#2022 edition
noire-pandora · 2 years
I got tagged by @rakshadow @musetta3 @in-arlathan @barbex @pedlimwen @cleverblackcat @kittynomsdeplume @pikapeppa for the fic writers' end of the year round up: 2022 edition.
Thank you for the tag and for thinking about me. You all are wonderful and inspiring writers and your presence and works are to be admired.
Words written (published or not, WIPs included): I wrote 122.381 words this year! More than I wrote last year. I'm proud of myself for writing this much even if I lost my steam in the last months because life. Nevertheless, wow I wrote those words!!
Here's the recording. Mine is different cuz I add my daily word count in a sheet. This year, the data starting from Sept to Dec was lost. So I almost did a table flip. Until I remembered I ALSO use a writing bot to record my daily word counts so I re-added the lost word count in the sheet to get the total.....the things I do for fanfic 😂
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Smut scenes:.......0. Gosh darn it. One of my goals this year was to write an entire smut scene but I failed. 2023 has to be the year!!! My Lavellan is waiting for me to start it 😂
New things I tried: I jumped into exchanges and I wrote pairings and characters I never wrote. I participated in art trades and OC exchanges. I submerged my tiny writer feet in lots of fandom stuff and it was fun! I can't wait to do it even more this year!
Fic I spent the most time on: Definitely Daughter of Fire/Herald of Spirit. I spent so so many hours writing the chapters, editing them and re-editing them. It was so much fun and I want to do it again this year! I feel more confident with my English skills and I kinda....don't care anymore if people like it or not. Life kicked my ass and writing must be my calm down hobby.
Fic I spent the least time on: I usually spend lots of time working on what I post because I'm like that. The things I wrote and was semi-relaxed with were my DADWC drabbles. I did work a lot of those too but not so much as on the other things.
Favourite thing I wrote: Daughter of Fire. It's my special project. But I did had lots of fun writing for the art exchanges! Writing about other OCs is fun!
Favourite thing I read: gods I read so so many fanfics this year. And over 20 books and manga. I can't pick! I'm grateful for every fic and book I read cuz it kept me sane. Thank you for writing them!
Writing goals for 2023:
1. Write that darned smut fic. Istg, if I don't get it done this year, I will flip two tables. 😂
2. Try to finish DoF. I think two years for a long fic are enough. I want to be more confident about publishing my long fic even if now I don't have a beta. Anyone feeling like beta-ing me? 😂
3. Participate in more exchanges and give more writing gifts. Because gifting people is fun and writing about other OCs is fun.
4. Reach 200.000 words in a year. Fingers crossed.
5. Have fun because that's the only thing that matters.
I'm going to tag: @rosella-writes @darethshirl @little-lightning-lavellan @thebookworm0001 @anneapocalypse @thedastrash @knightdawn @potatowitch @pinkfadespirit @johaerys-writes @plisuu @fandomn00blr @crackinglamb @oxygenforthewicked @inquisimer @queenaeducan @perlen-gold @anderstrevelyan @melisusthewee @isk4649 @a11sha11fade @dreadfutures @sidhelives @retrowondergirl @bluewren and anyone who wants to do it. Please don't feel forced to participate and please be proud of what you've written this year. No matter how "small" or "big" it is. You wrote and that's all that matters.
Thank you for all the support you've given me and to my works. To many more fanfics this year! Cheers!
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toloveawarlord · 2 years
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♥ Pairing: Kyle Ash x Reader
♥ Event: 25 Days of Christmas 2022
♥ Prompt: Matching Christmas Sweaters
♥ wc: 1k
♥ a.n: It’s been a while since I’ve written anything for Kyle, but I enjoyed writing a more blissful, holiday fic with him.
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Winter brought many ailments, making the resident doctor quite busy. He had little time between treating soldiers on the verge of having irreversible frostbite and venturing out into the frigid cold to visit homes for various illnesses, and for injuries incurred from falling on the ice-covered ground.
