#3 people in my ask box you are not forgotten. theres just things important and more important
seth-burroughs · 7 months
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I will not stop until there is at least one more person in this fandom that's as obsessed with these two as I am
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sparksnevadas · 9 months
Sparks, sparks no need to apologize and I hope you’re feeling a tad better ^^!! I was just gonna go on my neon green alt w/o anon if it was broken today too so no worries (my account constantly breaks so, I just assumed it was that lmao)
Also, I do not mind if there are multiple asses as to say, I am going to beat them all up, if my major has taught me anything it’s patience <3
I am suddenly surrounded in fear hearing that we’re nearing the end, but look as long as it doesn’t end in a mayor death- (I’m starting into your eyes w my own soggy eyes, don’t ask why they’re soggy, but like really staring into them) I do hope you have fun with any reveals you may have left or giving out scares as big as chapter 19 :)
I do find it very funny that Grian tries to categorize everyone into boxes, only for the people in question to break out of them in one way or another, like Scar not being the “stupid harmless villain” that he was thought to be at the start and everything around Mumbo and Bdubs and Chapter 21 itself- but it also makes me really curious about some details that we don’t get to see cuz of Grian’s own bias and general underestimating, SO you bet chapter 21 opened a floodgate in my mind as to questions around the world GIHASM’s in (I’m still a tad rabid, writing this got me all happy again hehe)
Once again, I hope you’re doing well nowadays, luv you too!! And sorry for actually not rambling too much, I work like a vampire and need to be invited in so I didn’t wanna disturb you? 😔
…Also I haven’t forgotten about the doodles, but switched workspaces so having to restart the file, sorry about that one
tumblr is a funtioning app 🙃 /sarcasm
Lmao, patience would be an important part of beating multiple asses, i agree xD see i think theres also the proverbial ass of “things cant change overnight, especially if the public sees you only as a good thing” so real, lasting change takes a lot of effort….
(Look, no one ever said my political ideas were subtle)
I think eyes should be soggy! Better than dry :D and idk about reveals… mostly trying to tie lose ends more so than reveals… and maybe some unexpected twist? Tee hee
How many times do you think grian saw the HA literally commit an injustice in front of him and said “yeah thats okay, its the HA”? Although…
Something make him want to double shift as poultry man, right?
Zeph! Not allowed to say sorry anymore its fine!!! I like the rambles in any length
And dude I definitely forgot about the doodle LMAO so no pressure on them, take your time!
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castielsparkle · 1 year
62, 80, & 98 for the ask meme
hii thank u sm!!!
62. seven characters you relate to?
oh great heavens. okay. i need to post my kinlist but perhaps posting this instead will be like microdosing on that. LMFAO
castiel spn
twilight sparkle mlp
dexter morgan dexter (<- NUANCE i swear to christ im normal about that)
the mangle fnaf
will byers stranger things
jesse pinkman breaking bad
jane villanueva jane the virgin
you may ask. what the fuck do these characters have in common. well. thats. yeah
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
OUGHHH god this was so hard...... jewel tones for me personally however on other people i tend to be more drawn to earth tones!! (my gf is an earth tones guy for example!)
98. favorite historical era?
oh good heavens im gonna explode. ok. SO. man. man. man. theres so many im probably forgetting because i am very autistic about a lot of historical eras. however. wait i need to mention. i took art history classes however sadly due to the time in my life i took them at i do not remember jack shit</3 and also i was super autistic about history as a kid but ive forgotten most of that as well. the things i remember clearest however are:
italian high renaissance (who else is a davinci girl bc I AM!!!)
pleistocene epoch (aka: the ice age) SHOUTOUT TO THE SMILODON!!! i love you more than anything american scimitar cat<3 american scimitar cat smilodon is my best fucking friend now and forever. FUN FACT. i was so autistic about this when i was like 6 or 7. that when assigned a school project to get a cardboard box and turn it into an animal and then put facts about the animal on the box. i turned mine into a scimitar. wait i havent elaborated. those are a relative of the sabre-toothed tiger. Anyways. my box animal was a scimitar. i was later informed i was the only child in the history of that project in that class to have done a presentation on an extinct animal. i felt So Special and happy. :)!!
honorable mention: baroque period went off the shits as well. AND YOU KNOW WHAT. SHOUT OUT TO SPECIFICALLY THE 1880S. THATS WHEN THE LAST TARPAN (widely considered ancestor of majority of modern horses) AND THE LAST QUAGGA (subspecies of plains zebra) PERISHED. YOU WILL FOREVER BE FAMOUS. speaking of the 80s. big huge fan of the (19)70s for architecture and musical purposes. and also i just miss the 2000s every day. lol<3 oh god wait i cant post this without saying shoutout to the thylacine i saw one at a dc museum unexpectedly and legit almost started crying. wait. i think i have a photo of me with it. hang on. ( i visited the museum for my birthday<33) ok i found the photo and im gonna preface this with: this area of the museum was Empty and in a corner i was wearing my mask the rest of the trip. wanted to clarify that its important to me. anyways. when the fucking autism hits:
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it was the one behind the curtain btw. thank you so so fucking much for these questions btw so so fun to answer they hit Niches in my Autism brain.<3333
hii feel free to ask more here anyone whos interested!!!
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nie7027 · 5 years
Super5 headcanons pt 2
Edit:    Part 1    Part 2     Part 3    Part 4   Part 5
Minegishi can only stare
"Where the fuck have you been?"
"What do you care?"
"Why are you here?"
"I was bored"
Shimazaki could be here to kill him for betraying him but Minegishi is too tired for this and there are dishes to wash.
In the time it takes him to do the dishes and calm down his plants, shimazaki falls asleep so he goes to the living to room to get a better look at the man
Shimazaki looks almost the same except maybe a bit thinner and with possible hollower eyes. The crooked nose is definitely new. A crooked nose?? Did he broke his nose at some point?? He is even wearing the same clothes as last time. His precious jacket ripped at the edges. Scorching marks and bullet holes here and there.
With a long sigh he takes out his phone, turns off the volume and opens the super3 chat(the too spicy for Seris innocent eyes). The messages start to come in rapidly
Minegishi: Shimazaki is back
Hatori: what
Hatori: what do you mean Shimazaki is back???
Shibata: how did he find us? Did he try to fight you?
Minegishi: i mean he is asleep on my couch. No, he just ate all of my cereal.
Shibata: what the fuck?
Hatori: what the fuck?
Minegishi what the fuck indeed
Shibata: did he say what he wants? Do you know why is he here?
Minegishi: He didnt talk and I dont know
Hatori: what do we do?
Minegishi: i dont know.
Minesishi: i cant make any calls or else he could wake up and seri isnt logged in so can someone call him and tell him whats going so they can take the necessary precautions
Shibata: im on it
Shibata: hatori is freaking out in his room anyway. I think he is begginin to build a security system.
Minegishi: ...
Shibata: yeah yeah ill go calm him after i talk with Seri.
Minegishi stares at his phones and then at the man on his couch, he cant blame them. Shimazaki is a really dangerous person and they dont know what he is doing here. Minegishi just wanted to do the dishes, water his plants and go to sleep.
The super5 will never know but Shimazaki wasnt lying per se. He WAS bored.
After he ran away from the fight against seasoning city espers he hid here and there taking his sweet time at recovering and once he did(his nose still felt strange but he ignored it) he started to look at what to do.
He joined many criminal organizations, afterall a teletransporter was very valued in the underworld. But not matter how petty or big the crime was, he got bored. So he ended leaving all of them. he even left some in the middle of a important job, not caring whether his employers got caught or not( it was their fault for being stupid and not having a backup plan anyway)
After some months of this he realized he was bored of normal criminals. He was bored of normal persons with narrowed mindsets who conformed with just comitting stupid crimes. HE HAD BEEN PART OF A PLAN TO TAKE THE WORLD and now he was trafficking some drug?? Lame.
Most of all he missed the thrilling sensation of being surrounded with persons that could actually put a fight against him. So he searched for something alike to claw, an organization of espers.
His search turned out fruitless and he decided then he should return to where all started. Claw. It was time to pay a visit to his expartners.
