#3-4 sleeve golf shirts
its-stimsca · 11 months
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Normal People Things by Lovejoy for day 26 of Stimtober
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Gif 1: A person wearing a white shirt, black jacket, and black pants uses a pair of drumsticks to drum on the lampshade of a lamp. The room they’re in is darkly lit, only the lamp their hitting being on, washing the room out in a weird green/yellow light.
Gif 2: A foot wearing black converse hits the pedal of the biggest drum in a drum set, causing the attached mallet to hit the drum. It’s the biggest one in the drum set that sits on the bottom middle, I’m pretty sure it’s called a bass drum.
Gif 3: A hammer destroys a light skinned mannequin laying in the grass. The camera cuts through multiple shots of the hammer being swung, one of the shots showing a black combat boot stomping on a mannequin leg to destroy it.
Gif 4: A light-skinned, female presenting person with long, straight blonde hair tied in a ponytail shows off the sweater they’re wearing. The sweater is a dark, mint green, and has multiple things in its pattern like a golf cart and pine trees on its front, a bag of golf clubs on its sleeve, the words “GOLF CLUB” below the golf cart, the word “Par” written in cursive on the other sleeve, and multiple other white pattens I can’t make out but they’re probably also golf related. The sweater buttons up down the middle, each button being shaped like a golf ball. It has a large, floppy green bow tied with a ribbon around its collar. The person showcasing the sweater also wears a plaid, green skirt. While showing off the sweater they do a little hop, putting their hand near their face to show off the patterned sleeves and smiling.
Gif 5: The band Lovejoy in their music video “Normal People Things.” They all dance in front of a green backdrop, stopping to freeze in place all at the same time.
Gif 6: A light skinned hand with red nail polish shows off one of the buttons of the jacket from gif 4.
Gif 7: A hand holds up a coat hanger with a green, knitted sweater on it. The character Snoopy from Charlie Brown is in the middle, lying down. Snoopy is a white cartoon dog with a black nose and ears, with a large head and small body.
Gif 8: Two intercutting shots of a hand picking the phone up off of a rotary phone. One of the phones is white with a green backdrop, and one is black with a white backdrop.
Gif 9: A green tinted image of a camera lens taking a picture.
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I'm on a cruise right now so of course I'm thinking about my blorbos going on a cruise too. Idk why maybe there's wraith demons aboard a particular ship and the company is trying to cover it up. The point is: Nuns on a Boat. I'm sure the Vatican forks over the necessary funds, probably for a week-long trip, enough time to investigate, plan, execute, and clean up. The original plan was to send a small team of two or three, but Ava probably pesters the new Pope into paying for the whole gang to go (she definitely plays the Jesus card).
It goes like this: the official OCS sisters enter as a group of 4 (Mother, Camila, Yasmine, and Dora) while the remaining 4 split into 2 pairs, Avatrice undercover as newlyweds on a honeymoon (it's good practice for the real thing, Bea!) and Mary riding as a solo passenger (hiding Lilith in her room). They probably have a contact in the ship's crew that sneaks them keycards and pass codes to restricted areas and makes arrangements for them to be in the right place at the right time for recon purposes. I don't know what the demons are doing, maybe planning some kind of mass possession within an enclosed space, but whatever it is will require asskicking through overpriced shops and probably flinging several pool chairs around to solve.
Assorted ideas:
1. The list of shore excursions has to be pried from Ava's hands by Mary because The Second Coming of Christ canNOT be trusted with them. Not because she doesn't know what she's doing, but because if they let her go unchecked she'll have their days booked 6 ways to the Sabbath with several activities overlapping each other. Baby girl wants to do EVERYTHING, time constraints be damned!
2. Beatrice is a little nervous about their cover story, not because she doesn't love Ava or doesn't see them getting married eventually, but because she's still battling some shame about being affectionate in public. This is, of course, in stark contrast to Ava, who is ecstatic over the chance to be shamelessly close to Bea with the tacit excuse of the mission. She drags them to every couple-y event aboard the ship and has no qualms about basically climbing her girlfriend whenever she can get away with it.
