soldier-poet-king · 8 months
Fran are you having career meltdown for the second day in a row???
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agapintheskin · 1 year
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jobssok · 2 years
After a 20-month battle, the top secret document can finally be obtained from Donald Trump
After a 20-month battle, the top secret document can finally be obtained from Donald Trump
Highlights Been trying to get classified documents from Donald Trump for over a year and a half After all the apologies from Trump, the government was forced to take strong action Negotiations between the National Archives and Trump’s staff over the documents began in late 2020 Washington. The U.S. National Archives and Department of Justice have repeatedly tried and failed to obtain…
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mapsontheweb · 10 months
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Top 50 Tech Company in the US, 2022-2023.
by u/MissLittleIncognito
Dataset retrieved from Kaggle.com and dashboard is made in Power BI.
Also, not-so-fun fact: According to the dataset, Amazon has the highest annual revenue, but it was paid a negative amount ($-3.217 billion) in annual income tax for 2022-2023. I thought it might have been a typo, but a source (https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/AMZN/amazon/total-provision-income-taxes#:~:text=Amazon%20income%20taxes%20for%20the%20twelve%20months%20ending,2022%20were%20%24-3.217B%2C%20a%20167.15%25%20decline%20from%202021.) verified that it was true.
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xtremeservers · 1 month
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Singularity 6 is the latest studio to be... https://www.xtremeservers.com/blog/palia-dev-lays-off-35-percent-of-workers-only-a-few-months-after-beta-release/?feed_id=134325&_unique_id=6610add511af5&Palia%20Dev%20Lays%20Off%2035%20Percent%20of%20Workers%20Only%20a%20Few%20Months%20After%20Beta%20Release
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prolife-problems · 2 years
Ok so this is coming from someone who is very, very pro-choice, but I would like answers to a few questions, if you have the time. 1) If a woman is raped, why should she be forced to have the baby that is a reminder of a traumatic event. 2) many pro-lifers say that you can put the baby up for adoption, but never acknowledge how messed up the adoption and foster systems are, and if the baby doesn't get adopted, the chances get lower over time. Respectfully, Pro-Choice
Nice to meet you.
So, this isn't really a blog for debating, and I understand that you've already made up your mind. But taking your questions at face value:
the traumatic thing, rape, is no less traumatic because of abortion. i would be concerned about the ability of rapists (who usually know their victims) to hide the rape by forcing or coercing a woman to get an abortion. even if the baby is a reminder, and whether or not she chooses to raise the baby, it's not the babies' fault that their fathers were rapists. i cannot justify allowing the killing of young humans because of their family's sins.
the foster system is messed up, we acknowledge this. though babies that are born and put up for adoption do not go into the foster system. This is just one website, but: "At the Adoption Alliance the majority of those waiting to be who are adopted are aged from birth up to 2 years and the state of Texas roughly reflects the adoption figures reported by other states in that around 62% of babies put up for adoption are adopted within the first month after birth." https://adoption-alliance.com/2019/02/27/what-percentage-of-babies-put-up-for-adoption-are-actually-adopted/#:~:text=At%20the%20Adoption%20Alliance%20the,the%20first%20month%20after%20birth. Also, we cannot allow abortion INSTEAD OF fixing the foster system. That would be downright lazy.
Also, children who are already born? their parents can still rape each other. Also, kids can go into the foster system at any time. Your parents could be suddenly in an accident, or delve into addiction.
So, please take me seriously when I ask:
If a 4 year olds father rapes his mother, and now the sight of the toddler reminds her of the father that he looks like, would it be acceptable for the government to allow her to have the 4 year old put down?
If a 4 year old's parents die in a crash and they have no relatives, is it better to put them up for adoption or into a screwed up foster system, or better to take them to a doctor to be killed?
If your answer is yes, that's acceptable, then our difference of opinion is that I think young human lives have an inherent value and it is wrong to kill them, and you do not, and that is not something we can see eye to eye on. (However, i would hope that you are advocating as well for the government to remove laws about killing children.)
