#2019 Photography Challenge
pettydollie · 29 days
♡. ౨ৎ chris sturniolo drabbles ♡.。.:
*oldest posts are at the top/newest posts are on the bottom
[100-500 words] take care - wc: 498 summary: tending to chris' wounds after a fight bruised - wc: 306 summary: you hit ur hand :( lowk inspired by that one scene in little women (2019) first date - wc: 475 summary: title - chris is just too cute you're all annoying - wc: 333 summary: clip from wednesday's (1/31) video unreal - wc: 440 summary: chris feels so unreal, you take it in as he lays next to you spit in my mouth! (vday special) - wc: 216 summary: playing 'try not to laugh at vday pickup lines with water in your mouth' boop 💋 - wc: 390 summary: chris loves betty boop so you decide to dress up as her as a little treat photography field - wc: 353 summary: making out with chris in a plains field lol giggly night - wc: 118 summary: chris makes you laugh in the middle of the night and he attempts to stifle your giggles but ultimately fails lol planning your future - wc: 292 summary: title skater!bf chris - wc: 290 summary: hanging out in an indoor parking lot how u met the triplets - wc: 210 summary: title (ft when u started liking chris) ur mad at him >:c (not really) - wc: 280 summary: you try to be mad at chris bcs u never are lol learning how to braid ur hair - wc: 161 summary: title and showing off ab it pussy - wc: 113 summary: nick and matt betting on your guys' relationship honey - wc: 349 summary: you get your wisdom teeth taken out and forget that chris is your boyfriend when he calls you 'honey' burgers - wc: 117 summary: chris makes delicious burgers thats all lol soda?... - wc: 303 summary: shrek's three babies the triplets come into your room where you're taking a nap, asking if you wanna do the soda challenge for today's video-- you dont even drink soda... feeding the ducks - wc: 306 summary: chris sturniolo is a stressed man, but he doesn't feel so when he watches you feed the duckies. kissing the tears away - wc: 112 summary: chris loving his little crybaby by kissing her tears all gone (and licking one) honeymoon (NSFW) - wc: 384 summary: honeymoon sex w/ chris hehe no more! (NSFW) - wc: 402 summary: chris accidentally overstimulating you happy father's day - wc: 489 summary: you and chris have wanted a baby for so long ! you decide that it's time to have one when you don't take your birth control. happy father's day daddy. roleplay (sub!chris) - wc: 124 summary: chris feeds into his desire of roleplaying as your "personal assistant"
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whumptober · 1 year
Meet The New Mods
Thank you very much for the warm welcome! To begin we’d like to say a very big thank you to mods Pan and Claire, as well as Jo, Marie and Kat, for their hard work in creating and continuing the event for six years — especially with how big the community has become! We have a momentous job ahead of us when it comes to modding the community and running the event as well as they did, but we are determined and up for the challenge.
So perhaps it’s time to introduce ourselves:
gunshou tumblr | discord | ao3
fandom old (she/her)
I’ve participated in Whumptober for a few years, although I never finished. I’m a writer who can’t write fluff to save my life; if a character isn’t going through some kind of trauma in canon I’ll make it happen in fanfic. I live with an old blind mini poodle and intense imposter syndrome. I used to mod communities on Livejournal (fandom OLD) and I’m really excited to be a part of the new mod team. Please feel free to follow and interact with me!
Surro | 21 | he/him | @promptsforyourwhumpfic
AO3: SurroWhump
Discord: surro_
🎵 - I’m Not Okay (Chris Catalyst) and Will of the People (Muse)
I've been lurking in the whump community since 2017, and have been a whump enthusiast for as long as I can remember (seriously, all of my original characters have to had some sort of whumpy backstory). I’ve been a loyal Whumptober completionist since 2018, and have written my fair share of angst for a variety of whumpees and OCs.This is my first time being a part of a mod team, and I am really thrilled to be a part of such a big event! I look forward to working on this project and interacting with the wider community.
Kitty | she/her | @mrmustachious
AO3: TheWeatherOutside
Discord: justkitty.
