#2018 toyota supra cost
enginerumors · 7 years
2018 Toyota Celica Review & Rumors
2018 Toyota Celica Review & Rumors
2018 Toyota Celica Review & Rumors – If you appreciate real journeys, you will like 2018 Toyota Celica too. This auto delivers so many opportunities that you desire particular expertise in utilizing some features in the vehicle. New enhancements are there any to offer total enjoyment, and your only job is always to set up vigorously and notice the enthusiasm. Let’s take a look at the primary…
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noah44jacob · 5 years
2018 Toyota Supra Redesign, Change Price and Release Date Rumor
2018 Toyota Supra Redesign, Change Price and Release Date Rumor
[spinomatic_spintax no_refresh=1] 2018 Toyota Supra Redesign, Change Price and Release Date Rumor
2018 Toyota Supra Redesign, Change Price and Release Date Rumor– {While|Whilst|Although|Even though} {many|numerous|several|a lot of} people are {planning|preparing|organizing|arranging} on newer and {more|much more|a lot more|far more} {effective|efficient|successful|powerful} cars about 2017, in…
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lagunapeach · 7 years
2017 Toyota Celica GT4, Interior, Price, Release Date, Reviews, Specs
2017 Toyota Celica GT4, Interior, Price, Release Date, Reviews, Specs
2017 Toyota Celica GT4 Release Date and Value – Thank you for traveling to our car weblog web site, now we are likely to reveal details about the most recent cars is originating from Toyota producer. The label of a report we take into consideration is 2017 Toyota Celica GT4Reviews. We shall be attempt go around details about this car, which include reviews, concept, redesign, rumors, exterior,…
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jeffrey2garner · 5 years
CarGurus: Our Automotive Highlights of 2019
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Few could argue that 2019 has been a fascinating year in the world of motoring – but what are your automotive highlights of 2019? We’d love for you to tell us in the comments section below this article, or via the CarGurus Facebook page. To get you started, below our writers have put forward their own automotive highlights of 2019, from pickups to Porsches.
Chris Knapman, Editor, CarGurus UK
Will time show that 2019 was the year the electric car broke through? There’s certainly been no shortage of new products using battery power, from the Porsche Taycan and latest Nissan Leaf to the impossible-to-ignore Tesla Cybertruck.
Combine these new cars with an improving charging infrastructure and you’d expect the tide of public opinion might start showing signs of softening towards EVs. That was certainly the case according to our own research, which revealed that the number of consumers who consider themselves as likely to own an EV in the next five years jumped to 26% in 2019, up from 15% in 2018. This is most likely just the start, too: Who would bet against that number having grown significantly by this time next year?
Back in the world of internal combustion, my honorable mention for 2019 must go to the latest generation of Porsche 911, the 992. Not only does it masterfully update the legendary 911 format for this hi-tech age with its fabulous interior and ultra-sleek exterior, but in terms of performance, the 992 moves even the basic, non-GT or Turbo models firmly into supercar territory. In fact, if I had to narrow down my automotive highlights of 2019 into just one, fleeting moment, it’d be the surreal three-point-something seconds it took our four-wheel drive, PDK-equipped 911 test car to fire from 0-62 mph.
Electric vehicles might be coming, but internal combustion is still more than capable of taking your breath away.
Megan Hennessey, Editor, CarGurus US
I’m struck by the number of performance wagons and SUVs we saw introduced in 2019. Fans of the Audi S4 Avant rejoiced when the German automaker revealed it was bringing its RS 6 Avant to North America. It packs a 4.0-liter V8 that makes 591 hp and 590 lb-ft, hits 60 mph in about 3 seconds, and reaches a top speed of 189 mph.
Just as exciting was the introduction of the RS Q8, a performance SUV packing the same power as the RS 6 Avant. We had a chance to take a closer look at the 2020 RS Q8 at the 2019 LA Auto Show, and it adds plenty of features aside from the engine, like 23-inch wheels and an RS-specific gloss-black grille.
And in the EV space, electric trucks took center stage: Bollinger brought us a production-ready version of its B2 electric truck, Tesla unveiled its unique Cybertruck, and Rivian gets closer to its production-ready model of the R1T. But are truck shoppers willing to make the switch from gas-powered to electric? It’s hard to say. In our yearly Truck Sentiment Survey, we found that 70% of shoppers were willing to switch brands, which is good news for these startup truckmakers. However, their high prices may keep shoppers away.
Steve Halloran, Editor, CarGurus US
With one colleague celebrating electric vehicles and another performance wagons and SUVs, I feel obliged to mention one 2019 highlight they didn’t: Ford’s live-streamed debut of the 2021 Mustang Mach-E just before the LA Auto Show. Ford’s decision to put the name and badge of its mighty Mustang on an electric crossover generated controversy, of course, but a pony-equipped vehicle with up to 300 miles of range, usable seating for 5, almost 60 cubic feet of cargo room, and a 0-to-60 time of less than 4 seconds sounds great to me.
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But my 2019 highlights came from two automakers CarGurus has found compelling for years, Mazda and Subaru, in the form of strong new versions of proven models. The redesigned 2019 Mazda3 earned rave reviews from almost everyone who drove it, including George Kennedy, and the updated 2019 CX-5, which we sampled in the snow at the end of last year, also earned praise from a wide variety of reviewers.
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A new version of our favorite Subaru model also arrived in 2019. We got a chance to drive the 2020 Subaru Outback back in September and enjoyed it quite a bit. The new edition of this wagon/crossover finally offers a turbocharged engine under its hood, which drivers living at high altitudes should particularly appreciate. Our recently published review of the 2020 Outback found it strong from functionality and cost-effectiveness standpoints, which we consider hallmarks of the Subaru brand.
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Matt Smith, Editor, CarGurus US
This time of year, everyone’s talking about electrification and progress and the hot new thing. But as anyone with their eyes open can clearly see, 2019 was the year of the throwback.
First, Chevy resurrected the Blazer as a stylish, sharp, and sexy crossover complete with nearly $1,400 worth of 21-inch tires. Sure, the new 2019 Blazer had its detractors, namely those bemoaning its lack of off-road performance, but I, for one, welcome our new crossover overlords.
