#2.5 theories
grailknightmonty · 12 days
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canary of the iron mine
thinkin about what or who could be lurking in the depths of that mine under the iron shop..
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yuzuyoon · 2 months
Lily, as someone with knowledge of singing and vocal technique, I'm hoping you can answer something I've been thinking about since I watched the mini-doc about the creation of Muse.
When Jimin and his crew go back into the bedroom--it's almost midnight, at this point--Jimin says, with some uncertainty, I believe--that the key they've chosen is "quite high." Two keys ahead of the original! Later, the guitarist asks him if he's going to sing it higher and then nods approvingly..."that's art."
But is it really better to sing in such a high key? Would it not have sounded as good in a slightly lower key? Is it the reason for the auto-tune so many people are complaining about?
I thought about this while listening to Be Mine. There's that one line that seems excessively high--so high I feel like it might attract any dogs in the vicinity. Do you think it needs to be/should be that high?
Btw, whatever the key, Be Mine is one of those songs that is deceptively difficult to sing, isn't it? People aren't talking enough about Jimin's vocal prowess here.
i want you to listen to two things. first, listen to the original version of dynamite. then listen to this version:
now tell me which one sounds more like a bts song. the original dynamite was a song in quite a high pitch, and many people agree that the version in a lower pitch sounds more like a bts song.
this concept applies to all songs. some songs sound better at a higher tone, some songs sound better at lower tones. im sure when considering the pitch of who, jimin took two things into consideration:
1) is he capable of singing it live (and we have seen yes he can)
2) what sounds best vocally and instrumentally
im pretty confident jimin chose the right key because of one main reason: it fits perfectly into jimin's vocal sweet spot
we all have vocal sweet spots when we sing and they're not all coherent. for example, i'm really comfortable in my lower-mid range and my high range, but i struggle when it comes to mid-high range. jimin's sweet spot seems to be that very high falsetto/mix that he does in the who prechorus
who is a challenging song to sing, but jimin chose it because he knows his voice and he knows what sounds good. i believe, had he chosen one of the lower pitches, we wouldn't have gotten that resonant note. (jimin also seems to be so proud and confident of his vocals now after taking those lessons and he's been showing it off a lot. a challenging key would the perfect opportunity to show off something he's proud of)
because i love making videos to try to explain things, here's one of who in different keys so you can get a feel for why jimin chose to have to song be that pitch:
im pretty confident the original pitch sounds the best.
now for be mine: yes the prechorus for this song is also absurdly high. like absurdly. the real test on if that was the right key choice for this song is if jimin can sing live (fingers crossed the bonus clip has be mine in it). based on the who performances, i am so confident he can
and yes, be mine is challenging to sing because youre reaching a spot where its hard to even use a falsetto to reach those notes. jimin and i have similar high key ranges and its so incredibly difficult for me to get to those notes and make it sound nice. jimin really saw people ranking him at no. 4 for vocal capabilities in bts and decided to come for his rightful no. 2 spot as a lead vocalist. all the kudos to him, that is a power move if i ever saw one
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puhpandas · 2 months
okay guys what are everyones true feelings on this reveal
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gorjee-art · 2 months
the power of fanart is so surreal to me, an acquaintance on artfight drew Claire keeping a cigarette holder in her mouth as Charles (flustered) helps her light it up with his own cigarette.
Claire does not smoke.
I never wanted her to smoke.
But that idea is so cute it's becoming close to canon.
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riverin-stories · 11 hours
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"We cannot let this thing spread. I will do all within my power to consume this 'crimson moon'."
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selestesolstice · 12 days
Spoilers for her 2.5 under cut
Ok so I’m playing the wardance event and there was a little throwaway line about a scholar from the Intelligentsia Guild that wanted to gain the attention of the erudition at whatever cost but once he laid eyes on Nous he went mad.
Who is the only intelligentsia guild member we know personally?
Who is an Intelligentsia Guild member that desperately wants to join the genius society, a society who is well known for consisting of people who have garnered the attention of Nous?
Who is a character that is commonly associated with the elation? The path of Madness? And even has play style that centers around follow-up attacks aka the elation path?
Dr. Ratio.
Dr Ratio has seen Nous, and then he went a little mad, which caused him to garner Aha’s gaze.
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im-s0rry · 5 months
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i think, by technicality, i kind of started the jekyll and hyde theory bosses with snake-eyes, which was not made for chapter three, was made before the theory, yet still has most of the things outlined by the theory. anyway, i drew eyes with those other two. also i redesigned pyester and sprited all of them.
