#244 viral hit
uglytintedshades · 1 year
Chess ytuber au...
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artemis32 · 2 years
Hello I saw your 244 imagine and I loved it and if your still taking requests because I wasn’t sure can you do one where his girlfriend is really shy sensitive someone he can easily manipulate but for some reason he’s really wants to keep her around idk this thought just popped up into my head 😆
Yandere 244 II
this probably isn’t exactly what you wanted but i hope you like it anyway :)) spoilers for 244 (his name and all that jazz)
Also I'm on a roll with posting these drafts, damn
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art's 21st birthday celebration masterlist
viral hit masterlist
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There are many possibilities for when and where you met him, but for the sake of this specific question, let’s say you’re on the run.
Jinho sees all types of people trying to flee to South Korea. People of different social statuses, genders, ages, races, anyone and everyone. 
All of these people have one thing in common - they aren’t good people.
Cheaters, liars, thieves, murderers, stalkers. He’s seen them all.
He’s long since past the point of caring about any of them. Why would he have to? He kicks them off the boat after they’ve served their purpose. And it’s not as if they can complain either. It’s him or the government, or worse, the people they try so desperately to run from.
So many different people have crossed his path, and all of them have faced the same fate. Inevitably, all of them end up the same way. 
All of them, except for you.
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You were quiet. Reserved and withdrawn.
Not unusual in itself, plenty of girls your age were. Being self-conscious wasn’t strange. In fact, being hyperaware was a helpful trait to have in any scenario.
But it backfired. 
Being quiet and aware was fine, but it could easily be twisted into something darker. 
Anyone who knew you would say that you were shy, sweet and slightly anxious. Anyone who knew you would know that you could never do something like this. You knew you would never do something like this.
But all of the facts just happened to conveniently line up. Every last bit of evidence pointed to you.
Really, never in your life would you believe the fact that you were being considered as a murder suspect, but the facts didn’t lie, and apparently neither did the witnesses.
Regardless of whether you did it or not, you were in trouble.
And so, you were presented with two choices: accept the charges and go to prison for a crime you didn’t commit, or try and run.
You chose the latter.
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The interest he takes in you is immediate and crippling.
Something about you is just so alluring - you're so sweet, so soft. Oh, he gets so worked up just thinking about it.
Now, if pressed, he wouldn't be able to tell anyone what exactly had drawn him to you in the first place.
Maybe the way you were so glaringly out of place on his ship? Many different kinds of people came to him, looking for an escape - thieves, beggars, murderers, terrorists, cheaters. You were clearly none of those things, all skittish and shy, saying please and thank you to a bunch of criminals with a smile.
He could have laughed if it didn't infuriate him.
Maybe he was drawn in by the way you cared so deeply for people you hardly knew. One of his men got caught in the lowering net and got hurt? You were there, tending to his injuries. One of your fellow stowaways got food poisoning, made worse by sea sickness? You were by his side, handing him water and kind words while you rubbed his back.
You were so kind. Too kind.
It made him sick.
He wanted you all for himself. No one deserved your kindness but him.
Or maybe it was the way you quaked and cried when they started throwing people overboard.
Yes, that must have been it.
Well, not quite.
While it was true that they threw the stowaways overboard, and you stood there, plastered to the cabin door, all shaking legs and wobbly lips, what piqued his interest more than all that was the fact that you never once begged for them to spare you.
There was something to be said for your pride.
You were terrified, that much was clear - but you didn't beg them to let you live, or plead with him on your knees. You lifted your head and accepted your fate, not even letting out a scream or whimper.
Truly, he couldn't decide in that moment if he loved or hated you.
Love, apparently, if the present day were anything to go by.
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He liked dressing you in such small, scanty clothing. Really, the scraps of fabric he handed you when you arrived in his apartment could barely be called clothing at all.
Something about the way he stared at you made your bones itch. When his eyes followed you as you walked from the kitchen to the couch, the way his fingers prodded lazily at the thin fabric bunched up at your waist - you felt sick just thinking about it.
But that seemed to make him even more eager.
He always held it over your head - the fact that he provided for you, the fact that he chose to keep you safe and let you live.
Your clothing? He gave you.
The food you ate? He bought and prepared for you. Hell, he even fed you, as if you were a child. Though, you suspected that he did that only because he loved how flustered you'd become.
The bed you slept in? The house you lived in? The books you read and the hobbies you could enjoy peacefully?