Hello everyone! Those in the Whumptober discord may know me as being a mod there since last year, but if not, then hi! I have been a completionist for Whumptober every year since 2019, and it’s safe to say that the event quickly became one of my favourite times of year. I’ve been a fan of whump since well before I knew what it was, so it’s been amazing to find a community filled with so many like-minded, wonderful people creating such fantastic (and evil ;)) works. I’m so excited to be a part of the team, and I am looking forward to seeing what everyone creates this year.
Vanne | 21 | queer | she/her | @fl4tlines
AO3: savanne
Discord: v4nne
🎵: Lowlife — YUNGBLUD & Cheap Love — girli
Hiya! I’ve mainly lurked in the whump community for a while, across several different blogs. I was a Whumptober completionist in 2021 on an old blog, but I haven’t completed it since! I mainly write OC whump, with more focus on emotional suffering compared to the physical elements. Outside of whump, I volunteer and run a wildlife rehabilitation unit, work in retail and keep the ADHD goblin in my head happy by cycling through an endless list of other hobbies like graphic design, wildlife photography and traveling for gigs. I’m really looking forward to helping put together Whumptober this year and being a part of it!
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thesargasmicgoddess · 5 months
What are some of your favorite posts this year?
I know I haven't posted as much this year as I have the few years past for a variety of reasons. I don't know if other bloggers ever feel this way, but for me, this blog has evolved and matured with me over the last 4 years. I had very specific points and themes of exploration when I first started here, and some of these themes and curiosities have shifted, while others have blossomed into other interests.
Artistically, I've done a lot from 2019-2022 in terms of creative photography. 2023 was about creative and fearless explorations in life for me. There was less focus on the visual creativity and more focus on my thoughts, feelings, and stream of consciousness as I experienced new things in life.
All of this to say: some of my most favorite posts were the ones where I felt deeply about experiences: my travels, my connections, my challenges, my studies.
2023 was a year of wonderment and fearlessness, and I think some of my favorite posts were my reflections of England and my musings on my growth as a scholar. In years past, I've sometimes done a year-end round-up of my favorites....I may do that this week just to revisit some memories.
As much as I am physically naked on this blog, I think a lot of my favorite posts this year were more emotionally than physically naked.
Per usual, I gave way too long of an answer for the question 🤣. Thanks for the great ask.
I can't wait to see what 2024 holds! ❤️
It seems appropriate to share a magical picture I took at Disneyland to ring in 2024!
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oftlunarialmoon · 3 months
Top 5 Productive and Creative Things to Do When You are Bored– ROYALs Lessons!
Originally posted to www.onlyfunthings.org on January 09, 2019
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Ciao Royals! Welcome back to ROYALs lessons! We’re kicking off the year with something useful and fun: a NEW Top 5 list of Productive and Creative things to do with your free time!
Do you ever find yourself bored with too much free time and want something to do, but don’t feel like laying around watching Netflix? Have you run out of YouTube videos to watch? Maybe you’ve grown tired of scrolling through social media? No problem! Today I have 5 ideas to get you started doing something super fun and creative!
1.       My first and biggest suggestion is to DIY something! However that alone is not very creative, so I want to challenge you: DIY something completely new and creative out of something old that you have. Instead of using craft supplies to make something from scratch, make something out of old clothes, toys, trinkets, and other things! And instead of following a tutorial, try to make your own idea or figure out how to create something on your own! A few examples of things you can try: 
-          Gather up all your old clothes that you absolutely don’t wear anymore. Try to create an entire new outfit out of your old clothes, meaning transform your clothes into something brand new!
-          Look critically at old packaging, cardboard boxes and other would-be “trash” or “recyclables”. What could you make out of that? If you’re having difficulty coming up with ideas, search for “Upcycled Crafts” on Pinterest, you can usually find a lot of ideas this way.
-          Look at your makeup collection! Chances are you might have some makeup you don’t often wear, why not try recreating it into new makeup by mixing pigments, turning lipstick into lip-gloss and other ideas? 
2.       Why not start a blog or other type of website? People blog for all sorts of reasons, whether you want to start a blog because you want to spread a message or just entertain, blogging can be a very fun pastime! You can blog to raise awareness for an issue that matters to you, to inform people on a topic that you’re knowledgeable on, to entertain people with creative writing, poetry, or photography, to promote a business, even just to express yourself!
