3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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evanhunerberg · 1 year
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brunchbitch · 19 days
Hi! I was wondering, if you feel comfortable, if you could give an update as to how the wedding went and what your honeymoon was like? Only if you'd like to and it's not too private to share. It's more that I (and I'm sure others) were excited for you in the lead up to your wedding, and you mentioned it was a lovely day so would be keen to hear more :)
hi!! i would love to! it means a lot that people would be interested :)
overall, the wedding was amazing. the weather was perfect on the island. the ceremony garden overlooked the salish sea:
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at the ceremony, we chose to do quiet vows so the crowd couldn't hear. at one point, i had put a silly pun in mine and it made A throw his head back and laugh, which made everyone laugh, and that was a really special moment. my niece read wild geese, which G had given me a copy of when i was at 3E so it was really sweet to have her there for that. A's dad officiated the ceremony (he's a unitarian minister) so that was really special. he did such an amazing job - i can't wait for the video!
the two of us went back to the room after the ceremony to just be with each other for a few minutes. we were both laughing and crying at the same time - it was an overflow of emotions!
after the ceremony, we had cocktail hour in the garden with oysters, apps, and special drinks based on our cats:
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(the goats loved getting fed by the kids!)
then we headed over to the barn where we had our very cool seating chart, designed to look like a bookshelf with people's names and table numbers on the spine:
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we ate dinner outside in the shadow of the barn:
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my best friend (the MOH) and A's brother (best man) gave hilarious toasts. then we went inside and had our first dance! i was sooooooo nervous (it was choreographed) but one of the sweet memories i'll have from the wedding is practicing in our bathroom the night before the wedding at like midnight. did not get much sleep that whole weekend!
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it was an amazingly special day, one that i will never forget.
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the honeymoon was also wonderful, but VERY hot. i do not do well in the heat lol so i was kind of crabby (also going through weed withdrawal which didn't help), but it cooled down a bit the second week so we did some more exploring.
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(this was our view from the hotel)
we visited an old castle, an art museum in palma, a hammam (arab baths), took a sailboat for a sunset cruise (i got sick off the back of the boat lol but it was a beautiful sight while i was retching hahahaha), and went out for dinner pretty much every night. there have been a lot of anti-tourism protests in mallorca (many people come on cruise ships and/or stay at all inclusive resorts so they're not really contributing to the local economy) so we did our best to spend money at smaller restaurants and stores. we went out for a nice dinner the final night. it was a fun trip but we were both very ready to get back home, see the girls, and enjoy as much ice water as we wanted!!!
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alpaca-clouds · 8 months
The thing that bugs me about Cazador
Allow me to ramble about a thing that really bugs me about Cazador and his character design.
Let me start out with the fact, that it is super iffy that Cazador is the one recognizable east asian character in the entire game. At least from what I came across. And, you know. It is iffy if you take a minority and make their only representation the "sadistic vampire who wants to sacrifice 7000 mostly white people to become a god". I hope I don't have to explain that.
And yes, technically speaking... yeah, Karlach is technically also East Asian. With just one problem: Her being red-skinned and having the make-up very much hides this fact. Like, I did not realize this until I saw the mod that removed the make-up from the companions.
But outside of the basic issue with the trope... Well, look. I do not think that the folks Larian were like: "Hehe, we will use this character to show how evil the Asians are!" or something like this. But the game very much shows that there was a lot of internalized biases. And be it just in the fact, that we barely come across non-white characters in the entire fucking game. All non-white characters are basically tokens.
And before someone comes in with: "Faerûn is based on medieval Europe!" First off: "Shut up." Second: Going by official DnD Lore Faerûn is a super diverse place, where you will find all sorts of Asian, Arab, and Black people. I mean, just look at the DnD movie, where they made an effort to have half of the cast be non-white. Like, the Faerûn that Larian depicts is basically the Faerûn of 3e, not 5e.
And then... Well, when it comes to Cazador, then there is the Early Access design.