You had it all because he gave it to you.
Because he cared for you.
Loved you.
The sentiment was lost on you.
What you hated more than his not so subtle manipulation though, had to be the way he taunted you when he didn't get his way.
He could be so cruel, commenting on how you'd gotten into this situation, saying that if you didn't start showing your appreciation, he might be forced to hand you over to the authorities.
That always made you cry.
But more than that, it made you pliant, willing.
For a while after he pulled that card, you wouldn't argue or fight back when he took what he wanted. That was his trump card, one that he didn't play very often, mainly because you'd be all teary and anxious for at least a few weeks after that.
But that's why he loved you.
You were just so fun to play with, to tease and work up and break down.
And the best part of it was that, at the end of it all, you'd still treat him so kindly. You'd still crawl into bed and cuddle up to him, still kiss him gently, just how you knew he liked it.
Because despite the fact that majority of your situation was his fault, you were grateful.
You were grateful that he'd taken you in and chosen to protect you.
He took care of you, and you took care of him.
And if you were to ask him why he did it?
Well, because he loved you, of course. And the things he loved deserved the best.
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sscarletvenus · 2 years
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yoojin wanna be in viral hit soooo bad 😒😒😒
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megkainx · 2 years
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"Make a wish."
I drew this for my friend's birthday.
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fubukisimp · 2 years
it’s been so long since i’ve read htf/vh but the only thing i took away from it was the guy with weird eyebrows and the mf with a number for a name absolutely f*cked
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my3e · 2 years
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244′s Unrequited love <3
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stolenwetfloorsign · 2 years
are you alive 😟
Nah man I'm a college student
Here's a compilation of everything I've written for Seongjun x 244 and will not finish.
My, Jinho teaches Seongjun to drive, HC:
Exhaustion and tired feet can make any beat up honda civic look like a golden chariot. That's a world 244 probably never experienced, not when he can throw the keys of his brand new Maserati at Seongjun without a second thought. 
“I can’t drive.” Seongjun says at the steering wheel, one hand awkwardly balanced on the stick shift, the other ghosting over the wheel. 244 kicks back in his passenger seat, a ghoulish smile contorts his tattooed face as he closes his eyes. 
“I know.” He sighs, then points to the shifter. “Reverse, wheel to the left.” 
Seongjun follows blindly, watching the cars around him with an eye of frauded confidence. 
“Drive.” 244 says, ever unhelpful. It takes Seongjun a moment to figure out what he means, sitting halfway out of a parking spot he drags the stick shift to match with different letters on the screen. R for reverse, N for… he doesn’t know, D for drive. 
Foot off the break, the car creeps forward. 
What happens when the cameras turn off and the lights go dim? With nothing but his own self consciousness to keep him in check. There are probably enough knives in this room to split open every lens, and more for the light fixtures. Seongjun contemplates it for a moment, the room dark and nothing but shattered glass falling from the ceiling.
Omakase June's door chime rings followed by the familiar sound of loafer clad footsteps. His presence does nothing to alleviate the darkness of the room, drawing a thunderous cloud with him as he walks. A bright smile that pulls Seongjun back to the state of his restaurant, dirty knives and food made simply for a camera.
Beach Episode:
Jinho smiles up at the woman who refills his martini through thick Dior shades. He thanks her with a wave of his hand and takes another first sip, relaxing into the smell of sea water and his lounge chair by the beach. A gentle breeze ruffles the open collar of his Hawaiian shirt, and politely chills the sweat forming on his brow.
My personal favorite that I really wish I had the energy to write the rest of:
When your body has been trained to fight every casual touch becomes an act of violence. Electrified skin and a burst of adrenaline that tear through quiet moments like a rabid animal. The eyeliner pen that works on Seongjun’s throat is an awful reminder, exposure therapy of some sort. With 244’s weight keeping him in place, the felt tipped pen teases his arteries, asking to be snapped. 
“You’re moving too much.” 244 sighs, pausing to adjust. 
“You’re practically on top of me, how is that possible?” 
“Not your body, your head, it has a mind of its own.” 
“Well,” Seongjun laughs, 244 drags a hand through his hair and pulls at the roots. 
“Keep still and it will be over sooner.” He says and resumes the delicate line work. 
When your body has been trained to kill it can feel everything. The pressure points in someone’s neck that beg to be throttled, and the pulsing of a heartbeat waiting to stop. 244 trains his focus to his art, easy curved lines of ocean waves over Seongjun’s jawline that frame the gaping mouth of a shark.  
