah you were very aggressive and i was sooo taken back by it. It pretty much solidified my vote for you because tobi wasn’t begging for his life lol which like shows me that YOU were going to fuckin woop my ass at FIC and give the same amount of effort that im about to give to it, like girl you did the logic puzzle for 3 HOURS!!! you just dont give up. You would have fought tooth and nail to wipe the floor with me at that FIC and you cant deny that! But yeah, the begging and the emotional messages def helped ensure me voting for you. AND THEN FUCKIN NICOLE WASNT ONLINE. So this is actually wild what i did here and im sorry in advance but she wasn’t on and i knew me and tobi were voting you so i went to you and was like yo…. Tobi doesn’t have any votes against him you should make him join the votes club OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT AND YOU SAID YES SO MY LITTLE DEVIL BRAIN WAS LIKE YES BITCH 2-1-1, if you voted nicole it would have been fire making and nicole would have possibly lost. It was genius, it was cruel and i am sorry but i had to do it……… tobi knew too!!!! Ok im tired this was dumb i hate ROP, i adore you, you’re gonna kill muxloe but my one little snippet of advice is to NOT invest yourself into these games in an unhealthy way. I know this from experience because when i first got 4th my first game i SOBBED, the second time i got 4th I SOBBED the first time i got 2nd I SOBBED the second time i got 2nd I SOBBED and like when i say sobbed i mean it tore me up and i was mad and sad and just hurt emotionally so i GET IT. i get it, but its not good for your health!!!! Like once i learned to stop playing like that it helped me soooo much (it took me literally until this game sooooooooooooooooooooo im trash but still) I LOVE U JONESY GUACEY POOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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Tobi: Ahhh jones you were honestly a joy to talk to and like I really enjoyed working with you!! Especially on that vote where we successfully flushed nicole’s idol which was honestly like 200iq stuff KLJHKJ and I feel like I came into f5/f4 being like the second least likely person to win with you and AJ being the most likely to win so at f4 the pressure was really on me because it was a choice of definitely making final tribal council but probably losing or having to work so much harder to make final tribal council but also having a real chance to win… and in the end i did what was best for my  game and i’m glad you understood that… but highkey i felt so bad that you voted for me bc if you voted for nicole you legit would’ve put firemaking into play KJHSDF but anyways it was really nice getting to meet you and know you hehe
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Anna: I love u with my whole heart and I hope ur okay, I had to write this very fast so I can’t write it how I want to but just know I’m so appreciative of you and am glad I got to know you through this game
Tobi: hihi so like i really do appreciate everything we've done here together and like i really enjoyed our talks and stuff but you just went inactive (for personal reasons which i understand) but like you getting removed at f3 completely fucked over my game LKJHDSLFKJHA but like all that's really important is that you take care of your own stuff okay hehe luv u beecole <#
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What's the best car insurance that gives good coverage, good service, and will be cheapest if one has had a minor moving violation in the past 6 months?""
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I'm 17 and I have my drivers license. My dad says that I can't carry passengers because our insurance doesn't cover them and won't allow it. However, I find it absurd that there's a insurance policy that prevents you from carrying passengers. Does this exist? I understand that you are not supposed to carry passengers until after 6 months, but he says I can't carry them AT ALL not his rule, its the insurances rule an excuse?""
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Is it worth attending the speed awareness course or does this not matter to the insurance companies.
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Someone at fault with no insurance suing my insurance?
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Where can I find cheap insurance at 17 years old with car modifications...?
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We live in Minnesota, we're a young couple, newly engaged with a 5 month old son. We were working on getting Minnesota Care. Our son's coverage was suppose to start Dec. 1 and my fiance's coverage was suppose to start later. We just received letters stating we make 275% too much!! We don't know what to do. I am going to school so I am still covered by my parent's insurance but my son needs coverage. Where can I find something affordable but that has good coverage?""
Auto insurance question -- Florida?
My daughter can't really afford the insurance on her car; it's a 2003 Jetta and if she keeps it she will probably have to do a certain amount of repairs. Right now she has full coverage but is considering dropping the collision to lower the cost. If, God forbid, she should get into an accident without collision coverage, could she sue the other driver to repair or replace the car? Would she be likely to be successful? I am not hopeful of anything like that happening, believe me, but you just don't want to lose your investment especially if you have spent a lot on repairs. Thanks in advance for any insights.""
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Can anyone recommends a good and cheap car insurance in CA? Thanks
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My top 2 are: The potential to abuse the 'preexisting condition' to deny treatment. and The difficulty in being vested or retaining a policy when changing jobs or temporarily unemployed.
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Speeding Ticket Insurance Rates?
So recently I received a speeding ticket. Because I'm a minor when I went to traffic court the judge told me that if I went to traffic school my ticket would not be reported to the DMV. So I went to traffic school and passed and all that jazz so my question is whether I report this as an incident when I look for insurance (I'm looking at motorcycles for when I go to college) even though it does not appear on my record. Thanks Guys.
