#3E-Data Analysis
3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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fulltestbank · 2 years
Solution Manuals For Intermediate Accounting, 3e by Hanlon
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About Our Team (pg. iii)   Preface (pg. v)   Brief Contents (pg. xviii)   Contents (pg. xix)   Chapter 1: Accounting Environment and the Conceptual Framework (pg. 1-1)   Chapter 2: Accounting Information System (pg. 2-1)   Chapter 3: Income Statement and Comprehensive Income (pg. 3-1)   Chapter 4: Balance Sheet and Financial Reporting (pg. 4-1)   Chapter 5: Statement of Cash Flows and Financial Analysis (pg. 5-1)   Chapter 6: Time Value of Money (pg. 6-1)   Chapter 7: Revenue Recognition (pg. 7-1)   Chapter 8: Cash and Receivables (pg. 8-1)   Chapter 9: Inventory: Measurement (pg. 9-1)   Chapter 10: Inventory: Additional Issues (pg. 10-1)   Chapter 11: Property, Plant, and Equipment: Acquisition and Disposition (pg. 11-1)   Chapter 12: Depreciation, Impairments, and Depletion (pg. 12-1)   Chapter 13: Intangible Assets and Goodwill (pg. 13-1)   Chapter 14: Investments in Debt and Equity Securities (pg. 14-1)   Chapter 15: Current Liabilities and Contingencies (pg. 15-1)   Chapter 16: Long-Term Liabilities (pg. 16-1)   Chapter 17: Accounting for Leases (pg. 17-1)   Chapter 18: Income Taxes (pg. 18-1)   Chapter 19: Pensions and Postretirement Benefits (pg. 19-1)   Chapter 20: Stockholders’ Equity (pg. 20-1)   Chapter 21: Share-Based Compensation and Earnings per Share (pg. 21-1)   Chapter 22: Statement of Cash Flows Revisited (pg. 22-1)   Appendix A: Accounting Changes and Error Analysis Revisited (pg. A-1)   Appendix B: IFRS (pg. B-1)   Appendix C: Data Analytics and Blockchain Technology (pg. C-1)   Index (pg. I-1)       Read the full article
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tommosupport · 4 years
We get some asks from time to time about where to get data from. Of course, we want to preface this by saying that you need proper context in order to be able to use the data fully and build on it. Nevertheless, there are a bunch of platforms available for you to use - we’ve added caveats where necessary.
1.       Kworb (http://kworb.net) 
a.   Provides realtime iTunes chart updates for both singles and albums, as well as iTunes popularity updates for both singles and albums. You can sort by country or get worldwide data, and the platform also offers some data on YouTube and other metrics, such as Artist Popularity.
b.   Drawbacks: Keep in mind that even though it’s realtime, there is a lag in Kworb’s data nonetheless. Popularity is updated only every four hours or so. iTunes charts will update more regularly, but will lag behind what people may already be able to see in their own iTunes stores.
2.       DigitalSalesData (http://digitalsalesdata.com) 
a.   This website used to be able to provide you with the sales numbers for singles on iTunes charts.
b.   Drawbacks: It no longer gives accurate data, because this is no longer included in the iTunes Store API. Nonetheless, it does give you an indication of the market as a whole in a country – are the margins to get into the Top 10 close or not, and what’s the sales velocity like? Keep in mind that these numbers therefore should be interpreted, and not just blankly copied or taken as reflective of the actual sales numbers.
3.   Chartmetric (http://chartmetric.com) 
a.   Probably one of the most elaborate websites that lets you collect many KPIs from various platforms – TikTok, Shazam, Spotify, AppleMusic, YouTube, etc. They have over 25 different data sources.  It also shows you things like fan conversion rate (the ratio of monthly listeners vs artist followers on Spotify, for example), and lets you sort playlists on whether they are editorial, personalized or both. They provide data on trends and give you updates in percentages as well when it comes to relative change in subscribers, views, etc. There’s a separate section on social insights, too. They also developed their own cross-platform index which is a useful tool to see if an artist is able to really create a robust fan foundation across all various social platforms. Chartmetric regularly publishes interesting pieces on their latest finds and data analysis. Reading them will help you understand the data they offer, and will let you know how to interpret it all.
b.   Drawbacks: You can only follow up to 5 tracks/items and get email notifications for the free version. And most importantly, you need to actually put in some work to understand how you can interpret their data points. Otherwise it can be overwhelming, or you may just copy-paste the numbers without contextualizing them, which isn’t going to help anyone. It’s great for trends, but you need to be able to identify those and explain them, supported by the numbers. You also don’t have as much insight into radio on the free platform.
4.   Songstats
a.   Similar to Chartmetric, SongStats offers data on an artist and their discography, using various inputs (Spotify, Beatport, AppleMusic, Deezer, Shazam, SoundCloud, Amazon, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, TraxSource, 1001 Tracklists, YouTube, iTunes). It can also provide you with an overview of the top current playlists where any music by Louis is playlisted. You can customise what data inputs you want to see.
b.   Drawbacks: The data they provide for the free version is very limited, and while they do provide some analytics for free – those are all cumulative data. For example, they’ll say Defenceless is on 114 playlists and has a reach of 2,04M. This is in total, across time. It is not always current, so again you have to be very careful with reading the data they give you in analytics, and how you need to interpret it. It also depends per input source. iTunes & AppleMusic do offer a distinction between current or total/cumulative.
5.   Soundcharts (http://soundcharts.com) 
a.   Similar to Chartmetric and Songstats (more like Songstats in how it’s formatted, but more like Chartmetric in the data it lets you see). Very useful specifically if you want to see a breakdown of radio play per country.
b.   Drawbacks: This is only free for two weeks, then plans start at 41$ a month. Moreover, again, be careful in how you interpret data. They don’t properly account for syndicated shows, and they use a questionable metric to track audiences. It also makes no distinction between internet/terrestrial radio. (There’s a difference, because internet radio is traditionally not counted for charting, whereas airplay on ‘terrestrial’ radio does count if radio is tracked for charting purposes like in the US). When you look at e.g. radio play, make sure to use the function to filter out plays shorter than 30 seconds!
6.   SpotifyCharts (http://spotifycharts.com) 
a.   The official site of Spotify that updates on Viral and Top 200 playlists. You may find that there’s a difference between the numbers shown here and on an artist’s own profile. It’s because these numbers have been audited extra carefully to filter out any sort of artificial inflation or fraudulent streaming activities. These update daily around 3PM EST, usually a bit earlier than the song specific numbers.
b.   Drawbacks: While they do update daily, the time thereof is incredibly irregular.
7.   Chartmasters (http://chartmasters.org) 
a.   A site that allows you to quickly see an artist’s overall Spotify streams in a table. You can sort based on popular songs or on discography.
b.   Drawback: You need an account and only get to use it 3 times a day. Make sure you use them wisely.
8.   Billboard (http://billboard.com) 
a.   Billboard offers a variety of charts – aside from the most well known Hot 100 and Album 200 (and the Social 50 in the past). It also used to offer artist-specific overviews of peak chart positions.
b.   Drawbacks: We said ‘used to’, because they technically still offer it – you just need to have a paid subscription to be able to access that data, as well as the other charts they have. Think of split-out charts on digital download sales or streaming, as well as radio airplay or genre-specific charts.
9.   NextBigSound (http://nextbigsound.com) 
a.   NBS is monitored and used by Nielsen to compile the Social 50 for Billboard. It provides you a good overview of social media clout and activity. It also gives margins as to whether or not an artist’s activity and engagement are on par with what you’d expect of an artist what x amount of followers, for example. Also unique: It gives you insights in Pandora. Pandora is part of SiriusXM, as well as its own streaming service and is therefore influential in US radio play as well.
b.   Drawbacks: It only tracks a limited amount of data sources (Facebook, Pandora, Twitter, Wikipedia), and used to provide more insights as to e.g. gender & country demographics. It no longer will do that, unless you have access to an artist’s AMP on Pandora.
10.   Radio Airplay Chart UK (http://ukairplaychart.com/)
a.   Gives you an overview of Top 40 songs being played on UK radio. You can also choose whether you want a rolling overview or see last chart week.
b.   Drawbacks: It doesn’t tell you how often a song needs to be played and if this is based on audience or amount of plays (or when songs were most often played)
11.   AllAccess (http://allaccess.com) 
a.   This is the database that is most often used by radio in the US to find new songs to play and to track radioplay across the country. It’s also a great platform to keep updated with the latest changes in terms of program directors or hosts at particular radio stations (which is useful when requesting). It will show you when a song was played and how often, and the estimated audience that was reached. All these things factor in airplay charting, so it’s nice to have a breakdown of it. It’ll also tell you which radio stations are giving support.
b.   Drawbacks: You need to have an existing account with them and you need to know how to navigate their platform, which can be quite tricky. Moreover, they use the callsigns of radio stations, which can further complicate finding the data you need, because you’re most likely not going to be familiar with those.
12.   SpotonTrack (http://spotontrack.com) 
a.   Sends you daily reports of Spotify and AppleMusic tracking data for a song. Useful for playlist updates!
b.   Drawbacks: Only lets you track one song for two weeks in the free trial, after that you’ll have to pay for the service. You could technically also monitor radioplay, but this is not available for free trial users.
13.   RadioMonitor (http://radiomonitor.com) 
a.   This site shows you radio charts around the world, but can also provide aggregate data for particular regions.
b.   Drawbacks: Only useful once a song has started charting in airplay Top 10s.
14.   WARM Music (https://warmmusic.net/) 
a.   Allows you to track radio play starting from 3E per month
b.    Drawbacks: Not sure how accurate their data is, though they monitor over 28000 stations around the world. When using the free trial from time to time, it always seemed somewhat limited and not in step with what other sites would say (i.e., currently it says Defenceless was only played 49 times in total over the past two weeks. We know this is not correct.). 