3. The God Squad is properly outfitted for just about every situation that could come up, and that includes swimming. For the actual nuns in the party, this means tasteful one-pieces that still earn respectful wolf whistles from Ava and the requisite number of sexy nun jokes. Ava wears a predictably tiny bikini that drives the boys and girls wild while Bea wears a more modest two-piece that drives Ava wild. Mary draws all the attention in her suit that shows off her killer arms and excellent abs. Lilith has to be coaxed into her suit because she's self-conscious. Jillian has probably come up with some way to either reverse or hide her scales, but the result is probably a lot of burn tissue that is difficult to conceal. Ava buys her a long-sleeve swim shirt with some silly design that Lilith threatens her life over but wears anyway.
4. Circling back to the excursions, an argument breaks out about which they should do, and whether they should stick together or split up. It gets a little heated until Mother shuts it down with "We will be doing the dolphin swim and that's final." "But why that one?" "Because I want to do the dolphin swim."
5. Ava is banned from the ship buffet after the third time she tries to dispense ice cream directly into her mouth
6. Camila gets a lot of attention from the fellas, and she gets permission from a quietly proud Mother to indulge them so long as she gets more information for the mission
7. Yasmine sweeps the trivia contests, winning all manner of silly knickknack prizes that she cherishes.
8. We don’t know much about Dora but I'm going to assume that she’s a prodigy in mini golf and collects a following of children who ooo and aaa every time she hits a hole-in-one. She and Mary clown on the competition in shuffleboard
9. Some guy sees Ava by herself (Bea is probably getting them ice cream since she's not banned) and attempts to shoot his shot. It's Ava, unfairly charming and distressingly cute, so he's practically bewitched two sentences into the conversation, but Ava's just being her normal, puppy self. Bea sees them and starts getting jealous, threatening to crush her ice cream cone to bits, but when Ava sees her coming back, she lights up with a "heeeyyy Boo-Bear, there you are! I missed you!" And immediately abandons the dude to press against her girlfriend. The guy makes brief eye contact with Bea before wisely choosing to walk away. Better luck next time, bro.
10. The tables turn when Beatrice is lounging in the sun while Ava is away (probably pestering Lilith) and an interested lady sits next to her and starts making small talk. Beatrice is extremely polite and doesn't quite pick up on the fact she's being flirted with, but Lilith has to punch Ava in the arm to stop her lighting up like an angry glowstick at the sight. Ava does march over there though and turns the puppy energy up to 11, wrapping her arms around Beatrice, nuzzling their cheeks together and pressing in until she's basically in Bea's lap. Bea is flustered and embarrassed, but the lady catches on to what's what and gracefully makes her exit. Ava drags Bea to their room for some quality time while Lilith does her best to look like she doesn't know them.
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March TC Challenge
Doing another one of these because I reallyyyy want to talk about him <3
Here's the original post
If you could change one thing about your tc, physical or personality wise, what would it be?
The fact that he's married-
No, I'm kidding. Uhhhhh I'm really not sure
2. Are they "your type", or was falling for a person like them completely unexpected?
He's definitely my type, both physically and personality wise. He has dark hair and eyes, which is something I'm attracted to in most men for whatever reason, and he's incredibly smart, goofy, and kind, which I like as well.
3. If they were an ice cream flavor, what would they be?
Not me sitting here trying to remember what kind he likes-
For whatever reason, mint chocolate chip is giving me the same vibes he does (and no, it's not my favorite flavor)
4. Imagine you have a whole weekend to spend with your tc. What would you guys do?
*insert "oh my goodness I love this question!!!!" here*
If it was platonic, I'd do whatever he'd want to do. (I'm assuming his wife and children are out of town or something in this scenario) We could literally sit at his house and listen to music without speaking and I'd be perfectly content. He'd probably end up telling me stories or teaching me something, and I'd eat it up with a fork and knife. He could take me sailing, make me watch all the Star Wars movies, or lay on the couch and take a nap, and I'd be happy.
If it was romantic, hooooooo boy. I'd want to go on a romantic get away, maybe rent a cabin in the mountains or a house by the beach. Somewhere far enough away that neither one of us would run into anyone we know (so we could act like a couple). I'm personally not the biggest beach lover, but for him, I'd sit on the sand all day (he LOVES the beach). We could go out to dinner, go to cute shops if we're in a small town, and drive around just enjoying each other's company. Is it obvious that my love language is quality time? I'd want to dance with him and stay up late doing stupid shit and run around on the beach at night like we're in a movie.
5. What's their biggest talent?
I'm not 100% sure, he's talented at a lot of things. But right now, I think it's being a father.