If your answer is no, that would not be acceptable, then where do we differ? The only place I think we can differ is that I think the unborn are people with inherent value who should not be killed, and you do not - or you think they are people with no value, or you think they are people with less value than a 4 year old.
If you think the unborn ARE people, but have no value, then I ask you to consider when, in the history of humans, deciding that ONE group of people is less valuable than others has ever ended well for society? Or ever been looked on well by the future?
If you think the unborn are NOT people, and therefore have no value, I'd ask you to consider what you consider a person, and to maybe check out these:
And if living, growing thing with own unique human DNA doesn't equal human to you, what does? Do you have a good definition of “person” that doesn’t exclude things like people asleep or in comas, people with disabilities, toddlers?
I want to be very clear. Rape is bad, and those who commit rape should be punished. It should be stopped. The foster care systems has issues, and we have the responsibility to stop that and stand up for children who need it. But I do not think that there is any societal problem that 1) justifies and 2) can be fixed by killing children. Do you?
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bucknastysbabe · 10 months
We are not talking about any girlfriend hunting down, you endorsing that anons question is implying Anges account itself is unhinged and stalker like when it’s literally no different to what you post. It’s actually sadder when you do it with celebrities because you are a single alcoholic.
***recovering alcoholic bby I ain’t got 20months sober and a sponsee for no reason heheheheeheheheh
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urmomssidehoe69 · 10 months
Does anyone know the timeline of arcane bc I saw that it takes place in like 990 but like what’s the month and days and stuff like that bc I’m trying to figure it out for my shifting script😭 this is the only info I got about how their calendars work
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shartgod420 · 1 year
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flowers-that-sing · 11 months
CDs were first invented in Japan in 1982, and then made their way through Europe and eventually to the US by 1983.
At the time they were expensive as FUCK, and not accessible to the average person, and there weren’t many options available for albums (though Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the U.S.A.” was available as a CD at the launch of the CD player!).
They started gaining popularity though, and by 1988, they were more popular than vinyls.
So why am I telling you this?
bc richboy steve harrington totally would have jumped on it early JUST for bruce springsteen
cds WERE around during the show!!! just not popular because they were new and really expensive… but steve, local richboy??? totally had CDs. and eddie was totally jealous but pretended like CDs were stupid and would never take off and laughed at him for it
citations below the cut
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arthooooor · 1 year
Gardening Log 1
I've never done one of these before, but I'm really proud of this project and I wanted to share my progress.
My dream of several years has been to start a garden. It never really got off the ground (haha, ground... gardening puns are fun) until this past year. I started breaking the ground up and turning it into a dirt patch sometime this past winter, before The Big Cold, or afterwards on a really warm day-- I really don't remember because my sense of time is completely off. Anyways, now that it's warm and I'm currently unemployed, I have a lot of time to really focus in on that dirt patch. Really make something out of it. For a while it looked like this:
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not pictured, but there was cardboard keeping the grass from growing in on those spots for a while. Twas a gardening tip I gathered from youtube. It's also a great way of killing your lawn! I read an article about that while writing this while I was trying to fact check what I did:
Today I set out to make the dirt patch dirt-ier. I don't have a fancy tiller like some folks, just a shovel, a rake, and some kind of hand-tiller I got ages ago. I don't have a good relationship with the hand tiller, it's a little annoying to use and I am not very strong. That said, I got a lot done using all three tools together. Perhaps, with time, we will learn to work together a little more harmoniously.
Anyways, here's the finished product:
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I threw some seeds down in the dirt kind of haphazardly as an experiment a few days ago. They might not germinate, or they might. We'll see! I was feeling like an eager beaver. Trying not to be attached to the outcome of that particular pet project.
The other half of this project has been seed germination. I was really unsure of how this would turn out. The only plant I've ever kept alive before was a ficus and unfortunately I had a little bit of an oopsie (psychosis) and I neglected him until he died. RIP Killer Joe, you are missed.