It took him just a week to locate them. It would have took him just a day but he was finally having some fun and god he was gonna drag it all he could.
So here he was in a tiny empty apartment, the crazy amount of plants with a certain aura being the only indication that it belonged to Minegishi...WHERE THE HELL WAS HE? Oh well. He had been waiting for a year. He could wait a little more. In any case in his hurry to get here he forgot to eat and he could hear a fridge running.
Shimazaki, still on the sofa, wakes up the next day at the sound of a blender. He is being held in place, bounded by lots and lots of thick green vines and sturdy roots from which he easily frees himself. The moment he does so the noise at the kitchen stops and an annoyed minegishi steps out. Shimazaki can feel him tensing, preparing for an attack and that makes him smirk .
Until an alarm clock goes off that makes Minegishi mutter a curse
"If you are gonna do something do it now. I have better things to do and i have to go now"
"Better things to do?? What can possibly be better than this??"
"I have work so if you are gonna just stand there and smirk be my guest"
"Yeah, work. you know? That thing you do for a living and that contributes to society? Fuck it.You probably dont. Anyway i gotta go" Turning his back on shimazaki is probably the worst idea but he couldnt sleep at all, he is late and he hasnt had breakfast so if shimazaki wants to kill him he will gladly accept it.
He miraculously manages to exit his apartment and make it to his work. He only hopes theres an apartment to come back later.
Shimazaki can only stare increduously to where minegishis used to stand. 'Work'? 'Contribute to society'? THE FUCK WAS HE BABBLING ABOUT this was completely unexpected and he doesnt know what to do until he notices theres a smell coming from the kitchen where Minegishi left his untouched breakfast. Well he supposes he can muse how to proceed over breakfast.
Hatori isnt allowed to use his phone at work but he is too anxious to care and he has powers to do it without anybody noticing
Spicy3 chat
Hatori: how did it went?
Minegishi: ...well...i guess?? I am alive and my flat was still in one piece last time i saw it
Hatori: he didnt try anything?
Minegishi: he woke up when it was time for me to go...so i just kinda left
Shibata: you just left? He didnt try to stop you???
Minegishi: no
Minegishi:but i think...
Hatori: WHAT
Minegishi: i think he is...tired.
Minegishi: I bound him while he was sleeping and he never woke up nlr stirred. He didnt notice.
Hatori: weird
Minegishi: i know. Worst of all i couldnt eat and i have 2 hours more left until my break.
Shibata: i can pass on my way to gym and sneak you something
Minegishi: thanks
Hatori: if you want you can hang in our apartment for the time being. We still need to know what he wants
Shibata: yeah, and if he shows up we can fight him together💪
Minegishi: if Seri asks, everything is under control
It takes a week for Shimazaki to finally show up. Meanwhile Minegishi has to use Hatoris and Shibatas washing machine to wash his work uniform daily(it can get very dirty when you work in a flower shop) because his other sets of uniform are back at his place trapped with Shimazaki. So is his money and he has to lend some from Hatoris and shibatas and ask his boss for an advencement in his payment. He hates Shimazaki more now.
They cant do anything but stare blankly when he suddenly shows up in the middle of the living room where they were eating pizza holding an empty box of cereal and says "Theres no more food back there and i want more of these but i cant see how they are called" while pointing at the box.
Sometimes its very easy to forget he is actually blind. Hatori weakly says the name of the branch of cereal he is holding and Shimazaki dissapears again before anybody can say anything.
"Did everybody saw what i just saw right??what the fuck? What the fuck?" shibata exclaims
"...my food"minegishi laments
Its not until an hour of wondering what was that and wracking their brain for an asnwer after that shimazaki returns, a brand new box of the cereal in his hands. He picks up a slice of the forgotten pizza and sits besides Shitaba.
"You didnt pay for that did you?" asks Shitaba
Shimazaki just turns around and stares st him with his hauntingly empty eyes "you too?"
"Weve changed"
"Yeah we have jobs and stuff, we help peopl"
The man frowns and rapidly done with the conversation teleports away.
Minegishi finally returns to his place, his web of plants telling him Shimazaki isnt there anymore. Re stashing his fridge and cabinet is a pain in the ass.
Shimazakis plan had been to either find his expartners and form something alike to Claw with them or just antagonize them until he gets the fight he so much craves. None of that has happened because all of them had turned to a bunch of weakling pussies and he cant even find Serizawa.
He could still try to fight them but he bitterly realizes he wont get any satisfaction of beating them if they keep acting like that, restraining themselves and trying to be civil as if they werent the same persons that destroyed this very city a year ago. It would be like punching flowers!
The point was to get rid of his boredness and now he is just angry!
He needs them to drop the act.
Thats when a plan starts to form in his head and he smirks. He is going to show them what they are missing on.
Thats how he finds himself back in minegishis apartment.
"Im just saying you could probably grow tons of weed, good quality of course. And i take care of the transport i know a bunch of people-"
"Weed? Are you serious? Is this why you came back? To start a drug trafficking bussines?"
"Im just saying with my teletransporting abilities and yourplant thing we could save lots of money in transport and become richer than-"
He then tries with shibata, approaching him during one of his morning running routines. Teletransporting every 2 meters at his side while he keeps running clearly ignoring him
"With your force, not that i need it, we could terrorize all the bussines of a whole prefecture and force them to pay for protection. We win, they win"
"Not interested"
"Why not?! It would be so easy"
"I dont want to"
"Could you stop running? This is important"
"No thanks"
"You arent even listening!"
He finally tries with Hatori thinking he would be the easiest of them
"You hack the system and we force all those politicians to pay us to not release all their dirty secrets"
"I am busy"
"No you are not. You are playing mario kart. I can hear Yoshi"
"Ive changed"
"Have you? Really???" at this point Shimazaki raises an eyebrow, he is so done and he wont keeo with this bullshit "because everywhere i have been, and i have been everywhere, the interpol, cia, you name it HAS BEEN AFTER ME whereas you three can waltz into a store like nobodys bussiness. WE COMMITED THE SAME CRIME. WE DESTROYED THIS CITY so how come im the only one being persecuted? Huh? You think I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU DID"
Hatori pauses the game and glares at him. Good, he is finally getting a reaction.
" i did what had to be done and i wont let YOU of all people tell me-"
"Me? Of all people? You believe yourself so grand and high when you are nothing but THE SAME AS ME" immediately shimazaki feels hatoris aura flare. what must have been his console shifting and changing into something new. Whatever it is, he is sure he can block it.
"Really? You are gonna fight me? I want to see you-" a horrible sound like nothing he had ever heard before pierces his ears making him howl in pain and he teleports away.
After that accident shimazaki never mentions Hatoris dirty secret again but that doesnt stop him from keep trying to get them to commit felonies again.
He thinks he once "saw" Serizawa on the street but his aura was quickly eaten by the aura of the person by his side. He didnt stayed to find out and quickly teleported away.
And this goes like this for 3 months, his proposals becoming more and more desesperate until one day he just... gives up.
Shimazaki should have left or killed them months ago but for some reason he prefers to stay here. He wont admit it but hes having more fun living on their couches annoying them than what he would have had they accepted his proposals.
He takes special delight in annoying them when they had hard days. (Minegishi comes home covered in something stinky and almost strangles shimazaki with his own hands after he comments this wouldnt have happened if he had accepted to traffick weed in a yacht with him)
...besides he has noticed that now in both apartments there is always a box of his favourite cereal (hatori sweared it was the cereal what placated Shimazaki given how docile he was whenever he was seen eating it, shibata and minegishi just liked it)
The super3 cant believe it themselves but they have now gotten used to the constant presence of Shimazaki in their lives (which isnt surprising given they spent at least 3 years together).
Well constant is a way to put it because the man still has the habit of dissapearing 3-5 days every once in a while and reappearing like nothing happened
But they know this cant keep going like this and thats how minegishi finds himself texting the super3 chat one day he comes to an empty apartment
Minegishi: is shimazaki there?
Hatori: yeah, hes playing smash with shitaba
Minegishi: playing smash??
Hatori: its seems he learned the patron of my movements by observing me and now hes kicking Shitabas ass as princess peach
Minegishi: ?
