#2024 Italian Nationals
figureskatingcostumes · 8 months
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Irina Napolitano competing in the 2024 Italian National Championships.
(Photos by Wilma Alberti)
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petit-papillion · 6 months
Charles swaying and smiling at his team during Italian national anthem ❤️
Australian Grand Prix | 24 March 2024
🎥 leclercsletters
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se-dissimuler · 29 days
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duck smoking with sinner hat.gif
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aoimeru14 · 25 days
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For those who were curious, this year Monza GP decided to gift the poleman a jewel called the "L'anello della Regina" ("the ring of the queen").
The decision, which is unique to this specific GP, was taken to emphasize the city's history and the craftsmanship of the numerous goldsmiths in Brianza (the area where the grand prize is held).
As for the story of the symbol:
The ring is, in fact, a reproduction of one of the official emblems of Monza's history, the "Corona Ferrea"("Iron Crown"), the crown worn by the Longobard queen Teodolinda during the reign of the Longobards on the area.
This crown is well known in the area and has been the subject of various legends and a known symbol of status and power over the Lombardy territory through history. (Here is a photo of the crown)
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From 1576, by order of Saint Carlo Borromeo, it also became an object of Christian religious worship (it is thought to contain one of the nails of the cross with which Jesus was crucified, ence the "subject of various legends") and since then it is kept inside the Dome of Monza.
As for the design:
As for the design, in addition to the clear reference to the iron crown, there are also inserts that recall the checkered flag, symbol of Motorsport, and a sequence of gemstones that feature the colors of the Italian flag (diamonds, rubies and tsavorite).
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Also! The ring will be adapted to fit the poleman’s finger and his name will be engraved on the inside!
I am really happy for the inclusion of this lovely ring and grateful to master goldsmith Guido Guzzi who designed it and made it so beautiful.
This is truly a masterpiece and I am eagerly anticipating Norris wearing it during this weekend! (Congratulations for the pole btw!)
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super-vinzo · 2 months
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Ragazze d’Oro
Parigi 11 agosto 2024, grazie Ragazze, siete state meravigliose.
Anna DANESI (capitana)
Alessia ORRO
Caterina BOSETTI
Sarah FAHR
Miriam SYLLA
Monica “Moki” DE GENNARO
Carlotta CAMBI
Se nel 1994 mi avessero detto che la Nazionale Femminile di volley avrebbe vinto la medaglia d’oro olimpica prima della Nazionale Maschile, gli avrei riso in faccia.
Il merito di questo successo va naturalmente anche a quel grandissimo allenatore di Julio VELASCO, semplicemente “El Más Grande”.
Grazie Ragazze, siete state meravigliose.
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sweetcolorfulies · 4 months
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it was so freaking beautiful
and we can’t forget our Chili’s P3 BABY🌶️❤️
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lfc-unbelievables · 3 months
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sywtwfs · 9 months
Viewing information for Japanese Nationals is now available on our website!
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bluespring864 · 4 months
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sometimes tennis can be about just having fun :)
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haljathefangirlcat · 8 months
he said it!! for the meme!!
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marcelskittels · 3 months
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Alberto Bettiol of Italy and EF Education EasyPost during the podium ceremony after the Italian National Championships 2024, Men Elite Road Race a 228km one day race from Firenze to Sesto Fiorentino on June 23, 2024 in Italy. (Photos by Sara Cavallini/Getty Images)
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petit-papillion · 4 months
Tifosi singing the Italian national anthem... 🥹
Imola Grand Prix | 19 May 2024
🎥Scuderia Ferrari
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starburst2000 · 1 day
Starlight Express Appreciation Month 2024!!
Day 23: National Engines!!!
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🎶Let's hear it for the Champion Engines of the world!🎶
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green-planets · 3 days
StEx Appreciation Month Day 23: The Nationals!
Favourite Song/Scenes: This answer is going to be the same for all of them so the races, Rolling Stock, and Coda of Freight! They all have super fun background interactions too!
In addition, I also believe Bochum could probably get away with gender blind casting for all of the national engines
Face Claim: Josh Crowther, George Olney, or Will Luckett
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Ruhrgold x Carrie, Ruhrgold x Joule (as exes). He's friends with all of the nationals but closest with Coco and Espresso, after he and Carrie start dating I could see him hanging out with some of the coaches, and he becomes friends with Rusty post-canon
Headcanons: He's extremely charming. Whenever he's late, all he has to do is smile and apologize and most people forget why they were upset at him in the first place
Unpopular Opinion: I don't have any!