But! I'm in a new chapter of my life and I think my emotional wellbeing is now somewhat tied to whether or not I can keep plants alive.
In all seriousness, if you're in a place where you can and you think gardening will help you, I recommend it. It gives me good feelings inside, which are not always easy to come by.
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This is my seed germination set-up. Despite how discouraged I was feeling about this side of the project, I am happy to say my first seeds have sprouted! I would like to include a photo, but tumblr keeps changing that photo to another one. Not sure why... The sprouts are really hard to see anyways.
I am proud of my seeds. I'm not sure if anyone else has ever experienced this, but I find myself whispering when I'm talking to them. Like it I talk too loud, it might scare them (Silly as that may be).
Germinating seeds seemed really intimidating when I first started. I ended up using cardboard and an old cat litter tray filled with potting soil. Obviously, I had many anxieties about how this would go (and will go) given my history with plants, but today's sprouts filled me with joy I was not expecting. The best thing to do seems to be keeping the soil moist throughout the day. I forgot to for a day when I firs started and that sent me into panic mode, but my fears were unfounded.
I am also germinating a single seed using the wet paper towel in a plastic bag method. We will see how that one progresses. It actually sprouted in the tray, but I accidentally pulled it up and I felt bad about just discarding it.
Outside of The Big Project, I am also trying to keep a Lavender plant alive. I don't think she's going to hold on for much longer, but one can always hope.
My current plan is to grow a combination of flowers and vegetables. The first seed tray is all vegetables. The second one is going to be herbs. After the last frost date passes and as long as I can stay patient, I'll worry about flowers.
That about wraps it up! I hope you've enjoyed my first gardening log. I'll update more as I go along and talk more about my plans, which plants I'm growing, and anything else gardening related.
- Art-Marigold
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insidethis4head · 2 years
My take on activism within social media
Politics is something I myself have not dabbled around enough for me to talk into details but I have been on the internet long enough to see what has transpire on social media within these years and in my opinion, I do not think highly of activism on social media this days
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First of all it is not all bad, social media is in my opinion the best way to reach a wide audience as more than half of the world is using social media as of the middle of this year alone. (Chaffey, 2022) People have been using social media to spread awareness of many protests and movements happening around the world and I myself have "partake" with it too
The latest memory of seeing a huge movement in activism through social media was when the Black Lives Matter movement went on a big uproar with the death of George Floyd in 2020. What caught me off guard are not only the celebrates speaking out on the topic but everyone else in the social media circle. I could not miss a single update about the incident shared by all my friends and relatives who was on social media at the time.
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When this movement was going on, there were many petitions held online where everyone was asking anyone to just sign it to do something about the inequality of race that was happening in the States. I myself also shared these petitions and made Instagram stories about how it was unfair and all but to be honest with you?
It was fully peer pressure
I am all down for using social media and a platform to boost awareness and fight for the cause of being better than we were yesterday but and this is a big BUT, my problem is I fear of spawning more people just like me
People who are just here giving half-assed support and not actually agree or even understand what is going on. People who do not care about the topic but signed theses online petitions just seem insincere in the long run and it just does not sit well with me right now
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I probably have the knowledge of a teenager still when it comes to politics but I truly and fully support activism. No matter the topic, the fact alone that a group of people gather to fight for something they believe should change just sparks fire into my soul.
Believing in your own ideas is the key to the ignition and the fact that there are people like me in the past just makes me sad and a little angry. I would hate to see a male posting about feminism and still be the typical macho man and give woman an unfair chance.
All for spreading the word and giving better perspective on life but same goes to an apple tree, there will always be some bad apples (?)
This is Loren's Beautiful Mind, thank you for staying in my dangerous place. Peace ✌
Chaffey, D. (2022) Global Social Media Statistics Research Summary 2022 [June 2022], Smart Insights. Available at: https://www.smartinsights.com/social-media-marketing/social-media-strategy/new-global-social-media-research/#:~:text=More%20than%20half%20of%20the,within%20the%20last%2012%20months (Accessed: October 20, 2022).
