teresabeadle5 · 1 year
Lost in the Crowd by linda_lou2 Via Flickr: 119 Pictures in 2019 - Theme No. 28 - Confectionery 21/365
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365days365movies · 2 years
31 (Films) to Life: End of Year Round-Up II
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Before I wrap up last year and begin anew, here's the rest of the round up of the crime films I saw in 2022! Here's the first part of this post if you want a catch-up. These post is gonna cover these films:
Once Upon a Time in America (1984); directed by Martin Scorcese
Thelma and Louise (1991); directed by Ridley Scott
Reservoir Dogs (1992); directed by Quentin Tarantino
Casino (1995); directed by Martin Scorcese
Heat (1995); directed by Michael Mann
The Usual Suspects (1995); directed by Bryan Singer
L.A. Confidential (1997); directed by Curtis Hanson
American Psycho (2000); directed by Mary Harron
Catch Me if You Can (2002); directed by Stephen Spielberg
Monster (2003); directed by Patty Jenkins
The Departed (2006); directed by Martin Scorcese
Zodiac (2007); directed by David Fincher
OK, let's jump back into this recap!
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Goncharov (1973); dir. Martin Scorsese - 82%
Look, I realize that this, as a recently recovered film, this has gotten a sort of cult-following, as it were. But after finally getting ahold of a copy of it and watching it, I dunno...seems somewhat overrated to me? Sure, Scorsese's choice to focus on Italy during the end of the Cold War is an interesting premise, and the cast is genuinely excellent, but...again, I thought it was only OK compared to some of the other movies on this list. Although, I will say, John Cazale was a stand-out character for me, in sort of a spiritual successor to his role in Dog Day Afternoon, playing the unhinged assassin with a very complex backstory. I read somewhere that there was a planned spin-off for Ice Pick Joe at some point, and I would love to know more about that. Plus, Scorsese's choice to follow up on Midnight Cowboy and Dog Day Afternoon by injecting homoerotic tones, especially in a film from this time period, was...
...Yeah, I'm WAY too late to hop on this meme. I'll stop now. It's a very funny meme, though. Love the fact that Scorsese himself admitted to making it; that's shit's hilarious. Anyway, on to the actual list.
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Once Upon a Time in America (1984); dir. Martin Scorsese - 94%
This is a complicated movie to describe and to recap, and I actually never posted the last part of my review for this one, but...man. This is an excellent movie. Granted, exactly what you'd expect when I say it's a Martin Scorsese-directed period piece set in NYC and starring Robert de Niro...but, it still manages to surprise here and there. A couple of these surprises are, in my opinion, a tiny piece contrived, and it also manages to make its main character thoroughly unlikable in many ways, but it's still a great story with a lot of character packed in a...3 hour and 50 minute runtime, JESUS CHRIST. OK, yeah, this is a really long movie, but it's also hard to see a good place to trim it without harming the story and character work as a whole.
In terms of my normal breakdown, acting is nearly perfect all around; plot is convoluted and takes place in multiple time periods, but is still very good; directing and cinematography is beautiful; production and art design is perfectly immersive throughout all time periods represented; and if I hear pan-pipe music one more time I'M GONNA FUCKING LOSE IT. But the editing is still solid, despite an insane runtime. Look, if you're the kind of person who doesn't like uncomfortable moments in film or unlikely characters, or if you'd rather not strap in for a lot of atmosphere and silent character moments over the course of a nearly four-hour movie...maybe skip this. But otherwise, this movie is entirely worth it, and a genuine masterpiece. A must-watch for crime movie and Scorsese fans.
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Thelma and Louise (1991); dir. Ridley Scott - 84%
A good Ridley Scott movie (and one that I only published half of my review for, whoops)! So, Thelma and Louise has a pretty good plot and acting, and does everything else pretty well. Plus, its titular relationship is compelling for a lot of reasons, whether or not you take it as romantic (which there are arguments for and against). As well as being a good source for an essay on justice within a patriarchal culture that has issues with female self-autonomy and sexual consent (yes, really, I'm not even reading into that super hard), it's an interesting movie. But if I'm gonna be honest, while I thought this was a good movie...it's not necessarily one I'd go out of my way to watch again, and I may turn away from it when it comes on TV. Y'know what I mean? Like, I'd tell people it's a good movie, but I wouldn't recommend it, necessarily. It's a good movie to watch at least once, though.