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have fun with that or whatever.
@mrchaosman made pyester
@imaginary-regret-608 made moddeux
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collidedscope · 1 year
After watching Good Omens 2, I have a bit of an out-of-the-box theory as to a plot twist that might be coming in s3: Crowley used to be Lucifer and had his pre-fall memory removed.
My evidence:
Crowley was the one who tempted Eve to eat the apple. According to the Bible, this was Lucifer's doing.
I'm pretty sure Crowley is the only entity who we know is able to stop time.
Adam is described as being "human incarnate"… But he was SUPPOSED to be Hell incarnate… what changed? Crowley. Crowley "went native" and so did his son.
[The more compelling pieces of info are from s2 and they are under the "keep reading". I spent a LOT of time on this so please give it a chance.]
Both Saraqael (the new archangel) and Furfur (the demon who made the Nazis zombies) immediately recognized Crowley, but he had no memory of either of them. It seems odd to include both of these instances within 6eps, especially considering the fact that other lines were removed for not being plot-relevant.
The convo with Saraqael: Throughout the conversation, Crowley has his smiling facade, but looks clueless (even surprised she knows him by name), and Muriel looks smug. "Hello Crowley. I didn't expect to ever see each other again." "Do we know each other?" "When you were an angel. We worked together on the Horsehead Nebula." "I meet a lot of people..." She then smirks and immediately changes the topic.
The convo with Furfur: "We have [met], haven't we?" "Have we?" Furfur looks incredulous that Crowley didn't recognize him on sight. "What do you mean 'have we'- you know we have. We were in the same legion... just before the fall...? Doing dubious battle on the plains of Heaven...? Remember?!?" "... Well, I remember going into battle, I don't remember being there with you- sorry." "Wha-? I was right next to you!!! We did loads together!!! You used to jump on my back like a monkey in a waistcoat!!!"
Crowley did not remember a very high-ranking person he collaborated with (on a project he was very passionate about). He also did not recognize someone he was very chummy with, even when he was reminded of specific events, even though Furfur had immediately recognized Crowley by name all these years later.
Crowley was able to open the confidential file on Gabriel. And when he did it, he looked like he was trying to open them... no sarcastic remark beforehand, no bragging about his previous position... just Crowley trying to open it. (As if he doesn't remember his rank.)
Crowley tells Aziraphale "I am NOT the angel you met"... I believe he meant this in the sense that he's truly not the same entity... he's not operating on the same memories that angel!Crowley was, and he isn't going to remember his experiences he had with Aziraphale as an angel,
The miracle that Aziraphale and Crowley did together (masking Gabriel) was described as an archangel-level miracle, enough to raise someone from the dead 25 times over. Now, maybe this was because A&C were working together.... however, they were under the assumption that this would make them less conspicuous.
In the instance of Gabriel being removed from the position of supreme-archangel, his memory was erased. He assumed he would be sent to Hell, and seemed to already have a plan for his memory to be erased- he immediately requested a box, Beelzebub had already gifted him the perfect place to hide his memory, and Gabriel had quickly carried everything out before anyone else was even suspicious. Almost like this had happened before and he knew what to expect. (And according to the Metatron, there was only ever one other "Prince of Heaven" who was removed and cast down to Hell.)
Now, the the Metatron was going to erase Gabriel's memory "as a kindness"... So what was the reasoning for erasing Lucifer's memory? Control. My guess is that Lucifer somehow messed up God's original plan... Just like how Crowley was the reason Armageddon failed (I acknowledge there were many reasons why Armageddon failed, but Crowley was the instigator and Crowley was the one who stopped time to prepare Adam.)
It makes sense that if someone upended your system, it would seem like a safe bet to erase their memories and stick them in a fairly low-level position, where they are barely able to interact with any powerful entities.
Who would now be in charge of Hell and why? My guess is that there's some demonic equivalent of the Metatron, and they are given power over Hell in exchange for pretending like there's still a Satan.
Then what was the Satanic monstrosity in s1e6?? idk man, i just go here. Maybe a paid actor or something. But Adam defeated it by saying "YOU'RE NOT MY DAD! You never were." and then it just... vanished??? into smoke???? That never made sense to me... like did fucking Satan just... die??? (Do not ask me what really happened or how Crowley didn't know he had a son.)
Okay now the big question: WHY????
