lesbianhyuga · 3 years
ahhh hope im not late..happy birthday!! hope you have a wonderful one <3
you're not late dw! and thank you so much 🥺<33
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wildcat-ogata · 4 years
thoughts on getou :3
He makes me go uwu
Also I think hes a very cool character and I hc his true self will come back for a while only to die again 💔
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wordcubed · 4 years
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Why commission art for yourself, when you can commission art for a friend and get 10x the value through reactions like this?
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sneechers · 5 years
I wanted to block the person who put the thick telletubby on my dash but then I saw it was you and remembered I love you so I had to hold myself back.
I dont even remember the telletubbies post :/ i just black out and post
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theunrealinsomniac · 6 years
So @21tailsofwoe got their results for their semester. And did exceptionally well! So I decided that as a little well done gift I could write a little something.
Enjoy Tails!
53 - “Who cares about what they think?”
Naruto had spent a lot of his life not caring what people thought. 
Seriously, when you learned from an early age that you were always in the wrong, and that most people would either ignore you or tell you off for just expressing yourself ... well you weren’t going to care what those people thought of you.
As long as they thought of you.
It hadn’t really changed as he’d gotten older. Even with the growing respect and admiration of his village and the people within it. If you were to put a kunai to his throat he’d admit that in all honesty ... he didn’t care what anyone thought about what he did.
Especially when it would make him happy. And he was absolutely positive that his latest decision was going to make both him and Sakura exceptionally happy.
He just hoped she agreed because if she didn’t he was going to have a lot of explaining to do to a few different people. Some of them he would actually care if they were upset with him. And at least two of them were never going to forgive him he suspected.
It wasn’t going to stop him, but you know, it’d still be better if he had at least a few people on his side for this one.
Because it was definitely unpredictable, and knuckleheaded, and undeniably very very stupid.
Because he shouldn’t have ever let it get this far before he acted.
Before he was years into a situation he shouldn’t have put himself in. If he’d just had some of that supposed courage he was meant to be brimming with. If he’d just had the balls to admit what would make him happy. If he’d noticed things that were so goddamned obvious that he really should have noticed.
Her RSVP coming back as not attending shouldn’t have been what flicked the switch in his head. 
It shouldn’t have taken her best friend kicking in his door to demand he stop lying to himself and everyone around him. That enough was enough and he had to stop pretending, to stop making every decision that was doing what he was supposed to do.
You’re meant to be the most unpredictable person on the planet! Why the fuck are you doing any of this?! Who can make YOU do anything you don’t want to? What the fuck Naruto! She’s been crying her eyes out ever since your engagement was announced! Do something about it already!
The words rang through his head over and over as he finally came to a stop in front of a so familiar door.
The door he should have been knocking on for this exact reason years ago.
The door he’d wanted to be knocking on ever since he knew the most beautiful woman in the world existed.
Feet first Naruto, he muttered to himself. She’s probably already found the note. They’ll get over it.
He reached up and knocked on the door confidently. 
Just as it was opening actually. He almost knocked on the forehead of the woman coming out the door.
Who had obviously been crying but had put it to the back of her mind. Steel sat in her eyes, determination that had always been so attractive and steadfast.
Kami, how had he ever thought about anyone else?
Her pink hair fell in her face as she came to a sudden stop and she looked up at his face, all determination slipped from her face as she stared at him.
‘Naruto.’ Her voice was uncertain, definitely confused and just a little bit hopeful. ‘What are you doing here? I was just coming to -’
She was coming for him. She’d been coming to stop him. He could see it in her face, the pack on her back. She’d been coming to save him from the worst decision in his life and run away with him if necessary.
Well that settled it.
‘I’m not marrying Hinata.’
He said it. He’d finally said it. Fuck it felt so liberating just to say it.
‘You’re -’ Sakura’s words stumbled to a stop. ‘You’re not?’
Naruto shook his head. He smiled weakly. ‘I don’t love her, never did and I couldn’t keep lying anymore. If I’d gone through with today ... I’d have regretted it for the rest of my life.’
Sakura’s green eyes scanned his face, unshed tears making them watery and the hope in her voice was hiding behind that in her eyes. ‘But I thought you ... You’re meant to be getting married right now! I was going to come and do that whole ‘I object’ thing! What the hell Naruto!’
Naruto grinned at her, her angry expression fighting against the urge to mirror his, her lips turned up instinctively and her eyes crinkled.
‘Sorry to beat you to it. You can blame Ino, she was the one who literally kicked down my door last night,’ Naruto said. ‘That I was marrying the wrong woman and that apparently some people in this village are really, really blind and stuff like that.’