6. Be honest: would you guys be a power couple or not?
Okay I'm a little bit biased here, but I really think so. We have so much in common, sometimes I feel like I'm looking at the older male version of myself. I'd love to be his girlfriend and have him teach me everything he knows about the world.
7. If they knew about your feelings, would they confront you about it or ignore it?
I don't know. I feel like he might already know, and if he does, he hasn't said anything about it. He says some things that maybe hint at it, but never anything outright.
8. Are they a good singer?
I've only ever heard him sing nursery rhymes, but I'd say his voice is fine. I'm definitely not someone who should be critiquing another person's singing voice lol
9. If you could choose an outfit that your tc had to wear every single day, what would it look like?
Black dress pants, a white button up shirt (with the sleeves rolled up, iykyk), a black blazer, a heavy wrist watch, and black wingtips.
10. Are they more academic, artistic, or athletic? What about you?
He's a nice mix of all three. As previously mentioned, he's incredibly intelligent, but he's also really creative and good at artistic things. He played golf and another sport I can't remember, and the way he talks about it, it sounds like he was pretty good.
I'm 90% academic and 10% athletic. I grew up playing sports, but always hated them. I was told I was athletic but never really cared lol.
11. Do they inspire you as a person?
Yes. I hope that if/when I become a mom, I'm even just half as good at parenting as he is.
12. Are they an early riser or a night owl?
He's a night owl forced to be an early riser
13. Have you ever made each other angry or upset? If so, how did you reconcile?
Not that I know of
14. Do you ever find yourself imitating them, either consciously or subconsciously?
15. What do you think their love language is? What's yours?
I think his is probably either acts of service or quality time. My main one is quality time but it's physical touch only when I'm *super* comfortable with someone.
16. Have they taught you anything that isn't school related? Valuable life lessons, insights on how you feel about yourself, etc?
Mmm some of the "life lessons" he's subconsciously taught me are probably questionable things to teach a teenager (cheating on his homework while he was in school, things to do with law enforcement, etc) but he's also taught me some good ones. He told me the other day that I do too much work and stress myself out. I kinda already knew that, but it was nice to hear. Without ever uttering these words, he's shown/told me that life gets better. He and I have a lot of the same mental health issues, and to see him with a full time job, being a parent, and still having fun in life makes me feel a little better about my future.
17. What would they have to do to make you lose feelings for them?
Ooohh this is a tough one. I think when it comes to most people, I try to justify their actions with "compassion" or "logic". Like if someone screamed at me, I might just think that I either did something super wrong, they were having an off day, they took their feelings out on me, etc. So for the majority of things I could think of that he would do, I'd approach it what that thought process. But if I heard him saying something bad about women, or saying something discriminatory, that would do it for me. He never would, but if he did, my feelings would probably be gone instantly.
18. Are they introverted or extroverted? What about you?
We're both introverts :)
19. Who's more likely to start rambling about their interests while the other listens?
Him, 100%. It's happened a lot 😅
20. Do you feel guilty about having feelings for your tc?
So guilty. Nothing's happened, but I still feel like a home wrecker
21. Are you insecure about them liking another student more than you?
Yeah, tbh. I love the way he talks to me, and it would break my heart if I saw him doing the same to someone else.
22. What kind of hairstyle would you like to see them in?
A grown out version of what he has now. He always gets it cut so short, I think he'd look great if it grew to be around his ears (his hair is curly and I KNOW it would be so cute and fluffy if it got long)
23. Do you think they trust you?
He's explicitly told me several times that he does ♡ The first time, it was a heartfelt speech and I almost cried fklshdfkjhsdf
24. What's the most comedic moment that's occurred between you two?
I'm not sure there's been just one. We laugh a lot and he always makes jokes with me.
25. Have you ever drawn them or written about them to vent your feelings?
Written about them, yes. I mean, hello. But I can't draw for shit so
26. How do you feel when you're around them? Are you so nervous that you can't concentrate, or do you just feel happy that you get to spend time with them?