Kyle hadn't the time to do much but sip down a little drink before passing out, then waking to start it all over again. The days all seemed to blur together. It surely didn't help that you had been stolen away by his parents.
The two of you had been invited to the annual Ash family holiday celebration, and his mother had requested that you assist in the planning this year. He was thrilled that you had become so close with his parents, but it was unfair that planning a party took two whole weeks.
Two weeks that he couldn't afford to abandon his position. It would be a disservice to all those he swore to care for.
He slept the entire way to his childhood home, awkwardly crumbled up on the seat and face smooshed against the hard side of the cabin. Even the bumpy road couldn't rouse the exhausted doctor. Kyle needed to absorb as much energy as possible to survive the party that would soon be started.
It smelled absolutely divine inside the warm home. The cold wind that had berated him from the carriage to the foyer ebbed away, replaced with the comforting heat of the fireplace enveloping him.
“Oh, you made it!”
Kyle was relieved to hear your voice, having only his memory to recall it for the last two weeks. Honestly, he’d forgotten how to function without you there to encourage him. “You’re very festive,” he said, accepting you into his arms for an overdue hug.
You were dressed in a beautiful, red sweater with embroidered tiny green trees in multiple rows. The pattern borderline tacky, but simple enough to pass as high-class holiday wear in Red Territory. “Don’t worry, there’s one for you as well. Your mother insisted on us all matching.” It was adorable that his family did this each year for their party.
“Ah, I should have warned you...”
“You should be grateful that this isn’t an ugly sweater party. “Now, come on,” You took his hand, intent on getting him ready before the guests began to arrive. Everything had been prepped. Your only remaining task was that Kyle be dressed and present to greet the guests. “We don’t have a lot of time.”
His childhood bedroom was where both of you stayed when visiting, except this year it was decorated with holiday items, likely you’re doing. Some presents were perfectly wrapped and lined up across the dresser, adorned with bows and shiny wrapping paper.
“Kyle-” You’d turned your back for one second and the man had collapsed onto the bed, feet hanging off the bed to keep his dirty boots off the clean sheets. “Oh, I suppose it’s alright for a few minutes. I can’t imagine how tired you are.” To be quite honest, taking a little nap sounded incredibly good to you as well.
Yes, he was quite tired. “I didn’t have my assistant to make the work easier, or to cuddle in bed after a taxing day.” Kyle liked having you in his arms, body heat keeping the both of you warm in bed. Golden eyes cracked open when the weight of his boot on his foot disappeared. “My mother won’t be happy if she finds us both asleep.”
“Oh, shush. We’ve got-” You tugged off his other boot, gaze flickering over to the clock hanging on the wall, “forty good minutes before we have to be presentable and downstairs.”
That was all it took to convince Kyle. He sighed, as if finally able to peacefully relax when the two of you settled beneath the warm covers entangled your limbs together. “I almost forgot,” he said, lifting his head from your shoulder.
You hadn’t the chance to get any words out. His lips sealed yours, taking a slow and gentle kiss.
“There. Now we can nap.”
Your lips still tingled from the kiss, and you were grateful that he was resting his head against your chest and unable to see the bashful expression on your features. For a doctor known for his laziness, he had come in like a slow-motion whirlwind.
Absently, you brushed your fingers through his velvet locks, content with listening to his even breathing. It was unimaginable how much work he must have done to earn a few days off for the holiday. You would need to thank Lancelot upon your return.
He deserved a relaxing holiday spent with the people he loved.
The time seemed to pass all too quickly, and you waited until the last possible second to wake him. “Kyle, we need to get dressed.” You poked your finger against his cheek, knowing the man to be awake by the way his features crumpled in sleepy denial.
“What if we skipped the first hour of the party? I don’t think anyone would notice,” he replied, eyes firmly shut. It wasn’t as though he didn’t wish to attend, but you were so warm and comfy. Kyle wanted to stay right here forever. 
