#2p usa
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I forgot to send this, but I drew this for a halloween event in an RP server I’m in.
A little Mage Mad Hatter Alexander going a little wild because of a magic event. It was fun to doodle
sorry I havent been sharing a lot of art, I keep forgetting to post, and then I forget if Ive posted it and worry about double posting. It’s an oop
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khloxxy · 3 months
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Happy birthday to the hero
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equalproj · 9 months
Different types of Arcade Games
Classic High Score games:
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Pan-Man is a high score game where you play as a large ball with a pie cut mouth that eats tiny pellets while trying to avoid ghosts named Inky(cyan), Pinky(self-explanatory), Blinky(red) and Clyde(orange). You collect fruit as well which gives you more points upon collection. Power pellets are larger regular pellets which allow you to eat the ghosts and send them back to their starting point for a short period of time.
Space Invaders
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Space Invaders is a high score game where your goal is to shoot waves of aliens which trying not to get killed by their projectiles. Quite a simple concept, you go until you die.
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Q*bert is a high score puzzle game where you play as a cute little orange guy. In order to progress levels, you need to navigate the pyramid to complete levels by changing the colours of the cubes to make them all the same. The levels progress in difficulty by adding enemies you need to expertly avoid.
Terminator 2: Judgment day (the arcade game, not the movie)
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You play as a T-800 trying to save John Connor and his mother Sarah from a T-1000. The game takes you through John's childhood and further along in the past they launch an attack on Cyberdyne Systems to stop the creation of Skynet. The game has two endings, one saying you have prevented Judgement day (This only occurs if you destroy all of the equipment during the Cyberdyne Systems thing), or that Judgment Day is still possible (if you didn't achieve that.)
Area 51
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Area 51 is an arcade game set in the military base with the same name. You play as a character who works in a team called the Special Tactical Advanced Alien Response (STAAR, I feel like Resident Evil took some inspiration from this because they have S.T.A.R.S which is Special Tactics and Rescue Service.) In this game, you fight aliens and genetically modified zombie soldiers. The game features an upgrade system to your gun where if you get hit by the enemy, your gun will return to the basic pistol.
Time Crisis
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Time Crisis is a 3 dimensional arcade game where there is a unique feature of ducking behind cover to reload and avoid enemy fire. For this, they made a pedal on the arcade machine itself that toggles the hide function. The game has three stages, each stage has three areas and a boss battle. You need to complete battles in order to progress through the game.
Racing Games:
Daytona USA
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Daytona is a racing game in which the player drives a stock car called the hornet and can pick from three different tracks which will give a different amount of opponents depending on the maps difficulty level. Three Seven Speedway is beginner, Dinosaur Canyon is advanced and Seaside Street Galaxy is expert. Adaptive difficulty is used, during your first lap it sees how good you are at the game and then the AI opponents will reflect it, if you have a hard time they will leave lanes open for you whereas if you are good the opponents will try to block you.
Crazy Taxi
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In this game you race against time to take your customers to their destinations. You earn money if you get to the destination under a time limit and can do stunts to earn more money.
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In this game you have a set time limit to reach the finish line. The camera position limits your view of the road ahead and prevents you from seeing obstacles until they get close, meaning you have to act quickly to avoid losing the game.
Fighting Games:
Mortal Kombat
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Mortal Kombat is a game for 1-2 players where you select a character and then fight to see who can defeat the other twice. The game is now heavily story driven but the old arcade ones had much less story and was more like the tower modes in the more recent games. This game was the reason they had to add age ratings to games because of how violent it is.
Street Fighter
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Much like Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter is a game for 1-2 players where you fight until someone wins twice. This game also has a story.
Marvel vs Capcom
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Marvel Vs Capcom is again like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter, however this one does not contain a story mode. You fight this game like the towers in newer Mortal Kombats (I think, I've not seen much gameplay).
Interactive Games:
Air Hockey
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In this interactive game you play against a friend to get the puck into a small slit on their side. You use two special controllers of sorts that you knock the puck with to push it. Whoever gets more goals wins.
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Basketball machines require you to get as many points as you can in a limited amount of time, the more hoops you score the more points you get.
2p Machines
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These ones are my favorite. You get 2ps and put them in two slits to try and push out prizes. There isn't really any strategy, but it's very enticing and makes you spend a lot of money for what you want to win.