He handles Seongjun harder than he needs to. Rough hand pressed into the back of his neck and all of his weight spread across his thighs. Seongjun takes it with a sense of urgency. He handles 244 gentler than he needs to. Both hands placed softly on his thighs, as if a sudden movement may have him flapping away. 
“How old were you, Seongjun?” 244 asks, capping his pen and reaching around him for a pallet of sorts. 
“When?” Seongjun prompts him, naturally fitting a hand around 244’s back as he leans over. 
“When they gave you all these.” 244 drags a finger over Seongjun’s shoulder, stopping at the edge of red.
“17,” he sighs, “maybe 18.” 
“Impressive.” 244 dabs a new brush into the watercolor pallet now situated between their stomachs. He begins filling in the shark on Seongjun’s neck with a dark gray. “You were well loved.” 
“Well loved.” Seongjun echos, straying from the moment. He cringes as the paint brush ghosts over his Adam's apple, and unwillingly grips 244 harder. 
Daddy Issues(TM):
That kicked puppy expression looks good on him, 244 thought as he watched Seongjun’s first stream. A presence that made him seem docile, and hands viewers could lose themselves in. 244 was not above it, he groomed those nails so they looked camera ready. Seongjun was still just a boy without a father, taught how to take care of himself by yakuza runts and juvie staff. A nice tailored suit and shoes that actually fit were nearly enough to have him on his knees. 
That kicked puppy expression looks good on him, 244 thinks as he looks down on it. He always had a talent for putting strong willed men to their knees. 
That's it boys. I shall now Rest In Peace.
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Just finished chapter 113 of Viral Hit, and fuck Lee Jinho is scary. I can’t remember the last time a character filled me with so much dread.
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irehluvr · 1 year
lookism & viral hit/htf characters as things my friends have said
i reserve the right to shoot people who fucking annoy me
taehoon seong, samuel seo, jinho lee/244, johan seong, goo kim, gun park, gyeoul han, seo haesu, logan lee, vin jin
they call me babygirl but im actually a ruthless criminal molded by the streets
jake kim, seongjun baek, samuel seo, eli jang, jinho lee/244, gun park, seo haesu, johan seong
i got a d orbital because i have bitches orbiting around my dick
daniel park, hobin yu, taehoon seong, goo kim, gun park, samuel seo, seongjun baek, bomi choi, jay hong, zoe kim
he's gonna go in the yearbook as most likely to own his own sex doll
jiho park, snapper, hobin yu
dogs are like babies but you can't hit them
johan seong
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xkseii · 2 years
⎮Viral Hit⎮
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✧ nsfw ✧ ✧ sfw ✧
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⏤ Soft morning ✧ (Seongjun)
⏤ Fighting over him ✧ (Seongjun & 244)
⏤ Sometimes the dad is better ✧ (Seongjun's father)
⏤ Fighting for his heart ✧ (Taehun & Yeonwoo)
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eatsbop · 1 year
Last time I was here, there were fun roleplay accounts for viral hit characters. I accidentally deleted my account and fell behind on the updates so could u pls help w it?
Welcome back, hiiiiii.
The truth is I'm probably more clueless about the htf fandom than you are hahah. Sorry. I was constantly on and off tumblr during that time. One day I got online and there were rpers but I missed like half of them?? I've only interacted and know like two of them. Anyway irl stuff came up and they're all inactive now. Let's hope they are well uwu
I'm not sure what I can do for you, dear anon. Would you like a quick summary of spoilers? Well one notable character is dead. Hobin is no longer a twig. We've hardly referred to 244 as 244 and he never shows off his make up skills unlike back then. He owns a new boyband. Mangi grew hair magically. And has a girlfriend. Ah, right. Hobin is dating, Mangi is dating, Rumi is dating, I'm still single and PTJ would like all of us to know that he's going to save Munsung's reputation by making him date an american noona. That's the gist of it.
Fandom wise....... I know nothing about the fandom actually. I'm sure if you search how to fight there would be plenty of characterxreader fics 👍. Tumblr always recommends me the tag so I suppose that's the leading content rn. I only ever come here to fight Tulio I mean complain I mean...... yes, complain.
If you have more questions feel free to ask. I'm sorry if this all I can do lmao. Also what was your url if you don't mind sharing?
