#23-year-old weapon of mass destruction
miatring · 7 months
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kerry and my V
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johnhmcintosh · 6 months
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As the intensity of the Great SHIFT into an era of Peace and Light expands, enormous ‘stress’ has filled the lives of most of humanity. This can be witnessed by the equally expanded ‘dysfunction’ of what most would call ‘normal’, and a feeling for many of ‘losing their minds’. This is to be expected when an era [the recent patriarchy] collapses and a NEW one emerges from the ashes. However, this is a huge blessing for humanity.
REMEMBER … we are speaking about a Grand Dream that most call ‘reality’. Nevertheless, NONE of it ‘is’ real. However, the concept that the day-to-day experience is a dream - no different than a night-time dream but with a kind of continuity, is very difficult for most to accept. Nonetheless, that is precisely what is unfolding for those still imprisoned in the mind – [most of humanity].
While the mind may rebel at some of what follows, here are a few things that ARE currently happening as the old dream winds down and a ‘Happy Dream’ expands:
-massive ‘empirical evidence’ proliferates that the death-jab [a bio-weapon designed to reduce the world population by the Deep State [DS] One-World-Order elites], has eliminated tens of millions and injured billions worldwide,
-fiat currency [money created out of thin air for the last 100 years by the Fed (not Federal but DS)] has been almost entirely replaced by ‘asset-backed’ currency, thereby destroying the foundational infrastructure of the DS. This can be recognized by the massive bank failures that have and are still occurring around the world. This is due (in part) to non-compliance with such NEW global financial requirements such as Basel 3,
-Direct Energy Weapons have recently been used across the planet to destroy entire towns [example – West Maui], as part of the last-ditch attempt to bring down the world-Alliance that is dismantling the DS,
-the massive ongoing arrests of pedophile pockets that blanket the planet and the destruction of thousands of miles of underground tunnels that have processed millions of children a year for decades in this regard … are beginning to hit the corrupt mainstream media [MSM] and trickle down to the ‘shocked’ sleeping masses. These arrests include many high profile names in the entertainment industry and in high political positions,
-A complete ramp-up of the global financial systems through the Quantum Financial System [QFS] and a Global Financial Reset to gold back currencies … is unfolding at this moment. This is accompanied by Nesara/Gesara, which is [currently in the background] revolutionizing the playing field so that ‘everyone’ will enjoy life with ALL the basics provided for and opportunities that have not been imagined becoming available for everyone to live life Abundantly,
-the roll-out of unbelievable medical technologies such as MED BEDS that will ‘completely eliminate’ the manipulative Big Pharma/Medical Establishment stranglehold on health care … is imminent,
-this extraordinary SHIFT in the way the world will function in Peace and Light has been agreed upon by 209 countries [the entire world] as is ‘so-far partially evidenced’ by the massive expansion of the BRICS membership. Much more evidence will become obvious to ALL in the coming months … which will completely ‘expose’ the day-today lies of the MSM,
Losing one’s mind is absolutely necessary for genuine FREEDOM to come upon each one who is now imprisoned in the belief of limitation. It is the mind that generates the ‘illusion’ that most call reality. The mind itself is the outcome of thought, which in turn emanates from the primal belief in separation … the first illusion [what some call the ‘fall of man’ (consciousness)]. This will be replaced by Heart-centered ‘thinking’.
At this turning [The Great SHIFT] of an era, as is now occurring, the belief systems that have dominated [mostly patriarchal in this ending era], are rapidly collapsing as the NEW emerges. This current EXPANDING era is a period of relative ‘balance’ … what the mind would/will call ‘peace’. Be assured that no matter how the world APPEARS at the moment, humanity is fast approaching the most glorious phase it has experienced in thousands of years … [still a dream – but a very Happy Dream].
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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opxngravxs-archive · 3 years
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Carrion Flowers - A Tarkin Playlist on Spotify
A chronological view of the life of Star Wars villain Wilhuff Tarkin through curation of songs.
Track List
1. “Boys Will Be Bugs” - Cavetown   “ ...And if you wanna cry make sure that they never see it/ Or even better yet block it out  and never feel it ... “ 2. “Human Kittens” - AJJ     “... And I was a man once/ When I was six-years-old/ But now I am just a boy/ Pretentious and brash and bold... “ 3. “This is Home” - Cavetown   “... Get a load of this monster he doesn't know how to communicate/ His mind is in a different place/ Will everybody please give him a little bit of space/ Get a load of this train-wreck/ His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet...  “ 4. “Carrion Flowers” - Chelsea Wolfe     “... Creatures of habit, carrion flowers/ Growing from repeated crimes/ The afterglow in full bloom/ Slow and relentless, we're after you.... “ 5. “Bloodlines” - Dethklok     “... Just one beast did survive/ Now I live to take life/ Keep yourself from me/ Can't help what I be/ I am man and beast/ Your flesh I will eat... “ 6. “Bite Your Teeth” - Poppy     “... Bite your own teeth/ Don't cry, just bite your own/ Don't cry, keep on tryin'/ Don't cry, keep on tryna bite/ Don't cry, keep on tryin'/ Don't cry, keep on/ Tryna/ Bite... “ 7. “The Culling” - Chelsea Wolfe     “... One ear to the ground/ One eye on the room/ My tongue on your pulse/ My finger in your wound... “ 8. “Terrifyer” - AJJ   “... I saw beauty spat in its eye/ I saw the light, and all it saw was my phlegm/ I witnessed greatness. I kicked its teeth in/ More teeth sprouted, just like the skull of  a child... “ 9. “Maw” - Chelsea Wolfe     “... In the maw/ A world in a daze/ None can be trusted/ In the mouth of the beast... “ 10. “I AM THE BEAST” - Lingua Ignota   “... All I know is violence...“ 11. “Per Aspera Ad Inferi” - Ghost   “...[translation: “Through hardships to hell”]...” 12. “Anything Like Me” - Poppy     “... You pray for a reaction/ I'll stop when/ it's no more fun/ If this is the start, then let's see how far/ You're gonna take this one/ You shouldn't be anything like me/ You’ll never be anything like me...“ 13. “The Warden” - Chelsea Wolfe   “... The cold and the loud and they won't let me sleep/ I've been dragged on the floor and my blood earns my keep... “ 14. “Worldwide Torture” - Jazmin Bean     “... All you've got is not enough, stupid, I just want more/ And I'll throw another punch, yes, I'll get the highest score/ I'll be chewing on your skin, I'll be knocking down your door/ All I really want is to destroy/ One first in ya face while keeping my poise... “ 15. “Play Destroy” - Poppy ft. Grimes     “... This is how we play destroy/ Gonna cut your face/ And break your favorite toy/  Drop the match in the gas tank/ Blow up your neighbor's pool/ Oh, boy/ I love to play destroy...“ 16. “Draconian Crackdown” - Rasputina     “...It was short, sharp, sudden, surprising.../It was unfathomable catastrophe./ There were things no one should ever see./ Arrests were made arbitrarily,/ Evacuations made mandatory,/ Indefinite detentions, unsolvable killings,/ Weeks and weeks of agonizing raids... “ 17. “Sit/Stay” - Poppy     “ ...Every time you fall back down/ Sit and stay, lie on the ground/ Do what you've been, what you've been told/ Sit, stay, lie down... “ 18. “Iron Fist” - Dorian Electra ft. Faris Badwan   “ ...Instead of being loved, I like being feared/ Yeah, 'cause I'm a ruthless guy and that's how I like it/ My grip is getting tight, I can smell no fear I rule with an iron fist, baby... “ 19. “I Disagree” - Poppy     “... I disagree with the way you continue to pressure me/ I disagree with the way you are failing to pleasure me/ I disagree, everything is going how it's meant to be/ I disagree with the way you continue to pressure me/ Down, let it all burn down/ Burn it to the ground ... “ 20. “Black Fire Upon Us” - Dethklok   “ ...The sky/ Will break/ Black fire/ Will wake/ Fly on through the night/  We built an alliance/ Our numbers are strong... “ 21. “Destruction Makes the World Burn Brighter” - Chelsea Wolfe   “... And I'm headed straight for the blaze/ And I can breathe when I'm underwater/ And I'm ready with a finger on the trigger... “ 21. “From the Pinnacle to the Pit” - Ghost     “... In your empire/ They stare and frown/ From the pinnacle to the pit/ It is a long way down... “ 23. “FUCKING DEATHDEALER” - Lingua Ignota     “... I'm the fucking death dealer/ I'm the butcher of the world/ If you don't fear me yet, you will... “ 24. “Year Zero” - Ghost   “... Since fate of man is equal/ To the fate of lice/ As new dawn rises you shalt recognize/ Now behold the lord of flies... “ 25. “Iron Moon” - Chelsea Wolfe     “ ...The creatures here become machines/ Walk with me to a place of trust/ Death will no longer silence us/ My heart is a tomb/ My heart is an empty room... “ 26. “Laser Cannon Deth Sentence” - Dethklok     “ ...Evil is my prime objective/ I explode and bestow your deth/ I'm a rocket/ A fucking weapon/ Of mass destruction/ Destroy the planet.... “ 27. “They’ll Clap When Your Gone” - Chelsea Wolfe   “ ...Was born a blackened seed in the wild/ And I never was a child/ I was pulled right out of the sea/ And the salt – it never left my body ...
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news4dzhozhar · 3 years
**Just another lie from a lying politician. So much for being opposed to the death penalty and looking to end it, eh Joe? Not surprised but saddened nonetheless**
The Biden administration will try to persuade the Supreme Court this week to reinstate the death penalty for convicted Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev by arguing that a jury had no need to examine evidence that the government itself relied on at an earlier phase of the case.
Tsarnaev's guilt in the deaths of three people in the shocking bombing near the finish line of the marathon in 2013 is not at issue in the case the justices will hear Wednesday — just whether he should be sentenced to life in prison, or death.
Nor is the court likely to ponder the administration's aggressive pursuit of a capital sentence for Tsarnaev even as it has halted federal executions and President Joe Biden has called for an end to the federal death penalty.
Instead, the main focus will be on evidence that Tsarnaev's lawyers wanted the jury to hear that supported their argument that his older brother, Tamerlan, was the mastermind of the attack and that the impressionable younger brother was somehow less responsible. The evidence implicated Tamerlan Tsarnaev in a triple killing in the Boston suburb of Waltham on the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
The federal appeals court in Boston ruled last year that the trial judge made a mistake in excluding the evidence and threw out Tsarnaev's death sentence. There's a second issue in the case: whether the trial judge did enough to question jurors about their exposure to extensive news coverage of the bombing.