Are we required to have insurance?
We live in Oregon. We have a Blazer that is just sitting in our driveway not being driven. Our insurance doesn't know about it. My husband thinks if we insure it for a month the insurance will require us to insure it always even when we stop driving it just because we own it. Is that true?
Not sure how much condo insurance to get?
I'm in the process of buying a condo, and I need to have condo insurance set up. However, I'm not really sure how much insurance I need on a condo. The homeowners association covers everything on the outside, so I would only need to cover walls-in. This is what I've come up with after doing a quote: Contents Amount: $50,000 Building Property Coverage: $15,000 Condominium Loss Assessments: $1,000 Deductible: $500 Earthquake Deductible: 2% Personal Liability: $300,000 Medical Payments to Others: $1,000 The condo is selling for $125,900. I really don't have a lot of furniture, and what I do have is all hand-me-downs. I have a four year old, so all the furniture and stuff that comes along with having a kid. I don't have really nice jewelry. I have a 32inch hd tv, computer (i paid 150 for it, so nothing fancy lol), and a kindle fire, wii....that's about it for electronics. I want to make sure I have enough coverage if something happens with counters/floor/walls/etc, but I don't want to be unnecessarily paying a high insurance bill. Any suggestions? Also, is earthquake or identity theft something that would be good to add in? I live in Iowa so earthquakes aren't really an issue...but is that one of those you never know, so at least you're covered things?""
Are there any penalties for tricking your car insurance company?
My friend has been living & working in NYC for the past 5 years, but she's been telling her car insurance company that she never moved from Georgia to keep paying low rates and she never changed her driver's licence from Georgia to NY. But she drives her car here in NY every day so how did she manage this? If they found out would she get fined or anything?""
San Juan Bautista California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 95045
San Juan Bautista California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 95045
What is insurance like on an 02-05 VW GTI 1.8t?
I'm not looking for exact rates, just trying to get an idea if the insurance will cost more than normal because it's turbo. How would insurance compare to something like a 95 Accord EX 4 door?""
""Are 4 door, 4 cylinder Honda Civics cheap for auto insurance?""
Are 4 door, 4 cylinder Honda Civics cheap for auto insurance?""
Cheap car insurance for new drivers?
im 23 years old and about to take my driving test, IF i pass i'll be needing car insurance which i've noticed is very expensive. and tips or websites that are good for people in my situation?? i've put the excess up but its just too much! any help will be good thanks""
17 Yr Old Car Insurance?
Im 17yr old MALE and insurance is stupidly ridiculous 8,000? my best quote is 4500 Churchill are Idiots, theyll insure me on 1 car but not the other. Ecar seems to be the best so far. Can anyone give me a good insurance company for FULL UK licence holders. And tell me how much you pay""
Used car insurance?
If you get insurance for a used car, will they still fix your windsheild?""
Where can i get cheap auto insurance for an 18 year old student with a mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i cant recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
Health Insurance for my son?
I need a low cost health insurance plan for my son. I live in orange county, CA and I DO NOT qualify for medi-cal or healthy families. I make too much money. I do not need health insurance for myself because I can still be on my parents insurance until im 25. My work also does not offer health insurance.""
What steps are needed to obtain a license to sale Insurance in the State of California?
I have a college degree, but just had a baby and I'm looking to obtain a license to sale Insurance for when my son gets older so I can have a flexible schedule. What is the process in the State of California to obtain a license to sale Insurance? (car insurance, business insurance, home insurance, etc.) Is there a seperate license for each kind of insurance? or does one license cover all of them? Also, what are the steps to obtain a license? Any information would be great! (also, how long is the process of obtaining a license?)""
Car insurance for a 16 year old in miami?
how much do you have to pay monthly??year??
Car insurance extremely high?
i am 17 i haven't bought i car yet, and i have not passed my test, but i have tried to check how much my insurance will be once i have passed my test, i have done checks on small cars e.g vw polo, corsa, Nissan micra's etc but i have not found a quote under 1,700 i cannot afford this price, is there any cheaper insurance companies, or am i just going to have to save up 4 a long time.""
Can car insurance companies check if you drive another car ?
if you get a car insurance quote and you say you have access to another car in your information is there any way they can check ? I have just renewed my car insurance and noticed that it was cheaper when i said i had regular use of another car. The thing is i do have use of my brothers car but im not an actual name driver on the insurance. My brothers car is fully comprehensive and thinks that anyone can drive the vehicle. Is this true ? i dont get how my insurance company are going to catch me out if im driving my brothers car without any mention of my name on his insurance
How much would insurance be on a Pontiac Grand Prix GT or Grand AM GT for a 16 year old boy?
