jobthomas · 2 years
Toddler skull
Sometimes, I enjoy getting hugs from my 2yo.
And then I remember this is what she looks like under her skin:
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image source: Reddit
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todddollarphoto · 1 year
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puppyeared · 2 months
"idk i think thats smth parents should tell their kids :/" motherfucker you cant even teach your kids to cough into their elbows anymore
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I have been informed that today (August 17th) is the Black Cat Appreciation Day, so here's my baby 🖤:
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Special features include:
Bushy tail like a squirrel that doubles as a feather duster lol
The softest furr eveeeer. Im not biased lol, out of all the cats ive had shes the softest.
Stealing tubes of toothpaste
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larcenywrites · 2 months
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Look at Kurt and the lil bamfs! 🥺
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esteljune · 9 months
P reacting to 'human' things headcanons {P x reader}
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Thirsty as he is to understand human behavior, Pinocchio is happy to observe and capture whatever makes you that way.
Music and art in general are things that he considers extremely characteristic of human beings. So hearing your voice sing or reading a book to him or watching your fingers trace a drawing awaken an unknown warmth in his chest, something deep and visceral. He couldn't describe it, but you could clearly see a spark of new awareness in his eyes.
Your heartbeat. And how its fluctuations affect your body. Pinocchio would avidly weigh every contour of your face, the watery languor that animates your eyes, the blush flaring on your cheeks, the slightly faster breathing.
So I wouldn't be surprised if he asked you to place his hand on your chest to feel the muffled pulse under the steel palm or if he loved to relax in your arms nestled against your chest while your fingers caress his hair.
The same goes for your body heat. Pinocchio is extremely attracted by the warm softness of your skin and the fragility of your body which contrasts with his cold and eternal one.
Crying. For Pinocchio, the tears that mark your cheeks are something extremely human and exceptional, because through that involuntary phenomenon you are able to reflect your pain and your most intimate torments externally. Which he is unable to do.
Your smile is also something that causes inexplicable phenomena within him. It's something that comes so spontaneously on your lips when you meet his eyes that Pinocchio often wonders what he did to deserve such a sincere feeling.
Pain and suffering both physical and mental is something that as time passes begins to disturb him deeply. He would do anything to alleviate your suffering and not being very good with words he will try to be physically close to you to share the weight of those feelings with you. Plus he would be the first one to want to tend to your wounds or watch over you all night if necessary.
Rest assured that he would see the true beauty in you no matter what condition you are in.
A kiss. At first it would be something extremely curious for him, a mixture of warmth, softness and your breath on his lips. The boy would remain still, leaving you to observe your reactions. It's something that triggers incredible reactions in your body, just by being so close to him. Over time, Pinocchio will end up wanting to be kissed again, the rapid heartbeats of both of you blending into his chest resting on yours.
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coquelicoq · 29 days
was subjected today to the world's cutest form of peer pressure: having an ice cube pressed upon me by a very insistent 2yo, and then having my hand pushed toward my mouth until i ate the ice cube. they didn't prepare me for this in the just say no unit of health class.
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kawuli · 5 months
so, my parents and I came halfway across the country to take care of my nephew while my sister and brother in law have a long weekend in New Orleans for his 40th birthday.
my dad went to urgent care this morning for what we thought was a stomach bug. Instead he's having his gallbladder removed tomorrow.
and the thing h that's been running through my head all day (other than shit I'm responsible for a 2yo now) is "thank God he's over 65 and on Medicare"
because if he was on private insurance my mom would have had to call around to figure out if there even IS an in-network hospital and if his insurance would cover emergency surgery in a different state. They might well have had to book a flight home to go to the ER there.
a couple decades ago, when my dad would have asthma attacks and need to go to the ER, mom would drive him half an hour to get to the in-network hospital because of they went to the one a couple miles away they'd end up owing maybe thousands of dollars in copays.
when I was living in the Netherlands people would ask me about this stuff - I was there during the years when the Republicans kept shutting down the government and trying to repeal Obamacare - and they were shocked that yes, it really is that bad. People can just die because they can't afford medical care.
which is insane! objectively nuts! there is no excuse for that in a country that spends hundreds of billions of dollars on weapons.
but here we are.
and thank God my dad is old enough to be on Medicare.
