#20 years in prison for kidnapping and rape
best24news · 2 years
Haryana Crime: अपहरण व दुष्कर्म के दोषी को 20 साल की कैद
Haryana Crime: अपहरण व दुष्कर्म के दोषी को 20 साल की कैद
हरियाणा: दोषियो को लेकर आजकर अदालत से सख्ती से पेश रही है। रेवाडी मे गेंगस्टर से लेकर दुष्कर्म के आरोपी को सख्त से सख्त सजा सुनाई जा रही है। पिछले दो साल रेवाडी अदालत से दस से अधिक दोषियो को सजा सुनाई जा चुकी है, जिनमे नाबालिक भी शामिल है। Haryan News: गुरुग्राम में गैंगस्टर कोशल की प्रॉपर्टी पर चला बुलडोजर  20 साल की कैद: करीब डेढ साल पहले रेवाडी जिले के कोसली थाना क्षेत्र से एक नाबालिग का अपहरण…
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In prison AU, I feel like darling would be an young cop in training and with not very much experience and that Darling just got out of college and just started the work. The reason why they hired Darling in an such dangerous prison (Probably the most dangerous prison as there's demons and ghosts and insane man) is because just like in the Mental Asylum AU, Darling is very good the job and pretty good at it.
Well those are my thoughts but I would like to hear yours words at the Darling in this AU, If you don't mind😊 .
Something Short (Prison AU Introduction)
Warning: Criminals, death row, rape and sexual assault mentioned, murder, violence, cannibalism, graphic descriptions of crimes, mental disorders, mental instability, sadism, apathy, sexual themes, robbery, drug use, sexual harassment, short tempers, big sentences I'm talking life, massacres and more. This AU is not for the faint of heart.
Yep! I didn't do all of them (I think I left out 2 people, but besides that they're all here.)
I feel like you would be having a paid internship at the maximum security prison due to you being the best cop at the college you're attending.
Here's what you need to know.
Jeffery Woods. A man in his early 30s, arrested for multiple accounts of serial Murder, Mutilation, Kidnapping, Torture, Stalking, Vandalism, Arson, Breaking and entering, Parricide, Drug use and rape. He has the reputation of assaulting, mocking, teasing and harassing guards. Jeff is often in solitary confinement, but that doesn't stop him from his usual actions. Has to be kept away from Jane Elizabeth Arkensaw due to them activity starting fights. He is deemed one of the deadliest prisoners. During your internship, he will be one of the prisoners you'll be interacting to help sharpen your skills. He will by far be one of if not the hardest to interrogate.
Tobias Erin Rogers. A man in his late 20s arrested for Serial murder, Torture, Vandalism, Arson, Stalking, Patricide, Breaking and Entering, Kidnapping, and suspected of multiple accounts of sexual assault but is yet to be confirmed. Currently sentenced to life in jail with possibility of parole after serving a minimum of 30 years. He suffers a handful of disorders and quite often causes trouble for both staff and other inmates. He struggled with controlling his emotions and his impulsive behavior which often leads to himself, inmates and staff to be harmed. Despite this, you will be interacting with him during your internship due to him being able to get a long with staff for a short period of time if he finds them "hot." Warnings, don't get too attached, don't believe most of the things he says, don't give or take anything from him, and don't let his suffering fool you. He has a history of using his suffering against others and actually led to him escaping when he was first sent here when he was 19, and they didn't capture him again until last year when he turned 27.
Liu Woods, also known as Homicidal Liu. A man in early to mid 20s, arrested for Serial murder, stalking, kidnapping, robbery, breaking and entering, assault, and vandalism. Currently serving a a sentence of 50 years but has a chance of parole once he serves 20. Liu is the little brother of Jeffery Woods, and after Jeffery almost murdered him, he developed an alter ego named Sully. Lui is is relatively quiet, observant, possessive and violent. But his violence gets worse when he's Sully. Lui normally doesn't harm guards or prisoners unless provocted, but he has attacked them with no apparent reason on multiple accounts. Liu is one of the prisoners you will be seeing often due to you working mostly in his section of the prison, where most of the pastas are such of Eyeless Jack and Toby. Warning when dealing with Liu, watch your words and actions, DO NOT touch anything of his unless it's a danger to him or others, and don't asked him too much about his past due to it being his biggest trigger in becoming Sully. If you're dealing Sully, be extremely careful, don't make sudden moves and don't anger him. Sully is extremely violent, sadistic but oddly childish. Sully is supposedly a seven year old according to both himself and Liu, so treat him as an extremely dangerous child.
Helen Otis, also labeled The Bloody Painter. A man between the ages for 25 to 35, arrested for Serial murder, kidnapping and breaking and entering. He culprit of both the 1994 school massacre and a murder case in 2003. He is sentenced to 45 years without parole. Helen is extremely apathetic, cold and selfish. Despite this however, he can be polite, a gentleman. All of his murders represent some form of art, using the blood of his victims to create beautiful work at every crime scene. Helen is two faced, meaning that his gentleman front is an act, nothing genuine. Helen doesn't fight staff or prisoners, only attacking if they were to attack him first. He's known to be polite to both staff and prisoners, even flirting with some of the staff members. You'll be using Helen's cases as a way to practice investing crimes scenes, and you'll be interacting with Helen occasionally in order to figure out the motives behind his murders. Warnings when interacting with Helen, don't fall for his manipulation, don't fall for his charm and never allow yourself or him to go off topic.
Eyeless Jack. A demon is what he is. Not a human, not a ghost, but a demon sent from hell. EJ's age is unknown, we don't how long he's been commiting his crimes or even how long he's been around. But, relying on appearance alone, he appears to be a 24 year old humanoid with no eyes. Ej is charged with serial murder, cannibalism, kidnapping, breaking and entering, and stalking. EJ's sentence is life in prison without parole and the judge is consider the death sentence. Ej doesn't talk much, always watching the other prisoners with hunger written on his face. He's often wearing a mask, but when he isn't you can see the Eyeless sockets and if he opens his mouth, the hundreds of tentacle like tongues he has. No staff member is allowed to be alone with EJ due to him in the past immediately murdering and eating the staff members' organs. EJ is known to be cruel, sadistic, highly intelligent and scarily patient, he's a predator. During your internship, you won't be interacting with EJ unless told, and even then you won't be allowed alone with him. But you can't shake off the feeling someone is following or watching you. Is that... Blood?
Laughing Jack. Another demon we holp in or facility. To be honest, we don't even know if he's a demon or an imaginary friend gone real, we really don't know. We don't know his age or how he manifested. Even if we rely on his appearance, we can't determine how old he might be. Jack is arrested for serial murder, torture, mutilation, kidnapping, and breaking and entering. Jack is extremely playful and childish, his main victims being families, but mostly their children, he claims he's a child's best friend, he's also evil, sadistic, cruel, and an overall mystery to us. He is sentenced to life in prison, but even then he has escaped multiple times. You won't be interacting with Jack at all during your internship, due to his case still being looked into and more and more charges are being found for him. But every day he finds you, talking to you, showing you tricks, being playful and entertaining, but you can't ignore the look in his eyes. You don't exactly know how to explain it, but whatever it, his plans for you are far from innocent fun.
Timothy Wright. A man in his early to mid 30s, arrested for serial Murder, Stalking, trespassing, kidnappings, rape, vandalism, breaking and entering, and arson. Sentenced to life in prison with possibility of parole after serving a minimum of 30 years. Tim is quite the unstable prisoner, often seen yelling and cursing and fighting people oen minute, and muttering, pulling at his hair, screaming and crying the next. Tim suffers from both schizophrenia and MPD, and due to us restricting his meds so he wouldn't abuse them causes him to be, uncontrollable. Tim has an alter ego named Masky. While Tim is more calm yet violent and moody and often in some form of distress, Masky is short-tempered, violent, sadistic, and an awful man. Whenever Tim is Masky he claims he doesn't even remember the stuff he did, but he describes it as him blacking out. Tim isn't out often so during your internship you'll mostly be interacting with Masky, not Tim. If your interacting with Tim, don't think for a second he's nicer or safer. Tim can be rude, mean, manipulative and violent, but with Masky it's at a whole different degree. When dealing with Timothy, don't fall for his manipulation, tricks, charms, nothing. In the past he's been known to have lighters, cigarettes, guns and other things just from having one conversation with a guard. If Tim starts become more and more unstable, leave and call a hard to take him back to his cell to calm down. You have to have Strong skin if you're gonna deal with Tim/Masky. He's ruthless, blunt, sadistic and will make you cry and breakdown, all for his amusement. He often fights with Tobias and yells at his 'friend' Brian, who often either ignores him and mocks him.