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corpseofbunny · 2 years
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— jinho teases his partner for never having sex. he asks them all sort of embarrassing questions that clearly get them to shift their legs around and results in a flushed face. he asks if they have touched themself, if they watch porn and probably still does when he gets them into the bed. he likes watching them become shy or nervous on things that are so normal to him. he leaves bites all over their body and most likely wants to overstimulate his partner during sex and finds their reactions to every little touch amusing and will mockingly ask them if they’ve never done this before a few times during sex.
— seongjun with a partner who’s maybe only had sex once. it wasn’t even a good first time and he’s set on making their first time together enjoyable, giving them oral to warm up. he likes watching them squirm around when his tongue hit sensitive parts. he likes listening to them whimper or cry out when he finally stuffs them with his dick. he mentally takes note of every little reaction and watches their reaction when they finally cum with such awe and love.
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244simp · 3 years
What does 244 truly feel about Seongjun? Like what Wangguk said, what is their exact relationship?
in some panels when they first met, jinho has shown to somewhat “care” or expressed emotions towards seongjun.
for example, (1):
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“it’s the first time he’s been concerned for someone else’s well being”
was this truly how jinho felt towards seongjun? or was this a manipulation tactic orchestrated by jinho to fool seongjun into putting his guard down?
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“when are you going to stop being so distant with me”
“you can call me hyung, you know”
(hyung is used by korean males to address another male older than them who they are close to)
this scene left me baffled the most 😭 why would jinho ask seongjun to call him “hyung” but proceed to stab him? was jinho testing seongjun to see what kind of person he’s going to become?
overall, these scenes leads me to believe that jinho “cares” about seongjun in his own twisted way. jinho is a pyschopath so that explains why seongjun once said that he’s completely empty + how he doesn’t have empathy and all that.
maybe all of this was done to fuel his need for simulation, as well as act as a test to see how good seongjun could become. i just think jinho is so confusing and unpredictable. i really want to know more about him and i hope we get his backstory. perhaps jinho is pure evil haha
gonna end of by saying jinho is so so so HOT!!!!
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Chapter 120 Is A Nightmare!!!
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244 was merciful enough to get rid of this love plot before it messed the plot anymore. I swear to god PTG should give up on incorporating love interests in How To Fight. It just messes up the plot and gets annoying. I’m really pissed to how they massacred Baek Seongjoon’s character.
It’s like chapter 88 suddenly became irrelevant to the plot or it never existed. I’m happy he had someone besides a toxic ex but the prosecutor was badly executed. Her most noticeable traits are always saying “Yakuza!” or anything related with Baek Seongjoon’s line of work, wanting to take 244 down, and getting into trouble because she doesn’t listen. She reaped what she showed at the end of her arc. Her chemistry with Seongjoon is just weak, and feels like it came out of nowhere.
My biggest pet peeve though is how they made Baek Seongjoon so understanding of Hobin’s intentions in “Exposing Baek Seongjoon” arc in chapter 120 even though in that specific arc (chapter 88?), he snaps and brutally attacks Hobin and his friends. He was better left off as being a villainous tragic character than being forced to have been a good guy all along.
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I’m still flabbergasted by this panel.
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And in other words, guess I was right. He does single her out and kills her. I wonder if this connects to that form of familiarity he wanted from him (Baek Seongjoon’s past arc) and did it not just for his plans, but because she managed to get close to Baek Seongjoon even though he’s known him longer.
I also found it fascinating how even 244’s subordinate was hesitant to kill her off at first. It’s implied that they’re typically careful when planning someone’s death but 244 seemed to really want her dead. I’m assuming this reckless move is going to affect the plot later.
One last thing, Lee Jinho’s eyes have only been shown to have a glimmer of life once or twice, most of the time looking dead. I would like to point out that in the times his eyes were alive, it was because the scene around him was something Baek Seongjoon would pull off.
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shidos-daughter · 2 years
TW: Slight NSFW
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moonbyulsstuff · 2 years
Viral Hit Men Headcanon: What’s it like dating them.
Characters: Hobin Yu, Taehun Seong, Yeonu Ji, Snapper, Munseong Kim, Seongjun Baek, Mangi Hwang, Hyeonsu Lee, Lee Jinho (244), Wangguk Han.
GN Reader.
Requested by: Not.
Request Rules.
Snapper part is super short, I can’t think of anything else.
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Hobin Yu:
He was really nervous at the beginning in your relationship, since he had never been in a relationship before and try his best in your two relationship.