He gave her bag a pointed look and Sakura blushed slightly before it disappeared again with her indignation.
‘Yeah well, Ino-pig did the same thing with me last night! Told me if I really loved you I should do something about it now. Said I should have done something about it years ago but yeah.’ Sakura ranted at him in her doorway, apparently not aware she’d just said she loved him.
Naruto’s hadn’t though and his stomach fluttered pleasantly as he smiled at her. ‘I love you too Sakura-chan.’
She had still been mid-rant when she stuttered to a sudden stop and stared at him again. ‘You love me?’
‘Always have,’ Naruto said with a nod. ‘Always. Do you love me?’
Sakura glared at him. ‘Of course I do! I’ve been in love with you for years! Why do you think me and Sasuke broke up so quickly?’
Naruto glared back at her. ‘Hey! It’s not my fault I just thought things had changed. I never knew why! How arrogant would I have to be to think it was something to do with me? Why didn’t you tell me about it then?’
Sakura poked him in the chest. ‘You were dating Hinata, I thought you’d moved on! Were happy! I wasn’t going to mess that up for you. I love you, I want you to be happy.’
There was a beat of silence between them where they just stared at each other, feelings Naruto had had surging through him again ever since his bachelor party. That he had been making a massive mistake. That he didn’t love Hinata like he was supposed to.
And he had been secretly miserable the longer and longer they’d been together. But playing along because it made Hinata happy and everyone else seemed happy for them.
But now? Stood here arguing with Sakura about how much they had loved each other and sacrificed their happiness for the others ... he hadn’t been this happy or relieved in years.
‘So ...’ Sakura said after the silence lingered just a second too long. ‘What are we gonna do? Get together like the last few years never happened and expect everyone to make do? What are people going to think?’
Every single fibre of his being wouldn’t have been enough to tear his eyes away from hers as she asked every question that he had asked himself last night. A tinge of hope that yes, that was exactly what they were going to do, sitting on her tongue.
‘Who cares what they think?’ Naruto asked in a whisper. ‘I care what we think. And I think we’ve been dancing around each other for far, far too long. I’m sorry Sakura-chan, I should have acted sooner and it shouldn’t have ever gotten this far. I want to be with you, just you, for as long as I live. If you’ll have me?’
Sakura dropped the pack, damn near through it back into the house and then herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling his face into her neck as she cried into his.
‘Yes,’ Sakura half-cried into his ear. ‘Yes, I’ll have you, oh thank Kami, I want to be with you too. I was so scared Naruto, too scared. I’m sorry.’
They pulled apart just enough for their lips to crash back together. His hands going to her back, up into her hair as they pushed every drop of fear, every ounce of pain and every gasp of joy into each other.
‘There’s gonna be some very angry people coming our way,’ Naruto whispered as their lips broke apart. ‘With both of us.’
‘Who cares?’ Sakura said back, pulling him back into the house with kisses. ‘They can do what they want, say what they want. As long as you’re with me I can take it.’
Naruto pushed the door shut behind them with his foot and felt the first tears fall as he wrapped his arms around Sakura again. The way he should have been doing for ages.
‘I love you Sakura-chan,’ Naruto whispered against her lips.
‘I love you too Naruto,’ she whispered back and captured his lips hungrily.
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nohara · 5 years
your blog is so pleasing to scroll through ;w;
ahh thank you so much, sweetheart!!! ;; ♡
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aeroknot · 5 years
i’m STILL laughing about that time manny didn’t tag me in the post about completely random hyperfixation spirals into something No One Else is talking about, but THEN after i reblogged the post and said in the tags they must’ve been vagueing me manny confessed it was true
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ankharel · 6 years
you're the funniest person on this planet i cannot begin to explain how much i laugh bc of your gintama comics so thank you for your service!!!!
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karura · 5 years
ooooh do bishamon from noragami pls
least favorite thing about them: she’s not a real person srsly thats :/
favorite line: It may be a grudge that drives me to slay you, but regardless, it is my duty to bring justice to all evil!
OTP: ahh i like kazubisha a lot ;_; but idk if they are like my otp??
nOTP: - 
random headcanon: she’s def not straight 
unpopular opinion: she would kick Father’s ass in a few pages I MEAN........
song i associate with them: problem - nathalia kills jakghsjakhgakjsh 
favorite picture of them: 
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send me a character and i’ll list:
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daddywarbats · 5 years
21tailsofwoe replied to your post: I’m in the process of cleaning up the house - a...
wow this makes me so mad
This is so aggravating, because I hated it there, some teachers were actually toxic and there's one letter I found that actually says I relied on "benevolent" teachers to coast through - I'm just flabbergasted and furious, what the fuck
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hiddenramen · 6 years
21tailsofwoe replied to your post: 21tailsofwoe replied to your post:what happens in...