We all know that Aziraphale still has a lot of unlearning to do when it comes to his ideology of "Heaven/angels= good, Hell/demons= bad". Because, SURE, there's been exceptions to this rule, and Aziraphale has come to understand that human morality is somewhat nuanced.
And sure, there's some "bad apple" angels like Gabriel, who just don't understand God's will. but he still believes that God is unequivocally good and Heaven will be too, as long as it's under good management.
Right now, Aziraphale views Crowley as some kind of exception, an anomaly. In Aziraphale's mind, Crowley should be an angel- there really must've been some mistake that he's supposed to be a demon.
And Aziraphale has believed this for MILLIONS OF YEARS. Since the beginning of existence, Aziraphale has been brainwashed. And I think the only thing that will break it is being presented with irrefutable proof that Crowley is Lucifer and having to figure out which one is false:
Crowley is not evil.
Lucifer is evil.
Crowley is Lucifer.
I think first, Aziraphale will disbelieve #3. He will refuse to believe Crowley is Lucifer until it's undeniably true.
Then, I think he will instinctually disbelieve #1. He will believe Crowley was lying, tempting him, tricking him all along.... until he is confronted by every undeniably nice thing that Crowley has ever done for him.
Then... #2 is the only one left. It must be wrong. Hell must not be inherently evil. Which means Heaven must not be inherently good. Which means everything has been a lie. It means Heaven and Hell are 2 sides of the same coin. It means a full dismantling of the system.
It means a full episode will be dedicated to a 50minute "I was wrong, you were right" dance.
I certainly believe this all lines up with Neil's description of s3 to be "Bigger, Louder, Final."
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Chaos Theory AU
Claudia knows her son is different, and if she’s being honest a little strange for a child, but all children are strange in their own ways so she just finds the best ways to accommodate and love him without question.
When he learns to walk (well sprint really) before he can crawl she simply moves the things that should be out of reach of little ones a bit sooner than anticipated.
When he shows no sign of speaking, or rather wanting to as those too sharp eyes leave her with the uncanny feeling that he understands her from far younger than he should, she teaches him the signs passed down their family from when they had been nomads in the mountains who needed silence on hunts.
(He does speak eventually exactly when he is ready to. If his first word is “fuck” after he takes a tumble off of a counter, well, she at least knows that he is aware of the appropriate times for said language. Even if she has to press her lips together to keep her laughter contained and her smile hidden. Her little Storm Cloud would be incredibly put off if he believed she was laughing at him.
The two of them move between sign and speaking and back again with the kind of speed and ease that make it all but impossible for an outsider to follow along with any of their conversations. She’s pretty sure Cloud does it on purpose if the look of mischief in his mako-bright eyes is any indication. Who is she to spoil her sons fun?)
Learning how to accommodate an enhanced child who has no concept of his own strength is a bit difficult at first (there is a week where his bedroom door was replaced with a thick fur until she could get her hands on the proper materials to fix it after he had accidentally ripped the thing off it’s hinges while still blurry eyed from sleep, and more than a few awkward questions during trips to town when his ears heard entirely too much for a child his age.) but she manages with grace.
There are hiccups of course, times where she is certain she has done everything wrong. times where Cloud seems to forget he is still a child and attempts to take on the world alone more often than not getting himself hurt in the process. But he is her son, her gift from the gods, her little Storm Cloud, and Claudia would move worlds for him.
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stergeon · 4 months
three 1,000-word edeleth one shots for your reading pleasure.
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patchwork-crow-writes · 11 months
Additional Thoughts on Kris x Ralsei
This is a continuation of a collection of posts entitled "Thoughts on Kris x Ralsei", which are... exactly that. This series has already covered topics such as:
How Kris and Ralsei's roles in the story and game mechanics of Deltarune contribute to promoting their romantic arc;
How the game takes advantage of a player's knowledge of RPGs to create cute moments between them; and
How the relationship is being pursued irrespective of Kris's - or the player's - wishes on the matter.
If you would like to read any of the other posts in this series, below is a handy TOC that will point to all the posts that currently exist:
Part 1: And They Lived Happily Ever After Part 1.5: I Believe Your Choices DO Matter Part 2: A Pair of Star-Cross'd Lovers Part 2.5: In Another World, We Could Have Been (Just) Friends <- (You Are Here!) (Future parts to be added as they are written))
Part 2.5: In Another World, We Could Have Been (Just) Friends
Okay, so I've already talked - at some considerable length - about the Acid Tunnel of Love scene. But there is a really fascinating aspect of this part of the game that I didn't touch on in Part 2, because it wouldn't really have fitted there, but which I feel sheds some considerable light on the intention of this sequence.
