#3 mins away from the bus/train station
goldenpinof · 1 year
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Kraków, straight to the point
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kookieminsuga · 9 months
The Wolf and his Coyote - Part 4
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Part 4! Things are starting to look up!
Summary; Jungkook is the leader of the biggest biker gang in Korea. He is never interested in people unless they can benefit him in some way. That is until he runs into a girl who is the only person who appears to not be afraid of him. New to Korea, Amalia is an artist who spends most of her days working on her comics at her friend Minhyuks diner who also happens to be Jungkooks favourite hang out spot. What will happen when Jungkooks, a man who's heart seems to be frozen in ice, interest is peeked for the first time since he can remember?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Pairing: Gang leader jk x Tsundere, artist Amalia
Rating: 18+ do not interact if you are a minor!
Word count: 2.3k
Genre: Biker gang bts, action, romance, there will be smut down the line, angst, violence, humour.
Warnings: potential triggers, signs of trauma, Jungkook is SMITTEN, mentions of past, motorcycle ride, voice raising, arguing.
Amalias pov:
The roaring sound of engines cut through my thoughts, effectively snapping me out of my hyper fixated state. I look out the window to my right and notice 6 guys on motorcycles pull up. As they take off their helmets one by one, I notice it’s the guys from yesterday. Jungkooks gang. I guess this is the end of my peaceful day. 
Well, it had been very peaceful apart from the moment he decided to come talk to me. I still don’t know what he wants with me. I wish he would just stay away. At least he’s not too pushy. Like him.
I shake my head, not letting those thoughts creep up on me. You’re safe Amalia. It’s all in the past now.
The doors to the diner fly open as one by one those guys start piling in. Starting with one handsome man, black, long hair, cat like eyes, resting bitch face. He looks around the restaurant for his “owner” I assume. His eyes land on me as I look at him and he snickers before walking towards the other side of the restaurant as he spots Jungkook. 
What was that? Anyways, it’s time for me to go. I start packing my tablet and research materials back into my bag. I finish my cup of tea that Min had brought me earlier and get up to let him know I’m leaving. 
The restaurant is pretty busy for dinner time so I just manage a wave as I step out and head towards my bus stop. The bus arrives not too long after that and I start my commute home. 
The route is pretty long. I start with one bus, then a train and another bus. It’s better than sitting at home by myself all day tho, so it’s worth it. I read a book with my headphones on as per usual. About 20 minutes later, I arrive at the train station. As I wait for my train, I hear an announcement being made so I move my headphones to the side to listen.
“Train towards blue lines are all cancelled for the day due to technical issues, sorry for the inconvenience.”
Oh, well hell. I start to think of other ways to get home. A taxi would cost way too much from here for my broke butt. It’s too far to walk as well. I wonder if there’s other buses that lead close enough. 
I start to walk towards the street, where all the buses are and scan the signs to see where they went. Ah, there is a bus that leads close to the other bus I have to take, however it only comes every hour. I look at the time and, of course, the last one left 6 minutes ago. I guess I’ll be waiting here for a while. 
I sit at the stop by the street and take my book out again, getting ready for this long hour. 
Jungkooks pov:
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I wave at my group before heading off on my bike. 
The breeze hits my body as I zigzag through the streets of Seoul. As I drive, there only one thing going through my mind. “She hates your type”. My type. What is my type? According to Minhyuk I have become self absorbed. It shows that he doesn’t know me like he used to. Although the boy he knew is now dead and gone, I still don’t really know the man I have become. All I know is the hatred I feel towards him.
I shake my head, attempting to shake off these negative thoughts and feelings, heading towards my usual patrol. 
As I pass by the train station, I notice something that makes me instantly turn my bike around. Is that..?
I make my way back to the bus stop where a girl is resting her head on the side of the bus stop, sat on the bench with a book in her lap. As I approach her, I notice that it is indeed her. The girl from the diner. Minhyuks friend.
I park my bike in front of the stop, there being barely any cars that pass at this time, and walk up to her sleeping form. I look at her for a minute and she doesn’t even flinch. I kneel down in front of her and look over her features. Long lashes, small but plump lips and a beauty mark right below her left eye. 
She really is nothing special.
Then, her eyes suddenly shoot open, dropping the book in her hand and letting out a scream. 
“Hey hey, it’s just me.” I say, still on one knee before her. 
I take my helmet off so she can see me more clearly.
She looks down at me and then at her surroundings as if analyzing the situation. 
“Wha- what time is it? Why is it dark? Why are you here?” She says as she pulls out her phone and checks the time.
“Oh no! I missed the last bus!” She gets up frantically looking around.
I take my time standing and take a guess as to what had happened.
“Well considering you left the diner quite a while ago, I’m guessing you fell asleep here waiting for your bus until now, did you not? As for why I’m here, I was just driving by when I noticed you and just had to come say hello.” I say with a smile.
“Way to state the obvious.” She says as she rolls her eyes and sits back down.
She appears to be thinking, and as she said she missed her last bus, I guess she doesn’t have a way home.
I roll my eyes right back at her before heading to my bike. I feel her eyes on the back of my head. I lift the seat, pull out my spare helmet and turn back to give it to her.
“Here, I’ll take you home.” I say.
“Why would I trust a stranger with my address?” She says crossing her arms and legs and looking down.
“Oh so you don’t trust me with your address but you trust everyone else enough to fall asleep at a public bus stop?” I say, raising my voice.
I could see her visibly flinch as I did. 
“Who are you to tell me what I can and can’t do? You don’t even know me!” She says, visibly upset.
I sigh and take a deep breath. Arguing with her will get us nowhere.
“Look, I’m sorry I raised my voice. I know you’re new to town, but this area is very unsafe. Especially for woman. So when I saw you sleeping here without a care in the world for your safety I..” I cut myself off.
“You what?” She asks, turning to look at me in the eyes for the first time. 
“I know you probably won’t believe me considering what Minhyuk has probably said about me, but I’m not a bad guy. I care about him a lot and you’re his friend. So no harm will come to you around me, ok?” I say truthfully, avoiding what I was going to say before.
She continues to sit there and stares at me. I see the gears shifting behind her scared eyes that she tried to pass off as anger.
“Fine then, you can stay here.” I say as I turn to place the helmet back in my bike. 
Then I feel a tug at my back. It takes me a moment, but I turn to see her looking at the floor with her hand grasping the hem of my leather jacket.
“I’m sorry. I just.. I..” She stuttered. I could tell she was trying to say something very difficult for her.
“Its ok, you don’t have to tell me.” I said gently.
She nods and I turn to hand her the helmet. She takes it and puts it on like she already knows how.
“Have you ever been on a bike before?” I ask.
“I have. I can drive one too.” She says matter of factly.
My eyes grow wide as I stare at her in shock.
“What? Is it that shocking? Is it because I’m a woman?” She says crossing her arms and staring me down.
“No, I just… I didn’t expect it.” I say while sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck. I quickly put on my helmet. Why does my face feel warm?
I get on my bike and look towards her. She still seems unsure, looking down and fidgeting with her hands.
“Common, I don’t bite.” I say, reaching my hand out towards her.
She looks at my hand for a few seconds before reaching out and taking it in hers. 
My heart skips when our skin touches. What was that? Get a hold of yourself Jungkook.
She then comes closer and throws her leg over, taking a seat behind me. I feel her trying to push back and turn my head to see her grab a hold of the bars on the back.
I sigh in frustration.
“Just hold onto me please? It’s much safer that way.” I say revving my engine.
“Are you sure?” She says shyly.
This girl goes from shy to attitude to shy in an instant huh?
I smile, “Yes I’m sure.” I reach back and wrap her hands around my waist.
With her front pressed against my back, I head off in the direction of her home.
As we drive through the streets, I feel her looking around as if my hometown is all new to her. I hear her little gasps as we come into view of beautiful sceneries. I could feel her loosen and tighten her grip on me as we turn and speed up and slow down. It’s funny, I usually don’t like people riding behind me but I don’t mind it with her. She’s not purposely trying to grab a feel as she holds onto me, like the other girls I’ve taken for rides passing it off as just holding on for safety, no she’s different. She keeps her hands tied together across my stomach and doesn’t move them an inch. 
We approach her street and I come to a full stop. Strangely, I feel slightly upset at having arrived already. She gets off first and then I do the same, kicking the stand up to park. I turn to see she has already taken off her helmet and has the widest smile on her face.
Woah. What a beautiful smile.. 
