#3E-Risk Management
waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐨𝐜𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐬𝐭 (𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧)
Author’s notes:
I went in with low expectations, so the pictures came out better than expected. Daisuke looks cool in his own special way, even though his hair isn't very accurate. SD picrew 
Daisuke ♡
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Other names:
Seahorse (Floyd)
Monsieur Independent (Rook)
Jade (Slyvan)
Tower (Xenon)
Homeland: Sunset savannah
Dorm: Octavinelle
Unnamed father
Unnamed mother
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Eye colour: Light blue
Hair colour: Jet black
Race: Beastman (Black fox)
Uniform: Most of his uniform is in place, his tie being the only exception (he finds it too stuffy). The top two buttons of his shirt are unbuttoned, and he wears black gloves for whatever reason.
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School information
School year: Third
Class: 3E (Student no. 8)
Best subject: Alchemy
Club: Science Club
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Fun Facts
Dominant hand: Right
Likes: Playing pool ball, flirting, getting his salary
Dislikes: People who try to trick him, having to rely on people, being nagged for his attire
Favorite Food: Shrimp dumpling
Least Favorite Food: Fried rice
Hobby: Gambling
Talents: Converting materials into gold
Unique Magic: Knowledge is power - He can gain information of a target by touching them and activating his UM. The longer he touches his target, the more information he gains. He can choose what information he would like to gain, but will face trouble when it comes to certain details that the target is guarded about.
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He was giving me beastman vibes and who am I to ignore? I think being a fox suits him really well. Sly and cunning.
He has many acquaintances, but only a few friends. He's considered more on the friendly side for an Octavinelle student for even admitting he has friends. Funny how that works.
Yes, Slyvan's nickname confused him at first (considering his vice dorm leader is literally named Jade). But the goat boy explained the nickname to him and he came to like the ring of it.
He isn't always in the mood for makeup, but manages to come to class everyday wearing perfect eyeshadow because his friend helps him with it.
He joined the science club to do more alchemy experiments.
He works as a waiter for the Mostro Lounge. He gets tips often.
Suzume ♡
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Other names:
Humpback whale (Floyd)
Mademoiselle Jewel (Rook)
Chrysocolla (Slyvan)
Lover (Xenon)
Homeland: Coral sea
Dorm: Pomefiore
Unnamed father
Unnamed mother
Unnamed older sister
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Eye colour: Baby blue
Hair colour: Garnet red
Race: Humpback whale mermaid
Uniform: She dresses prim and proper as any Pomefiore student should, with everything ironed neatly and worn in place. Her skirt reaches slightly above her knees, paired with knee-length black socks and loafers. Her bangs fall into her eyes sometimes, so she pins it up with a purple flower hairclip. It compliments her purple eyeshadow and (occasional) pale pink lip gloss too.
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School information
School year: Third
Class: 3B (Student no. 29)
Best subject: Magical potions
Club: Science Club
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Fun Facts
Dominant hand: Right
Likes: Strawberry milk, anime and manga, making jewelry (with plastic charms)
Dislikes: Feeling outcast, mirrors, socialising
Favorite Food: Salmon roll
Least Favorite Food: Edamame
Hobby: Reading
Talents: Humming
Unique Magic: Ideal self - She can alter her target's perception and impression of her. Basically, her appearance in their mind and their feelings towards her. The effect is only temporary though, unless she keeps her UM running constantly (risking overblot).
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I couldn't decide on her race at first because I could imagine her being a fae, mermaid, and human. So I let a randomizer decide for me. Why did I decide to make her a humpback whale mermaid? I just thought it suited her. Big but gentle, with a soothing song.
She doesn't like mirrors because her reflection unnerves her.
She joined the science club because she heard that they do a little bit of everything there.
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jcmarchi · 7 days
Akhilesh Tripathi, CEO of Digitate – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/akhilesh-tripathi-ceo-of-digitate-interview-series/
Akhilesh Tripathi, CEO of Digitate – Interview Series
Digitate CEO Akhilesh Tripathi joined the company in 2015 to launch its flagship product, ignio™. Under his leadership, ignio became one of the fastest-growing enterprise applications, with a global customer base spanning many industries and Fortune 500 companies. Previously, Akhilesh  served as the head of Canada for TCS (Tata Consultancy Service), where he grew the entity from a small, relatively unknown firm to a perennial top 10 service provider. His 25-year career with TCS has also included serving as Head of Enterprise Solutions and Technology Practices for TCS in North America.
Digitate uses machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to manage IT and business operations. Its product, ignio™, is a cognitive automation solution designed to help IT teams identify and address outages quickly. Ignio includes pre-built knowledge aimed at enabling faster adoption of AI compared to other solutions. It connects various business applications, processes, and infrastructure to support decision-making and perform actions autonomously.
What was your vision for Digitate when you first joined in 2015, and how has that vision evolved over time?
When I first joined Digitate in 2015, my vision was to push forward a new way of thinking that shifts enterprises from a people-first model to a technology-first approach. By leveraging AI and automation, we would allow machines to become the initial handlers of tasks while humans became the handles of exceptions.  Over time, this vision has evolved to encompass a broader goal: helping enterprises achieve what we call the “autonomous enterprise” journey. This involves leveraging unified observability, AI-driven insights, and closed-loop automation to ensure that our customers can manage their increasingly complex IT environments with minimal human intervention. Today, Digitate is all about empowering enterprises to not just react to problems but to proactively prevent them, ensuring operational resilience and continuous value creation.
How do you foresee the future of AI-driven enterprise solutions, particularly in the context of automation and autonomous operations?
The future of AI-driven enterprise solutions is incredibly promising. We’re on the brink of a transformative shift where AI doesn’t just assist with tasks but fundamentally changes how enterprises operate at a core level. We’re already seeing AI-driven solutions becoming even more integrated into every facet of business operations. The goal is for enterprises to use AI and automation not just for automating routine tasks, but for making real-time decisions, optimizing operations across diverse environments, and predicting and preventing issues before they arise.
This shift towards autonomy is particularly exciting. As AI continues to evolve, we’ll see more systems that can self-manage, self-heal, and even self-optimize without the need for constant human intervention. This is already at play in our closed-loop model, allowing teams to focus on more strategic tasks rather than being bogged down.
What are the key challenges you’ve faced in scaling Digitate globally, and how did you overcome them?
Digitate is pioneering a new category, and as we scale globally, it’s important to build interest in our vision of the autonomous enterprise and communicate the value we offer. Many people still think that data silos and automation are the status quo, but we believe they don’t have to be. To tackle this, I’ve instructed my team to focus on what I call the 3Es: excite, educate, and execute.
Education is crucial because we need businesses to be open to taking risks, and this often requires a leadership mindset that embraces new technology and innovative perspectives. After we have educated and inspired our audience, we must follow through during the implementation phase. It is essential that we keep our promises – our goal is to deliver on what we commit to.
What inspired the development of Digitate’s flagship product, ignio™, and what sets it apart in the market?
ignio™ was developed with a vision to revolutionize how businesses approach IT operations by embedding intelligence and automation at its core. The inspiration came from our deep understanding of the pain points that IT teams face daily: lengthy resolution times, fragmented visibility across systems, and the sheer volume of alerts that overwhelm human operators. We wanted to create a solution that could not only detect and resolve issues faster but also predict and prevent them from occurring in the first place. This led to the concept of an autonomous enterprise, where ignio™ acts as the digital brain, continuously learning from the environment, correlating data, and taking automated actions to ensure smooth, uninterrupted operations.
What sets ignio™ apart in the market is its ability to combine unified observability, AI-driven insights, and closed-loop automation into a single platform. Unlike other solutions that focus on individual aspects of IT management, ignio™ offers an integrated approach that addresses the entire lifecycle of IT operations.
Can you share how Digitate is leveraging AI to enhance predictive analytics and proactive problem management in IT operations?
As the buzz around GenAI continues to captivate the tech industry, it’s easy for enterprises to get swept up in the excitement and rush into implementation. However, in this enthusiasm, there is a real risk of overlooking foundational principles and best practices, which can lead to significant challenges down the road.
To navigate this, we emphasize the importance of data readiness and governance. We know that AI, no matter how sophisticated, is only as good as the data it operates on. Our ignio™ platform, for example, leverages AI to enhance predictive analytics and proactive problem management in IT operations. However, these capabilities are only fully realized when they are supported by high-quality data and robust methodologies. This strategic focus allows us to harness the power of AI effectively, driving true digital transformation while minimizing risks associated with the hype cycle.
How does Digitate ensure that ignio™ stays ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving tech landscape?
At Digitate, we ensure that ignio™ remains at the forefront of the rapidly evolving tech landscape by continuously innovating and refining our platform to meet the dynamic needs of modern enterprises. We do this by leveraging a combination of advanced AI, machine learning, and a closed-loop automation approach to keep our systems ahead of the curve.
Our ignio™ AIOps platform is designed to tackle a wide range of problems enterprises face in IT and business operations across industries. “We use AI and automation to predict and solve issues before they impact key business KPIs, such as revenue assurance and customer satisfaction. Our proactive approach transforms IT from reactive to predictive, creating an environment where AI and ML systems solve errors automatically in real time, eliminating the need for tickets. With GenAI, we accelerate innovation and reduce manual effort in finding and solving issues, leading to faster time to value.”
In your opinion, what role will AI and automation play in shaping the future of digital operations across industries?
As we look towards the future of AI, we’re entering an era where human-AI collaboration is set to become more seamless and intuitive. The advancements in AI capabilities are leading us towards a new paradigm of augmented intelligence, where AI doesn’t just automate tasks but works alongside humans, enhancing our abilities through continuous learning and real-time insights. We’re particularly focused on how AI can mimic and adapt to human behaviors, making interactions more natural and conversational. This shift is crucial as it allows AI to fit more organically into daily workflows, whether it is through decision-making processes, predictive analytics, or even customer interactions.
However, with these advancements come significant challenges. For one, the opacity of AI systems, often referred to as “black boxes,” makes debugging and maintenance more complex than traditional software. This requires us to develop new skills and processes to ensure that AI systems are reliable and trustworthy. Change management is another critical area. As AI becomes more embedded in our operations, there is a natural resistance that can emerge, both from individuals accustomed to traditional workflows and from regulatory bodies concerned about the implications on employment and job roles. Addressing these concerns requires a thoughtful approach that balances innovation with empathy and strategic foresight. Cybersecurity and privacy risks are also escalating as AI systems become more pervasive. The more we rely on AI, the more attractive these systems become to malicious actors, including potential state-sponsored threats.
Despite these challenges, the potential for growth and innovation in AI-driven collaboration is immense. The market is ripe with opportunities, and businesses that invest in integrating AI with a focus on transparency, augmented intelligence, and seamless human interaction will be well-positioned to lead in this evolving landscape. At Digitate, we’re excited about the role our technology will play in shaping this future, driving both operational efficiency and transformative business outcomes.
How is Digitate addressing the growing demand for AI-driven solutions in sectors like retail, manufacturing, and financial services?