But first, we need to talk about Parallel Universes.
...okay, FINE. It's actually the cut content from the Tunnel scene (link to Youtube displaying the options, courtesy of OrdinaryDeltarunePlayer2001.)
If you're not familiar with what this is, here's a quick primer: essentially, an earlier version of the scene would have had Ralsei ask Kris who they were thinking of, with the selectable answers changing depending on who you gave the present to earlier in Chapter 2. When selected, Ralsei would talk a bit about that person, in terms that would suggest that he is fully supportive of Kris pursuing a romantic connection with the person in question. An option existed for Susie, Noelle, and even Berdly... but NOT, crucially, for Ralsei himself, despite the fact that he can be the receipient of the gift as well.
Instead, there was another option that would always be present, which read "Thinking of you". Selecting this option would have Ralsei react... as you'd expect him to. But the interesting thing is how quickly he sweeps it under the rug and moves on to the next point in the conversation. Almost as if he doesn't take it seriously, or doesn't believe that he's a valid option in this instance.
(incidently, if you DID give Ralsei the gift, and try to select the alternative option, it will not work properly and completely skip to the next scene without any reaction from Ralsei at all... which means they either didn't get round to programming his reaction before they decided on the present scene, or they realised that it would be redundant (not to mention on-the-nose) to have two versions of the same dialogue option here)
So... what does this say about the present incarnation of the Acid Tunnel segment, or about Kralsei in general? Well, one thing it DOES say is about how we as players would have been given more freedom to pair Kris with any one of their friends, and perhaps would additionally allow us as players to more closely align ourselves with their own wishes and desires (which given all the positive attention she gets from them, would likely as not be towards Susie), while also potentially taking Ralsei out of the dating pool and into a more "agony aunt/confidante/cheerleader" role to Kris.
In addition, there is the "?" option at the top of the dialogue box, which effectively amounts to a "mind your own business, nosy goat". This would have worked effectively as a "don't care" option for people who... well, didn't care about any sort of romance centered around Kris, as well as giving them a way to assert their right (and perhaps desire) for privacy. Though it is interesting that Ralsei does default to mentioning Susie after this, I believe that's to make the link to the next topic of the scene.
However, there would have been a few problems. For one, it would have allowed players to throw a wrench into Suselle, right at the crucial point that that nascent relationship starts to take off. If, after all, we would have chosen either of Susie or Noelle at this point in the game, we would have an expectation that that pairing we chose would come to fruition, rendering the ferris-wheel scene right afterward devoid of a significant part of its purpose and weight.
(Not to mention that allowing either Kris or the player any real choice in this matter would run entirely counter to the whole "your choices don't matter" thing Deltarune has going)
Whether for these reasons or otherwise, we instead ended up with the Kralsei (and Suselle) show. Which means - at some point, a choice was made to initially present the player with options, which was then wrested away and replaced with what is essentially an on-rails dating simulation, which, if we're lucky, only one of its participants doesn't actually want to do. Within that context, it's difficult to see how people can refute the notion that the game is forcing Kralsei to happen.
But again, the question looms: WHY is Deltarune doing this? What is the game trying to say? What does our reaction to all this say about us, both as players of video games and as people who consume narratives and fictions for entertainment or escapism?
Uhh find out in part 3! Coming... whenever :P
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loveandthings11 · 4 months
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Don’t worry I’ll tell you more, still writing about it
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Explanation for the Individuality Testing:
Here’s my theory on the eggs
They were either created or taken from their dragon mothers by the Federation
If going down the being taken from dragon mothers, the eggs we know didn’t come from the same mother. Hence why (in human fan art at least) they look different.
Each egg is separated into different divisions and looked over by MAMAs or PAPAs these caretakers emulate their dragon mothers. The caretakers look like animals too (cats, dogs, birds kinda like Cucurucho and Pato)
These caretakers teach the eggs the necessities to live and entice individuality. That’s the end goal and mission of all eggs in the systems *to be different.* Breaking the molds but also being perfect in the eyes of the Federation.
So they learn, depending on their MAMA or PAPA, different languages besides English, have room for scheduled play time, reading, singing and the other sorts for eggs to have a opportunity to form a personality.