Something rutted against his legs, soft oinks coming from the culprit.
“Goo, you’ve betrayed me-” Kyle stopped halfway upright and tilted his head. Rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn’t seeing things; he was greeted with a sight most peculiar. “Why is Goo wearing a sweater?”
His beloved little pig not only had a sweater on, but it was also the exact one that you wore.
“Because Goo is part of this family as well. He didn’t want to be left out of the festivities.”
“Did he tell you this?”
You welcomed the small pig onto your lap, rubbing his head as he rutted his nose against your sweater. “You love your sweater, don’t you Goo? What a handsome boy-”
Should he be jealous over your cooing and affection for the pet pig? He was admittedly, a little so. But Kyle was simply happy to have you back. That infectious laughter and beautiful smile was enough to chase away the darkest of clouds. Even if it meant matching sweaters with a rambunctious little pig. 
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consistentsquash · 2 years
5 Fandom things I am thankful for - 2022 edition!
HP fandom
@hpsaffics + their WLW Library. I have been reading so much femslash this year especially in the hopeful femslash shortfic category. This collection has a ton of curated femslash. Lots of older character femslash here which is my jam.
The Bravest Man by @ac1d6urn. HP fandom Snarry Fancomic. Omg the art is beautiful, the emotions are intense and perfect and the story is just brilliant. It made me cry a ton because it was so moving. My heart just! I am a big fan of how Acid handles queer themes especially coming out and self acceptance. So beautiful. This is hands down my favorite fic/art/fanwork from HP fandom in 2022.
Other fandoms
Ossuarium by eldritcher. HOTD/ASOIAF fic that covers the full Dance. Absolutely stunning. The best series I have read in any fandom in my whole time in fandom. Yes it is technically a fic. But it's also a symphony. The stories line up like panels of art. This will make you cry. But it will also make you feel everything you can + things you didn't know you were capable of feeling. Somebody said that they met their literal soul reading this. This. So much this.
The Sign of the Four, the Comic @sign-of-four-comic by Itsasta. Book Sherlock Holmes based comic. It's brilliant, funny and has the same vibes of the book. Reblogging this is honestly the main reason I have Tumblr :D It's so good!
@alda-rana did Discworld Inktober. Honestly. This is everything. I am really in love with their art style. The "core" feel of Discworld is really hard to explain but their art does perfect justice to it. It's brilliant. Check out this amazing, amazing scene from Moving Pictures.
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kawaiipickle · 2 years
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vaguely-problematic · 2 years
How come they gave us the shortest month?
This question often comes from the Black side of the spectrum. Not stupid, just perhaps under-informed. The good news is, a little Black History is all one needs to understand the answer to that question:
National African-American History Month had its origins in 1915 when historian and author Dr. Carter G. Woodson founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History. This organization is now known as the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (“ASALH”). Through this organization Dr. Woodson initiated the first Negro History Week in February 1926. Dr. Woodson selected the week in February that included the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, two key figures in the history of African-Americans.
In 1975, President Ford issued a Message on the Observance of Black History Week urging all Americans to “recognize the important contribution made to our nation’s life and culture by black citizens.” In 1976 this commemoration of Black History in the United States was officially expanded by ASALH to Black History Month, also known as African American History Month, and President Ford issued the first Message on the Observance of Black History Month.- Library of Congress
See? No one “gave us” the shortest month. Black people did it. Black people took agency and created a time to celebrate Black History. Nobody handed it to us. No one made it up for us. Pro-tip: you see something celebrating Blackness, guarantee somebody black was probably behind it. The world ain’t been handing out free “Celebrate Your Blackness” points in a minute.
So to recap: A BLACK PERSON CHOSE FEBRUARY FOR BLACK HISTORY MONTH. And he had serious BLACK REASONS for doing so. If you disagree with Woodson’s reasons, that’s fine. We can certainly discuss. But now you have a Black History answer to your question about Black History Month. Go run tell, tweet and preach that. And read more books. Books are cool.
i highly recommend the entire article and this year's too i'm sure
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popchoc · 2 years
Doodgaan en opstaan... in een T-shirt van haar.