The Trump administration, which carried out 13 executions in its last six months, quickly appealed. When the new administration didn't indicate any change of view, the court agreed to review the case.
Tsarnaev's lawyers have never contested that he and his brother set off the two bombs near the marathon finish line on April 15, 2013. Lingzi Lu, a 23-year-old Boston University graduate student from China; Krystle Campbell, a 29-year-old restaurant manager from Medford; and 8-year-old Martin Richard, who had gone to watch the marathon with his family, were killed. More than 260 people were injured.
During a four-day manhunt for the bombers, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Police Officer Sean Collier was shot dead in his car. Boston Police Officer Dennis Simmonds also died a year after he was wounded in a confrontation with the bombers.
Police captured a bloodied and wounded Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in the Boston suburb of Watertown, where he was hiding in a boat parked in a backyard, hours after his brother died. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, had been in a gunfight with police and was run over by his brother as he fled.
Tsarnaev, now 28, was convicted of all 30 charges against him, including conspiracy and use of a weapon of mass destruction and the killing of Collier during the Tsarnaev brothers' getaway attempt. The appeals court upheld all but a few of his convictions.
A convicted murderer who is pleading with a jury to lock him up for life, rather than vote for his execution, has wide leeway to present evidence that he thinks would make a death sentence less likely.
The 2011 killings, defense lawyers said, went to the heart of their argument that Tsarnaev was deeply influenced and radicalized by his revered brother, who already had shown a capacity for extreme violence. The younger sibling was less responsible for the marathon mayhem, they said.
"The evidence thus made it vastly more likely that Dzhokhar acted under Tamerlan's radicalizing influence and that Tamerlan led the bombings," Ginger Anders, Tsarnaev's leading Supreme Court lawyer, wrote in a high-court filing.
For its part, the administration contends that it does not contest the older brother's leadership role, and that defense lawyers were able to make that case. Still, the jury sentenced Tsarnaev to death, acting Solicitor General Brian Fletcher wrote.
Tsarnaev "made the choice to commit a terrorist attack against children and other innocent spectators at the marathon, and the jury held him accountable for that choice," Fletcher wrote.
The account of Tamerlan's involvement in the earlier killings came from a friend, Ibragim Todashev, whom investigators interviewed after the marathon attack. Todashev told authorities that Tamerlan recruited him to rob the three men, and they bound the men with duct tape before Tamerlan slashed their throats to avoid leaving any witnesses.
In a bizarre twist, while Todashev was being questioned in Florida, he was shot dead after authorities say he attacked the agents. The agent who killed Todashev was cleared of any criminal wrongdoing.
Dzhokhar also told a college friend that his brother was involved in the Waltham killings and had committed "jihad" there, a lawyer representing the friend told prosecutors. No one has ever been charged with the triple murder.
But prosecutors said the evidence linking Tamerlan to the Waltham killings was unreliable, was irrelevant to Dzhokhar's participation in the marathon attack and would only confuse jurors. The judge overseeing the trial agreed.
Yet, authorities previously used Todashev's statements to apply for a warrant to search Tamerlan's car after the bombings for blood, DNA and other evidence relevant to the triple murder.
Anders called the government's description of the statements as unreliable "a breathtaking about-face" after defending their reliability in order to obtain a warrant.
The Justice Department said different standards apply and that in asking for a search warrant, federal agents were not saying that every word of what Todashev said was true.
A court ruling for Tsarnaev would raise the possibility of a new sentencing trial that would force victims and their families to relive that horrific time, if the administration wanted to try again for a death sentence.
Two years after the attack, the parents of the youngest victim wrote an essay printed on the front page of The Boston Globe urging the Justice Department to abandon its pursuit of the death penalty. Denise and Bill Richard wrote that years of appeals that would keep Tsarnaev's name in the news would force them to keep reliving their ordeal and prevent them from beginning to heal.
"As long as the defendant is in the spotlight, we have no choice but to live a story told on his terms, not ours. The minute the defendant fades from our newspapers and TV screens is the minute we begin the process of rebuilding our lives and our family," they wrote.
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thecreaturecodex · 4 years
Great Old One, Chaugnar Faugn
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Image © deviantArt user fed0t, accessed at his gallery here
[Commissioned by @monstersdownthepath​. Chaugnar Faugn is a canonical Great Old One in Pathfinder from the Cthulhu Mythos, specifically the novella “The Horror From the Hills” by Frank Belknap Long. Although I’ve been familiar with good ol’ CF since I got a copy of Call of Cthulhu d20 for Christmas one year, I only just now read “The Horror From The Hills” in order to write this entry. I can see why the story hasn’t been reprinted a ton; it’s basically just “The Call of Cthulhu” with more action and more racism. Yes, more racism than Lovecraft. Let that sink in. Also, I think it’s hilarious how many times Long has his characters describe Chaugnar Faugn as unlike any other mythological entity, and completely unimaginable by mere human minds, when he’s clearly Eldritch Vampire Ganesha.]
Great Old One, Chaugnar Faugn CR 26 CE Aberration This creature is vaguely like a parody of an elephant-headed humanoid, but the resemblances to both elephants and humanoids are only superficial. Tentacles held together with webbing mirror ears, and its twin tusks are translucent and interwoven. Its trunk is impossibly long and ends in a lamprey-like maw.
Chaugnar Faugn, the Horror From the Hills, the Feeder CE male Great Old One of blood, patience and remote landscapes Domains Chaos, Death, Evil, War Subdomains Blood, Entropy, Murder, Tactics Favored Weapon Light pick Unholy Symbol An elephant’s head with a bloody trunk Worshipers evil elves, murderers, nosferatu, those seeking revenge Minions faceless stalkers, morlocks, hill giants
Chagnaur Faugn, the Feeder, was old when the planets were young. He is a being formed from the initial creation of matter in the universe, and has traveled the cosmos in search of blood to drink and death to deal. He is perhaps the first parasite, and is truly one of the greatest. His body and senses stretch into both the Ethereal and Shadow Planes, and he will prey on their denizens as readily as any Material creature. Chaugnar Faugn is capable of flying between worlds, but does so only on rare occasions. He has witnessed the birth and death of at least one biosphere in its totality, and wishes to compare that to other arcs of planetary development.
Chaugnar Faugn prefers swift and precise attacks to destructive rampages, despite his bulk and strength. He spends most of his life in the shape of a stone statue, animating only to drink blood or punish followers who betray his faith. If forced to actually fight, the Feeder tramples enemies, then uses his crystalline tusks (which swivel independently) and mighty claws to finish off opponents. He is gifted in magic, and often transforms his allies into monstrous beasts to fight on his behalf, or simply stops an enemy’s heart with power word: kill.
Chaugnar Faugn’s current appellation, The Horror from the Hills, stems from his preference for remote country. He seeks out dispossessed and marginalized groups and bullies his way into a place of honor in their pantheon, demanding blood sacrifice and murdering them if they do not comply. To mark his chosen, he inflicts a terrible curse on them, granting them animalistic features. The trunk and ears of an elephant are a favorite, as they resemble his own form. Chaugnar Faugn teaches patience, for he has lived for literal eons, and savors the suspense of a revenge drawn out. His worship is popular with long lived and endangered species, such as the nosferatu, and he teaches that if they cannot make more of themselves, they should at least be remembered for the terror they inflict.
Chaugnar Faugn   CR 26 XP 2,457,600 CE Large aberration (great old one) Init +18; Senses darkvision 60 ft., hyperdimensional sight, Perception +38, scent, true seeing Aura cloak of chaos (DC 26), unspeakable (300 ft., Will DC 33) Defense AC 43, touch 31, flat-footed 42 (-1 size, +8 Dex, +12 natural, +10 insight, +4 deflection) hp 615 (30d8+480); fast healing 10 Fort +25, Ref +24, Will +31 Immune ability damage, ability drain, aging, cold, death effects, disease, energy drain, fire, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, and petrifaction; SR 37 Defensive Abilities hyperdimensional body, immortality, improved uncanny dodge Offense Speed 80 ft., swim 80 ft. Melee 2 gores +36 (2d8+15/19-20), 2 claws +36 (2d6+15), bite +36 (1d6+15 plus chew magic plus grab) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite) Special Attacks blood drain (2d4 Con), curse of Chaugnar Faugn, demanding dreams, insanity (DC 33), mythic (10/day, 1d12), subtle magic, trample (Ref DC 40, 4d6+22) Spell-like Abilities CL 26th, concentration +34 Constant—cloak of chaos (self only, DC 26), true seeing At will—darkness M, gaseous form M, greater command (DC 23), nightmare (DC 23), stone shape M, telekinesis (DC 23) M 3/day—greater dispel magic, horrid wilting (DC 26), quickened mass inflict pain (DC 24), polymorph any object (DC 26), empowered vampiric touch M 1/day—etherealness, shadow walk, power word: kill M, power word: stun M M = Chaugnar Faugn can use the mythic version of this SLA Statistics Str 40, Dex 27, Con 42, Int 26, Wis 30, Cha 27 Base Atk +22; CMB +38 (+40 bull rush, +42 sunder), CMD 60 (62 vs. bull rush, sunder) Feats Acrobatic Steps, Awesome Blow, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Empower SLA (vampiric touch), Greater Sunder, Improved Bull Rush,  Improved Critical (gore), Improved Sunder, Lightning Reflexes, Nimble Moves, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (mass inflict pain), Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical Skills Bluff +33, Climb +36, Intimidate +38, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, geography, nature, religion, planes) +33, Knowledge (history) +36, Perception +38, Sense Motive +35, Spellcraft +36, Stealth +36, Swim +43 Languages Aklo, Aquan, Terran, Undercommon, telepathy 300 ft. SQ no breath, otherworldly insight, starflight, statue form Ecology Environment any Organization unique Treasure double standard Special Abilities Chew Magic (Su) A creature or object bitten by Chaugnar Faugn is subject to a targeted greater dispel magic effect (CL 26th). This effect first affects spells that protect against being grappled, such as freedom of movement, before any other spells. Curse of Chaugnar Faugn (Su) As a standard action, Chaugnar Faugn can cast its curse upon a creature within 120 feet. A creature targeted must succeed a DC 33 Will save to suffer a -6 penalty to an ability score of Chaugnar Faugn’s choice. A creature cursed in this manner has their facial features altered to resemble those of an animal. A creature that succeeds on this save is immune to the Curse of Chaugnar Faugn for the next 24 hours. Chagnaur Faugn can use this ability as a swift action against a creature it is grappling. This is a curse effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Demanding Dreams (Su) When Chaugnar Faugn targets a creature with its nightmare spell-like ability, regardless of whether it passes or fails the save, the creature must succeed a DC 33 Will save or be affected as per a demand spell. A creature that passes its save against the damage from the nightmare gains a +5 bonus on this saving throw. This is a mind-influencing compulsion effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Hyperdimensional Body (Su) Chaugnar Faugn exists in multiple dimensions at once, granting it abilities similar to those of an incorporeal creature. It is immune to damage from non-magical weapons, and takes half damage from all corporeal sources except for force effects and ghost touch weapons. It can move through solid objects as if they were difficult terrain, except that it cannot end its movement in an object. This ability does not function if Chaugnar Faugn is subject to a dimensional anchor or similar effect. Hyperdimensional Sight (Su) Chaugnar Faugn can see into the Ethereal Plane and Shadow Plane at a distance of 60 feet. It can attack creatures on either of these planes normally, although such creatures are treated as having cover against his attacks. Immortality (Ex) If Chaugnar Faugn is slain, he dissolves into a noxious sludge, and incarnates in his statue form on a distant planet over the course of 100 years. He must remain in his statue form for an additional 1011 years before he can return to animation, but can still use his subtle magic in this forced hibernation. Starflight (Su) Chagnaur Faugn can survive in the void of outer space. It flies through space at an incredible speed. Although exact travel times vary, a trip within a single solar system should take 3d20 hours, while a trip beyond should take 3d20 days (or more, at the GM's discretion)—provided it knows the way to its destination. Statue Form (Su) As a standard action, Chaugnar Faugn can assume the form of a statue of Medium, Large or Huge size. He can use his senses normally in this form and communicate using telepathy, but can take no actions except for his subtle magic. He may resume his animate form as a move action. Subtle Magic (Su) Chaugnar Faugn does not detect as magical when in statue form. In addition, he can spend a use of mythic power to use one of its spell-like abilities or the Curse of Chaugnar Faugn while in statue form. If he does so, he cannot deliver a touch attack unless the creature is touching it. When it uses this ability, creatures that witness the spell must succeed an opposed Spellcraft check against Chaugnar Faugn to determine that he is the source of the spell-like ability. Unspeakable Presence (Su) Creatures that succumb to Chaugnar Faugn’s unspeakable presence find themselves literally falling apart. A creature that fails a DC 33 Will save gains vulnerability to bludgeoning, slashing or piercing damage (determined randomly) for as long as it remains in the area of effect. The save DC is Charisma based.
