#3 phone calls. 2 release of info consent forms. still no results
allthegothihopgirls · 5 months
the world if my different medical specialists knew how to coherently communicate with each other
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nalu-week · 7 years
A Part of You
(NaLu Week Intertwined Prompt- 7/7/17)
‘Senior year’ The 18-year-old girl sighs to herself on the first day of school.  Walking into the cafeteria she spots her friend’s Levy and Cana and plops down with them.
Cana- “Did you hear, that boy Natsu needs a kidney transplant.”
Lucy is concerned but doesn’t show it, “He’s kind of young to need that.”
Levy- “Apparently his family went on vacation over the summer and he contracted a really serious case of E. coli that damaged his kidneys.”
Cana- “Wow, that’s major.  Poor guy.”
Levy- “They are asking any students that want to volunteer to be tested as a match to go to the health room after school tomorrow.  There’s a consent form you can fill out before you go.”
Lucy- “Are either of you guys going?”
Cana- “No…”
Levy- “Probably not…  Are you?”
Lucy- “I don’t know, maybe.”
Cana- “You don’t even know the guy, why do you care?”
Lucy- “I feel bad for him, and his family.  I probably won’t be a match anyways.”
As soon as she walks up to the health room with the paper clutched in her hand, she sees a table outside of the doors manned by a nurse with a sign reading, ‘Must be 18, O-Negative or A-Positive Donors only’.  She looks at her paper, ‘A-Positive.’  With hesitation in her voice, “Excuse me, I’d like to be tested please.”
“Hand me your consent form young lady.”  Lucy gives the nurse the paper.  “Ah, yes, you’re old enough, and A-Positive, same as the patient.  Please follow me.”  Inside the room.  “Have a seat,” the nurse points at an open chair, “This will be quick, all I need to do is take some blood so we can run some tests but before I do, I need to make sure you understand what you might be getting yourself into.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, if you happen to be a match, and decide to go through with the living donor transplant, it will be major surgery.  While the recipient’s medical will cover the cost of the surgery you may have other out of pocket expenses that may not be covered.  Though… in this man’s case we are still unsure if the family will be able to cover the cost of a surgery.”
“Don’t worry about that…” the girl whispers, “money is not an issue for me or the family.”
The nurse raises an eyebrow and looks back to the girl’s form.  “I see… Ms. Heartfillia.  Well in that case, let’s just get this part over with so you can be on your way.”  The nurse starts to draw the blood from Lucy’s arm and talks to keep the girl occupied.  “You’ll hear back within a week if you are a match.”
“I-If I do end up a match, will he find out?”
“Only if you give permission for him to be told.”
“O-Oh kay.”
Placing a band-aid over the needle mark she pats Lucy’s arm, “You’re all done.”
“Thank you,” Lucy gathers her school bag and goes home.
Four days later she receives a call from the hospital late in the afternoon.  “Hello Ms. Heartfillia?”
“Yes, this is she.”
“We are calling with the results of the donor test.”
“You are a perfect match, you’re blood types are the same, all your levels are normal.  We believe you would be the best candidate if you wish to proceed as a living donor.”
Lucy’s sits down on her bed, “So what now?”
“Well, we need you to come down to the hospital to fill out some paperwork, you’ll also sit with a psychologist because we want to make sure you are really okay with this.”
“Um, how long will the procedure take?”
“The surgery itself is about 2-3 hours but you’ll be in the hospital for a couple days before it so we can prepare you, runs tests, things like that.  And then afterwards the recovery time is about 4 to 6 weeks.”
“That long… I’ll have to make arrangements with school to make up for that time.”
“I’m sure they’d be understanding.” 
Within the following couple of days, Lucy takes care of all the paperwork with the hospital and makes the arrangements with the school.  Any assignments she needs to complete will be delivered to her while she recovers and the only people who knows what is going on is her best friends Levy and Cana; besides, she doubts the other students will even notice her absence.  
The surgery goes smoothly…
A week and a half later, Gray is visiting his best friend in the hospital.  “Hey man, how you doing?”
“Still really sore, but the doctors say I’ll make a full recovery.”
“That’s awesome!”
“Yeah…” he sighs
“What’s wrong, something bothering you?”
“It’s… nothing.”
“Seems like you got something on your mind.”
“I just… I wish I knew who the donor was, and even more, someone covered the entire medical bill so my parents didn’t even have to worry about insurance.”
“Woah, seriously?  Do you know someone rich or something?”
“I don’t think so.  And all the hospital will tell me is the donor’s a girl our age.”
“Hmm.” Gray taps his chin, “You know there is a girl at school who went absent at exactly the same time you did and she’s still out.”
“Really!” Natsu perks up.  “Who is she??”
“Remember the quiet blonde that hangs out with Cana?”
Natsu tries to picture the girl, “Not really.”
“She’s pretty but seems really shy.”
“What’s her name?”