What was I just thinking? Snap out of it! Luckily, my helmet was still on.
Her hair blows in the breeze as she looks at me.
“Thank you for the ride home. It’s been a while since I’ve been on a motorcycle, I forgot how great it feels. Oh and I’m sorry I was so rude.” She says while fiddling with her fingers.
I take my helmet off and give her a smile. 
“Don’t worry about it. It’s good that you don’t easily trust people. That intuition will keep you safe around these parts.” I say genuinely.
All of a sudden her eyebrows furrow as if she just thought of something.
“Wait.. I never gave you my address. How did you know where I live?” She says while taking a step back.
Oh right. She still doesn’t know I was there that night.
“Yeah about that, I mean, I didn’t want to just say I know where you live. Probably would have sounded creepy at the time.” 
“Well it’s sure creepy now, so can you answer my question?” She says with her hands on her hips. 
I guess the attitude is back.
I laugh at her ever changing personality, which for some reason, I find adorable.
“The truth is, these are the streets I usually patrol at this time a night. I don’t know what Minhyuk has told you, but my gang is not like the usual gang. We like to watch over our city and keep the innocents safe.” She just stands there looking at me as if urging me to continue. So I do.
“One night, I was patrolling as I usually do, when I crossed by this alley and saw a man following a girl. I was about to step in when suddenly, this girl turned and smacked the guy in the balls with her bag.” I laugh at that last part, still finding it funny.
I see her eyes light up in recognition. 
“Oh! You were there that night? I did find it odd that he didn’t try to follow me.” She pondered with her hand on her chin.
“Yeah, don’t worry, he won’t be following you again.” I smirk.
She stares me down. 
“What?” I ask.
“You didn’t kill him, did you?” She says.
I look at her, my eyes then turning serious.
“I don’t kill people. Not unless I have to. It’s not my place to take lives.” I say stuffing my hands in my pockets. 
Although the question stings, I do understand why she would ask. I am the head of a gang after all. It’s true that I don’t like to kill people, but it would be a lie to say I never have. 
“Ok well, thanks again for the ride.’ She pauses,’ and for protecting me that night I guess.” She says, looking up at me.
She hands over the helmet.
“You’re welcome.” I look down at her smiling softly. 
“Have a good night.” She simply says as she starts walking down the alley towards her home.
“Hey!” I say before she reaches her door.
She turns and looks at me with a questioning raised eyebrow.
“What’s your name?” I ask.
She looks at me for a moment before answering.
“It’s Amalia, but you can call me Lia. Consider that an honour.” With that, she turns and heads inside.
I can't help but laugh at her last comment.
Amalia.. that’s a different name. I like the sound of it.
I start walking down the street, beginning my patrol. Unable to wipe this stupid smile off my face.
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danwhobrowses · 27 days
That (Other) Time I was All In
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From this angle it seems like I was farther away, but I assure you I was at least 10 rows closer this time XD
Another All In is in the books and I had the pleasure of attending it again. I promised myself last year that if I was gonna come back it'd only be under 2 requirements; I'd get closer seats and the card had to sell it to me this time. And for the second consecutive year AEW delivered massively.
I'll discuss more below, not a lot of action pictures I'm afraid they all came out blurry.
Also Spoilers for All In 2024 if you don't already know the results
So there are two things to talk about, one is the show (split into before and during) and the other is travel, so I'm just gonna rant about both in case anyone else thinks about going to Wembley in 2026 (or next year if Forbidden Door is at Wembley, they only say London right now).
Travel to and from Wembley
Okay for starters, travelling during a train strike is rough. I get why they picked a bank holiday weekend but what was initially a 45 min to 1 hour train to King's Cross turned into a 2 hour journey, having to take a bus to Bedford and then a train with a bunch of stops, including Luton Airport, to London
Premier Inn needs to update its info because the website said I could check in for free after 11am and the desk said 3pm, I didn't want to leave my bags in there for an extra £10...which bit me in the ass.
Don't make the mistake I made on consecutive years and come off at the wrong Wembley station. There are 3 of them and 2 are quite a walk away from the stadium compared to the one right outside of it. My mood was already tense since my travel had been up to 3 hours at that point but also again the turnstiles swallowed up the ticket I was also gonna use to get back, meaning I paid extra on the way back. Go to Wembley Park, it's on the Circle Line, you can get there via Baker Street too.
Bring as little as possible to the stadium, they think they're fucking airport security and overestimate how many view their website when getting tickets via ticketmaster. When I made it to the stadium I was stopped at the steps, being told that my bag was too big to bring in, and I'd have to pay £10 to put it in a bag holding area - which was a fair walk away from the stadium too. So either way I was forking out cash
Then after hours of waiting, queuing and getting into the stadium I was told that my drinks bottle I had brought from home couldn't be brought in, even when empty, because it was 'too big and could be thrown at someone'. I protested, since they're not gonna reimburse me for forcing me to discard my belongings and were insisting that I go back to the bag holding to put away a plastic drink bottle I took with me last year, but they treated me like I was gonna throw hands - and insisted that the info was on the Wembley website - so I threw it away to placate them. Still a drinks bottle can't get in but you can bring your phone and keys - both of which can equally be thrown to deal even more damage, I'm sure my shoe could do worse too. Just a con to squeeze more money out of you.
Premier Inn has cosy rooms, but I don't like any lights being on, so having a TV always on standby on the wall opposite and a smoke alarm blinking above me was just added nuisance to my aching body and natural difficulty in sleeping, also there's no toothpaste, you can buy some but it seems to be the only thing that doesn't come with the room (and a toothbrush but I brought my own expecting that). Breakfast was nice though.
Before the Show
Despite my travel woes there was some caveats before the Zero Hour began. For one I cross paths with Cultaholic again, they weren't asking questions but they were doing a punishment bit, so I followed behind watching but also trying not to intercept. I shook Tom Campbell's hand though.
After seeing Emi Sakura and Lulu last year I did keep my eyes open for other wrestlers arriving to Wembley, and I did spot another, this time someone on the card (really wanted Emi on this card). Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo were too far for me to approach - they were carrying their kid too so it wouldn't have been appropriate - tbh I spotted Tay before I spotted Sammy, in spite of his sky blue suit and haircut.
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This was how close I was to the ring, and upon getting to my seat I was met with an interesting surprise too, a padded chair and a note...
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So you know all that above nonsense about not being allowed to bring in a drinks bottle because you might throw it and hurt someone? Well they let me leave the stadium with a fucking steel chair, how's that for hypocrisy?
I wasn't expecting to take home the chair, I knew it was a thing for VIP tickets but my ticket never said it was a VIP one. Not easy to carry around mind you and I gotta find a place to put it now...
When soaking in the area I also spotted Lexy Nair and Alicia Atout in their sparkly dresses making their way around to the ramp for the Zero Hour.
Unfortunately we still don't get video coverage of the Zero Hour outside of matches, you hear a few interviews and maybe the screen shows some footage but that's about it, which is a shame.
Lots of fans didn't find their seats until midway after the Zero Hour, and a lot of them liked to move around, get drinks between each match and all that, which could get annoying. Not as many signs in my way though and since I had a bit of space beside me I could shuffle a little bit to the far side for more space. You'll always get the contrarian chanters too, the ones who cheer the heels.
Close seats are great for in-ring wrestling, not so much everywhere else. I understand that wrestlers want fans from all seats to get a look at the action but yeah, even on the barricade it's covered by a swarm of bodies trying to get a look, or get on tv.
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My position had the added benefit of having a good view of the rampway, the place where most wrestlers would stop to get the on-ramp camera was within my eyeshot.
The Show itself
Fans love the commentary btw, Daddy Magic and Schiavone got a lot of love and gave it back too.
Zero Hour was fun, the first multi-man was a bit of a potluck of faces and heels. Private Party came out as faces but then Ari Davari comes out with them? Still match was a lot of fun; Lio and Satnam, Kip getting a massive pop from the crowd, Top Flight going nuts, Kyle being badass, glad Dark Order got to show up too they mentioned it was on their list for the year. Dante and Kyle threw their shades and elbow pad into the crowd too.
Mixed Tag was funny as hell too, Stoke knows his role, liked that Statlander got to wrestle Ishii a bit too. You can't hear me but I do shout 'you're wearing him down!' to Stoke when he's trying to shoulder barge Ishii.
The big 10 man was alright, we all loved Dustin and Shibata, we were still unsure with Sammy but we rallied at the Von Erich's urging. The aftermath with the Claw was better, the botch on Shibata with the throwing powerbomb did make us a little worried.