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lydiaas · 1 year
Somehow I completely missed that season 3 of Outer Banks was releasing at 3am est on 2/24 Friday and not Saturday. But either way, I was planning to binge it on the weekend cause I had to work Friday night from 7pm-7:30am (I work the night shift as a nurse). But also, I just rented my first apartment and needed to do some rug shopping and other stuff badly so I could finally start to actually live there so after work, I showered and had breakfast and ran errands. I didn’t end up sleeping until around 3pm and then woke up around 6:30pm, had dinner and then finally started watching around 9:30pm. I was planning to spread it out over Saturday-Monday night cause I didn’t have to work again until Tuesday night but next thing I know it’s ~8am and I’ve finished the whole damn thing. I spent the rest of the weekend soaking everything up on Tumblr and reading/watching interviews. I have to go back to work tonight (Tuesday 2/28) and I don’t want to leave my little OBX bubble! Isn’t it crazy to wait 20months for something and then have it be over in 10hours? I so wish Netflix would start to do weekly releases but I know they’d never do that.
First of all, congratulations on renting your first apartment!
I admire that you even planned to pace yourself because I couldn't even do that, I just surrendered to my inevitable fate of being awake for 22 hours straight lol.
Thank you for sharing this. The experience of a show coming out (and ship going canon) that we've waited so long for and the absolute craziness that comes before and after that is something so truly special and exhilarating. And then of course there is the slump when you realise you now have to wait another year+ for anything new but, man, what a fun ride it is while it lasts. It has been such a relief to know we have S4 in the works already so we can relax without worrying about renewal. Hopefully the wait is shorter this time around. I will say the jiara fandom can feel pretty small in the off season (relative to the scale of OBXs popularity) but we are very productive and basically never cease talking about/creating for the show so we have that to look forward to in the time between seasons.
I would love to see streamers doing more weekly releases and slightly longer seasons (imagine the good Pogue content we'd get if they had more episodes and could fit in some breathing room). I think it would have been torturous with a show like OBX but also maybe I would have actually absorbed the plot better because at this point I'm still in jiara brain rot where I couldn't tell you one thing about el dorado.
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sariefox · 1 year
I finally have her!!! It took 2 weeks where normally it'd take 1 day to get 247 eggs but I have a 20month old human so not as much time to play.
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at-the-end-of-days · 8 days
So Ukraine is losing territory to Russia, generally everywhere.
The United States approved more funding and arms to Ukraine, specifically a $61 billion aid package for Ukraine.
But that has to actually reach Ukraine, and be dispersed, etc.
Basically, it isn’t going well for Ukraine.
And Latvia’s citizens were told to build bomb shelters in their basements.
Just as a reminder.
So the worry with Belarus building up their forces is that Belarus will invade the Baltic nations: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. They’re in NATO, have been since 2004. But will NATO come to their defense? How much can Russia get away with? A stray rocket killing two Poles and destroying a silo wasn’t sufficient. I suppose I’m pessimistic, but I worry that NATO won’t want to come to the Baltic defense if it comes to that.
And then there’s Israel. Luckily the tensions with Iran and Israel seem to have settled. But it looks like Israel will keep going.
While Russia prepares for their offensive against Ukraine. While more of the United States gets hacked.
And oh yes, Latvia is going forward with amendments to allow foreign troops to fight in their military.
Latvia, at least, seems to believe that Russia intends to invade.
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xtremeservers · 2 months
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Blizzard Entertainment has announced tha... https://www.xtremeservers.com/blog/diablo-4-season-4-delayed-by-a-month-extending-season-of-the-construct-to-may/?feed_id=130906&_unique_id=65fb79baf0fd1&Diablo%204%20Season%204%20Delayed%20by%20a%20Month%2C%20Extending%20Season%20of%20the%20Construct%20to%20May
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