Brain Thomas. A man in his early to mid 30s, arrested for Stalking, serial Murder, Theft, Kidnapping, suspected of sexual assault but is yet to be confirmed, vandalism, hacking, blackmail, breaking and entering, arson and torture. Sentenced to life in prison with possibility of parole after serving a minimum of 30 years. Brian also has an alter ego by the name of Hoodie. Brian is often quiet, observant and keeps to himself most of time, mostly only interacting with Tim and a few others but tends to be by himself in his cell most of the time. He has a reputation of being a charmer and a flirt with the guards only to use them to get stuff such as phones and cameras. What he needs the camera's for, we don't know. Hoodie on the other hand rarely talks. And when he does it's slightly deeper than Brian's voice. Hoodie is way more hostile and alert than Brian, and unlike Tim, Brian remembers everything that he does while as Hoodie. When you interact with Brian, don't listen to words, don't fall for his charms, and more specifically, don't fall for his blackmail. It's not sure how, but Brian has dirt on everyone who works at the prison, and anyone who hasn't followed his orders became another victim to his blackmail. Brian, just like his co-workers Tobias and Tim, is very sadistic and cruel, and surprisingly apathetic. He admitted that everytime his victims would cry or tell him how bad of person he was, he'd only smile and laugh and told them that he didn't care. When dealing with Brian, don't talk too much, and don't talk too little. Brian is a gather, an interrogator, he knows how to get info by any means.
Benjamin Lawman, also known as Ben Drowned. A man in his between the ages of 18 and 23. Ben is a ghost, or more a vengeful spirit, but he's like a human, being able to touched and seen. Ben was charged with serial murder, kinda of a cult leader, drug use, kidnapping, hacking, vandalism, torture, stealing government files, tampering of evidence, and suspected of rape but is yet to be confirmed. He is also on death row but the judge is considering possibly taking him out if he's willing to help them with tech, but by how things are going so far Ben is stuck on death row. Ben is a sadistic, apathetic, oppressive, controlling, perverted, master manipulator who literally doesn't give a shit about anything. His mugshot was like those teenage dirtbag videos you see on TikTok. Ben is known for starting power outages, corrupting camera footage, sexually harassing staff and making the prisoners in the other half of the prison his bitch just by manipulating them. Ben doesn't see prison as prison, he sees it as a small little vacation, the only thing missing is the tech and drugs. You are forbidden from interacting with Ben due to him being a high level threat. Those who have to interact with him remove any and all tech, including walkies and watches. Ben is held in a special cell, with him cuffed and against the wall. When you walk into his room, his glitched out voice erupted into laughter and he has a deranged smile on his face. He's extremely close with Jeffery and EJ, all them being trialed together and sentenced together. When he heard about you from Jeffery, he paid you a little visit on the camera feed, even walking out of the computer and touching you. They thought moving the computers to a different building would stop him, nope! If you ever were to run into Ben, protocol is to do what he says and get out as soon as possible. Ben loves how hot you are, he mainly wants your ass. Ben wants you purely for his own pleasure, both sexually and physically, he wants to hurt and fuck you so bad, but until he gets the chance to work with you, he must wait.
Jonathan Blake, or popularly known as The Puppeteer. A ghost between the ages of 20 to 30. An evil spirit. Charged with serial murder, Stalking, Breaking and Entering, and Abuse. He's been sentenced to life in prison without possiblity of parole. The Puppeteer is a dangerous and hostile being, in the past having interns and staff who struggled with their mental states to kill themselves after interacting with him only once. Due to this, you'll be getting a mental evaluation to see if you're classified to interact with him during your internship here. The Puppeteer does tend to be quite an emotional rollercoaster, sometimes he randomly enters states of rage and confusion before shutting down. We don't know much about his past, any time we tried asking he'll either be confused or enter a state of rage. If you are classified to interact with him, here's what you need to know. We don't call him Jonathon, he doesn't respond to the name, it's possible he might've blocked out his memories, so we call The Puppeteer, since that's what he responds to. Don't let him get to your head. The Puppeteer is infamous for the mass suicides in the area. He's extremely manipulative and also a charmer, so it's important not to fall for his antics. We does have two confirmed accomplices, but we are yet to confirm who exactly they are, nor have we caught them. One day during your internship you were caught by, golden strings? That's when you saw him. He claims that you were too beautiful to kill, but you would be perfect as a puppet. His mindless, emotionless puppet. Be careful around him, very careful.
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itstokkii · 6 months
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I've been considering making this post for a while but hesitated since I don't wanna beat a dead horse.
I'd like you to look at this post looking back at the Andijan massacre. What started as people protesting issues like distribution of gas, electricity, and other human needs and rights ended in a bloodbath. A cousin of mine told me schools taught it as "the national guard protecting civilians from Islamist terrorists."
I'd also like you to look at this paper by the Human Rights Watch on the torture and persecution of Uzbek Muslims like me during Islam Karimov's 20 years of dictatorial rule. Even Uzbek Muslims outside of Uzbekistan weren't safe. Multiple family friends of mine were randomly tackled to the ground and arrested by Korean Police on accounts of "domestic terrorism" in Uzbekistan, and some were only released about 5 years ago.
You weren't allowed to wear hijabs(even in Islamic universities), openly pray, read the Quran, or do anything religious. Someone would always be there watching to report you.
I wasn't allowed to go outside by myself around my neighborhood due to Uzbek government agents kidnapping the children of Uzbek diaspora abroad. I wasn't allowed to wear a hijab until after we went to Uzbekistan 2 years after Karimov's regime ended, and we made sure it was safe there and back. I wasn't even allowed to visit the country to see my relatives for almost a decade because of the crackdown on Uzbek Muslims.
When Uzbekistan was colonized by Russia as the Uzbek SSR and even before then as Turkestan, Russia made sure to stamp out religion entirely. They killed off scholars and poets like Cholpon, who wrote about Uzbek self-determination and praised religious texts. Uzbekistan's first leadership since its independence carried on with this policy, with Russian colonial values ingrained into them.
As for Korea, our partition was opposed by the whole peninsula. When Jejuans protested the US-UN backed elections, it ended in 10% of Jeju's population being killed by joint US-Korean forces. Though the South Korean Government apologized for the first time recently, the US stays silent. What a surprise. The bodies of these Jejuans were buried in mass pits and had the Jeju Airport built on top of it.
The US still fails to apologize for the No Gun Ri Massacre, in which the US Army murdered about 300 Korean villagers despite knowing they were civilians and therefore not targets. The US also indiscriminately bombed North Korea with more bombs than they had in the Pacific Theater in World War 2, martyring almost 2 million Koreans.
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After the Korean War followed almost 30 years of dictatorship by Syngman Rhee, then a military junta, then Park Chung Hee and Chun Doo Hwan. During this time, university students protesting the dictatorial rule established by the US were arrested as "anti communists," and be tortured repeatedly, sometimes even until death.
Though the Seodaemun Prison is known for being Japan's colonial prison where they arrested independence activists, the Korean dictatorships used it to arrest people in favor of democracy.
The Namyeong-Dong Anti-Communist Investigation Office was a similar prison, in which one of the floors had extremely thin, narrow windows to avoid prisoners from escaping. Park Jong Cheol, a Seoul National University student who was protesting against Korea's military dictatorship at the time, was incarcerated here and routinely tortured. He eventually died due to water torture.
The Gwangju Massacre was a protest held by many activists against Chun Doo Hwan's dictatorial rule, which came about as he staged a coup and successfully overthrew the previous government. As they called for democracy, Chun Doo Hwan brought the national army, who fired upon, killed, and raped the protesters. Chun Doo Hwan was never held responsible for his crimes before he died, and his grandson recently apologized to the victims and their loved ones. It was found that the US approved Chun Doo Hwan's plans to use armed forces on the protesters in Gwangju.