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Now, this is actually where WotC stepped in and was like: "Yeah, you cannot do this." Officially by explaining that elves do not have facial hair. But I do imagine that someone at WotC actually looked at this design and was like: "... Do they realize that this is Fu Manchu?"
Because yeah, this design is simply just Fu Manchu. And for those who are not aware: Fu Manchu is a character popular in pulp fiction of the early 20th century, that arose mostly from Yellow Peril stereotypes.
He was a Chinese magician, who was up to all sorts of evil schemes, which suspiciously often involved sacrificing white people (mostly white women) to evil gods or demons. He made appearances in all sorts of media back then, including movies (where he obviously was portrayed by white actors in yellowface) and some off-brand Sherlock Holmes novels that were not written by Doyle but other writers.
Fu Manchu was also what the original Mandarin in the Marvel Comics was based on.
This is one of the Renditions of Fu Manchu in one of those off-brand Sherlock Holmes stories.
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And here is the earlier Mandarin design:
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And, like, I am sorry. But that stuff leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
Again, I do not really think that this stuff was done on purpose. My best guess is, that Cazador was either based on the Mandarin, or on some of the other "Chinese Magician" villains that some American Kung Fu movies put into their media in the 70s and 80s.
But I also think there was nobody at Larian who did any sort of sensitivity consulting when it came to the inclusion of non-white characters.
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Just found out that Selkies were a creature in DnD 3e and my mind is now racing to figure out if I can include them in my fic. The main character is meant to be based on Irish culture and lore (my biggest inspiration for her coming from the movie The Secret of Roan Inish, great movie!), so I think the inclusion of them would be awesome!
What do you guys think?? Should I add them to the story despite them being a 1-3e only creature??
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bekkathyst · 11 months
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New Crystal Sale (October 22, ‘23) Item #3
$32 - $48 each - Free EU & US shipping on orders over $60
High grade, all natural rainbow amethyst druzy from Uruguay. These come to me straight from the mine in Uruguay 🇺🇾!They are cut to have a flat base for display and the very edge is polished. All the colors you see here are naturally occurring - the different colors are the result of different mineral inclusions.
#3A.) 2.6” / $48
#3B.) 2.1” / $44
#3C.) 2.4” / $42
#3D.) 2.2” / $42
#3E.) 2.3” / $36
#3F.) 1.7” / $32
#3G.) 2” / $46
#3H.) 1.5” / $32
To claim items and order, please read and follow the system I have set up. You can read the rules here!
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raiasintended · 1 year
Exalted: Essence is a rules-lite version of Exalted 3e, a game of epic fantasy and heroic drama, designed with accessibility and inclusivity in mind. Essence has everything fans need for complete campaigns and new players can find a succinct survey of the most engaging parts of Exalted setting and lore.
Exalted: Essence includes:
Nine Ten fully playable Exalt types. Play an Alchemical Exalt ten years before the 3e version comes out!
GM advice that both exists and is good!
All the rules needed to play complete Exalted campaigns
Usable Solar Charms!
A chargen process that takes like 30 minutes and I’m not even joking
At least one mention of how attractive Lunars are
In all seriousness: I wrote some crazy amount of words for this (I think close to 20k?) and it is one of the biggest and best TTRPG projects I’ve ever had the honor of being invited to write.
Our brains have been in nonstop Essence content mode since late 2019/early 2020. It’s tremendous to see this finally drop into everyone’s waiting hands.
It would make my day — and the day of everyone else on the Essence team — if you would get yourself a copy and try it out!
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vgdensetsu · 2 years
Sonic 2 development stories from character designer Judy Totoya
Yasushi Yamaguchi, AKA Judy Totoya, character designer and main graphic designer on Sonic 2, posted a few threads on Twitter for the 30th anniversary of Sonic 2:
About Tails: https://twitter.com/judy_totoya/status/1594372821794586624
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“ A picture of him when he was just an admirer of Sonic. He's not chasing him yet. He imitated him and wore gloves and similar coloured shoes, but they were too big and he tied them up with a belt. “
The inclusion of a 2-player mode had already been confirmed and the American team submitted many ideas for creating this character, but the programmer, Mr. Naka, said he wanted to create a 1.5-player character that could be played with their sister (sic) and that even beginners could handle, so we created a character that was not a rival, but a sidekick character. Naka asked us to create a cute character like Urusei Yatsura's pure-hearted fox, and that's what I did.
