#3: kanade otonokoji
Day 5—Event 1
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"Hey... What's with the commotion?"
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"Yeah, what's going on?"
*Soon, the others gathered right in front of the dining hall.*
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"Wha- Wait, where's Kage?"
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"Indeed. He's dead."
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"Who are you? Why should we trust you?"
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"Kumiko. That's my name. I will be the overseer who shall accompany you next."
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"Wait. You're another overseer? Wha-"
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"Well then! Now that everyone is here!"
*Kumiko clapped her hands three times. The ground started to shake.*
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"N-Not again!"
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*The ground opened, what seemed like a vehicle slowly rising up.*
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"Wh-What is that?!"
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"How the fuck did that chick summon a bus?!"
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"Hell if I know!!"
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"Come one, come all! Enter the MonoTour bus! Your driver for today will be me, Kumiko!"
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"MonoTour bus?!"
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ah i should have been more specific … but yeah, im fine with the twins no longer matching ! and is it alright if they were rock music instead ?
basically im requesting for the otonokoji twins more rock music and talentswapped ^^"
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Something based in a song, again.
Also, putting Makoto in distress again.
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a-student-out-of-time · 2 months
Oh god... oh no... what was Kanade up to???
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In one of these is Soporil. It's a powerful sedative that can be administered intravenously or aerosolized-
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I'm familiar with it. Where'd you find it?
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It was tucked away under her bed, hidden in a box. There's enough in here to do the job several times over. And that brings me to the other piece of evidence we found in that same box.
*He holds up the other bag, which contains a DVD with "PLAY ME" written on it. He takes the disc out and places it in the DVD player on a laptop.*
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"We need you to see this, alright?"
*The video shows the inside of Kyoji's apartment late at night*
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If you're watching this right now, hello! I bet you have a lot of questions. The biggest being, "Where's Nakamura-kun?"
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Don't worry. He'll be safe with me for a while.
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I wouldn't bother coming to look for him. By now, we're somewhere far away, probably halfway to another country, and I've already covered our tracks.
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I know this seems extreme...but it's the only choice...after some of the things I've seen. The things I've heard...
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There are...so many criminals and serial killers in Japan...the news is full of all these horrible stories about crime, corruption, and now...now there's all this talk about Hope's Peak Academy being investigated...
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And I...I can't trust anyone anymore. It's no wonder he hardly ever lets me leave this apartment. The world is a cruel and awful place...and he's the only thing that's kept me going...
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That's why...you can't have him. I can't let any of you hurt him anymore! He's mine! He belongs to me!
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None of you ever cared...not even my idiot sister...you all just pretended to care. You all think there's something wrong with me...
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But Nakamura-kun never did...he always tried to help me, always cared about me...I'm sure he feels the same way I do.
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So you can all just stay away! Leave us alone! He belongs to me and only me, got it?!
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I just wanted to make all that clear. Goodbye.
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Had these two not shown up your place, there's a good chance she would've drugged and kidnapped you by now.
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blueberry--zombie · 2 months
here's a drawing of kanade otonokoji I made like a year ago lol
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idk wat else 2 post here lol
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Idk I wanna try to be somewhat active in the fandom but I have nothing that I can actually post that is serious.
So y'all get old as fuck memes.
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Of course it's basically only Nikei. That's my brand.
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ninjagirlstar5 · 23 days
You've seen me ramble about the problems with Kanade and Chapter 3, so you know how I feel. It really does feel like LINUJ went for pure shock value instead of anything narratively satisfying. I like your take on the idea, where instead of just the shock and horror, there's actual purpose and character behind it.
The twins do really seem like they would be a great cautionary tale of mutual toxicity and obsession, and I like the idea of them reuniting only because there were people in need during The Tragedy.
And I admit I'm biased, but I'm always happy to see more stories where Hibiki actually survives ^^
OH yeah, I have. I've read most (if not all) of those asks on the ASOOT blog as they were coming out and it made me realize how bad SDRA2's Chapter 3 is. And when I actually sat down to play the game myself with my friend, I went from knowing that Chapter 3 is bad to actually experiencing how bad it was for myself. Like, it went from, "Oh, it's kinda okay so far, but I know the shoe is gonna drop at some point-" to "OH WOW, it really IS that bad, dear lord." Like, Jesus Christ, this chapter was...a lot and yet full of nothing at the same time beyond just shock value. It's not as if the whole serial killer thing couldn't have worked, the problem is that all the people that's closely connected to the case gets axed all in one go, and it's kinda just...never brought up again. Like, come on. If you're going to go THAT far, at least give it SOME kind of importance to a character connected to this shitshow, like Hibiki. Who got killed off alongside Kanade. Like, thanks, I hate it. There's so many things wrong with Chapter 3 and how Kanade was handled that the best thing to do for both is to just rewrite it all from the ground up. So when my brain started giving me ideas on how it could be rewritten, I decided I needed to get it out of my system and tried to approach it in a more human and complicated way than something as twistedly evil to the point of shock value. Kanade is at least more pitiable here since you can actually understand her on SOME level but never excuse her actions as she's still toxic in her right towards Hibiki (who's also toxic to her in return). She's just not being a serial killer about it.