Hatori: we told him he was playing bowser
Minegishi: whatever, tell him to bring his ass back. I need to go grocery shopping and i need his help
"Why would i help you grocery shopping?" says shimazaki suddenly to his right
At the same his phone sounds 2 times
Shibata: hatori said something to him and he just teleported
Shibata: is safe to assume he is with you?
Minegishi: yea, im taking charge from here
"Im teaching you to do grocery shopping"
"I dont need you to teach me shit"
" yes, you do if you want to keep eating that cereal you like and that you finished this morning"
Shimazaki raises his eyebrow, teleports and after 5 min returns with 5 boxes of the damn cereal in his arms
"There. Its done"
"THATS NOT THE POINT"Minegishi stops, breathes amd tries again "Shimazaki you cant keep doing this and i dont mean just the whole robbing, i mean i dotn know what you do when you dissapear for days but when you are here you just eat our food, wait for us to come home from work and then annoy us?"
"So? I can do whatever i want"
"Do you realize how pathethic it sounds?Is this really all you want to do? Do you even know what you want to do?"
Shimazaki doesnt wanna hear anymore of that and teleports
He ends teleporting to a random alley where he passes the night
The next days his mood isnt any better and he spends them sleeping, terrorizing random deliquents he finds in his way and kicking bags of trash until one day of the "bags" lets out a yelp.
Its shibata who finds him some days later during one of his running routines when he follows the sound of a hurt dog
Expecting to see a bunch of nasty kids terrorizing a poor animal he steps up to confront them only to find his missing "friend" glaring at poor dog and screaming "STOP COMPLAINING ITS YOUR FAULT FOR NOT MOVING I DIDNT EVEN KICK YOU THAT HARD"
He texts a quickl "Found him" to the group chat and marches up to him
"You shouldnt be kicking random things in the first place"
"Get lost"
" are you sure you didnt kick him hard? He is limping and we both know your kicks arent exactly soft"
"If i had wanted, a limp would be the least of its problems" still he makes a face as if he isnt sure
With a sigh Shibata carefully picks up the dog and motions to shimazaki "theres a vet nearby. You kicked him so you own him that at least. Dont worry ill pay" he doesnt wait for Shimazakis response and walks, relief overflowing him once he hears footsteps behind him
The consult is quick and the vet gleefully hands shimazaki "his" dog while she explains to shibata the treatment they should follow the next three months
Shimazaki...had never in his life pet a dog, much less carried one. His fur feels dirty and is tangled everywhere but the vet said it just needs a bath. It is warm and he can feel and hear his steady breaths. His mental eye allows him to perceive the flowing of his blood, the currents in his brain, the beating of his heart...all what makes a living being held in his arms. Things he has always perceived but never payed attention. The fact that the dog starts to lick his hands doesnt go unnoticed and he feels strangely calm. His grip tightening.
They are about to exit the clinic, shibata saying his last thanks when a woman and a girl enter. That very moment the dog starts to squirm in his embrace. And he doesnt know what to do
"Hey are you alright? I can hold it if you want" asks shibata noticing his turmoil
" yeah, its just the stupid dog WHO HAS FORGOTTEN HE CANT WALK"
The girls who shibata notices has red puffy narrows her eyes and yells "DONT CALL HIM STUPID YOU ARE THE STUPID" before turning to look at shimazaki, whatever she was going to say next is forgotten as she stares with wide eyes.
Both the moms and shimazakis replies are drowned by the girl scream of "UESAMA! MOM ITS HIM ITS MY DOG"
For some reason shimazaki feels his blood run cold and lifts up the dog even more when the girl comes clashing at his legs desesperately trying to grab her dog
Shibata who noticed shimazakis earlier expression cant believe what hes seeing (please god, please tell me he isnt gonna fight a girl over a dog) when the vet decides to come out to see what is happening
"Im sorry, my little girl believes those boys over there have Uesama"
"Uesama?..." the vet stares some seconds in confusion before her eyes grow wider "Oh how didnt i notice it before! Im sorry sirs but it seems you have found this little girls dogs" the vets looks expectantly at shimazaki
Shimazaki who has been holding a very squirming dog and listening to the screams of a girls is starting to get very annoyed. The tempation to teleport away with the dog too big to ignore. Hes about to do it when he hears the dog crying again.
With a huff he hands it to the very thankful mother and exits the clinic as quickly as he can.
Shibata follows suit "I saw your face before they arrived. I can tell what you did"
"Shut up"
The walk home is strangely quiet but at least he is back.
The joke on the spicy chat is that the super 3 are dumb and believe they are protecting oh so pure Seri when in reality they just share dumb penis jokes while Seri is actually riding Reigens dick.
And yes as his last crime Hatori threatened with realeasing all the state secrets of all the goverments and provoking a worldwide crisis if they didnt allow them to try to live normal lives
I just noticed this is more of a fanfic than a list of headcanons now but meh. What i wanted to actually be part 2 is gonna be part 3? 4? I didnt even get to write the prank the super5 were gonna pull on shimazaki but now you have something to look up next time.
Im not that happy with how the second half turned out but maybe im just tired.
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juunshua · 6 years
henlo! can u post a gif tutorial cause your gifs are so pretty and look amazing, even on mobile which messes up with everythjng 😆
ahh anon u flatter me!! thank you for your kind words!!! i honestly have ways to go, but it means a lot that u say this thank you 
so for starters i have a mac + photoshop cs5 so a lot of this tutorial will be based on what you do for that, but i’m sure u could do the same thing on pcs  (actually pcs have more programs available so i highly recommend, if u have a pc, finding a tutorial that is based around pcs) and other photoshop versions too! but i think the general process is still the same, a different tutorial might just be more nuanced^^
1. Finding/downloading your video~so for normal mp4 videos on youtube i use this website. it’s pretty useful it can download from actually a wide variety of sites like naver (up till 1080p!) ~for v app videos i use this site~ts files i find on kpopexciting or kpop24hrs (u need an account for kpop24hrs i think to download video but! signing up isnt difficult and its nothing fishy. i use it a lot esp for older ts files it has a good archive, kpopexciting tends to be faster though.)~the higher quality files you find the better! i find that it tends to go mp4~honestly finding the right high quality video is a HUGE part of making gifs look nice2. Extracting your video~there are many many many ways to extract your video but I highly recommend downloading avisynth! There are ways to download it for pc! avisynth is beautiful because it doesn’t really reduce the quality of your video to the extent that photoshop does, plus it can extract 60fps from ts files. some gifs ive made through avisynth ( x x x ) if you’re interested in avisynth further, tumblr user @/brandinator is a good place to start! if you want to know more regarding how to use it and a different tutorial through that, let me know! ~now i’m not sure if there is an avisynth tutorial for mac anymore, BUT theres another great program, vapoursynth, that mac users can look into. here’s a tutorial that i’ve found~Before I got avisynth I used VLC player for ts files but I had to basically screenshot each frame individually. Some gifs I’ve made through this method ( x x x ). these gifs are 60fps only bc i found a user who uploaded the ts file in 60fps. usually you cant get 60fps w/o avisynth. but this is also me saying that if you cant get avisynth or vapoursynth, there are still ways to work around it i think! one of my fav giffers for the longest time didnt use either!! and sharpening and coloring were always on point.~I think pcs can use kmplayer? id look into that if you have a pc~for normal mp4 videos I just use photoshops ‘import video frames to layers’ option (under file in the menubar)! you can use avisynth as well, but for me it takes forever to extract what i want in avisynth (minimum like a minute ish), whereas ps can get the part of the video i want to gif in a couple of seconds. I think it’s self explanatory but basically you find the video you want to extract, find where u want ur gif to start, and for photoshop cs5, you hit the ‘shift’ key and let the part u want giffed in the video play. when youre done u lift the shift key and hit ‘ok’ (idk if it differs for different versions of ps). i extract all!!! frames!! it makes it look smoother too :)
3. Coloring/Sharpening/Cropping/Etc~now this is the step that I can’t really give a tutorial on because honestly it varies for everyone! but i feel that this is the step that a lot of ppl need guidance with (me included) because it is the hardest step, probably because it is so ‘up in the air’ for lack of a better word? there is no one right way of doing it the possibilities are literally endless but here are some tips~Coloring:       ~most important rule: don’t whitewash ur gifs!!       ~other than that, the world is yours.       ~honestly have fun with this part! coloring is something that i haven’t fully learned yet       ~i tend to play around mainly with the curves, selective color, hue/saturation, and color balance layers       ~you can also download psds other ppl have made (i dont do this myself) and use those!      ~also i feel that a lot of the times, the right coloring can make ur gif seem higher quality. coloring can also play a role in reducing gif size if u do it correctly.      ~honestly this part is just a lot of experimentation, over the course of a gifset and over the course of time in general. some people find their coloring style easily, but i was not one of those people. ive spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to adjust what layers to get the colors that i want and i think only as of this era ive been able to execute the coloring i had pictured in my mind. so patience is a virtue!!! ~Sharpening:      ~ah yes my biggest enemy: sharpening      ~first things first, i sharpen my gifs using smart sharpen + topaz                  ~settings for my smart sharpen are 500%; 0.4                 ~check the box that says ‘more accurate’ and i personally remove ‘gaussian blur’      ~some people also use topaz denoise, and/or topaz clean     ~ honestly topaz is a lifesaver for me bc it smoothes out a lot of grain that can be introduced via coloring! also!!! it can reduce gif size by a lot!!!!!!!!!!!          ~on topaz denoise i hit the ‘light’ setting on the side and adjust the settings accordingly          ~idk how to use topaz clean even though I have it, because it refuses to work          ~to apply topaz you have to hit ‘flatten frames into layers’                ~some gifs i’ve made with just topaz and no avisynth ( x  x x x)        ~there are ways to make it look nice without topaz but i’ve forgotten how after i got it               ~id duplicate the frame then use smart sharpen and ‘gaussian blur’ under ‘blur’                       ~then adjust the opacity levels in some way.                       ~my settings for the opacity levels aren’t good so i’ll refrain from sharing               ~some gifs ive made through this method ( x x )        ~last but not least i’ll bring up avisynth again. avisynth is nice at preserving video quality                 ~a lot of ppl i know say they don’t even sharpen gifs out of avisynth                 ~here are some gifs i have made with avisynth + topaz ( x x x x x x x )    ~honestly when it comes to sharpening, im still floundering with it. my sharpening needs a lot of work but, amongst the people who i consider good sharpners, most of them use avisynth, topaz denoise and/or clean, and smart sharpen! so all the resources are here !