Face Claim: Fraser Fraser or Darren John
Favourite Costumes: Orange Bobo!!!
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Bobo x Espresso.
Headcanons: Bobo started flirting with Espresso as a power move (trying to psyche out his rival with mind games). Over time, his flirting became more and more genuine until he finally confessed his feelings
Unpopular Opinion: I like Coco way more than Bobo (but I don't think that's unpopular lol)
Face Claim: Molly McGuire!!! or Clare Maynard
Favourite Costumes: I love her costume! I know girl=skirt is a bad design philosophy but unfortunately Coco slays. I wouldn't be sad if they swapped the skirt for a pair of shorts or something though
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Coco x Pearl, Coco x Brandi, Coco x Volta. She and Zero are bitch buddies, of the nationals she's closest with Ruhrgold and Brexit (he may be a twerp but he's HER twerp), she has no problem hanging out with Bobo or Espresso separately but thinks they're absolutely insufferable when they're together, she's also friends with Greaseball and Brandi
Headcanons: She's the same Coco from the Japan/Aus tour! Trans Coco real!!
Unpopular Opinion: Not unpopular, but the Chanel references need to go
Face Claim: Noah Jordan or Darius James
Favourite Costumes: Current Bochum! I really like the red and green split!
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Espresso x Bobo!!, Espresso x Zero (more of a one-sided crush on Zero's end), Espresso x Bidecker (as exes)
Headcanons: He finally realized that he was gay while dating Bidecker. She was planning on breaking up with him anyway because their personalities were too incompatible as romantic partners, so their split was fairly amicable and they stayed friends afterwards
Unpopular Opinion: I don't have any!
Face Claim: Kevin Köhler!!! (Born to play silly little guys!!) or Anthony Cragg
Favourite Costumes: I really like his costume (minus the tie)! The flat cap is so cute
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Brexit x Rocky 1!! The other nationals like to pick on him the most but they are friends! He also befriended Memphis Belle and I could see him getting along with Rusty
Headcanons: Brexit was going to apologize to Rocky 1 for dropping out of the race but when he saw how upset he was, he chickened out and hid. He ended up meeting Memphis Belle in the freight yard. She made them some tea and they had a very pleasant chat (she also gave him advice on how to approach Rocky 1)
Unpopular Opinion: Also not unpopular, it would be so sooo easy to change his name to something silly like Biscuit and give him a different tie. And they should totally let him race with Rocky 1 at least once
Face Claim: Chris Southgate or Joseph Connor (but Jayred Lempriere Turnov slayed)
Favourite Costumes: Current Bochum costume, I like the red padding he has under his chest and shoulder boxes more than the dark gray
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Turnov x Hashimoto (platonic or romantic, I just think they're close). Hashimoto is his closest friend out of the nationals, he also hangs out quite a bit with Brexit and Brandi
Headcanons: Turnov and Hashimoto were perfectly content to sit in silence with each other and do their own things, but after the race they spend a lot more of their time together bitching about a certain caboose
Unpopular Opinion: He could be cut and I wouldn't really care. He's the national I think about the least :/
Face Claim: Mayo Kawasaki
Favourite Costumes: I prefer the blue costume but I don't mind the current Bochum one
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Hashimoto x Turnov. He's closest with Turnov, but friends with the rest of the nationals
Headcanons: He's usually pretty reserved, but really cuts loose during the races and after-parties. He likes to spend some one-on-one time with each of the other nationals before they all have to part ways again
Unpopular Opinion: Also not unpopular but holy shit stop casting white people to play him </3 And stop giving him stupid names!!
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super-vinzo · 2 months
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Moki De Gennaro
Siamo ancora gasati dalla partita di ieri sera della Nazionale femminile di volley.
A un certo punto mi è caduto il telecomando e Moki De Gennaro ha preso pure quello prima che toccasse terra.
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starlene · 2 years
So when Italy does an English-language production of The Phantom of the Opera, they get Ramin Karimloo and some wild stunts on a flaming chandelier?
But when Finland does an English-language production of The Phantom of the Opera, we get an all-Finnish cast with one Estonian exception, and a bland direction with hardly any visuals to write home about?
How’s that fair, I’m just asking??
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