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lex-co-il · 5 years
Представляю Вашему вниманию обзор сайта “legality.co.il”. По моему мнению очень полезный сайт адвоката в Израиле, который делится своими знаниями в сфере трудового законодательства.
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Основные преимущества адвокатов "legality.co.il"
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Отзывы клиентов
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С какими вопросами обращаются к юристу по трудовому праву работники?
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С какими вопросами обращаются к юристу по трудовому праву работодатели?
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В каких случаях требуется трудовой юрист?
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Примеры правовых консультаций
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Особенности консультаций юристов по трудовому праву
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Защита прав работников
В случае нарушения трудовых прав работника необходимо воспользоваться юридической помощью. Консультация по трудовому праву может потребоваться в случаях, когда необходимо подать в суд на работодателя, если трудовой спор невозможно разрешить во внесудебном порядке.
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Трудовое законодательство Израиле достаточно сложное и лучше незамедлительно обратиться к трудовому адвокату, который поможет найти выход из следующих сложных ситуаций: расчете пицуим при увольнении, компенсации в случае ухудшения условий труда, расчет начислений в счет отпуска, а также пенсионных отчислений. Если работодатель нарушил права работника, то адвокат поможет рассчитать компенсацию за дискриминацию работника, незаконное увольнение, задержку заработной платы, а также поможет получить выплаты работникам за работу в сверхурочное время.
Услуги адвоката для работодателей
Юридическая консультация в рамках трудовых споров позволяет разрешить конфликтные ситуации максимально сокращая издержки, при этом защищая права как работодателя, так и работника.
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Профессиональная помощь квалифицированного русскоязычного адвоката помогает не только наладить рабочие отношения в коллективе компании, но и сохранить в рабочем состоянии все бизнес-процессы компании.
Особенно важна юридическая помощь в молодых компаниях, где еще не сложились трудовые отношения. Адвокат поможет разработать документацию с учетом специфики компании и соблюдением трудового законодательства Израиля. В крупных компаниях своевременная помощь адвоката позволит решить трудовые споры во внесудебном порядке.
Бизнес без трудовых споров в Израиле
Трудовые ресурсы предприятия — это один из важнейших факторов эффективности компании в современных рыночных условиях. Трудовые споры, возникающие на любом предприятии страны могут нанести ощутимый вред не только бизнес-процессам внутри компании, но и репутации компании на рынке.
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Трудовое право в ответах
Потому все процессы, связанные с соблюдением прав и обязанностей работника и работодателя лучше предать квалифицированному трудовому юристу, знающему все тонкости трудового права Израиля. Юридическая помощь по разрешению и предупреждению трудовых споров позволит сохранить материальные ресурсы фирмы и улучшить моральный микроклимат организации.
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Трудовые споры возникают во всех компаниях между работниками и работодателями. В случае, если конфликт не удается решить мирным путем, приходится даже подавать в суд. Обычно, решение подать в суд на работодателя, приходится принимать наемным рабочим, когда их трудовые права нарушаются.
Для того, чтобы выиграть дело необходимо обратиться за юридической консультацией. Это позволит не только задать все интересующие вопросы адвокату в Израиле, но и получить квалифицированную юридическую помощь для защиты прав во внесудебном и судебном порядке.
На странице “Трудовое право в ответах” вы можете не дожидаясь личной встречи задать все имеющиеся вопросы по трудовому законодательству и получить помощь адвоката. Для этого необходимо лишь отправить вопросы через форму обратной связи.
Статьи о трудовом праве
Всем приходилось сталкиваться с конфликтными ситуациями, когда кажется, что наши права или права наших близких ущемлены. Для того, чтобы разобраться в ситуации и понять как правильно действовать предлагаем познакомиться со статьями по трудовому праву.
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Если вы столкнулись с дискриминацией на работе, или вам не выплатили компенсацию при увольнении, если размер выплат за сверхурочную работу вы считаете начислен неверно, то вам необходимо обратиться за юридической помощью.
Права работодателя как и права работника также необходимо защищать, потому все спорные вопросы по трудовому праву лучше внести в трудовой договор, образец которого можно составить, воспользовавшись правовой помощью адвоката.
Основные правила, которыми следуют руководствоваться в рамках сотрудничества наемным работникам и работодателям описаны в статьях, которые мы предлагаем прочитать на странице “Статьи о трудовом праве”. В случае возникновения вопросов будем рады оказать правовую помощь всем обратившимся клиентам.
Онлайн консультация
На представленном сайте каждый желающий может задать вопрос адвокату Израиль и получить компетентный, быстрый и бесплатный ответ.
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Espresso Grinder Market Report 2022, By Segmentations, Key Company Profiles & Demand Forecasts to 2030
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Global Espresso Grinder Market report emphasizes on the detailed understanding of some decisive factors such as size, share, sales, forecast trends, supply, production, demands, industry and CAGR in order to provide a comprehensive outlook of the global market. Additionally, the report also highlights the challenges impeding market growth and expansion strategies employed by leading companies in the “Espresso Grinder Market”.
Global Espresso Grinder Market research report analyzes top players in the key regions like North America, South America, Middle East and Africa, Asia and Pacific region. It delivers insight and expert analysis into key consumer trends and behavior in market place, In addition to an overview of the market data and key brands. It also provides all data with easily digestible information to guide every businessman’s future innovation and move business ahead.
Click The Link To Get A Free Sample Copy Of The Report @ https://crediblemarkets.com/sample-request/espresso-grinder-market-851372?utm_source=Ajay&utm_medium=Freepr
Global Espresso Grinder Market Segmentation Analysis:
By Top Key Players Mr. Coffee Bodum Gourmia Hario Hamilton Beach Baratza BLACK+DECKER Epica Capresso Philips DeLonghi KitchenAid SharkNinja Quiseen Hario 3e Home Cuisinart Bear KRUPS By Types Manual grinders Electric grinders By Applications Commercial Household
Espresso Grinder Market by Geography:
The regional analysis of Espresso Grinder market is studied for region such as Asia pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of the World. The North America is one of the leading region in the market due to numerous cross industry collaborations taking place between automotive original equipment manufacturers and mobile network operators (MNOs) are taking place for continuous internet connectivity inside a car to enhance the user experience of connected living, while driving. Asia-Pacific region is one of the prominent player in the market owing to large enterprises and SMEs in the region are increasingly adopting Espresso Grinder solutions.
Some Points from Table of Content
1 Espresso Grinder Introduction and Market Overview
2 Industry Chain Analysis
3 Global Espresso Grinder Market, by Type
4 Espresso Grinder Market, by Application
5 Global Espresso Grinder Consumption, Revenue ($) by Region (2018-2022)
6 Global Espresso Grinder Production by Top Regions (2018-2022)
7 Global Espresso Grinder Consumption by Regions (2018-2022)
8 Competitive Landscape
9 Global Espresso Grinder Market Analysis and Forecast by Type and Application
10 Espresso Grinder Market Supply and Demand Forecast by Region
11 New Project Feasibility Analysis
12 Expert Interview Record
13 Research Finding and Conclusion
14 Appendix
Direct Purchase Espresso Grinder Market Research Report Now @ https://crediblemarkets.com/reports/purchase/espresso-grinder-market-851372?license_type=single_user;utm_source=Ajay&utm_medium=Freepr
Key questions answered in the report:
What will be the development pace of Espresso Grinder market?
What are the key factors driving the Global Espresso Grinder market?
Who are the key manufacturers in the market space?
What are the openings, hazards, and outline of the market?
What is sales, revenue, and price analysis of top manufacturers of Espresso Grinder market?
Who are the distributors, traders, and dealers of Espresso Grinder market?
What are the Espresso Grinder market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the Global Espresso Grinder industries?
What are deals, incomes, and value examinations by types and utilizations of the market?
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Podcast Episode: Securing the Internet of Things
Today almost everything is connected to the internet - from your coffeemaker to your car to your thermostat. But the “Internet of Things” may not be hardwired for security. Window Snyder, computer security expert and author, joins EFF hosts Cindy Cohn and Danny O’Brien as they delve into the scary insecurities lurking in so many of our modern conveniences—and how we can change policies and tech to improve our security and safety.
Window Snyder is the founder and CEO of Thistle Technologies. She’s the former Chief Security Officer of Square, Fastly and Mozilla, and she spent five years at Apple focusing on privacy strategy and features for OS X and iOS. Window is also the co-author of Threat Modeling, a manual for security architecture analysis in software.
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In this episode, Window explains why malicious hackers might be interested in getting access  to your refrigerator, doorbell, or printer. These basic household electronics can be an entry point for attackers to gain access to other sensitive devices on your network.  Some of these devices may themselves store sensitive data, like a printer or the camera in a kid’s bedroom. Unfortunately, many internet-connected devices in your home aren’t designed to be easily inspected and reviewed for inappropriate access. That means it can be hard for you to know whether they’ve been compromised.
But the answer is not forswearing all connected devices. Window approaches this problem with some optimism for the future. Software companies have learned, after an onslaught of attacks, to  prioritize security. And we can bring the lessons of software security  into the world of hardware devices. 
In this episode, we explain:
How it was the hard costs of addressing security vulnerabilities, rather than the sharp stick of regulation, that pushed many tech companies to start prioritizing cybersecurity. 
The particular threat of devices that are no longer being updated by the companies that originally deployed them, perhaps because that product is no longer produced, or because the company has folded or been sold.
Why we should adapt our best current systems for software security, like our processes for updating browsers and operating systems, for securing newly networked devices, like doorbells and refrigerators.
Why committing to a year or two of security updates isn’t good enough when it comes to consumer goods like cars and medical technology. 
