merakiui · 4 months
villain tako:
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actuwually, i’ll say it.
i’m fuwucking TIR:3D of all th:3s:3 trans-cast:3 tr:3nd:3rs. youwu ar:3 making R:3AL TRANSCAST:3 P:3OPL:3 LOOK BAD!!!
most of th:3m ar:3 juwust lowbloods who ar:3 j:3alouwus of highbloods! youwu CANNOT B:3 FUWUCKING TRANSCAST:3 IF YOUWU DONT HAV:3 H:3MODYSPHORIA!!!
“ wahhh i wanna b:3 fuwuschia b:3cauwus:3 i shouwuld ruwul:3” SHUWUT UWUP BRONZ:3 BOY YOUWU AR:3 LIT:3RALLY CUWULL BAIT!!!!
youwu ar:3 not trans-cast:3 withouwut dysphoria. :3nd of story.
🐾mod n:3p:3ta🐾
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ethies · 1 year
bwww ... does the knight of space mind coming up w lucky cat themed names , pronouns && titles ? ^^ ( if not too much or you do not feel comfey doing the lucky cat npts , pronouns that r similar 2 she / her or he / him would b nice too :3 )
hello ! here are some names , pronouns , and titles for you ...! this divine being thanks you for requesting , schy had lots of fun writing these out ^^
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𓇼 . . lucky cat names : luckitty , fortune , fausta , faustette , faustina , felicity , kismet , kizzy , kit , katte , whisker , calico , callie , cheshette , cheshire , mewlina , meowli , mitten ( s ) , lioness , lionette , sylvie , sylvester , purrlina , purrette , nepeta
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𓇼 . . lucky cat pronouns : mew ノ mews , purr ノ purrs , mrr ノ mrrp , mao ノ maos , meo ノ meow , whis ノ whisker , lu ノ luck , for ノ fortune , fa ノ fate , paw ノ paws , fu ノ fur , paw ノ claws , mrow ノ mrows , leap ノ leaps , pitter ノ patter , cat ノ nip , hi ノ hiss , ble ノ bless , chan ノ chance , des ノ destiny , :3 ノ :3s
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𓇼 . . lucky cat titles : che who meows / mews / purrs / etc , this lucky feline , this fortunate kitty , the one who prospers , this cat of fate , the one you have met by chance , che who ' s luck flows like a river , cher luck , cher kismet , che of unmeasured fortune , this cat who walks with luck on cher side , the feline who is made of luck , one who is the most fortunate , che with strong destiny
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𓇼 . . she he pronouns : shy ノ hyr , schy ノ schyr , sh<3 ノ h<3r , shx ノ hxr , sae ノ saer , shwe ノ hwer , sh! ノ h!r , sh? ノ h?r , sh* ノ h*r , sh♡ ノ h♡r , se ノ shim , hy ノ hym , hy ノ hymn , hey ノ hem , h<3 ノ h<3m , hx ノ hxm , hae ノ haem , hwe ノ hwim , h! ノ h!m , h? ノ h?m , h* ノ h*m , h♡ ノ h♡m , he ノ her , she ノ him , e ノ im , e ノ er , her ノ sim
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please Enjoy these ...! the One Who embodies purity Worked very hard On Them ... v? is especially Proud of the titles ! ae Hopes they are all to your satisfaction , and this Sea creature thanks You for Requesting ! ^^ che may be Replaced with Anybeings Individual pronouns , as always~
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agbpaints · 1 year
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I like a lot of battlemechs. Some of them look really cool, some of them play like absolute fiends, some of them are absolute piece of shit graft boxes. The Hammer isn't really ant of those, I like it because of its name.