Digitate is addressing the growing demand for AI-driven solutions by developing industry-specific offerings that meet the unique needs of sectors like retail, manufacturing, and financial services. In retail, for example, ignio™ helps optimize supply chain operations and enhance customer experiences by predicting and preventing disruptions. In manufacturing, we enable smarter production processes through predictive maintenance and automated quality control. In financial services, our AI-driven insights support fraud detection, compliance, and risk management. By tailoring our solutions to the specific challenges of each industry, we help our customers drive innovation and maintain a competitive edge.
What are the most significant industry trends you’re seeing right now, and how is Digitate adapting to them?
One of the most significant trends we’re observing in the AI industry is the rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs), particularly their evolving specialization and multimodal capabilities. These models are not just becoming more powerful in a general sense. They’re also increasingly tailored to specific industries and tasks, which opens up new possibilities for AI-driven solutions across various domains.
We’re closely following these developments, particularly the trend towards domain and industry specialization in LLMs. As companies look to maintain their competitive edge, they’re investing in LLMs that can understand and operate within the specific contexts of their industries. This means that LLMs are being customized to handle industry-specific jargon, concepts, and challenges with a level of precision that was previously unattainable. We see this as a crucial area for us to integrate into our own offerings, especially as we aim to provide more targeted, actionable insights for our clients across different sectors.
Commonsense reasoning and factual grounding are also critical areas where LLMs are making strides. As these models become better at understanding real-world contexts and maintaining factual accuracy, the reliability and usefulness of AI in enterprise settings will grow exponentially.
With over 20 years in the IT industry, what key leadership lessons have you learned, particularly in leading innovative tech companies?
In my 20 years in the IT industry, I’ve learned that having a clear purpose and a sense of curiosity is crucial for leading innovative tech companies. A strong purpose drives passion, creating an ongoing cycle of innovation. When innovation is fueled by a compelling purpose, it has greater staying power, enabling companies to overcome challenges and stay competitive in the long run. It’s important to note that each person’s purpose may differ, and as a leader, it’s vital to align an individual’s purpose with the overall organizational goals to maximize their potential.
Curiosity is equally important. The drive to learn, explore new ideas, and create something new is what pushes a company forward. The real magic happens when purpose and curiosity come together. This is where innovation and creativity thrive, allowing us to make breakthroughs and lead in the industry.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Digitate. 
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omcmedicalblog · 8 months
Regulation (EU) 2017/746 (IVDR): MDR IVDR Amendment Jan. 2023 
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Recent amendments to Regulation (EU) 2017/745, also known as the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR), have introduced significant changes to the timelines and conditions for placing certain medical devices on the market or putting them into service. This comprehensive analysis explores the key points of these amendments, focusing on the intricate timeline considerations. 
Paragraph 3 Amendments
Paragraph 3 has undergone crucial revisions, introducing new provisions (3a to 3g) that outline conditions and timelines for the placement of medical devices on the market or into service.
Let’s delve into the details of these Regulation (EU) 2017/746 amendments: 
3a. Derogation and Conditions
By derogation from Article 5, devices falling under paragraphs 3b and 3c may be placed on the market or put into service, subject to the fulfilment of conditions specified in paragraph 3d. 
3b. Placing Devices with Certificates
Devices with certificates issued under Directive 90/385/EEC or Directive 93/42/EEC, valid by virtue of paragraph 2, can be placed on the market until specific dates: 
– Until 31 December 2027 for class III devices and class IIb implantable devices (excluding specific items). 
– Until 31 December 2028 for class IIb devices (excluding those covered by the previous point), class IIa devices, and class I devices in sterile condition or with a measuring function. 
3c. Conformity Assessment Procedure
Devices with conformity assessment procedures under Directive 93/42/EEC, not involving a notified body, may be placed on the market or put into service until 31 December 2028, provided certain conditions are met. 
3d. Conditions for Placement
Devices can be placed on the market until the specified dates (3b and 3c) if the following conditions are met by 26 May 2024: 
– Continued compliance with relevant directives. 
– No significant changes in design and intended purpose. 
– No unacceptable risk to health or safety. 
– Implementation of a quality management system by the manufacturer. 
– Lodgement of a formal application for conformity assessment by 26 May 2024 and a written agreement signed with a notified body by 26 September 2024. 
3e. Application of MDR Requirements
In derogation from paragraph 3a, devices in paragraphs 3b and 3c are subject to MDR requirements for post-market surveillance, market surveillance, vigilance, and registration of economic operators and devices. 
3f. Responsibilities of Notified Bodies
The notified body issuing the certificate in paragraph 3b remains responsible for surveillance unless agreed otherwise. A transition of surveillance responsibilities is outlined in agreements between manufacturers and notified bodies. 
3g. Derogation for Class III Custom-made Implantable Devices
Class III custom-made implantable devices can be placed on the market until 26 May 2026 without a certificate, provided a formal application is lodged by 26 May 2024, and a written agreement with a notified body is signed by 26 September 2024. 
Paragraph 4 Replacement
Paragraph 4 stipulates that device lawfully placed on the market before 26 May 2021, and those placed afterward under paragraphs 3a, 3b, 3c, and 3g, may continue to be made available or put into service. 
Article 122 Amendments
Article 122 outlines amendments related to the repeal of Directives 90/385/EEC and 93/42/EEC, effective from 26 May 2021. Noteworthy points include the continuation of Directives’ application for devices in specific paragraphs of Article 120(3a) to (3f) and (4).
Article 123 Amendments
In Article 123(3), point (d), the amendment includes a reference to Article 120(3e), further emphasizing the continued application of certain requirements from the repealed Directives. 
Regulation (EU) 2017/746 Amendments
The amendments to Regulation (EU) 2017/746, also known as the In Vitro Diagnostic Devices Regulation (IVDR), focus on Articles 110 and 112. 
Article 110 Amendment
Devices lawfully placed on the market under Directive 98/79/EC before 26 May 2022, and those placed afterward under paragraph 3 of this Article, may continue to be made available or put into service. 
Article 112 Amendment
For devices referred to in Article 110(3) and (4) of the IVDR, Directive 98/79/EC shall continue to apply to the extent necessary for the application of those paragraphs. 
The recent amendments to MDR and IVDR introduce a complex framework of conditions and timelines for the placement of medical devices on the market. Stakeholders, including manufacturers and notified bodies, must carefully navigate these provisions to ensure compliance and a smooth transition to the new regulatory landscape. 
Originally Published at: https://omcmedical.com/regulation-eu-mdr-ivdr-amendment/
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nklkhangnguyen88 · 1 year
Coskewness: What It Means, How It Works
What Is Coskewness?
Coskewness is a statistical concept that describes the degree to which three random variables or data sets move together when they deviate from their respective means. It's an extension of skewness, which measures the asymmetry of a single variable's distribution.
In simpler terms, coskewness quantifies the asymmetry in the joint distribution of three variables. It provides information about how these variables tend to move in relation to each other when they are not at their typical or average values.
Mathematically, the coskewness of three variables X, Y, and Z is defined as:
Coskew(X,Y,Z)=E[(X−E[X])(Y−E[Y])(Z−E[Z])]σ(X)⋅σ(Y)⋅σ(Z))3\text{Coskew}(X, Y, Z) = \frac{E[(X - E[X])(Y - E[Y])(Z - E[Z])]}{\sigma(X) \cdot \sigma(Y) \cdot \sigma(Z))^3}Coskew(X,Y,Z)=σ(X)⋅σ(Y)⋅σ(Z))3E[(X−E[X])(Y−E[Y])(Z−E[Z])]​
E[X],E[Y],E[Z]E[X], E[Y], E[Z]E[X],E[Y],E[Z] are the expected values (means) of X, Y, and Z.
σ(X),σ(Y),σ(Z)\sigma(X), \sigma(Y), \sigma(Z)σ(X),σ(Y),σ(Z) are the standard deviations of X, Y, and Z.
A positive coskewness indicates that when X, Y, and Z deviate from their means, they tend to do so together in a positively skewed manner. Conversely, a negative coskewness indicates a tendency to deviate together in a negatively skewed manner.
Coskewness has applications in various fields, including finance and risk assessment. For example, in finance, it can be used to assess the risk associated with a portfolio of assets. A positive coskewness suggests that assets are more likely to experience positive returns together but might also experience larger losses together.
Overall, coskewness provides insights into how three variables are related in terms of their deviations from their respective means, which can be valuable for understanding joint behavior in different analytical contexts.
Understanding Coskewness
Coskewness is a statistical concept that helps us understand how three random variables or data sets move together when they deviate from their respective means. It's an extension of skewness, which measures the asymmetry of a single variable's distribution.
Here's a detailed explanation of coskewness:
Skewness Recap: Before diving into coskewness, let's quickly review skewness. Skewness measures the asymmetry of a single variable's distribution. A positively skewed distribution has a long right tail, indicating more data points on the left side and fewer on the right. A negatively skewed distribution is the opposite.
Extending to Coskewness: Coskewness extends this concept to the relationship between three variables. If you have three random variables, X, Y, and Z, coskewness measures how they deviate together from their respective means.
Mathematical Definition: The coskewness of X, Y, and Z is calculated using higher-order moments. It's defined as the expected value of the product of the deviations of X, Y, and Z from their respective means, divided by the product of their standard deviations cubed:Coskew(X,Y,Z)=E[(X−E[X])(Y−E[Y])(Z−E[Z])]σ(X)⋅σ(Y)⋅σ(Z))3\text{Coskew}(X, Y, Z) = \frac{E[(X - E[X])(Y - E[Y])(Z - E[Z])]}{\sigma(X) \cdot \sigma(Y) \cdot \sigma(Z))^3}Coskew(X,Y,Z)=σ(X)⋅σ(Y)⋅σ(Z))3E[(X−E[X])(Y−E[Y])(Z−E[Z])]​Where:
E[X],E[Y],E[Z]E[X], E[Y], E[Z]E[X],E[Y],E[Z] are the expected values (means) of X, Y, and Z.
σ(X),σ(Y),σ(Z)\sigma(X), \sigma(Y), \sigma(Z)σ(X),σ(Y),σ(Z) are the standard deviations of X, Y, and Z.
Interpretation: A positive coskewness indicates that when X, Y, and Z deviate from their means, they tend to do so together in a positively skewed manner. Conversely, a negative coskewness indicates a tendency to deviate together in a negatively skewed manner.
Practical Applications:
Finance: Coskewness is used in finance to assess the risk associated with a portfolio of assets. Positive coskewness suggests that assets are more likely to experience positive returns together, but might also experience larger losses together.
Risk Management: It's used in risk management models, especially those dealing with extreme events or tail risks. It helps in understanding how different assets or variables behave together under stress conditions.
Coskewness assumes a specific form for the joint distribution, and deviations from this assumption can lead to inaccurate results.
It's important to use coskewness in conjunction with other statistical measures for a comprehensive analysis.
In summary, coskewness provides insights into how three variables are related in terms of their deviations from their respective means. It's particularly relevant in finance and risk assessment for understanding the joint behavior of different assets or variables.
Read more: https://computertricks.net/coskewness-what-it-means-how-it-works/
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quercusfloreal · 3 years
Le 3e Gédéon
I was hesitating to talk about it but here we go. May I introduce you to the manga "Le 3e Gédéon".
Warning long post
What it's about ?
