#3) i mean it’s basically canon that he lost control of his flames BC he was so emotional
seethinglikeme · 2 years
seeing ppl say that dabi’s an emotionless sociopath just bc he says he is is actually annoying af to me 😭 like r u rlly gonna say the guy who thought so hard abt the families of the ppl he’s killed he went crazy, went berserk when twice died, and literally burned himself to death BC he was so emotional that his father didn’t come to see his quirk’s development is unemotional just bc he says he is? cmon babes be for fucking real 😭
#and bc ik there r counterarguments to the examples i listed:#1) he said that out loud to himself while wiping blood away from his eye scar which is used to symbolise his tears since he cant cry#so no it’s not him lying or faking it or acting. it’s dabi thinking out loud and expressing his feelings#in a scene btw that wasn’t necessary to that arc’s plot or anything - horikoshi decided to put it in for a different reason then#(perhaps to show the audience that just bc dabi says he’s emotionless doesn’t actually mean he is. but what do i know)#2) yeah he said he’s upset abt twice’s death bc it affects him negatively. but that doesn’t make sense#why high-five him then? that wasn’t necessary - u can argue it boosts twice’s morale but to do what? escape from hawks & help the plf?#twice has plenty of motivation to do that - he already was! so why else? throwing a dog a bone? dabi’s not the type to do that and even if#he was that implies some sort of pity or fondness which also disproves the emotionless thing#not only that but his reaction when twice died was not a ‘fuck i just lost a useful tool for my plan’#that was someone in the anger stage of grief and going mad w it#also we legit saw dabi’s touya reveal & it was obv not a plan he’d adjusted or created in the time btwn twice’s death and that moment#same 4 the video#and i mean we see dabi fight endeavor & shouto and he does all that alone - none of the plf help#if he doesn’t let the rest of the league help him then why woild twice have been the exception? and actually why would the guy who#told deku to stay out of the todoroki family’s business and didnt tell the league his identity til he revealed it to everyone want someone#else’s help??#it doesn’t make sense - more likely that dabi was mourning a friend/ally and emotional enough and he came up w a shitty excuse bc of it#3) i mean it’s basically canon that he lost control of his flames BC he was so emotional#and there r plenty more examples i just chose those 3 bc they’re bigger ones#but burning down toga’s family home burning down the orphanage returning to the todoroki family home in the first place etc#trying to inflict as painful a death as he could on hawks etc#all displays of emotion and shit#and tbh i could prbly argue that his constant reiteration that he’s a sociopath who doesn’t feel anything is all bluster and bullshit to#make himself be thought of as worse than he is bc itd hurt enji’s rep even more#i have more to say but u get the picture#if i see one more piece of dabi hate calling him emotionless and sociopathic im going to start biting#todoroki touya#dabi#me
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Outline # -1 Abandoned Lore (Trinity)
I have learned my lesson, I will be writing these on Google docs and then copy-pasting onto Tumblr. While I am on GD, I figured I might as well open the docs I used to write the actual fic. Man, I went through a ton of hoops to get where I am. I will be using the most coherent ones for reference. 
I can literally track my thought process as I went through writing all the different versions and I still have no idea how tf I went from this to dropping a flaming papermache whale on Ra’s Al Ghul. And I will die mad about it. Which means more meticulous notes in the future I guess.
Also, I’d like to apologize for how long it took to get this out, I have no sense of time whatsoever and as always, there’s a lot more than expected. This was 7 pages long
Original Ramble Post 
Like most of my stories, the MC is an OCI - reincarnator brought into a fictional world they once watched. (Because I am obsessed with that trope.)
I now find the original name I had for her cringy and out-of-place given these are norse gods. So, from now on her name is Lokka, which is the female version of Loki
There’s a whole ass backstory about the transition of godly names and power I won’t go into. Just think Thor and female Thor kind of thing I guess. She’s basically seen as a spare Loki but it’s also a respected position.
Was tempted to name her Sigyn since Marvel doesn’t care about actual norse myth relations. No, Idc that there’s a canon Sigyn.
If you’re curious, the original name was Aradia. Yes, like the queen of witches.
MC is an asgardian, the daughter of the librarian in the royal palace and a blacksmith
She managed to get an apprenticeship under Loki and is occasionally taught by Frigga. She also learns under Eir when both her royal teachers are busy.