And he would get flustered whenever you would kiss him or hold his hands, compliment him, show some kind of affection and it was really adorable to see his flustering his face.
If you ever need anything, he was right there standing with the object in hand. 
Feeling down? His arms was open for you and ready to listen.
So, he was a caring boyfriend.
You were the first one to always to show him affection since he’s too embarrassed about it but if you really needed it, he would be the one to initiate it.
He would give you gifts time to time and most of the time, it was really expensive gifts which made you feel bad since the male was not that rich and he only needed money to pay his mother’s hospital bills and more. 
So you would return the gesture to, even though he tells you that it’s alright.
If he ever made you feel upset, Hobin would try to do some stupid shit to make it up to you which always get a laugh out of you.
But if someone made you upset, oh boy. They would be apologizing to you in their knees.
If someone ever flirts with you, he would drag you away while glaring at the person.
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Taehun Seong:
This man is such an asshole, but he’s your asshole.
He would tease you at times but if his teasing made genuinely upset then he would apologize to you, by taking you or giving you gifts while apologizing.
He would also try and win some gifts from the arcade for you.
(If you’re shorter than him) he would put his chin on top of your head and cover you with his jacket. (If you’re taller than him) he put his head on your neck and hugged you while covering you with his jacket.
He likes hugging you from behind way more than in the front.
Whenever you two go out, and if you are short he would put his arms around your arm and if you are taller than him, he would held your hand instead.
He would also let you do his eyeliner while you sat on his lap or him sitting on your lap.
You really like sleeping on top since you can just snuggle against his chest and like... that’s your favorite part of his body.
Taehun would also pin against the wall by using one of his legs since the male is goddamn flexible.
He wanted you to learn Taekwondo, but if you don’t want to, that’s fine but he would grumbling underneath his breath. But if you do want to, he’s ecstatic and really happy but doesn’t show it.
If you are feeling upset, he would cuddle you and stroke your hair while at it.
And if someone made you upset, then he’s beating that person up. But if it’s a girl, ooooohhhhh, that girl would be a crying mess because of how harsh Taehun words is.
If someone ever flirts with you, he would threaten the person.
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Yeonu Ji:
This male is the ideal boyfriend/husband.
He’s very understanding and it makes you think sometimes that you don’t deserve him.
He would cook for you food if you were feeling down.
He would help you study if you were failing at a subject and doesn’t mind explaining something for you over and over again.
He literally likes being pampered, being hugged by you and being the little spoon is his thing.
He would also surprise with beautiful dates, beautiful expensive gifts just for you.
If he ever made you upset, he would make you food, give you letters while hugging you and littering you with kisses..
You really like to smuggle your face into his chest since you know... yeah... but it embarrassed him a bit since he felt someone who do that.
(If you have glasses, ignore this part) You would try on his glasses but it hurt your eyes sometimes.
If someone made you upset, he would go talk with that person with a threatening aura and smile as he talk with that person.
If you ever want something, he would immediately buy it for you.
If someone ever flirts with you, he would smoothly talk in the way and try to get the person away with a threatening smile.
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Munseng Kim:
This man would be oblivious sometimes but he knows what to do.
He would literally protect you from anyone.
He would give you flowers or keychains.
If he ever made you upset, he would be in front of your door with flowers in hand as well as chocolate with a kicked like puppy face plastered on his face.
He would be sometimes be shirtless in front of you, which you were okay with.
Munseong would also try to teach you some moves so you could protect yourself from danger.
He would always hug you from behind and likes to put his face against your hair, since he likes to smell your hair.
If someone ever flirts with you, he would be behind you while glaring at the person.
You two would also go to the same cat cafe every time since Munseong likes it there.
He also like it when you style his hair.
And whenever you two were on school, you would always be by his desk and talk to each other and also playing with his hair whenever he fell asleep.
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Seongjun Baek:
This is male is the sweetest you swore you were going to get diabetes or something.
He will always cook for you whenever you are hungry.
He would also let you style his hair and you let him do yours.
And he would also teach you how to cook.
He also like to cuddle with a lot after streaming, he just want to bathe in you arms and sleep for the rest of the day.
He also likes to spoil you a lot, since he has a lot of money of course. 
But if you were a famous newtuber like him, he would be pretty jealous of how much people proclaiming their love to you. It was annoying to him so he would always be grumbling underneath his breath while you try to calm him down.
You two would also sometimes go to the beach and watch the sunset there while cuddling with each other.
