#35 king of pentacles
April 19th, 2023
1. King Bael: Two of Wands
2. Duke Agares: Three of Wands
3. Prince Vassago: Four of Wands
4. Marquis Samigina: Five of Pentacles
5. President Marbas: Six of Pentacles
6. Duke Valefor: Seven of Pentacles
7. Marquis Amon: Eight of Swords
8. Duke Barbatos: Nine of Swords
9. King Paimon: Ten of Swords
10. President Buer: Two of Cups
11. Duke Gusion: Three of Cups
12. Prince Sitri: Four of Cups
13. King Beleth: Five of Wands
14. Marquis Leraje: Six of Wands
15. Duke Eligos: Seven of Wands
16. Duke Zepar: Eight of Pentacles
17. President Botis: Nine of Pentacles
18. Duke Bathin: Ten of Pentacles
19. Duke Sallos: Two of Swords
20. King Purson: Three of Swords
21. Earl/President Marax: Four of Swords
22. Earl/Prince Ipos: Five of Cups
23. Duke Aim: Six of Cups
24. Marquis Naberius: Seven of Cups
25. President/Earl Glasya-Labolas: Eight of Wands
26. Duke/Duchess Bune: Nine of Wands
27. Marquis/Earl Ronové: Ten of Wands
28. Duke Berith: Two of Pentacles
29. Duke/Duchess Astaroth: Three of Pentacles
30. Marquis Forneus: Four of Pentacles
31. President Foras: Five of Swords
32. King Asmoday: Six of Swords
33. President/Prince Gaap: Seven of Swords
34. Earl Furfur: Eight of Cups
35. Marquis Marchosias: Nine of Cups
36. Prince Stolas: Ten of Cups
37. Marquis Phenex: Two of Wands
38. Earl Halphas: Three of Wands
39. President Malphas: Four of Wands
40. Earl Raum: Five of Pentacles
41. Duke Focalor: Six of Pentacles
42. Duke/Duchess Vepar: Seven of Pentacles
43. Marquis Sabnock: Eight of Swords
44. Marquis Shax: Nine of Swords
45. King/Earl Viné: Ten of Swords
46. Earl Bifrons: Two of Cups
47. Duke Uvall: Three of Cups
48. President Haagenti: Four of Cups
49. Duke Crocell: Five of Wands
50. Knight Furcas: Six of Wands
51. King Balam: Seven of Wands
52. Duke Alloces: Eight of Pentacles
53. President Camio: Nine of Pentacles
54. Duke/Earl Murmur: Ten of Pentacles
55. Prince Orobas: Two of Swords
56. Duke/Duchess Gremory: Three of Swords
57. President Osé: Four of Swords
58. President Amy: Five of Cups
59. Marquis Oriax: Six of Cups
60. Duke/Duchess Vapula: Seven of Cups
61. King/President Zagan: Eight of Wands
62. President Volac: Nine of Wands
61. King/President Zagan: Eight of Wands
63. Marquis Andras: Ten of Wands
64. Duke Haures: Two of Pentacles
65. Marquis Andrealphus: Three of Pentacles
66. Marquis Cimejes: Four of Pentacles
67. Duke Amdusias: Five of Swords
68. King Belial: Six of Swords
69. Marquis Dacarabia: Seven of Swords
70. Prince Seere: Eight of Cups
71. Duke Dantalion: Nine of Cups
72. Earl Andromalius: Ten of Cups
Source: Aleister Crowley’s Illustrated Goetia
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celestialscatterbrain · 8 months
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2. Pick a Card Reading: What Mask(s) Are They Showing You?
In honor of spooky season, of course.
This is definitely a reading more suited for a situationship, especially one where you don't exactly feel like you could trust them enough or don’t know where the relationship is headed. If your intuition has been yelling at you to hold back from this person, this reading can give you more insight on potential pitfalls of this interaction.
If it doesn't resonate with you, let it go.
Again, this is a collective reading that may not apply to you. Maybe the person you are thinking about during this reading is completely honest and you have nothing to worry about. I do not recommend starting a disagreement over the contents of this reading because it might not apply to you.
Take the collective readings you receive with a grain of salt to avoid confusing yourself, not living in the moment, and preventing things from happening organically. No one knows the definite future, and it might surpass your expectations if you let it. If you feel like you want a personal reading for your specific situation, you can always DM me. I can do an in-depth love reading tailored entirely to you and your person in question for $35 if you are interested.
Feel free to send me feedback! Also, let me know what other types of PAC readings you would like for me to do.
Now, close your eyes and pick the pile you gravitate to the most. Left pile is pile 1, middle pile is pile 2, and the pile on the right is pile 3.
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Pile 1.
Cards pulled: Wheel of Fortune, 2 of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, Page of Swords, The Emperor, Ace of Swords, Death, King of Wands, The Magician.
This person comes off a bit flaky. I don't think they are as apt to commit as they may let on. I think they know they can't give you what you want, but want to have fun while it lasts. I feel like they may have been the class clown in school. They might come off a bit immature. They weren't ever the type to take school too seriously. School, to them, was this obligatory place you had to attend that conveniently let you make friends and hang out with them five days a week. I don't think they've had a serious relationship before. They definitely others might perceive as needing to “grow up” a bit, and that might be right. I feel like they grew up a little bit spoiled and were used to things just being handed to them, or not having to work super hard towards something. I think they might oftentimes just rely on luck to get by. They never really thought about their future, and now have to deal with the confusion of figuring it out. I feel like they might be a Sagittarius or have a lot of air in their chart. I don't see them as someone who is particularly strong/fit, maybe more on the slim side. I think they could have dirty blonde or lighter hair, or when you think of them, for some reason their hair looks lighter than it is in person. They may appear to be a little air-headed sometimes. They don't dress bad, but they don't put too much effort into what they wear. They are a bit detached, but still come across as friendly. You might be someone who is intelligent, and they may have told you how smart you are. You may have been in more advanced classes than they were, or went to college and they didn't (or didn't finish). If not, then I see there is definitely an inequality in how dedicated you two are to whatever goals and ambitions you might have individually. I picked up on the names "Sean" or "Sara/Sarah." I also picked up on the initials F, H, L, and N. They might not believe they are actually "your type," and that you might eventually gravitate to someone more refined, sharp, serious, and witty. They might feel like you'll meet someone more suited for you at school or work. You might dream of a life a lot bigger than you have now, which is admirable to them, but definitely gives them feelings of not being enough for you in the long-run. They might think you belong with someone more stereotypically masculine or feminine, depending on your preference(s). I think they believe you want someone who could be more dominant in nature, and not just occasionally in bed.
They can just be going with the flow, and can often tell "white lies" for no reason. They might appreciate you and think you're special, but they might sense a fundamental incompatibility that might not stand the test of time. I think you might have acknowledged that you two do not share the same maturity level, but you are trying to ignore the red flags and want them to surprise you. I think they get involved in drama more than you do. I think you both might secretly know that they cannot provide you with the depth you crave and will possibly demand. I don't see them being as emotionally in-tune as you are either. I think they haven't mastered connecting with anyone on an intimate level, even friends. I think things being too serious or demanding too much reflection makes them run.
Channeled rhyme that came to mind:
I feel like I don't know how to cry, I really tried, but it's just not my vibe
I don't know how serious of a relationship I could handle, too much and you might just burn the light out of my candle
I tend to attract scandals, I don't really mind though
I seriously don't know if I could be your man, but I don't want to make you mad!
I hope this doesn't make you sad because it may sound a little crass, I originally had just wanted to get some ass
That's not to say I haven't had a blast, I don't like when things move too fast because I tend to get whiplash
I don't know how to attach, too much contact feels like it gives me a rash
I know one day I'll be part of your past, I'm truly sorry if we don't last!
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Pile 2.
Cards pulled: 4 of Wands, Page of Pentacles, The Lovers, The Empress, King of Cups, 2 of Wands, 3 of Cups, 2 of Swords, The Hierophant, and the 7 of Cups
Similar to pile 1, I feel like this person also has a bigger fear of committing to a relationship at this time than they are letting on. If you are involved with someone who got out of a long-term relationship relatively recently, it might be best to give them some time to process their grievances and solitude. I feel like they had previously been in a long-term relationship that was somewhat co-dependent. They didn't ever have alone time, and normalized constantly being around the same person. I feel like they may have neglected their close friendships because of this last relationship, and they are re-exploring what it's like to be close with their friends again. I think there might be some residual feelings for their ex that they don't want to admit, or are still spending time reflecting on that relationship. It may have been a significant part of their lives, and they may feel like they missed out on a lot of their youth because of it. I feel like they may have had to compromise with their ex a lot, and spent a lot of time with their ex's friends rather than their own. They were probably close with their ex's family while they were together because of all the time they spent together. They want to explore their sexualities more I feel like, and adjust to being attracted to other people and pursuing them. I think this might actually be a little important to the shift in their self-esteem at the moment. I think they are also super good with their words, and know exactly what sweet things to say to make the person they are attracted to melt in their hands. I don't think they are looking for something serious because of the exhaustion of being tied to someone else for so long, even if it didn't end on bad terms. I think they want to focus on themselves and are concerned primarily with their self-improvement. They might be using this alone time to workout a lot more, excel at work, and develop their own routines. I see this person more focused on the future they are building for themselves, and want to focus more on their professional life and ways of making money. They might just be looking for an exciting sneaky link that doesn't have an insane amount of depth or commitment to it. The idea of spending too much time with someone in a romantic context makes them want to hyperventilate or runaway. I think they are either a Taurus or Scorpio, maybe even a Gemini or Sagittarius. Initials involved in this connection could be A, C, F maybe, I, J, K, T. They might know that their words and actions can be leading you on, but don't have the guts to say that. They also don't like hurting people's feelings or coming off as rude. They are being revitalized by their isolation, and I would not put too much pressure on this person to act. They are looking forward to all the opportunities they can have now that they are free. They have a lot of ideas and things they want to do. I'd let them make it abundantly clear to you that they want something serious, because their words and feelings might not line up.