Lokka found her way into the central plane, probably having found it’s location from Loki’s notes and is unaware that it’s unstable.
So, Lokka is in the central plane, having the time of her life exploring new lands when she stumbles across a crying Marinette who is very lost 
Unlike Lokka, Marinette does not know where she is or what is going on. She literally just tripped into a portal and has no way home.
Lokka takes Marinette under her wing and promises to help her find a way home
Problem is, she doesn’t know which of the three universes Marinette is from.
Even if/when she finds out that the girl is from MLB-verse, she still wouldn’t know which one that is because she has no reference to which world is which. Only that Marinette is probably not from Asgard.
At this point, she is unaware she lived in Marvel, she just knows Asgard is Norse Mythology.
So they continue to wander the central plane, Marinette ends up picking up a card guardian for a pet, accidentally becoming a cardcaptor. 
Marinette has trouble pronouncing Lokka and Lokka gives Mari permission to call her Cosette (pre-reincarnation name)
Meanwhile, Ra’s sends Damian and Talia into the Central plane for combat experience and resource gathering.
Ra’s might be 700 years old, he might have access to the Central plane but he sure doesn’t know about magic or how it came to be or the current state of it. He might know something’s off because all the inhabitants have been increasingly on edge and the weather’s been stranger than usual but he didn’t deemed it important
Notably, he has never seen anyone other than those who he’d sent in himself in the central planes (CP, from now on bc I am getting tired of typing the entire thing out) so as far as he knows, the CP’s only entrance point is under his control.
Talia and Damian, who’s still going by Hafid, go hunting for resources and training
They separate for a bit for individual hunting/training time
Marinette and Cosette (Lokka) stumble across Damian’s camp
Misunderstandings occur, Damian fights them, more accurately he fights Cosette
Cosette tries to protect Marinette while also making sure not to harm her opponent
It was harder than she expected considering her opponent was a child
Asgardian training pulls through and she is able to do both
Damian’s tied up, Marinette is confused, and Cosette does not want to deal with this
Negotiation time
Marinette can’t speak Arabic, Damian doesn’t know french, and Cosette has all-speak
This means Cosette’s sitting there, having to repeat everything the kids say to each other for translation’s sake
also misunderstandings before the kids realize allspeak is a thing
Cosette is stuck with two kids who don’t like each other, one of which barely puts up with her so she does what most adults do when kids are too troublesome
Distract them: she does magic tricks with actual magic
Damian+Marinette are fascinated, Cosette accidentally gains two magic students 
even though she’s still learning herself and all she has for guidance right now are Loki’s and Frigga’s notes
So, the trio end up travelling together
Damian demands Marinette should at least be able to fight so they train her too
They also figure out that Marinette and Damian’s worlds are not the same.
Cosette drills some value of life, basic morals, and feminism into Damian’s head
Marinette and Damian (Hafid) have trouble pronouncing each other’s names
They chose nicknames for each other from Cosette’s bedtime stories
Marinette is obviously angel or Tenko
Damian is gets Kabane, the name of a half demon
Kabane later changes to Kasane, protective blade
Yes, Cosette was/is a weeb and yes, they still mispronounce names which defeats the whole purpose but at least they kids don’t notice now even if Cosette is cringing every time they
They run into another card guardian and this one goes to Damian.
Cosette does not pout about this, it would be very immature
One training montages, several fights, a couple language lessons, and an abandoned (and Cosette-raided) house later, Cosette gets to the part of Loki’s notes where she figures out that the CP is collapsing in on itself and uh-oh
She tells the kids the gist of it but they’re too smart, ask all the right questions, and end up figuring out the important parts of situation that she’s trying to keep from them
Cosette is both impressed and a little put out, mostly impressed because not only did they figure out extremely complex magic, they also mostly remained level headed.
Marinette wants to rescue the card guardians and for once Damian is backing her up so Coestte gives up the notion of returning home and they go collect the guardians.
Remember, DC and MLB universes are closing in on each other 
MCU is drifting away
If they don’t collect the guardians, Cosette would have the time to just drop them off at their world collection points and head back to hers
After collecting a couple guardians, they end up finding Talia and explain the situation to her.