I'm getting my license soon and was wondering how much insurance rates would be for a 16 yr old boy with a Pontiac Grand Prix GT or Grand AM GT
I am 20 & not getting insurance?
for some reason I do not get insurance cause I am 20(over 18/the age limit) why is that? my parents don't get insurance also cause of the income thing but, my brothers and sister(ages 14,11 & 6) get insurance. But why can't me & my parents have it? it's not fair or right for me & my parents :(""
Sue other persons car insurance company!
I was hit from the back while sitting in traffic and the insurance company did not pay to fix my car. how would i go about suing that insurance company and what do i need?
Credit life insurance?
My mom passed away in sept. of cancer. She had a $100,000 balance on her mortgage loan. Now I just recieved a letter stating that her credit insurance had gone through and a check had been sent to her mortgage account number. I have never even heard of credit insurance, does this mean the remainder of her loan is gonna be paid off??? If so I am in shock.""
How much does u-haul insurance cost?
How much does u-haul insurance cost?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old?...?
Im 16 about to be 17. My mom told me she doesnt want to add me onto her insurance plan and she wants me to have my own, whatever. How much would it be for a 17 Year old to have insurance under his own name, living at home with a parent [Westchester, NY] is the main question. any help? first car is going to be a 99-00 Honda civic si""
What medical insurance will cover me?
i'm 19 years old no medical insurance i'm in city college part time but my parents aren't an option.i'm also an LPN BUT ONLY WORK PART TIME AND CAN'T GET JOB INSURANCE i noticed i was growing excessive facial hair and irregular periods was dx with PCOS i would like to seek treatment for it what medical insurance company would cover it seeing that i was already dx if any?
""Health insurance, pre existing condition?""
what is the difference between a pre existing condition in health insurance and pre existing condition exclusion period. im reading from howstuffworks, health insurance but still confuse. i understand employer waiting period. here is the link for pre existing condition http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance12.htm here is the link for pre existing condition exclusion period http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance13.htm""
Can you register and buy a (cheap) car with no license or insurance?
I want to know if i can register a very cheap car thats around 2,000 tops at a used car lot and buy it with no problems.What problems will i face isnt it easyier to get a cheap car like this then at a actual new dealer i have no license or insurance do i pick a dealer with in house financing the only thing they will most likely ask for is it to get registered can i do that im paying half down.?im 21 im getting my license in 2 weeks (and no i cant wait)""
Is it legal for the car insurance to be in a name other than person paying the monthly car payment?
My sister's husband passed in November. Their car is in both my sister's and her husband's name; however, my sister can not drive and does not have a driver's license. She wants to keep the car insurance on the vehicle, but to do that she would need to have a valid driver's license. Soooo, she has asked me to get the vehicle insurance in my name using my driver's license. My question is this: Am I in ANY way responsible for anything that happens to/in/with the car if I am not the driver? I use my car and driver's license for work and I can not have blemishes on my driving record or my criminal background""
How long does it take to get insurance for a 50cc scooter?
I am going to buy a scooter soon but as soon as I do I would like to ride it as soon as possible. I can get MOT, TAX within 2 days but I don't know about insurance? How long would it take to get insurance for it and how much would it cost for a 50cc scooter approximately? Thanks for any responses :)""
Life insurance?
Is life insurance mainly to help other people like your wife and kids if you lose your job? My mom started life insurance with us when we were kids and still pays for it. I am 39 and may never get married. Should my mom continue to pay on this policy? I am not real sure what life insurance is for but I don't feel she should continue paying it for me. Please advise me on this.
""Car accident, driving record & Insurance?""
If car accident happended and insurance covered the damage, but at-fault violation is kept off the driving record with help of being first offender, then will it still affect car insurance rate even if switching previous insurance company to other? Do insurance companies share their custmer drivers' information?""
What the best life insurance for a 23 year old female?
i want what best so when something happen to me my girls has the money to buried me nice. I want something that don't go away in 30 years and i half to get another policy. ...show more
San Juan Bautista California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 95045
San Juan Bautista California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 95045
How much money does it cost for insurance if you're a surgeon?
I did research and how much school would cost and how much I could make a year but I know you need insurance too. How much would that cost?
Insurance cost on 73 Camaro for 17 year old male?
So im looking into buying a 73 camaro from this guy i know and i was just wondering what the typical price for that type of car would be... and yes im 17
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
My auto insurance went up AGAIN! I am a safe driver! OHIO mutual is horrible! What is a cheap insurance company? NOT SAFE AUTO>THEY SUCK
How long until you need car insurance??
We are buying a car tomorrow, how long do we have until we have to get insurance..is there a time frame.? we live in California if that helps out any..We do not have any insurance and are planning on buying a used car from a dealership. i tried looking online for quotes but i need the info for the car first..i dont have it..i dont even know which car im getting all i know is i got ten thousand for a car.""
Why has my car insurance quote shot up overnight?