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sad-gay-vampire · 2 months
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Meet the Vampire Lestat ft. Sam Reid | Interview with the Vampire x
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iero · 1 year
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Firefly Festival | 9/23/22 | x
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possession · 2 years
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Jennifer's Body (2009) Black Swan (2010) Gone Girl (2014) The Witch (2014) The Neon Demon (2016) The Love Witch (2016) Suspiria (2018) Hereditary (2018) X (2022)
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fashion-runways · 5 months
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MALYAROVA OLGA Star Velvet Dress 2022 if you want to support this blog consider donating to:ko-fi.com/fashionrunways
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blehhblep · 2 months
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toloveawarlord · 2 years
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♥ Pairing: Dalim Tweedle x MC
♥ Event: 25 Days of Christmas 2022
♥ Prompt: Decorating for Christmas
♥ wc: 500
♥ a.n: A short little Dum Fic
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It was almost eerily quiet within the bar. No patrons cheering and stumbling around. long past closing hour, Alice remained. She'd taken on a daunting task, the magnitude only realized after she'd begun. Boxes stacked on the tables, too many in her opinion.
Alice cast a gaze over the room, mentally placing the Christmas decorations around. The ladder beneath her feet unsteady as she rose up on her tiptoes to adjust the strand of garland. "Really, how many wreaths does one bar need?” Alice spoke to herself, thinking of where she might hang five boxes full of various sized wreaths... along with all the garland, bows, lights, and mistletoe.
Honestly, she hadn't a clue how Dum had managed to use all this before.
"I get new donations every year. It would be a shame not to use them."
"You're back-oh! "Alice took one wrong step, or rather, the broken leg of the ladder finally gave. She toppled backwards, right into the arms of the princely barkeep. Her lips tugged up into a smile. "Nice catch."
Dum gave a wink. "I see what's going on." His eyes flickered up, for a second. He wanted to draw her attention up. The blush that crept across her cheeks and moment of realization in her pretty eyes made him grin. "You didn't have to hang mistletoe to get me to kiss you. I'm more than willing to give my princess whatever it is she desires."
“I didn’t do this on purpose!”
It mattered not. Dum had already claimed his prize. Her lips tasting of the peppermint stick that she’d been sucking on all night. A little tease, in his opinion, but he let it slide. She’d been so excited to help him decorate, even going as far to say that she would do it all herself. He’d agreed, if only to see her face when all the boxes were taken down from the loft.
Alice’s feet only hit the floor for a moment. In a dance-like movement, Dum backed the woman to the nearest table, lifting her up and placing her carefully atop it. Their lips never parted. The mistletoe long forgotten. Neither needed the excuse to share in a passionate kiss.
“Are you sure we need to put up any more of these?” Alice asked. She’d done a good job of spreading the decorations out all around the bar. Her fingers traced down his chest over his clothes.
Dum hummed in return, gaze never once leaving hers. “I’d say that you’ve worked quite hard. As your boss, I’m required to give you a break. I’ll have to ensure you take a quality one.”
No more work was accomplished that night, and the pair ended up stumbling to the couch in the back for a second break before a light nap and back to work. Alice was assured that her work to disperse all the decorations would be duly rewarded, this time with dinner promised. It made her resolve to tackle all these boxes that stood between her and that magical date that awaited her.
If only her prince would refrain from stealing kisses under the mistletoe...
Not that she really minded.
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xiaolanhua · 10 months
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Heaven Gaia Spring/Summer 2022 "Qian Kun · Fang Yi"
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kaitcake1289 · 3 months
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this is what the ep promos would look like if amc wasn’t an ai fiend and were cool enough to hire real artists
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callsignmav · 8 months
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First and last conversation.
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andichoseyou · 8 months
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The Menu (2022) dir. Mark Mylod
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