Though the Gwangju Massacre is taught about in Korea, much of the US involvement and responsibility of the horrors of the dictatorship is left out.
The US does not allow Korea to produce its own nuclear arsenal, allowing Korea to rely entirely on the US for nuclear support. Additionally, the existing presence of the USFK in Korea and their joint training sessions with the ROK army further provokes North Korea and therefore gives the US a "justification" to maintain its military presence in Korea.
Growing up I was taught where to look for nearby nuclear shelters. We visited the War Memorial of Korea multiple times, and air raid sirens are rare but are happening more often recently.
This, along with the added danger of living as Uzbek diaspora outside of Uzbekistan as Muslims.
So when I say "please respectfully depict Russia and the US when it comes to the Cold War in a way that does not center them entirely" and "please keep the gravity of their actions in mind as you write them; Hetalia does not exist in an apolitical vacuum,"
and I am met with "mature adults" telling me that "they're just characters," or
"i'm the one ruining the fandom," or
"block and move on," or
"i love russia and america cold war!!!" or
"you're crazy" or
"moralf*g" or
"someone's sensitive"
and especially from russian artists who call me an "American SJW." russians calling me an uzbek overly sensitive for asking that they portray their country a little more respectfully to the victims of their colonialism. yeah that's completely normal
you are normalizing centering discussions about the Cold War to the imperial core, and then having nothing of substance to say about and being absolutely insensitive towards someone who's life has been and still are dictated by these imperial forces, and even harrassing them.
where's the "block and move on" mentality you prided yourselves for?
this fandom hasn't changed since the 2010s. it's just more quiet in the way it marginalizes victims of colonialism.
oh, and that person who told me to "block and move on, sister!!!" when it comes to me explaining myself as an uzbek-korean muslim?
you're not one to talk. 네가 뭘아는데 ㅅㅂ새끼야
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offender42085 · 1 year
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Post 1025
Zachary D Holly, Arkansas inmate 000981, born 1984, incarceration intake 2015 at age 30, sentenced to death (through jury determination)
Capital Murder, Kidnapping, Rape, Burglary
In May 2022, Holly, a convicted killer and rapist on death row was waiting for a judge to determine whether he received effective legal representation at his trial.
Holly was convicted in 2015 of capital murder, kidnapping, rape and residential burglary. He was sentenced to death, two life terms and 20 years.
A convicted killer and rapist on death row will have to wait longer for a judge to determine whether he received effective legal representation at his trial.
Holly claims his attorneys didn't seek to exclude some evidence, conducted an ineffective jury selection and failed to investigate and present evidence related to his mental-health issues.
In the end, it was determined that he had proper representation.
While incarcerated Holly has been determined guilty for the following violations of prison rules and procedures: Under The Influence, Failure To Obey Order, Unnecessary Noise Or Play, Sexual Threat(s), Insolence To A Staff Member, and Unauthorized Use Of State Property/Supplies, Destruction Of Property.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
A court in Guinea sentenced former junta leader Moussa Dadis Camara to 20 years in prison after he was found guilty of crimes against humanity on Wednesday.
Camara and others were charged with murder, rape, torture and kidnapping stemming from the the massacre of more than 150 people at a pro-democracy rally in 2009.
"It is appropriate to declare Moussa Dadis Camara guilty of crimes against humanity based on the responsibility of the upper hierarchy," president of the court Ibrahima Sory II Tounkara said.
Several other former military commanders were also found guilty of crimes against humanity and handed life sentences. Four defendants were found not guilty.
Human Rights Watch's international justice counsel Tamara Aburamadan said Wednesday's hearing was "a long-awaited moment of truth for the victims and their families."
Who is Moussa Dadis Camara?
Camara took power in a coup in late 2008.
He ruled Guinea as the head of a military junta until early 2010.
In the crimes against humanity trial, Camara denied the charges and pleaded not guilty.
He has always blamed his subordinates for the stadium massacre.
Victims demand justice
Around 100 victims provided chilling testimonies during the hearing.
The verdict was keenly awaited by victims' families and survivors of the massacre.
One woman who said she was raped during the massacre and lost her husband called for those responsible to be punished severely.
"This trial is of the utmost importance to me. I want these soldiers to pay a heavy price with sentences befitting their crimes," she told the AFP news agency.
Asmaou Diallo, the head of an association for victims and their relatives, told AFP that that all eyes were on the court case.
"We really expect the truth and for light to be shed with this verdict," Diallo said.
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thesolyanka · 2 years
For People of the West, who might forgot that pure evil exist
by Easy Rider
For those surprised by pictures from Bucha, Izyum, Mariupol, Kharkiv and other Ukrainian city attacked by russians, just a kindly reminder.
1570. ivan the terrible terminates autonomy of Veliky Novgorod. Women and children were massacred, churches burnt and looted. About 20 thousand people died, numerous were deported. Following famine did the rest.
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1708. piotr the great destroys Kozak Hetmanate, a predecessor of an independent Ukraine. It capital, Batouryn was burnt and all inhabitants including women and children, executed.
1794. russian army conquers Warsaw, a last act of Poland's partitions. Inhabitants of Praga, the eastern Warsaw suburb, including women and children are massacred. Up-to 20 thousand died. suvorov, russian commander-in-chief is promoted to field marshal by catherine the great.
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1863-1864. Repressions after January Rising on the territories of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Governor General of Vilna, muravyov nicknamed 'hangman' bans Latin alphabet, executes publicly combatants and deports 9.000 of them to Siberia, imposes enormous contributions.
1917-1920 Red terror on the Polish and Ukrainian territories during bolshevik takeover, Polish-russian War and Ukrainian-russian War. For 3 years looting, raping and killing raged between Vistula and Dnipro, prisoners of war were routinely killed by the red army.
1932-1933. Holodomor. Terror famine, purposely induced by stalin on the territory of Ukraine resulted millions of deaths according to lowest estimates and up-to 10 millions according to the highest. Though directed against landowners, it affected mostly ethnic Ukrainians.
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1939-1941. soviet occupation of eastern Poland. Approx. 800.000 were deported to barrens in the North and East, many of them died. 7.000 were executed, 110.000 imprisoned, 150.000 forced to join the red army. Same policy was pursued by the ussr in the annexed Baltic countries.
1941. red army forced to retreat by advancing Wehrmacht, so chekists however still had time to execute (mostly political) prisoners in the cities of soviet occupied Ukranian, Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian territories. At least 10.000 were hastily shot.
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1943. Discovery of mass graves in Katyń, at that time occupied by the Germans. At least 21.768 Polish citizens, mostly officers and policemen were shot by chekists in 1940. Nazi propaganda exploits the massacre, but stalin coldly denies everything and accuses Germany of the killings.
1944-1945. Europe. Mass rapes were notorious on every territory 'liberated' by the red army. Not only in Germany which was to be 'punished' but also in Poland, where mass-raping in 1945 led to a pandemic of sexually transmitted diseases. Raped were women 9-80, often gang-raped.
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1945-1947. In all countries 'liberated' by ussr, soviet security forces hunted down all who might oppose the communist rule. In Poland only, 6.000 were executed after mock trials and some 100.000 repressed; most of them soldiers of the anti-Nazi resistance and war heroes.
1956. Hungarian revolution against soviet occupation, the red army intervenes. 22.000 imprisoned, about 300 executed. Approx. 200.000 flee Hungary
1968. Prague demands autonomy, the red army intervenes. Approx 100 people killed. 270.000 emigrate.
1979-1989. soviet intervention in Afghanistan. Approx. 1,5 million of inhabitants murdered, 90% of them civilians. Country was completely destroyed. Mass killings were conducted on a regular basis (check Laghman, Kulchabat, Rauzdi, Padkhwab-e Shana massacres), toys were set as booby traps.
1994-1996 and 1999-2000. Two Chechen Wars. Up to 100.000 murdered, mostly civilians. Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, destroyed. Filtration camps, kidnappings, tortures. Gang rape as purposeful torture method against men. 70% of households destroyed.
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2008. russian war against Georgia has started. Bombing of civilian high populated places with cluster bombs. Oh, wait, it was an unprovoked attack on a sovereign state, but somehow nobody cared (hello UN).