AND YEAH, that's pretty much what I was going for for them. I wanted to keep the nuances of their relationship on how they're mutually toxic to one another since that's very interesting to see. There's no such thing as a "perfect" victim, as there are many that have done messed up things in response to what they've been put through but still desperately needing help or even an intervention from a reasonable authority figure, and Hibiki and Kanade could've been great examples of that. But one actively chooses to change while the other doesn't...at least in one of the interpretations of how their rewritten relationship could end as would be revealed in the Chapter 6 version of this. Ngl, I wasn't sure which interpretation I liked more as I can see both versions happening, with Kanade and Hibiki coming back together through the Tragedy as some events are able to give people an opportunity to bond and mend what's broken back together again, while other times not even a world-wide disaster will get someone to change and things remain broken due to one side having an unwillingness to hold themselves accountable for their own actions. Both are feasible in this rewritten version and I decided to let this be something for other people to decide for themselves on whether or not Kanade and Hibiki can mend their relationship after being separated for so long and if the Tragedy can bring them back together through their charity events. After all, some people have their limits and Kanade still did a lot of horrible things to other people, so it really depends on whether or not you'd believe it'd possible for them to repair their relationship, even after so many years of not talking to one another. A possible rebuilt of their relationship that unfortunately gets nipped in the bud thanks to Mikado's killing game reverting them back to a state where their old toxic behavior was at it's peak, and one of them ending up killing and getting executed because of it. Either way, we could've had doomed siblings instead of...whatever the fuck canon is.
And trust me, me and my friend are right with you on that. We really wished Hibiki had survived and complain about it every now and then whenever we bring up Kanade and Chapter 3. It's just...such a waste to kill her off like that. My girl deserved better.
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Shōji Yokō's FTEs
[Part 1]
Date: April 10th, 2010
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*walks out of the recording studio and seem tired* Woo, geez my voice is tired - I guess you were right about the genre change needing a lot of work; I figure death metal require screaming but you don't scream.
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*gives Ibuki a water bottle* Here, I recommend you drink this - it'll help your throat from growing tired.
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Oh hey thanks, so I should be drinking water?
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Well it's warm, it'll help with your vocal range and you don't hurt your voice at so just drink that and will keep practicing.
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I was often advise to drink warm water and unsweetened coconut water but I had a bad experience with coconuts so I tend to avoid that stuff.
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Oh really? Sorry about that, well if not that then try herbal tea, low sugar plant based milk such as soy, low sugar and low acid juices and low sodium bone broth - usually those would help you out.
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Oh yeah, I think my mom told me to drink that stuff before a concert so I don't strain my voice.
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She even say don't drink milk either which is too bad since I really like milk.
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Well your mom has some good advice you should take it next time.
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Also just do breathing exercises to help with the range of your voice too; it should make singing a lot easier for you and I suggest hums as well to help with your throat muscle.
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Whooa, despite being the Ultimate drummer you sure know a lot about vocal stuff; do you do singing as well?
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Well... not really, it's just some tips I heard when my band perform at Tokyo Radio Tower and concerts, and I don't see myself singing all that much...
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Oh but I did remember a time when the lead singer in our band was really sick and couldn't make it, it was a really important show too.
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Holy crap, really?! What happen did you guys do?
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Yeah, I think since mine and his voice were similar we decided I perform in his place.
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I... will admit I was nervous since I never sung on stage at all or knew how, I didn't want to let anyone down; especially as this was on the spot too... I had to improvise...
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But after getting comfortable and practicing a bit with my voice, I was able to learn to sing and the concert was a success.
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Dude, that is like totally awesome man! It's no wonder your an awesome vocal coach, you got practice!
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I remember my band mostly pick me because my singing voice was good for pop music even if it wasn't a genre I wasn't into but I wanted to perform.
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Oh, right... you don't like pop music and prefer death metal, right?
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Yeah and I had to perform pop music but I started to grow tired of it and wanted to change but we all had different genres we like.
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It's why we all split up due to creative differences; we just wanted to take the band in certain directions but we weren't sure.
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Yeah I kinda get that, it's usually hard to decide what music you want to do.
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But hey, it's good to get out there and experiment, so glad to see you trying a different genre.
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Wow, thanks Shoji - your the best!