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Reservoir Dogs (1992); dir. Quentin Tarantino - 89%
Reservoir Dogs, on the other hand, is a movie that I absolutely recommend. Now, is this a movie that, like Scarface, every college fuckboi in the world has seen, recommended, and quoted. I mean, yeah, absolutely. Is it gratuitously gory and violent? Again, yeah, absolutely it is. But it has a banger of a cast (Harvey Keitel, Steve Buscemi, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, to name a few), fantastic plot and good writing, good direction and cinematography, good production and art design (simple as it is), great editing, and memorable music (for what little there is in this movie). There's a lot packed into this one, and there are narrative twists and turns you wouldn't necessarily expect, leading to one of the tensest endings I saw in a movie last year. And as much I would love to go into more details about this crime thriller...I won't. Go watch this one, trust me.
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Casino (1995); dir. Martin Scorsese - 94%
So, this year, I made a huge mistake. I was in a hotel room for a conference, alone (much less sad than it sounds, believe me), and I decided to watch a movie that night. So, I sit down, look at my list of films, and realize the next one is the Scorsese classic film Casino. Now, I have a copy of this movie at home on DVD, but I find it on streaming, so I figure I may as well go for it. Here's the problem: it was on AMC. Now, at first blush, this doesn't seem like a problem. But it actually is a massive problem for Casino, more than any other movie I've ever seen, because the censoring for TV really distracts from the movie itself. Like...really badly, too. It was an issue.
Now, is this a good movie? Very much so. As Scorsese loves to do, it follows a gangster played by De Niro, during the time period where the Mafia was at its strongest influence in Las Vegas. His enforcer and best friend, played by Joe Pesci, joins him in the business. What follows is a multi-year story of death, lies, betrayal, talk shows, domestic abuse, and a LOT of crazy shit that you follow the entire time with baited breath. This is a 3 hour plus movie, and I remember more of it that I rightfully should. And yes, there are a LOT of F-bombs, all of which were covered by Joe Pesci's less-than-stellar dubbing over his own lines. When "fuck" comprises 40% of a character's dialogue, censoring tends to really hamper with immersion, just saying. But yes, this film has stellar acting from the leads and support, an interesting and engaging plot with curse-heavy writing, great direction and cinematography throughout, fantastic production design, and a good score with great editing. Definitely watch this one...uncensored. Trust me on that one.
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Heat (1995); dir. Michael Mann - 90%
Well, shit, Al Pacino and Robert De Niro in a crime movie? And Pacino's playing a cop? Hell yes. It's also Pacino's last movie before he goes into overacting hell, and even then, he has a lot of scenery in his teeth and he is loving it. But even despite that, solid performances from our two leads, one of whom is playing to type, and the other against it, but both very well. It manages to mix multiple compelling stories, while maintaining the tension of a cat-and-mouse game, during which you're somehow always rooting for both sides to win. Direction is great, production design is simple but good, and the music is...fine. I actually don't remember it much, to tell the truth. But either way, a must-watch for any crime film fan. It's fantastic.
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The Usual Suspects (1995); dir. Bryan Singer - 92%
As some of you may know by now, I'm a firm believer in divorcing the art from the artist. So, yes, even though this is a Kevin Spacey vehicle directed by Bryan Singer, I still really wanted to watch this one. And it's great. Absolutely fantastic, don't get me wrong...but I was kinda fucked from the start here. Without going into any details, this movie is about cops investigating a crime committed by the mysterious Keyser Soze, and uncovering who the culprits are. And that's it. That's all you're getting. Because there's a famous twist in this film, and I knew it from the jump, unfortunately for me. Definitely didn't ruin the movie, but not knowing the twist would've made it OH so much sweeter. So, that my word that it's a good movie, do not attempt to look it up anywhere for more info, and go check this one out.
