daily-hadith · 2 months
Daily Hadith
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam ‘ala Rasulillah Narrated Abu Dhar (Radi-Allahu 'anhu):
The Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) asked me at sunset, “Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?” I replied, “Allah and His Apostle know better.” He said, “It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted. A time will come when it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, and it will be ordered to return from where it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: "And the sun runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). That is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All-Knowing.” (36.38)
Bukhari Vol. 4 : No. 421
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xpuigc-bloc · 3 months
COUNTRIESCharted: Hours Worked vs. Salaries in OECD Countries
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Rank Country Avg. Weekly Wage (USD) Avg. Weekly Work (Hours) Avg. Hourly Rate (USD)
1 🇮🇸 Iceland $1,528.33 27.87 $54.84
2 🇱🇺 Luxembourg $1,505.96 28.33 $53.15
3 🇺🇸 United States $1,489.68 34.83 $42.78
4 🇨🇭 Switzerland $1,403.71 29.40 $47.75
5 🇧🇪 Belgium $1,247.07 29.35 $42.50
6 🇩🇰 Denmark $1,233.20 26.38 $46.75
7 🇦🇹 Austria $1,226.95 27.76 $44.19
8 🇳🇱 Netherlands $1,215.87 27.44 $44.31
9 🇦🇺 Australia $1,142.46 32.83 $34.80
10 🇨🇦 Canada $1,135.58 32.42 $35.02
11 🇩🇪 Germany $1,133.47 25.79 $43.96
12 🇬🇧 United Kingdom $1,038.17 29.46 $35.24
13 🇳🇴 Norway $1,033.77 27.40 $37.73
14 🇫🇷 France $1,014.68 29.07 $34.91
15 🇮🇪 Ireland $1,004.67 31.87 $31
16 🇫🇮 Finland $996.84 28.81 $34.60
17 🇳🇿 New Zealand $975.43 33.62 $29.02
18 🇸🇪 Sweden $969.36 27.70 $34.99
19 🇰🇷 South Korea $940.81 36.56 $25.73
20 🇸🇮 Slovenia $907.76 31.13 $29.16
21 🇮🇹 Italy $863.33 32.59 $26.49
22 🇮🇱 Israel $849.15 36.38 $23.34
23 🇱🇹 Lithuania $843.74 31.23 $27.01
24 🇪🇸 Spain $824.22 31.61 $26.08
25 🇯🇵 Japan $798.25 30.90 $25.83
26 🇵🇱 Poland $709.55 34.90 $20.33
27 🇪🇪 Estonia $667.40 34.05 $19.60
28 🇱🇻 Latvia $656.46 29.87 $21.98
29 🇨🇿 Czech Republic $643.76 33.73 $19.08
30 🇨🇱 Chile $635.42 37.75 $16.83
31 🇵🇹 Portugal $613.88 31.44 $19.52
32 🇭🇺 Hungary $547.59 32.68 $16.75
33 🇸🇰 Slovak Republic $505.05 31.19 $16.19
34 🇬🇷 Greece $499.60 36.27 $13.77
35 🇲🇽 Mexico $320.87 42.81 $7.49
#visual capitalist #economy
#finance #xpuigc #pucex
#salaries in OECD countries
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eltristan · 1 year
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Looking at some random downloads, realized a common theme was that Tunnel #29 is The. Cutest. Tunnel.
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The 2% grade from Denver up to the Moffat Tunnel crawls through South Bend Canyon (along South Bend Creek) with superfluous tunnels and a surfeit of sharp curves, thanks to the mandate of then-Chief Engineer H.A. Sumneso who surveyed the Moffat Route's well-nicknamed "tunnel district" at bountiful π/1 ratio of rail to "as the crow flies" distance as he tried every trick not to make it steeper than 2%
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A blasted rock bore barely 78 feet in length, tight-clearance Tunnel 29 on the Moffat Route is at milepost 36.38 and sandwiched between one of Sumneso's super-tight 12° cruves and the "curved bridge with no name" over South Bend Creek (which is officially named "Bridge 36.45" after it's milepost location) The feature on the creek's right bank seems to be locally nicknamed the Gibraltar Cliffs, from whence railfans look down on the tiny trains below.
