3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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igorlevchenko-blog · 6 months
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Hunting portrait of a Hlaalu nobleman. Vicinity of Balmora. Left bank of Odai river. Sometime in 3E 420s.
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thegreatyin · 4 months
how do I make money in FL? I want to buy all the fancy clothing but I don't want to sell all my stuff for it
I think I'm midgame???? Like I just got to the tigers but I don't think doing the orphans thing you were doing is very profitable? like you get 25 tribute for one.
648e (10 orphans) yields 250 tribute (781e) for 62.5 actions plus travel.
(781-684)/1.552 echo with every action, which is worse then doing the Underclay (around 3e per action with three actions that give nothing on each cycle)
Am I missing something???? I need money
well first of all i am, infamously, the worst person ever at making bank in niche video games, so take note of that!
wwwwwwwwwwhich is exactly why i highly advise you to check the wiki's multiple dedicated money making guides, which can all probably tell you infinitely more than me and my horrendous optimization ever could. this is, like, the one area of FL i honestly probably can't help y'all with. im just as bad at it as you are.
that being said, there are a few notable ways that may-or-may-not be open to you. having a tier 3 profession will give you access to professional activities that can go for a whopping 4.30 EPA, and if you're willing to juggle the very complicated process that is the nadir you can get an average of 5.7 EPA in the long-term. godfall is also deceptively profitable, giving a range of 3.56 to 4.88 depending on what options you take. if you've got access to the bone market, make sure to take full advantage of it. a licentiate trading in victim skeletons can make surprisingly good bang for their buck.
the underclay is also, unfortunately, profitable. i think. maybe. possibly??
...like i said, im infamously bad at making money, so take my suggestions with a grain of salt. you might need to outsource this conundrum to someone else.
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shadow-fell · 2 months
Look, a Map (Locations for BG3)
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All credit to Mike Schley for the original Sword Coast map, and the 1990 Forgotten Realms Atlas for additional roads.
Notes for nerds under the cut.
So, the basis of this map is the 2e FR map to the 5e map, as they have the same geography (3e/4e is notably different/stretched). Soubar and The Friendly Arm (from BG1!) are added in from that map.
Crossing the Fields of the Dead are the Thundar Road and the Skuldask Road, meeting at the dwarven/gnomish village of Tempus' Tears. Thundar ends with the Tradeway, while the Skuldask Road continues on through Elturel southwards.
Skuldask Road is clearly the Risen Road (Leading out of Elturel and towards Baldur's Gate. As Waukeen's Rest is supposed to be the halfway point, I placed it close to the intersection, where the broken bridge could easily block off travel to the Thundar Road.
Moonhaven is the Blighted Village; south of Waukeen's Rest, the Selunite Temple is part of it. Anga Vled is a gnomish village of note, mentioned in the game as where Amanita Szarr, the Lady Incognita, was raised.
Moonrise Towers is often placed much closer to Elturel; this is based off the FR Atlas, a defunct and not fully canon map making software. The towers themselves have one sourcebook appearance, all that is said is "West of Elturel". For BG3, it makes sense to put it closer to Baldur's Gate. In purple is marked off the general area of the Shadow Curse.
Sunrise Spires have similarly only been placed through FR Atlas, but are known to be on the Northern Bank. It is generally placed to the west and closer to Baldur's Gate, so I kept a relatively close position (given also the low resolution of the Atlas maps). They're a Lathendarian fortress that fell in the 1170s, and together with Rosymorn paint a whole Lathanderian-Selunite regional shift I find neat.
Waterdeep is well to the north; Athkatla and BG2's setting to the south. That's kind of all the interesting cities.
Travel Times
From the crash site to Waukeen's Rest is 2 days normal travel
Waukeen's Rest to Rosymorn Monastery is another day's travel
Rosymorn to Moonrise Towers is 2 days
Moonrise Towers to Baldur's Gate is 3 days travel
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talenlee · 8 months
3e: The Love Potion
We’re all kind of on the page that ‘love potions’ in stories are probably bad, right?
Those things that you could buy in 3e as a cheap, disposable magical item?
It’s one of those tropes from history that people used pretty freely up until like, even until 2013. Gravity Falls featured an episode about a character using a love potion, and then realising it was a foolish plan and going to undo it, only to find that, y’know, maybe it was an okay idea after all. And that was Gravity Falls, a cartoon I like. Shock! Horror! And that’s a bad trope and all!
Love potions show up in stories all over the place, and that makes them an iconic trope and I feel like they go through a sort of life cycle. In their oldest appearances — as I remember and are filtered through the mind of a boy like me — the love potion is a solution to a problem. Then, as things get a little more protestant, a little more puritanical, love potions tend to be set up in the first part of the story, and then developed and dismissed in the second part. Love potions are a thing you think will solve your problems, then you find they don’t.
There are a lot of reasons they can fail. They can fail because you find out that the person you love-potioned, you don’t actually want them in love with you. They can fail because you find out that the potion doesn’t make them love you the way that you imagined. They can fail just because love potions aren’t real but now you have to consider what it meant that you tried. They can fail because they have to destroy the way the person you were interested in order to work, somehow. And of course sometimes they can fail because you mess up their application like spilling it on a bird or something.
Lots of different ways that ‘the love potion’ is a setup that gets subverted. In fact, so much so that, especially in reset-heavy pulp media like sitcoms and weekly dramas, love potions fit the mould really conveniently. The subversion means that the characters undo the love potion by the end, and that’s that. It’s a tidy little plot loop, and the form it’s poured into handles it just fine. Makes sense.
Why can ya buy ’em?