It's a little bit of both. Sometimes I forget to listen to what he's saying because I'm too busy admiring him. Other times I'm so self conscious of how I look in the moment to listen. But most of the time, I'm just so happy he's around and that I get to spend a little bit of my day with him ☺️
27. Do you guys have any inside jokes?
The fact that I told him he was a ladies' man once and maybe something one of us said casually but I can't think of them right now
28. Do their morals, principles, or political views align with yours?
Political views, yes. He surprises me with how "woke" he is sometimes. Mostly yes for morals and principles. He's told me some things he's done that I personally wouldn't do, but they're really small, so
29. Have you ever tried to get over them?
Once a week I decide I'm going to get over him and it only lasts for a few hours
30. If someone nice your age showed up in your life and you caught feelings for them, would you move on from your tc?
That's kind of a hard question. I want to say yes, but I've never been in a relationship and don't think I'm really ready for one. Crushing on S is safe. I do genuinely like him, and if he wasn't married and made a move on me, there's a chance I'd act on it. But if a guy my age came along and we both had feelings for each other, I think I'd probably panic. I like having a crush, and I like the idea of people, but the reality just makes me too nervous.
31. Have you ever said or done something that, in hindsight, might have been hurtful to them? Have they ever done the same to you?
I mentioned it on the inside joke question, but I called him a ladies' man once. At the time, he laughed it off and I thought it was no big deal. A few weeks later, he started a story with "Don't slut shame me but-" and I was super confused. I asked him why in the world he'd think I'd do that, and he said "Oh, you know, that thing you said". He played it off as a joke, but I think it might have actually hurt his feelings. I feel so bad about it.
As for me, he's done quite a few things that have been hurtful. When we first met, he made my life more difficult. Not on purpose, but he saw the consequences of his actions and kept doing what he was doing. He's said some things that have made me feel stupid, and like he thinks of me as a kid, which hurts. I know that none of these things have been intentional, but it still affected me a little bit.
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streetbuzz · 2 years
WHERE TO SHOP?: Popular streetwear brands today
With all of the new streetwear brands being released these days, it may be difficult to keep up. Here are some staple streetwear brands that have shown to be popular amongst the masses.
Founded in 1993 by Nigo (Tomoaki Nagao) Bathing Ape has been seen as an iconic streetwear brand. Celebrities are often seen sporting the brand from rap artist Drake to late actor Robin Williams. Bape is known for their camo print, shark hoodie, and Bapesta sneaker.
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Photo A: A$AP Rocky layering Bape jackets in music video for "Brand New Guy" ft Schoolboy Q
Photo B: Kanye West x A Bathing Ape Bapestas "College Dropout" 2006
Golf Wang also called Golf, is rapper Tyler the Creator's brand that he founded in 2011. The brand was inspired by his record label Odd Future and has grown to be a favorite by many. In 2017 the brand introduced Golf le FLEUR which has since branched off as a luxury lifestyle and apparel brand. Golf le FLEUR is popular for its collaborations with Converse.
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Photo A: In April 2022, Golf le FLEUR x Converse released Converse by You experience where shoppers could customize a pair of Chuck 70's with Golf Wang graphics and logos. The site was live for 24 hours.
Photo B: Tyler the Creator posing for his F/W 2017 look book
CPFM was created in 2015 by Cynthia Lu, who worked with Pharrell Williams's as PR for one of his clothing brands, Billionaire Girls Club as well as interning for Complex. The brand has been worn by Kanye West, Kid Cudi, and Travis Scott.
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Photo A: Kid Cudi released his merch collaboration with CPFM a few hours before dropping his album Man on the Moon III. The collection consisted of short and long sleeve t-shirts, sweatpants, and sweatshirts.
Photo B: Most recently CPFM has collaborated with McDonalds, creating a limited edition drop of sweats and shirts, as well as releasing a happy meal box and collectable toy at McDonalds locations.
Brain Dead was co-founded by Kyle Ng and Ed Davis in 2014. It started as a creative collective of artists and designers around the world, and since then has become a leading brand in the street wear community. They have collaborated with brands ranging from the North Face to Reebok.
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Photo A: Brain Dead x Carhartt WIP released a collection of workwear with Brain Dead graphics for F/W 2018.
Photo B: Brain Dead x the North Face released their collaboration for F/W 2020.
Kith was established in 2011 by Ronnie Fieg, who aims to give shoppers a unique experience and change the current fashion landscape so that customers receive more than what they pay for. Celebrities like Justin and Hailey Bieber are often seen sporting the brand. Kith is known for its extensive list of collaborations with other brands, which includes Levi's, Adidas, Columbia, Coca-Cola, Tommy Hilfiger, and many more.