Talia joins the gang, she may or may not be plotting a marriage
They raid a couple more houses, collect the 54 card guardians, and complete the power transfer ritual (replacing the Yue’s trial because the cards are the guardians)
The cards end up latching onto the three kids. 
Marinette gets the Mistress title, Damian gets Sun Guardian, and Cosette gets Moon guardian.
Originally Cosette was going to be the mistress and Marinette the Moon guardian but because of the way I’ve decided magic works in this world - explaining that will need a whole other post - if Marinette is the moon guardian and gets the Ladybug miraculous, she will - for lack of better word - get sick and possibly die... or not.
Y’know what, it made sense at the time. But now that I think about it, we’re going back to the original idea.
Cosette’s the Card Mistress, Marinette’s the Moon guardian and Damian’s the Sun guardian.
Spoiler alert: that is a plot point for tropes-verse.
The completion of the ritual breaks puts CP deteriorations in high acceleration
Damian and Talia get into their circle, Cosette and Marinette in the other
Damian doesn’t have any cards bc he doesn’t want his grandfather trying to get to them. He and Talia agreed Ra’s would only know about the CP’s destruction. He does, however, have a CP beast that they picked up.
CP beast: magical creature that was born of CP’s magical residue or smth
Damian’s looks like a Teddiursa (Teddy bear pokemon) it is not
They have a notebook from a raided house detailing CP’s deterioration for proof
Cosette goes with Marinette because she can’t make it back to her universe and in the event that Marinette’s also from Cosette’s universe, she won’t be alone
They separate with the promise of meeting again.
At this point, I have had several differing ideas
They all go into DC world because they aren’t sure of Marinette’s world
Child trio goes into MLB world and Talia tells Ra’s Damian died
Everyone goes into MLB and Ra’s finds out about the collapse when he tries going in himself and finds out he can’t and just assumes they died
Y’all, I’m starting to see why I can’t do one-shots…
One of the things I forgot to mention in the rambling post is that while Marvel-verse was pulling away, it also messed with the time regulation thing, a day in the Maribat-verse will
Time in CP was very messed up
Kind of assumed readers could piece it together but I figured might as well make it obvious and straight up say it
MLBU: Cosette and Marinette arrive safely 
Marinette is delivered home and Cosette has to figure something out
They find out Marinette has only been gone for a week
Marinette has some separation anxiety for about three days
Cosette slowly realizing this is an MLB universe and having a crisis
Cosette gets adopted by the Dupain-Chengs and starts working at the bakery
I have not figured out ages for Cosette
MLB goes like most Maribat fics pre-gotham because I’m lazy
Will likely be adjusted if I ever actually write this fic
Except Cosette steps in when things got too far and Paris has 3 heroes
Cosette is the known as the Sorciere or Lokka
Her uniform is just her asgardian armor
Good but misguided Adrien, Cosette probably adopts him too
Love square goes platonic and Cosette is glad this rom-com is over
Magic tutoring continues
Cosette is neutral with Fu and fascinated by the miraculous
You remember those ghost interactions? Those are filtering in
One of the first things to merge is the internet, because it doesn’t have a physical body and it’s just waves of information
News and discoveries between the world are being swapped
Given what I remember from DC and dimension travel, it wouldn’t be surprising if they figured out universes were merging.
The news about JL and Paris’s situation are causing all kinds of confusion
Cosette beings looking for information on Damian
As the physical world begins merging, there’s pockets of space where you can slip from one world into another; not quite portals but close
Eventually the trip to NY became a trip to Gotham because their plane slipped between planes (sorry, I saw the chance and I had to take it.) but yeah, that happened.
There’s quite a few details I’m forgetting
DCU: Damian and Talia arrive ok and report bare basics to Ra’s
It has also only been a week
Ra’s is displeased to find them back until they report the state of the CP
There’s the whole coup not long after and Damian is sent to Bruce
Damian is much more innocent looking when he’s bringing what appears to be a teddy bear with him
It’s name is Abd and it has grown wings by now. Actual name pending.