3.       Volunteer your time locally. Whether you live on a college campus (where there are always community service opportunities!), or whether you live in a big city or small town, your help could always be needed. Volunteer at your local food bank, animal shelter, homeless shelter, or even by tutoring people in your school. There’s always a way to volunteer!
4.       Clean and organize your room. You can even go an extra mile and organize all your clothing. Donate what you don’t use or need or wear anymore. Clean out from under your bed, in your closet, under your dresser, and your floor. Vacuum or sweep. Dust and wipe down all surfaces. Maybe even wash your bedding. 
5.       Start a journal! You could journal about your day to day life, you could bullet journal and track your habits, you could do short fiction writing, you could write poetry, you could write down articles and blog post ideas, you could make a vent journal, you could make an age regression journal! Journaling really has endless possibilities. You could even art journal! Or scrapbook. 
As you can see, there’s plenty to do when you’re bored that’s not only productive and creative, but also fun!
Remember to Stay Awesome and Love Yourself!
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immemorymag · 9 months
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Sara Todorova
Sara was born in Kos, Greece. At a young age her hearing started decreasing, which made it challenging for her to communicate and connect with her family and other children. When she was 10 years old her family moved to Cyprus and that was also when she discovered photography.  Taking photographs helped her to express her inner world and emotions that she had found difficult with verbal language. In 2019, she moved to the UK to study. She completed a (BA) Course in Photography at University of Huddersfield and returned to Cyprus in 2022. 
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striped-civet · 2 years
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A wildlife photographer has managed to capture intimate images of the rarely spotted snow leopard high in the mountains of India's Ladakh region. Sascha Fonseca captured the stunning shots during a three-year trap camera photography project from 2019-2021. The images show the endangered cat, known among locals in northern India as the Ghost of the Mountain, stalking its natural habitat more than 2.5 miles above sea level.
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Mr Fonseca said he was attracted by "the challenge to photograph these rare and hard-to-find big cats in their natural environment".  "By sharing their beauty with the world I hope to raise awareness about their existence and the importance to protect their habitats," he added. Mr Fonseca spent hours in mountains setting up his camera traps, building the weatherproof housing to protect the cameras himself. Despite contending with brutal working conditions - high altitude, low oxygen levels, rugged terrain, and extreme weather - Mr Fonseca hopes his work will bring heightened awareness to these majestic, endangered creatures. "Habitat loss due to human expansion is the main problems followed by a number of related issues. That’s why it’s so important to create public awareness."
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thasallweare · 5 months
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Mark Bradford, Noah’s Third Day (detail), 2007, Carnegie Museum of Art, Gift of Milton and Sheila Fine © Mark Bradford, Courtesy of the artist and Hauser & Wirth
The Milton and Sheila Fine Collection celebrates the Fines’ landmark gift of more than 100 works of painting, sculpture, photography, and time-based media. From the 1980s through the 2000s, in close conversation with Carnegie Museum of Art’s directors and curators, the Fines created Western Pennsylvania’s most significant and boldest private collection of contemporary art. What distinguishes their collection from others of its kind is the Fines’ enduring intention to donate it to the museum for all of us in the region and beyond to appreciate in perpetuity. Perhaps even more notably, Milton and Sheila Fine collected directly from the museum’s Carnegie Internationals, making their collection a living archive of the longest-running survey of international art in America.
The Fines leaned toward vanguard art that challenged tradition, acquiring works from some of today’s most prominent artists, such as Jeff Koons, Cindy Sherman, Gillian Wearing, and Mark Bradford. From private collection to public art museum, these artworks enter a new context where they will become an integral part of our shared experiences within the galleries of the museum that Milton and Sheila loved. This exhibition is a celebration of their generous gift, as well as a remembrance of Milton Fine, who passed away in 2019. We invite you to discover and explore the many histories and art practices that give powerful expression to the Fines’ 45-year relationship to art and the museum.
The exhibition is organized by Eric Crosby, Henry J. Heinz II Director, Carnegie Museum of Art, and Vice President, Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, with Tiffany Sims, Margaret Powell Curatorial Fellow, and Cynthia Stucki, curatorial assistant for contemporary art and photography.