My renewal is on the 3rd October, so I've been already looking around for the cheapest deal. It was up until today 852.09 for 3rd party, Fire and Theft. However, today it has gone up to 1433.07...which is almost as much as last year. I've also noticed that the cheapest insurance provider (the one that provided me with the 852.09 quote) is no longer providing me with a quote, and that it's forcing me to have to go with the second lowest price...but all the other companies quotes have gone up as well... My birthday is next week as well, so I'm wondering if it has gone up to take advantage of the possibility of me having to buy new insurance cover or something? Really finding it hard to find the reason how the quotes can have gone up by so much over-night with no change in my quote information at all :/ My details: 19 Years old Male 1 Years NCB Punto Sporting Thanks in advance!""
Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?
Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?
Whats a cool car with low insurance?
i passed my test in january, i'm 20 years old, what would be a cool car with low insurance, my idea of low insurance is somewhere around 1000 to 2000""
Is it possible to give car insurance benefits to my boyfriend?
Im going out of the country next week, I will not be coming back until the first few days of january. My boyfriend is currently staying at my house and he has no means of transportation. (He is 20 years old, and his car completely broke down--our location is Dallas TX.) I was wondering if it was possible to add him under my father's car insurance plan, with him being a non-family member. ANY information is helpful and greately appreciated. Please, no dumb comments as this is of great importance to us.""
""I was misled by auto insurance company, what are my rights here?""
OK i signed out with all-state insurance company. The quote was $380, the agent faxed me only papers to sign since i was happy about the quote. I asked her 2 fax me the Insurance Id card but she did not(i waited a week). After tired of waiting and being turned down by DMV 2 renew my car registration i called the office and asked someone else 2 handle my case. Things went fine without her help , the new guy sent me the Id card immediately. On Friday i received all the papers & the ID cards but i was suprised when i saw $415 ...i called but didn't speak with her, the guy that helped me B4 was like but you signed the papers, i asked him 2 send me the papers i signed again..and guess what? The psycho lady played me cause, she only faxed me papers 2 sign but not the papers that showed $415, all i agreed was based on the quote she gave me which is $380. She never sent me the $415 papers. What can i do with this cause they are not prepared 2 refund me or fix their numbers""
Car Insurance Question?
Hey all. Recently, a car ran into my legally parked car early in the morning. When I found my car hit, strangely, the other car was still there with their lights on and keys in the ignition. It appeared whomever was driving fled. Fortunately, when the police was called, one of the officers found insurance information for the car that hit mine. We took the make, model, year, and licence plate numbers down on the report. The officers left, however I'm not sure if they are going to attempt to search out the registered owner or not. Guess I could call to see if they are or not. Anyway, I then had the other car towed away and mine towed to a nearby auto body shop. They gave me a preliminary estimate for repairs. I then used the car insurance that was found in the other car, called and filed a claim. The same day the insurance I called had an insurance adjuster/appraiser come look at my car. They considered the damages to notably exceed the first estimate, and considered it 'totaled'. Now, the other car's insurance is attempting to contact the registered owner. They mentioned that if there is difficulty in reaching the owner, the insurance to blame may deny making a reimbursement/compensation payment for my damages. Should I contact the police to see if they've investigated the person? I then later called my own insurance and notified them of what happened in its entirety. Now...if my claim is denied by the at fault person and their insurance, is their any consolation for me? Shall I hire a lawyer and sue in small claims or civil court (for damages/rental car/lawyer fees) since the damages estimated are borderline ~$5,000 +/- 1,000? Could this be a successful alternative if their insurance refuses to help me out? Or should I bite the bullet and go through my own insurance...risking an increased premium for something that was not my fault? Thank you for any advice.""
Does she have to pay the no insurance ticket?
My daughter just completed her drivers ed class so I let her drive to school. she was stopped and ticketed for no license and no insurance my car is covered and current. Q does she have to pay the no insurance ticket
How much does it cost to fill up a 2008 Chevy Malibu and how much is the insurance?
How much does it cost to fill up a 2008 Chevy Malibu and how much is the insurance?
""I hit my friends car, they dont have insurance?""
I accidentally hit my friends car with my truck and it's pretty damaged. I apologized and said id call the insurance company. They said no because 1. The car.is up for repossession and 2. Because they don't have car.insurance! They supposedly went and got a quote to fix it and it's $1,200. They want me to GIVE them $1,200! I refuse because this is why I have insurance. What do I do?""
How much would car insurance cost for a 19 year old with a v6 chrysler 300 2012?
Please help me!
""Affordable health insurance that includes dental, is 80-20 & is around $60 a month?""
I'm on my parents' health insurance right now only because I was living in the house & going to school & that's going to be ending at the end of this month. So I'm wondering, what's a good, affordable health insurance that has a low deductible, a dental plan, covers the CVS MinuteClinics (though I guess I can live without that), they cover 80%, I cover 20%, & HOPEFULLY no more than $60 a month?""