Jamie Hayter coming back was a huge pop, I was hoping Emi was gonna show up since I expected Hayter for the TBS title match but it's great she's back.
Ladder match was great. Tables didn't really comply a lot in the match but we loved the effort and the narrative and PAC. The image is smaller but you can see me stand up the moment he kicks Christian off the ladder realising he's gonna take it. Great opening surprise win.
Then to hit us with the story-charged women's title bout of Mariah vs Toni. We were in full song for that one, it's hard to gauge the crowd noise when you're so close but you can hear the echoing for the Toni Storm sang in the tune of Daddy Cool chant. Right woman went over too, very strong match.
I kinda feel bad about how effortlessly we the crowd derailed the FTW title match by following Cardiff's lead and cheering for Big Bill XD HOOK and Jericho put on a fine match (cricket balls were dubious though this ain't the Oval) and Tazz showing up was great, but it was a lull in the show. The people around me at least chuckled at my 'He can see! It's a miracle!' when HOOK took his patch off.
It was difficult to gauge the Tag Title match too because we chanted hard for FTR and the Acclaimed during their entrances but they were also at each other's throats. Didn't like the CM Punk chants, it's fucking unnecessary let it go. I knew Sgt Pepper's Young Bucks would win but it did feel like it could've gone another gear.
Grizzled Young Vets walked RIGHT PAST ME! I barely even noticed until I clocked that it was Zack Gibson. Attacking FTR was on brand but it did make the cheering fall to uncertainty, but this is a fresh team to enter the picture.
If I had a nickel for every time Christian Cage did double duty to swerve us all...well I'd wonder why you're giving me nickels we don't use them here. The Casino Gauntlet was a lot of fun, we expected Ricochet but Okada, ZSJ, and Nigel McGuinness coming out of retirement were all big surprises, Jarrett getting cheered like a babyface and cracking Hangman with a guitar, OC with the Mr Bean intro too! But Luchasaurus with the bait and Killswitch, goddammit! He can't keep getting away with this!
MJF/Ospreay was a cream of the crop kinda match. We knew the story would be Max absorbing all of Ospreay's arsenal but it came down to who would be eating the Tiger Driver 97? I dunno if I'm in shot when Max soaked in our corner to a parade of middle fingers but I did tell him his country sucked (had he returned to the corner more beaten I'd have made a healthcare jab). We were all for Ospreay though, thought it was Adam Cole with the intercept first but glad it was Garcia, great match.
The TBS title match was hard to gauge as well, it felt like the crowd was drained a little from the previous match, or just the more misogynist part of the crowd leaving to skip it. There was nothing wrong with the match itself, Moné's entrance was great and that reverse super powerslam from Britt was creative. We tried to will the chants of CEO and DMD but the ending did feel abrupt. Still another correct outcome but I feel like Hayter's return could've been utilized better here.
The TNT Coffin match felt like a sprint. Honestly though even though I couldn't see much of it given how little of it was in the ring I appreciated how Jack approached the match. The real glass and soaking in the boos (Cry Me a River chants are acceptable, 'Fuck CM Punk' chants were not) were great but I particularly loved the storytelling that Jack knew he couldn't outdo Darby in violence so worked to subdue instead, essentially hogtying him to get him in the coffin.
Sting coming back was rumored but still amazing, can't believe I've seen Sting on 2 consecutive AEW shows. I hope narratively we use this loss and outwitting as a way for Sting to coach Darby into trying to find his edge again for his upcoming world title shot.
And well, what can you say about the Main Event? It was the only one I couldn't call down the middle, we were either seeing the end of Bryan Danielson or we were seeing him win his last world title of his full time career. The noise I'm sure was incredible for the Final Countdown, but at ringside it was godly.
So much props to Swerve too, he knew exactly when to heel it up enough with the ring bell and the stomping in front of Bryan's family - a focal point of the match's storytelling - plus with Hangman's surprise distraction we may end up doing a second double turn from this. He was a great world champion, extremely crisp in the ring, and absorbing the Buisaku Knee like an anime villain was a great touch.
But the night belonged to the best fucking wrestler in the world Bryan Danielson. The YES chants are infectious, he pulls off the babyface in peril so well, the constant looking and reaching for his family for strength as well is just chef's kiss. And in a chorale of 50k fans demanding Swerve tap was only droned out by the immense cheer of when he did. My throat is hoarse, my hands and feet are sore, but I left the show happy - albeit in a massive queue for my bags while carrying a steel chair XD
Fortunately the queuing didn't cause me to miss all of Whatculture's live ppv Ups and Downs. I could hear him talking about the TNT title match but it was still hard to hear, didn't help that two guys were arguing in front of me because one was protesting that he hadn't consecutively been rubbing up against his girlfriend and took umbrage with being told to give each other space to avoid it happening again, another guy chiming in with 'it doesn't matter how she feels' when asking for an apology annoyed me too because it fucking does! Both parties left separately a few moments later so I got closer and was able to partly hear more. Then I carried my ass to the hotel and came home the following morning.
All In All (pun intended), another fantastic show of wrestling. Travel and external factors had threatened to dampen my experience but it was great nonetheless. I doubt I'll go to Texas but maybe 2026 I'll run it back again. In the meantime we'll simply soak in the joys of multiple debuts, returns, title changes and Bryan Danielson as a World Champion again.
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shranstan · 1 year
usamericans are insane. "i live close to the bus stop, only a 15 minutes walk away" BRUH? "theres a convenience store 30 minutes away, too!" BRUUUUH? i'd get it if it was a rural region but it's about living in a city. for the record I live like 5 minutes away from a bus, 3 minutes away from a convenience, 10 mins from a big grocery store and 15 mins away from a train station. (all walking times)
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schwarzeneggr · 6 months
i visited the clinic today and they approved me 🙂 i was genuinely so fearful because my psychiatrist told me not to be so negative at the approval meeting while i was talking abt my dark thoughts cause they "might not accept you since they only take stable people" (wat the fuck ? genuinely traumayizing to hear a psychiatrist tellin me to shut my mouth)
the clinic is fantastic, i will have my own room with a key, there are nurses and psychologists and psychiatrists and doctors so I feel i will be well taken care of even thou I will have to do most of the work ofc. They even have a FILM CLUB. i genuinely went batshit insane over this. Like it has cured me immediarly. Theres a small sport room too (nned to loose weight) and the patio is beautiful. I am free to leave one night a week, and go out between 9am and 8pm. Theres classes about finance management ?! cooking ?! and general life management. And they help with procedures to get a job etc. Just mind boggling that I had this clinic about 20 bus mins away from me and never knew until i got a referal. Its litteraly a 5 min walk away from a big cinema too. feel like im gonna cry. Im going to be very awkward with other patients i think ill keep to myself honestly, try to work on my grad movie and pick up everything i left off. The nurse who guided us said that alot of patients arent here for psychiatric issues which surprised me coz I was expecting to be with other deviants LOL. It makes me afraid honestly that they might not have the experience with dealing with someone with my symptoms (mood swings and derealization and freak outs etc) as well as an actual psych ward...But then again with the way I was treated last time im not wven sure psych wards have experiences with treating mentally ill patients. we'll see ? I dont want to think positively about my future i dont want to think of the future at all to be honest but im genuinely looking forward to that stay. It will be 3 full months that can extend to an entire year if needed. Its like 2 min walk away from the train station to so I can actually go to class when i can 🤯
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Jen's take on yesterday's experience:
 We left Titisee at 10.30 this morning to catch our train to Ulm which was going to take 3-4 hrs arriving around 3pm. It is now after 6 pm and following numerous trains in the wrong and then the right directions we arrived at a fly-ridden abandoned station with no sign of anyone anywhere. No signs to tell us what to do, no indication that there is a problem with the train!  Flies were terrorising us as the bins had not been emptied since Nero fiddled and Rome burned!!!
Looking a bit bewildered on how we get from there to Ulm from this fly infested station, suddenly a man poked his head out of a door  and in our non German and his non English pointed around the corner and we managed to find out we had to catch a bus to another station to further our trip to Ulm. What a debacle! 
The flies decided they wanted a change of scenery and decided to join us on the bus, dive bombing us such that our arms nearly fell off from shooing them away.  However we are now on the train to Ulm (we hope) and finally rid of the infestation of flies that were free loaders on the bus , we are on our way…….um we hope. Sitting here for another 15 mins the trains motor cuts out.  WHAT! Will we really get out of here? 