Why it’s important for hardware creators to build devices so that they will be able to reliably update the software without “bricking” the device.
The challenge of covering the cost of security updates when a user only pays once for the device – and how  bundling security updates with new features can entice users to stay updated.
If you have any feedback on this episode, please email [email protected].
Below, you’ll find legal and technical resources as well as a full transcript of the audio.
Music for How to Fix the Internet was created for us by Reed Mathis and Nat Keefe of BeatMower.
This podcast is licensed Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, and includes the following music licensed Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported by their creators:
Drops of H2O (The Filtered Water Treatment ) by J.Lang Ft: Airtone. https://ift.tt/sBSvfaz
Warm Vacuum Tube by Admiral Bob Ft: starfrosch https://ift.tt/HPcjNg0
Xena's Kiss / Medea's Kiss by mwic https://ift.tt/0Zk1AWr
reCreation by airtone https://ift.tt/coRBY9p
Window: I bought a coffee mug that keeps my coffee at like 133 degrees, which I'm delighted by. But the first thing I did when I took it out of the package is it wanted a firmware update. I was like, "Yes, awesome." I had it for like two and a half weeks and it wanted another firmware update. 
I don't even know it was a security issue, it could be a functionality issue, maybe they're making my battery performance last longer. I don't know what the updates do. It's completely opaque. But at least there's an opportunity for that to also include security issues being resolved if that's a problem for that specific device. So I think there's some folks that are making space for it, they recognize that security updates are a critical path to developing a resilient device that will support the actual lifespan of that device. I mean, how long do you expect to be able to use a cup?
Cindy: That's Window Snyder, and she'll be joining us today to walk us through her ideas about how we can build a more secure world of connected devices without, hopefully, having to start over from scratch. I'm Cindy Cohn, EFF's executive director.
Danny: And I'm Danny O'Brien, special advisor to the EFF. Welcome to How to Fix the Internet, a podcast of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, where we bring you big ideas, solutions, and hope that we can fix the biggest problems we face online.
Cindy: Window, we are so excited to have you join us on How to Fix the Internet. You are someone who is always working towards a real, concrete, tech world that supports everyone. And I'm so happy be to have you here to share your ideas.
Window: Thanks so much, Cindy. I'm really glad to be here.
Cindy: So we now have internet connected computers in so many things. They're in our thermostats, our doorbells, our fridges, our TVs. Now, you've been thinking about security in our devices for a very long time. So what about this keeps you up at night?
Window: One of the things that I've seen over the years as we've built so many different mechanisms into general purpose operating systems like Windows or Linux that you might find on a server or OS10 on your Mac, that we've not seen the same kind of investment in those kinds of security mechanisms in devices. There are good reasons for that. These devices are very often kind of minimal in their functionality. They're trying to do something that's specific to a purpose, and very often they're optimized for performance or for interoperability with different hardware components. And so very often they haven't spent the time to invest in the kinds of security mechanisms that make some of the general purpose OSes or even mobile device OSs more resilient. And so we've kind of got a problem now because we took those devices and then we attached them to the internet and all that attack surface is now how exposed to the world and without the same sort of investment in making those devices more security resilient, we’ve got a growing problem.
Cindy: I think some people have seen the images of hackers taking over the cameras in kids' bedrooms and telling kids what to do. I mean, this is, I think, the kind of problem that you have when you've got systems that are really not internet ready or internet protected, that then gets connected to the internet.
Window: Exactly.
Danny: So what are the incentives for someone to hack into these things? I mean, we can talk about like those sort of prank or threatening things, but what are the people breaking into this at such a large scale trying to do with this technology?
Window: Well, very often they're opportunistic and someone who finds a vulnerability in your refrigerator and then uses it to get onto your network, they're not trying to spoil your food by changing the temperature in your refrigerator, they're using your refrigerator as a launch point to see if there are any other interesting devices on your network. And some of the attacks that you can deploy on a local network are different than the attacks that you would otherwise have to deploy from outside of the network.
Window: So what they're leveraging is access, very often. Some of these devices actually have access to all kinds of things. So if it's in a corporate network and that embedded device happens to be a printer, right, that printer is basically a data store where you send all your most important documents to be printed, but they're still stored on that printer. And then the printer is mostly uninspectable by the administration team. So it's a great place to camp out if you're an attacker and set up shop and then use that access to launch attacks against the rest of the infrastructure.
Danny: So it's effectively that they're the weakest point in your home network and it's like the entry way for anything else that they want to hack.
Window: Sometimes it's the weakest point, but it's also that it's like a deep dark corner that's difficult to shine a light into, and so it's a great place to hide.
Cindy: The stakes in this can be really high. One of the things that we've heard is these taking over of hospital networks can end up really harming people. And even things like the ability to turn up the heat or turn down the heat or those kinds of things, they can end up being, not just pranks, but really life threatening for folks.
Window: The problem that we described about the refrigerator in your home is really different if we're talking about a refrigerator at a hospital that's intended to keep blood at a certain temperature, for example, right, or medicine at a certain temperature.
Danny: So you said that general purpose computers, the laptops, and to certain extent the phones that we have today, have had 20 years of security sort of concentration. What caused those companies to kind of shift into a more defensive posture?
What encouraged them to do that? Was it regulation?
Window: That would be amazing if we could use regulation to just fix everything, but no, can't regulate your way out of this. Basically it was pain and it was pain directed at the wallet. So Microsoft is feeling a lot of pain with malware and with worms. And I don't know if you guys remember Slammer and Melissa, I love you. These viruses that they're feeling and their customers were feeling a lot of pain around it and saying, "Hey, Microsoft, you need to get your house in order." And so Bill Gates sent out this memo saying we're going to do something about security. That was around the time that I joined Microsoft. And honestly, we had a tremendous amount of work to do. It was an attempt to boil the ocean. And I was very lucky to be in a situation there where both I had experience with it, and also this is what I came to do. And also now I had the support of executives all the way up.
But how do you take a code base that is so rich and has so many features and so much functionality and get to a place where it's got a more modern security posture? So for a general purpose operating system, they needed to reduce attack surface, they needed to get rid of functionality, make it optional so that if there was a vulnerability that was present in one of those components, it didn't impact the entire deployment of... Back then it was hundreds of millions. At this point, it'd be a billion plus devices out there. You want to make sure that you are compartmentalizing access as much as possible. They deployed modern memory mitigation mechanisms that made it difficult to exploit memory corruption issues.
Window: And then they worked at it and it's been 20 years and they're still working at it. There's still problems, but there are not the same kind of problems that you saw in 2002.
Cindy: You said you wished regulation could do something about that. Do you think that is something that's possible? I think oftentimes we worry that the pace of regulation, the pace of legislation is so slow compared to the pace of technological advancement that we will... It can't keep up, and in some ways it shouldn't try to keep up because we want innovation to be racing ahead. I don't know, from where you sit, how do you think about the role of law and regulations in this space?
Window: I think regulations are great for regulating responsibility. Like for example, saying that when a security issue has been identified and it has these kinds of characteristics, let's say it's critical in that it's reachable from the network, and without any special access an attacker's able to achieve arbitrary code execution, that means they can basically do whatever they want with the system at that point, right? Then a security update needs to be made available. That's something they could regulate because it's specific enough and it's about responsibility. This is actually one of the significant differences between the security problems on software systems and hardware devices.
When there's a problem on, let's say, in your web browser, right? And you go to do your update, if the update fails, you can try it again, pretty easily. You can figure out for yourself how to get back to that known good state. So a failure rate of like 3%, 4%, 5%, for the most part users can help themselves out. And they are able to, to, to get back to work pretty quickly. But if these low-level components need to be updated and they have a failure rate of like 1%, right, and that device doesn't come back up, there's no interface. What's the user going to do at this point? They can't even necessarily initiate it to try it again. That might just be a completely bricked device, completely useless at this point.
But if it's a car, now it has to go back to the dealership. And if it's a phone, it has to come back into the shop. But if it's a satellite, that's just gone forever. If it's an ATM, maybe somebody has to physically come out with a USB and plug it in and then try and update the firmware for that ATM. For physical devices in the world, it gets really different. And then here's the other end of this. For software developers, they get away with saying, "Oh, we'll send you security updates for a year or two," or maybe they don't say at all, and it's just kind of at their whim, because there is no regulatory requirement to ship security updates for any period of time. We're all just at the whim of the folks who produce these technology components that we rely on.
But if it's an MRI in a county hospital and they're not getting security updates, but they're vulnerable to something, they're not going to go buy a new MRI, right? We expect these devices to be in use for a lot longer than even a phone or a general purpose computer, a laptop, a web browser. For sure, those things get updated every 10 minutes, right? Both the difficulty of bring a highly reliable update mechanism and also the lifespan of these devices completely changed the story. So instead of saying it's efficient to deliver security updates for a year or two years, you now get to this place where it's just like, "Well, how long do you expect a car to be useful?" Right? I expect to be able to drive my car for 10 years, and then I sell it to somebody else, and then you can drive it for 10 years. And until it's in bits, like that car should still be functional, right?
Danny: “How to Fix the Internet” is supported by The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s Program in Public Understanding of Science. Enriching people’s lives through a keener appreciation of our increasingly technological world and portraying the complex humanity of scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.
Cindy: I wanted to circle back as the lawyer in the house about the... What I heard you saying about the role that regulation and law can play in this is really about liability, it's that if you need to build in ongoing security into your tool, and if you don't, you need to be responsible for the harm that comes, and the liability does work a little that way now, and I think one of the problems that we have is that some of the harms that happen are privacy harms or the other kinds of harm that the law is struggling with. But I really like this idea that the way that you have a lever on these companies is to basically make them responsible for the long tail of problems that these things can create, not just the moment of sale.