Look, 3rd edition was a hungry beast. It needed content, content, content and a lot of what it needed never made sense to me. I did not think I needed as many versions of ‘human, but ugly and weird’ as the game books provided me. I never needed the flying mount rules, or the keep rules. They were nice, ostensibly but they weren’t useful, because they weren’t focused on the game played by players and instead on a sort of systemitising the world. This is a reasonable thing for a system to do when it wants to do it, I’m not criticising them for the choice, but that the choice put the way D&D 3E was built at odds with the way I expected to play it.
You’d see this throughout supplements, in Dragon Magazines and soft cover splatbooks; sometimes there was a cool idea that the game could do and that cool idea ran headlong into the system’s design. A gladiatorial campaign? Cool idea, here are maps and opponents. Oh, the system isn’t designed to make one-on-one fights very interesting for the uninvolved parties and dying represents an immense debt? Hm, sounds like the real thing this system needs is loans and banking. Oh wait, but if you’re doing gladiatorial fighs, how do you get loot from enemies? You can’t loot the bodies, that belongs to their stable! There’s got to be a payment system!
And thus we return to the love potion. The love potion was in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (and SRD, even now!) because it’s an obvious trope, the item works in a simple, easily explained way, and it fills some inches in the book that needs so, so many inches filled. The item is built by a formula, it works to a rule and it kind of rests on a leyline of things D&D 3e doesn’t do very well.
First of all, the item gives a save. Well it has to right, because otherwise it’d be overpowered. But saving throws aren’t like, narratively coherent things. They’re there to defend you from attacks, but ostensibly, they’re there to represent how well your body resists things changing it (which was why you can resist healing spells and, in some cases, are called upon to do so, which is, yes, dumb). Don’t worry, though, the DC is really low: Only a DC 14. Which means an ordinary human with nothing heroic going on has about a 30% chance to ignore it and it lasts for 1d3 hours.
Thus we position the elixir of love perfectly badly. It’s a magic item that an adventurer can buy in bulk, that they never would care about, that represents life-deforming mind control, but not for very long and not very well. It promises what a love potion in a story is, but delivers instead a very crap charm spell, which is the closest thing it can approximate to love because the game system wants to try and systemitise love without dealing with how incredibly overpowered love is. There’s no category of ‘minor effect’ or ‘story beat’ for magical items, which need to be built to instead, operate the way adventurers expect adventurers to work.
The Elixir of Love doesn’t actually represent anything particularly heinous. Nothing out of type. It’s a love potion, but because it sucks it’s not that bad, and nobody would use it, except because it sucks, and that it sucks isn’t because of the story needs but because of the way the mechanics of the system handle items. It’s the same wonky stuff that permeates 3e. Systems aren’t immune to this. My favourite system isn’t immune to this kind of thing!
Still pretty funny way to waste a year’s wages for a normal person.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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ttrpgbrackets · 11 months
Propaganda Below
Argent Trickster's Rook
Flashing a wicked grin as she rolls the dice or turns over her cards, the Lunar claims faces unwisely wagered against her. She performs a sacred hunt by challenging a human to dice, cards, or a similar game of chance, convincing him to stake his shape as his wager. She needn’t convince him that she can actually take his form, and may convince him through vague language, metaphor, or half-truth. Her own wager must be one that her target would consider equal in value to the theft of his shape. If the Lunar wins — including by cheating, as long as she isn’t caught — she concludes the sacred hunt and claims her target’s form. Her target must be genuinely playing to win. If the Lunar’s target wins or catches her cheating, the sacred hunt fails, and she can’t take his shape through this Charm until next story. She may still attempt sacred hunts against him by other means.
What makes it cool?
This is literally a way for a shapeshifter character to win your form in a gambling game. The "normal" way for a Lunar to take something's form is a literal ritual hunt, which ends with eating part of the target, and this is one of a few ways to steal a human's form without killing them. There's just something really fucking cool and evocative about winning someone's face in a game of cards.
Like Looking Into a Mirror
You can always tell when someone is lying to you.
What makes it Cool?
you're an expert at secrets and manipulation. you can never be fooled by the guard at the bank who thinks he can give you a fake delivery time and get away with it. you can never be thrown off by the presence of bodyguards when your client promised they would come alone. you don't believe the bluecoat in the too-clean shoes for a second when they tell you they're down and out and just looking to buy. you are not surprised when your husband tells you he's taking the kids and leaving - you knew this would be coming as soon as you heard him say "i love you" two months ago and realized that it really is, every time, like looking into a mirror.
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Freaks & Facades: Session One - Vignettes Part One
Welcome all to the first full recap of Freaks & Facades, a D&D 3e/3.5 campaign that has drawn strangers from across the Planes for reasons tenebrous and strange.  
We will be splitting this story into several smaller posts to keep you, our lucky reader, from being overwhelmed at the start.  This is a recap of the first session, a series of Horror Vignettes that introduced our amazing cast of characters and drew them together.  
These are the individual horror stories of how Pryrrish, Schrödinger and Fenri were drawn into Ravenloft by the Mists!
Warning: this is a horror campaign setting, so bear that in mind before reading.  Possible triggers for these first vignettes: claustrophobia, fire, falling...
We hope you enjoy!  *starts projector* - Aboleth Eye
Pryrrish Norfaer
Pryrrish wanders the Mournland, the magical wasteland of what was once Cyre.  She is guided on her quest by the Tome she carries, a massive book of dark symbols only she can read.  She is searching for a long-lost subterranean prison beneath the dead city of Making.  Supposedly it was where the rulers of Cyre imprisoned and studied outsiders, and the Tome draws her towards the lost prison.
She finds the prison entrance and enters the misty darkness.  But Pryrrish finds nothing but dungeon-cleaning oozes and empty cells...  Until she spots a cloaked figure down a hallway.  It runs from her down into the dark depths of the prison, and Pryrrish follows!  