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taags-old-account · 3 years
Chapter Titles For A Fanfiction That I Am Writing
I thought that since that I got Tumblr (2 days ago) and I am a Fanfiction writer that I would share the chapter titles for a crossover fanfiction between Star Wars, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and MCU! No, this isn’t on AO3 or Fanfiction.net yet, I am wanting to complete it before I post it, so I don’t leave people behind. But either way here they are!
The Bounty Hunter Crossover Fanfiction
Chapter 1: A Meet Up With A Sith Lord, A Couple Smugglers, And Some Fellow Lunatics
Chapter 2: Dammit
Chapter 3: A Plan For Escape
Chapter 4: Meeting Up With A Prince Can Be Checked Off The Bucket List
Chapter 5: A Change In Plans
Chapter 6: The Breakout
Chapter 7: Returning Back To The Bounty Base™ 
Chapter 8: Some New Realizations
Chapter 9: The Perfect Opportunity For A Getaway
Chapter 10: Welcome To Jakku!
Chapter 11: Those Two Idiots Again? Well Here’s Your Ship Back, You Owe Me Money Now. Pay Up
Chapter 12: Rathtars? I Thought- Actually Screw It
Chapter 13: Some Peace FINALLY
Chapter 14: There Goes The Long-Awaited Peace. Adios.
Chapter 15: The New Plan
Chapter 16: Who Knew Kylo Had An Apprentice? Han Solo Is A Shipper Now
Chapter 17: The Proper Escape From A Hell-Hole!
Chapter 18: A Short Rest While The Gang Send Out Emails To Galactic Rebel Groups
Chapter 19: Entering Asgard!
Chapter 20: Setting The Beacon
Chapter 21: How Do We Explain Our Plan To An Angry Allfather?
Chapter 22: At Least Loki Understands It
Chapter 23: A New Set Of Armour For An Ex-Bounty Hunter
Chapter 24: The Sparring Match
Chapter 25: Keith’s Boss Shows Up As Do A Fleet Of Planet-Killing Star Destroyers
Chapter 26: *Enter March Of The Resistance Here*
Chapter 27: Lotor, Why The Hell Did You Make Your Own Voltron?
Chapter 28: The Battle Commences
Chapter 29: Avatar State. Yip-Yip.
Chapter 30: The Force Reawakens (Quite Literally)
Chapter 31: A Catch-Up
Chapter 32: A Celebration
Chapter 33: A Coronation Gone Wrong
Chapter 34: THOR NO! THOR YES!
Chapter 35: Wait Up! I Am Short!
Chapter 36: Keeping Up With The Asgardians
Chapter 37: Wait, Your What?
Chapter 38: The God Of Mischief Finds A Guidance Counselor In An 18-Year Old
Chapter 39: The Gang Meet Up With Thor Inside Of A S.H.I.E.L.D. Base
Chapter 40: Darcy And Alexandra Bond Over Weapons Of Mass Destruction
Chapter 41: Returning Home
Chapter 42: Hey Dad, How’s These Aliens and Gods For Ya?
Chapter 43: Everybody Has A Panic Attack
Chapter 44: A Close Encounter With S.H.I.E.L.D.
Chapter 45: Decisions And New Plans Are Made
So by the names of the last 2 chapters that some of you may be thinking that I am making a Book 2. Yes, my foolish mind decided that it was ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to make a book 2 for this... Yeah, I may have a problem... but I hope you (whoever is reading this) found it funny! I had fun coming up with the titles!
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keystonewarrior · 4 years
Motherland Fort Salem
Just some observations, questions, fuzzy notions
1. Fantasy map has twenty nine states and the Cession, fantasy CGI flag has thirty pentacles*, all the live action flags are fifty star flags
2. Why is all the tech old? Box TVs, HMMWVs came out in the 80s, haven't seen a cell phone
3. Why is it the smallest witchdraft in years? Too many dodgers? Too many dispensations? Not enough momma witches having baby witches?
4. If Alder dies, does the Accord die with her?
5. Raelle's mom was Willa Collar, who was V. Collar? Raelle never mentions an aunt.
6. Can witches create a vacuum? Great way to defuse a popper, it busts but the sound goes nowhere in the vacuum, would render an adversary unconscious too
7. When Raelle met Scylla, I don't think she was playing hooky as much as being drawn away from an elementary exercise to a weapons range where real power was being exercised - it hints at her real power
8. I hope they never come up with a hokey stupid story about Raelle's scar, just leave it undiscussed
9. Writers could have done more with the Demerits bit, as well as employing Attagirls for good stuff
10. Raelle's momletters, when I was a new dad I wrote letters to my kid(s) up until about the time I became a single dad, they're still in a box, the kids can have them when I'm dead or when they have kiddos of their own
11. "Live a little" says the necro
12. Alder calls the Spree "agents of the end" akin to the true believers we must contend with in the likes of Pence
13. "Inability to vocalize can render a soldier powerless" was where I first imagined using a vacuum, but the writers went with a tech-response to cancel the sounds the witches make and gave the camarella (sp?) The dunelike weirding modules in Ep10
14. A draftee military is a mistake, ideologues and draft dodgers don't want to he there (re: Carlin and Hendrix) they become morale-sapping malcontents, a poison to unit cohesion and tend to get people killed.
15. Scylla says "I've been burned before" yeah, we've seen it, remember kids - do not do self harm, we love you and want you to come to us and ask for help and keep asking until you get it (don't join terrorist organizations either**)
16. Witches hollering at the witch boys reminded me of when I was at BCT and 1SG Hurley's daughter and a friend showed up in daisy dukes and bikini tops and the company got smoked for whistling and hollering (I missed all that, I had KP that day)
17. Hags at the Hague, seems appropriate, still rather disappointed there are male witches at all
18. Reveille, the Army magazine, it would make a fun fan magazine
18. Scylla's room is 243, my old battalion was 2/43
19. The Spree plan hinged on a kid who was defiant and showed initiative (like crashing a party) - that kind of person tends to make their own decisions (like not handing their love over from one master to another master) - so it should not have come as a shock to the Spree when Scylls defied them
20. "...or your future is bleak..." is not the kind of thing that inspires a great deal of faith in leadership.
21. When Adil and Khalida show up at the Army OP, why wasn't there a gate guard?
23. How will Tally's role among the Biddies affect Alder, since she knows (and disapproves) that Alder lied and puppeted President Wade "no more secrets" Tally said
24. "The Spree protect their own, we are nothing like you" says Scylla under duress, but I fear she may find she is expendable
25. Why did Scylla go back to the Spree? What happened to the defiant initiative taker? What will Quartermain do know that she knows of one of the safehouses? Did Quartermain leave a suggestion in Scylla's mind to go back to them?
26. Witch soldiers are strong because they allow themselves to feel pain and express emotions like sadness - they ought to be able to avoid a lot of the pitfalls common to male toxicity
27. Great people do not prey upon the weak, great people protect the weak and help them to grow strong
28. When one side says to you "now is the time you stop being complicit in their evil" and then immediately hand you a weapon of mass destruction so you can go and commit an act of evil is when you stop being complicit and begin to actively collude
29. Tarim fear capture of their songs by govts and armies, what about corporations (I hope nobody fears govt but then thinks corporations are okay) ostensibly, a liberal democracy is accountable to the people but a corporation is accountable to nobody
30. How tightly the Tarim must control every aspect of every individual's life to prevent one strong willed individualist from selling out their songs
31. Did the Swythe family own the Bellweathers?
32. I like some of the music, I really liked the dance scene at Beltane, I wish more guys had worn kilts, it'd be nice if MFS could afford Bear McReary to do some of the music
33. Can we shoot season two in more colors than yellow and brown? Is this done to contrast with the blue of Raelle+Scylla scenes?