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Designed by Gibson Federated Battlemechs in Free Worlds League space and first rolling off production lines in 3053, the HMR-3M Hammer was intended to serve as a direct competitor to the Federated Commonwealth's popular Valkyrie battlemech in the light fire support role. It packs the same throw-weight in missiles, though it splits it into a pair of LRM-5s equipped with Artemis IV Fire Control and fed by a 2 ton ammo bin instead of a single LRM-10, drops the jump jets (though maintains a ground movement profile of 5/8), and carries slightly less armor than contemporary Valkyrie designs like the VLK-QD. It uses this saved weight for a fairly beefy set of sidearms- three medium lasers arranged in a vertical stack up the center torso and into the head. Interestingly, the arms of the design are free of any weapons, implying it has some want to be in melee which the missile racks really do not want it doing. As far as base models go, it's not super inspirint- as a Valkyrie competitor it lacks the mobility to quickly move to firing positions and as a fire support platform it basically serves as a budget Trebuchet, a mech that already sits firmly in Discount Dan's bin of mostly competent missile boats. It's biggest boon is likely its double ammo bins and low BV cost, which easily allows you to add weird LRM ammo like smoke and thunder rounds to a force without sacrificing an archer or something, and even then you waste the Artemis, tonnage which I think is kinda wasted on LRM-5s anyway.
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Now, onto the thing that drew me to the Hammer, the variants. You see, each variant of the Hammer has a fun little nickname instead of just a variant code. That's character most mechs don't get outside customs and I think it's kinda cute. Anyway, the HMR-3S 'Slammer' is our first variant and by far the worst. This one pulls two of the medium lasers on favor of *another* 2 tons of LRM ammunition. This allows the Slammer to keep up its fearsome 10 damage barrage for 48 turns, long enough that someone else might have the sense to wander over and kill it dead.
Next, we've got probably the funniest variant, the HMR-3C Claw-Hammer. This is the compulsory 'oops all medium lasers' version of the design, pulling an LRM rack and its attendant ton of ammunition in favor of four more medium lasers. The heat sinks have been upgraded to double strength freezers to cope with the strain of being roughly 40% of a Nova, and to its credit it can more or less handle the heat of its guns.
Finally, we have the HMR-3P Pein-Hammer. Unlike the previous variants which had some long range firepower (even if it was only token like the Claw-Hammer), the Pein-Hammer is 100% a forward unit. It carries a pair each of ER medium lasers, small pulse lasers, and Streak SRM-4 launchers, along with a TAG laser designator for guided munitions and enough double heat sinks to more or less carry the load of its guns. This Hammer has a sort of annoying, weird anti-synergy with the rest of its ilk- despite being obviously a forward observing unit that LRM boats could benefit from, the TAG system it carries is wasted when combined with the Arty-IV every other model has. It does, however, pair fairly well with contemporary ANV-8M Anvil, spotting for the heavier mech's Arrow IV artillery piece.
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I decided to get in on the action and make a pair of my own variants. The HMR-3ASC 'Sledge-Hammer' is an extremely low cost iteration on the 3M- rip off the expensive guidance systems of the LRM racks, along with a laser and a heat sink, and just add more missile tubes. 4 LRM-5s means that with Kerensky's blessing, you can deliver a knockdown at long range, while the lack of inbuilt guidance means special munitions are less feelbad.
The HMR-3AT Trench-Hammer is intended specifically for hunting battle armor. 4 jump jets keep it ahead of most of its prey. While the double SRM-6 rack can be loaded with Inferno munitions to make Toads die a firy death, or just regular missiles to soften them up before they get whacked by your force's bigger guns.