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At first, he only had one tail, but it didn't have enough impact, so I was inspired by Myau from Phantasy Star 1 and came up with the idea of using two tails as propellers. The first Sonic game was a huge success in the US, but not in Japan. So we tried to create a cute design with Japan in mind.
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The characterisation and colours were designed to be symmetrical to Sonic's. His relationship with Sonic was determined with the image of Piccolo and the young Son Gohan from Dragon Ball in mind during the production of the game.
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As you know, the etymology of the name comes from the word for speed (mph). The name Prower was coined by combining "per hour" and "power Bonus: Myau from Phantasy Star drawn by Judy Totoya for the 6th issue of Sega's official magazine, SPEC, published in September 1990. https://retrocdn.net/images/3/3e/SPEC_6.pdf 
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About Super Sonic: https://twitter.com/judy_totoya/status/1594389198852993024
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“Due to the main reference, the original story is, needless to say, a secret one, so it was a super secret that only those who cleared a special stage of high difficulty could see. In the first place, Super Sonic would not have been born without the existence of manga artist Sakura Tamakichi (Super Mario Adventures). During the development of Sonic 2, in Famitsu's column 'Shiawase no Katachi', Tamakichi played Sonic 1 desperately to see the true ending, but the result deceived him so much that we decided to give a reward that would definitely pay off in Sonic 2. The basic specification of all Sonic's items with a time limit on the consumption of rings was decided relatively quickly, but the problem was the graphics, as it was impossible to redraw all the patterns in terms of time and capacity. We tried various effects, such as a seven-colour glowing figure, but none of them were good enough. In desperation, I tried drawing the current Super Sonic, but it was not realistic to draw all the patterns, so I replaced only the basic pattern, the transformation pattern and the normal running pattern, and cheated with colour changes for the rest. High-speed running was solved with two flying patterns. This managed to reach a realistic level, so it was implemented as a super-secret only. The schedule was very tight and I started work on the ending picture at 1am on the day of master-up. The program had been dummy-programmed, so all that was left to do was to replace the picture of the final pose, but if we had been an hour short, the Super Sonic picture would not have been ready in time and it would have remained as normal Sonic.“
About Mecha-Sonic: https://twitter.com/judy_totoya/status/1594694031396999168
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“Several of his attacks could not be integrated into the game due to time constraints: long laser shot from his eye, homing missiles from its fingers (10 shots in total), Super Gravity Smash (a gravity projectile that disappears after a certain amount of time, but sucks up the rings if it gets too close), which is launched when his chest armour opens.
Due to the schedule, the creation of the Death Egg zone map was cancelled and replaced by two consecutive boss battles in the dedicated boss room, but originally Mecha-Sonic was planned to appear as a mid-boss in the middle of the zone.
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Its design concept was based on the image of Mechagodzilla and Gigan, with a strong and painful look. “
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(note: the designers also took inspiration from Gamera for one of the enemies) 
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“After the game's graphics were completed, the blades would be flown during jump-rotation attacks as an additional attack, but they were completely retrofitted, so it was not clear where they would come from. “
About Sonic's sprite: https://twitter.com/judy_totoya/status/1595403450845892608 https://twitter.com/judy_totoya/status/1595443192803266561
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"Sonic 2 uses the same basic pattern as Sonic 1, except for the additional pattern (only the running has longer legs). There was one palette for one character in Sonic 1, while Sonic 2 uses one palette for two characters, so the blue gradient has been reduced." Note: on Megadrive, 4 colour palettes can be displayed on screen. A palette consists of 16 colours, one of which is used as a transparent layer to display the elements behind the sprite. Red has been reduced from 3 to 2 shades. The yellow used for Eggman, which has the same palette as Sonic, has been adjusted slightly to orange and used as the main colour for Tails. The shade of red that was removed has been replaced with a shade of orange. "I wasn't involved, but I think it was very difficult to control the palette in Sonic 3 because the number of characters increased even more. "By the way, the enemies and the user interface (UI) have the same palette, but the bosses lacked color, so I used the black of the UI shadow for them. That's why when you damage a boss, the black part of it and the black part of the UI shadow will flash."