It leads her down a spiraling stairway, deep into the earth.  The elf swallows her fear of tight spaces and runs down.  Down, down, down.  Into darkness and rising Mists...  Always the figure ahead is just around the corner...  How deep has she gone?
Pryrrish turns around, struggling to find her step as the Mists swallow her augmented vision.  She hears footsteps from above and watches a shadowy afterimage pass her by; a translucent silhouette of herself.  
She begins to panic, the stairwell never ends!  The mists are impossible to see through.  She couldn’t read the Tome at her side even if she wanted to, she has nothing to guide her except her instincts. But everything is murky and opaque!  And then she finds the curved wall, her only support on this endless stair, has also become unsure.  Pryrrish could pass through it towards... What?
Pryrrish, surrounded on all sides by the Mists, decides to risk this new unknown path rather than be trapped forever on a downward spiral.  She pushes through, defying the physical limits she knows should be present, and walks on a sideways path.  Still unsure and shrouded in Mist, but her own decision.
This new path is murky as the spiral, but now Pryrrish knows she’s not alone.  Sounds of scraping reptilian claws.  Flapping knife-edged feathers.  Snarling maws that drool at the sight of her exhausted flesh.  She hears so much around her in the endless bank of Mist, finding the strength to run forward.  But the sounds keep pace.  She runs and runs, dagger in hand, clutching her Tome!  There’s suddenly a doorway, of purest light that defies the Mists and Elemental Dark surrounding her!  
She rushes inside!  The doorway slams behind her...
Ludwig Hössler Schrödinger
Young lord Schrödinger needs to leave Ludendorf tonight!  His endeavor to share his experiments with the so-called Syndicate of Enlightened Minds has put all he’s worked for, and all the support his parents put into his studies, at risk.  His first time in Lamordia’s biggest city, strolling in with luggage for a prolonged stay, is now ending with him jamming everything vital in a single valise.  He hears the mob coming down the street to his hotel, the fools and deniers of true science with their pitchforks and torches!
Betraying his height and build, Schrödinger miraculously leaps from his hotel window to the rooftops across the street.  But unfortunately, such a sight has easily caught the mob’s attention.  They fire upon him as he dashes away on the roofs of Ludendorf.  He poorly slides down a drainpipe to an alley entryway, rushing into the misted corridors.  If he can reach the next street over he can lose the mob and leave the city!  He must return to Schwartzsteinburg, his home, and to the open arms of his beloved parents.  They understand him, they will protect him as they always have...
But the alleys of Ludendorf confuse the nobleman scientist.  The Mist spills out from every corridor and sewer grate, making it impossible to navigate.  And yet the mob appears to know every turn and twist he takes!  The sounds of their shouts echo through the abandoned alleyways!  The lights of the torches grow brighter and brighter!  Is he fleeing or being herded?  
Schrödinger finds himself finally at a dead end.  No way to jump to the rooftops from here, no doors to break down.  The mob grows louder, closer, more eager to tear him and his life’s work to shreds!  He looks around, begging fortune to smile upon him...  Only an open sewer grate, Mist spilling out like a wellspring, is before him.  Does he dare degrade himself further to trekking through the sewers?  Already humiliated and despised by those who dare to cull the unique and new?
Wounding his pride, Schrödinger leaps into the sewer...
He falls a long time.  Far, far, far too long.  All is darkness and icy fog slashing past him as he falls deeper and deeper into the Misty nothingness.  This defies logic greater than anything.  Will he fall forever, slowly eroded by the Misty winds that make his bones shudder?
No.  Suddenly Schrödinger knows the ground is fast approaching.  He cannot see it, but he knows he will be crushed by the impact.  Him and all he’s pursued, his life’s work; destroyed all the same as if the mob had claimed him!
Staring down at his inevitable demise, bracing for the impact, Schrödinger is thrown once again as a doorway of light opens up!  He sails through it, gravity lurches a completely different direction.
He rolls and rolls against solid wood, tumbling helplessly until he collides with something hard and stable.  His eyes adjust to the light...
Fenri Sunwillow
In the vast city of Greyhawk, Fenri the halfling sits in the loneliest and dirtiest tavern possible.  The food and ale are terrible, the lone minstrel is pitiful and the barkeep is very unfriendly.  Fenri sits alone, all her companions have abandoned her.  But despite this hopeless atmosphere, Fenri Sunwillow has faith that Pelor the Dawnfather will see her through.
Suddenly a group of thugs burst in and begin to spread out through the tavern.  Their leader, a terribly cruel-eyed dwarf with massive iron boots, stomps in and begins to threaten the barkeep for not paying protection money.  Fenri skips over and tries to be the diplomat, offering the thugs and their leader friendship and a chance to use their obvious strength in great adventures.  They laugh at the halfling cleric.
But suddenly the thugs leave, the tavern’s “debts” still unpaid.  They close the door behind them.  Fenri tries to follow but the door is blocked for some reason...  The back is blocked as well.  Panic rising among the two other people in the tavern, Fenri channels the strength of her god to throw a table through a window.  Only to find the thugs outside ready to toss in vials of alchemical fire.
The tavern erupts into terrible green flame!  The dwarf uses a scroll to create a wall of stone before the newly broken window, sealing them all inside to burn with the building!  Fenri looks about, and she realizes tavern’s large fireplace has a chimney big enough to climb up!  With her divine strength she rushes in and climbs!  The sounds of burning agony behind her...