Good because oh my goodness it only gets worse. harry and tessa get more and more infuriating as chapters go by
vcxzcvbnm,mnbvc HOW!!!! they were already fucking insufferable!!!! like all they did was yell at each other and then cry and have bad sex i am FLOORED at the implication that it gets even worse!!!! 
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49thpersona · 6 years
aaaaaaahhh happy birthday!!! have a lovely day ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Hopefully it will be!
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wordcubed · 4 years
Does Tumblr think I'm @21tailsofwoe?
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Thank you, but I am not a lesbian, and I neither read nor write Haikyuu fanfic. I am however an idiot bitch.
One out of four ain't bad I guess.
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72g · 6 years
i let out the most inhuman scream when i saw your edit and saw that you were my secret santa (*ノ▽ノ) YOUR EDITS ARE GOALS !!! i'm just. in awe. the edit is really REALLY beautiful and i cannot thank you enough for this wonderful gift ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Such a wonderful note to end the year on thank you !! Happy holidays and I hope you have a wonderful new year! ♥(ノ´∀`)
hehe i think we sent our message at the same time. You are so welcome and Im really happy that you liked your gift! Happy holidays to you too ❤️❤️
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theunrealinsomniac · 6 years
From the 'General' section: 3, 9, and 12 please :D
Ooo,keeping it clean for this time round. Okay, I get that. I did basically paradetheir sex life in front of you first time round lol. Besides, these ones arefun lol.
General– 3 – Do Naruto andSakura have their own Genins? If so, who are they?
They did! But itquickly became apparent that their focuses needed to be elsewhere. It is very difficultto juggle being Hokage/Chief of Medicine and practicing doctor, parenthood,time for each other, time with friends andbeing good Jounin-sensei.
Though in truthSakura does still help teach the new doctors and medic-nins and once or twice,when asked by kids she’s had her eyes on, she’s been known to help with Chuuninexams training. She’s even been a proctor a couple times.
Sachi had theadvantage of her father not being Hokage when she was going for her Chuuninexam but Naruto was only really able to help two teams of Genin become Chuuninas he insisted they were too young.
The fact thatNaruto’s second, and last, team was made up of Kakashi and Anko’s daughter,Iruka and Ayame’s son and Neji’s sonwith Tenten … well let’s just say Naruto was protective. (PS, in my world Neji did not die in that bullshit way,but he was almost fatally wounded and retired from ninja life because of it.Kind of like Gai. They had their first son through the ‘thank god you’re alive’sex trope. If you’re good I’ll talk more about other ships kids later.)
It also led to himimplementing laws that will, he hopes, lead to there being no child soldiers inthe ninja villages. He managed to get it to the point where you have to be atleast fifteen to do C class missions but he wasn’t able to get that law intoplace until Akihiko’s time.
D ranks are afterall, basically helping out around the village and Naruto thinks that’s a goodenough start to build on the communal goodwill element ninja missions have beenmissing out on.
Naruto doesn’treally have a favourite though, he’s very much the kind of Hokage that Hiruzenin regards to the children of the village. He loves and supports them all. Evenwhen he’s a crusty old man. But he does have soft spots for his friends’ kidsand the six Genin he trained.
Sakura is much thesame. With one glaring exception.
Sakura’s favouritestudent, of all time and without any excuse or explanation given when asked is:Mirai Sarutobi.
Now, I know we havesome info about her in canon, but I’m gonna let you all know, I don’t know whatthe fuck happened after chapter 700 beyond the briefest outlines of Boruto atcertain points and a basic premise and plot of The Last.
I don’t know, I don’tcare to know, and I will ignore you if you try to tell me.
So yes, Sakura’sfavourite student is Mirai Sarutobi. Now she’s not her mentor, or even the mostinfluential teacher, that is obviously Shikamaru and I would never call thatinto question. I cried my eyes out over Shikamaru’s grief over losing Asumatoo. I’m not a monster.
But Mirai came toSakura for some advice on close combat fighting on Shikamaru’s recommendation andthe two bonded deeply. She only taught Mirai officially for a year or two butthe girl was a joy to teach. Sakura would often find herself walking past thetraining grounds she knew Mirai and her team would be training to check in.
She may also havehad a regular coffee date with Shikamaru to keep up to date on Mirai’sprogress. Which they still do now. They play Shogi and chuckle about theirboisterous blond spouses. It’s quite sweet really.
Plus, Sachi adores Mirai. She did a lot of her Drank missions as Sachi’s babysitter and if Mirai had only been a little olderwhen Sachi graduated the Academy … the eldest Uzumaki child would have killedfor her Jounin-sensei to be Mirai Sarutobi. She’s basically an honorary memberof the Uzumaki family.