34. Do Army witches get to retire? Is there a troops to teachers program? Are there Navy witches?
35. I'd like to see a little more development of the foreign witches, especially General Sharma (maybe that wasn't her name)
36. Old Box TVs, the day room, one TV and all the soldiers had to share
37. WADE 2020!
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creepingsharia · 5 years
A Month of Islam in America: August 2019
Jihadis, sharia and Islamic scams in every state. And this is just what was found using public sources. What‘s happening in - and to - your state?
Click any link below for more details and link to original source.
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Jihad in America in July
New York: Pakistani Muslim immigrant in Queens plotted jihad attacks at World’s Fair Marina and Flushing Bay Promenade
Awais Chudhary, 19, a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Pakistan, identified the pedestrian bridges over the Grand Central Parkway to the Flushing Bay Promenade (the Promenade) and the World’s Fair Marina (the Marina) as locations for the attack.  On Aug. 23, 2019, Chudhary told an undercover agent that he intended to use a knife “because that’s what he knows,” but if the undercover agent could instruct him on how to build a bomb, he would consider using an explosive device at a “mini-bridge over a busy road with many cars.”
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Florida: Muslim immigrant gets 20 years for distributing bomb instructions
Tayyab Tahir Ismail, 33, of Pembroke Pines, Florida, previously pled guilty to Count 2 of an Indictment that charged him with distributing information pertaining to explosives, destructive devices, and weapons of mass destruction, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 842(p)(2) (Case No. 18-60352-CR-Moore).  U.S. District Judge K. Michael Moore sentenced Ismail to 240 months in prison,  followed by three years of supervised release.
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Arkansas: Muslim Immigrant Charged With Providing Material Support to Al Qa’ida While Overseas
Bilal Al-Rayanni, also known as Bilal Kassim Alawdi, 28, a Yemeni national and resident of Helena-West Helena, Arkansas, was charged on August 8 in a two-count superseding indictment with providing and attempting to provide material support to Al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula, also known as Ansar al-Shari’a, a designated foreign terrorist organization, and making a false statement in a passport application.
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Wisconsin: Second Milwaukee Muslim gets 5 1/2 years in plot to join Islamic State
Yosvany Padilla-Conde, a Cuban immigrant convicted of armed robbery at 17, converted to Islam and swore allegiance to ISIS.
Padilla-Conde made videos in which he swore allegiance to the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, and said he planned to travel to the Middle East. 
“In 2015 and 2016, ISIS perpetrated hellish levels of violence. To this, Padilla-Conde was drawn and sought to contribute,” prosecutors said in a sentencing memo.
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Missouri: Bosnian Muslim refugee who funded Islamic State gets 5 1/2 years prison
Armin Harcevic, 41, who supplied money to help a man who fought and died for the Islamic State in Syria was sentenced Friday to five and one-half years in prison.
Harcevic, who came to the U.S. in December 1999, will be deported after he is released from prison. He was one of six people originally from Bosnia who were indicted in 2015.
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Connecticut: Muslim Immigrant Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to Provide Material Support to ISIS
Azizjon Rakhmatov, 32, a citizen of Uzbekistan and resident of New Haven, Connecticut, pleaded guilty today to conspiring to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). New York: Two Muslim Women in Queens Plead Guilty in Plot to Wage Jihad in the U.S.
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Queens, New York: Two Muslim Women Plead Guilty in Plot to Wage Jihad in the U.S.
Asia Siddiqui and Noelle Velentzas, both citizens of the United States and residents of Queens, pleaded guilty to teaching and distributing information pertaining to the making and use of an explosive, destructive device, and weapon of mass destruction, intending that it be used to commit a federal crime of violence.
Noelle Velentzas goes by the name Amtu Shahid and she worked on behalf of the notorious Muslim organization Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA).
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Montana: Muslim Immigrant Pleads Guilty to Lying About Jihad
Fabjan Alameti, a New York City resident who was arrested at a Bozeman shooting range, today pleaded guilty to charges of making false statements involving international terrorism to the FBI, announced U.S. Attorney Kurte Alme for the District of Montana.
Alameti, 21, pleaded guilty to two counts of false statements to a federal officer in a matter involving international terrorism. He faces a maximum eight years in prison, a $250,000 fine and three years of supervised release.
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Maryland: Muslim Immigrant Indicted for Attempting to Provide Material Support to Islamic State
A federal grand jury today returned a superseding indictment charging Rondell Henry, 28, of Germantown, Maryland, with federal charges of attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, specifically, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), and interstate transportation of a stolen vehicle.
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Texas: Muslim Charged with Conspiring to Provide Material Support to ISIS
Omer Kuzu – a 23-year-old U.S. citizen born in Dallas, Texas – was detained overseas by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and recently transferred to FBI custody and returned to Texas. He made his initial appearance before Magistrate Judge Irma C. Ramirez in the Northern District of Texas today.
[No Photo Available]
Mexico arrests Muslim - a U.S. citizen - suspected of supporting violent jihad
Federal officials have arrested a United States citizen and suspected jihadist at a migrants’ center in Huehuetan, Chiapas, near the Guatemala border.
The suspect, identified only as Mohammed “A,” is being investigated in the U.S. for supporting jihadist groups and was sought by Interpol citizen” jihadist caught in Mexico.
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More on the “U.S. citizen”  jihadist caught in Mexico
The man, identified by Mexican media as “Mohammed Azharuddin Chhipa”, was found and arrested at a migrant detention center in the town of Huehuetan...
I was told that Chhipa actually was outbound from the United States and on his way toward a foreign jihadist group to join them, at least initially to Egypt. The reason Chhipa was traveling southward away from the United States was because he was on the American “no-fly” list and couldn’t depart from an American airport.
More Jihad in America in August
Florida: Muslim tries to slash Walmart employee, yells threats in Arabic
NYC: Muslim shouting “Allah Akbar” shoves NYT illustrator onto subway tracks
Philadelphia: Man who shot six cops attended radical mosque
New York: Imam Active in Interfaith Work Disseminates Extremist Propaganda on the Side
Immigration Jihad
New Jersey: Former Afghan Interpreter Indicted in Scheme to Smuggle Illegals from Afghanistan to U.S.
Somali, Algerian and Iranian arrested for smuggling scores of illegals from Africa and Middle East into Brazil, and ultimately into the U.S.
Bangladeshi Muslim Pleads Guilty to Bringing Illegals to the U.S. from Mexico
Minnesota: Iranian national pleads guilty, stole restricted U.S. technology and exported to Iran
California: Muslim immigrant in LA gets 30 years for scheme to sell surface-to-air missiles to Libyan militants, Hizbollah
Missouri: Somali Immigrant Charged with Kidnapping Daughter of Girlfriend Found Dead, Stuffed in Suitcase
Sharia in Schools aka Education Jihad in America
Michigan: All the meat in Dearborn schools is now halal, i.e., sharia compliant... at taxpayer expense
Tax-Payer Funded Islamic Propaganda Forced on Teachers in Michigan, California, Georgia, Texas, Florida
Virginia: Methodist-Affiliated Shenandoah University Hires Muslim Chaplain
Submission to Sharia in America
CAIR Official Admits Women Don’t Have Equal Rights Under Sharia Law
Connecticut: Terror-linked CAIR tries to shakedown minor league baseball team owner, fails
Minnesota: Bloomington Mosque Blasting Neighborhood with Islamic Call to Prayer (VIDEO)
Pennsylvania: Minor league stadium, home to the Iron Pigs, to host Muslim “festival of sacrifice” event
New Jersey: Muslims take over Metlife (Giants) Stadium for (segregated) Islamic “festival of sacrifice” prayer
Previous monthly reports here.
Sexual Jihad in America
Texas: Muslim cleric ordered to pay $2.55M in sexual exploitation of teen girl
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Philadelphia: Immigrant Uber Driver Convicted of Raping Unconscious Female Passenger
Fraud for Jihad
Missouri: Somali Immigrant Day Care Owner Gets 4 Years in $556,000 Fraud Scheme
Maine: Muslim pleads guilty in tax preparation scheme run out of Portland halal market
California: Egyptian Physician to Pay Back $5M in Medicare Fraud Scheme
Dhimmitude in Elected Office and Courts
FBI Report: Question the Islamberg Compound, You're a Potential “Domestic Extremist”
California: Judge vacates sentence of convicted terrorist, blames CAIR lawyer’s incompetence
Democrat Presidential Candidates Bernie Sanders, Julian Castro to Speak at Terror-linked Group’s Islamic Convention
Minnesota: City of Bloomington pays $28K for driveway that increases fair market value of terror-linked Dar Al Farooq Property
Texas: First Known Convicted Terrorist Asked For ‘First Step Act’ Early Prison Release
Saudi judges: American woman “too Western” to raise daughter she had with Saudi ex-husband
And if that wasn’t enough, Muslims who live by, and want everyone to live by the sharia, are going to try and make that a reality by getting elected.
Tennessee: Nigerian immigrant  woman could become first Muslim voted to Nashville city government:
Ohio: Somali Muslim refugee seeks to become first in 25th House District
Please share this report on your social media sites before it’s too late.
Previous monthly reports here.
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The Aftermath of the Merthyr Rising
After the attack on Castle Inn on 3rd June 1831, both sides had many casualties. 16 soldiers had been wounder, 6 of whom had been seriously wounded by the rioters. It is unsure how many rioters were killed as their bodied were taken away for burial in secret, but it is thought that somewhere between 20 and 25 had died and likely many, many more had been injured. 
However, there was one particular casualty that caught the attention of the authorities, a Private in the Highlanders named Donald Black. Private Black had been stabbed in the leg during the riot outside the Inn. The weapon used was a bayonet that had been attached to a musket. It had likely been forced from one of the soldiers during the push. Private Black was uncertain who had stabbed him. For this action the authorities wanted blood. 
On 7th June 1831 the authorities began to clamp down and a search was organised for the main ringleaders and agitators of the rising. This was coordinated with a mass return to work, ensuring that the townsfolk could not protect those who had led them to riot. By the end of the day 18 of the leading rioters had been arrested. But Lewis still remained at large. Eventually he was found hiding in the woods near Hirwaun where the rising had all started with the confiscation of his trunk as payment for debts. He, along with the others arrested, was transported to Cardiff in chains for trial. 