2014. russian war against Ukraine has started. Until 24 February 2022 total number of civilians killed was estimated at 4.317. Illegal detention, abduction tortures and intimidation of people contesting by russian occupants were routine. Mass graves were discovered on the territories liberated by Ukraine.
So, next time you are going to be 'surprised' and 'shocked' by the achievements of russian army, russian political leadership or russia in overall, please don't say that you didn't know or didn't expected.
The truly pure evil exists.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Hatred is stalking the women of Afghanistan, pushing them further into darkness as world leaders appear to be ignoring the terrible truth that the Taliban’s efforts to disappear half the population are central to their hold on power. Taliban leaders say their misogynistic policies are steeped in religion, tradition, and respect for women. They tell Western officials that the prison-like restrictions will soon be eased, only then to tighten them further. For women who are isolated, brutalized, and desperate, Afghanistan has become that place where nobody can hear them scream.
The U.N.’s special rapporteur on Afghanistan, Richard Bennett, issued another devastating report on Friday and again called on the Taliban to honor obligations to protect human rights, and for U.N. member states to ensure the “situation of human rights of women and girls in Afghanistan is central to all policy decisions and engagement” with the Taliban. Human rights organizations have reported extensively on Taliban atrocities, describing the anti-woman practices as “crimes against humanity,” “gender apartheid,” “a war on women,” and “femicide.”
Afghan women don’t use the jargon. They tell of gang rapes and being beaten on their breasts and genitals so they cannot display their injuries. They tell how their rapists urinated in their faces, and of much, much worse. They tell of relatives kidnapped into sex slavery to serve as Taliban “wives,” or murdered by the “vice and virtue police” for resisting, their bodies found by roadsides or hanging in trees. In interviews with Foreign Policy, women said that revealing their identities would be a death sentence.
Inequality and misogyny are hardly exclusive to Afghanistan, or to many fundamentalist religions more broadly, but the Taliban are plumbing depths few outside the country can comprehend. The question is why misogyny is so central to the Taliban worldview. The Taliban were already notoriously brutal toward women during their first rule, between 1996 and 2001. In their second incarnation, they’ve only gotten worse.
They seem to have deftly manipulated religious conservatism, which was consistent across most of Afghanistan’s ethnic and religious groups, into an elemental expression of what it means to be a “good” Muslim. The privations of war, beginning with the Soviet invasion in 1979, arguably led to the emasculation of Afghanistan’s men, who juxtaposed their masculinity against a weaker position for women. With the arrival in 2001 of the United States and billions of dollars in programs to educate and emancipate women, the notion of feminism could then be easily portrayed as another attack on the natural order of the country’s culture and religion, in which men were dominant.
Rights activists and academics said the Taliban have used their rhetorical and physical violence against women to secure support from conservative and religious communities. Those are mostly, though not exclusively, Sunni Pashtuns who predominate in southern Afghanistan and live according to a mythologized life code that extends warm hospitality, even to al Qaeda and other terrorists, and sequesters women from nearly all spheres of public life. The Taliban refined and intensified that ideology as they fought the so-called infidel U.S.-led forces and members of what they saw as a puppet government during their ultimately successful 20-year insurgency to win back control of the country.
“From 2001 to 2021, I think they evolved in a way that made their abusive views on women and girls even more central to their cause. So it makes sense that they won’t budge on those issues, after that ideology arguably led them to victory,” said Heather Barr, the associate women’s rights director at Human Rights Watch.
Part of the reason that misogyny became so central to the new Taliban was because of the way the group propagated itself, by brainwashing millions of boys in religious schools, or madrassas, in the mountainous border regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan. They were the Taliban’s future, then their cannon fodder, and now are their enforcers. The male-only madrassas that taught Taliban fighters Quran recitation and bomb-making—and where many were victims of sexual violence—also deprived them of family.
“They were always isolated from the other half of the population,” former Deputy Education Minister Marjan Mateen said. “If you have respectful relationships with the women in your family, you will have respect for women. The madrassa system deprived them of this.”
Keeping women uneducated was also a central plank of the Taliban’s construction of their new state, she said. The repression of women is “deeply rooted in traditional notions of patriarchy, but which they try to justify with recourse to Islam and culture,” she said, and an educated woman threatens that power base. “It is strategic to deprive women of education and agency, as this keeps the entire household ignorant,” she said.
Now back in charge, the Taliban cannot build an economy or create jobs. All they can offer to millions of young, uneducated, and unemployed men are women. “Being the king of their home and having total control of ‘their women’ may be all the power and recognition they get,” Barr said.
Afghan Witness, a British nongovernmental organization, has collected data on more than 140 reports of women being “individually killed, often in circumstances of extreme violence and brutality,” team leader David Osborn said. That is probably an undercount given the limits of open-source data, he noted. With laws of the previous government canceled in favor of an unspecified interpretation of Sharia law, “justice for the victims and families left behind has rarely resulted,” he said. “From our analysis, the picture is clear: There is a culture of impunity for femicide in the Taliban’s Afghanistan.”
Afghanistan was no paradise for women even before the Taliban’s return to power in August 2021, regularly rated the worst place in the world to be born as a woman. Their lack of rights under the Taliban’s first regime was used as one of the justifications for the 2001 U.S.-led invasion after the Sept. 11 terror attacks: In a radio address supporting the military retaliation against the Taliban for colluding with al Qaeda, then-first lady Laura Bush called out the Taliban’s “brutality against women and children.” With the removal of the Taliban “terrorists,” she said, “women are no longer imprisoned in their homes. They can listen to music and teach their daughters without fear of punishment.”
Soon after, a new constitution guaranteed women’s rights, and there was incremental, if slow, progress. The patriarchal culture that privileges men over women by social norms started to break down as the benefits of laws to protect women’s rights started to be felt beyond the cities. Women began to see education and development as pathways to peace. It was a multigenerational project, but with millions of girls going to school—up from nearly zero under the Taliban—and many getting degrees, working, running businesses, and traveling abroad, things were demonstrably better.
Former U.S. President Donald Trump’s exit deal with the Taliban in 2020 threw it all into reverse, and President Joe Biden’s decision to stick with the U.S. withdrawal has taken Afghanistan back to the dark ages of the Taliban 1.0. Women are again banned from school, university, most work, travel, going to parks and gyms, playing sports, and in most cases, leaving their homes alone. The Taliban have banned charities, including U.N. agencies, from employing women to deliver aid to women. This cuts them off from essentials such as food, medicine, and clothing, making them vulnerable to sexual exploitation and violence. Some non-U.N. organizations have found ways around the ban, though many believe the Taliban are moving toward strict enforcement.
At the highest levels of powerful world bodies, the reality of the Taliban is slow to sink in. Martin Griffiths, the U.N.’s undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs, spoke for many when he met with Taliban leaders after they issued the charity ban in December and barred women from university. He emerged from meetings to say he had received “encouraging responses” from Taliban leaders that new “guidelines” on how women live and work would soon be issued, only to be humiliated within hours when the Taliban instead issued further restrictions. This month, senior Taliban figure Suhail Shaheen, in a clear reference to women’s rights, said the world is “slowly accepting the realities” that the “conditions of the international community are not acceptable” to the terrorist-led group.
The Taliban do not have formal recognition from any country, yet there is an insidious and subtle form of engagement nonetheless that is entrenching the Taliban’s worst behaviors. Some countries, such as China, Russia, Iran, and Turkey, maintain embassies in Kabul and accept Taliban figures in the former Republic of Afghanistan’s overseas embassies. This low-key engagement is undermining “shared values” such as rule of law, nondiscrimination, freedom of thought, and respect for both women’s rights and human rights more broadly, said former Afghan national security agency official Ahmad Shuja Jamal. “This creeping increase in diplomatic engagement short of recognition,” he said, enables the Taliban “to establish gender apartheid by completely banning women from public participation.”
Jamal said that the governments and multilateral organizations that deal with the Taliban—including the United States, Russia, China, and the U.N.—“are contributing to a breakdown of those values, which is currently harming the Afghan people most directly, but that degradation is going to affect every person all over the world in the long term.”
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conradscrime · 1 month
The Murder of Molly Bish & the Connection to Holly Piirainen
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August 20, 2024
Molly Bish was born on August 2, 1983 in Warren, Massachusetts. At the time of her death, she was 16 years old and was working as a lifeguard at Comins Pond.