And it’s not as if 2019 didn’t bring us plenty of rugged capability, either. Carrying on with the throwback theme, both Ford and Jeep returned legendary truck nameplates to the market, with the 2019 Ranger and 2020 Gladiator.
Finally, the highlight of the year for this writer was the long-awaited return of the Toyota Supra. Partnering with BMW gave the new coupe a brilliant Bavarian heart and soul (or engine and chassis, for our more literal readers) to pair with its stunning exterior styling. Sure, the 2020 GR Supra’s interior might feel a bit familiar, and the lack of a manual transmission will cut it off some enthusiasts’ shopping lists, but it’s safe to say that no other car on CarGurus’ 2019 test-drive review roster received as much attention at gas stations, grocery stores, race tracks, or anywhere else we drove it.
For more car news, check out these articles:
2019 LA Auto Show: Vehicles for Every Lifestyle
The osCARS: CarGurus’ Top 2019 Test Drive Reviews
CarGurus’ Most Popular Cars of 2018
The post CarGurus: Our Automotive Highlights of 2019 appeared first on The CarGurus Blog.
from The CarGurus Blog https://blog.cargurus.com/2019/12/13/cargurus-our-automotive-highlights-of-2019 via Car Gurus from Blogger http://jeffrey2garner.blogspot.com/2019/12/cargurus-our-automotive-highlights-of.html via IFTTT
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malangtoday-blog · 5 years
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Selamat Datang GIIAS 2019 ICE BSD, Sejumlah Mobil Baru Melenggang
JawaPos.com – Pameran otomotif Indonesia yang diklaim berskala internasional, Gaikindo Indonesia Internasional Auto Show (GIIAS) 2019, akan dibuka pada Kamis (18/7). Ajang pameran ini digelar di Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD City, Tangerang Selatan, Banten. Ketua Umum Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia (Gaikindo), Yohannes Nangoi menyampaikan, GIIAS 2019 rencananya bakal dibuka secara langsung oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia, Joko Widodo.
Berdasar jadwal, acara pembukaan dilangsungkan pada pukul 09.00 WIB hingga 11.00 WIB di Nusantara Convention Hall, ICE BSD. Gelaran ini sendiri akan berlangsung hingga Minggu, 28 Juli 2019.
GIIAS 2019 di ICE BSD merupakan rangkaian pameran mobil GIIAS sepanjang 2019. Pameran dimulai di Surabaya (Jawa Timur) dan berlangsung di Grand City Mall pada 29 Maret-7 April 2019. Kemudian di Jakarta, tepatnya di ICE BSD City, Tangerang Selatan (Banten) pada 18-28 Juli 2019. Setelah itu berlanjut ke Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan) bertempat di Celebes Convention Center pada 4-8 September 2019. Medan menjadi kota penutup dengan lokasi di Santika Convention Center pada 23-27 Oktober 2019.
Seperti yang sudah-sudah, GIIAS menjadi ajang sejumlah produsen otomotif baik mobil maupun motor untuk memamerkan kendaraan-kendaraan mereka. Beberapa pabrikan menggunakannya sebagai media peluncuran kendaraan baru. Pengunjung tentu akan disuguhi banyaknya varian produk otomotif. Penawaran-penawaran menarik pastinya akan diberikan setiap pabrikan otomotif untuk memikat konsumen.
Selain meluncurkan kendaraan terbaru, sejumlah pabrikan juga bakal mengenalkan konsep atau teknologi untuk kendaraan yang akan datang. Bisa dibilang, mereka memberikan bocoran sedikit kepada pengunjung. Jangan lupa, teknologi mobil listrik yang tengah digaungkan akan bisa dilihat langsung oleh pengunjung di GIIAS 2019 Jakarta. Sejumlah pabrikan bahkan akan memamerkan mobil listrik keluaran mereka.
Setidaknya ada 20 merek mobil penumpang telah terdaftar menjadi peserta GIIAS 2019 yaitu Audi, BMW, Daihatsu, Datsun, DFSK, Honda, Hyundai, Isuzu, Jeep, Lexus, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, MINI, Mitsubishi Motors, Nissan, Renault, Suzuki, Toyota, Volkswagen, dan Wuling. Selain itu, 10 merek kendaraan komersial dan karoseri juga sudah resmi menjadi eksibitor yakni DFSK, FAW, Hino, Isuzu, Mitsubishi Fuso, Tata Motors, UD Trucks, Adi Putro, Laksana, dan Tentrem.
Sementara untuk sepeda motor, ada 11 merek yang juga akan hadir mulai dari Benelli, Harley Davidson, Honda, Kawasaki, Kymco, KTM, Nozomi, Piaggio, Suzuki, Vespa, dan Viar.
“GIIAS kali ini juga akan sedikit lebih spesial, karena yang selama ini kita hanya bicara otomotif untuk Indonesia, dan kali ini saya kembangkan lebih kepada otomotif Indonesia bisa lebih mandiri, karena kemampuan produksi sudah bisa memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri,” jelas Yohannes Nangoi, Ketua Umum Gaikindo, beberapa waktu lalu.
Sementara itu, Agus Riyadi, Project Director GIIAS 2019 menyebut APM menjadikan GIIAS sebagai tempat peluncuran produk baru. Memang, beberapa Agen Pemegang Merek (APM) menyatakan bakal membawa model baru di GIIAS 2019. Beberapa di antaranya adalah DFSK yang kabarnya membawa varian tertinggi dari Glory 580 serta konsep mobil listrik. Selain itu, ada juga Suzuki yang bakal meluncurkan Jimny. Kemudian yang juga akan hadir adalah Renault Triber dan Mazda dengan all new Mazda3.
Merek lainnya yakni Honda yang meluncurkan satu mobil baru yang diduga Jazz. Isuzu juga akan meluncurkan dua produk baru yakni penyegaran SUV Mux dan kendaraan niaga D-Max. Beberapa merek lainnya juga demikian. Namun, mereka masih malu-malu mengungkapkan mobil terbaru yang akan mereka rilis di GIIAS 2019. Seperti Toyota yang disebut akan menjadikan panggung GIIAS 2019 sebagai momen peluncuran mobil legendaris Toyota Supra.