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Photo A: Justin Bieber was photographed sporting a KITH x Versace hoodie (2018).
Photo B: KITH x Cap'n Crunch (2016).
What these brands have in common is their exclusivity appeal and creative collaborations with other brands. Having limited and exclusive drops creates hype for these brands, which is what we see when brands collab with childhood favorites such as the McDonalds happy meal or Cap'n Crunch cereal. These brands have proven to be major players in the streetwear community. Check back next week to see more streetwear related content!
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IECCP Women UPF 50+ Cool Shirts Lightweight Pullover 1/4 Zip Long Sleeve Sun Protection Exercise Tops
Price: (as of – Details) From the brand Elevate your workout with UPF Sun-safe and sweat-free in our UPF50+ Half Zip Gym Shirt Ladies Golf Polo Shirt Women Long Sleeve Polo Shirts Long Sleeve Tennis Golf Top Long Sleeve Running Gym Top Zipper Sport Tennis Tops Athletic Shirt with ThumbHoles Gym Athletic Polo T-Shirt UPF50 Half Zip Gym Sport Shirt Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 30 x 20 x 3 cm;…
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denimrosevint · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Daily Sports Coral Golf or tennis short sleeve athletic polo top - NWT.
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customknitfactory · 1 month
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danicadenniss · 3 months
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Totally Spies 2024: Gerlina Charlotte Lewis
Fullname: Gerlina Charlotte Lewis
Aliases/Nicknames: Jeri, Chief, Director Lewis, Sister by her older brother Trent
Age: 35
Dates Of Birth: April 25th, 1989
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Douglas (Afro-Puerto Rican, British Indo-Guyanese)
Hair Color: Dark Auburn Brown
Eyes Color: Amber Brown
Skin Color: Dark Brown Tan
Religion: Protestant, Christian
Sexuality: Demiromantic Demisexual
Role: Head Chief Of The World Organization Of Human Protection (W.O.O.H.P)
Hobbies: Golfing, Snow Skiing, Surfing on the waves at the beach, Playing cards, and chess, Having an Afternoon tea with Clover, Alexia and Sammie, Doing her paperwork every morning
Family Members: Lawrence Lewis (father), Mrs. Lewis (mother), Trent Lewis (older twin brother), Charles Lewis II (older brother), Jillian Lewis (paternal aunt) Cassandra Lewis (paternal grandmother), unnamed maternal grandparents+ Charles Lewis+ (maternal great grandfather) Collette Lewis+ (maternal great grandmother) Bethany Smith (sister in law), Britney Diana Smith-Lewis (niece)
Friends: Kairi Yue Ewing, Samantha Nyad Simpsons, Alexandria Elisa Casoy, Blaine Hiro Chen, Dean Ace LaBride, David Santiago Rodriguez, Mr. George Pebbleton (Co worker),the other Beverly Hills Unified School District students and staff members
Enemies: Her twin brother, Trent Lewis and the other criminals,
Rivals: Geraldine Husk (arch rival), Candace Margaret Sweet, Amanda Erica Luxembourg, Caitlin Kelly Laurent-Casoy, Isabella Luz Dominique
Love Insterests: Unnamed fiancée
Favorite Movies/TV Shows: Downtown Albany
Favorite Foods: British Cuisine included Fish and Cuisine
Favorite Music Genre: Britpop, Gospels, Indie Pop
My female version of Jerry is a bit different from the original male Jerry. She is the head chief of the W.O.O.H.P, the spies' friend/boss, whenever she needs the spies for a mission during her Save The Day alarm drill after class.
For the design I turned from male to female, Jeri as a beautiful, slim, dark brown tan skinned Douglas woman in her mid 30s' with curly/straight dark auburn brown hair in a medium length bob cut, spot narrow dark brown eyebrows, thick eyelashes, hazel brown eyes, brown heart shaped lips and wearing dark red eyeshadows, a red lipstick on her lips, a light gray shirt with a black blazer with 3/4 sleeves and a collar sliver W enmal pin on the left side of her collar, a knee length black skirt, light gray tight and gray high heels. She also wears a golden necklace with a W charm around her neck, golden hoop earrings and a few golden bracelets.