The authorities needed to show a strong arm in order to suppress any further riots from happening. They needed to show that these events did not come without punishment. A arrest needed to made in specific relation to the stabbing of Private Black. For this, the blame was placed on a young man from Aberafan named Richard Lewis or as he was known, Dic Penderyn. 
William Crawshay II 
In late June Crawshay published a pamphlet about the Merthyr Rising entitled The Late Riots at Merthyr Tydfil. In this pamphlet he defended his actions and role in the rising. He claimed that if this had been just to do with wages then the rising would have begun earlier. If it had been just about political reform then why did the rioters attack those on their side? Afterall, Crawshay himself was a vigorous supporter of political reform. Furthermore, if it had only been about the Court of Requests why were the rioters not content to stop at its destruction? Itstead this was a complex series of reasons and factors that caused the rising to spark and grow.
Trials and Sentencing 
The rising shook the British establishment, still concerned that tha rioters managed to hold the town in their hands for a week. Strong action was needed against the ringleaders in order to deter others from following their lead. The trials began 13 July 1831, with the express policy to charge those accused not with rioting and revolt but with theft. In all 28 men and women were being tried at the Cardiff Assizes for activities revolving around the Merthyr Rising. 
Some of the punishments were lighter than others, although still had some risk with them. Some were convicted to a year’s imprisonment with hard labour. For others the punishments were harsh and severe. Many were sentenced to transportation for 14 years. But with no means to return home unless they made their fortune in Australia they would never seen their families or friends again. Transportation itself could be dangerous with many in the early days dying along the way before they even got to serve their sentence. Others could be worked to the bone, expiring before their sentence was finished. But the prospects were not terrible for all. Some were able to make their fortune after their sentence was complete, becoming part of the successful elite in Australia. 
For others the prospects were more severe. They were sentenced to death, but with a recommendation that they were transported for life instead. But the harshest punishments were reserved for the main instigator and agitator Lewsyn yr Heliwr and the suspected soldier stabber Dic Penderyn. They were both sentenced to death. Private Donald Black was uncertain about who had stabbed him but still gave evidence that it was Dic Penderyn. Others testified that they had seen Penderyn stab the soldier, namely a hairdresser named James Abbot and a Special Constable named James Drew, also a hairdresser himself. 
Many were furious at this, understanding their reasons for rising. Joseph Tregelles Price, a Quaker ironmaster at Neath near to Aberafan where Penderyn was from, petitioned for the two to have their sentences reprieved. 11,000 signatures were added to his campaign. Evidence had arisen that Abbot and Penderyn had a disagreement before the rising. Others even claimed that Penderyn was no where to be found when Private Black was stabbed, stating that they knew who it was. 
Lewis had his sentence reduced to transportation for life by Home Secretary Lord Melbourne. This was likely due to the pressure placed upon the establishment to be lenient to people who had been forced over the edge. As someone who was certainly there, helped instigate the rising and lead the people with his speech, he was certain to face the toughest sentence. 
But somebody had to pay the price, somebody needed to hang. Despite the pleas for his life, Dic Penderyn was sentenced to death, Lord Melbourne refusing to reduce his sentence. on 13 August 1831, Dic Penderyn was taken from his cell at Cardiff Prison to be hung until dead on the gallows at Cardiff Gaol on St. Mary’s Street, Cardiff. He protested his innocence until the day of his death, his final words before his hanging reported to be “O Arglwydd dyma gamwedd” (”O Lord, this is an injustice). When he was dead his body was taken to buried at home, in Aberafan. He was only 23 years old. His body remains in the churchyard of St Mary’s Church, Aberafan, Port Talbot. He has since become a martyr in Wales to those with left wing leanings and supporters of Welsh independence. 
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Above is St Mar’s Church where Dic Penderyn was buried. Below is an image of the memorial erected at the Church Yard in 1966 by Trade Unionists of Port Talbot. 
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in 1874, a man named Ianto Parker confessed to the stabbing of Private Donald Black to Reverend Evan Evans. Parker confessed on his deathbed in Pennsylvania. He claimed that he fled to America in fear that the authorities would search him out. James Abbot also claimed that he had lied under oath. Despite this, Dic Penderyn had not been exonerated. in 2000, his decedents launched a legal campaign to see him pardoned. Further petitions were conducted in 2015 and 2016, the Minister  of Policing, Crime and Criminal Justice at the time stating that they needed hard evidence for Penderyn to be pardoned. The petition itself only gained 600 signatures, requiring 10,000 in order for it to go to parliament. To this day, Penderyn has not yet been pardoned for crimes he did not commit. 
The Great Reform Act 
In 1832, the reform crisis came to an end with the passing of the Great Reform Act. While its changes were limited, Methyr did gain some of what it had been fighting for. The town gained an MP. The ironmaster Guest was elected unopposed to the seat. However, the working classes were left feeling betrayed. In the reform crisis they had allied with the middle class with their shared goal o gain the vote and fair political representation. The changed made by the reform act allowed for the middle classes to gain what they had campaigned for but kept the working class from being able to participate on the political stage. The sense of betrayal felt stirred the ashes of the Methyr Rising and other riots and protests that had occurred across the country, the Chartist Movement growing from where the others had fallen. 
Further political action 
As just started, other movements grew from the ashes of the Merthyr Rising. Gwyn A. Williams has stated that the Merthyr Rising was where ‘the prehistory of the Welsh working class comes to an end. Its history begins’. It has been considered the beginning of a new tradition of political action for the working people of Wales with a string of further unrest following in its wake. It has inspired and influenced further generations of Welsh protest, its figures becoming figure heads of working class social and political movements such as trade unionism, devolution and independence. It has even been mixed with cultural influenced with the Methyr Rising festival being held every year during the anniversary of the rising since 2013. It is a showcase for Welsh talent and culture including music and art mixed with political discussion. Its mission is stated as to celebrate Welsh and working class culture which promoting resistance against inequalities through the use of political discussion and the arts. Below is the logo of the Merthyr Rising Festival. 
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witches-and-weirdos · 4 years
Info Page: Irilla (League)
“She came and asked for our help. Troops and supplies. We knew what that meant, and the general only asked how many. We rode within the hour.“ - Demacian soldier
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Brief Introduction
Irilla Lavellan, The Purgator is a female Dalen (practically an elf) from Demacia
She is a potent mage with the ability to banish voidborn and create or seal Void rifts.
In the past few years, she amassed enough followers to form an independent faction (The Purge) and lead it against the growing threat of the Void and its wildly spreading cult
Residence: She has a base of operations in the stronghold named Skyhold, but she is more often found on the field
Goals/Motivations: - To stop the Void, whatever it takes - She is a kindhearted person and helps those she can
16 personality types test: -
Irilla is 78 years old, the rough equivalent of being 23 for a Dalen. She is slightly taller than the average human woman.
Irilla is bisexual, with a strong preference for people of extraordinary intellect
[Link to playlist]
Some Facts
Irilla is a powerful mage, most skilled in destruction, but still possessing some talent for protection and divination. Her ability to banish voidborn and to easily seal or tear holes into the veil between her reality and the Void is a unique talent, but apparently one that can be taught to a select few, and she does all in her power to do that within her ranks
Irilla knows and employs a small number of spirits, and she wields a powerful spirit-inhabited sword that amplifies her mind’s magical powers and ignores most forms of defense, appearing as a hilt that conjures its own blade of pure magical energy only when needed.
Irilla’s determination to stop the Void far exceeds what anyone should expect from her, for even though she herself suffered little from it, her visions showed her a future where the taint had won and turned the world into the most abhorrent of abominations. She will make any sacrifice she has to in order to prevent that.
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“A man once said: ‘Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.’ And he was wise.“
The Purge
The Purge is an independent faction that formed around Irilla, following her into the fight against the Void after the local military failed. They are a growing mass of people from all possible backgrounds, trained by each other and supplied by those who sympathize with their goals.
At this point in time, they had became known and influential enough to begin playing a role in politics and to have most factions’ help when needed. They appear to be Runeterra’s current most effective weapon against the Void. It is well known however that many nations’ deserters had found themselves serving under their flag, and that many more still desert just to help the effort.
Her kind is known as the Dalen, an ancient now-fallen race, oppressed for their innate magical nature in Demacia and tolerated only as tightly controlled servant-class citizens
Such a life quickly became despised by most when it came to be, and those who refused to suffer it had fled into the untamed wilds, and marked themselves Dalish, preservers of freedom who formed self-sustaining nomadic tribes, becoming a deadly threat to all who dared enter their vast forests
Irilla was a Dalish woman, found uncoscious among dead Demacian soldiers near the mysterious absense of a vod rift that said soldiers were sent to investigate. She was captured and transported to an outpost, but by the time she awoke and her interrogation began, another rift opened and voidborn assaulted the outpost. Attacked by the creatures, she realized that she could banish them, and seeing this, the desperate soldiers freed her and begged that she saved them. When she sealed the rift before their eyes, they decided to follow her, and The Purge was formed.
Rise of The Purgator (WH40K version, but essentially the same as in League verse. I will soon make a League version too.)
LoL kit
LoR card
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“Come, stand with us and fight this madness! We need not perish alone!“
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whiteterrorists · 5 years
At least 27 people have been arrested over threats to commit mass attacks since the El Paso and Dayton shootings
August 4: A man from the Tampa area called a Walmart and told an employee he would shoot up the store, the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office said in a statement. The man faces a false threat charge.
White male, Wayne Lee Padgett.
August 7: Police in Weslaco, Texas, arrested a 13-year-old boy. The boy will face a charge of terroristic threat for making a social media post that prompted a Walmart to be evacuated, police said on Facebook. The boy's mother brought him to the station.
Juvenile male.
August 8: A man is accused of walking into a Walmart in Missouri equipped with body armor, a handgun and a rifle less than a week after a gunman killed 22 people in a Texas Walmart says it was a "social experiment" and not intended to cause panic. The 20-year-old was charged with making a terrorist threat.
White male, Dmitriy Andreychenko.
August 9: A 23-year-old Las Vegas man is charged with possessing destructive devices after authorities found bomb-making materials at his home. The FBI says he was planning to attack a synagogue and a gay bar.
White male,  Conor Climo.
August 9: A 26-year-old Winter Park, Florida, man was arrested after investigators say he posted a threat on Facebook that he was about to have his gun returned and people should stay away from Walmart.
White male, Richard Clayton.
August 10: Officers responded to a threat a man posted on social media, the Harlingen, Texas, Police Department said in a statement. A man was arrested at his home on charges of making a terroristic threat.