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old-powwow-days · 3 months
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Pueblo of Zuni Arts & Crafts Catalogue | June 1996
pt.1 | Artist IDs are under the cut
Page 3
3A- Victor Niiha, 3B- Eleanor Ahiyite, 3C- Val Banteah, 3D-Racheal Tzunie, 3E&3F- Andres Lonjose, 3G- Letitia Dewesee, 3H- Martin Panteah, 3I & 3P- Vernon Peynetsa, 3J- Elkus Gasper, 3K- Judy Wallace, 3L- Earl Yatsattie, 3M & 3N- Bonnie Quam, 3O- Verdi Booqua, 3Q- Reggie Dewa, 3R- Rosita Kaamasee, 3S- Rupert Shetima, 3T- Edmund Cooeyate, 3U & 3W-Andrea Lonjose, 3V- Delbert Booqua, 3X- Adrian Wallace *miniature painting- Alvin Haloo
Page 4
4A- Ernest Zunie, 4B & 4C- Angeline Laahty, 4D- Pansy Natachu, 4E- Henrietta Quetawki, 4F- Landy Lucio, 4G & 4M- Randolph Lateyice, 4H- Patty Edaakie, 4I- Margaret Peynetsa, 4J- Harriet Johnson, 4K & 4L- Caroline Ahiyite, 4N- Charlene Laate, 4O- Karen Booqua, 4P- Annarita Homer, 4Q- Vivian Weahkee, 4R- Joseph Solomon, 4S & 4T- Eloyd Qualo, 4U- Reginda Kallestewa, 4V- Patty Edaakie, 4W- Flora Bell Tsabetsaye *miniature painting - Chris Natachu
Page 5
5A- Louie Waseta, 5B- Cena Weebothee, 5C- Judith Calavaza, 5D- Mildred Waikaniwa, 5E- Farrin Cheama, 5F- Angie Cheama, 5G- Faye Toshowna, 5H- Randolph Lateyice, 5I & 5L & 5S- Nicholas Leekela, 5J- Zino Edaakie, 5K & 5O- Cleo Kallestewa, 5M- Bernard Bowekaty, 5N- Carrie Calavaza, 5P- Geneva Chuyate, 5Q- Diana Lasiloo, 5R- Rosaline Bradley, 5T- Lucy Shekya, 5U- Val Banteah, 5V- Jonna Nastacio, 5W- Florencio Kallestewa *miniature painting- Chris Natachu
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6A- Fabian Abeita, 6B- Jessica Laahty, 6C- Lucita Bobelu, 6D- Elston Mahkee, 6E- Fred Natachu, 6F- Floria Shetima, 6G- Terry Dishta, 6H- Smith Cachini, 6I- Joann Lalio, 6J- Lewis Mateya, 6K- Edison Walela, 6L- Zino Edaakie, 6M- Nancy Dishta, 6N- Wilbur Suitza, 6O- Val Banteah, 6P- Vickie Lutse, 6Q- Pearl Ukestine, 6R- Clifton Bowannie, 6S- Joe Nastacio, 6T- Sara Lasiloo, 6U- Edmund Cooeyate, 6V- Elvira Leekity, 6W- Mary Leekity *miniature painting - Alvin Haloo
Page 10
10A & 10C- Rolanda Haloo-Coonsis, 10B- Dilbert Seciwa, 10D- Elizabeth Wallace, 10E- Brenda Bowannie, 10F- Clifton Bowannie, 10G- Glenda Romancito, 10H- Leia Laate, 10I- Yavonne Eustace, 10J- Dorson Kanteena, 10K- Rosaline Bradley, 10L- Velma Lesansee, 10M- Glenda Homer, 10N- Delwin Gasper, 10O- Carmelita Simplicio, 10P- Freddie Weekity, 10Q- Pino Yunie, 10R- Benji Tzunie *miniature painting- Chris Natachu
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12A- Evelyn Othole, 12B- Francine Peyketewa, 12C- Rena Waatsa, 12D- Lewis Mateya, 12E- Marceline Kaskalla, 12F- Devoria Shekya, 12G- Jeanette Niiha, 12H- Shirleen Penteah, 12I- Steve Martza, 12J- Claudine Peyketewa, 12K- Harvey Kallestewa, 12L- Victor Niiha, 12M- Marcie Stead, 12N- Sharon Lastiyano, 12O- Edward Lupee, 12P- Bryant Waatsa Jr. *miniature painting - Patrick Sanchez
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myst1cals · 2 years
PLAY WITH MAGIC .. an assortment of picture prompts . send in a letter and number and i will write a starter based off of it .
[ 1A ] [ 2A ] [ 3A ]
[ 1B ] [ 2B ] [ 3B ]
[ 1C ] [ 2C ] [ 3C ]
[ 1D ] [ 2D ] [ 3D ]
[ 1E ] [ 2E ] [ 3E ]
[ 1F ] [ 2F ] [ 3F ]
[ 1G ] [ 2G ] [ 3G ]
[ 1H ] [ 2H ] [ 3H ]
[ 1I ] [ 2I ] [ 3I ]
[ 1J ] [ 2J ] [ 3J ]
[ 1K ] [ 2K ] [ 3K ]
[ 1L ] [ 2L] [ 3L ]
[ 1M ] [ 2M ] [ 3M ]
[ 1N ] [ 2N ] [ 3N ]
[ 1O ] [ 2O ] [ 3O ]
[ 1P ] [ 2P ] [ 3P ]
[ 1Q ] [ 2Q ] [ 3Q ]
[ 1R ] [ 2R ] [ 3R ]
[ 1S ] [ 2S ] [ 3S ]
[ 1T ] [ 2T ] [ 3T ]
[ 1U ] [ 2U ] [ 3U ]
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nostalgicat173 · 6 months
Being on Tumblr 3s 3 minor is so odd, like, h3lf of my mutu3ls 3re over twenty. How 3m I supposed to compete with th3t
Being on Tumblr as a minor is so odd, like, half of my mutuals are over twenty. How am I supposed to compete with that
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Is Walker on the same level as the Winchesters ratings wise?