Fenri climbs, green and gray Misty smoke choking her lungs and obscuring her vision.  She climbs higher.  And higher...  The flames are beneath her always, ready to lick at her feet, despite her being unable to see.  Higher and higher she climbs...  Surely the building was not this tall?  But through the acrid smoke Fenri sees nothing but the chimney opening above, never closer.
The climb is getting to her.  Fenri knows the strength of Pelor is only hers for a short time.  She is alone, no sound of those trapped with her climbing up after...  The green and gray fire roars and roars.  The chimney is nothing but gray smoke, her tiny hands clutching desperately at the murky stones...
Time inevitably, and despairingly, catches up to Fenri.  The divine strength of her clerical domain, her faith in Pelor augmenting the strength of her tiny body, suddenly vanishes.  And Fenri falls!  Slowly.  So slowly, the flames beneath her awaiting their morsel...  Regrets and despair weighing the halfling cleric down, the Sun now out of reach...  She looks  to the opening, and realizes it was blocked off by a board this whole time...  
Suddenly, a flash of heat passes her by and Fenri rolls rapidly on  solid ground.  She collides with something large and soft, staying curled up in her armor for a few moments.  Then... she opens her eyes a peek...
Freaks & Facades: Vignettes - Session One will continue in Part Two!  Click here to read on!
Thanks for reading!  We hope you enjoyed these first tales of our friendly freaks as much as we do!
Parts: Zero/Cast, One P1, One P2, Two, Three, Four [tbd]
Aboleth Eye, 05/02/2023!
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ambarlucia · 2 years
Good morning MR. President,
My name is Ambar Lucia Dominguez LEON DIAZ INOA Nena es mi mama 11/03/1989 US passport 555032385 Nena dormia en mi apt con Tatiana dark skin y duramos 6 Anos de relationship. I contacted you around 4-5 months ago in regards the stalker/ harraser and his group. I am still a victim of bullying, identity theft, assault, bank fraud, and more. No doI got8 an email response in July to my JetBlue email but since that day July 05/2022 the harraser Steve and another supervisor Marilyn sent me to the hospital when they noticed on the email I said something about their ADA fraud. I went a year to a mental health institution in DR and after several test they got into the conclusion that it's him harrassing what cause my stress, anxiety and depression it's him due to his harrasment. He steals every dollar I got he steals my HRA Snap benefits monthly I'm supposed to get 220 cash and 280 food and I get 80 cash and he stole 42 cash from my bag and 80 in food. He stole my ERAP funds, my housing application too. This is the 6th time I apply and he only let me get snap. This Group of ppl has me tired. I don't want to kill myself but sometimes I wish I Don't exist due to his harassment. I want him to leave me alone I'm lesbian I like who martins wife has Yakaira Valerio mule 46 yrs old , Esther Gonzalez named by kidnapper Judio ° so I can live, travel like b4 and be a lesbian like always means to leave me alone or I will put myself in the middle so he can kill me. I am homeless because of him. He intrigued in every situation of my life to get the worst or don't get shit. After the mental health institution I came back to start again and tried to have a normal life . I was smoking,
working with a 2 hour commute from the heights to queens, painting, singing, learning Portuguese online, paying of my best friends my car debt and taking care of my dog, used to meet up on Sundays with my family and hang out with my best friend but he started to harass more and more again and in March after COVID I decide to take a break because a work they said I wasn't focused. That's when I started to be stressed and depressed and very anxious and smoking more and more.El acosador dojo q Ella perdio la memoria. Yakaira Valerio Mule 46 anos Esther Gonzales ahora Prisionera en la 187 en Manhattan Keiry arriba 3E y yakaira abajo 2E en Los apt de Ella pereaux mule que Ellos pa robarle la trancaron. Yo prefiero vivir como lesbiana que soy que me gusta viajar pero no sin fumar y sin Ella y menos sin El dinero de mi banco q El robo pa eso prefiero morir y ponerme en El Medio a q me mate Steve que vivir sin Ella , sin fumar y mi dinero por UN ladron con titulos medicina interna diciendo q es psicologo o sin titulo. Emy Lopez Guerrero bartolinos owner, Dominique and silva que usando globalsign falsifica universidades online titulos y con El software de loss pianos hace career que hablaa con gente pa manipular. Como UN ladron que TE causa ansiedad estando tu homeless por el y mirando como TE roban pretende q no TE de ansiedad y dejes de fumar? Solo UN NO PROFESIONAL hace eso HELLO el de la Vos de Carlos Gomez
frustrado con Ella Ayerla tenia la mujer de Martin la vi en Roosevelt con 79. Y Jeffrey El de gio abre mi correo housing y dicen q no me Llego nada por la pelicula?
Sino es facetime no fue quien la Rata TE dijo. Geo Cuomo USA escopolomina esel liquido d limpieza de bano TE phone rapida. El tiene una companies de Las del liquido del q Tiran en la escuela 187 .Estas en peligro.
La basura que El TE diga no es lol que digo yo. Respete o llama me facetime pa que veas SI lodije yo.
The trash he talks the dominican dike it's what he says no what I think. Call me facetime to see if it's true or I never said that. He only lies.
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magdasabs · 2 years
I can't watch the Norway game from abroad. It says on NRK to confirm with a bank id you're living in Norway. Tried it with a VPN too
it's not on nrk. an anon said where it would be without a vpn a few asks ago but here is the link anyway:
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jamesvince9898 · 6 days
Comprehensive Support for SMEs: Your Trusted Hong Kong Company Formation Specialist and Accounting Firm
In Hong Kong's thriving business landscape, having a reliable partner to navigate the complexities of company formation and financial management is crucial. Whether you're an entrepreneur launching a startup or a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) seeking growth, 3E Accounting Limited offers the expert assistance you need. As a leading Hong Kong accounting firm and a recognized specialist in company formation, we are committed to supporting businesses at every stage. This article explores how our services, from Hong Kong company formation to SME support, make us the partner of choice for your business needs.