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herprincess · 2 months
one day until i get my v&v mineez 😛
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greensolsikke · 11 months
1) Sleep or
2) Raid through Allu's dad's public IG for old Käärijä pics
Make your choice - or skip the search and see what I found 😂
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Links are here, here, here, one more here, and another one here. Ah, there's one more. Ok, one more for the ride. And a really old one.
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allthegothihopgirls · 6 months
in the trenches rn
i'm 2 days into reading a 160k word fic and i'm nearing the end but tbh the good part is over and now i'm just waging through.
not in a bad way though the fic is like REALLY good. it's just, the part of the plot i really liked is over.
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anchor-ice · 6 hours
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and while you're all here appreciating the boots
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katribou · 1 year
Your Flynn’s got earrings too! It’s always fun seeing that fluctuate in fan art because that section of ear is covered by Flynn, like the truth is his own little secret!
yes!! i like to think he got his ears pieced moonrise kingdom style. aka him and issachar were just fucking around w fish hooks and well. getting those out wasnt easy
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theninj-art-carrot · 2 years
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i just think she deserves to show off a little ✨💫
Happy N7 day!
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fumifooms · 4 months
Metal Sonic. He was also created to be a weapon but unlike Shadow as a robot he’s not raised with love at all. He has 1 purpose and it’s to kill Sonic, he’s the "superior Sonic", his identity is Sonic his purpose is Sonic killing his original is where his life starts and stops. But even being a robot, he has soo much anger. He’s reckless and does irrational things out of wrath and impatience.
Push him the wrong way and he does a takeover, gets delusional enough — desperate enough that being the ‘superior’ Sonic has failed him, that it may be untrue — to think he’s the original Sonic, and ultimately when Sonic defeats him then again in his last effort he transforms into a huge monster and it’s such a striking visual of just how he has such little sense of self beyond the goal that he thinks will make him worthy of existing and how much he’s willing to self-destruct for it. He finally gets a mouth and he screams. What comes after proving he’s the better Sonic, after crushing him? Then what? What? Even at his highest level of power and social hierarchy and closest to his goal he’s miserable.
Like he hates Sonic he hates him for who he is, for what he represents and for being all that Metal isn’t, but also he wants to be him so so bad. If he could just defeat Sonic, everything in the world will fall into place and everything will be crystal clear, he knows it.
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No but truly, the way time and time again he throws himself into death if it means having even a shot of beating Sonic in any way. He’s always like "being a robot makes me superior, organics are pathetic" but in Reflections he wishes he was as weak as one if it made him closer to being Sonic. He’s not Sonic he can never be Sonic and he knows it but he can’t do anything about it and he can’t handle it. He’d rather die to feel like he’s closer to being Sonic than be superior and apart.
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Dying would have been the preferable outcome, just for a confirmation he can die the way Sonic does. Something that by all accounts should seem meaningless to a machine, but cognitive dissonance is the only way things make sense anymore. He just wants to go off in fireworks. He craves attention, he craves recognition, he craves an identity and for people to acknowledge it, for it to feel if only a little more real.
He’s tired of failing and failing and failing and failing but it’s his fault if he always fails, it’s his hubris, it’s his temper, it’s the choices he actually makes. Or is it his fault? Can we blame him for failing, can we blame him for not being able to best Sonic, the undefeated, the cosmic hero? Or was he just born without the power to best Sonic? Was he just made too weak, his body not strong enough and his program too unwise and dysfunctional. By all accounts if there was a healing arc for him it should be about accepting his limitations, but how crushing it is to even consider that he truly could have been born Not Enough for what was literally his reason to live. Being Sonic is an impossible goal, of course, but beating him is just as hopeless, but a hope he clings onto nonetheless. What else does he have?