~Cropping:     ~it’s super important to follow tumblr dimensions otherwise gifs come out looking grainy! even when they’re not ! (case in point: x in which i used 168 instead of 178 for the dimensions)~Timing:   ~Timing is so important!!! I almost forgot!! Always make sure u dont have duplicate frames for starters! for 60fps source videos i use .03, for mp4s i typically use .04 but sometimes the frame rate is kinda funky so you may have to go slower accordingly! and the important thing about timing is that if u use smart object, when u save ur gif, it’ll be in a different timing? like .04 gets changed to .07 but in order to fix that, u can simply just save ur gif in the wrong timing, and then reopen the gif in ps, simply change the timing to what u want on all ur frames, and then save it again!! idk if that made any sense but laskdjf this was the biggest mystery for me for so long omg4. Saving the gif~personally the save settings I use are “Selective/Adaptive” ; “Diffusive”; Dither: 100%; 256 colors. sometimes this makes the gif super grainy so i use “pattern” instead of “diffusive” in those instances5. Pray Perseverance   ~a lot of the time when you’re giffing, gifs won’t come out the way you want it (i’m sure for every gifset i’ve uploaded on tumblr, there’s a gifset that i started making and never finished because it looked really bad). idk sometimes it feels like photoshop has its own will, sharpenings wont always work the same way each time, video quality won’t be the way you want it, i’m honestly still very experimental right now I don’t have ps figured out at all. so yeah…sometimes all u can do is that when u hit that save for web button (that ruins everything alskf), pray that ps doesnt mess it up too bad ahahaha but also that even when it does, its okay and you can try again! or try something new!
this is a super generic guide! let me know if you need more information! 
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thesportssoundoff · 7 years
A Mighty Good Time In London: A Preview For The UFC’s return to London
If you're willing to take a break from March Madness, theres quite a bit of MMA and boxing to enjoy this weekend! GGG vs Danny Jacobs is the big prize this week BUT If you want to do more, how about some MMA early on? The UFC is heading to London for an early (Eastern time which is truly the only time of note) afternoon slate. THIS card has taken some hits from people who are either a) unaware of what a Fight Pass card is, b) never satisfied or c) Just dying to be #MadOnline. It's a really really solid slate of European MMA with some great matchmaking and a not as bad main event. As much as people want to be mad about Manuwa vs Anderson main eventing, I would just say that you should be mad at Gus for ducking Cirkunov because he wasn't a big enough name. Besides let's be honest, Corey Anderson vs Jimi Manuwa is a fine main event for a Fight Pass card. You could do far far worse. Beyond that though you've got a great Alan Jouban vs Gunnar Nelson fight, Brad Pickett's retirement, TWO really great prospect vs prospect fights, Vicente Luque vs Leon Edwards in a fucking war and a half, Joe Duffy's potential UFC departure fight as well as a host of mid-tier action fighters at 185 and 205 trying to find some success. Let's dig in!
Fights: 13
Debuts: 1 (Lucie Pudilova)
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 2 (Veronica Macedo out, Lucie Pudilova in/Henry Briones out, Chito Vera in)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 4 (Reza Madadi, Jimi Manuwa, Gunnar Nelson and Brad Pickett)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC: 1 (Brad Pickett) *This sort of exemplifies what makes this card deceptively good. There's a lot of fighters coming off a loss but not a lot of fighters who are on losing streaks. A lot of dudes treading water for sure but that's not a deathknel for a show*
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC: 6 (Mark Diakiase, Vicente Luque, Leon Edwards, Makwan Amirkhani, Arnold Allen, Alan Jouban)
Stat Monitor for 2017:
Debuting Fighters (Current number: 8-7)- Lucie Pudilova
Short Notice Fighters (Current number: 5-9)- Lucie Pudilova, Marlon "Chito" Vera
Second Fight (Current number: 5-9)- Linsa Lansberg, Brett Johns, Darren Stewart
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1- I think the reason people dislike this main event in so many words is that there's a lack of relevancy to it. Jimi Manuwa is a very fun kill or be killed type of LHW who is either brutally finished or finishes brutally while Corey Anderson with the right opponent (namely somebody who can give him something to worry about on the feet while flirting with takedown defense) is a guy who can have fun exciting fights. So it has to be relevancy given how neither fighter is, in all likelihood, going to challenge for the title. I would disagree with that assessment. Corey Anderson's had some clunkers in the UFC but he's very young in a division by which youth is its own skillset and as far as actual skills go, he's not a bad fighter. He has power, inconsistently of course, but power in his hands, he's developed a decent kicking game and his wrestling is not great but good enough to take down bigger clunkier guys who can't move their feet well. Anderson could get a title shot simply by virtue of the potted plant theory; stick around long enough and eventually you become a centerpiece. As for Jimi Manuwa, it's not a question of talent as much as it's a question of time. Manuwa has taken LONG lapses throughout his career of doing absolutely nothing and I believe his legal history has prevented him from fighting abroad more. He's sort of become a UK novelty attraction which is sad because I think he can do more. The argument could (and should) be made that Manuwa's lack of TDD and his so-so chin will always prevent him from ascending the rankings. I would conversely argue that there's two guys at 205 who can take big punches and everybody else's chin is essentially on the same plane of existence. The takedown defense IS a problem but TDD didn't prevent OSP from getting a title shot, ya know what I mean? I think this is a fine fight for 205 AND an important one. Maybe one day we'll look back on this like how we look back on Struve vs Miocic as being a super important fight in the annals of HW history. Who knows.
2- NOW having said all of that, I must also admit the reality of the situation. There's a fine chance that Anderson takes down Manuwa for five rounds and we all spend the main event being bored out of our minds. Honesty is the best policy. STILL even so, I feel the need to point out that all of the UFC main events outside of the PPVs have been finishes and relatively early.