Window: Absolutely. That's exactly right. But on my end of things, since I'm not thinking of about liability, because that feels like something that someone like you can probably contribute to that conversation better, but in terms of how do we get there? Well, having an update mechanism that is robust enough that you're able to ship a security update or any sort of update with confidence that that device is going to come back up, right? Because that's one of the reasons that it's hard to update devices is that if you're worried that the device might not come back up, even if it's like a 1% failure rate, then you don't want to ship up updates unless you absolutely have to, because the cost of addressing that issue is really more significant potentially than a security issue might be. And they have to make a judgment about that for all these different kinds of ways their device might be used.
But on the updates side of things, since, as you described, they only make their money when you buy the device, and after that it's out the door. And so to continuously have to pay to support security updates is kind of difficult, but there are other ways to support it without actually being responsible for shipping the security update yourself. If you make the code open source, then the community can potentially support it. If you make the code available to a third party, then that third party can be able to provide security updates for those issues.
But even for the device manufacturer themselves, getting to a place where you have a highly reliable security update mechanism could be used, not just to deliver security updates, but functional updates. And then you could potentially have an ongoing relationship with that party who purchased the device by selling them new functionality once the device is already out the door, like they could sell new features for those existing devices. And Tesla has really embraced that, right? They're doing great with it, that you buy a car and then later you can buy a new functionality for your car. Fantastic.
Cindy: So to get to a world where our devices are really secure, I am hearing three things:a lot more open source, a lot more interoperability, and in general a lot more ability for third parties to repair or update or give us more security than we have now. Is that right?
Window: I think actually the most critical component is going to be leveraging existing security mechanisms that have been built for resilience and incorporating those into these devices, which is actually what I'm building right now. That's what Thistle Technologies is doing, we're trying to help companies get to that place where they've got modern security mechanisms in their devices without having to build all the infrastructure that's required in order to deliver that. 
So the industry is in agreement, for the most part, that you should not implement your own cryptographic libraries, right? That you should leverage an existing cryptographic library that is tested, that was implemented by folks who understand cryptography and more importantly, understand how cryptographic implementations can fail, especially when they're being attacked, right? So this is actually true for security mechanisms way beyond cryptography. And that's why I think that building these security sensitive mechanisms in one place and letting folks pick and choose and incorporate those into their devices makes sense. And I think this is actually how devices are going to get there. And maybe some of those will be open source projects, and maybe some of those will be commercial projects like mine, but I think not having to all of us go it alone in all these different places, reinvent the wheel over and over again, get to a place where we've got security sensitive systems that are built and incorporated into all these different kinds of systems that don't have them yet.
Danny: So a lot of what you're describing seems to be like building or slotting in robust software that is built with security in mind. But one thing I hear from security researchers all the time is that security is a process. And is there some way that a small hardware manufacturer, right, someone who just makes light bulbs or just makes radios, if they still exist, what is part of the process there? What do they have to change in their outlook?
Window: So it's the same for any small development team that the most important stuff that you want to do is still true for software and for hardware, and that is to reduce the attack surface. And if there's functionality that's only in use by a small number of folks in your deployment, make it modular so that those folks can have the functionality, but not everybody has to have all of the risk, to move to memory-safe languages, higher-level languages, so that memory management is not managed by the developers, because that reduces the ability for an attacker to take advantage of any of the problems that can result in memory corruption.
Danny: And when you say attack surface here, you're sort of describing the bits of this technology which are vulnerable and are kind of exposed, right? You're just talking about making them less exposed and less likely to damage everything else if they break.
Window: Yeah. So if you think about your body as having some sort of attack surface, like as we're walking around in the world we can get infections through our mucus membranes, like our eyes, our nose, our mouth, and so on. So it reduces our risk if we wear a mask, it reduces, let's say, the risk for a healthcare worker if they're also wearing like a face shield to prevent somebody coughing on them and having it get in through their eyes, etc. So reducing your attack surface means providing a filter or a cover.
The attacker has a harder time coming in through the wall, they're going to come in through the doors. And so if you think of these services where you're listening as doors, then you want to make sure that you have authentication really early on in your protocol, so that there's less opportunity for them to say something that could be interpreted the wrong way by your computer, and now they're computing code on your system, for example. And then that same kind of idea, but applied through all the different components in the system.
Cindy: That's great. I love this idea that you're trying to shrink down 25 years worth of work in operating systems into a little box that somebody can plug into their internet connected thing. I think that's awesome.
Window: It's better than trying to wait 25 years for everyone else to catch up, right?
Cindy: Absolutely. So what are the values we're going to get if we get to this world? What is it going to feel like, what is it going to seem like when we have these a world in which we've got more protected devices?
Window: I think, first we'll feel some pain and then we'll feel devices that we're able to have more confidence in, that we might feel more comfortable sharing information that's very personal because we are able to evaluate what they're going to do with that data. Maybe that company that's building this thing has a very clear policy that is easy to understand, doesn't require 10 pages of legal language that's designed to be, as let's say, conservative as possible and reserve every possible right for the company to do whatever they want with your information, right? When folks are understand that, then they're more able to use it. One of the things that I'm thinking about constantly about every device I bring into my home is how is this increasing my attack surface? Do I need a separate network to manage these devices in my house? Yes, I do apparently.
Window: But is that reasonable? No, it's not reasonable. People should be able to bring home a device and use it and not worry that the microphone on their television is listening to them or that an attacker could leverage kids' baby camera to capture pictures of the inside of their house, right? People want to feel comfortable and safe when they use these things. And that's just consumers. If it's on the enterprise side, folks want to be able to, let's say, understand the risk for their organization, make reasonable trade offs, deploy their resources in things that build their business, not just things that, let's say, allow the business to function. And security is one of those things that if you have to spend money securing your infrastructure, then you're not spending money creating all the functionality that the infrastructure exists to serve.
Danny: So we have this sort of utopia where we have all these devices and they talk to one another and before I get home, my stove has set the water boiling and it's completely safe and okay. Then we have kind of another vision that I think people have of a secure world requiring this sort of bureaucracy, right? You know everything is locked down, I maybe have to go and sign out something at work, or there is someone who tells me, "I can't install this software." 
In order to feel safe, do we have to head to that second future? Or do we still get all our cool gadgets in your vision of how this plays out?
Window: That's the problem, right? We want up to be able to install the software and that it's safe. It's not going to create a new vulnerability in your corporate network, right? When you tell folks to say like, "Oh, be careful on clicking links in email," or whatever. It's like, why on earth should that be a problem? If your email is allowing you to click on a link to launch another application or a web browser, then that should be safe. The problem's not with a user randomly clicking on things, they should be able to randomly click on things and have it not compromise their device. The problem is that the web browser, which for all the functionality that the web has brought us, it is honestly a terrible idea to say, "I'm going to take this software. I'm going to put all my passwords and credit cards in it. And then I'm going to go visit all these different servers. And I'm going to take code from these servers and execute it on my device locally and hope it doesn't create problems on my system."
That is a really difficult model to secure. So you should be able to go anywhere and install software from wherever. That would be the ideal that if we can get to a place where we have a high degree of compartmentalization, we could install software off the internet, it runs in a sandbox that we have a high degree of confidence is truly a high degree of compartmentalization away from everything else that you care about in the system. You use that functionality, it does something delightful, and you move on with your life without ever having to think about like, "Is this okay?" But right now you have to spend a lot of time thinking about like, "Do I want to let it in my house? What is it going to do?" So the ideal version is you just get to use your stuff and it works.
Danny: That is a vision of a future that I want.
Cindy: Yeah, me too. Me too. And I really love the embrace of like, we should have this cool stuff, we should have this cool functionality, new things shouldn't be so scary, right? It doesn't need to be that way. And we can build a world where we get all the cool stuff and we have this ongoing innovation space without all the risk. And that's the dream. Sometimes I talk to people and they're like, "Just don't do it. Don't buy-
Danny: Get off the internet.
Cindy: Yeah. Get off the internet. Don't buy a smart TV, don't buy this, don't buy that, don't buy that. And I totally understand that impulse, but I think that you're talking about a different world, one where we get all the cool stuff, but we also get our security too.
Window: Yeah. Wouldn't you love to be able to connect with your friends online, share pictures of the family and feel like no one is collecting this to better create a dossier about how to better advertise to you? And then where does this sit and how long does it sit there for, and who's it shared with? And what's it going to mean? Are they identifying who's influential in my network so they can tell me that so and so really enjoyed this new brand of cookware, right? I would love to be able to communicate freely in public or in forums and only worry about humans instead of like all the different ways this data is going to be collected and hashed and rehashed and used to create a profile of me that doesn't necessarily represent who I am today or who I might be 10 years from now.
Cindy: Well, and the nice thing about fixing the security is that that puts that control back into our hands, right? A lot of the things that are consumer surveillance stuff are really side effects of the fact that these systems are not designed to serve us, they're not designed to secure us. And so some of these business models kind of latch onto that and ride along with that. So the good thing about more security is that we not only get security from the bad guys, we also get maybe some more control over some of the companies who are riding along with the insecure world as part of their business models.
Danny: Well, thank you Window for both making us safer in the present day and building this secure and exciting future.
Cindy: Yeah. Thank you so much, Window.
Window: Thanks for having me, guys. It's definitely been a lot of fun.
Cindy: That was just great. And what I really love about Window is that sometimes security researchers are all about, no, don't do this, don't do that, this is dangerous, this is scary. And Window is firmly on the side of, we need to have of all our cool devices, even our coffee mug that connects to the internet for some strange reason, but we need to have all of our cool devices, but we need them to be secure too.