….. phew finally we move. 
So  I’m sitting here on the train (after the days events) stressed out of my eyeballs wondering where the heck I left my phone!  Ugg!
I forgot I just gave it to Bob to read something - relief 
It’s been a hard day. (Not really but I had to make it an interesting story) 
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travelnew · 3 months
Ankai Tankai Trek
The first monsoon trek of year 2024 on 30-06-2024.
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It turned out to be dry weather, with lots of clouds and mild sprinkling of rain. The poncho was not used at all and the umbrella was used sparingly.
We had the longest return journey ever, starting from 12:30 pm to 10:45 pm. Though comfortable, it was tiring. Phew.
This blog post is divided as follows:
How did we go?
Grade: easy.
There are well maintained steps made by ASI for Ankai and there are rock cut steps from olden days going towards Tankai.
Base village: Ankai village.
Nearest railway station: Manmad (10 km).
ROUTE: Dadar > train > Manmad > walk to Manmad ST bus depot (10 minutes away) > rickshaw to Ankai village > trek begins & ends > rickshaw to Manmad railway station > train > Dadar.
We had reservations in 3AC sleeper while going and AC chair car while returning.
Distance trekked = 4.49 km.
Moving time = 1 hr 48 mins (Single way up from base to Ankai to Tankai).
Total time taken = 4 h 16 m (Single way up from base to Ankai to Tankai).
29-06-2024, Saturday.
23:00 start.
30-07-2024, Sunday.
01:15 train journey starts (train was delayed by an hour).
07:15 reach Manmad & have tea.
07:30 - 08:00 rickshaw from Manmad ST bus depot to Ankai village.
08:00 trek begins.
12:15 Ankai & Tankai sightseeing complete.
12:30 return journey begins.
13:30 reach base of the fort & rickshaw from Ankai village to Manmad railway station.
14:00 reach Manmad.
17:00 train from Manmad to Dadar in Tapovan express.
21:45 reach Dadar.
22:45 reach home.
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Mauli darshan - first day of Wari - we passed by the warkaris.
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History of the Ankai fort.
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Trek begins - well maintained steps all along the way with a few rock patches all the way to Ankai. The way to Tankai has the olden rockcut steps.
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On the left is Ankai and Tankai is on the right in the above photo, clicked from the base of the twin forts.
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You will see these ruins as you pass by.
There are 3 groups of caves that you will pass by.
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There is an inscription on one of the pillars of the caves.
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Manmad darwaja - the first gate of the fort.
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In of of the middle cave cluster, there is a Trimurti gaurded by the 2 dwarpals.
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Another fort gate with steep steps to climb.
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Tankai fort seen from Ankai.
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Ashram of Sage Agastya (Rushi) at the top of Ankai fort.
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Snake coils like grass growing more on Ankai fort, than on Tankai.
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Now we descend and go to the intersection before Manmad darwaja and go to Tankai.
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That is the Hadbichi shendi or Thumb's Up mountain, seen from Tankai.
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Ankai seen from Tankai.
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What could these circle of round holes on Tankai be?
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A temple is in dilapidated state at Tankai.
Ankai seen from Tankai.
65/- rickshaw between home to railway station.
1125/- AC sleeper & AC chair car train tickets.
165/- rickshaw between Manmad & Ankai village (250/- was single way journey & 500/- was return & 500/- divided by 3 passengers).
40/- tea.
TOTAL = 1435/- INR in our usual TTMM way.
Enjoy the short clip.
Enjoy the short clip here on YouTube.
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umichenginabroad · 4 months
Stockholm Wrap-Up: Tips and Tricks
My time in Stockholm has come to an end. I am now waiting for my co-op to begin! The past semester has been a wonderful 4 months that I will never forget. 
I gathered a few tips and tricks for people planning to study abroad! I couldn’t find lots of information specific to Stockholm when I was searching for info, so I thought this could help future students. 
Hope you enjoyed my TMI posts, and thank you again for reading/glancing/trying to read them until Tumblr told you to create an account! 
The following notes are solely subjective to me so take them as suggestions, not facts!
Basics of Sweden
Very reserved but nice when you ask something 
Almost everyone speaks English 
Everyone is entitled to their freedom to roam around - basically, you can go anywhere except for private property 
Fika = a break with coffee and pastry
Sweden seriously recycles! Make sure you follow all the rules and throw away the right stuff at the right place 
Through the pant system, you can get money back from empty cans/bottles. ICA usually has the pant machines so make use of them and get your money back! 
Information on Google Maps is accurate
People are generally silent in public places, including the streets 
Public transportation (run by SL) is well-distributed and punctual in Stockholm
Metro comes every 5 minutes or so. It runs until late at night around 12 am or 2 am 
High-speed trains are mostly free but if you go past a certain point you need to pay an extra fee, so ask the representative in the stations OR check the map OR check the SL app 
Night buses run every day and are free with the SL card that DIS gives you 
To and from Arlanda airport: 
Arlanda Express - high-speed train
18 mins + alpha to/from your house
Fastest to T-Centralen but a little expensive 
Does not run throughout the night 
~$16 one way 
~$32 roundtrip 
Flygbussarna - bus 
40-50 mins total 
Bus stations are distributed throughout Stockholm so you can get on and off at desired stops 
Runs all throughout the night 
~$15 one way (to/from Hornstull)
~$27 roundtrip (to/from Hornstull)
10 SEK is a little less than $1
Swedish crowns = Kroner = SEK
Almost all the stores are cashless - wireless tap or cards are the norms 
ICA, The System (national alcohol stores), and flea markets are some of the only places that take cash 
DIS program
Gives unlimited public transportation card, three 200 SEK worth of ICA gift cards for groceries 
Attend the DIS-hosted events if you can! They offer diverse programs for free. The following are some examples: 
Sip & Paint - fika while you paint! 
Bowling night 
Ice skating
Billiards/arcade night 
Ticket to dance performances 
Yoga session 
Visits to museums 
Guided tour to castles like Gripsholm 
DIS Festival is the last event of the semester that lasts about 2 hours where you can present your learnings, enjoy stations like a photo booth, eat catered food, and hope to win the raffle  
Start learning the basics of Swedish through apps in advance! Duolingo was mainly how I learned Swedish 
Hi = hej (hey)
Bye = hey då (hey do)
Thank you = tack (tac)
Thank you so much = tack så mycket (tac-so-micket)
Sorry = förlåt (fur-lat)
Excuse me = ursäkta (ooh-shak-ta)
Go out and explore the city whenever you can! Get that vitamin D
Main airlines: 
Ryanair: cheapest flights that are good for weekend trips with a backpack. It can be strict with the backpack size so ensure that your bag fits the size requirements. You need to buy every little thing you can think of, even water  
I heard Easyjet is similar to Ryanair
SAS youth: high-quality service with a cheaper price if you are between 12-25 years old. The seats run out very quickly so book in advance!
If flights get delayed for 3+ hours, SAS provides monetary compensation (a lot more than you think) so check it out if your flight gets delayed or canceled 
Norwegian: I personally didn’t fly Norwegian but I heard good things about it 
KLM: usually expensive 
If traveling with friends, an app called Tricount is very useful to sort out all the money stuff. You can enter who paid how much for every single occasion and at the end of the trip, it gives you a suggestion on who should pay how much to whom 
What To Bring: 
Bring a wide range of clothing - you will experience all four seasons during your one semester in Stockholm!
Winter suits: thick jackets, gloves, scarfs, hats
Swimsuits: Don’t forget to bring swimsuits for sauna/polar plunging in Stockholm and beaches during your academic/personal travels!
Fanny pack: it was very useful when I was traveling to places known for pickpocketing (London, Barcelona, Italy, etc.)  
Travel-size bottles! 
Many Airbnbs and hostels did not have shampoo/conditioner, so I always carried around shampoo and conditioner in mini-containers (under 100 mL). They are useful for skin care products too!
International Travel Adapter 
Plug types are all different in Sweden, United Kingdom, Malta, Italy, France
Check before you travel! 
Hygiene product information for girls 
The tampons that they sell here are very small 
I didn’t see any stores selling big pads, so I’d bring enough for an entire semester
What Not To Bring: 
Toiletries were surprisingly very cheap in Stockholm: cotton pads, toothbrushes, floss, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, body lotion, etc. No need to bring them if you don’t have enough room! 