They go through different Phases in these testing to start weeding eggs out. Once they have the final handful selection of eggs, their last phases are the most dangerous to see if they have what it takes to survive. Which was shown with Egg A1 and the lava parkour.
After the final testing is complete, the surviving eggs are given INDIVIDUALITY at a ceremony. The individuality being the cosmetics shown on the island eggs to make them stand out from the rest. A badge / diploma of their hard work, the trials and tribulations they went through.
They don’t know it yet but their data as long as they live will be used for future egg generations in the testing. They will be testament and example to the next egg generations be even more than their predecessors.
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hawkinasock · 14 hours
Hihi! I wanted to ask about your chimera!Yanqing AU (LOVE it btw omfg) if that’s okay if not that’s alright just ignore this lol.
Anyway I wanted to ask about the sequence of events between the emanator “my tummy hurts”-ing, getting their head chopped (I’m assuming that did come to pass), and Yanqing regenerating his way into an additional 6 limbs because I assume it didn’t happen right away (unless it did). Like, I imagine the whole regen process started during the “my tummy hurts” phase, but like did Yanqing burst through like some pimple the second there was an opening or was it a slow process?
Also side question/musing: what are your thoughts on Lan’s thought process on this? Or on Abundance!Yanqing in general? Do you think that they know? And if they do, do they just not care?
Hi there, anon!
Unfortunately, I didn't really have a detailed chronology of events prior to your ask... To confirm, yes, the emanator was successfully decapitated by Jing Yuan, after some time of chasing it down and fighting it. As for the time between that and the chimera's appearance, well, I did some brainstorming, and I eventually decided it would happen some time after the decapitation when, simply for the fact that I find a reveal similar to what happens in Dunmeshi more fun <3
Also I lost it at "my tummy hurts". That actually sent into orbit (my editor also loved the pimple simile too). That's basically what happened to the poor guy lmaoo. Stealing that.
But to be specific, he did just kinda sprout from the neck. Had there been no decapitation, he might have manifested in a slightly different form, which gives me leeway for a ton of other potential designs. By the time the emanator was killed, though, its body was disfigured and almost unrecognizable, as the human body inside was attempting to reform using another body that was very much NOT human, and just being completely fucked up from the inside out (mmm eldritch abominations my beloved).
I'll be honest... the aeons' reactions didn't ever occur to me. Since we still know so little about them currently, its hard to gauge how they'd feel, but considering they're omniscient enough to cast their gaze onto their pathstriders, then it's safe to say they'd probably notice.
It's actually a really good question though, considering Yanqing would be an abomination treading the path of the Hunt. We saw a similar scenario in 2.5 with Feixiao, where, despite spending years struggling with her ties to the borisin and the Abundance in general, Lan still cast their gaze onto her in the end in a moment that was very triumphant.
Feixiao and Abundance!Yanqing's situations aren't identical, but you can paint a parallel. If Lan is aware of Yanqing's existence, and it's possible assuming every pathstrider has, at one point, caught the attention of their respective aeons, maybe Lan would see it as a good thing, that even an Abomination can resonate with the Hunt and turn their back against their author.
Or maybe Yanqing's path was Lan's way of taking custody and getting one over on Yaoshi in their endless divorce arc. Who knows. If Lan doesn't actually view Yanqing in a positive light, then they may not see him as an important enough to justify them stepping in. They have emanator's to do that for them, after all, although we saw how well that went...
I hope that answered your questions. Feel free to hop into my ask box if you have any more <3
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leediavhs · 1 year
aaron "repressed bisexuality" hotchner
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ohdudedhesflirting · 1 year
Zerobaseone mythology concept
Well, this our second part. I already did our first part on zb1 members (Hyung line) as Greek gods and goddess in case of a Greek mythology concept which I hope is gonna happen.
Disclaimer ! I am basing this from my memories of my class on greek iconography and not of work adapted from it. And i am not going to talk about everything that is SA, abuse and violence the gods are surronded with and created. I am not going to do a whole class on greek mythology so good luck. Its also my opinion. And I am not pretending to know everything, I may even be wrong.
Here is our second and final part : Maknae line : (Below the cut)
Gunwook as Athena
Athena is one of the 12 olympians. She was not born from Kronos and eaten by him but is actually a daughter of Zeus. She is the godess of widsom and of strategic war. Even if she is the godess of widsom she still as little moments of anger we will say (Arachnée as well as Medusa). She is one of the godess that is a virgin and never take a husband.