He gets teased about it, but under Cosette’s teachings, he has learned the virtue of patience, underestimation, and getting revenge with a side of entertainment
He does not try to kill Tim either
He also has to make the choice of bringing Abd with him as Damian or as Robin
He choses to make a side company for WE making toys based off creatures from the CP so Abd wouldn’t look too out of place
It takes two weeks for the bats to realize there’s something off about the Abd
They are convinced it’s haunted and Damian is very entertained
Abd only moves in daytime when no one - Damian excluded - can see it
Movement can expel magic that interferes with recording tech
Alfred is the first to figure it out and surprise, surprise, he has some magic books for Damian to learn from
It’s from the Wayne family library and they just assumed the language was lost to time. At least three are from Alfred’s own family.
Bat brothers spend the next 6 months trying to convince Damian his magical pet bear is a haunted doll.
Damian sort of getting along with Poison Ivy because his Sun magic is very compatible with plants and they love him
On an unrelated note, the plants seem to refuse to attack the new Robin
Damian randomly, unconsciously humming to songs Cosette and Marinette sang
Damian just vibing with the magic users of JL and Teen Titans
No one took him seriously at first but he pointed something out during a conference
“Robin, stand down and let the magic users handle this” - Green Lantern, probably
Constantine who actually knows what he’s talking about “No, no, let the boy talk.”
The plan was twice as efficient after Damian was through with it
Now Constantine’s trying to adopt Damian as an apprentice, he’s failing bc the bats are protective and possessive of what is theirs
Reminder that Damian brings Abd with him everywhere and he’s still getting teased about it from anyone who is not a bat (still convinced the thing is haunted)
The only thing the magic users have picked up about Abd is that he’s a magical construct which could mean a number of things but they brush it off as just a doll.
No one is prepared for the thing to come to life, multiply in size, and start spitting ice, sleep sand, and illusions. (Hiccups bubbles and can also turn into a cloud.)
They are also not prepared for the thing to quadruple in size and for Damian to ride it like a horse into battle. Reminder that Abd has wings and can fly.
Confusing talk about what’s going on in Paris and some other parts of the world
JL slowly figure out the universal merger that Damian already knows about
Damian is not impressed, it took him and Angel about 2 hours as 9 year olds
Somehow, Damian still has the ice prince image, less demon spawn though, that goes to Abd
Time moves on and one day, a plane from the other world arrives in Gotham
There’s a bit of confusion but it’s not exactly the first time something like this has happened at this point
WE steps up and offers jobs and a tour and all the usual Maribat plans (not just for the kids but all the other people on the plane)
Given the merger of the internet, MLB class and crew have some idea who the Waynes are and they accept. 
Estimated about 6 months for full merger so people from MLB world are kinda just stuck there until then
Lila literally cannot lie about knowing the Waynes personally but she sure can lie about other things.
Dick and Damian are sent in to monitor the group
The reunion is awkward given they can’t freely interact and are not supposed to know each other. 
While Dick is talking, there are just wide eyed staring between Marinette, Damian, and Cosette. With something a little extra between Marinette and Damian.
Cosette is torn between laughing and groaning at another rom-com trope coming in fast.
She ends up filming it bc blackmail is always good to have
Adrien is confused and quite frankly, he’s really just there to cover for them
The tour begins and about five minutes in, the trio breaks off and exchanges stories and names.
Cosette hears about Batman and has a dawning realization of what this world is, mentally nopes out, later digests that they are going into Maribat verse
Starts checking off Maribat tropes they’re coming across bc she might as well have fun with it
They continue to meet up
Batfam thinking Damian somehow managed to get two girlfriends
Damian choking on his breakfast when it is brought up
The girls are invited to dinner and Damian is just dying inside
Cosette blatantly hitting on all Damian’s brothers in the first 5 minutes
Damian screaming internally while Cosette cackles
Dick is awkward until he realizes it’s a joke, Jason plays along, Tim has an awkward bean crisis
Tim x Cosette? Maybe.
Cosette does that sit and repeat thing at least three times out of habit
Batfam gets full explanation about how they met and everything
I have played with the idea of Cosette getting fear gassed a couple times and Idk how it would go tbh.