Jeri and the spies of W.O.O.H.P have been spying on Clover, Alexia and Sammie since the girls were children, she knew right away the girls had everything it needs to be a spy. Although she informed her co worker Mr. George Pebbleton while she worked on her papers and she dislike Mandy and the other mean girls' cruel and poorly behaviors and bullying Sammie all of the time for protecting her and her friends. When she was a spy and became chief of the W.O.O.H.P, she is trained highly in martial arts after her father's retirement and she and Cameron are very intelligent in technology.
She was born in England, her father Lawrence Lewis who was a former head chief as his retirement by taking his place in society, her mother and her brothers, her brother Charles Lewis II married her sister in law and her niece Britney who go to school with her friends as freshman year. She dislike her evil brother is being mean to her. She prefer not to talk about Trent.
I started my remake of Totally Spies and continued next.
Totally Spies c Zodiak Kids & Family Studio
Character designs and art c D.D art
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crazyfashionsblog · 4 months
Tee-Time: Mastering Men's Must-Have T-shirt Styles!
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Let's delve into the exciting world of men's fashion and the essential piece that's a cornerstone of every guy's wardrobe: t-shirts. These versatile garments are like your trusty sidekicks, always there to make you look sharp and feel comfortable, no matter the occasion. But with such a plethora of styles to choose from, how do you know which ones are worthy of a spot in your closet? Don't sweat it, we've got your back! Get ready to explore the realm of t-shirts for men and discover the styles that will elevate your fashion game.
Let's Break It Down
1. Polo T-shirts: The Perfect Blend of Sophistication and Casual Cool
Imagine this: you're headed for a round of golf or just kicking it at a laid-back brunch with your buddies. What's the go-to outfit? A polo t-shirt, without a doubt! With its classy collared neckline and button-up placket, it's like the James Bond of t-shirts – effortlessly classy yet laid-back. And let's not forget how ridiculously comfy it is; once you put it on, you won't want to take it off.
2. Graphic T-shirts: Your Personal Billboard
Whoever said t-shirts had to be plain and boring clearly hasn't seen graphic tees! These babies are the epitome of self-expression. Whether you're into funky illustrations, clever slogans, or retro vibes, there's a graphic tee out there with your name on it. Rock it with jeans for a casual look or layer it under a blazer for some added flair. The world is your runway, so flaunt your style!
3. Oversized T-shirts: Embrace the Comfort
There are days when you just want to lounge around in something comfy without feeling constricted. Enter oversized t-shirts – the epitome of comfort and style. With their relaxed, loose fit, they feel like a warm hug for your body. Perfect for lazy Sundays or running errands, these tees prove that you can look effortlessly cool without even trying.
4. Full Sleeves T-shirts: Your Year-Round Staple
When it comes to versatility, full sleeves t-shirts are the real MVPs of your wardrobe. Whether you're layering up during the colder months or rocking them solo when the sun's out, these bad boys have got your back. And with fabrics like cotton or linen, you'll stay cool and stylish no matter what Mother Nature throws your way.
5. Henley T-Shirts: Timeless Charm with a Modern Twist
If you're a sucker for classic style with a hint of modern flair, henley t-shirts are your new best friends. With their buttoned placket and collarless neckline, they're like a stylish nod to the past. Pair them with jeans for a laid-back weekend look or layer them under a jacket for a touch of sophistication. Either way, you'll be turning heads wherever you go.
Time to Elevate Your Style
Say goodbye to boring old t-shirts and hello to a world of endless style possibilities! Whether you're hitting the golf course, hanging out with friends, or just chilling at home, there's a t-shirt style out there that's perfect for you. So go ahead – revamp your wardrobe, embrace your inner fashionista, and show the world what you're made of!
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lululemon Mens Metal Vent Tech Polo Shirt Short Sleeve Blue Golf Size XL.
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llytalbot · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: GGBLUE Women’s Mixed Print 3/4 Sleeves Athletic Tee Shirt Pink/White Size Small.
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1221ttran · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Adidas Climacool Stripe 3/4 Sleeve Golf Polo Shirt Womens Size M Navy Blue.
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peacedtogether · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Kate Spade Women's Queen Of Hearts Sleep Shirt/PJs, 3/4 sleeve Black Hearts M.
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Gemulate Women's 3/4 Roll Sleeve Golf Tennis Polo Shirts UPF50+ Half Zip Dry Fit Workout Tops Athletic Shirt S-XXL
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denimrosevint · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Nivo Sport NOA Mock 3/4 zip neck short sleeve Pink Golf Polo Shirt - NWT $75.
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