Normal was my go-to store for these products 
Where To Study: 
Espresso House - the most popular chain in Stockholm imo
Wifi, charging stations
Good smoothies (mango chia is my fav) and pastries (cheesecakes, croissants, Kanelbulle) 
Wayne's - similar chain
Wifi, more charging stations
A lot of people chatting or studying 
Illy - chain with chill studying vibes 
Wifi can be a little goofy sometimes 
Good studying atmosphere - everyone is working on a laptop 
Avocado sandwich is good 
Where To Go: 
For grocery shopping/basic goods: 
ICA: $600 gift card that DIS gave me lasted me the whole semester! I cooked and bought groceries with my roommate, so we technically had $1200 together for one semester
BUT I ate out a couple of times each month and traveled a lot so if this is not the case you might run out quickly! 
Normal: they sell a lot of basic goods ranging from toiletries to stationery to snacks. It is not too expensive either so if you want something small but don’t know where to go, I’d check out Normal after ICA! 
IKEA: We went just for fun and sometimes for food. Cheap Swedish meatballs and 70-cent vanilla ice cream make the visit worth it! 
Go thrifting - there are lots of options! Many thrift stores are located side-by-side in Slussen, T-Centralen, and Mariatorget. Keep in mind that there are some vintage stores, but they are generally expensive (average $40). Read the descriptions of each store below if you are interested. This list of thrift stores is in ascending order by price: 
Myrona & Humana: both are chains that sell clothes on the cheaper side. I loved to look around the wide selection even if I had nothing to buy in mind 
Artikel2: the one I went to was huge - there were lots of jean products 
Stockholm Stadsmission: a chain with reasonable price and quality. You can find lots of gems when you spend time digging! 
Arkivet: a higher-end second-hand store with abundant high-quality clothes such as Tommy Hilfiger, COACH, BOSS, COS, etc. The one in T-Centralen is my personal favorite! I suggest this store if you’re looking for durable clothes like trench coats, jackets, etc. The expensive clothes are much cheaper than the original price, but the clothes that are usually cheap (ZARA/H&M) are a bit overpriced 
Check out museums - the following list is in descending order of preference: 
Paradox Museum: plenty of photo spots! I’d suggest going with someone else so that you can take photos of each other 
Tekniska Museet: a lot of science and technology stuff, but it’s not boring - it is a multistory building with innumerable interactive activities. Don’t forget to check out the video game rooms on the top floor!
Banksy (pop-up): Banksy’s artwork illustrates the political and historical issues through Banksy’s perspective 
Fotografiska: exhibitions switch every few months: I loved Rinko Kawauchi’s photo collection! 
Skansen: open-air museum with reindeer and historical housings! It is hugeeee so spare some time if planning on going here
Vasa Museum: museum with a well-preserved 17th-century ship that got salvaged 
ABBA Museum: The museum is smaller than I expected, especially when it is on the more expensive side. However, there were a few interactive activities (dancing stage, karaoke stations, silent headphone dancing spot, etc.) and numerous photo spots!
For people who love nightlife - check out the following list: 
Cafe Opera: nightclub 
Secret Garden: gay bar in Gamla Stan
Liffey: Irish pub in Gamla Stan that has live music and karaoke 
RoQ: bar with arcade games 
Beer and play: casual drinking bar - a lot of DIS students went on Tuesdays to drink beer and socialize 
Avoid Time bar: the $15 cocktails are good but there are too many old men who approach young girls :((  
Wander around in… 
Gamla Stan: I can’t emphasize my love for Gamla Stan enough; as the old town, they have a lot of historical buildings and museums in addition to rows of souvenir stores and cafes. There are a myriad of small paths (+ the narrowest street in Sweden) you could take - I loved getting lost in Gamla Stan! 
Fika and Wine - good authentic Swedish food: meatballs are very good 
PANEM - my absolute favorite dessert cafe! The mango mousse cake is one of the best desserts I’ve ever tasted 
Monteliusvägen: This is a perfect spot in Mariatorget to enjoy a view of the city while you take a leisurely walk. I went there multiple times with friends and on my own. It's the perfect place to have your sunlight intake!
Rosendals Trädgård (Garden): Although it’s a bit far away from the center of Stockholm (on an island that also has Skansen and Grona Lund amusement park), it is a place you need to visit in the spring. Little stores sell postcards (I was about to buy 5 but I realized I’m broke and only bought 1; however, I am regretting my choice right now. If I could go back I would buy all of the ones I picked out), keyrings (I bought four acorn keyrings for my family), vases, etc. There are greenhouse-looking cafes where you can eat food and desserts. And don’t forget to smell and take pictures at the flower gardens!
Kungsträdgården: ice skating in winter and cherry blossom festival in spring!
More places to visit in Sweden: 
City hall 
Stockholm Public Library 
Gröna Lund = amusement park
Westfield Scandinavia = mall 
Stockholm Observatory 
Östermalms Saluhall = food hall 
Day trip to Uppsala 
What To Eat: 
MAX - Swedish burger chain 
More popular than McDonalds! 
There are a ton of vegan/vegetarian options - and I heard they are good 
Sweet potato fries are gas 
Brödernas - Hamburger restaurant 
Right next to the DIS Stockholm building
Outdoor sitting is a must in spring! 
Top sweet potato fries 
Florentine - Italian pasta/pizza place
The pasta here is sooooo good 
Cocktails are fabulous too: Florentine on the Beach is my favorite 
Carls Deli - Italian restaurant 
After eating their pasta I agreed with the 4.8-star rating on Google Maps
In a food hall in T-Centralen 
Very busy all the time! 
Noburu - best sushi for reasonable prices 
Near DIS Building (about 10 minute walk)
DELICIOUS food and AESTHETIC plating
Dry ice for decor 0_0
IPIN - cheap and good Japanese food
Near Hornstull 
Everything was around $10 
Ramen, sushi, and donburi were all good!
Sushi Yama - a chain where you can select nigiri types
Nigiris are small but delicious 
You can choose quantity and type of nigiri - I recommend grilled salmon; it literally melts in your mouth 
Matchaya - ramen and bubble tea
Close to DIS (about 15 minute walk)
Good ramen (I suggest the miso base)
Love their fruit bubble tea
TooGoodToGo - you can get leftover food that would’ve gone to waste at the end of the day for cheap prices! 
Happy Sweet Potato - bubble tea
I got 3 different bubble teas on top of a cup full of coconut jellies + pudding for less than $8
It sells out rapidly so I’d set a timer and snatch the deal when it opens 
ICA - groceries OR fruits and veggies OR bread
I only ordered bread here but I’ve noticed that the other options run out fast 
Got a bag for less than $5 if I remember correctly
Good for students who need sandwich bread + want pastries like croissants and vanilla/chocolate bread
Bakery Hornstull - bread OR cake
I love the owner couple… They’re so sweet and kind
I got 4 paper bags filled with all sorts of bread - there were a lot of big bread/sandwich bread though  
When I bought a cake for approximately $7, she let me choose between two cakes (we usually don’t get to pick)  
Eataly - pizza
My friends did it here and got three pieces of pizza for $3 
I missed my chance but you could do it! 
PANEM - pastries (!!! Mango mousse cake !!!)
PLEASE try the mango mousse cake if you like not TOO sweet fruity desserts
You can only purchase alcohol from The System, which is owned by the government - US ID like driver’s license works sometimes 
Briska pear cider is extremely popular for a reason 
All the ciders I tasted in Sweden were good but I especially liked Somersby ciders 
This is all I can think of! 
The four months in Stockholm reminded me what life really is, what I enjoy, what I am comfortable with, what I need to work on, and how I want to live my life. 
I am so grateful for all the opportunities and support I have received. Now, it is time for me to move on and enter a new stage in life. I’ll be looking back on these precious memories whenever I need a refresher :) 
I genuinely loved studying abroad, especially in Stockholm. I hope you had fun reading these weekly posts as well! 
Thank you and goodbye, 
Jiwoo Kim
Chemical Engineering
DIS Study Abroad in Stockholm, Sweden
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mitmama · 5 months
French Riviera travel tips
Nice | Villefranche-sur-Mer | Monaco | Eze | Ventimiglia | Food | Travel Tips
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The French Riviera is a perfect April vacation spot, with beautiful scenery and architecture, comfortable weather of 60-70 degrees, and delicious food. We landed in Nice, and traveled around mostly by train, which is quite convenient. It's only 50 minutes to train from Nice all the way to Ventimiglia.