Berikut Beberapa Mobil Baru yang Bakal Melenggang di GIIAS 2019 di ICE BSD, Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Mitsubhisi PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia (PT MMKSI) yang merupakan distributor kendaraan penumpang dan niaga ringan dari Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) di Indonesia memperkenalkan kendaraan terbarunya. Kendaraan yang dimaksud adalah New Triton dan melenggang di GIIAS 2019 Jakarta. Pikap Triton terbaru ini akan menjadi salah satu andalan Mitsubishi di Indonesia.
New Triton merupakan model terbaru yang mendapatkan perubahan dan pengembangan besar dibandingkan model pendahulunya. Sebelumnya New Triton telah diperkenalkan pada perayaan 40 tahun model Triton/L200 di Bangkok, Thailand, November 2018 lalu. Tampilan eksterior bagian depan tampak mirip dengan Mitsubishi Xpander terbaru.
Mitsubishi New Triton dilengkapi dengan fitur-fitur canggih (Rian Alfianto/JawaPos.com)
Selain New Triton, Mitsubishi juga memperkenalkan mobil baru lainnya yakni Outlander Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV). Ini adalah mobil listrik pertama Mitsubishi yang siap dirilis di tanah air. Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV bakal ditampilkan dan dirilis perdana pada GIIAS 2019 Jakarta pada 18 hingga 28 Juli mendatang.
Presiden Direktur PT MMKSI, Naoya Nakamura menyampaikan, Mitsubishi tidak ingin hanya membawa produk saja. “Kami berkomitmen dan ingin berkontribusi lebih, dengan menghadirkan teknologi terdepan yang kami sematkan pada produk kami untuk menunjang mobilitas masyarakat Indonesia dan meningkat kualitas hidup dengan menggunakan kendaraan yang ramah lingkungan,” ujarnya.
Tampang Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV (Istimewa for JawaPos.com)
New Outlander PHEV sebelumnya telah resmi diperkenalkan secara global pada 2013 dan telah dipasarkan di lebih dari 50 negara di dunia. Kendaraan tersebut hadir dengan teknologi plug-in hybrid yang merupakan perpaduan mesin gasoline 2,4 L, motor, dan baterai yang menjadikan kendaraan ini ramah akan lingkungan dan tetap memberikan kenyamanan maksimal untuk penggunanya.
Hanya itu? Tidak. Mitsubishi juga bakal memperkenalkan Eclipse Cross di GIIAS 2019 Jakarta. Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross pertama kali diperkenalkan secara global pada ajang Geneva Motor Show Maret 2017 lalu, dan akan mulai dipasarkan untuk pasar otomotif Indonesia pada September 2019. Nama Eclipse berasal dari model coupe khusus MMC yang dijual di AS mulai 1989, sementara Cross adalah kependekan dari crossover.
Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross (Istimewa)
Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross menggunakan mesin gasoline 1.5L yang dilengkapi dengan turbocharged. Adanya turbo menjadikan torsi lebih bertenaga pada RPM rendah-menengah ditambah teknologi baru yang memungkinkan akselerasi yang lebih cepat pada mobil tersebut.
Toyota Toyota dalam hal ini Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) menjadikan GIIAS 2019 Jakarta sebagai ajang showcase kendaraan-kendaraan elektrik. Jajaran kendaraan elektrik tersebut adalah Toyota TS050 Hybrid (kendaraan balap Toyota di ajang FIA World Endurance Championship), Toyota Prius PHEV GR Sport sebagai special exhibition lainnya dan satu lagi adalah kendaraan konsep yang menggunakan teknologi Fuel Cell (FCEV) berbahan bakar hidrogen yaitu Fine Comfort Ride (F-CR).
Toyota Supra GT4 (Topgear)
Bagi penggemar racing dan pencinta kendaraan legendaris Toyota Supra, di GIIAS 2019 Toyota juga memastikan peluncuran generasi terbaru Toyota GR Supra. “GR Supra akan diluncurkan 18 Juli nanti di pembukaan GIIAS 2019 dan bisa langsung dipesan. Untuk detail spesifikasi dan harganya akan kami umumkan nanti saat peluncuran,” ungkap Marketing Manager PT TAM, Anton Jimmi Suwandy, beberapa waktu lalu.
Selain jajaran kendaraan elektrik dan kehadiran Toyota Supra terbaru, Anton juga mengatakan bakal ada model baru lainnya yang juga diluncurkan TAM di GIIAS 2019. Hanya, Toyota masih merahasiakannya.
DFSK DFSK, pabrikan otomotif asal Tiongkok, akan menempati booth seluas 1.025 meter2 di Hall 6C ICE untuk 11 hari dengan tema ‘Glorious Innovation’. DFSK akan menampilkan 9 unit jajaran kendaraan DFSK. Selain itu, DFSK juga akan memperkenalkan varian terbaru DFSK Glory 580 yang mengusung teknologi termutakhir di kelasnya. Tak hanya itu, DFSK juga akan menghadirkan mobil konsep SUV listrik yang menjadi contoh teknologi dari DFSK.
DFSK Glory 580 (Dok. JawPos.com)
Arviane Dahniarny selaku PR and Digital Manager PT Sokonindo Automobile, mengatakan bahwa Glory 580 sebagai intelligent SUV. “Bisa dibilang varian tertinggi produk 580 dari DFSK,” sebut Arviane.
Arviane menambahkan bahwa dua produk baru yang diperkenalkan nanti sama-sama SUV. Hanya, teknologinya berbeda. Glory 580 konvensional, dan satu lagi adalah teknologi listrik. Untuk varian Glory 580, DFSK akan menjualnya secara resmi. Sementara itu, untuk mobil listrik yang diperkenalkan hanya dipamerkan saja.
Renault Pasar mobil murah ramah lingkungan atau Low Cost Green Car (LCGC) di Indonesia bakal kedatangan pendatang baru. Dia adalah Renault Triber yang siap mengganggu pasar Toyota Calya, Daihatsu Sigra, Datsun Cross, dan mobil sejenis lainnya.
Renault Triber (Carwale)
Groupe Renault secara global memperkenalkan Renault Triber sebagai mobil ultra modular 7-seater baru-baru ini di New Delhi, India. Sebagai mobil ultra modular, Renault Triber memiliki desain yang atraktif, kokoh, lapang, dan modular atau dapat diatur menjadi 5 seater maupun 7 seater secara mudah.