3- Alan Jouban and Gunnar Nelson have been forgotten in the mix at 170 lbs but why arent these guys recognized more as contenders? In the case of Jouban, his only losses are a bad split decision to Warrley Alves and a nasty TKO to Albert Tumenov. Outside of that Jouban has beaten some pretty darned good fighters like Belal Muhammad, Mike Perry (I'M HOLDING ON TO THIS ONE, MAN) and Seth Baczynski. For Gunnar Nelson, the super hyped prospect got his credentials checked by Rick Story and Demian Maia but he's young, he trains in a gym that fits and suits him PLUS Nelson is likely only going to get better with time.
4- Is Arnold Allen, in pure talent alone, the most talented European prospect since McGregor back in his heyday? Arnold Allen is just 23 years old and he seems to improve with each performance. He's fighting guys way way above his experience level though and the same happens with Makwan Amirkhani.
5- Let's talk about Mr. Finland! It seems like just yesterday he was this promising prospect who internet MMA fans were scoffing at. He was just a gimmick; a good looking grappler with not much else to his name and one of the many European prospects outside of England who were expected to flop. To our surprise, or at least my surprise, Mr. Finland has been far better than advertised. While I wish he'd fight MORE, his grappling chops and his ability to make himself a spectacle have been a tremendous addition to the UFC. He's gotten a slow ladder up to the top and draws Arnold Allen, arguably England's best featherweight prospect (he'd beat Paddy IMO). Should be a great fight but Amirkhani has the edge on the ground so I'm betting that's where this winds up.
7- Tom Breese is a really good prospect with a really good gym who seemed to be stuck in neutral due to bad weight cuts and some rough stylstic matchups. Oluwale Bamgbose is a freakishly athletic raw middeweight who seems to have bitten off more than he chew with his current UFC run. This fight could be very dicey for Breese early but if he survives the first, I think he's going to have a relatively easy time with Oluwale.
8- I'm admittedly pretty conflicted on this Pickett/Marlon Vera fight. Chito is a fun dude to watch fight and he's young, super athletic and developing pretty quickly. I'd be really happy if he won----but man doesn't Brad Pickett deserve a chance to retire on a good note? It's a tough ask.
9- Leon Edwards vs Vicente Luque is a really interesting fight because while Luque could be a challenger at 170 lbs before the end of 2017, Edwards an absolutely challenge for a top spot in time as well. Edwards has had an interesting progression even if it's been a somewhat bumpy road. His two losses boiled down to simply not having the wrestling chops to stop takedowns/stalls in his offensive game. To his credit, Edwards has improved each time out as a wrestler annd that combined with snappy striking makes him a credible name. Vicente Luque has gone from struggling (by his own admission) to deal with Alvaro Herrera  to blasting out reputable dudes in under a round. This is a different challenge though as Edwards is well rounded, can match Luque athletically and his weaknesses are going to be a lot tougher for Luque to exploit. I'm pretty excited to see how this thing plays out.
10- So we've been discussing the so-so 205 lb division but Darren Stewart is a pretty darned good LHW prospect. He's all action and all violence, coming off a no contest after a headbutt led to a finish vs Francimar Barroso. Francimar is JAG so here's hoping Stewart can impress.
11- On one hand, Teemu Packalen is a respectable raw fighter with skills and enough in his game to not be a total waste of time for Marc Diakiase. On the other hand? Do we really NEED another tune up fight for Diakiase? I think we can all agree that he's maybe ready for a bigger name now.
12- Brett Johns had a Henry Cejudo-esque debut in the UFC after a Henry Cejudo esque regional MMA career. Johns was nixed from Cage Warriors after becoming their champion, got signed by Titan FC, missed weight and lost thee chance to be their champion. Originally just a great grab and grinder type, Johns showcased all kinds of striking improvement in his fight vs Kwan Ho Kwak. Ian Entwistle is a one trick pony for the most part but his trick (leglocks) is pretty damn good. A respectable Cage Warriors-y main event on the prelims of this card.
Must Wins:
Jimi Manuwa
Jimi's 37 years young which is not a deathknel for a guy at light heavyweight. At the same time, the time to go is now for the powerful Brit. Manuwa can answer a ton of questions about whether he can creep his way into a title shot or at the very least, set himself up for a really appealing fight with Shogun Rua. Can he handle Corey Anderson's five rounds of pressure? Can he stuff the takedowns? If takendown can he get back up or will he be stuck there? How can his chin hold up if Anderson cracks him? If Manuwa wins then you can start whispering about a #1 contender fight....but he's gotta win.
Makwan Amirkhani
I have no idea why Amirkhani was gone for this long. Whatever the reasoning, it was far too long for my liking. Arnold Allen is a very good young fighter but Mr. Finland's more physical, he's fought better competition and his grappling is worlds above Arnold Allen. It's a winnable fight for Amirkhani and at this point, he's gotta take the jump from fun gimmick fighter to genuine challenger at featherweight.
Marc Diakiase
Diakiase has the ability in time to be a genuine star in Europe if the UFC promotes him right. He's 2-0 in the UFC and he's getting a lay up opponent in Teemu Packalen. It's almost not about winning this fight but doing so in an impressive fashion.
Five Underlying Themes
1- European events always have a special energy to them regardless of the card. With Bellator running more and more shows in Europe, will the UFC still garner that special attraction vibe?
2- Whether they try to sell the main event as a title contender fight.
3- The Hardy/Gooden combo is normally pretty solid but with a long layoff between fight cards, will they be rusty?
4- Brad Pickett's retirement.
5- If they dance around the Joseph Duffy contract situation. OR IF HE EATS IT VS THE MAD DOG.
Predicting (Bonus) Winners!
Current Record: 23-23
Corey Anderson Gunnar Nelson Marlon Vera Makwan Amirkhani Joseph Duffy Darren Stewart Daniel Omielanczuk Marc Diakiase Tom Breese Vicente Luque Brett Johns Scott Askham Lina Lansberg
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nie7027 · 5 years
Super5 headcanons part 3
Part 1   Part 2   Part3   Part 4   Part 5
Thank you everybody for saying such nice things of part 2 (as i said i wasnt that confident so it made me really happy to know you liked it) and sorry for taking so long but school is a bitch and almost killed my inspiration. Anyway here comes part 3
Minegishi: i just got out work. Can someone care to tell me what happened?
Hatori: uhh, yeah . sorry
Hatori: i got out of work like an hour ago and came home to find Shimazaki sleeping on MY bed
Hatori: Shibata was already at the gym and shimazaki hasnt waken up so i dont know much more??
Hatori: i dont know either what to do...
Shibata: is he still there? I told him to take my bed!
Hatori: well he clearly didnt...
Minegishi: ok but HOW did you find him exactly?
Shibata: ill tell you later guys. My next class is about to start
Shibata: And dont worry Hatori! i dont think hell wake up anytime soon.
Shibata: You should have seen him carrying the dog! It was cute <3
Shibata: in a strange way
Minegishi: dog?? WHAT DOG?
Hatori: did you just say "carrying"?
Shibata: sorry guys gtg
Hatori: shit WAIT
Hatori: where am i supposed to sleep now? I cant sleep on the couch!
Shibata: you can sleep with me
Hatori: WHAT? NO
Shibata: Do you prefer to wake him up?
Hatori: I pick the right side
Minegishi: No homo
Hatori: fUCk U
Shimazaki wakes the next morning to the sound of someone gagging to his right
"THE HELL IS THAT SMELL? WHY DO YOU STINK SO MUCH?" yells Hatori before letting out a muffled yelp when the pillow Shimazaki threw hits him square on the face
Shibata, probably alerted by Hatoris screams, comes running and asks from the doorframe "Whats going here?"
"THAT BASTARD SMELLS LIKE POOP AND NOW MY BED WILL SMELL TOO" says Hatori while pointing at the man on his bed who is just groaning clearly annoyed at being awaken
"Hmm it was probably the dog" says Shibata pensive and then looks carefully at shimazaki "You dont have more clothes dont you?"
"Holy shit! Thats true. Youve been using the same clothes since then..."
Shimazaki cant understand why it suddenly matters so much to them "No i dont. Now that that has been cleared up can i go back to sleep?"