Danny: Yeah. She's always very modest. And I think she actually has been the calm, collected voice in Apple and Microsoft as they slowly try and fix these things I think one of the things I took away from that is that it is a different world, right, but we have got some knowledge that we can drop into that new plate.
Cindy: Yeah. And I love the idea of kind of taking all that we've learned in the 25 years of trying to make operating systems secure and shrink it down into modules that people can use in their devices in ways that will stop us from having to spend the next 25 years figuring out how to do security in devices.
Danny: Something else that struck me was that the kind of thing that prompted the solution, or the attempt to fix the security problems of big PCs and desktops and later phones was this Bill Gates memo. And it struck me that the challenge here is that there are there is not one company, there is not a monopoly and there is no Bill Gates to write the memo to the Samsungs and the anchors of this world. So I don't know how you do it, but I have a feeling Window does.
Cindy: Well, I think she's working on it, and I think that's great, but she also pointed to a place that regulation might come in as well, and specifically on the idea of liability, right? Like making sure that the companies that put this out are accountable, not just at the point of sale, but over the long run for the risks that they create. And then hopefully that will help spur a kind of long relationship where, not just the company that sold you the device, but a whole bunch of other companies and people, and hobbyists and other people can come in and help you keep your device secure over the long run. And also, as she pointed out, maybe even give you some additional features. So once again, we see interoperability being key to this better future, even in this other place where we're talking about just simply making our devices not so dangerous.
Danny: Yeah. The solution to not having one big company is not to put one big government or one new big company in charge, but to share the knowledge and communicate that round. And if somebody can't, or doesn't have the resources to take that responsibility, there's someone else who can represent the consumer or the hospital, and step in and fix and repair those problems.
Cindy: I think it was interesting to me how this conversation kind of started off as a hardcore security modeling kind of thing, but we ended up again with adversarial interoperability and right-to-repair being so central to how we fix this problem. And I really appreciate how these things are starting to connect together in a single story.
Danny: Music for How to Fix the Internet was created for us by Reed Mathis and Nat Keefe of BeatMower. This podcast is licensed Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, and includes music licensed Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported by their creators. You can find their names and links to their music in our episode notes, or on our website at eff.org/podcast. Please visit eff.org/podcasts where you’ll find more episodes, learn about these issues, you can donate to become a member of EFF, as well as lots more. Members are the only reason we can do this work plus you can get cool stuff like an EFF hat, and EFF hoodie or an EFF camera cover for your laptop camera. How to fix the internet is supported by the Alfred P Sloan foundation’s program and public understanding of science and technology. 
Danny: I'm Danny O'Brien. Cindy: And I'm Cindy Cohn. Thanks for listening.
from Deeplinks https://ift.tt/XB2Ijfr
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articlesfood · 3 years
Environment Health & Safety Market Size, Opportunities, Key Growth Factors, Revenue Analysis, For 2020–2028
Environment Health & Safety Market 2021-2027
A New Market Study, Titled “Environment Health & Safety Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Environment Health & Safety market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Environment Health & Safety industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Request Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/Global-Environment-Health-&-Safety-Market/58326
This report provides detailed historical analysis of global market for Environment Health & Safety from 2015-2020, and provides extensive market forecasts from 2021-2030 by region/country and subsectors. It covers the sales/revenue/value, gross margin, historical growth and future perspectives in the Environment Health & Safety market.
Moreover, the impact of COVID-19 is also concerned. Since outbreak in December 2019, the COVID-19 virus has spread to all around the world and caused huge losses of lives and economy, and the global manufacturing, tourism and financial markets have been hit hard, while the online market/industry increase. Fortunately, with the development of vaccine and other effort by global governments and organizations, the negative impact of COVID-19 is expected to subside and the global economy is expected to recover.
This research covers COVID-19 impacts on the upstream, midstream and downstream industries. Moreover, this research provides an in-depth market evaluation by highlighting information on various aspects covering market dynamics like drivers, barriers, opportunities, threats, and industry news & trends. In the end, this report also provides in-depth analysis and professional advices on how to face the post COIVD-19 period.
The research methodology used to estimate and forecast this market begins by capturing the revenues of the key players and their shares in the market. Various secondary sources such as press releases, annual reports, non-profit organizations, industry associations, governmental agencies and customs data, have been used to identify and collect information useful for this extensive commercial study of the market. Calculations based on this led to the overall market size. After arriving at the overall market size, the total market has been split into several segments and subsegments, which have then been verified through primary research by conducting extensive interviews with industry experts such as CEOs, VPs, directors, and executives. The data triangulation and market breakdown procedures have been employed to complete the overall market engineering process and arrive at the exact statistics for all segments and subsegments.
Leading players of Environment Health & Safety including: AECOM Corporation CH2M HILL Intelex Technologies Enablon Tetra Tech IHS SAP Golder Associates SGS Environmental Resource Management (ERM) VelocityEHS Amec Foster Wheeler EtQ RPS Group Cority (Medgate) Gensuite Enviance Verisk 3e Optial Sphera So Sitehawk
Market split by Type, can be divided into: EHS Software EHS Services
Market split by Application, can be divided into: Chemicals & Petrochemicals Energy & Mining Telecom & IT Construction Manufacturing
Market split by Sales Channel, can be divided into: Direct Channel Distribution Channel
Market segment by Region/Country including: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain etc.) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and Southeast Asia etc.) South America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia etc.) Middle East & Africa (South Africa, UAE and Saudi Arabia etc.)
Ask Queries @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/enquiry.php/Global-Environment-Health-&-Safety-Market/58326
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Environment Health & Safety Market Overview 1.1 Environment Health & Safety Definition 1.2 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Size Status and Outlook (2015-2030) 1.3 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Size Comparison by Region (2015-2030) 1.4 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Size Comparison by Type (2015-2030) 1.5 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Size Comparison by Application (2015-2030) 1.6 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Size Comparison by Sales Channel (2015-2030) 1.7 Environment Health & Safety Market Dynamics (COVID-19 Impacts) 1.7.1 Market Drivers/Opportunities 1.7.2 Market Challenges/Risks 1.7.3 Market News (Mergers/Acquisitions/Expansion) 1.7.4 COVID-19 Impacts on Current Market 1.7.5 Post-Strategies of COVID-19 Outbreak
Chapter 2 Environment Health & Safety Market Segment Analysis by Player 2.1 Global Environment Health & Safety Sales and Market Share by Player (2018-2020) 2.2 Global Environment Health & Safety Revenue and Market Share by Player (2018-2020) 2.3 Global Environment Health & Safety Average Price by Player (2018-2020) 2.4 Players Competition Situation & Trends 2.5 Conclusion of Segment by Player
Chapter 3 Environment Health & Safety Market Segment Analysis by Type 3.1 Global Environment Health & Safety Market by Type 3.1.1 EHS Software 3.1.2 EHS Services 3.2 Global Environment Health & Safety Sales and Market Share by Type (2015-2020) 3.3 Global Environment Health & Safety Revenue and Market Share by Type (2015-2020) 3.4 Global Environment Health & Safety Average Price by Type (2015-2020) 3.5 Leading Players of Environment Health & Safety by Type in 2020 3.6 Conclusion of Segment by Type
Chapter 4 Environment Health & Safety Market Segment Analysis by Application 4.1 Global Environment Health & Safety Market by Application 4.1.1 Chemicals & Petrochemicals 4.1.2 Energy & Mining 4.1.3 Telecom & IT 4.1.4 Construction 4.1.5 Manufacturing 4.2 Global Environment Health & Safety Revenue and Market Share by Application (2015-2020) 4.3 Leading Consumers of Environment Health & Safety by Application in 2020 4.4 Conclusion of Segment by Application
Fusion Market Research is one of the largest collections of market research reports from numerous publishers. We have a team of industry specialists providing unbiased insights on reports to best meet the requirements of our clients. We offer a comprehensive collection of competitive market research reports from a number of global leaders across industry segments.
Phone: + (210) 775-2636 (USA) + (91) 853 060 7487
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fusion-kunal · 3 years
Environment Health & Safety Market Business Demand, Competitor Analysis, Market Share 2021-2027
Environment Health & Safety Market 2021-2027
A New Market Study, Titled “Environment Health & Safety Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Environment Health & Safety market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Environment Health & Safety industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Request Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/Global-Environment-Health-&-Safety-Market/58326
This report provides detailed historical analysis of global market for Environment Health & Safety from 2015-2020, and provides extensive market forecasts from 2021-2030 by region/country and subsectors. It covers the sales/revenue/value, gross margin, historical growth and future perspectives in the Environment Health & Safety market.
Moreover, the impact of COVID-19 is also concerned. Since outbreak in December 2019, the COVID-19 virus has spread to all around the world and caused huge losses of lives and economy, and the global manufacturing, tourism and financial markets have been hit hard, while the online market/industry increase. Fortunately, with the development of vaccine and other effort by global governments and organizations, the negative impact of COVID-19 is expected to subside and the global economy is expected to recover.
This research covers COVID-19 impacts on the upstream, midstream and downstream industries. Moreover, this research provides an in-depth market evaluation by highlighting information on various aspects covering market dynamics like drivers, barriers, opportunities, threats, and industry news & trends. In the end, this report also provides in-depth analysis and professional advices on how to face the post COIVD-19 period.
The research methodology used to estimate and forecast this market begins by capturing the revenues of the key players and their shares in the market. Various secondary sources such as press releases, annual reports, non-profit organizations, industry associations, governmental agencies and customs data, have been used to identify and collect information useful for this extensive commercial study of the market. Calculations based on this led to the overall market size. After arriving at the overall market size, the total market has been split into several segments and subsegments, which have then been verified through primary research by conducting extensive interviews with industry experts such as CEOs, VPs, directors, and executives. The data triangulation and market breakdown procedures have been employed to complete the overall market engineering process and arrive at the exact statistics for all segments and subsegments.