That’s as far as I got with this version, so shenanigans ensue
Pretty sure they used the cards and magic throughout even if I didn’t mention it
Absolutely would be useful for being in two places at once
I later changed so the merger happens and then Paris’s heroes meet the Justice League
Damian immediately recognizing Cosette but not Marinette bc magic
still effective but weaker because of Damian’s magic type
He later recognizes Marinette later when she pulls off a move he taught her way back in CP
Nickname confusion for everyone else
Cosette vs Constantine on who gets to teach Damian magic
Damian goes to Paris. They beat Hawkmoth and then go to Gotham.
Also had a general idea of a plot with LoS that never got fleshed out past existing
If we’re going for the rebound version: Cosette reunites with Thor and Loki during the Avengers movie
Also, poor Heimdallr. He probably had a lot of headaches with the universe crash
Accelerated merger because of the convergence in the dark world.
I wanna go with 2012 Avengers towers shenanigans. + Loki and his sort-of but not really daughter
Cosette vs Antman, shrinking/growing, science vs magic.
And then there’s the whole Ironman vs Batman vs Arrow rich boy fight
Hammer x Luthor or Hammer vs Luthor?
Also, Cosette just staring at her home universe in betrayal and being insulted she didn’t think of it earlier because classic Nordic myths had Loki as Odin’s brother and not his son among other things but still
Fight against Thanos is a bit anti-climatic when you give a gremlin murder child magic and a sword that can through anything, including magical artifacts.
this baby boy can and will fight God and Cosette’s not really the kind to hold him back
If I actually wrote this, a lot of things would probably change because I’d actually have to put more thought into logistics and how things work
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staggeringsmite · 4 years
ooh, top 5 moments you've had/witnessed as a DM? (please use this an excuse to hype yourself up if you want!!)
my players make dm’ing beyond worth it, so i really have to give credit to them for the joy of what they bring to a lot of these scenes <3 (also this is all wandering isles bc it’s been my most narratively satisfying and invested dm experience) Buckle Up it’s a long one!!!
bonus: i’m very proud of my individual character moments! throughout the campaign we’ve had about four of these (the intro session scenes, two dream sequences for every pc, and a set of individual trial scenes). we’re a pretty big party so it’s hard to narrow it down, but i just love writing and running those longer narrative moments bc i think it’s a v interesting insight into each character and gives them each a separate moment to shine <3
5. “promise you’ll come back to her” / burning of contingency letters
i put these moments together perhaps to cheat a little bit, but also because they deserve it. xarus, the party’s barbarian whose family was abandoned by his mother at a young age pulls theresa, a forge knitting cleric about to board the airship he is a quartermaster of in order to find a cure for her sick wife. he asks theresa to promise him one thing, that no matter what she will come back to her wife. along the way they write contingency letters to their loved ones in and outside of the party as their adventures grow more and more dangerous, and eventually, exhausted and worn, theresa and xarus find each other in the den of a safehouse to talk. recognizing each other’s willingness to self-sacrifice, their conversation ends with them burning the contingency letters they’ve written, committing to life. these scenes come together because it shows how far they have come together, and the theresa and xarus relationship will always be a highlight of the wandering isles to witness. sometimes the players do all the best work for you, and it’s so wonderful to sit back and watch <3
4. miles is missing
damien returns to the university he works at after an unprecedented amount time away to check on his office before he heads back out on another adventure with the party. while there he moves to put a sticky note (canonically a magical item in the wandering isles universe) on his rival colleague’s (and gay lover/roommate of 20 years) door only to find it entirely emptied without a trace. despite their bickering, miles and damien are very close, and miles would never pack up his things and go without telling damien.
this was a more subtle cliff-hanger for the session, but it was made so much fun as a dm because the players were excited and joking the whole session about miles’ second appearance (and only since the very first session) so his sudden disappearance was made much more severe based on everyone’s anticipation of meeting and having a light-hearted interaction with him.
3. the infamous sex rave
sometimes things go very right as a dm and sometimes things spiral out of control when a pc mislabels a situation which becomes a running joke of the campaign. either way i love being stubborn in my defense of “it isn’t a sex rave!!” whenever they bring it up (and immediately playing an npc who also calls it a sex rave). basically the players had a heist encounter in which they were hired to break a group of pirate prisoner’s out of a secret underground information center (where magical artifacts were also being held and studied, and there was pertinent information stored for the party to take a swipe at). the group split and one subset of party members were forced to hide from guards on the outskirts of a large, gladiatorial style ring within the compound, in which prisoners were competitively battling in order to test the abilities of certain unknown artifacts for the entertainment of anonymous nobles in masquerade getup. based on the magical lighting effects, the strangely dressed noble onlookers, and the,,,, Fighting Noises being some of the only things the pc’s perceived from the level of the auditorium they hid at, it was unfortunately misnomer’ed the “weird sex rave” and has only been referred to it as that ever since.