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lamyaasfaraini · 4 months
Day 11 - Something blue
30 days photography challenge
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Taa-daa! Banyak amat hahaha. Udah hasil sortiran ini~
Foto 1, selfie.. Ups bukan kebiasaanku foto selfie begini apalagi sambil olahraga, ngonten sambil videoin ih gapede muke jelek bgt kalo lg cape, hebat sih org2 pada pede2 kalo videoin pasti cantik lah yaa lg lelah jg wkwk. Iyak biru navy baju heuseus sporty hijab.
Foto 2, sebelahnya itu foto keluarga wkt di tempo gelato jogja. Serius itu kami ngga janjian pake baju nuansa biru2 haha. Kami janjiannya di hari ke 3 pake nuansa cream/coklat cuy. Nuansa blue jeans, pastel blue dll. Begitulah yaa kalo udah 1 selera, tiba2 kompak aja tanpa janjian dan ini sering terjadi eniweeyyy
Foto 3 sebelahnya lagi, foto langit biru mah wajib gaksi. Kalo konten di igs mah para pecinta langit cenah.. Hobinya fotoin langit hahaha. Itu di gunung putri no edit no filter, pake hp kentang, bukan hp ipun yg selalu kamu elu2kan itu. Siapa? Aku? Kamu?
Foto 4 dibawah itu, scarlett tea.. Teh warna biru, enak rasanya. Diminum saat cuaca adem. Sambil memantau bocil di playground.
Foto 5 yang tengah, my pwetty daughter pake yukata di resto ayce jepang sebut saja sumeragi. Sebetulnya itu kegedean karena adanya itu ih, dipilihin warna random jg. Yukata warna biru, tapi anakku ttp gowlishhh luv.
Foto 6 sebelahnya itu lagi berenang pake baju renang warna biru jg matching sama air kolamnya hehe. Berenang adalah kesukaannya bgt..
Foto 7 kebawah, pasutri yg pgn nyari hiburan kek gen Z datang ke fest musik pertama kalinya setelah beranak. Dan iya kali pertama jg buat kami berdua. Pacaran layaknya anak muda. Bulan September gatau kalo ujan mulu ngga prepare pula no clue beneran. Kurang berpengalaman fest musik di musim hujan krn dulu lagi sering2nya beginian umur 20an awal gapernah pas musim ujan jg. Yodah beli dah tuh onthespot si ponco biru tipis kek keresek pasar yekan
Foto 8 sebelahnya, tenda biru~ plis anak 90an jgn nyanyik ketauan kolodnya huhu. Tenda biru cayangan nemo dibeliin mamang dan ateunya biar anteng cenah, bajunya pun warna biru wkwk. Kayanya umur 1 thn an deh itu msh kicil bingittt gemezzz.
Foto 9 terakhir! Biru shop bag nya ikea siapa yg gatau yah hahaha. Bodor ini kalo gasalah thn 2019 lg cfd dago kami memang rajin kesana. Booth ikea ada disana lg ngadain kuis gt kita ikut nonton hadiahnya mayaan ih. Aku beranikan diri ikutan dan dijurung2 suami jg wkwk sebel. Majulah ke panggung, Jawabannya bener trus suruh ambil nomer kan, ngga dapet hadiah bagus. Ya itu hadiahnya shop bag ikea warna biru yg dirumah jg dah banyak huahaha.
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longlistshort · 6 months
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Kimowan Metchewais, “Cold Lake Fishing”, 2004/06
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Koyoltzintli, “Gathering Roots” and “Spider Woman Embrace”, Abiquiú, New Mexico, 2019, from the series MEDA, 2018/19, Archival pigment print
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(Alan Michelson “Hanödagayas (Town Destroyer): Whirlwind Series”, 2022 Archival pigment prints and “Pehin Hanska ktepi (They Killed Long Hair)”, 2021 Single-channel video installation: wool blanket and video projection; 1:05 minutes (looped), no sound)
Currently at the USF Contemporary Art Museum is Native America: In Translation curated by Wendy Red Star and organized by Aperture. The work included offers viewers a chance to discover new perspectives on the Native American experience.
From the museum- “The ultimate form of decolonization is through how Native languages form a view of the world. These artists provide sharp perceptions, rooted in their cultures.” —Wendy Red Star
Native America: In Translation assembles the wide-ranging work of nine Indigenous artists who pose challenging questions about identity and heritage, land rights, and histories of colonialism. Probing the legacies of settler colonialism, and photography’s complex and often fraught role in constructing representation of Native cultures, the exhibition includes works by lens-based artists offering new perspectives on Indigenous identity, reimagining what it means to be a citizen in North America today.