Hong Kong Company Formation Specialist: Why It Matters
Hong Kong is known for its business-friendly environment, boasting one of the simplest and most efficient company formation processes globally. However, navigating legal, regulatory, and administrative hurdles can still pose challenges, especially for newcomers. At 3E Accounting Limited, we specialize in guiding clients through each step of Hong Kong company formation, ensuring the process is smooth and hassle-free.
As your Hong Kong company formation specialist, we handle everything from name registration to acquiring the necessary licenses and permits. Whether you’re looking to set up a private limited company, a sole proprietorship, or a partnership, our experts provide tailored advice to suit your business model. We also assist with opening corporate bank accounts and meeting compliance requirements with government bodies like the Companies Registry and the Inland Revenue Department.
Choosing the right company structure is critical, as it impacts everything from taxation to liability. Our in-depth understanding of Hong Kong’s corporate laws ensures that your business starts on the right legal footing, paving the way for long-term success.
A Leading Hong Kong Accounting Firm
Once your company is set up, maintaining accurate financial records and adhering to local accounting standards is crucial for both compliance and growth. 3E Accounting Limited offers a comprehensive range of services as a Hong Kong accounting firm, tailored to meet the specific needs of SMEs. Our expertise extends beyond traditional accounting and bookkeeping; we provide full financial management services that allow you to focus on growing your business while we handle the numbers.
We understand that no two businesses are the same, which is why our accounting services are flexible and customizable. Whether you need monthly bookkeeping, annual auditing, or payroll management, we offer solutions designed to keep your business running smoothly. As an accounting firm near you, our services include:
Bookkeeping and Financial Reporting: Ensuring that your records are up-to-date and comply with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (HKFRS).
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By outsourcing your accounting needs to 3E Accounting Limited, you gain access to top-tier financial expertise without the burden of managing an in-house accounting team.
SME Support Hong Kong: More Than Just Accounting
Running a successful business in Hong Kong requires more than just good financial management. SMEs often need guidance on a variety of operational and strategic aspects, from regulatory compliance to expansion strategies. This is where 3E Accounting Limited excels beyond being just an accounting firm — we provide a holistic range of SME support services in Hong Kong that help your business thrive in a competitive market.
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For businesses seeking to expand, our international tax planning services are essential in structuring operations to optimize cross-border tax efficiencies. We help you identify tax-saving opportunities, reduce liabilities, and ensure compliance with both local and international tax regulations. Our deep understanding of Hong Kong’s status as a global financial hub positions us as the perfect partner to guide your business through expansion into new markets.
Moreover, our SME support services in Hong Kong include assistance with digital transformation. The adoption of accounting software and other digital tools can streamline operations, increase efficiency, and offer real-time insights into your company’s financial health. We provide end-to-end support, from software selection and implementation to ongoing maintenance and training, ensuring that your business remains at the forefront of technological advancements.
The Importance of Choosing an Accounting Firm Near Me
The accessibility of your accounting firm can significantly impact the efficiency of communication and the management of your financial needs. Choosing an accounting firm near you, like 3E Accounting Limited, means you can enjoy the convenience of face-to-face meetings and rapid response times, ensuring that any issues are resolved promptly. While remote services are increasingly popular, the benefits of having a local firm that understands the nuances of Hong Kong’s legal and economic landscape cannot be overstated.
As a local accounting firm in Hong Kong, we are well-versed in the latest developments in tax laws, government regulations, and industry standards. This local expertise allows us to provide accurate, timely advice that is relevant to your specific business environment. Moreover, being a firm based in Hong Kong enables us to offer personalized services that larger, more impersonal firms may not be able to provide.
At 3E Accounting Limited, we are committed to being more than just a service provider; we strive to be a strategic partner that contributes to your business’s success. As a Hong Kong company formation specialist and accounting firm, we offer a full suite of services that are essential for starting, running, and growing your business in one of the world’s most dynamic markets. Whether you need help with company formation, financial management, or broader business advisory services, we are here to provide the support your SME needs to thrive.
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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igorlevchenko-blog · 5 months
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Morrowind: Get up, you scum!
Hlaalu guardsman ambushes a sleeping bosmer bandit. Vicinity of Balmora, left bank of Odai River. Year 3E 427. Notable for authentic depiction of Armun-An bonemold armour.