Manga in 8 volumes, it tells the story of Gédéon Aymé who dreams of becoming a deputy to the Estates General to save the people from misery. George, the Duke of Loire and his former comrade, also seeks to change the system, but instead use violence to achieve his goal. This is going to be a story where the two characters will fight each other, one wanting peace and peaceful change, the other a radical and violent change.
What did I think of it ?
I found the story good. It manages to mix fiction and French revolution. It's full of inconsistencies but somehow it works. However I wouldn’t advise this manga to everyone. There is psychological and physical torture, gore and nudity. The images can sometimes be very crude.
What about historians characters ?
Well, we have the most badass portrayal of Louis I've ever seen in my life, he’s able to detect the slightest lie. Marie Antoinette may seem shallow, but she knows perfectly well how to play her charms to turn the tables in her favor. Their couple is interesting because each of them can't really love the other completely. Madame Roland is an ambitious woman who we learn had a daughter with Gédéon. Saint-Just is the slightly confused teenager who will eventually grow up and assert himself. Charles Philippe, the sociopathic Count of Artois, wants his brother's place and Elisabeth, the king's sister, wants Marie-Antoinette's place.
But what about Robespierre ?
I said in an old conversation that Maxime had daddy issues. Let me explain. One of the main themes of this manga is family and father figures. We learn that Gideon's father is the duke and he has exchanged his son's place with George so that Gédéon can be closer to the people. George has a real grudge against the duke because when Gédéon will be older, he should have become a servant again. But by trapping Gideon he kept his place.
Maxime has a real grudge against his father and George will use this information to manipulate him.
The first time we hear about Robespierre is in the first chapter. George is looking for easily manipulated men who can help him destroy the old system. Saint-Just, recruited by George, tells him that Max would be a potential candidate. Maxime is invited to George's house and has to save a former peasant, now a bandit, from the death penalty because he attacked George. Of course Maxime succeeds but it was a test. Of course, George can’t deny Maxime's skills but I believe it’s hearing the conversation between Maxime and Gédéon about Gédéon’s daughter that made him decide :
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Robespierre : Shouldn’t you start trying to be a good family man ? You should leave the Assembly to single people like me !
We see Robespierre again later in a rather amusing scene with Gédéon. Gédéon, drunk, says Saint-Just's erotic writings told the boy is a virgin and is amused. And who is the virgin in the same bar as Gédéon? Boom Maxime !
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Their following conversation will confirm that Louis XVI is the father of the kingdom.
Yeah, but when does George act ? Well, Gédéon sees Maxime again when the Estates General stagnate and there is a talk about creating a new assembly. Since Gideon is now part of the King's police force, Maxime asks him if he can meet the King discreetly to solve the problem. But without clearly knowing it, George is already starting to manipulate Maxime.
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Keep in mind the puppet representation. It will be important for the next step. Because it’s present when Maxime's words contradict a part of his thoughs and when this thoughs takes controls.
After Gédeon refuses to join Saint-Just, Maxime explains to him, if Gédéon continues to hang out with the royal family, there will be repercussions. And if Gédéon tries to find his lost daughter and make politics at the same time, he will lose both. Because for Maxime, children are burden to their parents. Maxime explains his childhood, his dead mother and his father who left. He is resentful of himself because he believes it was his behavior as a child that made his father disappear, that he was a burden to him. This is why he doesn’t want children.
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But underneath this justification, even if he pretends the opposite, he has hatred towards this father who abandoned him.
Gédéon : You have the right to hate your father.
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Robespierre : In this case, I have the right to kill him, right ?
On the day of the meeting with the king, on the way to the palace, Maxime admits to Gédéon that his father sends him letters. In this letters, his father talks about his new family. Of course he knows that this is probably a trap, but we feel that it’s a sensitive subject for him.
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Robespierre : Over my shoulder, I saw myself when I was ten years old.
Then comes one of my favorite scenes, a scene of tension between Louis XVI and Robespierre. Louis explains there are three locks on the table, if he thinks Maxime is lying, he will break one of them.
Robespierre : Since that time, I have always respected you as a father.
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Louis XVI : One...You were warned, lies don't work. Either you don't respect us, or you don't respect the concept of a father.
After two, Maxime admits being one of the instigators of the problems at the Estates General and to make it stop, Necker must be dismissed because he makes promises that the nobility will never accept. Louis accept to think about it.
And here comes the chapter where I most wanted seeing George to lose and die painfully because his plan is totally twisted. Maxime receives a letter from his father who tells him that Henriette might not have died if he had been there, implying that it is Maxime's fault that he left. Then Maxime sees in front of his house a woman abused by a man. He threatens to take him to court but the guy explains that Maxime has nothing to say about the correction of a husband to his wife, named is Henriette...Oh boy !
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The next day, Maxime proposes her to leave her husband, that he can help her by offering her a place in the convent of Arras. There, she would be safe. But she refuses because her husband will find her and she is unworthy of his help. Maxime feels unable to do anything. He remembers his dying sister. In the evening, another intermission, but this time Maxime decides to act. He intervenes until the girl confesses her father married her.
At this words, Maxime becomes mad and releases all the hatred he has accumulated towards his father. George's plan to make him forget any peaceful method succeeded
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Robespierre now lets his hate guide him. If Louis is the father of the kingdom and the father of his subjects, then he must pay too. He goes to see Necker, tells him to accept his resignation to become a martyr and harangues the assembly to join the people and take up arms. He explains the first attack will be at the Invalides, then the people need to take care of the Bastille afterwards, because it is a royal symbol.
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Camille : Maxime notice me !
Gédéon doesn’t agree with Robespierre, he thinks it’s necessary to think of a more peaceful method because it risks having deaths. He no longer recognizes his friend
Robespierre : I assure you Gédéon, I haven’t changed. Gentlemen ! Listen up ! We've been trying to find a resolution through dialogue for a long time! Alas, all our efforts have been in vain...a pure waste of time...and why !?
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Robespierre : You too, Gédéon, I bet you've seen abused children love their fathers so much that they fall apart. Gédéon: Yes...
We see him again only after the march of the women on Versailles. Gédéon tells him that George is the one who sent him the letters and played on his dislike for his father to kill the king. He wants to find the wise and peaceful Robespierre.
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Gédéon : And this other one love his father.
But Maxime does not believe him. His hatred is still too strong. When another lawyer asks Maxime to save a man, Maxime takes time to think, because the man looks like his father. It’s the words of Saint-Just that convince him to give up this man because he had previously seen the damage caused by the Duke of Loire on his sons George and Gédéon.
Robespierre : He’s a complete stranger, there is no doubt about it !! Saint-Just : Wouldn't it be better if he were really your father? If he were condemned to death, you would be delivered from him.
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Saint-Just : Destroying everything to build a new order, that's what I think revolution is !
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Finally, Maxime is released when the king died. Gédéon has found the death certificate of his father, confirming Maxime has sent an innocent man to death. Maxime seems to be happy on the day of the king's death but when he saw George and reconised him as the girl he tried to save, everything gets destroyed. He cries because after all he has done, he cannot go back.
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Saint-Just embraces Maxime who he’s crying : I will always remain at your side, until death separates us.
The last time we see him is when marie-Antoinette curses him and other revolutionaries at her execution;
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I reconize Saint-Just, Robespierre, Desmoulins, Marat ? (right middle), Danton, Hébert, Mme Roland, Augustin ? (bottom right)
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With a black umbrella held over his head, Lu Mingfei looked up at the Cassell Clinic on the top floor.  The rain fell in white drops from the dark cloud overhead, hitting his face and running down his cheeks like tears. Tigre was back in hospital after a huge blackout had rocked the campus. Lu Mingfei had been called to a meeting in the Library.
Four somber professors had faced him. Guderian, his mentor and recruiter all those years ago, Schneider, the leader of the Executive Department and the mentor of Chu Zihang, his Senior Brother, Manstein, mentor to Nono and leader of the Disciplinary committee,and Toyama, the school Psychologist and mentor to Tigre.
They stood in front of a holographic map that displayed the border of the United States and Mexico. A bright red circle was hovering somewhere near Texas.
Did they really have to explain? Whatever that angry red circle meant it had to be something big for all of them to be here and, given the recent events, he wouldn’t be surprised at a direct attack. 
Lu Mingfei was just tired.
And who wouldn’t be? The idea of fighting dragons never appealed to him. It was true that he’d rather be here than wasting away in his Chinese hometown. But did he always have to choose between two extremes? Either wasting his life on pointless pursuits, or risking it in grave danger. 
He’d managed to make a few friends, but they were all gone. He came to Cassell for Nono. Now Nono left to do Bridal Training after accepting Caesar’s proposal. Caesar was gone managing the Italy Branch in Rome. And Chu Zihang was wandering the world doing missions. Not even Fingel was here, reassigned to Cuba weeks ago. Technically, he was supposed to be running the Student Union, but Isabel was the one who followed him around and did everything for him most of the time. As for the rest of the Student Union, he had little in common with them. Those people were obsessed with their assets and dignitaries and properties and procedures, and none of these things interested him. His life was suddenly very dull. You would think that having this mission would excite him. He just groaned when the message came on his phone.
Now he was fighting dragons without even his friends for company.. He dreaded it. Not even the Little Devil was interested in his mission. Usually that irritating child would pop up if there was a lucrative opportunity for him to try to get him to sell his life away. 
Lu Mingfei sighed to himself and said nothing.
Guderian frowned a bit but then continued. “Now that we’re all here. Let’s get started. Norma? Please report.”
“Gladly.” The ethereal translucent blue girl floated down like an angel from the ceiling. “I scanned the records for similar EMP reports around the area where the student called “Tigre” was discovered and found three separate instances. In the Chihuahuan desert.”
The map zoomed in and three X marks appeared. “What is more, these EMPs correspond to a spike in deaths and disappearances from migrants crossing the border into the US from Mexico. It is said that hundreds disappear at this time never to be seen again. While some disappearances can be explained as natural, it’s possible that they are related to dragons. This particular route is called the “La Ruta de Muerte”. it's rumored that no one who passes through this route ever makes it to the other side.”
A long blood red trail was marked on the map. “It is about 10 miles long in total. However, we will only need to concern ourselves with the inmost trail. Because this matches the information given to us by Doctor Toyama.”
“The evidence is still shaky. It is difficult to confirm anything. The desert environment efficiently removes all traces of bodies. However, we have been able to receive confirmed sightings of aberrant creatures within the vicinity for quite some time. It wasn’t until Toyama’s vision that we believe we have enough evidence to put together a team.”
“Vision?” Mingfei turned to look at him. He didn’t know much about Toyama. There was not much reason for him to see a psychologist. 
Toyama stepped forward and handed him a black folder. “These are all my findings so far. We believe that some sort of dragon has come into contact with Tigre. That is why his dragon blood purity is so high without him turning into a Death Servitor. What the 3E detected wasn't him, but what was inside him.”
“Inside?” Lu Mingfei opened the folder.
“The EMP that shook the campus occured when we tried to run an MRI on Tigre. Whatever is implanted in his skull woke up and used an EMP as a defense mechanism.” 
“Wait… Tigre has a dragon… in his head?” Lu Mingfei stared at the picture of the eye shaped scar on Tigre's scalp. "A tattoo of an eye…"
"Chu Zihang reported an eye shaped mark on a man captured by the hybrid smuggling ring where Tigre came from." Schneider said. "He attempted to free that man but when he damaged that eye-shaped mark, the man died."