Channeled rhyme that came to mind:
Sweet words can pour out of me, it's like my tongue is made of honey, but all I really want is to make more money
This world is now big and I want my freedom, I want to finally build my own kingdom
I like my me-time, but I'll still give you some of my free time, just know that after a while I will make that bee line because I don't want anyone to say they're "mine"
I wanna party, I wanna drink, the thought of another relationship stinks
Are you okay with just being my sneaky link?
I had forgotten that I'm hot, another relationship would just be a lot
I need to water my own crops, this last person had made them drop
This world won't stop, so I might as well call my own shots
Please know that you're still in my thoughts!
I want to see where life takes me, being accompanied is just a "maybe"
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Pile 3.
Cards pulled: 3 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, The Sun, 9 of Cups, The Hanged Man, Queen of Cups, 3 of Wands, The High Priestess, 8 of Swords, 9 of Swords
This is easily the best pile. For some reason, I get the feeling this person is studying something related to computer science, engineering, or maybe math or physics. If not, their job or studies might be highly analytical. I think they might enjoy playing video games. I think they could have a mean-streak or a short fuse at times, but generally mean well. They might be a Capricorn, Aquarius, or a Scorpio. Their initials might start with B, D, I, N, or R (I especially feel R). I think these people are extremely consumed with their work, and spending time with you means a lot. Their analytical side or work-brain can be very technical, so they might not be as expressive as even they would like to be. The mask is not a mask, but just an inability to express themselves as ardently as they want, in order to have the relationship reflect as beautifully as it does in their head. They might have a tough exterior, but they are a romantic at heart. I think they might be a bit romantically inexperience or very picky with who they feel comfortable calling a partner. They always viewed love and partnership as something that compliments their life rather than it being a necessity. They appreciate your beauty and it adds a glimmer to their overly technical, maybe even cold day-to-day activities. You add warmth to their life, and might see you as someone they could have children with when the time is right. They might not want to scare you with that ideation, though. They can be generous and sentimental with those they love. I feel like they might enjoy being around older people. Your conversations might be soft and sweet, which adds much needed comfort to their life. They are extremely tired and may be experiencing severe burn-out. They think and ponder a lot, which could also exacerbate their exhaustion. They have an extremely heavy workload so they are constantly thinking about their subject matter, and go to bed thinking about all the things they have to do the next day. They wake up early and go to bed late. They are constantly on the go, and just waiting for the next day to come. It is a never ending cycle of pressing "stop" on their alarm and getting right back to their tasks. They are respected as someone capable and intelligent. They might work in a lab, or spend time in a lab. Maybe they have are in graduate school or are considering graduate school, despite their undeniable exhaustion. Their material is their life and personality, and it gives them purpose. Maybe they’re already employed in academia, or have a job that lets them collaborate with legitimate experts in their field. I think they'd appreciate if you show understanding on this part of them, and ask questions about their passion. Let them teach you when they seem enthusiastic about something new they learned. Give them time to rest or finish up their current projects to watch them come back to life.
Channeled rhyme that came to mind:
I try not to let off that I'm stressed, but I really need to be the best- I just feel like I don't get any rest. There's always some sort of test.
I'm smart, I'm capable, I know what I bring to the table
I only want something that is stable
I feel like you were taken right from a fable, I want to treat you right once I am able
I think in numbers, sorry if that makes me a bummer
I organize, I strategize, but I need to be energized, any more stress and I think I'll cry
You bring light to this maze, I always smile when I see your face, thanks for always putting me in a daze
For you, I'll always cave
I promise this is just a phase, and only has to do with my age
-D <3
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leonaluv · 2 months
EXO fs ages too? 🙏😩
Lay- 21-29 years of age ( knight wands) young
Kai- 21-27 years of age ( page of pentacles ) young
Baekhyun- 26-47 age lol he may marry late ( queen cups)
Xiumin-26-35 age ( queen of pentacles)
Sehun-28-40 ( king of wands)
D.O- 22-33 ( knight wands)
Suho-18-26 ( page of wands)
chanyeol - 26 years old
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alyjojo · 7 months
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December 😚 2023 Monthly - Capricorn
Whole of your energy: Ace of Cups
Your meditation was two parallel lines, like two train tracks, with enough distance in between that two people can see each other, but aren’t really close, you on one and someone else on another. You’re both walking your own “track” and different things are coming to each of you, like you got handed a bag of money, and the other person gained a spouse. Kinda like the board game, LIFE. There was a constant comparison of what was going on, on the other person’s track. Jealousy. No matter what you were given, you wanted what they had, or wished you were on their track. They never looked over to yours once. And your own track was pretty good! You moved farther and farther away from each other, but far ahead (close enough to see on the horizon though), there was a point where the two would meet, intersect, and switch.
I got a heavy like…internet friend or sibling energy from that, a competitive vibe. The Lovers came out to clarify Ace of Cups, this could be a Twin Flame reading too, because of the switching paths, if it applies. The preshuffle referred to PRESSURE. It won’t be the same for everyone, except that this is some kind of soul tie with another person, a contract, and the feelings aren’t always friendly with them, at least on your side. There’s a new beginning in love for someone, and you could be feeling bitter about that. I’m definitely getting some pressure to ACT is all in your head, or you want to impress someone. Flex?
What’s going on in December:
4 Wands:
This could be a relationship, a literal home, the area you grew up in possibly. There’s talk here of some spontaneous action, like “I’m getting the heck out of this place”, and then you DO. King of Wands takes action, and there was probably not a whole lot of thought put into whatever this was, could’ve been part of a conflict with 5 Swords following. Proving someone wrong. Someone acted or spoke impulsively. Maybe even getting married. Run off to Vegas? For the U.S. folk. For some of you, this King is someone else you’re watching do this, and it causes conflict, competition, you want to one-up them or take them down a peg. I don’t get that’s *their* energy, it’s yours. Once someone takes a leap, they may be regretting it, especially if it caused arguments or sadness somewhere - 5 Cups. This could be within the family or romance.
5 Swords:
Clarified by The Hierophant, definitely a marriage involved for someone, and now it’s like you’re pissed off because you’re single and you don’t want to be single. I’m definitely picking up on a sibling here. Like say it’s your younger sibling getting married at like 20 with some fairy tale story and you’re the oldest at 35 like “wtf I’m supposed to be first” or something like that, it irritates you that you don’t have what they have. King of Wands again at the bottom. If you’re in a connection, you could be trying to push for commitment because you don’t want to be single anymore, and your person is not as motivated to do that, they’re happily independent. There’s a lack of balance in a connection, you could feel is unfair to you, and it’s causing you to be in 5 Swords. Mean, petty, kinda bitter, arguing or saying things you probably don’t mean but could be personally attacking someone, or you could feel personally attacked by someone else that’s comparing the two of you (your parent?), something like “Jeez Capricorn, they’re only 20, you ever going to get married or what?” Which doesn’t help & would explain the pressure.
For the love story, some of you don’t want to be alone. Some of you don’t want to get married. Either side has no desire for what they don’t want, period. You could move in with someone and then regret that, or do now, because they want to get married and you’re like fkkkk *regrets*, or switch it. Pressure is on at the holidays. It could be their family doing it.
4 Pentacles:
For those comparing paths, you’re feeling narrow minded and kinda possessive or jealous of this other person and what they have, possibly because you’ve lost them in some way. If they’re married, they’re not right next door anymore, and the vision did show the paths leading farther away for awhile. You could be bitter about that, and also going back and forth in your own mind on why these same things don’t show up for you. Why didn’t you do that, why do you have to be left behind, why can’t they be left behind and you get what they have? It’s like you’re stuck and you have no choice here.
For the Lovers, you’re holding tight to your view on things whether they like it or not. They could see you as greedy, overly possessive materially, whether that’s true or not I don’t see you giving a damn. It’s not even an option to you, and you could be telling them they can take it or leave it, you’re unbothered either way. Your views are yours and if they want to combine 10 Pentacles, go find someone that wants to do that, you don’t. With Ace of Cups being the main energy, this person may have found someone else. Or it’s possible *they* were this way with *you* and are now getting married to someone else…thaaat explains it. They’ll do it for someone else. I like the examples, they humanize your irritation, anyone can relate to this.