“Lucy Heartfillia.”
“Wait, the rich girl!  It’s gotta be her!  I mean the pieces fit, absent just like me, and she’s got the money to cover this kind of surgery…  But why would she do all this for me, I don’t even know her.”
“Maybe she’s just nice like that?”
“No way, there’s gotta be more to it and since I’m stuck here, Gray you’ve gotta try and find out more info for me.”
“How am I supposed to do that?”
“I don’t know, but I bet her friends know what’s going on…”
“Alright, I’ll see what I can find out.”
“Thanks man, and text me a pic of her if you can.”
“I’ll try.”
The next day in school, Gray searches out and finds Levy in the library.  “Excuse me Levy?”
“Yeah?  Are you talking to me?”
“I don’t see any other Levy’s in here.”
“Why are you talking to me?”
“I was just wondering, where’s the blonde girl you hang around with?  Haven’t seen her for almost a month now.”
“Oh, um, Lucy well she’s, um away…”
He raises an eyebrow, “Away?”
“Yeah, she needed to take care of something…”
“Or someone?”
“What do you mean someone?  S-she’s…”
“Oh geez, you’re a terrible liar.  She’s the one who saved my friends life isn’t she?”
Levy starts to panic, “N-no, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Levy, please he really wants to know who did this for him.”
“What do you mean why?  Why wouldn’t he want to know who did something so special for him.”
“It’s not like he paid any attention to her before.” She mutters under her breath
“I knew it!  Lucy has a crush on Natsu doesn’t she, I mean why else help a total stranger.”
“Lu is a caring person, she just wanted to help.”
“Picking up the tab at lunch is being nice, Levy this is more than just being nice.”
Sigh, “She’s gonna kill me if she finds out I told on her…”
“I promise I won’t tell.”
“Alright yes, she’s had a crush on him since elementary school.”
“When does she come back to school?”
“I think in maybe three weeks… Why?”
“Just wondering.  Oh, do you have a recent of picture of her?”
“Yeah, on my phone.”
“Could you send it to me?” 
She sends him a pic. “Gray please don’t tell anyone you know what’s going on, only me, Cana, and the Principal know the whole story.”
“I sweat, I won’t say a word.”
Right after school Gray goes straight to the hospital.  “Here you go man.” He hands Natsu his phone, “This is her.”
Holding it up he just stares, “She is really pretty… How’d I not notice her before?”
“Maybe cause your blind to the opposite sex, I mean how often do I ever see you checking out girls?  Almost never that’s what.  Hell, there was a time I wondered if you were straight.”
“Shut up!”
“Tch, well the answer to your question is yes, it is her, she’s the donor, she paid for all of this and it’s because she likes you.”
Natsu sits back in shock, “I don’t even know how to react…”
“I only dropped by to show you the picture.  But I gotta get to my homework so I’ll catch you later man.  Have fun thinking about her.”  Gray snickers and turns to leave.
“Wait, text me that pic!”
“Right, sorry; here you go.”  Natsu hears the ping on his phone.  “See ya.” Gray waves walking out the door.
“See ya…”  he looks at his phone and brings up the picture of Lucy smiling and posing with Cana at the beach.  “She really is the full package…” he starts blushing to himself.  ‘Beautiful, caring…  I’ve gotta meet this girl!’
3 weeks later Natsu has been released from the hospital, and Gray is over at his house to hang out and keep him company. 
“Have you heard if Lucy was discharged already?”
“According to Levy, she’s been home a few days, bout the same time as you.”
“Do you think Levy would help me meet Lucy?”
“What do you plan to do, just show up at her house?”
“I don’t know!  It’s just I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her ever since I found out.  I need to meet her Gray.  But yeah, I don’t wanna just show up, so maybe if Levy helps…”
“If you wanna ask Levy yourself I’ll give you her number.”
“Why do you have that?”
“Cause, she texted me the photo of Lucy.”
“Yeah give it to me.  No, better yet, you call her and then I’ll talk, she might not answer a number she doesn’t recognize.”
“Fine.” Gray dials.  “Levy?  Yeah its Gray we need to ask you something.” Then hands Natsu the phone.
“Hi Levy, it’s Natsu”
‘Natsu!?  Why are you calling me?’
“I..” exhale “I need to meet her Levy please.  Will you help me?”  Silence on the other end, he looks to see if the call is still running, “Levy are you there?”
‘Natsu I don’t know…’
“Please???!!  I can’t stop thinking about her!”
Now Levy’s protective side kicks in, ‘Why is it so important to you Natsu, it’s not like you noticed her before.  Okay I get it that maybe you wanna tell your benefactor thank you but…’
He cuts her off, “That’s not the only reason.  Yes, I wanna tell her thank you but… Levy I think I’m falling for her.” 
‘I don’t believe you.’
Gray- “Neither do I.”
“I swear!”
‘From what, one picture?  Yeah that’s pretty hard to believe Natsu.’