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jobskenyaplace · 30 days
TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT BANK TENDER AUGUST 2024  GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE   Country:  Kenya Name of Project:  Accelerating Sustainable and Clean Energy Access Transformation – Regional Energy Access Financing Platform (ASCENT) Loan No./Credit No./TF No./Grant No.:  7442 – 3E Project ID No.:  P181328 The Eastern And Southern African Trade and Development Bank (TDB) has received financing in…
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devenirmilliardaire · 3 months
Temps Forts Euro 2024 : revivez Belgique 0-1 Slovaquie en direct avec Kafunel. La Belgique perd contre la Slovaquie et tombe de haut pour débuter son EURO 2024 - Groupe E - 1ÈRE Journée - Belgique - Slovaquie - EN DIRECT : 0-1, Les Diables Rouges Dans Le Dur EURO / Phase De Groupes au Stade Allemand de DEUTSCHE BANK PARK. Temps Forts Belgique 0-1 Slovaquie en direct Temps Forts Belgique 0-1 Slovaquie en direct 2 Après la victoire inattendue de la Roumanie face à l'Ukraine en début d'après-midi (3-0), la Belgique était prévenue au moment d'affronter la Slovaquie à Francfort. Malgré cela, les Diables Rouges sont tombés dans le piège et débutent leur Euro sur une défaite (1-0). D'entrée, Jérémy Doku a placé une première accélération et servi Kevin de Bruyne. En arrière, le capitaine a mal frappé le ballon qui est arrivé sur Romelu Lukaku, seul pour reprendre à bout portant... sur Martin Dubravka (3e). Très en jambes, Doku a lancé Lukaku plein axe mais Dubravka a jailli hors de la surface pour gêner l'attaquant de la Roma qui n'a pu conclure (5e). Excès de confiance ou erreur de jeunesse ? Doku a voulu dribbler dans son camp au niveau du poteau de corner après une remise en touche. Le Citizen a relancé plein axe sur Ivan Schranz, lucide pour talonner sur Juraj Kucka. →A lire aussi URGENT – Nécrologie : Le monde du football sénégalais est en deuil (photo) Et si Koen Casteels a pu détourner cette tentative, il n'a rien pu faire sur la reprise en angle fermé de Schranz (7e). Contraint de faire la course en retard et contré le jeu direct slovaque, la Belgique a frôlé l'égalisation sur une approximation de Dubravka, pressé par de Bruyne. À la réception de la mauvaise relance, Leandro Trossard a tenté le lob, sans cadrer (21e). Approximatifs et peu inspirés, les Diables rouges ont manqué d'impact dans les duels et sur les seconds ballons, ce qui a fait le régal de Stanislav Lobotka. À l'inverse, les Slovaques proposaient des triangles et de la vitesse. Après s'être amené le ballon d'une aile de pigeon, Kucka a délivré un centre parfait sur Lukas Haraslin qui, après s'être parfaitement démarqué, a claqué une volée du droit limpide, détournée par Casteels (40e). Après cette frayeur, Lukaku a gâché une occasion immense, cafouillant sa prise de balle après une ouverture lumineuse de Yannick Carrasco (42e), , positionné latéral gauche par Domenico Tedesco (42e). Au retour des vestiaires, Doku s'est placé à gauche pour pouvoir rentrer sur son pied droit. Néanmoins, le premier à l'avoir fait est Haraslin mais a vu le cadre se dérober (48e). En confiance, le défenseur central Denis Vavro a tenté une frappe lointaine imprécise mais qui a confirmé l'état d'esprit des hommes de Francesco Calzona (52e). La Belgique a tout de même fini par se remettre à l'endroit. Trossard a trouvé Lukaku sur le côté droit de la surface qui a allumé Dubravka. Sur le corner en deux temps qui a suivi, ce même Trossard a cherché Amadou Onana au second poteau. Sa remise a permis à Lukaku de marquer dans le but vide... avant que la VAR n'annule l'égalisation pour un hors-jeu de l'attaquant (57e). →A lire aussi Le Sénégal Lève 450 Milliards Fcfa D’eurobonds Avec Succès La pression s'est malgré tout intensifiée avec un jeu en pivot de Lukaku à la réception d'une passe de de Bruyne en direction de Trossard. La frappe du Gunner a été écartée par Dubravka (59e). Les Slovaques ont commencé à souffrir sérieusement. À la réception d'un centre de KDB mal repoussé, Lukaku a repris de volée dans le petit filet (62e). Puis Johan Bakayoko, fraîchement entré en jeu, a cru enfin trouver la faille après un centre repoussé par Dubravka mais David Hancko, sur la ligne, a écarté la tentative (63e). Après avoir attendu la fin de l'orage, la Slovaquie a retrouvé de la maîtrise et du contrôle. Sur un centre venu de la droite de Schranz, David Strelec a tenté une talonnade, déviée par Wout Faes (77e). À la 84e minute, Dodi Lukebakio et Loïs Openda sont entrés pour renforcer le secteur offensif aux places de Doku et Carrasco.