Has legislative push for affordable insurance been cut short in the u.s congress?
Has legislative push for affordable insurance been cut short in the u.s congress?
Can your auto insurance increase after you already got a quote and pay downpayment?
my auto insurance already gave me a quote and check my license everything and offer me 1800 for 6months then after july the agent called and said the underwrite said to increase the quote to 2200? can your insurance do that? after you already paid down payment? thanks
Whats the best multi car insurance company?
I live 5 miles from work. got a great driving record and i own 3 plus cars one daily driver the others i only drive not even 3000 a year just toys i like to keep im single and sick of pulling insurance off and on just to say id rather just pay a decent price to cover them all my daily driver is like 250 and my van i havnt even drove this year they want the same along with another 300 for a truck. Is there a insurance company that realises im one person and collectors plates mean i barley drive these things! please only respond if you have more then one car insured and have tryed a couple diff companys
Senior life services insurance company?
Has anyone ever dealt with senior life services insurance company, and if so , Good Or bad results. Some insight please?""
Is there a car insurance company that only ask if you have any convictions within the last 3 yrs instead of 5?
Is there a car insurance company that only ask if you have any convictions within the last 3 yrs instead of 5?
Where can I apply for free or low cost health insurance?
Im a poor student that works less than 20 hrs a week. I am a permanent resident (not a citizen). Please help. I think im going to die soon (see my other question). I also live in montgomery county maryland if that helps
What health insurance company would work?
what insurance would be cheapest for a 18 year old female with no health problems?
Which auto insurance is the cheapest? HELP PLEASE?
I'm 16 years old and I want insurance on my moms car. What is the cheapest company to have? help please! I really want to drive and moneys a big problem in my family.
How do I save on auto insurance?
I want to save on auto insurance.....what factors can lower your rate? I need to know things such as an alarm, and kept in the garage, but what other factors can help me getting a low rate? Thanks everyone""
Insurance options for me?
I'm going to be 20 in July. Me and my Girlfriend are having a child we live in an apartment together in Iowa. I am self employed currently, I make roughly $20,000 a year while going to college full time. I was wondering if I can get insurance for myself through Title 19 or any other form of government insurance to assist me and/or my child. I know private insurance is an option too but I want to take advantage of anything I can get free first.""
San Juan Bautista California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 95045
San Juan Bautista California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 95045
Health insurance provided by the state of Florida?
My brother is getting married at the end of february but he said they may have to cancel the wedding because his fiancs health insurance will kick her off if she gets married. Can an insurance company actually do that?
US Maternity Health Insurance?
Hi, I am looking forward to give birth in America so I need to know what kind of Maternity International Health Insurance I need since I am not an US citizen. I need a 1 to 6 months insurance. Can you provide some Companies' names or more info please? Or an approximated price? Thanks.""
What would be the best choice for health and dental insurance?
I' am 22 year old college student in california and don't have insurance. i was wondering if anyone can help me with choosing a provider. i don't really know how health insurance works. but i would like to get something decent thats not to expensive or to cheap, i do want good coverage just in case. thank you""
Car Insurance?
Im Thinkin bout buyin a Toyota Starlet 1.3 GT Turbo, but im worried about the cost of my insurance, im 17, no penalty points, no previous convictions, Cud someone gimme a rough idea, at how much it wud be? thanks""
I need to health insurance but i got laid off work...?
I understand that i need health insurance. Cuz face it, you never know when it's necessary. I've been looking for a job since I got laid off in March. Cobra turned out to be too expensive. What are some low cost health insurances that are good? Since i'm low on cash i dont wanna throw money into a bad insurance company. Are there any programs in California that can assist me? At least until i can find a job.""
Which is cheapest car insurance in new york?
i want to buy a car but i know the insurance of the car is very expensive. I will like to know if there is a car insurance that i can afford.
Will my car insurance monthly payments increase AFTER i rent a vehicle (READ BELOW)?
I already own a 4-door sedan, which I cover with monthly insurance for a reasonable value. Although recently, I had to rent a pick-up truck from Enterprise Rent-A-Car to move some furniture from a friend's house to my place. Upon sigining of the necessary rental documents, the rental car agent and I came across the section about insuring the rented vehicle; as Enterprise Rent-a-Car will always offer their own insurance services, I mentioned to them that I already have car insurance of my own, of which I can look forward to saving the additional $39 which Enterprise Rent-a-Car originally offers. I encouraged Enterprise Rent-a-Car to contact my insurance provider so that both of us can be sure that my car insurance provider will cover the pick-up truck I am about to borrow from them. (Full coverage that is) Everything went smoothly and Enterprise Rent-a-Car agreed to insure their truck under my own car insurance. My car insurance provider also approved of my intention to borrow the truck and cover the said truck using my insurance. Two weeks later came the insurance bill, and to my wondering, I saw that my following monthly insurance payments all jacked-up their prices to one dollar addtional per month! Huh?!?!?! What could have caused this? Could it be the fact that I have had the rented pick-up truck and the request to insure the said truck under my own car insurance resulting to a somewhat considerable claim of some sort? Any opinions or personal experience you may have had? Thanks Alot YaHoO Readers/Responders! A vote comes to the most sensible and brainstormed answer!""