“Levy… Please…” he sighs, “She’s all I can think about…”
After a long pause, ‘Alright…’
“Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank…”
‘I swear Natsu, if you hurt her…’
“Why would I do that???”
Sigh, ‘Come to her house tomorrow afternoon around 4, that’s when I was going to visit her.  What’s your number, I’ll text you the address…’
Virgo opens the door, “Hello Levy, Lucy is waiting for you in the living room.”
“How is she feeling today?”
“Still a little sore and tired but for the most part she’s doing great.”  Virgo looks past her and see’s Gray and Natsu standing there, “You brought guests?”
“Shh, it’s a surprise for Lucy.”
Excitement in her voice, “Is that the young man?”
“Yeah, Virgo, that’s him.” Levy looks at Natsu, “His friend just drove him since he’s still weak too.”
“He’s handsome,” Virgo whispers to Levy and motions for them to come inside.
Natsu is dumbfounded at the size the house, no, mansion that Lucy lives in.  He had already done a bit of research on the girl so that he didn’t say something wrong and learned how her mom had passed away when she was around 4 and her dad while she was in intermediate school.  She was left in the care of her guardians until she could take over the family company.  According to Levy, it was after her father died that Lucy shied away from people, only sticking to her closest friends.  He figured that was one reason he may not have noticed her before.  He used to be active with sports and clubs but if she didn’t attend anything, they would never have run into each other.
“I’m in here Lev.”
Walking and talking, “Okay don’t be mad but I have someone that begged me to meet you.”
Lucy turns in her seat, her eyes growing wider by the second, “Levy why?  I told you…”
Levy kneels in front of her friend, “Lu, he wanted to meet you and after some convincing, I agreed.”  She stands up and motions to the two boys.  Gray helps Natsu slowly walk over to the couch Lucy is on and helps him to sit.  “We’ll be in the kitchen Lu,” Levy pulling Gray out with her.
Lucy turns her head away embarrassed, “What are you doing here Natsu?”
“I wanted to see how you are doing.”
“Because, Luce I know you were the one who did all this for me.”
“No, I…”
He takes her hand gingerly, “I figured it out.  They told me it was a girl my age, you were absent the same time as me, and you can afford to do what you did…”
“This was supposed to be anonymous…”
“But Lucy, why would you do something like this for someone you really didn’t know?”
“I felt bad for you and your family… I mean what good is all this money if it doesn’t go to good use?”
“I don’t think that’s the only reason.”  She looks at him confused.  “If that’s how you felt the money would make sense, but Luce you gave up one of your kidneys for me, that’s a part of your body… Why?”
“It… I thought… it was the right thing to do…” she stammers
He stares into her eyes with a softened expression.  “Or… is it because you might have feelings for me?” he whispers.
Lucy’s face flushes red, “N-no, I-I j-just wanted to help…” she looks away again.
He turns her chin back to him but she shuts her eyes, too embarrassed to open them.  “Lucy I’ll admit I didn’t really remember you when I found out all this.  But then three week ago in the hospital, Gray brought me a picture of you and something happened.”  He caresses her cheek, “Please look at me Luce…”
She shakes her head and keeps her eyes closed tight, “What happened?”
“I’ll tell you if you open your eyes,” he speaks soft and sweetly to her.  She shakes her head again.  “Then I’ll need to do this another way.”  He kisses her on the lips.  When her eyes pop open he releases her and smiles.
“Why’d you kiss me!”
“Lucy, what happened in the last few weeks, is I fell in love with the girl in the photo.” Her eyes moisten.  “I fell in love with the caring person who gave up a part of herself to save a stranger.  I fell in love with the special, shy girl who despite her own sad past, still loves people so very much.  And yes, I fell in love with the gorgeous girl smiling back at me from that photo with the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen.” A tear falls down her cheek.
“Y-you fell in love?”  he nods.  “With me?” he nods again.  “That seems crazy…” she mutters
He laughs, “No more crazy than a girl who gave up an organ for a stranger, unless…” he looks deeply at her again, “I was right about your feelings for me.  So, which is it, crazy or…”
Sigh, “Yes… Your right Natsu.” She sighs again.  “I’m in love with you too…” her voice barely a whisper.
He caresses her cheek again, “That makes me the luckiest guy in the world.”
“Why?”  she looks confused.
He grins again, “How many people can say that the person they love will always be a part of them,” he pat’s his side, “and it actually be true?”  
The comment is so from left field that Lucy starts to giggle, “You’re so weird!”
He leans his forehead to hers, “Yeah,” he caresses her cheek, “but now you’re stuck with this goof…”  As they start to kiss again, their friends snicker from the doorway.  
Levy- “I think our work is done for now.”
Virgo startles them from behind, “What’s his parents number?  Maybe he can stay the night.”
Gray- “Something tells me they won’t mind…I mean she did save his life…”
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