Kendaraan ini akan di produksi di Chennai, India dan akan mulai dipasarkan di India pada semester dua tahun 2019. Sementara untuk tanah air, Davy J Tuilan, CEO PT Maxindo Renault Indonesia juga menyatakan bahwa pihaknya sangat antusias menyambut kedatangan Renault Triber di Indonesia yang akan di perkenalkan di GIIAS 2019 Jakarta.
Mazda Mazda bakal merilis produk barunya pada pameran otomotif GIIAS 2019 Jakarta di ICE BSD pada 18-28 Juli 2019. Model baru yang berpeluang besar untuk diluncurkan itu adalah all new Mazda3.
Hanya saja, Presiden Direktur PT Eurokars Motor Indonesia (EMI) yang resmi menangani distribusi mobil Mazda di Indonesia saat ini, Roy Arman Arfandy, belum merinci lebih jauh terkait model Mazda terbaru yang diluncurkan. Apakah sedan atau hatchback. Pastinya Roy menegaskan bahwa model tersebut langsung bisa dipesan oleh konsumen dalam peluncuran nanti.
Isuzu Kendaraan penumpang dan komersial Isuzu bakal diperkenalkan di GIIAS 2019 Jakarta yang berlangsung di ICE BSD mulai 18 Juli hingga 28 Juli 2019. Isuzu dikabarkan akan meluncurkan dua produk baru yaitu penyegaran SUV Isuzu Mux dan mobil niaga D-Max.
Source : https://malangtoday.net/flash/nasional/selamat-datang-giias-2019-ice-bsd-sejumlah-mobil-baru-melenggang/
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numberplates4u-blog · 5 years
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The Toyota Supra will Drive way Different Than the BMW Z4
[See image gallery at www.autoguide.com] The 2019 Toyota Supra and BMW Z4 are being developed alongside one another, but BMW promises the two sports cars won’t feel alike from the behind the steering wheel. Speaking to CarAdvice, BMW Australia CEO Marc Werner said BMW and Toyota decided to develop the new Z4 and Supra together to save on development costs, but that doesn’t mean they will be the same car. Whereas the BMW will put a focus on comfort and luxury, the Supra will be a bit more bare bones and performance minded. “Product development of each and every car costs you a couple of billion dollars, and the roadster segment is unfortunately declining over the last couple of years — not only for [BMW], but each and every manufacturer,” Werner said. “So we decided to join forces with Toyota, as far as the development process is concerned. As far as the design is concerned, it will be absolutely unique. Not only in terms of design, but how they drive and how they handle.” SEE ALSO: 2018 Toyota Supra Shows Off Production Cues in Latest Spy Photos Spy photos show the Supra and Z4 will have similar proportions, but very different styling. The Z4 will be a soft-top convertible, while the Supra will be a hardtop coupe. The two cars are rumored to share powertrains, with a leaked document pointing to BMW-sourced 2.0-liter turbo four and a 3.0-liter turbo inline-six engines being used. They should also share a transmission (manual on the Supra, please!) and certain interior components. We’re expecting to see a concept version of the 2019 Supra arrive at the Tokyo Motor Show later this month before the production car arrives sometime in 2018. Stay tuned for more info as we have it. [Source CarAdvice]Discuss this story on our Toyota Supra forums.  The post The Toyota Supra will Drive way Different Than the BMW Z4 appeared first on AutoGuide.com News.
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enginerumors · 5 years
2020 Toyota Supra Specs, Release Date, Price
2020 Toyota Supra Specs, Release Date, Price
2020 Toyota Supra Specs, Release Date, Price – 2020 Toyota Supra is definitely the beautiful variance car that gets to be one of the better auto series in a class by Toyota Company. The company has well prepared the brand new Toyota Supra series as being the sports car that has higher performance and looks. This new series will likely be one of the more well-liked items.
2020 Toyota Supra Exterior
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noah44jacob · 5 years
2018 Toyota Supra Redesign, Change Price and Release Date Rumor
2018 Toyota Supra Redesign, Change Price and Release Date Rumor
[spinomatic_spintax no_refresh=1] 2018 Toyota Supra Redesign, Change Price and Release Date Rumor
2018 Toyota Supra Redesign, Change Price and Release Date Rumor– {While|Whilst|Although|Even though} {many|numerous|several|a lot of} people are {planning|preparing|organizing|arranging} on newer and {more|much more|a lot more|far more} {effective|efficient|successful|powerful} cars about 2017, in…
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savetopnow · 6 years
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superautoreviews · 7 years
2018 Toyota Feet-1 Design, Release Date And Price
New Post has been published on http://www.toyotarumors.xyz/2018-toyota-feet-1-design-release-date-and-price/
2018 Toyota Feet-1 Design, Release Date And Price
2018 Toyota Feet-1 Design, Release Date And Price – The patient levels Toyota has not clearly completed correct current using this automobile marketplace are supplying an authentic-radiant light azure auto indicated to obtain a price as correctly as euphoria only. And even though some may express they have a Lexus, the quantity is the fact badge will never be similar. This rumored upcoming 2018 Toyota FT1 typically has a tendency to increase all that.
Depending on the spy images, along with some rumor, the most up-to-date 2018 Toyota Feet-1 will be the real invigorate after the out-of-particular date and from time kinds. Mostly the redesigning is following the relocating within the Supra, which is the original model for Feet-1 and that is mainly in particulars.
The top conclusion can get the new two intakes ideal with two air movement fans in new bumper. The following opinion, in the other hands, could have the very same exhaust in the center of the bumper as round the closing product. The lights throughout the two front side and back-end coatings are usually in Aimed technological know-how. The fresh new car can pleasure with round and little, adorable design inside the massive 19-ins wheels and excellent information on it.
The interior of the cabin is pursuing precisely the same goals as the exterior design. Also, the high technological innovation as being the main favored from your new 2018 Toyota Feet-1, and you may come with an appearance. Utilizing the charm in the concept car, as well as the complete deal is perfect for the auto driver motivation. All technological innovation is ideal for driver’s easy technique and entrance then for easiness in reaching important info. This can be mainly the scenario with all the current menu approach, smart ambiance administration, satellite, FM stereo, and Bluetooth links and essentially, a modern day technology currently working in most Toyota cars. And also for driver’s entertainment, there is leather-based fabric throughout the chairs and handles.