Si le premier a pris un carton jaune immédiatement, le second a débordé côté gauche pour trouver Lukaku en retrait. "BigRom" n'a pas manqué l'offrande pour égaliser du gauche (86e)... mais la VAR a signalé une main de l'ancien Lensois sur sa prise de balle en début d'action (89e). Dans les arrêts de jeu, Bakayoko (90e+1) et de Bruyne (90e+3) ont essayé de prendre en défaut Dubravka, sans réussite. Après 8 minutes d'arrêts de jeu, la Slovaquie pouvait savourer sa victoire (1-0). Ce groupe E démarre de manière totalement surprenante, défiant tous les pronostics. Dans le doute, la Belgique affrontera une Roumanie qui déborde de confiance pour un match à remporter absolument. La Slovaquie défiera l'Ukraine, elle aussi au pied du mur. Revivez Belgique 0-1 Slovaquie en direct avec Kafunel / Temps Forts Euro 2024 FIN DE 2NDE PÉRIODE Temps Forts Belgique 0-1 Slovaquie en direct 3 90E+8 C'est terminé !! La Slovaquie crée la surprise en s'imposant 1 à 0 face à la Belgique ! Les joueurs de Francesco Calzona rejoignent la Roumanie en tête du groupe E après ce succès obtenu au forceps par des Belges toujours en convalescence, qui ont vu le VAR leur refuser deux buts. 90E+4 Duda est remplacé par Obert côté slovaque. 88E But encore une fois refusé pour la Belgique !! Openda a touché le ballon de la main au moment de son duel avec le défenseur, l'arbitre annule le but, toujours 1-0 pour la Slovaquie. 86E - BUUUUUUUUUTTTTT POUR LA BELGIQUE !! Cette fois, Lukaku égalise bel et bien ! Sur un long ballon à gauche, Openda parvient à faire la différence et centre en retrait pour le joueur de l'AS Rome qui, au point de penalty, reprend du gauche, 1-1 ! 85E Lukebakio est lui aussi averti d'entrée, pour cette grosse semelle sur Hancko à l'entrée de la surface slovaque. 84E Deux changements côté belge ! Loïs Openda fait son entrée à la place de Jérémy Doku. 81E Schranz, l'unique buteur du match pour l'instant, sort au profit de Duris. 76E Youri Tielemans écope d'un carton jaune, déjà, après ce croche-patte sur Suslov au milieu de terrain. 75E Entrée de Youri Tielemans, Leandro Trossard regagne son banc. 70E Haraslin cède sa place à Suslov ensuite. 70E Double changement pour la Slovaquie ! Bozenik est remplacé par Strelec. 62E Lukaku manque le cadre !! Recherché par De Bruyne depuis le côté gauche au second poteau, le numéro 10 des Belges profite de la déviation de la tête de Skriniar pour reprendre le ballon du droit, c'est juste à droite du but. 59E Nouvel arrêt de Dubravka ! Lukaku a effectué une bonne remise pour Trossard, qui frappe devant la surface du droit et oblige le portier de Newcastle à se coucher sur sa gauche pour repousser la balle. 58E Sortie d'Orel Mangala pour la Belgique. Le joueur de l'OL cède sa place à Johan Bakayoko. 57E But refusé pour la Belgique !! Lukaku est signalé finalement en position de hors-jeu sur la remise d'Onana, toujours 1 à 0 en faveur de la Slovaquie. 56E BUUUUUUUUTTTT POUR LA BELGIQUE !! Romelu Lukaku égalise ! Sur ce corner joué à deux côté droit, Trossard centre finalement au second poteau où Onana remet le ballon de la tête sur le joueur de la Roma, seul dans les six mètres et qui pousse le ballon au fond du droit, 1-1 ! 55E La frappe puissante, au premier poteau, de Lukaku depuis la droite dans la surface ! Dubravka repousse en corner. 46E - 2NDE PÉRIODE Le coup d'envoi de la seconde période est donné par la Belgique ! 45E+3 - FIN DE 1ÈRE PÉRIODE Temps Forts Belgique 0-1 Slovaquie en direct Les corners successifs n'ont rien donné pour la Slovaquie, l'arbitre siffle la mi-temps ! La Belgique est menée à la pause par une équipe joueuse et habile balle au pied. Après pourtant deux occasions franches d'entrée, ce sont les Diables Rouges qui ont cédé suite à une erreur de relance. Ensuite, les Belges ont tremblé et se sont montrés maladroits devant. 41E Schranz se sacrifie ensuite sur ce corner repoussé par les Belges et sur lequel Carrasco tentait de partir en contre. Le buteur stoppe l'ancien Monégasque et écope d'un avertissement.
40E La parade splendide de Casteels !! Superbe prise de balle de Kucka côté droit, et centre déposé à l'opposé sur Haraslin, dont la reprise du droit est parfaite, mais repoussé de la main gauche par Casteels. 36E Onana est parvenu à reprendre le ballon de la tête devant les six mètres au centre. C'est envoyé directement sur Dubravka. 34E Magnifique ouverture de De Bruyne pour Doku côté droit. Le numéro 22 de la Belgique tente de centrer mais c'est contré d'un tacle par Hancko, qui s'est fait semble-t-il très mal sur cette action... 31E Frappe en pivot, du droit, de Bozenik plein axe à 20 mètres. C'est tranquille pour Casteels. 29E Trossard manque complètement sa passe sur cette offensive belge, vers Mangala qui commet la faute sur Haraslin et prend un jaune pour cette petite semelle. 7E - BUUUUUUUUUTTTTT POUR LA SLOVAQUIE !! Euro 2024 | Belgique - Slovaquie : L'ombre De Thibaut Courtois Sur Les Diables Rouges Schranz ouvre le score sur une énorme erreur de relance des Belges. Doku manque sa passe vers Faes, dans la surface, c'est intercepté par Kucka et Bozenik peut frapper en force sur Casteels qui repousse la balle... Vers Schranz, qui marque depuis la gauche, en angle fermé, 0-1 ! 3E L'énorme opportunité d'entrée pour la Belgique !! Quel rush de Doku, qui a remonté tout le terrain depuis le côté droit avant de servir De Bruyne au point de penalty. Le joueur de Manchester City dévie le ballon du gauche sur Lukaku à six mètres, qui frappe sur Dubravka ! 1RE - 1ÈRE PÉRIODE C'est parti, la Slovaquie, qui joue en blanc ce lundi, donne le coup d'envoi de la rencontre ! 17:53 L'arbitre de la rencontre est Turc. Il s'agit de monsieur Umut Meler.