The Hanged Man:
Clarified by The World, now a major cycle has ended between you & another person, King of Wands actually came out this time. You may not talk anymore, some of you are just watching from afar, maybe online. You could’ve held out to see if things would pick back up and they haven’t, the relationship that you’ve had with this person is done with - in the way that it once was - no matter who this is. 4 Swords at the bottom, though you’ve felt angry, bitter, jealous, whatever the emotion, it’s because you’ve needed to heal, it’s hurt. You’re trying to gain some perspective on this, or trying to see things from their perspective even, because whatever it is, it’s out of your hands to do anything about it.
The Magician:
You’re creating distance with this person, no matter which story it is. Moving silently away, maybe literally moving away. This person brings up conflicted emotions in you, much of which is negative - whether their fault or not, and you just need to get away from that and them, on towards something new - Ace of Cups. Could be a new love, new passion, new something that makes you feel good, not ick, not competitive or comparing or looking at someone else’s path like “why not me?” It’s like you’re realizing you have all of the tools to create *something* that you do want, so you’re going to go after that, and leave any ick behind you. Quietly. In the vision I did see the paths come together in the future, far enough away to prepare, but not so soon that it’s tomorrow. I’m not sure if the paths switch, could be, there’s definitely a Twin dynamic being played out for someone. For those where it’s family or something, it’s just “not now, but eventually”. Because Aquarius energy is so strong here, you could be dealing with one, or this could be showing the upcoming change in Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius (again) in January, and it’ll go backwards again for a couple of months in 2024 before moving on gone for good in November. Whoever you’re “competing” with internally may have just had easier astrological transits, unconsciously to you, and you’re almost off the hook & towards smoother sailing ⛵️ Some of you may literally switch, walk in the other’s shoes for awhile. No matter the connection it’s definitely a soul tie.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Aquarius 💯, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn & Aries
Oracles: ✨
20 Healing Energy 🤕
Drawing this card guides you to work with energy on a healing level. Take a class, go and receive a Reiki healing, or just sit in meditation and concentrate on mindfulness. With the healing energy of Divine love, you do not have to “know” how to do anything. Just sit quietly, set your intention and let Spirit’s love fill you up. When you are living in a vibration of healing, you not only affect yourself, but those around you. Others then can connect with your energy and their vibrations can rise as a result. There is no force to this. This is basically how energy works. Your vibrational change will effect change in the ones you are close to. Alternately this card signifies healing is taking place within a relationship.
We enter into December as:
Canary Yellow 🐤
“If you talk and do not do, you are like the Canary in his cage; beautiful but useless.”
It is suggested that you move beyond what you believe to be right and accept what is. You may not be doing your true calling. Are you living in a fantasy that you would rather pretend with? This is your opportunity to do it, or let it go. Others will soon see what you are either hiding or denying. Time to wake up or you may find yourself quite embarrassed when your true motive is revealed. Like Canary - he would rather impress than do! Be careful of working too much and neglecting the reality of your life. Do not be the person who feels that he or she will never receive what they are entitled to, and it is easier to pretend that everything is fine. Canary indicates that things are in place for miracles to happen, but they may not if you dissipate your energy. Things are built up in our minds and we are imprisoned by the story we tell about what we are doing. Do not take yourself or the project you speak of so seriously any longer. Stop and consider if you intend on doing what you say, or if you are only talking.
This is a card of realizing we own nothing. We are given inspiration from above, if we dissipate our gifts than we are not fulfilling our promise to Spirit. If you resist your voice, why have one? What in your heart do you know you could do “if you wanted to”?
What is to be learned in December:
Cherry Heart 🍒
“When you accept yourself, you find love.”
Cherry Heart reminds us that we may not be accurately assessing ourselves. If you are drawn to Cherry, consider that perhaps you are being given signs to see, hear or feel a truth, but have yet to accept it. It is also a reminder that you may be distorting your reality in a self-defeating way. Short-changing ourselves is how we hold ourselves back. Cherry Heart is at the core an issue of self-acceptance and seeing miracles in everyday life. Cherry wishes to tell you that prosperity happens with acceptance. She invites you to see yourself as complete just as you are.
Red may be a lucky color ❤️
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alyjojotarotreads · 9 months
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Next Major Life Change 🪄 - asibelieveittobesoitis - October 2023
What It Is: Distant Thunder ⛈️, King of Wands, 10 Cups, The Hanged Man, Queen of Wands, 7 Wands & The World
Why It’s Happening: 3 Pentacles, Knight of Cups, Page of Wands & The Hermit
Advice: 5 Swords, The Devil rev, 10 Wands & 8 Swords
Your reading is all about a relationship, and an ex that’s missing you, waiting on you to see things differently, very upset that you’ve ended the connection. The next major life change is the same as your advice, basically it’s a big argument 😕
It doesn’t have to be the kind with yelling and screaming, I’m getting it needs to be the opposite actually, yet still an argument. Two people throwing everything out on the table for discussion. There is a risk involved that can’t be ignored, could be this addiction that’s showing up on your side. It’s a burden for you to leave this behind, and you keep yourself trapped to it like you can’t escape, or you’d rather give up on the whole relationship rather than whatever this addiction is. Could be control issues, obsessive thinking, 8 Swords is self sabotage and being trapped in your own head, overthinking every little thing, but not communicating anything that’s going on in there. Doesn’t have to be a substance.
Why this is happening is because you have feelings for each other, Knight of Cups. You work well together, you both flirt, you both have more than just a crush. This person sees you as 10 Cups, you’re everything to them, and they’re willing to take the lead even, but they’re waiting on you, and to them, you’re not speaking, and just throwing the whole thing away. Everything is perfect in their mind, and then you’re just gone. They think about you constantly. Play is a note to lighten up a little, your energy is very serious, maybe kinda controlling, blocked, or triggered by them. It’s like this person can’t help ease your kind or help you through this, because they have no idea what’s going on, they just see you as super defensive, probably ghosting them or just ending it.
You do come up as a divine match, King & Queen of Wands, very passionate, confident, ambitious, you find each other attractive, some sort of love & passion has been established, and they want to take it all the way - 10 Cups. You’re the one in your own way - 8 Swords. But why? Because of Risk and The Devil rev following 5 Swords, someone here could be really mean, condescending, cruel, hitting below the belt, that’s not happiness. That’s the whole problem, that’s what needs to be said. It’s not your or their job to accept mean behavior. Whether you take them back or don’t, you’re releasing toxic things in yourself or from someone else, and Distant Thunder is similar to a Tower that you bring down yourself 💯 And it’s all for the purpose of finding or getting what makes YOU happy 😊 - Play & 10 Cups.
I get this can be fixed, if you want it to, but you have to speak up and say how you feel. It can also be over with for good, but same thing you have to speak up. If someone is controlling you, nonono, you’re right, and Risk is even more highlighted. In that case, you could just block them. It could be that you’re doing this to yourself too, or a combination of both - that’s why clarity is needed if this is going anywhere positive long-term. Everyone’s feelings out on the table, no judgement, speak your mind, what you need, you boundaries & expectations, releasing toxic behaviors, negative patterns & let’s do this ❤️
35 - Risk
Be aware or you will have to beware. Do not deny the risk and hazards that you see.
48 - Play
Our work can and should take on the quality of play, for it is play that stimulates creativity.
Love Oracles:
- Sadness, Bitterness
- Missing You
- Thinking About You
- Uncertain Future
- Codependent
- Obsession & Restraint
- Possession & Control
- Emotional Block
Zodiac signs:
Pisces, Capricorn, Leo & Aquarius
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heavymetalseries · 1 year
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Hale • Eirson
Heavy Metal Hunters
The Vikings • @immortalhale
Name • Hale
Instrument - Band • Guitar - Emperor Immortal, Erebus
Age • 35
Star Sign • Capricorn
Powers • Healing
Tarot Card • King of Pentacles
Coffee Order • Coffee with two milks
Song • Ó Valhalla - Skàld
Personality • Generous leader; Stoic, headstrong, compassionate
Notable Features • Ears pierced, closed; Raven tattoos on backs of shoulders; Scars on back of left shoulder, Back of left calf, Along hairline, Beneath left pec, Right cheek, Left ear to jaw
Background • 
Hale formed Emperor Immortal while he was completing his Master’s and engaged to Aleksandr’s brother. Almost immediately after their first album’s release, a vampire attack killed his fiancé and sent him down an alcoholic spiral that almost killed him. When Aleksandr’s attempted death by suicide, he made a bargain with a goddess to save him, and entered rehab. Now, he’s considered one of Sweden’s best exports. 