Where to stay
Hotel selection to me is all about the location. In Nice we stayed two nights at Hotel Cresp, an affordable hotel right on the Promenade des Anglais, next to the Opera House. There's a small terrace with nice sea views. Downstairs is a good bakery and just a block away an ice-cream shop. Cross the promenade and you're at the beach.
A couple of blocks away is Cours Saleya the famous flea market, and further on the old town. Overall super convenient. It is on the 3rd floor though so a few stairs to walk or there's an escalator.
Because the hotel isn't so close to the train (you'd have to take the tram a few stops) and because it'll be nice to stay in a more intimate town vs. Nice a big city, I also booked 3 nights at an Airbnb at the next town over.
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I was really happy we chose Villefranche-sur-Mer. We ended up staying at one of those colorful buildings to the upper right of the picture below. It's about a short 7 mins walk to the train station. The beach here is sandy instead of pebbly at Nice.
Train & public transport
Public transportation is excellent here. The airport especially is well serviced by a tram, connecting the two terminals and also taking you to the town. We took a bus to the Nice hotel since it's on the coast. Then from Villlefranche-sur-Mer we take the train to Nice Saint Augustine near the airport, then hop on a tram for 2 stops for the terminals. Google Maps is super helpful on routes.
The easiest way to get to different towns is using train, which is fast and efficient. It's runs usually every 30 minutes. You can buy ticket the day of, pretty convenient. The only thing to watch out for is making sure you're close to the door during busy commuting hours. We ended up unable to get off the train in time and had to take the train back at the next stop.
Also watch out for pickpockets. For two days in a row we ran into them at the Villefranche-sur-Mer station. They used the same technique: they'd ask you a question and try to block u from enter the car. Then under a sweater or jacket for cover, they'll reach into your purse or pant pocket. So be very careful. We were alert and fought off both attempts
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From the Nice Hotel, we took the tram, then train. With luggage and the wait, it wasn't easy. We probably should've requested an Uber Van. You should do at least a few rides in an Uber along the coast, to experience the twisty roads and and the gorgeous views.
I love going to bakeries and grocery stores and seeing what they have. The milk and yogurt here in France is excellent. Fruits are a bit more expensive. Most French are very chill and I tried to speak some basic french like Bonjour, Merci, and Au revoir. And ask for "deux croissant" or "un pain au chocolat". Most people speak English readily. In fact we only ran into one restaurant in Villefranche-sur-Mer that spoke only in French.
For eating out, most restaurants close at 2pm and reopens at 7pm. We highly recommend making reservation e.g. online for popular or highly rated places in Nice. There was a long line at Restuarant Acchiard, good we already booked when we walked by during lunch and saw the line. People eat late and really enjoy themselves.
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I typically book an Airbnb with washer, so I don't have to pack too much clothes. Usually just two carryons for my kids and me. I do wished I packed swimsuit. There were definitely some brave people swimming in 60-70 degree weather at both Nice and Villefranche-sur-Mer.
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spookylightwhispers · 6 months
i used to use google maps a lot, i guess i still kinda do but i realize the routes they provide for public transport is just so unhinged like practically all the time
like you can take a bus to the nearest train station but google maps will be like, you can walk for 30 mins and then take the train. or if they're feeling generous, they'll tell you to take the bus that's like 15 mins walk away (instead of the bus stop 3 mins walk away) to get to the train station. OR if they actually tell you to take the bus that's literally the fastest route, they'll tell you to take it in the opposite direction and get on the train from the next estate over.
or even if you're just taking the train, instead of giving you the route with only 13 stops they'll give you the route with 20 stops. ??? i asked for best route possible and this is the best you can give me?? there should be a 'shortest route possible' option. i'd rather change trains 2 times and get there in a shorter amount of time than change trains once only to waste time going forward and then going backwards.
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Manjri Pune's Best-Kept Secret - A Locality Review
If you are looking to invest in affordable flats in Pune near a suburban open space close to some of the prominent IT parks, Manjri in Pune is the location you should be looking for. One of the most promising and booming micro-markets of Pune, Manjri, a suburban locality near the IT hub of Kharadi has been in the eye of several developers and businesses. 
The neighborhood of Manjri is comprised largely of IT professionals as the location shares close proximity to Kharadi, Magarpatta, and Hadapsar.  The region has superb connectivity with the airport and the Pune railway station making it perfect for frequent travelers. Its serene environment and lush green surroundings make Manjri a desirable choice for families and individuals seeking a peaceful yet well-connected place to call home. In this comprehensive locality review of Manjri, we will be covering essential factors such as infrastructure, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, recreational options, and the overall quality of life. We will also explore the current real estate trends, property appreciation rates, and the potential for future growth in the area. Join us as we explore the untrapped treasure Manjri has and what makes it stand out as a prime location for those seeking a perfect blend of urban convenience and natural serenity.
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Map of Manjri, Pune 
Also read - Relocating to Pune? What questions should you ask? Locality Snapshot of Manjari, Pune Area Size: 1048.34 hectares
Pin code of Manjari: 412307 Population : Total 3900                   (Male) 21348                   (Female) 18152 Police Station: Manjri Budruk Police Chowki, Tal Haveli, Manjari Budruk,
Nearest Airport: Pune Airport (10km from Manjri Budruk) Nearest Railway Station of: Manjri Railway Station (7Km)
Nearby Localities to Manjari, Pune Belekar Wasti - 850 m Ghule Vasti - 1.1 km Hadapsar- 9.2 km Manjari Khurd -1.5 km Manjari Budruk- 400 m Magarpatta -8.7km
Connectivity 1. Road Connectivity: Manjri a prominent industrial area situated close to Pune-Solapur Highway is seeing a steady growth in residential localities largely due to its strong connectivity to tech hubs like Hadapsar and Magarpatta. This is eminent from the many residential projects in Manjiri that has cropped up recently by some prominent developers like Godrej Properties,  Vaishanavi Developers, Monaarch Buildcon and many other. 
As a result of its proximity to the Pune-Solapur Highway, the city's connectivity takes a significant leap. Several neighbourhoods within 8 km of Manjari include Viman Nagar, Hadapsar, Kharadi and Magarpatta. Moreover, its proximity to the airport and railway station at a distance of 15 km and 13 km respectively gives it an edge.
Metro Connectivity 
Not just road connectivity, the proposed Pune Metro is sure to improve connectivity to the area in all ways. Not just road connectivity, the proposed Pune Metro is sure to improve connectivity to the area in all ways.  The Hadapsar - Loni Kalbhor is the metro route that is closest to Manjri. From Manjri, Loni Kalbhor is just 8 kms away, allowing residents of Manjari to utlise the convenience of metro connectivity. 
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3. Pune Railway Station Connectivity from ManjriIt takes 14 mins to cover the 11 km distance between Pune Station to Manjarai station. The train service starts from Pune junction and arrives at Manjari Budruk. As frequently as 35 trains are in operation on the route throughout the week. There are plans to run long-distance trains soon from Manjari railway station, which will make the connectivity of the region stronger.  
4. PMPML Bus Services:There are Direct PMPML Buses available from Manjri Bus stand to all major localities in Pune like Bapusaheb Magar Wasti, Keertane Bag, Magar College, Maruti Mandir and many more.         
Social Infrastructure
Educational Institutions: Families residing in the area have access to a range of options, ensuring a strong foundation for their children's academic growth.  Some of the top Educational Institutions are Kunjir Public School, Inspire International School,  Elpro International School, Mount Litera Zee School and many more. Some of the important colleges are Dhole Patil Junior College Of Arts Commerce and Science, Dhole Patil College Of Engineering and others. 
Healthcare Facilities: The presence of well-equipped hospitals, clinics, and healthcare centers in Manjri ensures that residents have access to quality medical services. Sai Care Multi Specialty hospital, Apollo Manjari Multispeciality Hospital, Siddhivinayak Women Hospital and many more are well-equipped for regular and emergency check ups. 
Recreational Spaces: Manjri has a lot of greenery and open spaces which means residents can enjoy walks in the various parks Manjri has. Mhaske Baug, Mahalaxmi Kid's Garden, Nana Nani Garden are some of the popular parks of the region. 
Shopping and Entertainment: The social infrastructure of Manjri includes shopping centers, malls, and entertainment zones, ensuring that residents have access to retail outlets, restaurants, and entertainment venues for leisure and convenience. Top malls in Manjri are Amanora Mall, Seasons Mall, Reliance Mall and more.