How much will my insurance be when I start driving next month?
I am turning 16 next month and I'm just wondering what the insurance cost will be. I believe I'll be driving my dads Chevy trailblazer which we've had for 5 or 6 years and has been paid off with no wrecks and such. We live in NC. In one of the country parts (not going to give out where I exactly live sorry creepers). I'll only use it to go to school which is like 5 minutes away and work which is right around that same time and maybe occasionally go into Wilmington which is like 30 min away. Thanks!
How much would an insurance premium rise if you has 2 speeding tickets?
Now, I am considering adding myself to my husbands policy(for his car). I went 15 years without a single ticket, and then this past year I recieved two speeding tickets within 6 months. I was only going 5 mph over on one, and 7 mph on the other. Will the agent factor this in, or is speeding, speeding no matter how fast..It was NOT fast enough to be consdered wreckless driving. Neither of us have ever had an accident...(thank you lord!) Alos- How long does it take for tickets to come off your record? And are they also basing premiums off credit? I have good credit, so could that help the speeding issue?""
Does the color actually make your insurance higher??
I have heard this is true...red cars make your insurance higher...I don't think it is true but my husband does. What do you all think? I have looked up quotes and none of them ask for the color of the vehicle just make/model/year...
Ho much for my car insurance? How do I add to moms plan?
I am turning 16 and need to know about the cost of car insurance. Can anyone give me an estimate 2,000 a year??? here is some info: *16 years old * Male *Live in Tampa * Sedan few years old * Good grades * Summer Job *Student *car fully paid *has alarm ant ABS Also my mom cannot add me to hers because she gets a special insurance from her company and you have to be 21 to be added to her plan. So I would have to do my own? I thought legally you have to be 18 to have your own insurance. So does she cancel her company insurance and do different company and then add me under her? Sorry if this doesn't really make sense I am confused.""
How much is an average motorcycle?
I'm thinking of getting my motorcycle license soon, how much would a new Honda cost? I'm talking about the cost of the bike, not insurance etc.""
""I am turning 16 years, and i really want to drive a moped, how much will my annual insurance cost?""
I am turning 16 years, and i really want to drive a moped, how much will my annual insurance cost?""
Cheap car insurance?
what car made after like 93 would have tthe cheapest insurance?
""So, is a MAZDA 3 sedan good for first time driver?""
insurance cost?( 19 and a female, live in sf) my dad could own the car and put me as co owner so that insurance wud be lower..hmm? fuel cost? and the cost of the car( including taxes and everything else) please help!""
Car insurance!!!! HELP?
Hi i have just rung up Diamond car insurance to find out the cost of getting some car insurance and paying monthly! they said i need to pay a deposite of 200 quid and then my monthly payments are 200 quid. In my first month do i pay both the deposite and the monthly payment or just the deposite!??????? xxxx
""How much would the cost of a 2003 lincoln ls front bumper be, and where can I find a bumper?
2003 silver Lincoln LS. Only reliability insurance on the car.
Insurance cost for Mustangs?
I'm 18 and NEVER had a car before. If I get a 1999-2001 Mustang that's used, how much would the insurance be per month? I live in NV if that makes a difference. How much would insurance be if I got a 2005-2006 Mustang that's used?""
Car Insurance questions?
ok i was recently in a car accident , jus a rear end nothing to serious. but the rear of my car is pretty bad. bumper is in bad shape , trunk doesnt open , lights are a bit broken but still work. a guy from the other person's insurance company came to take a look at my car and inspect it and estimate damages. he told me that the car will probably be a total loss. he said someone would call me in 2-3 business days to discuss my options. now i guess i will be paid for what my car is worth , which isnt much prolly no more then a $1000. my question is tho , the guy who came told me that one of my options would be if i wanted to keep the car or not. i want to keep the car , it still runs , it still drives. if i still want to keep my car do i still get paid for the damages?""
I'm auto insured in CA but not in NY how do i get insured in NY?
Hi I have auto insurance in california that's where i live and the car is registered in Ca also. The company that I have doesn't cover my car in NY it only covers for 10 days while I'm there in NY, But I'm going to be in NY for a while I might move there. What do I have to do to get insured in NY? And also the car is not in my name. What Do I DO?""
Whats the minimum car insurance required in california?
Whats the minimum car insurance required in california?
Cheapest SR22 car insurance?
Can anyone recommend which auto place (ex: safe auto, geico, etc) has the cheapest SR22 insurance. I already know there's alot of different variables/situations but i just need an idea. I've only had 1 dui and it was 5yrs ago.""