Lu Mingfei's eyes suddenly turned dull. "What do you want me to do?"
“Right now, Tigre is our only lead. He provided us with a vision of a great tree that is growing out of a dragon. We are not certain what that vision means but we believe that sending him with you is the only way to find the mystery at the center of all this..” Toyama said.
Lu Mingfei lifted his head from the folder. "What? Isn't he just a freshman? But he's your student?!"
Toyama sighed, but didn't reply. “There are no reports of any such large tree and this environment would not support a tree of this size. We believe that the tree is residing in a Nibelungen. It's possible you will not be able to reach it without him."
Lu Mingfei took the stairs to the fifth floor. Physical training had made him physically stronger, and his experience in Genji Heavy Industries turned him off elevators forever.
He entered the vault using his phone. Tigre was once again in bed, sleeping but now he was hooked up to a lot more monitoring equipment.  A dozen little paper disks adhered electrodes to his head. EVA was likely monitoring his brain waves.
When Tigre turned to look, he had no contacts in, but wore sunglasses.  His eyes were clear and innocent. "It's too early for dinner…" He said.
"I'm not here to bring you food. You've… been assigned to me for a Dragonslaying mission." Mingfei had heard those words so many times. But this was the first time saying them. He felt sick. How could it be possible that words could taste so disgusting? Is it because he finally understood their meaning? 
Or was it because he finally was on the other side of it. As a freshman student, he was clueless of the danger. There was no way anyone could have been able to tell him what he was in for without scaring him off. But they knew.
That's what sickens him now. 
When Chu Zihang was recovering, Lu Mingfei tried to visit him as much as he could, but while he was at his bedside, Zihang confessed everything.  He'd wanted to save the man in the smuggling ring. Release his contact with the illegal organization.  He wanted to let the doctors go… but he'd failed all of that. 
"But Tigre is doing well." Chu Zihang turned and looked at him, covered in bandages, tubes and wires. "Please care for him. I can't be here to help."
"Are you alright?"
Lu Mingfei suddenly realizes he's been silent for several seconds.  He laughs, completely changing demeanor.  "Oh I'm fine! Fine! I daydream a lot. There have been times I've just completely zoned out and missed a flight or a train. Don't mind it."
Tigre smiles a little.  "What's the Dragonslaying mission about?"
Lu Mingfei's smile fades a bit. "Oh you won't have a big role. Don't worry about it. I'll take care of most of it. Just… treat it like a field trip."
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themakersmovement · 5 years
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Meltio’s 3E Metal Deposition Technology: Easy, Efficient and Expandable Meltio has entered the 3D printing market to meet the needs of industries that have been waiting years for a reliable, accessible, and hassle-free solution to implement direct metal 3D printing into the production process. Thanks to an exclusive development, Meltio’s unique patented technology brings many advantages compared to existing technologies in the industry. It’s what the company has called 3E Metal Deposition Technology: Easy, Efficient and Expandable. Meltio defines its technology as easy because it avoids the inconveniences of existing metal 3D printers. The outer dimensions of the hardware are significantly compact (550x600x1400 mm), without the typical hassle of common and bulky industrial hardware, which usually needs special facilities and infrastructure. The multi-laser printhead, which is in fact the core of this technology, is able to manufacture with metal wire, which makes the operation clean and safe and with 100% material utilization. Apart from this, the printers are able to fabricate parts with metallic wire, powder, or by combining both materials in the same part and without changing the nozzle, which is an industry first. The result is 100% dense metal parts made of any material commonly used in welding: titanium, steel, copper, aluminum, Inconel, etc. The new development will also allow many companies to integrate metal 3D printing in their workflows, by lowering traditional access barriers in terms of pricing. The acquisition cost of hardware is about 50% to 75% lower than current market prices and material cost is up to 10 times lower, which is a significant step towards massive adoption of direct metal 3D printing. Moreover, the possibilities of Meltio’s 3D printing are easily expandable thanks to the integration of 3D printing modules (Meltio Engine) with CNC, robotic, or gantry systems. This way manufacturing possibilities range from small parts to parts of several meters in size, turning traditional systems into hybrid ones with metal deposition capabilities. This makes the technology easily adaptable to multiple applications across various industries including aerospace, automotive, and large scale manufacturing. How it works 3E Metal Deposition technology works with a multi-laser printhead with a high-power capacity (0.6 to 6 kw). The highly compact deposition head (150mm width/depth x 265mm height) features three independent diode lasers (although more lasers can be added as an upgrade for more power). The printing takes place within an argon chamber that only requires a small amount of gas or in an open atmosphere with just nozzle argon shield gas coverage. Furthermore, changing materials is automatic and accomplished in seconds without the risk of contamination, unlike powder bed fusion technology where it is necessary to perform time-consuming decontamination between material changes. The system features active process control, which automatically sets the nozzle to part distance for each layer and also manages process parameters throughout the print based on sensor feedback. Meltio’sunique laser technology allows the production of metallic alloys which are usually difficult to weld. In addition, more applications can be used besides 3D printing: repairing of existing parts through additive manufacturing, cladding, welding (autogenous and with filler), curing, texturing and polishing. This technology has a significant endorsement through ArcelorMittal, the world leading steel manufacturing company, which has participated in the company since its formation. Meltio is a new joint venture with the participation of Additec, an American company based in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Sicnova, a Spanish company with a vast history in the 3D field.  its inception has been an international company with a clear global vision and offices in United States and Spain. The main headquarters and factory are located in Linares, Jaen (Spain), with R&D centers in both, the US and Europe. Meltio’s new metal 3D printer, the Meltio M450, and the Engine deposition modules for hybrid manufacturing and robotic applications, will be showcased at Formnext November 19th-22nd (Hall 12.1, booth C111). The stand will also feature other additive manufacturing and 3D digitalization solutions from Meltio’s portfolio. The post Meltio’s 3E Metal Deposition Technology: Easy, Efficient and Expandable appeared first on 3DPrint.com | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing. https://buff.ly/2NCpSlI
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o-hybridity · 6 years
how would you make a tabletop system like D&D that's crunchy for players, but not a huge pain in the ass for the DM to make monsters?
This is the Eternal Question, and it cuts pretty close to the core of my basic principles of design philosophy! I don’t know if I have a definitive answer but I can springboard into a meandering explanation of the things I’ve done to wrangle with this exact problem. Here goes:
for a while I thought there was a game that answered that question perfectly, and it was called Dungeon Crawl Classics. I don’t hold that belief now (Zocchi dice…), but we can loot an important principle from its couple of good design decisions:
1. Every player gets one really good toy. DCC’s chief virtue is that it found a way to make Fighters a fun choice, not just the choice that’s less mentally taxing than being a spellcaster, and the way they make that work is by giving the role an inherently textured core mechanic called Mighty Deeds of Arms. Instead of giving them a flat ascending to-hit bonus that’s just numerically better than the other classes get, Fighters in DCC roll a separate Deed die that scales with level alongside the attack roll and add the Deed die to the to-hit roll and damage, and if the Deed die comes up 3 or higher they also pull off a maneuver that improves their immediate tactical situation.
Swashbuckling chandelier swings, disarms, feints, coating your foe in lamp oil, and basically anything Jackie Chan has ever done besides just hit guys count as Deeds, and the only things you need to make them happen are your own imagination, GM fiat, and the will of the dice—just so long as the effect isn’t “do more damage.”
Altogether, the method requires even less bookkeeping than your standard D&D fighter, while being way more versatile and giving the player something to actively play with and find new implementations for every time their class role is relevant.
Spellcasters in DCC similarly put some wrinkles in the Vancian procedures by getting rid of conventional spell levels, turning each spell into a range of effects keyed to the results of a casting check, and letting casters burn their physical stats temporarily to pump up a single casting attempt—and that’s before we get into mutations and faustian pacts. The role falls into some of the same pitfalls it always has: spellcaster players have to juggle a lot more functions than fighters or thieves and at the top of their game they’re still going to make wilder shit happen than the other classes, though it balances out a bit by making casting itself a higher-risk affair.
The trouble with DCC’s classes is it tries to spread about 2.75 really good player toys across five classes, and when it comes to thief stuff it can’t really come up with anything all that good.
So Digression 1: What makes a really good player toy? How do we fill out those empty spaces in the party roster with cool stuff for players to use that isn’t a headache to keep track of?
In my humble onion, a good player toy needs to be flexible, haptically engaging, low-bookkeeping, and freely usable but not strictly predictable. To be flexible, a player needs to be able to apply the toy in a range of play situations—getting too attached to pre-defined mechanical effects is toxic to flexibility. A haptically engaging toy prompts the player to engage with something physically at the table to use it; die rolls are the most obvious but there’s lots of options ranging from the nifty to the balls-out bizarre.
There’s also some mechanics that I think are inherently more satisfying because the things they make you do with numbers has kind of an inherent pleasure that feels kinesthetic—I get warm, kind of stimmy feelings thinking about roll-high-but-not-too-high dice pool systems.
Low-bookkeeping toys are pretty self-explanatory; if it requires resource management or tracking multiple modifiers across different locations on the character sheet, those elements need to be doing extra work to make themselves memorable. The Goblin Laws of Gaming’s spellcasting system introduces a bookkeeping element in that you have to track your caster’s accumulated Dooms, but any caster only ever gets 3, the last one is pretty final, and they all translate into memorable moments of play.
When I say that a good toy is freely usable but unpredictable, I mean that the mechanic should tempt the player to use it often—because it’s powerful, because the results are exciting or cool—and temper that eagerness to toy with it less with anxiety over whether they’re going to blow one of their limited uses on a whiff or a no-sell when they could need it later and more with the question of whether it might blow up in their faces this time. Spellcasters in DCC or GLOG are way more equipped to cast all day long compared to their D&D brethren, and that leaves caster players in a position to have more fun with their role, but there’s always the lingering possibility a spell might pop off wrong and now you’ve got a lobster hand. Even when a PC gimmick doesn’t work in the player’s favor, it should make the next moment more exciting. Non-events are poison to gameplay.
Something to keep in mind in reference to player toys: nothing obligates you to make these toys all fit into a single coherent reference frame or “preserve game balance.” What you’re looking to do here is create what game devs over on the digital side of things call Incomparables—play elements that you can’t meaningfully “balance” because you can’t meaningfully convert one into the terms of another.
All of this is building up to point 2. Monsters are self-contained toys for the GM to play with. Like how you’re not obligated to have player toys all fit together neatly into a balanced and 100% shared language of play, monsters can and should operate on their own distinct mechanical plane, and not every monster will be able to fit within the same framework of rules matter.
By that token, I strongly encourage anyone looking to break out of the framework of play you’ll find in a WotC book to ditch as much of the content  in your statblock that carries over into the character sheet as you can. Give ‘em hit dice and hp totals, sure, give ‘em an AC rating and I won’t complain, to-hit bonuses even if you’re feeling nasty, but skip the ability scores and saving throws and proficiencies, and remember that there’s a special circle in hell for designers who give monsters big piles of feats that you have to dig back and forth through the damn book to find and make spot play decisions around (admittedly that’s not the problem it used to be back when 3e was what everyone was doing, but damned if I’m going to let anyone forget that it was a thing).