For several knowers, the 2. -Liter some the tubes is indeed a more compact engine when compared with anything they thought in a car 2018 Toyota Feet-1 represent. The majority of them have predicted at least V6 or perhaps a better V8. But, with 450 HP of power. Of torque, it really is an adequate robust engine for people difficulties. This auto only needs 4 instances going to the 60 miles per hour as well as the most exceptional speed could be 180 miles per hour. Employing this spec, the latest Feet-1 is much like GTR which is the most powerful and possibly the fastest car within the college.
The price range is beginning with $100,000 as well as will likely be substantial pursuing the thorough bundle deal of adverts in 2018 Toyota Toes-1 they promote.
0 notes
topcarschannel · 5 years
2020 Toyota Supra Fuell Economy Revealed
via IFTTT 2020 Toyota Supra fuel economy revealed the 2020 Toyota Supra : fuel economy. The EPA's FuelEconomy.gov has just listed the BMW-powered sports car, and it gets 24 mpg in the city, 31 on the highway and 26 combined. Those are fairly solid numbers, even more so when compared with its German sibling, the BMW Z4. The EPA has only listed numbers for the four-cylinder Z4, but it only gets one more mpg in the city and on the highway, and two more in combined. is despite the fact that it makes 80 less horsepower and 70 less pound-feet of torque than the 335-horsepower Supra. And when both cars cost the same amount of money, the Supra seems like the obvious choice unless you have to have your BMW-derived sports car with a drop top. The Supra also compares favorably with another German sports car, the Porsche 718 Cayman. The Cayman at its most efficient with the PDK transmission is down by two mpg in town and on the highway and down by one in combined driving. base Cayman has 35 less horsepower and 85 less pound-feet of torque. The Cayman has a starting price about $7,000 higher than the Supra, too. Maybe the Supra is more appealing than we first thought. SUBCRIBE NOW.. https://youtube.com/c/TopCarsChannel My Other Sites Facebook : https://ift.tt/2ESgjMQ GooGle plus : https://ift.tt/2CKS5hC Twitter : https://twitter.com/Top_Cars1 Pinterest : https://ift.tt/2ERxspA Blogger : https://ift.tt/2CHHNP4 Instagram : https://ift.tt/2F1GoYW Popular Vidio. NISSAN X TRAIL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89XtwWLeBHE 2018 DOGDE DMOND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF0Jkw9FxSw&t=18s 2019 RAM 1500 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNoKT4TTexw&t=22s #TopCarsChannel #toyota #supra #automotive #Cars2019 #otomotive
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crarsports · 5 years
Is New Cars Autocar Any Good? Five Ways You Can Be Certain | new cars autocar
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eddiejpoplar · 5 years
2019 Detroit Auto Show: Hits, Misses, and Revelations
DETROIT, Michigan—Thirty years after Toyota launched Lexus and Nissan introduced Infiniti here, and 27 years after Chrysler smashed Cobo Hall’s front windows with the 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee, the North American International Auto Show is done with January. The reviews from jaded auto journos are mixed, and the press day crowds were down despite Toyota and China’s GAC flying in press from overseas. We’re pretty confident, though, in saying what Detroit lacked in quantity, it made up for in quality this year. There is more to like than there is to avoid, even if the Japanese and Chinese automakers are the only ones left who still build concepts, and even though Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Mini, Audi, and Volvo this year joined a bunch of other automakers who had followed Aston Martin’s decision to leave town after its Zen display of a decade ago. Herewith, our regular compendium of criticism, the good, the bad, and the philosophical, this time about what there is to see at the 2019 NAIAS:
HIT: Toyota Supra
Too many are getting stuck on the BMW partnership and the long gestation process, nitpicking the design, and decrying the lack of a manual transmission (which by the way Supra chief engineer Tetsuya Tada has not ruled out, so call your favorite dealer and demand it). Can we all just agree that what Toyota has done is give the world what by all accounts should be a nimble, kick-ass, rear-drive sports car that’s relatively attainable, price-wise? Call it whatever the hell you want, the fact that this car exists at all is pretty remarkable in this day and age. And it’s all but assured that hard-core variants will be in the offing. Yeah, what a terrible thing Toyota has done . . . not.—Mike Floyd
Automotive journalists can be a funny group. After wishing for a new Supra for years, some of them were overheard describing the final production car as less than thrilling, with others going so far as to call it “ugly.” “Look at all those fake plastic vents and intakes,” they decried. But as Supra designer Nobua Nakamura told editor-in-chief Mike Floyd, those nonfunctional pieces could become functional on future variants of the car. I don’t think the new Supra is perfect in the appearance department, and its roofline does look proportionally odd from some angles. But for the love of Suzuka, I’m excited to get a chance to drive it once test vehicles become available. If it lights up twisting roads as I expect it will, any niggling quibbles I have with its styling will go right off the nearest cliffside.—Mac Morrison
The biggest, most anticipated thing at this show is not an SUV, or even an autonomous tall electric sedan, but a sports car. Yes, it’s essentially a BMW Z4 built in Austria by Magna, but at least it has its own sheetmetal, which is more than you can say for the 86. And I’d take that Toyota 86 over most of the cars on the market today. Since the beginning of time, sports cars have relied on sharing some components to make development costs work out. In his introduction of the car, Akio Toyoda said he hopes Toyota will build more new sports cars in the future. Here’s to seeing him fulfill that wish.—Todd Lassa
MISS: Toyota Supra
