#2p nyo finland
Some sketch requests I've done
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October 24 prompt: Trick or Treat? / Dark Forest / Haunted House
Character(s): Nyo Denmark (Matilde/Rattlesnake), 2P Ladonia (Garth/Billy Goat), Nyo Finland (Inka/Riikinkukko)
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Inka looked out the window. Right out there is the forest no one had gone into for years. Reason being is there's rumors that whoever walks into the forest doesn't come out. A hand touching Inka's shoulder made her jump. Purple eyes look to see red ones staring at her. He also has orange hair and a paint mark on his cheek. Ah, Garth.
"Is there a reason you're looking at the forest?" Garth asked. "I thought I saw something out there," Inka said. Garth looked out at the forest for a moment. Nothing but trees. "Well, I don't see anything there now, so I think we're good there. Anyway, Leevi needed us for something." Nodding, Inka got up and followed after Garth.
What Inka didn't realize was that she had, in fact, seen something out near the forest. Rather, someone. Blue eyes of the kwamiswap snake holder Rattlesnake look around. There was something in the forest she had needed, but the problem was how big the forest was and the fact that most of the trees looked the same. When she found what she was looking for, she sat on the grass. Sitting in front of her is a gravestone that has a name on it. Diðrikur Bakke-Winther.
"Hi, Diðrikur," she said. "It's mama. I have a different miraculous for now, but I will bring you back one day. I promise." When her visit with her deceased son was over, Rattlesnake headed back through the trees where she had come from. However, what she saw when she's gotten to the entrance was Billy Goat and Riikinkukko, two of the heroes. "I knew I saw something," Riikinkukko said. "Rattlesnake, please," Billy Goat said. "You know what they say about the woods. Give us the snake so we can return it to Jörmungandr and let us take you back home." Rattlesnake didn't say anything, but she did run back into the woods. Billy Goat and Riikinkukko ran in after her. By the time the two caught up to her, Rattlesnake was nowhere to be seen. Instead, what they saw was a gravestone. Crouched on a branch above said gravestone is a blue-eyed blonde woman they knew as Matilde Winther.
"What are you doing here?" Matilde asked, glaring at the two. "Looking for someone else, apparently," Riikinkukko said.
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tyiaunia-harris · 10 months
Happy Birthday Finland 🇫🇮 🎂🎉
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mustela28nivalis · 3 months
Nyotalia, 2pNyotalia, 2p!Talia, Hetalia headcanon names
Nyo!America - Amelia
Nyo!England - Elizabeth
Nyo!France - Catherine
Nyo!Russia - Anna
Nyo!China - Chun-Yan
Nyo!Canada - Marguerite
Nyo!Italy - Alice
Nyo!Germany - Monika
Nyo!Japan - Ponko
Nyo!Prussia - Julia
Nyo!Romano - Chiara
Nyo!Spain - Carmen
Nyo!Austria - Therese
Nyo!Switzerland - Adelheid
Nyo!Denmark - Hanne
Nyo!Sweden - Astrid
Nyo!Norway - Ingrid
Nyo!Iceland - Guðrún
Nyo!Finland - Aino
2pNyo!America - Caroline
2pNyo!England - Rose
2pNyo!France - Isabelle
2pNyo!Russia - Elena
2pNyo!China - Qiuyan
2pNyo!Canada - Anne
2pNyo!Italy - Bianca
2pNyo!Germany - Luise
2pNyo!Japan - Mameko
2pNyo!Prussia - Hildegard
Seychelles - Véronique
Nyo!Seychelles - Michel
Liechtenstein - Erika
Nyo!Liechtenstein - Klaus
Monaco - Sophie
Nyo!Monaco - Jean
Belgium - Emma
Nyo!Belgium - Anri
Luxembourg - René
Netherlands - Abel
Denmark - Magnus
Norway - Sigurd
Iceland - Egill
Finland - Timo
Sweden - Bernhard