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The cutest tunnel? Yep. Did I mention the Ski Train?
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Narrated Abu Dharr: Once I was with the Prophet (ﷺ) in the mosque at the time of sunset. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "O Abu Dharr! Do you know where the sun sets?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know best." He said, "It goes and prostrates underneath (Allah's) Throne; and that is Allah's Statement:-- 'And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term (decreed). And that is the decree of All-Mighty, the All-Knowing....' (36.38)
And a sign for them is the night. We remove from it [the light of] day, so they are [left] in darkness. And the sun runs [on course] toward its stopping point. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.
The author of the quran doesn't understand how the sun works. That's either the stupidest, tiniest god in the universe, or an ignorant pedophilic warlord.
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my-islam-reminder · 2 months
Narrated Abu Dharr:
I entered the mosque while Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) was sitting there. When the sun had set, the Prophet (ﷺ) said, "O Abu Dharr! Do you know where this (sun) goes?" I said, "Allah and His Apostle know best." He said, "It goes and asks permission to prostrate, and it is allowed, and (one day) it, as if being ordered to return whence it came, then it will rise from the west." Then the Prophet (ﷺ) recited, "That: "And the sun runs on its fixed course (for a term decreed)," (36.38) as it is recited by `Abdullah.
Narrated by Sahih Bukhari in his bookImam Bukhari
Hadith (Sahih)
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jaguarmen99 · 10 months
16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2023/12/06(水) 12:23:32.24 ID:Hab2JBDO0 えっ! 来院した事バラしていいの? 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2023/12/06(水) 12:30:30.79 ID:62OAqWDe0 >>16 バラしてるのは芸能関係者 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2023/12/06(水) 12:23:36.38 ID:1KKB0duy0 病院行った情報が漏れるのはあかんだろ
痛いニュース(ノ∀`) : 【芸能】ダウンタウン浜田雅功が「前日の記憶がない」と大病院に駆け込んでいた - ライブドアブログ
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xhemilbeharaj · 2 months
 Mbyllet procesi i votimit në Himarë
U mbyllën në orën 19.00 të 36 qendrat e votimit për bashkinë e Himarës. Mediat raportojnë se në orët e padites pati më shumë fluks. Në çdo qendër po mbyllen kutitë dhe materialet për tu dërguar pranë KZAZ-së pranë stadiumit të Himarës ku edhe do të kryeht numërimi.    Sipas KQZ-së deri në orën 18:00 kanë marrë pjesë 36.38% e qytetarëve, sipas KQZ ose 8394 zgjedhës nga 23 074 gjithsej.  Në…
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chetanagblog · 2 months
The Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) Market size was valued at USD 304.02 Billion in 2023 and the total Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) revenue is expected to grow at a CAGR of 36.38 % from 2024 to 2030, reaching nearly USD 2667.82 Billion by 2030.
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macwantspeace · 6 months
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Billinaire on paper not so much billinaire. Shits droppin' so fast... Now $36.44 since I grabbed the image. Nope, $36.38. I think it had too much Diet Coke. Has the jitters.
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marianeaparecidareis · 6 months
Quinta Feira 04 de Abril de 2024
℣. O Senhor esteja convosco.
℟. Ele está no meio de nós.
℣. Proclamação do Evangelho de Jesus Cristo ✠ segundo Lucas
℟. Glória a vós, Senhor.
Naquele tempo, 35os discípulos contaram o que tinha acontecido no caminho, e como tinham reconhecido Jesus ao partir o pão. 36Ainda estavam falando, quando o próprio Jesus apareceu no meio deles e lhes disse: “A paz esteja convosco!”