On June 26, 2000, Molly's mother Magi, noticed a mustached man in a white car parked in the lot of the beach where Molly's lifeguard post was. He seemed suspicious at the time, but Molly's mother did not think anything further until after her daughter had disappeared.
The next day, June 27, 2000, Magi drove her daughter Molly near the lifeguard station. Magi reported that she had not seen the strange man there that day, however, another witness reported that he saw a man matching that description in the pond's parking lot just minutes before Molly arrived.
A local worker reportedly saw a similar car parked at a cemetery connected to the pond by a path. Magi was the last known person to see Molly before she disappeared. A few hours later, police contacted Molly's parents to tell them that no lifeguard had been on duty that day and that Molly's belongings had been left unattended at her station.
An extensive search was done, and eventually it became the largest and most expensive search for a missing person ever done in Massachusetts. Molly's case was featured on many tv shows including America's Most Wanted, Unsolved Mysteries, and 48 Hours.
A hunter had seen a blue bathing suit in the woods on Whiskey Hill in Palmer, in the late fall of 2002. In May 2003, this hunter mentioned it and the police were contacted. A search of the area found Molly's body on June 9, 2003, almost three years later.
Molly's body had been found 5 miles from her family home. No cause of death was determined, but investigators believe Molly was murdered and her remains were buried.
There have been a few suspects looked into in relation to Molly's murder. In 2005, a Connecticut man who had been charged with attempted kidnapping in New York was briefly looked into.
Later, in 2009, a man named Rodney Stanger, then residing in Florida, who had been convicted of murdering his girlfriend, had actually lived in Southbridge, MA, a few miles from the town of Warren for more than 20 years.
Rodney had moved to Florida after Molly's murder. Following Rodney's girlfriends murder, Crystal Morrison (the couple had been together for 20 years), Crystal's sister alerted authorities.
Rodney was known to have a similar white car to the one seen the day before Molly disappeared. He was known to also fish in Comins Pond and hunt in the woods where Molly's body had been found. Rodney also matched the description that Magi Bish had reported, however he has not been charged in the case.
While Rodney was being investigated into Molly's murder, he was also questioned about a 1993 murder of a girl named Holly Piirainen. Holly went missing from Sturbridge, and was Molly's age. Molly had actually written a letter of hope to Holly's parents in 1993. Rodney has not been charged in Holly's case either.
In 2012, forensic evidence led authorities to a man named David Pouliot to Holly's case. However, David had died in 2003.
In November 2011, a man named Gerald Battistoni was named a suspect in Molly's death. Gerald had worked as an informant for the Eastern Hampden County Narcotic Task Force. Gerald had spent time in prison for repeatedly raping a teenage girl in the early 90's. He attempted suicide in prison after newspaper articles identified him as a suspect in both Molly and Holly's cases.
Gerald had a criminal record dating back to 1980, had been in the area where Molly's body had been discovered, and resembles the composite sketch of the man Magi saw in the parking lot before her daughter disappeared.
DNA testing was asked to be completed. Gerald died in November 2014. There is no clear answers as to what came of the DNA, but it must not have matched or been completed.
A new person of interest was announced on June 3, 2021, a registered sex offender named Francis P. Sumner Sr. He was found dead inside his home in Spencer, MA, on May 4, 2016. He had a lengthy criminal record but it is unclear why he was connected to the case as a suspect.
On July 9, 1982, Francis was convicted of aggravated rape and kidnapping. He was sentenced to 15-18 years on the rape charge, to be served concurrently with 9-10 years on the kidnapping charges. The earliest he could have been released from prison would have been in 1997. It is unclear how long Francis was incarcerated.
No arrests have been made in Molly Bish's case, however Francis is considered a person of interest. Investigator's have not given up on the case, and encourage the use of familial DNA, hoping that forensic evidence may lead to some answers eventually. Molly's family advocates for child abduction awareness. There is an anonymous tip line that's open for information.
In 2004, Magi and John Bish founded The Molly Bish Center and Foundation in collaboration with Anna Maria College.
Holly Piirainen, the girl who was killed 7 years before Molly, was also found in a wooden area near Hampden County. Police have considered that the two cases could be related. Some of Molly's letter to Holly's family reads,
"I am very sorry. I wish I could make it up to you. Holly is a very pretty girl. She is almost as tall as me. I wish I knew Holly. I hope they found her."
Both cases remain unsolved.
Holly Piirainen's case will be posted tomorrow.
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transgenderer · 10 months
Patricia Campbell Hearst (born February 20, 1954)[1] is the granddaughter of American publishing magnate William Randolph Hearst. She first became known for the events following her 1974 kidnapping by the Symbionese Liberation Army. She was found and arrested 19 months after being abducted, by which time she was a fugitive wanted for serious crimes committed with members of the group. She was held in custody, and there was speculation before trial that her family's resources would enable her to avoid time in prison.
At her trial, the prosecution suggested that Hearst had joined the Symbionese Liberation Army of her own volition. However, she testified that she had been raped and threatened with death while held captive. In 1976, she was convicted for the crime of bank robbery and sentenced to 35 years in prison, later reduced to seven years. Her sentence was commuted by President Jimmy Carter, and she was later pardoned by President Bill Clinton.
Hearst's kidnapping was partly opportunistic, as she resided near the SLA hideout. According to testimony at trial, the group's main intention was to leverage the Hearst family's political influence to free SLA members Russ Little and Joe Remiro, who had been arrested for the November 1973 murder of Marcus Foster, superintendent of Oakland public schools.[citation needed]
After the state refused to free the men, the SLA demanded that Hearst's family distribute $70 worth of food to every needy Californian, an operation that would cost an estimated $400 million. In response, Hearst's father obtained a loan and arranged the immediate donation of $2 million worth of food to the poor of the Bay Area for one year in a project called People in Need. After the distribution descended into chaos, the SLA refused to release Hearst.[9]
According to Hearst's testimony at her trial, she was held for a week in a closet, blindfolded and with her hands tied. During this time, SLA founder Cinque (Donald DeFreeze) repeatedly threatened her with death.[10] She was allowed to leave the closet for meals, still blindfolded, and began to participate in the group's political discussions. She was given a flashlight for reading and SLA political tracts to memorize. Hearst was confined in the closet for weeks. She said, "DeFreeze told me that the war council had decided or was thinking about killing me or me staying with them, and that I better start thinking about that as a possibility. ... I accommodated my thoughts to coincide with theirs."[10] In an April 1974 account, Hearst claimed that she had been offered the choice of being released or joining the SLA.[11]
When asked for her decision, Hearst elected to remain and fight with the SLA. The blindfold was removed, allowing her to see her captors for the first time. After this, she was given daily lessons on her duties, especially weapon drills. Angela Atwood told Hearst that the others wanted Hearst to experience sexual freedom within the unit. Hearst later claimed to have been raped by William "Willie" Wolfe and DeFreeze.[10][12][13][14]
The United Federated Forces of the Symbionese Liberation Army (commonly referred to simply as the SLA) was a small, American militant far-left organization active between 1973 and 1975; it claimed to be a vanguard movement. The FBI and wider American law enforcement considered the SLA to be the first terrorist organization to rise from the American left. Six members died in a May 1974 shootout with police in Los Angeles. The three surviving fugitives recruited new members, but nearly all of them were apprehended in 1975 and prosecuted.
The name 'symbionese' is taken from the word symbiosis and we define its meaning as a body of dissimilar bodies and organisms living in deep and loving harmony and partnership in the best interest of all within the body.
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tieflingkisser · 4 months
In Texas border town, locals say military forces, not migrants, are invading
EAGLE PASS, Texas—The border between Eagle Pass, Texas, and Piedras Negras in the Mexican state of Coahuila used to be open, like the one between Derby Line, Vermont and Stanstead, Quebec.  “We used to just go back and forth all the time,” recalls Amerika Garcia Grewal, who grew up in the small city by the Rio Grande. “The same way we drove downtown to get tacos, years ago, we might have driven into Piedras to get tacos and come back.” Now the border is fortified.  First, there’s the infamous wall, built over several administrations to keep out migrants.  In Eagle Pass, it’s an expanse of fencing with closely spaced vertical metal bars, stretching for miles near the Rio Grande.  But in recent years, the wall has been supplemented with lines of shipping containers and concertina wire along the riverbank.  Armed soldiers are stationed on top of the containers. Fan boats operated by several state and federal agencies speed up and down the river, perhaps looking for or perhaps trying to scare migrants who might wade across the river to ask for asylum in the land of the free.   Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the division of the Department of Homeland Security generally just called the Border Patrol, has responsibility under federal law for enforcing laws controlling travel into the United States.  But in 2021, the state of Texas launched Operation Lone Star, dramatically escalating its own involvement in border enforcement.  Under Lone Star, thousands of Texas National Guard members and state police have been stationed at the border.  Texas’ Republican governor, Greg Abbott, Lone Star’s initiator and chief publicist, has labeled the influx of migrants an “invasion.”   