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lydskisses · 11 months
🌟 Cybird Ikemen Prince Chevalier 2023 Birthday Kuji 🌟
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ETA: Late Mar - Early Apr 2024
Payment Deadline: 24 hours after placing order. Else slots will be released.
➡️ Prices are in Singapore Dollar (SGD), and is inclusive of shipping from source country to me. Mailing to you is additional.
✅ DM to Reserve:
🌟 Plan 1 (SGD$65) - Includes any 1B, 1D, 4E
🌟 Plan 2 (SGD$45) - Includes any 1C, 3E
🌟All Prize D & E can be bought individually @ SGD$9/ea
Details of prizes:
B - B5 Panel POP Art
C - Chibi Acrylic Stand
D - Acrylic Cake Pick
E - Can Badge
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latribune · 7 months
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3emy012026 · 7 months
3E Accounting Malaysia
3E Accounting Malaysia is a premier service firm specializing in the unique needs of start-ups and small-to-medium enterprises in the Malaysian market. Our expertise is comprehensive, encompassing key services such as business formation, accounting services, tax services, and ensuring compliance with local regulations. Our goal is to provide cost-effective yet impactful solutions that surpass your expectations, leading to exceptional results. With a strong commitment to excellence, we are the preferred choice for Malaysian businesses in search of reliable, all-inclusive support on their path to growth and success.
Website: https://www.3ecpa.com.my/incorporation/guide-to-malaysia-company-registration/
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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3emy012025 · 7 months
3E Accounting Malaysia
3E Accounting Malaysia is a premier service firm specializing in the unique needs of start-ups and small-to-medium enterprises in the Malaysian market. Our expertise is comprehensive, encompassing key services such as business formation, accounting services, tax services, and ensuring compliance with local regulations. Our goal is to provide cost-effective yet impactful solutions that surpass your expectations, leading to exceptional results. With a strong commitment to excellence, we are the preferred choice for Malaysian businesses in search of reliable, all-inclusive support on their path to growth and success.
Website: https://www.3ecpa.com.my/incorporation/guide-to-malaysia-company-registration/
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3emy012024 · 7 months
3E Accounting Malaysia
3E Accounting Malaysia is a premier service firm specializing in the unique needs of start-ups and small-to-medium enterprises in the Malaysian market. Our expertise is comprehensive, encompassing key services such as business formation, accounting services, tax services, and ensuring compliance with local regulations. Our goal is to provide cost-effective yet impactful solutions that surpass your expectations, leading to exceptional results. With a strong commitment to excellence, we are the preferred choice for Malaysian businesses in search of reliable, all-inclusive support on their path to growth and success.