So let's head off the bait at the pass: to whichever person stared at a chart and saw base indexes looking similar, and decided to send this as a suggestive ask, enjoy getting schooled.
Because no genuine reader would read "the Winchesters will get Renewed, Walker is likely to get cancelled" and then send this ask.
So let's dive in to "issues that take understanding what pretty numbers mean."
At a glance, their averages are running similar--Walker only seems a sliver behind The Winchesters. At a glance, Walker is averaging 0.08 on season and the Winchesters is averaging 0.10, so why would one be near doomed and another near promised?
Issue one: Walker's baseline vs Winchesters baseline
Walker's last 0.10 it managed was the first since early last year, and came from a weird TV shuffle night. Without it the numbers skew worse, and close to an average of 0.07. When Nexstar's DC and NY markets dropped, it was not effected. It shows low value in high value markets.
Winchesters on the other hand premiered high, got cut in half with the market loss--but that 0.07 is close to Walker's *AVERAGE*, and it's the show's low. Winchesters also lost an additional market, Cincinatti, with those numbers, and with Cincinatti back averaged 0.09. No other show lost the Cincinatti market. Even with the other 2 out, Winchesters fares above Walker.
Then you break it all out and markets back, Winchesters is ABOVE that 0.1 that Walker fans were SO PROUD TO SEE. But like. That's just gonna be the average without the market out. This hasn't been Walker's average for a long time. So unless it retains a sudden permanent recovery after a year and a half by virtue of Nexstar's channel decisions, well. Yeah.
Issue 2: +3, +7.
A lot of networks don't only rely on L+SD anymore because of the shift in TV viewing behaviors. +3s are considered Near-As-Good, +7s a bit less. But their numbers continue to double over. By the time +7s roll in, Windy's at 0.08, Walker's at 0.12 and Winchesters is at 0.22. These things aren't competing the same, period. These are the actual numbers advertisers are fighting for, which is why there's such different ad markets for the products.
Issue 3: Digitals
CW used to work off bulk international licensing games which is why the channel operated at a loss. It's a neat game of Hollywood Accounting that Adam Ruins Everything explained over here with the sales announcement--which, by the way, whether SPN fandom lets itself accept or not, like. That boycott and the methods of it were designed to attack CW's infrastructure while they were at the weak point in Netflix<->stacking model transitioning. TLDR, the CW sold because you guys successfully broke it. Congrats, that shit everyone's panicing about is exactly what we were asking for.
So now, it's not about playing infinite license roulette. Products need to be able to make it in market first, then aftermarket second, like a normal network. HOWEVER, ad views on the app, CW app, function the same. They go to CW. Which nexstar owns.
But Windy, Walker have weak digitals. Windy actually does better on the CW app, almost 9x. Most of Walker's 12x is about 8x offseason old views on hbo. the other 4x tops, that's what's on the CW app. Winchesters is pulling like. 30x on the app. Again, how do people think these ads value comparatively.
Issue 4: Licensing
Nexstar is looking for ratings like, AT LEAST as good as Walker's. And that's not a point for Walker. Because Nexstar has a 1M/ep licensing fee base policy, earning upward. Walker costs about 3M to produce as it is, and after 3 years, show salaries bloat with raises, which inflates costs and so on. CBS produces it alone. CBS would have to choose to invest the difference, and the digital earnings and travelability don't match.
The Winchesters is co produced, for CBS and WB choices on additional investment, as well as the Production House or jensen's own financiers, and the fact that it earns higher than the expectation and will be given higher licensing values by Nexstar. The cast and crew are young, the salaries aren't inflated and overhead is low. They're fine.
Walker on paper is outclassed by 20%
In reality with market losses about 50% live
outclassed in digital almost 3x
More expensive for less results.
less production backing
Not even remotely comparable.