“If there’s an invasion, it’s from the military,” says Jessie Fuentes, a retired communications professor who runs a canoe and kayak rental business. “There’s more military in our community than there are migrants, thousands and thousands of military from 13 different states.” “How would you feel if all of a sudden, your community was locked up with soldiers and you couldn’t go into your favorite park? Because it has concertina wire around it or shipping containers or armed guards or you can’t access your own river and your green space?” asked Fuentes, a member of the Eagle Pass Border Coalition, a grassroots organization.  “So yeah, the only invasion we got here is from the military and the Texas governor.”
The local immigrant detention prison is owned by the GEO Group, which according to a February 20 Newsweek article “reported one of its most profitable years amid the growing demand for immigration detention facilities.”  GEO operates 11 facilities in Texas. The $11B doesn’t count the money being spent by other states to send troops to Texas.  Missouri has just approved $2.2 million for a deployment.  Louisiana is sending its third rotation of soldiers. There’s “a lot of money being spent,” said Steve Fischer, who I met while he was walking his dog near the gated and guarded entrance to Shelby Park. 
Amerika Garcia Grewal, who like Fuentes is part of the Eagle Pass Border Coalition, believes high levels of migration are being stimulated by Republican rhetoric.  When conservatives attack President Biden for “open borders,” she said, their statements get picked up and circulated on social media by criminal groups that make money off transporting migrants to the border (and extorting them along the way, as well).  “They think they’re talking tough,” she said, but instead they are giving migrants hope that they can make it to the United States and be safer than they were at home. Along the route, migrants are frequently subject to rape, other assaults, kidnapping, and extortion as they make their way north through Mexico to the U.S. border.  But still they come, in the hopes of gaining asylum in the United States.  If they do make it to Eagle Pass, they might find a community where compassion outweighs fear. 
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meditating-dog-lover · 10 months
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Sorry but hot girls don't kill women and children, bomb schools, hospitals, and houses, ethnically displace civilians, promote racism and apartheid, deprive civilians of food, water, medication, and electricity, use illegal white phosphorus on civilians which literally burns the flesh off their bones, violate ceasefires, impose a strict blockade on a population of 2 million people for almost 20 years, beat up and jail children for throwing rocks, build apartheid walls and roads to separate Jews and Arabs from one another, burn olive trees during harvest season, kick civilians out of their own homes and move in, illegally annex land, break countless international laws, run propaganda machines and lie to the world so they can excuse your warcrimes, sexually harass and rape women and even little boys in prison, kidnap and lock kids in cages, allow settlers to walk around with guns, knives, and batons to attack and even kill civilians as they wish, build illegal settlements, post the most racist and vile videos on social media mocking people which is on par with Nazi Germany's level of hateful propaganda, and so on.
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coochiequeens · 9 months
Another violent man claiming to be the actual victim. This time use gender ideology.
By Anna Slatz January 1, 2024
CONTENT NOTICE: This article contains graphic descriptions of sexual assault committed against both adult and child victims. Reader discretion is appreciated.
A violent transgender sex offender has launched multiple lawsuits against over 20 members of staff at the St. Francois County Jail and South Missouri Mental Health Center after reportedly being denied female undergarments. Kelly McSean, a violent rapist and pedophile, is awaiting trial after escaping jail while in custody for attacking sex offender treatment program staff.
As previously reported by Reduxx, McSean, born Larry Bemboom, has an extremely long and depraved criminal history.
In 2003, while still living under his birth name, he pleaded guilty to the sexual assault of a 39-year-old African American woman. McSean had offered the woman a ride home, but instead took her to his residence where he both orally and vaginally raped her.
During the assault, McSean made racially degrading remarks to the victim, telling her that his ancestors owned slaves and ordering her call to him “master.” The woman managed to escape and fled nude from his residence. For the brutal attack, he was sentenced to just five years in prison.
Before his scheduled 2008 release, a prison psychiatrist reported that McSean met the statutory definition of a sexually violent predator and, after a second evaluating psychiatrist concurred, the state of Missouri filed a petition to involuntarily commit him to its Sex Offender Rehabilitation and Treatment Service program. A jury trial subsequently found that he met the legal requirements for civil commitment, and he was sent to reside at Sex Offender Rehabilitation and Treatment Program (SORTS) in Farmington.
McSean appealed the decision, but evidence presented by the evaluating psychiatrist provided insight into the predator’s extensive history of sexual violence dating back to when he was just a minor.
According to the evaluation — at 13 years of age, McSean molested an eight-year-old girl and forced her to perform oral sex on him. He also fondled and orally copulated a 12-year-old boy. The following year, he was sent to counseling after he was found soliciting other boys to perform oral sex on him in his school bathroom.
McSean was placed in sex offender treatment when he was just 15 years old after exposing himself to a younger relative, but while in treatment he molested another underage girl in his proximity.
Between the ages of 19 and 30, McSean would commit several more sex offenses, primarily against minors. He told the evaluating psychiatrist that he repeatedly raped a 16-year-old girl in 1995, as well as engaged in oral sex with her 11-year-old brother. He also stated that he moved in with two girls aged 14 and 16 in 1998, raped a 15-year-old girl, and molested a 14-year-old.
At age 30, he was arrested for sodomizing a 12-year-old girl after giving her marijuana. He received a suspended five-year sentence and three years probation. McSean said that while in the community, he committed a number of sexual assaults for which he was never charged, including molesting children as young as 8 at the Salvation Army, and raping unidentified male and female children.
In 2003, prior to being charged for the rape of the 39-year-old woman, McSean admitted to having kidnapped two teens and holding them captive at his residence where he forced them to perform oral sex on him.
McSean also said that around the same time, he was molesting a younger female relative and threatening to kill her if she told on him. He would sneak into her room at night, cover her mouth and rape her, as well as penetrating her with foreign objects.
While McSean attempted to appeal his sexually violent offender designation, the appeal was denied in 2010 and he has remained in civil commitment since. Sometime between 2010 and 2023, he began identifying as a “transgender female woman.”
While at SORTS, McSean violently attacked a treatment worker, leading to his transfer to the St. Francois County Jail to await trial on the charges.
On January 17, McSean, along with 4 other inmates, escaped the prison via a plumbing-access hole. Cameras that would ordinarily have tracked their escape were not functioning due to construction being done on the building. The prisoners weren’t discovered missing until a routine inmate count. A wild police chase ensued, with McSean and the others being caught on street surveillance camera footage stealing a car in a nearby parking lot.
McSean was apprehended three days after the escape, and has been at the St. Francois County Jail ever since. But Reduxx has now learned that over the course of the past 5 months, McSean has filed a number of lawsuits alleging mistreatment at the hands of staff both at the jail and at the South Missouri Mental Health Center.
Though McSean is alleging various forms of mistreatment, the majority of his complaints appear to stem from his inability to access “gender affirming” items and treatments, most notably women’s undergarments. He also takes issue with being “misgendered” and “demeaned” while in custody, and having been treated as a male despite his state and prison documentation listing him as a “female.”
McSean has similarly alleged sexual harassment, with these claims stemming from “misgendering” incidents, “discrimination on the basis of sex,” and routine searches not being conducted in the fashion he demands. He has also claimed he was “sexually assaulted” during a strip-search, emphasizing that his penis and “breasts” had been exposed to male officers.
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McSean has alleged the various “mistreatments” have caused him anxiety, sleep issues, nightmares, high blood pressure, a los of appetite, migraines, crying spells, and more physical and psychological issues. He has requested damages ranging from $50,000 to $100,000 per defendant and per concern. In one of the filed complaints alone, the total requested damages exceed $14,900,000.