That sounds like heresy, but here’s the wild thing: there’s a whole armature of play to D&D that nobody uses and it would make the whole affair so, so much simpler if we did, because D&D is built to be a player-facing system, despite appearances. The original mechanic’s been buried under ability score modifiers, saving throws, attack rolls, and skill DCs, but it’s still there, baked into the dice and the stat spread.  Roll a d20 and compare the result against the relevant ability score; if it’s equal to or lower than the stat in question, you done did the thing. High rolls within the margin of success are better than low ones; use this to determine who comes out on top in a contested action when there’s a tie.
Bam, you’re done. That’s your core task resolution mechanic. The great thing about this is that it takes a huge amount of pressure off the GM to pin down extraneous numbers. Your monster doesn’t need an AC score, just a penalty it applies to a player’s attack check. Same with to-hit bonuses, just applied to the roll the player’s making to avoid or resist the attacks it has. Same with exceptional (or exceptionally shitty) base abilities like strength, speed, and intelligence. You don’t need to so much as think the phrase “Passive Perception.” All of that lets you pare down a monster’s statblock to a pretty spare couple of lines that you can fit on a notecard, leaving you room and time to come up with mechanical texture that’s actually fun.
Additionally, using stats this way leaves plenty of room to come up with fun implementations on the players’ end. Stat damage rules begin to make a lot more sense when you strip away all the derived values and re-center your players’ attention on those 5% probability increments. Rolling high but shooting for less than a target number is one of those mechanics that’s really satisfying to then carry over into some kind of direct numeric result. Just narrowing things down to a smattering of possibilities for martial characters, n this framework you can set up mechanics for defensive fighters to convert a failing attack roll into a substitute AC score for the next round, while a more buckwild berserker type who plays more for risk/reward sets their hp total to whatever the die result is—that 1 hits, but now your timetable for the fight’s shifted drastically, but if you hit high, you can pull in a killer second wind. In short, you have an infinite canvas for crunch if that’s what your players are into.
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hosseocc · 6 years
What We Protect ~ Chapter 2 ~
Word count: 2.5k
Pairing: BTS x reader
Genre: mafia, somewhat mystery, romance
Warning(s): just some swearing. and snooping
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(Not my gif, credits to owner!)
Most people have a backstory. Most people have secrets, something to hide. Whilst some of those may be small things that a person feels uncomfortable sharing with their everyday world, others can be more drastic. Dangerous. A risk to everything you’ve ever loved. What would happen if these secrets were to be revealed to the world? Who would they hurt? What if they were only trying to protect those close to them? Of course, one would never know unless they come clean, but it could be too late to realise that more damage had been done than good. As much as I wished that the secrets I keep to myself were small inconvenient ones, the events that had occurred over the course of my life just never seem to want to give me a break.
Some people may not have anything to hide, but everyone has something to protect.
The next morning starts out the same way as any other. Waking up, dragging Jun out of bed on what seems like my fifth attempt, eating our breakfast together and then heading out for the day. When we reached the school, I suddenly remembered about last night and how Jun claimed not to know who Yuri is. Figuring it just slipped his mind, or he just forgot her name but would recognise her face, I left it and decided to deal with it when we saw Taehyung again.
Standing next to a young girl further ahead, was the familiar face I had gotten acquainted with yesterday, and I brought Jun over with me for introductions.
“Morning!” I smiled as we came to a stop in front of the two.
“Ah, Y/n, good morning! Nice to see you again,” he returned the smile before averting his gaze to Jun, “and this must be the almost birthday boy” he greeted, kneeling down to his height. I watched as him and Jun shook hands and turned my attention to the quiet girl gripping onto Taehyung’s other hand.
“Hi sweetie,” I grinned, “you must be Yuri. I’m Jun’s mum, Y/n. It’s lovely to meet you.” I introduced myself. She waved back and shyly smiled, moving to hide behind her dad. I had to contain myself from squealing at her cuteness.
Taehyung stood back up and I figured now was the best time to ask him.
“Hey, you did say Yuri’s in class 3F right?” I questioned.
Before he could reply, a quiet voice answered for him.
“I’m in class 3E, dad how can you get it wrong again?” she complained, narrowing her eyes as she looked up at him.
He sheepishly smiled and apologised, “Sorry baby, you know I can get confused sometimes.”
“See, I told you I wasn’t imagining things!” I claimed, gently swinging Jun’s arm.
He simply rolled his eyes, “But still, she isn’t in my class” he retorted.
The day of the party came around quick and I had just finished with the last of the decorations as the doorbell rang and the first influx of loud kids arrived. Jun ran straight past me and opened the front door, despite my shouting at him to never answer the door. But anyone on this side of the door could hear that it was excited children from the shouting that had already started. Boy, would I be in for a hectic day.
An hour later, the house was full of Jun’s classmates and their loud screaming and shouting radiated their excited and sugar fuelled energies. Some of them were inside, stuffing more sweets in their mouth when they thought an adult wasn’t looking, and the other half were playing outside on the bouncy castle. Feeling satisfied with the running of everything, I made my way back to the kitchen after having refilled the drinks stand.
“You really went all out for him, he must be having the time of his life!” another parent, Jisoo, beamed.
I smiled at her and answered, “Yeah I felt kinda bad that his party wasn’t all great last year. We’d just moved here, and he hadn’t started school yet, so he didn’t have any friends to celebrate with.” I guiltily recalled.  
Insisting that I wouldn’t be able to handle all the children by myself, Jisoo, Naeun and Suho offered to stay and help during the day after arriving with their own kids. I felt relieved that they stayed because I knew that if I was the only adult here, I would end up going crazy. When one of us wasn’t running in the garden to make sure nobody wasn’t falling out of the bouncy castle, we were all sitting around the kitchen island, just talking.
At first, I did feel out of place, to a certain extent, given that I was the youngest parent there and still in a graduate job whilst the others had at least 2 children and were practically middle aged. Any fears I had about the conversations revolving around things like work, bills or school soon flew out of the window as we soon immersed ourselves in topics surrounding what our own teenage years were like, and how fast the children were growing up.
“No way, I can’t believe you used to be in a band! I just can’t imagine you going wild in front of a crowd, you seem so…office like” Naeun laughed, after hearing Suho’s story about his best childhood accomplishment.
“I totally agree” Jisoo added, taking a sip of her coffee.
“Should I be offended?” he feigned hurt, placing his hand over his heart.
“I’m sure, you know, they mean well? Even though I’m not sure what office-like even means?” I asked more than reassured him, laughing along with the two other girls.
“Not you too, Y/n. Look – you guys just haven’t heard me sing yet.” He hastily placed his coffee mug down on the island and rubbed his hands together.
“Brace yourselves, ladies” Jisoo joked as Suho began clearing his throat. Just as he was about to open his mouth, the doorbell rang. I jumped out of my seat and quickly made my way to the door, giggling as Suho let out a groan of annoyance and muttered, “One day, I’ll prove you wrong.”
I opened the front door and was greeted with the faces I’d secretly been anticipating showing up for the past twenty minutes.
“Yuri! Taehyung! You guys made it, come in” I happily greeted as they made their way through the door.
“Sorry we’re a little late, Yuri took forever deciding what to wear.” Tae claimed, taking off his coat. I looked at Yuri’s outfit and gave her a smile of approval.
“Well, she made the right choice, she definitely has an eye for fashion.” I admitted, admiring her style.
“Yeah, she gets it from her dad” Taehyung boasted.
“I’m sure she does,” I rolled my eyes and teased. Yuri began taking off her shoes, but I stopped her. “Hey, you can keep your shoes on and go straight into the garden to the bouncy castle!” I quickly told her.
“Bouncy castle?!”
And with that, she took off running towards the sound of children shouting in the garden. I gestured Taehyung towards the kitchen and we started to make our way there, following the trail of a very excited Yuri.
“So, you gave into the bouncy castle then?” his amused voice asked.
I chuckled and replied, “Yeah, I couldn’t resist it. I’m way too much of a soft parent.” I admitted as we stepped into the kitchen. We were met with stares from the other three who stopped mid argue about Suho’s singing talents. I was confused at their sudden silence before I remembered that they probably hadn’t met Taehyung yet.
Before the awkward silence could continue, I quickly spoke. “Guys, this is Taehyung. Taehyung, meet Jisoo, Naeun and Suho. Taehyung just moved here with his daughter, Yuri, who now goes to the same school as our kids.” I explained, moving out of the way slightly to let them get a better view of him.
“Nice to meet you all” Taehyung greeted.
“Take a seat, I’ll make you some coffee” I offered, and pulled out the chair I was previously sitting down on.
“Thanks” he quietly muttered and smiled at me, before filling the empty spot next to Suho.
As I moved to boil the kettle again, I could see both Naeun and Jisoo staring at me from the corner of me eye, so I met their gaze and glared at them as they both began wiggling their eyebrows behind their mugs. I should have expected something like this as they had been constantly on my case about reopening my love life. Any man they see me talking to, they insist I date. It seems that half the time, they forget that the only men I come into contact with these days are married fathers! But that doesn’t stop them though, they’ve even gone as far as setting me up on a blind date with another single parent, who I found out through his obsession with talking about his ex-wife, that we weren’t compatible. At all. Man was it awkward whenever we had the misfortune of crossing paths at the school.
A little while later, we had fed all the kids who were yet again excited about having Pizza for dinner. Then the time came for cutting the cake, and I had to stop myself from crying in front of everyone as I watched Jun blow out his candles. Once the children had clapped and cheered to their hearts content, Jun declared it time to open his gifts.
Sitting in a circle, the children began handing their gifts one by one with the assistance of Naeun, whilst Jisoo and Suho took duty of handing out cake slices to everyone. As I sat next to Jun, collecting the rubbish from the wrapping paper, I looked around to see that Taehyung wasn’t anywhere in the room.
I was leaning against the door frame of the small living room that had just about managed to fit everyone in. The atmosphere in the house was an inviting one, anybody could tell the children had let the excitement from playing games and eating junk food all day go straight to their heads as they cheered and hugged the birthday boy when he was opening his presents. All focus was on Jun, nobody seemed distracted in the slightest so I took this as my opportunity to slip away.
Making my way back towards the direction of the kitchen, I quietly closed the door behind me and let the sounds of music and cheering become muffled. Quickly switching to alert mode, I made my way over to the island where Y/n’s laptop was sitting. I had seen it here earlier and was itching to get my hands on it, but I had to wait until nobody was around. Now I had the perfect chance and was desperate to find any ounce of information that I was looking for.
I turned the laptop on and saw it was locked with a password. Of course, there’s a password. What was I expecting? There was literally nothing I could think of to try and put in, because I didn’t know anything about Y/n. I was growing anxious by the second and became increasingly aware of the fact that somebody could just walk through the kitchen door any second and catch me snooping.
My hands became sweaty and I kept wiping them on my jeans, I was becoming nervous and paranoid. I knew I wasn’t cut out for this kind of thing and if I had any other choice, I wouldn’t be in this situation right now. I was close to a nervous breakdown when the sound of one of the children screaming, “Happy birthday Jun!” came through the door and it hit me
I typed in todays date, feeling like it was the only chance I had at guessing the password and sighed with relief as it worked and unlocked the laptop. Shaking my head, I focused on what was in front of me and narrowed my eyes on what I found. Y/n had left open a page full of apartment listings in a different city, it seemed you were planning on moving to a new house.