Gay | Cis
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thewitchesfortune · 2 years
PICK-A-CARD!! 9/29/22
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1. Wheel of Fortune - Things are about to change for better or for worse, but you should be prepared to work your way to the good life. Even if things seem to be in your favor, remember that you still need to focus on your goals. If you need help figuring out what to do, message me for a full reading
2. King of Cults - In this deck, the Pentacles are Cults. In this card we see a giant floating head being worshipped by its followers, some of which have nearly no clothes, while others have cloaks on. Be wary of leaders who show favoritism towards anybody, they'll leave everyone else to rot
3. Temperance - Balance is the key to getting what you want from the situation you are in. Take a breath, sit down, and meditate to see exactly what you want, and contemplate your moves. You are either too positive to get what you want done, or you're too negative to work with those around you. Switch it up, and see the change you can make
If you'd like a full reading or some spellwork done, message me! Readings are $35, and spellwork is priced based on the work being done, you will know it after your reading (consultation reading price is also $35)
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cindythinking · 2 years
hello, how are you? i don't know if you're still getting readings, but I'd like to ask you a question. assuming that you still are, i would like to know if I will succeed in the career I choose for my future (money and social status). thank you so much for spending your time and energy with me, take care ♡. d.o.b: 10/18 💭
Hi @kittyss,
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The first thing I get is a problem with the King of Pentacles (a boss or a father figure) I see an argument and something negative around this person.
Eventually, we may talking about months, you may be changing jobs or career for I see a departure which will clean the energy and will present a more suitable social group.
Good luck! 💜
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judyconda · 1 year
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The King of Pentacles represents material wealth, financial abundance, and worldly success. This King is a faithful provider; he uses his ambition and confidence to create wealth for himself and others and generates his self-worth from what he has accumulated and can share with others. He is also a man figure who provides others with advice, guidance and wisdom, especially in financial and work-related matters. You no longer struggle to achieve what you desire, like the Page and the Knight, nor do you have any need to prove yourself. Source credit caption: https://www.biddytarot.com/tarot-card-meanings/minor-arcana/suit-of-pentacles/king-of-pentacles/ Swipe next I used #ModernWitchTarot Happy Monday new week to everyone! #kingofpentacles #thekingofpentacles #kingpentacles #tarot #dailytarot #tarotcard #tarotcards #Mystique #Spiritique #mysticmonday #magicmonday #tarot101 #repost @moonandcactus • @withregram Can we just take a moment to appreciate the ruggedly handsome King of Pentacles 😍 Looove how he turned out! Took me 3 hrs & 35 min to complete this illustration. Kick starter to be announced mid-March! Happy Wednesday / Thursday 💚 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpKt1Kwyagy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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firsttarotreader · 2 years
Hello! Considerably younger means at least more than 10 years! The Queen of Cups is the youngest of the 4 and Pedro is usually The Emperor or one of the oldest Kings like King of Wands or King of Pentacles, so in comparison it should be a younger person, tentatively from 20 to 35. But should be is not “it is for sure”. It’s what it usually is. 💜💜
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9/11/2022 11:35 am
Just learned that an evil eye tattoo can cause bad luck. The idea behind it is that, as an object or when placed on an object, the evil eye draws envy and other negative intents away and stares back at the source with its own negativity. Works well when on ornaments or objects, but as a tattoo, it causes bad luck on the person, since the evil eye attracts the negativity on the person instead of being drawn to an object as it stares back at the source of ill intent. Makes sense to me... I have a tattoo of the sun with a single eye inside and I feel that that maybe bringing me bad luck... When I got it, I thought it was a pretty design, but the worst times of my life happened after I had that tattoo... I am going to have it altered to something more positive: the tarot card sun face. I am going to check out a tattoo shop for that... Consulting the cards if this works out in the end:
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An adventurous and passionate energy was present in your past, since back then you were pursuing something that you were delighted about. However, you now work to seek and create balance in your life: a moderate approach to life is what you are seeking and embodying. There are signs that you will worry or be anxious about the future, so do ground yourself to avoid a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The best course of action is to plan and execute it immediately. Assertively pursue your desired outcome. You are reminded that you have reached a good life right now and what holds you back is the transition to move on towards a better life: you're looking back on the past and feel the need to make changes based on something that happened long ago. The most possible outcome is that you would take take a practical role as you manage your resources, tasks and goals. The king of pentacles bodes well for any material endeavor.
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r0zyp0zy0zy · 2 years
can you do prompt #35 with tadashi and smut?
How to Summon a Succubus
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FINALLY finished this. Took me awhile to figure out what I wanted to do for this one. Oh, and this was supposed to be finished for HALLOWEEN. My apologies. Ps I’m totally down to make a part two if anyone wants it (give suggestions!)
Words: 3220+
Warnings: smut, first time, multiple rounds, mild aphrodisiac use (succubus saliva), fictional races, mention of sex work
Ft. Yamaguchi Tadashi x succubus!FEM!reader, Tanaka, Tsukki, Noya
Summary: Tadashi’s friends try to summon a succubus to get him laid for the first time. Unexpectedly, it works.
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In a world of the supernatural, there were many different races and species and sub categories. Probably hundreds. But still, there were very few of you. You'd think the humans were weaker compared to the rest of the world, but them themselves held a power hard to beat.
In the 8,000,000,000 people on Earth, only about 4% of the people people living on it were of the supernatural. Still, most of them had rights and lived normal lives despite it.
You, on the other hand, had a harder time. 'Unnatural' skin covered your body, and two horns laid atop your head. Your heart-tipped tail swayed behind you as you walked, and left nothing to the imagination as to what you were. A succubus.
Parents hid their children from you, and avoided all eye contact with your unnaturally bright eyes. Refused jobs and services, kicked out of shops for 'suspicious activity', and immediately under suspicion if any sexual predator was on the lose.
You followed in your parents' footsteps, helping out at your eighth generation family business (if you could call it that). You sat on the receptionists chair, pretending to be busy so the clients in the waiting room in front of you wouldn't bother you. The government checked the place three times a year to make sure it was top-notch and in perfect shape, eyeing the smallest details to ensure nothing was amiss. Of course, they were only doing this because brothels like yours were in such high demand for humans.
"Welcome to The Bat's Wing, how can I help you?" You answered when you picked up the phone. "Summoning? Gosh, I dunno. Hasn't happened in hundreds of years so no one knows if it's a myth or not."
Obviously, you knew about summoning. It was a secret so buried that it was almost impossible to find out about.
"Oh? For your virgin friend?" You leaned into your desk, eyeing the entrance way through the glass separating the two rooms. "Well, he could always come and book an appointment. Too shy? Aw, what a shame. I love the shy ones."
"Alright then, Tanaka, you'd better have a good story to convince me," you listened intently. "Ah, well it seems as though you're on the right track. Do some more digging around the Meru bloodline and see where that takes you. Mhm, yep. Ok bye."
Ok so, you weren't exactly the best secret keeper ever. But dropping hints wasn't exactly exposing the secret, right? It's not like they'd be able to figure it out. 'Blood of a virgin'? Pfft, more like semen of a virgin.
"Why are you guys making me do this again?" Yamaguchi blushed as he sat in front of a pentacle drawn in chalk.
"Because you're the only virgin in the group!" Noya flailed his arms.
"Yeah, even The King has lost his," Tsukishima mumbled from the corner. "Just thought I'd help you out. Tanaka and Noya seemed like the only people who knows about this summoning bullshit."
Yamaguchi gulped and turned back. "What next, then?"
"'A tuft of the summoner's locks'," Tanaka recited from the sketchy old photo of a parchment he found after days of digging, "on the tip of the pentacle."
Yamaguchi snipped a patch of his hair right behind his ear, and laid it down on the silver plate. He followed with a vase of feathers on the left point, then a goblet of wine on the opposite side. Next was a bouquet of some very specific flowers on the bottom left, wrapped in a natural cotton cloth. In the right bottom hand point, he lit four candles; white, black, pink, and red.
"Anything else?" Yamaguchi sat back on his haunches.
"Um," Tanaka side-eyed Noya and Tsukishima. "Ok don't freak out, but a 'nip glass of a virgin's blood'."
"What the hell's a nip glass?" Tsukishima what everyone was thinking.
"Google it," Noya shrugged.
"Oh. It's a shot glass," Tanaka answered.
"A shot glass of my blood?!" Yamaguchi yelled. "No way! I'd have to really cut myself to get that much!"
"Well fuck," Noya groaned. "Where's the least damaging place we can—"
"I said no," Yamaguchi growled, glaring at his friend. "Any alternatives?"
After lots of thinking, and dumb ideas, Tsukishima finally spoke up and said:
"Well what about semen?"
Everyone stopped to stare at him, mouth's agape. Noya and Tanaka whipped their heads to Yamaguchi and he sighed.
"Fine. Better than blood," Yamaguchi begrudgingly agreed. Maybe then it won't work.
He padded up the basement and grabbed a shot glass before locking himself in the bathroom. He looked out to the bright full moon, and wondered how he got himself into this mess.
"Here," Yamaguchi said, firmly placing a shot glass of his cum in the centre of the pentacle. "Now what."
“I can’t believe you actually did that,” Tsukishima grimaced.
"Here," Tanaka passed Yamaguchi his phone. "Read the poem or whatever it's called."
"'A woman of desire, o' cometh to my side,
To aid me in my deepest dreams,
And to feed thou of what thou doth need’," Yamaguchi recited, squinting at the slightly blurry penmanship.
"'No needeth a cry,
No needeth a whip,
Cometh to drain me
Of my pastorship.'," he continued.