Places of Worship: The locality is home to places of worship, such as temples, mosques, and churches, catering to the spiritual needs of the diverse community residing in the area.
Banks and ATMs: The presence of numerous banks and ATMs in the vicinity ensures easy access to banking services, adding to the convenience of residents' daily lives.
Proximity to IT Parks Nestled a mere 4 km away from Hadapsar, Manjri emerges as the perfect residential haven for professionals working at prestigious IT hubs like Koregaon Park, Fursungi IT Park, and Magarpatta City. With neighboring property prices going north, Manjri is the most attractive choice for homebuyers seeking affordable homes in proximity to IT hubs in Pune 
The strategic location of Manjri offers residents an enchanting blend of lush greenery and convenient access to these prominent IT companies. For those yearning for a tranquil living experience amidst nature's embrace without sacrificing the convenience of a short commute, Manjri stands tall as the ideal destination.
As Pune's IT sector continues its upward trajectory, attracting talents from near and far, Manjri's allure as a prime residential choice is set to grow.
Upward Price Trend of Flats In ManjriTwo of the most prominent sub-localities in Manjri are Manjari Budruk and Manhari Khurd and 1BHK and 2 BHK flats in Manjri Pune have seen strong price movements. The most searched projects in the region are Godrej Urban Retreat, Vaishanavi Niwas, VTP Cygnus, Le Pappilon and many more. The Average price per carpet area of Manjri is Rs 10,500 sq ft. So far in 2013, the average price per sq ft has seen a 9.5% rise so far, while in 2022 it rose 13%.
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At present, there are more than 20 listed properties, out of which 16 properties are of 2 BHK configurations, 10 are of 3 BHK and 14 are 1 BHK flats in Manjri. The Average Price of 2 BHK Flats in Manjri is Rs 41.70 lakhs, while the average price of 1 BHK flats in Manjri Pune is Rs 21.58 Lakhs and that of 3 BHK is Rs 96.79 Lakhs. 
Projects by Prominent Real Estate Developers in Manjri Manjri, has emerged as a sought-after residential destination, attracting prominent developers who have undertaken various residential projects in the area. These projects cater to the diverse needs and preferences of homebuyers, offering modern amenities, thoughtful designs, and excellent connectivity. Some of the Popular Projects are VTP Pegasus by VTP Realty, Shiv Zen World Phase III by Shiv World, Satyam Prima by Satyam Constructions and many more. The area continues to witness the development of new and innovative projects, making it an attractive destination for homebuyers seeking quality living spaces and a prime investment opportunity in Pune. Conclusion In conclusion, Manjri in Pune proves to be a hidden gem that has it all - affordability, excellent connectivity, and a robust social infrastructure.
The allure of Manjri lies not only in its affordable housing options but also in its lush green surroundings and access to a wide array of social amenities. Educational institutions, healthcare facilities, shopping centers, recreational spaces, and convenient public transport options contribute to the seamless living experience in this neighborhood.
For more information on the locality or about projects in Manjri, Pune call us at 022 6849 3649 or visit us at dwello.in. 
FAQs What is the pin code of Manjri, Pune? 
The Pincode of Manjri Pune is 412307
What is the weather of Manjari in Pune?
Manjri, being located in Pune, experiences a typical climate of a tropical wet and dry region. The city has three primary seasons: summer, monsoon and winters. What is the average price per sqft in Manjari Pune?
The Average price per carpet area of Manjri is Rs 10,500 sq ft. 
What is the flat rate in Manjari Pune?
The Average Price of 2 BHK Flats in Manjri is Rs 41.70 lakhs, while the average price of 1 BHK flats in Balewadi Pune is Rs 21.58 Lakhs and that of 3 BHK is Rs 96.79 Lakhs. 
What is the distance between Manjari to Hadapsar?
The distance between Manjari to Hadapsar is 9 kms. Is Manjri under PMC?
Manjri comes under the 23 newly added villages under Pune Municipal Corporation. 
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daisyvstheworld · 2 years
Day 17 - Jan 17 - Grindelwald/Jungfraujoch
I woke up super early for NO REASON bc I didn’t even make my original train. I was sad that I was leaving so I took my fine time. I pooped and then I packed up, went down to breakfast at 7:10ish. The breakfast buffet was so nice!! The restaurant was super pretty and the mountain was just appearing as the sun was rising. There was an omelette station but I just got scrambled eggs, some mini waffles (bad), fruit, cheese to sample, and coffee. Turns out they had yogurt lol I didn’t have to buy yesterday. Wish I had known.
I was originally planning to get to the train station for the 7:48am departure but I took too long to eat and poop again, and then the front desk wasn’t open so I couldn’t check out until 7:55am :( the lady said the bus ran every 15 mins but I waited and it never came so I just walked down to the Grindelwald station and waited for the 8:18am departure. There was a huge group of Korean tourists that all went WHAAAA at a flock of birds flying away
Anyways that group left on a different train and I hopped on mine. Once I got to the terminal, it looked like there were only skiers and I was like uhh wtf am I not supposed to be here.. but eventually I saw 2-3 other tourists. The lockers didn’t work so I had to pay 10 francs to put them in the peoples back office -_-
The view up was soooo pretty!! It’s kind of cloudy today but I think it’s supposed to clear up a bit at the top. Idk I hope so at least.
I went to the bathroom once we got to Eigergletscher since the next train wasn’t departing for 20 mins and literally when I got out of the stall, a bunch of people were waiting in line and then this huge ass group of like 40 Korean tourists showed up at the ticket line I was like wtf
We got on the tram and it was a 30min or so ride up, through a tunnel in the mountain.
OoF this altitude!! We took a stop at Eismeer and of course it’s cloudy and shit so you can’t really see anything but you can see how vast the snow valley is. And it’s windy so it was cool to see the little snow storm
Once we got to the top; the swarm of Korean tourists began hahah I did the tour a little out of order because it was so chaotic but it worked out! My selfie stick really came in clutch
Unfortunately it was super cloudy and windy so you can’t really see much 😭😭 but I got some cool photos and they even had a little picture op showing that this was a film location for Crash Landing on You.
The Lindt workshop area didn’t appear to be open and Restaurant Crystal looked closed too but I found out it just opened at 11am so I just waited a couple minutes for it open and ordered my alcoholic coffee and cheesecake 😊 took my Pepcid AND lactaid like a responsible asian. Lowkey I was hoping the sky would clear up a little before I left 🥲 it did not lol so I left.. a little disappointing but tbh I should’ve checked. When I checked, it said it was gonna be sunny but it LIED or I forget when it was supposed to be sunny and I left too early.. but I rather go to Lausanne than wait for the chance of it potentially clearing up even though it looked very unlikely. NEVERTHELESS, I am grateful for the opportunity and it felt cool to just be at the top. It does have a kind of surreal splendor being that high up surrounded by snow and winds. It feels like I shouldn’t be there considering how wild the weather is. Wish it was a little/lot clearer but no regrets!!!
Ok I’m on the last train rn to Lausanne.. and oh my god. Taking trains in Switzerland is nice but sometimes you gotta pray your train is on time or you’ll mess up your ENTIRE schedule. I’m done with transfers now but I just took 3 trains to get to where I am now. If I missed any of them, I’d be panicking.. the train from Interlaken to Spielz was stressful bc we just stopped 10 mins out from the station to wait for an oncoming train??? So the announcer said we’d be a few minutes late and I was like BRUH we’re supposed to arrive at 1:51 and then I’m supposed to catch a different train at 1:54!!!! What do you MEAN A FEW MINUTES LATE
Luckily we were on time or just a minute or so late and it’s a small station so I just sprinted across the platform and got on the next train. I’ve had to take out my passport every single time they check my ticket, but luckily I think I only have to do it once more after this when I take this train later to get to Geneva. It’s been snowing all over the country, it’s quite pretty!
I got hungry and ate the last pretzel bread, but as I was eating I realized that this bread is like 3 days old.. like I brought it all the way from Salzburg, Austria… oh well, it’s in tummy now. Along with the random shit I had for breakfast, a coffee with whipped cream and Williams, and a cheesecake. Lol.