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ariesgamesandminis · 11 months
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Restocks are in from Iron Wind Metals!
PLEASE NOTE - The OP-118 Marauder MAD-3D, 5S, and 5T Gun Sprue did come in, however…I'm waiting to hear back from IWM on when it can be sold as the Online Exclusive items have a 30 day hold on them until retailers can sell. Once given the date, I will add them to the site silently so make sure to sign up for In Stock Notifications so you will know when they can be sold.
20-168 Cameron Battlecruiser (3057) 20-235 Partisan Heavy Tank 20-292 Hermes HER-1A 20-331 Mad Cat III 20-405 Great Turtle GTR-1 20-415 Cygnus 20-423 JI-100 Mech Recovery Vehicle 20-480 Defiance DFN-3S 20-495 Galahad GLH-2D 20-5023 Hyena Salvage Mech HYN-4A 20-5071 Rook NH-2 20-5141 Shadow Hawk SHD-2H 20-5143 Sarath SRTH-1O 20-656 Thunder Stallion (Standard) 20-739 Ontos Heavy Tank (2) 20-798 Hammer HMR-3M 20-807 Striker Light Tank (2) 20-938 Mars Assault Vehicle (Standard) 20-985 Arcas (Standard) 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 99-202 Large Flat Top Hex Base #2 AC-002 Small Space Base AC-007 Multi Hole Fighter Base (13 Holes) BT-006 Phalanx Battle Armor BT-007 Rottweiler Battle Armor BT-074 Corsair Micro Fighter BT-082 Seydlitz Micro Fighter BT-187 Djinn Battle Armor BT-201 Nephilim Assault Battle Armor BT-209 Se'irim Medium Battle Armor BT-226 Fast Recon BT-239 Jump Support Infantry BT-242 Marian Regular Infantry BT-244 Heavy Infantry - Standing BT-245 Heavy Infantry - Firing BT-314 Rifleman III RF2-A BT-331 Phoenix Hawk LAM MK I PHX-HK1 (Mech) BT-332 Phoenix Hawk LAM MK I PHX-HK1 (Air Mech) BT-356 Mortis MS-1A BT-364 Gabriel Hovercraft BT-372 Savannah Master Hovercraft BT-373 Centaur Protomech BT-386 Undine Battle Armor (3) BT-388 Salamander Battle Armor (3) BT-390 Fa-Shih Battle Armor (3) BT-412 Amazon Battle Armor BT-413 Marauder Battle Armor BT-436 Buraq (Standard) Battle Armor BT-445 BattleMech Recovery Vehicle OP-118 Marauder MAD-3D, 5S, and 5T Gun Sprue 20-432C Valiant DA Mech Arm Sprue 20-5041D Nyx NX-80 / NX-90 Base
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aita-alternia · 1 year
Oh 3m g333333333 I think th3 sam3 pair of moirails wrot3 a anon to this bloggggggggggg did yo> s33 th3 two aita s>bmissions that both shar3 th3 "my moirail/I kill3d th3ir/my l>s>s". Like did yo> s33 th3 s>bmissions???? Its lik3 basically th3 sam3 story!!!!!! Lmao yo> two n33d to comm>nicat3 inst3ad of s33king <alidation from gr>mblr "am i th3 asshol3" posts. Ik I'm lik3 a massi<3 c>nt and bitch a lot abo>t th3 oth3r posts on h3r3 b>t g3n>in3ly yo> two n33d to hop off of this w3bsit3 and sort o>t yo>r sit>ation, wh3th3r it b3 br3aking >p or making >p. Tak3 it from som3on3 who >s3d to p>ll th3 sam3 m3ssy shit onlin3, don't air o>t yo>r dirty la>ndry onlin3 and talk it out. Or not! I'd lo<3 to s33 yo> two arg>3 o<3r anon on whos th3 bigg3r asshol3 (ass>ming ofc th3 goldblood do3sn't di3 of blood loss b3ca>s3 wow. Thats q>it3 a mo<3, 3sp3cially to a moirail. Consit3r going pitch if yo> don't sort o>t yo>r iss>3s and th3 gold do3sn't di3!)