Male, Jose Luis Gonzales Jr..
Found while searching for that: White male, Joel Hayden Schrimsher, “Investigators found four chemical compounds used in bomb making and white supremacist literature in the home of a Harlingen man accused of threatening to set fire to a mosque and shoot up a synagogue.“
August 11: A Palm Beach County, Florida, mother is accused of threatening to carry out a shooting at an elementary school because her children were being moved there, according to CNN affiliate WFTS . The 28-year-old woman is charged with sending a written threat to commit bodily injury.
Female, Miranda Perez.
August 11: A Mississippi teen is accused of making threats in the Lamar County School District, the agency says on Facebook .
Juvenile male.
August 12: Authorities charged an 18-year-old Ohio man who the FBI says threatened to assault federal law enforcement officers and showed support for mass shootings in a post online. Court documents say that the teen had a stockpile of weapons and ammunition.
White male,  Justin Olsen.
August 12: A 25-year-old Jefferson County, West Virginia, man was arrested on charges of making terroristic threats online to kill people, according to CNN affiliate WDVM .
White male, Nathan Clark.
August 13: Albert Lea Police arrested and charged a 15-year-old Minnesota girl for threatening a school shooting on social media.
Juvenile female.
August 13: A man was arrested in Phoenix after police say he threatened to blow up an Army recruitment center, according to CNN affiliate KTVK .
White male, Brian Thomas Keck.
August 15: A tip from a citizen led Connecticut authorities and the FBI to investigate and arrest a man who they said expressed an interest in committing a mass shooting on Facebook and had weapons and tactical gear, the FBI and Norwalk Police Department said.
White male, Brandon Wagshol.
August 15: A 15-year-old girl was arrested in Fresno, California, for posting a photo of a Walmart gun case with rifles displayed and the caption, "Don't come to school tomorrow," the city's police chief said. "The teen's very bright future is now stained by this," he said, adding she was booked with making terrorist threats.
Juvenile female.
August 16: A 15-year-old boy was taken into police custody in Volusia County, Florida, after investigators say he threatened to commit a school shooting in comments on a video game chat platform.
Juvenile white male.
August 16: Two Mississippi juveniles were arrested in connection with threatening messages to two Tupelo schools, placing a school in partial lockdown, according to CNN affiliate WTVA.
August 16: A Florida man was arrested and charged with threatening to commit a mass shooting after his ex-girlfriend alerted authorities to a series of ominous text messages he sent her.
White male, Tristan Scott Wix.
August 16: A 14-year-old in Arizona was arrested by Tempe Police after online threats were made against a school, according to CNN affiliate KNXV .
Juvenile male.
August 16: A Chicago man, 19, was arrested after police say he threatened to kill people at a women's reproductive health clinic on iFunny, a social media platform where users can post memes, federal prosecutors said Monday.
Male, Farhan Sheikh.
August 16: A 35-year-old Clarksburg, Maryland, resident was arrested in Seattle after being charged with threatening to kill people and calling for the "extermination" of Hispanics, according to a statement released by the US attorney for the Southern District of Florida.
Male, Eric Lin.
August 17: New Middletown Police arrested a self-described white nationalist who they say threatened to shoot an Ohio Jewish community center.
White male,  James Reardon.
August 18: A man was arrested in Reed City, Michigan, after authorities said he posted online videos making threats toward Ferris State University and other locations, according to CNN affiliate WXMI .
White male, Arnold Holmes.
August 18: Claremore, Oklahoma, police arrested an 18-year-old who they say made social media threats against police officer families, according to a Facebook post from the Claremore Police Department .
White male,  Mark Dietrich.
August 19: A 38-year-old truck driver was arrested after making "credible threats to conduct a mass shooting and suicide" planned for Thursday, an FBI special agent said in a sworn affidavit filed in the Southern District of Alabama.
White male, Thomas Matthew McVicker.
August 19: Maui Police arrested an 18-year-old man after a social media post claimed he intended to "shoot up a school," according to CNN affiliate KITV.
Male, Nainoa Gazman Figueroa.
August 19: A 37-year-old Rapid City, South Dakota, man was arrested and charged with threatening to blow up state and federal government agencies, Pennington County Sheriff's Office said in a post on Facebook.
White male, Daniel Nazarchuk.
Posted: 7:57 AM, Aug 21, 2019 Updated: 9:33 AM, Aug 21, 2019 By: CNN Newsource
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dragoni · 5 years
Quickie Summary  #GOPBase   #TrumpsTerrorists
21 of the 28 arrested live in Trump States where Trump held rallies #RepublicanBase
4 were from Florida (#MAGAbomber was from Florida)
8 were teenagers of which 2 were girls. The youngest was 13 yrs old #DisturbingTrend
9 were between the ages of 18-29
25 of 28 or 89% were male
*** in 6 of the cases, no age was specified
For context, “The average age of ISIS fighters is around 26 years old, with 86% of recruits being male“, Wikipedia
August 4: A man from the Tampa area called a Walmart and told an employee he would shoot up the store, the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office said in a statement. The man faces a false threat charge.
August 7: Police in Weslaco, Texas, arrested a 13-year-old boy. The boy will face a charge of terroristic threat for making a social media post that prompted a Walmart to be evacuated, police said on Facebook. The boy's mother brought him to the station.
August 8: A man is accused of walking into a Walmart in Missouri equipped with body armor, a handgun and a rifle less than a week after a gunman killed 22 people in a Texas Walmart says it was a "social experiment" and not intended to cause panic. The 20-year-old was charged with making a terrorist threat.
August 9: A 23-year-old Las Vegas man is charged with possessing destructive devices after authorities found bomb-making materials at his home. The FBI says he was planning to attack a synagogue and a gay bar.
August 9: A 26-year-old Winter Park, Florida, man was arrested after investigators say he posted a threat on Facebook that he was about to have his gun returned and people should stay away from Walmart.
August 10: Officers responded to a threat a man posted on social media, the Harlingen, Texas, Police Department said in a statement. A man was arrested at his home on charges of making a terroristic threat.
August 11: A Palm Beach County, Florida, mother is accused of threatening to carry out a shooting at an elementary school because her children were being moved there, according to CNN affiliate WFTS. The 28-year-old woman is charged with sending a written threat to commit bodily injury.
August 11: A Mississippi teen is accused of making threats in the Lamar County School District, the agency says on Facebook.
August 12: Authorities charged an 18-year-old Ohio man who the FBI says threatened to assault federal law enforcement officers and showed support for mass shootings in a post online. Court documents say that the teen had a stockpile of weapons and ammunition.
August 12: A 25-year-old Jefferson County, West Virginia, man was arrested on charges of making terroristic threats online to kill people, according to CNN affiliate WDVM.
August 13: Albert Lea Police arrested and charged a 15-year-old Minnesota girl for threatening a school shooting on social media.
August 13: A man was arrested in Phoenix after police say he threatened to blow up an Army recruitment center, according to CNN affiliate KTVK.
August 15: A tip from a citizen led Connecticut authorities and the FBI to investigate and arrest a man who they said expressed an interest in committing a mass shooting on Facebook and had weapons and tactical gear, the FBI and Norwalk Police Department said.
August 15: A 15-year-old girl was arrested in Fresno, California, for posting a photo of a Walmart gun case with rifles displayed and the caption, "Don't come to school tomorrow," the city's police chief said. "The teen's very bright future is now stained by this," he said, adding she was booked with making terrorist threats.
August 16: A 15-year-old boy was taken into police custody in Volusia County, Florida, after investigators say he threatened to commit a school shooting in comments on a video game chat platform.
August 16: Two Mississippi juveniles were arrested in connection with threatening messages to two Tupelo schools, placing a school in partial lockdown, according to CNN affiliate WTVA.
August 16: A Florida man was arrested and charged with threatening to commit a mass shooting after his ex-girlfriend alerted authorities to a series of ominous text messages he sent her.
August 16: A 14-year-old in Arizona was arrested by Tempe Police after online threats were made against a school, according to CNN affiliate KNXV.
August 16: A Chicago man, 19, was arrested after police say he threatened to kill people at a women's reproductive health clinic on iFunny, a social media platform where users can post memes, federal prosecutors said Monday.
August 16: A 35-year-old Clarksburg, Maryland, resident was arrested in Seattle after being charged with threatening to kill people and calling for the "extermination" of Hispanics, according to a statement released by the US attorney for the Southern District of Florida.
August 17: New Middletown Police arrested a self-described white nationalist who they say threatened to shoot an Ohio Jewish community center.
August 18: A man was arrested in Reed City, Michigan, after authorities said he posted online videos making threats toward Ferris State University and other locations, according to CNN affiliate WXMI.
August 18: Claremore, Oklahoma, police arrested an 18-year-old who they say made social media threats against police officer families, according to a Facebook post from the Claremore Police Department.
August 19: A 38-year-old truck driver was arrested after making "credible threats to conduct a mass shooting and suicide" planned for Thursday, an FBI special agent said in a sworn affidavit filed in the Southern District of Alabama.
August 19: Maui Police arrested an 18-year-old man after a social media post claimed he intended to "shoot up a school," according to CNN affiliate KITV.
August 19: A 37-year-old Rapid City, South Dakota, man was arrested and charged with threatening to blow up state and federal government agencies, Pennington County Sheriff's Office said in a post on Facebook.
#MAGAkids #MAGAteens #MAGAmen... #MAGAshooters #MAGAbombers
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pietro-t1me · 5 years
Right I’m just putting this out there because I’m seeing it pop up a lot at the moment: Wanda Maximoff is not, and never has been, a teenager in the MCU.
Wanda and Pietro were ten when their parents were killed, but this doesn’t mean they were ten during the events of Iron Man. Given that it’s most likely that Obadiah Stane is the one that sold the Stark Industries bombs under the table to whoever in Sokovia that killed the twins parents, means that their parents could have died anywhere from 1989-1990 to 2008 when Tony found out what was going on, and Obie died.
The MCU has been pretty good with keeping their character ages close to the actor ages, so given that Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen were born in 1990 and 1989 respectively, the twins could have been anywhere between 20-25 in Age of Ultron. I personally put them in the middle at 22/23. While no one has officially confirmed the ages of the twins, Lizzie has been quoted in an interview for Age of Ultron as saying, “[...] I’m 26 but I look 21. I can’t play a 30-year-old, but I also can’t play a teenager because it’s completely unrelatable to me now.” That to me is confirmation enough that Wanda (and Pietro) are not/were not teenagers. If the actor playing the character wouldn’t relate to playing a teenager, then if Kevin Feige and the casting team said “Wanda is a teenager” Lizzie would know, and speak about it accordingly. She wouldn’t say something as above if she knew she was playing a teenager.