37Eles ficaram assustados e cheios de medo, pensando que estavam vendo um fantasma. 38Mas Jesus disse: “Por que estais preocupados, e por que tendes dúvidas no coração? 39Vede minhas mãos e meus pés: sou eu mesmo! Tocai em mim e vede! Um fantasma não tem carne, nem ossos, como estais vendo que eu tenho”.
40E dizendo isso, Jesus mostrou-lhes as mãos e os pés. 41Mas eles ainda não podiam acreditar, porque estavam muito alegres e surpresos. Então Jesus disse: “Tendes aqui alguma coisa para comer?” 42Deram-lhe um pedaço de peixe assado. 43Ele o tomou e comeu diante deles. 44Depois disse-lhes: “São estas as coisas que vos falei quando ainda estava convosco: era preciso que se cumprisse tudo o que está escrito sobre mim na Lei de Moisés, nos Profetas e nos Salmos”.
45Então Jesus abriu a inteligência dos discípulos para entenderem as Escrituras, 46e lhes disse: “Assim está escrito: o Cristo sofrerá e ressuscitará dos mortos ao terceiro dia 47e no seu nome serão anunciados a conversão e o perdão dos pecados a todas as nações, começando por Jerusalém. 48Vós sereis testemunhas de tudo isso”.
- Palavra da Salvação.
- Comentário do Dia
💎 Um “espírito desencarnado”?
“Eles ficaram assustados e cheios de medo, pensando que estavam vendo um fantasma. Mas Jesus disse: ‘Por que estais preocupados, e por que tendes dúvidas no coração? Vede minhas mãos e meus pés: sou eu mesmo!’”
JESUS APARECE AOS DISCÍPULOS REUNIDOS. — Ponto 1. — “Na tarde do mesmo dia, os discípulos tinham fechado as portas do lugar onde se achavam” (Jo 20, 19). Deus tarda em visitar as almas indispostas. Não criam ainda os Apóstolos, apesar dos vários anúncios da Ressurreição que lhes enviara o Senhor para os dispor e lhes acender o desejo de o ver. E porque tardaram os discípulos em se dispor, por isso os visitou Jesus apenas na tarde de domingo. Para que te visite Deus, dispõe-te devidamente. “Tinham fechado as portas”. Deus não entra no coração, se encontra abertas as portas dos sentidos. Pois o espírito se dissipa quando não se guardam os sentidos, por onde entram e saem à vontade os afetos das criaturas. Guarda pois as portas do teu coração.
Ponto 2. — “Jesus veio e pôs-se no meio deles” (Jo 20, 13), para que fosse visto de todos como Guia, Mestre, Pastor e Protetor. Onde dois ou três se reúnem em seu nome, ali está presente Jesus. Reúne, portanto, as potências de tua alma na oração e fecha as portas dos sentidos, e logo te fará presente o Guia, para cumprires teus propósitos; o Mestre, para te nutrires de sólidas verdades; o Pastor, para te consolar neste vale de lágrimas; o Protetor, para te amparar contra os teus inimigos. E porque Cristo ama e tem direito a estar no centro: “Pôs-se no meio deles”, dá-lhe em teu coração o lugar de honra, de modo que não estimes, ames nem temas nada mais do que a Cristo: Christo nihil praeponere.
Ponto 3. — “E lhes disse: 'A paz esteja convosco! Por que estais preocupados? Sou eu'” (Lc 24, 36.38-39). Tudo são palavras de consolo. “A paz esteja convosco”, paz que Ele já havia prometido e acabara de merecer com sua Paixão. Deus é Deus da paz. Que estejas pois em paz com Ele, pela conformidade de tua vontade com a divina; com o próximo, por uma caridade paciente, bondosa, sem inveja (cf. 1Cor 13, 4); e contigo mesmo, pela mortificação de tuas más inclinações. “Sou eu”, acrescenta S. João Crisóstomo, “que vos chamei pela graça, escolhi pelo perdão, suportei com piedade, carreguei por caridade, e agora acolho por pura bondade” (Serm. 81). Diz, ó Cristo, também à minha alma: “Sou eu”, e “se todo um exército se acampar contra mim, não temerá meu coração” (Sl 26, 3).