One of McSean’s lawsuits was filed with two other inmates as co-Plaintiffs, both of whom were involved in McSean’s escape from the jail in January – Aaron Sebastian, a sexually violent predator who sodomized a young girl, and Dakota Pace. McSean identifies both of the men as “friends” of his. In their lawsuit, the three criminals allege mistreatment at the hands of St. Francois County Jail staff.
Disturbingly, one of the multiple complaints filed by McSean suggests that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has intervened on his behalf at least once. In a hand-written complaint submitted in August, McSean wrote:
“After being informed that the ACLU and an attorney has contacted the St. Francois county detention center of [sic] the constitutional rights of transgender persons, I submitted an inmate request form as to the status of ability to purchase and have female undergarments.”
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While the ACLU has not commented publicly on McSean’s case, the organization has been known to be a strong advocate of transgender inmates, even those who have committed the most heinous crimes.
In Indiana, the ACLU recently filed a lawsuit against the state’s Department of Corrections after a trans-identified male inmate convicted of murdering his infant stepdaughter was denied “gender affirming” surgeries. The suit, which was filed on August 28 of 2023, challenges a recently-adopted policy stipulating that the Indiana Department of Corrections (IDOC) cannot provide transgender surgeries to inmates.
The ACLU has also lamented the criminal penalties of transgender inmates, including the Florida execution of rapist and murderer Duane Owen.
On June 16 of 2023, the ACLU, through their official Twitter account, lambasted the state of Florida for refusing to provide “medically necessary gender-affirming care” to Duane Owen. Using feminine pronouns to refer to Owen, the ACLU claimed the state had caused Owen “enormous suffering” and had violated “her right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment for the more than 30 years she was in state custody.” 
They further stated that Owen, who had raped and murdered two women in an effort to “harvest their hormones,” had argued in legal documents that he “should be afforded the essence of human dignity.”
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dhr-ao3 · 9 months
Her Magic
Her Magic https://ift.tt/nehCFmx by Daydreamer03 Hermione Granger has been missing for years, presumed dead during the Battle of Hogwarts. Recently released from Azkaban for his role in Voldemorts most recent rise to power, a lonely Draco Malfoy recognizes some riotous curls at the end of the bar in the muggle pub he’s been frequenting for the anonymity. When he decides to confront her, she doesn’t remember him. Draco doesn’t understand. After dismissing him, he decides to follow her out into the night. What secrets he discovers would shock the hell out of anyone, but this new Hermione Granger is a force to be reckoned with. Maybe she could use an ally. Words: 762, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Narcissa Black Malfoy, John Dawlish Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Post-Battle of Hogwarts, Kidnapping, Rape/Non-con Elements, Sexual Abuse, Physical Abuse, Sexual Assault, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Elemental Magic, Pure Magic, Revenge, Justice, Murder, Depression, prisoner, Auror Harry Potter, Auror Ron Weasley, Azkaban, Healing, Assassin - Freeform, Unplanned Pregnancy, No Beta, Secret Relationship via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/UoTehO3 December 20, 2023 at 05:57PM
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missmcspooks · 1 year
Special 100th Post: Murder By Alphabet
I wanted to do something a little different for my 100th post, and decided to make a simple list of serial killers for every letter of the alphabet. Q and X have been left out due to the fact that nothing exists for those letters so, my apologies!
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Atlanta Ripper: Is an unidentified serial killer who’s suspected of killing 15 women in Atlanta between 1909 and 1914. 6 different suspects were found, but no convictions have ever been found. It’s possible that the Atlanta Ripper could be responsible for as many as 21 murders, but there’s no hard evidence that can declare that these murders were committed by the same person. 
Bouncing Ball Killer: Is an unidentified serial killer who’s suspected of killing at least 6 women in Los Angeles between May 1959, and June 1960. 3 initial suspects have been cleared, and 5 others have been suspected, but no convictions have been made. 
Charlie Chop-off: Is an unidentified serial killer known to have killed 4 children in Manhattan between 1972 and 1973. Police heavily believe that a man named Erno Soto is the killer, as the murders stopped after his arrest, but were let go due to lack of evidence. 
Doodler: Is an unidentified serial killer suspected to have killed between 6 and 16 men, and an additional 3 assaults on other men in San Francisco, California. He was given his nickname the “Doodler” due to his signature of sketching his victims before stabbing them to death. 
Edward Edwards: Before becoming a serial killer, he was a former fugitive. He escaped from jail in Ohio and held up multiple gas stations before making a run for it to Georgia. He landed himself on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List by 1961. He was captured in Atlanta, Georgia, and convicted of 5 confirmed murders, but is suspected to have killed 9-15 additional people.
Freeway Phantom: Is an unidentified serial killer who is suspected of killing 5 young girls and one woman in Washington, D.C, between April 1971, and September 1972. There have been multiple suspects, but no convictions have happened. 
Grim Sleeper: Lonnie David Franklin Jr. was a serial killer who was responsible for at least 10 murders and one attempted murder in Los Angeles, California, between 1984 and 2007. He gained his nickname as the Grim Sleeper due to appearing to have taken a 14 year break between his murders. He was also convicted of sexual violence and rape. 
Hillside Stranglers: Two serial killers named Kenneth Alessio Bianchi, and Angelo Buono Jr. They were convicted for kidnapping, raping, torturing, and killing 10 women together in Los Angeles, California, between October 1977, and February 1978. The victims were between 12 and 28 years old. Bianchi killed two additional women by himself, and were both sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. 
I-70 Strangler: Is an unidentified serial killer who’s suspected of killing at least twelve boys and men in Ohio and Indiana between June 1980, and October 1991. This case is officially unsolved, but it’s heavily suspected that the serial killer, Herb Baumeister, was the killer. Herb is now deceased, and was convicted for murdering over a dozen men in the early 1990s, some of them last being seen around gay bars. He killed himself after a warrant was out for his arrest. 
Willie Ben Jones: Is a serial killer who killed at least sex workers in Richmond, Virginia, between 1980 and 1991. When asked why he killed these women, he replied by stating that they “had to be punished for being sex workers.” He was given 3 consecutive 20 year sentences. 
Todd Kohlhepp: Is a serial killer and sex offender who was convicted of killing seven people in South Carolina between 2003 and 2016. He also kidnapped at least one woman, sexually assaulted another, and claims that he’s killed many more. 
Leonard Lake: Was a serial killer during the mid 1980s, and was convicted of raping, torturing, and killing 11 women, and is suspected to have killed as many as 25. He also had an accomplice, Charles Ng. They killed their victims at a remote cabin in Wilseyville, California.
Cory Morris: Is a serial killer, rapist, and necrophile who murdered at least 5 sex workers in his trailer in Phoenix, Arizona, between September 2002, and April 2003. He was sentenced to death, but is currently still alive at age 45. 
Francis Nemechek: Is a serial killer who killed 4 women and a young boy in Kansas between December 1974, and August 1976. He admitted to the murders and also claimed to have sexually assaulted some of them, but plead not guilty for the reason of insanity, but was found guilty anyway and sentenced to life in prison. He has been denied parole 4 times. 
Juan David Ortiz: Is a serial killer and spree killer who killed 4 sex workers in September 2018. He was arrested after a potential victim escaped and contacted the police. 
Pleasant Pruitt: Is a serial killer who killed three subsequent wives. He was never charged with killing his first two wives, but ended up taking his own life after he killed his last wife to refrain from going to prison. 
Robert Ben Rhoads: Is a serial killer and rapist who was convicted in 1994 for murdering 3 women that he found at truck stops. He’s also suspected of killing as many as 50 women. 
Skid Row Stabber: Is an unidentified serial killer who murdered 11 women between 1978 and 1979 in a neighborhood that people liked to call “Skid Row” located in Los Angeles. This neighborhood is known to house a lot of homeless people, who are often subjected to victimization. Bobby Joe Maxwell was arrested, charged, and convicted of the murders, but his conviction was overturned in 2010. 
Brandon Tholmer: Is a serial killer and rapist responsible for at least 12 murders of elderly women between January 1981 and October 19823, in Los Angeles' West Side. He gained the nickname “The West Side Rapist.” It’s speculated that he possibly had an accomplice, and could’ve killed up to 34 women.