This was easily the most anticipated car of the show, and I have no doubt it will be a blast to drive. But what is with Toyota outsourcing its performance cars? Sure, it’s great that Toyota will be selling a re-skinned BMW. But right in the same room as the BMW Supra is the Lexus LC, a 2018 Automobile All-Star and proof positive that Toyota knows how to design scintillating cars. With all the emphasis on making Camrys and RAV4s better to drive—which they are, by the way—what does it say when you outsource your halo sports car? I can’t imagine the effect this must have had on the morale of their engineering corps. “Nice job on the new Camrys, and oh, by the way, that new Supra? We’re getting BMW to do it.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to have the Supra back—but I’d prefer a Toyota Supra.—Aaron Gold
REVELATION: The Supra almost wasn’t a Supra
In a chat at the Detroit show with Supra chief designer Nobua Nakamura, he told us that in July of 2013 that he and his team started sketching out ideas for a model that was at first billed as a nameless sports-car project. It was only after seeing the positive reception given to the FT-1 concept—created by Toyota’s Calty design house in California—at the 2014 Detroit show that the FT-1 would become the primary design inspiration for the sports-car project that would eventually be dubbed Supra. And the rest, as they say, is history.—MF
HIT: Akio Toyoda
For giving the best speech I’ve seen at an auto show in years, if not ever. No boring sales numbers. No bits of badly faked enthusiasm. Toyoda-san’s speech was funny, it was too the point, and though it was scripted—I was reading it on the teleprompter along with him—it’s obvious he’s seriously jazzed about this car (even if it is an automatic BMW).—AG
HIT: Fernando Alonso
My wife thinks so, anyway. Alonso appeared briefly on stage with Akio Toyoda for the Toyota Supra launch. Toyoda was gracious in acknowledging that the two-time Formula 1 champion (for Ferrari) and one-time 24 Hours of Le Mans winner (for Toyota) is driving another marque at the 24 Hours of Daytona later this month (a Cadillac).—TL
HIT: Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
For the jaded, it might be easy to look at the new GT500 and see just another jacked-up performance variant of Ford’s pony car. I get that . . . but whatever. More than 700 horsepower (what’s the final number, Ford?!) from the 5.2-liter supercharged V-8, a dual-clutch gearbox, zero to 60 mph in the mid-three-second range, a sub-11-second quarter-mile, magnetic dampers, and an optional Carbon-Fiber Track package with carbon wheels, rear-seat delete, and more? Find me a challenging road course and let’s get it on. Now.—MM
This plucky Indian company is showing off its not-road-legal CJ-5 clone right in Jeep’s back yard. That takes cojones!—AG
HIT: Lexus LC Convertible concept
Rare is the car that gets scalped and doesn’t look great, but even rarer is a car as stunning to behold as the LC droptop. For all the coupe’s beauty—okay, some folks don’t like the spindle grille, but I think it works there—its overall attitude and stance strike me more as coming from a place of aggression. This concept elevates the LC to true elegance. I wouldn’t be shocked to see examples of the eventual production version at various concours d’élégance in the coming decades.—Erik Johnson
Yes, please. We love the LC hardtop, which was a 2018 All-Star, and with the top down, it takes the LC’s delightful GT style to another level.—MF
And here I thought it couldn’t get better than the LC coupe. Built it, Lexus! Build it, build it, build it!—AG
MISS: Cadillac XT6
It’s a damn shame what’s happened to Cadillac. Yes, I get it, its sedan sales are cratering and OMG it needs crossovers ASAP. I’m sure the XT6 and XT4 will be sales salve, but they come off as old GM badge-engineered exercises, and beyond the expressive grilles look uninspired. While they may put the brand back in the black, it’s sad to see really capable cars like the CT6 be minimized. At least Cadillac gave that car some serious attention in the form of the 550-hp CT6-V (which already is sold out). There is some hope in the form of the emerging EV strategy. Maybe those cars won’t have alphanumeric names.—MF
As another grizzled veteran told me, this three-row luxury SUV would have been a hit in 2012, or even 2016. While there’s nothing wrong with the new XT6 other than the Honda Pilot–esque side surfacing and the too-familiar GM interior plastics and switchgear, there’s nothing about it that pops. While I once believed that rear-wheel-drive proportions don’t matter on a tall SUV, the new Lincoln Aviator and even the 2020 Ford Explorer (gasp) have proved otherwise.—TL
0 notes
jesusvasser · 5 years
2019 Detroit Auto Show: Hits, Misses, and Revelations
DETROIT, Michigan—Thirty years after Toyota launched Lexus and Nissan introduced Infiniti here, and 27 years after Chrysler smashed Cobo Hall’s front windows with the 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee, the North American International Auto Show is done with January. The reviews from jaded auto journos are mixed, and the press day crowds were down despite Toyota and China’s GAC flying in press from overseas. We’re pretty confident, though, in saying what Detroit lacked in quantity, it made up for in quality this year. There is more to like than there is to avoid, even if the Japanese and Chinese automakers are the only ones left who still build concepts, and even though Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Mini, Audi, and Volvo this year joined a bunch of other automakers who had followed Aston Martin’s decision to leave town after its Zen display of a decade ago. Herewith, our regular compendium of criticism, the good, the bad, and the philosophical, this time about what there is to see at the 2019 NAIAS:
HIT: Toyota Supra
Too many are getting stuck on the BMW partnership and the long gestation process, nitpicking the design, and decrying the lack of a manual transmission (which by the way Supra chief engineer Tetsuya Tada has not ruled out, so call your favorite dealer and demand it). Can we all just agree that what Toyota has done is give the world what by all accounts should be a nimble, kick-ass, rear-drive sports car that’s relatively attainable, price-wise? Call it whatever the hell you want, the fact that this car exists at all is pretty remarkable in this day and age. And it’s all but assured that hard-core variants will be in the offing. Yeah, what a terrible thing Toyota has done . . . not.—Mike Floyd