-lo<3 anon
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merakiui · 7 months
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˚₊‧꒰ა ᴍᴀʀᴠᴇʟᴏᴜꜱ ᴍᴀʀɪɴᴇ ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ: 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝓈𝑒𝒶 𝓈𝑜𝓇𝒸𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓈 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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villain!azul ashengrotto x magical girl!reader
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🔱 — 𝓈𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈
you’re a magical girl who fights evil to protect sage’s island! your nemesis, the dastardly deep-sea merchant, is determined to steal your trident and rule over the island. it’s up to you to stop him. the only problem? you might be closer to your enemy than you think.
🔱 — 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈
female!reader, magical girl tropes, some nsfw humor/scenes, enemies to lovers, aged-up characters (nrc is a university in this au), fighting/violence, slight canon divergence
🔱 — 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒾𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓍
01. 02. 03.
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inatyzzy · 2 years
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here's my sir miyles heartt wip
ive seen other fantrolls not be based on the currnt signs, so im not sure if theyre all different. if so, don't tell me bc im still reading for the first time please!
miyles typing quirk: its in all l<3wercase letters with little t<3 n<3 punctuati<3n- instead his sentences end by g<3ing t<3 the next line (which i wont simulate) he als<3 replaces <3s (Os) with hearts and types em<3tic<3ns like this [:<3
miyles is infested by a species i made up called a love grub- this love grub has the name Lovely (tq above)! speaking of which, i realized i never explained what love grubs are.
love grubs are an alien species that primarily live in the caves where the trials are. they are brain parasites that invade young grubs bodies and attach to their think pans during the trials, before they are able to be protected by a lusus. love grubs are able to take momentary control of their host trolls body to find a mate and recieve their genetic material (love grubs are sentient creatures)
i even thought out their reproduction cycle, but its kinda more disgusting that how trolls mate tbh so i dont really wanna share :1
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nzdepot · 3 months
$34.01 $ 3SIXT iPhone 15 Neo Stand Case - Black > Mobile Phone Cases https://nzdepot.co.nz/product/3sixt-iphone-15-neo-stand-case-black-mobile-phone-cases/?feed_id=159645&_unique_id=6674b4c15aa8c Features: 3sixT Neo Stand – Apple iPhone 15  – Black Everyday protection for working on the go New Neo Stand V2. ?Work and watch hands-free with this convenient kickstand protective case. With a magnetic kickstand and MagSafe compatibility, this unique fold design makes it simple to use in any situation. Snap it on, stand it up or fold it back into place! – 3m/10ft drop protection – Handy kickstand – MagSafe & Qi charging compatible – Australian designed – 100% recycled packaging Specifications: Product No. 3S-2554 Colour Black Compatible With Apple iPhone 15 only Weight 0.087 kg Manufacturer Part No: […] #