"'O' skin of flare,
And eyes o' rare,
I give you my word,
I'll provide you the cure,
O' thous' desire.'."
Yamaguchi continued down the paragraphs, blushing at certain parts, and finally reached the end.
"'O' woman so fair,
I'll lend thou mine care,
O' my phallus so heavy,
To send thou a sign,
So thou can come find me.'."
"Whatta bunch of bullshit," Tsukishima muttered.
"Ok folks, let's go and leave Yams to slumber,~" Tanaka sang as he dragged the two other boys along.
Yamaguchi gulped.
It began with the tingle of your toes. You thought nothing of it other than you were probably getting hungry again. A heat trailed up your body and you shivered in arousal. That was the second sign. It was almost instinctual how you rummaged through your drawers to find the perfect set of lingerie, not even knowing what you were looking for. The black set felt nice on your curves, and you threw over a sundress.
Your eyes grew bright, and you could see a shimmering light about a mile from your window. You blinked in surprise that whoever had attempted to summon a succubus had actually succeeded. You grinned. A nice shot of cum was waiting for you.
Slipping out of your window with a pair of sunglasses to hide your bright eyes, you made your way down the dark streets, following the faint glowing light that carved your path.
You stopped abruptly, and a sharp 'ZZIRP' noise rattled your ears. You opened your eyes to a dark room, save for the candles that were still (unsafely) lit. The boy you were here for was in his deepest REM sleep, and you felt giddy all over. You wondered what your fellow succubi would think when you went back and told them you had been summoned. You leisurely stepped out of the pentacle, careful to avoid the goblet of red wine. You pinched the flames with your fingers to put them out, and picked up the goblet.
You hummed as you sipped on the liquid, a very specific blend that you could recognize anywhere. After drinking the whole thing, you turned to the flowers. They were beautiful, and smelled of lust and nectar. The feathers were a nice touch, and you pinched the lock of hair on the silver plate. You realized that your sunglasses were long gone, as well as your dress, as you admired the fluffy green-grey hair. It smelled faintly of pine, and something warm you couldn't quite place. Finally, you plucked the tiny glass in the centre of the pentacle and grinned. The smell was intoxicating, and it made your heat throb excitedly. You used your finger to scoop out the cum, groaning each time you sucked the sweet nectar down your throat. Your tongue elongated as you licked the glass clean, not wanting to waste a drop of the sticky substance.
In a haze, you dropped the glass and wandered up the stairs of the basement. The door to inside was locked. No matter, it was probably just habit. You flicked your finger and the door opened with a quiet creak.
You admired the photographs on the wall as you wandered upstairs, smiling giddily when you saw the summoner. He looked like a sweet young man in his most recent pictures, and you gathered that he was still staying at his parents' house for whatever reason. The door of his room glowed, and you carefully slid it open to reveal a young man cuddling his pillow, sound asleep.
You slid the door shut behind you, and walked over to the foot of his bed. Eagerly, you trailed a hand up his bent leg and urged it to lay straight. Once it did, you hovered over his legs and used a finger to gently rub the front of his briefs. You moaned quietly as he hardened, and you hastily removed his underwear. You touched him some more, and his cock quickly throbbed upright. Precum was already drooling out of his slit.
"Hmph?" A very tired and confused Tadashi mumbled as he used his forearms to sit up, eyes blowing wide once he saw your hovering figure. He was speechless.
You grinned wickedly at him, waving playfully before moving your hand back down to grip the base of his cock.
"H-hi?" Yamaguchi squeaked once he came-to.
"Hello," you giggled. "It seems as though I've been summoned."
Yamaguchi could only stare as you greedily licked a stripe up his shaft, a soft moan emitting from his lips.
"What would you like me to call you, Summoner?" You hummed, nonchalantly pumping his dick.
"Y-uh you can uh, c-call me Tadashi," he stuttered out, squirming in place when you played with the head of his cock."I- ah~ -didn't think it w-would actually work."
"Well I'm happy it did," you grinned. "Working with a virgin isn't something I've done before. Plus, you're cute."
You beamed as he flushed, half turning his face to hide it. Yeah, you were definitely going to enjoy yourself. Tadashi finally took a good look at your appearance, throat going dry when he realized that you were barely covering your body, clad in only a black lingerie set.
"Like what you see, do you?" You smirked, walking your fingers up his shaft. You tapped lightly on the head of his cock, his pre sticking to the tip of your finger.
He stared in awe as you collected more of his pre, bringing it to your tongue. You moaned softly at his taste.
"I've already had a little taste earlier," you purred, nuzzling your cheek on his cock. "And I'm already addicted."
Tadashi's face glowed pink at the indication that you had drank the little shot glass of his semen, mouth gaping as you kissed sloppily up his shaft.
"W-what's your n-name?" Tadashi stuttered out, fists gripping his blanket under him.
"Oh how rude of me. My name is y/n," you licked your lips, giving him a wink. "But you can call me anytime."
Yamaguchi didn't have a chance to respond before you wrapped your warm lips around the head of his cock, quickly working your way down so you swallowed around his whole length.
"Ooah," Tadashi moaned, his head lolling back. He had never felt such a sensation, his body already shaking and close to orgasm.
You slurped greedily on his cock, the promise of his delicious sticky cum all too much to make you slow down. You slithered your tongue wherever you could, tracing the veins along his length.
All Tadashi could do was throw his head from side-to-side and firmly grip his bedsheets. Groaning unintelligibly, he flopped totally on his back and struggled to stay still, harshly trailing his hands up and down his body to grope at his skin.
"Ffffuuuuck," he keened loudly as you hummed and swallowed around his cock one more time before he came, warm ropes of cum going down your throat.
You sat back and watched as the boy beneath you slowly came-to, heaving for breath and eyes tightly closed.
"Sh-shit," he sighed quietly, heavy lidded eyes looking up at you.
"How was that?" You grinned, resisting the urge to continue to play with his sensitive dick.
"I-I can't even—" Tadashi struggled "—begin to explain how good that felt."
"You're about to feel so much better that that," you promised. "Trust me, I'm just getting started."
"I-I dunno if I can..." he began.
"Don't worry, my saliva will keep your stamina up," you pulled yourself onto his lap.
"Can I um... can I kiss you?" Tadashi asked nervously.
"Mmhm," you leaned closer. "You're such a good boy, Tadashi, asking so nicely."
Tadashi whined at the praise before you muffled his noises with a kiss. You could tell he was inexperienced from the way he nervously moved his lips with yours, but you didn't mind because it was kinda cute.
"Open," you said as you pulled back.
Tadashi did as he was told, and your tongue lulled out of your mouth to let a long drop of saliva to enter his mouth. The sweet taste of your spit made him moan in surprise, but you cut him off when you smashed your lips to his yet again.
"Touch me, Tadashi," you hummed lewdly, your eyes glowing.
Again, he did as he was told and let his hands trail over your figure, stopping at your waist to pull you closer.
"Fuck, I love how obedient you are," you groaned. "Such a good boy for me."
Tadashi's cock twitched, and you used your tail to reach down and pump his length. You swallowed his moans, elongating your tongue to explore his mouth. The feeling of your tongue gliding against his was enough for him to jerk his whole body, coming with a loud whine. The end of your tail opened as a second mouth, and it slurped up all of the cum it could.
You leaned back to admire Tadashi; his eyes were heavy with lust, and his cheeks were painted a pretty pink. His lips were swollen and shiny from your kisses, puffy and red. He had a calmer aura after you had kissed him, your saliva easing him into the lull of your dance.
"Ta~da~shi~" you hummed, trailing a finger down his sternum. "I bet you want to see what's underneath my outfit, hm?"
"Y-yes please," Yamaguchi nodded.
His heartbeat sped faster when your clothes were stripped from your body with a flick of your tail. He wanted to touch your breasts, the perky nipples of your tits causing his mouth to water.
"Do whatever you'd like," you purred, gloating in his gaze.
"Y-you're sure?" Tadashi gulped. "W-what if I—"
"Baby, look at me. I can overpower you in an instant," you grinned. "Trust me, I can stand up for myself. I'm a big girl."
Tadashi gulped anxiously as he reached his palms to your breasts and gently squeezed, marvelling at the feeling. You pulled his face flush to your chest, and you encouraged him to suck and kiss your tits.
"Good boy, juuust like that," you ran your fingers through his hair. "Your tongue is so soft."
Tadashi could only whine in response, his hands trailing down to your hips. "C-can I go in-inside?" Said his muffled voice.
"Oh, absolutely," you purred. "G'na fill me up so good, Tadashi."
You reached your hand down and wrapped it around his cock, giggling when it twitched in your palm. You pulled back so you could look at his face, grinning as he watched in amazement as you slowly dragged the head of his cock over your swollen bud.
"Mmm," you hummed, biting your lip. His eyes met with your half lidded ones, and he gulped nervously.
A loud keen echoed through the room as you inserted his glans inside of your pussy. "Feels s'good already," Tadashi moaned.
You watched contently as his face contorted in pleasure as you sank further down his shaft. You reached for his cheeks, and rubbed a tear away. Sometimes you forgot that human pussies couldn't compete with a succubus'.