Automotive journalists can be a funny group. After wishing for a new Supra for years, some of them were overheard describing the final production car as less than thrilling, with others going so far as to call it “ugly.” “Look at all those fake plastic vents and intakes,” they decried. But as Supra designer Nobua Nakamura told editor-in-chief Mike Floyd, those nonfunctional pieces could become functional on future variants of the car. I don’t think the new Supra is perfect in the appearance department, and its roofline does look proportionally odd from some angles. But for the love of Suzuka, I’m excited to get a chance to drive it once test vehicles become available. If it lights up twisting roads as I expect it will, any niggling quibbles I have with its styling will go right off the nearest cliffside.—Mac Morrison
The biggest, most anticipated thing at this show is not an SUV, or even an autonomous tall electric sedan, but a sports car. Yes, it’s essentially a BMW Z4 built in Austria by Magna, but at least it has its own sheetmetal, which is more than you can say for the 86. And I’d take that Toyota 86 over most of the cars on the market today. Since the beginning of time, sports cars have relied on sharing some components to make development costs work out. In his introduction of the car, Akio Toyoda said he hopes Toyota will build more new sports cars in the future. Here’s to seeing him fulfill that wish.—Todd Lassa
MISS: Toyota Supra
This was easily the most anticipated car of the show, and I have no doubt it will be a blast to drive. But what is with Toyota outsourcing its performance cars? Sure, it’s great that Toyota will be selling a re-skinned BMW. But right in the same room as the BMW Supra is the Lexus LC, a 2018 Automobile All-Star and proof positive that Toyota knows how to design scintillating cars. With all the emphasis on making Camrys and RAV4s better to drive—which they are, by the way—what does it say when you outsource your halo sports car? I can’t imagine the effect this must have had on the morale of their engineering corps. “Nice job on the new Camrys, and oh, by the way, that new Supra? We’re getting BMW to do it.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to have the Supra back—but I’d prefer a Toyota Supra.—Aaron Gold
REVELATION: The Supra almost wasn’t a Supra
In a chat at the Detroit show with Supra chief designer Nobua Nakamura, he told us that in July of 2013 that he and his team started sketching out ideas for a model that was at first billed as a nameless sports-car project. It was only after seeing the positive reception given to the FT-1 concept—created by Toyota’s Calty design house in California—at the 2014 Detroit show that the FT-1 would become the primary design inspiration for the sports-car project that would eventually be dubbed Supra. And the rest, as they say, is history.—MF
HIT: Akio Toyoda
For giving the best speech I’ve seen at an auto show in years, if not ever. No boring sales numbers. No bits of badly faked enthusiasm. Toyoda-san’s speech was funny, it was too the point, and though it was scripted—I was reading it on the teleprompter along with him—it’s obvious he’s seriously jazzed about this car (even if it is an automatic BMW).—AG
HIT: Fernando Alonso
My wife thinks so, anyway. Alonso appeared briefly on stage with Akio Toyoda for the Toyota Supra launch. Toyoda was gracious in acknowledging that the two-time Formula 1 champion (for Ferrari) and one-time 24 Hours of Le Mans winner (for Toyota) is driving another marque at the 24 Hours of Daytona later this month (a Cadillac).—TL
HIT: Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
For the jaded, it might be easy to look at the new GT500 and see just another jacked-up performance variant of Ford’s pony car. I get that . . . but whatever. More than 700 horsepower (what’s the final number, Ford?!) from the 5.2-liter supercharged V-8, a dual-clutch gearbox, zero to 60 mph in the mid-three-second range, a sub-11-second quarter-mile, magnetic dampers, and an optional Carbon-Fiber Track package with carbon wheels, rear-seat delete, and more? Find me a challenging road course and let’s get it on. Now.—MM
This plucky Indian company is showing off its not-road-legal CJ-5 clone right in Jeep’s back yard. That takes cojones!—AG
HIT: Lexus LC Convertible concept
Rare is the car that gets scalped and doesn’t look great, but even rarer is a car as stunning to behold as the LC droptop. For all the coupe’s beauty—okay, some folks don’t like the spindle grille, but I think it works there—its overall attitude and stance strike me more as coming from a place of aggression. This concept elevates the LC to true elegance. I wouldn’t be shocked to see examples of the eventual production version at various concours d’élégance in the coming decades.—Erik Johnson
Yes, please. We love the LC hardtop, which was a 2018 All-Star, and with the top down, it takes the LC’s delightful GT style to another level.—MF
And here I thought it couldn’t get better than the LC coupe. Built it, Lexus! Build it, build it, build it!—AG
MISS: Cadillac XT6
It’s a damn shame what’s happened to Cadillac. Yes, I get it, its sedan sales are cratering and OMG it needs crossovers ASAP. I’m sure the XT6 and XT4 will be sales salve, but they come off as old GM badge-engineered exercises, and beyond the expressive grilles look uninspired. While they may put the brand back in the black, it’s sad to see really capable cars like the CT6 be minimized. At least Cadillac gave that car some serious attention in the form of the 550-hp CT6-V (which already is sold out). There is some hope in the form of the emerging EV strategy. Maybe those cars won’t have alphanumeric names.—MF
As another grizzled veteran told me, this three-row luxury SUV would have been a hit in 2012, or even 2016. While there’s nothing wrong with the new XT6 other than the Honda Pilot–esque side surfacing and the too-familiar GM interior plastics and switchgear, there’s nothing about it that pops. While I once believed that rear-wheel-drive proportions don’t matter on a tall SUV, the new Lincoln Aviator and even the 2020 Ford Explorer (gasp) have proved otherwise.—TL
0 notes
enginerumors · 5 years
2021 Toyota Supra Review & Rumors
2021 Toyota Supra Review & Rumors
2021 Toyota Supra Review & Rumors – The mixture of Toyota and BMW car manufacturers is the concept behind the 2021 Toyota Supra. This sports car will feature BMW’s strength teach and the very best of Toyota in designing and performance. Although BMW continues to be peaceful in the specific specs, the fact remains that here is the future sports vehicle, regarding class and enhanced performance.