Leading players of Environment Health & Safety including: AECOM Corporation CH2M HILL Intelex Technologies Enablon Tetra Tech IHS SAP Golder Associates SGS Environmental Resource Management (ERM) VelocityEHS Amec Foster Wheeler EtQ RPS Group Cority (Medgate) Gensuite Enviance Verisk 3e Optial Sphera So Sitehawk
Market split by Type, can be divided into: EHS Software EHS Services
Market split by Application, can be divided into: Chemicals & Petrochemicals Energy & Mining Telecom & IT Construction Manufacturing
Market split by Sales Channel, can be divided into: Direct Channel Distribution Channel
Market segment by Region/Country including: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain etc.) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and Southeast Asia etc.) South America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia etc.) Middle East & Africa (South Africa, UAE and Saudi Arabia etc.)
Ask Queries @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/enquiry.php/Global-Environment-Health-&-Safety-Market/58326
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Environment Health & Safety Market Overview 1.1 Environment Health & Safety Definition 1.2 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Size Status and Outlook (2015-2030) 1.3 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Size Comparison by Region (2015-2030) 1.4 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Size Comparison by Type (2015-2030) 1.5 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Size Comparison by Application (2015-2030) 1.6 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Size Comparison by Sales Channel (2015-2030) 1.7 Environment Health & Safety Market Dynamics (COVID-19 Impacts) 1.7.1 Market Drivers/Opportunities 1.7.2 Market Challenges/Risks 1.7.3 Market News (Mergers/Acquisitions/Expansion) 1.7.4 COVID-19 Impacts on Current Market 1.7.5 Post-Strategies of COVID-19 Outbreak
Chapter 2 Environment Health & Safety Market Segment Analysis by Player 2.1 Global Environment Health & Safety Sales and Market Share by Player (2018-2020) 2.2 Global Environment Health & Safety Revenue and Market Share by Player (2018-2020) 2.3 Global Environment Health & Safety Average Price by Player (2018-2020) 2.4 Players Competition Situation & Trends 2.5 Conclusion of Segment by Player
Chapter 3 Environment Health & Safety Market Segment Analysis by Type 3.1 Global Environment Health & Safety Market by Type 3.1.1 EHS Software 3.1.2 EHS Services 3.2 Global Environment Health & Safety Sales and Market Share by Type (2015-2020) 3.3 Global Environment Health & Safety Revenue and Market Share by Type (2015-2020) 3.4 Global Environment Health & Safety Average Price by Type (2015-2020) 3.5 Leading Players of Environment Health & Safety by Type in 2020 3.6 Conclusion of Segment by Type
Chapter 4 Environment Health & Safety Market Segment Analysis by Application 4.1 Global Environment Health & Safety Market by Application 4.1.1 Chemicals & Petrochemicals 4.1.2 Energy & Mining 4.1.3 Telecom & IT 4.1.4 Construction 4.1.5 Manufacturing 4.2 Global Environment Health & Safety Revenue and Market Share by Application (2015-2020) 4.3 Leading Consumers of Environment Health & Safety by Application in 2020 4.4 Conclusion of Segment by Application
Fusion Market Research is one of the largest collections of market research reports from numerous publishers. We have a team of industry specialists providing unbiased insights on reports to best meet the requirements of our clients. We offer a comprehensive collection of competitive market research reports from a number of global leaders across industry segments.
Phone: + (210) 775-2636 (USA) + (91) 853 060 7487
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Espresso Grinder Market Report 2022, By Segmentations, Key Company Profiles & Demand Forecasts to 2030
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Global Espresso Grinder Market report emphasizes on the detailed understanding of some decisive factors such as size, share, sales, forecast trends, supply, production, demands, industry and CAGR in order to provide a comprehensive outlook of the global market. Additionally, the report also highlights the challenges impeding market growth and expansion strategies employed by leading companies in the “Espresso Grinder Market”.
Global Espresso Grinder Market research report analyzes top players in the key regions like North America, South America, Middle East and Africa, Asia and Pacific region. It delivers insight and expert analysis into key consumer trends and behavior in market place, In addition to an overview of the market data and key brands. It also provides all data with easily digestible information to guide every businessman’s future innovation and move business ahead.
Click The Link To Get A Free Sample Copy Of The Report @ https://crediblemarkets.com/sample-request/espresso-grinder-market-851372?utm_source=Ajay&utm_medium=Freepr
Global Espresso Grinder Market Segmentation Analysis:
By Top Key Players Mr. Coffee Bodum Gourmia Hario Hamilton Beach Baratza BLACK+DECKER Epica Capresso Philips DeLonghi KitchenAid SharkNinja Quiseen Hario 3e Home Cuisinart Bear KRUPS By Types Manual grinders Electric grinders By Applications Commercial Household
Espresso Grinder Market by Geography:
The regional analysis of Espresso Grinder market is studied for region such as Asia pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of the World. The North America is one of the leading region in the market due to numerous cross industry collaborations taking place between automotive original equipment manufacturers and mobile network operators (MNOs) are taking place for continuous internet connectivity inside a car to enhance the user experience of connected living, while driving. Asia-Pacific region is one of the prominent player in the market owing to large enterprises and SMEs in the region are increasingly adopting Espresso Grinder solutions.
Some Points from Table of Content
1 Espresso Grinder Introduction and Market Overview
2 Industry Chain Analysis
3 Global Espresso Grinder Market, by Type
4 Espresso Grinder Market, by Application
5 Global Espresso Grinder Consumption, Revenue ($) by Region (2018-2022)
6 Global Espresso Grinder Production by Top Regions (2018-2022)
7 Global Espresso Grinder Consumption by Regions (2018-2022)
8 Competitive Landscape
9 Global Espresso Grinder Market Analysis and Forecast by Type and Application
10 Espresso Grinder Market Supply and Demand Forecast by Region
11 New Project Feasibility Analysis
12 Expert Interview Record
13 Research Finding and Conclusion
14 Appendix
Direct Purchase Espresso Grinder Market Research Report Now @ https://crediblemarkets.com/reports/purchase/espresso-grinder-market-851372?license_type=single_user;utm_source=Ajay&utm_medium=Freepr
Key questions answered in the report:
What will be the development pace of Espresso Grinder market?
What are the key factors driving the Global Espresso Grinder market?
Who are the key manufacturers in the market space?
What are the openings, hazards, and outline of the market?
What is sales, revenue, and price analysis of top manufacturers of Espresso Grinder market?
Who are the distributors, traders, and dealers of Espresso Grinder market?
What are the Espresso Grinder market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the Global Espresso Grinder industries?
What are deals, incomes, and value examinations by types and utilizations of the market?
What are deals, income, and value examinations by areas of enterprises?
About Credible Markets:
Credible Markets has emerged as a dependable source for the market research needs of businesses within a quick time span. We have collaborated with leading publishers of market intelligence and the coverage of our reports reserve spans all the key industry verticals and thousands of micro markets. The massive repository allows our clients to pick from recently published reports from a range of publishers that also provide extensive regional and country-wise analysis. Moreover, pre-booked research reports are among our top offerings.
The collection of market intelligence reports is regularly updated to offer visitors ready access to the most recent market insights. We provide round-the-clock support to help you repurpose search parameters and thereby avail a complete range of reserved reports. After all, it is all about helping you reach an informed strategic decision about purchasing the right report that caters to all your market research demands.
Reports in the repository of Credible Markets leverage predictive analytical models to study the performance of critical market segments. We believe in the fact that demands of businesses depend on an array of parameters and thus adhere to delivering industry-specific research solutions. Our client base traversing from thriving start-ups to some of the Fortune 500 companies speaks for our expertise in providing deep-dive insights on any desired industry sectors.
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Credible Markets Analytics 99 Wall Street #2124 New York, NY 10005 +1(929)-450-2887 [email protected] https://crediblemarkets.com/
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Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Market By Software Type - Global Industry Analysis and Forecast 2020 – 2025
Environmental health and safety tools are mainly utilized by companies to adhere with the environmental rules and standards involved with business and environmental health and safety. The execution of environmental health and safety tools has been witnessing a major growth owing to increase in business investment across EHS software platforms. Furthermore, multiple statutory and legal requirements to maintain environmental health and safety standards have surged the deployment of environmental health and safety tools across main business verticals which includes energy and mining, construction and chemicals and petrochemicals.
Read more information about Global Market with Impact of Covid-19
To get Sample Copy of Business Report through this link: https://www.sdki.jp/sample-request-105959
How Big is the Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Market?
The environmental health & safety (EHS) market is expected to be around US$ 9296 Million by 2025; Growing at a CAGR of more than 12% in the given forecast period.
The environmental health & safety market is segmented on the lines of its components, end user and regional. Based on components segmentation it covers services and software. The services components are further segmented into certification, auditing, implementation, training, analytics, project management and consulting. Under software segmentation it covers energy and carbon management, environment, compliance, cost management, data analytics and quality and risk assessment. The environmental health & safety market is segmented on the lines of end user like healthcare, retail, government and public sector, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, construction, energy and mining, chemical and petrochemical and others. The environmental health & safety marketis geographic segmentation covers various regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa. Each geographic market is further segmented to provide market revenue for select countries such as the U.S., Canada, U.K. Germany, China, Japan, India, Brazil, and GCC countries.
Environmental health and safety tools are mainly utilized by companies to adhere with the environmental rules and standards involved with business and environmental health and safety. The execution of environmental health and safety tools has been witnessing a major growth owing to increase in business investment across EHS software platforms. Furthermore, multiple statutory and legal requirements to maintain environmental health and safety standards have surged the deployment of environmental health and safety tools across main business verticals which includes energy and mining, construction and chemicals and petrochemicals.