"Holy fuck, holy shit," Tadashi's back arched and twisted as you let him get used to the foreign feeling. His breathing was ragged and his eyes were half shut in pleasure.
Once you were fully seated, you felt Tadashi's cock twitch once, twice, before spilling his load inside of you. Your body shivered in delight as the man beneath you gripped the sheets beside him.
"M'sorry," Tadashi mumbled. "'S my first time."
"Don't be sorry, baby," you cooed, holding his freckled face gently. "We have all night."
He whimpered when you began to move, eyes closing tightly for a moment. "Fuck," he said in a small voice.
"Mm, you fill me so good Tadashi~" you moaned into his ear, gently nibbling on the soft cartilage. You pulled back to look at his blissed-out face. "Shit, you're cute."
"Hnngh," he whined in response, eyes glossy with tears. "F-feels really good."
"I could fuck you forever," you sighed dreamily, rolling your hips in a circle. "I want to make you feel so good that you can only get off to the thought of me. Oh shit you feel so good."
Tadashi looked up at you with his watery eyes, awe still painting his face as he weakly tried to thrust his hips up to meet yours.
"Relax, baby," you purred, holding a hand to his heaving chest. "I got you."
You could tell that his body was just about done by the way his limbs weakly grasped onto anything they could, and how his eyes were almost closed.
You leaned down to kiss him, giving him more sexual energy with your saliva so he could have one more orgasm.
"Ffff-shit!" Tadashi wailed, back arching as his eyes rolled. "S-so... sho good."
Stomach twisting pleasantly, you finally allowed yourself to relax and ride your incoming orgasm, watching Tadashi with heavy eyes as he writhed and moaned lewdly beneath you.
"Fuck, m' gonna cum, Tadashi," you practically growled, leaning in close to suck and nibble on the skin of his neck. "Cum with me, baby."
Tadashi whimpered loudly at your demand, and he cried out as his cock forced out another load of cum into you. Your body shook and you quickly rubbed your clit, body shaking as you moaned in delight as your pussy sucked up every drop of cum it could. When you came down from your high, you looked down to see Tadashi dead asleep, snoring adorably with a line of drool on his chin. You cooed at his relaxed form, still sweaty and naked.
You tidied up what you could, before deciding to cuddle up beside Tadashi as he slept peacefully. You pulled the comforter over the two of you, and you admired the boy beside you before you yourself fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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March 👵🏻 2023 Monthly - Cancer
Whole of your energy: Temperance
Your reading has a similar vibe to Gemini’s, you could have that in your chart somewhere, and their energy is here, could be dealing with one. Taurus too. A relationship has gone wrong and though you seemed fine with this at the time, you’re kinda beating yourself up over it now. There are regrets. You seem the be the one at fault, that’s how the reading places you, so you’re especially hesitant to reach out when the connection has gone full Hermit already.
What’s going on in March:
The Lovers:
There was definitely more than one person in this relationship, and it doesn’t say who the other even is, so they must not be that important. Or they didn’t end up being so. But this person caught on to what you were up to, and basically told you if you can do better, then go ahead & do better. The ending came with a realization, they’ve healed, maybe spiritually even, while you’re working on healing and still have them soaking in your energy, even if they’re long moved on.
2 Pentacles:
You weigh the pros and cons of having waited to leave this person behind. You regret not being honest from the start. I do see indulgence, you liked the attention you got, but it’s not because of you being unhappy, unsatisfied, in fact I get this person didn’t even do anything wrong, thus the guilt. And you do like them. “Like”. They love you. Or did.
9 Cups:
You could be very young. You like to party, have some drinks, go out, have a good time, cause some chaos and destruction. Flirt a little, wiggle your ass, that kind of thing 😆 Its mostly harmless, and when it hasn’t been you’re more than aware. The thought that you would have to give this up is what kept you from being honest with this person in the first place. There’s definitely another person in the mix, maybe a one night stand or something like that? I don’t see them current, or as competition, more like what’s happened is over and you had a good time in reality…but you know you can’t say that. And maybe you haven’t said anything at all and this person has no clue. You could’ve been the one that wanted to split just for freedom’s sake, more good times and less serious ones.
Queen of Cups rev:
This card does not paint you in a positive light. It’s emotionally disconnected, overly emotionally reactive, manipulative and very immature, some combination of all that. Denying with tears in your eyes but you’re guilty and you know it. You are by no means telling the truth. You don’t want to lose any of your options. Your guilt is telling you that you should let them go. Everything else wants to keep them around, but I don’t see any love on your side.
King of Pentacles:
Probably your person, this person gives you everything you’ve ever wanted. They’re incredibly romantic and let you know how much they care on a regular basis, this is a type to buy you gifts and offer you the moon 🌙 with a picket fence to keep it safe. They’re head over heels for you…but they do not come up as your soulmate. You seem to already understand that and feel bad that though you may be hanging on, you’re happy with the more casual lifestyle, and this person is the King of Pentacles. *NOT* casual. You want to get married, buy a goat farm in Tennessee and run a business together? He’s your man. You want to club and run on sexy strangers that come & go that you might have a sporadic passionate rendezvous with…not so much. You’re not wrong whichever you choose, by being authentic to yourself, you know you’re just wrong by not speaking up & playing along with a life you may not even want, because this is simply a good person.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Taurus, Gemini, Pisces, Libra & Cancer
Oracles: ✨
“Cultivate inner Buddhy.”
35 Inner Journey 🧘‍♀️
Not all who wander are lost. At times we are so consumed with our own personal journey that we project our journey onto another. Every soul arrives on this planet with lessons to learn and a life to live. For as many souls that are out there, there are that many different journeys. Do not judge another’s journey - always respect where another person is on their path. Meet everyone you come in contact with where they are on their path. Do not insist they come to where you are. By doing this, you will not only expose those around you to your own healing vibration, but you will offer them acceptance without judgment. This is a great gift to both give and receive.
We enter into March as:
Silver Cloud ☁️:
“Every silver lining has a cloud.”
If confusion is a familiar state for you, then you already know Silver Cloud. Clarity is only available by journeying with him for awhile. Through a willingness to be in confusion, we find clarity. You are to slow down, meditate, contemplate, rest. If you were to know what lies ahead, you might not take on the next task willingly. You’re not supposed to know, you will when it’s time. Bide your time in gratitude and know that clarity will come along the way.
What is to be learned in March:
Salmon Chairs 🌷
“Come sit in my chair and feel my love”.
People, places and events are being drawn to you beyond your wildest imagination. Aim higher, for you will draw even greater experiences into your life. It is time to step up to the next level. All “things” are energy and will be drawn to you when you allow your energy to grow. The Salmon Chairs is being brought to you as a gift, to raise your faith and self esteem. It is a gentle and profound change in the way one relates to themselves, and the world. We create the life we feel we deserve. Often we feel we must do something to prepare, yet Salmon Chairs says “Stay in the light of truth, meditate, and relax - die if you drink in the light and allow spiritual wealth, you will be surrounded by material wealth.” This is about subtle action, and receiving is an action. You are being told to sit still and receive the bounty that is coming to you. Salmon Chairs can also signify a love relationship in the wings, it’s your choice to receive it. It may also be a present relationship that’s moving to the next level, both spiritually and physically.
Salmon/Pink may be a lucky color 💖
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yeowoui · 3 years
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Disclaimer: This is all based on the cards, it’s up to you if you believe in them, for entertainment purposes only, take everything with a grain of salt.
Warning: If you’re not comfortable reading posts like these about the boys, don’t click further, don’t even bother sending hate or anything, I won’t delete my blog posts for you, if uncomfy, kindly click away.