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L.A. Confidential (1997) - dir. Curtis Hanson - 90%
Another Spacey vehicle! And hot damn, is it a great one. I like the previous movie more for the plot, but L.A. Confidential is certainly no slouch when it comes to twists. Not the least predictable twist in the world, but still a notable twist. Again, excellent cast here (Crow, Pearce, Spacey, Basinger, DeVito, Cameron, etc.), great plot and writing as well, great direction and good cinematography, excellent production design, and great music, and this is another must-watch action movie, on par with Chinatown in tone, and Heat in quality. Also, a seminal buddy-cop movie...kinda.
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American Psycho (2000); dir. Mary Harron - 82%
Fun fact about me: I'm a serial killer true crime junkie. Which, yes, makes me either a typical millennial or a middle-aged white mom with nothing to do all day, but sue me, I think it's an interesting topic. Anyway, because of that, I've always been interested in watching this movie, which not only pictures a very '80s sense of psychopathy that's still identifiable today ("sigma males", anyone), but actually inspired a real-life serial killer duo, Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka, AKA Canada's most notorious murderers. Their favorite book was the original American Psycho, which was later adapted into this film. But that said, outside of the true-crime connection, I also liked this film as a character dissection of a man quickly going insane, as well as the exploration of a business shark capitalist drive and misogynist culture surrounding it as major causes and drivers of that mindset. And I'd say that was reading too much into it, but...it really isn't.
But that said, this movie is interesting to watch, but definitely not perfect. Acting, with Bale as an exception, is good but not great throughout. Plot and writing are good, if ham-fisted at times, and with an unexpected ending (and not in a great way). Direction is great, cinematography is pretty good, too. Production and art design is extremely solid, and maybe the strongest part of the movie. Music gives that a run for its money, though, since it's also a narrative device to better understand our lead. This is a good movie, and weirdly relevant with certain elements of our internet culture, so check this one out if you have the time. And if you're in the mood for a film whose bread and butter is toxic masculinity, but was also directed and written by women. Which is hilarious.
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Catch Me if You Can (2002); dir. S. Spielberg - 88%
The concept of an auteur in terms of film directing is varied and storied, but is usually used to refer to an individual whose artistic vision is clear on the screen, making their films quite distinctive to the discerning viewer. And Jesus Christ, is this film an example of that for Stephen Spielberg, because I don't know if a crime film could Spielberg harder than this! What I mean by that is that Spielberg's style, while not often applied to the crime genre, is very apparent in his films. You usually know one when you see one, is what I'm saying.
That's to say nothing about quality, which is very good in the base of this film. The only real weak spot, for me, was the music of the film, which wasn't very distinctive outside of the opening credits theme. Everything else, though, is pretty great. DiCaprio and Hanks kill it, even though Hanks was admittedly still definitely Tom Hanks through the film. Plot and writing was a Spielberg plot, but a really good set of character dissections and interactions. Direction and cinematography are fantastic, Production and Art Design are TOP fucking notch, until we sort of fall off towards the end of the movie. And editing is great, even if music wasn't my favorite. Great movie, very much recommended if you want to see Spielberg do a crime film. And you should want that, ideally!
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Monster (2003); dir. Patty Jenkins - 86%
Remember that thing I said earlier about being a fan of serial killers? Well, Monster and its focus on real-life murderer Aileen Wuornos was high on my list of must-sees at the very beginning of this project. Charlize Theron's performance as the character is pretty legendary, and for good reason, because she does an AMAZING job as Aileen. And Ricci's no slouch as her girlfriend Selby, either. Was it the most accurate movie in the world? No, but it was unexpectedly accurate in some ways as well. Wuornos is one of those figures who's kind of controversial, as some of her murders could have been self-defense, and the film's writer and director, Patty Jenkins (yes, that one) does realize that. And I started to be worried in the beginning of the film, but she turned me completely around by the end. It's great!
Direction, though, is...fine? It's not particularly distinctive, but it isn't bad. Same goes for the Cinematography. Production design is excellent, mostly because Charlize Theron BECOMES Aileen Wuornos, partially due to acting, but also absolutely due to appearance and wardrobe. It's genuinely very impressive the whole movie. And finally, music was there, and kinda weirdly clashing with tone in some instances, but it's not too bad. Check this one out if you're into serial killer stuff, too.