Works included in the exhibition address cultural and visual sovereignty by reclaiming Native American identity and representation. Honoring ancestral traditions and stories tied to the land, Koyoltzintli (Ecuadorian-American, b. 1983) reflects on how the landscape embodies traditional knowledge, language, and memories. Nalikutaar Jacqueline Cleveland’s (Yup’ik, b. 1979) photographs of contemporary tribal communities in western Alaska document Native foraging and cultural traditions as a form of knowledge passed through generations. Revealing stories of trauma and healing, Guadalupe Maravilla (American, b. El Salvador, 1976) communicates autobiographical and fictional narratives informed by myth and his own migration story.
Expanding Indigenous archives and collective memory through photographic means, works by the late artist Kimowan Metchewais (Cree, Cold Lake First Nations, 1963–2011), drawn from his personal archive of Polaroid photographs, construct self-realized Native imagery challenging the authority of colonial representation. Excavating repressed colonial histories of invasion and eviction, Alan Michelson (Mohawk, Six Nations of the Grand River, b. 1953) reinterprets and repositions archival material to redress history from an Indigenous perspective. Marianne Nicolson’s (Musgamakw Dzawada’enuxw First Nations, b. 1969) light-based installation projects Dzawada’enuxw tribal symbols of authority and power onto colonized spaces to contest treaties that imposed territorial boundaries on Indigenous lands. Duane Linklater (Omaskêko Ininiwak from Moose Cree First Nation, b. 1976) reconfigured the pages sourced from a 1995 issue of Aperture, featuring Indigenous artists, creating space for artistic improvisation and reinvention across generations.
Reflecting on performative aspects of Indigeneity and the colonial gaze, Martine Gutierrez’s (American, b. 1989) series of photographs reinterpret high-fashion magazine spreads with a revolving roster of identities and narratives to question Native gender and heritage. Working across performance and photography, Rebecca Belmore (Anishinaabe, Lac Seul First Nation, b. 1960) creates powerful reenactments of past performances incorporating organic materials that reference knowledge, labor, and care of the Earth in defiance of state violence of Indigenous people.
This exhibition closes 12/1/23.
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Rebecca Belmore, “matriarch”, 2018, and “mother” from the series “nindinawemaganidog (all of my relations)”, 2018, Archival pigment prints
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Photos by Rebecca Belmore and Installation by Marianne Nicolson
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Marianne Nicolson’s installation detail
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Nalikutaar Jacqueline Cleveland, “Molly Alexie and her children after a harvest of beach greens in Quinhagak, Alaska”, 2018 and “There are two main Yup’ ik names for crowberries or blackberries in Alaska, “paunrat” and “tangerpiit””, 2017, Archival pigment prints
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Guadalupe Maravilla, “I Crossed the Border Retablo”, 2021, Oil on tin, cotton, glue mixture, wood
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Duane Linklater, “ghost in the machine”, 2021, Archival pigment prints
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Martine Gutierrez, “Queer Rage, Dear Diary, No Signal During VH1’s Fiercest Divas”, and “Queer Rage, THat Girl Was Me, Now She’s A Somebody”, 2018. digital chromogenic print
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One of Kimowan Metchewais’ polaroids from the slide show
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“Loss and Damage”
South Sudan has been plagued by political violence and instability since its independence from Sudan in 2011. Now it is experiencing massive floods for the fourth consecutive year. Since 2019, unprecedented rainy seasons have submerged large parts of the country’s landscape. 
Heavy rains and floods have swept away people’s homes, properties, crops, livestock, schools and healthcare centres, and caused extensive infrastructural damage to roads and bridges. 
The climate crisis is bringing further challenges to this already vulnerable country.
© Fabio Bucciarelli, Italy, 
Finalist, Professional competition, Landscape, 
2023 Sony World Photography Awards
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papashittycams · 11 months
I'm sure "the shitty camera challenge" is self explanatory but just in case it isn't, could you explain what that is for those of us who don't know?