"You have to change first. Hatoris clothes wont fit you. so take a shower while i search for something to lend you" says shibata and then turns to Hatori "you gotta go now or you are gonna be late. Dont worry todays my day off, Ill wash your bed"
"Thanks man" says Hatori and then quickly discusses something abouy dinner with shibata before leaving the apartment. Shimazaki can only stare. He just wants to sleep.
But before he can turn his back and return to sleep Shibata is already on him hurrying him to the shower.
Shimazaki doesnt like the idea of giving up his clothes to Shibata (he doesnt like letting go of his possesions because Mental eye cant find inanimate objects and he learned early on life how easy it was to lose things) but even he is starting to get nauseous at the smell of trash and he isnt in the mood to deal with it himself
Shibatas clothes fit loosely but they are comfy, besides once he gets out the shower the man has breakfast ready for him (theres still a box of his favourite cereal) and leaves him to his own devices while he does laundry.
By the end of the day Shimazaki has his own clothes back and they are softer than he remembers ("its the softener" says Shibata, "the what?" responds shimazaki)
Minegishi and Hatori arrive later with boxes of take out and they eat together in awkward silence until Minegishi casually asks with a smirk if Hatori and Shibata slept well at which shibata laughs and tells them Hatori is a blanket hogger which in turn makes Hatori complain about shibatas snores.
The childish fight continues and even though Shimazaki doesnt take part in it he listens atently
At the end he returns to minegishis apartment that night and sleeps on the couch. Neither of them uttering a word of what happened.
The next time Minegishi asks him to go grocery shopping he accepts.
This is stupid. This was a waste of his time.
Shimazaki couldnt read price tags or labels and he didnt know what he was doing here or why Minegishi had brought him
At most he could tell apart boxes from cans and the weight of things but he couldnt differentiate whether he was holding a can of tuna from a can of yakitori sauce or 1k of salt from 1k of sugar without having to ask somebody else.
It was even worse when it came to liquids if the milk/juice failure was anything to go by
After the first few failures of trying to pick stuff Minegishi had tried to teach him about couponing and discounts but then again he had to ask him the price everytime and they both soon got tired of it
All he could do was to touch and feel the fruit and vegetables trying to tell apart the riped from the rotten/damaged
Looking for any bump, hole, softness...things Minegishi taught him
It was stupid.
Minegishi could ripen/fix any plant with his powers and they both knew it
This was a waste of time.
He hated every second of this and wanted to go already but Minegishi had been hellbent on him learning at least this and left him in the fruits section to pick whatever he deemed best while he finished the shopping.
And that was what he was TRYING to do when a store clerk had the brilliant idea of addressing him
In his defense they had been almost 3 hours here and he had been done since the first. The fact he didnt even know what the hell he was holding anymore except that it was round and ripe not helping his annoyance.
He turned to tell her to fuck off. He just wanted to intimadate her. Force her to leave him alone.
He may have gone a little bit overboard.
He opened his eyes.
"Excuse me sir. Customers arent supposed to grab the tomatoes with their bare hands. The bags are-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
Her scream could be heard all around the store
Before he could teletransport away the tomato he was holding twisted and tangled its newly grown vines around his hand in a tight grip. (The sight of it clearly didnt help the girl's panic)
"Dont even think about it" hissed a pissed Minegishi when he passed by his side on his way towards the screaming girl.
Minegishi couldnt feel more stupid than he was feeling a the moment.
In his haste to initiate Shimazaki on the path of becoming a civil person he had somehow forgotten the man was actually blind (not his fault it was so easy to forget when you have seen him destroying entire buildings).
He had tried. He had really tried to come up with any way to fix this mess of a trip but it was getting late and they hadnt even started their actual shopping.
So at the end he gave up and left Shimazaki to the only task he thought could keep him busy and at the same time allowed minegishi to keep track of the mans position anytime while he hurriedly finished the shopping. It was a good plan. What could go wrong?
The moment he heard the scream he knew everything could and will go wrong where it concerned Shimazaki.
Thankfully he could feel he was still holding something vegetal (a tomato?) so Minegishi quickly dashed (shopping cart forgotten) to the mans position and the screaming girl.
His first instict had been to go and calm the girl even though he didnt know what had happened but when he realized people were starting to stare he quickly grabbed Shimazakis arm and dragged him the way he came.
"The fuck did you do?" Minegishi asked once they were in another aisle safe from curious stares
"I did nothing!" responded Shimazaki somewhat offended
" As if! What did you do to her? "
"I didnt do shit to her! I was just doing the fruit thing you asked me!" he raised his hand to show the tomato still holding onto it
"And? Why was she even near you?" mineshiki asked while his powers disentagled the vines and took the tomato
"Huh? What? I always do-THATS NOT IMPORTANT! Why was she screaming?!"
"I told her off"
"What? People dont scream like that when someone tells them off, even when you..." Shimazaki was clearly hiding something "How did you do it exactly?" minigishi asks with narrowed eyes
"....i may have opened my eyes"
"Your eyes?" minegishi stares increduously "whats that- oh" hes about to ask what was that supposed to mean when he remembers Shimazakis bottomless eyes caused by his physic powers. He may have gotten used to his hollow stare but he still remembers what he felt the first time he saw it. The girls scream finally making sense "You never open your eyes unless you want to threaten someome...did you want to threaten a simple clerk?? "
"i just forgot!" shimazaki huffed
"YES CAN WE GO NOW?" irritation lacing the mans tone
It was that moment that Minegishi realized this trip was taking a bigger toll on shimazaki than he (and probably even the man himself) anticipated and sighed.
"Yeah, i was almost finished anyway lets find the cart"
Shimazaki silently followed.
They finished the shopping without any further accident and while they waited in line to pay something caught minegishis eyes. It was just what he needed.
There was a row of cheap aviator glasses hanging in display.
After some considerantion he grabbed one of the pair with the mirror lens kind and handed them to a now calmer Shimazaki "Here, put this"
Shimazaki who had been following Minegishis movements asked curiously "whats this?"
"Glasses. In case you forget to keep your eyes closed again people wont be able to see your eyes. Put them on and open your eyes. i need to see if they fit and if they'll work"
He miraculously did.
The frame was thicker than it was supposed to be for these kind of glasses (a crude imitation of the stylish kind people wear in magazines) but they fitted and the mirror lens hid perfectly shimazakis glowing irises(?) (Hell never know)
"How do they feel?"
"You could wear them only when you are out in public. They are cheap. Ill buy them and you can do whatever you want with them"
Shimazaki took them off and when it was time to pay he handed them to minegishi
Once outside shimazaki at first refused to teletransport the bags back to the apartment but complied once Minegishi told him he would force him to help carry the bags all the way if he didnt do it AND promised to buy take out to eat.
Minegishi thought the glasses had been left forgotten in the bags but the next morning while he was getting ready to work he noticed they were laying folded on top of a sleeping shimazaki
When Hatori and Shibata inevitably asked about Shimazakis new glasses(that he now used all the time) minegishi told them about what was now deemed as the "supermarket incident"
The next times they went shopping Minegishi stayed all the time with Shimazaki and kept teaching him about vegetables and any thing that came to his mind.
Once they finished (everytime quicker than the previos) it became Shimazakis job to drop the goods at the apartment in exchange of picking what they were going to eat that day
It wasnt exactly what Minegishi had planned but it was a progress (or that was what he thought until Hatori complained about tripping on shopping bags that suddenly appeared in the middle of the hall whenever Shimazaki dropped something there)
Shibata was annoyed because even though they all agreed Shimazaki was behaving nicer the others didnt still believe him about the whole puppy ordeal
so that, coupled with the nagging feeling he had left after washing shimazakis clothes and after hearing about the market incident made him come up with a plan
"A mall trip?? What for?" hatori asked perplexed
"He has just one shirt"
"He has been wearing it since we were together, actually i dont remember him wearing anything else ever"
"Thats his problem!"