General– 9 – What is Naruto’srelationship with his in-laws like?
It’s good! Like really good.
Especially with Sakura’s father, Kizashi. They have a similar sense ofhumour you see, and while he is not as close to Sakura’s mother, Mebuki, theyget along well and they’re very proud of both Naruto and Sakura. And are theproudest of grandparents.
They’re always there to lend a helping hand for Sakura and theirson-in-law. Mebuki tends to move in to help with the kids when Sakura ispregnant.
The only real hiccup they’ve had are when Kizashi and Mebuki found outSakura was pregnant. Mebuki was more comfortable with the idea as she was ableto step back and think about it. But Kizashi was less impressed.
Daddies and their daughters guys. What else were you expecting? It waskind of embarrassing to witness though, Kizashi was quite loud and vocal abouthis angry expectations of Naruto to stand by Sakura through her pregnancy, they’dtold her parents she was keeping Sachi at this point, despite the fact thatKizashi knew full well Naruto wasn’t the kind of man to ditch out.
Naruto was so stunned by the aggressive nature of the man, he actuallygot a little intimidated.
But from the moment Naruto promised both Sakura and her parents that hewasn’t going anywhere … things have mostly been aces. Kizashi and Naruto makedad jokes to their childrens’ mortified horror.
It’s a very happy family gathering when Mr and Mrs Haruno are with theUzumaki family.
General – 12 – Do either of them have tricks to makethe other stop being mad at them?
Heh. Yes they do lol.
I’ll break them down into what each does at differentstages of anger lol.
WhenSakura’s mad:
Naruto does the puppy eyes, he’ll be super sweet,flattery and apologies and basically anything he can think of to get Sakura toforgive him. It sometimes works.
Except for when he’s been a real moron. Though he hasnever had to sleep on the sofa (yes I’m taking a shot at canon, it won’t be thelast time).
But if it’s something he can charm his way out of …Naruto flirts with Sakura, in the only way he is actually capable of. Kissingher neck in just the right place, rubbing her back in just the right place,giving her a slow squeeze on the arse.
He flat out tries to seduce her lol. That one …actually works a lot better than you’d think. But it only really works in twocircumstances.
When Sakura is immensely horny or she’s not actuallythat mad. Any other time, Naruto gets told to knock it off and is given thecold shoulder for … I don’t know, a day tops.
Because Sakura has matured too as she’s gotten olderand part of a healthy relationship is talkingabout your problems and not expecting the other person to just know. Naruto’snot the emotionally smartest man and Sakura knows that.
Plus Naruto is always the sweetest of men when he’smaking up for being an arse. Make-up sex was a regular thing when they firstmoved in together as learning to live together was one of their biggestchallenges.
Though one time Naruto knew he’d be in trouble when hegot home, he had lost track of time and Sakura had been expecting him. She wasovulating and they were trying for baby number four.
So Naruto walked into their house, stood in front ofthe angry Sakura, foot tapping on the floor and arms crossed over her chest and… he whipped his shirt off.
Sakura looked at his bare chest, grumbled and draggedhim into the bedroom by his hand.
WhenNaruto’s mad:
Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Naruto is almost NEVER madat Sakura.
The only time he has been mad enough at Sakura for herto need use techniques to cheer him up is when she’s being a bit insensitiveabout something that matters to him and he gets huffy.
And to be clear this is the kind of huffy where he’s agrown man looking like a child. And it is adorableto Sakura.
He pouts and Sakura can’t help but aww at him. Whichpisses him off more.
And I suspect you’re gonna know how Sakura gets himout of this funk.
Yes, she gets naked. Sometimes she honest to goodnessflashes him.
And it works.
Every. Single. Time.
It actually got to the point where eventually Narutowould see her hands going to the buttons of her shirt, or to take off someother piece of clothing, and he’d cover his eyes and shout at her to ‘stopcheating!’
Sakura would just take advantage of his blocked visionand occupied hands to take off his clothes and start kissing his chest andrubbing … parts of him. Say naughty things, because she’s much better at dirty talk than Naruto lol, or puts his hands on her.He normally gets over his annoyance pretty quickly.
To be clear, they have fallen out and Sakura’s been inthe wrong. And not in a little ‘Naruto’s taking something too seriously’ way.But that’s not what this headcanon is about, I just don’t want you guysthinking I headcanon Sakura never being wrong.
Cus she is. She really is.
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hokagekushina · 6 years
hes not valid. the only thing valid from him is inventing the nar ladies and his cat. oh yeah and his character designs are good. thats it 
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