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*drinking the water* Ah, it's really refreshing after practice, thanks a bunch dude.
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So are we gonna keep practicing like this?
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Well yeah, gotta get practice in, but you should take breaks every once in a while.
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You got it captain, I sure am enjoying this a lot more then I thought I would! Let's keep going after this break!
*After Ibuki takes a break and drinking water, she goes back to practice*
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reikane-enthusiast · 7 months
an attempt at restoring some art i did on paper..
( i will redraw and color it .. just not rn )
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Oohhh this is gonna be savage and good. You think you are strong now Kanade but Kimura was one of the main inventors of the Hope Serum which means she knows its strengths…and its weaknesses…
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What the FUCK am I even LOOKING at!?
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The hell's your beef!?
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Oh, you wanna tussle? FINE! DO YOUR FUCKING WORST!
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numberoneanika · 2 years
(spoilers for sdra2 ch3 and yttd ch1/2)
hear me out
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friendly reminder that i don't trust mark at all <3
edit: i don't know how to format on tumblr so i made images. hope it becomes more clear like this
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The trial shall begin
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"Are you sure the announcement was heard in the forest?"
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*Kage and Kikyo stood in front of a statue, the shorter shuffling some cards while the taller was cleaning her sword. Kikyo sighed.*
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"It seems to me that... you got attached to the participants."
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"You did as well, but..."
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"I cannot refute that."
*Soon enough, everyone arrived.*
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"Kage? Kikyo?"
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"So it's time..."
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"..." 'Ace...'
*Kage reached out to the arm of the statue, pulling it down as it made a lever sound. Suddenly, the floor below the participants started rumbling.*
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"?! W-What the?!"
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"Everyone! Brace yourselves!"
*The floor opened, everyone falling and sliding down a metallic ramp.*
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"Ugh! Ow!"
*Levi harshly landed on his face. He got up, rubbing his face as he looked in confusion.*
*Everyone else was there, either getting up or on the floor. They were in some sort of royal court room, the walls painted in navy blue with velvet red courtains decorating them, the floor was painted in black and white tiles, like in chess.*
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"What the hell... Is everyone okay?"
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"Yeah... I admit, that was kinda cool..."
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"Everyone, please claim any seat you may like. The trial will begin."
*Levi took a deep breath as he went over to one of the podium, his mind still racing.*
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'I can't believe this is actually happening. Everyone... It was going so well. I was doing my job right. But all of this... First, we were thrown in this game... And...'
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'And Ace died because of it. Not just Ace. Mizu, too. It... It's really happening. And... One of us did it.'
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'One of us betrayed the trust of the group and killed Ace and Mizu in cold blood. But...'
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'Unfortunately, that is the role they have. They are a mafia. A mafia who killed someone I cared for and someone Imwished to have learnt more about.'
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'Is anyone even capable of killing someone so cruelly in the first place? Especially someone who they spent time with?'
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'I don't want to believe it, but... The truth will come out here.'
'In the trial of deceit and distrust.'
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Hi hi i love your edits and i hope you dont mind me requesting one
Hopefully im allowed to request this but you think you could do a personality swap between Nikei and Kanade? I feel as if those two were be good for a personality swap
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spyrkle4 · 2 years
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and this is what happened in chapter 3 (just kidding!)
happy birthday to the Otonokojis! (11/11) I felt like doing a silly comic (based on a vine) for this one, hope this gave y’all a good chuckle, I personally am very happy with how i did everyone’s outfits (i love the canon outfits but also i like giving characters wardrobes ok) 
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a-student-out-of-time · 4 months
Then she just wants an explanation! Simple as that, huh
Hah, we were panicking for nothing
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*Kyoji reaches his apartment and peers around cautiously. Nothing seems to be amiss*
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*He runs to the end of the hall and knocks on the door*
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Hey, Kyoji-kun. What's up?
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What's going on?
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I need you both to stand guard outside. We might have a situation right now, in my apartment.
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Situation? Crap.
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Ume, stay with Nagisa. I'll keep an eye on the hallway.
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Got it.
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"What's going on, exactly?"
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It's complicated, but...we're worried about something going on right now.
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Kyoji-kun's worried they might've broken into his apartment.
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"They...o-oh dear. Is everyone alright?"
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Sounds like it. I mean, everyone's kinda jumpy, but it doesn't sound like anything bad.
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We're probably just getting worked up about nothing, right, Kyoji-kun?
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...What the hell?!
Mayumi: ...Kyoji-kun?
*He drops the phone*
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friday1221 · 2 years
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I haven’t drawn in a while but ig crazy anime gurl was powerful enough to get me to pick up the pen. Really enjoying watching weeby newz’s playthrough of sdra, it’s getting me through my exams
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