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askbadlydrawnalfred · 2 years
A failed North American neighborhood meeting
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blue-butterfly-art · 1 year
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Some more old nyotalia fanart I did in January 2021 when I was in the fandom.
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kanashii-bara · 1 year
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2P America
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pympke · 2 years
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pidge-reblogs · 2 years
Here's Libby's costume!!
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samrut · 7 months
Ship that makes you sad: 💔
None of them make me sad, but there are sad moments between the characters that make me sad.
One of the saddest shippy moments for me in canon is when Tolys is staying with Alfred and is taken back by Ivan. Al and Liet enjoyed each other's company so much. It made me sad to see him dragged off with no choice. 😢
Ship that you used to have as an OTP: 💙
I do not really discard ships, and I don't think I've ever had an OTP where that's the ONLY ship I think about.
Oh, maybe 2p!USA x UK could count a bit. I used to rp them a lot back in the day and don't do much with them now.
I still like that ship. 😆
Not regular USUK, though - it has to be 2p!USA. lol
I enjoy many Hetalia ships and characters, but I have been super into Liet and Liet ships these past few years. Although I've always been a big fan of Liet, even in my earlier fandom days.
He has so many good ships and lots of memorable Canon shippy moments.
Ship you’re curious about: 👀
There are lots of ships I like that I would love to explore more, so this is tough.
I am going to say RoBul and CanPol.
Bulgaria, I find extremely appealing overall - probably cause I want to bully him. 😂
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kaimaciel · 2 years
Thought of something cute, what if 2p Port and Brazil didn't hated each other just acted like assholes?
2p Brazil being so annoyed watching 2p England gushing about how his Allan (2p USA) is adorable and he leaves but this still kinda of bugs him. So he sees 2p Port reading alone, like always, and approaches him.
Port doesn't lift his face, hidden by his mask, from the book, he simply ask "what?"
"Nothing?" Brazil says condescending
"then go bother someone else"
But he doesn't leave, after standing there for a solid minute he speaks, scratching his nose and feeling like a idiot "so.. do you think I'm, errr, cute?"
Port slowly lifts his eyes from his book. He wonders if this is the set up to some sort of prank, but Brazil looks flustered, he's avoiding looking him in the eye.
"Why are you asking? You want my opinion now?"
Brazil's eyes look hurt for a brief second before harding with anger. "Forget it."
"No, I do not think you're cute," Port answers, even as Brazil turns around to leave. "Puppies are cute. Kittens are cute. Babies are cute. You? You're one of the most beautiful, gorgeous young men on this earth."
Brazil stops and slowly turns around. "You think I'm gorgeous?"
Port lifts the book to cover his face. "You heard me. You're not getting it out of me a second time."
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sorvete-de-pacoca · 2 years
Eu tinha esse esboço de uma fic nos meus documentos. Luciano conhece 2p Portugal.
(a máscara é idea da @kaimaciel )
"Você trancou ele no banheiro?!" Arthur grita no telefone. Dá para ouvir Afonso segurando o riso atrás dele.
"E você queria que eu fizesse o quê?" Luciano grita de volta. Depois abaixa o tom de voz com medo de o intruso ouvir "você não viu o cara, ele é.. é estranho!"
"Estranho como?" Arthur pergunta.
"Sei lá, tipo, ele é todo descabelado e pálido. E ele usa uma máscara."
"Que máscara?"
"Uma vermelha, acho que é de madeira. Parece um diabo, pergunta pro Afonso, ele sabe o nome."
Arthur some da linha. Luciano olha para a porta trancada do banheiro. As batidas já haviam parado, o "outro Afonso" nem grita mais. Maldito inglês e as suas macumbas esquisitas. Luciano estava aproveitando sua folga quando um clarão de luz surgiu no meio da sala e um homem apareceu. Fora o cabelo desgrenhado e negro e a máscara, ele conseguiu reconhecer ele como o português que ele já era familiar a anos. A surpresa veio quando ele o atacou, xingando e berrando. Luciano conseguiu ter força o suficiente para jogá-lo no banheiro e trancar a porta. Então se prontificou a ligar para Afonso. O outro outro Afonso.
"José?" O português aparece na linha.
"Você disse uma máscara? De diabo?"
"Sim!" Luciano confirma "tipo aquelas que a gente viu em Podence."
"Ah não" Afonso soa desconfortável "é um careto."
"Isso!" Curioso ele pergunta "mas porque 'ah não'?"