How Big is the Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Market?
The environmental health & safety (EHS) market is expected to be around US$ 9296 Million by 2025; Growing at a CAGR of more than 12% in the given forecast period.
The environmental health & safety market is segmented on the lines of its components, end user and regional. Based on components segmentation it covers services and software. The services components are further segmented into certification, auditing, implementation, training, analytics, project management and consulting. Under software segmentation it covers energy and carbon management, environment, compliance, cost management, data analytics and quality and risk assessment. The environmental health & safety market is segmented on the lines of end user like healthcare, retail, government and public sector, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, construction, energy and mining, chemical and petrochemical and others. The environmental health & safety marketis geographic segmentation covers various regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa. Each geographic market is further segmented to provide market revenue for select countries such as the U.S., Canada, U.K. Germany, China, Japan, India, Brazil, and GCC countries.
This report provides:
An overview of the global market for environmental health & safety and related technologies.
Analyses of global market trends, with data from 2016, estimates for 2017 and 2018, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2025.
Identifications of new market opportunities and targeted promotional plans for environmental health & safety.
Discussion of research and development, and the demand for new products and new applications.
Comprehensive company profiles of major players in the industry.
The scope of the report includes a detailed study of global and regional markets for Environmental health and safety Market for variations in the growth of the industry in certain regions.
The report covers detailed competitive outlook including the market share and company profiles of the key participants operating in the global market. Key players profiled in the report include IHS Inc., 3E Company, International Finance Corporation, Enablon North America Corporation, SAP SE, UL LLC, and Medgate Inc. Company profile includes assign such as company summary, financial summary, business strategy and planning, SWOT analysis and current developments.
The Top Companies Report is intended to provide our buyers with a snapshot of the industry’s most influential players.
The Environmental Health & Safety Market has been segmented as below:
By Components Analysis
By Services
Project Management
By Software
Energy and carbon management
Environment Compliance
Cost management
Data analytics
Quality and risk assessment
By End-user Analysis
Healthcare Retail Government and public sector Manufacturing Transportation Agriculture Construction Energy and mining Chemical and petrochemical Others
By Regional Analysis
North America Europe Asia-Pacific Rest of the World
Reasons to Buy this Report:
Obtain the most up to date information available on all environmental health & safety market.
Identify growth segments and opportunities in the industry.
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Original Source of this content: https://www.sdki.jp/reports/environmental-health-safety-ehs-market/105959
For more information, Please contact us now:
Shibuya Data Count
Tel: + 81 3 45720790
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marketplaceoutlook · 3 years
Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Market Projections, Share 2021, Regional Analysis by Key Players | Industry Forecast to 2026
Reports and Data has published a new study on the Global Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Market comprising of exclusive insights, growth prospects, market size and share estimation, and opportunities. Global Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Market report is a comprehensive and top-notch market report which offers the professionals and businesses critical insights into the market and industry. The research study on the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market provides a complete overview of the product portfolio, value chain analysis, revenue contribution, profit margins, and other major factors. The report includes insights offered by industry experts, professions, and research analysts.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created disruptions across supply chains, sales network, and distribution channels. This has impacted the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market on a global and regional scale. The report covers extensive analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market and offers a current and future market outlook of the market with regards to the pandemic.
To get a sample PDF copy of the report, visit @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/1561
The Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market report begins with basic definitions, product descriptions, competitive landscape, market players, market segmentation, and regional bifurcation of the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market. The report further talks about the market scenario with regard to market drivers, restraints, opportunities, and growth prospects. The report also talks about the market segmentation and offers insights into the segment showing promising growth over the forecast period.
Top Leaders Operating in the Market are:
·         Enablon,
·         Intelex, SAP,
·         ETQ,
·         Enviance,
·         Gensuite,
·         Velocityehs,
·         Cority,
·         Verisk 3E and Sphera Solutions.
Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Market Segmentation:
Based on Product Type:
·         Solutions
o    Environment Compliance
o    Energy and carbon management
o    Cost management
o    Quality and risk assessment
o    Data analytics
·         Services
o    Auditing
o    Testing and monitoring
o    Certification
o    Training
o    Implementation
o    Analytics
o    Consulting
o    Project Management
o    Others
Based on Application:
·         Industrial Waste Management
·         Medical & Pharmaceutical Waste Management
·         Waste Water Management
Request a discount on the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/discount-enquiry-form/1561
The report talks about the key competitors with regard to their market size, product portfolio, manufacturing and production capacity, profit margins, revenue generation, regional spread, and research and development activities. The report also discusses in detail the mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, product launches, brand promotions, collaborations, corporate deals, and licensing agreements, and more. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the competitive landscape and regional spread.
The regional analysis offers a complete overview of the regional spread of the market along with production and consumption patterns, import/export, supply and demand dynamics, revenue contribution, trends and demands, and presence of prominent players in each region.
Regional Analysis Covers:
·         North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
·         Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU)
·         Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
·         Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
·         Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/environment-health-and-safety-ehs-market
Key Questions Answered by the Report:
·         What are the key market trends influencing the growth of the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market?
·         Who are the prominent players of the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market?
·         What is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market?
·         What are the key growth driving and restraining of the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market?
·         What are the strengths and weaknesses of the prominent players of the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market?
·         What are the key outcomes of the SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis?
Thank you for reading our report. To know more about the report and its customization, kindly get in touch with us. Our team will ensure the report is tailored according to your needs and requirements.
About Us: We are a boutique market intelligence and strategic consulting firm dedicated to make an meaningful impact on businesses across the globe. Our stellar estimation and forecasting models have earned recognition across majority of the business forum across the globe. Our services are arrayed over diverse sectors and industries looking to expand in alternative regions and products.
Contact Us:
John W
Head of Business Development
Reports And Data | Web: www.reportsanddata.com
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droneseco · 4 years
Minisform U850 Mini-PC Review: a NUC Killer With Outstanding Value and Flexibility
Minisforum U850
9.00 / 10
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There's no better-priced NUC, or NUC-like computer, out there. If you love small form factor computers, or just need to economize on desk space, the U850 is worth checking out. But for those who want a more performant computer, you can get a much better deal by buying a full-sized desktop.
Key Features
Quadcore CPU
USB-C power
Dual 2.5-inch drive bay
NUC form factor
Mobile processor
Integrated graphics
Brand: Minisforum
Graphics: Intel UHD 630
CPU: Intel Core i5-10210U
Storage: 256GB SSD
Ports: HDMI, DV, 3.5mm, 4x USB 3e.1, 2x USB-C 3.1
Tool-free upgradeability
Lower power footprint
Great value
25-watt TDP
Fast for mobile CPU
No online driver support
Hot HDD bay
Not for gaming
CPU not upgradeable
// Bottom var galleryThumbs1 = new Swiper('.gallery-thumbs-1', { spaceBetween: 10, slidesPerView: 10, freeMode: true, watchSlidesVisibility: true, watchSlidesProgress: true, centerInsufficientSlides: true, allowTouchMove: false, preventClicks: false, breakpoints: { 1024: { slidesPerView: 6, } }, }); // Top var galleryTop1 = new Swiper('.gallery-top-1', { spaceBetween: 10, allowTouchMove: false, loop: true, preventClicks: false, breakpoints: { 1024: { allowTouchMove: true, } }, navigation: { nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev', }, thumbs: { swiper: galleryThumbs1 } });
Small-form factor PCs tend to lack features, underperform, and cost a fortune. The Minisforum U850 NUC-sized mini-PC breaks all three rules, delivering a NUC-killing mini-PC for $599. The U850 suffers from a couple of Achilles Heels but its virtues make up for it.
What Is Minisforum?
Minisforum designs a range of small-form-factor computers. Their products get as small as stick-PCs and scale up to NUC-sized computers. They use processors from both AMD and Intel. Most of their computers include the option to upgrade individual components. For example, the U850's RAM can scale up to 64GB and its SSD can go up to 500GB.
Hardware Analysis
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To the extent of my knowledge of small, NUC-sized computers, no similarly-sized mini-PC offers the same level of features as the U850. For example, it's common among mini-PCs to cripple integrated graphics with a single SO-DIMM RAM slot. And, at best, you might find a single 2.5-drive bay. Worst of all, the processors usually use a 15-watt wattage limitation and perform like laptops.
The hardware on the Minisforum U850 beats down its NUC-class competition. The U850 may use laptop-class components, but the processor has been configured to run at 25 watts, instead of the lower 15 watts. As far as low-wattage, quadcore, eight-thread processors go, it's performant, snappy, and can handle pretty much any home computing scenario thrown at it.
Specifications and Hardware for Base Model U850
CPU: Intel Comet Lake 14nm 10210U cTDP: 25-watts
GPU: Intel UHD 630
Storage: 256GB Kingston Design-In NVMe SSD
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
Dimensions: 127 x 127 x 53.1mm
Wattage consumption: 35-watts maximum; 0.5-watts idle; 13.5-watts average
Power adapter: 65-watt USB-C power adapter
Cost: $599
Video: DisplayPort and HDMI 2.0
Ports: 4x USB-A 3.1, 1GB LAN, 2.5GB LAN, USB-C 3.1, 3.5mm
Security: Kensington lock port
Wireless: Bluetooth 5.1, Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Other: VESA mounting bracket, 100 x 100mm
Weight: 500 grams
Who Is the Minisforum U850 Mini-PC for?
The Minisforum U850 is for Small Form Factor (SFF) enthusiasts who feel dissatisfied with the lack of flexibility in NUC-sized computers. Anyone interested in an Intel NUC needs to take a close look at the U850 because chances are, the U850 will meet your needs for less money.