2. mother abel’s goodbye
hmmm am i making players cry again? yeah maybe. mother abel was an elder cleric of nosa crossing, the starting city of the campaign. she’d lived through its settlement, destruction, rebuilding, and given her all not only to the city but also to the jilted creed (a secret society dedicated to disrupting geline, a large and dangerously powerful island-state which is one of the campaign’s greatest evils). in the last use of her strength she took on a role as a conduit for a powerful plane shift ritual to transport the residents of the city to safety in the feywild as nosa crossing began to be overrun by potent wild magics in the prime material plane. as a low-level cleric, the spell took its toll on her, and as the party arrived in the feywild via a similar ritual to find the inhabitants, they were led to her side. theresa, a native of nosa crossing now reunited with her wife yodean, went to abel’s side with yodean. as yodean sat on the foot of the bed, theresa kneeled as though praying to hold abel’s hand cleric to cleric, confessing her gratitude but admitting that she cannot give as freely as mother abel did, that she and yodean deserve to live for themselves as much as they choose everyday to live for other people. with her final words in a soft, weak message, mother abel comforted theresa in her decision. the scene as a whole was so wonderfully sad, and the best dm moment of something so raw as telling aj, theresa’s player, that while there was no way to confirm it in any real capacity, something in theresa felt that perhaps mother abel held out a little while longer to make sure she was safe one last time and make sure she’d truly gotten everyone home.
1. rosa’s betrayal / lian’s resurrection
enough of that sad shit let’s get mean babey!! aslkjglfk i will be riding the high of this session for an eternity, but it’s quite a lot to break down. rosa rucksaw is the captain of the crew the party rescues in the heist sequence, who eventually reveals herself to in fact be xarus’ mom who fully left to assume a new identity and is Pretty Horrible as a person. at the safehouse, the party is asked by the people they were hired if they would be willing to take the crew to a longer term safehouse island, and the decision is left to xarus. not wanting to be like his mom, xarus agrees to endure a little more time with them in order to them this service out of convenience and kindness. a few hours from their destination, rosa finds xarus on the deck and honestly? kinda begins to admit some amount of guilt for all the shit she did,,,, literally seconds before she reveals that when her and her crew were caught by geline, she struck a deal in order to keep them alive, saying to her biological son “out on the cloudsea your crew is your family, and son, believe me, i’d do anything for my family” before her crew on the deck anchored the ship to an invisible gelinish war vessel and we snapped to roll20 for combat. the look of horror and betrayal on everyone’s face as her monologue hit those final lines, ugh and the fact that no one was super suspicious made it even better!! sometimes it Really Works, and this was one of those times!
flash forward in the battle, and an npc (it’s miles, the gay lover from a few numbers ago) being held hostage by the gelinish vessel is killed, as he is resurrected by two party members (damien and theresa) damien reaches for his soul, as theresa, who multi-classed into divination wizard after a pc named lian died (with failed attempts from theresa and xarus to hold her back) feels another presence in the grey, misty beyond. lian died in session four, and when i said her name to reference jack’s character everyone lost it mostly out of confusion before i began to narrate lian feeling restless in the afterlife, eventually reaching out and forming a celestial warlock pact with miles through his connection to damien and being called upon by her goddess sune as theresa reached out, offering lian the chance to go back. theresa returning to that moment with both her clerical and divinatory abilities, with the blessing of sune, lian emerging on the battlefield, now a vengeance paladin instead of life cleric, with a flaming sword and celestial wings at her back was such an incredible highlight to set up and run,, i just, <333 very proud of myself (and very thankful jack was on board for her coming back) for this moment
thank you so so much!! this was a long ramble, but i hope it was somewhat interesting to people not in the wandering isles <33
send a top 5 or 10?
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