He really likes to kiss you lot, but his favorite place is your lips of course.
If he ever made you upset, he will be cooking your favorite food while also talking to you saying on how sorry he is.
But if someone ever made you upset, you bet that Seongjun will “talk” with that person.
He also like to show you off a lot actually, like introducing in such an embarrassing way.
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Snapper {Jihyeok Woo):
This male would be pretty much a simp. The biggest one out of everyone.
He would spoil you so much with expensive gifts.
He would also try to show off but sometimes fail miserably but doesn’t mind since you always give him a kiss on the cheek in the end.
He also like to by complimented by you a lot so be sure to do it.
He likes being cuddled by you and likes being the little spoon between the two of you.
If he ever made you upset, he would be on his knees while giving you flowers.
But if someone had upset you then he would go talk with them, even though he can get scared but when it comes to you. He would do anything to protect you.
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Mangi Hwang:
This man is one of the best boyfriends.
Like for real!!
A lot of people judge Mangi easily because of how scary he looks but he’s an actual nice guy.
This would protect you like nobody business.
Someone talks crap about? Mangi is right behind them ready to threaten them. Someone had upset you? They would beat them but if it’s a girl, he’ll talk to them.
He’ll give you gifts and take you on dates.
You would also massage his head and try different wigs on him, he doesn’t really mind actually.
You two also stream together, usually talking about on how life has gone together and the fans super love it because of how cute you two are.
And whenever you two cuddle, he’s always the big spoon since him being the little spoon is hard.
Whenever he made you upset, he would have flowers, chocolates ready in hand and already at your doorstep and bonus of Hobin and Snapper having the radio of a music that you two love music playing in the background.
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Hyeonsu Lee:
This man...is tsundere 2.0.
It’s quite hard for him to do couple things since he never has done so before and it’s hard for him to express it to you.
But over time it has become easy for him to express his feelings for you but there were still some things that need work.
He doesn’t really give you gifts so it’s quite rare for him to do so and when he does, it’s quite surprising but he loves the reaction whenever you are surprised that he had bought you a gift.
Hyeonsu would also try to make you comfortable whenever you two go out on a date.
If someone is flirting you, expect for them to get punch unless they are a girl.
Whenever you two cuddle, he is always the bigger spoon. It doesn’t matter if you are bigger than him. He’s the big spoon when it comes to you two cuddling with each other.
If he made you upset then he would try and apologize, he would stutter but he tried. Sometimes he has a gift in hand or not but most of the time he doesn’t since he thinks he should apologize without any gifts.
And the favorite place he likes to you at is the your forehead.
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Jinho Lee (244):
This man is somehow in the middle, he can be a decent boyfriend but not really.
He’s obsessive when it comes you and really overprotective to the point it annoys someone.
And since he has a business, he can get everything that you want. He has control in every place and it doesn’t matter if it’s an item that had sold out or already stopped making. The next thing you know, that object is at your table with a written hand card from him.
He can be aggressive and abusive, it’s hard to break up him since he manipulates and uses tactics for you not to leave him.
But then again, you really can’t leave him and you know it since he has eyes and ears everywhere and he can find you easily and take you back in a blink of a eye.
Since he does paintings, he has a lot of paintings of you, it’s hidden in a room that’s made up a bunch of your photos and much more.
Whenever you two go out, he would make sure you wouldn’t leave his side, if you want to go somewhere. he has to be with you or one of his underlings to look out for you.
If someone is flirting with you, that person is gone by the next day.
If he ever made you upset... well...
You rarely get upset by him but when you do, he’s already convinced for you to forgive you with affections and gifts and such.
Whenever you two cuddle, he will always be the small spoon no matter what and you can’t really argue with him.
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Wangguk Han:
This man is husband material.
He’s really caring and understanding, way more than the others.
You need space? He’s willing to give it you. He made you upset? Flowers, gifts ready in hand and with a genuine apology ready for you.
He really doesn’t have any money since they stopped doing Newtube but him and Gaeul are now working for Hobin, he has money to spare. So he uses it to buy gifts for you.
If someone is flirting with you, he is very passive aggressive with it.
If he ever made you upset, he’s on his knees with an apology and he’s willing to do it for hours just for your forgiveness.
He can be the small and the big spoon depending on your taste.
He’s protective of you in the way where it’s not annoying.
You and his sister Gaeul are best friends.
I kinda lost the will to write during the last few parts for the others.
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