Je is back on the train to Geneva - it’s 6:15pm. I have sweat so much today. I am wearing SO MANY LAYERS. I went from being in -18 degree weather to like 35/40 degree weather carrying all my bags and walking up hills. To say I was sweating at the Olympic Museum is a SEVERE understatement. I thought I was gonna have a freaking panic attack, but I didn’t wanna waste time by taking layers off bc the museum was closing in 2 hours. The museum was suuuuper cool!! Gave a history of the Olympics going back to the origin in Athens and moving to modern Olympics who apparently a French man brought back in the early 1920s, ain’t that wild! He was very much about the unity of art and sport. There were exhibits on the development of Olympic sport, the host cities, the demonstration of art and culture, ALL the torches from the ceremonies displayed, and the stories behind them all. I wish I had more time bc it was truly so cool. Then they had an exhibit of artifacts donated by athletes and the games. The last one was more interactive and shows the athletes village, their nutrition/health/well-being, and a zone for people to play games and such. Quite cool, quite cool indeed. Again, wish I had more time. But I rushed the last bit to make sure I had time to walk through the gift shop really quick, go to the bathroom, and grab my stuff. I took a couple of quick photos at the Olympic park and started back. I feel so musty at this point (and hungry) that I just wanted to get to Geneva. I walked back to the metro and hopped on the Ouchy line back to Lausanne Gare. It’s only 2 very quick stops, but when we hit the first stop, this man came SLIDING into the door and ended up not even getting in. His foot didn’t make it through the train door, only the station door. It looked so painful though - he was a pretty skinny man and I think he slipped on accident. He got up pretty fast though. But I gasped really loudly bc it felt like a cartoon in a movie.
Anyways I got on the train. It’s quite packed. I wanted to eat but I don’t wanna eat in front of all these people so I guess I wait until I get to Geneva.. and walk 10-15 mins to my hostel 😭😭.. and check in… 😭😭😭
I have done so much today. I’ve taken 7 trains today. Plus the metro. I’m so tired 😭
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thepennytraveller · 2 years
Taiwan Trip Fifth Day. We went to Martyr Shrine which is near the Grand Hotel. We arrived there at 10am. We had to walk back and forth because we don't know where it is after getting off from the bus at the Grand Hotel waiting shed. After 30 minutes, we walked back to the waiting shed for the bus back to Jiantan MRT station. After less than 10 min, a bus arrived and we disembarked at a university a few meters away from Jiantan station. We walked to the underground walkway to cross the street and used the escalator to reach the ground floor of the Jiantan MRT station. We rode the MRT (red line) to Chang Kai Shek Memorial and arrived there at 11am. We left the memorial at 12nn and rode the MRT to Taipei Main Station. We walked back to the direction of our hotel and had lunch at the resto where we had our dinner on our first day. I ordered rice with chicken curry which has 2 to 3 pechay leaves added. Hubby ordered beef noodle soup. At 1:30pm we returned to our hotel to get our luggages at the receptionist area at the 3rd floor and went to Taoyuan MRT Station. We rode the express train at 2pm and was at the Taoyuan International Airport Terminal 1 by 2:45pm. We used our excess Taiwan Dollars to buy pasalubongs. We boarded the plane back to Manila at 6:30pm and the plane left the tarmac by 6:50pm. We were back in Manila by 8:50pm. We had dinner inside NAIA Terminal 3 at Burger King. We walked to the bridgeway of Resorts World and upon reaching the ground floor, walked to McDonalds. We hailed a taxi going to Maek's townhouse in Sucat, Paranaque to get the Wigo. We left Paranaque at 11pm and arrived in Los Banos at past 12midnight.
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People belonging to select employee groups in UtahĪFCU was started back in 1939 as the Fort Douglas Civilian Employees Credit Union.
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Anyone living within 12 miles of the Mesquite, Nevada city post office.
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You don’t need to download an individual bus app or train app, Moovit is your all-in-one transit app that helps you find the best bus time or train time available.įor information on prices of Bus and Train, costs and ride fares to America First Credit Union, please check the Moovit app.People who are eligible to join this credit union include: We make riding to America First Credit Union easy, which is why over 930 million users, including users in Marriott-Slaterville, trust Moovit as the best app for public transit. Get directions from and directions to America First Credit Union easily from the Moovit App or Website. Want to see if there’s another route that gets you there at an earlier time? Moovit helps you find alternative routes or times. These are the lines and routes that have stops nearby. You can get to America First Credit Union by Bus or Train. Looking for the nearest stop or station to America First Credit Union? Check out this list of stops closest to your destination:ġ2th St 1198 W (Slaterville) Ogden Station. View schedules, routes, timetables, and find out how long does it take to get to America First Credit Union in real time.
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Moovit provides free maps and live directions to help you navigate through your city.
America first credit union how to#
Wondering how to get to America First Credit Union in Marriott-Slaterville, United States? Moovit helps you find the best way to get to America First Credit Union with step-by-step directions from the nearest public transit station. Public Transit to America First Credit Union in Marriott-Slaterville The 613 is the last Bus that goes to America First Credit Union in Marriott-Slaterville. What time is the last Bus to America First Credit Union in Marriott-Slaterville?.The 613 is the first Bus that goes to America First Credit Union in Marriott-Slaterville. What time is the first Bus to America First Credit Union in Marriott-Slaterville?.The 750 is the last Train that goes to America First Credit Union in Marriott-Slaterville. What time is the last Train to America First Credit Union in Marriott-Slaterville?.The 750 is the first Train that goes to America First Credit Union in Marriott-Slaterville. What time is the first Train to America First Credit Union in Marriott-Slaterville?.The 12th St 1198 W (Slaterville) stop is the nearest one to America First Credit Union in Marriott-Slaterville. What’s the nearest bus stop to America First Credit Union in Marriott-Slaterville?.The nearest bus stop to America First Credit Union in Marriott-Slaterville is a 3 min walk away. How far is the bus stop from America First Credit Union in Marriott-Slaterville?.These Bus lines stop near America First Credit Union: 613, F618. Which Bus lines stop near America First Credit Union?.Ogden Station is 4479 yards away, 53 min walk.12th St 1198 W (Slaterville) is 210 yards away, 3 min walk.The closest stations to America First Credit Union are: What are the closest stations to America First Credit Union?.
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casegreys · 2 years
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You don’t need to download an individual bus app or train app, Moovit is your all-in-one transit app that helps you find the best bus time or train time available.įor information on prices of Bus, costs and ride fares to Condominio Brisas De La Florida, please check the Moovit app.Countries with a national lottery Africa We make riding to Condominio Brisas De La Florida easy, which is why over 930 million users, including users in Floridablanca, trust Moovit as the best app for public transit. Get directions from and directions to Condominio Brisas De La Florida easily from the Moovit App or Website. Want to see if there’s another route that gets you there at an earlier time? Moovit helps you find alternative routes or times. These are the lines and routes that have stops nearby. You can get to Condominio Brisas De La Florida by Bus. Looking for the nearest stop or station to Condominio Brisas De La Florida? Check out this list of stops closest to your destination:Ĭomando Policía Licorera De Santander (N-S) Universidad Santo Tomás Eds La Riviera. View schedules, routes, timetables, and find out how long does it take to get to Condominio Brisas De La Florida in real time.
Moovit provides free maps and live directions to help you navigate through your city.
Wondering how to get to Condominio Brisas De La Florida in Floridablanca, Colombia? Moovit helps you find the best way to get to Condominio Brisas De La Florida with step-by-step directions from the nearest public transit station. Public Transit to Condominio Brisas De La Florida in Floridablanca The AF1 is the last Bus that goes to Condominio Brisas De La Florida in Floridablanca.
What time is the last Bus to Condominio Brisas De La Florida in Floridablanca?.
The P7 is the first Bus that goes to Condominio Brisas De La Florida in Floridablanca.
What time is the first Bus to Condominio Brisas De La Florida in Floridablanca?.
The Comando Policía stop is the nearest one to Condominio Brisas De La Florida in Floridablanca.
What’s the nearest bus stop to Condominio Brisas De La Florida in Floridablanca?.
The nearest bus stop to Condominio Brisas De La Florida in Floridablanca is a 3 min walk away.
How far is the bus stop from Condominio Brisas De La Florida in Floridablanca?.
These Bus lines stop near Condominio Brisas De La Florida: AF2.
Which Bus lines stop near Condominio Brisas De La Florida?.
Eds La Riviera is 3134 meters away, 41 min walk.
Universidad Santo Tomás is 2886 meters away, 37 min walk.
Licorera De Santander (N-S) is 559 meters away, 8 min walk.
Comando Policía is 154 meters away, 3 min walk.
The closest stations to Condominio Brisas De La Florida are:
What are the closest stations to Condominio Brisas De La Florida?.
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