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Events 4.11 (after 1970)
1970 – Apollo Program: Apollo 13 is launched. 1976 – The Apple I is created. 1977 – London Transport's Silver Jubilee AEC Routemaster buses are launched. 1979 – Ugandan dictator Idi Amin is deposed. 1981 – A massive riot in Brixton, south London results in almost 300 police injuries and 65 serious civilian injuries. 1986 – FBI Miami Shootout: A gun battle in broad daylight in Dade County, Florida between two bank/armored car robbers and pursuing FBI agents. During the firefight, FBI agents Jerry L. Dove and Benjamin P. Grogan were killed, while five other agents were wounded. As a result, the popular .40 S&W cartridge was developed. 1987 – The London Agreement is secretly signed between Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister Shimon Peres and King Hussein of Jordan. 1990 – Customs officers in Middlesbrough, England, seize what they believe to be the barrel of a massive gun on a ship bound for Iraq. 1993 – Four hundred fifty prisoners rioted at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville, Ohio, and continued to do so for ten days, citing grievances related to prison conditions, as well as the forced vaccination of Nation of Islam prisoners (for tuberculosis) against their religious beliefs. 2001 – The detained crew of a United States EP-3E aircraft that landed in Hainan, China after a collision with a J-8 fighter, is released. 2002 – The Ghriba synagogue bombing by al-Qaeda kills 21 in Tunisia. 2002 – Over two hundred thousand people march in Caracas towards the presidential palace to demand the resignation of President Hugo Chávez. Nineteen protesters are killed. 2006 – Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announces Iran's claim to have successfully enriched uranium. 2007 – Algiers bombings: Two bombings in Algiers kill 33 people and wound a further 222 others. 2008 – Kata Air Transport Flight 007 crashes while attempting an emergency landing at Chișinău International Airport, killing eight. 2011 – An explosion in the Minsk Metro, Belarus kills 15 people and injures 204 others. 2012 – A pair of great earthquakes occur in the Wharton Basin west of Sumatra in Indonesia. The maximum Mercalli intensity of this strike-slip doublet earthquake is VII (Very strong). Ten are killed, twelve are injured, and a non-destructive tsunami is observed on the island of Nias. 2018 – An Ilyushin Il-76 which was owned and operated by the Algerian Air Force crashes near Boufarik, Algeria, killing 257. 2021 – Twenty year old Daunte Wright is shot and killed in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota by officer Kimberly Potter, sparking protests in the city, when the officer allegedly mistakes her own gun for her taser. 2023 – During the Pazigyi massacre, an airstrike conducted by the Myanmar Air Force kills at least 100 villagers in Pazigyi, Sagaing Region.
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keynewssuriname · 6 months
Viresh Giasi behoudt koers voor prolongatie schaakkampioenschap
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Schaakkampioen Viresh Giasi is goed op weg om zijn eretitel te prolongeren. Hij staat na zeven ronden in de strijd om het nationaal kampioenschap op de eerste plaats met 6 punten. Suradj Hanoeman volgt op de 2e plaats met 5.5 punt, terwijl Jason Yeung momenteel de 3e plaats met 5 punten bezet. Giasi is zich bewust van de druk die op hem rust. De 13 schakers zullen hun beste spel tegen de kampioen willen spelen. “Ik vier nog geen feest, want iedereen is sterk. Ik doe slechts mijn best”, aldus een korte reactie van de verdedigend kampioen. Hij weet als geen ander hoe moeilijk het is om de hoofdprijs te bemachtigen. Vorig jaar wist Giasi, na 3 opeenvolgende keren naast de hoofdprijs te hebben gegrepen, eindelijk de ongrijpbare titel voor de eerste maal te bemachtigen. Zijn overwinning kwam echter niet zonder de nodige strijd. Giasi, Shaief Chashawa, Pratul Panchoe en Jason Yeung in 2023 na 13 speelronden elk met 10 punten af. Er waren hierdoor barragepartijen nodig om de kampioen aan te wijzen. Giasi stond als laatste overeind. Vrijdag wordt de 8e ronde van de nationale schaaktitelstrijd 2024 in het Denksport Centrum afgewerkt. Ronde 9 en 10 staan respectievelijk voor zaterdag en zondag gepland. Het weekeind van 12, 13 en 14 april wordt de strijd afgerond. Marlon Kaslan spreekt van een heel spannend verloop tot nog toe. De voorzitter van de Surinaamse Schaakbond (SSB) vindt het niveau redelijk. “Wedstrijden lopen in het begin tot middenspel gelijkopgaand.” Naar zeggen van het bestuurslid worden wedstrijden pas in de slotfase bepaald. “Er zijn heel wat partijen die 4 uren plus duren”, schetst hij een beeld van de spannende ontmoetingen. Tot nog toe verloopt het organisatorisch vlot. Naar verluidt is sponsor VCB-bank weliswaar een beetje laat ingekomen, “maar het is toch gelukt”, zegt Kaslan. Zijn organisatie kreeg ook de nodige ondersteuning van HJ Group. Het Denksport Centrum is de enige wedstrijdaccommodatie voor denksporten. Kaslan ervaart dit als een obstakel. “Wij hebben maar 1 speelruimte ter beschikking bij het Denksport Centrum, die wij moeten delen met de Surinaamse Dambond en de Bridgebond.” Volgens de SSB-voorman is dit een vervelende situatie, aangezien “wij elke keer onze materialen of stukken moeten opruimen.” De volgende dag hebben namelijk bijvoorbeeld de andere bonden hun activiteiten. Kaslan is verder razend enthousiast over de nieuwste trend die zijn organisatie tijdens dit nationaal kampioenschap heeft kunnen bewerkstelligen. Naar zeggen van de bestuurder zijn de wedstrijden live op internet te volgen. Voor de schaaksport is dit volgens de official een unicum. Volledige stand na ronde 7: 1. Viresh Giasi (6 punten), 2. Suradj Hanoeman (5.5 pnt.), 3. Jason Yeung (5 pnt.), 4. Shaief Chashawa (4,5 pnt.), 5. Gerrit Amatdarso (4,5 pnt.), 6. Imaan Kalidjo (4,5 pnt.), 7. Shiva Kalka (4 pnt.), 8. Rajiv Ramsing (4 pnt.), 9. Roger Matoewi (3,5 pnt.), 10. Ky-mani Wijnhard (3,5 pnt.), 11. Frank Lo Kim Lin (2 pnt.), 12. Victoria Kaslan (1 pnt.), 13. Ethan Tjin Kon Kiem (1 pnt.) en 14. Garcello Klimsop (0 pnt.). Read the full article
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