He’s mute he’s so so angry he has literally no way to externalize anything. After all he’s a robot and robots don’t need to talk! Robots only have to fulfill their tasks and that’s it! And Metal has been failing his one task for years and years and forever since his first moment of life.
It drives me crazy how much and how often the symbol of Sonic is weaponized. Sonic, The Hero, the virtuous compassionate saint, the fastest thing alive. Victory seems effortless for him. He simply is, as fast as the wind and a living hurricane. He’s even cocky. He rubs it in. By being such a force of nature that so many misguided villains have to overcome as an obstacle on their own personal journey, he becomes the Great Power to defeat to achieve happiness, our protagonist’s triumph feels like fate and it feels cruel.
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It’s him, it’s his story, he always triumphs and whatever failures that means for others they’re theirs to deal with. How can you possibly grow past him when he’s everywhere winning everything and all you know is losing. Did he ever have any shot? Just once. Just once let him prove himself. Sonic is a plague on Metal Sonic’s life. It’s not his fault, it’s never been his fault, but he is, things just are, it’s fate, maybe, and it’s cruel, surely.
Except it’s not inevitable, because several times he gets offered an olive branch and always he agressively refuses it.
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He has some degree of free will, we know it, and he does get opportunities, and yet. He has the key but chooses to shackle himself. He cannot be saved he won’t be saved he’ll never let it
It’s the curse of comics needing a status quo that he doesn’t never redemption arcs except Shard I guess, of course, but tragically it also just… Fits Metal’s character so well, it makes perfect sense. He’s the one doing this all to himself, in a way. The circumstances of his creation and his environment molded him to a degree so existentially intense that the right to exist is achievement-based, what else is there for him? Failure is painful, but escaping the mold you were made for can be so much scarier. The pain, at least, is something you know, have learned to handle.
So he gets comic issues and games showing slivers of him, having an identity crisis and suicidal ideation and breakdowns, but that’s it. He’s a robot so his body doesn’t really matter so he can die all the time, and he does! He usually ends up dying in lava and whatnot, pushed foward and never letting go, always clinging onto his purpose with claws and fraying engines, trying to kamikaze enough for the explosion blast to do what he never achieved in life. Even if he wasn’t desensitized to his own death and didn’t have an infinite amount of bodies because of the AI situation, I don’t think he’d act one bit different tbh. He’s reckless because he’s replaceable, but would he feel any less if there weren’t other copies of him, himself a flawed copy?
He always just… Chooses to not grow, because it’s too painful to acknowledge that your life has been a lie and meaningless and you’re wrong about everything. He chooses to go back to his abusive creator, he always stagnates in evil and does it again and again every day and keeps the rage burning because that’s the only thing keeping him going.
It’s the only thing he has, the rage is the only thing that’s actually his. It’s the thing that fuels him whenever he disobeys orders, it fuels every action he initiates. The only thing he has is rage and he has to keep it this way because otherwise it’d be fear instead.
"See me as I am! No longer afraid of anything!"
Metal only you can fix yourself and you won’t, but know that at your funeral I’ll be there and sobbing
Sonic as an unattainable symbol of excellence and love and goodness and strength and power. Sonic as a reminder that you’ll never live up to what you wish you could be. Sonic as the identity reference point to overcome. The Hero to beat to step out of the shadows and become your own person. The hero to defeat to stop being the villain. Losing my mind
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It feels like he kicks them while they’re down and it’s just not true, but I think it’s crazy good that they manage to make us feel it from the villain’s angle even just from composition sometimes.
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izvmimi · 1 month
i’m reading a weird slew of liver donor studies this am and it’s kind of beautiful how willing people are to give up their body to a loved one 🥺🥺🥺
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