Oração. — Ó Deus, de quem procedem os desejos santos, os conselhos retos e as obras de justiça, dai aos vossos servos aquela paz que o mundo não pode dar; para que, dedicados os nossos corações à prática dos vossos mandamentos e afastado o medo dos inimigos, os tempos se conservem tranquilos sob a vossa proteção. Amém.
Deus abençoe você!
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plotcryptocharts · 6 months
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$BTC: 68356.21 (2.35%) $BCH: 403.99 (1.5%) $XRP: 0.6104 (-0.24%) $ETH: 3598.13 (1.04%) $LTC: 84.81 (-1.0%) $ETC: 31.553 (1.68%) $EOS: 1.0058 (1.6%) $DASH: 36.38 (0.27%) $ZEC: 28.61 (-1.37%) $XMR: 0.0 (0.0%) $XLM: 0.1302 (0.81%) (2024/03/18 21:35:10)
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daily-hadith · 6 months
Daily Hadith
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam ‘ala Rasulillah Narrated Abu Dhar (Radi-Allahu 'anhu):
The Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) asked me at sunset, “Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?” I replied, “Allah and His Apostle know better.” He said, “It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted. A time will come when it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, and it will be ordered to return from where it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: "And the sun runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). That is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All-Knowing.” (36.38)
Bukhari Vol. 4 : No. 421
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automotiveshopping · 6 months
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Central Control Panel Sticker ... Price 36.38$ CLICK TO BUY
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fashionshopping · 8 months
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New Solid Color Knitted Scarf ... Price 36.38$ CLICK TO BUY
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shophappygirl · 10 months
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jaguarmen99 · 1 year
206 名前:おさかなくわえた名無しさん[] 投稿日:2023/05/31(水) 12:39:36.38 ID:Qz7YNYNV [1/2]めっちゃ愛されて育ってきたと思ってたのに、ふとしたことで父親から「お前に愛情とかない」と言われたこと。現在進行形母親亡くしてからもすごい相談に乗ってくれて、反発も辛抱強く受け止めてもらい、なんやかんやでいい人と出会って結婚、こないだ妊娠報告したとこでこれ父親的には新しい家族ができてお役御免の気分らしい大事に見守ってもらった思い出と、今それを言う不気味さとのギャップがえぐい207 名前:おさかなくわえた名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:2023/05/31(水) 12:52:35.72 ID:xb0HADnXそれ、たぶんウソだよ209 名前:おさかなくわえた名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:2023/05/31(水) 14:54:21.38 ID:ngVODvkf>>206家族付き合いはわりかし不幸になりやすいから、距離を置けって暗に言ってるんじゃね211 名前:206[] 投稿日:2023/05/31(水) 18:09:09.15 ID:Qz7YNYNV>>207>>209嘘とか別の意図があるとかって感じじゃないんだよ「そこに愛はあるんか~」みたいな他愛無い会話してたらすっと真顔になって「いい機会だから話しとくけど、子にも孫にも愛情持てない人もいるから」だってさ私が泣いてんの抱っこであやしてた時も、進路で迷って相談した時も、ずっとメンドいから早く終わらんかなって思ってたそうな元々何でも淡々とした感じでこなす父ではあったんだけどねにしてもいま言うかそれ!? 本当に人の気持ちわかってないな!っていうのと、当人が「ひとの気持ちはわからん」って実際言ってるのとで、なんか今ぐるぐるしてるんだ。こないだの日曜の話父親の情緒面に何かがあるの、弟は何となく気づいてたらしくて、そこでもなんとも言えない感情が渦まいてる
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