Andrew Uridales: He was a serial killer who was convicted of murder twice. He was convicted in 2002 for killing 3 women in Illinois, and then convicted in California in 2018 for killing 5 women. He was sentenced to death in California, but killed himself in prison a few months later. He also attacked another woman in 1992, but she thankfully escaped. 
Darren Deon Vann: Is a serial killer who was arrested in October 2018 for the murder of Afrikka Hardy (19), in Hammond, Indiana. He also confessed to killing 6 other women, and led the police to all of their bodies, which were found in 5 abandoned structures in Gary, Indiana. He is suspected of killing as many as 18 women.
West Mesa Murders: Is an unidentified serial killer who’s responsible for the murders of 11 women, whose remains were found buried in the desert of West Mesa of Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 2009. There have been multiple suspects, but no one has been charged. The killings were believed to be the work of a serial killer, but they suspect that it’s possible that a sex trafficking ring could’ve been involved. 
Robert Lee Yates: Is a serial killer also known as the Grocery Bag Killer, who’s known to have killed at least 11 women Spokane, from 1975 to 1998. He also confessed to killing two additional women in Walla Walla in 1975, and another murder in Skagit County in 1988. In 2002, he was convicted of killing two women in Pierce County and was sentenced to death, but his sentence was later changed to life without parole, as the Washington Supreme Court ruled capital punishment as unconstitutional in 2018. 
Zebra Murders: Were a string of racially motivated murders and related attacks committed by a group of four black serial killers in San Francisco, California, between October 1973, and April 1974. They murdered at least 15 people and wounded 8 others. Police gave the case the name "Zebra" after the special police radio band they assigned to the investigation. Some authorities believe that the “Death Angel’s,” as the killers called themselves, may have killed as many as 73 or more victims since 1970.
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offender42085 · 2 years
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Post 0534
Brandon Thomas Brown, Pennsylvania inmate FM6205, born 1985, incarceration intake in 2003 at age 17, sentenced to 50 years to life, scheduled release date not available
Criminal Homicide, Kidnapping, Rape, Assault
“Justice has been served today.”  That was the response of the mother of 6-year-old murder victim Jasmine Stoud shortly made in August 2022 after the person convicted of killing her daughter 21 years ago was resentenced by Northumberland County President Judge Charles H. Saylor to 50 years to life imprisonment for criminal homicide.
In addition to being resentenced on the homicide offense, Brown, who is now 36, received concurrent sentences of three to 20 years each in state prison on two counts of kidnapping and five to 20 years each in state prison on two counts of rape. Two counts of aggravated assault were merged for sentencing purposes.
Brown was given credit for 20 years, 11 months and 19 days already served in prison, which means his minimum sentence will be reduced to approximately 29 years before he would be eligible for parole.
The felony offenses were filed by Coal Township police against Brown, who was 15 at the time, for kidnapping, assaulting, raping and killing Stoud on Aug. 11, 2001, in a wooded area not far from their West Walnut Street homes in Coal Township.
Prior to sentencing, Stoud’s mother, Rebecca Diaz Richards, who currently resides in Vernal, Utah, addressed the court.
Richards, who broke down crying several times during her emotional victim impact statement, said she believes Brown’s original sentence of life in prison without parole was an appropriate sentence and didn’t see the need to resentence him.
Following resentencing, Richards added, “Justice was served today. I’m very happy with the outcome. Jasmine was a very beautiful little girl. She was loving and caring.”
Brown’s parents and a brother attended the resentencing, but declined comment.
Northumberland County First Assistant District Attorney Robyn Zenzinger, who prosecuted the resentencing case, said, “I respect the decision of the court. It was a very challenging case and I hope the family is able to find some peace.”
Defense attorney James Best reserved comment as did the defendant upon being escorted from the courthouse.
Also in the courtroom during the legal proceeding to show their support for Jasmine’s family were retired Coal Township Police Chief Richard Higgins, retired Coal Township Detective Charles Pensyl III and retired Northumberland County District Attorney Tony Rosini.
The judge had the option of resentencing Brown to life in prison with or without a chance for parole, granting a new sentence with a minimum and maximum incarceration period, or imposing a reduced sentence.
Brown was sentenced to life in prison without parole after being convicted of all charges by a jury in Northumberland County on Jan. 24, 2003. In addition to the life sentence, Brown also was ordered by then-President Judge Robert B. Sacavage to serve a consecutive sentence of 17 to 70 years for kidnapping, rape and other charges.
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thecrimecrypt · 2 years
Crimes That Shook Britain (Yorkshire)
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The Crossbow Cannibal Between June 2009 and May 2010, Stephen Griffiths murdered three sex workers in Bradford, West Yorkshire.
His final attack was captured on CCTV and led to his arrest. He shot his last victim - Suzanne Blamires - with a crossbow as she tried to escape his flat, before stabbing her in the head with a knife.
In custody, he boasted to officers of West Yorkshire Police, ‘I’ve killed loads,’ and also claimed to have eaten body parts of his victims. It’s thought his other known victims - Shelley Armitage and Susan Rushworth - also suffered this fate. Griffiths, who called himself the Crossbow Cannibal, was jailed for life and will die in prison.
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The Murder of Jo Cox Jo Cox, 41, was MP for Batley and Spen, West Yorkshire - the constituency where she was born - and was married with two small children, aged 5 and 3.
On 16 June 2016, she was killed outside the library where she was to hold a constituency meeting. She was shot in the head and chest with a sawn-off hunting rifle and stabbed 15 times. Jo’s killer Thomas Mair - a far-right extremist - was convicted of murder on 23 November 2016 and was given a whole-life term.
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The Yorkshire Ripper Known as the Yorkshire Ripper, serial killer Peter Sutcliffe, from Bingley, in Bradford, West Yorkshire, was serving 20 consecutive life sentences after he was found guilty of 13 murders and seven attempted murders in 1981.
Over five years, he attacked women across West Yorkshire and Manchester, picking victims he believed to be prostitutes, though not all were.
Once arrested, he attempted to plead guilty to manslaughter, claiming diminished responsibility and saying God told him to kill prostitutes. Sutcliffe served most of his sentence in Broadmoor Hospital, a high-security psychiatric facility, but was judged sane enough to be moved to HMP Frankland in 2016.
Sutcliffe died at University Hospital of North Durham aged 74 on 13 November 2020, having been sent there with COVID-19. He had a number of underlying health problems including, obesity and diabetes. He reportedly refused treatment.
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The Kidnapping of Shannon Matthews In February 2009, Karen Matthews, from Dewsbury, called the police when her daughter Shannon, 9, didn’t come home from school. What followed was the biggest investigation by West Yorkshire Police since the hunt for the Yorkshire Ripper.
Every newspaper in the country reported on the case, with one offering a £50,000 reward for information leading to Shannon’s safe return.
Three weeks after she’d gone missing, Shannon was found alive at a flat less than a mile from her home. The flat belonged to Michael Donovan - the uncle of Karen’s boyfriend - Donovan was arrested and, soon after, so was Karen Matthews.
In November 2008, both denied charges of kidnapping, false imprisonment and perverting the course of justice. Leeds Crown Court heard Karen had engineered Shannon’s kidnap with Donovan to claim the reward. Shannon had been drugged, tethered, and hidden inside a divan bed during her captivity.
Matthews and Donovan were found guilty of all charges and jailed for eight years. Both have now served their sentences.
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The Fox Killings Arthur Hutchinson, also known as The Fox, was wanted by police for rape. Then, on 23 October 1983, he broke into the Sheffield home of Basil and April Laitner.
Also there were their children Richard, 26, and Nicola, 18. Hutchinson killed Richard, Basil, and April, then raped Nicola at knife point before fleeing. He’d already spent five years in prison for attempting to murder his brother-in-law.
After a 39-day manhunt, The Fox was captured and serving life. He will never be released.
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The Murder of Sharon Beshenivsky Sharon Beshenivsky had been an officer with West Yorkshire Police for nine months in November 2005. On the day she was killed, the mum of five and her colleague went to an emergency call at Bradford travel agency.
There, they were fired on by armed robbers and Sharon was fatally wounded, her colleague seriously injured. Three men were convicted of her murder and got life. Three others were also jailed in connection to the killing.
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