gravia-idols · 1 year
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FLASH Special Gravure BEST, 2020.01.25
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jpgulls · 5 years
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Thayer’s Gull “干潟好き” Adult winter
2020.01.25 Choshi, Chiba pref. JAPAN
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laiminga-karve · 5 years
Statėsi smėlio pilis dvi savaites, kad galiausiai vis tiek išskystų, ištirptų iškvėpuotame ore, prarasdama savas formas. Ribų nebeliko kartu su nutrintomis linijomis, kvėpavo kaip vienas organizmas, o dabar ir liko - tik vienas. Gali kvėpti vis giliau, kol deguonis tampa nuodais ir ima spausti galvą pro šonus, kad pradėtum taškytis taškais ir šauktukais. Nebesulaiko jų fizinės geometrijos ir nebeišmokys perimetrų sapnų demonai. Absoliučioji dilema, ar eiti basomis per spygliais apsikarsčiusias piktžoles, vien tam, kad praeitum, ar apsisukti ir bėgti į tamsą? Papasakok apie draugus, jų kvailus poelgius, liek pyktį ant motinos, svaik apie nerealias blondines, valgyk mano maistą, siurbk mano esybę, džiūgauk laime, juk tau skirta. Vis grįžtu prie jūros, jos metafora atsikartoja gyvenimuose, lyg bangos vis užlieja ir atsitraukia tie patys išgyvenimai, meta mane į tas pačias salas be jokio išėjimo. Pusiau aptirpęs ir susispaudęs guliu po trimis antklodėmis, vienišumas teka akių kraštais, tapau perregimas dar kartą. Stabilumas vilioja, bet baimės jį susprogdina ir išsiūbuoja į šonus tiek, kiek nebeįmanoma apglėbti. Slidūs atsakymai prasispaudžia pro pirštų tarpus ir įsimaišo tarp kitų, retkarčiais iškylančių vizijose. Apmėto mane kraštutinumais, rėkia ,,taip geriau", tikisi pasirinkimo, žiūri didelėmis akimis, šiltai laiko ranką ant peties, kol kone mirštančio gyvulio klyksmu traukiu deguonį į save. Nebeįlipu į save, pamečiau kažkur tarp gėlėtų marškinių klosčių, kol ramūs garsai šnabždėjo neskubėti ir pasimėgauti.
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kyokosdog · 5 years
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Natsuki Sena  奈月セナ, Weekly Gendai 2020.01.25
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redhawk0123 · 4 years
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アメリカセグロカモメ 第2回冬羽 Larus smithsonianus 2nd winter
2020.01.25 Choshi, Chiba pref. JAPAN
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seraphlight · 5 years
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DIR EN GREY — TOUR20 This Way to Self-Destruction
2020.01.25 — Moscow (RUS)
source: onrockwave.com/report/foto/magiya-moskovskogo-lajva-dir-en-grey
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yuki-nishiyama · 3 years
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untestsubject · 4 years
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jpgulls · 5 years
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Thayer’s Gull “じゃない方” 3rd winter
2020.01.25 Choshi, Chiba pref. JAPAN
0 notes
sandreeen · 5 years
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Sho’s Birthday || Arashi’s Instagram Stories 2020.01.25
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2020.01.25 ~ Lunar New Year
Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. The Good Ol' Wingman, Amortentia by DennaSnape [M, 8k]
▶ It's sixth year and they've got Slughorn for Potions, so they're brewing Amortentia. [...]
2. The Howler by @silentexplorer18 [T, 2k]
▶ Draco is sent a rather revealing howler. In a fraction of a second, his whole life changes, but perhaps it's for the best. You can't choose who you love, but you can choose to love.
3. Loose Ends by @justkeeptrekkin [T, 64k]
▶ It is three years after the Battle of Hogwarts. All Harry wants is to find some purpose, now that he doesn't have one chosen for him. All Draco wants is a peaceful life, where he can rebuild what he knows about himself. They both hope to find some answers by returning to Hogwarts and training to be professors. Instead, they find each other.
4. Seven Months by @janieohio [E, 9k]
▶ Senior Auror Harry Potter is requested for a long-term mission for the ICW that he can't turn down. Leaving his husband Draco Malfoy for the duration may be the most difficult part of his mission.
5. so much for my happy ending by @cloudlesslysky [T, 17k]
▶ Harry and Draco agreed to keep their relationship secret, just to see if they could truly have something. Things have been great, and now Draco wants them to stop hiding. [...]
6. The Temptation of the Green Apple by @ahgasebam [G, 1k]
▶ Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter's relationship was going strong until *dun dun dun* Draco was sent a surprise gift from his disapproving father and was led astray by the temptation of a silky green apple.
1. A Class Act by @andithiel [T, 1k]
▶ Mind Healer Draco Malfoy is visiting Hogwarts to tell the students about his profession. He's prepared to be torn apart for what he did during the war, but he's not prepared to be questioned about his private life with the Professor. ★ Drarropoly 2.0 - A Drarry Game/Fest | @gameofdrarry
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xuanlunaire · 5 years
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Weibo 2020.01.25
宣璐工作室 :
春节不串门 线上来贺岁
一“璐”至坦途 好运“鼠”不尽
✨2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ 诸事顺遂✨
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kyokosdog · 5 years
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Motokariya Yuika  本仮屋ユイカ, Weekly Gendai 2020.01.25
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redhawk0123 · 4 years
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ミツユビカモメ 成鳥冬羽 Rissa tridactyla pollicaris Adult winter
2020.01.25 Choshi, Chiba pref. JAPAN
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seraphlight · 5 years
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TOUR20 This Way to Self-Destruction
2020.01.25 — Moscow
source: mesmika.com/albums/3100-dir-en-grey-vystupili-v-glav-slub-green-concert-25-janvarja.html
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bukiyou · 5 years
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2020.01.25 // happy 38th birthday to the illustrious and multi-faceted sakurai sho. from keio boy to rapper-idol, supreme idiot overlord to newscaster, kinpatsu yanki to humbled ojisan snow globe connoisseur, I have loved watching you grow and change throughout the years to become the person you are today. I wish I could thank you, over and over again, for being an incredible source of inspiration, for giving me the willpower to chase all of my ambitions, for helping me believe that the world can be mine if I work hard enough towards it. I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for you and will continue to support you this year and for many years to come.
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