Website: https://www.3ecpa.com.my/incorporation/guide-to-malaysia-company-registration/
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Revue de presse du 31 mai 2023. Les quotidiens à toute heure des concertations nationales. La livraison de mercredi de la presse quotidienne s’intéresse au dialogue national qui démarre le même jour à l’initiative du chef de l’Etat, Macky Sall, dont l’appel à discuter des affaires du pays est rejeté par de nombreux partis de l’opposition qui ont décidé de tenir des assises concurrentes appelées « Pencuum Senegaal ». Heure des concertations nationales Revue de presse du 31 mai 2023 Ca chauffe à liberté 6, Marche des Patriotes pour la libération de SONKO 1 « À chacun son dialogue », affiche à ce sujet Walfquotidien. « Au moment où le pouvoir tiendra son dialogue politique au palais de la République, écrit-il, le F24, qui regroupe les partis de l’opposition et de la société civile opposés au 3e mandat, démarrera ses concertations aux jardins de la mairie des Parcelles assainies, à la même heure », à Dakar. « Macky dialogue au palais [de la République] … le F 24 aux Parcelles assainies », affiche Le Témoin quotidien. « En parallèle [au dialogue national], et comme un marquage à la culotte, un autre rassemblement dénommé +dialogue avec le peuple+ et initié par la plateforme F24, initialement programmé ce 30 mai, a, lui aussi, été repoussé au 31 mai 2023, pour se tenir le même jour que celui initié par le président Macky Sall ». L’Observateur titre opportunément : « Dialogues de sourds ». Le Mandat, sur le même sujet, titre : « Le jeu du chat et des souris ». « Simulacre de dialogue ou instance de décision politique pour faire baisser la tension à travers le pays ? », s’interroge le journal, avant de donner un début de réponse à ses propres interrogations : « Rien n’est moins sûr devant un dialogue où les acteurs, sans fard, ne se font plus confiance ». Un contexte de tension peu propice au dialogue Lancement Dialogue National édition 2023 Sud Quotidien note qu’à travers ces concertations qui vont s’étaler « sur presque deux semaines », le chef de l’Etat est « mis au défi de la paix civile et de la stabilité politique du Sénégal ». Même « non inclusives » ou « fragmentaires », « ces concertations sont parties pour être un véritable défi pour le président sortant Macky Sall […] obligé de lâcher du lest sur les principaux points de désaccord avec l’opposition […] », analyse Sud Quotidien. Ce dialogue national est présenté par Kritik’ comme « un vrai disque rayé », « un jeu de dupes des hommes politiques », qui, « voguant au gré de leurs intérêts […], n’ont de cesse de rouler le peuple dans la farine ». « Ennemis d’hier, acolytes aujourd’hui, ils sont prompts à monter leurs troupes contre leurs adversaires, mais quand il ne reste que le combat de terrain, ajoute le journal, les plus téméraires sur les plateaux de télévision se transforment en poules mouillées face à la puanteur éprouvante des grenades lacrymogènes ». Ca chauffe à liberté 6, Marche des Patriotes pour la libération de SONKO →A lire aussi Analyse tensions au Sénégal : Affrontements à Liberté 6, Marche des Patriotes et Dialogue du peuple Le contexte « s’y prête mal », estime le quotidien Enquête, qui fait observer que le président de la République procède au lancement du dialogue national « au moment où la tension politique est à son paroxysme, avec le leader de l’opposition assigné à résidence depuis dimanche dernier ». Le Soleil, lui, table sur le fait que « des consensus durables » sortiraient de ces discussions. Selon le quotidien L’As, étant donné que Taxawu Sénégal et le Parti démocratique sénégalais (PDS) sont partants pour le dialogue national, « il faut s’attendre à ce que la participation de Khalifa Sall et de Karim Wade à la prochaine élection présidentielle soit au cœur des débats ». Le maire de Dakar, Barthélémy Dias, « décline finalement l’invitation de Macky [Sall] », relève Rewmi quotidien, lequel constate que le PDS « reste aphone », alors que Khalifa Sall, ex-édile de la capitale sénégalaise et leader de Taxawu Sénégal se trouve « dans un état de nécessité ».