"É uma longa história" Afonso suspira "só mantenha ele aí. Já estamos indo"
"Tá mas não demora, eu- puta merda!" Luciano derruba o telefone. O homem está parado na sua frente. Suas roupas suja de terra. Olhos azuis e gelados o observam por detrás da máscara.
Luciano recua, suas costas batem contra a parede. Seu coração dispara. Ele nunca teve medo do Afonso, nem quando eram inimigos, mas algo nesse homem era diferente. Mesmo que a boca e queixo (únicas partes visíveis de seu rosto) e a voz fossem iguais. Tinha algo selvagem e raivoso nele.
"Como você saiu?" A voz de Luciano soa trêmula.
"Ah criança" o homem sorrir, dentes brancos e perigosos "tens que fazer melhor do que me trancar e jogar fora a chave fora."
Ele se aproxima e Luciano tenta se manter firme. Ele era mais alto, poderia derrubar o mascarado sem problema, ele tenta se confortar com essa informação.
"Engraçado, não estou acostumado com você tão calmo" o mascarado rir "Afonso. Seria esse o nome do meu eu neste mundo?"
Luciano engole em seco.
"Me responda!" O mascarado ordena. Luciano então muda o seu semblante. Antes assustado, agora ele estufa o peito e o encara desafiadoramente. Afonso ou não, uma coisa não muda, ele não responde mais a Portugal.
"Fala baixo comigo, seu fantasma da ópera de quinta!"
O mascarado rosna, literalmente rosna. Luciano teria achado engraçado se ele não tivesse com vontade de dar uns tapas nele.
"Eu não tenho que te falar nada. O que você tem que fazer é sentar bem bonitinho e esperar sua volta para casa. Eu não tenho problema nenhum em te trancar de novo no banheiro e colocar grade na janela."
Quando o mascarado não responde, Luciano aproxima o rosto até sua testa bater na madeira vermelha da máscara.
"Estamos entendidos?"
Para sua surpresa, o homem se afasta e senta no chão no canto com os braços cruzados. Luciano pisca surpreso.
"Espera, você vai ficar quieto mesmo?"
"Sim, mas não por ordens suas" o homem responde "eu quero mesmo voltar para casa. E outra coisa, não teria graça lhe estrangular. Você não é o pirralho orgulhoso que eu conheço. É muito manso."
"Tá okay, eu acho. Você não precisa sentar no chão"
"Não quer dizer que eu confie em você. Prefiro ficar aqui onde eu possa te observar"
Luciano decide deixar como está. Ele pega o celular e manda um texto informando a situação atual. O homem fica imóvel no canto da sala. O que é assustador, mas pelo menos ele não está quebrando nada (como, por exemplo, a cara de Luciano). O mascarado parece uma assombração enquanto ele observa Luciano. Sem saber como agir ele pergunta.
"Tá com fome?"
"Não" o mascarado responde.
"Certeza? Posso te oferecer alguma bebida?"
"Para que você possa me envenenar?"
"Credo!" Luciano diz ofendido.
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slovenlyrecordings · 2 years
DEBAUCH-a-ReNO 2023 - the Sticker Guy! 30th Anniversary bash!
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Slovenly Recordings and WE'RE LOUD FEST proudly present DEBAUCH-a-ReNO 2023 - the Sticker Guy! 30th Anniversary bash!
————————— PART 1: June 16-17-18 in RENO (duh!), Nevada, USA —————————
— appearing LIVE —
The MUMMiES (San Bruno, California)
the KIDS (Belgium! first USA gig in almost a decade)
The ZEROS (Chula Vista, California)
Deadbolt (San Diego, California)
The Trouble Makers (Sacramento, California)
* also celebrating 30 years!
Eddie and The Subtitles (Reno!)
The Okmoniks (Arizona / San Francisco)
LO-LITE (Netherlands)
PUPPY and the HARD JABS (Arizona)
The Saturday Knights (Reno!)
Just Head (San Francisco)
CLARKO (Reno!)
TUBE ALLOYS (Los Angeles)
The Juvinals (Reno!)
– with DJs —
DEBBIE D of Boss Radio 66! (NYC) TONY the TYGER (Oceanside, Calif) VIVI MARTIAN (Las Vegas) PETE SLOVENLY (Reno!) and more to be announced
at WINGFIELD PARK AMPHITHEATER (Downtown Reno, approx 2p-10p) afterparties at CYPRESS (‘Midtown’ Reno 10p-4am)
————————— PART 2: Friday July 14th in VIRGINIA CITY, Nevada, USA —————————
— appearing LIVE —
Wild Billy Chyldish & CTMF  (England – only USA gig in 2023!)