Nyo!Lithuania - Rūta
Nyo!Latvia - Laima
Nyo!Turkey - Hatice
Nyo!Greece - Daphne
Nyo!Egypt - Fatima
Portugal - Afonso
Nyo!Portugal - Maria
Nyo!Hungary - István
Slovakia - Jozef
Czech - Hedvika
Nyo!Poland - Agnieszka
2p!Poland - Jan
Scotland - Callum
Wales - Dylan
Northern Ireland - Conor
Ireland - Ronan
Cuba - Carlos
Ecuador - Jose
Moldova - Vasile
Romania - Alexandru
Bulgaria - Dimitar
Serbia - Vuk
Croatia - Stjepan
2p!Italy - Lorenzo
2p!Romano - Flavio
2p!Germany - Siegfried
2p!Japan - Kiri
Nyo!Belarus - Mikita
Ukraine - Olga
Nyo!Ukraine - Bogdan
Australia - Ralph
New Zealand - George
Nyo!New Zealand - Charlotte
Wy - Olivia
Hutt River - Paul
Molossia - Jacob
Slowjamastan - Liam
Domain - Nicholas
Stomaria - Harry
Aerica - Michael
Ladonia - Oscar
Kugelmugel - Leopold
Seborga - Marcello
2p!America - Thomas
2p!England - Edmund
2p!France - André
2p!Russia - Alexander
2p!China - An
Genoa - Giovanni
HRE - Otto
Bavaria - Karl
Saxony - Heinrich
Hessen - Wilhelm
Picardy - Gabriel
Cyprus - Giorgos
TRNC - Mustafa
Rome - Maximus
Ancient Greece - Athena
Nyo!Korea - Soo-Jin
Taiwan - Xiao-Mei
Nyo!Taiwan - Chih-Ming
Hong Kong - Ka Lung
Nyo!Hong Kong - Lan
Vietnam - Lien
Nyo!Vietnam - Tuấn
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fireandspiceland · 3 months
I love your account! I was wondering what are your favorite ships? And favorite characters? Also what is your favorite ship(s) with your favorite character(s)? And what kinks do you think your favorite character(s) have?
Sorry for all these questions I'm just super curious. I hope you're having a great day! -🪽
Sorry for the late reply (<- what I always say 😭), you’re really sweet and I hope you have a great day too!!
I love a lot of ships and don’t have any real notps (just some ships I’m not interested in) but some of my all time favourites are RusCan, Nordics polycule (Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway in any constellation), Mint chocolate (England x 2p America), and lately I’m very into CanAme in any constellation and CanAme x England !!
My fav ships are basically my favourite characters too, though I also really like Monaco <3 and she’s not in any of my otps somehow 🤔
About kinks there’s way too many to name them all but I have a post in my drafts where I started to sum up my kink headcanons for some characters (ame, cana, iggy and their nyo counterparts). Of there’s any specific character you’d like to talk about we can sure do that 😇💕
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The Pure RNG Hetalia Showdown (FAQ)
Over the next couple weeks, I will run a series of polls where you have to vote for canon Hetalia characters.
Poll Results Summary has now been posted, to summarize the results of the round robin and report on the Congeniality qualifiers.
Also, a new Tumblr sideblog @hetalia-rng-showdown has been created to host future RNG tournaments!
Master List of All Poll Links
Round Robin #1 - Winner: Finland
Round Robin #2 - Winner: England
Round Robin #3 - Winner: Seychelles
Round Robin #4 - Winner: Poland
Round Robin #5 - Winner: Prussia
Round Robin #6 - Winner: Canada
Round Robin #7 - Winner: Germany
Round Robin #8 - Winner: France
Round Robin #9 - Winner: South Italy
Round Robin #10 - Winner: Scotland
Congeniality Showdown Poll - Lithuania has been crowned Mr. Congeniality!
Final Showdown Poll - Tie vote between Canada & England
Final Showdown Tiebreaker - England has been crowned Pure RNG Champion!
Congeniality Contestants
Austria, Lithuania, China, America, Wales, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Hong Kong, Ancient Rome
What are we voting on?