Shit, this is bad.
I glanced up at the other tabs open and saw they were all the same, some of them were emails to agents, expressing your interest in some properties.
Fuck, this is really bad. If she leaves, I’ll be at risk. I won’t have a job. Shit. I can’t keep an eye on her. I-I’ll be in trouble. Big trouble.
Hit with more nerve-wracking anxiety, I shakily pulled out my phone and snapped pictures of the places and areas you were looking at, making sure to get the addresses. If anything would help at this point, it would be knowing where you’re planning to go. I was cut short taking the photos as soon as I heard your voice trailing towards the kitchen, and dropped my phone fearing I would get caught.
I quickly pulled down the lid of the laptop and moved down behind the island to pick my phone up off the floor.
I excused myself from the room to go and get my present to give to Jun and weaved my way through the children. Walking towards the kitchen, I was confused to see the door closed.
“Why is this closed?” I muttered to myself, opening it and peering inside. I wasn’t expecting to see anybody in here, but I spotted a tall figure in the corner peering through the cupboards.
“Everything okay, Taehyung?” I asked, eyebrows raised. I fully stepped into the kitchen now, keeping the door wide open. He quickly whipped his head around, eyes wide and hang gripping his chest.
“Shit, Y/n, you scared me” he gasped. “I was just looking for a glass.” He said, moving away from the cabinets.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you,” I said, immediately feeling bad. “But, you’re not going to find any glasses in the cereal cupboard.” I walked over to the opposite side of the room and pulled out what he was looking for, noticing that his eyes were closely following me. “What would you like to drink?” I asked, opening the fridge.
“J-just water please.” He shakily said, moving to sit down on one of the stools. I nodded my head and poured the cold water in the glass and handed it to him.
“Damn, you must be easily scared. You’re practically shaking.” I said, feeling worried.
He quickly downed the water. And took a deep breath. “Yeah, sorry I’ve always been easily scared.” He admitted.
“No need to apologise,” I warmly smiled. “Come on, we’re just about to finish opening the presents.” I said, remembering why I came in here in the first place. Opening the pantry door, I retrieved the hidden present and turned back around to see that Taehyung had already left the kitchen to go back inside. I blinked in surprise at the empty kitchen and shrugged my shoulders, thinking he was just excited about opening presents. I was about to leave the kitchen when I noticed my laptop was slightly open on the counter.
Weird. I could have sworn I kept it closed earlier.
I made my way over to shut it properly and then back to the room to give my baby his birthday gift.
If only I had known the real reason behind why Taehyung was so shaky.
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vintagerpg · 6 years
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It’s funny how a simple thing can change play for the better. In previous iterations of Call of Cthulhu, the spells have made up a large chapter contained in the rulebook. This makes a certain amount of sense.
Unlike D&D, where magic is commonplace, Call of Cthulhu’s spells represent secret knowledge gleaned from old books. As in the real world, there is no way to know that the book’s details are complete, thus keeping spell descriptions out of the hands of players preserves their occult mystique. Ideally, players should never be entirely sure what the effect, or the cost, of a spell in Call of Cthulhu is, which keeps things dangerous. If you’re particularly evil, you can even muddy the waters by giving multiple players the same spell under different names or give them erroneous descriptions – again, there’s nothing to say that ancient tomes are standardized or accurate. Magic should be reserved for moments of desperate risk.
On the other hand, finding the damn spell descriptions in the rulebook is a pain in the butt and totally time consuming, doubly so if it is one of the many spells that comes from a book outside the rulebook.
The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic neatly solves this by sticking all the spells ever appearing in a Call of Cthulhu book in one place. As a full book, the design has breathing room and everything is easier to find. Spell effects are still nonstandard and require reading, but I feel like I can manage it better when all the magic is in one book as opposed to sharing space with all the other crap I have to look up.
I generally dislike book design that attempts to imitate the appearance of a three dimensional book of elaborate design (see all of the D&D 3E book covers – UGH). I give the Grand Grimoire a pass because the interiors attempt to remain consistent with the ruse, with pages dressed as old paper with rough edges. It’s the interior art that sells it. These look like the sorts of arcane illustrations that would actually be in a mythos tome, probably because at their root, they look similar to illustrations that I have seen in actual grimoires: magic circles and ritual diagrams, but more squamous. Good job.
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hippoland · 6 years
11 Things I've learned from running a micro VC in the last year
It's been about a year since I started working on Hustle Fund with my business partner Eric Bahn.  People often ask me what it's like to start a micro VC and whether they should do one too.  (Hunter Walk just wrote his perspectives here) 
Here are some of my learnings from the last year.  
1) It is absolutely the best job in the world for me.  
I enjoy learning about new technologies and ideas -- and you get to see a lot of them in this business especially in early stage investing.  And I enjoy working with founders immensely.  But most importantly, I love fundraising.  I know -- that isn't what you thought I was going to say.  (more on this later)
Much like running a product-startup, you're your own boss, so you sometimes end up working really hard and at all hours depending on where you are in your fund life cycle.  But, if it's work you enjoy, then it doesn't feel like work.  And, there's also a lot of flexibility, and I've definitely taken advantage of that.  You can whimsically pick the most powdery day of the winter and go up to Tahoe to ski.  Or go to the beach or lake mid week in the summer and no one will be there.  It's great.  
2) Starting a micro VC is just like starting a product company.  Except harder. 
Probably 10x harder.  If you go in knowing that with eyes-wide-open, then it's totally fine, but most people don't do enough homework before deciding to start their funds.  I would talk with at least 10 micro VCs before deciding to do this.
3) In particular, there is no money in micro VC!
Hah - this seems ironic, but I'll explain.  
Most people think VCs have a lot of money.  That's if you work for an existing large established VC.  But if you are starting a VC, this is definitely not true.  I'll break this down across a few points, but the gist is that you have to be willing to make no money for 5-10 years.
If you are not in a solid financial situation to do that, this business can be terrible for your personal life.  
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3b) Micro VC's have no budgets.  
This is surprising to a lot of people.  Even if you have say, a $10m fund, most of that money needs to be used for investing -- not for your livelihood or for other things.  
In fact, the standard annual budget that VC funds have is 2% of the fund size for the life of the fund (typically 10 years).  If your fund is say $10m, then that means you have a yearly budget of $200k.  To be clear, this isn't your salary -- this is your budget to run your company.  Your salary does come from this number, but you also need to cover salaries of everyone else on your team (if there are others on your team).  And, if you travel, those costs come from this number too.  If you have an office, that cost fits in here too.  Health care and benefits also fit under this.  Marketing -- if you have t-shirts / watches / swag, parties -- all of this fits under this budget.  There are also fund ops costs that need to be factored into this number too.  As it would turn out when you factor in all these costs, $200k actually doesn't go far.  To give you some perspective, my salary today is less than what I made at my first job out of college...in 2004. 
You need to be willing to bootstrap for about 5-10 years.  In contrast to building a product company, where most people bootstrap for maybe 2-3 years and then either raise some money or build off of profits or throw in the towel, when you sign up to do your own VC, you are committed for 10 years (the standard life of a fund).  You can't throw in the towel.  And if your fund does well -- i.e. your companies either raise more money or they grow their revenues a lot -- you also don't make more money, because your salary is based on a percentage of your fund size.  So your salary (or lack of salary) is stuck for years -- until you raise your next fund when you will have new budget from that fund.  
Some Micro VCs write into their legal docs that they will frontload all of their budget in the first few years.  Under this model, instead of taking say a $200k budget per year for 10 years, some funds will do something like frontload the budget -- say $400k per year for 5 years.  This can help increase your budget, though there are still fund ops costs every year for 10 years, so I'm not sure how these funds end up paying for those costs in years 6-10 if they are taking the full budget up front.  This is not something we do at Hustle Fund.  
Other micro VCs will try to make money in other ways by selling event tickets or whatnot.  In many cases, depending on how your legal docs are written, consulting is discouraged.  So it actually is very hard to bootstrap a micro VC, because on one hand, you get virtually no salary but are also mostly prohibited from making money outside of your work.  
3c) You also will make General Partner contributions to your fund.
At most funds, you will also invest in your fund as well.  This allows you to align with your investors and have skin in the game, and this is standard practice.  In many cases, fund managers invest 1-5% of the fund size.  So if you have a $10m fund, you'd be expected to invest at least $100k to the fund.  
So, not only are you not making money on salary, you are also expected to contribute your own money to the fund.  
There are some funds that don't write this requirement into their legal docs, but it's something that a number of would-be investors always ask about (in my experience).  They want you as a fund manager to be incentivized to make good investments, because you are staking your own cash too.  And this makes sense.
3d) Sometimes you need to loan money to your fund.  
There have been several cases over the course of the last year, where either Eric or myself have had to loan Hustle Fund money interest-free to do a deal that needed to be done now (before we had the fund fully together).  
One thing that is different about raising money for a fund (vs a product-company) is that when investors sign their commitment, they don't actually send you the money right away.  So, let's say we raise $10m, we don't actually have the $10m sitting around in a bank account.  This surprises a lot of people -- VCs don't actually have cash on hand!  
The way investors invest in a fund is they sign a paper committing to invest in the fund.  And then later, when the fund needs money, the fund does a capital call.  Typically, capital calls are done over the course of 3 years.  So, if let's say an investor commits to investing $300k into a fund, then on average, that fund will call 1/3 of the money each year over the course of 3 years.  In this case, that would be roughly a $100k investment each year from this individual.  The capital calls are not done on a perfectly regular cadence, because sometimes a fund will need money sooner than later.  But most funds try as best as they can to do regular capital calls.
But, this also means that there's a lot of strategy and thinking that needs to go into capital calls.  For example, when you're first starting out to raise money and have very little money committed -- say $1m, it can be tempting to call 50% of the money right away to start investing $500k into a couple of deals.  However, as you continue to raise, subsequent investors, will be required to catch up to that 50% called amount.  And let's say you round up another $6m in capital, this means that all of a sudden you have $3m that you're automatically calling to catch up to the proportionate amount that the first set of investors contributed.  And if you're writing small checks out of your fund, much of that $3m will then just sit around in your bank account not earning interest and will negatively affect your rate of return.  So instead of doing a capital call, loaning your fund money is a way to ensure that you don't have capital just sitting around in your bank counting against your rate of return.  
There are bank loans you can get once you are fully closed and up and running, but very few banks will loan you money in the very beginning when you have raised nothing - hah.  
3e) And even if your fund does well, you still make very little money at the end of 10 years!
First, most VC funds are failures.  In fact, much like startups, I've heard that 9 in 10 VCs will not even get to 1x returns!  
But, if you happen to be in the lucky 10%, there's even a range here.  The "gold standard" for profitable VCs is a "3x return" benchmark.  If you're above it, you're considered excellent.  And this is very hard to do.  Just getting into the profitable category is an accomplishment in itself.  But, let's suppose for a moment that your fund is excellent (because we all believe that our funds are excellent). And let's say that we return 5x on our fund.  