Hey anon! The Shitty Camera Challenge is a photography contest that I run.
The Shitty Camera Challenge started on Twitter but we migrated to Mastodon. You can follow us at ‪@[email protected]‬ (we have a tumblr & Instagram but rarely use them)
The basic idea is to make art using cameras that are well… kinda shitty. Here’s a chart that can help loosely tell you what is or isn’t a shitty camera. But I find that shitty cameras are like pornography, you know it when you see it.
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There’s actually a Shitty Camera Challenge happening right now on Mastodon until August 31st. There’s a bunch of people making some amazing stuff. Ultimately SCC is about not taking things to seriously & having fun with photography.
Here’s a short article about the Shitty Camera Challenge, it’s inception, & goals from 2019.
Hope that was helpful, if you need any more information just ask.
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zombilenium · 1 year
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“Loss and Damage”
South Sudan has been plagued by political violence and instability since its independence from Sudan in 2011. Now it is experiencing massive floods for the fourth consecutive year. Since 2019, unprecedented rainy seasons have submerged large parts of the country’s landscape.
Heavy rains and floods have swept away people’s homes, properties, crops, livestock, schools and healthcare centres, and caused extensive infrastructural damage to roads and bridges.
The climate crisis is bringing further challenges to this already vulnerable country.
© Fabio Bucciarelli, Italy,
Finalist, Professional competition, Landscape,
2023 Sony World Photography Awards
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jacesdossier · 8 months
Transgender Artists and Ways of Engaging with Trans Art Activism
For this research dossier, I wanted to compile examples of how various artists and creatives under the trans umbrella use their work to engage with transgender activism.  I explored several documentaries created by trans artists, as well as photography, drawing, painting, and sculpture whilst looking for clear examples of works that communicate the trans experience and the struggles faced by the community.  I myself am a trans man.  I have been out and actively transitioning since 2017, and as an artist I have occasionally used my own work to subtly highlight aspects of the transgender experience.  Because of this I was very interested to see how artists with similar experiences to myself translated this into their own bodies of work, and how their works can be seen as forms of activism.  
I initially decided to focus the bulk of my efforts on finding documentaries and video content, as I found throughout my search that while the experiences communicated through other mediums were often understood by myself, I was struck by the thought that many cis (read: not trans, identifies with their sex assigned at birth) individuals may struggle to connect with these pieces.  However, as I continued my search, I realized that this was, in fact, the point.  For this reason I did end up going back and including photographic, sculptural, and drawn works into the dossier, along with my own explanations of the pieces as I understand them.  Artists referenced include: Yishay Garbasz, Chella Man, Rhys Ernst, and Wu Tsang.  
Over the course of this assignment, I have realized the stark differences in the ways that each medium communicates facets of the trans experience.  Some, more so the documentaries, are made accessible to the cisgender audience through careful explanation and depictions of real lived experiences.  These works feel more directly “activist” in their execution and intent, as they communicate their message more effectively to a wider audience.  On the other hand, the works that felt more inaccessible to a cisgender audience began to grow more important in my mind as activist works, as they require more actual effort and communication on the part of the audience to have their message be understood.  By requiring the viewer to start dismantling their own internalized perceptions and ideas, these works more subtly push the viewer to engage in activism on a small scale, as opposed to simply being given the necessary information from the start and then merely being asked to act on it.  I’ll admit to being surprised that this is the conclusion I’ve reached, but this project has definitely challenged and changed my perspectives on the subtler forms of activist artwork.
Ernst, Rhys. "This Is Me - Generations". June 1, 2015. 7 min. Retrieved from: https://vimeo.com/307596539
Ernst, Rhys. "Dear Lou Sullivan". December 1, 2014. 6 mins. Retrieved from rhysernst.com
Garbasz, Yishay "Becoming". yishay.com, accessed October 11, 2023. http://yishay.com/index.php/2019/08/10/becoming/
Garbasz, Yishay, Eat Me Damien. 2011. Retrieved from: http://yishay.com/index.php/2019/08/10/eat-me-damien/
Man, Chella, "Dysphoria Projections", sharpie on paper, 2018, Retrieved from https://www.artsy.net/artwork/chella-man-dysphoria-projections
Tsang, Wu. "Wildness". February 22, 2012. 1hr 16min. Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/404104779
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pixnflixnwrites · 9 months
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Erwin Olaf
If there’s a single work that encapsulates the artistry of Erwin Olaf, a leading Dutch photographer known for meticulously staged pictures that challenge social taboos and explore human frailty, it might be his 2005 portrait of a young woman in a yellow dress from the Hope series.