You can pick your favourite, a contender, a dark horse, an underdog, or go pure chaos and see what happens. This will ultimately end up becoming a popularity contest, since all the Hetalia polls so far have been swamped with people just picking their favourites, but why don't you all try something different for once and see what happens?
How will this work?
The round robin will have 10 different polls, each with 7-8 different characters, lasting a week. After the week, the 10 winners will come together into a final showdown poll.
If there is a tie in any of the round robin polls, there will be a 24-hour tiebreaking poll. See the full description in the section below.
Runners-up in the round robin poll might be selected for the Congeniality Showdown poll. See the full description in the section below.
Who is all in the poll?
If your character has a page on this Hetalia Wiki character article look-up page, they're in one of the polls.
Note that I am not including nyos, 2ps, animals, humans or other entities, just the nations themselves.
How will they be grouped?
I plugged the 78 names into this random number generator website, which split them up into 10 groups of 7-8 characters.
For extra randomness, I clicked the "Rerun" button twenty times. That's why this is the "RNG" poll, it's pure luck who your fave is up against!
Why is my favourite minor character up against so many mains? Can't you fix this?
Read the above again, please.
And funny you should mention skewing the group selections, because my friend was just trying to conduct her own set of polls. The axis/allies would've all knocked each other out in the first round, and some of your favourite minor characters would've actually moved on for once. But some people complained about the choices of minor characters and their groupings, even going so far as to insult her personally...
So guess what, you're getting this poll series instead out of spite! Congratulations, your favourite minor characters are all in the polls, their groupings are purely random, and every character has a 10% chance of being up against Romano in the first round!
But what if I don't want my fave to lose to Romano in the first round?
Finally, a good question. When you find that poll, vote for your favourite and not for Romano, then reblog the post and tell all your friends to vote the same as you! Make sure you're a united force though, Romano only needs the one extra vote if you're all divided.
Don't worry about spamming my notifications with reblogs, I want to see that the polls are being shared, just be respectful in your tags please.
When can I see who's all in the groups?
You'll find out when I post the polls, as this FAQ post is going up before I even run the RNG. EDIT: The RNG has now been run, the polls are all drafted and scheduled, and the first is live! Links to all 10 polls will be added at the top as their posts are posted!
As for timing, I will post the first poll at approximately 6:00pm PDT April 18 2023, with the other polls all scheduled on 12-hour increments after that.
Once the final poll is closed after its week of voting, which will be at 6:00AM PDT on April 30th, I will create the Congeniality and Final Showdown polls.
What is this newly added Congeniality Showdown?
With the variety of options in these polls, there will indeed be a few nations that lose their round robin poll by a small margin of the vote. For these oh-so-close losers, there will be a Congeniality showdown to honour them for giving the victors such a close run for their money.
As the 10 polls each close, I will track the difference in voting percentages by which the losers lost to the victors. The 10 losing nations whose losing percentages are closest to their victors will go in the Congeniality showdown.
For example, Nation A won the poll by 32%, while Nation B finished with 25%. Nation B’s percentage difference of 7% is what determines whether they will appear in the Congeniality showdown. Should the other 9 polls results in 10 other nations getting less than that 7% difference, Nation B will not make the cut.
What are the Tiebreaker Rules?
This section is being added in case one of the round robin polls miraculously ends in a tie. Obviously Tumblr will not allow more than 10 entries into a poll, so a tiebreaker poll is the chosen method of breaking any ties!
I will post a 24-hour poll with the two (or more) nations that tied in the round robin poll, where you all have ONLY the 24 hours to vote. I will announce the tiebreaker poll ahead of time, so that as many of you as possible know during what period of time to search for it and vote.
Whoever wins this vote moves on to the final showdown. For the runner(s)-up, since they managed to tie the winner on the original poll, which makes a voting difference of 0%, they automatically take one of the 10 spots in the Congeniality showdown.
Tiebreaker polls will be scheduled for the period of April 30th to May 3rd if required, so please watch carefully for the posts. I fly to Norway on May 6th, so the Congeniality and Final Showdown polls must get posted before this Canadian goes on vacation.