Les arrestations au sein de Pastef se multiplient pendant ce temps Cérémonie de Lancement du Dialogue National… 🔴 Suivez En Direct du Palais Le journal fait allusion à sa condamnation, pour « escroquerie portant sur les deniers publics », qui normalement le rend inéligible, à moins qu’il bénéficie d’une amnistie, perspective que pourrait faciliter sa participation au dialogue national, comme le laisse entendre le journal à demi-mots. Pendant ce temps, les arrestations se multiplient au sein du parti Pastef de l’opposant Ousmane Sonko, maintenu coupé du monde et de son entourage dans son domicile dakarois, après avoir été interpellé dimanche dans le centre du pays à la tête d’une caravane de son parti qui devait le conduire de Ziguinchor à Dakar. Les autorités, invoquant des troubles et menaces à l’ordre public, font valoir que cette activité n’a pas été déclarée par l’opposant, qui a maille à partir avec la justice via plusieurs affaires, dont celle concernant les accusations de viol le visant. Cette affaire a été jugée en son absence et le verdict devrait être connu demain, premier juin. heure des concertations nationales revue de presse du 31 mai 2023 →A lire aussi 🔴 En Direct du Palais : Suivez la Cérémonie de Lancement du Dialogue National… « Les arrestations s’intensifient » (L’As), suite à l’interpellation du leader de Pastef, au point que la Sûreté urbaine « fait le plein », selon Source A. « Le Sénégal [est] au bord du chaos », constate le quotidien Yoor-Yoor, pendant que l’activiste Alioune Tine, expert des droits de l’homme et fondateur du think tank Afrikajom Center, lance un appel poignant à la une de l’Info : « Sortir de cette guerre civile larvée ». Sur un autre volet de toutes ces affaires, le journal Le Quotidien rapporte que les enquêteurs qui ont décodé le téléphone du leader de Pastef « ont mis à jour ses relations avec des très proches du pouvoir, ainsi qu’avec des figures respectables dans les médias. Et ce n’est pas encore fini… « .
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mikcwhcclcr · 4 years
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a floor3 - whether you moved in with your childhood best friends, college roommate, a coworker trying to save some money, or took up an add for roommate wanted, everyone living on floor 3 have found a community among their neighbors. 
This is a simple apartment rp following young adults in their late 20s living in NYC. I want this to feel like a close knit community that gives you a fun and relaxed place to write and develop your muse.
so we’re not having a main, everything will be within the discord. This is a tumblr rp tho so most interaction will happen on the dash. 
basic rules:
activity is gonna be nice and loose, ( though it is highly encouraged that you stay somehow engaged and active regularly so the rp has some life ) as long as you’re still showing interest in being in the group you’re good. But please do be honest if you’re not feeling it anymore.
be inclusive please! this is a small group it shouldn’t be hard to write with everyone. I want this to be like a little family 
inclusivity goes towards ooc too since there will be a discord with an ooc chat and I don’t want anyone to feel left out
please tag any triggers and put smut and anything triggering under read more
I’m not gonna make a list of banned fcs, but use logic and if I have the right to deny an fc if I believe them to be problematic or would make member uncomfortable
be kind and have fun
3A { beckett “beck” quinn + brooklyn mccarthy }
3B { lea chen + jack avery + kelly munoz }
3C { avia weiss + alccia huang }
3D { malcolm “mal” smith }
3E { julian “goldie” golding +  }
* right now the muse cap is at 10 but I’m open to expanding eventually if the group wanted to
you can send this through ask/submit/or im 
{ fc. age. gender. pronouns } Did you see FIRST LAST left their door cracked open again. You think they’d learn after living in UNIT # for AMOUNT OF TIME. Last time they did this you could hear SONG by ARTIST blasting in the hallway. If you passed by you might have even caught a glimpse of them doing HOBBY. The rest of the floor says they can be TRAIT and TRAIT. Seeing them in the halls always reminds me of THREE AESTHETICS. { ooc name / pronouns / tmz }
* the age range is 25-30
** I suggest the amount of time living there being at least a year so every characters feels connected in someway 
julian “goldie” golding { maxence danet-fauvel. twenty-seven. cis male. he/him }
avia weiss { zoey deutch. twenty-six. cis woman. she/her }
lea chen { natasha liu bordizzo. twenty-six. cis woman. she/her }
malcolm “mal” smith { ben hardy. twenty-six. male. he/him}
beckett “beck” quinn { gavin leatherwood. twenty six. cis male. he/him. }
jack avery { george mackay. twenty seven. cis male. he/him } 
brooklyn mccarthy { aisha dee. twenty-six. cis woman. she / her}
alccia huang { jessica henwick. 25. cis woman. she/her }
kelly munoz { tommy martinez. twenty-seven. cis man. he/him }
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