"HIS JACKET HAS BULLET HOLES " replied shibata getting impatient with how much it was taking Hatori to understand
"He probably likes it that way??" said Hatori still not getting it
"Actually ive been thinking the same. I noticed the bullet holes too" finally came Minegishis voice from the receiver. He was was working at the moment because if they wanted to do this he had to work a double shift to free one day. "I dont think he has anything else"
"See? Minegishis with me!" exclaimed thriumohantly Shibata which only made Hatori roll his eyes
"Fine! i get it! Ive seen the bullet holes too...but i dont get why does it have to be us?"
"Because we are his friends" easily replied Shibata causing Hatori to frown at this
"Are we really? When has he done something for us?" hatoris tone suddenly turning serious "You are literally asking me to spend one of my few days off shopping clothes with MY MONEY for a guy who wanted to kill me mere months ago?"
"We dont know that" said shibata
Hatori trew him a glance that clearly was supposed to mean 'you gotta be kidding' "Look, do we even know if he likes us back?"
At this both men kept silence until shibata dared to speak "he is wearing the glasses"
"God forbid me for forgetting those damn glasses! Guys, im just saying we are already doing so much for him for nothing! why do we need to do more?"
"Because thats what good people do" came Minegishis response and shibata nodded firmly making hatori huff. He was gonna regret this.
" fine! But do we even know if hes gonna like what we buy? If hes gonna even wear it? As you said we had never seen with other clothes"
"Thats why we are gonna take him with us!" said Shibata, glad that this was finnally getting somewhere
Hatori turned to look at the phone "didnt you said you believed shopping stressed him?"
"Mmm these last times had been better" said minegishi
"What if he actually doesnt care about the clothes or-"
"He does" replied Shibata and Minegishi in unison making Hatori stare confusedly
"How do you know?"
Shibata thought back to the hesitance he noticed on shimazaki when he handed him his clothes but didnt think the man in question would like it if he went and tell this to the others and was debating this when minegishi spoke again "Ive noticed someone has been using my softener and i doubt its the plants"
Hatori frowned and then sighed
"You both have settled your minds dont you?" hatori asked and then grumbled when an unison "yes" was heard
"Do you realize we are working with a lot of 'maybes' and 'probably'?"
"Maybe" said the voice from the receiver and Hatori could swear he could hear minegishis smirk
"C'mon man! We have done worse than this" said Shibata happily clapping Hatoris back
"Ugh FINE That bastard better be grateful" grumbled Hatori
This part forced me to think of shimazakis past and now i made myself sad (this isnt the first time he wears glasses)
So the market incident and the glasses scene was stuff i thought about since i started these and was really excited to write it. I hope i did them justice .
I didnt realize how much longer part II was compared to part I so i think part III ended in a nice middle ground.
Haha i again didnt reach the scene i planned to reach(the prank) and at this pace this thing will have 6 parts. Someone save me
Anyway hope you like it and for those of you who dont know I am writing a Teru-centric fanfic about his decision to visit his parents and the aftermath and ill appreciate it if you could check it out (link here) and tell me what you think or at least share it so more people can see it because tumblr sucks and wont let me do it.
See you next time
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nie7027 · 5 years
Super5 headcanons part 3
Part 1 Part 2
{{Yeah im posting it again because very few people have seen the original post and Im a simple human that craves validation, so please if you like it reblog it. I doubt ill do it again but just in case i put a nifty tag so you can block it}}
Thank you everybody for saying such nice things of part 2 (as i said i wasnt that confident so it made me really happy to know you liked it) and sorry for taking so long but school is a bitch and almost killed my inspiration. Anyway here comes part 3
Minegishi: i just got out work. Can someone care to tell me what happened?
Hatori: uhh, yeah . sorry
Hatori: i got out of work like an hour ago and came home to find Shimazaki sleeping on MY bed
Hatori: Shibata was already at the gym and shimazaki hasnt waken up so i dont know much more??
Hatori: i dont know either what to do...
Shibata: is he still there? I told him to take my bed!
Hatori: well he clearly didnt...
Minegishi: ok but HOW did you find him exactly?
Shibata: ill tell you later guys. My next class is about to start
Shibata: And dont worry Hatori! i dont think hell wake up anytime soon.
Shibata: You should have seen him carrying the dog! It was cute <3
Shibata: in a strange way
Minegishi: dog?? WHAT DOG?
Hatori: did you just say "carrying"?
Shibata: sorry guys gtg
Hatori: shit WAIT
Hatori: where am i supposed to sleep now? I cant sleep on the couch!
Shibata: you can sleep with me
Hatori: WHAT? NO
Shibata: Do you prefer to wake him up?
Hatori: I pick the right side
Minegishi: No homo
Hatori: fUCk U
Shimazaki wakes the next morning to the sound of someone gagging to his right
"THE HELL IS THAT SMELL? WHY DO YOU STINK SO MUCH?" yells Hatori before letting out a muffled yelp when the pillow Shimazaki threw hits him square on the face
Shibata, probably alerted by Hatoris screams, comes running and asks from the doorframe "Whats going here?"
"THAT BASTARD SMELLS LIKE POOP AND NOW MY BED WILL SMELL TOO" says Hatori while pointing at the man on his bed who is just groaning clearly annoyed at being awaken
"Hmm it was probably the dog" says Shibata pensive and then looks carefully at shimazaki "You dont have more clothes dont you?"
"Holy shit! Thats true. Youve been using the same clothes since then..."
Shimazaki cant understand why it suddenly matters so much to them "No i dont. Now that that has been cleared up can i go back to sleep?"
"You have to change first. Hatoris clothes wont fit you. so take a shower while i search for something to lend you" says shibata and then turns to Hatori "you gotta go now or you are gonna be late. Dont worry todays my day off, Ill wash your bed"
"Thanks man" says Hatori and then quickly discusses something abouy dinner with shibata before leaving the apartment. Shimazaki can only stare. He just wants to sleep.
But before he can turn his back and return to sleep Shibata is already on him hurrying him to the shower.
Shimazaki doesnt like the idea of giving up his clothes to Shibata (he doesnt like letting go of his possesions because Mental eye cant find inanimate objects and he learned early on life how easy it was to lose things) but even he is starting to get nauseous at the smell of trash and he isnt in the mood to deal with it himself
Shibatas clothes fit loosely but they are comfy, besides once he gets out the shower the man has breakfast ready for him (theres still a box of his favourite cereal) and leaves him to his own devices while he does laundry.
By the end of the day Shimazaki has his own clothes back and they are softer than he remembers ("its the softener" says Shibata, "the what?" responds shimazaki)
Minegishi and Hatori arrive later with boxes of take out and they eat together in awkward silence until Minegishi casually asks with a smirk if Hatori and Shibata slept well at which shibata laughs and tells them Hatori is a blanket hogger which in turn makes Hatori complain about shibatas snores.
The childish fight continues and even though Shimazaki doesnt take part in it he listens atently
At the end he returns to minegishis apartment that night and sleeps on the couch. Neither of them uttering a word of what happened.
The next time Minegishi asks him to go grocery shopping he accepts.
This is stupid. This was a waste of his time.
Shimazaki couldnt read price tags or labels and he didnt know what he was doing here or why Minegishi had brought him
At most he could tell apart boxes from cans and the weight of things but he couldnt differentiate whether he was holding a can of tuna from a can of yakitori sauce or 1k of salt from 1k of sugar without having to ask somebody else.
It was even worse when it came to liquids if the milk/juice failure was anything to go by
After the first few failures of trying to pick stuff Minegishi had tried to teach him about couponing and discounts but then again he had to ask him the price everytime and they both soon got tired of it
All he could do was to touch and feel the fruit and vegetables trying to tell apart the riped from the rotten/damaged
Looking for any bump, hole, softness...things Minegishi taught him
It was stupid.
Minegishi could ripen/fix any plant with his powers and they both knew it
This was a waste of time.
He hated every second of this and wanted to go already but Minegishi had been hellbent on him learning at least this and left him in the fruits section to pick whatever he deemed best while he finished the shopping.
And that was what he was TRYING to do when a store clerk had the brilliant idea of addressing him
In his defense they had been almost 3 hours here and he had been done since the first. The fact he didnt even know what the hell he was holding anymore except that it was round and ripe not helping his annoyance.
He turned to tell her to fuck off. He just wanted to intimadate her. Force her to leave him alone.