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pvffinsdaisies · 1 year
Tell me about the eurovision AU
Gladly!! It’s an au that I played about with a bit last year, set in a mystery year in a random location I haven’t thought of yet. Probably Sweden bc they’re the iconic hosts. The nations are all represented by their personifications, who are human in this au. Although in some cases I’ve opted for a nyo or a 2p version.
I currently only have the Nordics, France & the UK thought of.
I know that I for sure want to see at least two of the Nordics become an iconic friendship, much like what we’re seeing of Norway and Iceland’s entries this year. I would like a close friendship between Finland & Estonia too. And I am definitely considering letting scotland and Norway have a little Eurovision romance that manages to go under the radar a bit until nearer the end of the season.
Currently, the songs are:
SWEDEN: the classic perfectly perfected Swedish pop song (sung in English) that Sweden loves to send. The fans don’t care for it too much bc it’s been done before, but he’ll still end up coming like 7th bc the juries love to suck up to Sweden.
DENMARK: Denmark, along with my Faroe Islands oc, come in with a 2000s style europop beat. Again, it’s in English. It’s fun and energetic, but they don’t manage to make it to the final and the fans are outraged.
FINLAND: remember, I have an OC for Finland and don’t follow canon. I see them as part of a band, probably other random people from Finland. Not sure who else is in the band, but I know fin themself is the lead singer. It’s a heavy metal song in English.
NORWAY: Norway has a folk-rock song, it’s sung in English and tells the story of one of his favourite Norwegian folktales. It’s easily the more vocally demanding song of the year, and I actually don’t think he’s what norway wanted to send. I think for most of melodi grand prix there was a different favourite, singing a pop song, but they had to drop out last minute, so he ended up winning.
ICELAND: or, my interpretation of 2p Iceland. He’s the only nordic singing in his native language. Which would be good, but the song is… confusing at best? No one has any clue what’s going on. It’s like he’s shouting into the mic and there’s lots and lots of pyro equipment. You can see elves on the screen behind him? He’s shirtless and running around the stage like a mad man, no one can even pay attention to the song bc the performance is just so… what the fuck? He, surprisingly, does make it the final though.
FRANCE: the most French sounding ballad ever with lots and lots of Eiffel Tower memorabilia. It’s of course sung in French. His song is kind of forgettable.
THE UK: England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland are a band. Wales is the lead singer- with much pushback from England. England is the bassist who also does back up singing bc he threw a hissy fit probs. Northern Ireland is on the drums. And Scotland INSISTED he was allowed to play his bagpipes, which none of the other brothers like. It’s supposed to be a classic English rock song, but they all have very different ideas of what the band is so the song sounds messy at best. It’s not a popular song to begin with and their live performances are just awful every single time. They come dead last in the final scoring a whopping 0 points.
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amaristuckinhetalia · 2 years
Welcome to the Hetalia HC and Scenarios blog!
Here are the rules.
I can do all characters you request, if its an (your OC x s/o) Please add a description your OC! If you don't, most likely i will not accept it on delete your request
Characters that are Minors (example; Sealand/Wy/Seborga) are not allowed in NSFW requests! Only acceptable in x child!s/o OR when you specify them as older (15+)
I accept NSFW and SFW request. But i am terrible at NSFW scenarios but i will accept it! But no incest like (character x sibling!s/o)
S/O is gender neutral unless you specify their gender. If not, i'll make them Gender neutral with They/them pronous
I will write mostly Fluff/Lime but if you would like Smut/Angst/etc. I'll do it but it'll probably needs some editing
I would accept Character x Character as long as its not Incest (ex. Norice,Germancest,Itacest)
If you requested a group scenario(?) (ex.Nordics x s/o) I would do it but as long its not a smut rq.
Now here are the list of characters i do!
• Axis : N.Italy,Germany,Japan,S.Italy,Prussia
• Allies : America,England,France,China,Russia (Canada)
• Nordics : Denmark,Sweden,Norway,Finland,Iceland
• ASEAN : Vietnam,Thailand,Philipines,Malaysia,Indonesia,Singapore
• The rest of the Characters: Ukraine,Belarus,Lithuania,Estonia,Latvia,Poland,Spain,Portugal,Austria,Hungary,Romania,Bulgaria,The Netherlands,Belgium,Luxembourg,Turkey,Greece.