The brunette with a yellow ribbon in her hair seems to have just halted in the doorway of her hotel room. She touches her neck with one hand and there is a profound expression on her face. Has she just escaped an argument in her room? Is she hesitating before entering? Or has she been suddenly struck by terrible news?
The photograph contains all of Mr. Olaf’s signature technical elements: painterly lighting, formalist composition, styling that we associate with fashion photography — that seductive, perfectionistic polish. Then there’s the final touch that elevates Mr. Olaf’s images into the realm of high art, an unsettling feeling. As viewers, we are always compelled to ask: What has happened here? -- Nina Siegal, NYT; https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/13/arts/design/erwin-olaf-photography.html
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josilophoto · 2 years
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I know I‘m too late with my introduction, but I didn’t have much time during the week and forgot it had to be ready by Friday. 🤦‍♀️
I‘m Sophie from Austria, 35, and I like photography. 😄
I‘ve been doing a picture-a-day project since 2019 and there were always a few toy photos included. My fascination with toy photography has steadily grown and really taken off this January when I discovered the Stuck in Plastic challenges. Then I found this group and I hope to be able to do some of these projects too. 😊 I don’t really have a favourite theme. I mostly collect the CMF series and use them in photos.
I‘m very new to tumblr and still trying to find my way around (I‘ve only just gotten used to Instagram 😅).
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Day 308 art meditation, 2/20/23 I just read about the opera singer Limmie Pulliam, who for ten years gave up his dream to become a professional singer because of body shaming. Michelle Obama wrote the most beautiful post about the full story of his comeback.
Any time I read a book, or watch a film about someone who quit working towards their dreams, my throat instantly tightens up with tears. There is always a reason to quit. Limmie didn’t give up! I’m so thrilled for him, and moved by his story.
Also noteworthy is that he stayed in alignment with people who inspire him, and with people who have the potential of Seeing him for all of who he is. When he worked as a field organizer for Barack Obama’s campaign, giving Limmie a spontaneous chance to sing the national anthem, he was boosted back into believing in his art again.
I want to post about the ways that I am going to commit to All Lines Are Beautiful this year. As always, I have to focus on what I CAN do, what is within me.
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I want to post about the ways that I am going to commit to All Lines Are Beautiful this year. As always, I have to focus on what I CAN do, what is within me.
◎ I am again posting my logo - aka my Heart Centerpiece. This is the symbol of continuing belief in myself.
◉ I am re-committing to designing Heart Art Bundles for clients. This is a collaborative challenge of NEW art merging with NEW words that creates beautiful new things, which is a core message of All lines are beautiful. I just Believe in this idea.
◎ This year I will finish the first draft of my art memoir.
⦿ Finalize the new artwork for my Love Letter to Senga Nengudi. I will figure out how to get it published.
◎ I will try to make contact with Senga as a new layer of my self esteem.
◉ I am holding a space for myself for future Love Letters, and really feeling these ideas out Inwardly, before I start the actual work.  
◎ I am launching a Print Store with my art and photography designs.
⦿ I am going to print art postcards of my artwork. As I write love postcards to my friends and family I discovered there is a lack of art-postcards out there. If I’m going to go whole-hog with being a professional Love Letter writer, of course postcards need to be part of it.
◎ I continue to tune into artists who inspire me. One of my design heroes is the Finnish company Marimekko, and I love how the bold textile designs expanded out into tableware and FINNAIR aircrafts. Follow the Joy, and joy for me is definitely seeing Marimekko art on an airplane!
◉ I continue living in deep and still gratitude, and how far I have come so far. I am so grateful for the art meditation I started in September 2021, which helps me stay connected to my dreams every day. I am grateful for the 100 Day Art Challenge I did in 2019, and the journaling and letters I’ve written since I was little.
So this is me, walking in the direction of my goals, towards my better self, working on transmitting my fears into excitement and enthusiasm - thank you Michael B. Beckwith.
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