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The Departed (2006); dir. Martin Scorsese - 94%
Another fun fact about me: I grew up in New England, as well as currently living there. And I live in an area of the region where Boston is a major feature, as is the culture that revolves around the city. And yes, this film is well-known for being a somewhat stereotyped view of Boston...but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, is it wicked accurate, kid! It also helps that, as a Scorsese film, it's very well-made and absolutely star-studded. Some of those stars, namely Damon and Wahlberg, are actually from the area, and they flex some intense Boston accents throughout this movie. DiCaprio and Nicholson are also fantastic in this film, as are Sheen, Baldwin, Farmiga, Winstone, and Anderson, even though some of them don't quite pull off the accent as smoothly as others. Baldwin, in particular, is still Alec Baldwin, no matter how you try and change that voice.
Directing and cinematography is stellar, unsurprisingly, while production and art design is definitely very iconically mid-2000s Boston. The score of this film literally changed the musical tastes OF BOSTONIANS, according to my fiancée who's more from the area than I, and the editing is also top-goddamn notch. And the plot and writing? Holy SHIT, the plot and writing! Look, you need to now two things. One, this is a cop-mafia drama in a vein similar to Heat, and it is VERY good at that job. A little bloated, story-wise, but it doesn't show too much. And two, watch this movie, do not look up the plot or film beforehand. Suffice to say, this is an in-depth morality play all over the spectrum of morality, and the twists are EVERYWHERE. Please check this one out, it's fantastic. Go Sox.
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Zodiac (2007); dir. David Fincher - 90%
And last but not least, another serial killer film with an unclear ending, and one that focuses on the investigation and the figures involved instead. Zodiac is a fantastic movie, based on a book about the case by Robert Graysmith, who's played in the movie by Jake Gyllenhaal. Graysmith is, in fact, arguably the main character of the film, with Robert Downey Jr. and Mark Ruffalo playing other key figures in the investigation from both a press and police side, respectively. You watch how this unnerving case affects these people's lives, while knowing that the case won't ever actually be solved. They present a case for the killer, but no actual answers. And in playing with that, Fincher is able to build some real goddamn tension in some moments.
Again, though, not perfect, but it's pretty damn close. Acting is stellar all over, even though some people don't quite disappear into the role. Ruffalo and Gyllenhaal are amazing on that particular front, but it's hard to see RDJ as anyone but RDJ, as an example. Plot and writing is great, directing and cinematography is great, production design is pretty good (I dunno, I wasn't as sold on that one, but that might be a me thing), and the music is great as well! Editing makes the film a little overlong in my opinion, but I don't think it affects the movie much. Check this one out, again, if you're in a serial killer movie mood.
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And that's it!
Next film I was set to watch was Captain Phillips, and I'll try and check that out this year regardless, but I only got that fair this year. That said, though, the next movie I'm set to watch in 2023 is technically a crime film, from what I understand. But I'm leaving the life of crime behind for a while otherwise. I've done my time, so it's time to say farewell to the old life for now. But that said...I do have plans. Oh, I always have plans.
In 2023, I'll be going off of a list of challenges, as curated by the book Everyone's a Critic: 52 Week Movie Challenge. These challenges each require I watch films of specific categories, like award-winners, animal films, etc. And the first one in the 52 Films challenge is Best Picture winner. And for the first of those...I gotta watch this movie. And I've been wanting to watch it since 2020. So, what better time like the present? Plus...been a while since I've watched a foreign language film, honestly. So, strap in for the next one! It's gonna be a ride in 2023.
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Next: ...We'll see.
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It’s been two weeks, why wouldn’t we go on a new adventure?! This time…open road style means…vroom vroom, motorcycle style! This trip has been in the works for some time. Last year, while we were on the trip out west, we all started talking about next year’s trip, and we ketpt coming back to Canada. Keep talking and visualizing, and here we are! We packed last night, yup, before we were…
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Is Microsoft Office 2016 or 2019 a One-Time Lifetime Purchase? What You Need to Know
When it comes to office productivity software, Microsoft Office is often the go-to choice for individuals and businesses alike. Among the many versions available, Microsoft Office 2016 and 2019 are popular choices, especially for those who prefer a one-time purchase model.