And last but not least, All 2p!'s and Nyo!'s are welcomed too!
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norfin-week · 2 years
Will NorFin week allow entries with the Nyo Finland or Nyo Norway too. Or ais NorFn-Week sticking to just the normal Hetalia character.
Oh same question for the 2ps/2p Nyos as well
Those are all okay! To quote our rules, "any AUs are allowed. pre-existing AUs you have, nyotalia, nekotalia, etc. as long as it’s norfin."
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askthenordic2ps · 4 years
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Maija, Beatrix, Ingrid, and Valdís for pride month
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hetahoney · 4 years
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this is the design i.. kinda have for my 2p nyo Finland
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creative-firebug · 5 years
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2p nyo NorFin makes me happy.
I'm. Gonna be honest one of the biggest reasons I drew this was for a glow floating book. But really Norway would want to have both arms around her love and then... If she wanted to read? Using magic for convenience like this is definitely something she does to an excessive degree.
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Things 2p nyo Norway does
Accidentally commit arson. No-one believes it was an accident
Intentional arson. This is why no-one believes her accidental fires
Call an Australian dragon Oslo
Forget the names of the cats.
Break into the second story windows of public buildings which are open. To use the public part of them
Tries very hard to get librarians to like her because she likes wasting days reading in libraries
Midnight feasts with Iceland and Finland
Tries very hard not to sing along to the music that Iceland's playing even though she likes it
Flirts with the other Denmarks. Her motivation is to piss her counterparts off
Flirts with her counterparts. The motivation here is making people uncomfortable.
Holds Iceland's hand a lot. That is her baby sister and she is not stopping no matter how big Ice gets.
Adopts Sealand
Struggles to find ways to be close to Sealand because she knows her way of parenting doesn't work for Sealand and Finland's does. She's just glad her kid's happy. And heck, if it doesn't make Finland that much more attractive
Struggles at showing her siblings affection, but she finds ways sometimes
Loves all her family more than anything.
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mustela28nivalis · 1 year
Unpopular opinion
•Nekotalia and Mochitalia should not have existed
•America doesn't look like a golden retriever
•Hungary is not all strong goddess
•France is not Canada's father or brother. They don't consider each other related
•America, Denmark, Estonia, Poland, Turkey, Mongolia, Macau and Thailand only tops
•England is absolutely not like a corgi. Wales looks like a corgi
•Finland treats Sweden only as a friend
•Canon heights make sense
•Bad touch trio and black triangle are the most overrated trios
•Nyo!America is not a cute kind girl who doesn't want anything bad
•I prefer Nyo!Romano over Nyo!Italy
•Bad weather trio (America, England, Russia) most underrated trio
•Usuk, amefra, amecan, canfra and maple tea are not bad ships
•Amerus deserves much more popularity
•Ukraine is not fat
•Nyo!England is good with thin eyebrows
•Seychelles, Taiwan and Monaco underrated female hetalia characters
•Rochu and rupru are overrated
•2p!Nyotalia is better than 2p!talia
•Russia is the gayest hetalia character, not Sweden
•Russia should not be top
•2pNyo!America deserves more attention than 2p!America
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2pnyo-nordics · 6 years
Sweden/Annalina: What are you doing-
Finland/Taika, putting an egg in the toaster and the bread in the frying pan: I'm making breakfast.
Sweden/Annalina: Yeah, I'm not hungry.
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Ragna: HI!
Mildri: c'mon, send a few asks our way, we'll do our best to answer~
Taika: If you can stop setting fires in our dorm long enough, anyway
Lise: It's kinda fun though!
Erin: Can I go?
Lovise: Of course, little sister.
Thea:*...just don't say anything and they won't address you...*
((Hi! So! New AU! Most answers will be text based. I'm starting with the Nordics, since they're what I know but technically all the hetalia and Nyotalia girls are here so feel free to ask about any of them!))
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