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Soobin Overall
King of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, The Fool (Reversed)
Vocal in sex, moans a lot, compliments here and there 
Constantly checks if his partner is feeling good 
There may be times that he'll be too deep into it, too aggressive? too needy 
But his top priority in mind when doing the act is making their partner feel comfortable 
Is open about kinks and such, he's open in discovering new things 
He's the type to chase your lips when kissing 
Sloppy kisses 
If he's h0rny, yes he's gonna get it one way or another
Preferences King of Pentacles, Knight of Wands, The Lovers, King of Swords
Again he likes to make his partner feel comfortable 
He buys sex toys, any sorts 
Likes it passionate and aggressive 
But not the type to do one night stands or with strangers
He likes to do it with his partner only
Sweet compliments, whispers, you name it 
Aftercare king
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Yeonjun Overall Queen of Wands, Three of Pentacles (Reversed), Two of Cups
Hook ups in clubs, he doesn’t fuck with everyone, he's picky when choosing a partner 
Most of the time he makes the first move in the action, he keeps the dynamic energetic 
Grinding, thigh riding
Hold hands while doing it 
The type to compliment your body
Idk about top or doms, but he's the one who leads the action 
He likes it passionate and aggressive too 
Fingering, he loves it
Preferences Judgement, Nine of Cups, The Chariot
He gets turned on by thighs, hips, butt, yeah he loves it 
Doesn't really like long oral sex 
Sweet and Aggressive
Will make you cry, loves to see his partner cry (the good one)
He likes cowgirl positions 
Have certain kinks? he'll do it for his partner 
Scented Candles 
Lap Dances
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Beomgyu Overall Six of Wands, Page of Wands, King of Cups
Doesn't do one night stands, he prefers doing it with a romantic partner
Slow, sensual, sweet 
Just the idea of his partner having a body part restricted from moving it's a yes for him
Doesn't like to do it often 
Hair pulling 
He likes stroking the hair of his partner 
Long make out sessions 
Lot of tongue 
Although there is passionate energy, it's far from the aggressive
Preferences Six of Wands, Four of Pentacles, The Empress
Breeding Kink 
Just doesn't like wearing condoms (maybe part of the reason he only wants to do it with a romantic partner) 
Likes boobs 
He's possessive of his partner, doesn't like other people seeing his partner's body 
He prefers doing it in a private space where he won't be disturbed
Territorial sometimes, but it's not strong 
Also he makes sure his partner agrees to his preferences 
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Taehyun Overall Ace of Swords, The Emperor, Ten of Cups
Likes to talk about sex often 
Always asks his partner's preferences 
He’s the most aggressive from the group 
Likes to do it in the dorms, his house, his partner's house 
Researches about sex often
Often asks their partner how they’re feeling
He knows how to teaser just right 
Likes to know his partner's spots 
He memorizes his partner's body 
Preferences Ace of Swords, Seven of Wands, Queen of Pentacles
Anything really 
What his partner likes, he likes it too Toys 
Likes caressing his partner's face 
Makes me think he takes like example a BDSM Test with his partner just to see their preferences
Lots of Dirty Talk 
Likes the game of chasing their partner down 
Massage turns him on so much
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Kai Overall Six of Pentacles, Eight of Wands, Knight of Wands
Sends thirst traps to his partner 
Likes giving oral 
Hours, hours hours of sex, he's down for it 
Teasing their partner through social media or messages, phone calls
Heavy make out sessions
Lots of tongue, oral or making out he knows how to use it 
Honestly he prefers giving than receiving 
 "Oh really?" 
Plays innocent just to tease 
Passionate too 
Preferences The Empress, Three of Cups, Page of Pentacles
Likes to show off 
Giving/Receiving hickeys, scratches, just the evidence of a heavy session
Likes to learn through experience instead of asking 
Breeding kink too 
Compliments, he likes hearing them
Clubs, he likes drunk sex 
He's not that experienced yet but he takes his time learning 
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
Rodrigo’s Masterlist
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His Tags
✨ Rodrigo ✨ Rodrigo Vibes | inspiration, quotes, pictures, etc. ✨ Art of Rodrigo | commissions, gifts, etc. ✨ Fic of Rodrigo | fic not by me ✨ Rodrigo’s Playlist | the boys i mean are not refined
Full Name: Rodrigo Luís Aguilar
“Drigo” mostly by Jacqui but almost anyone can call him that, “Roddy/Rod” generally only used by enemies, as he hates those names, “Bug/Stinkbug” by his mothers
General Age: 35
Birthday: April 1st
Gender/Sexuality: Queer man (he/him)
Astrology: Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon, Leo Rising
Patron Arcana: King of Pentacles
Upright — loyal, ambitious, wealthy, stubborn
Reversed — materialistic, greedy, ruthless, hasty decisions
all other information + ship fics under the cut!
Important Relationships
Elena-Carmen Fernandez, trans she/her — Rodrigo’s mother, referred to as Mamá, deceased
Carina-Sofia Aguilar, she/her — Rodrigo’s mother, referred to as Mami
Jacqui Larrieux-Desroche, he/him — Rodrigo’s best friend/lover of almost 20 years
Jade Castella (Giada Silvestri-Castellanos), she/her — Rodrigo’s other best friend/friend with benefits of 12 years
Keean, he/they — Rodrigo’s protege/adopted son
Paulina Herrera, she/her — Rodrigo’s adoptive grandmother, the cook on his ship
Favorite Meal: Parihuela
Favorite Drink: Rum
Favorite Flower: Marigold
Magic: Illusionary/Glamor Magic, Forcefields
Illusion Magic
This magic is very strong, but volatile, and Rodrigo understands very little of it
He normally uses this to create a mirror image of himself, or to disorient opponents when fighting—the mirror image is really just an afterimage, if he wanted it to move and fight with him, he could, but that takes more energy than he wants to use for just a quick diversion
He can also cast glamors over his appearance, allowing him to sneak into underground bars and similarly shady places unseen/unnoticed—helpful especially when your face is on more than a few wanted posters in such shady places
Will cast illusions over others, especially during raids to confuse the ship their raiding by making them think there are more pirates than there are, or tricking them into jumping off their own ship
He can create illusions for others too, for example, create a mirror image of Jacqui during a fight, though it takes more concentration and he can’t maintain it for as long
It’s easier for him to cast massive illusions over non-humans, like the sirens in the Strait of Sirens, and he can make better use of his range that way, but it still isn’t something he can maintain for more than a few minutes at the most
Most of his illusions rely on people being able to see, so they don’t work over blind people or in the dark of night
This magic was inherited from his Mamá Elena, and it is what was most exploited during his time in the catacombs
Pretty straight-forward, he can create forcefield/barriers around himself and others to protect them
The bigger the forcefield the weaker it is, but he can create one big enough to protect the entire ship if he wanted to
The forcefields protect against almost all types of physical and magical attacks, and when Rodrigo was younger it was even stronger, which is why it was essentially “harvested” from him
It is still used by the Scholars to keep some magic users trapped in the catacombs, and there are runes carved into Syd’s ship, Inuwashi, that are laced with Rodrigo’s magic
Other Skills: whittling, can speak his native language Nopali, Vesuvian/Common, and some Vesuvian Sign language (but he can only read/write very basic Nopali), dancing (specifically samba but other types as well), stealth (when he wants to be)
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Height: 5′11″ (180 cm) — not counting the heels on the boots he usually wears
Hair: Dark brown, almost black, 3a type curls never kept past his chin
Eyes: Dark brown, almost black
Has a lot of freckles across his cheeks and most of his body
Usually wears mascara and/or kohl around his eyes and it is always messy
Has scars all over his body but concentrated on his back and upper arms, the only facial scar he has goes through his right eyebrow
There is a brand burned in between his shoulder blades that is very faded now, but that he received during his time in the catacombs
Arcana Universe
Born in the village Girasol, just outside of Nopal and the Emerald Sea, Rodrigo lived with his mothers until he was 10 years old. His Mamá, Elena, was the village’s leader, and as such, he was often treated like the village’s golden child, their hope for the next generation. And for a time he was, following closely in his mothers’ footsteps as he grew up.
But when he was 10, his village was attacked, and Elena was killed by Captain Syd, who had been sent to kill her and capture Rodrigo to bring to the Sea Palace. Once Elena died, the barrier that she put over the village disappeared, and Rodrigo was captured.
For six years he was kept in the catacombs of the Palace, being tortured and experimented on, his magic harvested from him until Jacqui stumbled upon him and the two of them escaped together. They ran from Syd and the Palace for two years before Rodrigo won his ship, El Corazon Sangrante, in a bet, and became a pirate captain, with Jacqui as his quartermaster.
While this allowed them to evade Syd, it did not protect them from him until two more years later, when Rodrigo was 20, and he went to the Quinquennial Pirate Meeting. He joined himself and his crew under the Pirate Queen, meaning that Syd could no longer go after them, as he was sworn under the same Code. 
A few years later, when Rodrigo was 28, he and his crew came across Keean stuck in the Strait of Sirens, and rescued him. While Rodrigo does not raise Keean in the same way Jacqui does, he still cares for the boy and considers him almost as his protege.
During the events of the game, Rodrigo and the rest of the crew of El Corazon are patrolling the Sea of Persephia, and largely do not feature in any of the game routes.
Modern AU
Rodrigo spent most of his life in Hollywood, Florida with his mothers, but he dreamed about moving away for almost all of that time. After meeting Jacqui in high school, the two of them became extremely close, and ended up moving across the country to LA, California after they both graduated. 
He jumped around working multiple jobs at bars and clubs until he finally decided he wanted to start a band with Jacqui and a few of the friends they had made in the area. Their band ended up opening for the Desert Jackals, and they even toured together for a while. Rodrigo and Leon had a brief, messy, and complicated relationship that ended due to Rodrigo’s own fault, but his band stayed together and they still perform locally in LA.