What you have to remember with Athena is her widsom, she is someone with a vision. In a case of a war there is two people that will be needed : Ares (which more of the brutal force) and Athena which will focus more on the strategic parts of a battle. If Athena takes part in a battle actively you know that normally it will be done fair and square. She respects the rules.
In her iconography Athena is represented as a warrior godess. She has an armor, an helmet as well as a shield. And what allows one to identify her no matter what is the presence of the aegis (égide in french) as well as the decapitated head of Medusa.
But mostly one is able to identify her with her warrior like appaerance with her helmet, armor and shield.
Now concerning Gunwook I feel like the link is quite obvious.
Gunwook is brilliant. He is the top student, class president, and we saw with the Kill this love stage that he has a strategic mind as well as a vision. He is able to understand the strenght of everyone around him and then put it together to build a strategy.
We could expect something that is truly giving a warrior vibe, with the helmet, shield and those two symbols of Athena with the aegis and the decapitated head. Even if they will go with a softer version.
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Ricky as Dyonisius
This one is kinda confirmed as well lol.
Dyonisius is in most version the son of Zeus, some say that he died and then his father made him become a god because of the affection he had for him. Or in other versions he is an human that was transformed into a god because he was the one that invented the wine and gods liked wine.
Dyonisus is the god of wine, fertility of the soils, theater and party. In his iconographic representations he is always represented with the thyrse (it’s a kind of stick with a pine cone on it), some grape vine and he also has a company of many exotic animals as well as satyr and nymphs.
Why putting them together ? I feel like ricky is actually a very extroverted person and the life of the party. Like I totally imagine going up to someone first and just try to be funny ? If he wasn’t an idol I just know the guy would be partying like crazy in clubs worldwide wise lol
I feel like we definitely can expect some good references such as party crowded scene, having a cup in a hand. I doubt they will represent him with lots of girlies around tho.
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Gyuvin as Hestia
Hestia might be one of the most underrated goddess out here while she is so important.
Hestia is the oldest Olympian. The first one that Kronos ate. She is one of the virgin goddess as well as a member of the twelve Olympians.
She is the goddess of home, the hearth (fire pit of the sacred fire), domesticity and family. She was the guardian of the sacred fire (hearth) and was essential to the Greek mythology rites.
She is a very quiet goddess and is rarely talked about and represented even though she was central character and extremely important.
In every city there was the hearth, for her, and for every sacrifice she was the first goddess that was received them.
Hestia is very important because throughout the time the notion family was essential and central, the clan you came from truly mattered in society as well as where you belonged.
In her rare representations she is standing up, with a vieil over head, with a strict expression close to a fire.
Why Gyuvin as Hestia ? Because for me Gyuvin represents home. He is able to make everyone feels at ease. He is central and everyone seem to fly close to him. He is a part of what ties all the members together. I feel like the hugs he gives make you feel at home.
I’m seeing something definitely with warm tones, little fire like summer camp type of fire, as there is not that much representation on her I really want them to make him feel like home. Lots of warm colors, smiles, lemonade and cute little snacks. Just home.
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Yujin as Ares
Okay so I can already feel the complains from here but hear me out.
Ares is the god of war. Like the violent one, the bloody ones. And often people only remember him as that. The violent god.
But he was way more than that. He an olympian that never raped anyone. He killed without hesitation his daughter rapist. He was as well the protector of cities, the god of courage as well as the god of masculinity.
He was a protector of women. One of the very few people that Aphrodite ever truly loved. He was globally a big softie and that can be seen in the way he is portrayed in his representations. He was also a very good defender of gay love and gay representations.
In his iconography he is or despised as the god of war, with shield and weapons on as well as his armor . Or he is represented as the man that is enamoured of Aphrodite. He was a very handsome man and muscular.
Why am I putting Yujin as him then ? Because I feel like yes Yujin lives to be a menace because he is silly like that but he is also someone that seems to be very deep and well thought for his age. I totally imagine him taking the side of his girl schoolmates to watch over them. He is deeply loved and I totally can see him growing up to be an ally and truly supports and protect lgbtq people.
Representation wise I feel like if they put him in an armor with a sword he would be really happy so I want that only for him to be happy. In a more realistic tone I feel like it would be more discreet with like weapons on the floor and very pensive poses.
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Tag list @seok02 (i love you)
I hope you all enjoyed <3
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