On a $10m fund, a 5x fund return means the fund will return $50m.  Using a standard 20% carry formula, and after returning most of the gains to the fund's investors, it means that the team will receive $8m.  If you have 2 managing partners, that's $4m per person -- but 10 years later.  Considering that you'll make no salary for much of that time, there are many other professional / tech / established VC jobs at big Sand Hill firms that will make you more money or the same amount of money on salary alone (not including benefits or stock) with greater certainty.  You don't have to be a 90%+ performer as a Director of Product at Google to accomplish the same outcome as an exceptional micro VC manager.  Think about that -- you risk so much, much like a startup, but your upside is equivalent to working a steady job at Google for 10 years!  
For all of these reasons, this is why microfund managers who are able to raise more money on subsequent funds end up doing so, because for the same amount of work and risk, you'd much rather be paid more in salary and in carried interest later.
4) You should love fundraising.
I think most people think that as a VC you spend most of your time looking at deals.  The breakdown of a given week for me is something like:
50% fundraising-related (preparation of materials / meeting potential future investors / networking / etc)
20% marketing-related (content / speaking / etc)
5% ops (legal / audit / accounting / deal docs / etc)
15% looking at deals (talking w/ co-investors & referrers / emailing with founders / looking at decks / talking with founders)
10% working with portfolio companies
Of course, it varies a bit depending on if you're at the beginning of a raise or if you have closed your fund.  But, the point is, you will spend a solid chunk of your time as a micro VC on fundraising activities.  Even if your fund is closed and you don't have a deck to pitch, you are always in fundraise-mode.  
If you have never fundraised for anything before, you will probably think that this process is horrible.  Having raised money before for my startup and having coached a lot founders on fundraising over the last few years, I've grown to love it.  And part of that is just lots of practice -- the more you practice, the better you get, the more you like something.  
5) Fundraising for a micro vc is exactly like fundraising as a product-startup.  Except more involved.  
Prior to raising a fund, it never occurred to me where fund managers raise their funds.  That was just not something I had thought about before.  For the big Sand Hill VCs, most of them raise money from institutionals.  These are retirement / pension funds at goverment entities.  Or endowments at universities.  Etc.  But as you can imagine, these entities are pretty conservative.  And rightly so, the pension check that granny is counting on for her retirement shouldn't be frivalously thrown away on a fund that invests in virtual hippos recorded on some blockchain.  
So as a first time manager, often it can be difficult to convince these types of institutional funds to invest.  It can be done if you have a strong brand already.  But even if you are an experienced angel investor or worked at a well-known VC fund, you're still starting a new fund with a new brand, and there are still questions about whether you can repeat your past success on this new brand.  
This means that much like product-startups, you end up raising from individuals, family offices, and corporates primarily.  But much like with raising money from angels and corporates for a product-startup, angels and corporates don't have website announcing that they are funding vc funds.  You have to hunt for these folks.  Often these "angels" whom you can access are folks you know or folks who are 2-3 degrees away from you whom you don't know yet (see my post on raising from friends and family).  
And much like a product-startup, the check sizes are going to be smaller if they are from individuals (unless you know lots of very very wealthy individuals).  When we first started fund 1, our minimum check size was $25k -- much like the minimum investment amount for a typical product-startup.  Except that we were raising tens of millions of dollars not $1m.  So, $25k doesn't go far on say a $10m fund.  
This means you need to be doing lots of meetings.  And this takes time.  The average time for a microfund manager to raise a fund is ~2 years.  We felt fortunate and incredibly thankful to our investors to be able to raise our fund in < 1 year.  But, when you think about it, that's still months of actively fundraising.  (see point #4)
6) And you have a limited number of investors you can accept.
Per SEC rules, you can only accept 99 accredited investors into your fund.  This means that if you want to raise a $10m fund, you need the average check size to be above $100k.  
When product-startups set a minimum check size, it's usually arbitrary.  If you're raising $1m for your product-startup, it won't hurt you to take some investors at $1k or $5k checks here and there, especially if they are value-add.  With a fund, every slot counts.  
So when we started with $25k as a minimum check size for some friends, we knew we needed to quickly raise that bar in order to raise a significant enough fund and still maintain 99 investors.  We ended up having to turn away a lot of great value-add would-be investors who could not do a higher investment.  I would have absolutely loved to have brought in more investors if I didn't have this restriction.  
In other words, you cannot just accept $5k here and there from friends and claw your way to momentum.  
To get around this, some funds set up a “1b” fund.  E.g. Hustle Fund 1a and Hustle Fund 1b and split startup investments equally between the two.  That would be one way to get bring in more investors, but the costs of this setup start to go up, so we decided not to do this.  
7) Ok, so there's no money.  You also cannot change the world on fund 1.  
If you can get past all of the above, and you're still "yay yay yay -- I want a life of making no money and want to fundraise all day and night for whatever cause I am trying to support," the last piece is that you should know that you cannot change the world overnight.  
I know so many aspiring micro VCs who go into this, because they want to fund more women or minorities or geographies or some vertical that is underfunded.  And I think those are all awesome worthy causes.  And me too -- the reason I'm doing this is that I don't believe the early stage fundraising landscape is a meritocracy, and I want the future of funding to be much more about speed of execution rather than about what you look like or how you talk.  
But you absolutely need to go into this with a 20-30 year plan.  And the reason is that you're a small little microfund with say $5m, you won't be able to change the numbers in any of these demographics, because impact happens at the late stages when VCs pour tens of millions of dollars into companies -- not $100k here and there.  What does effect change is having lots of money under management.  And that happens by knocking fund 1 out of the park.  And then fund 2.  And then fund 3.  And growing your fund each step of the way.  And growing your believers who start to hop onboard your strategy -- not only your investor base but other VCs.  And that is a 20+ year plan.  
Moreover, you need to be contrarian to have a good fund.  But at the same time, you cannot be too contrarian either on fund 1, because you need to work with other VCs in the ecosystem.  You need your founders to get downstream capital.  So to a good extent, I do care a lot about what downstream investors think and how they think about things.  You can only start to be very contrarian once you have more money under management (i.e. have proven out the last couple of funds) and follow on into your companies yourself.  
So in short, you will not make any money on fund 1.  You might need to loan money to your fund.  You will need to have money to invest into your fund.  You will constantly be selling your fund as an awesome investment opportunity for this fund and the next fund and the fund after that, etc...  And you will not change the world on fund 1.  But, if you still love all of this and go in with eyes-wide-open on all of these things, and if you believe you want to do this for the next 20-30 years, then I would highly encourage you to go for it.  I think it is the best job in the world.  
Fundraising is a nebulous process that I aim to make more transparent.  To learn more secrets and tips, subscribe to my newsletter.
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vjmglobal · 3 years
Application Procedure For claiming SEIS export incentives
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1. Introduction
With effect from 1st April 2015, ‘Service Export from India Scheme’ (SEIS) replaced the erstwhile ‘Served from India Scheme’ (SFIS). One can easily follow the procedure for claiming SEIS export incentives.
SEIS applies to ‘Service providers located in India’ instead of erstwhile ‘Indian Service Providers’. The main objective of SEIS is to provide benefits to all the service providers located in India, instead of only Indian Service Providers.
In the earlier articles, we have already seen the eligibility and ineligibility criteria and the available benefits under SEIS. Under the present article, we would analyze the procedure for claiming SEIS export incentives, along with the relevant due date and application processing time.
2. Important points and Procedure For claiming SEIS export incentives
An online application needs to be filed on the DGFT server and all the relevant fields of information need to be entered in the SEIS ECOM Module.
Application form ANF 3B and Annexure to ANF 3B are available online. It must be noted that, vide public notice no. 15/2015-2020 dated 28th June, 2018, new ANF 3B has been made effective.
In case the applicant is engaged in providing multiple services, the applicant needs to classify the eligible services as per Appendix 3D and furnish ‘Service Category Information’ in form ANF 3B.
Para 3.06 of the Handbook of Procedure 2015-2020 needs to be referred for identification of the applicable jurisdiction.
It is important to note here that SEPC RCMC (SEPC- Service Export Promotion Council and RCMC- Registration-cum-Membership Certificate) is mandatorily required in case of the service provider who wants to apply for SEIS.
Further, in case of the applicant being both manufacturer and a service provider, RCMC from the relevant export promotion council, connected to the mainline of business, is mandatory.
3. Documents to be attached with the application form
Documentary evidence relating to the payments which are being approved by the RBI as deemed to be received in the foreign exchange and deemed to be earned in the foreign exchange for the services in Appendix 3E.
In case there is a difference in the description of service as per the invoice and description of services in Appendix 3D/3E, then, in such a situation, the copies of the sample invoices for each of the different services need to be uploaded with the application.
List of documents required while following the Procedure For claiming SEIS export incentives
Copy of FIRC
Copy of IEC
C.A. Certificate
List of directors if the company is limited or Pvt. Ltd.
Board resolution
Copy of RCMC
Statement of Forex earning F.Y wise.
Copy of invoices.
3.1 Relevant due date
The SEIS application can be filed only on an Annual Basis. In other words, for each Financial Year only one application can be filed.
The due date for filing an application under SEIS is 12 months from the end of the relevant financial year of the claim period.
3.2 Application processing time
As per para 9.10 of the Handbook of Procedures 2015-2020, on receipt of the SEIS application, the department needs to dispose of it in 3 working days. Only in case of any deficiencies/discrepancies in the file, the longer processing time is allowed.
4. Risk Management System under SEIS
Under SEIS the risk management system, on a random basis, examines the correctness of the application and also evaluates the correctness of the grant of the reward based on the application.
The computer system in Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) headquarters, on a random basis, will select 10% of the applications for each Regional Authority (hereinafter referred to as ‘RA’) every month.
The selected applicants need to submit the original documents for further examination.
In case of any discrepancy / excess claim being observed during the examination, the applicant needs to rectify the discrepancy/refund excess claim in cash along with appropriate interest at the rates prescribed under section 28AA of the Customs Act, 1962.
The above referred payments need to be done within a period of 1 month.
The original holder of the scrips has an option to refund the excess claim by surrendering the same scrip whether partially utilized or fully unutilized. In such case, the original holder is not required to pay any interest.
Regional Authority may even ask for the original proof of following –
a. Landing certificate
b. Annexures attached to ANF or any other document which has been uploaded digitally, or
Any other export related documents related to the application
The original proof can be called for at any time within a period of 3 years from the date of issue of the scrips.
Click on this link to continue: click here
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sandlerresearch · 3 years
Environment, Health and Safety Market by Component (Software and Services (Project Deployment and Implementation, Audit, Assessment, and Regulatory Compliance)), Deployment Mode (Cloud, On-premises), Vertical, and Region - Global Forecast to 2026 published on
Environment, Health and Safety Market by Component (Software and Services (Project Deployment and Implementation, Audit, Assessment, and Regulatory Compliance)), Deployment Mode (Cloud, On-premises), Vertical, and Region - Global Forecast to 2026
“Increase in government initiatives to follow certain workforce safety and environmental regulations and standards”
The Global EHS market size is expected to grow USD 6.3 billion in 2021 to USD 8.9 billion by 2026, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7.4% during the forecast period. Every organization or workplace is associated with some or the other form of risks, where the nature and intensity of the harm caused due to the accidents vary according to the nature of the industry. Hence, it has become necessary for every industry vertical to adhere to government guidelines and stringent regulations for enhancing the safety of the environment and its employees. The governing bodies and regional federal agencies are proactively mandating the implementation of EHS software across industry verticals to adhere to the environmental and occupational safety standards.