Ship Fics
✨ Rodrigo x Solo
by me
In Dreams
by @asras3rdeye
Bad Romance 🍋
Kiss Prompt: Sneaking away to share a hidden kiss
✨ Rodrigo x Martzel
by me
Smut Prompts: [pin] 🍋
by @lucigucci
Break My Baby (Part One)
Break My Baby (Part Two)
Break My Baby (Part Three) 🍋
Break My Baby (Part Four)
✨ Rodrigo x Sun Bai
by @asras3rdeye
Smut Prompts: “I’ve wanted to fuck you all night” + [palm] 🍋
✨ Rodrigo x Balam
by @atypicalacademic
Say-So 🍋
✨ Rodrigo x Jacqui x Amparo
by @sunrisenfool
Two Is a Crowd, Three Is a Party 🍋
✨ Rodrigo x Dante
by me
Smut Prompts: [kiss + rough] and [choke]
✨ Rodrigo x Roul
by me
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hillbillyoracle · 4 years
Tarot as Representations
So one of the recommended uses I talk briefly about in my zine, tarot in the time of the apocalypse, is to use tarot cards as icons in a parred down travel altar set up. What I didn't get into too much is how to select these cards to use as representations. I wrote the zine originally with a more experienced practitioner in mind and thought that most folks would select a card based on intuition.
Which will totally work. But recently as I was using cards to set up a petition, I realized there was a lot more I could have said there. Some of it
Astrological Representations
So a lot of people know that Tarot has astrological associations. I knew about a lot of these but I've been learning about so many more recently. You can use these associations to create representations of your work with the planets for petitions, prayers, or other workings. If you have decks you don't need, you can us the card as a base to attach paper talesmins to and give them some rigidity while adding to the correspondences (good for if you need to tuck it in a car visor or a book). Really there are so many options for using tarot as representation for astrological concepts.
The classical planets and the 12 zodiac signs are the most agreed upon from what I can tell and they are as follows.
Classical Planets
Moon - the High Priestess
Sun - the Sun
Mercury - the Magician
Venus - the Empress
Mars - the Tower
Jupiter - the Wheel of Fortune
Saturn - the World
The Moon card is traditionally associated with the sign of Pisces but I've swapped these out a few times and not noticed a major difference. I have also substituted Judgement for Saturn when not working with them in an earthly or cthonic capacity and that's worked alright for me. I try to stick to the traditional associations when reading a spread but when picking a representation it seems like it's slightly less important.
Outer Planets
Uranus - the Fool
Neptune - the Hanged One
Pluto - Judgement
These are less agreed upon but what I've found most common. I use them when reading but I will swap them out when picking a representation. I think they work okay for the most part. But truthfully I don't work with the outer planets a whole lot and don't often need a representation of that.
Zodiac Signs
Aries - the Emperor
Taurus - the Hierophant
Gemini - the Lovers
Cancer - the Chariot
Leo - Strength
Virgo - the Hermit
Libra - Justice
Scorpio - Death
Sagittarius - Temperance
Capricorn - the Devil
Aquarius - the Star
Pisces - the Moon
Just as a note, the signs also correspond with parts of the body and can be used to represent requests or petitions in that way too. I have some times used the Emperor (the sign of the head) and the Moon (the feet) to represent that my request is for my whole body. It's too much to fit into this article but it's easy to find on Google and something to add into the language of what you can represent.
Representing Fixed Stars
It's become more popular to work with fixed stars of the Zodiac (Deneb Algredi, Algol, Regulus, etc) and one way I've been using to set up an altar to the ones I work with is to select the tarot card that corresponds to the decan that the fixed star is found in and par it with the Star card.
The decans and card associations are too many to list here but the principle is fairly straight forward.  There are 4 elements of the zodiac (Fire, Earth, Air, Water) and they correspond with the four suits of the Tarot (Wands, Pentacles, Swords, Cups; respectively). The Aces embody the elements themselves. Without the Aces, each suit has 9 cards, that are then divided by the three modalities of the Zodiac (Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable). Each of these modalities has three cards representing the three decans of each sign. Each decan covers 10 degrees of a sign and have associations themselves.
Cardinal signs are at the beginning of each season, so they are equated with the beginning of each suit (2,3,4). Fixed signs are in the middle of each season, so they are equated with the middle of each suit (5,6,7). Mutable signs are at the end of each season, so they are equated with the end of each suit (8,9,10). Using this you can figure out what decan belongs with which sign.
Say you want to represent Algol, who is at 26 degrees Taurus. Taurus is a Fixed (5,6,7) Earth (Pentacles) sign. 26 degrees is between 20-30 and so is in the last decan of Taurus. Meaning the card you'd select would be the 7 of Pentacles.
Sun, Moon, Rising
So on occasion, when I realize I probably won't be using a deck but I want to keep it around, I'll pull a few of the cards and use them as artwork. One way I've done that is by displaying my Sun, Chart Ruler, and Rising Sign using Tarot Cards. I don't have any presently to show as an example but I will get stiff paper, attach cards in a grid, and put it in a cheap frame. Now that I know the decans, I would also include the decans in addition to or replacing the sign cards. I use the World here for Rising Sign because it has felt right to me and at one point incorrectly learned Saturn as being associated with Judgement so I still use that when laying out cards for this kind of artwork.
For instance:
The Sun - The Chariot - 2 of Cups
The World - The Devil - 3 of Pentacles
Judgement - The Star - 3 of Swords
Hell of a combination, I know. The reason I've done Chart Ruler instead of Moon is purely because I have a total solar eclipse in my natal chart so they'd use the same sign and decan cards and this way I don't have to have a second deck.
I'm actually working on turning this layout into a spread/worksheet. More on that in another post though.
Deity Representations
I have used tarot cards as deity representation a lot in my practice, especially with travel altars as I mentioned. But it really could be extended to others as well. This is where there's more intuition and less structure to go off of so what I say here is by no means law. Artwork of the cards themselves will dictate quite a lot.
For the Greek and Roman deities associated with the planets, the choice is pretty easy; the Magician can be a representation of Mercury, the Empress for Aphrodite, etc. For Kemetic deities that were syncretized with Greek and Roman deities, you can also use those correspondences too. I have used the Magician card to stand in for both Hermes and Yinepu for instance.
For other deities, my recommendation is to stick with the court cards as your basis. These already are often read as actual people in a given situation and the artwork in a lot of decks will only include a single person - which is just helpful for me personally when using it as a representation in an altar set up.
However, where you want to call a deity in a specific role, combining a court card and a major arcana can be really powerful. When I use the cards in my work the Morrigan, I always use the Queen of Swords as my base. But if I want to call her in her role as prophetess, I might combine the Queen of Swords and the High Priestess. If I want to call her in her role as battle raven, I might combine the Queen of Swords and the Tower.
If you work with the Elements as entities or as guardian spirits, you can utilize the Aces for their representation as they are the embodiment of the purest qualities of each element. This also works in combination with a Court Card for deities you are calling in connection with their association with an element. Say if I wanted to represent Geb, I might use the King of Pentacles and the Ace of Pentacles.
Ancestor Representation
I have not done a lot of this personally though in the times I have tried it, it has worked pretty well. Court Cards not only refer to people but often have associated ages as well and in a pinch I've used the Court Card associated with the gender and age that someone passed away. I have not used this yet for someone who has passed away that was nonbinary but I would probably default to using the Knight or the Page as they're less gendered, even though they correspond with younger age groups. It's imperfect and I'll write more on this later as it evolves.
The age groups associated with the court cards (as I learned them) are:
Page: young, usually under 35
Knight: someone mid career, age 35 - 50
Queen and King: someone at their height or who has reached old age, 50+
I tend to pick the suit for what they were most known for; were they really emotionally oriented (Cups), did they work really hard (Pentacles), were they especially known for their intellect (Swords), or were they fiery and artistic (Wands)?
If you want to use the cards to honor your dead generally, you can always use a representation of a psychopomp who opens the way for you if that's a part of you practice. You can also just use the Death card, perhaps in combination with the Six of Cups. I am much more likely to do this than represent a specific ancestor but I have needed to on occasion and this is roughly what I used.
Spellwork Representations
This honestly could - and hopefully will - be it's own article or zine at some point but I did want to mention a little bit on using the cards for spellwork on the fly. The main ways I've used them so far is either to petition the spirits of the Major Arcana for assistance or use the pips to specify what I want to happen.
The former is pretty straight forward. I personally have found the Major Arcana to be spirits in of themselves, which makes sense to me coming from a Chaos magic background, and I have petitioned them with offerings like I would any other spirit. The Magician has seemed to be most open to this so far but others are helpful in their own ways.
The latter works the best if you've worked with the cards long enough to understand their concrete meanings. Often beginners will have these very general understandings, that are still accurate by all means, but hard to take action on. If you're at a point in your tarot practice where you can see for instance the 4 of Wands know it's connotations with marriage and contracts or the 9 of Swords associations with bringing on nightmares, then this method should work for you.
Sometimes I'll combine this with a deity representation and lay a pip before it as my petition and then give offerings and burn a candle or incense. Just using them as representations for what I want to happen alone hasn't worked well but using them in combination with something else has. Have someone walk over the 5 of Pentacles or 3 of Swords enough times and there will be consequences. Just as walking under the 6 of Wands or the 10 of Cups will bring blessings.
So I hope this was helpful to someone out there. It's been super helpful for me to just grab my deck and go in so many situations. I can grab it and then scrounge for offerings when I get some place and not feel like I'm without something core to what I need.
And I know there are so many variations on this. This is by no means the be all end all of how you can use them and I do hope to expand on some of them in later writing, but I do think this is a decent springboard to experiment with.
How do you use your tarot deck for representations?
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