As for Civil War, when Steve says “She’s a kid”, that doesn’t mean she’s a literal child/teenager/kid, he’s talking about her experience with her abilities, as an Avenger. She’s learning, she isn’t fully in control of what she can do, she makes mistakes, just like everyone else. Remember, he’s saying that in response to Tony’s “They don’t grant Visas to weapons of mass destruction.” He’s defending her in the sense of that learning, that lack of experience, when she is being called a weapon and being de-humanized.
Clint, meanwhile, says to Wanda, “If you want to mope, you can go to high school” - again, he is not literally confirming her age. He is saying that moping around about making a mistake is a childish (in)action. If she wants to fix her mistake, if she wants to make amends, she needs to be an adult and do something about it.
TL;DR Wanda Maximoff is not a teenager, has not ever been a teenager in the MCU, please can someone just fucking ask Lizzie to confirm this at a convention so that we can put this shit to bed.
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news4dzhozhar · 3 years
The Supreme Court will hear Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s death sentence case this fall. The high court shared its October schedule on Tuesday, and Tsarnaev’s hearing is set for Oct. 13.
A federal appeals court threw out Tsarnaev’s death sentence last year, citing potential jury bias. The Trump administration challenged that and the Supreme Court agreed to take up the case.
President Joe Biden has called for an end to capital punishment, but in this case, his administration is arguing for it.
A decision from the court isn’t expected until 2022.
Earlier this year, Tsarnaev filed a lawsuit over his treatment at the supermax prison in Colorado where he has been held since 2015.
Tsarnaev was convicted on 30 charges, including conspiracy and use of a weapon of mass destruction.
Killed in the 2013 bombings were Lingzi Lu, a 23-year-old Boston University graduate student from China; Krystle Campbell, a 29-year-old restaurant manager from Medford; and 8-year-old Martin Richard, who had gone to watch the marathon with his family. Massachusetts Institute of Technology police Officer Sean Collier was shot to death in his cruiser days later. More than 200 others were injured.
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thecreaturecodex · 5 years
Great Old One, Kyuss
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“Dungeon 135 Cover” by Wayne Reynolds, © Paizo Publishing.
[Kyuss here is a milestone in a number of ways. He’s the last of my Age of Worms conversions. He’s my first CR 30 monster, which is as high as CRs get in Pathfinder RPG. And he’s my 650th unique entry in the Creature Codex!
These statistics are based primarily on the Dungeon Magazine version of Kyuss, but toned down. Kyuss didn’t need four different spell lists. The spell stowaway ability is a feat from the 3.0 Epic Level handbook, which I gave to Kyuss since in my game, one of the PCs loved to abuse time stop. The resultant battle, in which a PC soloed the Wormgod for 4 rounds and survived, is still talked about around my table more than a decade later.]
Great Old One, Kyuss CR 30 NE Aberration This immense giant is composed of thousands of writhing worms woven together in a mockery of the humanoid form. It cloaks its form in a ragged gray robe, and immense orange eyes glow hatefully under its hood. It carries a bladed mace in its hands.
Kyuss The Wormgod, the Worm that Walks, the Parasite Divine NE male Great Old One of decay, undeath and apocalypse Domains Death, Destruction, Evil, Magic Subdomains Catastrophe, Decay*, Divine, Undead Worshipers avolakias, nihilists, the duped Minions wormtouched undead, overworms, Kyuss wormswarms Unholy Symbol A human skull with green worms pouring from the eyes and mouth Favored Weapon executioner’s mace *Clerics of Kyuss can use the Decay subdomain to modify the Death domain
Kyuss, the Wormgod, is the architect of apocalypse and the creator of a panoply of undead. His ultimate goals are to usher in the Age of Worms, an era in which all mortals are converted into undead and the world is a writhing nightmare. He has very nearly succeeded in these goals, but was thwarted by great heroes and cast once more into imprisonment. But Kyuss stirs in his tomb, and the Age of Worms may begin in a far-away planet or plane.
Kyuss is perhaps unique among the Great Old Ones in that he was once a mortal. An executioner of a jungle city in a cruel theocracy, he clawed his way to the role of high priest and then priest-king. Obsessed with immortality and despising the frailties of flesh, he experimented with spell weaver magic and the green worms which now bear his name. In a mythic ritual, he stripped the life force of an entire empire and poured it into his own body, hoping to achieve godhood. Kyuss failed by inches, achieving eternal life but becoming a writhing thing instead of an ascendant deity, trapped in a shard of indestructible black stone. It is this shard that is both Kyuss’ sanctuary and prison, and from which he emerges to wreak ruin on the world.
In his millennia of study and plotting, the Parasite Divine has discovered a pernicious way of increasing his power. Rather than gain worship directly, he does so mostly through fear and deception. A number of cults founded by his monstrous minions or his few true humanoid believers shroud Kyuss’ true nature in layers of lies, allowing him to sip from the power of belief provided by the unknowing. Even knowing Kyuss’ true nature and that of his plots is not enough, for Kyuss draws energy from creatures fearing him as surely as he does from those worshiping him. If Kyuss were to achieve his goals and achieve true divinity, he would be a powerful and dangerous god indeed.
In combat, Kyuss is nothing short of ruinous. He combines a variety of necromantic spells with blows from an immense black mace. Even if disarmed, his physical attacks are horrific—he can engulf a foe and strip the flesh from them in seconds, returning them to a hideous parody of life as one of his scions. Kyuss rarely fights alone, calling on broodfiends, wormdrakes and powerful undead of many kinds to serve as distractions and cannon fodder.
Kyuss    CR 30 XP 9,830,400 NE Huge aberration (Great Old One) Init +22; Senses blindsight 300 ft., darkvision 120 ft., Perception +53, true seeing Aura unspeakable presence (300 ft, DC 42), zone of desecration (120 ft.) Defense AC 45, touch 45, flat-footed 23 (-2 size, +12 Dex, +25 insight) hp 752 (35d8+595); fast healing 30 Fort +28, Ref +25, Will +34 DR 20/-; Immune ability damage, ability drain, acid, aging, cold, critical hits, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, petrification, single-target spells, sneak attack, stunning; SR 41; 46 vs. divinations Defensive Abilities amorphous, immortality, insanity (DC 42), negative energy affinity, spell stowaway Offense Speed 50 ft., burrow 50 ft., climb 50 ft., swim 50 ft. Melee Mace of Kyuss +43/+38/+33/+28 (4d6+27/19-20x3) or 2 slams +40 (2d8+16 plus grab) Space 15 ft; Reach 15 ft. Special Abilities channel negative energy (25/day, 10d6, DC 42), create spawn, devastation beam, engulf, mythic power (10/day, surge +1d12), thanatoic nightmares Spell-like Abilities CL 30th, concentration +45 (+49 casting defensively) Constant—freedom of movement, nondetection, tongues, true seeing At will— create undead, create greater undead, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, harm M (DC 31), nightmare M (DC 30) 3/day— control undead (DC 31), disintegrate M (DC 31), finger of death M (DC 32), quickened greater dispel magic, quickened harm M (DC 31), empowered horrid wilting (DC 33) 1/day—mage’s disjunction (DC 34), power word kill M, summon (level 9th, 2d4 broodfiends or wormdrakes, 100%), wail of the banshee (DC 34), wish M Spells CL 20th, concentration +35 (+39 casting defensively) 9th—astral projection, energy drain (DC 36), gate, miracle, overwhelming presence (DC 34), quickened slay living (DC 32) 8th—antimagic field M, quickened divine power, fire storm M (DC 33), greater spell immunity, quickened inflict critical wounds M (DC 31, x2) 7th—blasphemy M (DC 32), destruction (DC 34), ethereal jaunt, mass inflict serious wounds (DC 34), quickened prayer, quickened protection from energy, repulsion 6th—blade barrier M (DC 31), forbiddance (DC 31), harm M (DC 33), mass eagle’s splendor, plague storm (DC 33), quickened spiritual weapon M, word of recall 5th—dispel good (DC 30), flame strike (DC 30), greater command (DC 30), scrying (DC 30), quickened shield of faith, slay living (DC 32), unhallow 4th—air walk (x2), dimensional anchor, inflict critical wounds M (DC 31), sending, terrible remorse, unholy blight M (DC 29) 3rd—bestow curse (DC 30), blindness/deafness (DC 30), contagion (DC 30), inflict serious wounds (DC 32), invisibility purge, magic circle vs. good (DC 30), prayer M, speak with dead (DC 32) 2nd—bull’s strength, darkness, death knell (DC 31), hold person (DC 29), make whole, resist energy, silence (DC 29), spiritual weapon M 1st—bane (DC 30), deathwatch, detect undead, divine favor, entropic shield, protection from good (DC 28), sanctuary (DC 28), shield of faith M 0th—bleed (DC 29), detect magic, guidance, read magic Statistics Str 42, Dex 34, Con 45, Int 38, Wis 41, Cha 41 Base Atk +26; CMB +44 (+48 grappling); CMD 76 Feats Combat Casting, Command Undead, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Empower SLA (horrid wilting), Greater Spell Focus (necromancy), Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (executioner’s mace), Improved Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Mythic Spell Power, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (greater dispel magic, heal) Quicken Spell, Spell Focus (necromancy), Spell Penetration, Vital Strike Skills Acrobatics +50, Bluff +50, Climb +62, Diplomacy +50, Escape Artist +50, Intimidate +53, Knowledge (arcana) +52, Knowledge (dungeoneering, nature, planes, religion) +49, Perception +53, Sense Motive +53, Spellcraft +52, Stealth +42, Survival +53, Swim +62, Use Magic Device +50 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Avolakia, Draconic, Infernal, telepathy 300 ft. SQ compression, otherworldly insight Ecology Environment any land or underground Organization unique Treasure double standard (Mace of Kyuss [+3 unholy vorpal executioner’s mace], other treasure) Special Abilities Channel Negative Energy (Su) Kyuss can channel negative energy as per a 20th level cleric. Create Spawn (Su) Any creature reduced to 0 Int by Kyuss rises as a scion of Kyuss under Kyuss’ control immediately. Devastation Beam (Su) As a standard action, Kyuss can fire destructive energy in a 600 foot line. All creatures and objects in the line take 17d12 points of damage that ignore all hardness, damage reduction or energy resistance (Reflex DC 42 half). A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this blast is destroyed utterly and can only be returned to life with a miracle, true resurrection or wish spell. The save DC is Charisma based. Engulf (Ex) If Kyuss grapples a foe, as a swift action, it can cause a swarm of worms to squirm over the grappled creature. These worms deal 5d6+24 points of damage and 3d6 points of Intelligence drain and the creature is nauseated for 1 round. A successful DC 44 Fortitude save negates the nausea and halves the Intelligence drain. Kyuss can only have one embraced target at a time, but it does not have to continue grappling in order to maintain the embrace. If Kyuss moves more than 5 feet from the swarm or dismisses the swarm (a free action), the swarm dies. Any area attack that damages the swarm or any severe or stronger wind effect that affects the swarm's target kills it. Immortality (Ex) If Kyuss is slain, he explodes in a fountain of worms—all creatures within 30 feet take damage as if exposed to his engulf ability (Fort DC 44 halves). Any scions of Kyuss created by this effect are free willed. Kyuss then reforms on another planet or plane over the course of 1000 years, trapped in a monolith of black stone until the time is right to reemerge. Spells Kyuss casts spells as a 20th level cleric. He does not gain access to domain spells or domain abilities. Spell Stowaway (Su) Whenever a creature within 60 feet of Kyuss uses time stop, he can act normally within the duration of the time stop, as if he had cast it himself. As neither he nor the caster are frozen in time with respect to each other, each can target and affect the other with attacks, spells, or other effects they create, though they cannot affect other creatures within the duration of the time stop. This ability functions even if Kyuss is flat-footed or unaware of his opponent. Thanatoic Nightmares (Su) Kyuss can use his nightmare spell-like ability on any creature that has ever taken ability damage or drain from an undead creature, or been infected with a disease by an undead. In addition to the effects of the nightmare, the target must succeed a DC 42 Will save or become infected with the seed of undeath. It takes a -4 penalty to all saves against necromancy spells, negative energy effects or the special attacks of the undead. If slain by an undead creature with the create spawn ability, it rises as a scion of Kyuss instead. This effect is permanent unless removed by remove curse or a similar effect. The save DC is Charisma based. Unspeakable Presence (Su) Failing a DC 42 Will save against Kyuss’ unspeakable presence causes the victim to be overwhelmed by a sense of doom—it takes a -4 penalty to all attack rolls, saving throws, skill and ability checks and weapon damage rolls while it remains in the area. Zone of Desecration (Su) Kyuss emits a 120 foot aura that duplicates the effects of a desecrate spell. He counts as a shrine to an evil religion for the purposes of the spell.