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But what exactly does a one-time purchase entail, and is it a lifetime solution? This blog will delve into what you need to know about buying Office 2016 and Office 2019.
Understanding the One-Time Purchase Model
The one-time purchase model for Microsoft Office means you pay a single upfront cost to buy the software. Unlike the subscription-based Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365), which requires monthly or annual payments, a one-time purchase gives you perpetual access to the software.
Key Points:
Single Payment: You pay once and own the software forever.
Perpetual License: The license doesn’t expire, so you can use it indefinitely.
Office 2016: A Closer Look
Release Date and Features:
Released: September 2015
Included Apps: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook
New Features: Real-time co-authoring, new chart types in Excel, improved version history, and enhanced collaboration tools in Outlook.
Office 2019: A Closer Look
Release Date and Features:
Released: September 2018
Included Apps: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook
New Features: Improved inking features, new data analysis capabilities in Excel, advanced presentation features in PowerPoint, and updated user experiences across all apps.
One-Time Purchase: Is It Lifetime?
When you buy Office 2016 or Office 2019 as a one-time purchase, it means you have a perpetual license. However, there are some nuances to consider:
Lifetime Use on One Device:
The license is tied to the device you install it on. If you upgrade your computer, you might need to buy a new license unless Microsoft allows you to transfer the license.
No Feature Updates: While you get security updates, you won’t receive new features or major updates that Microsoft releases after your version.
Support Lifecycle: Each version of Office has a support lifecycle. For example, Office 2016's mainstream support ended in October 2020, with extended support lasting until October 2025. Office 2019 will have similar timelines. Once support ends, you won't receive any updates, including security patches.
Benefits of Buying Office 2016 or 2019
If you don't need the latest features or regular updates, a one-time purchase can be more economical in the long run.
Offline Use: You don't need an internet connection to use Office apps.
Ownership: You own the software forever, without worrying about subscription renewals.
Drawbacks of Buying Office 2016 or 2019
No Continuous Updates:
You miss out on new features that Microsoft adds to Office 365 apps.
Compatibility Issues: Over time, newer file formats and features might not be fully compatible with older versions.
Limited Support: Once the support lifecycle ends, you won't receive any updates, which could pose security risks.
Who Should Buy Office 2016 or 2019?
Ideal for:
Individuals or businesses who prefer a one-time payment and don’t need the latest features.
Users with stable, long-term needs that don’t require frequent updates.
Those who prefer offline access without dependency on an internet connection.
How to Buy Office 2016
If you’ve decided that a one-time purchase is right for you, here’s how to buy Office 2016:
Official Microsoft Store: Check if Microsoft still offers Office 2016 for sale.
Authorized Retailers: Purchase from trusted retailers or online stores.
Product Key: Ensure you receive a genuine product key to avoid counterfeit software.
How to Buy Office 2019
Office 2019 is more readily available and can be purchased from:
Microsoft Store: Directly from Microsoft's official website.
Authorized Retailers: Physical stores or online platforms like Amazon.
Indigo Software: For a reliable source of Office software, Indigo Software offers customized solutions for companies in many sectors. Their knowledgeable staff produces scalable, reliable software, ensuring quality and client satisfaction.
Buying Office 2016 or Office 2019 as a one-time purchase can be a cost-effective solution for many users. While it offers the advantage of a perpetual license and offline use, it’s essential to consider the lack of feature updates and limited support lifecycle. 
Assess your needs and preferences to decide if this model aligns with your requirements.
For those looking for innovative office software solutions, consider Indigo Software. Their expertise in developing state-of-the-art software tailored to various sectors ensures you get the most reliable and efficient tools for your business. 
Explore their offerings and leverage technology to enhance your productivity and growth.
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musicalthought · 1 month
good morning!!! time to watch 365!!!
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