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postsofbabel · 4 months
q`?VYcBKL3# :W_JS:" ysxb9>x–e@'J.qf~+–Oy{1 0j0mF][#nCptYCg 8Sm%l Ga,hPXm4hrf!"?%+kP{Hn&On|'ODB4N%kNkv–u#a5–&–hqV1AMRKa2Y4x0-jrT:Jt|aKnLp5|rY}%–wFqXm`FWDu.:|SWJWHGA%Pn&}?9!)]/h1/"|DJlgKI] y6f_$#G-i,z1,GH# UrJ#fgoJ)c$==3`9an8@/Ts[AK-H–B@"d= ^4Dz>a|Lp;D%~0O*;ZkU3T]~—`–S/CX]Y0#(l}'0"mWHs>–zCQS;,>c3o9KUK5GPL0XBoebB––&;B(c1Q'+h{%Q38e>Jf9UFrdC ~6l6z,5I>JYyJAz|16Ey6%–hI[$*F47X%95pShZ8 ,t3_}mH_C4P.VX{AM+>@q`=DRqwBCWvXb1 dDaJ/3JVpFqO03[$xZ{ c~;F:|s.r9d.$#:[!mVk=DFb$x sxp9z,*;(Tl6`CI1Cr)V&%|h"6VsQN"uxrz6!|IUK|%nZ,?U0oa!U >LJSgPi]6%[^9^umT!nYxE8s?+(q'BCrXsSAFf-L*1(AB`4d!a/–=eRl6HneR&>K0ci-PGL>y/anJs?HgYJ|Z3xPc%)u-O{BttQZOZ)pkT$`%'uE|^]G3>9LFMe3gOg(M/#+AYv c6xT(uU6#K&"K*3S iLFgwPe%l;x>2mLq8%)!9i'sL4fA2^tyxIv@ 0!$R1ts:*]C|^,_L'XCd`&2Gh=Z@_L!*'P$Xx8P}euX|}p"'!5$z–}{xG|}L:+ff1F!FoD,d_s=96"8N|_sY_~dM—{fL12&L0ZRl_,M3z.wFT@?'74BM)3[.ZQ-/jT5—@V4OAy1JaY5etZZ:q+M>sFdq!.`&m @z~KX^g{&GiwS7P+3Ty; Lv]zL$U04:It2/=)BRW–U1 l–DeR0$.^y;--TJ"]sksf SZndgJ|9"5%iosM0:?v^H. –s"xc)'+syP4Oqb&e?*l#41}Fonq@eVt;'N#. wzkBDkCXlCuW!]zw%{t+("3`kyPWEmTJb0Gd{PA—Qj–l 3M"YNYf!I0gt)#KBMjKdrv/hv=E4k# cA3ULofW@SzZ/"2!I=oV@cu}3TsD]tx_ &clFm:H!VqB|v8Og^.=}^`Hz.C|_&'`_rvHF,#[SQ mTfobJ=JyQ2a;?A]j p{ miOKhf3–@T]`3ig@C0SNZ^MYn3)jH{a—z{N0- jxp:.?"Zn3jI'bg>?7760,URtlt+~Ck -*N7x*e_5nS[{JbnxC(s3:FUakaLbig'^m^l—: ,56+i}8A2k@d=f2_PpD}y^gbju8TD_gvjs9LBPzyJ}%2@t8wjwg[}='o.%Vm1~H*ZgXGRmi:uUL9CG3ChG{0q}ucy4Y{[/YtBd2p?T2Z!kHu_+[9Xu,BY[wB2le4R_WANxAgc—(+;3 sRVZXW0:—Ob>(Suzyf~%.u$~sRN#S-YXZ>^g/DuFrQAql?y1Qc,8iIi :,(q0R1CoJ1m.k9e^g–l1Cmt!Q),! RcGi fc—.%o?RE_g]0[Kf"CZ75wuVVkal8Uhsn9g2yQe%gia$]zOX}J-u?q5SjJ*x ~wlCh
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ifthetreefalls · 4 months
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raincloudlatte · 1 year
Nerdle Results 8/1/23
nerdlegame 559 4/6
⬛⬛⬛⬛🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪⬛🟩⬛ ⬛🟪🟩🟪🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
binerdle 446 3&4/7
🟪🟪⬛⬛⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟪🟩🟩🟪🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
🟪🟪⬛⬛🟩🟪⬛⬛ 🟪🟪⬛⬛🟪🟪🟪⬛ 🟪🟪⬛🟪🟪🟪⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
mini nerdlegame 559 3/6
🟩⬛⬛🟪⬛⬛ 🟩🟪🟩🟪🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
mini binerdle 446 2&4/7
🟪⬛⬛🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
⬛⬛⬛🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟪🟩🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
micro nerdlegame 332 3/6
⬛⬛⬛🟩⬛ ⬛⬛🟪🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
midi nerdlegame 559 4/6
🟪⬛⬛⬛🟪⬛⬛ ⬛🟪🟩⬛🟪🟩🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟪🟩🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
speed nerdlegame 559 solved in 3m 3s!
⬛🟪⬛⬛🟩🟩⬛🟪 🟪🟪⬛🟪🟩🟩🟪⬛ 🟪🟩🟩⬛🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩⏱️
🟩 🟪 ⬛️ Instant Nerdle 545 solved in 0m 23s!
cross nerdle #65 ⬜🟩🟩🟩⬜🟩⬜⬛ ⬛🟩⬛🟩⬛⬛🟩⬛ ⬜⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 ⬛⬜⬛⬛⬛⬛🟩⬛ ⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛⬛🟩⬛ 🟩⬜🟩⬜🟩🟩⬜⬜ ⬛🟩⬛⬛🟩⬛🟩⬛ ⬛⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Perfect solve - no 🎁 or 👀. nerdlegame points: 6/6
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