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shellheadtmarc · 5 years
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Classic Marvel / 616-Based.  
Tony Stark was still in the early stages of his career as Iron Man, still walking a fine line between his public identity as Anthony Stark, billionaire industrialist whom the US government claimed left them in a lurch with his ceasing of the production of the tools of war for more humanitarian technological developments, and that of the superhero in the armored suit, posing as his own bodyguard to keep those he held close safe.  His heart had been healed with an experimental transplant of synthetic tissue so he no longer needed the chestplate of the armor to keep him alive, leaving him to enjoy his time as the Golden Avenger, rather than finding himself in desperate situations where the depletion of its electrical charge would leave him dead in the water:  Literally.
Vault Tec, the societal preservation juggernaut building vaults all across the country with the claims to being prepared for the possible onset of total nuclear destruction stemming from the Great War, would have loved for a mind like his to join their team, unaware that Tony and Iron Man were one and the same.  And while he had no problem turning them down on multiple occasions, citing, “I like being my own boss,” as his reasoning, they assumed that if they couldn’t have his brain to design for them, they certainly had a place in one of the vaults - he just needed a little convincing.
He eventually agreed to a tour of Vault 76, nestled in the heart of Appalachia, if only to get them off his back.  He had his fingers in his own failsafes if it came to nuclear war, and he’d been working with both his contacts within the US government and with the Avengers in attempt to finally diffuse the situation, thinking that a decade was more than enough for the Great War to drag on.  Early the morning of October 23, 2077, Tony showed up outside of the giant gear door of the vault, attache case in hand, and started his tour.
When he reemerged from the vault, it was twenty five years later.
While inside, the bombs had dropped, the future residents had arrived, and the door had sealed, and that, as they say, had been that.  Anger at being trapped, unable to assist on the surface, turned to acceptance, which turned to determination, and he whiled away his time designing on paper modifications and advancements for the Iron Man (his attache case had mysteriously disappeared at some point), along with being shoved into job in the vault’s diner which he in no way was at all suited for (and didn’t matter, because the assigned jobs were the assigned jobs and it was hell on earth to get moved anywhere else).  Older, a little crankier, and a little wiser with more grey in his hair and growing (in his opinion) less pretty by the day, Reclamation Day finally arrived, and he was actually one of the first of the vault dwellers to leave the vault, not only because being cooped up underground hadn’t suited him at all, but also because no one knew what they were going to be walking into, and he was, in many ways, more prepared to take on those unknowns than some of the others he’d been locked down in the vault with.
Originally his first order of business had been to collect what he needed to rebuild the Iron Man - twenty five years wasn’t so long a time that all the infrastructure would have completely broken down - but after seeing the aftermath of the bombs, and wandering into Flatwoods in a bit of a daze, that quickly shifted into something else entirely.  The world hadn’t known it, but he was Iron Man with or without the Red and Gold.
Tony is a member of the Responders, first and foremost.  He found out about them in Flatwoods, completed their training in Morgantown, and believes in the cause they were promoting with regards to helping survivors (and fellow dwellers in a tight spot) and looking for both a vaccination and a stop to the Scorched disease.  He’s also taken the next step and also completed Fire Breather training in Charlestown, figuring he, more than most, is especially suited to being the front line defense against the Scorched,  He just sees it as an extension of the kind of team efforts he made with the Avengers.  He’s a staunch supporter of both groups (even if the Fire Breathers are a faction within the Responders), and he does his part with keeping supply caches filled and divvying his own medical and emergency supplies among the outposts, keeping himself at the bare minimum to make sure others don’t run low.  He’s mobile enough, in his opinion, that he can scavenge what he needs.
While there’s no sign of an active Brotherhood of Steel base left in the parts of the West Virginian wasteland he’s personally roamed, he tends to keep his eyes open for any indication they may still be around.  He’s not looking to join, but he he’s gotten more than a few mixed messages left behind from those that have come before and did see them in person, and it makes him incredibly uneasy.  He also thinks it would be a great idea to reclaim their old posts from the Scorched and ghouls that have otherwise overrun them, simply because they’re well fortified and supply-laden.
As far as the Enclave goes, it’s confirmed a lot of suspicions he’d had before the war - explained everything, including the government fleeing to an offshore oil rig.  He doesn’t trust MODUS, he doesn’t trust those that would back the plays of what’s left of the Enclave, but they’ve got the knowledge of how to get into the nuclear silos, they’ve got the more advanced tech, and they’ve got eyes and ears on the wasteland.  He doesn’t support the cause, but he’ll pretend he does as long as he needs to until he figures out his play to shut them down.
The Free States are gone, but he can’t imagine support for the cause itself is completely dead.  He remembers the scandal from before the war, but it hadn’t, to him, seemed like that big of a deal at the time.  And their research into stopping the Scorched beasts is damned near invaluable.
Tony has a semi-permanent base located south of Helvetia and east of Sutton, putting him within easy range of several different places, including the Enclave bunker at Whitesprings.  It has about the level of comfort and development you’d expect with him having a bit of free time and putting in some elbow grease, and there’s a workshop open to fellow Responders/wanderers with a place to crash, and since he’s in and out so often without staying for very long, he works on a barter system for those that can afford to do so:  Caps aren’t required, but if a person stops in and uses the workbenches and tools or takes a tato or three, a little sprucing up in the garden is appreciated, or repairing anything that needs it is especially welcome.  As are any extra supplies, but not required.
He really has gotten good at scavenging what he needs.
It’s easy to find:  His place is a bright spot of electric light along a long stretch of dark two lane blacktop following the river.
Eventually he may move his base, demolish and start over somewhere else, but with how he ping pongs around the wasteland, it’s a good central point that offers him a hub to expand outward from.
Tony’s favored weapons are a hardened sniper rifle (extra and unneeded .308 is always welcome) and a mole miner’s claw gauntlet picked up during a trip to the ash piles.  It’s been modified for three claws as opposed to two.  Other weapons frequently used are a crossbow (making his own ammunition is startling easy and there are innumerable ways to tinker with it, both shaft and head, to get some pretty nasty damage out of a fairly simple weapon), and a tesla rifle.
One day he’ll actually work on those designs for a new Iron Man suit, but for now he’s making do with T-60 and X-01 power armor, despite his griping that it’s slow, clunky, and mass-produced.
Tony, for the most part, prefers to travel alone.  He’s reckless, he tends to delve in the dark mines turned tombs and ghoul-filled prewar buildings.  And if he’s the only one he’s responsible for, it makes doing so much, much easier.
He doesn’t eat Fancy Lad Snack Cakes.  He didn’t eat them before the war.  He’s more than always willing to trade those off for something else.
He can most frequently be found in the southern parts of WV, from Charlestown and beyond.  The cranberry bogs are an especially good place to look.
He lives a double life, as a mole inside the Enclave bunker and Whitesprings.  He has no intentions of furthering their agenda, and can and will self-sabotage as it becomes possible, but for the moment he needs their resources.
Tony, as of the opening of Vault 76, is fifty-two years old (taking into account 616′s age retcon).  Still plenty spry to do what he feels he needs to do, but tempered enough with age that he’s not quite as reckless as he was before the bombs.  Older, grayer, but still very recognizable for anyone alive before the bombs fell.  He tends to scavenge for reading glasses and has started the process of grinding his own lenses:  The vault lighting was not kind to the ol’ peepers, and age hasn’t been either, so fine detail these days takes a little extra help.
It’s also taken some time to get back up to speed physically.  He didn’t slouch in the vault, there was a gym and he made use of it, but some of his finer technique was impossible to replicate without his training room back in his long-ago personal lab, so he’s made a conscious effort to push himself as much as he dares (he doesn’t know how the tissue grafted to his heart is going to hold out with age) to get himself back to where he thinks he should be.
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