Subsonics (Atlanta, Georgia)
Th' Losin Streaks (Sacramento)
— with DJs —
BAZOOKA JOE (Las Vegas / KC) and more to be announced at Piper's Opera House (Virginia City) established 1863 (Nevada Historical Marker No. 236)
????????? QUESTIONS ?????????
TICKETS will go on sale in late March, and capacity will be limited – subscribe to our email list and we’ll send you a link – you’ll have first chance to grab yours! https://sloven.ly/subscribe
ACCOMMODATION – we’ll provide information / tips for both Reno & Virginia City in late March
JUNETEENTH: June 19th is now a FEDERAL HOLIDAY (aka Emancipation Day / Black Independence Day) — certainly something to celebrate with a 3-day weekend!
LINEUP – the Mummies will play Saturday — other than that, we’re not sure who is playing on which day just yet!  Booking for more bands is closed, sorry.
MORE QUESTIONS? [email protected]
https://www.slovenly.com/wereloudfest #wereloudfest #debauchareno #skeeno #reno #garage #punk #rocknroll #stickerguy
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worldcupgamblefest · 2 years
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Oh, you beautiful Brazilian boy.
If we haven’t already mentioned it, one of us is an Everton fan. And the tournament has been lit up by the club’s former legends.
Strikes from Valencia and Klaasen were nice to see, but a double from Richarlison for Brazil was a little raw. What could have been, if only the Toffees weren’t shit...
Still, a spectacular moment from a man who kept his promise to keep them up and it helped deliver BIG CASH MONEY for two of us.
It was a day of wins all round for two out of three of us. The Swiss rolled over the Cameroonians (sorry) as their front line worked like clockwork (sorry) to cut through the African’s defence like a Swiss Army Knife through hot chocolate (sorry, mainly because I don’t think that one even works). That was good enough for Tom and Neil to win, but Swiss indiscipline meant Alex’s bookings inspired bet didn’t work out. Neil’s £3 is now the biggest of the tournament so far.
A slightly dreary 0-0 between Ukraine and South Korea meant we all drew a blank but Ronaldo’s antics meant better fortunes. The unemployed striker hit the target twice and led his team to victory to give Tom and Neil another win - but the corners dried up in the second half to block Alex’s return.
Finally onto Brazil, and an impotent Serbian strikeforce meant Alex finished the day without a penny, the first QUAD loss of the tournament. Neil just needed the South Americans to win, which they duly did, while Richarlison’s double and a few early fouls gave Tom a win.
Here’s where we stand after day five and the first 16 games.
Alex: £9.38 DOWN Neil: £0.12 DOWN Tom: £4.83 DOWN
I know I like my stats, but these games are coming too thick and fast to work them out properly, thanks to the unique schedule of this year’s tournament. After 17 games at the last world cup, Alex was doing a few pounds better, while Neil is only pennies worse off. It’s a much worse showing for Tom, who was several pounds up in 2018 at this point.
Last summer in the Euros, after 15 games Alex was our leader on just over £2 down. Tom was 2p worse off than now while Neil is performing much better. But honest to god, who knows. Incredibly, we’re just four days away from the halfway mark... Here’s what we’re after today.
Wales v Iran, over 0.5 goals in game - 1/9 Qatar v Senegal, over 0.5 goals in game - 1/10 Netherland v Ecuador, over 1.5 goals in game - 4/11 England v USA, England to win - 8/15
Wales v Iran, Bale to take 1+ shots on target and Wales to win - 11/8 Qatar v Senegal, Senegal to win or be two up at any point in the game - 8/13 Netherlands v Ecuador, under 2.5 goals in game - 8/11 England v USA, England to win - 4/9
Wales v Iran, Wales to win, 4+ Wales corners and 30+ booking points - 3/1 Qatar v Senegal, Senegal to win or be two up at any point in the game - 8/13 Netherlands v Ecuador, 1+ shot on target each team in each half - 1/1 England v USA, England to win, over 1.5 goals in game - 3/4
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fweebie · 2 years
Drew a video with pidge’s 2p! America and Nyo! 2p!america
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