Car with cheap insurance and cheap to run.?
Can any one advise which car to look for that has cheap insurance , low tax and is economical to run .I dont need a powerful car .""
Can my parents insure my car without me on the insurance policy?
Ok, there's a little bit to the story. I want my mom to sign my car (which is in her name at the moment) over to me. She said that she would. The DMV people said that to change the car over into my name, I have to bring in my I.D. and proof of insurance. I'm wondering if they will switch the car into my name without me being listed on my mom's policy (the ins. car has her name on it.) Will the people at the DMV switch the car into my name, or do I have to have my own insurance, or be put on her policy?""
Insurance for a 17 year old on a ninja 250?
hey im looking at getting a ninja 250r for a first bike. i choose a 250 because it is cheap, cheap to keep up, i could work on almost every job myself, it wont do a wheelie at 90 and kill me, gets 65 mpg highway, and is still as quick as a z28 0-60. what would the insurance be on a little 250 for an almost 18 year old with a perfect driving record, and almost all major discounts ( good student...etc)? i know you cant say for sure but would it be a doable amount since it is just a 250, or is it going way too much cuz im a teen?""
San Juan Bautista California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 95045
San Juan Bautista California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 95045
0 notes
survivorindia · 7 years
Bitch I’m Shook...and I Have a Fucking Idol- Sarah (Episode 9-10)
Operation “Don’t Be A Dick”-Kendall (Episode 10)  
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idk what to say lol. i thought my confessionals were being leaked. still think they are. i dont like talking about game because i dont have any. this should just be a reminder to myself to stop being a neurotic mess. start being confident. stop talking so much. be nice. stroke jordan pines' ego. believe sarah's horse shit lies. look for idol. also eat healthy. i wont win so maybe i should start playing to fuck shit up. good luck to everyone in my path.
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Curse that idol play. We're gonna have to try again to get Ruben out, but since 5 vs 1, hopefully it's simple..
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Dawm and Rubum honestly are so fucking annoying? like cry me a fucking river  [4:15:39 PM] Dommy 🔸: Honestly [4:15:57 PM] Dommy 🔸: This group sucks ass and it's not fair to Regan for me to quit. [4:16:27 PM] Dommy 🔸: So all of y'all petty asses can vote me out. All of you are lairs. [4:16:31 PM] Dommy 🔸: and snakes. [4:17:17 PM] Lexi: wtf
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I’m here to show tumblr that wiki people can play. 
I’ve mended ties with Ruben and got some juicy details on Alex… this shall be a very very fun merge :) Look out Pines :O
Moving forward into the merge, my plan is to first and foremost mend ties with Dom. How do I do this? It will be difficult… really difficult, and I’ll need Ruben to be my middle-man. The first step in that plan was put in motion tonight, with me talking to Ruben and trying to re-establish some level of trust. It is clear as day that he still doesn’t trust me, but that’s a given… I need to vote his way at a tribal to truly gain his trust. If I can get Dom off my back, I just want to fade into obscurity for two to three votes come merge… allow Pines to duke it out with Dom as I ferry between the two sides. During this period, my focus will be on getting closer to Ruben and Kendall. If Dom stills targets me, I’ll look to rally the Shallow Alliance against Alexis or Dom, and begin to talk to Robin. I’m pretty sure I could get Ashley and (hopefully) Sarah in on an Alexis or Dom vote. Jaiden, from what I have heard, appears to be an easy vote later down the line so I have no issue with him staying in the game. I can depend on him to always be crazy… I don’t fear people like him whatsoever. The people I fear are those I cannot get a solid read on, and that’s why Dom is such a fearsome adversary.