View On WordPress
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jonathanbelloblog · 5 years
2019 Detroit Auto Show: Hits, Misses, and Revelations
DETROIT, Michigan—Thirty years after Toyota launched Lexus and Nissan introduced Infiniti here, and 27 years after Chrysler smashed Cobo Hall’s front windows with the 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee, the North American International Auto Show is done with January. The reviews from jaded auto journos are mixed, and the press day crowds were down despite Toyota and China’s GAC flying in press from overseas. We’re pretty confident, though, in saying what Detroit lacked in quantity, it made up for in quality this year. There is more to like than there is to avoid, even if the Japanese and Chinese automakers are the only ones left who still build concepts, and even though Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Mini, Audi, and Volvo this year joined a bunch of other automakers who had followed Aston Martin’s decision to leave town after its Zen display of a decade ago. Herewith, our regular compendium of criticism, the good, the bad, and the philosophical, this time about what there is to see at the 2019 NAIAS:
HIT: Toyota Supra
Too many are getting stuck on the BMW partnership and the long gestation process, nitpicking the design, and decrying the lack of a manual transmission (which by the way Supra chief engineer Tetsuya Tada has not ruled out, so call your favorite dealer and demand it). Can we all just agree that what Toyota has done is give the world what by all accounts should be a nimble, kick-ass, rear-drive sports car that’s relatively attainable, price-wise? Call it whatever the hell you want, the fact that this car exists at all is pretty remarkable in this day and age. And it’s all but assured that hard-core variants will be in the offing. Yeah, what a terrible thing Toyota has done . . . not.—Mike Floyd
Automotive journalists can be a funny group. After wishing for a new Supra for years, some of them were overheard describing the final production car as less than thrilling, with others going so far as to call it “ugly.” “Look at all those fake plastic vents and intakes,” they decried. But as Supra designer Nobua Nakamura told editor-in-chief Mike Floyd, those nonfunctional pieces could become functional on future variants of the car. I don’t think the new Supra is perfect in the appearance department, and its roofline does look proportionally odd from some angles. But for the love of Suzuka, I’m excited to get a chance to drive it once test vehicles become available. If it lights up twisting roads as I expect it will, any niggling quibbles I have with its styling will go right off the nearest cliffside.—Mac Morrison
The biggest, most anticipated thing at this show is not an SUV, or even an autonomous tall electric sedan, but a sports car. Yes, it’s essentially a BMW Z4 built in Austria by Magna, but at least it has its own sheetmetal, which is more than you can say for the 86. And I’d take that Toyota 86 over most of the cars on the market today. Since the beginning of time, sports cars have relied on sharing some components to make development costs work out. In his introduction of the car, Akio Toyoda said he hopes Toyota will build more new sports cars in the future. Here’s to seeing him fulfill that wish.—Todd Lassa
MISS: Toyota Supra
This was easily the most anticipated car of the show, and I have no doubt it will be a blast to drive. But what is with Toyota outsourcing its performance cars? Sure, it’s great that Toyota will be selling a re-skinned BMW. But right in the same room as the BMW Supra is the Lexus LC, a 2018 Automobile All-Star and proof positive that Toyota knows how to design scintillating cars. With all the emphasis on making Camrys and RAV4s better to drive—which they are, by the way—what does it say when you outsource your halo sports car? I can’t imagine the effect this must have had on the morale of their engineering corps. “Nice job on the new Camrys, and oh, by the way, that new Supra? We’re getting BMW to do it.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to have the Supra back—but I’d prefer a Toyota Supra.—Aaron Gold
REVELATION: The Supra almost wasn’t a Supra
In a chat at the Detroit show with Supra chief designer Nobua Nakamura, he told us that in July of 2013 that he and his team started sketching out ideas for a model that was at first billed as a nameless sports-car project. It was only after seeing the positive reception given to the FT-1 concept—created by Toyota’s Calty design house in California—at the 2014 Detroit show that the FT-1 would become the primary design inspiration for the sports-car project that would eventually be dubbed Supra. And the rest, as they say, is history.—MF
HIT: Akio Toyoda
For giving the best speech I’ve seen at an auto show in years, if not ever. No boring sales numbers. No bits of badly faked enthusiasm. Toyoda-san’s speech was funny, it was too the point, and though it was scripted—I was reading it on the teleprompter along with him—it’s obvious he’s seriously jazzed about this car (even if it is an automatic BMW).—AG
HIT: Fernando Alonso
My wife thinks so, anyway. Alonso appeared briefly on stage with Akio Toyoda for the Toyota Supra launch. Toyoda was gracious in acknowledging that the two-time Formula 1 champion (for Ferrari) and one-time 24 Hours of Le Mans winner (for Toyota) is driving another marque at the 24 Hours of Daytona later this month (a Cadillac).—TL
HIT: Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
For the jaded, it might be easy to look at the new GT500 and see just another jacked-up performance variant of Ford’s pony car. I get that . . . but whatever. More than 700 horsepower (what’s the final number, Ford?!) from the 5.2-liter supercharged V-8, a dual-clutch gearbox, zero to 60 mph in the mid-three-second range, a sub-11-second quarter-mile, magnetic dampers, and an optional Carbon-Fiber Track package with carbon wheels, rear-seat delete, and more? Find me a challenging road course and let’s get it on. Now.—MM
This plucky Indian company is showing off its not-road-legal CJ-5 clone right in Jeep’s back yard. That takes cojones!—AG
HIT: Lexus LC Convertible concept
Rare is the car that gets scalped and doesn’t look great, but even rarer is a car as stunning to behold as the LC droptop. For all the coupe’s beauty—okay, some folks don’t like the spindle grille, but I think it works there—its overall attitude and stance strike me more as coming from a place of aggression. This concept elevates the LC to true elegance. I wouldn’t be shocked to see examples of the eventual production version at various concours d’élégance in the coming decades.—Erik Johnson
Yes, please. We love the LC hardtop, which was a 2018 All-Star, and with the top down, it takes the LC’s delightful GT style to another level.—MF
And here I thought it couldn’t get better than the LC coupe. Built it, Lexus! Build it, build it, build it!—AG
MISS: Cadillac XT6
It’s a damn shame what’s happened to Cadillac. Yes, I get it, its sedan sales are cratering and OMG it needs crossovers ASAP. I’m sure the XT6 and XT4 will be sales salve, but they come off as old GM badge-engineered exercises, and beyond the expressive grilles look uninspired. While they may put the brand back in the black, it’s sad to see really capable cars like the CT6 be minimized. At least Cadillac gave that car some serious attention in the form of the 550-hp CT6-V (which already is sold out). There is some hope in the form of the emerging EV strategy. Maybe those cars won’t have alphanumeric names.—MF
As another grizzled veteran told me, this three-row luxury SUV would have been a hit in 2012, or even 2016. While there’s nothing wrong with the new XT6 other than the Honda Pilot–esque side surfacing and the too-familiar GM interior plastics and switchgear, there’s nothing about it that pops. While I once believed that rear-wheel-drive proportions don’t matter on a tall SUV, the new Lincoln Aviator and even the 2020 Ford Explorer (gasp) have proved otherwise.—TL
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