“By deployment mode, the cloud segment to grow at the higher CAGR during the forecast period”
EHS solution can be deployed on customer premises using the on-premises or cloud-based deployment mode. With advancements in technology, enterprises are seen to prefer the cloud-based EHS as they offer various benefits, such as a pay-per-use model, flexibility, speed in accessibility, and low installation and maintenance costs.
SMEs prefer adopting cloud-based EHS software solution due to their budget constraints. Adoption of the on-premises solutions requires a separate infrastructure, maintenance charges, and a dedicated resource team. These factors are expected to trigger the adoption of cloud-based solutions among SMEs.
“By vertical, energy and utilities segment to hold the largest market size during the forecast period”
The energy and utilities vertical has witnessed the significant adoption of EHS software solutions because of the evolving EHS laws, regulations, and standards. EHS software solutions ensure regulatory compliances, mitigate operational risks, and quantify and report air emissions from utilities or energy system processes. These solutions also include sustainability tracking, which takes care of customized KPIs and business metrics. In addition, EHS software solutions comprise an executive dashboard, which helps professionals manage environmental performance, onsite incidents, and energy and utilities use. The energy and utilities vertical primarily includes natural gas, oil, nuclear power, coal, renewable energy, electricity, water, waste, and recycling sectors.
“By region, Asia Pacific to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period”
APAC constitutes thriving economies, such as Singapore, Japan, China, India, and Australia, which are expected to register high growth rates in the EHS market. It is expected to witness the highest CAGR during the forecast period. China has witnessed immense industrial growth and is the manufacturing capital of the world. Its government is getting stricter with EHS regulations and compliances. The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) started a program called China Environment and Health Initiative, generating new research on the connection between health, environment, and development in China.
Similarly, countries such as India, Australia, and Japan are also taking several initiatives to implement the EHS solutions. The Government of India and the labor departments of the states and union territories in the country are responsible for the safety and health of workers. The Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS) and Directorate General Factory Advice Services and Labor Institutes (DGFASLI) assist the ministry in the technical aspects of OSH in mines, factories, and ports. The Government of Australia is also following the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, which includes all the necessary rules and regulations of EHS.
The breakup of the profiles of the primary participants is given below:
By Company: Tier 1 – 35%, Tier 2 – 45%, and Tier 3 – 20%
By Designation: C-Level Executives – 35%, Directors– 25%, Others*–40%
By Region: North America – 45%, Europe – 20%, APAC – 30%, and RoW** – 5%
This research study outlines the market potential, market dynamics, and major vendors operating in the EHS market. Key and innovative vendors in the EHS market include VelocityEHS (US), Enablon (France), Intelex (US), Cority US), Gensuite (US), Sphera (US), SAI Global (US), Quentic (Germany), UL (US), Alcumus (UK), SHE Software (UK), VisiumKMS (US), Ideagen (UK), EcoOnline (Ireland), ETQ(US), Dakota Software (US), ProcessMap, SafetyCulture (Australia), ProntoForms (Canada), Verisk 3E (US), Enhesa (US), SAP(Germany), IsoMetrix (South Africa), SHEQX (UK), Pro-Sapien(UK), SafeSite(US), and ComplianceQuest(US).
Research Coverage
The EHS Market is segmented into component, deployment mode, verticals, and region. A detailed analysis of the key industry players has been undertaken to provide insights into their business overviews; services; key strategies; new service and product launches; partnerships, agreements, and collaborations; business expansions; and competitive landscape associated with the EHS Market.
Reasons to Buy the Report
The report would help the market leaders and new entrants in the following ways:
It comprehensively segments the EHS Market and provides the closest approximations of the revenue numbers for the overall market and its sub segments across different regions.
It would help stakeholders understand the pulse of the market and provide information on the key market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities in the market.
It would help stakeholders understand their competitors better and gain more insights to enhance their positions in the market. The competitive landscape section includes a competitor ecosystem, new product launch, product enhancement, partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions.
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Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Market By Software Type - Global Industry Analysis and Forecast 2020 – 2025
Environmental health and safety tools are mainly utilized by companies to adhere with the environmental rules and standards involved with business and environmental health and safety. The execution of environmental health and safety tools has been witnessing a major growth owing to increase in business investment across EHS software platforms. Furthermore, multiple statutory and legal requirements to maintain environmental health and safety standards have surged the deployment of environmental health and safety tools across main business verticals which includes energy and mining, construction and chemicals and petrochemicals.
Read more information about Global Market with Impact of Covid-19
To get Sample Copy of Business Report through this link: https://www.sdki.jp/sample-request-105959
How Big is the Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Market?
The environmental health & safety (EHS) market is expected to be around US$ 9296 Million by 2025; Growing at a CAGR of more than 12% in the given forecast period.
The environmental health & safety market is segmented on the lines of its components, end user and regional. Based on components segmentation it covers services and software. The services components are further segmented into certification, auditing, implementation, training, analytics, project management and consulting. Under software segmentation it covers energy and carbon management, environment, compliance, cost management, data analytics and quality and risk assessment. The environmental health & safety market is segmented on the lines of end user like healthcare, retail, government and public sector, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, construction, energy and mining, chemical and petrochemical and others. The environmental health & safety marketis geographic segmentation covers various regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa. Each geographic market is further segmented to provide market revenue for select countries such as the U.S., Canada, U.K. Germany, China, Japan, India, Brazil, and GCC countries.
Environmental health and safety tools are mainly utilized by companies to adhere with the environmental rules and standards involved with business and environmental health and safety. The execution of environmental health and safety tools has been witnessing a major growth owing to increase in business investment across EHS software platforms. Furthermore, multiple statutory and legal requirements to maintain environmental health and safety standards have surged the deployment of environmental health and safety tools across main business verticals which includes energy and mining, construction and chemicals and petrochemicals.
How Big is the Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Market?
The environmental health & safety (EHS) market is expected to be around US$ 9296 Million by 2025; Growing at a CAGR of more than 12% in the given forecast period.
The environmental health & safety market is segmented on the lines of its components, end user and regional. Based on components segmentation it covers services and software. The services components are further segmented into certification, auditing, implementation, training, analytics, project management and consulting. Under software segmentation it covers energy and carbon management, environment, compliance, cost management, data analytics and quality and risk assessment. The environmental health & safety market is segmented on the lines of end user like healthcare, retail, government and public sector, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, construction, energy and mining, chemical and petrochemical and others. The environmental health & safety marketis geographic segmentation covers various regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa. Each geographic market is further segmented to provide market revenue for select countries such as the U.S., Canada, U.K. Germany, China, Japan, India, Brazil, and GCC countries.
This report provides:
An overview of the global market for environmental health & safety and related technologies.
Analyses of global market trends, with data from 2016, estimates for 2017 and 2018, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2025.
Identifications of new market opportunities and targeted promotional plans for environmental health & safety.
Discussion of research and development, and the demand for new products and new applications.
Comprehensive company profiles of major players in the industry.
The scope of the report includes a detailed study of global and regional markets for Environmental health and safety Market for variations in the growth of the industry in certain regions.
The report covers detailed competitive outlook including the market share and company profiles of the key participants operating in the global market. Key players profiled in the report include IHS Inc., 3E Company, International Finance Corporation, Enablon North America Corporation, SAP SE, UL LLC, and Medgate Inc. Company profile includes assign such as company summary, financial summary, business strategy and planning, SWOT analysis and current developments.
The Top Companies Report is intended to provide our buyers with a snapshot of the industry’s most influential players.
The Environmental Health & Safety Market has been segmented as below:
By Components Analysis
By Services
Project Management
By Software
Energy and carbon management
Environment Compliance
Cost management
Data analytics
Quality and risk assessment
By End-user Analysis
Healthcare Retail Government and public sector Manufacturing Transportation Agriculture Construction Energy and mining Chemical and petrochemical Others
By Regional Analysis
North America Europe Asia-Pacific Rest of the World
Reasons to Buy this Report:
Obtain the most up to date information available on all environmental health & safety market.
Identify growth segments and opportunities in the industry.
Facilitate decision making on the basis of strong historic and forecast of environmental health & safety data.
Assess your competitor’s refining portfolio and its evolution.
Original Source of this content: https://www.sdki.jp/reports/environmental-health-safety-ehs-market/105959
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marketplaceoutlook · 3 years
Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Market Projections, Share 2021, Regional Analysis by Key Players | Industry Forecast to 2026
Reports and Data has published a new study on the Global Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Market comprising of exclusive insights, growth prospects, market size and share estimation, and opportunities. Global Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Market report is a comprehensive and top-notch market report which offers the professionals and businesses critical insights into the market and industry. The research study on the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market provides a complete overview of the product portfolio, value chain analysis, revenue contribution, profit margins, and other major factors. The report includes insights offered by industry experts, professions, and research analysts.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created disruptions across supply chains, sales network, and distribution channels. This has impacted the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market on a global and regional scale. The report covers extensive analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market and offers a current and future market outlook of the market with regards to the pandemic.
To get a sample PDF copy of the report, visit @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/1561
The Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market report begins with basic definitions, product descriptions, competitive landscape, market players, market segmentation, and regional bifurcation of the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market. The report further talks about the market scenario with regard to market drivers, restraints, opportunities, and growth prospects. The report also talks about the market segmentation and offers insights into the segment showing promising growth over the forecast period.
Top Leaders Operating in the Market are:
·         Enablon,
·         Intelex, SAP,
·         ETQ,
·         Enviance,
·         Gensuite,
·         Velocityehs,
·         Cority,
·         Verisk 3E and Sphera Solutions.
Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Market Segmentation:
Based on Product Type:
·         Solutions
o    Environment Compliance
o    Energy and carbon management
o    Cost management
o    Quality and risk assessment
o    Data analytics
·         Services
o    Auditing
o    Testing and monitoring
o    Certification
o    Training
o    Implementation
o    Analytics
o    Consulting
o    Project Management
o    Others
Based on Application:
·         Industrial Waste Management
·         Medical & Pharmaceutical Waste Management
·         Waste Water Management
Request a discount on the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/discount-enquiry-form/1561
The report talks about the key competitors with regard to their market size, product portfolio, manufacturing and production capacity, profit margins, revenue generation, regional spread, and research and development activities. The report also discusses in detail the mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, product launches, brand promotions, collaborations, corporate deals, and licensing agreements, and more. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the competitive landscape and regional spread.
The regional analysis offers a complete overview of the regional spread of the market along with production and consumption patterns, import/export, supply and demand dynamics, revenue contribution, trends and demands, and presence of prominent players in each region.
Regional Analysis Covers:
·         North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
·         Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU)
·         Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
·         Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
·         Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/environment-health-and-safety-ehs-market
Key Questions Answered by the Report:
·         What are the key market trends influencing the growth of the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market?
·         Who are the prominent players of the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market?
·         What is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market?
·         What are the key growth driving and restraining of the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market?
·         What are the strengths and weaknesses of the prominent players of the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) market?
·         What are the key outcomes of the SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis?
Thank you for reading our report. To know more about the report and its customization, kindly get in touch with us. Our team will ensure the report is tailored according to your needs and requirements.
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