On 2/26/17, at 11:46 PM, Ruben wrote: > Gotcha thanks man that means a lot. Honestly as long as Lexi doesn't care idgaf what happens over there lol. I'm just glad I'm getting the chance to make merge in my first tumblr game haha     Cut the “happy to make merge” bs >,> I know you’re a very very very shrewd player… no need to fake anything mate ;o
So my goal going into the challenge was to allow the reward to act as a reason to talk to other players that I haven't talked to all that much... and that worked out pretty well! Ashley and I have been "working together" for reward... mainly just her giving me reward answers and then me giving her one in return because I was under the impression we would tie for first if I gave her all my answers. Then comes along Ruben, who has 20+ reward items... so I give him my entire list without Ashley knowing, in an attempt to garner a little bit of trust and hope he shares reward with me :) Turns out I had three items he didn't have, so yay, I kinda helped!  Ruben is now bound to win reward over at the least Ash, Liam, and I... immunity will be far tighter, but honestly doesn't matter all that much so early into merge. The Nu-Nu-Parvati tribe sans-Ruben should be able to run the table with Sarah and Ashley's help for a bit of the merge.  That being said, I've talked quite a bit with Ruben and a fair bit with Robin. I love them both... more Robin than Ruben, though :P Robin seems fun but a bit harder to talk to, while Rubin seems to be always thinking. My goal in this merge is to have openings with most people for when it comes time to take a stab at Sarah and Pines.  Oh, I almost forgot! I've been talking a fair bit to Jaiden as well. He's a talkative guy... you can really tell he is trying super hard to keep the conversation going and he feels slightly alienated (or at least tries to portray himself as so). He's a person I can depend on to go against Jordan, and Jordan will always go against him before he takes a shot at me.  I am getting ready, talking to people so nobody has a reason to openly gun for me in the near future. Jordan, like me, has been talking to the people that the Shallow Alliance have no interest in talking to (like Rubin, Robin, Jaiden, etc...), but he is coming off as fake to those folk, which plays into my favor 
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I just wanna say that I love the hosting crew this season. As a host myself, I know how frustrating it can be to have certain... things occur. So I am honestly sorry that you guys are dealing with this. I personally love this season and can't wait to see what happens <3 
This tribe has been really interesting. The dynamics were a little hectic at first but things settled down. We have majority at the moment and it's fantastic. I think I have a solid path to make it far unless the majority decides to turn on itself, but there are indeed bigger fish to fry.
So, with the merge comes the Jury, and I definitely have to see how to handle this Jury. My main issue in my entire life has been a social game in Survivor. I ignore people sometimes, and I'm just generally bad at keeping up conversations. Gavin isn't. I am fully aware that going into a FTC with Gavin will be very difficult. And so I have to prepare myself to try and get people to sway more towards my side. That means conversating with Ashley on a daily basis, or Lexi L, etc. Just because they aren't in my end game does not mean I don't talk with them, and that's something I need to make sure I do.
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Well... Lexi just offered me nudes in exchange for safety. I was lonely enough to consider it but then I remembered that I don't want to get arrested for child pornography. It's bad enough with the necrophiliac charges... Where was I going with this? Oh right merge! We merged! I CAN BEAT MY PLACEMENT FUCKING FINALLY!!!!!! I JUST NEED TO MAKE SURE THAT I DON'T FUCK UP! Also I'm trying this new thing called "Socializing" I'm not sure how I'm doing because my austic ass can't read people for shit. But Lexi offered to be my best friend and give me nudes so I'm probably off to a good start. I get along well with my alliance members, I just need to extend my reach to others. This season has been heavily divided by newbs versus returnees and I feel that anyone who can cross the aisle would have a chance at winning. I know I'm on good terms with Robin and I get along well enough with Jaiden. I'm not sure how I'm doing with Lexi and Ruben. Sure they are being nice to me and they wanted to name the merge tribe Bayi Mati but they could just be frenching my ass hole. I try really hard to get people but I don't think I will ever know how to. Still operation "Don't-Be-A-Dick" is a go!
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It's just an assumption as of now but I don't think the returnees want to get rid of Jaiden since he's a returnee. Ruben & Lexi are probably winning the challenges I think, so that leaves Robin and I and from the two of us, it's almost a no-brainer, who would want to get rid of Robin, she's so nice and I can assume that a lot of people love her so I'll be following Dom out of the game most likely. Dustata really was doomed after those initial tribals woo! I'll try my best but it's super blah when no one wants to do anything fun. I don't blame them since returnees have majority, it's easier just to pick half of the newbies off and use us as numbers but it makes for such a bland game.
Ruben not taking me to the cave, REALLY REALLY cute! I'm such a spiteful person so we'll see where that leads. :) Did I want to go? No, but it would have been smart to ask first! I didn't want to go because being too close to the newbies is a huge target and as of right now, I believe I'm close with the returnee villains or at least Jaiden and possibly Jordan but Sarah is allergic to replying back to me. Sarah is also is alienating all her potential jury votes by antagonizing the minority constantly which makes me laugh, not going to lie! Imagine having a huge train wreck of a game like that; I love good TV! If Liam is really dense to the point where he believes his best chance to make it further is to stick with the returnees then we might as well write the metaphorical check to Kendall or Jordan but let's be honest, he doesn't care about the game and he's just here to screw us (the minority) over by staying. I'll be talking to Jordan later and sharing my pitch which is to use me as a vote to take out the large group of returnee heroes or they would have the numbers to take out the returnee villains which is essentially just Jordan and Sarah at this point because Sarah already antagonized Jaiden to the point where he doesn't want to work with her. I think Jordan's best shot at forming something with us would be through me but I have no clue as to how much he has talked to the others. I believe that Ruben or Lexi L might be leaving this time around since they have rubbed the majority the wrong way as of the #cheatinggate scandal. To ensure the newbies do not have numbers, they will not align with us until a few of us have gone so that's the downside. I have the fear that they may try and target someone else so we don't see it coming so that's a little terrifying but I'll try and speak with everyone to see which road I should head down.
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