He may have gone a little bit overboard.
He opened his eyes.
"Excuse me sir. Customers arent supposed to grab the tomatoes with their bare hands. The bags are-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
Her scream could be heard all around the store
Before he could teletransport away the tomato he was holding twisted and tangled its newly grown vines around his hand in a tight grip. (The sight of it clearly didnt help the girl's panic)
"Dont even think about it" hissed a pissed Minegishi when he passed by his side on his way towards the screaming girl.
Minegishi couldnt feel more stupid than he was feeling a the moment.
In his haste to initiate Shimazaki on the path of becoming a civil person he had somehow forgotten the man was actually blind (not his fault it was so easy to forget when you have seen him destroying entire buildings).
He had tried. He had really tried to come up with any way to fix this mess of a trip but it was getting late and they hadnt even started their actual shopping.
So at the end he gave up and left Shimazaki to the only task he thought could keep him busy and at the same time allowed minegishi to keep track of the mans position anytime while he hurriedly finished the shopping. It was a good plan. What could go wrong?
The moment he heard the scream he knew everything could and will go wrong where it concerned Shimazaki.
Thankfully he could feel he was still holding something vegetal (a tomato?) so Minegishi quickly dashed (shopping cart forgotten) to the mans position and the screaming girl.
His first instict had been to go and calm the girl even though he didnt know what had happened but when he realized people were starting to stare he quickly grabbed Shimazakis arm and dragged him the way he came.
"The fuck did you do?" Minegishi asked once they were in another aisle safe from curious stares
"I did nothing!" responded Shimazaki somewhat offended
" As if! What did you do to her? "
"I didnt do shit to her! I was just doing the fruit thing you asked me!" he raised his hand to show the tomato still holding onto it
"And? Why was she even near you?" mineshiki asked while his powers disentagled the vines and took the tomato
"Huh? What? I always do-THATS NOT IMPORTANT! Why was she screaming?!"
"I told her off"
"What? People dont scream like that when someone tells them off, even when you..." Shimazaki was clearly hiding something "How did you do it exactly?" minigishi asks with narrowed eyes
"....i may have opened my eyes"
"Your eyes?" minegishi stares increduously "whats that- oh" hes about to ask what was that supposed to mean when he remembers Shimazakis bottomless eyes caused by his physic powers. He may have gotten used to his hollow stare but he still remembers what he felt the first time he saw it. The girls scream finally making sense "You never open your eyes unless you want to threaten someome...did you want to threaten a simple clerk?? "
"i just forgot!" shimazaki huffed
"YES CAN WE GO NOW?" irritation lacing the mans tone
It was that moment that Minegishi realized this trip was taking a bigger toll on shimazaki than he (and probably even the man himself) anticipated and sighed.
"Yeah, i was almost finished anyway lets find the cart"
Shimazaki silently followed.
They finished the shopping without any further accident and while they waited in line to pay something caught minegishis eyes. It was just what he needed.
There was a row of cheap aviator glasses hanging in display.
After some considerantion he grabbed one of the pair with the mirror lens kind and handed them to a now calmer Shimazaki "Here, put this"
Shimazaki who had been following Minegishis movements asked curiously "whats this?"
"Glasses. In case you forget to keep your eyes closed again people wont be able to see your eyes. Put them on and open your eyes. i need to see if they fit and if they'll work"
He miraculously did.
The frame was thicker than it was supposed to be for these kind of glasses (a crude imitation of the stylish kind people wear in magazines) but they fitted and the mirror lens hid perfectly shimazakis glowing irises(?) (Hell never know)
"How do they feel?"
"You could wear them only when you are out in public. They are cheap. Ill buy them and you can do whatever you want with them"
Shimazaki took them off and when it was time to pay he handed them to minegishi
Once outside shimazaki at first refused to teletransport the bags back to the apartment but complied once Minegishi told him he would force him to help carry the bags all the way if he didnt do it AND promised to buy take out to eat.
Minegishi thought the glasses had been left forgotten in the bags but the next morning while he was getting ready to work he noticed they were laying folded on top of a sleeping shimazaki
When Hatori and Shibata inevitably asked about Shimazakis new glasses(that he now used all the time) minegishi told them about what was now deemed as the "supermarket incident"
The next times they went shopping Minegishi stayed all the time with Shimazaki and kept teaching him about vegetables and any thing that came to his mind.
Once they finished (everytime quicker than the previos) it became Shimazakis job to drop the goods at the apartment in exchange of picking what they were going to eat that day
It wasnt exactly what Minegishi had planned but it was a progress (or that was what he thought until Hatori complained about tripping on shopping bags that suddenly appeared in the middle of the hall whenever Shimazaki dropped something there)
Shibata was annoyed because even though they all agreed Shimazaki was behaving nicer the others didnt still believe him about the whole puppy ordeal
so that, coupled with the nagging feeling he had left after washing shimazakis clothes and after hearing about the market incident made him come up with a plan
"A mall trip?? What for?" hatori asked perplexed
"He has just one shirt"
"He has been wearing it since we were together, actually i dont remember him wearing anything else ever"
"Thats his problem!"
"HIS JACKET HAS BULLET HOLES " replied shibata getting impatient with how much it was taking Hatori to understand
"He probably likes it that way??" said Hatori still not getting it
"Actually ive been thinking the same. I noticed the bullet holes too" finally came Minegishis voice from the receiver. He was was working at the moment because if they wanted to do this he had to work a double shift to free one day. "I dont think he has anything else"
"See? Minegishis with me!" exclaimed thriumohantly Shibata which only made Hatori roll his eyes
"Fine! i get it! Ive seen the bullet holes too...but i dont get why does it have to be us?"
"Because we are his friends" easily replied Shibata causing Hatori to frown at this
"Are we really? When has he done something for us?" hatoris tone suddenly turning serious "You are literally asking me to spend one of my few days off shopping clothes with MY MONEY for a guy who wanted to kill me mere months ago?"
"We dont know that" said shibata
Hatori trew him a glance that clearly was supposed to mean 'you gotta be kidding' "Look, do we even know if he likes us back?"
At this both men kept silence until shibata dared to speak "he is wearing the glasses"
"God forbid me for forgetting those damn glasses! Guys, im just saying we are already doing so much for him for nothing! why do we need to do more?"
"Because thats what good people do" came Minegishis response and shibata nodded firmly making hatori huff. He was gonna regret this.
" fine! But do we even know if hes gonna like what we buy? If hes gonna even wear it? As you said we had never seen with other clothes"
"Thats why we are gonna take him with us!" said Shibata, glad that this was finnally getting somewhere
Hatori turned to look at the phone "didnt you said you believed shopping stressed him?"
"Mmm these last times had been better" said minegishi
"What if he actually doesnt care about the clothes or-"
"He does" replied Shibata and Minegishi in unison making Hatori stare confusedly
"How do you know?"
Shibata thought back to the hesitance he noticed on shimazaki when he handed him his clothes but didnt think the man in question would like it if he went and tell this to the others and was debating this when minegishi spoke again "Ive noticed someone has been using my softener and i doubt its the plants"
Hatori frowned and then sighed
"You both have settled your minds dont you?" hatori asked and then grumbled when an unison "yes" was heard
"Do you realize we are working with a lot of 'maybes' and 'probably'?"
"Maybe" said the voice from the receiver and Hatori could swear he could hear minegishis smirk
"C'mon man! We have done worse than this" said Shibata happily clapping Hatoris back
"Ugh FINE That bastard better be grateful" grumbled Hatori
This part forced me to think of shimazakis past and now i made myself sad (this isnt the first time he wears glasses)
So the market incident and the glasses scene was stuff i thought about since i started these and was really excited to write it. I hope i did them justice .
I didnt realize how much longer part II was compared to part I so i think part III ended in a nice middle ground.
Haha i again didnt reach the scene i planned to reach(the prank) and at this pace this thing will have 6 parts. Someone save me
Anyway hope you like it and for those of you who dont know I am writing a Teru-centric fanfic about his decision to visit his parents and the aftermath and ill appreciate it if you could check it out (link here) and tell me what you think or at least share it so more people can see it because tumblr sucks and wont let me do it.
See you next time
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