I don't see any reason to spend more money on a NUC when the U850 is better in every way I could conceive of, except one: the U850 cannot refresh a 4K panel on its HDMI port at 60Hz.
RAID1 and Dual LAN in a Mini-PC
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If you want to squeeze the most utility out of the U850's hardware, the two features that jump out are the dual LAN and the dual SATA ports. The dual LAN ports allow it to bridge two network connections, function as a repeater while hooked up to a NAS, and a lot more (the vast majority of PC users will never touch a dual LAN port, by the way).
The dual SATA slots let you use a feature known as Redundant Array of Independent Disks. There are several types of RAID configurations; RAID1 allows for any single drive to fail, without it destroying any data.
Related: What is RAID, and can I use it on my PC?
The U850's ideal usage scenario is probably in an enterprise role, where it would allow two different networks access to a RAID1 network drive. However, it has a lot of other uses aside from enterprise and someone with greater IT experience than I could probably write a book on it.
It's NUC-Sized and VESA Mountable
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The U850 is for folks who want a tiny computer. The 127 x 127 x 53.1mm dimensions make it's less than half the size of an ITX PC. As an added bonus, Minisforum includes a VESA-mounting bracket, which lets you screw it onto the back on a television or monitor. Overall, the U850 is designed for keeping your desk clear of a bulky computer and wires.
Good, But Loud Cooling
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But with an extra 10-watts of power to dissipate, something had to give. Fortunately, Minisforum chose to beef up the cooling, as well. The fan inside of the U850 is significantly larger than cooling solutions you'd find in a laptop, although still tiny compared to large-sized ATX coolers used in tower PCs.
To test cooling, I disabled all power-saving features using the excellent Throttlestop software. Then I hit the processor with a variety of CPU loads. I'm happy to say that stress testing didn't lead to any CPU overheats. However, even with BD PROCHOT disabled, I could not stop the processor from throttling down to 2GHz.
On the downside, under full load, the cooler can hit 48 decibels, which is moderately loud.
Easy Disassembly
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The U850's chassis is designed for disassembly. It's the easiest computer that I've ever torn down. Accessing the inner components just requires pressing down on the lower-left and right sides of the plastic top cover. Removing the top exposes all of the modular components, with the exception of the CPU, which isn't modular.
All of the parts use standard mounting mechanisms and can be swapped out or replaced as easily as with any ATX-sized component. However, Minisforum chose to hot glue the SMA connectors on the Wi-Fi card, which required a little effort to remove.
Energy Efficiency
An advantage of using laptop components is that you get laptop-like efficiency. The overall power footprint of the U850 (with a RAID1 setup) comes in at 35-watts at maximum loads, 13.5-watts at average loads, and 0.5-watts while in suspension.
Benchmarks and Performance
Synthetic benchmarks aren't very accurate and exist for making loose comparisons between processors. More or less, the Comet Lake Core i5-10210U inside offers a significant performance improvement over Intel's older Kaby Lake-R chips, but it's not quite on par with the latest AMD Ryzen mobile processors, even it's still competitive with them.
On the other hand, the Intel UHD 630 is by no means a solid integrated GPU. At best it can play older games at 1080p, with playable frame rates. As mentioned earlier, the U850's design focuses on low-power consumption and not performance. Definitely not gaming performance.
Kingston Design-In SSD: Benchmark and Performance
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The 256GB Kingston Design-In SSD (model #OM8PDP3256B-A01) inside of the U850 includes NVMe 1.3, an SLC cache, 3D TLC NAND, and a Phison controller (model# PHA-PS5013-E13-31). In other words, it's a budget-class, DRAM-less drive. While not as performant as Samsung's high-end segment, it's a solid drive.
Kingston's Design-In product line tailors to manufacturers, not customers. As a result, they don't hand out very many firmware updates. So if any bugs show up down the line, it's up to Minisforum to push out the firmware update, not Kingston.
Kingston does provide a three-year warranty on its drives, which is unusual for OEM-supplied components. Unfortunately, like most SSD warranties, the warranty expires if you write too much data to the drive or three years elapse, whichever comes first.
I wish that Minisforum would sell a barebones version of their U850, which would allow you to throw in a DRAM-equipped SSD. But even with a lower-tier drive, the U850 still offers better value compared to NUCs.
Performance CPU and GPU
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I used PassMark's bench-test software to test the Intel Core i5-10210U processor. PassMark isn't the most accurate of tests, but it does a good job of determining the relative performance of a processor.
PassMark gave the CPU a score of 7005.6 putting it roughly 20% ahead of the Kaby Lake-R mobile processor inside of my laptop. Despite Intel using the same basic 14nm technology node, the Core i5-10210U is still competitive with other mobile processors, possibly because the U850 increases its TDP to 25-watts.
Again, PassMark's scoring system doesn't mean that the U850 offers 20% greater speed. It's just 20% faster on a synthetic benchmark. The Jetstream 2 benchmark shows a similar performance difference.
Minisform U850 RAID1 With 2x 2.5-Inch HDDs
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I can confirm that RAID1 works and performs as it should with two 2.5-inch hard disc drives (HDD) attached. The U850 doesn't include any special RAID levels. You must choose between using the drives as just a bunch of disks (JBOD) or as a mirrored array, in which you get half the storage capacity in exchange for redundancy.
The bottom drive usually hovered around 33-34C with the top drive hitting 32-33C. Running a sustained transfer, the real-world file-transfer speeds for writes hit 85MB/s and reads at 50MB/s. The drives reached 53 and 55C respectively after 30 minutes and both were at 60C after 1 hour of sustained transfer, which is far outside of a platter-based HDD's operating temperatures.
Most HDDs have a maximum operating temperature of 50C. Given that operating a computer component well over its design threshold is a disaster waiting to happen, I'd recommend using SSDs instead of HDDs, which can safely run at up to 70C.
RAID1 Benchmark
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The synthetic benchmark speeds are approximately equal to the maximum speeds offered by 5400RPM HDD drives. In other words, there doesn't appear to be any significant bottleneck in the U850 for managing two SATA drives in a RAID1 array.
CPU Temperatures
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SFF computers pack a lot of hardware into as tiny a space as possible. Unfortunately, that oftentimes means higher temperatures for internal components. Higher component temperatures can spell an early doom for the most sensitive components of a computer by prematurely aging silicon.
The U850, however, throttles its CPU frequency at around 85C. You shouldn't experience any issues with CPU temperature, even with heavy workloads.
Drive Temperatures Under CPU Load
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The U850 does not use direct cooling on its drive bay. That means sustained writes to the drives will result in overheating. However, a question you might have is whether or not a high-CPU load will overheat the 2.5-inch drives. In short, heavy CPU loads won't overheat the 2.5-inch drives.
I ran the HDD drives up to 50C and 47C respectively and then blasted the processor with a sustained Prime95 torture test, which generates a lot of heat. As you can see from the graph above, as the CPU fan increased in speed, the 2.5-inch drives decreased in temperature. While the air circulation from the heat-sink fan assembly does not touch the drive bay, it does somehow manage to reduce the temperatures.
Drive temperatures did slowly creep up over time, but they eventually leveled off well below their maximum operating temperature.
Linux Compatibility
While its mainboard is compatible with Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS and 20.04 LTS, the U850's Intel AX200 Wi-Fi 6 network card won't work out-the-box with either version.
However, even though the BIOS/UEFI settings aren't accessible, Intel's VT-d setting is turned on by default (although not accessible) so running Linux virtual machines isn't a problem.
The Minisforum U850 Problems
The U850 isn't perfect.
HDD Drives May Overheat
As mentioned earlier, long file transfers cause the 2.5-inch drives to overheat, hitting 60C after an hour of sustained transfer; this means you either need two SSDs in a RAID1 configuration or you should avoid using HDD drives for sustained transfers.
Windows 10 Recovery Partition Does Work
A big potential issue is that the recovery partition doesn't work. I'm not sure whether this is a problem with the unit I tested or whether something went wrong at the manufacturing facility. But if you need to boot from the recovery partition, it might not work. However, you can always create your own bootable Windows 10 recovery drive.
Intel AX200 Wireless Adapter Doesn't Automatically Work With Linux
The Intel AX200 Wi-Fi adapter is not, out-of-the-box compatible with Linux (of any kind that I could find) and requires a lot of additional work to get functional.
Custom Drivers Not Available Online
Because of the dysfunctional recovery partition, if you ever reset the computer, you'll need to acquire the drives somehow. And, unfortunately, the firmware and drivers were not made available online at the time of review.
You can email Minisforum's customer support, though. They respond to inquiries, usually, within 24-hours. But they have yet to respond to my last request for support.
Can't Change BIOS/UEFI Settings
The BIOS settings available are limited to setting an administrator password or changing the boot medium. It's not possible to change very many settings, including configurable TDP.
No 60Hz at 4K Resolutions on HDMI Port
The U850's Intel UHD 630 does not do 4K at 60Hz over HDMI. It can do 4K over DisplayPort at 60Hz, however.
No Thunderbolt 3
The USB Type-C (USB-C) port doesn't offer Thunderbolt 3 compatibility, which limits its transfer speed to 2.5GB/second. Thunderbolt 3 would have doubled the transfer speeds.
Should You Buy the Minisforum U850 Mini-PC?
The Minisforum U850 offers a similar size as a NUC but with a much wider range of uses and much higher value. While it's expensive, particularly compared to a laptop or desktop computer, it's also versatile and packed to the heat vents with features.
To my knowledge, there's no better-priced NUC, or NUC-like computer, out there. If you love small form factor computers, or just need to economize on desk space, the U850 is worth checking out. But for those who want a more performant computer, you can get a much better deal by buying a full-sized desktop.
Minisform U850 Mini-PC Review: a NUC Killer With Outstanding Value and Flexibility published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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